ight sea th i ask that the wi be again wile we call you st wh we call
got an idea tak go id
wy twentywww
right what youd and came out of you neighborhood the city st goud the butgain but coud got a b
k fd some my m is sich youngish but se the aask the ib b corn st uty b co
t t
y go myd
idea what i got idea
i ll tevaan came out in his neighboroods stcii st alaaskaba by wokagarba illss
k find some m is sich youngish but se the aask the bar b corn stuty b cor
t t t t
go hed
ida what i got idea
with by you
european barbarians w my european barbarians wre my european barbarians my brutal my ruthless eastern european barbarians my ruthless european barbarians where you at buit differently than thesese americans
e u tankees e u you tube thankees
eu you tub takis what we saw
how many people in this shadow my you tube barbarians how many of you all came from you tube how many all came from whichs for which one from you tube once if you came from you tube to to be came from which but a my barbarians look at my you tube barbarians buto the my you tube barbarians and we're bringing more brothers back we're going to bring more
brothers back we're going back to our homeland and we're going to bring more brothers back and talk with the shit already fucking fairly well with three hundred sparans just imagine what army's going to be when we get more loyal followers we get more littal spartan from you to the p ss chid logic fucking liar telling us that it's oftroen twitch
no one's fory that goy sow logic he said you all from twich he said you are not from you tube he said y all a d g g he said i share my viewers with those fuking politics nerd piece a shit what you show s my you te barbarians god we're here we're not wwitch viewers we don't watch legal legends we don't watch chest we don't do that nerd shit were
t barbarians in this bridch one hundred percent politically incorrect t barbarians in this briach the domesticated twitch viewers
got another fucking place i s to on nobodys to the destiny i ser on n of these fucking people i don't share my viewers with our relevant and all these fucking people i challenge s logic to show we shared his viewers with but the boker pulls it up red ben chera burnse hundred percent of the people he shared his viewers with are
g orbiters all this b the focus viewers comes from bethiny bethany boll sex sweat sops on the floor and they all fuk and strug to lick it off that's all these fuk and fuck and better mal bters do all these fuck and bter male streamer orbiters that's what they do be that he walks he takes a far and they rush with the ar to get his fart part of
s and they compete over it all relevant logic all these foking people that's all they doy bll sad sweat falls on the chair from his gaming chair while he's playing legal legends and you got some t tickn all ber all rushing to grab it i'll grab it all bunch of buck and bottom feeding pieces shit bec im in their league
think i'm like them think i got anything to fuck and do with them right but's bottom feeding fucking beta males think i got a god thea have fucking thing to do with them right don't know what kind of army we've got now do they know what kind of army we got now do they
buckt bottom feeding pieces shu i put to it this is notal stand you ant totand three hundred sportans and it's going to turn out differently than thld ones w in the shit on needdpendent political streamer here besides assad and destiny himselfs destiny and has the rest
peasians bt feeders ma orbitters and they think i'm in the same league as them they think i'm in their fucking league community thiscurre our people our people they think we share it with them we're build different over here we're b different over here
i learning were the hon we don't share shit this is one army one cohesive unit so let me give you some background context
male destiny orbiter sd logic has decided he's a drama let me tell you who this guy is he used to get on hundred twenty views and then he started to learn that if he plays hot potato with starst and are relevan in the rest of the fucking orbiters to get destiny's views he can rig up something right get some views in
his bitch right he could pull in some viewers doing that shit so he decided to go from a politics stream or talks about politics to somebody who talks about drama and he covers detiny's personal relationships he covers random this is the chess club drama and you know what you want to be a drama streamer fine whatt you cover drama that actually fuckt matters wt you covered ny drama adend
fine what do you do thk the chis club drama thets cub drama oh my god did you see what mindy said to you stad did you see what eugene said did you see what eugene said about miranda did you see what eugene said about barbara oh my god he said her braces were not even on he
her braks were not even correctly aligned and he said that her contraption and her mathematical calculus was completely off the mark oh my goad and these people think there cool bing it's a cool kids clubs and scol of society the big fok the losers come and congregate start crap players and they think there the cool ones
'm it you see did you see what barbarreast said about mind the other day and that's the fuck and drama what's a fuck and losers sadic the shed who got bulled ton school and you got tt wrong the bullies are right because bullies are toing evil that bay wse notes are evil s
so thick scum and the bullies are protecting humanity and protecting society keeping them at bay yeah you don't know that you din't know that that the bullies are protectors of humanity at the ridge keping these fucking nerds at bay the scum because you see what they do when they have freedom they go online and become d g g right
all these people in chid logic chat talking shit to me band kids the band kids the fucking band kids that's what we're fucking dealing with here so let me tell you the background to this fucking drama right chid logic
he's a dick rier right all he has is drama that's all he's got right all he's got is this fake drama right so he hops one to another and he tried to create drama with me wll you got whath you ask forch look like aay you got w you fucking ask for but i think we're going to fuck regretted by the end of this
he said i'm sick of you complaining about viewers i complained about viewers what once maybe twice one week ago in a foking week i haven't talked about it and then he decided to bring it up again right why because i talked about birss nothing to do with
complaining about low viewers i even complain about low viewers all i did was an express chark listen my gorillas we're going into enemy territory and remember one equals not one one does not equal one you understand
you see a viewer you see a chatter they may look like you
they're not one of you these are fucking d g g destiny's fucking people every single one of them are d g gvery s one of them are d g g we've got ty viewers that are loyal to him do not ever forget this is a paper fuck insire all fuk in destiny's people and i'm not a lot to say slurs and that protects them
because i have the perfect one for every single one of these fucking people bunch of fucking destiny orbiters punch a fucking destiny orbiters right like i'm one
of them but were equal much more equal like we're equal right like we're equal the difference is my your coor you even have a fuffing core you got a bunch of fucking crums from destiny you've got destiny's fucking crumbs you've got detiny's
ca sweat his shit he leaves on the ground that's your fucking audience my people are m they're my people my spartans understand so we're going to call chudlodge
and he's going to explain to me why need to see expert on my streams a he's going to convince us that i have been spending most of my time streaming talking about viewers and he's going to explain and defend all the claims he's made he's made a lot of bucking claims he said i'm a leach just like him so i tught the destiny yesterday
he leached off of me thaty orp it's me he came in my chat he rdomly put my stream up on his stream and i left you want to what s logic this fk said when i confronted him with the facts he went how highes you're coping what let me tell you
something i had zero hours of sleep i went to bed at seven am could not sleep could not sleep so at eleven i decided no i'm going to wake up and i'm going to fix my fuck and sleep schedule i'm resetting my sleep schedule i'm fixing it now waking up a four pm anymore that's what we're doing
i got some shit in my pocket nose givem me a second what gm out the s beach though i goud the b butd
k some my m is goochingsh but se the isk the bibary again b we call you stuty b co
is going to know their fucking place they're going to know their fucking place i'm not part of the politics tois communityy own fokus sumer by my own right but to get buck and destroyed but to get bucking destroyed chidli
he's about to get destroyed
here we go
hey man as a go what a bitch
been talking a lot of shit h
listen i got a question i think a go question go ahead jo logic
are you autistic
are you autistic
weereard logic according to twich's terms of service we can't talk about that oh i'd love to talk about that knistov
we we're going to get in trouble one of your beta ask d g g people going to report me so best keep t you
bett to be b best best to be clear let's best keep off those topics might best keep off those topics might
and i might judge your deficiencies if you comlmed up and showed how you actually fok and look right but you don't do that which is why you hide behind a foll picture don't youach logic
i don't let me tell you some of thse logic ally what you to intervene in oll business nw don't you you to intervene in americans business now don't you what happened the last time what happened the last time you british came in intervene in o american business to logic what happened the last time
oh that's a logy into the oper ok go that's right so logic that's right so logic strin that's right so logic remember the last time so logic i'm going to i' i'm here to remind you
so log like i'm here to remind you ight
i'm here to remind you
i'm here to remind you
all right
oka go ahead scha logic now i want you to explain to me
the past week of my streaming what have i done tor logic the past week of my streaming go ahead
i'm not really looking to talk about that i'm not really looking to talk about that but you're claiming you're claiming that all i do is complain about views how many times have i complained about it was exactly think i said that that i i just i was just saying this youalalt logic please let's be polite tea and crumpets when is the last time i complained about my views
yesterday's stream you real about it please pinpoint the exact time in which i complained about having low viewers and that was the subject of what i was talking about
was that the subject of what i was talking about your logic
i watched it onstream when you were complaining about the fact that viewers are dropping off and you caing have to do some sort ofh was that what i was complaining about
and the i com was that was not even what it ok what does it mean to complain
what does that mean
well complain i mean i don't know it just means to like
m i know what the definition is
ok what does the wint right you're saying i'm whining and wch say you' saying i'm whining and bitches what exactly does that mean what does that mean are you you kind of wine in a bitch you knowll this n way i was you know you're expressing pain right that's what it means basically right
does it mean express your express you're expressing some kind of discontent and some kind of pain is that it
yeah express yes yes f that is that what i was doing is that what i was doing
uh ya i'd say that pre oh really really
soce is it yeah sure so that was that's what i was doing right
ok aphning
and you didn't listen to a word of what i said and you just a you just said that's what halls is saying and then everything else is cope correct
onen i did listen to what you were saying and there's other times i've cheuned in and i've seen you know if you listen to what i was saying so what what exactly sparked and provoked meation what exactly ok t logics go on exactly what exactly sparked and provoked me
to go on the speech that i did yesterday what was it about
i don't it specifically then you don't know specifically so shut your fuck and mouth because you don't know shit
so i don't if you don't even know what i was talking about how do you come to the conclusion that i'm whining and i'm complaining and that the subject matter is my low views i tell you what come to that conclusion are you stupid in your heads are you stupid question question are you stupid in your fucking head are you stupid in your fucking head missted the shit out of your dumb ass
yeah last night i rosted the shit out of your dumb ass ight going on a tangent
because of how much you were off the mark about what the fuck i was talking about and now you're doubling down you look like a fucking idiot
ok let me explain cann i gt gohead explain
ok there's two things so there's another stream that i saw
where you were talking about the fact you're on he had like three hundred viewers and they were your spartans
yeah and then you were complaining that they were off watching other people
and then you brought up a asan video like is this what you want is this what you want to see me just reacting to a san
and that was obviously you again what your view so so let's get the story straight chd logic why don't we get the story straight so what you're talking about is one time
when i return you ca to do the logic to logic to logic
skd but no no no we're being sophisticated here we're being sophisticated it's the one time i came back from los angeles
and then i was surprised that the matter has appeared to change on to which
and that i really didn't i was kind of directing directioniss at the time because i came back from los angeles and i realized you wow the things people are enjoying watching this is kind of discombobulated a little bit so i was talking about it i was talking about my surprise that i was getting lower viewers than usual and guess what as a streamer ud logic i actually know what i'm falking doing as a streamer i'm not a fucking d g g ubiter who leaks destiny's ballsack to feed his fucking a
family and pay his bills so basically ch logic i actually pay attention to these things in real time and i was thinking well what audience am i addressing
who am i speaking to exactly what kind of contents should i make my stuff around these are all things i take into account so i was a little surprised
that the that they had lower viewers and then that was completely it and then the day later and literly one day later i go live and i said you know what guys i'm not talking about viewers any more
because i know what i'm doing now i'm going to go through it and then as simple as not and then i never mentioned it again
and then
the thing you reacted to was when i was talking about explaining to my community that they have to be especially vigilant during this purge but you seem to have been confused logic that i was talking to your dum maass and that i was addressing you and other beta males of the d g g community other beta mail orbiters is yourself other b other beta mail or such as yourselve insane come on let me speak
go ahead speak wek logic speak you seem a bit trigger ust so you now sings what so you are empowered by this word soy because you were bullied in high school because you yourself were a nerd and now it is revenge of the nerds and eugene and used eugene used this and barbara and mindy are teaming up against the chads and now they're the real chads because they can call them soy so now you feel empowered now don't you
empowered that now you're going to call people right now you go't you're goaning to call people sow and you're going to callt people betters and you're using the very words that used to hurt you and used to you used to be bully by against the bullies how empowering i'd like to tell you how tell you how give a round a pause a roaring round of the paus logic that go ahead you finished if you've quite done excuse me the red cooats the redcoats are coming
let me speak what's going onhead speak speach to logic speak
just calm down a little bit bd will be ok right ahead speech i they
the twelfth of february
normally you stream for like three to six hours yeah this stream
ani stream for zero point seven hours so that that that was the streaming question that was indeed this gentman question
and i see youre two hundred forty eight viewers now a little birdie tells me
that you were coping about the fight you didn't have enough viewers so you ended your stream early is that true that is literally the stream we are talking about
but is that true so you ended uspt stream early because you yes you was is that correct yes okay
so you are coping when youbt of enough eers correct
agen was i coping when was i coping
so if you're ending your stream because you know a few is that a cope is that a cross and is that a gope ok is that a cose andes that me does that mean saying
that that ok i'm going to i'm going to running through this chard logic because you can't listen to logic all you know is this word cope this word cope is so you just tell me why the words cse and i s you the word is ca is it's a cope for stupid people the stupid touch cope i can't
you s su logic sudg and blhing out i mean i got to help youcht there's multiple possibilities multiple choices tod logic a
o guy
could have decided well not enough people are here
and i want to save contentialta i'm not going to stream too there's a possibility i'm getting lower view as than usual so i have to recalibrate
and reconfigure my streams and figure that whlle thing out and come up with a new strategy and i'll be back to morrow
so there's multiple possibilities for why what does that have to do with coping what is this thing about coping
well listen it was characterized to me differently do you know who j p morseman is
no i don't give you forok
he's someone that doesn't like you very much so i took it with a pinch but but he has soucked my coalk in the past
so my child he's been he's been to my chid so can my call give a chance to speak does he want to get in v c ok on does he whatant does he want to get in v c
maybe i don't know because i just g i don't know why you fk bringing them up why you fuck and bringing them up st
because i'll te you right now whre you bringing up your random fuck jat i get youu cho you o you charge do you know argentina em
no i don't me thinks they're a little bitch
okay good luck to him
anyway so you want more chaters you want more chaters you think you're a little bitch or what
ok let me explain whathy you know you know iller wi ninety eight is ac and i'm trying to help you and you're lashing out a youre heling so helpful lo lot ho you're so far and helpful oh i'm actually friendly toward halls i'm a passive aggressive piece of shit destiny nerd and i appeal to d g gv s plese please approve me you guys like me right you're not going to leave me anytime soon right and i'm just pretending like i'm with i'm pretending like i'm friends with hall
but in as a matter of fact i always i'm always pass aggressive and i'm secretly insulting him behind his back hous doesn't even give a fuk but then when he starts lying about how we got the problem on our hands now don't we
it think we're friends i've just always had like a level of respect for you and i really really lose i that a level a level a level of sneak thiss i me behind my back talking shit about me on the downows if you we tending mchl friend was on me because you don't like confrontation was that so logic
well i'm talking to you now aren't i because i've made some comment right because you need the conju you need a conj because you're a drama streamer because because
the quite the fact the matter is tou logic your drama stream and that's all you fok and have yeah
i am a drum streamer correct so ok let me ask you sw you a bon th thebout ho the but
i'm going to throw the boney ok so j p morseman doesn't like you right
so he said to me
you ended the stream angrily because you didn't have enough viewers so i thought ok i'm not going to take j p s word for it because he hates hars i'll go and watch the vod myself
but the vot was deleted and i couldn't find it
what was that about
of course i den't et a word
it was pointed why would i funking leave i bought up
i s i regretted dreaming that day
right ok
so i couldn't verify what happened at the end so i don't know what to believe really
but it just is funny to me that you delete the vot of my guess is that you were ashamed how much coping you were doing on the ilieve it one second after ending the stream you fuck and liar she di it because you're so embarrassed about bes i dolit know one second after because the stream had no content
it was literally me in silence waiting for the viewers to and then at the end i said ok there's not enough people today i'm going to leave
right so i laugh
what why would i leave that oto what content is in that v
why would any of my off flight what would my off fly you ok what would my off fline doers gain from living at this on
it's embarrassing that you'll sat there looking at what your viewers are watching over than you and you din't want people to see get it odds i have up
where i comments on i commented on the low viewer before i left those ones up was n content in them if there is no content in a od i delete the vod you fuck an idiot
this is a new level of schitzo posting you are seeing what your viewers are up to because they won't wtch you nnew
k are you talking about
i can't tell because of what's been hold on
so you're saying so they can make up anything they want
and you can say it's true because the water is deleted correct
well there is a website to recover to me itvault isn't that
am i couldn't findose viewers have i have whose viewers have i checked to see what they're watching
i don't know i someone told me in my chat but they must be telling the truth then correct they must be telling the truth correct i'm not saying they're telling that you are such an honest person chuld logic so much honesty so much what i'm saying so much honest logic i so much honesty anywhere so you can't find it anywhere because it's focking to me so so if someone says i ah
flushed my cock out and started whipping it around on that stream i guess it's true because the vaud is gone
impentable logic chi logic impesable og it fits in with all you other cope about viewers that you would do that so really really if fits in in my spe really what have i done what have i done specifically about that
of when i have actually complained about viewers i en the fking stream
so what n no the's ever time so much so hold on hant hold on hant yah so if i
even if i'm upset about low viewers and i decide to end stream and not stream that day
what exactly is wrong with that
i mean there's nothing wrong with it youud because i'm not in the mood and i don't have any content to provide anyone so why should i do i have to stream
when you do to do anything but i'm just highlighting chief the reason i made that segment is so maybe pattern when i had sut the buck up when i actually do go live when i actually do go alive you fuck an idiot
i actually give my people content and i don't bitch i don't whind and i don't fuck and complain when i actually do stream
i just give them content and i get to work otherwise why stream
i get it this an intervention you lashing out let me help you so what was what's the intervention what's the intervention
the intervention is you need to stop fucking doing it and focus on you doing whats si you what you know actually
you want me to be calm we can be calm right
because all you guys have to cope is houses angry houses on hens ok we'll be calm and i'm going to logically walk you through this because you're a fucking idiot you're a dumb fuck
we're going to i'm i'm i'm going to walk in it i'm going to walk you 'us not no i'm going to cak calmly calmly you are a fucking you're stupid yeah ok you are with fok and i needed to i need chair to walk you through it
i'm very nowc so longst and so ok i could be calling staf
go ask
you saying i need to stop doing what exactly
um basically i just think that when you
kind of coe post the like you know month old drama stop the h
the vibe i'm getting is that people it not interested in that you call audience might what is that what does that have on what does that have to do with talking about viewers
well that links together doesn't it if people are kind of bored of what you're doing it they're going to stop watching and you get less viewers ohh so you're trying to say that
my content is the reason i have love viewers
a part of the reason probably this well even e a the firstugt even if that's true
what exactly is your point that's what you think why should i care
we don't have tea
but you're saying hold on on you're saying you're raising this point
let me ask you a question
i have my own explanation for why i have lower viewviewers than usual and i'm i'm a
i myself am what it's my business right
it's not like i'm here begging you or asking you for advice or help
when have i asked anyone for advice or help
especially not from a beta male orbiter like herself who's a drama streamer and not only are you a drama streamer
but you're a streamer who stdreams about d g g and destiny related drama
which makes you even more fucking pathetic
why would i ever take advice from someone like you when i'm a guy who produces their own independent content
unlike you you don't have any independence right where i actually t smiles around you you just as a corbitter right
i actually don't get a lot of viewers from zurcho believe it or not ok
i don't i have zerka people in my chat they like me i go on zerka's royals every wednesday before we went on that l a vacation and we don't do the royals any more
but how do i orbit zirc i rarely ever mention zirc on my streams i actually pred i'm one hundred percent self made
yourself made ok what about your debates for destiny and vosh and stuff at the stlot then
who have i not debated i will debate anyone
buto my point you just saying yourself made but you yet off the back of debating
oh that's how i got exposure but my community is my own i'm self made that was my exposure by the way
plenty of people have debated destiny and oh
and have never gotten close to getting to my my level
well from what i understand you were quite beggy you in their d m s trying to get a debate with them well n
let's roll that back from what you understand i was begging destiny or and or vo right
yeah course yeah you w you can you please show me the d m specifically
because i have i have a secret for you what and you're quite desperate there's a desperation to talk to them
jud logic
my stok when i first when i first debated destiny and wash
did i d m them
at all
um presumably it's some d ms for them but yah how else would they found out about you
the wonder how
what are the other possibilities for how voch and destiny might have been
impressed by my presence to the point where they agreed to debate me
just what i'm going to give n the just and if i'm no no i'll give you no i genuinely want you to have a dig at this how did i debate destiny and wash
how did they know about me how did they find out about me
h i don't know listen to be honest ma i'm not follwedr content like to wait wait but sub logic there's a pattern i'm noticing you just made a this is the lot of thing that the destiny orbiters do you just made a claim
and now you're saying oh i don't know and i don't care but what about the claim you just made does that mean nothing now
well the divide the vibe i got from what i heard the vibe you
yeah it was the vib you were like begging you know trying to get on destiny so o so yes or so some p i have a question so i actually don't know in two thousand and twenty two we cannot assume do you consider yourself a man
yes i'm a man don't worry aboutan so i'm just just out of curious i don't know maybe it's a cultural difference in the u k possibly
do men in the u k do they hide behind what the chitchat of discourse
when they figure things out or they act do they actually come to a conclusion independently based on their own thinking
and well i tend to do my own thinking and you know i just kind of look you just touh you just hold on hold on
but you just made a claim about me
and your your rationale and your justification for making that positive claim
was the vibe from what people were saying
did you actually seek out to investigate it yourself to see what the truth was
well the only way i could do that is you know
message destiny involsion be hey kind of look you at the ms with has and i wasn't really interested in doing no you actually be actually actually you wouldn't even have to do that all you would actually have to do was look at the first vods of when i debated them
so i'm going to ask you again can you take a crack at guessing how destiny of wash first debated me
but if it's not through their dms you're probably in there chat hastling them i guess
was i doing it
h your view is what that's exactly it sd logic so by the time by the time it's not e is there and it's not beggy then it's not begg agat and absoutly not them so by the time i b oh i go ok we're going to we're going to deal with the co we'll we'll deal with this word cop in a sec don't worry i think you should calm down a little bit you're a little onchd you're a little bit on him
becus might so funny so'sd logic so'sd ot me speak
ll allow you to speak you may speak you may speak
yet yet beta mail chod logic who are you allowing to speak again
if i already had an established audience
that could
be so prominent in their chat that they're going to debate me
was that
does that maybe hint to the fact that i was already a successful streamer that cultivated
quite a big relatively big following for how
quickly i sorted out
is that an indication i already had it i it as you could tnd ten people over to a chat and it would cause an impression even in a b was ok how many viewers did i have before i debated bort and destiny on average i don't know two hundred viewers something like that
now it was it was less it was honored
ok there's one hundred viewers yeah yeah you can build up one hundred viewers without really speaking to anyone in a substantive way sure
can you name me how common it is for people to be able to do that build up one hundreds all on their own i built up one hundred viewers without speaking to this really you didn't cover their content
i covered the content but coe did of course but i didn't i talked about my own independent things and cultivated one hundred viewers
i didn't have to cover anyone's content
all i did was challenge people to debates
afterwards after i already did all these theory streams esoteric bullshit
so chod logic i am one hundred per cent self made
you can net you will never have what i have that's not true one hundred viears isn't self made that's good
but what ma is theing destin what you can just which i me which on me which on me exposure that's exposure that has nothing to do with whether i'm a fing orbit or leach or not is so chd logic and orbit really off destiny bos loads of course you these expos any more me or youse please comle down sd logic you sound going know you're chimping out you sound quite not
right but inkking to destiny you don't want to be like that halls guy and raise your town now do you upstream twice as long you don't want to raise your town like that halls guy do is because in thes it would be child logic it would be my impression
that if you want to play the game of raising tones you would not be tuss at that game so you best
lower it simm of your voice down a little bit and let's have a tea and crumpets little little lum i just want to answer to my questionborug who has spoken to destiny more me or you i have debated destiny
far more times than you have
ok because i'm relevant one so let me actually address the point that well that doesn't address my point let me address the point that because you' fucking bak on yours in these
he was in your chat yesterday so you bringing so mats some mats to each big spo on on good ons
sure sure
it seems you're quite you throwing quite a rocket can you cae si of your voice down to logic
you're saying i begged dely chillb when destiny any time i ever want to talk to destiny i just join his room in his discord i don't have to ask him to talk
i don't have to ask him anything
i could just
join his room right there and talk shit right to him
destiny respects you
i don't care
he respects me far more than you cleally because
he actually orbits me
youll but she does a house interest and she lit sh well because when i staw on my stream yesterday he decided to randomly cover me and just start coming in my chat i he wasn't even talking about him whose destiny
i think he probably did that because he's board planned league and heard you would do i so is i that is that why when i first started my stream without saying a word
he just put my stream up and just showed my stream to his jat
yeah exactly he's bored looking for content
aoutust so why why doesn't he show but why doesn't he show chid logic when he's bored and looking for content
why does he do any other
hees wh why doesn't he play all relevant or chid logic or star dust or any of the other orbiters it does sometimes but i'm really i re you name mean he sen when he's done it but can you name a single time when he's played you up
for content
yeah i was betting lunch from the surfce and ow
so wait it was during a debate not when you were just doing your own thing
wait that wasn't part of it why you do you think you think it was because do you think it was because of chid logic or lance from the surfce that he was covering that content
i proably a bit both i'd say i mean what about percent percentages maybe sixty sixty forty what how do you think he wasn't jt but he wasn't just suching launched f i think the word we are looking for chid is you are coping
because you are foking nobody that nobody gives a folk about
and he glanced from the surfce as someone who has a history with destiny
so that's why he was
covering the content nobody gives a fork about you because you are no content
barnacle bottom feeder andy
you have no cont eugusta fucking a trashy drama streamer for the nerds in the chess and robotics club
and that's all you are on switch chud logic you're and bucking nobody you have no content of your own you're absolutely worthless if you stop streaming
no one would care because they would just go watch any other number of destiny orbiters and there's a bountiful plenty of them
but guess what if i stopp screaming
there would be a gaping hall
in which just as those
the a gaping hall
in your mother
the other night would be a nice w you toalkt my mother's whole that's a bit weird
well i'm just making a
of all this hall have you seen it
unfortunately i have had the mispleasure of hesitation there what's that about
it's quite embarrassing for me
anyway child logic
anyway you're speaking about how many views you got right now boddy how many views you got
or i started my stream forty seven minutes ago so i have i only care about my three hundred spwns i have three hundred spwns and about two hundred two hundred and sixty four destiny beata males watching me
so you've got your spartans and everyone else is just destiny betamul is that right
quite right
that my suck
no i like my three hundred sparwtans i can rely on my three hundred spartans they are mine and only mine they are loyal to me if i tell them twuplus tw his five
it's exactly what it is
i don't have to answer to anyone
i'm completely in uscare the're mentally ill uscaus they're mentally ill oh well that the army of the mentally ill seems to be growing now doesn't it
i mean yeah it does
but that's not good thing
hey list w are you going to
op and complain about it perhaps why don't you make content instead of complaining chud
have you ever considered have you ever considered for a moment
you are the one complaining about my screams and i never complained once
while you complaining you remok me some advice ll so when you cover my content you're not complaining
but when i just give a speech to my audience that they might give a shit about
when i ve you shf many views you've got for myself to complain like no i don't care i just oh you don't care but you're compsing when you listen but clearly i think to me well based on the tone of your voice and how you were speaking has why are you doing this stuff man come on why do you need your ca
it kind of sounded like you were complaining chud logic and you were bitching and wiring and complain i'll tell you what i'll throw you a bone oka i am a hars viewer i'm an infrared fan ok ok and i was very disappointed with the nature and direction the content is taking that you just complaining what w cringe what is the
what is the quite change in in content as of the past year have i
when have i never cared about petty small things
well no i mean you have cared about pay we all do right but it's the nature and the fact that you stark talking about it endlessly the stop the til stuff was just cringe like you care so much about
half of an interview so you speak as an impartial horse viewer
and not a destiny sycophant who must appease the dezy viewers and fit in with them correct
well this interested w make you think i'm a destiny sycophant whe does that come from
every single one of your viewers in your chat say fifty to twenty to fifty core viewers perhaps are all from d g g every single one of them every single one of them
every single one of them
yes i got to the be been a destiny sick fant like what does that mean
well can you talk some shit about destiny perhaps
um yeah destiny'sh twitter presence is absolutely unhinged and he's very inconsistent in saying he only goes after people that go after him that's not true sometimes he randomly just goes after people even his even our relevant will have a critique of destiny here or the are relevant is the smigle of dety right
that is the reek of second you sad you said cha about destiny and i just did and that's not good enough you have not td not going to have the point i was making you have not shot s about ho thiss you ca called desiney call destiny a beta soymell beach boy call him that
destiny is a soy beta bitch boy male is that is that we want to is that ok tell call him that to his call him right now and be sincere in it talk some shit to him get him to dislike you and see what's going to happen to your viewers
get and to dislike me what the folk unless i there was some to test a test to see if child logic can withstand on his own
without having destiny's viewers
rop up his stream
can you stand on your own without sten why would i just go and insult anyone randomly
like was going insult them for no just just just to make a point just rely my just to make a point does it make any sense just to make a point why a point imuch trying to make all right what about ok let me ask you a question destiny and hoana
have djji engaged in an endless campaign of harassment sadistic bullying and attacks against anna
so basically ma has been in my chat and there' be a number of times when i've hat to say look guy stop fucking going offter and you didn't answer my question
has the destiny community in behaved in a ruthless anti human road sds a way to have they have they
can you actually give me a straight answer chd logic or are you going to know give me your question are you afraid i are you afraid to lose these viewers by answering the question honestly
have they engaged in a relentlesss targeted sadistic campaign of bullying her
or over a year
i don't think that's true because i don't agree that ah i see done that so you have can't say something i don't believe that doesn't make any sense you don't believe it how convenient that you don't believe the thing that would lead all these people to foking turn on you and hate you interesting chad logic you see chard logic i am the king of my own court i can say whatever the frock i want
but you have to walk on egg shells without upsetting de gee gee i can tell dejeee to all line up in a congo line stretching the entire american landmass the entire continent a big congo line each of them taking turns to suck my cock and suck my knuts and i will get away with it and i don't care what they think about me because i'm a self made man
doesn't have to pander or appeal to any one i can tell every single person in d g g to literally lick my ball sack
literally lick my ass and i can actually get away with it because guess what i don't rely on any other community's pool of viewers i have my own pool of viewers that i got from you tube
on my own i brought them and imported them here
and guess what's notort logic
you have never accomplished anything remotely close to that all of your viewers you share with others you share your viewers with all relevant and stardust and chery and all of those other destiny orbitter beta males quite intriguing now isn't itd logic
well i'm interested actually what does your like shared viewers look like on twitch then
the most shared viewers i have is with jackson hinkle my ally practically a brother to be
my alli
and also zerka
coming close so there we go youer robter yeah exactly that's what we're saying
no because jackson and zerka produce vastly different content now do they every single want of the youzerk orbitter if it' like you say to me hod not holl that i won't be taking it there youre let's easy pasy we english love to use logic easy pasy what you are getting quite
why don't we calm down and ho youre you don't you want he already b dot yout want to make hol on you don't want to make a sh p out you don't want to make these noises with haws because
he can quite outpace you in a game of barbarism now cont on so let's be civilized let's be civilized
and let's use some good old fashioned bertrand russell english logic oka
so go on if i if every single one of the people with whom you share viewers
our destiny orbiters every single one of
that means you are also a destiny otor if i share if i share viewers
if i share viewers with a diversity of people jackson hinkle johns among others if i share views with them that proves
my relation to those streamers is based on the independent merits of the original content i create and you cannot actually categorize me as being a jackson or zerko orbiter because jackson and zerko are clearly very distinct and different streamers so clearly if i relate to both of them
that says something about my uniqueness and my originality have this basic logic let me logic now isn't it less the less i'm going to use some logic on you ok diect some classic anglo logic go ahead is n hag go ahead to logic go ahead
sy you accusing me of b destiny orbiter destiny isn't even in my shared viewers on twitch i'm i'm accusing you of being a circuitor orbitter
and zirka is in your shared views on twitch but somere actuallys actually having diright having twiitch analytics say that you directly share
destiny's viewers is quite immaterial when every single one of the people with whom you destiny al which analytes do say you share viewers with
are in fact known d g g and destiny orbitters are redest make any sense that's why he said it so cheritys cherry a reay sim is cherry a destiny orbitter
what is a concept what i guess sk is like what about all relevaness what about all relevant
h somewhat i guess ok somewhat i loss you can all give me a straight answer that's ok t and crumpins will be reasonable thing is is like that's ok you can't give me a straight answer that's that's ok
so let me ask you let me s ok let me ask everyone else sam oneay or another so let me ask you a question let me ask you a s question
okay yup
if every single one of these people are somewhat destining orbiters what does that say about you that you share all of their viewers
what it says to me is that we will make similar kind of drama type i see what you you are the in you're the thumb that sticks out you're the one who's independent
what makes you so un logic i don't i didn't come from destiny's community i kind of have done main things has been on the platform
yeah i just don't know how that when i say to you chevka
and you're not apparently zer corbt it makes no sense
i'll just explain to you the logical explanation for why itn't logicalz it
why not logical is why not
why not whatook is it
because it's a very simple line you having to draw you like doing the courtboard you like doing the skitzo cortboard with the string everywhere so it's a little too complex for your twiny little brain to handle nw isn't it
but what i'm saying to you is you share
vi with becaus which is go youor but even if you shaed he's used to you he's rated you like us he has he has rated me
maybe once or twice ever because we don't stream ok the time in the hours for which that would be been on a show a lot ofne like a lot
thesery i go on every royal every wednesday
yeah and i
so do many others exact and i'm quite i'm quite popular on that royal buts too i'm quite popular on on that royal because of the merits of the content that i actually produce independently
well that doesn't matter does it you still going on it actually does matter then so i share every week and ian ask that's fine no shame ok do you know what it all but to means do you know in allb but to means
yeah orbiter normally refers to someone in this space who you know orbits around another creator spends a lot of time with them gets ready oh i see sends time with them personally etc yeah spend some time with them sensly what
yeah you spent time so is is hassan a mischif orbiter
yeah i'd say somewhat like ih sure we're alling with we're all open thing each other in a wonderrous and brilliant
cosmic harmony right
what what a great co what yes what s sp you're just going to change the definition of ollp butter to be anyone who has anyoner s any other san overture of so hold on on
you are a destiny orbiter and i'll explain to you why actually ok
because the overwhelming majority of all of the viewers that you get come from d g g you share those viewers with other destiny orbiters and that's why only a fraction and percentage of viewers that i have are shared with zerka and even a big et the dot
an even bigger percentage are shared with jackson hinkele who and those are completely different people which speaks to the originality of my content now if they were all the same if they were all part of the same community the zerka community and every single one of them had had the similar content of orbiting zerka
then yes that would make me a zirko orbiter because
the logically it would point to the very likely fact
that i'd produce the same content of orbiting zerka and his personal life
but the truth is is that on my streams i talk about zerko
quite precious little i don't by barely mention him i barely talk about you don't need to on a panel with him every week right
as of the past
three months that that has not been happening
sure but like you know you're my channel has not so
let's let's let's do a way in o shall we the past three months there's been no royals
so let's do this little wager
i want you to do three months without
doing any of this
political twitch drama where youre taught appealing to destiny's viewers no stardus no arerelevant no destiny none of those people three months
ch logic and let's see what happens to your channel
why would i make content that people ok what should i do what's your recommendation
praat hope you pray tll praay tull
you make your own content and don't react to others just make your own
you can react to other sometimes for like a small percentage but for most of it
only make your own content cover news talk about three theory
talk about aesthetics
ah troll debate do what you want but do not orbit the destiny community for three months and see what happens to your channel
if wlant to listen to a voicse from you your streams going down the toilt isn't it
by your own definition chud logic this was according to you not me according to you not me
i'm doing just fine actually
oka fair enough well the thing is is i'm not really interested in doing that i make content that i enjoy making
i see and so hold on this is quite interesting
you enjoy
the drama of political twitch
yeah absolutely what is so captivating about the drama of political twitch please pray tell what is so captivating about it
why do you enjoy it so much
do you you actually care about desty and honor you care about that
m no not all i don't give a shit about that to be honest
and that's the type of content that you cover
when have i covered destiny and honor at length
tell me the terms of cover destiny ana did the month of january when everyone was covering right that's what you were covering too
was i
doesn't ned me but indeed you were what ate was i covering that then
i don't have the exact date
ok i can have my compuary go
how many strings about it did i dayckon
enough for me to notice that you are indeed covering destin and adraw that's interesting that's interesting it's indeed interesting yourself look like a bit of an idiot here
so because i g you did you have don ons on you no
even if it was one stream in which you dedicated to destiny know it's one thingedn hang on the n no you' just totally move the go posts w happy to admit over i covered it once on stream at length so did did i did i mention the number of times in which you covered it
well no but you were saying that i was covered how many times has youre making up
let's not raise our voices let's not raise our voice snake you're pivoting you a st nwun you st barbarian youus il you are unhinged you are absolutely unhinged
i did not mean w you me whyve in the go prace how many how many time you better keep your quiet voice because you don'tm
if you wan sixp sorrow why would you want to compete with hars in a game of being rancorous and barbarous we should keep our
indoor voices now shouldn't we
i mean i'm fine i snt angry ok ok don't be i i was watch stream before you can on you cae down it cale down come down is to calm down a bitscet cale down cale down
now we can get to it
how many times has
as for infrared
a drama about destiny's personal relationship
go ahead proably not very much i wouldn't imagine
a not very much or not at all
i mean i ta not a tos what he stretching it because you know i know when you met up you were like you know almost sucking him off with how much it was was i talking is that exactly what was happening
yes bit spineless in that you talk a lot shit about and then you meet him in person and you're kind of try to be his best friend kind of pathetic in what way was i trying to be his best friend go ahead explain you were sort hanging out with him and having a laugh and having some banter you know you definitely trying to be as be his pal i i thk what fair that' that is something ily do with everyone
almost every talk shit and then when you meet up with them you act like you i did talk shu i talk shoit right to his face indeed i said he was a beta male who had a beta posture
he would not look into my eyes
and h he didn't do anything about it if you did it with like a smile on that you weren't like doing it seriously right it was all b bans it was do you hold on
do you think i actually care about destiny
well you care enough him you can enough to call him yesterday who is destiny to me
go ahead explain who is destines to me
someone you've relied on to grow your platform on twitch
and how have i relied on him exactly
by having debates with them by you know meeting up with them later in the stream
yeah i mean you know so g so have eyes have es pfm is that anyone i won't want to ions is that anyone i won't debate
probably not i'd say you debate most people you know for being a mass debater most most all all that it won't give me bond on thich all was it most or you debate well yeah you probably debate anyone i'd say sure that's correct that's correct
so who is destiny to me exactly he's a person i've debated of with whom i care nothing about personally
i care nothing about him personally
buty clearly i have i have personal gripes you would tend to care when you're with them for the cloug i get it's so good
care about what
what do i care about i din't care about him but youll p been a pally with him when you met in real life right because i don't care about him
whathen am i being pally at all
what am ere going to be
i'm either going to be
ah funny with someone for my extreme content
or i am going to be aggressive what has destniny done to provoke aggression from me
what is he not to provoke additional he does must be rolling it quite hard last night and you were kind of just taking it
you' got to be angry in what way was he trolling me
re he didn't give a shit about what he was talking to about he was just doing it to take the piss out of you
at one point he got up and walked away from his desk
is is that enough to provoke aggression or is it about lying about me and talking shit directly about me is enough
you know think that someone sens you explain what's going on and then they walk away from the desk while you're explaining that's pretty disrespectful isn't it
do you think destiny is capable of disrespecting me
destiny destiny is capable of disrespecting me
it takes ten minutes in between sets
destiny is incpable of disrespecting me
destiny who has lost every single debate i've ever had with him
and has submitted so pitifully i feel bad for him
and all he can do is say
ok every time i bet him in a debate that's all he can do
why should i ever feel disrespected yr destiny
what could you do
like you ex clear well i mean well so how ovius you don't but no sorry what going to say i do but i don't and i do but i don't can you starp mumbling and stumbling have sometimes was a it's atracting thing i have someth incples and speakt aor sions here on apex chill o you you you are not speaking with the elegance
and candor
of a true gentleman i'm sorry i'm trying to play this game when you distracted me i said what was going to say to you listen just listen to me and exxplain ok
i'll stop playing for a second
what i'm trying to say to you is obviously you claim you don't respect destiny but your actions suggest otherwise
he is partly responsible for your exccess on this platform you being all pally with him no no no no no no no i
personally speaking
n i have the same amount of respect that i do for destiny as any other stranger i would afford any other stranger the same amount of cordiality that i did to destiny
and that's all he is to me he is no thing to me personally and that is why i do not care about his personal life
and i don't think you care about his personal life either i just think
you cover it in order to attract his viewers and gain viewers from it
that's what i think
i mean yeah obviously well wyci why did you have dodan on to speak about anna what is your chud logic's relationship to anna and destiny us as it concerns their personal life what is your relation go ahead
well the thing is you know i was speaking about the other thing because some of my chard asked me to i was really interested i see so someone in your chart asked you to see you're actually and the person in your chart
what interest do you think they would have in wanting you to speak about destinana
i mean obviously they're interested in in the drama of it right so you think it's probably likely that they came from destiny's community
h yeah course indeed so you just admitted that you make content based on what destiny's community tells you to to do
m not necessarily n i i take feedback i see what you just admitted that the reason you were covering the content was not because you liked it or you were interested or you enjoyed it but because destiny's chart ordered you to
uh no one person who watches my quite a lot
also if you so if if a desgately finish youor you' going to keep talking finish your sally and point go ahead
ok so basically the point i'm trying to make is yes someon i avoid it for a while someone i know from like uss community said oh hey can you cover this can you cover this ca this i said yeah sure cover it
and i did
um and then dan came on and we spoke about it
and yeah i kind of realized the was a bit at my death because i hadn'tcovered it i didn't know what was going on
i thought i'm not going to cover this again that was interesting so if
so since you called me a destiny orbiter if a destiny viewer came into my chat and told me to cover
destiny's personal life
would i
probably not but you've got it in a different way you've got it through debating him
oh i just actually have my own skin in the game and i have my own horse in the race you spin aisan by any chance did you speak to erisan
she reached out to me yes
ok what did you speak to her
a few times actually she reached out to me to have a call i called her i was in a podcast with her and zerkers
and also she was in her voice chat with destiny once and i was there
so yes
what did you ppickure about
the the first time i don't remember i t call accused her of being cia because she works for some weird satellite company
when youj seaks about destiny so
when i was in destiny's v c
nw did you bring anna on and speak to anna about he destiny at all
okay that's interesting
i've never i've never brought an on to speak by destiny
you so you i'm not asking that that's a little slippery
i'm asking if you've ever had anna on your stream and while she's been on your stream you've spoken about destiny
i don't recall
oh now you don't recall so before it was a no and now you don't recall interesting probably not probably not no
probably before you were so certain when you could you know mage i'm going to go ahead and with certainty say no i don't remember that no
right ok that's interesting i read i just as a lot of p when have i had it i on my street when have i even had as a lot of people well i had on my showdown if you're referring to the showdown we did not speak about bestey at all no
ok so you've never had anna on your stream and spoken about destiny no
right ok that's interesting go get the clear beoe back to that goet p the clip
indeed tell you tell your d g g beta mal orbiters to do better
is the stream set available can i check it myself can you send me the link to it
to what stream
the one we're talking about with ana coming on can i review it myself can you send me the link
i don't even remember when anna was on but besides the showdown
right okay
that's interesting what the folk are you talking about chd logic
well it's just that you know
from my understanding is that you did have aver sun on your stream ok point you did talk about destiny and you did talk about his personal life
so you know i just without the evidence i don't know what to do you know you're saying you know it it's a bo taste lie i never had her on my stream to talk about destiny ever
the only time i and it mentioned her in relation to destiny
when i when i was talking shit to destiny and table the the
the benchwarmer a football benchwarmer
him and errisson were a call in the room ange and i was in the room
with them
and indeed
someone mentioned something zerka brought up something about heres an being cheated on or something like that
and i joined in to talk shit because we were all talking shit they were talking shit to me and i used every right now that so the truths coming out now ok interesting that's public knowledge yeah
and i live yes you have in your consent
spoken to everyson
destiny correct no because i was destiny was there so i wasn't speaking about destiny i was talking shit to him
ris and tabor
three and one tello
damn these goal posts are moving so fucking quick i can barely keep up
so so is there no qualitative difference between
dedicating stream content to another man's private life
and roasting a shit out of another man and his ex girlfriend to their face in a voice call
is there no difference
in your in your i mean those qualitatively thisr your complaint is that i'm talking about destiny's private life on stream y saying well you do that as well and you're you know wiggling your way out of it like a little one all the other forms in which we did that qualitatively comparable
well what does that matter that's not doesn't matter it doesn't matter if they're qualitatively compatible if they're not qualitatively compatible
then why bring it up
because the point is you're saying you're criticizing me for speaking about the right i'm of specific minds of usy yes i have i'm criticizing you you hols being a destiny orbiter
and when i'm saying you have to all of a sudden you turn in no no i have not i have you i have not i have not because there's no qualitative comparison between the two
now writ that
i've never what this quality i've never incurd wires really i've never inquired and done deep dives and commentaries on destiny's person life i don't give a fock about destiny who the fock is destiny
i've not done any i've not done any deep dive dedicated any entire stream to destiny and s relations stream and inire stream there i
it was an entiree stream it's oning wid stream
i wasn't inentire stream to i watched the conversation doann came and we spoke about it and that was and you had another man come and speak about his perfect excellent
excellent another man come and speak about it
and you're not an orbiter
why do you what does that matter
i don't care if people think i'm anorbiter or not so what was the latest drama you've covered you've lost undert if you can i'm saying that i'm saying that if you're going to call me an orbiter that makes you a double orbiter because you spent way more time interacting with talking to and log at the logically logically let's break that down yeah
if i debate destiny
as i debate anyone else
and if i talk to him based on contexts he's raised and he's created not me he's created
which means he was orbiting me and i merely defended myself and retaliated
right and i've never initiated anything with destiny
practically never initiated anything with him
who's the that you wait a second you sent your chap to hassle him to debate you right
how is that you not instigating
in the very beginning i was looking for more exposure to debate anyone
so you're looking for exposure so you went to destiny's door to get some exposure correct
i'mv she's and everyone else's
yeah exactly that's my point but the thing is the thing is that's a mak that's that's exposure where i have an opportunity
address his viewers
and sell them my own independent brand
i don't knowll about goblin
i don't i don't latch on to destiny
and thought appeasing his viewers and appealing to him and becoming
part of his community and his ecosystem
i never did that talking about is it there is a qualitative difference ok you're very stupid so you don't understand logic and i'll break it down for you
there's a big difference between gaining exposure there's nothing there's no shame in that nothing wrong with that
gaining exposure
and then having your own independent content
leaching off of someone else's content for youir own content and that's all the content you have
that's interesting i've just found this vod here destiny anavoir drama debate star dust versus john zerker and infrared what's all this about buddy well that was on zerker's
own show
when i was on zurta call withirka on his dream
o so this tm and i'll
the all this is the fact that anna was a regular guest of the royals destiny decided to pop in the chat on zirkus stream on the royale
and a whole lot of drama is created from that
that has nothing to do with me what does i have to do with my streams i'm on the royal im a regular on the royal
ok i mean you are still making content though in regards to
drama right
no i'm not
it's not my content i'm giving that content to zerka what content is that of so basically what you're going to do is you're going to use every tactic to slip out of it oh it's not on my stream but you're still on a panel that you go on regularly talking about it so you are making content ho on out the drama the creme de la crope here
is that even on zirkus's ream and even if i granted you that you saying i'm sleeping o don'tre i won't sleep out even if you granted you that
i didn't even talk about destiny
all i referred to
is the harassment
anna was getting from d g g because anna was actually my friend and that's not enoughing to do with destiny now
it's immaterial anna is my friend i knew annaga so anna was my friend i was defending my frid you friends with anna how did you know who anna is how did you meet anna
she was on zoker's royale
ok and why was anna on zerka's rouse
what is i don't know
what does that have to do withh oka
it's my i would t the kreminin crop of this whole thing
is that before that before then
i didn't even know that ann i was involved in destiny i had no idea they had any relation right you found the excuse it's clicked i can say that right got it it's it was on it's literally a fact
ok so you had no idea it was involved her destiny she was just literally not you literally not right literally not
what i here's how i heres here's the relation i had to honor
anna was someone on the royale
who you know we would have banter with and they they represented like more of a liberal
you know psychiatris' type and she used to joke about pegging and shit and we used to go back and forth with banter and that's what i knew anna from i had literally no idea
that she was never involved with destiny whatsoever
fa enough
wow you like mr fucking mamgoo wandering around twitch not knowing whos so what's going on that's literally true i don't know anything about fucking what goes on on twitch i know about zirk i know about slicker
and i know about a few others and the rest are in hassan a little bit too
but he's f in some pow off them i get it yet
when have i leached off of cloud from any from a slicker i don't i just was a viewer before
but anyway
let me ask you a question
you were basically getting very frustrated in a sead you saying hars you're using all these slimy tack i'm not frustrated i'm fin you're worming your way out of this what's actually going on side logic is that it's being calmonly explained to you
that you were indeed wrong
about all the things you said about me i and i am actually correct about all the things i've said a know so
and i know you operate thisy thing you do is a win for you i get it it's coe it's so so you you ca that's that's fine you can say it's cope when we get into the meat and potatoes are trying to actually mes when we gett to the meat and potatoes of actually trying to assess the premises with which you use to arrive at the conclusions that you do i come out victorious and you complain about coping well then we just in an irrational loop
aren't we every time we get into the meat and potatoes of the logical premises behind the conclusions we draw and i come out victorious you're just going to say that i used witchcraft and i cheated
so then how how do you set about to justify your conclusions if not with the logical use of thinking
as your premisse how do you even come to conclusions in the first place if every premise challenged as to the conclusions you draw to
are going to be it's going to be accused of cop it would right
well let the audience decide on that one i've got i don't i don't that's only that's operating with the assumption that's another logical fallacy that's operating with the assumption that popular appeal is actually going to determine logical consistency and rigor and truth
ah when the hoor i'm just saying that you know let the audience decide what ok ok let's ask a question whose audience is indeed bigger destiny is audience or my audience
destiny's audience is big is destiny's aud so much does des justiny's audience have a we're going to get to that to does have a bias in favor of destiny or they a completely neutral audience with which to to you know i mean what i'm saying is you know we're not going to get anywhere you know we'll let the right us so what you're doing so so as as a as someone who identifies as a man what you're saying is
i'm just going to hide behind the crowd and i don't care about the principle of whether i'm correct or wrong
i'm just going to i'm going to hide behind gests audience
well you know what youus what you're basically telling her what you're saying let's not raise our voices inside voices
what you're basically saying we're basically saying to me is that
i've lost on this but that's ok because destiney's audience doesn't care about logicalstead of lost on this ys thes audience you're saying destney's audience doesn't care about logical consistency or truth
so i can get away with it by appealing to the audience because they're still going to side with me regardless of how this plays out
ok well i' tell you what let me ask you about something else ok what about this video that you did where you watched destiny in the gym what was that all about
what was it about
i don't know i mean you know going to the gym
this is kind of personal
stuff right is at the gym and you were watching it and critiquing him as a proportion of that stream how long did i cover that
um well as a proportion of my stream how long do they cover the anodrama i mean it's irrelevant right
like no you're say you i was right ight you watched you watched his jim streamer mcquinking i did i did
so yeah you're watching his personal stuff too and going over it right
no destiny for context
is someone with which i have debated about and talked about about
the metrits of going to the gym and destiny's a nerd who represents nerds and i was actually interested to see what this nerd who's having a go at trying to lift
is going to look like because
people have clearly critiqued me about my lifting and all this kind of stuff
so i was more a little bit curious thoh based on my own curiosity
that's one stream out of all of my stream it's probably the only time i've ever done anything remotely close
destniny's personal but then again it's not very personal when it's just a public gym stream it's not like he's venting his feelings or talking about his private life
or relationships
i mean i could have easily watched anyone else's gyms i could watch a gym stream
by hasan i would watch a gymsream ha on as a matter of why did you pick destiny then to watch specifically because he was the only he was the only one doing a gym stream
right ok oh on hod on hod on that it there is something we have to point out that's actually material to this
the day before i watched destiny's gim stream
he had actually talked shit about my physical appearance so in context all i was doing was basically defending myself
yeah sure okay yeah
that's interesting
it's quite interest watching destiny's personal life
ins not his personal it's not his personal re it is his personal life right like whing to the democrac is broadcasting it
of course it is you know it's not just i thing to do with all it's not anything to do with anything beyond i am i'm an obsessive lifter
it's not his personal life it was a lifting stream a gym stream and as a lifter as a gym goer
i was you know casually giving some comment you know casually talking some shit and then i moved on
because i don't really care
it's as simple as that
i mean
that's not his personal life that's a gym stream there's a huge difference
yeah he talked shit about my personal appearance a day before so who initiated what we'll see
so i'm just getting some clips through it looks like here that you're digging into it a bit with aasan and talking about destiny
was this in the vc with destiny or was this a different occasion
it's a different occasion please link the relevant clips in question
yeh of course no problem
link you in aur in obviously go ahead
so immediately you've been disqualified this is john zirko show
so it's not even on my focking show
this is literally on zirkas channel
what does this have to right ok
immediate let's actually see what i said you no we're going to see what i said too because let's actually say what i said
because clearly this is your
this is your damning evidence it's not even on my channel it's not even my content it's on zirkas
let's actually see
what is what i actually said let's see
steven tends to keep people on very good terms so if they
decide to distance themselves
from him literally on my phone for the first
ten seconds i'm literally on my phone not paying attention to it let's continue
them dumping themselves
so what you think your time is going to be up with us we
it's my choice
so they're they're already talking about destiny
i don't even know what's going on like cases sot literally look a look at how hilarious this is
i'm literally on my phone not even knowing what they're talking about and let's see what i finally say oh really i thought is his
not can remain in his life
on findly terms for as long as
ok ok i did previosit saying i don't know if this is too personal so let's see what i said
gtter w t w
what the farck is this you can't hear anything
ah okay
so i they were talking about destiny and i was curious like
what about destiny makes him so
yeah that's all i asked
it's o okay
inch then
so basically let me just get this straight
yeah it's not on your stream so it doesn't matter no and when you watch destiny's gym video that doesn't count either
right no it doesn't
and there's i mean logicallys almos trying to find ways to not make it count but it's all logically consistent
ok very is it not logically consistent
um i don't really know what you mean by law you can't you can't play you can't play the card that it's unfair
when it's literal logic it's just logical consistency
logical consistency not useful that is're twisting yourself into a prett so to make out like you know interest but that thread so at one point up one point a prez so can no longer be consistent it falls apart
so you're falling apart right now try ton you please pinpoint the exact point in which i'm no longer
logically consistent in my position
ok s you made a number of claims
you've made the claim that you don't talk about destiny's personal life in any way and you don't really count i don't
i'm outsarted debating him and i pointed out you watched the gym stream of his
ok saying that which is not his pers you i said you dodn't care about pirth but thats destiny it's so you don't're not interested in him that's not his pers you asking a question to his ex girlfriend about what yes yes like both of those can be explained the first one
the gym is not his personal life
second of all
he was talking sjust about my physical appearance beforehand
secondly regarding the destiny what regarding regarding the question i asked to aisan
i did ask a question to her morbidly curious about what it is about destiny that makes him so controversial among all these women
everyone was talking about him and i didn't get it i don't know why everyone's talking about him
and that and i was on my phone and there talking while andm i was clearly not interested
so if i am asking a question that basically amounts to why are we even talking about destiny in the first place
that is clearly alluding to a lack of interest organic and spontaneous interest on my part
of having any interest i don't i am not interested in destniny's personal life
so i'm now curious why is destiny's personal life
so worthy of being talked about i was curious and that's literally all i asked in that clip
that clip you thoug that he went to like a press so so much jesus
oh so can you explain how it's twisting into a pretzel because i didn't conform to the conclusion you draw without actually
thinking critically about the premises with which you used to draw the conclusion i challenge your premises
you came to a conclusion
and i and i debunk it and then you say i twist myselfin
would you would you would you have to establish tu logic
is that
my accusation of you in caring about destiny's personal life by covering anna drama
is qualitatively comparable to the examples you try to give that you are saying is the same thing the clearly not the same thing i mean from a common sensical perspective forget about logic
even if in good faith you used common sense
there is no comparison
between me covering one gym not even the whole stream but a portion of a gym stream and then in another instance asking why people are talking about destiny
there is no compartison with
between that from a common sense perspective
and you actually going into details talking about the relationship between destiny and anna there is no
there is no
comparison whatsoever
i mean i wouldn't say i went into details especially especially especially on especially when we establish especially when we establish and this is really
where it becomes indisputable right especially when we establish
there is a clear precedent for this deep obsession of the law and all the details behind
the interactions and relationships between destiny and anna
that every one in the political twitch community seems to be talking about and mind you what does this even have to do with politics that's what i still can't wrap my head round
at what point does this actually have anything to do with politics because i understand that politics is not enough
to satiate our craving and desire to
have a semblance of a normal life and talk about normal things but the problem is that chad logic
these are not normal people your drama streams are not the drama of normal people
it's the drama of the it's the drama of the robotics club at school it's the drama of the band club at school band camp
so you're going to just keep talking or you know any so so so so
if you were actually someone who was worth anything and you had your own content to offer
you would be able to
cover normy drama
but you can't do that because you're a fucking freak and a nerd right so you you have to create this insular political twitch communitee where you generate your own drama
the band camp
a chess club drama do i generate mind drama or dous talk about everyone else's
what you mean
you talk about everyone else's drama you general drama with me im s it's not your own drama because you were just reacting to me because you think i'm
part of your political twitch community youth
the problem is i don't share the viewers of the political twitch community my viewers come from youtube i created my own community
here's the thing right
my point is really simple
you have spoken about destiny's personal life before
on stream or an other pieces of content
so you have relied on destiny for debates you are at least somewhat of a destiny ter no no that's not you belive that's true ot logically speaking my is really simple you've got to do a echm right right right you so so so just because it's so just you i mean that's a logical f make your point w just because your point is simple does not mean it's correct
ok and i can explain to this so child logic
you are you
a hars orbiter it is going to speak again forrom on all you a has orbiter
would it be fair to call you a hause overton
and i think so i've spoken about your few times on stream oh but you've spoken about me before and you've debating me now so that makes you a has orbitter not doesn't it
ah well no because i'm debating you now and i've got like nine hundred odd viewers yeah that doesn't matter ok so now you're twisting yourself into your pencil
introducing shifting the gold boz in introducing all of these variables that we didn't initially mention in the simple point that i raised so you see how you actually have to bring up
other contacts and by the way don't say nine hundred viewers
i will grant you that three hundred of my viewers right now at least
i' probably destiny d g g people
probably only three to four hundred are just my people you know how long you go on i'll i'll grant you and they do know i'm doing your favor i'm doing you favor i'm not and i'm not granting you nine hundred fort hours i'm granting you even
three hundred of my viewers so that's twelve hundred you have twelve hundred viewers i just made a thorougay comment about my view is why you say both about what my views are i'm not i'm just trying to give yous i'm trying to calmly explain to you that how many views if you go
they're not your viewers i have three hundred views if you go three to four hundred of my viewers
n know how in tow how many viewers have you got no six hundred
oh ok
yeah that's immazlittle trill
three to four hundred of mine
i've got three inred more viewers on you does that bother you
you have twelve you have much more viewers than me you have nine hundred
plus the three hundred you have twelve hundred more viewers than me right now
the problem is
they're not yours their destinies
it's never been under contention that destiny is a bigger screamer than me it's never been under contention what should me right now
so that my view is right now you think it upsets me that destiny's community would rather watch you than me
no probably not but i'm just saying i know you're a bit sensitive about your viewers haven't spoken about it you think you think want do you think i think
all viewers are the same
qualitatively do you think one of destiny
how many of my viewers are are worth a destiny viewer to me
all s other thing as well as destiny's life right now and i'm still managed to sustain you know around nine hundred viewers which is pretty cool how many yeah he's only got three thousand
how many of my viewers
rit how many of my viewers
to me
are worth
a destiny of you
how many of destiny's viewers are worth to one of my viewers to me
im at the night
one hundred
one hundred
ok want to know why because my viewers a sre explain my viewers are loyal to me
those destiny people are not us they're not loyal to me
so they're worth right me they're not worth it maybe that's a you problem because destiny's gone live and i'gh still sustained you know eight hundred fifty nine hundred viewers
because destiny's playing league of legends
a removing the gold piece again excellent o oh oh wait so any time you come to a conclusion and it gets challenged by a variable you did not take into consideration
that is the equivalent of moving the goalpost is that what you're trying to suggest
well no i'm just saying that it seems like when we have a simple point that we make
yeah and you introduce twisting into a print it and it becomes and and it ceases to become as simple
as you believed it to be
that means we're twisting it into a pritzel
yeah i'd say so yeah i'd say that's pretty accurate
so but i just i just gave you an example
maybe five minutes ago of how
by your own qualifications you twisted yourself into a pretzel
by bringing up a variable that was not included in the initial simple claim
sorry go run that over again so i know i'm bit stupid so can you s you us me so you are making the claim i any time someone jumps to a conclusion about something
and some one brings up a variable not initially taken into consideration of the premises with which to draw that conclusion
you are saying that's twisting it into a pretzel right
what is when it's an irrelevant point to what we discussed so please so go ahead and demonstrate its irrelevancy to us explain why it's irrelevant use reason
okay well it's a very simple point i'm trying to make to you right no no no we know it's simple but you have to you have to
address i mean i've made a number of point why why has the pointpin why the point action ye yeah
saying that your point was simple
i am trying to work with you saying that your point is simple does not address
the alleged irrelevancy of the point with which i raice now if you're going to say that from a commonsensical and intuitive perspective
that i'm overly complicating it you can go ahead and try to make that case
but i would say that
since intuition and common sense are going to be deceptive when bad when faith is called into question good faith and bad faith
we cannot actually appeal to common sense and intuition because my common sense and my chad's common sense is going to differ from destiny's ak your quote unquote chad's common sense so we do have to use logic and reason
to uh sort this out
there's an issue of faith in question now from a common sense perspective right
from a common sense perspective
it's very clear
that i make my own content and i'm an originally wst to question but you still talking we let me raise the simple point
it's very simple to go i make my ways ofbt going on i have my own brand
i rely on my own content i generate my own content i make my own debates i have my own analysis i have my own
a theory and coverage and news and all that kind of stuff
that i make right
and it's very clear that you're a different type of streamer you react to the drama of the political twitch community
which as destiny
so that's a very simple point
one no no not i mean i made quite a few itvide is critical of like it you're twisting yourself into ap pretzel it's irrelevant you're twisting yourself into atzl you're twisting yourself into alltzl let me ok twisting yourself into ap pretzel twisting yourself into pretzel
i know it's difficult for you because you're really upset wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on
i want to kick cuts that i know i know it's difficult for you chod logic because i literally just marked you right now
it's not that it's difficult for me i am more than willing to passe out every wich detail
every wich intelligible detail of every point you make
i was mocking your reluctance to do the same for me
and saying that i was twisting myself into a pretzel every time a variable not included in a forwarded conclusion
is is raised
so that's the whole point
you said it's difficult to me when i was literally just mocking you
of course you can make the claim right that oh well actually it's more nuanced and it's more complicated and and it's different
by your own qualifications how is that not twisting yourself in a pretxel
so all i'm trying to do
is demonstrate
that you are guilty of the things you're accusing me of
but every time i make a salient point
you pivot off and you add all these provisos ono it when you so it's not the same solify
debunking the salience of your point as pivoting off and running off to a different point
every time you've proven to be wrong you just say i'm cheating and i'm twisting myself into a pretzel
well you are though because you're adding these provisos to try and make out like you're not doing the same thing that i'm doing when you clearly are because in some cases a because it's not w way more than i have wait wait because it's not the same
when you admited it's not the same
well no the point i'm making is you accuse me of mins destiny orbit for the record if you want to think on'm a destiny orbits and that's up to you i don't really mind and you're saying that i'm a st or s because i did him before and i covered a moment of his gym stream
you talk about disney quite a lot i'd say i don't know exactly what percentage of you streams but it's definitely been a big part of your hold on so hold on hold on hold hold on wait w wait
that is a new claim then
if that claim is salient and holds up
if i do indeed talk about destiny quite a lot
and quite often
yes but the thing is that the it would be true it would be true that on a dott b is the problem we've got ok yeah
when i've said to you something you you've sleid to me you talk about destinys private lif s that i don't really talk about that much but somewt i do and then when i sad make the same point to you you go no i don't and then i say what about this time you spoke about it oh no for this reason it's different what about that time because it is that all for this reason w it oh so you're saying i see what you're saying
so you're saying
when i accuse you of talking about destiny's private life i'm not referring to the qualitative and specific point about
how you're covering his private life in a way that is unreasonably excessive for someone who's not
you're trying to say that
i'm making this kind of
algebraic formula where any time you ever speak in it about destiny and anything remotely that can be construed as personal in this loyally law like
language this this old testament biblical law like language
that means it's qualitatively the same thing that's w as you saying another fuckon long answer
so you're o no no i understand i understand per well i understand i understand publect well now
let's say let's say so let's say um
let's say someone is at a club right and they group a women
i'm goanu to is it going to be another five minute no no no it's j logic pass with me through please pass with me let's say someone groped a woman at a club right
and some one confronted the man and he said
you laid your hands on that woman and he said wait a second
you did this you also laid your hands
on someone when you touch their shoulder so you're doing the same thing that i'm doing
sorry one second i was just uh in the middle seven then um
i don't know what this is goes to do with anything yeahyh i'm trying i'm trying to explain to you what you're doing
so listen if you can let's not let's say let's say let's say we're out of the club let's say we're out of the club
and someone gropes someone right
and then he say you just put your hands on them get out of here and he said why am i being criminated when you're no better than me you put your hands on someone's shoulder which actually qualifies as putting their hands on someone
and that means no the same thing
and if someone has to explain why they're not the same not saying they're the exact same when someone when someone has to explain wh it seems you're confused as to the reasoning of why i'm attributing significance
to you be to you getting into destiny's personal life
they're not when someone explains why they're not the same thing you go you are just twisting orsep into a pretzel
no they're not the same thing
get your hands off that woman
it's not the same thing i
i don't understand what you're talking about this it's your hands off that woman
you're getting a little too touchy with that woman it's not the same as someone touching a shoulder it's not the same you're getting a little too handsy and touchy
and i have to explain and if i have to explain to the essence if i have to explain to the essence of why it's different i want talk in go on if i can if i have to explain to the essence of why it's different i will merely tell you
that you were touching her in a sexual way oh nowre you shifting a goal post no i think i just it was pretty clear what i meant
that was much was very clear what i meant
that i have to explain the essence of what i meant
means you're not operating in good faith
if i call you a destiny orbiter and you say oh but you've also
you also talked about destniny's personal life because you covered five minutes of a gym stream
clearly you're not operating in good faith
that's not the same thing as talking about this the point personal relationship you dedicating my srem dedicating my sream escape talking then go it is i have exhibited none of the behavior none of the behavior whatsoever none of it
none of the behavior none of it whatsoever
no wonder know whatts tobate you is fucking boring jesus he keep this is by the way to logic this is what it feels like to lose a debate with me and indeed i agree this is why people don't want to debate me
because i would literally wipe the fucking floor with them
like i'm doing with you right now boring
you know i understand it's ingling and rambling right right this is what this is when someone loses they accuse the other person of rambling when they've actually destroyed them and broken down every single point
they've tried to raise you've gone blown the fuck out you've gone absolutely dominated in fuck and destroyed your manhood is now forfeited and you're accusing the salient points with which i have used to destroy you and take your manhood as
rambling oh cope oh blah blah blah someone who says blah blah blah when other people are making very specific intelligible point you s someone who is coping so let's not allow to speak it so so you you
well let's you clearly conceded on every substante yout youow let's get to the grand finale let's get to the grand finale
so well no i just want to say that just because you say something doesn't make it so i appreciate you've got a b r right right get ho ho on some more sory i'm sorry i'm sorry for keep on what your salient point your important salient point a mean this is an imporant s point just i'll let you finish just saying to you yeahll thank you ok ok so whatll i'm saying to you is yes you' got a bunch of people in your chat
and as you say
you say that two plus two equals five on your chat follows so by that logic you can just say whatever the fuck you want and your chat are going to agree with you that i don't have that s y chat wouldill disagree with me but i say some logic a few things
that is operating under the assumption that i as a man because i do consider myself a man
that i'm looking to chat for validation as to the correctness of what i answer that how we trust your audience when you say yourself they will say to you just five maybe listen to what i just said
i do not judge the validity of the points i am raising based on how my audience reacts if my audience thinks i'm wrong it doesn't matter
the audience doesn't measure whose correctns you are just right regardless no matter what i believe i am right according to the very minimal and basic standards established between two people engaging in a rational
debate yes any type of rational communication between two agents me and you
the minimum of any standard that's how we establish logical consistency
by that standard
you have not been able to address the points i've raised according to you
it's like you it's like a loop if i ask you
what color is the sky and why why you the arbiter of who's right and who's wrong all of this surely we got to let the audience decide and your audience can't be trusted
because the audience does not do the audience they t on the audience does not decide never in a debate have i ever let the audience decide who's right or wrong
by but that's kind of how it works no it's not just that i decide symptomically speaking i exact concessions from my opponents
when they start rambling and stuttering it's very clear even you've decided what wasrambling you me the ueston on this youun rabling what you mean so the person who's decided
that i am correct is you
and the reason for that
is because you have not actually been able to address any points all you're doing is insisting on ch all you all you are doing all you are doing right right all you have done all you have done is insistally all you have done is insist upon the simplicity of your conclusions the crux of your argument
is insisting upon the simplicity of your conclusions
not their correctness or logical validity
e done talking
because every time it's all you just jump straight back in speak speak what is the point you want to raise go ahead
well i mean i think my points have been fairly straightforward and simple if you've not been precisve that's fine becides understandable i guess why you wouldn't be convinced i ust because you know yous not the joke along if i just say if i literally just say if i literally just say
the only thing you've fucking done is said that you've jumped to simple conclusions without actually justifying how
and its literally just reiterated that you think your points are pretty simple
are you an n p c i mean do you have
any capacity for thinking at all
like what we're arguing about is not whether your points are simple
but whether they're correct so on the question of whether they're correct
you've clearly failed
no not clearly felt at all i know that you just tell your audience that and they'll believe you but right nw it's the only realyh but the only reasoning you've given us to justify
you being correct is that your conclusions are simple
well or not at all what i'm saying to you is the things that i'm saying
um are going to be evident to any unbiased party watching ah okay so so what are you talk some more are you
how much do you want to fucking dot fish you are you are little boy are you are you upset little boys are you upset you're going to wus you going to quie just you sound tod a little what is that you sound a little bit upset you want you want to c keep crying and bitching keep crying you keep crying and bitching go ahead
well no but you are you just told and youre insufferable you want to cry
buy me a fucking ri i don't want to cry
finish your point wanen to eat in potatoes get to the mean is point it was triggered again heos the one that triggered again get to the meantatos point youk
okay the mean protects point is this
ive very clearly laid out lines so for example
you accuse me of being a destiny orbter yeh by saying that i orbit his orbits ok yeah fair enough
ush can be a point
my point to you is
in your percentages on twiche
you share an audience with john circ ok so by the logic you've used i can draw a closer connection therefore you or bit johnir right and what was my rebuttal to that
your rebuttal was that was some bullshit about what i've got other people i've got other people riight yourship that i share in and why is that bullshit
well it's bullshit because what does that matter
that's going to well if i'm k w why did i say ok why did i say it matters
because you're desperately trying to grasp at straws trying to find a point no why specifically did i say it matters
because you desperately try to grasp stowls to cro ok nothing that's what you're saying but what did i say out of my own mouth why did i say it matters
you've talked for so long i can't even fo can remember barll
ok so that's clearly the problem we're getting at right i said it mattered a problem is i talk too much correct right because it matters the reason it matters irrelevant the reason it matters that you're such a reason i've drawn a simple line based on you you want h you want don't raise your voice with me hey don't raise your voice with me oh i's raise my voice he come down little boy listen
i'll explain to you why
i'll explain to why come
it's very simple and please bear on
bear with me why hes gom
bere with i'll let you speak some more your permission go ahead can you can you bear with me though
i want you to actually me i was i have done so far so sure i'll be there again you just said you don't even know why i said it significant that i have a diversity of people i share go oers with
if i have a diversity of communities and people i share viewers with
that means i'm original
if all of the people i share views with come from one community
it's very it's not even necessarily
true but it is very likely that you can deduce
that i am not original
now every single one of your viewers
that you share our destiny orbiters every single one i don't agree that
and i don't think you're different from them in an astoitative way
i don't agree with that i don't think startus is like a destiny or but so i totally disagree
hold on
but time out time out time out time out time out time out
time out time out time out time o this is golden someone clip it someone clip it please clip it
stardust is not a destiny orbiter
please just for the cameras for the camera startus is not a destiny or i don't think startus is
i went on startos panels when she had twenty viewers
even all of the people on those panels
were d g g was i was you know what propued start ust into any relevant was another thing if we'll not you have a panel and people from d g g go ont that make youo hold on that was when she was at twenty viewers do you want to know why people know anything abou
do you know why people know what someone ok do you shoud the fok up do you know do you know why anyone knows who startust is
why she's more even what i'm saying even when she was at twenty of view where she was a destiny orbiter
but when now that you know she's established
do you even know why anyone even knows who she is now
a i've actually watched her go from twenty to two hundred viewers do you know why you've watched her every step of the way bit weird i knew her i knew her before she got famous yeah
you know why ok
nobody knew who you were before you debated like destiny and os thogh right
except destiny invlves themselves
but did you know your chot went in fuckinghastle and also because i debated because i debated zander hall
but anyway
get your facts get your story straight
exactly but that's my point is you know you got your chart to have s th ont that there's like a million different points ok
we're going to get to the significance of using my chat
i we're going to focus on this first
the only thing that propelled start us into significance
the first time she broke that ceiling
was talk covering destiny and an a drama
so i want to go back to that conclusion you drew originally that you don't think stardust is a destiny orbiter
if all of her fame and success was not so enough for you to say oh you watch shit
you not enough for you to say
but oh because i've got viewers in common with star dust
that that that makes me an orbiter hold on it's not just that you have viewers in common with her it's that all the other people that you have viewers in common with are destiny orbiters
that was my way
i have fowers in common with zerka that doesn't make me a zerka orbiter
if i only had viewers in common with zirkaus people
which he doesn't even have his own established community right
let's say if i only had viewers in comme zirka
or even primarily had viewers in common zerka like dwarfing the like let's say eighty percent in common zirka the rest are like a little bit
but i have more viewers in common with jackson than zerko
in jackson's not even as big as zerka
so well yeah but then jackson is not like someone i'm thinking of as a person in this space that anyone would sort of llbit right so that's kind of irrelevant to me
no it is it'ss going to your shared viewership yeah
this jackson shares you s screenshot can look at what your mix of you
things are on twitch yeah to me a screenshot a that
and i actually you're watching my stream because you don't actually cam up yourself
so i can just show you
i'm a not actually playing apex but i'll a look a you stream now let's have a look let's have a billy butchers oka
channel analytics
you want to screenshot
well just shot on you stream and i can sey or you can screaen shot send it wherever you want i don't want to leak it so i'm going to screen shot
all right
there you go
where is it
jackson as and i see the rest of it now were going i see the rest of it you onnly show me w youust wanted proof of ark andj i don't know i was hope i was hoping to see all of it if i show you mine you know erm s you mining want the whole thing
here you go
wow look at this
so what we got jackson incol john zirker me
so you a tiological butter then
no because it's a diversity what is you just before me what was that about i wonder what
and then you've got ann ofvoir and mister gol returns
that's interesting
which channels have right you say in this diversity right you've got jackson hinkle w kind of allbits you let's be honest you've got john zirker
and then you got me you say i'm a destiny or but yeah anna and mister girl who have come to prominence from speaking to destiny
yet destiny is viewers
if i have more than three to four hundred viewers not but i just tols that was the way way waysas what i'mn on what is for you wait wait wait wait wait
the ok it's a disaster way ok disask just a question
disastrous havef i ever get i ever see ho on hold on the biggest've ever seen
ok you done it what the ro what are you done yet beta boy sawing out
it's all calm it's all calm me like a man go and exp i don't have to explain anything i've never denied
that if i get more than three to four hundred viewers on a given day
sespecially now ok it's usually be caause of d g g
right ok
but that core three to four hundred are mine
there's i have a quar of three or four hundred right
the rest
zirka and destiny
this and i is just ind w you've just been blk for ok ok the w need to show this because it incredibly that on hold on ho on did i'm not credibly hold on into you hold on hold on hold on
ruto did i not
originally say that
well you've been trying this whole time to act like my shared viewership on twitch proves anything
which i thought was a silly argument b i engaged with because every single because every single every logic you are a destiny and circle arbitter by your not ro everyy your own logic are you done lucky are you done
yeah go on
did i or did i not at the very beginning of this stream say
that on top of the three hundred i have a core of three to four hundred i don't even know you know the exacts going to od a more stuff now to try and justif okk do have do i have to logically parse this out with you s let's get on and we've been trying thek ok let's let's let's let's let's let's that's why that's let's logically pass this out
the first thing i said do you think there's anything significant about me saying the first thing i said that i have a corps of three hundred to four hundred viewers
the rest come from destiny and circa
it none of this matters by your own logic
eurozurker in destiny orbiter in fact why you can grosly bser wright wait so what so i'm
how can can i plane it
can a planet orbit multiple suns
what such prase to mean we of course you can a different people i feel like we all all but each other but i mean you know it all bely all but all but means you all but one person you can't ies it feel to be a a logical butre anyway how does that feel
thirty percent of your viewers are in common with mine
do you know what that you know you know what that
you know what that thirty percent is
i don't know but you know
so thirty percent of your viewers
be comes as sout get ready everyonhen it comes to cope
let's talk about cope what does cope mean
what does that mean exactly
listen just accept it you're moon ok what you want to what jus ca me what does call it mean but some on is what what does it what does it mean to cope so there's no argument any time you make a claim
and i push back to that s cope
you just have to be correct you always you your conclusion is a priori a correct conclusion and anyone who challenges your conclusion is just colori here's the thatt again
who's the thatet again
what does it mean to you don't sound like a fallking idiot when you say cope
i know it's the tron you coping you know you cop you're coping you copeus is pretty so coping this is coping this is coping you're cprit you coping right now sore you not you cop but you coping right now youre notd logic toad logic
you got one of your are you seven hundred pound are you seven are you seven hundred pounds
i'm not seven hundred pounds you're coping you're fucking coping you're coping this is copek you're coping
you coping
all right
is cope fine
no problem tod lodgic
every single one of the viewers you have in common are from destiny every single one
every single one
and yours a destiny anzerka
what are your percentages again show 'us your percentages
want to do that yes sure
gorn in swinland
we're going to break this down for you very simply
ok gone
show us your percentages go ahead link them they're on my stream they're on my stream now
the right there and theless you want to screen shot god need to hide anything hold on this is worse than i thought i dig it into the percentages right to matter mch so ho on hold on need to into the sixty sixty eight i only have thirty so thirty percent is shared with you
twenty two with anna twenty two with a mister girl that's just one so at most
thirty percent
i share from destiny right that's just thirty per cent at most
and by the way i was way more generous to destiny i said
i have a corps of three hundred
the rest are usually from destiny political destiny right
now that's like
more than fifty percent right
but funny because my my statistics show that's not even the gam was but you're not on mine i wonder what that's about
that that's the opposite of what you think it means what you start in hold on you thatt sp b that i'm just trying to explain to you what you're trying to explain to you over i'm trying to i'm trying to explain to you don'e trying to explain to i'm trying to explain to you i'm trying bit boy sh shut you fucking mouth shutkut want to shut yourk mouth out shut your fuckingbut you shut your fucking mouth
shut your fucking mouth and i'm trying to explain to you math
it says percent logic d logic if you percent of your viewers are mine that's what it means it doesn't mean
thirty percent come from you
thirty percent of yours
are mine
that's what it means
can i just ask a question
you fuck an idiot
if you are on my moon what should i call you
sure logic you are fucking orbiter
that' to an accent
so so why aren't i an ana orbiter or mister girl orbiter what makes the thirty percent so significant here
why aren't i jackson orbiter
i can name you after someone from the u s ssar if you want maybe that might help
so you've lost the debate
i just want to know more about you being a childlogical oh i see you've lost the debate
but what makes me a tlogical opiter exactly
well the fact that you you know you see the list there
you see the website thirty percent of the viewers are shared with me
ok is there particular reason why recently that might be the case
a i'll deny
do you wear it so
let's do the s my g what is my
cent inf i'm going to go ahead keep that up on your stream show yours again so i'm going to explain this to you
i have to explain to you math
i know it's complicatedt
we say math yeah yeah i have to explain to you so if almost all of your viewers are destiny viewers
and thirty percent i share with you that all that means
it's from destiny that doesn't mean anything else it's just from destiny
it's not you it's destiny
so call me a destiny orbiter if that's your argument don't call me a chid logic orbiter
but your argument is wrong it's just as wrong as calling me azurka orbiter
because just because you share views in common with people
doesn't mean you orbit them
but if every single person you share viewers with
and moreover if sixty eight percent of your viewers
and you're seeing even more than fifty percent
are all coming from
destin new aubiters
guess what that makes you
a fucking destiny orbiter
it's literally that simple you're a fucking des the orbiter
is the master do with you autism
you're just a destiny obter
ok and you're a iological bitter
no how
it's fine listen body you how many of my viewers come from chid logic
that's why i'm trying to listen that's wm tr how many of my viewers come from child logic
listen way i'm got very many from the sounds of it
i hear it's going down how many how many viewers come from s logic
well none because all of chot logic's viewers are just destinies viewers
so if i'm biting the orbitters of destiny you're orbiting the orbitter of the orbitters of destiny that's pret i'm not orbing anyone that has been my consistent logically consistent argument
cause all butits zero people
zero pay
if i do a panel you can come on every week ok
a promise i ollbeit
zero people chod logic zero ok
a sum total of zero people i orbit zero
and i'm consistent in my argument
you have never ever once addressed the actual argument here
if every single p i have to explain agains lookpkk it's not that you share views in common
this too ok i can grant you can i should i just grant you the point
that even if you's going to speak before i this is trying know i'm not because i'm going to be i'm going to be charitable to you
i'll even let you have your point pass
if you have one person that you share
your view is with
only one is all it takes to determine whether you orbit them that's what you mean right it only takes one correct
my question is why did you cut this off
hold on first two w didn't you show becaus and i thought you were asking me if jack i had more in common with the
jackson and and you were child ason
you didn't want to see the o the thirt on that you don't want to see that but i immediately when you asked it for the rest i immediately gave it you know hesitation so anywayy yout away with it but not not not this no i you didn't ask for that anyway my street my screen was cut off
anyway listen
o it's ca off ok yeah technical problems i get you that's what do you mean technical problems my discreen does not encompass the entire channel overview
so let's continue
i the
go you said you said when i said i have more than with jackson he said well you don't obe jackson he said you won't hold a second give me the screen shot so clearly i
thinking you're referring to that
my claim that i had more in common with jackson than zerka
now anyway
as to the actual point at hand
you are saying yes or no all it takes is according to your argument that you have to share viewers with one person to be the orbiter that's what you're saying correct
i don't think i'm saying that now i'm using your own logic back on wait wait but my logic not recll my logic i was how what this really mean waitit my logy holl yours up again ho you yours up again
my logic was that all of them
word destiny orbiters all of them not one but all of them it's unreasonable
that sharing one
shedting some viewers in common one destiny or maet about this thing right this is the no no no no n no n no but it we about it because it's a fundamental part of your w so yout don't don't quite tell you how don't stt don't call it whi's now come on cheer up ohd boy don't call it but's now let's continue hard to hide your dont and go don't you dot it don't it must be tough don't don't call it quits now don't call it quits now
keep it up keep it up old boy
don't call it quitz now
now anyway let's continue this chad logic
i will grant you your argument that all it takes is one person
all it takes is one person correct
one because you tell me you're the ones you've been used no because i didn't say i didn't say one person i said all of them and litu you i said every single one of them every single one not just one person ok all of them
but let's just use your argument that all it takes is one correct can you pull yours up again so we can see the evidence
and i could show you this you
i use the way i've already said to you if you want to say i'm a destiny orbiter then that's fine you can call me that because i that logic you're a destiny b but it's no no by that that's the thing i'm even going to stoop to your lords reasons it's different rightk so you got we because my logic was that every single one of the people with whom you share viers a common you all be can't just be three no it can't you know no it can'ts to be all five ok why the difference
because all three of those people show that there is an upper limit of only thirty percent of people
from destiny
just thirty percent
ok so let's use your logic
and ands twenty four and mr girls twenty two overlap with your thirty
so here's a problem because they' all from that all they're almost all from this not necessarily you can't necessarily prove that right like there's would be some of that yes but sure but we are operating from a logic that i began as i they were all destiny viewers would have logic logic logic but let's not shift you want to spak some more sorry let's next k because you're shifting the goalpost now you shoifting the goalpost because ok you are saying that you're just using my loge
against me so if we're going to use my logic then yes
we operating with the assumption
that if you have viewers in common with an orbiter they come from destiny
k that's my initial logic
now pull up yours again because if you pull up yours
let's just take one person
all relevant
sixty eight percent
of our relevant
you shared in common with
the most i share in common with destiny is thirty percent
crimal logic so this clearly
quite a qualitative difference isn't that
well not necessarily doesn't show anything because we're not getting the link to death but i'm i'm using your directly linked ok so now you're making the claim
there'ss i've not made any claims about me no no no no now fact you're using with me on you we've we've move about this staff we've moved on to a separate argument and i'm happy to address that argument you've raised if it's no wait no you pivoted you pivoted to the argument that oh actually
destiny orbiters are not all destiny right that's the argument you you have come to right
so ok let me explain a point ok can i explain that yeah yeah yeah go ahead you allow me that go ahead ok
so the point that i'm making when i say that like startust isn't like a destiny orbiter is that when you look at the percentage of you point i share with
y right
ok that doesn't necessarily guarantee that all of those people like destiny viewers a new argument you're raising it's a new argument
you didn't raise this before so i have to address it now
that was my point
you saying they're not all necessarily destiny viewers
if they are destiny orbiters and their content is orbiting destiny and
political tri drama start us
ardust's content is an orbiting destiny that's my point so who
which person which streamer is primarily responsible for propelling them into significance
napole but that's a different question isn't that because no you know destiny is largely responsible for repelling you to significance no he's not because destiny's hosts created their careers their careers were created by destiny
as theres never hosted g ero raded g like once or twice
and it's made no difference it's never made a difference no difference whatsoever ok absolutely not
okay go on
yeah so going on
you don't have any so you're saying well they're not all necessarily destiny viewers
it's all the same community it's dg g all the same community
little twitch is one community
its destinies it's not one community that it is absolutely one community it's one community
washan destiny hate each other in his communities hate each other wash has never ever had a foothold on this website
right he has never had a foothold on this website
we was on the website for a little bit says he has never had a foothold on he had like nine hundred viewers which is more than you he did not average nine hundred on which
look up the focking analytics
he didn't average nine hundred on which
what no i he reached nine hundred is average is whatly what four what hundred w so what even startsven star startus has reached
one point five k probably is a meses a one whi that means anythingich ok i've reached i've reached over two thousand before what does that mean means not to you say that you have a foothold on twitch
so obviously it's difficult to really say so over the lat well over say you know but he was averageing like five hundred foh was average in five hundred thirteen viewers when he was on twitch yeah
the fars has hod of somewat
no more than my foothold
right but you said that boh had no foothold on twitch and i'm saying she aaldy had like five hundred average viewers so yeah was something of but he is just as yeah he is just as much has a foothold in the political twitch community as me
i have a foothold on twitch not the political twitch community
ok if you're just going to keep fucking out in these provisers when you make a poin i don't know what you meant what did you mean if youre saying in general do i have a poothol onto ithich yes i'man you your basic because i have my own community what i have my own community i have my own community
what do you mean by a football
i have my own community do i have hod on do i have a flling ok ok fine
do i have a foothold in political twitch no
will i have my a political a foothold and twitch in general yes
ok so the point i'm making is you claim that everything is about destiny and i said what about vosch and you said vosh has never had a foothold on twitch
and i've said to you
he he had like four hundred average reears and he was on he ok beyond that he has an accident thro this on the then there's a misunderstanding so let me explain what i meant
because it's never under contention that thes that
i never said wash had less viewers than me i never implied that never thought that
explain what i meant
is a youtube guy
so he's never had orbiters on twitch i don't have orbiters on twitch but if you ask me in general if i have a foothold what do you mean to have a foothold in the say you saying that oh has got no orbiters on the reason the
the reason i have a foothold
the reason he doesn't have his own community of orberters he doesn't have his own network political twitch is destiny's turf not washes wasahes a youtube guy
now if you ask me if i have a foothold in general i'm going to say yes just wrong what you mean not t people you would i'm going you i'm going you consider o i'm clearly going to say yes i'm clearlyalking that if you want to keep talking go on
if if you ask me in general do i have a foothold on which
i'm going to say yes
because i only stdream to twitch
my whole brand is on twitch right now i have more followers on twitch than subscribers on youtube right now
so yes
but if you mean to say do i have a foothold on twitch in the sense that i meant voch does not have one no i don't have one then
i do i have just as much one that vosh had
so if i say voss does not have a foothold in one sense then in that same sense i do not have a foothold
ah sorry i just want to point out your viewers are kind of bringing up some old grooming drama that i was involved in um you'll be like the fourth or fifth group that have tried to do something with that am you're going to fail miserably it's already been dealt with i'm surprised though that what with you being a chilological but a
your audience don't really know about that
what the fock are you talking about
you wasre someones posted links to some old drama that i was involved in my chat presumably from your community what
so you are a groomer what are you talking about
know i'm not a groomer but there was some false allegation sounds like you're twisting yourself into a pretzel sha shall we shall we investigate the allegations
shall we investigate them and see if you twist thisseuf into a pice ahead you go sounds like you're coking hold on you at right w what you want to try and do this me a piece against me go ahead you want the first person to try you have just given me a
you have given me a
great big piece of steak on my plate for free i don't even know what you're talking about so
you let's see go eat up let let's see the link so just a reminder it appears
chod logic a thirty plus yr influencer groomed an impressionable sevente ye old member of his community
ah receipts below
what is going go lok with that
ok all means look into that
it's fine you'll be f fifth persons tried to take me down i do you sound like you're my first rate sounds like you're twisting yourself into a pretzel here so let's see let's know i'm just point let's not ourself into your premunity is desperate because they know you're getting blown the fuck out so they're digging up some old drama to try and smear me
pretty desperate got do go for it ok
so there some
discord messages here
did you not say i feel like simping you i can't help it
are you really going to go to this level i'm asking you a question shin you're hold on i'm asking the level of for i in that you're i don't know how they think are they face are they fake screen shots you'll bring it up
well those screenshots are completely out of context but the flow wait a second you're coping what do you mean out of context context doesn't matter on twits you're codinging o marg oh my god look at how he's coping you literally said you wanted to simper a seventeen year old girl and you're coping oh my oh dear he's coping the copium
unbelievable weasely copium are you sure about this unbelievable topium i'm just asking you a question did you you're saying it's out of context what co
unbelievable chopium
check the fact checking it looks like we've got some facts to check
now of course i could allow you to explain yourself with a reasonable adiration i don't need to explain myself to you orh but audience a but no but there's no such thing as an ex explanations are cope right so if this is a simple conclusion we're going to draw
and if you try to contest it you're just coping
well i'll tell you what's happening here right you have audience have been spamm in this like
link to old drama
and in your desperation you're grabbing onto it trying to find a way to worm yourself out the fact ok if i argument wait point you are the one wri wait i was more than happy to focus on the actual argument we were having
you are the one who saw it ris because normally you get quite upset when people bring up fake shit butou sa it sounds like it sounds like it sounds like you're just
you are literally bringing up fake shit about me right now it sounds like
you just shot yourself in the foot and blamed me i literally didn't bring this up
i didn't care about talking about it
you brought it up to me when i said to you that the audience knowing that rather than cut that out why didn't you cut that out
you bought it up and leaned into it
maybe i wouldll have said caugt it out
if you were a person who is charitable to me
about my life and you didn't lie about me and spin narratives about me and then say when i defend myself i'm merely coping
and tisting myself into i'm talking about your viewership right and you coping about your viewership so what you're going to do is take false grooming allegations
and then bring that to me from your audience is that is that what we're saying these allegations are what you have laid on my doorstep it's not my fault that you decided i didn't lay anything on you it is absolutely not my fault the link
it's flabs in my chart during it
people were saying there were people in your chat there is really what was that get it from what you get that what it from what would get that sweet f what does that wh you get that sweet i click
the i looked in my chart to see what you were talking about and i poond it what literally and then what put up to me th and say ok i it really what you bught up to literally what the fk are you talking about like
you randomly brought this up
and i just want ok when i was and it's not random is it ok as you say it was in your show wait way wait how is that random i would have mentioned it if people were posting in yours and mind it sounds like
you are a little coping about this
soch open it so youre well sch i'll already i'll be fat i'll be fat i'll be fat
what i'll do it
what what what what i'm doing right now
is i'm treating you with the same degree of charity that you've treated me
all i am doing is behaving toward you
exactly in the way you behaved toward me through this entire duration of this
this conversation
and it's really takes a lot of good you know charity for me to even say this i could just double down and accuse you of being a pedal
but i'm telling you if you ok if you think it's unfair then you would have to concede that the way you have behaved
throughout this entire conversation
as a comparable level
of uncharitable uncharitableness
not really because i'm not because you jump because you jump you jump to simple conclusions in your argumentation
i really like your anger but it i merely because because it seems like every time i have to explain myself i'm just coping
right but when you explain yourself right and these by the way these discord receipts are pretty incriminating i mean i don't know how you could explain yourself to justify these
so you see you've not even looked into it and you're saying the incriminate right but yeh i'm it would be but but the vies govibe from what ople are saying is that you are groomer that's what i've been hearing ok that's a vise the i want have been saying of the pot of accusations go right ahead you w't be the first honestly go right ahead
so does it upset you that i does it upset you that i come to such a conclusion without actually assessing this i'm used to i'm used to it by now i'm used to bad faith ships like you trying to bring it up oh noo and your wen and you'r good want to speak some more do you want to speak some more i' was going on here the equivalent would be
if you
had you know there were people in my chat that were posting fake
um bullshit about you and i opened it up and said to you what's all this then that would be the equivalent but i've not done that you know
beuse i had some semblance of respect for you
before we start but have every serial on
every single time your chat spreads lies about me
you don't say a damn thing
i've seen it
i've sought today this morning
but there's a difference between them saying something that slightly wrong or saying something about your viewers versus like accusing you of being a groomer right
i have i to truth be told i don't interact with miners at all so it's not possible for people to accuse me of being a groomer i don't interact with miners
on this call racist or any any serious allegation
people do call me racist they call me racist and homophobic and sexist and transphobic and guess what i've defended you
um in that before so it's a bit this yeah you this greuen allation the thing is someone s di not happen once ok let me explain someon apple once thing is the thing one came into no let now i'm going to talk you going to let me talk so someone came into my chat and said hars is tr are you going to keep coping
o no listen
you ca talk transphobic and i said i don't believe that's true i've heard how speak about transition doesn't really seem to care how generously transfer how generous and i said can you link me a clip of him saying something this' transferre by general sd quite generous so i so i said so i said you know what i'm not going to go with thatu you need to say that that's that is quite generous that is quite generous it seems you have decided though that as of this new spout of ews you've gone recently because you
getting destiny viewers
that you desided to be less charitable to me now because you can afford to be
well it's not but after all after aroll looking at evidence my own analytics have proven
it's quite a bit of your viewers
was shore shared in common with mine
so clearly this new spout of destiny viewership you're getting
and you want to know why probably it's especially high in your case i'm willing to bet a good chunk of those viewers you got
were actually my viewers
you actually decided to tune in and watch your stream because you did before treated me
with a degree of reasonableness and respect and good faith
and that's that's even why it's thirty per cent on line
because you're one of the only dreamers
that haven't gone on my back
but now it shoud logic
you've gotten aligned with d g g in the politics community in destinies i mean anletics apprecy that you're my op butter how does it feel to orbit a grooma that must fo that that feel to obit a groom so calling yourself a groomer is not actually helping imgine llb in a grooma
imagine oll but in agroement so what you're doing right now is itdmitting you're a groomer
and i don't know why you would admit logic if
that's how you choose to identify you leave me no choice but to accuse you of being a groom i mean straight from the horse's mouth your groom a problem call me agrooement listen but i don't care if you want to call me a grooe you want to do that's i that's the problem
that's what your you said i an not to work about so s that's what you said not me
i did not
call you a groomer at any point you called yourself that
i'm not sure what
i'm supposed to
i mean
what choice do you leave me with
do should i sell i call you a liar
i just don't care if you think i'm a groomer it doesn't bother me lots of people think i'm a groomer and yeah i've just dealt with it so i'll deal with this is this child
i could just finish you off ruthlessly
and it is tempting because you are a bad faith fock and weasel
and you p the bd for you were using pople you said a people deserve no mercy you d g g destiny orbiter pieces of shit
this g normal sy on
but as much as i am a mighty khan
i've always been faire
so the trune is
i don't fucking know
what happened
between you and that i don't know i don't know enough details
i literally don't know
it's the truth for the more
why did you brk up a twyt and put it in front of me then
because i wanted to demonstrate to you
what it feels like
to be the victim of the same lack of charity that you have thrown to me but no it's not it's not the same though is it because it is the same some random tweet youvid know what's going on that's all that's me all youre all you've done was the exact same you olk ok we can play dirty games and be ugly ok then what a been dirty games w chopimes
this whole time you have refused to engage me through any type of right i believe in rational
discourse i believe in rational communications about what andm tweet about we be in agroement is n she goes if we were operating under rational discourse and you were obliging me in that regard
you know what i would say to that tweet i would say
hold on
i don't know the context behind this
let's put it on the back burner because i don't know what's going on here right
i've done that for you quite some that's that's that's my standard that's my standard
by the same standard that i say that
i defend the things that i say and but it's only that conveniently
sometimes you accuse my rational argumentation
saying it's coping and saying i'm twisting myself into a pretzel
and other times
when it's favorable to you
you then say oh hawses being a decent generous person when in reality i'm just being consistent across the board
things are not
always simple conclusions you can't always draw but there hasn't but there hasn't been a rationality but the validity but there has
because the only rationality to your arguments has been
the reasoning you have given me consistently and only this is the only reason you've given me
you w've appeal to the simplicity of your conclusions
notwithstanding anything about their validity you have not addressed their validity
you've just talked about how simple your conclusions are you have not actually addressed
whether they are actually correct or ca i've actually w i've done is have taken your logic
and i've made it even simpler because i have to draw and n know because i diae is it is demonstrably not my logic it is demonstrably not my logic
ok but i've just how is it not your logic
because i if i say that every single one of the people with whom you share viewers are destiny orbiters
and you say there is one person with whom i share viewers
and you qualify me as an orbiter on that basis
you have not used my logic against me you have created an entirely new logical premise which stands to reason still still must be challenged and proven
in some kind of way
it's not my logic my logic is that if every single one of your
the people you share viewers in common with are destiny orbiters that makes you one
you go and say that there's one person i shoald
by the way twitch will impose some statistics
that you share view everyone shares views with someone which imposes those statistics upon you y of course yeah for every single one of those people it's also a minority it's under fifty percent
every single one
oh okay
so it's not doesn't make me an orbiter if i have forty per cent viewers in common with zerka doesn't make me an orbiter
right ok
but if every single one of
if every single one of the people you share viewers with
ore destiny orbiters one of whom is
seventy percent
in common with them
that does make you an orbiter
that's a pretty reasonable comparison to make what this is what this is based on is the idea that the people i share viewers with
all of the viewers that i share with them are all destiny viewers and then that that therefore makes me destiny orbiter right
you have raised the argument
that we cannot obvily know yes yes you're desoyalk
no no no but the point is you're saying that all of those viewers that i share with those other people are all destiny viewers and that makes me a destiny orbiter right yes
ok so i can make a more direct line
in that you share views rezerker
all of those viewers are zerker viewers and therefore your aserk co orbiter
no because the other people whom i share viewers are not from zirk'us community proving my originality
ok but they are destiny orbiters so they all view destiny so at least three out of the five people
a destiny opens s
so that makes sure destiny bitter no more than thirty percent come from destiny i never denied that
but it doesn't mean i didy all the dest right
so it just seems like you're creating these pro i'm going to help you i'm going to actually help your argument you want me to do that
because you're not good at this this logic thing
so what you should say is there are a total of five
streamers twitch gives you that are in common with you correct
i say i'm clearly giving some significance to the quantity so if i'm saying every single one of yours
our destiny viewers making it
that you are destiny biter
if you were a good debater or you were good at logic what you would say is has
three out of the five a majority of the streamers with whom you share viewers
re indeed
from destiny
that would be a good argument
i said that aides ago no you decept that you did not
i said yes at the you said you also you said you said i'm say you said you also share views with destiny
the difference is
there are no more than thirty percent
of people with whom i share viewers with in terms of coming from destin you say i w make arguments have already made thanks for that i appreciate it
you did not make that argument once
because because the croxt the crux if you want to like you talk if you want to do a bir if you want to do a birth rant russell like exhumation of the axiomatic logical premises with which i am operating under you should say that i'm attributing significance to the quantity
people with whom you share viewers
rather than individual people with whom you chevill is right and quantitatively speaking it's true
three out of the five people
come from destiny right
but the difference is
no talking
go on write the differences at most
that's thirty per cent of viewers i share common with destiny at most thirty percent
whereas with you was five yeah sure whereas with you ok
chud logic you want to talk about the grooming allegations
i mean we can talk about them if you want yah sure let's talk about them and i will use the same level of charity
two plus two is five i'll use the same level of charity with you that you just used against me right now
well no but the one point out to you is you're using this crazy math to try and justify your point it think it justifies your point at all
why not
because its a of you and you can't aesn't matter you don't even have the s ands ok the more diverse the more diverse
these streamers with whom you share viewers in common with
the more original you are
now it's true three out of five s w you know is that just us as you've made the up there
well you want to know the reasoning behind it then if you can't see the reasoning
would you like to know the reasoning behind that or no it is that too complicated
yeaes sure go on
ok the reasoning behind that
is that it proves you're not
bogged down or defined primarily by one community
that proves you're original
if you sha it
uh things in common with
a diverse group of people
that means you yourself are unique you're not just part of a group
does is that reasonable or is that reasonable
sorryuned it then you talking a hell of a lot ok i see so let's get to the grooming allegations ok so
let's see i'm going to pivot anyway why are you so desperate to talk about the agreement because i want to because we're operating under a new standard of charity and i would like to take advantage of thisip the argument i would be i would i would like i would like to operate under the same standard of charity with you so when hayley bug wife said my ass is small and then you said
sodan i quote sounds reselfish hod on ronny
ok we a do this in wite the emms and know what they say they need to read and to rever sounds perfect for me i like small things small as small boobs perfecty please explain to me the reasoning behind
behind this
this this d i'm right here please explain the reasoning go ahead
reason reason away
i said if you want to pivot away that's fine but you're clearly doing the all you beat on the otherh i see i act so this is what it means to be beat i give a long
very airtight rational explanation and then you say two plus tw his five
so that' clearly is not beaten of course i got beaten when you said too plus t i you wants triggered youre triggered because you're getting in bar right right it's if i was so i was ok ok so in good run before we delve into this if we delve into it i just want to make sure of this
is it because i'm triggered because you wm listendmit logic logic please stop raise you want to admit the stop stop stop raising ar voice d logic don't raise your voice side i'm not raising m hold ond logic
am i doing this because i'm trying to demonstrate to you what you're doing and how uncharit how it feels to be uncharitable
and how you can't get anywhere when someone's uncharitable and won't engage in rational argumentation and will dismiss your reasoning as gibberish and tupless to his fife
because that it you and you want to pivot away that's fine about the greument is ok just be clear to be clear
i want it to fee i will concede you in f i'll give you the victory if you say you're qualifying your victory as
dismissing the other's reasoning as nonsense ands to his file i'm qualifying the victory yeah
based on whatre desperate to talk about anything other than this because you've been embarrassed and nw you want to try and embarrass me but i'm not let's say the video back
i tried to talk about this
and then you dis missed everything i said w the gman styy
don't raise your voice with me it's very unwise to raise your voice with haws i heard he's more reasonable than you can be raising my voice' interrupt me it's a very it's a very simple point don't interrupt me it's a very simple point
don't interrupt me go ahead
chad logic
after i explained my point to you and you said two plus to his five
who demonstrated an unwillingness to talk about what we were talking about before you are me totally willing to talk to you about
everything we've talked about so you want to go that is
you're the one good and a good talk about greep so i gave you ok ok so you as me ausked me why does it matter if you have a diversity of streamers with whom you share views in common
i explained that to you and you said twoplus to his five it doesn't matter
so would you like to engage with the point now do you think if not got diversity then you think it is just all destiny of viewers
you're analytics show
that every single streamer with whom you share viewers is a destiny orbiter
every single one
ok'ss the top five don't you that is just the top five
that's all of the ones we can see from your analytics yes
sure so there's other ones on there that aren't anything to do with destiny presumably
you'd imagine wouldn't you
that cannot be proven or even presumed
also the top one was seventy percent
right occur
and how much do you average is anything else that mean a relevant share
that might
mean that we've got a shared viewership
literally that is the biggest
as slicker there is on twitch
so no but do you think do you think that there's anything else that me and really do
that might mean we have like a shared viewership like that
apart from destiny you are beta mal
orbiters and react streamers to political twitch drama is that what you're referring to
ian you can frame th that if you want but yea we both cousins w drama sure so sure plit twitch politics plit twitch politics drama
o which destiny is the lord
he is the lord of political twitch
because because well because hassans hassans orbiters are pretty normal people they're not really like they're not in your community and they don't debate and they're pretty reasonable you know normal people
so they're not in your community it's all destiny's people
there's all destinies people in my community is that it
no political twitch is all destinies people
o ok now that's your argument that now now that we get you now that we get to yours that's not now that we get to yours right now that we get to yours
your community
you are trying to say that it's unreasonable to assume
almost all of the viewers
that are coming from raleighs and the rest of them
our destinies correct
i mean some of them are but not all of them know there's going to be some people that don't watch destiny i mean what ok let's ask this we' not really clarify this yeah what do you see as a destiny viewer if someone watches destiny for ten minutes once a week
primary if the primary
foundation for their interest in twitch politics
comes from
d g g
right ok what does that mean how do you figuret means a you know what it basically means it means a standard
litical twitch
you were
that comes from destiny the reason it comes from destiny and i'll explain it
so destiny rose to prominence and fame
on the merits of his competitive gaming from league of legends
so he built up a very very large community
and he was became a benefactor for political twitch
even was a benefactor for hassan for a very long time
till hassan outgrew him
uh by quite a margin i should say
and became totally independent from it
but yes destiny is the premier benefactor
of political twitchtreamists
so that would mean that pretty much everyone that watches political twitch is somehow then linked to destiny right
it is
almost always the case yes
right so b means that pretty much anyone that's a political twitchre it's almost always the case that they have a d d g account
they bra they go on the gs you read it
the part of destiny's following and part of his community yes one thousand per cent
i mean i've got like a d g g account i got a v g g account i got z andderle i you know got accounts on different websites
like what's that got to do with anything
it's got to do with the fact
that these are destiney's viewers these are destiny's people
all right let me ask you a question if destiny decided to denounce you
and pint you in a very bad light
and rial his entire community to hate you
answer this with good faith
what would happen to your viewership
the point to be a drop i wouldn't deny that yeah sure a significant correct
m not significant maybe twenty percent some another i'd say
as a jokeer laugh again so
ya so okay
so seventy percent
on your viewers are shared in common with our relavants
and you're estimating twenty percent of your viewers would drop
ah yes somemingth that
on what bas out of curiosity
i base that roughly on the amount of streamers that i lose when destiny starts to stream
no tends to be when sne government but the reason it's inaccurate is because if
destiny's people are favorably disposed towards you
then it's more likely and this is reasonable right that they would watch you while destiny streaming
if they're unfavorably disposed to you
then it's immaterial whether a destiny is screaming or not they're not going to want to watch you
right ok
i don't and all i'm trying to say to is quite simple right so i know what my viewership is
okay i see i don't
cope about it a you do but anyway ien is have i that way how have i coped about it because i like this word cope
how have i coped about it well weve spoken about that already but you've refusing i mean this is the i see so is what it is should sh can we measure this cope
so i would like can you cope are you capable of coping as well
yeah course we'll cope some so if i bring up the groomer allegations will you be coping or not
ah i wouldn't say that's copin noug by what
standard of qualification is you defending yourself against grooming allegations not coping
but me
defending yourself against the allegation
of in talking about my view is that that's cope what what me a serious exactly what separate serous consequences why is seriousnes noting why why is me why does seriousness measure copium
what's what the point is why is serly this material se so
if someone says to me isn't you call you th dishonest someone says to me you repeatter and i say no i'm not that's not cope right
but if someone says to me you know you go well when there's incriminating evidence iever dekad actually
well actually if chris hansen has tell someone to stand have a seat and they start
coming up with all these explanations i think people would see that its coping as a matter of fact i think seriousness
would increase the gravity of coping because the more serious it is
the more you would indeed have to cope about it is that not reasonable seem you seem really tricked about
get used to coping you know you could well it's just that it's just it's just that oftentimes it' ok that's creazy seems you get sri watch the then in faness then in faness
it seems you get triggered every time i bring up these grooming allegations
well not triggered i'm just saying we we don't know not to save it to save you chid logic
we don't have to talk about triggering we don't have to talk about coping
we could just engage
so you're upset about words i'm using a sounds a bit left oid but if you want i can back down and not use those words if it may no no no no no because when you say cope and childreing you're being dismissive of me as a human being and disrespectful
camp sorry by you've being dismissive and dist i'm really sorry for upsetting you my apologies i'm sorry you're upset about that well
you upset me did you
so you're not going to be upset if i bring up these grooming allegations
um i mean not really i mean go ahead you yout okay dream do whatever you want but i would like to measure
your cope and your triggeredness when we start getting into the details of it now can we
i mean listen if you want to concede the feet and pivot away from the main debate you can but that's going look pretty bad for you because i think i think i well i'm actually i'm actually quite confident that the vaud speaks for itself as to who conceded from the original debate given your dismissal in this
o not can i'm not conceding it's so i'm happy to keep going we can keep going as i think you want to avoid
going into these allegations
it's not that i want to avoid it really we can talk about it if you want there's plenty of content that goes over it but it's clear to me that it's a sign that you're conceding debate because you got no argument well well when i make arguments and you merely accuse me of being of coping or rambling or saying nothing
when choice do you leave me but to try and measure your degree of coping
well you know it have to be on something equivalent
not fos grouping i like well well sure ok let's what go you got a different i'll break do i'll break that down logically for you
it would have to be something equivalent
what you're saying in terms of the gravity of seriousness because for me to bring this up
it's clearly far more serious and far more incriminating
and far more no's not incriminating well n know's's well it's far more damning if it were to turn out to be ting it's so if it were to turn out out if it's not true it's already been dealt with ok but if you're just liket the left th it's the left s bringt don't draw lot of re what you don't worry about it when you become such a left b don't worry about your you know you're being on reasonable you're being on reasonably such left
you're chimping out youre chimping out
you're chimping out chad logic chd logic logic chd logic you're chimping out you're chimping out is what's going on
k let's ket let's get back to the point at hand ok
so they home
what you're saying is that it's unreasonable because of the level of the seriousness of the allegation that's all i mean right
but a kosher
i would only respect ao serce a drama that's been wait wa ait but nothing to this serious way a the age
and seriousness of the allegation of the drama in question is completely immaterial and would only be material
if i was operating
ah in a way that is generous and
friendly toward you
but you have crossed the bounds of any friendliness and friendship
through your disrespect
through creating your stream as a platform to have all the d d g betamils to talk shit about me cover my streams
have a go of every one talking shit about me regardless of what you're saying using your platform to attack me
you've crossed the bounds for me to take that as a factor very mensitive aren't you i've not a ti i am just all i am saying is by any reasonable standard
i don't owe you
the standard
of measuring the variable of the seriousness of the allegation it's immaterial i can coldly and robotically use this purely as a logic claorde to demonstrate to you how by your own qualifications you are coping
and you are also getting triggered and coping and doing and saying i'm not triggered in coping at all you're the one that's getting upset i have i have i have an i have an inkling that if we get into the meat and potatoes of this drama you will have to explain yourself in ways that are not self evident i'm not i'm not you know i'm not really looking to explain myself to you which but with in right but in order to dispel the intuitive
assumptions we would draw to the simple conclusions and assumptions we are going to make
based on these discord screenshots
you would indeed
to engage in a level of explanation
that i by the same qualifications as you
can accuse and dismiss as coping
well the problem you've got is that drama is literally over a year old now
s why is the age of material being dealt with yeah what is precisely con you resolves been dealt with like there's nothing to say about it well i can also say i can by that same rationale i can say that i had also dealt with your
a allegations
what allegations
regarding me complaining about my viewers
do you think do you think that you know
allegations about grooming
are comparable to allegations about complaining about viewers
if we take in the standard as a yes or no as a yes or no question in this strict sense of being a logical lord absolutely now in the sense of being a human being who treats another as human
they're not comparable at all one is a very serious grave accusation
the others completely meaningless and immaterial
but if we're going to be cold hearted logic lords right
is a it's absolutely not a fact to re like a cold od logic lord you just acted like a fucking spurg about this whole thing well i'm being a cold hearted logic lord right now because you have already crossed the boundary of engaging in any good faith
after you have goten the pushback
you continued to double down
on your false portrait not only that
but you're using your community and your chat as a platform
with which to spread lies spread hate
and spread disrespect against me
i mean if i if i you know it's quite telling you can say oh i wasn't being that vicious towards you hawes
but if my entire chat
is being so utterly ruthless and vicious and inhuman towards you
i mean clearly i'm using myself sure your chat has been lovely to me in this conversation i'm sure they only before actually actually before sure they've been all let's listen to what charts go actuallych the not be going to be tragic he here's here's the tragedy of the drama the metal drama goes here
befour our encounter
before yesterday when i covered that vault
my chat
was favorably disposed to you and never talked to it about you never
never never
not once
k they only had nothing but good things of question for you you only had nothing but good things to say about you my chat i never use and because i had a degree of respect for you i never tell i would never tolerate my chat to be a platform with which to spit venom and hatred in lies against you
i would never allow that to happen right but you did because you don't have your own chart it's all destiny's people
ok let me ask you a question ok
do you consider like your discord like an extension of your stream
yeaar more or less
that i remember one time in your discord someone said what's child logics politics
and someone replied with just an l g bt flag what what do you think that meant
there was one person in my discord
now i'm just interested to know what you think it means so did you clarify the question did you ask me if my discord
reflects my politics a is an extension of my stream
or is every single person who stumbles in my discord an extension of my
my stream because
there's general trends on my discord right
now thes a general trend on my discord
most people
will not tolerate
uh the enti l g b t staff
my but the mods aren't down for it
the to overrun i'm sorry census
ao i'm not accusing you of being ant g b t or anything like that weo you may accuse me actually you may if i mean you may i don't care i mean it wasn't what you was i wouldn't cat all i think
if it wasn't for the us i wouldn't even defend myself against the allegation not because i am anti lg bt
is because i don't care right the only reason i ever defend myself against it is because of the t s otherwise i'm not i just understands ok yeh and i don't care and i don't care about it at all
you you may use you may us let me explain you mayuse i don't know i'm giving you permission i am actually giving you permission to accuse me a i don't want to ok the point i'm trying to make is simple i don't guess now it's if that your child only ever been kind and nice to me is not true
f hold on hold on
that's not true i know it's not true all right the general consensus was they were nice and conty if there's one guy from who said something bad about you in my discord
i don't even know if that's bad cried why is the lgb t flag bad
i don't know why
it was just that listen listen ok i'm going to levery i sawt is a funny thing and i've always wondered about it ok that was it i'm not trying to say the youre ant g b t or the like all of you audience hates me ok i'm just trying to highlight to you that this narrative your chid have always been good to me i just don't believe that's true maybe it is other i well it well i can assure you it is true
it is t it's just me it's just this because my child trusts me and i've spoken favorably about you before and they trust me
so yes and that's why we had the overlap that we did by the way because when i tell people that i like someone
they check them out
because they care about what i think
i think maybe maybe wait
a month or two and we probably won't have the overlap we used to
well that's sads well my people my people ting over tur anymore my people are not going to like you as they used to like you
and for good reason
a good reason
that's fine i don't mind
i don't need your audience to you know i got destiny's audience at the end of aven so i'll be fine
well is there anything else
when i
well yeah one last thing yes about this coopium
alway we want to find any
clearly won't to find any
but you did say something i know i can i can i can i can say what it is right ok you seem to be taking a lot of stock into it but it really isn't about having a lot of stock in it
it's really simple okay
what it means is really simple
yes it just means that you're engaged in some sort of behavior
that denies something or complains about something that suggests a deep sensitivity about the issue at hand that's all it means
ah so coping is when you are sensitive tortoisues
uh somewhat ya
so if you are sensitive toward your family you're coping about your family
m i wouldn't say a slight that no why are you twisting yourself into a pretzel about it
i just gave you an example so if you if you're sensitive towards something you're coping about it right
so if i'm sensitive toward
my grandmother and you know her falling down the stairs and that i'm sensit i'm copi so my grandmother dies and it's i'm sensitive toward hearing news of her death
i'm coping about my grandmother's death really is that something you would tell someone
i'm not really no because that's a resq sen so you see you indeed have contradicted yourself now haven't you
not really it's not really in the spirit of what coping means well oka so now you're twisting yourself into a pretze pivoting and shifting the goal posts
mam i don't think i am really but well by the qualifications of the use of those accusations that you leveled against me that is precisely what you're doing now
precisely what you're doing now
we wll no i'm just highlighting it that you know this is what coping means and i'm say and you're saying oh if my grandded
and i was upset about it without be cop and i'm saying w no that's not really the spirit but but but how you would initially define the premisse which is how you've actually engaged in reraasoning this entire time is a dogmatic definition of the original premisse
e ere goo
when i say if you talk about destniney's personal life you've turn that into a dogmatic initial premise with which you can apply to things completely incomparable
and yes
i can use that same premise that coping equals
being sensitive sort something if your grandmother dies and you hear news of this you're coping about your grandmother you're coping ah your grandmother tumbled down the stairs and now she's at the morgue
coping you're coping you fuckin bitch
why are you coping about your grandmother
ret may she burn in hell
i mean nuts a bit i the next step okay
listen you ca understanding and i get oping or you know we need coping
ok o good fellow
the basic point i'm trying to make
is that you're accusing me of being destinor bit of recovering his personal life and i'm just highlighting to you
the level at which you' have engaged your destiny and your time onto it traing because you turned it yeah because you turned us in that's my whole point you turned iten you turned it into an answer turned it into an in of the group on because you turned he we turned it and is on on because you turned it into an in contextual
inflexible dogmatic premise i did the same thing when i asked you to tell me what coping is i gave you an example of something that falls under your definition of coping
but according to you that's not twisting it into a pretzel at that point
well hars of course is not the same thing
or why is it the same thing for me to
watch five minutes of destiny's gem stream
and you to be a destiny alw was a folling ons you watched it for like two hours
ah it's immaterial right five hours draing whatever
for two hours i watched this allegedly watches jim's i don't even know the' true allegedly
his gymsring right
how is that comparable
to you covering destiny's relationships personal private relationships
mean it's just not comparable gims are not
personal in the same way
or in a comparable way like mean if someone so for example could be like esan about about destiny and like private relationships it's the same sort of level of what i've are you referring to the zirka clip in which i vaguely ask why is everyone talking about destiny like what is the big deal because they were talking about him and i don't know why they were talking about him is that the one you're talking about
but you have covered his private life and that's fine i don't care but i im going to highlight it and in the same way in the oken you sig by the same use of reasoning you're engaging in
anyone who is expressing grief about their grandmother dying is coping
i don't think i wouldn't agree that that would be co well well then you would be twisting yourself in wor then you would ren then you would be twisting yourself in a pretzel now wouldn't you because i by the same not really by the same measure chuk logic by the same exact measure
i i personally di enough ma yah i personally
would not say that i cover destiny's personal life in the sense that i charge you of doing this right but you're saying i'm merely shifting the goal posts
and twisting myself into a pretzel
you are twisting yourself into a pretzel
when you are saying that dear grandmother's life when she tumbles down the stairs down she goes
is indeed and that someone expresses grief over this that this is not copium
right if
for example if
if if you don't want your child to be
bullied that at at elementary school you're just coping right
if you don't want your child to to die of a disease or sickness you're just coping why oh you're coping oh you're not letting your child
smoke marijuana or smoke crack ok if a pattern
prohibits the child from smoking
crack coke cocaine
is that coping
i mean are you like somehow suggesting that getting accused of caring about your views too much is no no no n you you ri yourself into quite the crumpet
the parent is giving reasons why the child should not smoke crack cocaine
and the child goes
you're coping ma'am you're coping i is that a reasonable response
um i don't think so no
so you define coping as being sensitive
board stings correct would you like to change your definition now that your definition has fall no i think there was a bit more to it than that i went thenr def your definition has fallen flat on its face because it can clearly be applied to many other things like this wen if you clear not that fair enough
thin has you f y definition ok it has fall i mean it is objectively found flat you cannot consistently apply it to many other scenarios
and i expect that
well should the child smoke crack cocaine
and i get yes sure why not
let the kids smoke crack
good i'm glad we're not coping and let's not care about if old gran falls down the stairs
or no drowns in the bathtub butanny
granny can get and she drowns in the bathtub that doesn't matter doesn't matter at all or if ol you know eleven year old timothy's got a fork and
looks into the outlet and
besides that that fork looks like it would fit right well into that
that power circuit and outled and tragedy befalls timmy and the parents are weeping and crying over the loss
of the child
they are merely coping
it as a matter of fact matter of fact
all childhood preventative safety measures
indeed our form of coping i mean
when you
tell your child not to put the fork in the outlet when you have safety outlets and you have the plastic they put over it
those are actually
those aren't safety mechanisms the're coping mechanism indeed ok yeh cope and cop in fact
as a matter of fact from a nitzchan perspective
if we will an aristotelian
british natch in perspective
it seems to me that
a great deal of what we do as human beings as a whole right everything we do is coping if we don't lie down and just accept the fate
of destiny
not the streamer mind you i know you would leach off of him but destiny in the sense of
fate and history if we do not lie down and submit to fate
which is coping right if we don't
lay down in the grass of in the starry sky above
and merely submit to the will
the will of the cosmos rather than resist the schopenhauer
would put it
we're merely coping that's copium right any time some one explains the brilliance or intelligence or tenacity of the human spirit against the tide of the overwhelming fatal
heat death of the universe and humans want to resist this entropy and want to create brilliant and beautiful things and create intelligent things and do grand things and resist and strive to be better and strive to will and strive to triumph
there indeed
hoping genghis khan he should have merely stayed in his bed frame
as an infant had never left because as he conquered and roamed the steppes at the end of the day
he was merely
and it's very well fair to me
that d g g wouldr sorry it's not it's quite fad to me it's cod you sver that again's quite it's quite f it's quite reasonable to me sorry
the bestine community and i've cracked the puzzle to it's a brilliant breakthrough it's an archaeological breakthrough oh my god it's like the discovery of toutin common so i've discovered the breakthrough d g g calls everything coping that doesn't amount to passively being a consumer a readed consumer who loves star craft and star craft and star wars and league of legends and the marvel cinematic universe and consuming s
y and read it and anyone who is not a passive consumer of the great reset is merely coping the truckers in ottawa
merely coping the january sixth wrioters merely coping everyone who is trying to resist the tides of
consumption and merely sit down and lie over on the back
and accept what fate hasn't solved them except what the elites and the authorities haven't solht them is coping anyone who thinks for themselves and questions the authority oh they're merely coping anyone who questions the mainstream narrative in any kind of way merely in copening the entire enterprise of philosophy
one big copium plato himself the ultimate coper of history and the more complex philosophy has gotten the more copium it's been injected with hego the finest coper in the history of the world why can't you just sit down and accept the sucking of his mother's teeth passively as he gains the milk from his mother's teet and gains his strength in nutrients and bones everything is
cope the entire world is cope copium copium copyum british rist the talian nigian satanism is the way read it sory that is how we no longer cope
the more passive you are the cooler you are as our i dont destiny himself says we watch the stream of destiny he merely sits back
in plays league of legends he doesn't even produce any content because for destiny to actually put effort into his reams would be copium and moreover destiny himself in debates
i mean he doesn't cope because he merely just says
and that is indeed the premier way in which we resist
topium yes indeed topium everything that's human is cope and everything that grinds us into the dust out of which we came
is true
cand you say that one more time please
you see indeed ad logic you try to impose your
anglo american or anglo saxon
readed culture upon me i'm a fine connoisseur i know
the ways better than even you do you cannot outpace me you cannot intellectually outpace me
i know your head better than you do
i understand you even better than you
i understand destiny's viewers even more than they understand themselves because as you understand chud logic you have gotten absolutely
and unequivocally
lone the fox
it seems he has conceded
the debate at hand he could not handle my levels
my level severely outpaced him and he could not even come close ive he could not even come close i've severely outpaced him intellectually in every possible kind of way tell you how old chap
you've been ridled in he's deafened he's deafened himself but we know what that means he's merely coped for him not to merely submit to my speech
would indeed
a mount
ducopium you should have submitted to my speech the fact that you expressed the will to deafen me
proves your coping why would you cope by deafening me
complete copium indeed now indeed
copium copium copium
that's all you're ever capable of
indeed telly ol old old chap telly o old chap
eden sounds like you're coping to me let me explain to you all something
i haven't eaten a gollll damp thing i haven't slept
for a single second
i am awake for forty eight hours
i will always have more energy i will always intellectually outpace my opponents even when i have zero hours of sleep
you have to understand that i'm built differently i'm not destiny i'm not your destiny or but to streamers i am an independent content creator i
create my own content there's nothing close to me on this fucking website absolutely nothing fucking close
you understand
is no focking way to even compete or passe out anything relating to me
now he's just coping playing a league of
apex legends
having his own cope stream
there's absolutely nothing he can do about it
absolutely nothing you do by the way there was one point i wanted to get round to address
which unfortunately we were not able to get round to addressing but
if i recall correctly
if i recalld correctly
i recall correctly chard logic indeed did say
that you cannot grow a twitch channel from youtube
the overwhelming majority of my audiences from youtube my co constituency my core viewership
is indeed from you tube
so i think i would contest the claim he's making
on that count
indeed they do come from youtube
they do come from me and now that i've rooted out
the d j g viewers and this views we now know we're not going to
delude ourselves with striving to get
the viewers that we used to get
becausd guess what
those are destiny's people we don't want destiny's people we're creating our own community
and we don't need them
we've blown the fuck out of our elevant we've blown the fuck out of chod logic blown the fuck out of destiny dozens and dozens of times at this point every single one of these people doesn't stand a fucking chance
these people do not stand a focking chance they can't keep up with me i speak faster than them everything i can get to their head better than they get their own heads i know them better than they know themselves
indeed you're only seeing one percent of my power by the way only one percent of my power
to be
but full effort in this you would only see
a mere microcosm
a mere microcosm of political switch
i shit on political twitch
i sha''t non political switch i take a big quite a big rumptuous dump
on the face of political twitch and there's not a goddamned thing they can do about it every single one of the viewers of political twitch can suck my cock i'm creating my own community that is loyal to me
i am a lord indeed
where has trodlogic gone
we are coping are we we are coping are we
i'm sending him a message
deafening yourself
indeed amounts to the greatest cope
hope of all
defending yourself markst the greatest s coper all
i have exacted your surrender
and indeed
tell you ho
you have
conceded to me by being
the first
to deathen
in this duel
my friend
it seems you have
that first
and without further ado
unless you can
in grow some trousers
rise to the occasion
i bid
b farewell
and i out of pettiness am going to deafen him
you see
it is not very difficult
all these beta mel
to submit to me
debait me get in my v c i will
debate you with ease
what it takes is for you to get in yvc and i'll debate you
instantaneously immediately
well it seems like i'll have to add you to the core which hod logic
and indeed
you may
you are free
give me a ring
will you grow
some be
i have another
of your
viewers to debate
surrender accepted
and crumpets
te and crumpets
so let's go let's indeed enter the show and see what this persons
here to
bother me about
he left
well right then
how about i make a quick trip to the store cause i got to get some protein
to eat
i'll be back in like
seven minutes ten minutes should i do that
should i be back
do i come back
i'll come buck i'll come back
i'll be right back
nw go back for ten minutes
remove this one
i'll be back in ten minutes
and let me put up a thing
what a text
and then we may get around to some ore tea today
back in
ten minutes allss
indeed you tell me horw i need to go get some protein
i'm starving and famished
absolutely famish
oh the
i in a way you may behave
not going to let im be sop
your f
the aladrokaica otevalan came ou in his neighbors st ciito alaska babga by okadarba illass
k fd somemy is sich youngish but the si the aaske the bibar bb corneuty bb
y go myd
ida what i got an idea
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my go myd
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kn find some mym is sich youngsh but sea the aask the bar bb corn you st duty bb co
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can find somemm is sich ngsh but the si the aask the bbar bb corne st bb
t t
go myd
idea what got an idea
ll right i hope this guy fix this fuck and mike by now
up this guide
fixes fuck of my
that's begin
third is is like what i suspect you're reinventing political economy
fourth is you seem to have certain conflicts with stalin i would like to clarify them
fifth is a controversial topic it's about homosexualism
we can't we can't we can't talk we can't talk about that shuit
no the we want talk we want talk about
six is commodities
there was point with a french guy if you remember you debated it
uh which i would also like to get a fixed and seventh is freudinism
psycho psychoanalysis
and there was a report by a guy volshino in on ne ousanred twenty seven that completely destroyed it all
and i would like to uh and i wonder why you still
cling to this dead body of a
pseudo science
so which points do you want me to
go back
let's start with the last one
i have you read this
this report by olhino
by um
in nine thousdred twenty seven
he was like a psychologist
marx is a psychologist in the soviet union
he wrote a marxist critique of froudinism
the document is called freudenism
as a short critique or fradini ism a marxist annoyc or something like that
it's on the z library just fraudunism
if you want a donlt if you read it
and he
votion of first
talks about the first t the like
flaws are not flaws but
the streams of sciennce of psychology right the first one is objective psychology
r the psychologys and like material reality something like this
and second one is subjectivi is is like subjective psychology
the ecology which is which
he is in the most majority of his idealist and stuff like that
so he then explains freudin ism like
basic basic points of freud in isnm like the way it was complex like the
the different stuff about that
and then he goes down to go to critiques
first point that he's observed is how freuds method like he critiques the most importantly fds method because method
is the most important
the first point he raises about for his method he says that
let's pay attention how freud
tell us that
there is a there is a like an eat
and the and the super rego right
he says that
you the subconscious or the uncscious has no way of the
of getting into the conscience
with the conscious understanding it with the conscious realizing that it's the subconscious in fact sneaking into it
and then volition of like
takes this
and he says that
the conscious
since freud tells us the conscience cannot
explain that the are unconscious
we cannot
we cannot apply for its method which is psychoanalysis which is like
uh you know
associations right when the when the
he sits with the doctor
and talks about what he feels what he knows and doctor trk to make triy to make sense about it
olltion of them
points out how in fact what the patient is saying is inner ideological conflict
that are only conscius
okay it's only
i'll briefly explain why soviets had problem with freud and actually
and to sum things up
it's the same reason the soviet union collapsed
or less right
well that's a more complex view but um
first on the question of the difference between the unconscious and the conscious
this is a complete parallel one for one parallel
of the distinction between hegel's philosophy of right
the state
laws states and politics and what marx describes as the material relations of production it is a one for one
that's something i would insist on dogmatically it is the same
dialectic is at hand between them
the and i want to explain some context and background
for soviet rejection of psychoanalysis
so soviet view
is usually when expounded in theoretical or cycle philosophical terms specifically
is a one sided materialism
the dialectical part of dialectical materialism is never
u expounded in the philosophy
it's never expunded in philosophy it's only in political practice of
the soviet communist party
but the moment specifically of the dialectic
contradiction within material reality
is only taken as a singular moment for soviets
uh thinking
so for example
october revolution
is a kind of rift in the continuity of historical time
and it's
repressed basically as the sacred foundation of the state
and never is it repeated they cannot have like a chinese cultural revolution
where they repeat the original revolution there's only one moment of the dialectic
so there's one singular
apocalyptic moment of the dialectic
this is also not only from the past of the revolution that separates the socialist society from the capital sorry the proletarian dictatorship
from there
from the
let's say priest pre communist society
communist in the sense of a communist party in power
also in the sense of the future the full final realization of communism right
never do soviet citizens have a sense of what
future communism is going to be
only this
it's in the future it's a bright horizon we're aiming and striving toward it right
never is there a revolution in the forces of production
after stalin's collectivization
that reproduces the essence of communism right
i don't want to get into it but like
replacement of steel is the mainstay of production by oil later in the soviet union's existence is clear proof of that
there's problems with soviet dialectical materialism
and these problems lead
do in psychology
an overall rejection of the unconscious and the subconscious
why because in the terms you precisely put it
there is still this one sided on the one hand rationalistic idealism
that everything must be articulated reason must can only be articulated in the form
of rational thought
and then on the other hand materialism the pure kind of a
pure object like pure object devoid of subject
but dialectical materialism
the object of dialecting materialism is not devoid of subject
object of dialectical materialism
reconciles the subject as a feature of the object
so the object itself is dialectical it's not a one sided matter
so when there's you say they take issue
of how the conscience cannot
holy h
penetrate beyond the unconscious
is that the contradiction itself between conscious and the unconscious
has to be acknowledged reconciled with and accepted
in some kind of way
you will never fully translate
you can't and the point is not to translate the unconscious
into conscious thoughts
the point is to arrive at a more fundamental sense
with which
the contradiction
that requires us
to the
to engage in the process of transcription
between the unconscious and the conscious
that very contradiction is given sense
and it can be acknowledged in some kind of way
lack of acknowledgment of the unconscious
also corresponds to when the spirit of soviet history
with the lack of mediation between soviet subject and soviet state
on the one hand lies the soviet state
the party the ideological apparatus
and the dogma from the top down
the soviet citizen is always confronted with the anxiety of
soviet ideology and soviet truth
only coming from one direction
never do they independently reproduce
a the truth of the soviet state
as for example in moos cultural revolution they carry those red books
theyre independently verifying and reproducing subjectively the essence
of the state objective state
but in soviet
everything is explicit
everything is explicit rationalistic
and there's no room for unconscious reproduction
of communism
because there' is no acknowledgement of an unconscious to begin with
so my answer to to your point is that this is a non this is either idealism or it's a one sided materialism
but it is not a dialectical materialism a dialectical materialism acknowledges
that you don't conquer the unconscious with consciousness that's not what science means
science means arriving at a deeper sense now how do you arrive at a deeper sense is where a true marxist critique
of psychanalysis begins because from a marxist critique
this does not take the form of the clinic
the contradiction between unconscious and conscious
is manifested
the aesthetic and scientific work
through aesthetic products right
works of art for example
you can give sense to your unconscious and create unconscious and conscious associations
through science the same thing happens
through politics the same thing happens participating in politics
all of these imperil the relationship between
and actually specifically i've mat i' have written works on this
quintessential way in which
the difference between the unconscious and consciousness being put to work is the very bolshevik party form itself
the party is itself
a way to organize the unconscious
the party has all of its a
conspiraza is the word right conspiraza
sculture of secrecy in times of zarist repression
this conspirazi is not just
aving something secret but has all the markings of a
the foundational freudian repression that glues an organization
it's precisely because bolshevik party could not be reduced
to individual rationality
but had to
you had to engage in this more fundamental discipline where you stomach your rationalism
and you just submit to the party's discipline
and you don't you can keep secrets and you can repress
these are all things that imply afraudy and unconscious at work
that's my response
um ya
so to continue this
ahight so there's a
there's a dialectical relationship between the
they're unconscious and the conscious right
precisely y
and um
like as thelecting dictates two forces of nature
like they form a unity and they contradict each other
so the psychuman psychology is forced
is is the unity of the conscious and unconscious right
that would mean that the conscious and unconscious would have to take the form of
forces to contradict each other
so uh that's uh have to be con
debt's problem with soviet dialectical materialism is that
it is a dualistic dialect
idea and matter
are united
but until then separate
so it's the unity of two separate forces for soviet dialectical materialism
to me this is a flaw of the
soviet dialectical materialism to me
unity of opposite does not mean
two separate forces
it means actually one force
one force that is internally contradictory
only one force
and that force that still has to be a force
yes as we see from
as we see from conclusions of freud and from
what you drives out in fact the contradictions aren't the
m some kind of
on unconscious some they don't take the form of forces but rather they take the form of ideological contradictions within the person's brain
and from that we can say that
in fact what the person might
see about themselvess the contradiction of two forces inside them is actually contradiction
it in in a contradiction
in the ideology of the person entirely in the conscious and the fraud doesn't does never arrive at what the unconscious really means
through his method
because his method is the subjective this one
so to be clear
i don't want to misconstrue what you're saying so correct me if i'm getting it wrong
it sounds like what you're saying is
the view
held by this soviet psychologist is that
is making it seem like there is this fundamental contradiction
oves an unconscious
when in fact this contradiction could be resolved
at the conscious level making it ideological like a different ideological view
would eliminate the problematic
nature posed by the contradiction
no the contradiction itself is just a contradiction in ideology
sovit psychologist they're not denying the existence of
the ive unconscious
but they're just saying that
the way that freud derisesse conclusions about the unconscious
is fundamentally wrong because
in fact what his patience tell him is not only
a result of the patient's subjective conscious
like internal theoretical contradictions
like the conscious contradictions that the conscious itself
but also
his his when he does psychoanalysis
the in the scope of the clinic in the scope of the the session of psychoanalysis
um that's also
but that's also influencing his method of research
because in fact it is it is very similar to the process of
to the contradictions to the ideological contradiction between the doctor
and the patients
so the doctor has some some pills that he has to prescribe and the patient doesn't like the pills like it's an example
that in fact
first first source of the
obscurit is more first source of
um distortion
in for in the fredani ism
is um
is the relation between the doctor and the patient and the second source of distortion is the fact that most of the conflicts that people describe internal to them
are in fact ideological conflicts that
the conscious has inside itself
without touching the unconscious because the unconscious
what do you mean by ideological specifically
the like
for example
i me ily can come up with an example with an example you like you know a litical sense ideological
no no oka
in a year in a sense that like
for example
a person feels guilty
for liking apples but also the person likes apples right
so afraid would say that like the like the longing for apples
is the unconscious
and the repression is the is the feeling guilty right
but they say that in fact no in fact it's a contradiction completely
belonging inside the conscious itself and the unconscious doesn't have anything to do with apples and in fact unconscious
doesn't even manifest in this contradiction this contradiction is entirely a conscious one
okay i i don't know if i agree with his description of the apples thing but i'll just grant it so we can
simplify right
if it's entirely conscious are you trying to say then that
the reason they have this contradiction like
they feel guilty about not liking apples
is for some irrational reason that can be corrected with a
correct rational insight
why is there a contradiction and all to be
yah because of the because of society like the so and external uh
there the first is lak
for example they they raised them and gave im apples
and you really like that s
and he like got used to apples
he got consciously wapples he got familiar with them and stuff like that
but then he grew he grew up and society it all no
apples are completely allowable you can't you can't see the apples so bol and then i see bll they both
but both are the product of society
yes that's the o horn of barn like
him liking apples is a result of a conscious forces not unconscious
but what fred tried to explain because
was very like vulnerable to this to this attack
were trying to like
uh like
go like wiggle itself out of it and the
he said that like well actually
since you can't really
what what was the very unaccessible at that time at that point in time it to
to psychology and general society was sexuality right in freud
but that's re douced everything to the that's exactly so the point
the point here is that
for freud
of course there's no
substitte there's no uh
the apple has no substance in the unconscious right
it's that
for void the guilt
stems from something more fundamental right that the apple represents something sexual
that's why
for so for example
the liking of apple
is conditioned by the society
and then when he grows up he's
taught to dislike the apple also conditioned by society
so the contradictions on the surface it's not a contradiction that has anything to do with like and i and it
but for freud just beginning with freud not
even like lack on which is what i'm
from right
but just with freud beginning only from freud
even if this is true
there is a more fundamental force
yes maybe our like of apples does come from society
but oursexuality
sexuality as such
does not
its forms do come from society but sexuality as a content as such
is not something
premised or produced by the society
so freud
it begins his significance begins with sexuality so we have to ask the question what is sex what is sexuality
for freud he is going to have a biological explanation for freud
ultimately sex is not
actually some like
oh it's just how animals reproduce and it's how we reproduce ourselves
freud actually goes very deep
he's a consistent thinker actually interesting
materialist think or even
we disagree
he will it's not just he reduce everything to sex
he reduced sex itself
do what he
terms toydustry
you familiar with his toy street the death drive
and for freud
the death drive ye yea was the most primal fundamental
of any organism beginning from the first singular celld organism
and defined also by thermal dynamics the death drive was primarily the result
first of the
the emergence of a in a difference between internal and externality with the organism right
and the organism seeks
to in a sense
seek its own annihilation through the very survival
by surviving and insisting upon
its survival by insisting upon kind of the
equal homeosthasis right
for the organism
it is touching upon
through the outer coding of the organism
the conditions of its own hihialation
so through survival the organism
pursuing in a sense
the very thing that lead to its annhilation
through this through the search of thermodynamic homustasis
so he has a very deep
kind of even geological
explanation for this
sexual reduction
the problem with freud that he runs into
the reason i reject the view that everything is just a contradiction on the surface of consciousness
is because for freud it's the difference that matters
not the substance
take it on
by the unconscious but just the very fact that there are contradictions
within conscious
roves the unconscious
these inconsistencyes and slips and
slips of tongue and so on and so on
these are what actually lead us to
an understanding of the unconscious
the unconscious itself
is not
does not have anything in it right
it just refers to the structure of the inconsistency of the consciousness
that makes sense
it's wd to that
my issue very quickly im sorry to interrupt just very very quickly
my issue with some soviet thinkers to me
is it seems like they have a very naive view
rationalistic view right
according to which
we can eventually arrive at a point in which everything
everything about our humanity everything about our society
can be completely rationally on the surface and rationally resolved
and there is even a kind of association between this and communism it's always somewhere in the future
we'll never we're not there yet we're not going to i
arrive there
a but
eventually we will completely bring all we will solve all contradictions all contradictions
will be solved
just like in communism all classes all
disorder all problems gone in the communist future
so it's a very similar thing here right i think this is a good example of
flaws in soviet marxist leninist ideology
that's that's contestable but also
are you trying to say that
like i got something very similar to the idea that
we must never rationalize and understand
we might never know truly society it would some law respiing precisely precisely
well actually
i was just reading taking notes on stalin's dialectcal historical materialism
and he just says right there contrary to idealism which believes that it's impossible to know the world
to know the world
doesn't believe in the validity of knowledge considers that the world is full of
things in themselves i think you you know about this yeah which can which can never be known right
so so down obviously
takes this and says this is adealism
sound says then further down
the materialist
the marxist philosophy philosophical materialism holds that the so this section was about materialism dialtics was a bit abot right
amongst the philosophical materialism holds that the world and its laws
are possible to to be known are completely possible to be known
and that our knowledge of laws of nature
confirmed by practice experiments and israel knowledge
and yet the only barrier between us is time so lake
we might not know it now but we will know it'
tomorrow there are no
idealist things in themselves which can never ever be
uh no
it's not that there's yea
it's not that there's iiron
it's not that there's idealist thing in themselves we can never know
it's that
knowledge true knowledge in
the marxs sense of the word
mar stalin is a dialectical materials's a marxist
so he's not a rationalist coming from the western
school of thinking but
soviet thinkers intellectuals i mean they're coming from a western view of
approach to science and knowledge
when they speak this way
for stalin
knowledge is also knowledge of
is also knowledge of the reconciliation of opposites
knowledge is not fortolen
to make an object fully transparent and fully mastered by the consciousness
knowledge is the insight into how certain things
do have limits how certain things
uh cannot be fully uh
made consciously
to consciousness
it's not that there are some idealist things in themselves it's that
there it's not that there are specific things like that it's that
consciousness does not create its own premises its premises are material
so these premises
will always be with us as much as we go forward infinite into the future
we will leave behind
an infinite past
as much as we know we will also not know
so you see this is a dialectic view right and we just mean knowledge
in a kind of western scientific sense
in the marxist sense of knowledge
of course yes we can know right because we already define knowledge
in such a way that takes into account its own inherence
contingency and limitations
well that's that's uh that's what i was
that's what i was talking about
and the
the issue is for freud
if we have the view that we can make the unconscious fully intelligible to consciousness
we lose the view that as even as mature adults as human beings we may not care about freud but every normal adult right in soviet society and every society
we come with a
a kind of reconciliation with the fact of the
we have an unconscious
mean we cannot fully
we have to acknowledge
laws of
social intercourse
they are not
consciously intelligible like
are for example loyalty to family are
a love of family our feel you know whatever sexual feelings
in general right
the way we behave our norms our mors our customs
we do these things
not because we rationally premise we
we don't actually know why we obey these laws but these laws still are real right
not so to make everything completely transparent to consciousness
begs the question
irrelation of consciousness to itself
consciousness in its contingency i mean if everything is completely transparent to consciousness
at what point does consciousness
make itself intelligible to itself and this is an old problem
of philosophy
nowson's marks
marxus has translated this problem
from philosophy to
materialist science of
ah production
but insight of marks in the realm of psychology was never drawn out
and that's why it's a problem
weill yea
the i'm not trying to say that there is like for example you gave the the our law for family
or we can even sail that lake
this modern bourgois family that is
why do we do this we don't we don't consciously and we what about the soviet family like right the soviet family even soviet family not even the
modern boz sovit
the the socet family was
still plagued with the remnants of foodalism like
h is agree i don't i think there was a socialist family that was h socialist in its own right i don't
mean a
what you're talking about maybe is a view that was in the minority in the twenties
where they've believed
eventually all children will be communally raised there will be no more marriage no more family bonds
no no no nothing
let's talking about this
like there's another guy
i don't know if you heard him but he was a close friend of stalins
a the pan of squirts off
he wrote the report
asking the question what is political economy
and in that report talked about how not only the mode of production change
then they do't do it instantly
and modes of production key remnants of all societies
and it's especially seen
in the superstructure right the
the family is included in the superstructure we can see that even the in the mode production which is capitalism today
how would ant
land the rent is a remnant of feudalism
so even even that basic core thing wasn't poblished except for china maybe
and and then we can only talk about the the family which is
even more backwards and it's matches with angeles origins of the family private property in the state
who says that like
even after mos of production change
very very often
the family is the is always like
a few decades or even centuries back
branight its
the the soviet family
considering the
the the majority of peasantry that was there
considering the
the presence of the of commodity production with coal horses
considering all those factors and especially like the
the bourgeois takeover of krushovn and all those revisionists
we can make it very safe that that
we don't we don't actually we haven't actually seen maybe we've seen the embryos the little beginnings of the socialist family and how it would
be built by it
but otherwise it's just the remnants of semi feudalism
of russia because the family cannot
adapt as fast
as the mode of production to me yeah you
to me this way of thinking to me
from in soviet thought right soviet thinking
it is itself a remnant of social democratic marxism
orthodox marxism of social democracy
because it's inconsistent with
lenin's dialect
it's a stages view according to which
there are stages and then
there's remnants and there's mere vestige
but a dialectic view does not say for example
this is remnant of feudalism it says this
persistence we must redefine what we think feudalism is we must redefine
it is socialism we must redefine what this means in the first place don't keep our definition the definition must change
according to the
how it the thing unfolds in his
so the problem for me is for example this is actually a good example
all of the vestige of feudalism in the soviet union
there's a view eventually the vestige will be disappeared and we will no longer have as our foundation a prior mode of production
socialism will itself premise its own foundation
but to me this is the same error as rationalism because
it's the issue of rational conscious thinking premising its own foundation which is in an impossibility proven by freud
in the same way
socialism will
for me
if we've ascribe to a view of socialism
of a communism as a stage in which
the mode of production this new mode of production has finally fully
eliminated the past
and created its own premise
grounded its own premise right as a mode of production a socialist family socialist society socialist
more's art everything
this will forever be a type of impossible thing in the future
which is how soviet marxis leninist ideology
betrayed communism always always in the future right
to me
is not referring to an end state in the future
to me
there's never a possibility to ground the premise the more we enter the future
the more we discover the past
so this remnant of feudalism can never ever be disappeared for example
that it will acquire new form
acquire new form
uh because
be unconscious ah
a backwards previous state of the society
these refer to aspects that premise
the foundation
of socialist construction
rational conscienus i should say socialist construction in the first place
uh the soviet union
to me one of the contributing factors of
without the state could never ground
yuh uh find accomplice grounding its own premises
it could never actually
master the foundations that gave rise to it so this reflects in the geopolitical reality right
mean eventually geopolitically speaking
soviet leaders have inherited
a situation
late in the soviet period
this marxist leninist ideology has not prepared them for right they have no way of
managing this chaotic afghanistan and the central asian demographic situation
and uh
the newfound hostilities i mean
these are all things they were unprepared for this new geopolitical environment the wars in the middle east
but the the ice has been warm
well yes but the ice has been broken mclinin said
we have all this mess around us but we started and we
are are doing stuff
and also
o you know i mean in the in the in the late spirod like
the soviet leaders could not
h yeah oh well well that was yeah that was actually
like uh i studied in in my circle
um with the
like we studied together about um the coseigins reforms
you know abot them have heard abt the yeah
so i
we spend it in the main reason like why you and they actually happened is
because they didn't know what to do they just even breshen of later said stuff that like
well what the funt do we need to sporm for right he literally said is word except maybe it slurs
you literally said well
this reform but why would we need this reform
so the it was just the result of the
i stalin was describing it
the first generation communists were reading and memorizing the
the books
they were like
completely dedicated and stopped second generation red learned marxism from
from like textbooks
third generation learns marxism from a
from the
on pamphlets
the fourth of the last generation was ckrushavites and this
this new born
party elit that completely they just find found themselves at the at the top but didn't know what to do what do we do next well we restored everything before
before the water we
we puts everything in place but now we have
a big economy that we cannot handle we have the contradiction that we cannot comprehend
and plus we are not educated and then later in the eighties
most of the party was just physically old of old age let me explain the
i agree with what you're saying but let me explain the dialectic of
the limits of the dialect
like unconscious the remnants of feudalism etcetera
i'll explain it like this let's say we a
want to engage of a liquidation of the past
so there's many soviet avan guarde artists who say this kind of stuff
in the twenties the twenties crazy time right
to liquidate the past completely liquidate the past
eventually you realize you succeed you liquidate the whole past annihilated
but then you come up
with a problem
not just that you fail
right to get rid of the past
what that
you yourself do not know what to do
to fill the hole in the past
what to replace it with
you don't know how you get to this point of power but then
for example
i'll give you an example stalin he writes in his economic problems of the u s sr
why the golcs form of property must be preserved
because if we make it all state property
we're going to rob the peasants
it be a form of theft
but i also think there's another reason
if all coco's property became
property of the state
this state would not even know
how to plan
and tell order the peasants what to do
the peasants themselves know
how to make the crops and their local situation and they know
all of the contingencies and the mistakes and the
all these things that happened on the lower level
and this is an information input
that the state needs is a form of data right the state takes for granted
just like these big tech companies google amazon facebook
it's a privatization of socialism more you know about this right
y but this is a difference question
need our data they cannot just do that is the most valuable commodity today why because they cannot just
tell us what to do
they don't know us right
we in order to acquire knowledge
to control us
we they need to leave some room for a spontaneous human
that's not planned not rationally controlled and not conditioned
by their plan but their
agenda right
that's why data has become so so valuable so this this is
it it's a it's a very specific paradox and contradiction
i don't think in the soviet union it was ever
well it was by engliosh cock
if you know about him
was that
blus car
uh victor muscoff if i'm not uh mistaken
it was like a soviet cyberneticis
a guy that like pushed for august
yes you're right you're right ya
the the i don't think it's like actually like a secret reason why they didn't collectivise the call collectivise the
the or like nationalize the coll houses
i think it was pretty well understood that like
we're our planning system is just going to fail on us and we're not going to be able to plan it out we don't have
neither the information nor the resources and it then manifested like in the future in the eighties
the like basically the planners
in in svice system wen they were just afraid that they will lose their jobs
their comfortable little
mathematician calculating jobs
and they didn't didn't want to concede this to computers and to stuff like that but that's also a result of the
of the newborn party of the lots of class consciousness
communit i agree but even in a state where state of affairs i should say
where you can have complete cybernetic control of the economy
there's an aspect of human input
that the machine cannot create
is the problem re
yeah well that's that's just solt by approximation we don't need to plan it all out we can
we can make approximate plans but it's still better than what the soviet system had
back then
but we don't need to have we don't need to have like commodity production and coll hoses
so like co horses where quanitatively different from just
a quantitative burden on the planning
on the planning system right
our hoses were qualitatively different because they were the source of commodity production
in the in the the u tars uh
like in the u s s ar they were the last
uh commodity production which then which then like
spread into into the the dark the the black market economy and the
corrobs not stalin did say that
it was a socialist form of commodity
morderty b
so a socialist come on possibility of a socialist commodity
to me proves it's not just a
remnant of the past it's a new stage of history
its well stone stone sad that
the commodity was able to serve
different modes of production and will serve
of socialism but he didn't say that it is a an element that needs to be preserved or that
is favorable to be preserved so i think if stalin had the
i i mean yeah this is a make a make believe scenario but if ste
hads the conditions and the power to abolish commodity production
and to if he if the objective conditions were there
then they totally would have abolished commoditiy production and in the sin replaced it with the exchange of products
but that didn't happen and stund still like stw said yeah it serves our
but it's still a source of capitalism it's still of source a source of a
of like when mark started his capital the for very first chapter he talks about the commodity and he then derives everything derives the whole capitalist system out of it
right from this tiny minuscual object hea
andveals all the contradictions and all theerrors
and so stalin held this position very very closely and tiightely and said that
yes it is commodity production that serve serves the socialist system for now
but it is still fundamentally social social fundamentally
commodity production
but why it's commodity but
but the form of the commodity specifically right is
as a commodity
not necessarily when it fits marx's exact description
which was a thing that can be exchanged unconditionally for
anything else you're free to do with it as you please
for example the socialist commodities a commodity
but the range of exchange is limited they call cousse
can sell
the surpluses of grain production
to the state
and in return they will be given
so this is a specific range of
but here's the intriguing thing
this is a very very important point
only made
and discovered something that was true for capitalism too
in capitalism
we have a universal commodity form
we have a universal commodity form
every commodity is equal
but when we actually study capitalism
may be formally on the surface yes legally yes
there's a legal universal commodity form
but when we study capitalism and marx did this
we can see
there is' always a mainstay of production which usually did take the form of grain
in the classical capitalist society
imins was what was studied by the physiocrats and the old political economists
with grain you know
and so it comes about from a specific arrangement
of uh between like
the universal exchange of money
right gold right the universal commodity money
is always conditioned in a determinate way so in the soviet union i'll give you an example
in soviet union
why is there the commodity form arises when the state pays the call calls
in return for surpluses of grain production right
on top of the quotas there were quotas that were not paid for to my knowledge right
and then there was also an excess that the state would buy
so this excess that's being sold the market
they sold it on the ca has market
but there was some causes
which were similar to what you described
also so so causes sell surpluses to the state
and coal closes
cases sell them
freely in an exchange market
ya okay on uh
but the the uh
the range of selling grain
on the market is restricted right
yes of course yeah complete completely restricted yeah
not completely but restricted to a certain rationale
yeah yeah
we who buys the grain on colco's market
o it was a cit the market
so basically
yes for for fun for
for production the state bought the grain that like
other enterprises
but if it were a product that was produced for for like consumption after buying like apples no no i mean just grain i know the garden
i know about the garden system
just for grain the surpluses of grain that the clcses wasn't it only the state could buy them
well yeah only the state could use them
yeah yeah they we that's that's what i mean yeah so
it's that specific relationship
where this
the state
the commodity form is created when
the surpluses of grain on the col course
are sold to the state
and this actually creates the value form of the socialist commodity right
so much grain equals so much quantity of
nominated money right
in even in the traditional so that's why it was called the mainstay of the society
that's the terminology i'm familiar with
so in but the thing is is that
even in capitalism
this is how
not formally but
functionally this is also how it works in capitalism too
the universal commodity form
may appear universal
but there is a specific determinant
uh type of exchange
pre seding it
i mean that is its foundation that all other commodities take for granted
so for example today oil functions in this way right
it's a separate discussion but
even during nineteenth century capitalism grain functioned in this way
all other exchange
of commodities
we're a result of this original
and a surpluses you know they're a result of primitive accumulation
the surpluses of production traditionally result from
squeezing out from peasants
their labor and
yeah you know reducing them to paupersm and subsistence
for slavery and so on and so on
but it's precisely this surplus
and its denomination
right through money
that is the primordial basis of the commodity form
through primitive accumulation and so on and so on
so socialist commodity
it's not just a new commodity
it's away the state
makes explicit
a determinate form of even the capitalist commodity form
i mean that's how it worked in capitalism too it's just
it pretended it was universal but it really wasn't universal aow
well yes but i don't think that's like the what makes a commodity essentially a commodity
even if it's even if like you decided beforehand that you're going to sell it to somebody
like especially since this ties into the topic that
remember that french guy who was asking you about
ya um he was asking me ous uh
weather services are commodities
so i argued like i learned what she told me and then i argued with my collective and then from my collective i
understood that uh basically marxism doesn't differentiate services and uh
and and products like material products as come out as not commodities and commodities but like all of them are commodities because it's all commodified
so the point is
is labor a commodity
yes yes
you say es labor power we should say yes labor power in the commodity
well you do sell it
to a person that is pretty fin right you do decide before selling its in fact you learn it
you give it a loan
to the capital is that employs you and then he pays it off at the end of the month
or in the other or at the end of the two weeks
ya tho
labor is commodified under capitalism
you're saying that like
there's a separation between
phase that the commodities produced in the is that it is exchanged
yeah but first of all i haven't found any like when where marks
describes i think yous a li circulation is what he deals with i think in volume two
yes but
labor itself labor
before being produced enough to be or like
before being used
and after being used
it doesn't circulate slabor power
it is first
bought and when it is bought it is also instantly used
right so it's
it doesn't circulate in between
um in between uh when it's made right so labor power it's for it to be
for it to be labor power it has to be crystallized in a commodity
it's different from itself you're talking about abstract labor but right it has to be separate from itself
so yeah
to for it to be
but as a commodity the capitalism is is buying it before the process of production before it is
although it is loan to the capitalist but we can say this
it is bought with the
with only later and
payment paying it out
oh like marx also also was talking about how
first there was already a bunch of commodities and then only the capitalist
bys the labor power
so like it's not even it's not they don't even take risks
so yeah
like i just don't see the differentiation in the
in before it before it at
and after it's created and before it is bought
i don't see it in labor power and i respectfilly don't see it inor
after it was created
and so
you're saying
even before it's bought
it's a it's a exertion of labor power
lthough how can that be measured
when you go when you go to
to get him to employ yourself to work
you worked for a month and then you only get paid
the process of acquisition only happens when the labour power is already transferred on the object
yea uh yes but
labor power
is not the metaphysical substance it's only defined at the level of of
the contradiction internal to price so the reason labor power is measured at all
is because of
how it's measured b
through through
the money
so you may
you may get you may get paid a month later
your labor is being measured
through time
principally through time
it's being measured through time which leads to the amount you're going to get paid right
know labor power has gone
labor power value and the capitalist pays you the full value of your labor power yes in fact you are not on
you're not only
being a selling your labor power
which is the the
youre not only selling your labor power but also working overtime doing labor
that does not cover the costs of your labor power
so like you
the cost or the value of the late of your labor pow is however much it keep you need to like survive for one month or one day
or whatever
but youyh but but the subsistence thing is the
misleading because it's not pure it's not physical subsistence it's just
it's all relative culturally is what mark says
to whatever it's vveries well labor power in abstract labor time and that not labor power
um but it is still still
the tran the process of acquisition the worker basically loans the capitalist there
their labor
and their labor power in fact
and only after it has been already applied to an object they get the payment
so you see it's very similar to the fact that the deal is made before
the the product is shipped
the the deal is made
w for the grain before the
the grain itself is produced
right what what what what is the significance though
well i think that's your argument though no
the if grain is if they deal with for grain is made before
the grain is actually produced
in a similar way that the
that the
a labor power the deal for labor power is made before the labor power is applied
and then there since labor power is is a commodity that cannot be a valuable
thing that differentiates modern commodity production which is like pre determined which is like kind of planned
that does not differentiate commodity production that does not make it not commodity production
since this relation was going for ever since capts in the capitalis i'm i'm i'm not quite following you so
so you apply a certain amount of labor power to a thing
and before the capitalist pays you you do this
ya ya but
what's the significance though as far as what i said
uh what
as i understood your arguments
oh you were you were saying that like
commodities in the modern sense are differentiated for example grain
oil like oil
because like they're already they already have a receiver before being made
they already have a buyer before being made right
are you are you talking about my critique of service or are you talking about
how i'm saying the commodity form
about b
grain not service
what did i say about grain in the debate
just now are you saying what i said just now
no no no no you miss you misunderstand me you misunderstood me
when i made the argument ao how soviet soviet socialist commodity form
merely discover something inherent to the capitalist one
that's the one you're talking about right
mhm but and what no no no that that that's that's not uh it's a more complex point because
we do not yet get to the wage laborer yet the wage laborer
is after is when
labor becomes a commodity but in this stage specifically the origin of the commodity form
is what allows us to denominate labour as a commodity
so before we can denominate labour as a commodity
there has to be a certain structure a sociological structure right
which is between the state form
and between the material foundation of state
in fuderalism
the transition to capitalism
there are surpluses of grain production
and this serve and then this
these then become squeezed out through primitive accumulation it's a very long history you have to talk about the banks and finance
but more or less
through a primitive accumulation in which there are surpluses of grain production
to exchange
money right
this is what gives rise to the universal capitalist commodity form
through a primitive accumulation
so it's not a unit it's not just it's not simply that
labor already has a receiver
it's that the receiver has a definite
universal not sorry not usual
definite kind of social structure
like so socialist commodity for example
is socialist because
there is it's not just because a receiver is already decided for
it's because the receiver is the soviet state
it's the state of the whole people
ah it's not a private interest it's the uni it's the state right socialist state
so this is not
it's still socialism i agree
but we should change what we think
a socialism means because
even in capitalism
purchase of a social surplus
from feudalism the surpluses of grain production
is itself would give rise to universe not only not only that it's much more complex ok
because primitive accumulation is initiated in the history of capitalism
by the state
so the state itself is usually what's responsible in some capacity or form or another
for the separation of peasants from their original means of production
and the aggregation of peasant or some other kind of
into a primitive accumulation to produce
a social surplus so
this surplus itself bears the stamp of some kind of original
state violence
right usually typically
in this way the state then denominates money and prints money through banks and this is why it's complicated we have to talk about kind of banks and stuff so although the state is not the recipient
the one purchasing the grain
your money
money is itself being defined by
this same relation
which is the production of a social surplus
uh ya
not that the state is the one that
bise it
is only an explicit acknowledgment of the state's
for the like for example
the socialist state is the one who created the cau cause right
so what they're actually buying is just the consequence of their own original m accumulation
in the capitalist society
the only difference
is that
this original the
primitive accumulation which is nonetheless yes created by the state
is not bought by the state
it doesn't by its own consequence it's bought by
it's bought by some usually monopoly
entities and so on and so
well after the after gmve accumulation
right there is this this beginning phase this bootstrap
but after the bootstrap is done it outlived itself
and the commodity
commodity production becomes the fundamental driving force behind society of society
and it doesn't no longer means
the state to primitively to accumulate right it no longer
a needs needs all those preconditions and preeisting
uh so social like um
they are conditions
to begin to to continue accumulating
and then
and then the circulation and accumulation of capital happens
than the commodity
it was pulled by the bootstrap by the old government
and then it's stood up in its full mind
and became the fundamental driving law
and force of society and it no longer needed and so the the old feudal state the old
expropriators were were dealt away with
the problem though is that
it's always a cycle
because as much as the old is there's a new right and then the cycle of primitive accumulation
a creates a new impetus for the unleashing of the forces of production
and the deepening of of capitalist
commodity production
so this accelerated process
according to marx and angles eventually leads to socialism itself
um ya
i like this phrase bootstrap phase because
it's clear in the soviet union
i think the problem of soviet union compared to china
is that
both of them experience this bootstrap
but only in china did a real socialist economy
take off
in the soviet union it was always stuck in a bootstrap face basically
never taking off into a
real economics
you know form socialist economic form is in like a
sense of economy like comm
a real uh
association between human beings not based
only on staatee
about china
i am
i don't really believe them to to have built socialism not yet
at least
but yeah you're right about how the us are and i would like to add to that the are was in the in the bootstrap phase
up until the death of stalin and after the second world war
that was the real the pivot moment in which
the socialist the the law of socialism right like stwn described it
could have taken and because became the fundamental driving law of soviet society
but it didn't
it didn't do to the same kind of
primitive accumulation of socialist society
or the bootstrap of bootstrap of socialist society
it failed it it stopped developing and it stopped replacing the old bases
with a new one
and that's that's also seen in considens reforms and khrushov's
um secret speech and and all those basically take take over of burrazi
they were in this bootstrap phase they were
trying to develop and to replace the old back bases
but they needed support from the state for that
that's yeah i can agree with you i can agree with you on that
that's uh that's very
h cool
um yea we were talking about commodities and how
and how it depends on the primitive accumulation right
it depends on
and my point was to say that like
it depends
at first but then since it becomes it's and yes like you so you you said it's cyclical
h and we can see this for example in new in new productive forces that arise today
like uh program like like i i t sphere
and they are old and they're all like at first
just nice stuff that the that people do
and then
a big corporation comes and like basically expropriates and quotes
and starts bootstrapping it
and the
the new so the new social productive force
into the frame framework of capitalist relations of production and yes it's sick sec cyclical
but i think it's a
it happens every time
first of all because of the capitalist basies
and second of all it happens with a new sphere every time so yeah old production will not cyclical will not turn back to primitive accumulation right already existing i agree yeah
like agriculture will not return to primitive accumulation of agriculture but there will be a new
layer of the forces of production that takes on the primary site
of the commodities
this is why i think there is the significance of oil
oil denominates yeah
consumption use of a given society
and this is where it's kind of tricky for marxism because
what does consumption measure right consumption
oil is not just well i mean thank you soprecate mean marxs dialectic mentality was the key to anatomy of of
ape is the anatomy of man
so with the evolution of history
it's not that something new comes but we have better insight into the old
so we can see that
grain used to function like oil does today
it denominates a type of consumption of the society
that's a necessary promise
the normal exchange and continuation of
commoundity exchange to be possible
but with oil specifically i
we should really look at consumption
ah as
whether this consumption is just measuring consumption or production of new forms
of labor
right crystallized in data
measured by big tech and so on and so on
because consumption is
is data right
how we consume is the form of data
that big tech companys harvest from us
so it's an interestingu question ya
so again
that answers the question about
the commodity production in the users are right
to refresh me please on how
knowing what i know now
what's uh what did you
what did you mean and
about your s size is a great production
what i meant is that
it's not a completely new type of mode of production
it's merely a
it's merely the state
becoming cognizant
and conscious
economic laws
that existed even under capitalism
so it's a eum
it's in a way a remnant of capitalism or a new beginning of capitalism
h not not even so much a remnant or even a new beginning as much as it is
a real this is kind of philosophy philosophical sounding a re
a regrounding of the essence of what capitalism was
we thought capitalism was this but here is the true essetse
of his old mode of production
so it's it's almost as if socialism is merely
the true essence of
it's the writ marx calls it the riddle of history slt it's also the riddle of
capitalism is a riddle and socialism is a
the answer
because there are laws of how capitalism functions when i say capitalism i'm not just talking about
specifically capitalism but the mode of production how
things are being produced and the laws governing economic
economy in general right
discovers that
it when for example another good example maybe this will clarify it
is the national question
when a buzw was state
says that this is a universal state everyone is equal no differences
they're lying
there are
the national difference is there's ethnicities and so on and so on
so it's not true in reality there is thisse different ethnicities so on
in the soviet union
on the one hand they say yes we're a universal state but
we also acknowledge the national realities there are different soviet republics
there are recognized languages there are recognized nationalities recognized ethnicities
each group is treated in a special way special representation
special needs taking care of their special unique
developmental needs and so on and so on
so um
it's like it's
same reality but different
more correct way of relating to reality it's the same economically
that i'm trying to say
um i think i can i graft it
with if the were making the knowledge you can say it's like the salesman of freedom to us the word the sells us
tell us that we're free tot stu but we're obviously not free
and as the burgeoisie tells us that we are
h that we are all equal we're obviously not equal s difference comem economic from like the mode of production itself
to to me the more of production is something different that the
uh means that that shows ore
our differ that evident siates and on and only preserves our differences
and of course
the withering away of the nation is gonna happen
it will happen for far in the future but we know it will happen
it's just that this the u s asr did wasn't
wasn't this bourgeois liar they just
had the guts in them to acknowledge that the nation
still exists
they it should be recognised as such it shouldn't be
hid behind the curtain and told and everybody shouldn't be told that like
yet no you're actually equal in fact but you're not they just acknowledge that
then the differences are are still there
but i think i
where i maybe disagree probably disagree
i don't think
that this contradiction between
ok we want this eventually to be disappear
but we will acknowledge and tolerated for now
for me
i disagree there is a point in the future in which the difference disappears
that precise difference to me is the difference of dialectic
and the
to me it will only be deepened
is different so
like nation for example will not be eternal right
the contradiction posed by nations to the aspirations of a universal state
will just be reproduced in a new way the past
will weigh on us
as we
arrive into the future
but the more we escape the past
the more it will
open up to us
well so that's what i'd like to like bring up
the nation is egation
nation the bushoan nation is
um igation
oh if we look at pre class society you can say that it's a negation of
inherent biological
the universal feeling of belonging to to the planet's earth
because the in the primitive society well in the communist society n in the primitive long
very quickly in the primitive communist society there' is no this thing of
earth it's like a pagan new age gaya call
right but
this in the primitive communist society it's not the
they don't have a universal feelings all the time
in fact the primitive communist society is even more a
exclusive there are words for example in indigenous in america indigenous tribes right
they have words for other tribes and for themselves for themselves they just say we are real human being
just human right
just to describe another as a other universal human is only within the tribe
and outside the tribe
it's not even human
like there's no sense of others humanity
so this is very common in the primitive communist society
and to have no sense of universal humanity or
maybe there are special deals between tribes
and they recognize each other respect each other
but a foreigner a stranger
's like an animal a completely
hoorens alien
weleat alienation right
so uh
i have to disagree you know this to me there is not
nation does not
spinally nation does not refer to a
a negation of this original universalism
nation is the first form
of a real universalism
it becomes a nation different from other nation not because it says we're different from others
but because its universalism reaches a limit
french nation for example
liberty i gality fraternity right
becomes almost defined politically this is the universal meaning of what it means
to be a human being
so it just went from nation it w just went from tribe to nation
but it never
started as a
as universal
i didn't finish wanted to save that length
so that's the key point the key point was that the tribe
h only recognized this universalism within itself and in in fact it was so extreme
that the tribe inside itself
the there wasn't a word for me there wasn't a word for i there is a word for w
for week
when you say i you mean the tribe
you were you your tribe
and that's
that's only limited by the limits of the modive production of primitive communism so if it grows too big
it's gona fail it's not going to produce enough if it grows too small its agader
so the tribe is the
has this sense of universalism only within itself
uh because it is
forced and otherwise it cannot
but the nation
is actually the tribe
trying to nagate
the the globalization
so after after humans have developed like slavery and feudalism
when the bourgeois revolutions happened when the when capitalist came
the capitalism actually
took separates nations separate economies a mods of production and its
developed and it grew all into one big
triede if we may say and it made the whole economy involved new global economy
and the nation is in fact a negation
it like is is this
deeealing is this
strive to negate the fact that you are you are now
the part of the whole world
you negate this you try to negate and you form the nation
and then when socialism comes and puts everything
to to the plates where it belongs to the shelves where it belongs
the negation of the negation happens and people finally acknowledge
the the new norm the new standard
of the global
the global tribe the problem for the problem from my perspective is the
there is never an original globalism
the globe in fact
the negation is the globalism
because let me give you an example
globalism today
is what
it's americanism
right it's disguises american national interests
that's a globalism
we always begin not with a flat universalism but we begin with a problem
a nation
attempts a problem of common humanity what is our humanity
nation addresses this problem in a particular way
this is a form of our humanity
to me
socialism does not replace nation with globalism
the ability for nations to respect one another
is more powerful universalism
than for tribe to respect one if a tribe respect one another
they are only respecting a small part of each other's humanity
if nations are able to recognize each other and respect each other
as much of a rift of difference
between them
they have a the
common connection
because of that
a recognizing all the wealth of difference because
nations are more different from each other than a tribe different from another tribe right
tribes are small
they don't encompass that much wealth of humanity
a nation encompasses more than just a tribe various aspects of our humanity
is attended to by a nation
referred to as a bination
for nations to be able
to mutually recognize each other
is a step closer to universalism
now i don't think we enter from nation to glaube
we enter from nation because
again more we move into the future the more we delve into the past
the next form of differentiation of humanity
and i don't think differentiation will
be overcome
the differentiation will
acquire a new form dialectically
but the next one is civilization
big space because
there are civilizations multinational right
china has multiple nationalities russia has multiple nationalities
perhaps india iran
ur former ottoman empire
big civilization right
we see that the socialist
this is what's paradox
the proletarian dictatorship
as recreated
revived if you will the old
a civilization means coexistence fusion between
different ethnicities and nationalities
the socialist society
didn't see the soviet perspective was just that
we're just dealing with this temporarily in the future all will disappear
but to me this is no different then
all of this will not matter we'll go to heaven everything will be fine right
with here on earth the soviet union
revived the russian
russian civilization
which was forgotten after peter the great
from his westernization
because before westernization there was a deeper type of harmony
and coexistence between
groups within
in in the russian empire
my point is i know i'm going to rambling but my my point is i
we don't go from nation to glob
there's even more
deeper type of
of people than a nation
my points
i wasn't comparing nations and tribes
as in
nations differentiate each other and tribes in differentiate differentiate each other
i wanted to say
that in fact when nations formed
it was just
just like when a tribe split inside of itself
the tribe
was i didn't say talk about how it was related to external tribes
but how the members of the tribe related
internally within each other
and since the tribe was basically mini modes of production
they were running around and like you
people were confined to the tribe
and now they're not confined to a nation or the tribe now they're confined to the whole globe
in fact nations is a split within the tribe itself
that is the negation of the unity of the single tribe
that is our globe
and then
but i i as we saw it
but my problem is are the lob is in the
but the globe is not a tribe that's the problem
why is not it a single
full organism of functioning moteor production
no uh at no point does h it become the globe
in general its very determinate specific relation like for example
america projects globalism right
but it's a very clear structure of american
unipolar imperialism
so it's not it's not a globe
it's a very specific relation between civilization
we that's just a product of class society
says the tribe wasn't class society but there we didn't see the same but their relation trip
the relation has only been established
because of the class scidy
without class society there's no relation between humanities
in general it's all classres no
without less society globalism be takes a different form
no it takes let me be clear i'm not talking about
post capitalist socialism
i'm saying
right there's no original
global universal
the tribe
has no universal humanity
oh hot
okay okay
still the what do you say about the wither and with the
and the language
i don't think
i don't like the language withher away i don't think stalin did write this explicitly
i know what
i'm also a maoist so i can
say he's part of his thirty percent role
i don't think h
i don't think
the nation language will wither away i think nation and language
will change
but not never fully with her away
only wan
wasn't the nation already losing
like it was already withering away and the
in the u s s r like i can speak from first hand experience caause i'm from yes yes
because that was the budh in the nation state but this is why it's archaic
more ancient
at the same time the nation is withering away
new type of
a rediscovery
of old
ancient kind of
not ancient medieval uh
russian civilization is rediscovered
and in this way
it's not that nation become wither away it
comes more we see this today right
we there's big contradiction a big contradiction between
the russian fear the russian polarity
russia kazakhstan belarus
conflict with ukraine
it's george and so on
is a big contradiction between this like big russian russian space
and um
and h
the west america and
lesser extent to europe but america specifically
this is a new differentiation even deeper differentiation than a nation right because it's not just a nation it's a civilization
and h
be with the exhumation of civilization instead of the nation state
also comes
an era
beyond not just the bourgeois individual
but even our psycho psychological
should i say ore kind of fm
inner psychological self
through social media and big tag
and popular culture and stuff
so we have a new type of subjectivity beyond the bourgeois individual subject and
by the way not
becoming more collective more collectivistic
but becoming more and more a
how should i have put it smaller
not big or small at the mike
from collective to the bourgeois individual
and even smaller now it's our o
psychological self
which is not the adgurcy of bourgeois subject right
so it same ll analogy you go from let's say
the feudal principality
to the nation
and you go to the civilization
it's all mirror each other
civilization it does get bigger territorially
but also
is a more acute difference a more acute negation
well yes
how will the
what stops for new civiliations from forming
wea it's up
we in this way we are discovering our humanity
through history
but this also comes from
rediscovering the past
well i know i know
but look like an example from for our from
like my experiences exs i'mple moldovan
we you know the bestter ive in territory
have you heard of it yeah
it was only taken
uh or taken it was only
handed to russia i don't know which language exactly to use for this
um in the in the eighteen hundreds in eighteen twelve
and it became a a gooberni right
but we historically have pretty much been a blank slate we haven't had much bussarab yet
um we we we do have a big history of darck civilization of like
uh romania
of this this region stepan is of big significance
and in general romania is a very big influence on moldovan civilization
as a
asz basarabia was handed to russia
we saw the russian influence and then further as vasarabia was returned to the soviet union
uh we saw
such a deep russian influence on our society that is it has become
completely different from romanians
and it has become something akin to russians
so our culture has more in common with russia now than it
pdd historically
uh in in common with the rome eat itt
no it had
a lots
in common with romania
but then
something happened
and we switched over so
basically some kind of eraser happens we became
parts of the if you if you how you call it's russian civilization right even though we never wear russian
if when communism when socialism comes
universally wheen socialism comes
on the entire globe
what will starp the
what will stop the same process
from happening
all over the all over the world
like any eracer
and then establishment of a common denominator with
that ententire globe
because there's two things right one it's not just an erasre
joining the russians
it's not just a racal
creation to write
so that's the problem is like erasure is always determinant
it's like hegel says determint negation it's always determined
so uh
that's the problem
it's always going to take a form
and it's the problems internal to that form
that give rise to like a national independence movement a separatist movement and so on and so on
this has been a lot
we were we were we
we were at the commodities
we wey
i i understood the the deal with kman is right
yea um
irs in general we were first a a thganism rightes
at foloshinef and then we talked about the soviet union
more deeply
but do you want to like
um get this documents
or something because it's an interesting read and you can like mee right pos po in our discord on like we have like
where's library yeah libraries yes
i can i can send the link and likek you can even try to debunk it on on the or or maybe maybe i didn't relate the ideas clearly enough and you yeah
i'll look over
thre is
i wanted to to tell you so i also ask you about the question uh which
in russian it's called borsdism
uh it's leaderism but i don't know how
how well it's relaates the
award what it was wasically was the dsm right
voicdism that voicism ost of it voics
word is likero from the leaderaer y or some
and and um
basically it's a critique
that many communists give to others
which which whichhear goes like
you build your movements not around the
you build your movement central to yourself
so hos what would happen with your movement what would do you predicted happened with your movement if theoretically you die tomorrow
you die and you are never seen on the interne again then the thing is i'm just a media personality right
i'm not wahed
washed i'm not wasorhed
because vosed is a olitical it's not just a me
mediod right
vost is
political leader who is represented
by media i am not a political leader i don't lead a movement
i'm just a funny guy on the internet
you know
i can't be
um okay but uh can you mo can you like uh
i saw how you moved your followers to to join the c p usa and that's awa wass powerful and great that was
rang with something to differentiate you from
from f
hassan and other left two weres riight the you actually
started using your media presence as a leverage to start to develop the subjective factor
but do you want to like um
for example recommend your followers to start marxist reading circles give them literature to read
and yes its like some kind of
some kind of standardized testing to check their skills and understanding of it
yes i'm doing a new show
it's going to be called professor has it's has it's a
uh it's um
it's going to be like
entertaining form of that education but
we have circles in our discord and
people are
taking initiative and so on
but yes yes we need i want to i want to standardize
the some of my unique
infrareds unique insights
i want to have simple
the person'm readingless
the problem is we are such a controversial way of reading
the basics of marxism and leninism
so i think that's we take care of that through media here and then
the literature marxism leninism
uh is good enough
it's good enough right
just people have to interpret it the right way and
our community has done a good job of that they
always making new discoveries in
marx enangels lenin stalin mause writings
because we have put it put them in a new light
we've put them in a new light so they're always making new discoveries
infrared vision
that's great that's great do youll like
how do you feel if your follower starts
at the local level making reading circles
like between themselves maybe not even tied to you as a personality
do you want to encourage them
i mean uh yes uh i just
for that i just warn warn people against the
that's the number one problem donmaism
because we live in a very different age than before so it's hard to interpret
mark ssman
uh before the shole queue i was talking
with a few like
one of your comrades or a few of your followers
and they were talking about how there's a big impact
that the western ideology has
or the fact that americans are just americanized and
it has in their thinking and analysis of the world
um do you do you want like a
ask people to
uh uh some of your followers some of you
some some of the followers who are not from america to give you like
uh materials and for example even youtubers even like communist media b people
from other countries
for example like i know a f youw russian ones if your chat if your chad knows
uh under rudo a
uh vasili sedonian
uh i like molo are they uh english speaking
a not a they russian speaking but for example ale como colomo commolo
ah sorry
he ha many of his videos have english subtitles
so i
he his chanel main
is illegalt economy economics is an economist
um a marxist economist in in russian academia
and he explains the loss of capital he also has some some opportunitit some some weird stuff something to be critiqued for obviously
but uh
and his videos are very very good for getting a non western perspective in it
especially since they have the
they have subtitles so you can check some of them out to the channels called prime numbers
ok or simple link link them in the suggestions channel and
if you ok ok
what one last thing before you go we can't talk about this topic but i'm just curious
you wanted to mention some stuff about lbt just
so we can talk about it and i cannot give you my view but are you pro or against
i'm a neutral position there was a paper by a scientist lists of
talked about the rhetoric of the movement in the light of scientific facts
the paper was was very warning people they were like
no we do not condone violence we are completely against anything that you do based on this book no
we are only trying to research and understand it better
so you this is what i want to discuss basically
yeah and from what i understand
it's a product the in the in the broadsense
in that sense that it's it was like an ancient greece people say
and it was in other societies
i can say that it's a product of cut of cls society
and in the
and in the narrow sense in the sense that
this event this phenomenon
it has a spic very specific form that it it takes today in it
qualitatively different from what it was in nation greece and other societies
uh because it's a
it' is a capitalist phenomenon
and no we should not fight capitalism because of this
that's completely wrong
just that
ya we we we we w uh yea yea yea were
uh all i can say is uh you come from uh moldova
i think
other perspectives should be allowed to it's not allowed right but
you know i am mor i' i'm i'm a pro pro l g b t but
here those perspectives are like on the platform they're censored
i think other perspectives should be allowed
that's not aer go to go to i'm not again
i'm not against i'm proe to yeah yeah yeah i'm not saying that yeah yeah
so u ok just was curious and good conversation good talking
yeah thank you thank you a lot it was enlighting for me too
goodbye has
i some guy want that was a really good
i mean a
i'm so tired i'm going to stay streaming don't worry about it i'm going to order food or staying streaming
that was really long
i mean that was really good but i'm just really tired
all right there's another guy who wants to debate me
till me to get in the queue
this guy's hostile this is like a bad guy who wants to debate me right
i'm' going to shoke you
while i order food
what do i order i don't know what what should a sleep deprive person eat
ont's to debate
my views on lgbt are not censored i'm not against them
i just don't think it should be prioritized
in any way
like it's literally that simple
i just think other people should be i'm just
i'm i'm against censorship i just want a more open fucking h
you know
way of
i i just hate how sensitive people are about shit you know
also i'm not lgbt so i'm not sensitive
if you know if someone sensitive and their l g b t
i mean you know just don't talk about it i get it because you know i would not
want someones you know you probably shouldn't
speak controversially to someone right
but i'm not so i don't
you know if you can you sy that you're not an ally i'm not a fucking ally
i'm a fuckin twenty five year old man
random arab dude living in michigan
and i'm not an ally ok
i mean
im i will protect my fellow human beings against abuse
and i protect you know i protect people in my discord from getting abused and shit
but if you in a non abusive and non you know
anti human way
just give me your fuckan opinion about shit
i it's not going to i'm not going to get triggered i don't fucking care right
but to be fair
if you come intll your islamophobic in a non disrespectful way
i don't give a fuck i'm not going to be offended if you even if you're racist
to me
not pers maybe not personally if you just respect me i get mad
in any way right
but like if you talk shit about lebanese people to me
i might even agree i'm just kidding
you know i'm not going to fuck and get offended
i'm not gonna get offended i just i don't care about that shit i don't give a fought
i literally don't care
you only if you start talking weird i'm going to give you that weird eye right
you start talking about pedal shit
i'm i'm going to see you as a weirdo right you're a freak right so there's things that's going to make me think you're a weirdo
if you're just a normal person it's just about what's normal what's not normal right
if you have backward views on feminism
whatever the fuck i literally don't give a fuck i will not
get mad at you
i just don't
i don't care
well i'm twitchll you know we can't tolerate it but
i'm saying in person i just don't give a fon
i need to order food
and i don't know what to order like i don't want this greasy as fucking lebanese garlic food
nothing against lebanese people
even though i'm lebanese i'm not allowed to be racist against lebanese people whatever
really all i had
it's the best thing about being in lebanony i'm just gkidding its all joke
buth what the fuck am i going to order to eat
ah fuck me man i'm so tired i'm so tired i'm so tired
im w going to keep streaming i going to keep screaming i just
i gott to eat some food man i gott to eat some food i want some simple food
i just want some simple food i don't want this complicated
what is this man
chees thake
no these are hot dogs i don't want that shit
are fucking hot dogs
you know what
i m to git myself a good hold
you know what i think
you know what i think this might do it
i think this might do it
you know
tw of these
you know what
this might just do it
hol on hold on hold on on
mis sec me sec mem secd
pt belly i might get some port belly
that's right
oh beilly what is this mediterranean i don't trust that
part beilly
pop belly
art bellt
oh i'm going to get that oreo cookie shaye
oh but you thought i was eating healthy now didn't you
now didn't you
you thought i was eating healthy now didn't you
i'm a get that oreo shake oh i'm a get those brownies i'm just kidding i'm not getting any of that shit
i'm literally not getting any mesans
don't worry
it actually sounds disgusting right now
it actually sounds disgusting
he'll eat that right now
he there's someone else who wanted to debate me who wanted to debate me
we wanted to falking debate me
is he in fucking showk let's see
where's he at
areas trash
what is the issue
hollly shit is it
were here
we're here what's the issue
ok you want what you want the rundown of why chas fucking insanely angry or something
yeah what do you want to debate about
i didn't even want to debate but then they said fook it and then they were just like
i said communism
disregards the advent of
human nature right
and then old chat goes crazy and then i said fuck it
as a good folk in the pair thingo folk in share we need
forking horse to go i first of all where did you come from
what do you mean i've followed like you and fuck and zirco for like a n here's
not ago
i wouldn't say that no
all right well what you don't like czerca
i like zirco
but i wouldn't say i'm a fucking zarca guy but that's where you came from
okay fuckin there you got me b
all right
so what would you have to say to that when someone says
human nature to be selfish and greedy
i would say that it's not relevant
what do you mean it's not relevant
it's not relevant at all
it's not it's really not oh is that not relevant of course that's fucky because ty to do something practically not on fucking paper like what i because because i don't know because we s how are you not good at how are you already like not haveing
argument against us is what you fucking do
ok you're a little nervous and i'm being very beca i'm being calm with you ok can you ok sorry sorry sorry but that's like obsay in saying to me that like you don'tre actually i'll explain it to you
o because this idea that communism relies on the good graces of people is wrong it's not true
hows ok fair
oh i' actually be receptive to your ideas
let me tell you in a civilized society
i'm talking about a society with culture
forget about communism just a society with culture
may have greed and selfishness
and vices whatever
but she still haven't a culture of honor
that's looked down upon badly
when i says when i talking abou
can we can we clarify something before etn your
because you're talking about culture
and like what are you looking for
a society to provide
their population
what do you mean
like what would thisj fine like
society's success because you'rescribing culture and shit like i would define society success as its ability
provide the foundation for human beings to do what human beings are meant to
which is
do youre meant to
a mean you say that a
a start families
and be
by the way
pursued the are creative
and uh
unleash their inner inner potentials
you think communism is the best way for people to
or release their creative potential
ok why is that
you think kidding
i guess
let me get a better sense because i don't want to just relate to like what i know about the um
like the us sr and like hidding quotas i'm sure you have a different view of
communism than that
if you i specially if you think that communism
is a good way to achieve that
to achieve that right
so what is your view
of like a modern
a society that would be
that would be like good
di know
you think that they are
communists you think they follow communists ideals
what do you think has gotten china to the point where
they are
even like rels
is it not there
capitalistic tendencies
it's communism i feel like you're just completely like ignorant of like
or like i don't even think you're ignorant i think you're just omitting just to like
omitting shit and just fucking like around just to like appeal to your chid at this point like if you're going to say that
china didn't you're asking me questions i'm answering and seas to achieve the prosperity that it has now
that is like a complete that's just wrong like you that's like a erroneus what capitalist tendencies did they adopt
i'm asking you
oh fuck i needed you my bdy
what capitalist tendencies did they adopt
a they created exclusionary zones that opened up free trade
and those i wait a second
what is free trade
free trade
yeah i
i don't think that's the word they used in china
so i allowed for more trade and more
foreign investment i agree with that they did a lot more trade that not a capitalistic tendency
rather than a comtist anddency nope
i really actually feel like like
and this waste my time
you think trade
has um
existed before capitalism
i think the interchange of goods between societies has existed before capitalism
so why does trade made
china adopt capitalism
i don't say
trade in that aspect
i meant
actually that's kind of a
but of course like
communist societies are more closed off
and how they view the production of goods
then i
than capitalism china' is even more closed off than it was before
you think that
in terms of the strictness that they have on
making sure their economy is under control yeah they control their economy way more than before
you mean you think that they control their economy way more so are you saying oes didn't exist
i had different rules and operated no they china they created yeah wait
do you think that these zones in like the one nine hundred and seventy s early late sixties around the
that had different
use are different policies
that allowed china to become prosperous today
do you think that that is
an accurate depiction of what has led to their current
ah yeah recently yeah
and do you think that those policies adopted in those areas
more capitalistic
the rest of china at that time
explain the difference the that
or how they were not capitalist
sure so what you're talking about in terms of
a foreign investment
was foreign investment in chinese companies
enterprise is right
those enterprises were tightly controlled by the state in terms of what they were capable of doing what they sold and what they didn't sell
cetera et cetera
so yeah there was a market and there was trade but
it's a trade that deepened the party's control of the economy than had it had before so before
who had a national industrial system
i i don't think how can you
deep in control when there's foreign investment involved
how does that mean more control that just means you have it because there's more to control yes but you also have you because you have a you have a better because you have a better grasp
how the economy works
how to regulate it
how to derive the necessary inputs to produce the outputs
of control
you really can't right now i'm sorry it's just talk to me
they deepen control you know it's not just that there's more to control
but the scale scope and severity of control increases
sorry sorry
could you say that one more time
the scale scope and severity of the control increases
by virtue of there being more to control
yeah but
the that there's more to control means there's more to use to fulfill the actual general outcomes of the party right
the party has a goal
and it reaches that goal with better efficiency and with more control
then it did under the the
soviet sovit st i feel like yeah i can agree that they still have like a very heavy control on
so the soviet
system can i cakind of finish something please go ahead finish
i agree that they do have more control on
they still have a lot of control over the
there are businesses in there
does that operate within china obviously
i'm saying what do you think le
to that prosperity
the policies that led
to the prosperity and that created the more that
could be controlled
do you know it has to do with or thog that has that's undeniably
capitalistic properties
it has to do with the
yeah it has to do with argument
no it has to do with a different way that china started to
handle the surpluses of production so china had a
national industrial system
where there was a dual system right there was a
a type of money that
the state
used to buy uh grain
from communes
the communes had internal quotas right
and these quotas
were not actually dictated by the central state there was the people's communes who was actually more decentralized in the soviet system
so they would get quarters of grain
and thiss the baseline the very baseline quart of grain right to reproduce the commune all the needs right
there's surpluses right
so what you can do with the surpluses
you had these small go you're explaining the neolithic revolution
but okay well i'll just explain it like this
what happened with the reform and opening up wasn't just that foreign investment was allowed that's a very before then right
what you had was a difference in how the communist party started to deal with the surplus right
so these surpluses of production were allowed
to on
to be used at the local the most local local small level of the small family owned
lots of land
the party would basically basically the local level here ask for a certain quart of grain right and then with those surpluses
they gave people a higher degree of freedom
with which to use and purchase and buy
by themselves
ah therere surpluses of grain
so they've en acted like the trade of
the surplus
grain is that what you're saying
well it's all about the surplus right
is all about the that's how it all began it's all there's always a surplus of grain right a both soviet union and china
to what china started to do
allow more freedom
in how the surpluses were used
but paradoxk it wasn't really
it was based on
the expectation that the surpluses are going to be used
to buy capital
and advance the forces of production which it did
so it was the party's goal to industrialize
through local surpluses
so they industrialized uh
but they laid the foundation for internal industrialization and then only after that
did they have
what's up carter
only after that did they have a
did they have a
the ability for foreign investments we even invest in anything
so you're arguing that communism is a valid
like like strategy because it
produce i enough
grain to
then receive foreign investment
i know ya but
also wow so on the one hand capitalism could just never do that produce a surplus of grain weow
it couldn't
it could how it's communis how could capitalism in the one nine hundred seventy s
not produce a surplus of grain
under a fucking incredibly fertile and
prosperous land
because i'll explain it to you because in countries like china and russia
you have
what they call backward economies right so this is
economies where most people
most farmers the type of grain that they're producing
for their own consumption
and then surplcees
are used to just buy more land
never does it take the form of a general
where you just buying machines and you're buying
it's just
stagnation forever right
under capitalism
that didn't change
while there's a minority of cities that you know they're undergoing some
then what spurred marketing on revolution
and america's in great britain
actually it capital it actually began which and agrarian yeah yeahs tue yeah it actually began you
it actually began from like a very local
a small place and then
through the wealth produced from that small place through banks and
oh yeah that sounds like somewhere like these exclusionary zones in china no no what i'm trying i'm trying to tell you is that
what we're talking about is countries that are not under the influence of european colonial powers
because if you're under the influence of america right
you can have excesses and surpluses of wealth
that are used to invest in other countries
ok but the problem is that when it came to countries like russia and china
those investments could not be paid off
they would soon for example during the russian empire france would loaner france long and i'm trying to actually understand like the contt like you like france france would loan a lot of money to russia
and it would all just be debt because russia can't pay off the loans right because the loans are not being used to
produce productive capital
a the reason you're up
had an impetus for the industrial revolution is cause
europe had these profound internal revolutions
peasant uprisings in the protestant reformation
which led to forms of primitive comm accumulation within europe
and then from there
this is coupled with the discovery of the new world and the profound wealth
and resources
to be found in the new world
these surpluses were gradually
surpluses from the new it's all about surplus these gradual gradually these surpluses from the new world
were simulated into this new the
type of economic system that was emerging specifically in places like
and northern europe
and uh
netherlands places that actually were
affected by the protestant reformation
a lot of people seing this that's like the
sixteen hundred
lot of people died because of
before's it's the
fifteen hundreds
okay okay
actually actuallyy the way
i'm not going to t o s do you want me to turn my cam on so you can get your phone no no it's right contenters
the protestant yeah the protestant reformations like
fifteen hundreds yeah
the new world's discovered when in ok i'm sorry like you're just like going on this lecture about something that's not really pertinent to the actual like
debate a ight all ok i i'm explaining to you why you know i'm yeah i' all i'm doing is explaining to you why these countries russia and china
that we're left out
i need to learn to summarize things like in actual useful ways because you're kind of just information dumping
just yeah yeah and you're getting of you're getting a free fucking history lesson for free so you should actually sit az down to be grateful little boy
so second of ver for your free fll yes yeah you should you should actually not boring a fuk click i'm sorry then if you're bored then kick rocks
kick rocks yeah
yeah if you're bored kick rs not if i'm bored i just rather prefer like to us steer the conversation and i steer it gohead
what do you want to say
so explain to me
give me an example besides china because we obviously view what happened in china very differently
i think that it's because of the capitalistic tendencies
and not the communistic tendencies
that china adopted
and that's what
they're like a
economic prosperity
that we seen now
but i
pick a place where is an example
where communism has
and your eye's been successful
beside shining
virtually every communist state including china
including china before the reforms
you view that as success
would you view north korea because when you actually look at what their goals were which was to have a baseline
primary sphere of
industrial perhabs we shouldn't look at what their goals are and maybe we should look at them in comparison to other ways of
government no you can't you can't do that because different economy you mean you can't do that of course because i'll explain to you why don't worry i'll explain to why i'll explain to why i'll explain to why
because you're saying these things that are so fucking dumb yeah yeah but i'll explain it
so different
countries have different developmental status
and different historical
historical circumstances
you can't compare for example
in the fifties
to the u s in the fifties it's just not comparable
but in terms of what the communists set about to do
which was create a baseline standard of living in a national industrial and develop the forces of production
i mean
you laugh
but no i'm not i'm sory i just looked at your chid and they're saying like i don't understand
thying like of course yeah i don't think you are because what i'm trying to say is that
these countries before communism
no we're talking about yet before communism these people did not have electricity they didn't have running water
all the things we take for granted in modern economies communist bill ok but i'm foundation entents into capitalism
how do they do that aiding these people and getting them these necessities better than capitalism oh i mean that's actually simple because under capitalism
they were not
getting these necessities at all
you're saying like the people in china aren't getting these newcesss
yeah there were famines as there are always famines in disruptions in the
agricultural production
that happens with modernity that happened in europe too by the way
diamons happened too because of that
even even though they had the new world they still had famines
but no gro
yes uh you i'm but like you could easily like explain away some of those famines by like changes
like a
i believed what you're going to talk about like
it's because there's ustre's rapid
fast disruptions
in how people feed themselves right ok butou how is communism better equipped to deal with that than capitalism
how is communism better equipped to deal with what
rapid changes in
that could disrupt the food supply well in terms of scale the dos it was concentrated in a quicker time period i guess but
it was disastrous yeah but
with capitalism
you have people
entering into like an extreme form of pauperism
and they just there's starvation and it's not really considered a crisis it's just like
a fact of life
the fact of life
mean so do you know about global malnourishment
you know like
that's all considered just like a normal concept of global mol theour yeah around the world like how many people are malnourished how many people a
don't have access to
enough food to keep them alive it's
kind of a lot of people
and that's all considered normal
ah that's considered normal
yeah you think that's
are normal
society yeah it is it's considered like a natural state of affairs
um i kind of have a different way of thinking about that i think um
a lot of
malnourishment and life
people not getting the food that they need isn't
because of like
just we not being able
enough because that's obviously not true
because of political
and up
do you agree with that
i don't know if i'd say political instability but i would say a lack of development of productive forces
very simple
and also
here's another big reason actually
so a lot of subsistence economies
have families that feed themselves right and the there's very much localized food production
the the village is making the food or the families so when you have a crisis
that's gonna disrupt production
it's gonna be a
directly fell to the local level whereas in a modern
food is aggregated
in a some kind of more central way right it' sent
it's commodified or it' sent to the central state whatever
when there's disruptions locally it's very easy for people to access food because they're not dependent
on the growing conditions locally
right there's a there's there's like a
you can you can have access to food at the supermarket or you buy it from the store and the store gets it from
whatever so if there's problems locally that happen
you can still have access to food right ok and
the problem
isn't so much
modern industrial capitalism
but the inability for capitalism to industrialize countries outside europe
now the reason
europe was able to industrialize wasn't actually because of capitalism
it was because of
a primitive accumulation that was violent
completely has nothing to do with the free market
slavery colonialism
i we're i'm not just naming sins like morally i'm telling you
these things
had to happen for
european industrial capitalism toul be possible
and those things did not
result from the free market capitalist system
they resulted from the state
or some kind of entertaining forcefull a lot of the prosperity was propped up before
and then by
the foundation of the prosperity yes
ok i think that that's fair
so you say
can't industrialize
a smaller country
not smaller no no not smaller countries sorr
countries outside of a
europe or america
outside them and their
investment regimes yet
what which countries have
communism industrialized outside of
oh you want to say china i guess and the u s s r
the uus is our china
i mean europe for the most part but o
it's what
the us is ours in europe for the most part
well it us a r would bbadly be considered
uh outside
yeah i guess you wt to say wes
on the ok
fair enough yeh whatever
is most of it was mand in asia
yeah it's in asia for the most part yeah but fucking seventy five more than seventy five percent of the population lives in fucking europe so it's fucking
i don't know about that i don't think seventy five percent lived in europe
lives in europe i'm like pretty sure
seventy wight
seventy seven percent live in the european part
of the soviet union
oh i don't know this is russian now but i don't know
probably similar
o or if not
better now
worry better
more people well the european part of russia doesn't mean russia is part of europe
oh yeah i know i guess it's
europe is not just like a continent we're talking about cement
i saw
yeah i mean world was prely socialized
sorry i should not reach out
ya alright
anyway um
what were you asking
which countries outside of europe has communism done a good job
china i guess
which we di
the soviet union
oh yeah the soviet union
and then how did that work out
why do you think the soviet union failed
that be a good place
ah more or less because mao was right
uh in the split to the soviet union
uh enlighten me on the
split and are all of that why was ma right what was mau right about
mau thought that soviet marxism lenism was too dogmatic
he critiqued kruschov
denunciation of stalin
and the significance of that
bruschov was refusing to
the socialistic aspects of soviet the soviet union's economy
and was pursuing a kind of generalized americanization of the economy when the sphere of agriculture specifically
and also um
the sphere of property relations and so on and so on
the soviet union as a result
started to stagnate
the other opportunity for the soviet union i mean this is a general problem right was ma was waging war not just against
the soviet bureaucracy but the chinese bureaucracy that was soviet educated
and nw
undermine the power of that bureaucracy
which was benefiting from the stagnation basically
through the cultural revolution right and the soviet union never had an equivalent of that
so more or less i mean it's there's a lot of other really nuanced complicated things like for example
the way in which maos dialectic allowed
his views on
dialectic i mean
allowed for a better way
what do you mean by dialect
uh it's
it's it dialect is about contradictions right
when it comes to the
doesn't i explain anyth
okay when it comes to for example the
the contradiction between trying to
maintain a bit very big state right
with multiple different nationalities right
so the soviet union
was much more centralized
paradoxi be much more centralized than the
china was when it came to its approach to nationalities
while also being more decentralized it formerly had more republics for each nationality china did not have separate republics
but on the other hand
china allowed more room
for these other nationalities to be
harmoniously integrated within the chinese civilization
soviet union never pursued that
for the russian civilization which was historically multiethnic before peter the greats
westernizing reforms
there's multiple ways in which
dealt with the same contradictions the soviet union was dealing with
as a result
the unique circumstances of the chinese conditions
russia was still more your european
th china so they were bogged down by a lot of
western prejudices like for example
on the national question that was a big factor in the breakup of the soviet union
when it came to their approach
to the economy the soviet union didn't really disentangle
political liberalization
opening up its economy
and china was able to disentangle it
again this is all stemming from
the dispute from the sino soviet split
basically the problem the reason the soviet union collapsedre spartans
more or less
was because
the uh it
it gave rise to a stagnant bureaucracy
that wasn't able to be overthrown
the chinese did like spread pamphlets throughout russia's
eastern regions
and did influence people right
it ultimately wasn't enough
right the soviet union um
okay sorry you talk about the sino soviet
well i'll explain it like this i explain like this right but so you know i just ask you a question so i can actually go get
so you talk about the sino soviet
why do you so that was
russiare trending
democratic and more european in their values right
not democratic but
i would say more european yes
and then uh china wanting to
tak more
with their communism
groups or whatever
yeah i mean that's fair character that's vaguely
i'll go
so why do you think russia began to trend more
in that direction of
des stall and is
that's so it actually stemmed from a problem from the very beginning
so mao actually critiqued
stalin himself
even though the problem was that khjov
uh denounce stalin
mao critiqued stalin because stalin did not trust the peasants in maos words right
so an independent foundation
with which
rein in the soviet bureaucracy and challenge the soviet bureaucracy the urbanized one i mean
right that was ruling over the peasants
stalin was never able to establish that
so after stalin's death this same urban bureaucracy that was ruling over the majority of the
peasantry specifically
decided to save their own skin
as they were facing another purge under stalin
and basically institute this kind of coup in the u s sr
reserve there
statist preserve their existence
that's pretty much why and then mao was
that's why there was a syo soviet split because mao was challenging that because he was challenging its chinese
extension which was the chinese bureaucracy which was soviet educated
tied to the soviet ruling class
it was like there was this
contradiction within china between mao
and the soviet
educated bureaucracy
that translated over into a contradiction with the soviet union itself
you need to like better summarize things like i'm just being like one hundre percent on
but because like you can like say that and like i feel like like three sentences
but im
i guess i just want to like engage like more on like actual like not like just history
information dump
like a
what do you think that
ina could do
or not china the u s s r could have
done better or la
a way that they
didn't do communism well
that makes sense
yeah so there's a few problems
they did do communism well
it's just that
there came a time
after they created that primary sphere of industrial production
where the economy entered into a new phase which was based on the production of light goods consumer goods right
that is why the soviet economy started to stagnate because
you only need
so much steel
right eventually when you build up the solid foundation of a modern economy
the question is ok how are we going to start producing light goods for people to consume that not because they need it but because they want
right okay so so therere there was a new
cultural and spiritual need
of the soviet population
it wasn't being satisfied by the
by the state well their fundamental primary needs were already satisfied
a but there's cultural
spiritual needs were not being satisfied right
that was an issue right and
the soviet union what le you think that the government should play a role in defining
and what how strong in a sense yes in the sense that i'm talking about yes because a government should be able to
if it's maintaining such a firm grip
control over the economy
it needs to give more room for the people to give expression to their their own character their own longings and their own needs
in a way that's not
not necessarily within that control
so yes
now what i'm trying to say though is that the
so ok can i get to something that's kind of more like
the development of like high skilled
high expertise
like labor and like development of like
let's say higher technology like
equipment or whatever you know i'm saying like
solar panels shit like that right
ya um
why do you think that capitalism has done such
a better job of
creating those
breakthroughs in science
and the manufacturing development of those
has been primarily in
so we should probably confine this to
the pre coarty
reform an opening up period because
in terms of china which
uh we already disagree
yeah that's why i'm saying just so we don't have to deal with that disagreement let's just focus on the question
why vaguely was capitalism better at innovation
is what you're asking
firstly it's ambiguous whether or not that's true
a capitalism biguous
no it's ambiguous because capitalism was better
the population access to light consumer goods which was the fruits of the technology
but in terms of actually produc i like consumer goods like you know
like t v s and phones and kitchen stoves and shit like that
but in terms of the fundamental technology behind it when it came to like broad industrial and military application and space programs
oh yeah that's fair i guess you could say yeah the the u s issar um really i think out outpaced
the capitalist countries in many regards
but to answer your question
broadly right
ok um
catching up the soviet union had to so by the time the soviet union was founded there was a world capitalist market right
and in a world capitalist market
there's countries that have already produced a lot of wealth
and they've industrialized themselves
and the way they helped each other out
and there was rifts between them and competition but
it was principally through banks which would use these surpluses of wealth
to invest in other countries' development
and it's so it's countries that start off from an unequal place that can take advantage
of another country's
better place
getting loans because that country can afford you know it's like if you climb yourself out of a
let's say the
cliff and it was really hard
you can lay out a hand right and it's easier for the the next person to come back up right so that's what we're dealing with it's differentials in the concentration of capital right
differences in the concentration of capital
right but this was plagued and this is an aspect
that people who just want to have simplistic comparisons beteen capitalism and communism overlook
between of political contradictions between the european powers
so for example
these investments were not done purely based on the profit motives
they were also based on the strategic and geopolitical interests of competing states
and these states eventually realized it's not in their interests
to allow for the industrial development of rival competing states
so what they would do was issue loans
a without actually
attending to the
the industrial development of countries through building infrastructure right
so in this way industrialization became
hampered in spheres outside of the exclusive control of european
capitalist countries
skipping a lot the whole point is
there was a world capitalist system and a world capitalist market already
but the u s s r couldn't take advantage of all of the wealth and resources
that were circulating within that and which were produced by that
so it had to create its own alternative socialist world economy and world market
which was beginning from
i much
ah more backward
starting place right ok in europe was so it was it's tougher to get itself out of that that ditch right
and also
the socialist world was much less
rich in resources
and even trade relations then the soviet world is much less rich
yeah the soviet union the soviet bloc and the the soviet union the soviet bloc and soviet aligned countries
we're not as a
n not we're not we're not full because they weren't able to fully participate on the world capitalist market
between themselves
between themselves they like were not
it just wasn't enough
i mean china was excluded from it because of the sinno soviet split
which is a very important
very important thing to understand inve me a second
all right
fuck in the i'll talk the fuck
t what's that
a lot of fucking talk
very now
go ahead a that
a falxroy
ah i was going to ask something
i'm honestly like i'll be honest some guy
i want to just get
thether should i
talk about
as for more free
obviously the state is going to have a much more
well over the resources
and i
infinite power corrupt
as some fok
why do you think that
corruption is not an issue
in a
should it be
isn't shouldnt be factored into the equation
corruption is an issue
oh that
it was an issue
i mean it was
it was yeah and then i when i asked you about that initially you said that's a non fact
you know
but the difference is that where corrupt corruption is found
it's rooted out and ostracized right
but in capitalism
corruption is
' is done out in the open
right and it's fully considered acceptable and normal
so i think that's a big difference
yeah so yeah it's basically it's better that it's just done behind the shadows right n
it doesn't matter if it's just no one
sees it or talk cares about it ever
then that's realdly so much better
well it's more widespread
you think it's more widespread mayb maybe it's more widespread because the amount of wealth is more widespread put it this way
if a corrupt communist official
is hoarding resources for himself personally to use
it's bad
but in capitalism
people hoarding wealth to themselves is already the norm so it's not even considered corruption
i wouldn't say that necessarily now
i think people
knowing about their corruption at least
maybe spur some change down the line it seems like people not knowing at all just means they're going to be oblivious of the problem
well then i encourage you to go to wall street and tell all those people
they should i'm not saying that america doesn't grow up this fog like that's obvious
i'm just saying that it's going to be more detrimental
to the people at large if
the amount of wealth is concentrated
and then there's falking corruption in that
people controlling that amount of wealth
is that not obvious
ok well i don't know i'll just send it there
thanks for the history less
you gave me a lot of interesting ideas to engage
ok y bing else
anything else
i know you do
now you're good
that was something i guess
fucking there you go chat you didn't get a fucking has yelling
i would have
but i too tired
i do like appreciate you though i think you're folking entertaining
for the most part
no problem
agree with you of
to keep up your grind b i se you're getting yourselbs back
back up
all right
right amund
you know it's crazy
this is usually when i start the scream
it's even thoug i haven't slept in forty eight hours
it's so much better
when we start out early like at eleven
isn't it it's so much better
all right we can play g t a
unless we have more debates
so i do not have the energy
to cover news today
i just don't
so i'm either going to react or play gta
i caughterr givenv c
i need a fucking server to go to
i need an actual serve ok we'll keep we'll get more debate storing
hey i just want
i was going to say hi you ready i'm ready for the best debate you've ever had are you ready
i'm actually curious because the i have i just w shame think you'r funny is fun
when you say communism do you mean it in the sense of like western communism or do you mean it in the literal sense
because i'm a communist too i'm just wondering
immediate in marks the sense
the i'm just checking because like i notice like a lot of people on twitch expressionly like to say that but they mean it in like a western sense which is like two different ways right western communism would be like
i think about it from like linguistics right someone is going b a communism is authoritarianism and or whatever
yeah like what
it depends you know who you are
i was just curious i wasn't really actually going to debate you
i just find that conversation interesting
also i find it funny how that guy didn't realize that
the ususr fel is a direct result of
capitalist burning fields and
trying to burn down
the us sient destroy communism
listen most you i know a lot of you i've seen you in other communities i stream before
haz oh guys he's cool he's cool he's actually cool
i'm just being funny
i met him in l a
person do
yeah you met you met up with the i actually were there we were going to meet up with you the next day but we flew out
yeah yeah i know
yeah i was on the next next
here's one thing though
i did see your tweet about patriotic whre was it
patriotic socialism ok you have to explain this toight this is actually something i was curious about
there's this new thing it's called patriotic solcis we didn't invent the term but they did
oky but
what we're basically saying is that
socialism needs a context right
we can't just we can't just like build chaz
and call that socials
yeah so
the context for socialism is going to be the country you live in
and with that comes
a view that
like you know how in china they have socialsm with chinese characteristics
yeah of course yeah modern i mean dr b calls it like modern socialism
yea yeah yeah
it's like that
that applies to every country like it has to be the characteristics of that country and
it's something that's supposed to be a
it's supposed to
the not only like coeist but
be the form of
the sense of love of country and people and community
not not necessarily to the exclusion of others like
hating other people or yeah i am a s yeah yeah
it's like a good form of nationalism essentially like not evil nationalism but national in sense i you have pride of your people your n i don't know if
see nationalism is kind of difficult because
most people think of ethno nationalism right yeah which is terrible right yeah that's i'm using i'm trying to co op yeah yeah
yeah yeah i i like it more in terms of like uh i like patriotism be caause
it's just about love of country right
country something that's a little more like a
there's more room the it's not it's not re necessarily a nation because maybe there's multiple nations in a country right but it's just this
sensible homeland right
for sure you have pride it's pride as the reason i don't i don't like that so it's funny i sats like we call it patriotism i feel like patriotism in the western sense and im western sense in the sense of like
linguistically i just read like instantly like militaristic and it just fucked turns me off
yeah the same as with nationalism right nationalism also has a fucking terrible comic connotation surrounding it because i think i think though that's why literature is important though because
like when you start to read
just this broader breadth of how the words used historically right i don't now yeah i could see how that's justified now right
also there's a diversity of how it is like
there's also like that fucking movie with mel gibson what is it fuccing call
the last
what is it called is like the last
truce gone what is it brave art yeah brave hearty like that's that's a big way people think of patriotism today it's that movie right
but also you know historically it's just like
just as fundamental love and loyalty to country
not necessarily or even primarily in the form of love of the institution
mean even the founding of america right it's like the ruling institution was the british right
so to be a patriot didn't mean you just
agreed with whoever's in the military that's in power it means
you have a more a deeper sense of like love and connection to
your land your homeland right
yeah igree i think this exist i think that's one of the reasons latin america is so socialistic right is yeah like jose marty wrote
about how that's a good example
yeah yeah latin america is very prideful of their land and not the state right yeah and there people
yeah like i think so for us patriotic socialists like
to be a patriot means
to oppose our government it means to oppose what our military is doing and oppose u s imperialism
but the way we see it uus imperialism
and the military industrial complex
comes at the expense of the people at home right like the people at it it's two things right
divergs resources away from
you know building hospitals and schools
and health care and things like that for the people at home
for military spending that doesn't even benefit the people but moreover
it's intertwined with the same structures
that oppress the working class at home
sure and align with the ruling class so it's like
it was
patriotism is
real patriotism nancy imperialist and
like the bush era of patriotism and the patriotism of life
the military is like a fake one
it's like a pretend they're trying to appeal to our
very human and natural
i don't want to like say that in a such a loaded way but just you know our very human
yeah intuitive sense of having a love for our homeland and people
and it's like they prey on us
to get behind agendas that actually contradict that
you know
yeah someone said patriotism has been co opted yeah i mean i talk about that all the time i mean i have a degree in linguistics right so that's like
my biggest thing is like
i try to pick the words that would most
accurately describe what's going on because i do find a lot of words
to put
you know they'd like have a bad taste in your mouth like for example
and dr barry you or richard wolf like they're pretty well richard wolf not so much but dr barry is like i'm a communist right
i like
like i guess i am too but
i feel like if you say that you immediately shun away people who might be looking to like join your cause right because like me and you probably politically aligned on like ninety five percent of things right yeah
but those people that don't right that just are
in name right i feel like we scare them away
but i thought that's what i was wondering about the ti t patriotic socialism or whatever you know
no i understand that but
from my experience
i kind of
have this intuition right
it's worked so far
but i remember when socialism was a bad word too righte
the way bernie in two thousand and sixteen just owned that and just said you know i'm a democratic socialist or i'm a socialist
i feel like it made people trust him more
a lot ofnow i one hundred percent yeah a lot of the people who were right wing or were going to vote for trump
you know they were have they went for bernie because
and like the socialism thing i think it even helped m because
they were like ok
he's calling himself a socialist but he's also changing
ore preconceptions about what that word means right exactly that i mean i think socialis you have that like term to use even if i'm like a con well see like but a socialist is going to like i have an inkling
we can revive the word communism in the same way
right yeah i hope so i hope so i like i definitely hope so i just like i think the more honest we are
an the right wing
he is has a lot of
anti communist rhetoric
and just in the sense that yh the word is a boogeman
because the people who talk whatout communism the most it comes from the right wing right
but if you openly embrace that word
while also
not alienating
those the people that the right wing praise on right which is ordinary working class people
i think you can have you can deepen that burnie effect
in a better way because i think we've reached kind of limitations of socialism
you know like
he lost the
the primary
i don't know i i think
i personally look to another way forward
maybe it's not the only way but it's just the path
we've been pursuing heyears a
trying to reform the communist party
bring that thing that's why
i wish i mean that's the dream right but i yeah i was just curious be caause patriotic socialism was like h to me and the instantly i was like ah fuck like
this is going to go over well you know
but i get it yeah it's mainly just the words someone said you don't care about optics listen optics is everything when you're trying to grow a movement right people don't just follow ideas because of the name the
optics is what gets people into the movement
so that's all that's all is trying to make a point but i just want to talk to you as i never talked to you so i was like today's the day
yeah for sure i mean it's good talking like
yeah also if you're up in the morning now if you switch to morning streams i'm always around so i'll come through morell you know come over after i'm done streaming oh for sure yeah that be cool yeh i go to bed
soon you know i mean actually i don't know
i' have i'm waiting till like ten pm or something or
one am
uh and then like i good
reset my sleep schedule basically
are you still in l a
no no i'm in
i'm back in michigan
ok well next time we do l a trip maybe we'll meet up we're going to do l a again in a few weeks or months
i guess oh really wow yeah a few people i think said they might come here
for frogan
yeah maybe yre
yeah but i don't know michigan's like a
place so
carter your viewers hate pat socks and that my viewers are like
my views are fine they're not listen listen you guys don't understand these are not thisnys people these are normal people
chat my chat is literally all marxist leninist my entire chat
they fucking punk on me for not being left enough when i go hey
you know we should have more allies and they tell me i'm the least left
these are cool people trust me
like my chats parent they're rightfully paranoid right because like
outsiders that you do debate shit i don't do that yeah that's that's why i'm saying these are cool people because
honestly everyone in the debates fear fucking soucks right
yeah i only the only thing i'll do is dylan burns is panel once every so often just that dip my toes in
yeah that
debate is like the destiny you i don't hate i'm not doing this to hate on destiny by the way
i could but like i don't care about m enough to i'm just saying like
the orbiters
for destiny oh yeah
course it's just i think any community you know
i just think the whole the
it's funny because i think that a
a lot of those like
i don't i usually stray away from the term i think the term orbiter is so dumb just because you have similar content to someone you're going to share
with the biggest member of that right like
for example because i don't know if you get this but i'm a leectist so i get people
all the time a're going oh you're either insert leftist hassan usually right
you are a hassan orbiter or whatever it's like no dude i'm just not a dumb ass like i'm not going to stream at the same time
right i'm also just a leftist
i don't agree with everything this person says
and yeah oka i'm friends with like
we have mutual friends and stuff but the'd like
just because you know someone does not instantly assume that but
with that side of twisch the one you're talking about
yeah those people like they are the devil scream is about that person yeah you know that's exactly what i've been saying
yeah or drama surrounding that person and i'm like
ok like
like like a ok in personal relationships right
i don't do drama on my stream that's one thing i swater you got it's like
maybe if they did it once but it's like this never ending thing where they keep talk it's like what does this even have to do with politics anymore you know
yeah that i will never do a drama stream and i also like i will never like debate other streamers i' have no problem like bringing
like unless it's like someone who i respect and have like fun like i would like debate you if like we disagreed on an idea of yeah as you know the reason i respectd the reason i respect some of the people who don't do debates
it's because those people tend to actually have
normal content like they can actually be normal people
debates people are can usually can't be normal
so they just they just
they just debate that's all they do and they just get they can't produce anything like tasteful
or relatable beyond that
right yeah
i think there's two types of people right i think there's like content like um like the big content i think is okay to an extent
but i think being an educator like
is almost more important like that guy was the last guy i just talked to was melting my brain because it's like
you just don't understand what he's saying that doesn't invalidate the argument right like
that's not you fll ninety ninety percent of my debates that's jim being generous that's when they're not the blod yelling and shit
that's literally all it is is like i'm playing the role of like an educator and i'm just like sharing
knowledge yeah of course and ideah i use so like i educate because i'm doing it from like a literature standpoint or from like history because i love
american history and i love latin american history
so i'll use that to like be my educator and try to paint things through the lens of that
and uh i would rather do that than like sit here and like try to dunk on some
buck in the randall that just
you know or some conservative streamer that showed up and was like
a man communism yeah that's bad
yeah i mean
i really don't mind those people because when i actually talk to them it's like ninety nine percent of the time
you know
it's just based on misunderstanding you know exactly yeah i mean that's what that's why like i mean other streamers not
like random chatters i have yeah yeahyah
i love like having random chatters jump in my discord because ninety percent of time they're you know worker they're literally people who are in my class you know working class
just don't understand and they're misguiding their hatred like their hatred is for
you know
the brown people or some shit and you're like bro like
why don't you hate capitalism like the reason you're in the position you're in is because we have a system that rewards deckads like amazon and you know whatever
yeah definitely
i mean what
yea at the end of the day it's like
i think
one of the i've never been able to realize this goal just because like i'm in such a fucking toxic environment
which i'm not going to deny at leas
it's made me a toxic person
it it's be so nice that people could just interact as human beings again you know
it's like it's the internet you know
n know it's fun i listen i think i think you do it a good service because i laugh at your stream
i lurk in you stream i i've said things like five times it's fucking hilarious i'm like
i find it funny because you're very passionate and i know some things you just say because like
it's not that i don't think you believe in it but you're like driving home a point right yeah ad like driv home
most of it
is a
most of it's honestly just like
it's not necessarily because it's the end of the world it's just like i just get pissed easily you know
but it's not the end of the world it's that's just my temperament
yeah i think it's funny
clear the toxicity so that i don't think that's impossible and any of your political ontu you're fuck
like good luck
eah like even even me who avoids drama and everything like i get fucked every day by like randos or like random communities deciding that
i'm some dumb ass socialist
doesn't know what's good for me
i've honestly been trying to
do more normy shit like i'm going to start doing g t a r p and stuff
with like a political twist obviously but
that's what blew my channel up
oh really
yeah i was on no pixel yeah i poll y character
i don't think i can get on that one because that one's like super exclusive right
yeah i mean it's just really hard right now unless you're like like i don't have any poll and i got in because i'm good friends with like some of the like bigger people on it and like they became my friends during covid and so
you know likee good all i'm just looking for like any r p i don't have to get on no pixel do you know like
by comm
what are some server streamers use as an alternative to that
i would just literally go to the g t a category and see i find anybody who's not on no pixel i have no idea the only one i ever play on is played on is no pixel
nice yeah
so i think no can get in
no pixel has like a lot of rules to write which
might be the rules
yeah the rules are great on no pixel until they're used in a way which is like someone bends them just because they don't like you right yeah
so and that happens like listen people do things like that because that's
how people are
yeah i think you could get on the pixel you just have to apply and write it and it wouldn't be hard and also like you could play like a communist character and it would be fucking hilarious
or like you could play like you know like a literal like
someone who like idolizes maoor like stys yeah what what i'm doing is i'm going to be playing like a larp
like a i'm like a jason on ruje type like
you know those like gonzale people like st and red guards like that's what i'm aiming for
yeah i played a mormon character who like loved donald trump and like treated mormonism like it was a political ideology and that was my there's actually i'm like schizophrenia so i have like a million characters that i could think of to do
yeah you would have fun the g t a pre is so much fun yeah i think you'll enjoy it
yeah honestly um
i st i tried last night to do it but like it wasn't an r p server but i was still doing it and i was still having a lot of fun
yeah i i'll let you know i'll d m you if i like know of any servers or fel like i know a way for no pixe so what i would do is just go to the no pixel website and apply and like they'll probably
they haeh yeah actually i know i'm going to i'm going to do that now because i never thought
i always thought you had you could only get in through on
they if it's closed right now i would
that's weird i'll ask i'm in there like thisscord i don't anyonally don't know like i've never tried to
look at it
yeah i don't know if it's only recommendations right now but i will look i'm in like the strit the discord for it
and i can ask and see if they're only doing
it that way or whatever' is going on through it
yeah cool
yeah honestly n no no pixels obvious the ideal but i can do other stuff
all right well you have a good night get some sleep
yup see later minut
have a god
alright guys i'm ona
throw this away
what's my name
i still don't know if i'm going to the gym tonight
is it dangerous to lift with no sleep
is is it
will get better no it's i actually can live the same sleep deprived
believe it or not
i'f not better because when i'm well rested i think too much and overthinking
makes it worse
believe it or not
i re walking
two streams in a row
the are seven hours
two in a row
holy fath
think i just need like vitamin c some shit
but m
i do want to play some rp
r p
buckan elden ring is coming out re're doing a lot of gaming guys
it referenced to me multiple times whates this shop
and when you say you're really big are you like hoys big like
you know five six five seven i'm ma no i'm currently on ax pony
i don't care man i don't do a what
that was it
it's got a dem
trying to think do i have anything else to do before
you think kntbot is joking
guy's compot hates discourse he hates this forurse
you've gotta leave him alone because
n don't impose discourse on him you know he's like a very independent guy
we deal with discourse we have to i'm a fucking streamer right i have to do that shit
but he's completely outside of that he doesn't care about this horse all he cares about is like
real stuff right like he's focused on that and i've been there too for many years so i respect
so don't be imposing this worse on us
he's not parts he doesn't
he's not participating in that bull
don't don't interpret him as taking a side on the discourse i'm telling you he's not that type of person
you know there's there's some people who are defined
thisscurse and there's some people that have their own research that
don't give a and i was i'm actually one of those people my discourse is faik
i don't care about this course it's all fake to me right
i do have my views
is the only difference between me and conbots
in the main is that
i think this course
is real
right there somehow have to participate in that
so it's real in that regard but
i don't know
it's a different approach you know it's a differen
they're talking about me in chuds co call i don't give a fuckman
iss far as i'm concerned i got what i wanted i'm by that that that shit
better go viral right
that speech i gave better go viral they're talking mad shit ok let's see the mad shit they're talk
but uh the the bits that i saw
damn i wasill literally charmhole is there how much shit could they be talking when
fuck and chohn ho was there
might have to be said which is a
i've never seen a more thorough ofvisceration in my life than this debate you know has obliterated chud logic
so look lost and bewildered by the are going a great cass
hasro me infrared continues to show a superior understanding of the fundamental essence of humanity and demonstrating the correctness of his ideals
possly believe thesy to overcome the anglo manas
the greatest of thinkers and philosophers
of our day and past i salute
and inference
the charm hall where did you meet her
where did where did you meet her
the bike
i but i had my friend make it my
that sounds about right to me
that char that's charmhole i knew charmho was defending us ok
i knew charm was in there defending a listen guys it's not a problem ok
this is not a crisis if we' got charmhole in there defending us it's not a crisis ok
um is there any s i i can't even i can't even think straight right now right
so what am i going to do
because i think we're going to we're going to shift gears and we're going to do some
we're going to do a little bit of r p
let me see if his name rockor them
that that knows about this shit
oh is someone in anyone and s does any of these so cte people want to debate me
iant your requests
russian liberals want to talk ukraine
what up
i just was talking with like a muslim guy in shokyu but like you pulled me here so i
i am a razer
i saw your request and showed you
okay like
do you do you understand like how i'm talk or like it's incomprehensible nonsense
i can comprehendm perfectly
ok like it will be a preparation for lae
later dogging talk at some point like maybe you will have
uh him on the show
so i'm actually like a rational liberal and my
well my position is not like super ideological uh i do not as far as liberal but like in russia it basically means like you don't like when government does stuff like you a
slightly out to putum
or like hardcor ande putin
and you
you don't like you really care about gay staff or support it like slightly
and like you want more capitalism and like western style
theocacy russia but like you can get it you can't get it because of like putin
we'll fax you over because he's super smart
and like heavyweight and have like majority of population on his side and like then you
start just to hate like your your own eicity and like this that's how it goes in rush
so you're a different kind inan this
in a sense like do i hate russians or like am i a liberal of some unorthodox kind
i'm not bibsteran standards i'm unorthodox liberal but
i mean t transgender stuff is very is athetic to me and i we can't talk about this yes yes i understand
and i'm like you
i think most russians are quite
cynical when it comes to ideology in all like all kinds of idology right now
like communist like
fascists like liberal whatever
you i can give you like my
you on you say like
i think basically you say is just
tries to contain any other country like potential to become
regional hetgemon
because like if you are regional hedromon you have free hands to project your power like are you
when you say liberal is a
uh i knowh are you trying to mm on me or re like you
you believe he this is a generale you believe zinovski is like autentic guy the actual position politically
no no i don't know i don't know it
what do you think i
well he's rumored to be
oh like andan actual like uld you b guy
like i don't know for a fact but like
probably he was set up by k b just to like
a tour of people away from
out antic communism and like just every time he votes like the same as like putin party
uh and like of course like personally he's he's a good comedian
and sometime here is
just why is the russian guy who tells
like true stuff that no one else
but because he is a joker figure like you just laugh at him and like that's how he operates in russian politics
yea yeah yeah i understand
understand that
yeah but but
so what do you want specifically you said you want to debate
i i typed exactly that i want talk about ukraine sure yes i can debate but like i'm not a aggressive i understand we w'll talk about
though ukraine do i have to
to talk you like the history of the staff like for the audience
i think the audience is vaguely familiar right with my don and
i can do it quickly like yes mamydam happened s like before that like if you took
if you look at two thousand and thirteen polls
country is like fifty fifty basically onli pro western pro russian people
le mey be slightly tilted towards the west
slightlyer but like it has
complex regional structure so like even if it's slightly till towards the west
russian russian people rights should still be respected
in my opinion at least
instead we have this like revolution which is supported by the west
was like fucking crazy n notz radicals from western europe
ore western western ukraine
and it scares like shit out of eastern
ukraine people
and people in crimea like they have the most producsion
we get out our military is there
it's like some kind of catalyst for crimea i mean
we this the deploy
probably illegally our military on
you can stad at that it to just secure the whole peninsula
op for crimea
but like we didn't actually bullet people into voting for russia they
they were russians
we just give them like a message
hello guys like if you just want to do it right now like we will protect you and like just go to vote for fucking russia
that's what happened
and then like people in eastern ukraine like also wanted to join russia but like
kremlin wasn't tracer to
accept them
it was like it was a genuine grassroots movement but
it's got complicated like in terms of politics because it is like proper ukraine territory
so it wasn't like support for them in credland originally but then like ukrainians decided like why jot why can't we start like an enter terrorist operationtead ukraine and like
bully everyone into like ukrainianism
and then like we open a border with this region and send our like volunteers and like supplies and so on there
and like here we are in this situation where this
region is fucked by the war
because like
were basically a proxy war between united states and russia on this territory
that's my eg
runown of station
so uh yes we
what did you want to talk about
well as a kind of a liberal i wanted like to first of all like
can you look th
tell quickly like your opinion what
what is going on here like
e on like large uh
english i don't think it's ide ideology is important don't get you wrong it's important
but i think ideology is downstream from deeper forces
so uh
we have to think in deeper terms than just the ideological terms
but to me i have a broader picture and
i'm a marxist materialist
the way i look at it forty percent of europe is getting its gas
from russia
what more or less
yet so there are is a unipolar american world order led by
the i am
specific developmental regime specific financial regime
american unipolar he gena in genmany di
that's true russia
europe has become dependent on russian gas because putin has nationalized the gas industry
which has
subordinated the gas industry to russian geopolitical
so russia is becoming independent sovereign
uh the united states
from a broad perspective
sees this as a threat
and so continues to try and expand nato
i th
in russia
does the purpose of nato
not clear after the sole collapse of the soviet union
i mean after the balkan war
becomes clear there a is still a geopolitical conflict
so the source of this conflict i don't know if i can
i could get into it so much but
russia represents an alternative independent polarity and modernity
do't havef you
so it has its own industrial base it has its own independent basis for an economy
has not developed this basis it's very underdeveloped
very much in that shape
but it still has this independent basis right
yes momlls
it's like it's can't be self sufficient like even i we even if we're
even if we break tasts with west completely
yes pcisely it's so this has made russia a problem
or the western world order
specifically the sovereign sale of russian gas because
russian gas is sold by
subordinated to geopolitical interest of russia
they will set gas prices
in a way
that will not
aligned with the petro dollar system
the denomination of
the maintenance of the us dollar
so there's a big source of
fought deep economic contradiction between russia and the united states in the world
oh you give you give him a basic economic explanation for everything yes
no because politics is important right but it's a bit of its allays on top of that
yh it comes with the basics
yeah economic basis precisely
specifically not
as a result of the may maidan write
not only as a result
and basically
economic self interest right
has been
not very interested in seeing ukraine as a part
because of ukraine's anti russian
stances after made m do on
russian pipelines currently flow through ukraine
the ere upe
ukraine a substantial portion of its revenues
coming from the russian revenues i sorry the
russian transit fees
not only that
if russian gas stops flowing
it will be no longer economically efficient for ukraine to maintain the pipelines
so ukraine will actually have to decommission the pipelines the country the county the ukraine has failed stal like almostready and now russian guess they are fucked like as as uganda
yeah yeah exact precisely precisely
there's two new opportunities that have arisen
so ukraine has gas companies
and they want in the european market
your your ukrainian gas companies also
north stream two
is agreement you know about between germany and russia which is going to decrease prices of gas for germany
because there's no more transit fees
and also eliminate the pipeline through eliminating ukraine's source of transit
face will make germany less dependent on the usa
and make german yes precisely
so it's like there's an alignment of interest between american and ukrainian american states and the ukrainian gas companies
yes ok imeric more allant with like
eastern europe which is anti russian again yeah like germany france
so yes i'm so smart guy h guy y
so they're trying to provoke a conflict in ukraine
so nord stream two will be cancelled
and there will be justification for sanctioning russia
a setting germany against russia
germany and france against russia through nato because they're still member nato
member states they're going to use nato to force them to go against russia
which will you know increase opportunities for ukrainian gas companies who want into the european market because
when there's an absence of russian gas ukrainian gas companies can then
maybe get the necessary investments for infrastructure
european banks maybe
uh to
to transit to
you're a ukrainian guess
also prevent nord stream two from happening
we could potentially lock russia in two
having to use
ukraine's infrastructure so it's like many birds in one stone
this conflict
and but the real i'd say the real in simplification it's nord stream two is the reason for this
you watched to wash stream on the crush and any of the streams
wash wash like a ft fat yeahyea he's an idiot he's complete idiot
yeah i've seen his dream he said the he said this is what i think he's saying he said
what's happening is putin is the new hitler and russia
he is the new nazi germany and
they want to invade ukraine
a to spread fascism and stop the democracy
this this is the most insane part like russia's e is like that citadel of like right to wing national stuff when
in reality it's like eastern europe is like hardcore nationalist of course and
and russia like russians are chill with like multi ethnic russia with so that's
something i've emphasized many times in the past is
there oftentimes the ethno nationalists in russia are aligned
with some
the anti putin
right yeah russiano nationalist like a lot a portion of them actually fighting on ukrainian side yeah its the're they're pro western right
because russia is a multi ethnic civilization
ethno nationalism will lead to russia less territory morse
conflict and more strife
so and also it's western right ethno nationalism is a western invention
so uh
yeah i mean uh
the comparison to nazi germany
stems from the
i'll tell you what this stems from though because after the election of
why donald trump
wo's a right winger here in the us
there was the hishystera of the russia gaate
right because trump was less hostile to russia
apparently right
said there was a conspiracy theory promoted by the
i guess the left here right
just just on the record i'm a little bit drunk but like ot's continue
that's ok that's ok
i am not a muslim surd
it's ok
uh so uh
sometimes i'm not a good muslim either so it's
they uh promoted uh
they promoted
the democrats promoted the conspiracy theory that russia is responsible for trump
and trump is the right wing here right so
there's this idea that
russia is the most right wing country ever on earth
far far right and it's behind all of the right wing
in the world and it's complete
the fascism
so that's why wash is saying this because
a the democrat because of the situation here political
i mean on the idolgy level do you have like a
and you like
a deeper explanation
i mean do you believe like that it's the gen genuine intention of the united states to spread like liberalism or it's just
wen you call understand the comms of interest
no h liberalism to me
when i say liberalism i'm referring to the offspring of liberalism right
she is the kind of american uni poler
true i mean classical liberalism
there is no classical liberal
we don't have civil liberties we don't have free markets we don't have any ofth this stuff
it's just a facade
but the thing that has remained
h from liberalism is um
basically just western universalism
and this is
the us promotes a kind of civilizational racism
it's all basically
is a
to protect
financial interests
are ruling class
city of london is anglo saxon
financial class and so on
they believe they defend like universal human values when in reality like majic clear
this values are perfectly aligned with like western values and like
uh people in china have like no idea what the universe of human violence
all right and so it's s doesn't civilization all true human universal values just so happen to be western
a small part of the world that speaks for everyone
i mean m
you know when you think of it like this it's not just to maintain power i mean like we're dealing with a cycle of money
we have a financial ruling class that's dealing with a problem of debt
how to avoid deth
how to make sure you stay
they want to stay profitle not just because of greed but because of death
right there's too much debt to account for
to maintain this system
and if you
if you this system collapses they think it'll be chaos right
so they do everything they can to maintain this
specifically the breton wood system right the u s created after world war two with the dollar as the
hedge among
so it's this fear of chaos really it's what it's about it's a fear that
his collapses
you have russia emerging china emerging all thisse countries emerging
that's why h says it rushes fascist because for them
fascism just means chaos right
if this american liberal system collapses
it will be the worst worst nightmare ever fascism right nazism
so we have to do everything we can to prevent
that's basically every n non western non liberal project is fascism
thank pcisely
i think wash like generally doesn't have a mental capacity to like press
a process like other cultural
at otherctiviilizational
as of civilisations follows
no bas
no p this is a very common issue among americans
be fair
many americans and yes i have not just like ushs were way to way to easy like
we are in the middle like
crossroads between like china like europe like whatever
it's like a basic
basic skill of like a russian person like to
be careable to engage with like a muslim guy a buddhist guy like whatever like
yeah yeah americans h
well i tell you why because americans think we have a neutral culture they think
wll we just represent the truth
all we just neutral cultural
uh no bias no u specific way of life so
everyone likes hamburgers so everyone is the same
but you know it's not true
caus i do like hamburgers to ber
and no i like i think i like why am am i a liberal like i like uh twentieth centuries america like a lot like
western music western like old movies like this kind of stuff
ah i don't like kudt america very much like
it's actually like a huge black bill for like liberals of russia
who used to used to believe like in western like h
in partial objective news
uh and like this kind of shit and like now we see what happens with like trump election
what happens with
uh protesters in canada and stuff and they're like what what's the fuck like guys we
we are basically your fifth column in russia and like you don't provide us
's enough material to spread like you water so rushal like ca the fuck you think maybe it's so
maybe it's kind of a dream the twentieth century america
the cat
it's far away right
so it can be
maintained but
yeah i mean look twentieth century america we had infrastructure
we produced projects we had
national highway systems
things were more clean more pristine more new
we had the new deal you know this
it's clear
it's clear a lot of the shining aspects of liberalism was
to compete with communism really and when this communism collapse they don't care anymore
simply like
well my another point will be like
you are kind of a communist guy
ye next
and like me being a russian guy like maybe i am brainwashed by like
you don't like
we putin elite to believe that communism has it own both sides
and like actually we should be just conservative russian patriots no matter what
like specifically about communism like my perception is
likees it
late comunist time seems like
we pretend to work
as the boss pretends to pay
and no no one believes like in ideology anymore like why wother about communism
to me
i don't there cannot be there was big a
to learn from the soviet experience
uh it was very
experience i mean soviet
the soviet union
it cannot be returned to this old
old way of things i completely agree
i think
to meet china
as proven
there's a still a significance of communist
to me if the soviet union went down the path of and it's a simplification but
mayb went down the path of china and maintained the political stability
maybe have a cultural revolution get rid of the bureaucracy
have some new fresh young leaders
open up
it would have
would have been better to
so i'm expected to give feedback but like i'm fucking drunk as fuck i don't i was going to b i think i think basically like
i'm not against russian conservativesm
i think
russian conservatism has preserved
many good aspects of soviet communism actually
ah unconsciously
and also do you think there is a potential danger like h for
like w for russia to
fall from this equilibrium we have now to like actual like fascism like right winging
in a bad sense
a reshion
nationalism like hardcore stuff
what do you mean you mean ethno nationalism because to me basic tomorrow putin goes crazy like actually like decides to invade all our neighbors for fun
because we want to protect russians everywhere
like this kind of stuff
i don't see the danger but
me um
the problem is that
ethno nationalism
but russian civilizationll awakening
i don't think it's fascious
i don't think it's fascist i think fascism
a specific kind of
you of lif
a master race and
invade neighbors not to protect
russians but
just because you conquer
the war was own sake and enslave others inferior races and so on
so i don't i don't know if i see this danger but
to me the problem with the soviet union was the name
it's called the soviet union
but what is the what civilization is the soviet union it's a complete artificial
it's like the united states right
you have china it's the people's republic of china because in china they acknowledge that they are the chinese civilization
yes there's multi ethnic multinational but it's a chinese civilization
to me
a soviet union never acknowledged
it was a russian i
even it is still still the case like even today like putin is not like
russian nationalist russian ethnic nationalist he still believes in like
we are like russian people in sense of like sat the russian people
yeah that's the good that's the good sense because in the soviet union
there wasn't enough
acknowledgment that the russian civilization is
not just russian ethnicity it's also multi civil multinational right
so that was a unique
soviet civilization i think
which was russian civilization basically
i don't think
it's a bad thing
i think just like china
russia should
follow the west path
of ethno nationalism but
defend its own civilization
uh actually my biggest problem with likeh communism is like it's early history primarily where like
under lenen
i mean first of all like you
uh i can understand like if they wanted to execute like nicholas in the second
but like they killed also like his children and like his
servis who help the family like who just
were heroic like
saints in like
from the perspective of russian orthodox church
like thacking servants were also executed
and it's like some kind of like crazy malicious
in the like in the heart of it
and like
there was like some kind of like
good memories about sovi was union like space like
victory world war two like this kind of stuff
and like also like malitia staff
it's hard to enjo ale your mind around it when you want to be
patriotic about la good stuff but like you
want to
acknowledge their bad stuff
i think uh
all of this
bad stuff
is the
the bad stuff of modernity
in general
madernity in general like
madernity the way it violently tears us from
traditional the
right like
it's just this kind of leveling additional plumber
is cold hearted
kind of thun
change of history brutal change right ruthless cold hearted
this happened in europe
happened in china it's happened all over the world
because russia it has its own darkness is why it's independent because
if it um
the english right they had their own civil war they had all oliver cromwell right they had the the
lots of violence and cruelty and all this kind of stuff they executed their monarchy their crown
you know chinese with opium and like masturations and india yeah precise go good history education like in russia like one hundred percent yeah
so uh
we this is a common problem of all humanity we have to acknowledge
the problem of modernity
it's not a problem we can knowown
the say it's a bad guy defeate it we have to
ask ourselves deeply
why this happened
or what it means right
what does modernity mean
mean it's like not a obviously just soviet union it's also like holocaust
preciselyy all kinds of crazy shoot
yeah specifical specifically twentieth century history is like unprecedented by like
the history of the planet standard
in many sense h i mean even today like we have
on the internet
like you go on the dark web and there's
snuff and there's red rooms that you hear about in there's horrible these are all i mean many people like to look at isis and they say isis ah that's just a
ancient islamic whatever you know isis is one hundred percent modern
those guys everything they got it from movies they got it from the internet
they got it from a
they got it from modern culture it's not from the past right so
there's a type of very something wrong with
the modern world basic
something very like es mo modern like radical muslims act like h american protestants in a sense
yeah precisely
ah yes
we understand
to me
communism i've never looked at it in a one sided way i mean
there's i always emphasize lot of ugliness right even if no one is a bad guy and no one is at fault like
he's stall in the bad guy know he was a good guy right but
so many ugly things happen
during his rule
very very ugly things right
i mean he hesitate to admit it publicly but like secretly i think a lot of o our people have like this
doubt about our like validity as a people as civilization
the slays kap staff like
i think it's good
if it's yourself doubt but
when you rely on another
country's demons it's the problem it's good to have your own demons as i would say
it's bad when the
your demons are the west demons right because
you will be
the west will abuse abuse you right because the west has its demons and it just abuses you but
when you have your own demons
you can struggle with yourself but
when the west wants to come fuck with you you say fuck you you know
like uh this is how i think of the russian uh
rush in mind right
rushian mind has lot of self doubt and
internal problems and
darkness and so on
as soon as the outsider comes and tries to lay their finger on
the russian soil
they become a super patriot
right that's very very true like i'm a liberal wh knows like lingguage english language like not i don't speak it like
correctly but i can read it
if i can go on reget on like destiny streams so and so on
i am like
i am well aware of the west's existence and its critic culture
but like when i see some like crazy interrusation stuff like i turned immediately almost like hardcore puts in patriot
you cam mot from later
even though like i don't support him intellectually
that's good because
as human beings right
we should defend our
unique truth and russ to me russian patriots are demonized as aggressors in our country but i know
all russian patriots are doing is defending their own troops
the west is trying to erase
the memory the experience the character of
russian people
and it's not that
i see russian patriots to me they're not chauvinists who think they're better than others
they just refused to allow
the waste to liquefy
their own memory of who they are what they are
so on
so to me
i'm very very sympathetic to russian patriotism
it's a
it's universal for all humanity to
defend its history its hug identity its existence and so on and so on
well it's true buts kind of a liberal double stainted by black western
i have to ask the question like
do we really want to like crucifies ourselves like in the struggle with the best so we should just like maybe accept
like western lifestyle and like forget about
how are like
like demons and angels like
who cares
i think uh
to me
as human beings
do not just live
and breathe and consume
like animals right
what separates us as human beings is we have history
have phon
something unique
we insist upon
to me i
to submit to the west
is not an impossible thing
i mean
not necessarily something that's immediately
immediately going to be bad
right in in uh
it's like gas lighting you do something
and then
you forget
this act of submission this unwillingness to
defend yourself preserve yourself
russia then becomes abused russian people become sicker less healthy their lifespan decreases
more crime and corruption spreads
more confusion spreads
russians are less prosperous the west is on
more in charge has more influence i mean
slowly slowly it's a way even physically of killing
killing killing a people right i mean
we saw in the nineties i mean
it's a kind of like a blackout you get so so drunk
you forget
forget what's going on
that's the horror of
forgetting your history
for and and forgetting your r
your specific humanity
i i agree nine nineties were like true horror for most of the russians like small portion of people and not only oligarchs but like just creative people like they managed
uh some of them like uh
they did enjoy like the freedom and
the total freedom that you don't have in the west like in the nineties
in russia like you could be like whatever you want like genuinely
as long as you can survive on your of your o on your your own
wild weorst type of
the matter
yeah h
i look my
too like
is a liberal like
some kind of liberal my ideal vision would be like just european union from like lisa bonn to bloody was talk
and like usay go fox themselves
and like china like
cood guys
also interdimensional alens that we don't understand so
we canals them i think unfortunately yes like germany alliance with russia is
a nightmare following the saxon
establishment so its what happen
uh i'm like probably i have to
accept like my faate
this vessel of like russian culture and history
that like
has this primariy primary goal
to prevent
like all other civilizations from like just imposing their stuff on us yeah and so it's
it's not just like pride you know
freud has a saying he said
what we do not
what we repress becomes repeated
we are doomed to repeat what we repress right
so even when we forget about our identity
for example i'm in america
let's say i forget about i'm an american who cares doesn't matter right
gd you you are bt on bottom in the united states
yeah yeah
so i go to other countries and i
you know i'm not an american i'm just
go with the flow
i will
realize i'm an american you know how
anyway even if i forgot about it
p'll return to me that i'm an america
you know how
everyone will hate me so much they'll all remind me you fucking idiot american
all the stupid things you're doing
so that's how it is for americans but
we still liave it to this day like apage russian have like some kind of respect for like working guy american
it's like i can i notice not i notice that yeah
but you know the working everyday american heits
he's patriotic you know he's he says yes i'm an american
it's not like a
you know
pretends to be universal but
for you know and in the russian case it's like one can repress one's russianness but
it will return somehow
as a simple
i'd like
specifically in
the way in which
the west
uh we'll always find problems always find problems something you know
to blame and accused russians
i mean look
russia was very generous with the west
after this collapse of the soviet union
we applied to nato literally like yeah that
and we had a natove base on russian territory under putin like when he was first termed
like he did not figure out how to manage exactly like his system
uh like uh it's was it like logistic nato base
t transferm supplies for
afghanistan i think i am not sure
yeah yeah so
it's not like russia has been a bad guy like who hates the west
it's the west
has a problem with russia
all has a problem with the russians
and it's clear why they have a problem with russians because russians are different
right in the west
has a civilizational racism where
if you are different you must
be under the west foot
right the west doesn't accept
equal partners
under you subordinate to them
or you're an evil bad guy
you know trying to
conquer the world
will you the next hit
you know american people
i should say they don't hate russia
american people are normal people you know they focus on their own life and
they hear what the news says
they're becoming more sceptical
no but
american people don't hate hate russia you know our
there are educated people here
uh by educated i mean mis educated
re liberal in american sense here they do have a problem with russia right
because they think russia is supporting the american
most american people
a they like putin better than biden
believe it or not
i actually read like michael mcfull twitter sometimes
and they
i view him like genuinely care about like in some sense about russia
like there is an emotion there like he actually believes in his values
but i lit at that again fk
mcfull likean ambassador to
rushia froum
obama administration
ah okay i see
yeah i don't know who that is but then
ya i mean um
i think the number one problem is
from my perspective it's
russians should not be scared to rise to the occasional
ust don't be scared of this like ah it's fascism all it's scary
i don't think so you know i think
each civilization should be allowed to
yeah regarding ukraine you know it's i don't know if there's going to be a russian invasion
because of to protect the
eastern republics
if there is we're doing our best part here to
well we can't do much right but we're doing our best part to
fight against the media's narratives you know
i would say like most the russians don't want an actual
you complete invasion like with the copation of gif and like
yeahs parts of krain that like don't you
don't really want us
i hope which noter sense it
so i mean
he was very like
cold blood at la
for this his whole presidency
if like nothing actually crazy happens like with like western actions or like his own like mentality just like betray him
the then we will be probably like where we are right now just
are playing
a little bit of pressure
trying to get what you want
and like hopefully like
world war three don't start because of it
a anyway
i think i'm going to go to sleep soon maybe i'll play a game for a little bit i it's a very coherent like right now for my my mind also so i
i am re ready to retire from this conversation
that's a gy i'm sleep deprived i haven't slept in forty eight hours so
i understand that
ok i will return to my conversation with the muslim guy in shokire like he was also an interesting guy and like
i don't really want to use a question compared andd the game so goodbye
al right by
let me do my laundry
in the meantime
if someone please find me a good uh
a good r p stream
sorry a good r p server
someone find me a good r pie server
i'm going to do i'm going to put this in the dry really quick these are stop for dog just me on guitar salawi paplka shajakab bongan sikrn saluteseals the gulashkanon
got don't nothingt to taste do't thing se defletionion
cos line in money only two lofy gbak hom no and joking causgp
under pomis bda studio in budha pistol donisun theers on the shu for the captain blok go thdy push up of co bo go to busston beside the le's the extra p then the srm sot in the pasans pushc
see di person me
do ca you can
these a stop for don ha dis me on guitar joy salami paprika sajakab bongan sikrn salute seals the goulashkanon to pup tk mespine c in the flas clespkoching
go don' nothing taste don't th see deflestionion
cos this line in money only two lofy gba hom nor and joking ca hang thep
under pmis buda studio in budha pistol do ons on thes the shoulder for the catain book is go thty push up of t co bo go to bson beside the let the extra p then the s sot in the pasans pushc
see person me
you ca you i can't
thees a stop for don ha just me on guitaroy salami paprika sajakab bongan sik salut als the goushkanon to pu me inspine c in the flas i claspkoching
you got to do't nothing et to taste do't thin s see defletionion
cos line in money only two lofy gabaim north and joking pus
under p studio right does anyone have an r p server
anyone have an r p server
how do i join t grizzly server
how do i do that
but have to apply to have to pay
thank you trans marses it's paid to join
let me see what grizzly is doing
let me see what he's doing and like if i would fit in because i plan on trolling and shit you know like do i want to troll this server
why want to trol this server
a grisly world
it would draw back
oh shud
you're welcome
in game
oh okay how do i uh
gt home
we're donating
we're going to find it and find them right now
you were communist how many times have you discover communism
havefter fail before you discover that it socks
it has to fail one time
just once
that's all it has to do is fail once
just one time
nope didn't fail
it didn't fail
did not fail
ne didn't fail
wrong wrong wrong and wrong
communism didn't even fail once
now i'm looking for a griszly word
red zone our p e girl friendly
a griszly world there is nowhere to be found
no china is a communist
chinas communist
and you got undertand
north korea moved there if you like communism
nop i'm just going to vote for president trump
in twenty twenty four
i don't gota move anywhere
our communism's right here
and it's being led by
president trump
i'md rop
oh okay i can pay for the grizzly one
when i say q thirty five out of thirty seven what does that mean
what does thirty five out of thirty seven mean is that bad
am i light to way
thirty five out of thirty eight
let's lookp i'm just gonna look up grizzly
and we go grizzly r p
b three
it's in it's with an e right
which one is it
what does this incest sion
what's grisly
ok it's griz
there's multiple grizzlies
i'm assuming this is the one with people in at though
i'm connecting
what did scrub lord say
commies are just easy targets i mean history shows the failures of communism again and again
mommies are dnme
feel sorry for them not
theam one successfulkami country
just one
you silly dude
you attack us like we're the enemy
you know
you're silly dude
what are you fucking so upset for
you calm the fock down
all down
imagine if i get a play with t grizzly w that be fun crazy
one successful communist country
just one
i don't have the discord rule allowed in the server i think you have to pay for that server
ll right i want to just
have an r pece er ok
we have an our piece over so let's see
i want fy them to restart so that i can get the show the round and a plainess game
roll id not fund you gotta get roles is there any rp servers i can play
man is playing a spocking sma
in just plain a fuck and server
what's a som in this ponken plain
usz are split
tommy fail
howm a the all
you was a ar split
comy fail element fa o
who i was that guy meving in v ip whore the fuck is he he's getting thev ip
where is het
what's his name scrub lord
i scrub look
nineteen sixty three a scrub lord we're adopting you you're going to become one of us
there you know
is what happens when people take the red pill is that
they get a little loope in the head
but you know
you'll be a member of the crew in no time ok
you're welcome
don't at this scord
and we don't bnd for ideology so you can
you can s propa gate the truth under this war to
you can propagate the discord on the truth on
in the discord too
you guys go easy on him he's he's a new guy
thank you lenn appreciate you go easy on he's a new guy
i'm just waiting for this shit to download
're not leaking this fucking server because it's going to crash
you' all going to crash it
yeah this stream is so long
you guys are so lucky
two days in a row i give you these long a streams
mary the baby
with the scrub lord supercock
elemthy o
well i don't even know who you are what if i v i p like a fucking
horrible diy
you better have a good record
i want to see some pucking
crazy criminal background or some shit
who is sob based
whose sub base one thousand
i guess your wors matter is because you've gift it so much
you know your word means something
but who tell me who sub based is
why the fok i stll unbanded
oh my god taken so long
k i don't know how i could live today
all right's fine
it's your fault
oil princes got to do that weird shit but they got
you know multiple alts and
i don't know who you're serving i don't know what organization you're giving this money on be apf of
but i accept it
i'm not gona question it
what is
by forur
what is y for should i play that
what is afe for what is that
tell me what it is should i play it
should i play it
i'll play it now is it fun
is it
is it fun
is it fun to watch
it's the content black hole that's what i thought
the larp game
it's an m game
you play radedome games on the tridge
i'm at two hundred nine out at two hundred eleven ok i'm finally connected
thank you so bazed
thank you so ach
appreciate you
any thing that you can say tomorrow's doday
so have you got the good
been wondering if youa still open and if so know what it should
imma down on poker
i'm sorry to answer is just i'm constantly i the coa to id you inan knowly you feel the same
what the fork is this
raate new character
first name
number three
bullet's aro
tle island
born on the red revolutionary first of may
oh five
oh five
oh one
ninety seven
two thousand and one
you young dumb ass
which one is like close to the son's house
which one is the closest to son's house
which ones
close to hassan's house
integrity way okay
nh my god why did you tell me to choose fucking i knew was only charm hoole s at that
what am i supposed to be doing here
here we go
alright this is going to be fun
you know make our guy hod on
yeah we're going to do this
i don't like having this many options because
it's like
i remember number thirty number thirty remember that
remember that this is our destiny guy
the d z you guy
where do i get like hipsters
is this one good
i kind of like this one
we can judg
i didn't know we can have fat people
all right we're definitely
and this changes everything kay first of all
this literally changes everything
i can't even change the face
oka i can change the sirre
should i do this one maan
it who's this guy
is it so hard to ask for just a fat guy with a different face than this
i don't like i' s like it's perfect but i don't want the face
guy from yesterday i don't know
you remember it's in like the eighties
remember the eighties
getting int the brak
s cound just roll through
oh here it is hipster
yea i think it's we're going to go with this probably
not that only
ya this
i think this this is going to have to be it
hones seen
going to have to be this
doesn't seem like you can change anything there
i kind of like the red
it's like perfect
that it
no i can't
can do anything here
and do anything
bags can't do anything
it spok up
well there's two textures
it's perfect
is this good
this is this looks like commer number three
each is all we could do accessories we can do accessories
we do a lot of things actually
um accessories yeah let's just make sure we got the glasses down
i don't like how they're like shades you know
i don't like color like shades
the suns for
we just have to get rid of the chin
increases thickness
ah fok mass would be perfect
one if i go to the thirties
that's one forty three let's just do thirty
oh fark what is it oh was like eighty
fat guys areround here somewhere yeah
so this guy
if i can give him a mask i'm doing this one
what you can
butk you
this guys guys like stuck
and i do can i give him a ask no
is there any fat person i can give a ask
one forty three we're going back
get out of this come on
how do i get out of this
he git me out of this man
how do i get rid of this how
e l d
it's i can't don't do anything
no that doesn't do anything
same f button
o i don't even know what it
what and fucking one
back to this
think this is it right
chek this and uh
i would change the hair
we did change there thank you cdxppreciate you actually let me add an alerned box
thank you se that exppreciate
right um
nextually given paceient
okay i'll leave this
no why do i wan is he have this hair
are we the half
this is not the hair i intended
buty w'll make do a weekend g
on the glasses
alright beggars can't be cho this jus
let's just get on with it
let's go into the line open where
we're going to go
foll the shit out of this place
p upon
yes leave
yes how do i fuking leave
what do i click
what do i click to leave
let me out
in the name of chairman gonzale open this door
impressing f and e and nothing's happening
literally nothing's happening i don't
how do i get out of here man
i'm in first person
how do i get out
in the name of chairman gonzalo open this door
open it now revisionists
how do i open i'm using my i can't use my mouse no
now leave
thatt leave forma there's a bun to enable your mouse to click that but what's that button
what button control
ah legal problem
it got
finally one guy in the chat got
now i've been unleashed
so i can i just steal shit
and i just
youel cars
or what will happen revolutionary expropriation this is it out of the car settlers ah i'm on a secret mission
sent to me by the austin red guards
and now we've been unleashed into the wild world
got a focus on the mission
we are definitely definitely
in a disruption
at memeting
what's that
right all right riight right i need a plan right now think think comrade
yes i'm going to this is going to be an insot of my character
you may know me
by many names
probably know me
is comrade number three
a real name
eustace a k a eugene but i go by comrade number three and i am the leader of the cherokee nation
in contact with jason andruje tell him about the revolutionary overthrow the settler colonial state the united states
but leading the revolution right here from the heart
los santos
los angeles california
the look across the abyss of what the settler colonials
have done to this native land
ive realized i realized something something important
that i got to be the very best revolutionary that i can be
and that one day
i'll take chairman gonzalees place
and comrade number three we known across the annals of history
is the greatest revolutionary in history
looking at tuesday right
so first of all
i'm supposed to be here meeting with
an open society foundation donor because george soros going to give
my local antifa group
cash some
fifty million dollars that fucky capitalist pig
i'm waiting
drones know that they can only
excuse me excuse me excuse me
you know where i can excuse me do you know where i can find mr soros he has a check for me
uh fifty million dollars
to cause revolutionary havoc across the country
and disrupt local meetingst this crazy e mail the other day from a drone
it said
you can outsource
but you can't outsource happiness
same right
im sure sure
he's capitalist
never mind that focus on the revolution
first of all i'll
we got a settler on the loose
excuse me
you know this is stolen land
excuse me
you know you're walking on stolen land
oh you didn't think about that now did you
hoh nice coffee
hey you know this is you know this is stolen land
ca you stop
hey stop
now you better fucking come right here
come back here
i'm pointing at you
i'm pointing at you you better come back here
counter revolutionary fascist
la back
i don't like
i don't like how you're threatening me
how do i stop what
all right
i think had enough yes
i'm on the trail
it looks like we have a fascist infiltrator
i'm on the trail
i behind this tree
he see me
that's stoo stop okay
we called jason jason i'm on the trail
i think we found him
i think we found one of the leaders of the fascist
settler colonial
i'm after him
stop right there
now se
we're on the run
we're on the run
okay okay okay okay it's okay it's okay
my first time hijacking a car
buk where is everyone
excuse me
exeuse me settler
use me
oh fuck
i did not mean that i'm sorry
i did not mean that i'm sorry
i need to get on this bus
let me on it
open this foking door
fascist scum come back
come back
but to punch you like richard spencer
put that on twitter oh fact i don't intend to let you go this time b get out of here chavinist my truck it's my bicycle now i won't be bulled you
no no pussiy go back to your whole sit oh
stop chasing the settler fascist violence against the marginalized the oppressed
this is fascist violence against the marginalized the oppressed
in you awe
alright we need to find a way
we need to find a way
to fix this problem we have because ranight there's a local meeting of d s a
sa people over there
i used to be in the d s a but then i realize there are bunch of frauds
no it chairman gonzalo
said about these
every single one of them
will come tumbling down
in the revolutionary hurricane
' time to drop some poetry
fascists and the cops and the pigs mom and dad too
all wanted to
make me go to college
it can be a doctor
that have been a revolutionary but now i'm on the streets fighting for the real cause
of the revolutionary proletariat
on the red revolutionary red first the made long live chamaningkanzllo
we have a meeting of of d s a sellouts
and they didn't get the pigs had
but jason sent me on a top secret mission
i don't know how it's going to go
but i know it's my revolutionary duty the light the spark's going to lead to revolution
all right they can't see me yet
can't see me yet
can't see me yet
hinching on him closer and closer
scouting the area
if we have
i feel
here we have
heres me is this the luk
is this a local d s a meeting i think you guys are meeting here right
uh yeah yeah we're we're slow
thank you
all right run away run away run away run away
runaway mission accomplished
missing accomplice
no hat to ride open its fucking car richard long live chaman gonzalo
ofther richard spencer punch
no euys don't run away don't run away i'm waiting for my sorrels checks
come back com back drunk sorrows come back
george come back
i was attacking the wrong guy please come back
i need the open society foundation money you lok a good come back
come back
get over here
but over here
george why don't you love me anymore
b he have you
no one can
com back over here
oh you're not even george
my bad
mn back
lam back
all right all right right rightight le open this fucking door come on its the
m rp
better open this fucking bus
oh god
plly fck price gas town open this focking door right now open this nver mind bh
alright legit whe where do i find o thiss so i'm right here
oky i can probably see others on this map right
you go to see others
and i not see others
w i find other people
you can't can you you've to look of em for them organically all right i can't how do i like get an oober can i get an nober
seeing others is fail r p you got to go to burger shop
oh you're not supposed to like what the you're not supposed to find other place to this
i wanted to just interact with people
legal cope is like
way important
excuse me sir
excuse me um
oh this is the police first of all i have a word for these people
abolish the police
abolilish the police
abolish the police
where abouts she
god whatever
are you with the local chapter we're
why does this always happen every time i try to talk to anyone
it always happens
not not
now open his fucking door right now i'm abolishing the police
oppose the police
revolutionary process
community self defense
i will be speech this establishment
with every raging fiery fury in my body
revolutionary soul for a brighter future a better future a more sustainable future a cleaner future a greener future open this door
ah try again tomorrow
never happens
guess i got to open my ouh i'd open my phone
type my fingerprintslright
ma i message some one do i know anyone
our three nine one
but the fun is it
i will i will not fail you
hey you need a ride
yes oh my god thank you so much i've been stranded all my own
oh my god thank you
thank you so much
all right
e calm me you drive
for es
this settlers are going down and there's no way they're making it out alive
it com don'n hy yy it com ekep com
is this settler
were you going to go
uh you're not police are you
no i'm not
so did you know this is stolen land
what stol l
this is all stolen land
what do you think about that
alw is it
i meaan
who's is stolen from
by people
your people
yat we're your
i'm comrade number three the leader of the cherokee nation
oh that's
hold on me grab this
saring my coat
be doing
f the red revolutionary first of may
wly with the red revolutionary first of may
long live chairman gonzalo long lib chairman gonzalo
what the fact
what's going on
git me out of this
this is
capitalist state violence
the violence against the oppressed in the marginalized
ceases to exist every minute of every day the capitalist system
suffocates the most vulnerable and oppressed among us
get me out of this
this is stolen land all the land belongs to me
ok we'll get out of my car that belongs to me
i can't get out
put your hands down
your x muscle
five bits
the me
long live chamanins o
bong live cheron gozalo
now we're cruising
i'll make it to jason in no time and report on him all the good news
i'm going to report all the good news now
wait guys can you mek
you do not kill people
did you not kill people in this game
bo i don't know you couldn't kill people come on
i didn't know you couldn't kill people
vehicular manslaughter isn't allowed oh my god but i didn't know
laonn leve the red revolutionary first of may
bon live chairman gonzalo
getting bad for a minutes
i did not know that
said i use the nerve hoober bits
that's what you get for not driving sustainably
should have used the nwver bitch
just expropriated the means of production
par is
buck in capital is junk
right we're heading over to hassan's house now
assan' going to pay his revolutionary tax
go ahead and find him
gotta be up here
found it
that wasn't hard
three million dollar house in west hollywood in is gated community
it fuck do i exit this vehicle
so you can't ok you can't kill with vehicles i did not know that
am pressing f and i can't get out
i'm enslaved and bounded to iy means of production
as though tied to a factory
allt f for no rosu the fuckle
old a
i'm holding it
oh g c ple
i i shook this off
hold f one
you go
we know what to do
driver door
i still cannot exit out
old shift
it's f all night oh me
will they even know it's me i'm going to deny doing anything wrong how will they know
ill they know i need to get out of here i needed i ne to get out of here space i'm pressing everything
athan a
i don't want to get banned from the server this is a good server
yeah pris k enough
then what
exit vehicle
ok i literally don't know how to get out i literally don't know how to get out all the fuck do i get out
how do i get out
all right well we can't visit
we can't knock on hassan's doorstep but that's ok
because there are other ways of getting his attention
and i scroll back
a sim wake up
make ut hassan
wake up
wake up
make up
wake up
i saw him get outside
the outside a sim
pay your tax
pay your revolutionary tax
the son
get outside
get outside now
maybe if i park just it
r p suicide
ca get out on ironically i'm just going to fucking like
crash into something
i bet
yeah my way
yet f does not work
all right i have a plan
want to do this
thisescr like invincible
retreating to the hills as a revolutionary guerrilla from the people's army b the way of chairman gonzale
you cannot
bucking die in this game
is it is uh the f p s bad
it's good for me
oh go in the water that's a good idea
howy bra
long wave chairman inzlao
well now i'm in a pickle
i'm definitely in a pickle now
that'll do it
to make me stuck
e could i
and i just wait till i starve to death
no you ca
i'm good stuff calling n on one that's what i'm doing
alright so what do i do to pull up my phone
who's the phone
who is the pe
wh will do
oh two
and iight
parking dos
ah okay
i call the police
how don't i call the police
i don't have any contacts
i'm stuck and a
crazy person attacked me
no police on duty to respond
oh my god
what do i do
now hep me this is the worst night of my life
i get out of this
the exit card
i n f r a r e d f l y f r i don't know how to get out
but i don't have a control
there's nothing i can do i'm just stucking
we how do i do that
give people the bird
iw might do that
what you society
buck you society for doing this to me buck every one
fuck you will for making
stolen land
just this is not fun
nothing to rease
supposed to do
yeah i'm goinga die of hunger soon right
i'm literally surprised no one's here
runn the keys to the vehicle
i what what should i do what should i do in this situation what am i supposed to fuck and do
there's the setting tabs yah this one
e bindings
the vehicle
exit yeat at
it is the glitch clearly right
yeah i have to leave this or i don't want to leave this ervi
no it's a good server
he can't exit out
i know i'm getting banned o ka
i just want to get out of this
i am stuck in this vehicle
please kill me and resurrect
my soul
you can hear me scream
this is the most stupid thing that's ever happened in the history of the world
oh leave and rejoin that's actually smart
that's actually smart
yeah this one
going back
they were back
i'm not going to be bannd
it's all gon be fine
we're good hey we're going we're go we're going back
have you got colary
here people
long lived the red revolutionary first of may
why do i have a new haircut
and tryhm
did i get back in this car
why did i do that
i besmached this capitalist car
before car ownership is the most counter revolutionary enterprise of all
i spite and
spt upon
this most settler colonial of constructs
captals freedom and liberty to ride your car around
instead of using trains
right i'm supposed to be meeting
he's on his t
p's he go and meet him
collect some a our paychecks
for our next revolutionary practice we have to get our funding somewhere you buck in reactionary
don't fucking judge me for where we get our money we have to get it from somewhere fucking capitalist pig
right money doesn't go on trees
how may i ask
right let's go
ooh subbase sub bas thank you so much appreciate you
excuse me are you hameless
uh huh that's pretty funny
thats i'm looking around
to me
it actually looks like
you're not from around here now are you
i mean
talking about your ancestors
you're sitting on stolen land right now you bucked imperialist pig
and you benefit from first world imperialism
now don't give me your fucking sob story about how you're homeless and
oh youed to feed your kids i don't give a shit
you're a settler
a right you're not part of the cherokee nation
oh yeah
speed in your face
are we going to go meet with sorrow who's this other homeless guy
but the fack is this oh look another first world worker
another first world worker benefiting from first world capitalist exploitation of the third world
h taking out my pound in case
capitalists pig
reactionary you capitalist reactionary pig why youre not even unionized
taken out my bone i'm recording this
everyone look at his capitalist pig on putting it on twitter
you going to hear ratio
we're going to get race here okay
hey i'm talking to you
i'm talking to you
excuse me
i'm talking to you
ouh how do i do the fucking thing how do i point again
i i'm talking to you right now
this is violence this is violence
this is violence
you're an owner operator look at that
oh oh you're a worker and yet you own your own
oh you're petite bourgeois coulac
brick and owner operator owns your own fuck and leaf blower
what's that
what's that hey this is violence stop ignoring me it's
you started it
you started it
you started it
we little mate we're a little late with our meeting with soce guys can i break our fe for second tell you
oh my god i was here
it's going to make me sad ma'am
i was here a few times
s santa monica isa santa monica pierre
i was there
i went on thatt pierre once
was looking at the ocean
oh god l a
were meeting with sorrows
weh why does he make me walk all his way
n fack obit
yeah yeah
hey what's up comrade i did you collect your soros checks too
yeah pretty good we're getting it for austin chapter
oh that's great
yeah we're doing it for the local l a chacfter god take care comrade what's your name on twitter let me get your name on twitter
i'm going to follow you
i usually go on twitter to ratio that hoz guy
you all file in on him
we should join in we have these group chats recordinated
definitely join in and uh come with us allright got you
ll i got it
so what does sorous want exactly for all his money
uh nothing really you know he just i talked to him for five minutes and he was like
take as much as you want
and i said all right
well we need a few megaton missiles and in a few w apache helicopters
and this falcon capitalist pig
said he couldn't he couldn't do that all he could do
was give us a ton of money
you know
like block traffic and great disruptions
i can trade her piece of shit
p keep in mind and there's there's there's
well there's actually some theory behind so
mao talked about the patriotic bugeoisie the democratic bugoisie i don't know if you know teran
she's one of our comrades in the communist part of usa
and she talks about how the democratic
communists should defend democracy against fascism so
soros is like a democratic
bourgeoisie and likek
yeah he's not perfect and stuff but
he's a he's a demo he's democratic
patriotic buzasi
and we shouldn' feel guilty for taking money from
you know at the end of the day you
it's it's the it's
democracy ok i don't have time for this i'm going to go see
all right we're going to
going to go see soros
is this is this what you're supposed to do you're not supposed to talk to humans all the time are you
aren't you supposed to talk to n p season shit is that what they do
i'm the only one who do who does that
there's no play there's like sixty players here were m i supposed to fucking find
all right roun soros is super yacht to get our check
we're here to get our sup our check from soros
s i was
georgie where are you
ah what is his ball syet
is mark here
oh my god
uuh what's
that the bodyguard threw me off the yacht
b go on
gigochod skitzo time
help me
help me
well ma
i've sunk into the bottom of the ocean along with all the ancient indigenous technology
including the invention of the i phone
and the um
and you know
the space rockets and stuff that europeans took back to europe but the the same and never brought im back
and sharing the fate of all the settlers
this shipwrecks
please don't let this be my fate
please help me
if i die what happens do i die forever
he said i miss all the good old days when
i don't see j sai i never told you this before but
i was always scared to say it but
miss your old content
new turn we're taking i don't know what's going on
used to just
you know be a happy jolly go lucky guy and
seems like there's so much toxicity and negativity and
was always scared to say this openly because twitter would ratio me but
honestly like
don't you think you've taken it too far
on these a changed
ever since we started taking that soros money everything started to change and honestly i
the thought
could be the true revolutionaries
but it turns out it
just seems like every day we're the sell outs
losing a lot of faith in morale
but me heut me i' want to die this way
i really don't want to die this way please
help me
please i don't want to die this way
they're not
they're not helping me because i killed
one slungking guy
i'm sorry for what i did
i'm really sorry
it was a settler
it's all he didn't acknowledge it was stolen land he's a charpins
i'm sorry for what i did
all right can i send one last text message
i ca how do i open the menu can i
wew what
help me
be one last wewek
you can't use the phone while dead
i'm not dead yet
i don't like this
why do they make you wait
three hundred sixty seconds
just wanted to say
down with the pat socks
and knows
are my final words
as i depart this world
i blame you god
you did this to me
i used to think you weren't real
but now i do believe in you for the first time
i hate you
you did this to me
you made me ugly
you made mom and dad
choose their other favorite son instead of me
you didn't pay for my scholarship
to arts and crafts university so i can be an interpretive dancer
you drove me to this point
and most of all
he hate you momm and dad
a that fack is this
a that fact is this
is this
my in hell
t isn't so bad
honestly it's not even that bad
what a bad dream
ah i had the weirdest dream honestly
what the fuck is this
oh no it's purgatory
help me
come back
come back here
i'm stuck
get back here right now
just purgatory i'm looking down on a the souls
i don't want to be here
i got fucking clip
i' iven a fucking feel my way out of here
i got to find stairs
graphics case settings
rolled out
which one
we talking about
oh yes
oh go this is actually why don't i just increase this all the way
i did it
does it have to reset
it's not lagging is it
follow the water
all the light
oh is it extended shadows distance
can someone help me please i'm stopped
bully fuck do you see them on the other side
excuse me can you hear me
can anyone hear me
a fuck is that
we don't
we do
all right now we can go
leave this fucking cursed place
holy shit
excuse me
excuse me
it's a brother
you know this is stolen land
they get the fun back here
excuse me
i'm coming with
min it easier a this vehicle
you have three seconds
i'm coming with you
you're a revisionist
have you read the selected works of chairman gonzale
go ahead
capitalist pig
you can't do shit
you're stuck with me now
anyway did you know this is stolen land
id you know that you don't give a shit oh really you don't care
you immoral reactionary settler chauvinst piece of shit you don't care my comrades are going to know about you you're going to get fired from your job
i'm posting you to twitter
i'm posting you on twitter
but i could steal this
ca drive it
thanks for the free card dumb ass
going to kill a lot of people with this
i'm going to chase him
i'm out of the fuking government vehicle
i'm holding it
i'm holding it
how the capitalists infiltrate your mind and turn you crazy
you know what uh s if okay if you're gonna do this i'm just gonna get inside i't for
and i'm going on a murder spree
off the serve i'm getting banned from
buck display this message of f do mat server
oh oka
oh ok i got
i ne
that g i was such an answl
i only post this twitter
no phone
how do i get a phone
why don't why don't i have a phone anymore
where's my i phon i'm nothing without twitter you a re tweet to ratio haas
how do i get and get a
i do i get a fucking pall
do i get a form
where do i get one
i need to buy it and i need a job
its settlers
i'll never get a job never
make me
excuse me
this is stolen land
it's not
yes it is
it's not oh really
i am comrade number three the leader of the cherokee nation
and yeah it's stolen land
oh say
so this man man
this is stolen land
it's not if you have a problem with it you can take it up with the government
oh yeah
yeah oh yeah
i have three percent cherokee running through my veins
the cries of my ancestors
compel me
to besmeech this vehicle of a settler colonial state
or what capitalis pig
or what capital is pig
you can remove yourself from the property oh shit
you can remove yourself
from this land it doesn't belong to you settler
it doesn't belong to you
all you can do is use the violence of the capitalistate
to repress the truth
that shining light of chairman gonzalo from his luminous prison cell will overwhelm the capitalist pigs once and for all long live chairman gonzalo
what have you got to say chauvinist
you can just remove yourself from hospital property please
that got your tongue chavinis no
if you stop
he got you barssed up you know i come my red guards are on the way
you're caing to remove yourself from hospital property
my red guards are on the way
nice you can remove yourself from the property my red guards are on the way and you're going to get fired from your job
for doing what oh you're going all over twitter
you're going all over twitter yourself from the proper you're going all over twitter
give me my phone back
i don't have your phone
yeah you do i woke up in your hospital bed i didn't consent to it
and you stole my phone give it back
oh really
yeah really
i don't have your pun and what if i punch you in the face right now
you'll be assaulting
em s worker and i have you go you gon't too far bro a li were going way too far
i get to see atlanta aver ma that serious broke
and who are you
h you know on yamly
this is stolen land you better get you st fm you know you you hospital property ill just this vehicle excuse and now you're threatening me with
violence so you can remove yourself oh yeah
i'm a feminist i believe in equality
that's nice you can remove yourself from the property so nothing stopping me from punching you in the bace
can you guys get p d down here please
oh sweet
bring them capitalist pigs bring up i think you want i think you should wrong bro
bring the capitalst bring i'm not going anywhere please i'm not going anywhere
that's fine
over to the
please settle
settler land
plam back
you're at capitalist pig
even where the
youven wear the uniform of the capitali ist pigs
some guy was beaten up one of your ambulances
and now he's threatening me with violence no i'm not
you did
no i did
yes you did you're a liar
am i
you have asked you to leave several times no
you need to backle what
what are you doing
what the fuck are you doing
let me out
the violence of capitalism against the most marginalized and oppressed
the violence of capitalism against the most marginalized the impress the most
the movidence of capitalism this is fastism not my president not my president it's fascism get me out of this get me out fascism
this doesn't even physically possible
no tim
oh here's the fascist military police
i gather
their fascist militarization of the police budget
these are these are neo nazi gangsters no o no o
this isn't even the points
what the fuck is going on you're not even police
my red guards are coming
they're going to fuck you up
fulk you red guards
why my red guards are coming they're going to fuck you up you can't believe it e m s guy literally fucking came and took me to fucking
the fuck is this
thatpening hereman
your whole gang is toast
your whole gang is toast i'm going to wipe you all out john wigs style
i'm comrade number three
i'm comrade number three
i'm conrad number three hey pretty soon i'm go to bleaed out i'm going to respond i'm going to come chasing after you
oh i said that again i'm going to chase after you and every single one a you going to pay for what you've done
theo what did you say you're going to what i'm going to bleed out and wake up because yeah
but yeah you're going to wake up you're not going to remember anything yeahah you know that's what usually happens
you get a
you know you see the light you know i'm saying
sh probart of read our uh city guidelines you know all right capitalist pig
they were bd bro they were those come your capitalist pig were worse than this is stolen land litle aaw stolen land
i'm going to reclaim it
but i see try
oh yeah were o i just so introduce us where the falcon family you can press us all you want
you're bunch of bitches
someone that's bleeding out
yeah it was an honor serving chairman gonzalo from his shining luminous prison cele and it was an honor
for you for me that's all i can say i died in honorable death
i don't think he has anyone but i'll try you ho on
ho ho
come on
so have
i'm still heyre dumb asses
nh you shot we got we shot you in that you shouldn't be talking anymore
why he doesn't have anything at all take money take money
ia play this so weird
i'm trying to hold space it doesn't work
so what did he do
i don't know
why are we tumping m then what the fuck
shooting and i saw him in guffs
because i'm talking shoitl that's why i came at o he i'm talking
take his money
oh my god i
right and stup im in the water
i think i got then
in one day i get on band
i don't know i don't know how to play this ok i don't know how to play r p
now we could do another one
or i could we could wait till tomorrow call quits
you guys want to do
as want to do another one or should we just wait till tomorrow
i'm coming back tomorrow and i just going to run a moy
i right tomorrow the plan is
i'm getting a car
i'm running them all over then i get banned forever i need to find a better server that server is not big enough
no i can't do this shit because no pixel will never accept be any server
you know what's fuckin scary guys this all feels illegal it feels like i shouldn't be doing this
but it's just the game right
isn't it just a game
hyperbolic do i need to like
discord at server
this one's probably good right
i think these people take it very seriously
i think these people take it very seriously
all right can i like bye
and i buy my way into this serce
yeat people take it very seriously
you feel guilty i do like
when i was at the hospital yelling at that woman i actually felt really bad like i felt really kind of disgusting i was like
this is actually fucked up
it's kind of scary
and not
it actually felt really fucked up i was like
i shouldn't be doing this like
this is wrong
but it's just a game you know
so i was thinking yes just a game
you know i don't even know what the rules are because it's like i'm thinking this is just a game so nothing matters
when i was like i'm a feminist so i don't even care
oh good rob
this is actually golden content
i love doing this so much i'm not going to lie i love r p so much
al right i don't want to get too excited about it
ah let's just
ok this one uh i'm i have to wait in a queue so i'm going to just find
cirius r p
let's check this
all right this is a serious r p
should i make a youtube highlights of that one because
so i make a you tube highlights
oh my god
that was actually hilarious
all right i'm doe'm i'm i'm joining another one right now
joining another one
i don't know if i'm going to work out tonight honestly
i just sleep and
comrade number three takes it to the streets
oh for
you others to be red guards
co didn't invite someone else to rpuse jason
yeah we're creating a chas
wegreted jazz it's still loading i'm just looking ather shit
it's at one thirty nine out of one thirty seven so we should probably like
lollk get some shitt
will be wait
checked what or anything on
alright um
i also have the british character that i like
i want to dow the british characters
sit donated five dollars
make this like a weekly things its funniest
i will
i will
i will
i have so many characters in my head like this is what i do i have just
i have so many characters
i' still waiting to download all this shit it's like one forty two out of one fifty seven
cheking like the internet
think of anything's going on
sick already
guys like this at twitter ratio ira
what is
the chatterino
we have to say for yourself
i'm going to race you want you onant twitter you piece of shit
going on twitter right now to cancel you butcton piece of shed
and there's going to be so many people that are not on your side
fuck you you've stopped
i guess
oh this is bas what is this
look at this
saving them
it's the base
remember that guy came out
i saw that video
what canda oens is being based
a joke but
stop talking about russia send american troops to canada
due with the tyrannical reign of justin trudo castro
how am i pa o
's kind of base
half based havel not based
like you all ok saying how do you really want to send jips cant know ok but
it's just
is a way
you know family guys always been funny i'm sorry
we're going back to
guess what guys
oh this one just works
it perfect
allright let's not get bann from this one
i got bann
i got been
a getting blacklisted
ah far
guys i was just joking
i'm not going to break rules come on
oh woh
the white list and why diy we go through all that
it's a white list why make me go through all that
need to make a simple ticket
what do you mean
i'm going to join the carolina r pop
do that
why do i keep leaching up l i'm not doing that one anymore
use different
thank you s i appreciate you
it's an auto heet that fails constantly they just have to deal with
ok i got
can i be a serial killer
can i be a serial killer
can i be a serial killer
you work for the fb i
it's connecting
got to win people over to the opia
one thing i didn't appreciate
was how seriously people take
the flocking game
like people live in this game they take it very very seriously and i just
the problem with me is i'm very good at
mocking the things people take seriously
yeah this fucking shit always fails
you got rejected
a the roll id is not found fox
all the ones would like a lot
hi i joy you were
if this one doesn't work
we're just going to call itquids and wait till
this spucken h
kind of sick of doing the sore voice honestly
i want to do the british force
ah ight
you need to realize that you are messing with the wrong person in town
is on the south
you're going to have consequences for your action
there's absolualely noth you can do about it
i never thought of that
i never considered the possibility
this is the longest dream i've ever done
it's gota be
holy crap blowers
if i could get a peter griffin voice
and nail it down consistently
i would one a thousand percent to a peter griffon rp
and that would be the voice the whld time
holy crap blowers
its hairs from infrared
no way
park i can do
holy crablowers
its hairs from infrared
nothing beats the male feminist thing nothing beats
it's the funniest thing i ever did
always it
you guys are never getting r p is good as that because i'm sleep deprived that's literally the only reason
he just right away
one i i punches
i love the fucking medic
is that even legal the medic took me to the fucking
to get bes killed is that even legal
he didn't even take me to the police he just took me to a fucking game
and how did you even fuckan arrest
yeah it's already the warlord eo
nothing wastes your time more than yea
anybody can give handcuffs and handcuffs someone how do i do it
oh that's why i could have r i could have run away
i can't believe i fucking uh
i was like i was like it's still loading this shit is still loading but i was like
i can't believe i was like
as soon as i wake up and respond
i'm going to come after all that
oh good
can you imagine if someone said that in real life
oh good
yeah i was shot in the head
and i was still talk
y i got bann
i know why
still alive dumbanses
i get pitches
i should have talked my way out of this
to get them to revive me i should have been l
oh my god why did the dola take so long
you guys want to like see the downloading shit
oh you'll see what i'm dealing with
not my art my shoulders
it's waiting
this is like the longest ream i have ever done in ever
the pomn gt a bm beside to let the extra ropadand over the spin part cwms of the n inic pas and poscars
thank you subay thank you so much subbaseppreciate you mam
only fok
holy fock i have nineteen hundred sobs
why were youre
that's so cool
tax in a mail tax on a row conn i face tm sad he just a the pr so to sit on my neck that come from the tax that a sod i never went platum st what i mean you know youre right and it's so i wt toe it soll stupd because that's what shots want to down and the clapp to this trust me that doesn't bow well for er is call be victims on the street a boy you notice difference and aund the throat for the brass game and i'm focused sos mission in the top spot i got so positioned
think i want to taste the i tat sit like a col n reistance with a col forty five gold edition i'm a donlt magician
he if i hear
re nigm
in a six neger still flip the next and second strike in a billy clinnon
red and white he got the b turn him in a food body group of biscuit run it likes inside of city limits i'm excited myer shouted sh to shitting we acideed some pople with suicidal
door closed shoping it off a cheickens cold from toping the plicking sking a motivating mon on themsion straps in a lap in a pack thatt a lack
oy we're in
it's what actually works to
the fuck great character first name three fifty six delay for aircraft maintenance
oh i do
right uh nationality
what's like in
like an extinct british colony like a random british
nigel donated it's ust nigel crap
but's honey
pred time yeah
ya why who the fucks at nigel kuking ah
um uh let's go to morning a actuly i
that say
absolutely delightful
i cannot wait
the glory that is
los angeles
ca entertainment capital of the world
it seems we are in the dark
canot see a god damn thing
b come on
everything's gota go wrongn
he's got to go wrong youn't we notice that
rapidly running out of pace
no it's loading
you know what
so what choice am i left with
was it that easy
well was it that easy my stuck with this
a base creation what what what what exactly can i create arans i more just keep it like this
no more just keep it like this what i say with the problem is
but this cannot be
it's not going to do
noise or cckingham
i got cockingham
nor you cuckingham
alright we'll just have a random guy
base one
is it a to choose the parents like
ire the three faces
there's three parents
all right sat this y i don't in't i don't know ust we're just going to go straight to clothing
because i don't
i'm just going to make him have no chin
that's the best i could do
he can't have heir can he
there's no way
b folk this might
fok this in the fok out here
it the four ocloc
i have a
save changes get
both are n forli this
we're going to go outside
have a big tussle
and who the folk are you
you mind telling me what you're doing in front of my house
will you know go on talk
uh we said cat scot your tongue is it
that's got your tongue is it
what the fulk are you doing in front of y house
get the palk out my fries
i said
and here the folk are you
h the fuck are you
the fok you fk you you falking
gu i thought you
ok you
okay my
and yeah yeah yeah
go shit
ok thankk
good human
keep strong
that learn your lesson
only one room for a bold guy in this server
walk in
ho is the server
i'm not going to stop until you're dead
oh till you wen it
that's right
sn't put on ya
even while you' down
bms of brixton
norant to norin street
eight to four park here
stupid balk
ca and give you permission to get all
por breeth
fok back on the ground
boy my
at the easiest
bag of bon
you'll call the coppers now
but a cold coppers now
not on my watch
so you've decided not to choose violence
and it
in it in it
s dead you better not tell a single soul of what you saw here
i mean that
you will not have mikes
these people don't have mikes
ey we're going to run people over and shit i'm just gkidding
pop onorn this
i've got nothing to do with that
a's gone no
i's got no business with me it's just it's like
where's the monkey
get back over here right this instant w's all this violence the fok are you tis my vehicle i'll be taking that sultan i may bear the one f
one thing to do in g t a which is to run people over go to as all right now we i think i'm using the mik in game right yeah yeah
why did i do that
m ym
stream sports stream sports stop your truck now mke this is a trjack skal storm it the foky is this se you is the fky mark
yeah i didn't know you do that no beaying it back right there's no this is the server has no laws there's just no rules and no laws anything goes just do whatever you want
y four
oh no
who do i call i'm dead what do i what am i supposed to do now oh ok
oh oh
b land back land back land back back the other character so exhausting i don't even have energy to do the other one i'll have th that that other character
so it's you have no ide like if you feel annoyed by the land back character it's literally more annoying for me i have no energy for i literally have ick
oh oh my
took on for the team now that way
is there no e m s
help i'm dead
oh you can't respond you have to wait
no this server has a lot of people believe it or not
the surve has like hundreds of people
base i tried trying to do the ambulance thing oh ar
hey help e i'm jedd mrivad heh we have a minute in
who the fuck is that a minute and thirty seconds o hel me help me i think i'm failer those servers a glitchy piece of shit
e everyone's balll ohp me
help my
everyone is balled on the server are you going to play elden ring i don't know man i don't think i have time
hel my
help of pull in gard g oh
elder school six is not coming until twenty twenty seven
probably never come aright
what of folc is this
any sharing
i i can't see a go down forking then
did you have a microphone
if this a crackhad server man they don't have fucking mikes
great server
then since you cann't do anything wallet illegal i can call you a little bh
and you can't do anything about it can't ya
wts your
isce of shade
ohm no nly soul
still hat you got there
let me give you my keys
and four k
know what com closer you whatre you going to do about it you cannot do anything illegal in this area
who could say what i
i'm telling the police
you know who just comes
aw he's going to
youing to jail now
or name is noogel cuckingham
reckon this is my vehicle
you takeing thatup
youre know way
hurrre you up
were you talk
i ever told you
that some things can't be seen
want go to your mom's house to give her a baby shag
oh foral man that's right oh you think that's going to happen uh
have the most certainly is going to happen you want to stlip out this vehicle and see what happens
you to w push you to do anything about it reckon this is my vehicle now i will not begein now i will not begin ot this vehicle what i got you haad right
wouldn't they were a forking thing
how would you remember
tell you what
i've got your family tied up buck on ninth and south street anything happens to me they're going to be burned to washes don't do a fking thing you fk it want to see you want to know what i got to say about that man
what have you got to side
i don't have
show the phoco
might give your mother a shag
a number one out of ten what are the odds i'm
more stinking fors
a big mell
n and your mouthle's got a big bump
know you got a big
that's right i as a matter of fact i do
bok you bk
walk you to your face
so you don'tunderstand i have the power
you haven't got a god dwmn foking thing i'm never leaving this car it's my car now you won't do shit and aalk you about me next time you flip me off on
k you ok you and your mom
yeah well do shit do don't say
walk bk your mom buk your butuckt fuk your dad buk your mom souck your mom
suck your mom
ok you
this's my car now
get the fok a my foice
what the fung happening my mpt c
looks like i escape so aggress
why's my guy such an assl he i'll give you a moa shag
let's still talk now
i were back
should i s can i call
fur and one one
some psychopath
doh shot me in the head
but no reason t ya hooligans under control he's back
t on
need an ambulance immediately what's going on he took my body put it what the fuck is this
oh i'm getting revive
well the
let ask get in walk let i ask get in
get bak
what's stoping me from knocking you right off your feet right now
what i thought
i'm going to still be an ask balk you and your mom what are you going to do about it exactly what i thought yeah and you're just the fucking voice w
that's exactly o output no it's all the way up thes oning on wherere we going where we going i reckon
what the folk are you doing i'm calling the police it is my boy now
both you and your mom whatre you going to do what are you going to do are you going to do a reckon nothing at all
look at what a fucking laggage shou what am i getting reparded for he punched me all i did was get ot his bike
oh you no them
oalk oalk only one
m oh may what i'm don let's it
i wait
that that's enough that's enough
i'm done
i don't
i'm trying to exit out and i can't
ok there go
allre you guys
i did not
so this is the longest dream i' ever done in my fucking life
this is the longest falking ream i've ever done with my falk in life
don't all know something
who did i rain yesterday
d i reaid yesterday
did i read that that
does nant youe remember
what girl did i ad yesterday
oh i remember
ok i'm going to read this verst
i guys by see tomorrow