What's next...

The We both know that you want to love her skies are open crying please don't believe her because she'll tell you flies and then
So it doesn't matter
And you're pleased to see her calling there
No believers
But maybe she loves you and I'm just a preacher those burning skies and oh don't believe her
no believers no No Believers No Don't believe her
That we are
Oh that we are oh that we need
their different things
Oh make me what we are
and what we need are different things Do you realize again? You chased an idea
Heels on earth behind some
Broken creature
Maybe she loves you
And I'm just a preacher
No believers crying
Don't believe her
Don't believe her
Don't believe her, no
Don't believe her
That we are
Oh that we need
The different things.
Oh, make me what we are.
And what we need, their different things
give you
give you my own
and take you my everything
Oh take you my ever everything all that we are
all that we need
they're different things
oh make me what we are
and what we need
they're different things
all that we are oh that we are, oh, that we need, there are different things.
Oh, every one we are and what we need
and different things
for all that we are
that we are, that we need.
Or what we are, what we need. The The Thank you. I'm going to
go to
the Thank you. I'm going to The I'm going to be. I'm going to
be a lot of Thank you. I'm going to The I'm going to be. and the uh...
I'm uh...
uh... I'm Thank you. I'm going to and so you know
the The Thank you. I'm going to The The Thank you. I'm going to
I'm going to be. The I'm and so you're
I'm The The The The I'm going to be. I'm going to
I'm going to The Thank you. I'm going to be. I'm going to and so on the you know,
and The I'm and you know
the I'm going to be. Oh, so
I'm going to be I'm The I'm not going to be. I'm going to be.
I'm going to be. You know, The The The and you know what a little bit more. Oh my. One of the Oh, and the I'm not
I'm not
I'm The I'm I know
I'm not
I'm I'm not
I'm and and I'm
I'm The B The I'm I'm not
I'm The The J.B. Wolf with the five. What's going on, man? H.B. Rain with the five.
I appreciate you, brother. I see you.
What is up, everybody?
So I'm not going to take up
too much of your time tonight. I know it's late. I do think there are things we have to discuss, prepare for, and talk about. So it has been a wild weekend.
Very, very interesting development.
I can't say I'm too surprised.
Can't say I've taken anything really personally.
But if you thought it was over, it's not.
Our intel has reported very clearly.
Long guy with the 10.
Appreciate you.
Our intel has reported very clearly and very unambiguously that the enemy is planning something
else. Now
understand the
difficulty of our situation.
Brutal appreciate it
when it comes to knowing exactly
what that is. we are actually innocent as a party and as individuals
frankly i mean we have flaws that all individuals possess uh the two wreckers are also deeply
flawed individuals by the way.
I don't know if they are interested in that being known.
But beyond what is normal for a human being, we are, none of us have a criminal background none of us are guilty of
anything any criminal acts or anything of that nature so you can only just guess what they're
trying to spew up and what they're trying to do. But one of the things that was reported by Intel,
Oh, rang, what's up?
So if you guys remember that dipshit Professor Colin Bodale,
or whatever his name is,
he actually posted publicly that a member from
ACP leadership is contacting
him and told him the real
reason Haas got kicked out of
Yeah, something is really
fucking weird about that because I was never in CPUSA. I was never allowed in in the first place. I never applied. My entire engagement with the CPUSA was done from behind a computer screen. So I don't know what they're trying to cook up. I literally don't know. I have no
idea. But expect it's going to be something like, I don't know. I mean, imagine if you're a wrecker and you just want to destroy
someone's image.
Your guess is as good as mine, but they're planning it tomorrow or Tuesday, so we're told.
And these are public posts by these very small accounts, but their accounts that we know are either the alts of the main ringleader of federal
informed alleged federal informants that stalk us or they are um they are in the uh the circles with them
but in any case that is what we have to expect in the coming week.
You know, let me explain to you guys how it works. Okay. When bad faith actors launch as such an
ambitious plan to take down the ACP, and it fails and it backfires as much as it did on Friday and let's be
clear I mean in retrospect Friday really really fucking backfired.
We have Daniel Tut and Colin Bodeo and a bunch of other people issuing apologies for spreading the libel made by Danny Shaw because they are rightly afraid of the legal consequences.
Because best what, our legal team is back in order.
No, John was not the only lawyer in our party.
And I'm not just talking about Grayson, by the way.
Our legal department is operational, okay?
And we are, we have a lot of lawsuits on our hands right now, actually.
And we attend to pursue those very aggressively to defend our rights in court.
But they issued retractions, and why did they issue retractions?
Because Dan Cohen revealed the truth.
And the evidence that Dan Cohen provided that I even looked over, which is
fucking crazy,
was that Danny
Shaw retweeted
Dan Cohen the day after.
How did I not
know that? Like he
retweeted him, and he also made due on his promise to delete all of his posts against Dan Cohen and Kim Ives.
Like, does that sound like someone that was indignantly pushing back in the meeting?
No, you guys, we can't.
We're going to, we're going to. Oh, wait, by the way, guys, sorry.
Sorry, one moment, one moment, guys.
This is so unexpected.
Yeah, barbecue, one second.
I'm bringing it right now.
Just one second, guys, I have to make a delivery. Give me one second. Barbecue. Sorry. By the least to Haiti to make a delivery really quick.
I forgot, you know, I don't want my Uber, my Haiti Uber Arms account to be terminated for not, you know, taking up the Uber arms orders.
But my bad.
My bad.
So anyway, guys, sorry about that.
Total disruption, I know. Um, but in any case,
this is highly unprofessional. This is highly unprofessional. Anyway, Buffalo!
What's going on, brother?
Okay, so, yeah, no, on a serious note,
on a serious note,
yeah, I mean, does this
sound like a guy who was so rattled
and shocked or whatever?
No, he was retweeting Dan Cohen.
He was fully, you know, he was fully fine with the meeting and the outcome.
As far as we all knew and as far as how he was acting and presenting publicly.
It's just that he felt very
humiliated, specifically by Kyle,
and that's the truth. He felt deeply
And it bothered him.
Again, I think the delayed response
is one theory.
The plausible theory is that this is some
cointoe pro shit, I know. But
Cointel pro shit doesn't work without
narcissistic little egos.
OR with the tent. Thank you, brother. I appreciate it.
Nat Suke, appreciate it.
I guess this is how barbecue pays me. So as you can see, I just made an Uber arms delivery to Haiti right now.
And I was just compensated for it by OR with 10 so thank you appreciate it so much
but um no I mean uh look the ridiculousness of Danny's nonsense claims aside, what John and Danny did backfired incredibly. I mean, it really backfired really badly. And it has exposed them legally, frankly speaking because what they have done is actually
criminal it's actually criminal i was just discussing this but you know the only reason john knew my name was because he was our party's lawyer if he
wasn't our lawyer he would have no i mean he was entrusted with that knowledge as a lawyer, okay?
Put two and two together, okay?
So these actions they're
engaging in are incredibly illegal
and criminal.
Not everyone in these calls
that Danny was recording were in uh uh one party consent states
okay so he had no right to actually not only he had no right to publicly leak internal recordings
but he had no right to make the recording in the first place. Okay. So they are engaging in crimes. Okay. It's incredibly, it's such, it's incredible
karma, okay?
I'm being accused of this crazy crime, of crazy federal crimes, but they are actually engaging in real crimes openly, okay?
And, um, right, yeah. openly okay and um right yeah so look but i'm just telling you guys it's not over they are planning
more i don't know what they're planning i don't exactly know what it is if i had to guess I don't exactly know what it is. If I had to
guess, I don't know. If I had to guess
it would be
it would be like bad
words that we've used jokingly
Which would not surprise any of you, and for which there is precedent for already, by me, by the way, thanks to Danny and other shit.
But I don't, I can't imagine
what else. I honestly can't.
That's if
I don't even know if that
is a thing though. I don't know.
I'm trying to imagine what it
could be if it's real. If it's real, I'm having a really
hard time comprehending what it could be. But if it's fake, then, well, there's a lot of room for them to do
whatever they want and be creative. And keep in mind guys there are multiple different factions of records now in play who are trying to seize upon this and take advantage of this because this is how the coin, whatever campaigns work, you don't just have one salvo of missiles and then call it quits.
There's so much hype surrounding it, as you could see, with so many different people saying like ACP is over ACP is over those people just lost all their
crypto money basically proverbially they gambled and lost big time and they are they're going to do
anything and everything they can to recover that false hope they
had that the party is going to disintegrate or whatever so they're going to resort to incredibly
incredibly desperate methods and you guys all need to be prepared for that so in that capacity what are some steps you can take and what are some things you could do?
Well, brace yourselves, okay?
We're talking about tomorrow morning or Tuesday morning, as far as we know.
And you guys need to be there in the trenches,
and you need to make alts now in order to do that.
Because I think they've blocked all of you,
because the first salvo was launched,
and they blocked you.
Now you're going to have to make alts,
and you're going to have to very aggressively be in there and boost each other just
like you were the first time around. Okay?
So these are your first orders as infrared.
Make sure you have alts ready that they don't know about.
Okay. And make sure you're on top of everything, literally everything. You have to be on top of everything. Uh, and, and before you make assumptions,
wait for our official response, which is either going to, it could be, I don't know, I don't know if, I don't know if, I don't know if the party would respond. We'd have to deliberate on that. But if it's not from the party, it's going to be from infrared.
By the way, I'm being
given permission from the executive board
to respond to a lot of this shit.
So, wait,
don't worry if it's
serious enough
where it's like
total a total fabrication
you know
don't worry
we are going to be there
you know to make sure
legally first of all that we defend our rights.
Second of all, that any and all misinformation is going to be corrected in an official capacity.
If it's some trivial nonsense, you know, we'll see.
We'll see. But I can't imagine the desperation. I can't imagine the desperation. We have a genius in the chat that I'd like to address who's expressing
very profound and brilliant insights that were echoed by the wreckers have you
ever considered engaging and organizing the working class i rl instead of engaging in twitter rates
do you think that defamation of your character on the most advanced and the most prolific form of media, which is social media, is unimportant when it comes to organizing.
Imagine you're trying to go and organize workers and collaborate with unions, and the unions read,
this person is a terrorist who's plotting the next 9-11.
There's going to be no way to do anything with any community in real life.
So you are just not a very smart person.
And why aren't you a smart person?
Because you didn't think before you typed.
You could have thought.
You could have thought. You have thought you didn't you decided to you decided to grandstand on the offline world where at maximum you get a megaphone or you can
talk to maximum 300 people. Okay.
Maximum, by the way, as a person offline.
So, yeah.
People like to type without thinking it's okay
it's fine
I find it very convenient
by the way
that these people were basically
trying to tell us
to quit the social media war so huh they tried to wreck our legal department
failed they also tried to gut infrared and the social media stuff and then what what becomes of
acp without those two things
you guess
what becomes of ACP without those two things
the enemy gets to define us
they get to define what we are
they get to say anything they want about us, and we have no
ability to defend ourselves or communicate with the masses at all. No, not PCUSA, because PCUSA is left
alone. We would be immediately defamed into oblivion, and we have no recourse at all whatsoever to defend
And that was their goal to prevent our ability from defending ourselves, because let's be clear,
if you're reconstituting the Communist Party that exists in this country, America, okay, if you're reconstituting that party, you are going to get the feds on your back.
They are going to do everything in their power to bury and destroy you literally in America's intelligence agencies square one is anti-communism
square one is
neutralizing the communist
party it's one of the reasons
they were founded and funded
it was one of the principal
and fundamental things that they were tasked with. If Twitter deleted our account, shake, we would still have ways to be online and exert influence so don't worry about
that we have contingency plans for everything right i. They, so one of the things that I did see, which doesn't seem
super successful, and I'll tell you for a number of reasons why, apparently there's a guy
named Ali K. Hamoud, as the Yakubian say it, Ali K. Hamoud, who was a sex criminal. Now, there are a few
problems with this little story they're trying to run with. It's very easy to debunk for the following reasons.
Beyond the fact that my middle name is not K, beyond the fact that in 2018, I was not 23, okay?
Beyond the fact that I wasn't born in 1995 okay beyond all the other errors that were claimed
about you know my birthday or whatever um the issue is is that criminals have mugshots and recorded court proceedings so if you want you can look
up that criminal case and i am pretty sure you can watch the trial of ali k hamoud and see the face of the
accused criminal and you can also
find the mugshot.
Both of those things are available.
You can actually find
out what that guy looks like and who he
So, it's stupid that I even need to address this.
Because again, I already said there's going to be a sell.
I don't have time to address every stupid fucking thing said about me.
But all I need to tell you guys
is that these were the same
fucking retards
who said my name was Adam to hear
for three years.
Do I really need
to spend time just like I had to say, my name isn't Adam to hear,
to say, I'm not Ali, K-L-Y-P-W-Q-Hamood? And that I'm not all of these tens of thousands of Ali Hamouds that exist in the USA because
here's another thing um Ali Hamoud is a Lebanese Joe Smith. Okay? That's a Lebanese Joe Smith. That is an incredibly, incredibly common name. Okay? It's a Joe Okay.
It's a Joe Smith kind of name, all right?
So I don't know what to tell you guys.
I don't know what to tell you guys when it comes to having media literacy and doing your due diligence to investigate all right if someone's name is joe smith doesn't mean everyone who's joe smith is them
there are people from every age oh i know don't worry amirio
we know that we are very very aware of that and um you know again these people targeted not just me
but my family so hmm you know i hope they're
prepared to defend themselves legally it's all i could say it's all i could really say you know i
hope they're prepared for that um we have multiple multiple lawyers in our party
not just grason by the way so already by the way.
And even if we didn't, by the way, let me just tell you, even if in the emergency circumstance that we didn't have a legal department anymore, all the money that you guys donated to me on Friday, I will literally put that toward hiring
an attorney if I have to.
I have no problem doing that.
I have no problem outsourcing and finding an attorney.
It would be, by the way, very easy for me because I am a Lebanese guy, okay?
Let's just say
connections are everything.
And I, and by the way, I'm sure this community would lend their support
for fundraising a lawsuit if it had to come to that.
Now, we're not at that stage right now.
We're not there yet.
But if we need to be, we will.
If we need to be there, we will there okay so there is no universe there is no
circumstance in which we are not moving forward with legal proceedings especially in consideration
of the fact that i no longer have to conceal my name.
That itself, the reason I haven't sued people for the past four years is because I didn't,
I wanted to do the best thing I could, the best I could to conceal my name, which I did successfully, by the way.
And it took people that I trusted to betray me for that to work, okay?
Criminally, in this case.
Um... Okay. Criminally, in this case. So that's incredible, isn't it, by the way?
Like I said, this, I leaked my first name to this community on accident on stream before
about dozens of you said i remember i remember i remember
and not one of you leaked it
you are people i don't even all know
haven't even met you in person
and you had the decency not to be traitors.
And these were people that I considered my close comrades.
Anytime somebody tells me this internet shit means nothing and the internet doesn't matter,
I have to respectfully disagree
because these were people that I met and shook hands with
in real fucking life who betrayed me like this,
and anonymous people on the internet didn't betray me.
That is remarkable, actually.
It says a lot about the nature of solidarity and social association.
There's nothing about meeting someone in person that matters, by the way.
There's nothing about meeting someone in person that's going to make them more human or or whatever toward you and sometimes the opposite sometimes the
opposite is true, you know?
Sometimes that makes them actually more disloyal, and it makes them more willing to betray you, sadly.
But did the bad intentions exist even in May
2024 at the Dearborn conference? You know, that's one of the great mysteries, which is that no one
knows. One of the mysterious things about John is that no one knows where he came from. I'm not saying
this to cast dispersions. I'm not saying this because I'm not really convinced
he was a Fed from the beginning.
We did a background check and
I'm not fully
convinced, but to put it on the table,
was John ever a long time anonymous member of the community even before he went
Because, let me tell you the scary thing, all right?
The scary thing is that Midwestern Marx thought that John was an infrared guy.
And we thought, we thought that he was a Midwestern Marx guy.
So what, where the fuck did he come from? We don't know.
It would be very disturbing, but not too surprising, if from the beginning he had bad intentions.
But I can't say that with any
certainty or full confidence.
I'm just saying it's
really weird how he fucking came out of nowhere.
Maybe it's just, maybe he just did.
You know? Maybe he was inspired
by Jackson.
Amirio, I'm fully aware.
I'm fully aware of that.
Don't worry.
We are fully aware of all that.
Have you noticed the... Yes yes this is what we call guys a classic demonic internet attack it's happened multiple times throughout the history of this show and basically what happens is that like there's a huge attack and then you get flooded
with all these like weird glowy anonymous accounts and astro-turft campaigns and by the way this is
nothing compared to what we've gone through before.
But it's one of those weird kind of controlled demonic attacks, which are absolutely
coordinated and controlled and absolutely seem like they follow the pattern that you would expect if it was coming from federal agencies, to be frank.
I don't know which agencies. I don't even know if they're American agencies. They could be the British, MI6.
It could be Mossad.
We don't know.
But what we do know is that they basically say, we are going to, this is we're going to strike and take down infrared or take down ACP.
So they strike and it fails.
Go, go, go. We just wasted so much resources and planning. We can't waste this.
Then they do it more, more, more.
And then eventually they leave. But that's how it works.
That's how it's always worked.
Every single time one of these things have happened.
That's how it works.
It's always how it's worked for the past four years.
It's like a sudden waves.
That's why I'm telling you guys this is not the end there's going to be more a bullshit i don't even know what to expect again because i'm actually innocent
but i don't know what to expect, but there's more coming.
And by the way, if I'm ever accused of crimes, you're not going to hear about it.
I'm not going to hear about it from a fucking tweet. I'm going to get a knock on my fucking door from the actual government authorities and just be taken to jail.
All right?
So let's be clear about you know the truth um don't plant evidence you're
right but i don't know how they would do that.
That gun, it was literally an airsoft gun that I just took to the other...
to the room across from me.
It's literally an airsoft gun.
I don't have Kalashnikovs.
I don't even...
I'm legally...
I legally could purchase one,
but I don't have one.
You know...
So I don't know what could be a tribute.
I don't know how that could work at all.
I'm not exactly sure. No, nobody leaked my name except these two.
There were multiple people that I knew that knew my name.
None of them leaked it except these two.
None of them.
A Virginian Communist Party, who has been a follower since today said i'm dead incredible quite incredible um um oh if you don't okay well oh i see what you mean i see what you mean i'm sorry you gotta make be vigilant you know i
don't know it's just kind of strange. If you mass report them,
do you think they'll get banned? Um, possibly. It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt, um, you know,
report people for violating rules.
So, you know, I don't know.
I don't know what they're plotting.
But something.
Something. something everyone who posted in support of Shaw looks like a
fucking retard now
by the way
and I like how Dan Cohen
like not only revealed the full truth
Which was dead on the full truth
But he actually backed it up with evidence
Like he showed like listen
If it's true that Danny
Was so rattled and so shaken,
why did he retweet me
the day after?
You know?
But Danny Shaw
is now running with the story.
Jesus Christ, he's running with the story that I'm a that I'm a cult leader who groomed him, a guy who's a full foot
taller than me.
And who's like twice my age, that I groomed him.
Um... like twice my age that I groomed him. I need people to be serious and not joking about the whole cult shit.
All right.
Cults cannot purely be remote. Cults require like it requires some kind of like,
like I'm going to force you and, and, and, and, and, and, um, you have to be there.
You have to be isolated from your parents, from your family.
My message from the beginning to leftists, many of you come from leftist backgrounds has been to make up with your families
because a lot of leftists are estranged from their families
and I have the opposite message
I've always had the opposite message
which is you know make up with your family, you know?
You don't, it's not revolutionary to ostracize yourself from your parents and rebel against your parents.
Um... um so
i just think it's fucking stupid
i think that us defending
ourselves from people that attack our
community and attack us
and attack this message and attack our ideas and attack us and attack this message
and attack our ideas and attack everything we stand for and believe
in. That is not a
fucking cult, okay?
Because every single online
political community does that, every single
one. But when we do it it's a call why because we're
independent from the state and we're independent from the ruling institutions of society
yeah i'll tell you why that is because your average gorilla is a worker not a fucking academic or a lawyer
and what that means not to hate on all academics and lawyers, but what that means is that the average gorilla doesn't need to fucking worry about being like having to toe the line when it comes to ideologies
and culture shit
you're not getting paid to think a certain way
you're not getting paid to use the correct words and pronouns and whatever.
Like none of that shit matters for your guys' jobs. Your guys' jobs, by and large, involve
actually doing real things, real labor, right? So that's why infrared, there's such a stark, brutal difference
between infrared and your average Marxoid left-leftoid, right?
Sudo, you know, left-liberal, let's say.
Because your average, like, pseudo-Marxist left-liberal
is someone that gets paid to think a certain way and gets paid to have a certain kind of outlook for a living.
So they're straightjacketed and they're bounded by all these different rules and conventions that you guys are free from because you actually work with your hands and therefore can think
whatever the fuck you want. Okay. A construction worker who says retard, their labor is not diminished by their use of the word retard.
It may hurt people's feelings, but at the end of the day, people need to use their fucking hands to lay bricks.
So that is the point. That is exactly why, you know, there's an
infrared cult. And look, not to toot our own horn, but the correct word you're looking for isn't a cult.
It's a proletarian movement.
That movement may be online and may be primarily moral and spiritual and in a sense ideological, but it is a proletarian movement. It is absolutely a proletarian
movement. Okay. I have met you guys in person. Midwestern Marx has met a lot of you guys in person.
Midwestern Marx has met a lot of you guys in person.
I can verify empirically that this is actually a proletarian movement.
All right?
Empirically speaking, I can verify that.
We are not exclusively blue collar workers we do have professionals in our ranks as all proletarian movements have had in the past but the professionals
in our movement like darg for example who's a coder, who's an engineer,
like Grayson and others, they don't put the interests of the bourgeoisie first. They tow the proletarian
line the proletarian
movement will always need professionals
by the way
but it's about
is it just for
the bourgeoisie or is it for
the proletariat if it's for the bourgeoisie or is it for the proletariat? If it's for the bourgeoisie, then these professionals are going to, they're going to have a petty bourgeois outlook because they're in bourgeois institutions and they're going to
assert the interests of bourgeois institutions but if they are in proletarian institutions they will acquiesce
to the will of the proletariat. But the problem is that proletarian institutions are counter-hegemonic rather than hegemonic.
In a bourgeois ruled society, proletarian institutions will always be from the ground up and counter hegemonic
there's no way to make proletarian institutions at the highest level.
You know, Gromsky is known for this saying of the long march through the institutions,
but this idea of intellectuals taking over bourgeois institutions, most of that is some right-wing paranoia nonsense, but
in any case, strategically, it's nonsense. Because a materialist would know that anyone who embeds
themselves at the highest levels can do so individually and hold the line you can have that discipline but when that starts becoming a social phenomena it's the institution that's going to materially shape you rather than the reverse that That's what happens when,
see, for Gromsky, what was crucial
is that there is
a connection maintained to the
proletarian base.
That is how
there can be a long march
through the institution, so to speak.
I think that comes from Saul Olinsky anyway, not even Gromsky, right?
But proletarian movements and institutions and powers
Alexander I appreciate you man those are going to be counter-hegemonic
not hegemonic so they probably they can easily appear to liberals as cults
For example, the Maga movement
was regularly derided and attacked as a cult
By libtards which is ridiculous because maga was literally just a signifier you put on a trump hat
and you're maga like nobody is institutionally forcing you or bounding you to do anything now the american communist party
is a an institution that has binding um um binding uh rules and procedures and protocols of association and tasks for all of its members, me included.
But these accusations that are being made do not accuse the ACP of being a cult.
They accuse infrared of being a cult, right?
It's incredibly strange.
Like, the real-life thing that actually has actual formal rules and procedures, you know, that are binding, that's the open society, apparently, but
infrared is the cult. And why? Because when you shit on our party and on infrared and on me
publicly, that you're going to get pushback for it that's not a
cult you fucking idiot you know is it a cult to there's so many other things that you're going to get
attacked for saying online, okay?
But are you going to say those are all...
I mean, we're getting attacked for this shit we say online, right?
So are they enforcing a cult doctrine?
It's fucking nonsense.
It's fucking nonsense, all right?
why did Danny have hatred for infrared and Haas over everyone else he attacked.
That is one of the things that lead me to suspect it wasn't really personal for him.
It leads me to suspect that Danny was being compelled to do that by bad faith actors. Danny glows a lot,
and if there was any personal resentment that spurred any of this, it was against Kyle, right? I was much
nicer to Danny than anyone else. I was very nice to him. I was very kind. I was very considerate
to him Um
But I
He has nothing against me on a personal level
He has nothing against me on a personal level. I mean, I've been talking to Jackson, or he's fully briefed, and he knows what's going on. But he's in Russia. What can you say?
You know?
One of you guys got it right.
The reason Danny Shaw targeted me and wants to target me is to decapitate leadership.
If Jackson was chairman, it'd be the same.
If Kyle was chairman, if Eddie was chairman, it'd be the same. If Kyle was chairman, if Eddie was chairman, it would be the same.
They want to decapitate the leadership.
And they also are well aware of the dynamic and the special significance of infrared.
I also want to push back on another stupid thing I see,
which are people that try to dichotomize infrared and say,
oh, this is about infrared versus ACP or infrared versus Midwestern
Marrots. It's just fucking nonsense.
All right?
regarding infrared and ACP,
all right?
I don't know how to tell you this,
but the idea for reconstituting
was an idea that was born
within the infrared deep state.
Now, I will not take complete credit for it, okay?
Even though the name was me, and a lot of the ideas came from me.
But the logo, for example, I didn't
design that great logo. That was literally
an infrared
an infrared,
like really infrared OG
who did that.
But ACP would not have been
possible without Midwestern Marks.
That's the thing.
We didn't go through with it until we started talking to Midwestern Marks.
And Kyle, for that matter, who brought us together in the first place.
When Kyle brought
infrared and Midwestern marks together,
that is when it became viable
to discuss
moving forward with plans
to reconstitute the party.
And I actually made a stream
a year earlier or two years earlier, I don't remember,
where I said at their next Congress,
if they rig it like we think they are, we're just
going to re-constitute the party.
And we were really worried that, I'm not going to tell you what we were worried about.
We were worried that the name would be taken.
We were worried about that for a long time because we knew that there was disillusion with the
CPUSA, and there is no way to reconstitute the CPUSA without calling it the American Communist
Party, right?
So we held out.
Op. Yep, Top Shot.
Operation Magma.
You know what?
Let me find it.
It was Operation Magma.
You're so right.
Where's Operation Magma?
No, Retanon was different.
Operation Magma was an entire stream I did talking about this.
So I'm not saying that you have to be infrared to be an ACP.
I'm not saying that they're the same thing.
They're not.
I'm just saying it's a little ridiculous
to try and make it seem like infrared is useless
and not at all important for the party.
Given the origins of the party itself, okay?
Talent site clipped it, it was 1021 22 wow
oh that was red anon so it was january of 2023 got it so January of 2023. Got it. So
that was
very early on, all right?
There's no...
It's so stupid.
I mean...
Um... You can't you can't hate infrared and really like join the party
it's kind of stupid it's really stupid all right maybe in a year or two that the demographic
and the nature of the party will
change in such a way that that's possible
but at this stage it's really fucking
stupid all right
it's really stupid
I also want to talk about the difficulties of democratizing.
And you agree upon a statement in written word or in video form, right?
But live streaming cannot be democratized. Live streaming is a medium that is impossible
to democratize. In the live streaming medium, at best you can set limitations and you can
agree to those limits you can collectively
agree to limitations you can collectively agree that we will not cross this line
we will not say this we will not do that sure but with the live streaming
medium you cannot democratize the messaging that is impossible
that is you can't because that would require it to be scripted and it cannot be scripted
um um the live stream it's a stream it's a flux it is constant
there is no time
to in to make any kind of decision that is shared with others in real time there's no way to do that.
You can make agreements about the bounds of what you will say and do and so on and so on.
For example, institutions set rules all the time. Twitch has a TOS.
Kick has a TOS. YouTube has a TOS. So live streamers can't do whatever they want. They have to follow certain procedures and rules. But there is no way to democratically decide the content. There's no way to do it um and yet it is so decisive it is so absolutely decisive
in the formation of communities online. There is no, I'm going to tell you guys a secret
that is very dangerous for me to reveal, but I don't think I will be listened to.
You know what would be incredibly dangerous for us?
If Hassan Piker understood the age we live in and started turning his community into an army, that would be really, really like, game over type of shit
for us. Okay?
I mean it wouldn't be game
over but it would be fucking really
really difficult.
Because Hassan is a millennial
who has this idea that oh the real
world is where
the real armies are,
he will never do that because of that
millennial kind of
self-ironic nonsense
that he has.
also, that he has but also armies like this you know i remember me and ezra used to talk about this
ezra's a infrared showrunner if you don't know brilliant guy when infrared first launched
and we were taking up the major debates, it's so true, though.
He was like, he's like on the internet and online and social media, we are literally like Mongols.
He said because we're a small, because the Mongols military strategy was a very strong tight-knit band of warriors and nomads the mongols were not actually hugely numerous in the beginning they They were almost always
outnumbered actually.
But they were so tight-knit
and disciplined and
unified that they were
able to take on
much bigger armies.
And that is also true for the army of the prophet from Arabia, right?
Who were able to take on the Romans and the Persians and so on and so on.
And that is why these nomads throughout history had this ability to take on, you know,
with small numbers, really conquer empires. It's very possible.
And that same logic applies to the bolsheviks and it also applies to the pla and it's not for nothing that two things one the nazis would constantly compare bolshevism to some kind of asiatic horde some kind of you know mongol rival of henghis khan
and the reason that's strange because the bolsheviks were this small, tight-knit group of people.
But it's because the logic of the revolutionary founding of the dynastic cycle, beginning with this kind of nomadic army, is there, right? And a horde connotes huge, massive swaths of people but a horde begins from a small band that's what begins a horde the logic of a horde only really initiates with a small band a small band becomes a horde when it is basically able to
outmaneuver the institutional conventions of large armies and governments and empires.
And the reason they get classified as a horde is not necessarily because they're more numerous, but rather because of the inability to categorize the, um, the, um, the, um, the combatants,
who they are, where they're coming from, what their purposes, what they're unified by.
It really just seems like a flux and an ocean of people.
Because when you desubjectivize people and de-individualize them on account of your inability to categorize them
because your conventions and your institutions cannot account for them, that is what introduces
the logic of a horde.
That is when social bodies become suspended in a flux that melts them.
And they become hordes and mobs and so on and so on.
And they become animated by this kind of principle of swarm dynamics and whatever right swarm intelligence so we are a horde precisely because we are not being heard.
They don't want to hear us.
They don't want to talk to us and have a dialogue with us.
They don't want to listen to us.
You don't have to listen to us, don't have to listen to us but we're still going to be out here but we're out here and it bothers them so they attack us and we hit them
back and it looks like a horde because it is a horde it literally is you know they took away the option
of dialogue and normal discussion that's what they did i didn't do that i had a discussion with
daniel tut you saw. You saw on my
YouTube. Totally civil. Totally
normal. Totally chill. Right.
And look at, you know,
that was never off the table civil discussion was never off the table civil discussion is never off the table anywhere
you know even within the party but people will see a clip of me yelling at John
and telling him to shove his psychology up his,
up his,
up his,
up his,
up his ass.
But what they won't see is the week,
and even weeks and hours and constant time expended to reason and have a civil discussion and constantly be rejected and and um and turned away and i love the idiots still running their
stupid fucking mouths saying that hoss was shutting down criticism from John.
John was not issuing
He was issuing his resignation.
I just
didn't think he had the right
to be fucking theatrical
about it and waste our meetings time he wasn't interested
in a in a struggle session against me or a discussion or whatever because we already had that
and everything he said in his resignation was already addressed so he was just restating what he had already said in his
resignation. And I had enough. I was like, like, look, not only we heard this before, but you're
disrupting party work. and you already made up your
fucking mind that you're resigning. So go, you know? And by the way, he was being duplicitous and
dishonest about that intention to resign in the days leading up to it where he said everything is fine and we're chill
by the way i want to be on record about something because i don't know if this is like not known to people
you can leave the party if you want holy shit do, do I need to say that, that you can leave?
You can just leave.
You can literally just leave.
Our constitution doesn't force you to be a member.
You can actually just quit.
If you need to quit, quit.
You don't owe us an explanation either.
You can just do it.
If it's not known now, I'll tell everyone you can quit.
You know?
And if you give good reasons, you're right.
You could even come back.
If you give like an excuse we find acceptable, you could come back later.
But you can definitely leave the party.
And if I need to, I don't really feel like I need to, but if I need to, yeah, if someone decides to just leave and that's it, no one has the right to attack them or pile on or talk bad about them.
No, of course not.
I mean, it's okay to just leave.
It's not okay
to be a fucking
attention monger and
libel and
docks and attack
on your fucking way out.
You will not have the right to do that.
You definitely earned the right to leave because you'd be fucking kicked out anyway.
But you're also going to face lawsuits.
You're also going to face a response, a very, very aggressive response, not only from me, but from the entire community of people whose hard work you're shitting on and attacking.
So, you know, look, Bree left the party and everyone was fine with that. And I even said, look, Bree is great. She just had her own reasons for leaving. She was in her right to leave. It's okay. Don't bother her. I mean, I even feel like I needed to
say that, but I did. But that's not what put Bree in a conflict with everyone. What put her in a
conflict with everyone is she kept fucking attacking. Like, okay, you want to talk shit?
You're going to get people talking
shit about you.
I feel like that's really fair.
I don't feel like that's a cult. I feel like that's really
fucking fair. You want to fucking bother us?
Well, you're going to be bothered.
The problem is that people expect you to roll over.
And when you roll over, you acquiesce to other powers, specifically the power of bourgeois
And that's what they're... By the way, I want every single person listening
to understand something very carefully, all right?
When they put on you the expectation to roll over,
they're asking you to fucking roll over for the bourgeoisie.
I can confidently tell you that. I can confidently tell you that all of
these people are whores of the bourgeoisie who get their money from the bourgeoisie, whose masters
are the bourgeoisie. That's where they get all of their livelihood.
They obey the bourgeoisie.
They never dare question the bourgeoisie.
And they fall in line for the bourgeoisie.
And when they're trying to police you,
and they're trying to fucking kick you down, they're doing so on behalf of their bourgeois sugar daddies.
And that's the truth, isn't it?
Isn't that the truth they want you to fall in line for their bourgeois pay masters
in their academia in their their NGOs, in their little institutions, wherever the fuck they are.
They want you to fall in line because you guys are mainly workers.
And you've committed the fucking crime of articulating an outlook and articulating a position
that is based in the independence of your class, your class, your voice, your movement.
And they are trying to beat you into submission to the class of the bourgeoisie.
Tell me I'm fucking wrong every all of this ultimately comes down to all of it
all of it comes down to they're trying to get you back in line with the hegemony and with bourgeois civil society.
And if you roll over and take it, they're going to kill your voice. They're going to kill your
proletarian voice. They're going to kill your proletarian voice and mute you. And that's their goal. It's very simple. It's very, very simple. They're trying to kill your ability to have a voice
and have a say. So when you roll over to all their attacks, when you accept their libel and defamation,
when you accept their slander, you are accepting the dominance of the bourgeoisie.
Understand this is a class war.
In so many words.
Amila with the 10.
Understand this is class warfare.
I am not myself from the proletarian class and never claimed to be, right?
But I am articulating a position that is only possible if it has the faith and the confidence of the proletarian masses.
There is no way anything I communicate could ever possibly have any substance or any viability or significance, if not for the fact that it is taken up
by the working classes. My message cannot be received in the institutions of the bourgeoisie.
It has no ability. It has no ability. cannot be received in the institutions of the bourgeoisie.
It has no ability.
It has no ability to carry favor with the hegemonic institutions.
There's no fucking way. There's no fucking way
you know
you know
and it's crazy because in history
cadre of a communist party
were very very rarely themselves
proletarians on a personal level.
It was always incredibly rare.
They were always renegades of the bourgeois intelligents.
They came from professional backgrounds, and they came from upper class backgrounds and they fully fully betrayed their class and fully went down to the people and fully decided to submit themselves to the discipline of the principle of collectivism, which is square one of, see, the proletarian class position when it comes to politics and organization is not primarily defined by the economic relation to production.
The economic relationship to production is the basis. It's the foundation of proletarian politics.
Absolutely. But proletarian class politics is based on a completely different principle of political
organization versus the bourgeoisie the principle of organization for the bourgeoisie the capitalist class is based on the
principle of individualism and in the principle of individualism it's an open society meaning you know
everything goes to the high is bitter, literally. That's it. Who you have the most
fucking money, you get to define what politics is. You get to bribe the, the politicians. And all
this is done under the disguise
of individual free conscience
and individuals
is doing whatever they want, right?
But the proletarian
organizational principle is
actually based on the principle of
collective discipline
formal formal proceduralism
but the principle of collective discipline
in the bourgeois philosophy
individuals are free to do whatever they want the proletarian
philosophy so to speak practically spontaneously even in the stages of trade union consciousness
says no you don't have the fucking right to go to work when there's a strike. If we're doing a
strike and you go to work, you are going to get your ass beat. That's just, that's what they
have done in history. They've beaten up scabs and they've attacked scabs. But scabs are just exercising their individual liberty, right?
Well, that's the bourgeois principle, you see, of association, not the proletarian one.
So the reason
communist cadre can
come from boo, I do not
come from a proletarian background. I need
to strongly reiterate that.
The reason
communist cadre have the ability
to not have to economically
directly come from proletarian
is because they can
submit to the proletarian political
principle of collectivism by actually engaging in collective discipline.
So if you're a lawyer, if you're a professional, Virginia, I appreciate you, if you're a lawyer and you're a professional, you can be that that or you can come from that background and the
way you submit to the proletarian uh principle and the way that you adopt proletarian consciousness
is not even by quitting your job
and becoming a blue collar worker.
No. It's by actually
submitting to proletarian
collective. Collectivism.
Right? Collective discipline.
The Communist party is about asserting the supremacy of proletarian
consciousness regardless of the class background of individuals your individual class background matters less than the collective organizational principle
that you are acquiescing to.
Buzois institutions cultivate organizational principles that are based in the bourgeoisie, namely individualism, right?
That is not so for proletarian forms of organization now the question could be raised well what separates it from a
cult then what are cults i mean because grassroots organizations can form from scratch from the bottom that are cults. I mean, because grassroots organizations can form from scratch, from the bottom,
that are cults, right? Well, unfortunately, cults have a very long history in America.
And I hate to say this, but cults are, an example of cults were the utopian socialist
experiments and the various utopian religious communities that existed in America throughout history.
Colts are just an elaboration of that in a new age, the information age, principally, after the 60s or whatever.
But cults can be absorbed into the hegemony, like Scientology, I guess. Or they could
not and they
could remain
But they are
and they are
they are definitely they are they are
counter hegemonic in a sense
but not effectively counter hegemonic
they're just reactionary
reactionary in the Marxist sense
not the progressivist sense so in the Marxist sense, not the progressivist sense.
So in the Marxist sense, reactionary means like a kind of false consciousness, a kind of false confusion that results from proletarian or lumpinized or declass consciousness being unable to mature into proletarian consciousness.
So it's the consciousness of spontaneous discontent and disillusion, but it's unable to actually be articulated in a scientific, proletarian way, and it becomes reactionary.
That's what it is basically um oh art thank you for the five wouldn't it be be true for the Maga movement then?
No, because the Maga movement wasn't a party.
The Maga, see,
that's what's so fascinating.
No, actually. The Maga movement
very movement is, was very much based in social media and was very much a collective acknowledgement
of this new era of American politics that was based in a cybernetic collective principle, right?
New principles of popular sovereignty.
But MAGA did not become a cult because it did not actually
turn into a fully fledged organization.
Maga was not an organization. It was a movement.
An organization requires
you know,
very real
distinct protocols of association
that are premeditated.
So, what is the line between, for example,
decentralized, distinct sociocultural trends?
For example, if you guys
grew up in the 90s, which I did not,
you probably know about something
called subcultures, right?
Subcultures, there were
emo, goth, I don't know,
hip-hop. There are all kinds of different
subcultures. And these were distinct
social phenomena,
cultural phenomena. But they were
not distinct forms of organization.
Organization has to
be premeditated, right? Organization has to obey a principle, right?
Organization has to be based upon something intentional, something formal, right?
Is a gang an organization?
If a gang has rituals of initiation,
then it is an organization. If it has protocols of communication that are enforced, it's an organization. But for example, is a family an organization? Families have
implicit cultural protocols of communication. I mean, you're not supposed to leak what your parents say to the public, although some stupid people do that, who are scumbags, by the way.
But a family is not necessarily an organization.
In the conventional or usual sense of the word. but organization is the tool of the proletariat.
It is the one weapon the proletariat has.
So the one weapon the proletariat has is organization that's really its only weapon
this is true for trade union consciousness by the way can have cult of personality only become a true cult when it is formalized?
I think so, yes. If I came out and said I was literally God, or I was literally a prophet, like, getting visions directly from God, and that, like, I'm, um, if I said I'm like the second coming of Jesus, or something extraordinary that that binds you all to the belief that I am actually
like, like, on a, on a supernatural level, like distinct from an everyday ordinary human being right if i came out
and said that and did that then yes this would become a cult. Like, absolutely.
Assuming you guys would believe that,
but I kind of feel like you would make fun of me if I said that.
You would scratch your heads and be like,
what the fuck?
I'd hope you would, at least.
If I started saying... No, I know for a fact that if I literally
started talking crazy stuff that I'm literally
like the reincarnation of you guys
would at least have questions I know that
for a fact you'd be like yo listen
like how the fuck does that work?
Can you explain?
And then I,
if I,
I would explain it,
and then you'd be like,
all right,
I'm dipping out.
This is crazy.
you'd probably think I'm joking.
Right. But that would be the type of thing you would see in a cult
all right in an occult there would be some kind of like um binding principle where it's like oh uh you know you're you're gonna go to hell if you don't follow this guy
i think a lot of you do believe that I am an extraordinary person, but that belief is based in your own judgment and appraisal of things that I have done.
I have made compelling arguments. I have made, I have made compelling arguments.
I have presented theories in compelling and persuasive ways.
I have communicated things that you guys find to be interesting and intelligent and whatever i have performed very
well in debates um destroying opponents and so on um but nobody is here telling you that i am literally
like the second coming of Jesus and that, you know, something like that. I mean, no, at the end of the day, by the way, just to be a little self-aware, to be a little, little self-aware, right?
Why was it me that did this and no one else?
Like, let's ask that question.
Like, why me?
Why was I the one to start this resurrection
of communism online or whatever? Marxism, Leninism, and no one else. It's not because I am chosen.
It's not because I am chosen. It's not because there's something special about me.
It's actually just a matter of probability when you think about it.
So all that is necessary is something like that has to be possible.
That's all that necessary.
If it's possible, there is bound to at least be one person that slips through the cracks,
and when they slip through the cracks and when that happens, an attribute of a given
thing is revealed in a new way.
So I'll give you an example of ants. You have ants that are exactly
identical in uniform, right? But we don't have complete information about their environment okay so the ants are going through a
narrow corridor right but there are holes small um openings in the corridor and there's only a very small probability that an ant will get through,
right? So, we assume that this corridor is sealed tight.
So the ants are moving in a straight line, right?
All of them.
All it takes is one ant, just one,
to get through an opening, right?
And this doesn't have, and the ant is not physically remarkable.
It's not special in any kind of way.
It doesn't have special genes.
It was just at the right place and the right time right but the important thing is not that ant
that's not the important thing please guys follow follow what i'm saying here the important thing was
not that ant the important thing is that it was proven that there is an opening in this
corridor. Now other ants can go, that's what, something got proven about the environment,
not the ants. We know the ants, We're all ants. That's fine. But we don't have
full knowledge. There's some ants that we're sitting there. They're saying there's no openings.
It's just a tight, sealed corridor, and you're only able to ever go in one line, right?
If one ant accidentally, due to reasons that have nothing to do with anything special about it, but due to the nature of the
environment itself disproves that, that ant faces a choice. Do I say what that fucker says and
lie to everyone?
Or do I keep going this wayward path and have other people follow me?
And that's how I feel like about myself, you know?
And you may not believe me and think I'm being falsely humble.
And it's a false humility. but it's genuinely what i believe i genuinely think it's a matter of probability
and i'm not saying your ants i'm saying we're all in this analogy ants all of us and we're all
the same now obviously we're all the same. Now, obviously, we're all different,
and we have distinct levels of temperament and skill and ability and whatever. I get that,
but I do think that this movement of ours does represent something historically extraordinary, and I am rationally communicating to you how it is possible that individuals could give expression or lead or be the face of historically extraordinary things.
It's not necessarily because they are...
I should have used an example with gorillas, because I don't want a fucking ant meme, but I feel he's going to get imprinted in your head, right?
Ant man.
I should have used guerrilla.
Forget ants, it's gorillas now, all right?
Imagine there is a troop of thousands of
gorillas in the forest
due to the nature
of probability the reason
ants work better for probability is that
they're very like mechanical and whatever
but imagine there's guerrillas moving through a forest, but only because of the nature
of probability due to the dialectic between the guerrillas and their environment, and not because of
exceptional and unique characteristics of the gorillas. Again, just assume all the gorillas are exactly the same physically.
There's no difference between them physically.
But in order to have full knowledge of what a gorilla is, you have to also have knowledge of
what they are capable of doing, and what they're capable of doing
is also in part conditioned by their
environment, right?
So thousands of guerrillas are in a forest.
And due
to laws of probability,
one gorilla is bound
to leave the forest and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and the um
savanna right whatever um um just because of probability like eventually one is going to break through like just just because of probability, like eventually one is going to break through, like just, just because of probability, right?
The problem is that you don't know that until it happens.
Before it happens, you think the only place guer gorillas can be is in the forest so when laws of
of probability kick in due to you know maybe even changes in the environment.
That's because we're talking about changes in history here.
It's the rise of social media, all this kind of shit.
One gorilla is bound to leave that fucking forest. And that, by doing that, the gorilla is bound to leave that fucking forest and that by doing that the gorilla is revealing something
about the nature of the movement of gorillas that this is an attribute of that movement that you didn didn't know before, that you didn't think it was possible, but it is.
And the thing that I have done that was before regarded as impossible, but now is possible, is aggressively promote and viably defend Marxism, Leninism in the age of
multipolarity and the post-COVID world. I took to this new form of communication called
social media
and I
presented Marxism-Leninism
in a viable way
that reconciled
basically um And integrated and basically, how do I put it, did proper justice in this medium to this lost history of Marxism, this lost revolutionary history of Marxism, of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao.
Another thing that I did was I connected that history with the entire history of mankind
and with the history of mankind's religions.
I didn't do this alone, by the way.
But I really did, was the first, I think, in my humble opinion, to basically, well, no, not me, but the infrared collective, to be clear.
That's another reason it's so stupid to call this a cult. Because infrared is a collective,
and technically the showrunners formally have the ability to exercise decisions the trust and the faith in me comes from the results that I give.
If I stopped giving those results, I would not expect everyone to continue following me.
For example, if I kept on farting and losing debates, just if I started
a long trail of just losing debates and acting pathetic, I don't think this community would last.
Yeah, I think I have to win, all right?
Um, You know, so performance is important.
But in a cult, if you are literally Jesus, you can lose, you can win, you can fart, you can shit, you can piss, but you're still Jesus
and therefore everyone
needs to follow you
you know they will
otherwise they're going to burn in hell
or they're going to
their their
head will explode or something right so you know i i've taken up a lot of time to explain to you.
Maybe this is the wrong time
to have this conversation, honestly.
Because we are headed for a week
of slander.
And you guys need to focus on preparing
for that, frankly.
If you want to fucking think it's a cold, think whatever the fuck you want it is, right?
But you got to fucking prepare for that.
You absolutely have to prepare for that
remember what I told you
if you have to make alts
I think you should make those alts and get ready
to them with them now
and we are going to be facing a wave of misinformation
this week.
Strahl Stani, I appreciate you.
And guys, the reason we need infrared to be at the vanguard is because they're doing this because it's our recruitment drive was planned for this week.
So you guys need to be at the vanguard, controlling the discourse and the narratives,
because we are going to have to fight this war for as long as we can so that we can clear the way for our party's work.
This is how the dynamic is probably going to work.
When it comes to going to war, infrared will lead the charge.
We clear the garbage away.
Our party can continue with the work.
The party can continue promoting itself, continue with recruitment drive,
continue with growing and building and building its standing, right,
and building its reputation and its image.
But I'm talking to you, every single one of you, you are in the fucking army right now.
You're lined up. You're lined up.
You're lined up.
And we're about to head into battle tomorrow or Tuesday.
And you all need to be on your fucking toes.
You need to be on your toes.
You need to be ready.
ACP is very wholesome, oftentimes.
But we need to wage a very aggressive war online to defend our party. And our party itself cannot do that because our party is not a
social media organization. It's a real organization. So we are for ACP, what we always wanted to be for CPUSA.
We are the online shock troops for our party who also are not formally enumerated within the party because the party is is more fundamental than the internet
you understand the party is about real practice but you can't but it's not going to be able to
communicate its real practice unless the shock troops online do the work
that's necessary to control the discourse and the narrative and fight disinformation and
misinformation. We have two prongs
of this battle. The first prong
is you guys
infrared. Okay?
The second prong is
The legal prong is going to be
very fundamental, all right?
But we need both because the court cases that we're about to initiate,
the litigation we're about to enter into is going to take years.
It's going to be years of litigation, potentially. Danny's case, I mean, it's going to be years of litigation potentially
Danny's case
I mean it's kind of
that's I'm sorry
but that's a really easy case
to just win automatically
that's not going to take very long
but some of these cases
there's going to be very long protracted months and years of discovery and whatever, and it's going to be dragged through court.
But we're going to do it.
But in the meantime, we are living in hyper modernity.
Hyper modernity, okay?
Where everything is now, now, now, now, now.
And you guys have to be there controlling the now narratives, controlling them.
You need to absolutely
for this week. We are about to go to war.
Okay? This week.
It's going to be a war.
Um, legal This week. It's going to be a war. Legal will watch the skies. You guys got to watch the neighborhood.
All right.
You have to exercise very vigilant media scrutiny and enforce it. Okay. When it comes to fabrications, when it comes to
outlandish, I can promise you guys something. I can promise you guys something. We are not guilty. none of us are guilty of crimes so if we are being accused of
crimes i'm telling you there are lies no matter what you see there lies okay telling you
infrared that, all right?
If we are going to be accused of crimes, it's a lie, because none of us have committed crimes.
I don't know what to expect due to that fact,
but it will be something fabricated. Now, if it's anything to the nature of like a joke or something like that, I don't even know.
I don't actually know what it could be.
Just know that when it comes to bad words and when it comes to politically incorrect jokes, both of those two individuals are just as much guilty and we have proof of it.
They themselves partook in the same, same, you know, politically incorrect culture, so to speak.
Absolutely they did.
Both of them, by the way.
Don't worry about uh wreckers in the party our party is a fortress and um we are not scared of anyone who hides in the shadows or not.
Because in the light of day, our party is a fortress.
No matter what you do in the shadows, you're not going to surmount our fortress.
It's that simple. No matter what you're doing in the shadows, you're not going to surmount our fortress. It's that simple. No matter what you're
doing in the shadows, this fortress is under the sun, under the blue sky, and it will stand.
You can whisper and do whatever you want.
It won't change that fact, no matter what you try to do in the shadows.
No matter what.
Everyone should know.
Everyone should know everyone should know something very simple okay all i have done throughout this entire ordeal is one thing. Defend the integrity
of our Constitution.
Defend the Constitution of our party.
Defend its rules,
its procedures, its laws.
That's all that's been going on.
All of the anti-party
what they all have in common
is that they believe
the Constitution
does not matter. They believe the Constitution is illegitimate.
That's what they all have in common. They've all subjectively, by the way, come to the agreement that the Constitution is illegitimate.
Now, the plotters and the wreckers, I'm very interested
because in their little wrecking cells, or sell, I should say, did they, if it exists, hypothetically, did they agree to a constitution of the
constitution of the ACP records, the constitution of the ACP records who swalled to destroy the party?
Do you have a constitution?
If there's no constitution, how do individuals operate in a collective way without stepping
on each other's toes, without having clearly defined protocols.
That's why they never last.
Because they can't make binding agreements.
They can't make pledges.
They can't make vows.
And their word means nothing.
That's why.
You don't have to think our Constitution is perfect to remain faithful to it.
You just have to believe the principle of collective organization is important over your subjective feelings.
And if you reject our principle of collective organization, leave.
You don't have a right because you decided in your fucking head to wreck our party because
you don't think our Constitution matters. You don't have that fucking right. You have the right
to leave. Our party is the Constitution that's
what it is you want to leave then go but if you don't think the Constitution
matters you have no business being here because who the fuck are you in your stupid head to say the Constitution doesn't matter because you feel that way personally? What gives you the fucking right to break ranks and still be inside the organization, for example, right?
When hundreds of people ratified that Constitution with their vote,
your feelings are more important, way heavier? that constitution with their vote. Your feelings
are more important, way
than everyone else
who has pledged themselves
and made a vow and took an oath.
It's not about who's right or wrong.
It's about the principle of individualism
versus the principle of collectivism.
And it's that simple.
You can have an elaborate, persuasive argument about why the constitution is so
flawed be sure to bring that up in the discuss in the discussion in the lead up to the national
congress where you will have the right to propose amendments to the constitution
but what you're going to have to do is convince other people that you are correct you have to do that
and you will be given the opportunity to do that and if you you fail, you fail. And if you succeed, you succeed.
But if you fail to get your way, you don't have the right to say, this is a cult. Nobody's
listening to me because it's a cult of Haas. Well, that means
nothing formally. That's just some shit in your own
head. Okay?
Anything you have subjectively
and individually. I'm not saying it's meaningless.
I'm saying you need to test it.
You need to test it by submitting it to a collective principle. And only
when you can test it by
seeing if others
see it the way you do.
Only, and then after that if it yields the results remember that right that you thought it would only then only then have you proven that it's something more than
just some shit in your own head
for example
a lot of
a lot of our constitution
came from the head
of myself and the rest
of the executive board
holy fuck did we get rated?
A lot of it did.
We got like a spike.
Double the viewers.
I don't know what the fuck happened.
Did we get rated?
But, um... um right but um no it jumped
twice it's like 900 now
yeah um anyway
or Yeah. Anyway.
Or we're being boughted.
I don't know.
It's either we're being boughted or we're being rated.
Or a big streamer is watching us.
I don't fucking know.
Or we're on the front page.
Maybe that's what's going on. In any case...
It's kind of fucking weird, because we're about to wrap up soon.
Are we on the front page? What's going on?
So, oh, we're on the front page.
Okay, I got it.
Well, thank you for whoever put me on the front page.
Appreciate that.
Appreciate that a lot.
Anyway, um... appreciate that a lot uh anyway um so in any case um that's what it comes down to it comes down to an
individual principle versus a collective principle. Okay?
Um, um, crazy follower names that's yeah um anyway um you can't control who follows you, and you can't control it.
Nothing you can do about who clicks the follow button.
And he got banned right away, good.
Yeah, anyway.
What was I saying?
The principle of
organization versus individual
I had that the Constitution
a lot of that came from our heads
you know a lot of it came from my head
okay straight up
OR what's up now the only thing that's going to the first thing that
had to be proven was that it had to be ratified okay you guys had to find it acceptable enough
which you did.
But the second thing that needs to be proven is that it yields results and expectations and goals that we set.
And if we end up not reaching the goals that we set and commit to, then an open conversation begins like what went wrong.
And, you know, that's the opportunity maybe to say, maybe this is the wrong thing in the Constitution. It needs to change so that
practically we could operate better or we could meet our goals better, right? So that's a, it's a
perfect example of how basically, um, basically a collective that's how you can prove an individual position is more than just something subjective.
You have to test it in reality through organization.
Two things.
There's two tests that a subjective viewpoint within a party has to go through, to more than subjective one you have to prove that it
represents the will of a majority okay then it's no longer just you but it's something other people
see and share but the majority can be wrong.
So if there is a practical shortcoming, if it's not proven in practice, okay, then everyone can see that clearly.
And if we assume people are logical you know the discourse of hey something's going wrong we need to change course gets more powerful okay and maybe we were all delusional.
I'll give you an example of that outside of a party, but applied to a country, right?
Everyone believed in the hegemonic ideology of neoliberalism and neoliberal democracy.
And they believed in the system as long as it was yielding results.
2008 happens.
The market crash, 2008, right?
The Great Recession, okay? Okay. the market crash 2008 right the great recession okay something is not working anymore something has happened so it's right after 2008 that counter hegemonic narratives and discourses started to become very potent and powerful.
And they started to have weight to them. Because hold on, things are not going as
we expected
as you told us they would
something is wrong and something needs
to change okay Obama's whole campaign
it was called change change
hope whatever remember those posters
so 2016 it was similar uh obama was selling everyone
this delusion that america was fine everything's going fine but everyone could see with their
own eyes that in practice things were not fine, right? So discursively, especially on social media,
coupled with the rise of social media, as a matter of fact, people were able to communicate
the truth of what they were starting to see on the ground and experience versus what the media was telling them, and that gained
discursive weight.
So practice is the ultimate criterion of truth.
This is how we distinguish ourselves
subjectivists, okay?
Practice is
the ultimate criterion of truth.
Not necessarily democracy.
Majorities can be wrong and they awaken to that fact for example the majority of america believed george w bush when he said iraq has weapons of mass destruction
but then the majority was proven wrong. And they saw that. Okay. So individuals can be wrong and majorities can be wrong. The ultimate criterion of truth is practice whether things are getting done in reality outside of not only an individual's head but but outside of the mind in general, outside of fantasy in general, the fantasy can be shared with others, the fantasy can only exist in one guy's head.
But the first form of discipline of an individual's delusions is testing it against other people right seeing if
other people can see it how you see it if they can't it's just you you understand that's the first step so in a party that's why you have to
obey the majority that's why you have to acquiesce to the rules because who the fuck are you to enforce a binding principle or binding action or decision on others
just because you're convinced that it's correct?
You can be as convinced as you want to be you can
believe as much as you want that you're correct but you have no right to enforce that as a binding
principle j summit I appreciate you.
You have no right to enforce that as a binding principle upon others, right?
Just because you feel a certain way. Now, the leadership of a party is a little bit of a different story.
They have more power to make decisions without having to submit it to a vote.
Even the executive branch of the u.s government has this with
executive orders right and in that capacity leadership is accountable to two bodies one is the central committee and two is the national congress okay
to these two bodies the leadership is accountable appreciate you comrade i appreciate you man
to these two bodies the leadership is accountable. Appreciate you, Comrade. I appreciate you, man.
To these two bodies,
the leadership is accountable.
All right.
So if they,
and in what capacity are they accountable? if they make a decision and it doesn't yield the
results that were promised or expected or foreseen they have to explain themselves they have to issue
reports those explanations can be persuasive they can themselves. They have to issue reports.
Those explanations can be persuasive.
They could be non-persuasive.
See, that's how it works in our party. That's how it works
in a real party in general.
That operates a real party in general you know it operates according to principles of collective discipline and proletarian discipline so um this is how it works, okay?
You don't have to like me, you don't even have to like infrared,
but you do have to follow the fucking rules, you know? And as chairman of the party, my job is to enforce those rules.
Now, again, guys, when you wake up tomorrow or Tuesday, there's going to be some shit.
No one knows what it's going to be.
In all likelihood, it will 100% be something made up from scratch without any grain of truth.
Because in terms of real things, there's nothing criminal.
So brace for impact and get ready get a good rest sleep uh and be on the lookout over the
next week because we are at war right now i'm this is why i did the stream most most of all. We are now at war. Okay. We're going to be facing the heat,
and we're at war. You guys need to activate. You need to be an overdrive okay and you need to focus on that because unless if we neglect that our party work will be obstructed. So the shock troops, the guerrilla shock
troops need to clear the way so that our party work can resume as normal. Okay? And it's that simple.
Everyone should and it's that simple everyone should be making alts right now
and prepare
and prepare to boost each other and whatever
if you're getting blocked on your
mains and um you have to make alts why because if they're blocking you on your main accounts you need to make
alts okay alts are like ants aunt alts make as many as you need all right you need I don't know if the ant meme is good.
Psychologically, I have to think about it.
It is kind of like nefarious.
It is kind of intimidating.
But, you know, it would be really intimidating?
An AI fusion of a gorilla and an ant.
Because that was just confused.
That's like, that's like a gorilla, a twisted dark gorilla.
Like, that's a monstrosity in a laboratory.
That's fucked up.
I don't know.
I'm not encouraging that, right?
Like an insectoid gorilla with like really scary i don't know Guys, let's keep the theming.
Guerrillas and Sons.
We're not ants, all right?
Gorillas and Sons, let them know who we are.
Gorillas and Sons.
The ant shit, it is scary, but it does confuse outsiders because the outsiders will see it and be like
what community is this they won't know how to identify us our sign is the gorilla and sun you know
is infrared you know that's what makes us identifiable.
So keep that in mind.
Keep that in mind. but uh look a lot of people see you guys and they're scared shitless because they say this is a cult
we're fucking scared.
When they see how organized you are online and how fucking aggressive you are in terms of
you're in line and you're on code,
this week, you all have to fucking be that by 10 times.
You need to be that fucking by one, 10, 100 times more.
Fucking uniform, Spartan like
as we are going a fucking war Let me see the Operation Magma stream.
Terran, we're in your party.
The party of USA officially denounced infrared
as chauvinistic, sexist,
transphobic, misogynistic,
racist, and
everything under the sun.
I remember
the Ottoman hat
I used to wear.
It was actually quite a nice thing I did.
That was really cool.
Should I go back to that?
I don't know.
I love that hat so much.
I don't know how to bring it back.
You know, there is a hat I'd like to bring to modernize and bring in style.
Let me show it to you.
What is it called?
Because I kind of wore a hat
that looked like this and
it's a hat that looked like this and it's a hat
that we should
bring back in style.
Is this
Shaw Massoud?
Is this him?
I don't know who the fuck. Yeah, this is Massoud.
Well, forget the guy.
I'm just talking about...
Okay, I don't know who this is.
This is a guy at Walmart.
He's not doing a good job.
All right.
I'll show you the hat.
I'm not endorsing the person. I'm just showing you the hat.
This hat, if we could bring this back in style, I would like that. I would like to wear this hat.
I had the black one, kind of, and it's really a nice hat. And we should,
when we're in the Rocky Mountains in 20, 56 or whatever, it's a nice hat, you know? I like this style.
Let me see another angle. This is a cool hat. You know, it's an Afghan hat. Afghan hat. Cool hat. I like it. Let's take that and modernize it.
Damned us and we had no, we had no right to a trial.
So let's go back to our stream though, Operation Magma,
which has laid the foundations of ACP,
as we know it.
They lied about us.
I know after quarantine,
a lot of people are lonely.
And this could be a good opportunity.
And also, each club should find ways
another thing is the finances
I don't really
are going to operate
like a normal party
you know
this is January 2023, two years ago.
In your community.
Find a group of people.
We literally laid out the plan
out in the open.
Nobody fucking caught it
because no one takes us seriously.
Oh boy.
Oh boy. Had only they taken us seriously two years ago. boy oh boy had only
they taken us seriously two years ago
start this club
find innovative ways of making money
and you can just build from there
you can build your own fucking fiefdom, right?
Will there be attacks?
I don't know.
Probably not, right?
Eventually, maybe in the CPUSA.
This is just a good way to network, right?
It's just a good way to network.
The Operation Magma was about forming shadow clubs,
which would eventually we expected be integrated to take over CPUSA.
But then at the end, I say, but if we, if that, if the CPSA ends up doing a coup or something,
the National Congress, then what we're going to do is just reconstitute it and call it the ACP.
Like taking a grain of truth from a real story of the confrontation with Martin Ettinger
that was already possible.
We're disbanding that nonsense.
So yeah.
This is what I've, you know, yesterday didn't stream because I've been kind of just what is so.
Now look how crazy this is. Everyone, oh, you're a streamer, you're a LARPA.
Two years ago, a random streamer,
internet YouTube streamer,
had this idea.
And two fucking years later, or less than two years later, the whole world is talking about ACP, ACP, ACP, ACP.
So keep telling me the internet's not fucking real.
Keep telling me it's not real.
Significant about Maoism in this regard.
That's what Maga was.
I've either gotten kicked out of the CPUSA or for some reason cannot join the CPUSA because of geography or anything else.
And it's going to basically allow people to, in a decentralized way, in an age befitting of the information age broadcast their experiences and their renown onto the internet wow that was the dream so for example if a club of this organization
and i'm not even going to share with you the name yet you know i knew the name it was acp successful in doing
some community outreach in their local community
that's going to be uploaded to the network
and it's going to be like a blockchain
technology where
with feds or people who commit
errone mistakes they're not
going to be verified.
Now, listen, it's not like some streamer just says this and it became real, all right?
There was a group of extremely dedicated guerrillas, extremely dedicated, okay, extremely dedicated.
Darg, when I said blockchain,
it's people like Darg that made that real, all right?
When I had that, just that
idea for the, who made
the logo? I don't want to miss a tribute
because I don't want anyone to get upset.
But wasn't it, Panther? I don't know.
Talon, you know,
so many people were here
were in this, in secret,
working in secret on this it's gonna be oh no it wasn't him who
was it who made the logo it both centralized on the internet but decentralized in real life
and as far as we're infiltrate... We had a bunch of logo iterations.
The Blue Cube guy.
Yeah, it was him, wasn't it?
You know what?
Shout out facilities.
I think I took some swipes at his...
His... Some of his stuff before on stream and that makes me feel bad because
facilities made our logo
you guys should know that he deserves credit for that
he deserves recognition for it. He made our logo.
Our beautiful logo that you see, he made that.
Traders are concerned. traders
are concerned
see I didn't know that
I didn't even know that
there at
everyone had different names
I think or in the
chat we were in.
Guy who made the font is gone, too. Wow.
The actions taken in the name of this
organization, and it's going to be inherently
decentralized for a reason, but all actions
taken in the name of this organization
have to be either verified or rejected
online by the central whatever but guys i said all of this all right which of course i'm going to be
and i'm going to be overseeing that right so it's going to be a system that rewards success and punishes either failure or wrecker shit basically it's not going to be a centralized political it's not going to be a centralized um political it's not going to be a a centralized community where i'm
going to have a compound and you're all going to live with me or something and we're not going to be
doing like retreats or anything like that.
I will say the one thing that changed, I guess,
is that we don't do retreats, but we do real-life events.
You know, I guess I don't know if that was foreseen.
The internet's going to play an extremely prominent role as far as the organization is concerned.
So, guys, this is why I get frustrated when dipshits, who claim to be speaking, you know,
on behalf of the interests of the party,
will be like,
you know,
this internet stuff doesn't,
is, is,
is the problem.
And it's like,
but this was literally the,
the vision behind the whole fucking, the idea of this reconstitution of the party was here.
And the internet was supposed to always play a fundamental role.
You know?
But it's going to be a network.
Talking about a carnival back then.
Yes, we always planned on throwing a carnival.
And that was from Logos inspiration, inspired by Logos idea.
We just don't have the resources to do that right now.
I can tell you guys this.
If we're not in a civil war,
in one year or two years,
we might actually have the resources
to start throwing carnivals.
I'm just saying.
Like, once
our party really gets up and running.
United by nodes
that are going to be local.
there's a special emphasis
that will be played. Carnivals
for local communities, by the way.
Not even just for us.
They'll be organized for the communities.
On the Midwest, where the CPUSA is probably the weakest, right?
The CPUSA is big in New York, mainly just New York.
We pretty much, the goal is to pretty much build up communist hegemony in the Midwest and our success and because people because of the nature of hyper modernity people don't remember they don't remember you know Haas is this
horrible terrible guy.
But this,
infrared is the problem.
But it's like,
couldn't you see that this shit was laid out years ago?
I guess some people didn't know what they were walking into.
I mean, apparently John was an infrared guy,
but he didn't know that this was always the move that we were talking about.
You know, did people think that, um, the party was Joe Sims idea?
I don't understand.
Like, fuck.
From the beginning, you know. Guys, always remember the law of hyper modernity.
What's not put front and center will be forgotten and doesn't exist.
You need to put front and center what you want to exist and what you want to be remembered, or else it will be forgotten. You know, Anyway, guys, get some good rest and get ready for war.
Get rest. Rest well.
War is coming.