
certally i've see some pos and i go my w how the fuck could anyone say this like what planet are they living on and then it turns out they have a problems that makes them ab we abnormally in a drown and in a drowns ater caation
got a hundred rounds in a i'mmy spas got a lot of blood hoouns in you and know furniture is i gota have the faith and i do have the fath and i got a brown what the b that people that we don't wund you know who are not disturbed cmy issues got not hate me the only people that hate me have issues found that's the thing chs the hair t nik broke because they do it too
cash out thank you j c ting thank you j c coming i came out of w i was dugging i know face fy snakers up in straight wrap a say it won't smoke but a bluffin all we could do is pray the face that's a we can do hanging my earlows is a rock hanging u my waistline is a block the body in a casket was
i don't dont know bottles i shot
ou of strip on me i need am p
some one
but lissago boxes in the suf i got t friki girls on a yag i got ten friaki girls on a yat
i was racing on the house
i'm at peace
i'm at peace
the haters can't help it
it ain't their fault
they can't help it
now a lot of people watch my streams
and they take it literally i think is he just joking is he just being serious is he exaggerating the fock is this sh i'm going to tell you right now nothing is a joke i am one hundred percent serious about every
thing i do on stream everything i say is literal truth when i talk about your mom it's not a joke that's actually happening i am always flying around the country to sleep with each and every
one of your mom nothing's a joke nothing's a joke ever this is one hundred percent serious everything i say is one hundred percent serious and i need you to understand that there are no jokes on the stream there are no jokes everything is one hundred percent serious thank you blak
we came in now why was i late today so i was on weeter arguing for hours because i encountered a hater and i said you know i'll bite this isn't you know like a goy pseudo intellectual probably a young person who just
cover this space i said i'll by they're always talking shit about me right does i'll bite let's get down to what the issue is like where
where have i said something that you consider false or wrong or lacking understanding let's actually pin this down on the direct line of argumentation and let's see what's going on because i don't know why you're always talking shit about me oh cars don't know anything you's talking about causes misrepresenting mors the haus talking about do and how
was talking to let's get down to it and he brought up a few things is a great so i've pursued this person i pressed them on their specific line of argumentation for hours and they have nothing they have nothing they said you go look on
a hidegerian even though he's not
i said what do you mean he's not in a sense he is now in every possible context would it be appropriate to call him once no but when i say
and all of these continental people are hide garans i'm right
no because he's do he disagreed with horw to go about some things
yeah but that's not why essentially i'm identifying them
that's not the essential point of identity
that you know in the sense i'm using it
and there's and then he says well look on can't be a hard to garion because he's a structuralist said what
what does that have to do with it
why can't why does that prohibit him
from being a hid to garion in any possible sense no response and then there was a bunch of other stuff and i don't know which from slove yout why lok pon is not a hid to garion punk i'll bit have you read that piece did you read it i'm going to i'm going to be patient and graceful to my haters
have you read that piece by slavoy did you actually read it because i'm going to paraphrase was says like word for word he says the differences between lk and heideger are underlied precisely by their close proximity
jesus identifies a point of difference but that point of difference was made possible and is established on the very terms opened up by ideger himself did you even read that piece you read the title but you didn't read was esk actually said shd cannot make the case for why the conan is different from ideger without first pointing out
in what way lock on is inheriting iidggers turn is ontological turn to be rather than dealing with particular be is bakon in then marxist because of their proximity what are you talking about
know look are you the same guy because maybe i'll work with you listen you just decided that i just stated a dogmtic law that anyone in any context to possesses proximity is is and that's enough to establish identity ok i never said that any degree of proximity whatsoever establishes an identity
what i did say is i paraphrased shesx argument that the differences between i do gir and look on are underlied by their very close proximity in other words they're talking about the same thing but luck on does something very minute and specific that changes every
thing in the case of bachun in in marx there is no homology there is no comparison bakun in in marx do not have in terms of the content of their thinking an intensely close proximity that is therefore with the exception of some kind of fundamental difference there is not no such proximity
terms of their intellectual content but because of their historical proximity you think it's the same thing i just don't understand how you think this way
please continue in chatting about it i want to know more how your mind works because i don't get how these minds work
go ahead
like why why does why would that imply that bakunin is a marxist
just because
in a sense lak on is a hid a garian
withu the
why would why would it necessarily follow by the same logic that bakun in is a marxist because it's not enough that they just share proximity that's extremely vague it's the content in nature of that proximity that makes him a hidegerian in my views ag so please establish how bakunin would be a marxist on the same basis r
so saying that luck on is not a hid to garion right because there are some differences is like saying cass he is not a marxist because he for example rec it just depends on the context it depends on what in what sense and context are you saying this when i'm speaking to an audience who' is not familiar with continental thinking and philosophy it's very important that i point out look on is a hide to garion
because ideger is the key to understanding the developments and the underlying foundation that these thingers thinkers are coming from it's like it's how it's the key to making sense of them right so but but if you're comparing like lock on to delse would you call look on hidearion well they're both hid to garans they're both influenced by ideger look on is not especially hid to g
and so in that context it really wouldn't make sense to call him that because he's not especially a hid to garion you known keep pistolven i feel most the debaters come on to debate you just read from wiki i think they have r some out some other problem that's going on you know i think they have a
different kind of problems wrting right you know rting one that probably i writ i can't do anything about they just think in a certain way that is very w wrting right r very much rendering them incapable of actually understanding the subject matters you know
where did that person go where did that person go i want to continue engaging with what they were saying sd i know mo where do they go to be way be f be punk potatoes where do you go run a motif i see you knowf i'm here ok yeah we'll respond b i money form min
i want to know more about your own are you being sarcastic because let's actually get to the bottom of it let's get to the bottom of it
what of ice
are things better
ll worre
can we really do anything more than
com know
thougts on nosbel there anarchists
and in that case it's literally true like limanov actually would say
he's like an anarchist or whatever
but yeah it's very clear
they're anarchist
their edgy punk rock anarchist
which they literally were super lowed
you are rich
let me tell you a lot of that one of the biggest mistakes people make is that they define and etiology based on what the ideologus are saying and that's it they don't go any farther than that if but i don't know enough to give myself why these tops the most you haven't read a page of capitaly because pseudo intellectuals try to challenge me and make it seem like i'm talking out of my ass
you are wrong about anarchist i'm not i'm one hundred percent right i'm avem one hundred percent right oh you thank you win ap china su me land down i made so bakan in was a nosbll ni i actually don't think you know how logical we're got that's the most stupid thing i've ever heard a
my life us if nosbles are anarchists does that mean all anarchists are nosbles n know it doesn't it doesn't like myl if your mom is fat does that mean all fat people are your mom do you even understand how logic works why do you embarrass yourself
i'm trying to be careful and very precise here because like i don't know on i don't know if these people have an issue or s ou caion goty around are all fat people your mom just as your mom is fat you know finn is just how does that make sense p no defend yourself mother fucker defend yourself i want to see you defend your that claim a know explain how
implyes that bakan is a nosb when i say nosbls are anarchs nosbls aren anarchist n they yes they are objectively if there's an objective phenomena are real phenomena called anarches then yes they are i was nosbll believe in a state up ah my bad dude they're not anarchist that it's not
like i mean that something more fundamental than what's on the surface my bad you i take it back they thk ties turn nott they believe in a state and the ca forget about the actual practical relationship they possessed toward the russian state in the society that they lived in actually all of this is just a matter of like their explicit idiological commitments that's all it matters
it's not actually about the material relationship they possess to reality
it's about their explicit iological content
and that's why i like they got wrong
you know
is coping about lak on
the context for why i called him out
saying that lacona is a hideguerian marxist
was because he said and i quote every relevant marxist theor is poste nine hundred forty was heidi garion
and the name like three series to ar hed to garan or rejected him
that's it
they were
what i said was correct every relevant marxist theorist post nineteen forty was a heidegerian the ones who actually made a contribution to marxism
in a new way yes they were all ithidagerians
and if they rejected ideger in a certain sense that doesn't h sens of and seminal significance as development foundation of the thinking youking idiot thank my bat he can't help it he has a problem he admitted it so my bad but you know what the pyche want to come defend himsef
in my discord actually we could actually talk about this right now we could actually talk about this right now got a pretty does he want to come on and def and defend that claim that all of the thinkers i named fundamentally rejected hidiger such that they cannot be called hideger
at all let's see i want to see him come on and defend that claim is he going to come on and do that or is he going to be too scared teach you like a wish but i doubt it will happen can creep if you wyt
t you why if they're so confident about their play and then name like three theleares to aren't i to garion or rejected him right now
so i guess marx was not a gelian because marx also rejected ha and we chat about chmsk you know i won't chat with you but chms you literally don't even understand basic logic i are going to this guy for literally hours on twitter ok so i want to see him come on stream and actually pin him that maybe he just can't be pinned down through text
so i will try to carefully and patiently try to pin him down through voice let's have him come on to debate and defend his claim on stk finish
i seen good movies and bad playing time so let me finish i'm a sd me till you want
als raper and all of those other people were not relevant they're not relevant they contributed nothing to marxism they were just dogmmentist like i'm talking about the peop
a historical connection an indirect historical condent connection in the sense that they are arising historically for the same reasons right in terms of like moos cultural revolution and that obviously has a connection to heideer an indirect connection to the same object of heideer's thinking but no there's no direct connection
but yes the cultural revolution was id garyion you know so to speak
the cultural revolution was like phenomenological type of revolution would you say the purge at least contributed to the theoretical poverty circ absolutely not no that's not why was higegeran anarchist because he was definitely a nosbo
i did it was not a nove mass you guys don't understand the meaning of words is defined by context stop trying to create metanumic arithmtic chanins of equivalence says not anarchist therefore every single per
who was affiliar with the nazis was also an anarchist
you know i mean like
no it doesn't actually work like that it actually doesn't work like that because heideger's affiliation with nazism is not
primarily what defines his thinking n and it's neither true for the rest of the german conservative revolution thinkers now if you had an intellectual that was purely defined by nazi idiology then yes they would be an anarchist in my view can you just please parse together
the logical consequences of what you're saying so you don't sound like a fucking idiot
i get it dude i get that you nerds are not used to some one who's buff and handsome humiliating you on the daily proving that you're not as intelligent or knowledgeable as you think and i get it dude it hurts a lot
because i know
intellectualizing is your only cope in life you have
you're not very good looking you're not charismatic
and you don't have a good nice looking body too i wrte you don't really get women and i get it intellectualizing as your own only culp
you know sit down kids you this you're way out of your league you'r way out of your lane you'r way out of your lane is does that guy want to come on stream i think i should bring him on stream
are you so mean hostitle because people think there's a division of labor like the ugly people get to be the smart people and then the handsome men like me were not allowed to be just smart onant to s and they try to enforce that and it's you know it's not it's not viable i'm not going to let them enforce it you know
serv but your puck heart and you could be my servant go to the line you on cod on thisliit i purchas af i cut up i give us some money a serve
and i don't know how the panel goes
you ca not time the hope
you a man let yeah on the internet being five nine means you're like super short
but in real life that's not how it works but i get that on the internet like that's how you think because you watch anime and you've never walked outside in your life yeah
it's super sad you know it's super sad honestly feel bad for these people kill john like this guy doesn't think he doesn't understand that people like georgia b ti jev and luck on were all idi garions literally haidigs the only thing that united all thse people and it's super sad
it's super sad that someone could be this illiterate as to think that is it controversial the me any smart people in the chat who know anything about this like what all you well read people in the chat if someone would tell you but tie cod jeven look on we're all hid to garans is that like left field or something or i don't get it or like does that shock youors is somehow like so
take in comprehensible that you couldn't even fathom someone would say that
paul p thatted mattic b bted pattic goma pandic yes that is pantic prisy nicle break cha goes that ill to the one who's goy raw kills in the mooak
that's common knowledge if you're into philosophy i know dude i know it's common knowledge but it's like how since when did it you're saying the nos can non controversial thing let's be real most people have not read high degre i know but most people like the bluff that they know
it's not unfathomable but i wouldn't subsume them under the term hid to garionism was disaster if you're coming from an anglo background of someone who doesn't know anything about these thinkers what would you subsume them under the term of like how would you actually like let's say you're in like a party you're like an a trotskys little party like what is really separating
i and that strand of thought those french thinkers like how are you going to differentiate them from your trotsky is pamphlets
you know what i mean like
from your dogmatic little sect how are you going to differentiate those people because you can't just say all they're especially keen on intellectualizing because so is cojav and i'm sorry so is lukah and others where did you learn all this literally like a decade of learning
even in the preface to the introduction of reading hegel he said he's reading heggel through marx and heideger
yeah well i don't think and this is the most important thing
i don't think people understand
and this is why i tried to call this guy's bluff and go okay so what about
this guy doesn't know anything about hehideger that guy was arguing with
because it's like if you knew anything about heideger
you would know he represented a revolution in thought he technically wasn't even a philosopher right because philosopher is about ultimately is about the dialectic of the concept right and the relationship between the concept and its own consistency and its own convolutions and so on in when it's confronted with its
contradictions heideger is opening up an engagement for the first time in the history of western philosophy with being as such
by its instantiation in particular being and to simplify that for you
idegers opening up the ability
to think beyond the tyranny of the concept
and this is what's going to open up
a bra for the ontologies of continental philosophy fan for twenty
thoughts on nick land and mark fisher see some people are trying to avoid the hide garion revolution thank you handsome barley i'll name those people
mark fisher was one of them
so nick land is still fully engaged in the kind of hide garion
the revolution mark fisher is taking a few steps back into spinoza
spinoza is a big cope people arrive at to avoid the hide geryion revolution ultimately is trying to avoid the devastating and revolutionary implications of ideger's thought through his ha galan ontology right and for his hay gallian ontology is supposed to close the knot between the problem of the relate
ship between thinking and beingp and i think she just fails to to
ey the knoct or whatever close the knoct
if the nazis like tieger
they wouldn't have centored the shit out of him
i don't and another thing this guy was lying about is he said oh the nazis used rd of hers ideas and i said what ideas it his bulkish theory i said what first of all what volcis theory was hid of her forwarding and second of all how precisely were the nazis using i di was thinking
there is no evidence that tideger influenced the nazis in any significant or even minimal capacity
i doubt hitler or gobels or the major etiologists of nazison even knew who heidegger was thank you this the sewagesppreciate you sate you
i would consider ernest block id a garyan marxist even though he did not consider so himself as such but i would consider his work trying to reconcile some sort of being with what
he called the col sm of
this ear
i think great you
sure ernest bloch was obviously influenced by heideger but when i'm saying these people were marxist aster
i'm talking about i'm not saying that they were like
explicitly committed to marxism idiologically like as a project obviously they're going beyond
orthodox marxism
there is still a fundamental informative
significance of marx and marx's original discovery for them you need to understand that words have different meaning and context if i'm calling someone a marxist i'm not making an absolute medical metaphysical statement
that applies in every possible context
i mean
for example compared to like
david harvey whose blitterally
his life project is you know reconciling geography with marxist capital and yeah i mean he's if you compare him to you know a guy like luck on obviously the marxist is going to be david harvey because he's he's like
dealing with marx primarily right
but as a whole taken as a whole look on is clearly he has a proximity and an affinity with marxism such that it's not a crime to call him a marxist you shouldn't really get your panties in a bunch because i'm calling him one you know i don't see how someone can get their panties in a bunchk about it's like but what context i
i saying this you know what i mean am i saying lock on was like
you know what i mean in what context obviously block on got just ext
is not explicitly dealing with marxist he doesn't really care about what marxists are doing at the time but luck on himself says that he considers marx to be the first person to have named
the symptom in the form of the proletarian class and the symptom is literally the most fundamental linchpin of lo cons contribution to psychoanalysis now you know i get somebop like well now the concept that object a was and yes but
if you take look ons work in their totality from his early days to the end of his life the symptom or the syndome is pretty much like the end point
we'll luck on
that is where luck on really gets to the end of his system his thinking and luck on attributes the discovery of the symptoms to marks the paper coming like i' s i was nick land still hide garion
going in
nickland is still a hidagarian
the two thinkers that had
the most formative influence on nick lans
georgia but ti
and dels
we're hide garians
and the think the thread that's holding them on in common
is the is there ontological project
so land is able to think
ontologically in an ontological terms
because of high devers wll
because of high degres revolution and thinking
so nick land is taking for granted
a very specific lineage
of thought
old he was
he's taking advantage of this revolution in thinking that allows you to think about
things in a new way
my gos
now k
fing with t
he didn'tan like spinoza yes he did what is substantialism it's a term i've coined so if someone else is talking about substantialism
it means something else and to me it's the confused the conflation that you find in the history of western philosophy between material objectivity and substance so to me the material object is not a substance substance is a object
already laiden with form specific and often what people mean is phenomenal form mark are so like spinoza i don't know where people get that wre do where people getting that from marx literally said marx compared marx wrote about spinoza representing nature in its one side
is strangement from man and bik day right as the opposite as thinking or man one sidedly es stranged from nature i don't know where people get the idea that marx was a spinosis i literally don't know i you know what literally spinos is just falking made that up you
will not find any evidence that spinoza had any significant influence on marxis materialsm what is the heide gerion thought revolution
it's ontology i don't know what else to tell you it's the question of being and being as conceived as something which is not a being
right so you ontology before already is is just a form of metaphysics i do girl wants to overcome western and specifically modern metaphysics and metaphysics already attributes being with being a certain kind of being
why do you want to remove spinoza off the face of the earth because he was evil and satanic
i got i got i got why do you want to remove swinose off the face of the earth
thoughts on giodorno bruno i don't i don't know anything about m
i'm going to ask sythes about whether marx was agelian i want to know whether marx was a gelian that's my question and was marx of foyer bachian or was he a geli that's what i got to ask him it's really important i ask him if marx
because he can't eat right according to him i'm following his losic canbsk ofalk you you are ruins the left wt abt my dedicated i don't need it getn't b c and get int b c and explain how i
in the left getting b c isos he was compatible with nazism or not ultimately no it wasn't it ultimately was not i need you to come and c and
explain yourself but top turn of birt righting meanyw got a been don the say a purp we been a down coming goos what jimmny do i can n help bom n a gadia not a de columbia tim o a msic beit a undred times limerate are you there find less someing the day i me g if you donble come the day did you remember
are you ultimately an acceleration i just remembered you know you know it's foking crazy guys so most of you when i say shit you get it intuitively but intellectual thre the only ones who don't understand dialectics actually normal people understand
dialectics into it just intellectuals who trick themselves into not understanding it so if i answer you yes the into the pseudo intellects alate when exacerate believe and you don't believe like they don't understand that you could be something and also not be something at the same time you know
that i realize how fucking stupid these people are now now i realize how fucking stupid they are cojust personal politics did suck thg dod he didn't have personal politics he did it ok there's there's no such thing as personal politics any
just because
it doesn't it doesn't matter who you support
individually politically it means nothing
it has nothing to do with someone's significance as a thinker
who is a more of a cancer on history aristotle or spinoza spinoza dude aristotle's not that bad spinoza is the problem
aristot is fine ok i don't hate aristot pussy the first witha his mo my mood that's what it was tenty sixteen was rning around beaming up in the she around for the money bad i shue lawyer i don't for the l so risky my am b is limerick in the chat t har becausepen a fimmy b td cost me a i'm busy got b b
my py got i would to graby back up that if imet we never ran out on no barble still be happy o ranning ranning ranny r ranny ranny i leave my car ranning ranny ranning rn ranny ranny ranny ranny ranny
ranny ranny ranny why these no ranning ranny ranny r ranny ranny savage never did that cliss a for your wife toental the who go for your wife beuse i'm slouted ganin pussy you know i brought my nnife t he was talking guys tentl we got a mat of life be i left my young i could do it it was free wanted to wriight o
my way with the cheese i'm going to deal with i notice you wretch i could tear about a way war twent on smoking outside id she came out of going away ad tentgo should be a power w i trying to make out te got out of spank that baby with had a rocking is shoue keep me a pistol even a b out a pillo top i'm a head to se a b you maicn helo like you you you be trying
like pogo ranny ranny ranny r ranny ranny i leave my call ranning ranny ranny ry ranny ranny ranny ranny ranny r ranny ranny by these n rning rning i want to bring these people on for debate
there's a whole pseudo intellectual community of fucking idiots that bitch about me twenty four seven i want to have them conant to the bab me you knowak what's your name what's your discord name should i knowve whats your discord name be w be s
we run a model fork siting the yarding and all the fok going on bdy for bady n of money for money the starking everybody fok your crol n will kill your pussy pussy pussy
are they nineteen be honest are they nineteen yout put your mission i'm going to teach you hore nineteen like a waterfa you we can creep if you wont
o turn your phone take your clothes out i'm a samas but i to a turn a life down later they might even be younger the right right now she wont mee to fuket to some key sweat but s stay in apar put be so god i had to sleep bak here a war my glazzy black key that
you folk what the ones and fok what you what the big the big the dumb man we just want to come up a lot thse fin
twelve one o'clock at night faces you do i look the sob
bigger please what the bolks should talk about just like you want to thk a dig up to me i want the mother bucket money and getting a wt to puk bills when you see me a mot cloth randomly w you s want to get down on me
and i won't get off the poston because i gave me some money
there're literally teenagers
you oh my god dude that makes so much sense what the far literally a teenager that literally explains everythinging that
i'd be freh his hair cknt i've been not the p j i with at swimming in a batty trying town everythgle wimy guy i won't put a watch on this because a hunded p i want not a lenny and a p for granted even when i try to shoot ot a better me of course certin i don't frandic shoo me
niggerga in a colingy trg to sy flowing like a butterfly and as you like a pumble bee that makes a lot of sense man that makes a lot of sense cra i push me could a shee snatch
cat my girl do not her bird fat you might thank your women to the louis though
whatever happened to respect your fuck and eldersll right one on the true dude at nineteen i was way way way smarter than that kid that's the issue at nineteen i was waya more fking knowledgeable dude i
i was writing books at nineteen dude i was writing books at nineteen the fog guys i'm twenty five nots six years ago and it's like twenty fifteen and dud in twenty fifteen i was way smarter than that and way more knowledgeable than that
i doud how does someone be a trotskyst at nineteen f ud at nineteen years old was a nineteen i was a twenty no it was nineteen wd at nineteen i was
very nearly close i don't know did i or did i not i feel like i fully mastered hegel's philosophy at nineteen i would i fully mastered hegel's philosophy at nineteen like at nineteen i could explain to you the phenomenology of mine and the science of logic i wanll not and argue in defence of hegel very easily
dude yeah i was way smarter and more knowledgeable at nineteen that fucking kid dude at nineteen i mastered hegel's philosophy
ten beaches in a man that's pathetic ma rot on am i think twenty years old is when i discovered ipan nick land and those accelerations people i can i read and i'm rus reza's books at twenty n savage basch but no i'm not rand it wen o cono had to make a you plaan and i what inspired you o dean
the only reason i cared about philosophy ever was to defend marxism because i was a typical teenage fanatic i was a typical glow key etiological fanatic i wasn't see on me tell you what i'm going to tell you a lot about me guys so i was
gle like if you knew me as a friend i was a normal completely normal guy but i had an inner fanaticism in me like an inner i know what it's like to be a kid i had that fanaticism you know i mean i viewed you know revolution as this acalptic
destructive thing and all that fuck and edgy bullshit whatever but i ran afoul with fucking nerds because here's a thing gijack was very important for me because i was teetering between two forms
of stupidity
on the one hand dogmatic marxism which i rejectedle i just absolutely rejectedmy and on the other handmy
right rightism like the right which is rejecting marxism as a whole right and to me was the way to reconcile marxism with all of the contradictions and paradoxes that come with marxism in the twenty first century
one of those specifically is like the question
but um
of how marxism is true
and most dogmatic marxist are like vulgar empiricist types right now for formal reasons they may like say that they're ha gelians or there conti and whatever but they're very dogmatic vulgar metaphysicians and empiricist so was very important for me
because without ges marxism is done right i'm not a fucking moron right how can you defensibly be a marxist without looking at it from unorthodox perspective
anyway i started to have to independently pursue
an understanding of philosophy beyond like pop philosophers like gj
when i ran afoul with nerds who were challenging the entire thing not only marxism but like
and everything as well this is becaus i had to actually independently like go through philosophy like why is empiricism wrong right how do you arrive at something like truth why in what sense can it be said
marxism is actually truecause
this is crazy guys ready
this is going to blow your mind
unlike you virtue signalers
would just do it
you blend in with a little discord community in your little clouds crowds that inspire you with confidence
i actually
was had a lot of anxiety about whether marxism was correct or not
it was very important to me to convince myself that it was true
i'm not just out here
you know repping this idiology
without believing it's true i really want to know
how can it be justified that it's true like on the one hand
i have a feeling that it's true and on the other hand
there's a lot of problems with like
well how could you prove it's correct right how could i prove to myself that it is correct and this type of anxiety is what propelled my interest in philosophy that's it that's the only reason i ever cared about philosophy
that's what began my journey yeah but
it got to a point where
i guess i pretty confidently
no longer had this anxiety because it came to a point where i realized like
the question of there's no like neutral third party to prove it to you know if that makes sense in the first place so i don't know it just came to a point where i matured past the question of trying to like
prove whether marxism is correct or not and i was more interested in the question of
what marxism even what's like what
because that's where the battle was for me at that point the battle was no longer is marx i'm sure or not the battle became what was marx's original discovery in the first place what did marx discover what
did he initiate foror humanity as far as thought is concerned and
at that point all of my enemies suddenly became marxist all of my friend i could make friends with anti marxist i could make friends with like
these dumb ass people who think marxism is bullshit liber those people became my friends my enemies became marxists
those are the people who i considered the enemies of marxism
the principal enemies of marxalism dunk forty five g you're unable to join i'm not going to fuck and adg you why can't you join are you banned o
a a rad with the cor not to day
you got band why are you band o mamss
raw tell us in the
server settings why did you get banned
there reason it's because you're a new account you tried to join
bs south
s you left and then you got banned why are you in newark your accounp was created one minute and forty two seconds ago super sauce i don't trust that shit
pry has slaed iut see his way to batch your fingers because they cak his danger
broke you and as we don't speak that
language on the couch toumes i'm make a se
practice on a outfit to make a bouncing my yes c p r my pipe
please need to energy only got a night
ho long did it take you to master hagel
i don't know dude because it went from like
about four or five years of
being acquainted with hagelian ideas but not fully understanding them just having a partial acquaintance with them so when i actually set about to master hegel's system it was really easy for me it took like you know like a month or two right but that's in the context of already thinking about hegel all the time and already having
a grasp of his ideas
what led you to marxism in the first place
there it's factors that are not
premised by explicit rational
um commitments
i'm not a philosopher like a philosopher will say bing a soce of the over conceptual consistance s
i was far start do' trust that it's not how it was the factors that led me to be interested in marxism were material factors right they were more about like my background and i guess making sense of
the meaning of i don't know the geopolitics and my identity and things pa
that what philosophers would call pathological factors right
the tee check out
have you heard of syberson i don't give a shoot ab
sive or seven
to slap him up with the fac
went a mom the house w
so many shots to mak
that and irrational factor
even though guys isn't it funny how in western philosophy
let me ask you a question isn't it funny how western philosophy confuses rationality
with rationality explicated unconscious terms like isn't it interesting how western philosophy alls things irrational
just because they do not conform to arbitrarily defined terms of rationality
explicitly unconscious like for example
they will call the drives and instincts irrational
but what if they actually are rational
right witht
in the sense of having meaning and making sense but they just do not do so in a way that opays the terms of the explicit
use of reason by thought you know what i mean yeah it's like it's irrational if it
if they don't find it reasonable but
how do you determine what is or isn't reasonable or rational right
thoughts on autism
y h
i'm praying
i think a lot of people i idopt
let me let me take on something there's such a thing as the arrogance
broday and the kids
was what i call this is a type of
essentialstic arrogance
where people think they know
what marxism or mainstream marxism or marxism leninism is
because of
what people identifying themselves as that what their whole stake in their iological and pathological and psychological you know
content is and there's a thirst
that people have
to go beyond marxism or what they consider dogmatic marxism or marxism leninism just to be open to the fact of like
other possibilities or just to
i think greant
be cognizant of the fact that there's a reality
outside of these ideological bubbles
so that's why people will fall into being interested in like
third position and
you know
whatever the fod left communism the reason they do this is because it's the same reason hipsters do what they do
they think that marxism leninism is too mainstream
and therefore
unable to make sense of the wealth and creativity
of the world
but they will never have the humility to realize
that they have made on examined
and prejudiced assumptions about what marxism leninism is
that at the end of the day are not justifiable
like they have jumped to conclusions very hastily guys remember that syrian s s n p guy that i debated what did he open the debate with we the problem of marxist universalism and then i carefully and
methodically explained to him
that he is making unjustifiable assumptions about mark what marx and marxist have been claiming
and he he couldn't believe it you know he's like what no i couldn't possibly be wrong i couldn't possibly have
just like the five eyes alliance and there's the five stupid arguments go the five stupid arguments ran all fuk there're s there is six technically but right right talking about mark sys mark soy's for liberals the liberals have their five stupidities ready for the liberals it's the oi got of situation in
injong african imperialism in africa and around the world right censorship human rights violations and tenaman square that's the five stupidities for liberals
so there's to five stupidities
one for mark slloyds one for liberals
nice twenty he was talking guys to tal we got a mat of life be i left my young i could do it it was free he wanted to riight my way with the che coming to deal with i noticed she reretched i could tear about it way she wear tent smoking outside id she came out of going away ad tentgo out should be a power w i trying to make out the got out of spank that baby we had a rock it issue
you keep me a pistol iven a bch ot a pill top i'm a hed to se it with you manic on hello like you know you
ranny ranny branny rn ranny ranny i leavey my car rning ranny ranny ranny ranny ranny am ranning ranny ranny ranny ranny ranny wit the's no ranning ranny ranny rny rannyr
savage never did about a howywood beas to cluk iw was that the may gallop with my shoot stot a gan gam we don't do recruit say you' ready to catch a baty gott prou a she should i know more for gan
beach be we run a modif seing you know the fok on b i for b the guy he wants talking about china in the philippines
fall parts
i don't give a fuck if you're a lefptist and if you call yourself a marxist
please suck my cock and never fucking come in my discord again and you want to debate me i don't give a shit about anything you have to say you are literally worth less than my shit you are completely worthless i want nothing to do with you you have nothing to offer in this world
and i want nothing to do with you
i don't give a shit about anything you have to say
because you're a dumb folk who doesn't know anything about the things you're talking about that's the truth
wow look at this
there's no mike
yeah it's plugged in
um ok so what's your twitter name
yeah what's your twitter name
yeah what's your twitter name
that's your twitter name
ok so what do you want to take me down about
w am i being ablest
because i want because i want to accommodate people if they have mental disabilities
can you demonstrate that i'm talcking dowm
what does it say
allies and i just wanted to say that
that that's just
thing to say and
that mental disabilities have absolutely like no
application on what information somebody takes in and what they think
yeah that's where you're wrong so the thing is is that sometimes i get really heated when i see like a lot of unhinged
completely bizarre hate comments against me
and that all i said is that i'm going to learn to be more patient if you want to read the full tweet i can read it right now i can pull it up actually
the tweet actually says
was that
i'm learning to be more patient with haters a lot of the time they have disabilities that aren't immediately clear in written text
we should all strive to be more patient with people on the internet you really never know
so sometimes people have
a disabilities that make communication and
a lot of things a
very hard
for people like me who are what is it called
differently mainstream abled
to understand
so i said i we should all strive to be more patient because sometimes
yeah neurotypical for people who are neurotypical typical
like me
there's often a barrier that makes it hard to understand where people who have these disabilities are coming from
so i said we should all strive to be more
ya sorry okay
kind of
well we're
place to go
if i pull if i pull this ih pull on
oh yes
this this twitter user earlier today i s i saw this was this was this was actually originally what i was annoyed about like
is this person your friend
uh i don't
i don't think so we've interacted a couple of times but not really oh anyway so anyway i just want to
be clear are you aware of their harassment allegations and allegations of being a creep that have been leveled against them
i don't really carecause that doesn't really apply in this situation i don't think that's really i's not rellt i mean if you want to hold me accountable to
nothing i think you know it only why are you are playing to somebody saying these things saying i think you have autism
i ism
what do you think well not a youre to you know i think you'r taking that matter
what you're taking it out of context what i actually said what context makes that ok
because i wasn't insulting thatkes anything that makes any conversation i'll give i'll give is ok sy well well you know you can decide that you can decide that after i give the context
so when i give the context you could decide whether no context would apply or not
so let me actually read you what this person was saying about me first
and this is what
ah inspired me to ask them if they have
autism or a disability on the spectrum something like that not in an insulting way
but because
here it is
let me pull up the original reason
let's pull it up
ok should be around here
okay there we go
this is what happened
t he said the real problem with it is that
so he was talking about how i was acting yesterday onstream right
he said
the real problem with it is that it's larp that has takes serrious to the point where he legitimately believes it's a depiction of the future
bring to the image
then i said because i was angry right and i said all you have is lies you couldn't offer any commentary without them i very clearly stated it's an aesthetic i didn't actually literally believe it's the literal future
and then
this is what
inspired me to ask him he goes
then why did you call it serious
and that it was the stalin groud of our time and you did this onstream
i mean yeah you do get a little worked up over stuff wees like ar to be honest i'm not interested in your opinion
finishing what i'm saying
i said
o kay wait a second maybe this is a miscommunication and that i'm going too hard on this person
and they might have an inability an inherent inability to perceive hyperbole because
most people could tell that when i say it's the stalin grot of our time i'm being hyperbolic and
you know it's not really that serious and i'm joking and
it's very clear to most of my audience that this is not
serious it' it's i'm a streamer it's a stream it's entertainment
and it's twitter right it's really not like i'm
i'm sitting here streaming in front of a camera it's really not that serious so i said
this is
uot unquote
are you autistic by chance not kidding it might be the issue i understand autistic because i've had this fblem before and people have told me
that this is an issue autistic people have and i'm trying to be more patient with that
asaid i understand autistic people have a hard time understanding hyperbole
and that's
that's what i said
that was it
the problem is that like
that that kind of reads like the flexion first of all because that that really doesn't
they're asking about like why
uh why why you know why you're doing that and like i feel like
you sad i mean just said that you're joking instead of randomly making assumptions about like they're like whether they're neurotypical or not like that's a little bit weird and also i it's a little bit rude to just like
uh it's it's a little bit rude to just like ask somebody in an interaction like w w you went first of all i was being extremely generous by doing this because
this person has done nothing
but insult me smear me
you levey slurs against me be rude against me call me the r word and all that kind of shit
you know for weeks now
for days and weeks now
and they did it yesterday
why should i have to say that it was just a joke when it was self evident to most people
that it was not actually serrious like strictly literally serious that i thought it was the stalin gorod of our time
i mean you didn't really give a why is why was like why were they ok then why were they justified in making that assumption why would a person who doesn't have that disability that inherent disability
be justified in making that assumption that's what i want to know why would they be justified
and making the assumption that it wasn't hyperbole and that i actually did believe it was the staling rode of our time
because i don't see how someone who is neurotypical could make that
assumption justifiable
so it like
my dude you were literally like on on on stream like
literally like yelling about how yelling about this stuff like it wasn't re you weren't you you weren't giving any tells whatsoever and
believe me like i may have long on like i also have but i also have but i also have extreme like sensitivity to picking up
picking up
stuff from people and like
i you you were given like no telling ud you got to stop w i did first you first tell immediately first right off the bat
but is a you have to understand the context that it's a twitch stream i'm not going on the street doing crazy things it's a twitchtream right so
it's not it's not that serious i could be yelling and i'm going crazy or whatever but it's just a twitch stream right
it's not really that serious the second thing is that
it whatever sensitivity problem you have you don't actually have to watch my stream
i'm not forced i didn't force him to wasatch my stdream and continually harass me
for weeks and days spreading lies smearing and slandering me constantly
you know i don't know why you're
p poland listen
it's really funny that you're trying to engage in cancer culture right now
when this is a person
who is literally affiliated friends with and is engaging in this circle jerk of harassment with literal neo nazis and self proclaimed fascists
like i'm not saying that is but that's that's how this person started to to
slander me and insult me because i was debating those people
and he was looking out for his friends
and that's the circle he's coming from he's literally coming from a circle
full of neo nazis holocaust deniers
and actual fascists so i just wonder is is that where you're coming from too or just so we're clear
okay i don't know i don't i don't know are you coming from because you're trying to cancel me right
so it's only fair that you on anything youf you're going to accuse me of abliism i don't know why you're siding with fascists who believed that
a differently abled people were sub human and didn't even deserve the right to live
i'm not saying that i'm not saying that igree with them on anything i think you do agree with them because you literally came on to cancel me i just think that the way you i was ing rey ar w i would like to i was eing very not light and patient with that person to work with them with whatever
this ability they had so that we could come to a clear understanding
and i was being i was not the arkromy circle of you i was not mocking them i was not insulting them i was not making fun of them
for any perceived disability i was literally just trying to point out
that if they do have this disability
that i won't come as hard as i would have otherwise at them because i understand why they could
post the things they do if they had it i could understand why you do it that
there's you have an inherent disability that
this allows you to perceive
hyperbole and you know lightheartedness and context dependent
displays of emotion i understand that
okay but
the idea that i was being abliist
is really rich coming from a person who comes from a circle of people who think that
differently abled people belong in camps and don't even deserve to live
these people all i know is that i have autism and i think that like
if i'm going to go there they were being weird too
i just also
want to extent that like we have if we're going to get anywhere we have to be able to acknowledge oself on every side
as it's that's kind so like a're going to be better le me i personally think autistic people are
dignified human beings that deserve equal treatment and respect
but the same cannot be said for the people you're associating with and defending
i'm not associating with them i just think that
even look even if you're arguing with somebody who's like a bad person you still got to
like not we again i wasn't insulting them i wasn't degrading them for for having that disability i was just trying to acknowledge it so that i wouldn't
you know leverage my neurotypical position against them and basically bully and abuse them because
listen if i wasn't acknowledging that fact
it would amount to a form of bullying because i'm a neurotypical person who's
using my neurotypical position
against them
because they are differently abled and
it's like i have an ability they don't have
and i'm using that against them and i don't want to do that
okay i get where you're i get i okay so i get where you're coming from with that and like
and look i think that i think that that's a good thing but like you're trying to like
uh look look out look out look out for autistic people like i like i guess like that's that's
that's cool but like
i y i do i'll even like say it's like from like a from like a like a
uh j just like a just like a more or like just like a nicer standpoint
first off
if they're from a s if if if you're interacting with somebody from who's like from a circle of neoazis
uh i don't really think that being charitable to them is is should should be on your list at all
uh i don't think that's really anything that you should be worrying about and
uh second off uh it's a little bit um
autism is weird because like
you can't really assume
it's going to inherently disable you one way or another
uh it is a cause it is a very like diverse uh
really and like a many neotypical people also lack
uh question anser that question so its just question are weere i sees like bringing autism into things for like no reason
and well i was told that autistic people do have a disability that this allows them to perceive
sarcasm and hyperbole in ways that
neurotypical people are able to
okay i get that
again like aga again like thank you i guess for like if you're looking if you're like look looking out for that but like
uh that really came across like the wrong way for like a lot of people to i know too
all end
uh there might be a better
you if you if you suspect that like
is it that somebody he might not be able to engage with you
um i'm
maybe you should just e simplify things for them
just block them and like i don'to yeah the issue is that
they have been spreading a lot of false narratives about me consistently almost every day very persistently
reaching a
pretty you know
it's not just like it's them alone it's like dozens and dozens of people are buying up what this person is saying about me
and i wanted to be able to communicate with them to get to the bottom of what their issue was
and while at the same time acknowledging
if they had some kind of a
disability or some kind of condition that
would justify what they were somewhat justify what they were doing that's really what i wanted to get to the bottom of i want to know why they were saying all of these things because
i genuinely didn't understand it and i was trying to
understand it
because it is having a lot of
the results of
all these rumors being spread about things that are just patently not true like for example
i debated
a far right
the syrian guy
and this person i don't know if you know this
insisted on using the f sler the homophobic f slur
which is also banned on twich it's against wwiches terms of service
so i ended the debate
and i immediately
deleted the video
and this person
went around twitter telling everyone that i deleted the video because i was scared to reveal to everyone that i lost the debate
and people were believing this
that's one thing one thing you i realize if you're trying if you're trying especially if you're trying to get clouded is that like
i'm t i'm not trying all the time it's not that i'm just trying to get clouded
i'm just defending my honor i'm just defending the thing is that if you're going to be clouded
you you got to realize like people are going to do this stuff and you can't spend all your time engaging with it or you're going to become a deranged psychopath ha i've seen it happen to many other people
i not to an extent i really do agree with you i agree with you to an extents just
it was bothering me a lot
you know
i don't know
i just
maow maybe you're maybe
honestly maybe you're right and i just
shouldn't be engaging with
these haters in the first place
and i ultimately do think there's wisdom in that and that's ultimately correct
it'll give them more ammunition against you and it'll and it'll
decrease your mental state so yeah
yeah i mean
you're somewhat right i mean like i wasted
like three hours just arguing on twitter
really pointless
i guess this the reason is that
i'm still in a position where i just feel like i have to prove myself
just because i've never been in public before before streaming i just wasn't a public figure or a public person
when people say things like i'm a guy who
is completely wrong about everything they say and i don't know what i'm talking about and i'm
you know losing debates with
these people that
they consider their their friends
it's like
i want to really know if there is meat and potatoes
like if there's a substance behind that claim
so that i could address it
and i could actually confronted head on
but i guess sometimes pill just hate
you know for no reason
or just asking for attention
frozen yam uh
okay so i kind of understand more where you're coming from with this
just with his houl
issue but like
i'm just really gonna have to like ask like
just uh
it it it really comes across weird when you're like in the middle of a back and forth with someone
and you say
uh do you have autism like that constantly gets used as like gotchas by people and
no i i get that it's just that
you know
i just want
to be cle i just don't know i i think i guess i'm just
'll be really surprised if people thought
or took seriously the allegation that like i actually
literally believed like everything i said yesterday and the i actually believed it was stalin grad and that kind of stuff
and i just don't know you know i don't know i guess i'm worrying too much about what other people think
i guess i was just too fixated on like
trying to know why someone would believe that
that makes sense
that's fair but again too if if you know somebey that's coming in bad faith it's really not worth it
going there anyway
no i could see that
and i get that now you know
okay i'm sor look i'm sorry that like i i'm sor i'm i'm sorry to i'm sorry to that i ha to say this but like i
i really have to
i i really have to go now bec cause like it's really getting late where i am
ah but uh i apre i appreciate you this taken the time to like address the things i had to say like
all right by
ok go outside bitch
i mean whatever they did say they had a thing so
i don't know what that is but
is what it is
i mean look i'm patient and understanding
i'm patient in understanding
is what it is
was it trole
i don't think it was a troll i think it was
we have to understand that some people
or on the internet
and there very much
they're in discords and like they're in social circles and you know
i guess you really wants to make an impression on those people
at least with being able to say one last thing like that you know
yeah i mean i i don't even know if she
but it's her fault you know
thank you gebll appreciate it
you don't really know everything guys we've got to be more patient and understanding
hey chat you gota chill mods make sure you be on top of
on top of that shit
they told someone to kill themselves in general
interesting all i could say is that
that's something you have to
let this wuard know you know
that's something you have to let thisscoard know i can't do anything about that
i mean look
you know i could only go so far as to defend myself
against these allegations of people trying to cancel me
and that's it
i don't care
the rest will speak for itself
it's because someone misgendered them it wasn't like it was unprovoked
again i don't know i don't care
mos can you delete all that shit by the way
no in the disc ward
delete all that from the discord
hey i'll just do it
there i forgot one of the things he said well this is an example of it he's like
i stopped taking this i'm going to respond to it now to end it because i didn't g this this went past my radar
this person syth went
i stopped taking this seriously after you said marx was a contian
so in context thank you tot what i said was
that they were like oh that's like saying marx was a contian
and what i said was that there actually are contexts
and there are certain senses
in which it would be justified
to call marx a contient
and i named those contacts i said
let's say you had a group of
empiricists who define their philosophical identity on the basis of opposing kant
well to the extent that they would find marks relevant
it would be to the extent that can't
a a decisive influence for marx and we can know that influence we can trace that influence
through the developed continitiated german idealism itself so obviously in a sense
marx is a contient
so there are contexts and there are senses in which is justified
to say that marx is a contient
another you could and another way is that
let's say you have a group of people who have no familiarity with marx
but have a degree of familiarity with k's ideas
well it would be very justified to call marxicanti and for them
and you could point things out like marx is a contian and these are some going to name some contexts in which it would be justified
to call marx a contient right
so one context would be saying something like
marx believes in a contradiction
marx is a conti and he understands
that there's a difference between appearance and essence
the essence of something is not the same as its appearance
there's some kind of discontinuity
well that's
that's basically a
a very fundamental contian
you can also say that marx
possesses a critical method actually criticism
has its origins and cont it's cons critical method
contient criticism
basically rests upon
discovering the deeper essence behind appearances that's what critique is right critique is the discontinuity between
if you want to use nick land's works input and output the input that goes into something is not the same as the output and critique
rests upon
bringing out the input that goes into a given output right
so yes there are many contexts
in which it would be justified to call marx a contient
but this is how uncharitable and bad faith
this person is
they said i stopped taking a serious after you said marx was a contient
well guess what
in on a person not privy to the context
would go and look at this
and they would think to themselves
that is stupid of course marx was an aicantian
marx was barely even a hagelian in a sense because marx sublightes philosophy as a whole but if anything marx was a hagelian
why would marx be a contiin of all things
but that's not what i said i didn't say that
in most contexts it would be justified to call marx a contian
in most contexts it wouldn't be justified to say that i said there but there are contexts in which it would be
in the same and in a way not dissimilar to the context
that justifies my claim
that lakon is a hehidegarian
but we have pseudo intellectuals like antonio wolf
i just this is why i just got the notification
who literally liked this tweet and this is a guy
who has of a wordpress is dedicated to hagel
and he literally just liked that tweet
lok as though that guy was making a gotcha
h i stopped taking this seriously after you said marx was a contient
what a fuck do you mean
did you let's actually i'm and just to show you guys how bad fucking fath these people are
let me actually show you
why i sad what i said in context about marx's being a contient and how
actually yes in certain contexts
you really could
justify marx's being a conscient
let me show it to you just to show you how bad faith
and thoughtless these people really are
and i'm interested ifent in if antonio wolf
a can comment on
with this argument
let's actually look
let's actually look
i'm looking right now
with the original one
i' it's like so many replies so i'm looking for the original one
i'm looking for the original one
let me find it
o i said
so please explain how the constructuralism renders it impossible to in any sense whatsoever
call him a a hide garian
bto marx is contient
so here you'll see i put is
and this because tech it means technically he is
anglers have to learn that all the time that he wasn't an empiricist so i qualified
why i called him a conti and he didn't respond to that
but he later brings it up
he later brings it up
you literally said that marx is a contin because he had similarities tom a doesn't equally cons and actually point out in another
that this is really interesting because
the ha gelian understanding of the relationship between forms or universal forms and particularities
is precisely would precisely say that marx is a contient
if there is a sense in which marx can be called a contian then from the agelian perspective marx
is a contient
and the identity is it's not just that there's aspects of marxism
that's conti and from a hegelian perspective
he is contient right
just like the rose is red
so i said did i say that marx was contin in every sense or in one sense
yeah and i got i can't tell if it's intentionally or if it's
the disability
because i genuinely can't and i'm trying to work with this guy
also that has nothing to do
with the dialectic view of the law of identity
and yeah that's like really pseudointellectual
i can't tell if it's intentional or's something else going on
he said i never said that
and i said this is what i said
i just want to show you how this debate actually worked
so i said you claim that's like saying marx is a conti and i said that in a sense
you can indeed say that it would depend on the context and sense
if everyone in the room is an impirial sist siinnsld based on hating kant
they will isolate aspects of marxist thinking that bear the mark of the kantian problem
and this marx will be a contient
for them and to ex the extend
they consider himrelevant
or conversely if someone is trying to make empirarances understand marks
have no familiar familiarity with him
but on the other hand have some familiarity with kan's ideas because
the reason i said if they're empiricist is that
they have they don't take con for granted they somehow still find something fascinating and intriguing and interesting about con
or conversely if someone is yet
with con ideas then it would be appropriate in some context to say marx is a conti and he espouses the appearance in essence are not the same as a critical method
and just to show you like how this debate was working
look what he said
you again missed my pointase
like that's literally how this debate was going right
that's literally how this debate was going
and he would not elaborate
he wouldn't give anything after that he pretty much gave up
it's really pathetic and really sad
it's extremely sad
yeah that's so sad
the guy's been shit talking on twitter for like three months
really three months i thought it's only been like a few weeks
i didn't know it was that that long damn
but i just learned they're a teenagers so whatever
right but why is antone let me ask a question
why is antonio wolf out here liking teenagers
you know what i mean
where does that come from
that's so weird
that's super weird
overall i don't think marx is a contian i don't
ok i don't think that would be fair to call him that
but i'm just saying there are senses in context in which that would be justified
it look
it this is literally
antono even admitted that he hasn't read hegel much
god san antonio want the focking
talk shit or
be annoying
did he respond to my hago debate
and do you want to know what antonio's argument was when he responded to my debate
with a
perspective philosophy
antonio literally said
o you're right about what hagel said
but come on man my dog is clearly conscious
clearly my dog has consciousness
otherwise you never had a dog
what does that have to do with it
that doesn't have anything to do with hegel's argument though he went
well this is what antonio said he went
when hegel's describing the animal organism
he's not actually describing
he's taking a more detached perspective of an
aspect of the animal ma
metabolism right
in antonios like animals are not just
organisms they're more than that
and i said ok but if they are more than that that you're
adopting a position that was not hegel's because hegel's
hegel did think that's all animals were was that they were the animal organism
that's what animals work
there's a very
very clear distinction between humans and animals
in the form of the distinction between nature and spirit and animals belong to the sphere of nature right
but antonio
just to show you his intellectual integrity
found this so incomprehensible
and so unacceptable
i'm sorry just he found this so unacceptable
because he has a dog and he loves his little dog and he thinks his dog has to be conscious
you know
that it's like dude i i'm i'm going to tell you something as a guy who knows what they're talking about
all of these intellectuals you see on twitter
are the most fake fucking stupid people you've
not no one
guys no one whose career is primarily on twitter
knows what the fuck they're talking about
the people who know what they are talking about usually are not on twitter sometimes they are
but the bulk of their work is off of twitter and it's not on discord it's definitely not on thiscurd
the twitter is ambiguous
there's a lot of smart people who use twitter
but i will promise you one thing wholeheartedly
there is no serious intellectual
who spends
who's spending their time on thiscoard
there is no
who has any level of knowledge about anything
that's spending their falking time
on discord and i promise you that
i promise you
discord intellectuals do not know anything
i promise you that i can literally guarantee you that
witter it's hard there are some smart people on twitter i promise you
there's no one who knows
un discord
and they're spending most of their time on this woard
there it's a dumb fok
you wanta buz your hair
i want to buzz your momums
with mind
you want to get the same dude shut up dude i don't care that much about use tonight it's fucking
friday night
i have a stick of my ass tonight you know
i have a fucking stick up my ass
where i'm being a little bit more formal and being a little bit more whatever because
i hate when people fucking try to call my bluff and challenge me be cause they look so fucking stupid in the process
they just end up looking so fuck and stupid in the process
you know
yeah the nerds keep pulling me back in dude
can you explain consciousness of someone who has never read hagl
no dude
be conscious of the
plessy you're not getting man
be conscious about that
that deserves and demands a lot of consciousness
we do a newse
yeah hold on
what about urban mon was my i doing man
when does this ship has this cancelled
toxic massoginous taked on what the funk is that
was this
how do you honestly reconcile that you can make more material change on the streets as an activist than streaming on twitch six hours a day accepting donations
you know what historic marxist say about you right
come on we see in de baby about it
let me ask you a question
please explain the range of material changes you can make
on the street as an activist
i would love to hear the content of those changes
i would love to debate you about it
because i can more than easily reconcile it by denying the claim altogether
it is not true you can make more
material change on the ground as an activist thn streaming six hours a day in front of hundreds of people every night
that's the fact
but if you want to contest that view
you're more than happy to get in v c
but it's just not true
all material change as far as voluntary political intervention is concerned
again is a combination of information and organization
and as an activist you have a very limited ability to reach people
and disseminate information
you have a very
very short range of informational
we have a very short stream of information
whereas if you're a streamer you can reach thousands and thousands of people every night
and create a much broader
i'm just what is it that an activist on the street can do
what is it that they do please explain what they're doing on the street
are they looking
the bugs off the ground or something like
what is what is being on the street
let be clear
so i'm such i'm i mean such a patient and enlightened mood guys
because i'm being patient
again i don't know if people
have an issue or something
i did
that you're trying to evoke
psychoanalytically you're trying to evoke
something unconscious right
being on the street means doing the real thing
and being a streamer is just
appearance and form and i get that
going out on the street
has this connotation
of having skin in the game
the're actually doing something real
right it has that
it evokes that
but that's all it does is evoke it
in terms of what it actually means in reality
that's not the case it is actually not
doing anything more
in reality
it's just a psychological evocation you're making
those who you preach to on twitch are literally just fifteen year olds watching twitch
it's not changing anything onless you're big into changing your vote
yeah here's the thing
the issue is that you actually don't understand
information warfare works
so information warfare
first of all
the manner this is why i was writing a book about communist ethics
we like
four years
ninety k words and i scrapped it
but it's the question of what
actions do
leftists or communists take
like what is the form of intervention in reality you take
and you have
people have this idea
that the
the goal
well hold your horses d b unless you want to come in v c then you can talk
people have this idea
that the goal is to change the world
but we learn from marxism that individuals do not change the world
the world is changing
in ways that
we cannot voluntarily
what marxists do when they intervene in reality is that they articulate the meaning of these changes
give expression to that articulation
in a public way that can reach
a people
now in the twenty first century
and now in the past the form that took is you just wrote newspapers and then
you're educated you disseminated
the socialistic etiology and
that perspective through the newspapers right
in the aigs of the internet
that is not how it works
ah there's no top down
dissemination of information
it's not a military command structure
in our day and age we have
the information war is tied with the culture war and culture war is not really
about a battle between ideas a battle between theories
or even so much a battle between itiologies per se
as much as it is a battle between different fashions different trends and different
phenomenal tendencies
isn't a form of
dutiful ethical voluntary action
in the way that you know
printing and spreading newspapers is
but it is a form of putting your feet in the ground in the stream
of information warfare
planting your feet in the ground and having some kind of existence
if you tend to that existence and you grow that existence and you
become prominent enough
will have some degree of hegemony over
how people relate
ituate themselves and so on in the world
you don't get to consciously choose how that's going to be
it's not like you have a plan and then you implement the plan
it's just that
by putting your foot in the ground
having a definite existence and cultivating it
you open people's horizon of possibility as far as
what kinds of human beings are possible
to be like
what does it mean to be a communist well
let me watch this stream and
you know people are picking up all sorts of cues that i'm not
planning for like
they're picking up on my the way i talk the way i conduct myself
the confidence of how i speak
the the ways the things i talk about the way they're picking up on all of those things
changing their perception of what it means to be
someone who has these ideas someone who is a marxist leninist
and i'm setting the example of what confidence
bravery boldness
the willingness to strive for victory those kinds of things
and those are i'm i think i'm setting a good example for people you know
when it comes to that
the problem is activism and volunteerism
those are really the problems activism and volunteerism
what about a plan to build a party
i never had a plan to build a party
i've had a plan to create a media corporation
which will
serve as the support
for this
i think this is one of the reasons heideggers thought is so important for marxis and i'll explain it like this
so if you're a socialist or a marxist or a communist
you're not actually initiating
a discourse or an you're not initiating
a battle or a conflict or a struggle
that is already set before you as an objective reality so
when it comes to
the info war the stream of information
that's something that already exists so you either
exist in that info war you have a place in that info war you have something to
you have some kind of
stakes in that info war or you don't but it's happening
that the in foru war is happening
whether you want to initiate one or not it doesn't matter it's happening
there is'an in there is a stream of information
that is defining how people participate
live and be in the world
and it's not about rigging it or gaming it to be in a certain direction
you're either participating in that or you're not
just means to participate in it to actually have a take have something to say
how can you create a media corporation while being
by being successful i don't know what you mean
like a media corporation will have to be successful it'll have to have
a lot of viewers and subscribers and
engagement and
r t is a good a greatly good model for that
yeah i've never actually said i et repeating myself i repeat myself all the fuck and time
like what's the business model arte estate sponsored
it is state sponsored but it's still a corporation that has to pay for itself
and it does that through having different forms of social media engagement
so infrared
it cannot just be a political
a news organization
that's why people think we're a cald
right because
we're not in the sense we're not going to be like t it t r r t because
we're also going to be a fashion we're going to be a style we're going to be a vibe we're going to be an aesthetic
uh we're going we want to be a cultural phenomenon right we just want to be like a
a style right
and if you don't think style is connected to
just look at the d s a like for example
what type of people are in the d s a like there's clearly an archetype of like a
socialist brooklyn
hipster grad student
but we want a different archetype
you know what i mean we want the archetype of
the proletarian minded
oh g type a real mother fucker
you know what i mean like we want our own style our own archetype we're not going to invent it or legislate it from scratch
but we want our message to reach a certain class of individual
that already has a certain taste a certain style
harmonize and have a dialectic relationship
with them
we don't want to invent an archetype of like a
a cultural style
we do think
there are
real ones out there
we are not being given proper representation we just want to represent them
you know what i mean
yeah think of like trump supporters too the maga hat wearer that's an archetype
so we are trying to tap in and discover
which archetype can we fuse with and give representation to
class element
would be attracted to infrared
you know
how are white suburban working class people relate to this
they want
they primarily won't
to it
in a sense
the audience that we have in mind that we're going to be reaching
it's not gonna be the same
subject of a political
so for example a party wants to win over
the white working class
i'm sure we win over white working class people but
we are definitely here to win over younger people
people who have
inno sense
petit bousgeois more petite bougeois
type of people
who actually have
the spare time
to watch our streams
read our content and be vectors
of information
so for example you don't first actually reach the working masses
you reach
you reach cultur young kind of cultural warriors
who are intern
vectors of
the spread of information themselves to their families and
their friends and so on and so on
so will be ac cult no because none of this is like planned or legislated
like we don't actually plan this
it's a very organic type of thing
no you guys are really fucking misunderstanding what i'm saying
we're not trying
to tell people what to wear and how to think and what to do
we just think that we will be
a point of we will attract
a certain type of person
and in turn that type of person will come to
define themselves
based on infrared it will all be an organic process we're not
forcing anything you know so it's uncharted territory yet it's not a cult because
we don't have rules we're going to
aell you guys to do
and i honeste guys
i don't know
what kind of people watch us i really don't i think we should take a survey should we take us we need more people but i want to take a survey right now so
survey builder
so let me see if i can do this
what's a good survey builder
survey builder
free survey maker
is there any free survey tool any wll know by on
is straw pull the only thing
build a questionnaire online
it finds stropl
first thing i want to know is ethnicity
i want to know ethnicity
rate a poor
what is your ethnicity
because i want to know the demographics for infrared
how do i create more answers
can i create more answers with the fok
band settings
there's only three options but the fuck is that
strap four
oh you fill in three and the fourth will show oka
what's your
hold on i do
and then
while i'm still doing this
what are some is there anyone in the balkans besides albanians who are not slavic
is there anyone in the balcony
others hung
dory to think if i'm forgetting anyone
actually this is all going to be people living in the usa
so this is all just for people living in the usa
let me see uh
alright let me create the pool
o b
no vote on this
i'm genuinely curious
theren nobody's voted
come on there
one person voted
i want to know infrared demographics
guys boat
keep voting
you didn't get hispanic
bok stop voting stop voting stop voting re redoing it
fuk me man fuk me
i got to redo this shit now man
i thought i got it
ok let me just really quickly copy and paste everything
is there anyone else i forgot
that i forget anyone else
well did i forget
mixed i'm not doing mixed dude
fifty percent are more non white
i don't want to yall five percent
mother fuckers
if you all are like oh i'm five percent
pacific islander is that polynesian oork pacific
there we go gret pool
you know what i guess i did middle eastern so that's you turkish re middle eastern ok
this is the new one
n vote on this one
yeah this is americans
but it's crazy how only five people have voted the aut refresh
we're going to do more
i only do age next
i'm kurdish youor middle eastern then
that's european
armanian is european
i thought i should have put armeniaan thgh
i should have put ourmeniu
i'm fifty percent russian and fifty percent chechen
is o slavic
s so slovey
that next we're going to do sexuality i wanta know that
there's not a lot of white people with the fok
actually there is
she is there
we're a majority non white
do we literal do they try to cancel me for being a fuck and settler colonialist
for that fuk and image and literally only
twenty five percent of our community
so far is white
the fuck is up with that
slavs are white but they're not settlers
our slov settlers get the fuck out of here dude
i knew we'd have a lot of latin americans in our community
already knew that
non whites can also be colonialist
please show me
what slavic colonialism is
ok fine the central asia is like the only example
in the late nineteenth century
only two hundred and twenty three people voted
poted in a disc or too
posted in the discor too
i'm going to ping everyone
why can't i vote
i'm going to do the next one is sexual orientation
are we done with this or
i think this is not going to like change significantly
i'm surprised do middle easterners just not vote or something like i know there's more of you all than just this
or maybe you guys diuslike the most prominent
what is or i notice you guys the most what is this
i this surprises me dude what is this
yeah were just loud
that that really surprises me
well actually if you combine both of these
it's like the second most prominent
we're going to do sexual orientation
this next one is gonna be super simple
case it don't
it's just going to be simple
rate a pool
they're straight by
what is what is the politically correct term for a non straight non by
is there like a politically correct term i could use because
not no for like you there's straight and by and then there's people who only like
their own gender
isn't that a bad word though
no not pan dude
what do you mean pain
is the g word aloud
isn't that a bad word
are i allowed to use that word
the g word
is that a loud
no it's fine
ok it's not banned ok
gay and lesbian
what does pansexual mean dude i don't know what that means
come on then
theres asexual
and there's the
what does that mean pansexual
tell me what that means
man is one youho fuck everything
come on on what does that mean
win youer attracts people regardless of gender
ok i did pansexual asexual by gay lesbian and straight
ok let's
create this poll and then you all get ready to vote
ad m vote
oh s you guys can't see
damn the straight people are losing
they're getting overtaken
you with each vote
is it only for americans no it's not only for americans dude the fuck
the poll
oh you can vote
and youyal were so quick to vote on this one
all right it's pretty clear about seventy percent straight thirty percent
non straight
ah gender
ll right i'll do i'll do a withjena one really quick
is is it i don't know w i don't i don't think i'm going to include trends because
i'lljust do non binary so like if you're a transwoman
this choose woman you know i mean
is like
it's not really demographically relevant to me
know i mean
non binary right those are the three options
reate paul
break the pall
we're going to do quite a few of these i'm actually curious
brah this one is not going to be good
i know this is bad
this is bad dude i know this one's going to be bad
look of this
yeah brian knew this shit was going to be a sausage fest
i literally knew this shoe would be a sauusage vest i literally knew it
there's literally only thirteen
women in our community
i knew that shit dude i knew that
why do you say male fine male and female
right get the bug ot here with that sit
this shit was so obvious to me
i knew this shit
but at two fifty that'll be enough
two fifty iss going to be too long
they am almost ninety percent male
there's twenty
there's only twenty four
women in our community
net two forty we're going to stop
and i'm going to do a different topic
i'm going to we're going to do another age pull
and guys be falking serious about this aide shit
this ones going to a lot of options because i
yeah i'm just curious
k we're going to create fll
in'm curious about this not
oh wow
total of zero
what is this
do i link the results
i keep doing that
me result me link the the correct one
nigh twenty people are fourteen to seventeen
that's crazy
so this is like the most prominent one
where this one is
this is like around the time i started watching twitch to twenty three
thats foking crazy
how old aan i now i'm twenty five actually
i'm twenty five
this is interesting
this is pretty expected
all right we've gota do more pulls
this one super important gobo
no vote on this
i want to know this this is really what i need to know honestly
this is really what i gott to know
i really got to know this honestly just for my own i want to know what kind of community i got you know what i mean
com me
bra i'm timing you dude joseph blow
take a five minute break you sick sickle what the fuck toummy
alk out of here man
ra asses losing man
i'm really relieved that we got this going on
because i'm relieved at that
i'm relieved at this you know what i mean
because but still this is gaining ground
o this should not be gaining ground
just don't vote then
all you cringe az people
literally just don't vote
you're going to just be like oh i like personality
then just don't fuck and vote
you know
don't even vote
no point in you voding
you know
dude ass is losing
the farre
seventy thirty
it's going to be seventy thirty
i have an idea it's going to be seven thirty
let me do another poll on
oh yeah
one t three
all right we're going to do body count
i don't want to i don't know what i'm gonna see
the fuk i'm done i'm done i'm done
everyone who chose this i know it's focking zero
the' zero
're zero
where is zero dude
i put i put zero on this
ok all these zeros just vote a thousand
the other you have a lot of
if yall are at zero just vote a thousand
ok because it's pretty much the same thing
it's pretty much the same thing
so if you add a thousand plus that's the same as zero
so zerozer just
then though man look how many people are like this
damn that's my my community don't get pussy huh
my community just does not get pussy look at this shit
hel no man
well what is this
this is even because i actually believe this
i don't believe this
but i do believe this and
we yikes you know
i do believe this
heway let's do politics
tak this politics one out
aw fuck i should have put libertarian
o ill see it ot
dude how are we a cault only sixty five percent of people are fucking
in line
i'm going to do religion after
how are we a cult dude look at this we're not a fucking dude look at this shit dude
it's crazy
this is the second most based
this is the worst
no religion i'm not going to differentiate between actively and culturally it's just going to be religion
there's fucking more
the homogeneity of the people who like ass
then marx is leninist
i like this a lot i like that a politicals are more prominent than these fuckers
these people i love these people
i love these people
these are my people
choose what religion is your background
i don't there's not going to if you're agnostic
then choose the religion you grew up with
don't give me some bosi i'm m i don't give a pot
i am very satisfied with this except this worries me a lot
this worries me a lot
the farc is this
what havef you're rais an atheist
you can be i'minent make atheism an option
i'm not going to make agnosticism an option
i think these are the hate watchers actually
he said i hate watchers
i bet you anything these are the hate watchers
what's h
there's not really anyone voting
i think yeah we're done with that vote
wanen i do another vote religion
yeah i'm not giving a lot of options for this
let me think
weill leave it at that am i missing or religion
okay wait i want to should i divide the christians
i'm going to divide the questions
protestant christian
i'm dividing the qriestions
you all are too powerful
divide the muslims
ad we walgked up
should i divide the muslims
i'm going to put sek yeah i forgot i almost forgot that one
should i divide the muslims ah it's going to be fit n
oh my god i can't believe it
bit n i can't believe this shit
i just divided the muslims too
i just divided the community
norse pagan then i'm going to then do protestant chris i'm
nor s paiy dude
i don't
if you're into wicka or witchcraft i don't care dude i don't i'm that's not what i'm looking for i'm looking for like what's your family background
i'm not looking for your individual spirituality i'm looking primarily
dude religion a serious shit religion is literally like your family and your
it's not like something you choose individually you know
a stuff for a low is it
but you know it's even more fucked up
the muslims are lagging behind so much
there's almost no muslims what is this
and of course the catholic conspiracy
this is what these are the worst two results dude
these are the worst two results
i hate these results toud
he's a worst to
y'll are so basic
but where are the muslims
seven plus
twenty five
her twenties
it's only the dod
the four
it's all the sheer's fault look at them
they caused all the fitnu
if they combine their votes with the sunni's
it' be way better
they had to
they had to be sectarians
not the fuck that i do
and drift away
she behave i'm just kidding i'm she by the way
i can sey that
i can see that ok
it's a joke
' a joke
what is this are they all just sleeping
let see what is it what time is it
it's literally seven am in the middle east
they're all sleeping
i was expecting way more muslims
why are muslims so prominent in our community are we just the loudest
what is going on
forgot to what jewish know i didn't jewish is right here
right here see
there's only three jewish people who watch me
dude i shouldn't have included you know what you know what
i should not have included atheists
you know i'm going to make another pool i'm going to make another pool
i'm going to make another poll
and because this is the like a not going to be an honest fool
cultural religious background
this one will be better
um so this one i'm not going to divide them i'm going to just divide the christians
protestant christian
orthodox christian
a muslim
jewish if i'm not going to divide the jewish i'm not going to diine the muslim
there's no point
in new
east asian
um what are i missing
y i bissing
gnosts ro get the fuck out of here dude this is cultural background now
read poor
o wo
can you guys fuck and vote
what is this
but what is this
i still only have
oh i have four jewis years
i have
hindu for buddhists
three indigenous religion
guys it's cultural background if you're like a
white person who just adopted
an indigenous religion get the fock out of here
i'm goinga do a high pole after
where are the muslims
this is pathetic
what the fuck is this
in an ideal like guys in an ideal world
these two would be at the top
if i had the ideal
these two would be at the top
these two
not these two
these two
ra this guy said most muslims don't have internet
come on man what is that
what's wrong with
well no there's not i didn't do where di i say something wrong with jews dude
i said
these two are at the top and i would swap them for these two
it's allw iy said what the fuck are you talking about
inded the ok jewish can be third how about that to be fair jewish can be third
there isn't
there's less
in the population
in the world
so it's less people
so that would this would be third
these two are my favorite religions
guys sometimes i'm an orthodox person i'm not going to lie
sometimes i'm an orthodox christian
most of the time i' muslim
sometimes i'm an orthodox christan
what's wrong with catholics
there's nothing wrong with them but it's just like basic you know what i mean it's like
it's very basic
it's just basic like
th grats you know like
dude this is why because so many people convert to catholicism to be like spicy and it's like
it's very bland
and first of all
doould catholics control the us government
this i'm just kidding
kidding but it's actually kind of true
the us the government
isn't it
most of the people
are catholic not
the presidency the judiciary and
the legislatorre
right all three branches of government
the thousand's coming up
it's coming up
it's very prominent
most in the cia fpr are mormon
what the fuck did you get in to orthodix christianity
cvulture don't even anything to do with it
that's actually not true
that is actually not tru o
most arab christians are orthodox
my fellow afroasiatic
people who are christian
are mostly orthodox like ethiopian
are orthodox
ethiopian are coptics
isn't coptic
no those are is aren't they orthodox they are orthodox shut up dude
they're orthodox
they're eastern christians
thank you sus int sagorella
thank you
meronites are
kind of catholic but s real then not really catholic
that was just some shit
france made up
they're really not that catholic
you're like accidental catholics right
they're accidental catholics
they're egyptian orthodox
let's do hi
it's too hot
no it pary
so mail i'll do mail no i'm noting do
six foot
thank you and oh shit anonymous i didn't notice that
anonymous thank you so much ma'am appreciate you
this isn't stupid is it
five six
five seven
a people below five four are not included in this i'm sorry iye i fucked it up and forgoten
i'm sorry
i clicked enter too early and it's like you all are not getting representation i'm sorry
my bad
if you're under five four just
don't vote
on second
i clicked enter too fast ok
i clicked enter too fast
all are capping so hard get the fok out of here
with this ship
you all kap soap hard
forty fifty percent of you
get the fuck out of here you fuckin liars
this is an anonymous pull at least be honest you fucking pathetic
y all are so pathetic
walking le
a lot of dudes think they're above six feet and then you get out the measuring tape and they're not
fuck and liars you guyj think your fuck
yallre five ten
but you call yourself six foot
to cope
i know i literally know so many people like you
who falking lie about their height
i'm the only honest guy on the internet
blking liares
broh what is this
you'll hit the gym or something
i'm not separating by gender gaga that's so sexist
that's so sexist
location i don't care
i'm not meeting with any of you ever
i don't care where you live
you could live
in my backyard i'll still ignore you
this is such a boring meal
one three poor
what start us invalm
there's no one voting anymore i guess we're done with this
thank you j on appreciate you
ok we're going to do something else
i want to see everyone voting
what the fulk is this
we got a lot of caps
we got a lot of cap
we got a wa of cap
ok i know what i'm ending the poll this is going to be a boring poll evenly distributed
let me ask a question
let me see let me see i i want to do this
this is what we'll tell the real ones from the fakes
this is what we'll tell the real ones from the fakes
let me do this one
i don't care about cut or uncut
well congrats you live outside america
you know what i mean i don't care about that
everyone vote
and be honest
what a grange
br's ugly chat
i knew my chet was cringed
i knew this is what you guys prefer
somewhat prominent
i knew you guys were i knew it i youll don't get it that's why when i go outside you don't pay attention
you all literally don't even care you don't have
the same instinct as me you just don't have the same instinct as me
you just don't
have the same instincts as me
you just don't get it alms somewhat prominent i don't really care that much
because you don't
get out of the way
gga this chat is ninety percent male ok i'm not asking
ninety percent males what they got i'm asking
reference ok
no who ok do we got to redo this
we got to redo this we got to redo this shit
that god damn me
we're going to redo it for preference i don't
don't tell me what you got guys
yeah i'm not doing indifferent everyone has a
a difference you know
everyone vote
everyone vote
alright we'll
but who are these people
these people concern me you know fucking wide a doors dude
do you know how fucking whde a dore is
what foruck is that
but these people are this like what is wrong with these people
what the fuck is wrong with those people is what there's literally twenty three of you
if no no but
you people who choose giant
you just extremists you are literally the same as the tiny likeers it's literally extremism all extremists are evil and satanic
you're literally just extremists
you are literally anarchists you are literally the anarchist
i can somewhat forgive these people but i can barely forgive them
but this is the i cannot forgive this i cannot forgive this
this is where it's at
this is where it's at
gogga i'm not gonna ask
dick siy his preference for a chat
that is ninety percent male
you goga why don't you just say what you want to say ok because you're probably the only woman in the chat right now the rest are probably in the discord
i'm not going to do it
i'm not going to do it
ok fine i'll do it everyone's pressuring me to do it fine
do it do do it fine i'll do it what is what is the chat who's
ninety percent male and seventy percent straight
what kind of penile size do you prefer
go ahead
yeah exactly exactly
what did you think so gaga
what did you think
was going to be the result
what did you think was going to be the result
in a fucking ninety percent male and seventy percent straight chat
what of course the two extremes
are going to come out on top
and we do not have an accurate
understanding of what
is actually preferred by the people who do prefer it
we literally don't even know what people want
i'm not doing our own dick size pull
you are all liers and cpers you won't fuck and tell the truth i know you won't tell the truth
i know you won't tell the truth i know for a fact
you will not tell the truth
i know for a fact you won't
and i don't want a falking waste my time
watching your copium and your lies
and i don't i'm a sick of your lies i don't want to deal with your lies chad i don't want to deal with your lies
and i just boring to me
it's boring to me ok
of course ok let me tell you what the result is going to be
five to six is going to be the majority
the second most is going to be
seven to nine
the third most is going to be tiny in the fourth most going to be ninety inch what ok and if that's the case what then
find o f caing do it god
i swear if i see the results
i don't believe them
i'm literally just going to end the pull i want and it has to be honest
ok it had if i detect dishonesty i am literally
in a ban
fifteen random people
if you lie if you lie on fucking banding fifteen random people
i'm banning fifteen random people if you flalcking lie at me do not falking lie tell the falcking truth
yes orect
i weman hard or sob
it' obviously erect that's what it means
ok i'll link it
where you going
didn't i literally say this would be the result
didn't i literally say this would be the result
didn't i literally say this would be the result
and i know a lot of yll i know the people who voted big are fucking liars and i re know i were going to lie i redy knew i anticipated you all were f bunch of fucking liars and i know you all were a bunch of liars
i know well a bunch of liars you only know how to lie
i was looking at something else
this is the biggest lie i have ever heard
it's the biggest lie i've ever heard
we already did o body counp pul we already did that
we already did that
our guys
have fun guys
i gota oorver to the gim
bye bye