gaga stop being a drama queen
thank you adam
if you shoot a bow and arrow at me in
the middle of battle
you will be banned for the duration of
the battle simple as that
okay i didn't think i was gonna have to
talk about this but i'm gonna talk about
you the chat
[Β __Β ] up
you the chat [Β __Β ] up
let me tell you guys how pathetic you
because you are genuinely like
the most pathetic chat i've ever seen
i literally can't even believe it i'm
still in shock of how pathetic you are
so guys chat i'm gonna i just want to
let you know something
there is no woman on twitch who will
ever give you a [Β __Β ] chance so when
you go side with these egirls against me
you're not you're not getting their
attention thank you melina appreciate
you so much
thank you
you're not getting their attention
you're just siding with her chat against
me you're not siding with her she
doesn't give a [Β __Β ] about you she'll
never know who you are she don't give a
[Β __Β ] about you you're siding with her
mods and her community a foreign army
against me and all you're doing is
making it so that you lose my respect
and i remember all of you who were doing
that [Β __Β ] you lost my respect she will
never notice you i promise you she will
never notice you but all you have done
is shame the guerrilla army
no gaga and you gaga
you literally have no notion of context
okay you're always trying to be hermione
even if you're right even if you're
right on the technicality that actually
it's that the people call the vulva the
vagina it's a common
thing whatever just like how when people
refer to penis they also imply the balls
is that technically correct no
but that is the sex
that is the difference in the biological
female anatomy okay
no because what okay then what you do
when you do that
and banned as a mod you bandwagon with
the stupid chat and by the way the only
reason the chat is siding with the
e-girls because chat thinks the e girl
is gonna notice them which will never
happen by the way
you just ruin
you just make me look stupid you make me
look bad you make me lose face and you
bring dishonor to me
i didn't say anything worse than what
other chatters were saying
and why do you think i'm talking about
chat right now
the other chatters
are i will never look at chat the same
way again
you guys i am literally shocked i will
never ever look at you guys again the
same way
i am unbelievably shocked
thank you bunny mocha
you bunny mocha
i'm not
i don't look at you all the same way no
i don't see you all the same way you all
look desperate to me
yeah i used to think my chat was full of
og sigma mails but now it seems y'all
are super thirsty super desperate the
minute there's any egirl you flip like a
dime and you join the uh the e girls
mods and her chat against me
unbelievable unbelievable
unfucking believable
we have a very beta mailchat a very beta
mail chat unbelievably beta mail
okay for those of you who stood ground
rio recognized rio so i'm not talking
about you i do know a lot of you saw
stood ground
why did you ban me
because you are reckless and you are
getting out of hand and i need to ban
you before you do any more
damage beta male chat but a minority
we're actually ogs holding the ground
defending the honor of infrared real
recognize real i remember y'all don't
worry i'm not talking about you i
remember y'all
so don't worry about that i do recognize
the real ones i remember and recognize
but damn
but damn
but damn y'all flip on a dime
guys here's the thing here's the truth
guys let me tell you the truth you wanna
know the truth
let me tell you the truth
i will have i have a trillion times more
of a chance with a girl like that than
you ever will just because i'm a
and if i could hold my ground and not be
mesmerized and not be tempted and not
fall into the trap
then you guys can do the same [Β __Β ]
i know you guys are seeing
you see i know you seen a fine woman on
the screen
i'm talking to her guys and i'm not
being like you are you're just looking
at her i'm talking to her and even i
never fell for her trap not once
not once did i fall for her trap thank
you vermillion appreciate you
the only time
i lost in that bat and let me tell you
guys something every encounter i have is
a war it's a war even if i'm talking to
an e-girl and where whatever that's a
battle going on you understand and the
only time in that battle that i took an
arrow to the [Β __Β ] thigh was when you
the chat spammed my chat with ll ll
you're a virgin hodge your virgin hodge
you guys what the [Β __Β ] is wrong with you
what the [Β __Β ] is wrong with you i we
literally had it in the [Β __Β ] bag
until you the chat demoralized me and
[Β __Β ] lowered my spirits you are
supposed to be my [Β __Β ] cheerleaders
you're supposed to [Β __Β ] brighten my
spirits and [Β __Β ]
gas me up and [Β __Β ] and what do you do
you [Β __Β ] make me look stupid
if i had no chat
if it was irl and i was chatting her up
and you guys were out of the picture
it would have gone so smoothly you
[Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] blocked me you [Β __Β ]
ruined it stupid [Β __Β ] chat
if anything you're supposed to help me
if you're not gonna help me then shut
the [Β __Β ] up
if you if if you as a chatter and you're
claiming you're a fan of infrared
before you chat something ask yourself a
question does this help infrared or does
this [Β __Β ] infrared if it cooks infrared
get the [Β __Β ] out of here
stop blaming chat
it is chad's fault gaga gaga you are
literally the actually meme
who [Β __Β ] cares if technically it's
called the vulva everyone knows what
someone means by the vagina they're
referring to the [Β __Β ] the labial
flaps and the [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] and the
[Β __Β ] urethra and the [Β __Β ] vaginal
orifice they're referring to the
totality of those [Β __Β ] things
that's what people mean
especially if you're a guy especially if
you're a guy especially if you're a guy
because i have a pee pee and i have
balls and women have a different thing
and when i'm talking about the vagina
i'm talking about the way women have the
thank you zella appreciate your
did he call what the [Β __Β ] is you know
what's funny guys let me tell you
something hilarious
let me tell you guys the most ironic
thing right my haters always say oh hi
you're such an n sound you're saturn in
cell and why they say that i don't know
i mean do i need to show you my [Β __Β ]
you know what insole means right it
means involuntary celibate
if i showed you my dms would you really
think i'm involuntary
like get the [Β __Β ] out of here but anyway
no i'm not gonna show you but anyway
what was i saying
these same people are the ones who
will throw derogatory labels on every
girl i talk to on twitch and call her
call them the w word or whatever right
every single one and i'm the [Β __Β ]
dude that's literally pent up in cell
rage rage
that's literally pent up [Β __Β ]
or cell rage yeah whatever
are you going back on her i don't know i
don't know i didn't get any response or
i didn't get any message
saying that
people who call me that word thank you
steel lady
you know why it bothers me though
i'm gonna admit something it does bother
me when people call
when people call me that
and the reason it bothers me is because
i it's almost like you're trying to
pressure me
you know what i mean thank you moe and
mission you're trying to pressure me
thank you one mission when i'm just in
my business and it's almost like
like all these people are trying to get
up into my business
into my pp sexual sexuality and my pp
and my balls and just something my no no
square my private parts and they're
directly just
speaking about my no-no square like it's
their property like [Β __Β ] it's
it's [Β __Β ] harassment it literally is
[Β __Β ] harassment it's [Β __Β ]
it is [Β __Β ] harassment
you know
i'm a private person you know what i
mean i have i'm a private person
i'm a private person stop trying to
[Β __Β ]
get up into my business
stop trying to get up into my business
the only people
that's why i'm so [Β __Β ] selective
the only people
my pp is only the business the only
people who have access to my nono square
are the creme de la crop literally the
top point zero zero zero one percent of
some sweaty ugly [Β __Β ] nerd
has no right to talk about my [Β __Β ] no
no square
every time you guys call me i'm your
it's almost like like yeah it's been a
few years like yeah i'm not really out
there especially after quarantine
especially after quarantine i haven't
been out there haven't been on dating
apps but guess what that's just because
that's my privacy that's how i've chosen
to live my life because i've been
focusing on other things
i don't i just don't trust i have trust
issues and just that kind of [Β __Β ] you
know i mean like can you leave me alone
you know what i mean
you're a virgin
what does that mean though like what
does that mean
what does that even mean
do you okay be being honest guys
do you actually think that
or do you mean something else
like you actually think i'm an ugly
loser like you
when you say that
please look at me please look at me do
you think a guy who looks like me and
has the confidence i do would have
trouble if they wanted to and if they
had his standards
that were
not the same as yours because then i
would be getting [Β __Β ] every [Β __Β ]
minute of every day but just
if i had double your
standards you think i would have issues
like guys i'm sorry to tell you this
just to my haters like i am a very good
looking guy
especially compared to average i'm very
good looking i have a very strong
personality i'm a very confident guy
i don't know why you think i'm like you
that's the biggest cope i've ever
[Β __Β ] heard in my life that is
literally the biggest [Β __Β ] copium
i've ever heard in my life
that i'm like you i'm not like you i'm
sorry no not everyone is born equal i'm
sorry whatever you want to call it
whether we believe the lysenko thing or
you're short though dude i don't know if
you need to hear this
being average height in real life is
literally does not matter it is
literally meaningless the only thing
height will give you is an advantage
it'll give you an extra
being average height is not gonna deduce
points from you you don't get points
taken away now if you're exceptionally
short as a guy yeah you will get points
taken away you will get points taken
away if your average height you gain
nothing and you lose nothing if you're
most of the time and by the way i don't
even know if this is most of the time
here's what no one wants to admit most
tall people are losers ugly
and just you and girls don't even notice
them right
but let's just say all things considered
height is a bonus objectively it's a
bonus right it's gonna help you
but if you're not just because you're
not tall doesn't mean you're getting
points deducted you don't get points
you know
you don't have it as easy but you get
nothing deduced
and i'm being i'm not even meaning
sometimes i'm memeing with the wide
thing and whatever
but when i'm saying this i'm not meaning
i'm literally telling you the truth you
do not lose anything by being average
you don't gain but you don't lose either
her mix account created august 27th
nice alt
you're under six foot you're short
guys i want you to remember when i went
and how everyone was literally just
average height
and i live in michigan
home of people descended from german and
and scandinavian immigrants and people
are very tall here people are exception
it's not like california people here are
exceptionally tall and when i went irl
what did you see did you see a bunch of
towering six foot people no you didn't
you didn't
it's only on the internet that people
six foot
everyone under six foot is short that's
literally internet logic
y'all need to [Β __Β ] wake up to reality
i swear to god i swear to god it's so
you all need to [Β __Β ] live in reality
for real
yeah everybody on the dude everyone on
the internet lies about their [Β __Β ]
who is probably at most six foot but
he's probably five ten five eleven he
said he goes around saying he's six two
in irl he looks like just average height
you know
that's the internet for you
that's the internet
and then do you know how many
paul guys
get nothing
because they just dude a lot of tall
guys are insecure
because they're too tall they're too
you know what i mean
dude let me tell you what though but
y'all are applying
male logic through females females do
not isolate parts
except the pp you know some
some women really do like big people but
a guy says i want big titties i want big
a woman does not think that way okay but
so guys who don't understand women try
to like imagine okay if i was a woman
what is the big titties and big ass that
i'm looking for oh it must be some kind
of measurement like height
or something no that's not how it works
care about height no i know they do i
i'm not saying they don't they do they
this idea that if you're like
if you're under six foot you have no
chance and you're super shy that's the
dumbest [Β __Β ] i've ever heard
that's the dumbest [Β __Β ] i've ever heard
i mean yeah it does matter i'm not
saying it don't matter but
come on guys y'all on the internet no
wonder you don't get laid you know what
i mean
it's gonna be avoided fight one meal day
i haven't eaten all day and i have
burgers on the way i have a [Β __Β ]
nasty double cheeseburger fries i have a
food on the way
should be here any minute
i got food on the way hell yeah hell
yeah i got food on the way
your beard is weird
what does that mean how is it weird
how is it weird
how is it weird
explain how it is weird
y'all just say anything now y'all just
say anything now
y'all just say anything now
my beard is weird why
why why
i'm gonna be real with you guys though
if i see a guy who's around my height i
[Β __Β ] hate that guy
in real life if i see some guy walking
around around my height i'm like
[Β __Β ] you you [Β __Β ] who the [Β __Β ]
is this guy
because i just i get into their head too
i'm like this dude thinks he's big [Β __Β ]
you little [Β __Β ] you don't know
[Β __Β ] you ain't [Β __Β ] you little
[Β __Β ]
when i see a fellow short guy in real
i just
little [Β __Β ]
i'm the only guy who's allowed to be
the rest and when i see a tall guy in
real life it's fine he's cool
he's cool we're on the same wavelength
wait you are short
i i thought i was
average but apparently i'm short now but
i mean
i'm not short but
i do have a kind of short build like for
example i'm short limb look at my limbs
see my limbs
i'm a stocky kind of short guy you know
stocky and short
look at my torso see my torso it's like
i'm a chimpanzee like you know what i
i just kind of have that energy
i gotta have that energy you know
yeah like a 50s boxer build
back in the day when people didn't grow
that tall
you know
yeah that's what i mean when i say
fellow short guy like height i mean i'm
not really short but
it's in the short guy category that
makes sense
those tall guys are long limbed long
torso they're just long in general and
i'm not
i'm glad you haven't been pumped full of
i was mcdonald's if that's what you mean
because i know australians call it macas
yeah dude i had a lot of mcdonald's as a
i wanted to get five guys today so
[Β __Β ] bad but they closed
at least on doordash they were closed
so i ordered some local [Β __Β ]
but really i need some that five guys
you know what i mean
i need a burger bed
is anarcho trans-hume
what does that mean
y'all just invent words out of the wazoo
i also want to give you guys some
thoughts about [Β __Β ] i've been thought
thinking about
so let me tell you guys something my
bicep workouts
are very tied to my spiritual
like the state of my
thing you know
for hours i was at the gym
i could not
lift i couldn't get the motivation to
so i just stood in front of my
65 pound dumbbell
and prepared
you know but i did
i didn't go into it
then i realized the reason was to guide
the [Β __Β ] so i went to my apartment [Β __Β ]
came back but i still couldn't
and it's like what is going to give me
the motivation to do this
because i i master i do this is
five years ago i had this issue right
and every i've been perfectoring
mastering the form of drawing the
motivation drawing the energy to perform
this really hard workout
like every other day
but i've been streaming a lot so i've
been distracted and focused
i couldn't draw the
the i couldn't draw out the motivation
you know i've it's like i've lost my
and my mo you know but then something
crazy happened
some fellow short guy came into the gym
and it was empty he came in
and i got so pissed
that i got the motivation
you know what
i might not be ready but not this
[Β __Β ] he's not gonna take my
machines i'm not gonna let this guy take
my machines i'ma do this [Β __Β ] so i can
go get the machines you know
but then i realized
that something about
my mental state for the past months
i've been in a state
i've been defining myself by my enemies
i got enemies everywhere
and i can't just generalize my haters
and just be like those are the haters
it's like i specifically specifically
i'm trying to go after and confront each
and every one of my haters
to the point where i am exclusively
starting to be defined by my reaction to
and it's difficult because on the one
hand people will give you this advice
they'll just be like dude forget about
the haters they're just haters
but i can't help but notice that my
haters are specific
they always have a specific
content my haters are specific type of
haters they're saying specific things
they're coming from a specific direction
and it's that specificity that drives me
[Β __Β ] crazy it's why last night i got
hung up on the [Β __Β ]
two-hole three-hole type of thing
cuz i'm trying to [Β __Β ] get at the
specific specific specific things that
people use against me no matter how
small no matter how [Β __Β ] petty
i every like small
thing i just want to go after it you
which is obviously not sustainable
wait no gaga's not banned shut the [Β __Β ]
thank you it's bubby for the five
but [Β __Β ] you for that message you're the
guy that had to wikipedia vagina
yesterday right
dude because
[Β __Β ] you [Β __Β ] you
you got listen you guys think it's just
a joke
this is my issue guys
if it was just our chat i wouldn't
[Β __Β ] care right but every small thing
my enemies literally use the smallest
the smallest thing against me
they will they the minute the three the
two whole three hole happening happened
i literally did i didn't imagine what
you guys would think i don't care
i didn't imagine all the memes coming
from our community i don't care what i
imagined is my vicious haters harassing
me about it because i get a lot of
harassment every [Β __Β ] day
what i imagined was my vicious stalkers
and haters
just harassing me about it
you know
if you're an intro
doesn't even know
how they've never seen a vagina
every small [Β __Β ] thing they use
against me every small [Β __Β ] thing
turns into an excuse to harass me
i am losing my mind in a way and the
reason i'm losing my [Β __Β ] mind is
because you'd think most people are just
memeing and it's a joke but there are
literally people on the internet who
just wrote
a 10-paragraph essay about why the fact
that i confused the vulva for the vagina
when i was 17 years old
um i pooped in my pants in senior year
of high school
thank you i got pinched
you don't understand like how
psychologically depraved my [Β __Β ]
haters are they literally just and
they're serious they're not joking about
it either they're actually serious
they're trying so hard to get into my
head get into my private business get
into my [Β __Β ] private life because
what bothers my haters so much is how
little they know about me they know so
little about me and they just want
knowledge they want all encompassing
penetrative knowledge about every
[Β __Β ] facet of my being because i'm
such a mystery and i'm such a [Β __Β ]
enigma to them
friends fan on wrote about how the
colonialists when they invaded algeria
and when they invaded africa the number
one pathology the colonialists had they
need knowledge they need to know every
[Β __Β ] thing about the essential being
of the people they were colonizing and
fanon said
that the the niqab the burka that was
covering these women's faces was
revolutionary because it was a form of
defiance against the french colonial
who had this impulse to just know what's
behind the veil they have to know they
have to know
and for me
for a guy like me my haters are like the
same way they really feel like they have
to know
everything and i will never ever give
them that
i will never give them that
that's the [Β __Β ] ultimate colonialist
american pathology
to domesticate to know to master and
conquer the other i will be an other
they will not
[Β __Β ] conquer or master
look at this other uh
serial harasser account created 18
minutes ago
and by the way these people guys they
don't just do it in my chat they're
starting to go in circus chat they're
starting to go in anyone's chat who's
remotely affiliated with me
and these are the same people they're
the same people who come from
websites that pedal in child abuse and
you know
really dark disgusting [Β __Β ] if you catch
my drift
that's where they come from
and look at this sick satanic [Β __Β ] with
the [Β __Β ] uh
troll face
[Β __Β ] out of here [Β __Β ]
don't you think that the tendency to
define yourself to your haters
hurt you yesterday yes it did dude it's
been hurting me in general dude it's
been hurting dude what do you think
spending 10 hours on twitter arguing
with [Β __Β ] randoms is doing to me you
think that's helping my stream and
helping me it's not
but i'm trying to reflect on it and
overcome it
that's why i [Β __Β ] told you about my
gym experience
that's why i'm [Β __Β ] doing that
it's a fine day
the [Β __Β ] is this
i want you guys to know
instead of just throwing that word
around in security i want you to think
about what that word is what is an
what is an insecurity
it's something you have that you do not
secure about
when it comes to others
not every insecurity is about yourself
okay it's about
and i am very attentive to what others
think of me i am that's a fact i have to
i have to be very attentive to what
others think of me
otherwise why am i streaming think about
it why do i put a camera here and stream
to hundreds of people every [Β __Β ] day
of course i have to pay attention to my
image and i have to pay attention to the
narratives that form about me and i have
to carefully respond to those and deal
with those i wouldn't have grown as
[Β __Β ] big as i have if i didn't if you
think someone cams up on twitch
and that's just all they are
you are so [Β __Β ] naive you are so
[Β __Β ] naive
i might just be one of the realest
[Β __Β ] people on this platform but
nobody just cams up
and then that's the end of story
if i was insecure
why did i not give a [Β __Β ] about any of
these [Β __Β ] topics before i started
because i refuse to let people define me
in a way that's untruthful so yes i am
insecure in the sense that i do not feel
like i have a secure basis
of people responding to me in an honest
way i don't feel like i'm secure
in the sense that
i'm not gonna have a bunch of people
lying about me and spreading fake
[Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] about me and that kind of
like i'm not i'm objectively not
how could i be secure how could i take
that for granted you know i can't take
anything for granted
but at the same time i have to
tap back into my previous mental state
where i had a sense of some
source of motivation beyond
attacking haters you know i need to have
some kind of way
with something that's not just
responding to hate you know
hey this song sucks this is a [Β __Β ]
dog [Β __Β ] song
think about defining yourself in
relation to hate yeah thank you seadags
appreciate you so much
appreciate you
thank you appreciate you so much
i i did not know how badly i apparently
on that show yesterday
until i started like going back on the
vod and like looking at what everyone
was saying and i was like holy [Β __Β ]
people really thought i did horrible
you know
people like everyone's like oh
this is your defeat the most devastating
moment of your life and i was like what
i was barely looking at
their chat during the whole thing but
wow dude
one of my biggest pet peeves
people backseat psychologists who are
trying to like oh he didn't he did dude
even zerka pissed me off circa was
reviewing it
and zerka was like trying to
psychoanalyze dude he was wrong about
everything he was literally wrong about
everything my mentor like he thought i
was [Β __Β ] horny the whole time and i
was just like you know like i didn't
understand that this was a [Β __Β ]
thing that's just for the audience like
i am actually
you know trying to make this girl my
[Β __Β ] girlfriend or i'm actually
trying to lay pipe
you did you're wacky ass wannabe alpha
cosplay got [Β __Β ] on you got slammed and
then your feelings got hurt
hey agent goose you wanna get in my vc
and uh
tell us more about how you've arrived at
that conclusion since you know about my
feelings right you know
about the fact that this is cosplay you
know the real me right so you do know
the real me so let's get in vc and see
who you are let's see if you're a
[Β __Β ] soy loser like i think you are
let's see little boy why don't you get
in vc
so since you know so much about me let's
get to know you i want to see your face
i want to see your body and i want to
see oh you know enough so are you
willing to put yourself out there so
others can uh
come to conclusions about who you are
why not otherwise why not
what's so funny what about you you're
typing in my chat with your fingers who
are you agent goose who are you
you claim to know enough about me so who
are you
you know chat
people don't know how to just shut their
[Β __Β ] mouth and then have the humility
to admit they don't know
these other people on the internet you
don't know that streamer you're watching
you really don't know anything
so you're a [Β __Β ] so you're scared and
you're a [Β __Β ] bye [Β __Β ]
i mean if you're so confident why won't
you just show us what you look like what
you sound like and how you talk and who
you are
how could you type in someone's chat and
try to get into their head about the
real them if you're not willing to do
right but anyway going back to the
[Β __Β ] point
my feelings did not get hurt by her
my feelings got hurt by my chat you
yeah in a way
i was let down
and i was disappointed but it was in my
chat and the moment my chat turned
against me i wanted to get off the show
you guys think i'm doing this for me or
for you
who do you think i'm doing this for what
do you think i'm doing it for for me do
you think that this is what how i think
i'm gonna win
you actually think i expect that i'm
gonna like
you know get with this girl or whatever
i don't
i really don't
i really don't i don't know
but it's so hard to convince people
to think that they're gonna [Β __Β ] girls
just because they type in their chat
there's viewers that think if they watch
this girl she's gonna sleep with them so
how do i convince people
that when i'm talking to them i don't
have that expectation you know what i
you can't these people literally think
that by typing in the egirls chat
they're gonna have a chance
how do you convince people that
but um anyway
dude even circle was wrong about
everything dude first of all
thank you bunny mocha
dude first of all
no i know but he was wrong about one
i was not [Β __Β ] aroused or horny at
all during that encounter and that's not
because she's not fine she's fine as
hell we can all see that it's because
the day of i [Β __Β ] jacked off and i
was tired i didn't get a lot of sleep
dude i was trying to turn myself on and
i wasn't able to i
i was trying to [Β __Β ] be turned on
mentally and i wasn't because the truth
here's the truth
if i'm actually [Β __Β ] horny i do
better i pref it flows more naturally
for me if i'm not horny i'm like huh
get the [Β __Β ] out of here i just i'm not
interested i'm i don't care whatever
you know
and i was not aroused at all i was not
[Β __Β ] aroused no one could have
aroused me no it's not i'm not saying
it's her fault
because of how she looks or anything
it's just that i wasn't i was not
aroused at all and i was trying really
i it was tiring it was very tiring for
me it was very very tiring that's all i
could say the i was not getting energy i
was not having the energy for it i was
just tired
is my food here
no not yet
this is the opposite of post nut clarity
no i had too much post not clarity like
i was just not interested
at the time i was just not interested
she's genuinely ugly
limerick what do you look like dude come
on that's
that's just not true
that's just not true dude
i don't know
that's just not true yeah
that's like really stupid dude
she was fine
but it's still a battle dude it's still
a war
it's still a war
you guys want to know how i feel after i
do [Β __Β ] like that though
i'm gonna make sure this painting
doesn't have tos
because it's a painting but
actually it might be a little bit
now i'm not going to show you
dude i just feel like
i watched some of jackson on it yeah but
dude i just every time i dude it reminds
me of the first time i went on the nimbo
show actually
and it's just like dude if you guys knew
the truth
i'm doing it all for you
i'm literally doing it all for you
i do not
i i do not do this [Β __Β ] guys
she's too hard
you know what i mean she's way too hard
but nobody's worth that for me you know
what i mean and i don't i don't gotta i
don't i can't be out here convincing
people that i'm not into you know
hold up one sec i got my food is here
my food's here give me a sec
oh [Β __Β ] yes
[Β __Β ] yes
oh [Β __Β ] yes
my [Β __Β ] food is here
but anyway what i was saying
yeah dude i don't got a
sticky soap thank you so much
yeah i i don't
i don't like having to put in so much
effort you know i just don't
but guys check this out
check this out
ooh this might be just as good as five
guys man
this is a triple burger this is three
patties or is it two
let me eat this let me devour this
burger real quick
vegans please watch vegans please watch
it needs ketchup
it's way too salty
eat sketchup
i i didn't get ketchup
it's so salty but it's fine a burger's a
burger you know
you enjoy that burger
thank you i am george
oh god
guys we're staying up late tonight
i already went to the gym i already got
we're staying up late you know
ketchup would make this perfect but i
don't got ketchup
uh i'll play aliens when i find people
to play with
who the [Β __Β ] can i collab with on twitch
to play games you know
slicker springs dude
i tried going on
slicker told me to get in vc he brought
me up
and then he said you got debated and
ended the show
that's that's not happening
fries are on point
oh man
how my days normally go
hell no
dude now
i don't really want to put in effort
i want all
i don't want to have to like [Β __Β ]
put it i'm lazy dude
i'm lazy
is anything gonna happen during stream
i pity the stupid dude
i pity the stupid
if i take a second just to eat my
[Β __Β ] meal
people just think this is gonna be the
whole thing
because people don't think you know
maybe think about the reason why
nothing's happening right now
because i'm eating
we got a durham operations banger
i took a year leave from law school
i was doing my laundry
we got a dorm operations banger
let's watch
no come on dude what is this
dude you can't show that i don't think
you can show that dude
yeah i'm gonna exit out
at two
and because that's where it's [Β __Β ]
it's not the os but
i don't know if it is or not so i'm not
gonna show it
it's just like a 3d [Β __Β ] diagram
it actually doesn't show anything
graphic but
i'm just gonna be safe
i think zerk is funny
okay let's watch
all right let's watch at two we're gonna
go to audio only
oh i think zerk is funny as hell too
i'm kind of like hassan [Β __Β ] but i
don't have a three million dollar home
i love him
this is a infrared's pill oh my god
infrared please please just take me now
throw you against the wall infrared's
i'm going to rate you a
bruh you know why throw you against the
wall came to my mind
cause i was not horny and i just wanted
to like
get rid of her you know what i mean
just wanna yeah
yeah leave me alone you know what i mean
that's kind of the first thing that came
to my head you know
he's like okay i'll throw you against
the wall
and just get down to business
out of ten
wow infrared show thank you you know
what how is that copium explain how
that's copium literally could someone
explain to me how that's copium what do
you mean it's copium what am i coping
about you know what stupid this [Β __Β ]
chat is if i literally said
hey guys i have five fingers and not six
and i showed my five fingers chat would
literally [Β __Β ] go cult they would
spam the copium remote compium copy
copium oh you have five fingers and not
six copiama copia get the [Β __Β ] out of
here dude like what is copium literally
what does that even mean
when it co in context you know
what am i coping about
can you explain explain to me i'm stupid
okay so you can explain it to me
bruh you guys say copium for everything
everything is called dude
life is copium
life is copium
life is copium
i was i'd be like okay hey chat i uh
i didn't want to go outside today
because it was raining
and it was thunderstorming and it was
really bad out and then chad would go
cow pm
copium you were just scared that people
would see you're five nine you're coping
you're coping
what can i do then how what can i say
that's not a cope
[Β __Β ] dumbass chat
saying everything is copium is literally
coping then what is not copium can you
name something that's okay
what is not copium
thank you sticky soap and guys
the current temperature is 73 degrees
copium you're just coping because that's
all called what do you want from me
what do you want from me
like what do you want from me
getting laid
but i'm not getting laid i told you i'm
not getting laid
so what am i coping about
oh i'm coping that it's my choice right
so if that's the case why do my dms look
the way they do
[Β __Β ] dumbass
am i coping about the fact that
my dms
do give me opportunities
am i coping about that
i'm not gonna present the dms in league
[Β __Β ]
i'm just saying
bruh even in twitch whispers
even in twitch whispers there's [Β __Β ]
people who send me [Β __Β ]
i'm surprised you go live all the time
with all these losers in your chat
what's your name
lavara son jamar you're getting vip'd i
swear to god it's a voice of reason vip
dude you are so right you are literally
so right
it's so [Β __Β ] true there's literally
so many losers in my chat
so many losers and i really don't get it
like i don't what is my community why is
my community filled with these people i
don't know
i i literally dude i'm not talking to
chad anymore i'm talking to uh levar
lavar is the only voice of reason so i
can actually talk to him dude levar i
literally don't get it dude i literally
don't understand like there's just
there's just something i'm with like
both of us can't see that the rest of
chat can apparently see and it's just
i'm trying to parse it out and figure it
out but it's just so hard you know but i
i think the best theory is that
most people are just losers in chat and
and they actually unironically have no
most of my chat is probably thirsty as
hell and they don't have an option they
don't have options
you know
that's my theory right now
boss you are so entertaining oh my god
infrared please
we're not there to defend ourselves
we're there to defend ourselves
what percentage of chat is good looking
at most 20
but i think 15 after last night i'm
lowering it to 15.
at most 20 though
it can't be more than 20 percent
compared to who
compared to like the average
ugly person because yeah guys let's be
real you guys are exceptionally bad
looking when you're bad looking
they knew that we would know
infrared please
this is a infrared pill oh my god okay
i'll come back you know the nuclear
okay look yeah i hate corruption did you
notice that your followers in discord
literally thought jackson hinkle was
banned off twitch without checking
dude i know
dude i was there i looked at the discord
and everyone was freaking out that
jackson's band oh my god why was he
banned and they and they started to
speculate why he was banned they
literally started to speculate the
reasons they're like oh it must have
been and then then they went beyond
speculation and some people just started
to flat out say that jackson was banned
because he said x and y and and then and
the rumors started spreading and all you
had to do is go on twitch and check his
profile and he just changed his name
it's so crazy how [Β __Β ] rumors spread
it is so crazy
that is so stupid
dude i that's why i hate discord andes
that's why i literally hate dude discord
andy's just believe in rumors and
hearsay and they don't investigate
themselves anything
they just spread rumors in discord chats
and they just believe it is true
dude i was freaking out i was like wait
why was jackson banned
and then i checked and he wasn't banned
[Β __Β ] discord andy's
making [Β __Β ] up
look her up yeah so we're gonna we're
gonna have to
i think john's gonna be on tomorrow i
asked him if he wanted to
the hell was that
what the [Β __Β ] was she doing is that even
is that even allowed
i'm just a little confused like
hold up
come on i'm gonna look at it myself
again and mute because i want to
investigate this
i gotta investigate this guys this is
what's her name on twitch
give it a follow
um yeah the investigation i need more
info for this investigation so
i think i'm gonna give
i appreciate every single one of you
thank you so much
the hell is that
the media is it what
a lot of boring [Β __Β ]
a lot of boring [Β __Β ]
a lot of boring [Β __Β ]
okay let me just look at the [Β __Β ] top
posts top
oh i think zerk is funny as hell sweet
okay there's some stuff i didn't see
like for example what is this
who made this [Β __Β ]
who did this [Β __Β ] to me
this is my [Β __Β ] proportions
how is this my proportions
did this [Β __Β ]
what is this
and what am i wearing
the [Β __Β ] am i wearing
sea dax thank you man
sea dax with the five damn
god damn thank you man
brah come on
this is me
this is me
it's going to be a fine day
today it's
i just need to know what this is like
what is this
today it's going to be a fine night
it's going to be a fine 9 to 9.
we have a new political realignment
all of a sudden
and republicans
are against the afghan pull-out
is up with that
does anyone want to explain to me what's
up with that
conservatives republicans
are against the afghanistan go out
all right today
it's going to be fun
let's see what soccer carlson's going to
seems like they're
they're changing everything they're
becoming the guy i'm telling you
the neocons are taking a new form
i've been saying this [Β __Β ] i've been
saying this [Β __Β ]
i've been saying this [Β __Β ]
just watch
political realignment
political re-alignment
good evening and welcome to tucker
carlson tonight we're starting to learn
the identities of some of the large but
still own unknown number of americans in
the low hundreds they've assured us who
were abandoned by the u.s military this
week and remain trapped in
taliban-controlled afghanistan
the sacramento bee has just reported
that at least two dozen students
enrolled in the san juan unified school
district in the state of california are
stranded somewhere in afghanistan
tonight no one's certain where they are
or how they're going to get home
the white house hasn't bothered to
comment despite being asked
what's so interesting the contrast that
informs us really is that over the past
week this same administration has
overseen the evacuation of tens of
thousands of unvetted afghan nationals
many of whom will now be moved into
neighborhoods around the united states
and stay permanently
they didn't seem to encounter any
problems in doing this thanks to
meticulous and thoughtful planning
operation change america forever came
off precisely according to plan it
worked flawlessly
but a couple of dozen american school
kids trapped in afghanistan the white
house isn't really interested in what
happens to them so they pass that
portfolio to tony blinken which tells
you how completely unimportant they
consider it quote if there's an american
citizen left in afghanistan joe biden
told us the other day we're going to
stay until we get them all out
what what is he what is he complaining
i'm gonna grab water one sec
give me a second
are you manking about
he didn't mean that
so what's tony blinken's plan to get
them all out to rescue the american
citizens trapped tonight in afghanistan
well as blinken told us yesterday the
governments of haiti and the republic of
congo have sent a strongly worded letter
to the taliban and beware they mean it
you wouldn't want to see the republic of
congo when it's mad
that's the kind of weak it's been
whenever you think we have reached peak
insanity they double down
this afternoon the supposed president of
the united states appeared out of
nowhere and decided to speak in public
did you see it
how to describe the experience exactly
weird is just the beginning
so first off for example biden announced
that the united states is done with
afghanistan forever we're gone and we're
not coming back ever
then biden angrily announced that we'd
quote hunt down something called my
stomach hurts
isis k which sounds suspiciously like a
new line of cosmetics from kim
kardashian but apparently isn't
this isis k biden said may be hiding in
afghanistan in which case we will hunt
them down there in afghanistan
so actually we're not really leaving
afghanistan we could be back very soon
the whole speech was like that it was
at one point biden bragged about what a
remarkably really a stunningly and
historically successful military and
intelligence operation we have just
witnessed all of us together
apparently biden is under the impression
that the entire united states has lost
electrical power and no one has a
working internet connection so this is
what he said we completed one of the
biggest airlifts in history
with more than 120 000 people evacuated
to safety
that number is more than double
what most experts thought were possible
no nation
no nation has ever done anything like it
in all of history
the only united states had the capacity
and the will and ability to do it and we
did it today
the extraordinary success of this
was due to the incredible skill
and selfless courage of the united
states military and our diplomats
and intelligence professionals
so no nation has in history has ever
done anything like this yeah possible
but he didn't mean it like that he's
telling us that this was the berlin
airlift plus d-day plus the moon shot
plus the invention of yoga pants this
was a triumph
wait wait i know tucker tucker i just i
caught you
i caught you so what did you say
hold up
hold up
yeah possible
but he didn't mean it like that he's
telling us that this was the berlin
airlift plus d-day plus the moon shot
plus the invention of yoga pants
tucker carlson man i didn't know you
bro tucker what's going on tucker man
you know what i mean
i always
thought you was like a titties guy but
[Β __Β ] man
real recognize real you know what i'm
saying real recognize real
that was out of pocket you know what i
that was out of pocket but [Β __Β ]
you know guys that this reminds me of
i had a dream last night
and jordan peterson was like looking for
a new mansion to buy
some other celebrity was there i forgot
who it was and i was in the house
and i saw jordan
and i was like what up jordan and i was
like being cool with him like hey man we
gotta share with me me you and this
other side we're gonna live in this
house together you know what i'm saying
this is a beautiful house
and then jordan was just peterson he was
like saying some [Β __Β ] like ah yes but
the feminine and masculine archetypes
are necessarily opposites and this
explains i forgot what he said something
about the house and i was like yeah
you're right man you're definitely right
and i didn't think i don't know if he
was right or not but i just
i was going along with what he was
saying you know
i'm not even lying i literally had that
it was like me jordan peterson and some
i think it was like joe rogan or
somebody i don't know i forgot who but
i was like what up jordan
this was a triumph of american
brilliance and ingenuity and will
50 years from now your grandchildren
will celebrate fall of kabul day with
tears of pride in their eyes my
ancestors did that they'll think
as we said it was demented it was a will
i ever go on joe rogan
do i have a choice
like it's not like he's invited me
it ain't like this dude invited me
so i don't know
to be honest
it ain't like this dude in in uh
you know told me to come on his show
because he didn't
how's he known it
bro what is up with yoga pants do people
still wear yoga pants
yoga pants are not a thing anymore i
don't see yoga pants no more ice it's
evolved it's evolved let me tell you
guys the truth let me tell you guys the
yoga pants are fine or whatever but when
they got
those loose
those looser type of pants where like
their pants completely fill the outline
of the ass and they walk and the pants
are kind of like baggy they're kind of
they're kind of wild or whatever bruh
and you can and see the problem with
yoga pants
the problem with yoga pants is it
constricts it just like
it constricts when it's more loose and
you can see like the ass bouncing with
while they're walking and [Β __Β ]
holy [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] dude there is nothing
nothing nothing sexier than that nothing
sexier than that nothing
when it's like just loose enough so you
can actually see
like the full ass
just out there [Β __Β ] man there is nothing
nothing better
there is nothing better
yoga pants are overrated you know
and bruh shout out to all those nasty
who never wore thongs with their yoga
pants then what were you doing
what were you doing
it looked so disgusting it literally
looked so
[Β __Β ] disgusting like what were you
what did you think that looked like it
looks disgusting it's an affront to the
and i get it if you're covering the
pants then it's fine
it's disgusting if it there's no
there's no rhyme or reason to that
there is no rhyme or reason to it sun
dress is way better dude sundress is way
better what is a sundress again
yeah dude that's i mean i don't know sun
sun dress you can't really tell
you usually can't tell
you know
yeah the bell bottom leggings [Β __Β ] man
that is literally where it's at
that's where it's at
literally demented
but over at the white house you're going
to be on
bruh you think i have a plan you think
i'm just a guy with a plan
i act according to
what messages i
get so
nobody sent me a message about that so
i'm not i'm not gonna bother with it
house they seem to believe every word of
it they are losing consciousness from
huffing their own fumes watch biden
bro what's a sundress girl doesn't
doesn't every girl wear a sundress
what's a sun dress girl wasn't even
[Β __Β ] mean
what does that even mean
i th how how how how does sundress mean
promise i'm looking up sundress right
i thought sundress is like more
conservative right
isn't a sundress more conservative
sundress is more conservative
the [Β __Β ] you talking about
all are weird
y'all are weird i swear to god y'all are
y'all are weird
the bottom line
ninety percent of americans in
afghanistan who wanted to leave were
able to leave
by going on to repeat what tony blinken
told us yesterday which is the taliban
will probably allow those remaining 10
of americans to leave at some point
possibly he didn't explain why the
taliban would allow this or why we
should be certain that they will allow
it in fact he did the opposite in the
same speech that he praised the
intelligence community's extraordinary
success joe biden admitted in the same
speech that yes the intelligence
community the extraordinarily successful
intelligence community completely missed
the fact that afghanistan's government
would fall apart in a weekend
that assumption
that the afghan government would be able
to hold on
for a period of time beyond military
turned out not to be accurate do you all
think the government really thought
it wasn't did the government really
think the government was the afghan
government was gonna like
have a chance did they really think it
would i don't know maybe they're that
cia is funding isis k
i mean that may be true
i'm having your mom every day
[Β __Β ]
[Β __Β ]
turned out not to be accurate the
president of afghanistan who is a
college professor hand-picked by the
college professors who run our
the conspiracy of morons running the
that guy fled the country in an hour
without telling anybody including his
handlers at the cia they had no idea but
that was an extraordinary success
says joe biden nothing could have been
done to avoid the disaster that you have
watched to avoid the images you're
seeing on your screen right now that
would be the taliban dressed up as
american soldiers checking out the
helicopters we left i don't they didn't
show the images yet but i'm like i don't
want to see those images
or them
we had no choice but to leave 90 billion
dollars of sophisticated military
equipment to the taliban if you think
about it
the only thing
mainstream media has to do
to eliminate alternative media on twitch
like let's say cnn fox news and msnbc
all got in a room and they were like you
know what we really got to take down
this alternative media on twitch
you know what the only thing they would
have to do
all they would have to do
is just like and i'm going to your
reporter now brian stelter take it away
and it goes to the camera and it's just
a dick
it's just a dick everyone gets
can they do that
are they allowed to do that or no
why aren't they allowed to do that
that would be how to end twitch to
twitch politics would end if mainstream
press that button
the fcc oh [Β __Β ]
what's more strict cable news or twitch
which one's more strict
which why
which is [Β __Β ] based because you can
that's true twitch does allow cursing
it does a lot of cursing but
i'm not sure
you can say pretty much anything on
that the thing that you can't do on
twitch that you can do on cable is you
have unlimited
political speech you can say anything
you want politically on the fcc there's
no censorship of politics and ideologies
they have nudity on cable
broke twitch can we please make an 18
section of twitch where we can just show
some titties
you know what i mean bruh honestly
honestly that would be nice
that would be nice
all my stress would go away
just because i would never have to worry
about anything popping up
popping up on screen
i mean i'm not talking about streamers
showing their things but i'm saying like
you could just watch a movie and
go jack off you're too warning for this
see dax
see dax thank you so much man appreciate
you you wanna know why i'm not gonna
[Β __Β ] do that
because look i'll end stream and i'll go
jack off and then 10 minutes later
then what
complete waste
you know what i mean
so i'm not doing that we armed the
taliban 20 years after we arrived in
afghanistan to beat the taliban back to
the stone age there oh no i already went
to the gym
we are streaming for at least another
2-3 hours i already went to the gym guys
i'm free for the rest of the night so
you do not have to worry about the gym i
already went to the gym
the only next tasks i have is have some
protein and have dinner
because i just had lunch and then that's
it i'm done for the day
uh that's the only tasks i have and i
can do all those on stream
they're now one of the best arm military
oh zerko
uh he's offline
but why would i call him about what
oh man
fairies in the world
and that was but being real guys i'm
i think i need to i really do think i
need to get laid within the next month
except in september i need to get
something i'm just gonna
i'm just it's been too long it's just
too this is too outrageous you know what
i mean this is outrageous
i'll tell you after when i do it
sometime in september i'm gonna do it
and i'll tell you the the day after when
i do it
it was a great success
why didn't the biden administration
figure out how to take this equipment
with us or at least destroy it
no one's answered that question but you
got a girl
no but
if i actually try it i mean
it's not gonna be hard
please don't
why not
what's your opinion on paying that's
that's literally disgusting
that's actually [Β __Β ] disgusting
what do you mean pay get the [Β __Β ] out of
dude i don't do that [Β __Β ]
and also wow way to insult me way to
[Β __Β ] insult me
way to literally insult me
as if i need
to get
as if i need to pay
the [Β __Β ]
debate me you coward titties are better
than ass
so stupid
you are literally everything that's
wrong with the world
dude you know what i noticed something
that i really like about girls i really
really like it
i don't know if this was what circle was
talking about because he was saying some
weird [Β __Β ] about the arch
but you know what i really like about
you know how guys
our arms are in front of us like this
right this is like when we walk
we just like this you know what i mean
but when girls walk
they walk like this
with their arms
and the reason they have to do that
is because their arms curve
and because their hips are bigger
it's like this and their arms curve
accordingly they just walk like that
dude that [Β __Β ]
that [Β __Β ] is a big turn on big turn on
big turn on
do y'all not know what i'm talking about
no i'm saying okay i'll draw it on
microsoft paint i'll draw it on
microsoft paint
because this is hard to explain
so basically you have a woman
and then
this is her shoulders
ah these are not her shoulder just like
a guy oh my god it's ugly
i have a woman here she's got
[Β __Β ] me man
just like this
she's got small
and then
she's just gonna have like this and then
you know what i mean
like this and then this
oh my god this looks ugly man i don't
know how to draw this
let's just say like this you know
like this
and then the arms
will be like this
adjust to this bend
hold on
this was a big mistake
welcome man
no that's too skinny
like this
this is still super skinny but
get the idea like
the elbows bend
and they have they walk like that
like that's just naturally how they walk
and it's fine as hell
it's fine as hell
i don't know what i'm talking about okay
y'all don't know what i'm talking about
that's fine
that's fine
i could tell you all don't get out much
so you haven't seen it in real life
and that's okay that's okay the key
thing is
they're not ashamed by it at all in fact
now they're telling us they want to give
the taliban more aid direct cash
payments sounds like we're making this
up every night we think will people
believe the script yeah because it's
watch the national security advisor the
road scholar jake sullivan explain it
when it comes to our economic and
development assistance relationship with
the taliban that will be about the
taliban's actions it will be about
whether they follow through on their
commitments their commitments to safe
passage for americans and afghan allies
their commitment to not allow
afghanistan to be a base from
which terrorists can attack the united
states or any other country their
commitments with respect to upholding
their international obligations it's
going to be up to them and and we will
wait and see by their actions how we end
up responding uh in terms of the
economic and development assistance
you gotta think the taliban are sitting
it's not so american citizens including
school children do when they're not to
get your starbucks killing americans
no one's going to admit that instead the
geniuses the road scholars are going to
treat their carpets and thinking
that kid is the national security
adviser for the great satan maybe it's
not so great you really think they take
jake sullivan seriously those of us who
were born in the united states wouldn't
even consider taking jake sullivan
go back on the dating show bro
i already did
no i didn't get invited
what do you mean go on the show what do
you want me to do
no she i didn't get in i don't i'm
looking at my discord i ain't got
they just mentioned my name right now
what's going on
30 something
yeah yeah so that's been like 10 years
so you're ready to have birth in ten
years nobody's talking about it
but damn she's fine as hell i swear to
god she's fine as hell
damn man
i i don't nobody's mentioning me
she only got 2k views
now let's continue
for a second you couldn't count on that
kid to get your starbucks order right
and he's threatening the taliban we're
not going to give you more aid he's
given them 90 billion they've one of the
biggest air forces in the region
so the administration is not going to
admit anything and the key thing they're
not going to admit is that we just left
a whole lot of american citizens
including school children in a country
we turned over to barbara i drew an
example of what i think you mean in
general bruh if this is stupid you're
getting roasted
this is facts
this is no actually it's kind of facts
but yeah
it's like the way the arm bends but this
is too
this is not enough for me i need it to
be more you know like this is not enough
especially this this is not enough
but yeah that is what i'm talking about
barbarians with a history of killing
no one's going to admit that instead the
geniuses the road scholars are going to
treat the taliban like the rest of our
allies which means paying them a lot of
your money and telling you that they're
doing what we tell them to do when
they're not
so what we're witnessing is a total lack
a total and profound and obvious lack of
accountability on the part of the people
making decisions that affect your life
and that have ended the lives of many
this bothers people doesn't matter who
you voted for in the last election
that's not an acceptable system the
people who are bothered most not
surprisingly are the ones who just lost
their sons in kabul
mark schmitz had a son called jared who
was killed in the kabul bombing he's met
with joe biden here's what he said quote
i'm not trying to insult the president
but it just didn't seem that appropriate
to spend that much time on his own son
when you're the one responsible for
ultimately the way things went down you
kind of feel like that person should own
it a little more yeah you think
leaving afghanistan was the one base
thing biden's done okay tucker if you
were an honest guy you would ju tucker
if you weren't dude this is how i know
tucker's not honest if tucker was an
honest guy he would get on camera and he
would be like you know what i don't like
i'm really against biden but this was
really good
look at all these republicans bitching
about it and these democrats bitching
about it why do they want forever like
he would do his tucker voice
and just do that [Β __Β ] dude this guy's
not he is not an honest man he is not an
honest man
tucker what is so bad about leaving
is so bad about that
i'm kind of getting getting around to
biden a little bit it's kind of like
i kind of [Β __Β ] with it like biden's out
here just like
come on man we're leaving afghani what
do we do in afghanistan let's just get
i [Β __Β ] with it i [Β __Β ] with that
i [Β __Β ] with that
i do [Β __Β ] with that dude that [Β __Β ] was
biden was literally like
look a lot of people
trying to say we should have stayed in
afghanistan it's like we've been there
for 20 years what are we gonna be like
you know what
i [Β __Β ] with that
i [Β __Β ] with that
i do [Β __Β ] with that honestly i do
poor biden dude maybe he's not a bad guy
maybe he's just like surrounded by
guys has anyone read caleb maupin's book
on kamala harris because i ordered it
and it got it just got shipped
because i'm curious about kamala
missing the force which is yeah i know
i'm just saying style
who is kamala what is kamala like
because i was told she was a nobody
before biden appointed her is that true
like who is she and what is your
who is i don't know anything about
kamala i really don't
now that i think of it i do not know
anything about kamala i know that she
was in the california
state prosecutor but who is she
who's she connected to
so let me tell you what i was told
and i want to see if this lines up with
what you guys know because i don't know
i was told
by a person who knows a person who knows
the person who knows a person who knows
a person
who was into um
into the the democratic
party politics
and they told me that
biden was going to pick gretchen whitmer
but then
the congressional black caucus
uh called and said you know
this is a bad idea and that they would
put up a fit basically and that
they wanted kamala because she was a
person of color
that's what i was told and i don't know
if it's
reliable or not to keep in mind i don't
know if that's reliable or not
but i i was arguing with them and i was
like no that's not true
there's no way that's true because
but i don't know i didn't have anything
to respond with because i didn't know
anything about kamala
she's a traumatized sadist weaponized by
the establishment to create chaos
there's a whole thing with some of her
underlings being revealed to run at
night templar
i just don't know a lot about her
connections that's the thing
lecturing is about his own son
but she has the history of putting black
people in prison i know and only one
percent of americans like her i know but
i was told that it was the congressional
black caucus
that pressured biden to pick her
and that that's the reason they picked
her because they wanted a person of a
woman person of color
with nothing to do with afghanistan with
all respect why don't you stop talking
about yourself for a minute apologize to
the people whose sons you got killed
last week we talked to the father of one
of the marines who was killed in the
bombing in kabul kareem nikui's was his
name that marine's mother sheena chapel
just posted a message for joe biden on
facebook it ended this way quote you
turned to walk away and i let you know
my son's blood was on your hands
caleb predicted she would get picked vp
now he's saying they'll make biden
that's what i'm starting to think that
is not the worst guy in the world
biden ain't the worst guy in the world
if you catch my drift maybe biden
is conflicting with the ruling factions
of the democrats
they're really against him about this
whole afghanistan theme
his past is dark
they all are dude they're all dark pasts
as caleb understands there's factions in
the democratic party that are even more
extreme than biden
they're with silicon valley and they're
you know what
trump and biden teaming up
the stream froze
can you guys see
when's in the chat if it's good
that is creepy that is creepy that is
creepy that is creepy that is creepy
that is
creepy is creepy but anyway
they put biden in office knowing that he
would mess up the ruling class in
america that's why they forced biden to
appoint kamala afghanistan will be a
reason to make biden resign and they
might do a me to unbiden
his own history of sexual assault
and what's biden's angle
wait then why do they want biden to mess
up the ruling class in america why did
caleb say that um
why would they want which ruling class
is is caleb saying that
biden was going to mess up the because i
know caleb has an analysis there's two
ruling classes there's the financial one
there's the industrial one right so is
did he think he's gonna mess up the
trump faction of the ruling class
that's not true this dude biden is just
the one aligned with silicon valley why
would they want that one to be messed up
just watch kayla's video on her but why
would they want that one to be messed up
i don't understand
kamala is a silicon valley insider i get
it but
i don't understand
where you're coming from
um i really don't understand
watch caleb's video of her
she's a grieving mother her son was just
when kamal was 29 she slept with a
six-year-old politician for clout
in response
censored her
instagram which facebook owns deleted
her account entirely and that's what
happens when you contradict the head of
the democratic party that elderly man
wagging his finger in your face from the
white house telling you how to raise
your kids
what we just saw in afghanistan was a
military triumph you must agree
or we will make you disappear if you go
along with it you can go on cnn watch
he needs to do his job competently and
well which so far i think he's done you
know what she always reminded me of
who's the actress who played lois lane
in man of steel
amy adams she looks just like amy adams
but that's you want to know what the
truth is
these are all actors
the news anchors are all actors
this is an actress
she's an actress
she's literally an actress that goes on
camera everything is all right guys
everything is jolly good
every day
that's the truth
that's the truth
hi guys it's the news
everything is fine
drink your tap water i'm just kidding
i'm just kidding tap water is fine tap
water is fine there's nothing wrong with
tap water
i'm not i'm not saying there's anything
wrong with tap water okay there's
nothing wrong with it
that was really a joke literally a joke
i was literally joking
literally joke um
i'm probably gonna go on the podcast
with kantbot and ed
and i'm
i'm not gonna stream it because i
actually want to talk about smart [Β __Β ]
let me think
if i stream early on thursday i could
i could probably like stream early and
just go on later
you know
because i think it's going to be
should i just stream like an eager and
just be like this
did i just stream like this
i'm just kidding
hey i was the cringe asian dude that i
was on cute street just watch your
reaction vod
very entertaining
did i talk [Β __Β ] about you i don't
i'm sorry if i talk [Β __Β ]
nothing personal
this video is called why kamala harris
is dangerous
i'm talking to a kant bot
that's why i'm on my phone
it's proved i mean he's done what what
nobody thought possible so far on covet
obviously he's faced with a delta
variant and trying to make that work
better i think
the afghanistan thing went way better
than most people expected two weeks ago
what's funny is that that guy
who's got a track record of failure
decades long is one of the geniuses who
put us in afghanistan in the first place
and then lied to the american public
about it for many many years his name is
matthew dowd he's never apologized for
that instead he's doubled down calling
anyone who disagrees with anything he or
any of the politicians he's worked for
he's called them unpatriotic
what makes us all even more nauseating
is that the biden administration appears
to agree with it they're not even
self-aware enough to know how badly they
have failed they have no capacity for
self-reflection as if to prove that the
state department spokesman just tweeted
out a column from jennifer rubin the
dumbest person ever to work for the
washington post about what a great
dude this is why i watch tucker okay
this is why i watch him i don't
this is why dude
this is why
nobody talks more [Β __Β ]
about these people than him
no one talks more [Β __Β ]
about the [Β __Β ] uh
establishment journalists and all these
people than him
job they're doing here's the headline
quote the state department deserves more
credit for its effort to evacuate
americans from afghanistan
the column does concede that yes there
are americans trapped in afghanistan yes
they were abandoned by the u.s military
which exists to protect them but it
didn't for some reason quote it is
possible some of the 250 might not make
it out could some americans face
physical abuse absolutely it's like
animal house other things we did wrong
but on the flip side jen rubin says
quote the herculean effort to extract
thousands of americans after the taliban
seized control of the country should not
go unnoticed or unappreciated notice the
double negative the hallmark of the
[Β __Β ] but it's not just dumbledore
dude that's why i watch it this is
literally why i watch him okay
this is literally why i watch him
what left wing
roast people this much
just explain name one name one
name one
nobody talks like tucker dude
it's all theater
i know but it's entertaining thank you
see dax appreciate you
it's what the state department believes
those are the people the pentagon now
tells us yeah jimmy dore you're right
you're right jimmy dore
are in charge of rescuing those school
kids from afghanistan
as americans wonder how to get home
because they've been abandoned
these people are congratulating
themselves and that should not surprise
us because it's exactly what the
pentagon has been doing for decades with
no repercussions whatsoever this is the
secretary of defense in 2011.
and what you've accomplished
uh is extraordinary because over the
last year essentially you have ejected
the taliban from their
from their home territory
and thank you skate the lock
remember guys
i am the best streamer to spend your
prime on imagine spending your [Β __Β ]
prime on someone else
hassan doesn't need it miss kev don't
need it you understand if you got a
prime to spend spend your [Β __Β ] prime
which is free if you have an amazon
prime on me do not spend it
on some streamer who don't need it
okay zerka's also you can spend it on
circle two
but don't don't spend it on you know why
would you spend it on someone who's like
got 80k subs already you know
if we can hold this territory and expand
the bubble
why not hassan
i don't understand this need people feel
you know what's disgusting
if dua lipa put up a gofundme just for
the shits and giggles she would get 50
trillion dollars
and i would give her
all your sub money because damn do
aleppa you know what i'm saying
just the chance he will notice me
is enough
i think uh
i think by the end of the year we can
turn the corner in this conflict
well the end of the year would have been
let's see about well exactly 10 years
ago so we don't mean to single out that
guy who's probably one of the smarter
people to oversee this disaster for the
last 20 years only to point out that
this disaster did not start 10 days ago
it started in october of 2001.
the taliban was ejected
if you're getting the sense that the
same people have been reading the same
script for two decades you're on to
something and they're till still doing
it right now today they're pretending
everything is fine watch as the
pentagon's top spokesman explains that
yes americans are trapped in kabul but
that's really no different from when
american tourists and see
the caribbean lose their passports
it's not completely unlike the way we do
it elsewhere around the world i mean we
have americans that get stranded in in
countries all the time and we do
everything we can to try to facilitate
safe passage
so let's say you're on a water slide in
the bvi and somehow your blue passport
it's kind of like that if you're in
kandahar when the taliban take over
so you get oily creatures like the one
you just saw
when institutions are
not held accountable for their bad
decisions for like let's say 20 years
they can say whatever they want no
matter how ridiculous no matter how
falafel thank you man
and they know
there will be no repercussions today joe
biden had the opportunity to punish the
people who've been responsible for these
for more than 20 years instead he called
the whole thing an extraordinary success
he mentioned his son beau for some
reason and after he was done with his
prepared remarks he just walked away
enterprising reporters shouted questions
and for a moment it appeared possible
that joe biden might answer them he
turned back and walked toward the podium
then we realized he'd just forgotten his
little obedience mask so he grabbed it
and walked away hey sean hannity here
hey click
sean hannity is not content
sean hannity is not content
that's just facts this is facts hey guys
hold on
let me show you something
hi everyone and welcome back to the pd
evolution channel today we're going to
talk about seven amazing china super
cars you didn't know existed
now let's talk about it
the new project veritas and are they
banned from youtube though
i want to see the china cards
also i'm super curious about chinese
music what's up with that
antifa school teacher
oh no gabriel is this is there any tos
in this video
is there any tos in this video
hong chi s9
on april 19 2021 the chinese luxury
brand hong shi
debuted a hyper car at auto shanghai the
hyper car is called the s9
like the concept was unveiled at the
that looks frankfort international motor
show the production version features a
v8 based plug-in hybrid powertrain this
reminds me of the enzo for some reason
anybody else getting enzo vibes
dude this reminds me of what i thought
cars in the future would look like in
[Β __Β ] 2005.
good for this is nice dude and dude
people will [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] on this car
just because it doesn't have a [Β __Β ]
ferrari [Β __Β ] symbol or some [Β __Β ] dude
this looks sick this looks way i would
way rather have this than a [Β __Β ] 1400
the company claims the car will deliver
0 to 62 mile per hour acceleration in
1.9 seconds and a top speed of over 250
miles per hour
hong xi is currently accepting orders
for the s9 only 99 examples are expected
to be built and the first could be
delivered as early as 2022
neo ep9
can we see it the neo ep9 is an electric
powered two seed sports car manufactured
by neo assisted by their formula e
racing division
the name ep9 stands for electric
performance nine damn
founded in 2014 in shanghai china neo
has quickly grown you know what i love
guys i love this steering wheel the it's
also on the the elon musk's dumb truck
but i've guys can i admit something can
i admit something okay
i kind of like the cyber truck
am i allowed to like cyber truck i kind
of do like it i kind of do like it
am i allowed
to like it
because i kind of do
especially the inside of it thank you
chris morlock
i dude let me just show you dude i i
don't know
i would love to have this dude
i would love to have one of these
i just like it dude i don't know why
i mean it's kind of cringe i get it
dude i am in love with this interior i
love this interior
i love this and i love this steering
wheel i love the [Β __Β ] tv
i love this interior dude
i just like this steering wheel okay
i don't know dude
i'm not buying it because i'm out
i mean i can't afford it but
i would never buy it because i think it
would it wouldn't work it'll break so
i'll let others
i don't trust tesla cars tesla cars just
they're unreliable they break down
and i don't want to [Β __Β ] be the
tester you know
to become a major industry player
establishing itself as a force to be
reckoned with in the world of electric
vehicles and self-driving technology
the car has four electric motors each
motor has 300 thank you the wall the the
thank you appreciate it 40 horsepower
giving the car a total power output of
360 horsepower
power and 1193 pound-feet of torque
the ep9 can accelerate from 0 to 62
miles per hour in 2.7 seconds
124 miles per hour in 7.1 seconds and
186 miles per hour that's not that is
that really that impressive that's not
that impressive
is that impressive i don't know that
doesn't sound that impressive
power in 15.9 seconds
the car can achieve a top speed of 195
miles per hour
on may 13 2017 the ep9 set a nord sleep
record of 6 minutes 45.9 seconds just a
second slower than the lamborghini
aventador svj
pricing for the neo ep9 starts from 1.2
million dollars
tech rules ren rs
the tech rules ren is a single-door
high-performance sports car manufactured
by tech rules and designed by fabrizio
gioguiro and gear jeto gio gro of gfg
the heart
what fgr fgia giargo of gia gfe gigiaro
of gia gia gargo gio g argo
gia gia effigia femergia
designed by feregia gia
core track only variant of the wren the
tech rules ren rs was unveiled at the
geneva motor show alongside its damn um
what is actually this
what is this [Β __Β ]
this is cool
road oriented sibling the tech rules ran
rs offers multiple drive train
configurations to choose from including
either four or six liquid-cooled
electric motors yeah i'm bored by this
it is still nonetheless
to say the least
can it not be interesting
can it not be interesting
can i show the project veritas
can i show it
the clash
the the roy house tomorrow dude not
tonight i mean technically it's today
like 24 hours from now
i got a piss guys
i gotta piss
it's going to be a fun day
it's going to be
going to be
this is
i might save the hassan content for
tomorrow because
it looks like everyone's going to bed
i was going to continue stream like two
more hours
i don't know
why didn't stream
you were horny during the date
no i was not
i was not [Β __Β ] horny
i was literally not [Β __Β ] horny at all
but i'm [Β __Β ] horny tonight honestly
because i jacked off yesterday i didn't
jack off today so yeah
hey let's watch this hassan stuff
ivermectin is horse dewormer the fda has
told uh americans and warned americans
not to [Β __Β ] take ivermectin it has
human use as well as a dewormer but uh
you know the one study that showed that
ivormectin could have potential uses for
covet treatment was immediately
disproven and yet as is the case with
hydroxychloroquine early in the pandemic
it doesn't matter because once like
conservative media that has a legitimate
interest in uh you know taking advantage
of like the skepticism that like a lot
of these dumb hogs have and want to uh
do their own personal branding project
gets a hold of these like alternative
cures they pump it ivor mechtin and when
some of which pump it because they might
have stock ownership over it i don't
know some of them pump it because they
just simply think this is good this is a
good way to make themselves appear
different than the liberal media because
everything and anything needs japan is
now recommending it for all covet
and why is hassan saying this
to be used as a way to draw battle lines
okay and i've talked about this before
everything needs to be used as a culture
war battle line like this is my team and
it's very different than the libtard
team that's the whole purpose of this
because there isn't that much
disagreement when both sides are
capitalist and also both sides do not
genuinely want to change the material
conditions so you have what
the hyper focus what is he [Β __Β ]
talking about
on idiotic
what what did he just say
like this so that's why you know brett
weinstein who probably agrees with many
of the uh things that uh a democratic or
republican presidency actually ends up
doing with respect to like you know
eviction moratoriums like that like
ending states ending the unemployment
additional unemployment compensation
ahead of time exclusively so they can
motivate the poor's to go back to work
all that sort of stuff like they
oftentimes are in agreement on things
like that so they have to find other
dumb things like this to you know draw
lines on this is known as wedge issues
in american politics so there's an
uptick in mississippi poison control
cost japan made the drug not approved
hey what do you want me to say i'm just
going off of what chad's saying
ivermectin japan covet
i have nothing from google
did it okay there's did japan approve
truth japan did not approve ivermectin
apparently they didn't
apparently they didn't
awesome people who take livestock the
warmer the tree cove at 19 at least 70
percent their fauci wants to look into
none of the recent calls have been in
regards to the ingestion of ivormectin
bought at feed stores take a look poison
control reports an alarming uptick in
calls from people who took a drug bought
at a hassan's gonna end up saying
something really [Β __Β ] up in this video
and i think he crosses the line in this
video honestly
you'll see what he says but it's pretty
[Β __Β ] up
feed store meant to deworm livestock and
some believe it would help with covid
but caitlyn rust has more now on why it
could possibly leave you paralyzed
devil may help you
i mean they could just try the [Β __Β ]
vaccine but what do i know
wait guys how many days has it been
since saturday
so sunday
monday tuesday i have two more days till
i find out
if i have colvin it takes five days
right does it take five days or what
does it actually take five days
how long does it take to get the delta
variant if you got it
takes three days takes 48 hours
did i still have it
no i'm saying like if i had contracted
covid when will i know if i got it or
oh [Β __Β ]
so i may have gotten coveted still
incubation period for regular covetous
two weeks
i'm not feeling sick at all
after 14 days you should be fine what
the [Β __Β ] man
can go undetected for two weeks
[Β __Β ]
so i still don't know if i got covered
that's what you're saying
have you been feeling tired
i've always been feeling tired
you don't have any symptoms why do you
care because i don't want to get
apparently the girl from yesterday wants
you to join the show right now
then tell her to [Β __Β ] message me what
did she want me to do
there's no join show button
what do you want me to do
i think you guys was making that up too
it's like why why for what
her discord
bro you know what i don't know if i
should do because
i'm actually [Β __Β ]
horny as [Β __Β ] tonight you know what i
mean and she's fine as hell
i don't think i'll
you know what i mean
you know what i mean
everything moto hype is left
bro i don't know how to go on i don't
even know what that means
go on dude yesterday it took me like
five hours to get on
check stream they weren't talking about
haas okay thank god
thank god
bro why do you lie
don't be out here lying
don't be out here lying
this all genuinely feel like they're
supposed to
feel sorry for you thanks man here's the
thing you're still taking horse dewormer
you [Β __Β ] idiot when there's like an
easy vaccine that you should be taking
already and you are unnecessarily
putting yourself a risk so ultimately it
doesn't matter if leftists think they're
better than you or they think they're
worse than you it literally doesn't
matter okay
you can feel sorry with a [Β __Β ] tube
down your goddamn neck that you rely on
by those same shark doctors who were
lying about coveted numbers ahead of
time you know originally they were lying
but now they're saving your [Β __Β ]
sorry ass reyna boudreau at double m and
harvey says it started about
hassan will never address the underlying
reasons why people
are [Β __Β ] skeptical
because there's distrust in our
society's institutions but hassan is
just saying all these people are just
okay assange
about a month ago it's been flying what
a socialist dude what a great socialist
who thinks the actual people are stupid
being off the shelves and as as of right
now it's very hard for us to even get
she put out 10 tubes of ivermectin paste
for livestock just this morning i am
completely out as of right now he says a
woman even came in from mississippi to
get some for her farm because it's hard
to get your hands on right now even for
vendors they're telling us that i can
only get 12 maybe 24 bottles
mississippi's health department put out
a warning because poison control reports
at least 70 percent of the recent call
okay i understand
just so i don't i'm not informed
so i want to know
isn't there such a thing as ivor mexton
made for people
there's also ivermectin for people right
it's for parasites
yeah that's what i thought
so why is everyone saying it's horse
it's for roundworm
where did where where did people get the
idea that it's for covet i don't get it
why are people thinking it's recovered
you know what like where does that
a lot of people on facebook groups are
taking the horse version
they can't get the prescription one oh
okay i get it yeah i understand
balls have been
the guy with the original patents for
mrna technology recommended it
didn't they do a study that said it was
effective or not
related to ingestion of ivermectin
the group behind it was known for
publishing faulty science though
latin america they were using ira mectin
i don't know i don't know i don't i have
no idea meant for livestock meanwhile
tractor supply is starting to display
these signs in stores because of the
rush ivermectin is approved to use for
parasites lice and some skin conditions
in humans as well in vitriol it works
but in vivo it doesn't what's the
difference between those again
in vitriol versus invivo isn't that for
like babies
india was also reporting success
oh in lab versus inhumans i got it
was deworming animals but animal drugs
are highly concentrated and can be
highly toxic in humans
there is a specific
drug for humans made for humans it is a
three milligram can effect covert in
but for in vivo it's not it's too toxic
that kind of makes sense that makes
sense to me
damn dose and you get a buy prescription
dude you want to know what i know for a
and i talked about this with the other
guys too
viruses are proof we don't know anything
about biology
is what the [Β __Β ] is a virus
where the [Β __Β ] did viruses come from
these literally are
mrna strands
that are literally just
chilling they're not living organisms
they're just
brands of mrna
that are literally just chilling
in the ground and in [Β __Β ] polar ice
caps and [Β __Β ]
and then as soon as an organism comes
into contact with it it sets itself in
motion and just reproduces itself
but it does that's the thing is it
doesn't actually reproduce itself
it just
goes inside
a cell
and then
it takes over the cell
but not actively it's not like a living
organism that's like doing this it's not
an organism it's not like bacteria
it's like
it's literally like a strand of beads
make their way into the [Β __Β ] cell
into the nucleus
and these beads
to create proteins to just and it just
reproduces itself
it's so weird
encased in a protein coat or yeah but
where what is the origin of a [Β __Β ]
what is the origin of a [Β __Β ]
uh virus
that's what we have to understand like
what is the origin of that
i'd [Β __Β ] you up in a one versus one
let's see what you look like
you look like the most cringe [Β __Β ]
loser i've ever seen on the internet
bye [Β __Β ]
nice beethoven
people just [Β __Β ] come and chat like
why would you say that why would you say
from a pharmacy because ivormectin is a
powerful neural paralytic agent
high enough to i got apple flavored one
for my horsey and one for myself brother
we both like apples they came from
asteroids no that doesn't make sense
because viruses are connected with
and i think they co-evolve with
guys we don't know anything about
viruses we just don't
how are we gonna solve the [Β __Β ] covet
how are we gonna solve the pandemic
and we don't know anything about viruses
we don't even know what a virus is we
don't even know how to [Β __Β ] define a
virus what is a virus literally what is
it we don't know how to [Β __Β ] define
terrorist fda i want a free base
ivermectin brother i'll do it i'll tell
you what blood brain barrier and what it
does is that it it basically can result
in paralysis the toxicity in animals is
highly variable some animals can't even
there's a theory
by a hegelian
mad scientist who thinks
that viruses come at the end
of historical epochs
and transform
the physio physiology of the population
in accordance with the
rise of a new historical era
i just made that up
but if you think about it it it kind of
does make sense like
the black plague
the spanish flew
after world war ii after world war one
and now
with covet
like covet came right at
big booty [Β __Β ] where
dude i'm sorry
i got distracted
there's a virus that used to be the
study of
dude viruses are a part of
i know eight percent of our dna comes
from remnants of ancient viruses because
what this is why they don't study
viruses because viruses would prove
lysenko right viruses literally prove
lysenko correct
our dna is not static
something else is going on
even our dna itself changes even our
[Β __Β ] dna
lysenko was correct
endogenous retroviruses yes
we have the discipline of virology and
what do they know
they don't know anything
they still haven't discovered
where big booty [Β __Β ] came from
they still they're trying to cover it up
and they're trying to cover it up
and to this day they're trying to cover
it up
and it's so powerful it's used in one
dose or over the course of just
please take a virology class i studied
virology okay they don't know anything
i did study it they literally don't know
a couple days
it really is concerning if people are
taking it either yes i did study it for
like a [Β __Β ] year i studied it
on the low key i did study it
and i'm convinced our entire paradigm
of biology is wrong
we are thinking about everything in the
wrong way and that's why hassan
knows nothing
daily or weekly depending on your body's
ability to clear the drug every time you
take it you're increasing the total
amount of drug in your system jennifer
you know what i feel like you're a
federal agent
what are you saying go take a class
kind of [Β __Β ] federal [Β __Β ] is that
a class
would they brainwash you with mk ultra
which can lead to overdose over time if
not from a single dose
mississippi's poison control they just
cut his ass off dude says 85 percent of
the callers had mild symptoms and none
of them have been hospitalized
louisiana's poison control says it's
received calls what books have you read
on virology i don't remember it was a
long time ago shut the [Β __Β ] up
from it and and you know what i'm just
gonna clarify something this is you know
i'm sick of the bluffing no one reads
books cover to cover no one [Β __Β ]
reads books cover to cover there's so
few books i've read cover to cover
nobody [Β __Β ] does that i'm the only
one who admits it shut the [Β __Β ] up and
stop pretending you're out here reading
all these books cover to cover because i
know you're not you know you're not the
world knows you're not but yet you
pretend you are
no one reads books cover to cover no
dude even zizek slavoy zizek he's an
academic he's been in the [Β __Β ] game
since forever and he literally came out
and admitted me and no one in my field
reads books cover to cover none of the
major philosophers in history read books
cover to cover no major thinker reads
these books cover to cover no one does
it no one does it
that's like me saying i don't know any
philosophy books saying i studied
shut the [Β __Β ] up
if you say one more stupid thing i'll
ban you from my chat i know enough about
virology to know that our paradigm is
[Β __Β ] wrong
and very incomplete and is not
compatible with what we know about
[Β __Β ] biology
every time someone says ban me
i don't know what they expect i will ban
you [Β __Β ]
have you read the communist manifesto
covered a cover well yeah i've read
i've read the classics
from the 19th century cover to cover you
know i've read hegel
phenomenology of mind cover to cover
i've read the science of logic i've read
the classics of marx and engels i've
read lenin's books cover to cover like
yeah the basics yeah of course but i'm
saying like when it comes to
like i've never read a liotard book
cover to cover
i've never read one lyotard book cover
to cover
so people do read them cover to cover
but that's not because i just sat down
and read them cover the coverage because
i've been studying them for like 10
years so obviously i'm going to run out
of material you know what i mean it's
not because i read them one and cover to
cover one day it's just that i've
literally read everything in those books
because i've been studying for them for
so long
dude nickland was right nickland is such
a smart guy and he pioneered this
writing style which i decided i agree
with 100 which is
do not write thick books write small
books or write small articles or small
do not waste time with writing thick
books you're just wasting everyone's
in 2021
just write short
and get get to the point just short
short is good
unless in fiction oh no in literature
that's different
but you know what even in literature i
feel like they should be shorter
nowadays you know
it should be shorter nowadays
[Β __Β ]
nick land nick land is one of my
favorite writers ever he actually
influenced my writing style too
english writer
for the 20
for the 90s and 20
20 20s
is nick land eat
18 people who have taken the drug shelly
that's right call freedom brother
everything's going great on the very act
of public ivorment and facebook groups
only a few people taking 10x what
everyone else is taking wondering what
to do with a bottle of the injectable
kind with a picture of cattle on it
begging for earnest medical advice
literally [Β __Β ] cows on the bottle are
these the right ones and what do we use
with it in the quantity please do we
drink it or do we put it on and people
who are a little on the big side are
there any dangers or
what is the cyber feminist i
isn't that sadie plant
wasn't that sadie plant or is that
the newer ones are the zeno feminists
i heard from someone i don't know if
this is true
that nick land ripped off everything
from sadie plant is that true i
literally don't know i don't care either
way but that's what i heard
by the way cyberpositive is a great
great great article or whatever you call
great great great i love cyber positive
i hate [Β __Β ]
frankfurt school criticism german
german criticism in the mid 20th century
yeah i hate it
i hate it it's so [Β __Β ] boring and
it's literally the
it's literally just
the incarnation of virginity
was the door no a virgin
influential american colonists all read
books cover to cover
dude in the past they used to read books
cover to cover because they had no tv
so they had they were bored and they had
nothing else to do was just to read the
books cover to cover so obviously in the
past that's what they did
dude at a certain point
it stopped being the norm
for side effects please oh it's kind of
a cute way to say like you know i'm kind
of fat like will i you know actually get
severe consequences if i take this thing
that's for horses halo everyone i drank
20 milliliters of ivermectin it's not
that dangerous i'm dizzy i can't walk
straight thank you
are you crazy you can only drink one
milliliter for every 50 kilograms
if hassan brought me on that would be
content it honestly would
imagine me talking to hassan he would
get so mad and annoyed he would get so
annoyed dude just imagine if hassan
brought me on
gram of body weight that's way too much
can cause liver damage 2.4 milliliters
hello everyone it is now day three that
i drank ivermectin i still have to drink
two times five days and then one in two
weeks is it normal if it hurts a little
muscles my body muscles are very sore
how long after you stop using ivermectin
looking for people to podcast
what's he doing
i voted for sheer
not actually but i should have just out
of spite
no man i miss um
harper harper was a good guy
you know i didn't realize when i was a
kid but now i get it harper was a good
now that i'm an adult i'm starting to
would you rather visit germany or london
hands down germany hands down
i don't know if
thank you
we might bring jackson on hold on
of course he had no kids dude
who would i know
all right well whenever he's ready
i guess we're doing a podcast tonight
let's continue
and can you get vaccinated and can you
use again after vaccination am senior
citizen i like the idea that there is a
guy who's going are you crazy i need new
sub badges i need new sub badges really
badly like my sub badges suck i need new
ones asap
like asap dude
see there's a finite amount of cow
medicine that you can be using as a
human which is true but i like that like
you know you're in a public facebook
group about using cow medicine you're
also crazy you're just less crazy than
the other guy i guess in comparison but
you're still [Β __Β ] crazy so it's kind
of funny he was like are you crazy
friend of the show donnie o'sullivan
went to alabama see what he had to say
taught the program about the fda's
decision to fully approve the foser
coveted vaccine and how it just might
change the landscape for those people
who've been at least many of them who've
been on the fence about getting one this
came after the former president spoke at
an alabama rally over the weekend while
he received his usual throat
full-throated welcome
let me ask you guys a question
when you renew your subs do you share it
or do you not share it you just say hit
ignore because
you don't want to be
seeking attention
share share it
no share it always share it
always share it stop trying to be
just stop being a [Β __Β ] and just share
stop being a [Β __Β ] and just share it
came to that vaccine many who came to
hear him had no support for either the
vaccine or of him telling them they
should get the vaccine which he did soon
as daniel sullivan was there he talked
to his supporters about the fact last
time i didn't because i felt embarrassed
i lit dude when you do that you are
actually helping me you're signaling to
people that it is cool to sub
share it
always share
vaccines at the time pending approval
here's his report
thank you lois evans
getting that vaccine no no no no no
then vaccines are not good huh are you
but i have a lot of hydrochloric and
zinc at my house so have you got your
vaccine shot nope don't want it no wait
they ain't tested it enough from my
opinion yeah
hassan is like
what is wrong with her
dude i don't i don't understand why
didn't she just live in a three million
dollar house like me
dude what is wrong with her
does she not watch john oliver
i i do i don't get it i do not get it
what is wrong with these people
the the fight yeah her opinion it's like
what is your opinion are you capable of
crafting two independent thoughts in
your mind what is
what is your opinion are you capable of
crafting two independent thoughts in
your mind
what are you saying
in the neighborhood i live you would be
it's almost like
there's a division in this country that
i just
refuse to acknowledge
it's your opinion like yeah when you're
an anti-vaxxer you basically are looking
at that lady and going i do not care
about the accumulative collective
[Β __Β ] scientific accomplishments of
millions and millions of man hours okay
that like professionals who have spent
dedicate their entire lives to this to
finding uh you know technological uh
medical achievements like this
dude this is why
this is why
people are skeptical hassan because they
listen to people like you because
everyone can tell you're bluffing what
do you what do you know about the
thousands of years of medical attack
what are you [Β __Β ] talking about dude
we all know you're bluffing no one
you're not
look guys
i know people in the pharmacy business
and i'm not talking about the vaccines
forget about the vaccines
if you knew how many things have been
approved by these pharmaceuticals
that are super dangerous and and how
shoddy and corrupt
and weird it is
you wouldn't say what hassan just said
you know
like i'm sorry dude
you don't bluff and just be like oh the
authorities are infallible
i think the best route would just be
just st if people are spreading
misinformation about vaccines why can't
you just stick to the
stick to the meat and potatoes of like
what they're wrong about don't you don't
do bluff and be like all of these
millions of man hours that haven't
what are you saying shut up
hassan is against big pharma too what do
you want about
are you sure he's against big former
press exit out care about this person
like this person's opinion actually is
holds the same level of weight as like
all of the other [Β __Β ] that i just uh
that i just mentioned people
unfortunately just think that like if
they go against the grain if they're
just contrarian in general and there's a
lot of this right if they go against the
the grain that means that they are
automatically uh on to something laser
is about to get full fda approval would
that change your opinion on it at all
not until they do a whole lot more
investigating than knowing
i agree i miss bernie i agree with you
i agree with you a lot
nothing like this is not about
investigating there is no amount of
investigation that will be conducted
that will allow this psycho this hog to
finally be like all right so this is
okay so this is why i titled this
hassan takes it a little too far
because he's about to say something
that's really i mean he's already using
dehumanizing language
against people who are clearly victims
of something whatever whatever your side
on this
vaccine thing is
we can all agree that these people are
victims right
and he's using really dehumanizing
language against them
and it's not like this is like some
super privileged tiny minority of people
this is a this is like half the country
hassan's talking about and it's
a bit concerning it's a bit concerning
that's good i'm doing it now so i'm new
to your streams and i was wondering if i
should get the vaccine my parents say i
should but my grandparents don't think i
should my grandparents were doctor slash
nurses so i don't really know what to do
first of all i hope your grandparents
got [Β __Β ] vaccinated or else they're
literally gonna die there's no two ways
about it the moment do they step what
i mean
you know what dude
so twitch probably bans
um hysteria about the vaccines being
which i'm against uh regardless of
whether i agree with that or not i just
that's too much right
but hassan can can now just tell people
you're gonna die 100
if you i mean i get it if he said
the chances of them dying has increased
if they don't take the vaccine but
you're literally telling people they're
gonna die if they don't take it
i mean
yeah i could see
why don't you just stick to the science
why do you gotta get into this like
hysterical [Β __Β ] you know
like what are you [Β __Β ] talking about
this is why you cannot trust people like
hassan a guy like hassan
is gonna just
do whatever they think is the most left
wing and that's it
you know
oh [Β __Β ] what the [Β __Β ] we're still on the
what you just called me right now yeah
you didn't answer what the [Β __Β ] oh dude
should i hang up
no i don't know yeah
what's up what's up
yeah i'm live right now
okay oh so i can't be crazy
no i mean
we're both on twitch so i don't what do
you mean
like i'm gonna get you banned ready
no what the [Β __Β ] dude
all right i'm just seeing who to call
for a pod what are some personalities
that mesh well some people i like but
like the personalities are gonna mess
with others
what the [Β __Β ] i just asked i asked dev
i asked devwear
um to come on podcast and she responded
come eat my ass
i don't really
i mean go do it man
you heard the
yeah i
just you see this on my screen
come on let me pull up your stream
she's crazy dude what's my swamp
that's what is that
dev you remember dev from here
oh she used to be on streams i don't
remember i don't know who that is dev
what the [Β __Β ] dude
bruh honestly if i was you i would end
stream and just
what fly there and eat ass like oh she
don't live in vancouver
no no no oh okay
he's obviously playing around
uh i'll just add her to the call see
what happens damn
i think she's do you do that [Β __Β ] by the
what did you say
do you
like do you um
do you eat us
okay good yeah
[Β __Β ] no
they calling they they call us vanilla
for it though yeah i know i know dude
they'll call you dude nowadays in 2021
vanilla if you don't want a peg yeah no
it's fine call us vanilla we're not the
ones with the chocolate tongue
dude in 2021 they call you vanilla
if you don't want to [Β __Β ] let them
peg you
oh shouldn't we come up
um yeah let's do it let me uh deactivate
my camera
that'll be easier actually
and then discord
wait a minute do you full screen to get
the best quality
i think you do
right right
that's pretty good
appreciate that buggers what's up what's
up that's my vancouver people right
degeneracy you're a degenerate
i mean we could start at us too first
until people respond really like that
would be better because
putting a bunch of strangers is okay but
i'm not trying to do the nice guy thing
where i control people's energy levels
so i think it's better just austerity
yeah i mean um
bruh you saw yesterday what happened
no no
no you saw you were reacting to it
oh yeah why is it a big deal like for me
i've already forgotten what is the l you
took i don't get the l how did you take
it dude it's my chat
literally dude you know what i told my
my chat is supposed to be gassing me up
and being my cheerleader
and then right literally right when the
[Β __Β ] two whole three whole question
hit me
my chat [Β __Β ] flooded me with l's like
you just lost you lost you're done
can you believe that
that did you you need to punish them for
that i know i'm trying to think of ways
when i'm losing a debate
my chat spams copium for the other side
like they will do anything to get under
their skin and if they don't i rewatch
the vod and ban the people who aren't on
my side that's what i think i'm gonna do
the most vocal people who are doing that
i might just ban them uh the most
successful streamers have echo chambers
that's what that's what i was saying
it's like
on the one some people are like wow your
chat is so loyal but
when it comes to an e girl
because i don't know because dude bro i
don't know i thought there was two i
thought it was two holes plus the one
behind her kneecap
dude i i think my chat and maybe they
need to hear from you because i think my
chat thinks they have a chance with this
girl if they side with her
what do you mean your chat oh your chat
is a bunch of chads of course they
haven't she has a chance with them
bro come on bro come on bro are you
kidding bro
they're based aren't they
bro how is it based
to betray
me in favor of her
i don't know if it's betrayal so much as
it's um pushback they wanted you to
answer everything correct which you
answered it correct all right ain't
nobody thinking of the piss hole except
the moderator because that's how big his
[Β __Β ] is
dude that's what i was saying is like
what you can't put your
that's not relevant you know what i mean
i don't even know they pee
seriously dude if you pee in front of me
like that's game over you're banned for
life that's it
i mean
no i actually i've never you were
holding your [Β __Β ] for five days
go seven you know what i mean
i want to see sweat like this
bruh i just
i've ne i have never seen a woman pee
though i have never seen that
that's such a lie bro
what do you mean it's a lie
bro you haven't been at parties where
you're locked in the washroom with them
no but they're like they're
on the toilet and
every party i'm at i'm the bathroom guy
i just chill in the washroom so you're
saying you got the pov where you
well that's the thing they'll lock the
door i have to be have to be and then
they'll lock it and i'm like what the
[Β __Β ] dude you didn't even ask and they
sit down
and i'm always the bathroom guy at every
house party oh and i can't really say
but i know how to [Β __Β ] party bro
dude since i quit smoking and vaping for
what's been like eight months i don't
know how long has it been chat
this thing that i got on the po box from
chat is burning me up and it's just a
little like [Β __Β ] ass vape
but you've been getting high every day
i don't even know am i supposed to smoke
someone sent this how can you even send
this in a po box isn't that illegal
it does it it does it did it come with
the stuff
the package yeah it came with the [Β __Β ]
you put in it
well yeah yeah yeah i think it's
disposable right
wait wait how yeah how does wait what
it came with the thc
no no it's uh just nicotine
oh okay but i'm wondering how can you
po-box this to me
that sounds really illegal
if it's just nicotine no it's not
i guess p.o box you have to be an adult
so it's like cigarettes yeah yeah
okay yeah
dude i used to order dude during 2014
when do you know the [Β __Β ] vape
when everyone used to have like those
vape mods you know what vape mods are
uh the big one it would like blow huge
clouds and [Β __Β ]
yeah dude that was back in 2014 2015. it
was you
no that was my friends but i also i got
one myself because they were all doing
it like those bullet box mods that you
blow really big clouds and you have to
put cotton you have to put
well if i met you in those things
you were the shroom guy right i would
have hated you
no dude no the type of guys that were
doing that were all the guys who didn't
go to
go away for college they were in
community college and they were just
chilling in the hometown
and that's just the [Β __Β ] they would do
dude you know what though
i was a [Β __Β ] pioneer because after i
quit in 2015 all of a sudden vapes get
big everyone's vaping everyone's doing
yeah when people told me it's gonna be
the next big thing i'm like no i don't
really see that and then it blew the
[Β __Β ] up like yeah
and that's when it became cringe too
yeah like kind of like tattoos tattoos
are cringe
because everyone has them
they used to be for badasses
i don't do you have a tattoo
yeah i got a lot
yeah i don't have one
but uh
like i like i like how ink looks against
the skin i think it's it looks sick i
don't know i'm not religious at all but
at the same time
i just have superstitions like you're
not allowed to get tattoos it's like
[Β __Β ] there must be a reason
what do you mean by that
like isn't it not allowed
to get tattoos
who by who
religion like religiously oh are you
like are you religious no i'm not i said
i'm just superstitious like
you know what i mean
i just
why are you not religious bro like you
seem like you would fall under that
it's just because
i just feel like
uh it it just doesn't like following
it by the book and like
i'm like why would i pray five times a
day unless i actually
if it made sense to me you know like why
would i just do it blindly out of
you know what i'm saying
yeah i mean to go to heaven though
not [Β __Β ] it dude
that's not enough for me
that ain't nothing not enough
dude i don't know don't you feel like a
lot of scumbags just like they're like
oh i just don't want to go to hell but
they're actually bad people and they're
just doing it because they're scared
yeah i think most religious people are
going straight to hell if there is a huh
like straight like ain't no stopping
yeah definitely dude because you have to
that's what i told my chat
i said
so if you're an evil person
are you just gonna go out here with
[Β __Β ] uh
devil horns in a [Β __Β ] tail and you're
just gonna actually be evil or are you
gonna pretend
to be good
audio audio if i'd pretend to be good if
i was one of them exactly yeah that's
what i'm saying that's what they do
why does this camera angle look like
this this is fine where are you right
now are you in l.a
no i'm in utah
what the [Β __Β ] are you doing in utah
she's a mormon how the [Β __Β ] how many
cameras do you have what the [Β __Β ]
well that one that one was from my mac
because i don't i don't have my pc yeah
dude that camera angle made you look
like a crackhead like this is the angle
okay wait who else are we getting in
here oh gee rob can you invite og for me
yes you yeah okay i'll bring you
is it fine if i stream
yes yo i hate when people ask me that of
course it is all right you're not my
all right how was your trip yo how was
tomorrowland and everything you did
it was a lot it was a lot i had to skip
my last read
oh gee rob this girl wanna [Β __Β ] you bro
her name's jill she wants you bro that's
why i put you on damn you said what
yeah this girl right here her name is
jill jill this is my
little blood brother oh gee rob
we made it
i need to know this is my new style what
you went through a [Β __Β ] you look like
a [Β __Β ] tool my boy though
bruh hold on
you guys had raves dressed like crackers
no no i said this before this is the
most factual thing about zurka the most
factual thing this dude is stuck in
everything everything the way you dress
every single thing
yeah i'm gonna get a full hawk today
i will report you if you do that [Β __Β ]
yeah all right so jill why don't you
introduce yourself like
who the [Β __Β ] are you and what do you
want from from me
my name is joe i'm a streamer i'm a
really really shitty streamer
yeah probably the worst microphone i've
ever heard like what the heck
is that echoing
yeah it sounds underwater actually like
what is that
because i have this one this one says
hold on
if you close your eyes she sounds like a
little boy
dude she does
she really does dude
why would you say that
i'm just yeah
excuse me yo should i still title this
caveman podcast i mean everyone is
very cave-like right
right yeah even jill she doesn't want
[Β __Β ] flowers or anything when i first
met her she's like
throwing me through the wall i was like
what the [Β __Β ] this [Β __Β ] crazy i'm like
okay yeah all right that's why i invited
her so wait let me ask a question circle
what is wrong with a throwing against
the wall
what is wrong is is [Β __Β ] illegal no
it's not nothing how is that illegal
what do you that's illegal that is can't
be the definition of illegal bro it
can't be
that ain't illegal
it depends what type of world are you
talking about
it's definitely it listens
there's many different types of walls
there's like yeah if it's got spikes on
it like some mortal kombat
maybe maybe that's illegal but like the
regular [Β __Β ] maybe a steel wall that's
uh you know drywall you know [Β __Β ] you
can like really push her through you
know what i'm saying like if you go
through it it can't be that illegal you
it's only
super solid
i don't know i've always been more into
and people think i'm trolling i cuddle
dude i'm such a sweet guy like i
actually do that i know i'm a [Β __Β ]
[Β __Β ] for the other stuff but 100 i'm
a sweet sweet guy
you moan when you cuddle
depend depends if that no i don't what
the [Β __Β ] no of course not
what the [Β __Β ] you don't
see you a lot of me dude i cuddle listen
for real see this is a problem with men
yo y'all be scared to admit some things
like i'll be in the ear like oh
no no yeah but not that sound i'd be
like uh i'll say something like uh
you know right
yo listen listen chet don't be scared of
moaning your girl's ear all right
no chad just be like this i'm not busted
right now
broken heads up
bro chad do not do that
take one of the ear and tell her like
how much you don't love her like it's
it's not that [Β __Β ] all right
i promise it makes me so uncomfortable
when they say something and i don't hear
them i'm like
what did you say i hate when they
they're louder than the uber outside
waiting for them
i'm [Β __Β ] in fresh form today dude i
am at yo
guys let's get the subs going we're in
good form today this is going to be a
wild one
intense questions all night from chat oh
gee rob if you don't have red bull you
don't have grill in mind you don't have
anything on you
snort a line we go hard in a video game
don't do drugs everyone jill
how what when's your last experience
with ketamine
last week
what yo just the only one i know who's
her her go-to is kay
i'm like dude i know people who do cake
because they're rap
yeah but my buddies who do k it's
because we ran out of other stuff like
nobody ever go hey look it depends on
what though
like when you run out of all your
you're gonna do something else
yeah i'm just saying i'm instead of
getting ketamine i'll just buy more coke
no no i'm kidding okay i'll take
you i'll take you to the raves don't
worry no i've tried kate and i gotta say
dude the handful of times i've done it
that [Β __Β ] is [Β __Β ] awesome you know
don't do it but holy [Β __Β ] that [Β __Β ] is
you know that is confidence man that is
real confidence
what's awesome
bro raves are so crazy because
the atmosphere is hippie nobody fights
you'll never see people fight there
but at clubs bro if you drop five
dollars you have to like beat the [Β __Β ]
out of someone just to get your money
back at raves it's like this hippie
energy and not that [Β __Β ] liberal
[Β __Β ] crazy [Β __Β ]
at the last rave and somebody like tried
to hack into my bank account
where did you go where did where are you
going where you going that sounded like
some old dude that one was in utah
that sounds like a you problem because i
don't think anyone would steal my phone
they'd look at me and they'd be like
here you go they saw you dropped your
[Β __Β ] and thought you were [Β __Β ] so they
took that yeah they thought you were
weak jill and you know why you
didn't even know me i probably left it
no as soon as they saw a k-head they're
like that's a weak hippie right if you
were on coke you would be like
no don't do drugs chet but
um do code for a rave like if you do
you're a chad 100
like and there's a million of those
and i just i do [Β __Β ] rails
should i get into for i do
i do rails
i do rails at the library bro i don't
give a [Β __Β ] you know every day is a
[Β __Β ]
every day is eight ball day in a video
game chat but seriously though k
is good but if someone offered me k or
molly i think i'd go to the molly
anything and literally anything
you can't just do that like
on k i flush i'm [Β __Β ] happy and i'm
giggly but on molly i'm straight beaming
and [Β __Β ] glowing dude
that's too different they're like not
even in the same realm it's like one for
one like stack them like
yeah when i think of it like that uh
molly's way more powerful if you have
good molly
but you can only do molly like every now
and then it's really bad for you
why is it bad
it doesn't deplete all your serotonin
i'm there to destroy my brain
that's why i went