We're going to war

I used to be so quiet and small, a shadow life, afraid of fall.
The fireside started to grow.
Now I'm opposed, you can't overthrow.
Every star in every day, I'm opposed, you can't overthrow.
Every star in every day, with my strength, now I'm standing in.
Now my life's inside the boat.
Come with me and we'll be Inuitable Now we are invincible
I'm break the boat
Running up by you
I'm just a million shot
Running to the wild I'll shake a ball.
I will never hold back.
Unstoppablestoppable Uneniable
Ready for the next time
Where it is simple
One, two, three, four
Sands One, two, three, four Yeah, we're
Yeah, we're
I'm glad I'm playing Yeah we are
And they're all And they're responsible
I'm playing for both
I'm glad you're not having
I'm just going to live and shine
And this is all we're going to see it to the way. and uh... uh...
uh... I'm and you know
I'm I'm
I'm I'm and you know
the The I'm The I'm Oh and you know
I'm I'm and the uh...
you know Thank you. I'm and you know
I'm The The The The The The Thank you. I'm going to be. I'm and the you know, but
the The Thank you. I'm and the uh...
the I'm going to be. I'm going to
be able to The I'm I'm going to be. I'm going to be. I'm
going to
I'm The Thank you. The The I'm not you know, and and you know
the and the Thank you. The The The The I'm going to be. I'm The The The The and the uh...
uh... Thank you. I'm going to I'm not I'm going to
I'm I'm going to be. I'm
going to
I'm going to be. Thank you. I'm
a lot of I'm The I'm not going to be. I'm going to be.
I'm going you know, and so The The and I don't know. We're going to be able to be a man.
We need a
Oh. I'm going to be.
And so and the other I'm gonnae
and a lot of
I'm gonna and the other people and the other
and the other
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I'm I'm
I'm and and the I'm not
I'm and the other people and a lot of
and a lot of
I'm I'm I'm
I'm I'm I'm
I'm not
I'm I'm right right Rise. I appreciate you, brother, Azur. Thank you, brother. Ed Gentry with the five. What's going on, man? Red gear solid with the one. What's going on red ambiance appreciate you crass what's going on man
so guys it's tuesday that means that we are past the deadline of the threat of the attack our enemies were making.
And we should talk about what that means and what the implications are.
So basically what happened is that they saw how unified and mobilized we are. So basically what happened is that they saw how unified and mobilized we are, and I think they're planning on trying to take us off guard. So what we're going to have to do for the foreseeable future, actually, is maintained a heightened state of vigilance and a heightened state of awareness and you you guys are awake and you need to keep it up okay tundra what's up because the goal is to attack us by surprise that's going to be the next goal and that's something
that we cannot allow to happen everyone here needs to be absolutely on their toes and get ready
for a year of conflict and war and struggle and more johnny appreciate you now before anyone tries
to take what i say out of context there was a stream in which i talked about how the internet
is just as real johnny i appreciate you.
I said the internet is very real, okay?
I said it is an attribute of real warfare.
The intensity, the antagonism, the heightened state of conflict that you find on the internet.
It's just the same as in real life. And there is a very small line between real world conflicts and the internet conflicts.
Okay, it's not that big of a leap, okay?
People decided to take what I said out of context as if I was endorsing that, as if I was saying that, yeah, I want everyone to just go from the internet to fighting on the internet to killing each other in real life.
That's not what I was saying. What I was saying is that that's already happening. That's already happening when it comes to, well, I appreciate you. It's already happening when it comes to the phenomena of terrorism, which of course we oppose. Of course we oppose terrorism. It's in our Constitution
that terrorism is fundamentally
antithetical with the American Communist Party.
And also,
I gave in another example, which is gang warfare.
Now, the reason I mentioned that
wasn't because I was encouraging those
things to you guys
but because I wanted you guys to take
seriously. I wanted you to take
the internet seriously. I mean, it's a
super cringe thing to say, I guess,
to millennials, but it's very,
very fucking serious. You should take
it seriously. You should take doxing seriously. And by the way, doxing is an act of violence. Absolutely it is. When someone doxes you, they're doing so with the expectation that physical harm is going to come your way. They're putting you in danger, not only you, but your family. Okay. So that's an incredibly violent thing to do with very much violent intentions. There's a lot of malice behind it. You know, violent malice. And I'm telling you guys that so that you don't think that somehow the real conflict is just
going to be offline and you can ignore the internet.
You need to take the discourse very seriously.
Because as I've been saying for a very long time, it's only a matter of time before shit hits the fan, and we are going to
become Liberia. And why Liberia? Because it was an American colony, and what happened there is literally
an omen as far as what's going to happen in this country in my opinion okay
nihilistic terrorism gang violence warlordism digital uh you know uh social media age warlordism
on a mass scale i think is probably going to come that's not something we want to
initiate that's not something we are interested in being at the avant-garde of we are law-abiding we
follow the law we're not doing anything whatsoever that could
possibly give the government a pretext
to crack down on us or take away
our rights and liberties.
But that being said, we do
need to organize and prepare
within legal means.
And we need to organize and prepare and part of that means defend prepare within legal means.
And we need to organize and prepare.
And part of that means defending our battle standard, our flag, our party, our movement. You absolutely need to treat the internet as real, not by going and doing things, you know, committing,
starting fights offline, but by doing it online. You need to absolutely defend and wage
this war online and take it seriously. That was my point. My point wasn't that I want this to start, you know, I want the intensity to trend. No, I'm saying just as you would take a real war seriously, take this seriously. You know, that's my point. It does matter. Controlling the discourse matters, and it's an attribute of discourse. And it's more, we don't need to commit any crimes. We don't need to violate the law at all we just need to
make sure we have the discourse under control and that is literally more if um how should i say
that is literally more of a victory when it comes to warfare right now okay
and it is fundamental to warfare in general and and I do think a civil war will probably come
in the near future and yes I mean we have to, we will be underground for something like that.
Probably will probably be banned from everywhere.
Like everyone else, there will be no social media at all, probably, right?
And that was the whole point, and I stand by it, all right?
I absolutely have never endorsed terrorism.
I will never endorse it.
What I endorse, by the way, when I say there's a thin line of courage, real courage is not terrorism, by the way. Real courage is being someone who's demoralized, who has many doubts, who's maybe depressed, who's lost, and who becomes inspired by this online
movement and in its message, right? That's just purely on their screen, their computer
screen and their phone screen. And then they decide to join the communist party and pick up you know uh i was going to say
shovel but not really we don't we're not really digging anything but you know uh get out there and help your communities.
Get out there and make a difference.
Get out there and organize and make a difference based on making that transition, making that commitment is way more courageous than terrorism by the way you know because you're risking
the possibility that am i doing something pointless am i doing something that will fail am i joining this party Is it you're taking a risk and that takes a lot
of courage and terrorism is a form of cowardice. Okay, it's the opposite. Attacking innocent
civilians is indefensible and it's what
cowards do.
And I've never
said anything close to endorsing that.
But then again, look,
there's been a clear concentrated campaign to create pretexts for using the government to crack down on me or the government itself is trying to create the pretext to crack down on me whatever but i'm not guilty of any crimes, so that's the problem.
From allegations of gun running to Haiti, to this, you know, it's the same actors that are responsible for it. They're trying to create the pretext for banning our movement, basically, and rendering it illegal and associating it with crimes.
And everyone needs to take that seriously.
You need to take it very, very seriously, okay?
Speaking of taking something seriously, I want to give you guys some updates when it comes
to the Danny thing.
John Brown, I appreciate you.
To give you some updates about the Danny thing.
So Kyle and I talked to Dan Cohen and Kim Ives as well as some legal counsel.
And we have all come to the agreement that we are going to pursue this matter in court.
And we have already filed a private injunction to Danny Shaw to cease and desist from his defamatory statements and retract his claims. And he posted something today, reaffirming his defamation.
Although he, I guess he decided to change his story.
I don't understand why he did that,
because the new story is just as much of a lie as the old one,
but it just goes to show he has no credibility, okay?
In any case, we were basically advised that it's dangerous to treat this matter as an internet.
Like, we need to hold trial on the internet, because it is a very serious
allegation we don't want to play around with. So we're just going to deal with it legally,
and that's the end of it. And that includes all evidence that is relevant for that. Because it's very important.
It's very important we treat this with utmost seriousness and not play around with it and just go through the legal system.
And that includes, you know, when it comes to how we're handling the evidence, for the simple reason that Danny has already set the precedent for changing his story.
And the story that he'll probably change to, no matter what we do, is one of two things. One, he'll pivot to saying that actually it wasn't said at this meeting, but there's another meeting that it was set at, conveniently a meeting that there's no evidence of, right? That's one of the things he'll try to pivot to.
The other thing he'll try to pivot to is that he,
maybe he hallucinated because he relapsed on drugs or he was thinking of someone else
or something different.
But legally speaking, he's going to probably have to make the argument that, no, no, no, I wasn't
knowingly lying.
I was just, I somehow, for whatever reason, thought this.
And we are not trying, we are not going to allow him to weasel his way into that excuse for
the simpler reason that danny shaw has a precedent of demonstrating that he's a duplicitous and
bad faith actor who is more than willing to tell lies to fulfill his agenda and his goals.
Case in point. He spent months in the party deceiving everyone about his state of mind and his position and his commitments and whatever and he was he was doing that
for months and months and months fooling everyone while he's secretly recording us and and and and trying
to conspire and plot and whatever.
But the allegation he made is so serious that we're going to have to handle it through the courts.
So that's the update I want to give you, basically.
And we absolutely intend on pursuing this because it's extremely dangerous guys.
There may be a big new when Haiti re-enters the news cycle.
This is an incredibly dangerous allegation to make, you know, and we're not going to allow it to stand.
No matter what. It's not going to be allowed to stand.
So that's my update on that. I guess on a lighter note, it's kind of funny that in the video, he got the cease and desist, so he thought that his way of weaseling himself out of any legal consequences was spelling the words out rather than saying them directly.
Like, gee, you know, Danny, that is a legitimate and valid tactic for a five-year-old to avoid saying a curse word in front of their parents, but it has no validity or credibility or significance when it comes to a defamation suit.
I don't know who told you this idea that just by spelling it out loud, it's somehow less defamatory. I don't know where you're getting your legal
counsel or who gave you that advice, but I recommend getting a new legal counsel. Because
you guys may have been confused about why he was spelling it out, but the reason is because we filed injunction last night. Did I say it was this morning because it was in the AM last night? So it was at last night. But that is why, okay?
So, yeah, I'm not sure where he's getting this advice from, but he needs to find some new counsel.
What do I think of the fact that John deactivated his Twitter
what is there to think
of it you know we don't know
what we don't know if he's acting under duress
that is the most Johnster appreciates you.
That's the most charitable explanation.
And I think the reason, and, and, um, if that's not the case, I mean, it is unspeakable
and unforgivable what he did,
which speaks for itself, right?
But even if he
was acting under duress, frankly,
I'm not that sympathetic.
I don't have much more sympathy.
I mean,
the gravity of this cause and the commitments require...
This is not the Red Army Cross.
This is the Communist Party.
This is a commitment.
You have to be all in.
You have to be absolutely serious and dedicated.
It's not... This is not a side NGO thing that you can just do because you feel this is a very very serious commitment okay it is um uh it is nothing to trifle with i want to also update you guys about something i had a call
with sarah from ddg uh and borut by the way and the reason is because Borut, again, was just affirming that,
hey, man, listen, you know, obviously you weren't lying about the high Mars, I was there, you know,
and they communicated to me and expressed to me that they had no part whatsoever in John's decision or behavior.
And I am inclined to believe them, actually. I think I actually said this before, but I think we ruled out that Sarah or DDG had anything to do with this, really, or were a motivating cause or factor. I think I said that Friday, but I don't think, I mean, I don't have any evidence or there, there is nothing that
indicates or leads me to suspect that she was a catalyst for any of this in any way.
So, so that's my judgment
uh frankly
you know
they you know had no part in it and they're not interested in being involved in our politics at all.
So that's another update I wanted to give you guys.
And I don't want everyone to sigh and chill out yet because the enemy is still active and plotting
and and you know preparing something we don't know again just like i told you sunday but i think that
you know i think it has been...
This is now becoming a legal thing, basically, is my update.
This is now something we are going to be...
It was incredibly shocking and bizarre Friday when he did that, but it is what it is.
And now we have to actually take the next steps to consider it legally, you know?
So... steps to consider it legally you know so in any case um there is much more i can say about danny and whatever but again we are going to move forward
in a proportional way um it's that simple you know well it's not, but more like...
Alex, appreciate you.
We're going to move forward on the basis of treating this like we're under siege and it's a war.
And in a war, we're not going to exhaust...
We're not going gonna fire everything right away
uh such as the nature of war you know such as the nature of war, frankly.
So, these are the updates.
Daniel Tut was upset that I mentioned him on my last
stream. Well, I had every right to mention the bad behavior of Daniel Tutt, frankly, because he committed
an injury toward me by mentioning me publicly, okay, first, and the party.
And he, you know, basically attacked me in public first,
which I didn't. All I did was correctly relay to you the chronological order of events as far as what happened as far as what actually happened okay people endorsed danny who later very much regretted it because they realized this guy is probably a junkie. An actual credible
journalists like Dan Cohen, who are roped into this, actually revealed the truth, and now
suddenly people are backing away from Danny's derangement and insanity.
Again, that is also a charitable characterization of Danny's behavior because it frankly glows in the dark.
Why is a guy traveling to East Timor to support CIA-backed
actors and forces? These are things that admittedly I didn't pay much attention to.
What about Nikki?
Nikki is completely not involved in any of this.
I don't know why you're mentioning her.
But that guy is a very shady...
And again, if you saw how duplicitous and deceptive he is,
you would instantly know that anything he says is bullshit
and should be taken as bullshit.
If he can sit there and tell all of us what he told us,
you know, sincerely, guys, I'm so excited for what's next and whatever,
while plotting on our downfall simultaneously,
I think that you would understand that this person has no credibility whatsoever. so that's that we're still going to be moving forward with our recruitment drive and our streamlined system of recruiting members, which will bring massive volumes of people into proximity with the party and technically in the party.
But we are introducing a cadre recruit distinction now
that will streamline the process of bringing people into the party. So that is good. That's very promising. We're moving forward with our planned party work and everything is fine.
And once again,
the last thing I'll say on that note,
right? If we were the PSL
or the DSA or any of these other organizations and something like this happened,
it would cripple us.
Not only would it cripple us, it would at minimum create the circumstances for a weak and conciliatory leadership
and be changing our policies internally to appease the professional managerial element at the
expense of the blue collar
working class element
and these
feds who are doing this coin toll
pro stuff I think really did
not understand that ACP is not the
PSL that they're
traditional ways of
wrecking and defanging and
neutralizing parties that they've
been doing since the 1970s
will not work on our
party. And I think that
had deeply disturbed them
is a source of disturbance for them and the only reason
they haven't squashed us like bugs yet is because they are hyper-focused on the Trump
administration because here's another very interesting thing.
The Trump administration
is going to divide the federal
government and federal agencies
down the line. Major heads
and figures and
bureaucrats in the system just like it's almost like
the way uh they conspired against me they're going to conspire against trump the way uh danny and
whatever not to compare myself to trump but it's a basic law of politics is what happens Trump is consolidating himself as a very powerful central authority and that is going to lead to the formation of secret political associations in the highest levels of government which will conspire and plot for things like coups and other kinds of things the people that he's revoking clearance for are the ones not doing tequila frankly
i don't want to call it tequila because tequila's based but in any case this is going to be an administration with a divided house. A divided
house cannot stand. The government bureaucracies are going to be divided. The CIA guys are very
ideological. Some of them support Trump. Some of them very much much don't and there's going to be an
internal conflict at the highest levels and um gabba that is the scariest thing about all of this.
We suspect something kind of similar.
That this attempt was intentionally sloppy to study our responses.
And yes, that is a very frightening thought, and it is not something that can be ruled out. And it is kind of a little likely, actually. I think they are very interested in knowing how we operate and our MO and how they can really fuck with us.
And yeah, I think that's something that's been on all of our minds actually, but it's something
we've considered.
But it's not going to be that easy at the very least um frankly it's not going to be that easy
uh okay so um now let's talk about what's on everyone else's mind in the world outside of our cult, right?
Which is Elon Musk's Hitler salute or his Roman salute.
I was actually shocked by it, kind of, not too much, but I put two and two together.
Okay, maybe I'm being paranoid, but stay with me here.
I mean, Hitler content on X has been blowing up.
Is that just because Hitler is so popular?
Or might it be because it is being boosted artificially on the algorithm?
I don't know.
I'm not saying I know one way or another.
Maybe I'm woefully out of touch.
I know you guys know that in real life,
it's a fact that there are young people becoming radicalized by the
extreme right and who are saying, oh, yeah, Hitler, whatever, they're endorsing Hitler.
But it's a chicken or the egg type of thing thing what's what started making it go viral because as soon as
Elon Musk took over it started becoming very viral it wasn't a slow drip process it instantly
became super viral right and i wonder how much of that is being boosted artificially on the
algorithm and if elon is himself culpable in that.
Now what is the angle that would make that possible or probable?
Well, I'll tell you.
So one of the things me and Jackson have been looking at
because Jackson had a really interesting guest on legitimate targets.
I actually forget the episode,
so forgive me. But I was in Moscow, I think, when he had the guest, or maybe I was in Donbass,
I don't remember. But he revealed something very interesting about Elon Musk and his family history.
So Elon Musk's is descended from political personalities who were part of something called the technocracy movement.
Yeah, the Canadian historian, exactly.
Matt Erette, exactly.
And the technocracy movement believed in eugenics, and it was this, and it also believed in a
a North American
super state right
it was one of its things
taking Mexico
taking parts of
South America
even the north of South America
the Caribbean
and um South America, even, the north of South America, the Caribbean.
And they, that is undoubtedly a factor in the territorial expansionism.
We've been seeing Trump entertain and take seriously.
And I hate sensationalism.
I also hate libtards.
And resistance toward Trump has become... By the way, when I say technocracy,
I'm not talking about technocracy in general. I'm talking about a specific Canadian movement in the 1930s and 40s, which was also, I think, placed under legal scrutiny for insufficient loyalty to Canada during the war, during the phony war, which Canada was as a member of the Commonwealth also in, right? So the connection is there.
And it was a big factor in the formation and rise of Silicon Valley, super spooky, and shelled that, right?
But it's not out of the question that Elon Musk harbors Nazi sympathies or views.
Strail Stani, I appreciate you.
Another thing to consider, which is more, I guess, Strel Stanley, what's up?
Another thing to consider, which is more in line with what logo has said, is basically that, well, Elon Musk could just be a Redditor who, you know, he the roman salute because he's he's doing rome larp you know
that's another i guess thing out there we could say that he's just like being edgy and he's like
oh it's just like rome j b what's up another possibility
and i talked to jackson about this and he was kind of just like well he is just kind of autistic and
maybe it was an accident i don't think it was an accident myself but I can't
discount the possibility I guess you know he is very autistic i guess
but in any case it was very bizarre
but Paul Coxhot raises a very good point
and again the resistance to Trump was discredited completely after 2016.
And maybe that was the point, by the way.
Antifa was discredited completely. Maybe that was the point, by the way. Antifa was discredited completely.
Maybe that was the point, by the way.
I hate using this word loosely,
but it does seem like the United States,
ruling classes, and the deep state, and whatever else you want to call the machine in Washington, I really get the strong impression that it is actually starting to adopt an overtly fascist tendency.
The notion that Trump is a fascist is very cringe and very much reminiscent of the stupid stuff from 2016 that we're all familiar with and Trump is not extraordinarily a fascist. He's no more fascist than Biden. But I'm looking at a long-term tendency of the trajectory of the American state that actually begins much earlier than Trump, including George W. and Obama.
And it's not about Trump.
The problem with 2016 Antifa nonsense is that it was too focused on Trump's personality
and this strange edible relationship to Trump with these strange
psychosexual Freudian connotations.
It's about the father versus the rebellion
and it's about a man versus woman war.
That was a bunch of nonsense.
That's a complete distraction
but according to our traditional
orthodox marxist leninist conception and understanding of what fascism
actually is which is you know an aggressive form of militarism that is combined with the interests of
imperialist and financial capital, we do need to take seriously the consideration that the U.S. is on a fascist trajectory.
And yes, that is accelerating under the Trump administration.
Now, here's my theory as far as why that is and how that has come to be.
I don't think Trump was ever actually some
fascist, okay? I think Trump in 2016 was a disruptive populist who did not have a plan. He did not
have a plan. That was pure maga back then right but i think
what happened is that through the course of the biden administration the fascistic elites
uh and oligarchy decided that they were going to weaponize Trump's kind of disruptive politics and employ that in the service of implementing the fascist dictatorship that they always had the intention of implementing.
So Trump was this eccentric populist in 2016.
That was the Maga movement, whatever. It disrupted American politics a lot.
2020, they have Biden.
And then they realize under Biden,
they're not really able to implement the fascist dictatorship agenda that they wanted to when we're planning.
So they basically looked at Trump, who's a very disruptive,
creative, whatever politician, and they're like,
we're just going to do this under Trump
and have Trump be the face of it.
Because Trump is a disruptor
and Trump is populistic. Trump is
someone that is very popular. Trump can change things. There's not going to be a lot of civil resistance if it's Trump because what? Is the Midwest and the Maga countryside going to resist? You know, the FEMA camps if they are led by trump fema camps is a euphemism
for early 2000s american conspiracism about the rise of fascism but in any case in case you're
autistic in any case, in case you're autistic. In any case, um, you know, uh, absolutely, they are using Trump.
And we, we, we, we, we, you should not make the same mistake that retarded leftist did in 2016 and make this about Trump.
That is a very, that is a Freudian war you will not win.
You will not win that war by rebelling against the father.
But you will win a war of fighting against a oligarchy. And that's what the truth is. This is about an oligarchy taking hold. I'm not talking about the billionaires from Silicon Valley only, although there are a huge
factor in this. If you look at America's economic hegemony, it's major business leaders and
corporations, they are all kind of kissing the ring right now
and they're unifying under this new hegemony the good news is that the old liberal hegemony is
dead and we don't really need to bother with it anymore. The pink-haired
Hitlerism is kind of dead.
Now we have ordinarily
black-haired Hitlerism,
No longer
do we have to point out the transgender
We can now contend ourselves with fighting cisgendered Hitlerites, a word I don't like using, but whatever.
But that is the truth. That is the situation we're dealing with. All of those they-thems are getting the short end of the stick, so to speak. Uh, there's no need to kick a dead horse. Those are now just mental asylum patients
who are losing their minds and spiraling into insanity. And they have no significance as
political actors in the years to come they will have no political significance these people
are depressed they are mentally unwell and they are retired they're bowed out of politics
they they have exhausted their significance and utility for the ruling elites and now we have to get serious and realize that
these people are not really going to be the most brutal and and and and um vicious threat we're going to have to face now now things are
going to get serious um they were used and duped and manipulated by the democratic party they were
cast aside very quickly and that's the Democratic Party. They were cast aside very quickly, and that's the end of it.
I need people to also understand that anyone calling themselves a communist who at this point is
openly against our party, the American Communist Party, those are just mentally ill people. They are no different than furries. They are no different than other strange and bizarre LARPers who don't understand the time period in which we're living, but they are not serious communists.
I know that I'm a very silly person, and I have done very silly things in the past, especially in the beginning of infrared.
But those were things that were done, you know, as me as an online entertainer, I guess.
But they were not like... They were not forms of delusion.
Call them what you want, but it wasn't delusion. I knew exactly what it was.
You know, it was literally just doing whatever the fuck i needed to do to get
viral right but these people are mentally disturbed mentally psychotic people, and they're done. It's over. But instead of focusing on them, and this is in spirit with what I've been doing, by the way. Instead of tearing those people down,
which they don't need to be torn down,
they're already down,
we should build up a new,
positive, serious,
and modernized
comprehension of Marxism, Leninism
in the 21st century, and just raise our red flag on the highest hill.
And don't worry about these strange other people.
And we need to seize hegemony, you know?
And that's the point. We need to seize hegemony, you know? And that's the point.
We need to seize communist hegemony, so to speak.
That's the point, okay?
It's very simple.
The income... okay it's very simple um the incoming administration is not going to be scary i want everyone to understand there's a steady line going up in the direction of fascist dictatorship under biden it was going in the direction of fascist dictatorship. Under Biden, it was going in the same direction. Under Trump, it will continue to go in the same direction. It is being justified differently. It is being expressed and displayed differently, but it is the same line because the agenda of the deep state is in decades, and they know what they're doing, and it's not an accident, and they're not improvising, and it's an agenda that is being fulfilled by so many different means and by so many
different kinds of actors actors in this case both in the sense of performance actors and actors
in the sense of you know i don't know like network theory or whatever whatever you'd fucking use this in agents
sense of agency um but in any case um yes we are now under a trump administration and um we have significant challenges ahead but we absolutely cannot make the same mistakes as the retarded leftists after 2016. That much is certain. We are not here to sensationalize. We are not here to abuse the word fascism, because there's two kinds of anti-fascism, so to speak.
The Antifa post-2016 was an infantile kind of
incredibly psychological thing
that was a
psychosexual nonsense
type of antifa.
The psychosexual
antifa, so to speak, which is influenced
by Frankfurt School and other kind of retards, was very much a way of people for people to have a subjectivistic comprehension of fascism. That was based on being mean and hurting my feelings and doing this and doing that.
Whereas today, the kind of anti-fascism we need to develop and strengthen in this administration
is one that's based in a long-term view, one that's based in an impersonal and objective
comprehension similar to the anti-fascism of the common term during the popular front period,
one that comprehends fascism, not in psychosexual terms, but in terms of militarism and the consolidation of dictatorial power by the financial and imperialist bourgeoisie at the expense of our constitutional rights and enumerated rights and liberties and the sovereignty of our republic. That is the kind of anti-fascism we need to develop and articulate. Not the kind that is Orange Man Bad and Cheeto Mussolini. That is completely unsurious nonsense. And you're going to lose that battle, by the way. Nothing was a better gift to the right
than how leftists were acting
after 2016. It was
spelled out in the heavens
and in the stars.
Also, we have to have an anti-fascism that is based in the labor movement and real anti-fascism has nothing to do with you know trying to censor and whatever.
It's just about defending the sovereignty of the American people and our rights, our constitutionally enumerated rights, and it's also about opposing militarism and imperialist ambitions. That is the meaning concretely of anti-fascism we absolutely need to understand that
that that
and I said this before
there have been
I am a Michael Hudson Marxist
so I have a very I don't just say, oh, the capitalist mode of production, there are no kind of meta-historical realities.
No, I do think there are.
And one of those metahistorical realities are two moments across history that I think are significant.
One is the rise of Greek antiquity.
And the other is the rise of um of early modernity and mercantilism and the transatlantic slave trade and so on and oh there's three uh greek antiquity the collapse of the roman empire and the rise of early modern western colonialism so and i think we're at the fourth
we're at a fourth turning point so what do i mean by this it's very simple um when how this happens we can talk about i
have my fisherman theory that you guys may be familiar with
for my upcoming book. But in any case, when fishermen or pirates discover debt or usury or interest.
If you don't know what the fisherman theory,
the fisherman theory is based on an investigation I did
where I discovered these strange coincidences about how the Pacific Northwest tribes in the United States, Pacific Northwest tribes in the Americas, as well as I think they're called the Colusa people in Florida, as as well as the Greeks and various other examples I found, where for some reason, coastal, primarily fish-based peoples, discover a very brutal form of slavery and usury combined, right?
That is, I have more thoughts on that and I have more discoveries on that front, but I'm not going to talk about them.
Also, yes, the Vikings and Britain and so on and so on.
But in any, whereas Telluric peoples kind of have a more, the Michael Hudson cyclical and dynastic cycle of debt forgiveness where they're reigning in on usurious
oligarchs and therefore institutions of slavery don't become as strong but in any case okay we
will shelve that okay um but in any case okay we will solve that
but this is
stuff for my research
and whatever
with the
assuming that background
the rise of
a usurious oligarchy
led to
these insurmountable
debts and debt obligations
which created a circumstance of de facto slavery,
where people had to start pledging their lands, their children, their own labor as collateral, when faced with insurmountable debts.
Now, I think that's where we are right now, a stage of insurmountable, sorry, a state of
de facto slavery for many American citizens.
But that was
a background of early antiquity.
Then with the rise of
Solon, we had the
debt forgiveness from Solon, right?
Salon reforms.
The debts were wiped,
land was redistributed
and restored,
and that is a,
that kind of
seemed like similar
to the pattern
of Bronze Age, palatial economies and civilizations, where that was a cyclical thing, and it accompanied the rise of new dynasties and new concentrations of power.
But... and new concentrations of power. But when debt is canceled,
it doesn't automatically mean that slavery is gone.
In fact, one of the ways that debt can be cancelled is by turning debtor
obligations into formal institutions of slavery. Slaves are not debtors. a slave in terms of the balance sheet has no debts they are a slave so that was so in greek antiquity debts were wiped in solon's reforms for example and but the debts were
redenominated into a political obligation of bondage that being slavery property private property was re-denominated so to speak so as to include
human beings and human labor in some way or another restricting it and bonding it
right creating relationships of domination and servitude and literally slavery.
And the Greeks did this, and they created these slave-based mode of, slave-based mode of
they utilized
to plunder
to plunder
the, well, so to speak, the Persian
Empire, right right Alexander the great and the Greeks are credited
for a great deal but they were plunderers they basically embarked upon militaristic aggression
in order to um as their principal means of accumulation
because once they turned these debt debt or creditor relations into formal obligations foreigners and and um i need to clarify something
one of the ways in which the basis of the slave economies was piracy and warfare, right?
So this is how they got and imported slaves.
It wasn't from Greeks themselves who were former debtors.
Those people were freed.
But the institution, an institution of slavery arose as a
consequence of the debt being forgiven because it was just institutionalized
into an obligation of bondage.
And that basically drove Greece into a militaristic expansionism that was predatory and based in piracy and plunder, right?
And then that culminates in the rise of Alexander, the great, quote-unquote.
I don't think he was so great.
And they basically plundered and devastated these actual, like, self-sustaining civilizations in Egypt and Persia.
Well, it was all the Persian Empire, but they were centers of civilization,
Babylon and so on and so on.
And they recovered, of course, from it.
They recovered in the so-called period of Hellenism.
Well, not so-called.
It was a kind of Hellenistic period.
But they recovered, but nonetheless, that severely set them back, in my view.
It set them back.
Okay, so another example of this
is the collapse of the Roman Empire, which collapsed, and
basically, one of the huge factors behind
that collapse was the insurmountability of debts.
The Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire dealt with that in different ways.
But in both cases, the debt's...
The clearing of debt was dealt with in different ways.
In the Eastern Roman Empire, freehold labor became the foundation of the economy rather than slavery or servitude.
So people that had land and could live off land, and it was theirs.
And, well, it was all actually the emperor's land.
There was no private property, so to speak. But, you know, they were free.
They were free men who lived off the land. Or they were at least as free as anyone else was.
In the Western Roman Empire, usur oligarchs took power, and they propped up various different warlords to act as their hired thugs. Even, I don't want to be blasphemous but there was a period in which the popes
were direct during the pornography right the popes were directly um chosen by creditors.
And during this period, we saw another institution of bondage and domination arise, which was another way of formalizing debtor obligations, which was serfdom.
That was serfdom.
So that just formalized it.
Fast forward, you know, the Renaissance, the early modern period, the same story repeats, the same cycle, so to speak, repeats.
Militaristic expansionism, plundering of... This, okay, what's the militaristic expansionism and plundering in the case of the rise of serfdom and the feudalism it was the Crusades
So that was the Crusades so Alexander the the Great's conquest, their crusades.
We're kind of dealing with similar threads here, right?
Then the early modern period, it's the same story, right?
The insurmountability of debts turn into obligations of bondage.
And we have the rise of a new institution.
Now, not chattel slavery, but wage slavery, right?
That wage slavery was a consequence of the insurmountability of debts for freehold peasants in Europe who had to have their lands pledged as collateral and that that gave rise
to the proletarian classes we know it, right?
Fast forwarding a lot and I'm skipping a lot.
Basically, I think we are
the possibility
that we're entering a fourth you know um fourth playing out of this is is very real like um i want you guys to imagine a scenario what if one of the ways the debt crisis is
solved quote unquote solved is let's say you're in debt and you're an American citizen.
What if Doge or Trump or whatever, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and Mark Andreessen and these fuckers in Silicon Valley, what if they're like okay here's your new deal americans
all your debts will be forgiven but you have to trade in your your first citizenship they're
going to call they're going to have different tiers of citizenship. So you're a first citizen.
You're allowed to vote.
You have all these liberties and rights.
You're going to be kind of a secondary citizen, just like an H-1B visa.
And in return for all your debts being wiped and in exchange for economic relief and support
you just have to trade your political rights you just have to trade your your citizenship so to
speak i think that because human beings are human beings for whom
survival immediate survival is the primary concern i think that's going to be a very popular
thing so to speak not popular in terms of people like it, but in terms of, I think, faced with that choice, people will trade in their liberties and their rights for immediate relief, which they need fucking desperately.
And we're going to see American
citizens be degraded
into like H-1B visa
people, right?
they're going to get economic relief and they're going to get
economic relief and they're going to
have all their debts cleared.
And that is
something like that I think
we're going to see.
I absolutely think part of the reconstitution
of the United States of America
and these fuckers in Silicon Valley
from what I know
these people in Silicon Valley
you know
it's not just Curtis Jarvin.
They have this view that human beings are not equal, fundamentally.
And they really believe in this IQ stuff.
And it's not just racial.
A lot of people, you know, the problem with stupid, pretend anti-fascists is they didn't understand the unique kind of fascistic thing that's rising.
They just assumed it was all racial.
It's not a racial thing primarily,
Or at least in their
vision, it's not. They don't care about white
nationalism. The Silicon Valley elites
are not white nationalists.
They have this kind of technocratic
view that human beings are not equal and it's based in this idea of that human beings are like computers and some people have good chips and some people have bad CPUs right just like graphics cards or whatever, right? And for them, the biggest problem is political equality. They said, why should there be political equality?
Elite human capital should be able to be entitled to more rights than the trash, bio-trash.
So they have this kind of caste system, and they are directly influenced by some type of Hinduism, literally. That's why we're seeing such a prominence of that, by the way, in the coming administration, because they just think that, you know, we need to kind of have a feudal caste system type of thing.
And don't underestimate it because it can be combined with, for them, for technocracy.
And they basically want to um they want to like make it a a a technology thing like oh yeah you're gonna have you know uh you're gonna be biometrically scanned and you're going to have an IQ test AI detector
and that's going to determine your political rights and whatever.
And they are totally all in on doing this, but they just know it's so deeply scary and
unpopular to the sheepish masses.
So what they've been doing over the past 10 years is they've been drip feeding it.
And as soon as these Silicon Valley guys got the opportunity look this whole thing about
wokeness it was all a con it was all a hoax okay they created wokeness as a boogeyman as a man, all the worst excesses of which they created and were responsible for,
only so that they can sneak in this much more sinister agenda so they could actually normalize their fascistic plans without any left-wing resistance.
And they know how deeply unpopular and contentious anything like this will be for the American public.
So they're trying as much as they can
to sneak it in.
They're trying to sneak it in.
And one of the ways they're trying to sneak it in
is racial division.
If you got stupid people like,
oh, I'm white, I'm going to be on the top race,
or people fighting over race, that's one of the ways they can sneak this in. But make no mistake,
they have this plan. And I thought about something.
I saw how there's all these executive orders to empower Silicon Valley elites, like Doge, for example, with the ability to control all the government software.
Think about this. If they control all the government software think about this if they
control all the government software wouldn't they be able to do a coup
anytime they wanted if you control the means of communication you control the means of communication, you control the means of organization, you control everything.
And then think about these people, they're defense contractors. These people are military contractors.
I mean, the military is going to these people, right?
To get their weapons technologies.
So these guys have a backdoor access to the fucking military, too.
You know?
And who the
fuck are these people? They're really
glowing. They're really fucking weird.
And they are from the
Anglo-Saxon Atlantis'
deep state, or sorry,
elites, and these bloodlines are super weird when you start
tracing them and looking at them.
But they are being given immense control, okay?
Crazy levels of control.
And it is undermining our sovereignty as a republic.
I like free speech.
I like that there's free speech on X, but are we just going to trust them to
maintain our constitution and our, I don't, it's not how it works, okay? It's not a benevolent
oligarchy. It's supposed to be a sovereign
And, um,
you know,
you guys got to understand something else, which is that
they don't believe in Republican values.
Some say, oh, they're monarchists.
Not really, not in the traditionalist sense of the word.
They are feudalists, okay? They want to turn us into slaves or some of us.
And by the way, how do you debunk it or whatever? It's kind of simple.
Like, imagine the fucking arrogance of the dipshit academics and fucking elites like retard Stephen Pinker and all these other fucking retards.
And their elite status is now going to be institutionalized and they're going to be fucking higher tiers of citizens than the rest of us fuck you i'll debate any
of these people and wipe the floor with them, right?
No, it's the principle that matters.
Only God knows
our soul. You can't fucking sit here and rank people
and I worship. You don't know what people's potential
is. You don't know if someone's just a
fucking retarded blowhard
and got into a top position
because they're a bullshitter. And you don't know
if somebody who's in a low position,
you don't know these things, right?
But in any
case, I'm just telling
you what we're faced, we're headed with and what we're headed for, it seems like. And I knew this, I've known this for over a decade. It's just I really shelved this because I was just like, wait a second, I thought this was going to be Trump 1.0.
That's how paranoid I was. It's not. Trump 1.0 is totally clueless.
But this one, this new thing, this is really where, yeah, I mean, I feel like I was wrong the first time but now i'm actually right you know
about everything i thought would happen corvett i pre and this shit sounds out of this world
and it sounds too crazy to believe but i think people are so desperate economically
right now and i think there is a history of turning people into property you can sell or or buy
human beings or whatever like in serfdom and slavery and shit, like that is a, there's historical precedent for that,
and there's no reason to assume something like that can't reemerge in the digital age. um so that is just a crazy black pill or you could see it as a black pill or you could
fucking grow up and you could see it as hey this is going to define the
struggle to come we have to defend our freedom and sovereignty we have to defend the revolution of 1776
we have to defend you know we have to defend
you know as free people
our rights
we have to
it's literally freedom or slavery
you know
that's a
that was never free, by the way.
But in any case,
but in any case,
I think that I think that it's very creepy.
There will be a reconstitution of the United States of America.
It's very simple. With new calls for the acquisition
of territories, with the new nature of the governance that's going on right now, that's not going to,
it's only a matter of time before it starts clashing with the Constitution. It's only a matter of time before it starts clashing with the Constitution.
It's only a matter of time
before it starts disrupting the norms
of governance and the
procedures and formalities of governance.
It's only a matter of time before there's
a constitutional crisis. I can guarantee
you that.
The United States is going to be reconstituted
into something else.
we better have a
fucking plan, guys. When I say
that, I mean, you better be in our
fucking party, the American Communist
Party, because they have a
fucking plan, okay? They've
had a plan for decades.
Just like we have a plan
for 2036, they
have a plan.
And they're implementing their plan very effectively.
You saw how Elon Musk looked.
He's doing his Hitler salute.
They are on course and on track for what they've been planning.
And yes, they've been planning it for a long time okay we have to have a fucking plan too and we do but this isn't the era of running your fucking mouth on twitter without a plan
without an intention.
This is an era of, you're going to be part of a plan, one way or another.
So choose your plan.
You choose the people's plan or the creepy fucking Nazi pedophile elites plan. Very simple choice,
uh, in my opinion. But these retards running their mouths, individualistic retards running their
mouths experiencing a false, I'm just sharing my opinion. You individualistic retards running their mouths,
experiencing a false...
I'm just sharing my opinion.
You better have a fucking plan
about what is the purpose of this opinion you're sharing.
What's the point?
Like, what plan is it serving?
What agenda is it fulfilling?
No, just me. Fuck your self-expression. Fuck your individuality on the internet. There's no such thing. You want to be an individual? Go to a fucking park,
walking your dog.
Uh-huh., be an individual.
The cyberspace,
battle space, it's not the place for
individual creativity and self-expression.
Sorry, nobody gives
a fuck. You better have an agenda and a plan that you're trying to
fulfill and a premeditated goal. You want to fucking go and just show your face.
Go outside and bother the public on the sidewalk.
Not me, by the way.
I don't respect anyone who doesn't have a plan.
What do I mean by a plan?
I don't necessarily mean you have to calculate everything or know everything, but just have an agenda.
Like if you're an artist, for example, have an artistic vision in your head.
Every great artist had a vision in their head.
But there's some idiots that think they can just turn on the camera and smile, and that's enough.
It's not enough.
Nobody gives a fuck about you individually. We want to know what plan and
agenda you have. Again, the agenda doesn't need to be like rationally calculated, but it does
need to have this aspect of hyper modernity, where you're projecting a vision or something that you see in the future,
and you are now on track to realizing it.
You know?
That's what a plan is.
You want to be just an individual?
You want to just be, I want to just do self-expression.
Jennifer, appreciate you.
And, you know, look, that's what a cult is.
A cult, as they use it and abuse this word, it's just a plan.
Like, we have an agenda and a purpose behind what we're doing.
We're not just doing it freely.
By freely freely you mean
without any known purpose
and just for the sake
of putting ourselves out there
just because we what
we're lonely
give me a fucking break if you're lonely don't fucking go on the
internet and and run your mouth there are sharks swimming in these waters who
literally want to kill you. Okay.
Go make friends in real life, frankly, you know?
If that's what you're motivated by.
Yeah, yeah, in any case.
In any case, like, there's again i'm not saying you have to have a political agenda i'm not saying you always have to have like an agenda that's rationally premeditated or or, you know, methodically laid out where it's like deceptive.
I'm just saying like have a fucking vision and an idea of like okay this is the goal it's bigger than me
here right now it's in the future you know every great artist had that even if you're an artist
they have a plan but the era of classical modernity...
Classical modernity was literally when retards with top hats and monocles.
We're just strolling the streets.
I am here to express my individual
opinion. And they had
like those fucking uh,
sticks that they walked with and they had
we are, I have a
we're not living in that era no more.
Okay. We don't have top
hats. We don't have any of that. We are all
in the flux, in
this hyper modernity. We're all
it's competing trajectories
and velocities
and like um
intensities you know like there's no
when when you
put yourself out there you're already
fucking part of a force you're already part of
like you're on the
trains going somewhere already.
You know? Things
are already in fucking motion.
You get on board or you get out of the
fucking way.
You roll with it or you fucking back out.
But you're not just sitting there with a top hat being an individual, all right? Like the future is here and it's realizing itself in real time, hypertime, immediately, okay?
You need to choose your future and get with it, and that's a plan,
and that already happened. But individual immediacy where I am just here now, and the only thing going on is me shedding my opinion, that is not possible in the era, people used to, like, write in newspapers, and even when they would talk on, what were they called, the talkies.
Good morning, Britain, we are here.
Or they would talk through radio or television, but it was all like one-sided.
Nobody could respond in real time.
Now we have live streams where the chat can literally, I could tell the chat gorillas and sons right now.
It's an immediate instant response.
That fundamentally makes it impossible for me to say that this is just my individuality.
You see this response with these fucking sun gorillas?
that, they just responded to me.
Right now.
You know?
Like, that's no longer just me anymore.
There's an input, there's an output.
It's a feedback loop.
The consequences of showing your fucking face and talking in public are now.
So you need to have a plan.
That's Fenrich.
That's why nobody buys it when you have these undisciplined idiots just running their mouth in public, attacking party members or leaders.
You know? Oh, nobody respects it because what's your fucking plan here? What's your agenda here?
Oh, am I not allowed to share my opinion? I am just on the town square shedding my opinion.
No, you're not, motherfucker.
Everybody has a plan.
Everybody has an agenda.
And if you don't know what yours is, you're just an idiot.
Because you have one anyway.
You're serving one anyway, you know?
There's always, you need to always be mindful of the consequences.
Like, what are you actually trying to communicate and for what purpose?
What are you communicating is always what you need to keep in mind.
What are you communicating?
And what do I mean by what are the consequences of what you're communicating?
In a sense, it's like Kojev is correct in some sense, right?
Boris Groes is correct in some sense.
The thing you're communicating is the end goal.
I get that.
I'm not a vulgarian who thinks language is a tool to realize the vulgar, you know,
pleasures of our sensibilities.
That's disgusting and perverted.
That amounts to the idea that, like,
we are just motivated by sensuous input,
and we're just using language for, like,
I want Doritos, so I'm just going to talk to people,
so I can have a chip bag of Doritos and feel the sensation of how tasty Doritos are. No, I think, just like Stalin thought, the meaningfulness of language and communication is the kingdom of ends.
I understand that.
Just like Boris Groy said in the Communist Post script.
be mindful
of the extent
of what you're communicating.
Like, you're not just communicating something in isolation.
What you are communicating in within a framework of the ultimate meaningfulness of what you're saying.
What are you trying to really communicate?
That's what I mean by have a plan.
What is the ultimate thing you're trying to communicate?
The ultimate thing.
Always just be mindful of that.
You know?
There's like a fly
The Costco strike, we're on top of it.
It's just this stupid shit.
It's disrupting us purposefully, but it's all right.
You absolutely always need to consider that. I rarely actually look at my camera.
Let me fix it.
Here we are.
Back to chat um so these are some updates when will I finish my book?
I want to get back on track with my book in February. I won't be able to...
I'm writing something else between now and the end of the month for the journal
and i'm also working on other i'm going to be focused on the recruitment drive and stuff so i'm
not going to be able to get to it this month but i'm hoping february i'll have enough time
actually hopefully in February I'll be able to...
I really want nothing else than to get back to my book.
I think about it every second of every single day.
That book is my heart and soul is still in that book, and I need to get back to it.
It's calling me, you know?
And I'm always thinking about it, and I'm always so excited about it, and how much it's going to change things.
It's not fiction.
The book is also an anthology.
It's an anthology with a central story that is the main chapters is this central book,
and then in between the chapters there's these related writings and lectures
but it's uh that's why it's going to be so big you know it's going to be like one chapter and then pause read this lecture or or this other writing
to get you thinking and so it's very dialectical like you yeah pages it's going to be 600 minimum
it's going to be 600 minimum. It's going to be
600 minimum.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
There will be no,
deep investigation
into economics or tech bros because that will be my second book which will be about
capital and stuff this one is um about politics. Who's that in the picture?
That is William Z. Foster.
William Z. Foster. I haven't started the economics one
It's super
sad Hold on on let me check something
fuck second You know, You know, All right. I think that the main subject of our party activity is going to be focusing on the constitutional crisis to come.
And that's all I'm going to say for now.
But it's not that we're going to start that crisis or we're going to be the troublemakers behind it, but we are here to respond to extraordinary circumstances.
And that is what we are built.
Keep that goal in mind. It's always about building the foundations of something that can weather the storm to come and survive. It is infuriating that some people would put their personal grievances, if that's true with me, for whatever reason, by the way.
And they don't have the long-term, that we need an organization that's going to survive this.
Individuals are not going to survive the crisis to come.
Well, they'll survive, I guess, but they won't have an ability to have any voice or sovereignty or anything but that's personal grievance wasn't the motivating factor.
The motivating factor was in all likelihood outside.
This is like Dan Cohen says.
Classic coin-sill pro shit. It's classic coin till pro shit.
It's crazy to see it in real time.
We do plan to address the annexation stuff.
Actually, Sankara's.
We absolutely do.iam jennings thank you so much brother we are
primarily concerned about green uh sorry not Greenland. Panama and Mexico.
Especially Mexico, frankly.
They are planning, I think,
military intervention into Mexico
under their pretext of fighting the cartels, and we are deeply, deeply concerned about that.
The annexations, I will give you the basic...
I'll give you my view, basically.
Blackwood, appreciate you with the five, thank you.
My view, more or less, on the question of annexations is that the violation of people's sovereignty is a violation of our sovereignty. The same mechanisms that are used to stamp on the sovereignty
of others corrods and undermines our sovereignty so the fundamental question for me is sovereignty. It's not that is front and center. What are the consequences for sovereignty?
Because what it seems like will happen with annexations is that extra legal, extra sovereign
forms of power will arise
that are not accountable
to us.
The people, the American people.
If we the American people and the people
of Canada are to become one people, we need to have a shared sovereignty.
We need to have a clear sovereignty.
We don't have that in America right now.
We have vestiges of popular sovereignty, but i feel like the annexations will accelerate
the corrosion of sovereignty and and the the implementation of this weird feudal thing that
they're planning so these are the primary concerns.
In principle, of course, we considered Canada to be part of the same country as the United States,
and our party has formalized that fact.
But that doesn't mean we're giving a blank check and endorsing annexation under every possible circumstance.
That is far from the case.
So no one should make the assumption that we are just going to automatically support
Canadian annexation, no matter what the conditions and circumstances are, because that's not true.
We take seriously the question of sovereignty.
Because, you know, we are part of the Marxist-Leninist tradition.
We understand the importance of the democratic.
I know it's a cringe word, but the democratic revolution, the democratic struggle.
That is a fundamental premise and foundation of proletarian class struggle.
I think the infrared deep state position on Amlo and Morena is very positive.
We think that Mexico should build and deepen its independent state tradition,
and resist at,
by any means
encroachments by the
by the U.S. government and military.
Mexico should firmly stand strong and defending its sovereignty and independence.
Why is that important, by the way?
It's the same reason.
Should we be concerned about intervention into Canada?
Not necessarily, but neither the opposite position. We need to
have a clearer idea of what that looks like and under what circumstances and so on and so on.
And the geopolitics of it are paramount they're paramount
i will give you my position on mexico
Mexico in some sense is more advanced than the USA politically
in that the Mexican revolution of 1911
they have a deeper revolutionary tradition than we do.
But that doesn't mean Mexico has more advanced productive forces or relations of production, but it does have an advanced American revolutionary state tradition.
That state tradition should be defended just as much as we defend the revolution of 1776.
That is why we care about
Cuban and Mexican and so on sovereignty
and Venezuelan and Bolivarian sovereignty
if we are Pan-Americans
and we envision the dream of a great
Pan-American super state one day maybe right it has to be on the basis of affirming
the independent revolutionary traditions of all constituent nations because stomping on and erasing even one, that would be like us stomping on and erasing
Lincoln or 1776.
And we reject that.
So that is the consistent pan-american view the consistent pan-american view is no revolutionary traditions should be liquidated or erased and so on that is notwithstanding upholding the principle of national self-determination,
which we also support. But even if we brush that aside and said, yes, we want a Pan American
continental super state.
That is another reason
why you should oppose U.S.
interventionism in Mexico, Cuba, and so
on and so on.
do we support Puerto Rican independence?
Because Puerto Rico is a colony and it's a territory.
And as such, that colonial relationship undermines the sovereign nature, the popular democratic sovereign nature of state power for us here.
We reject any colonies, we reject any colonies we reject any territory territories we reject any distinctions and citizenship
so they say why don't you just support annexation and turning Puerto Rico into the 51st state.
Well, because the people of Puerto Rico have already their own democratic Republican national tradition that they've been struggling for for decades and decades and decades that is part of their history and their tradition and annexation would erase that it would be an affront to that All the sacrifices and struggle for that would be in vain, right? So we reject that, erasing that and stomping on that. So it's not because we want to divide or make America small. It's because the question of sovereignty is what's
paramount for us so it's so it's some really that simple. Hmm. Hmm. Banana. Appreciate you, man.
Arkansas with the 25.
Thank you so much. Appreciate you so much. Thank you.
I think also, guys, the Arkansas, thank you so much, man, by the way he's on the media he's on the media team he does incredible work credible work for the party but um the question of
sovereignty is is also one of the reasons for the book i that's going to be important is it needs to be correctly understood why that's important and what that is.
What is sovereignty?
What does it mean for a people to be united with a state?
What does it mean for a people to be united with a state what does it mean for a people to be free and independent
and a state to be independent and free joseph what's up you know and in the bourgeois conception
this is just about you know like, like, uh, will.
Yosef, in the bourgeois, I'll just give you a sneak peek. In the bourgeois view,
it's always a question of will and volunteerism. We choose to enter into association.
Ex-Neilo, right? But the materialist view regards will, not as an exceptional thing, but as a determination, right? So if you comprehend the will as a determination already, like my life, my mode of production, my way of life, right?
For example, these are examples of determinations then then also the
question of sovereignty is different right Because the state reflects, for example, the interests of specific classes that already exist,
not the will of individuals deciding that this is what they want from scratch but the state is a
reflection of what they are already so it's as determination, right?
So this is, for example, the more materialist and Marxist comprehension of sovereignty.
Um... that's why we should re-examine the marxist leninist view about the democratic struggle.
I'm not saying cast it aside or revise it. I'm saying we need to properly examine it.
Because, for example, I'll give you an example. Take Russia.
In Russia's case, liberal democracy, as in George Soros' open society, is a step backward from Putin's authoritarian, illiberal, a democratic system.
Why is Russia sovereign? Well, because the interests and the determination of the Russian people is given expression in Putin correctly, right?
In some way or another.
But this is not so for the dictatorship that is taking hold in the United States which is here to formalize debts to create distinctions and ranks in citizenship
and um and ranks in citizenship.
And to formalize debtor obligations into political obligations, I mean.
A dictatorship against the American people as a weapon to hold over them,
to enforce the will of creditors against them. So that's a difference.
You know, we need to comprehensively examine that and understand that we should not fall into the error of the CPUSA and other revisionists and Eurocommunist trash, according to which liberal democracy is what we mean by democracy.
Democratic struggle is not the struggle for liberal democracy.
The meaning of democracy does not mean liberal or neoliberal democracy.
Democracy is populism.
Democracy is the popular struggle, the Demos struggle, the Sofianic struggle, if you want.
That's the democratic struggle in Marxism.
The freeholders struggle for land so that people can be really on an equal footing the liberal democratic struggle is about
establishing institutions in my view this is as simple as this. Our stance toward Trump should be not a defense of liberal democracy against Trump's, or not Trump's, but the new fascism.
We cannot defend liberal democracy.
So we need to forward and advance a proletarian democracy, you know, new democracy
for example
as qualitatively more advanced
than the fascism
we should not see
if there's anything you could critique
the popular front strategy for in the 1930s which was not universally a success especially wasn't in uh europe
france it was a total failure in france and it also failed in sp. It's because there was this notion that we just need to
defend the existing bourgeois institutions from fascism. And that view, that failed but in china sparticus thanks but in china it didn't fail why did it not fail in
china because china didn't have any bourgeois democratic institutions to defend.
So China was able to skip that and just have a new democracy, a proletarian conception of democracy,
that it could forward in contradistinction to the KMT's fascism, for example,
Or the Japanese imperialist.
So that's why in China, the Popular Front strategy alone, really, was successful. Because in Europe, the popular front strategy alone really was successful
because in Europe they were
defending this decrepit
historically outmoded historical
form which was bourgeois democracy
liberal democracy
whereas we need to
advance and forward a qualitatively new kind of democracy, which inherits and integrates the best achievements of liberal and bourgeois democracy, but is not limited by them.
So this is my view, and this is why we should accept Putin as an example of democratic sovereignty.
Putin's illiberalism is more
advanced historically
than liberal democracy and more
from a Marxist point of view
um from a Marxist point of view.
So that's why I'm not quick to jump the gun and join the resistance against Trump ever,
because it's clear that liberal democracy is outmoded.
But I'm not saying fascist dictatorship is coming just because of that fact.
I'm saying fascist dictatorship is coming because the contradictions within liberal democracy propel it in that direction fdr was an illiberal leader, by the way.
And he was good.
FDR was more progressive than...
That was a progressive development in the history of politics.
But the fascist dictatorship is not going to be strongman politics.
It's going to be a feudalistic oligarchy, a neo-feudal oligarchy, that is using Trump as a showman puppet to dictatorially enforce its
interests at the expense of the rest of us. And that's what we need to be vigilant toward. But we
simultaneously cannot retreat and mount a defense of the liberal and bourgeois
institutions because they themselves are what had given rise to this so that is my view um frankly anyway guys it was a great stream i'll be vigilant
something may be coming tomorrow or this week. Oh yeah, there's this new
organization, by the way. It's kind of funny. They call themselves the All Empire Workers
League. And they're getting that, I think, from the all-union prefix or whatever.
They didn't understand the all-union thing that was for the USSR.
You're not supposed to recognize the empire, you fucking idiots.
You're not supposed to recognize the empire formally.
Just like you don't recognize Israel or any other kind of...
But it's as stupid as... Imagine you're living in Nazi Germany and you go,
we're going to form the All-Rike Workers League.
No! You don't recognize the Reich. You recognize Germany and a free Democratic German Republic because that's the form of national sovereignty
you regard as historically legitimate. If you regard the Third Reich as historically illegitimate, you're not putting it in your
fucking name of your party.
They're like, well, that's our reality.
Even if that's what you think, your party's name should never recognize a historically illegitimate
formation or state power or reality so the all empires whatever they're literally like
endorsing the annexation of Canada and this tech this North American
Technate or whatever it was called and it's dialectics they think they're opposing that
thing but by thinking you're opposing
it you're actually affirming it
and giving it legitimacy
you're literally legitimizing it
it's like
recognizing Israel you don't recognize it
you call it the Zionist entity for example
if you
think that America
needs to divide into a bunch
of ethno states of
oppressed nations
then you should have a party that says
for example,
we're the Navajo Workers Party or were the Black People Workers Party or whatever, right?
The Mexican worker, or they don't believe in Mexico, whatever.
In any case, you don't put in
the fucking name
All Empire. I mean, it sounds kind of cool
even, frankly.
It sounds
fucking cool. That's what I hate.
It does. It's like the all empire workers. It sounds fucking like you're it sounds erasianist. It's cool. It's ambitious. It's like, all this land!
For the communistic... I like that.
It's just that's not what they intend on,
and they look stupid.
But I don't like it, like, formally,
because no, you can't annex you can't annex Mexico
I like it artistically
like it's kind of cool but
in a meme way
they don't know what they're doing and I think
they're already splitting they're already like
splitting by the way they're all they're they're they're already splitting. They're already like splitting, by the way.
They're all, they're, they're, they're, they're, see, this is what's pissing me off.
Like, I, observing this rise of this new org, and they're already tearing each other's heads off.
And it's like, holy fuck.
Give, give us some fucking credit at the ACP. They's like, holy fuck. Give us some
fucking credit at the ACP.
They're like six months in?
Because they don't even have a Communist Party yet.
They have a plenary organization.
We want to for the Constitution of a Communist Party. They're already splitting and they haven't even launched yet. We have launched everything. We made it this far and yet two people soied out because the feds got to them in all likelihood
that's not a big deal all right it's crazy we made it this far if you can make it this far you can
make it years all right the hard part is over I'm telling you
these guys guys
there are literal anti-ACP
organizations that form all
the time online
they are always splitting
like after a week
remember the Pat Sox account remember Pat Sox splitting, like after a week.
Remember the Pat Sox account?
Remember Pat Sock moments?
Remember that account?
Do you know what happened to that account?
We didn't report it.
We didn't match it.
They deleted their account because they had a split, because it collectively run and they had a fucking split so that it was gone these even when they create organizations solely dedicated to
shitting on us and attacking us, they don't have the
fucking discipline
to even
and to
They're that
Like, the whole point, they're individualists and they're attacking us because we're
proletarian collectivist. We have to take down that. So they form these organizations and
they don't even fucking last.
Yes, that's why.
The reason you hate us is the same reason you can't even form organizations dedicated to taking us down.
Because you're a bunch of fucking idiots who don't know how to fucking organize.
If you knew how to do that, you would be following and adopting our methods because they're successful.
You wouldn't hate us.
You'd be joining us.
If you were interested and prove us wrong, go fucking organize in a way that doesn't end up doing the same shit we did.
And go grow a movement in this country that doesn't inevitably copy what we have
already done that makes us a source of hatred and obsession for you. The PSL is copying our shit
in L.A. DSA is copying our shit in LA.
DSA is copying our methods.
They're copying our rhetoric.
They copy us.
They tail us.
Because our shit works.
It's the difference between success and failure.
If you got...
All right.
I don't even know if I want to leak this.
Fuck it.
There's a group.
Even John and Danny aren't united. You know, I didn't.
I shouldn't have leaked that, but it's pissing me off because you called us a cult.
You said, I was such a bad leader.
You formed a fucking impromp to organization, and you couldn't even maintain discipline in your little fucking conspiratorial group that you formed impromp to take us down in days.
Do you know how fucking hard it is to keep people together?
It's really hard.
You think it's easy because you're not the fucking guy in my position or with the executive board's position.
But it's not easy.
It's really not.
And that's proof of it.
Yes, you're going to start arguing and having disagreements even about how you take Haas down.
It should be a lesson. If you want to be collective, you have to put your stupid fucking personal bullshit feelings aside a little bit. God, it's nice to get that off my chest, frankly.
It's not easy to be united, all right?
Amila, I appreciate it.
It takes fucking discipline.
These people don't have discipline.
That's why even when they form impromptu collectives and organizations,
with the sole task of shitting on us and destroying us, quote unquote, they do. By the way, I have to be completely honest. I don't know that for a fact. I've just
heard it. And I strongly think
John is under duress
and that debt...
I think this is fed shit.
That's the only reason.
I wouldn't run wild with this.
That like they, you know,
that it split or whatever
because it's like some fed shit I just
I don't know to what extent
a lot of speculation
even fucking feds have a hard time working together
and they're yeah they have a salary and they're tasked
even they fucking have a difficult time.
Because I think the thing.
Because I think the thing with Danny is that there's a strong suspicion.
I'm not going to say there's proof.
I don't know of that yet.
But what I have been told is that he is like relapsing.
Okay. And feds use justice. is that he is like relapsing, okay?
And feds use junkies all the time.
Because in exchange for heroin,
a junkie will fucking do anything.
But those people are really incompetent and really unstable.
So it doesn't mean, just because you're working for feds doesn't mean you know what you're doing or you're not a fucking retard.
Far from it. Far from it far from it
anyway uh great
uh stream i'll see you guys uh tomorrow or thursday all right depending on
yeah stay vigilant some shit you know stay stay vigilant it's not over yet i'm
you have a message to take away from the stream It's not over yet.
You have a message to take away
from the stream.
It's not over yet.
Everything's still
there's still
they're not done.
It's not over yet.
All right.
see you guys.
just like I told you Sunday. Stay ready stay vigilant we're going to war
it's war the camp the the defamation campaign is just gotten started all right it's what our
intel has found so stay vigilant stay ready stay posted i will see you guys
see on the other side goodbye by that i mean star side