THE RETURN [2022-01-10]
try find
no one can stop infecttil march twenty thirt sixth
call it from the mountain we all get home
nine months what a beautiful day to be born angel f
our eyes do a right
we've been here before you and i will be here again
you and i
i remember seeing them all of them celebrate what they thought was my downfall
i only ever wonder what was the plan when i got back they never think that far now do they they will
understand i will make them understand that many no matter how many fucking times try to knock me down i will come back bier better and stronger than ever knock me
do once knock me down twice knock me down three times knock me don four times knock me down five times it'll only keep getting worse for you
in the year of the tiger i walk with the flame i walk with the fire
i'll sacrifice my soul on the altar of my destruction my soul is condemned
and cannot be saved i have become fired and i burn burn until my flame will consume the entire world hy at least the internet
what did i first tell you when i came on here
remember when i first told you what was it infrared simply cannot be stopped
i have many medals on my chest as a conqueror does i'm the conqueror of twitter i'm the conqueror of the twitter left i'm the conqueror of the american left and the bow before my fuck and feet when i walk through the hall
ll they receive me as a conqueror as a victor and they bow before me like a god
people think well has he must be reasonable he must be at least a little bit human and reasonable and friendly no no i will make you submit or you will have bad dreams of me for the rest of your waking days
i will be your sleepless night i will be the nightmare of your waking life i am not here to win over leftists i am here to either conquer or defeat them entirely yes
yes i will not accept any surrender i will only accept unconditional submission the new khan of the synthetic left i will take upon the burden of being their khan their master
each dsa chapter one by one will prostrate before me and kiss my feet these are my terms these are my terms
if chap wants me to end the war i've started with them they must kiss my shoe each and every one of them must kiss my feet these are my terms and conditions
think it's a joke who is this guy to demand that they pay tribute to him who does he think he is i'll tell you what i think i am i am the will of all that is united by one being and one
thing only the revival of communism in america the rules of the game have changed apparently streamers can talkty to me and talk shit to me
but when i retaliate as an arab man apparently i take it too far because i don't put it in a sarcastic and passive aggressive tone because i have too much of an aerrab tone according to twitch which does a like hot headed temperaments of non white people apparently which doesn't like that that guy can god and talk all the shit that he wants because he's doing it in a passive
little nerty little tone but i can't because i make people cry i'm too harsh i'm too powerful remember if someone has to resort to trying to de platform you just remember what
me you cannot win the battlefield of ideas with me so you submit to me i don't know how i'm going to break this to you all my
enemies i address you directly i am going to be here for a long time and if not here i will be on the fucking internet for a very long time you will know my name very long falking time
yes i am a tiger i am a tiger i've awakened the year of t but i have pounced upon my prey i'm not content with catching i will keep falling
i will keep diving i will keep i see until each and every single one of these little rabbits and eigs and whatever the puck euse tigers eat are driven from the forest
another day
another resurrection and the one thing my enemies always have to ask is how the fok does he do it how does he just come back how does it happen that every single foking leftist on twitter minds you every single one spanning from accounts from one follower to a million followers
all of the influences all of them attack me with the one goal of trying to psychologically bully me off the internet you have been observing how this foking internet works for a very long time from behind the scenes it's never happened it's never happened
when it did when this mob mentality bullying shit happened which partner twitch streamers here on this platform also participated in sexual harassment personal harassment anything you fuckn name i didn't report any of them but i got penalized only i got penalized
why because i'm an arab man with an arab sef because i don't i'm not passive aggressive and soft spoken that's why they fuck in the platform me
we're talking about someone ws called me some woman on stream they called me s human they made racial derogatory remarks and called me subomanhin came of it but because i said things in a mean way apparently that's off limits so we know the rules now in the name of the
the game has changed we know that these fucking people want to de platform me at all costs and by any means necessary we're not going to let them do it and i'm not done by the way contacting which abut i'm not gone i'm not going to fuk the rest i've been talking
a lot of other partner streamers to i to see let's just say share my sentiments about a certain partner streamer w's gotten away with a little too much for as much as they he platform others for breaking the rules they've gotten away with a little too much actually and i am sure when we bring it to the attention of
which is staff they're going to see where we're coming from because there is no fucking way in hell that this guy gets away with all the shit that he did and there's no repercussions from which there's no fucking way in heu there are no rules on this website if that guy does not face any penalties for the shit he's gone there are no rules at all here
it's only been seven days and the new year just started and it's the year of a tier and there is so much shit lined up this year there's some stuff in the works behind the scenes i
can't even talk to you about it because the details have not been sorted out but needless to fuck say one way or another infrareds got get falking b really big you think i'm going to remember all the fucking nes come flocking to a sucking myk because they now realize what infrared is and
you know maybe i misjudged has this whole time and maybe has is actually a really smart interesting and entertaining guy i'm not going to forgive those f i'm not going to forgive fs i'm going to remember you i'm going to take their money and i'm going to remember you yeah i'll take their money sure i will but i'm not going to remember
it's you i'm going to remember every single person who's late to the show when it comes to infrared i'll take your fucking money i'm not going to fuck remember you're going to be nothing you're going to be an and because it's to be expected it's to be f
expect but you want to know what takes a lot of courage and it takes a lot of will to believe in this right now and that my friends that is a virtue that will be remembered and down the line will be rewarded
are you doing this has
what's the point of all this what what is the reason you're doing this has
why are you always doing this you asking me why now is that what you're asking me why now did you forget your sins did you ask why did you ask why did you ask why
when you joined together with the state department and aided the collapse and dissolution of the soviet union you fuckin traders di you ask why when you sold out the working class of this country with the help of your professors and your universities and your institutions and your ng os
s why then when you sold out and joined the democratic party and became a high ranking fucking politician ask why when you became a yuppie did you ask why
when you've halted the development of communism in the west for almost a hundred years di jazk why when you slandered people like jimmy bre and caleb bppin has red brown fascist j why when you mously went after and attacked
the medicare for all marches which were led by people who just wanted to give some fuck and health care to the people of this country no you only ask why when the wrath of justice swarms upon you mercilessly and ruthlessly
you should have asked why when you did all the things that i'm here to punish you for at stage of development i'm not taking any negotiations i am not accept
any surrender and i am not showing any mercy you had to chance to make the right choices before i came alongly came on the falking internet because you left me no other fucking choice made
so that it was too late to forgive and forget anything yes let me declare my mission loud and i am not here to be a force of love i am not here to be a force of people feeling good about themselves and being happy
and having smiles i am here as a force of destruction and i am here to s the american left i'm not here to talk to you i'm not here to converse with you i'm not here to even falk int beach
that's the thing these fokeole don't understand every debate i have with you was already set you understand you think this is a debate there's nothing to fock debate but debates over we've settled that a long long time ago we settled the debate
think you leisure there are many like you trust me there are many like you and united we are invincible i've never debated a leftist
i've only destroyed and concuerde left it's there is nothing to fucking debate about there is nothing foking debate about there is only a lot to demonstrate
i don't ask for your sympathy i've never asked for your sympathy you think a tiger would ask sympathy from anyone think a dragon what as sympathy from anyone if i'm defeated i want you to forget about me and move on to someone strong enough carry on my
torch don't commemorate me don't feel pity for me don't feel bad for me becas i live and have resigned myself
who are life
of conquering and destroying others
if i'm ever conquered if i'm ever compromised don't ever shed a single bucket hear for i'm not here to be fuckin weak i'm here to be strong if i can't fulfill my duty if i can't falk and do that then i'm nothing why am i even falkin here why are you even givin me falkin money if i can't do the basic
d function of being stronger than all of my enemies
we've been here before'll be here again keep your fuck and eye on the prize this isn't about which this isn't about you to what this is about is
reviving our communist part how many of you in my absence signed up for the communist party how many of you in my absence were putting in work to take over your chapters
make your own chapters if you haven't you should feel ashame
is year is the year of the tpe to reclaim our communist party is going to require the ferocity it tenacity the strength the rot
lessness and the prowess of a siberian tiger so channel that energy within you and get ready there's no room for weakness here there's no room for people who want to make friends they're not
our friends in fact theyre are enemies we have nothing in common with noting
here on which we have no allies in the week that i was unjustly bad there are one maybe two people three people
that reached out those three will be remembered those three will be remembered as allies of in ford as for everyone else we trust no one we trust no one
i met someone i aro o this is an impersonator you getting banned until the talking that it's otherwise were andanning that imperson
you see i want you all to know something almost not all almost every streamer that
positively interacts with me is doing it because of you you are the reason
when they see
my viewers
when they see my chatters when they see my community
that's enough you understand i have respect for no one got a demonic forces trying to infiltrate
my new policy for networking and which is this if i don't know you and you want to be friend with oh you the big streamer kiss my falckon ing kiss my focktring is my fockt ring and then kiss my focking maksle
my loyalty is to this chat you want to know why is if which disappeared from the internet this chat would follow me anywhere i went i went to fuck in you tube they'd follow me if i went anywhere they'd follow me
these tw streamers who pretend to be my friend they would forget i existed for the rest of eternity if i wasn't on
most people walk in two directions ctory and retreat
i will walk the path of victory no more every time you think i've lost and i've failed periling forward at lightning speed i'm spreading like wild fire and i am burning
everything in my path remember i have nothing to lose and everything to gain you think you're bullying me on twitter you think you're talking shit about me on your foked stream guess what's actually fuck happening i'm growing i'm growing youre falcking on it's o off of me and i beling forward and i'm not
stopping why know where this is going to take me why know where this is going to take me do you understand i'm ting
that enough that enough no
people asked me i'll give you my seat
such a powerful you must be taking supplements you must be on royds you must be juicing up is no way this can be all natural yes i have one hundred percent mad you want to know why because my will power at the gym my spirit
irtual strength my mental determination and focus activates the primordial testostere running through my pocket ancestry of bloodline and i become the warrior that i was always meant to falkt be
i've always broken every puckt limitation that they've set for me you can't get so far if you're not natty watch me
ays you can't lift that wight watch me ays you'll never build any muscle doing spartan curls watch me watch me
not a single one of these left is look like me aaddy not a single falkon leftist look like me naddy you want to know why is itcause i have superior genetics no it's because i am mentally spiritually intune with the eurasian tiger with it
there's only two types of fucked people on the internet who hate me they want to be me they have a crush on me
as you can see on twitter at this
a moment crying in beting about how i expose the fucky truth that the sublime land empires of asia are the tru communist statesy workers cooperative t what about the da
softad persia communist ottom in turkey communist the sdom of muscoviy communist mongol empire communist india communist think you you think you
no no want to fuck and debait me a little pitch oh wait sorry can't say that i wasn't directed against anyone it was just directed against a hypothetical person straw and wedo we would never ever call anyone a name
twitch because twitches has very clear rules that are not enforced with bias at all they're very clear rules so we of course we're not referring to anyone in particular
apparently there's a double standard
imagine someone being bullied by thousds of people on the internet and being so powerful the
tech company has to come and intervene and help this army of people who attacked me millions of followers tens of thousands of followers they literally had to get the tech platform to step in because i was going sot art at that a million fucking little mice attacked a tiger and tiger we that a fucking get the
a fuck and get this tiger aful i glar my sson it's not my fault that i'm stronger than everyone it's not my fault that i'm smarter than everyone it's not my fuck and fault i'm more powerful than everyone it's not my fucking fault but when you start a fucking confrontation with me i'm the one who ends it because i'm just better and more powerful it's not my fuck and
but but apparently what that means is that when people harass me and sexually harass me and attack me do other kind of shit i cannot retaliate i have to just ignore it i'm too powerful you see i'm too powerful because short so here we have a viewer that says shorter than
anyone is twitch going to ban that viewer because i cannot talk about that viewers mom and what i did with his mom last night i'm not allowed to talk about how there's a high chance that he's obese i cannot mention that or make fun of him for that or talk about that at all is touch going to ban him is to'ch going to ban him for saying that because i can't say anything about him ban him
i would never ever call that gyo pice never never i would never do that you support the globalist system left
fucked fake rebel you're not a fucking rebel against globalism you're an agent of globalism fuck can take on globalism better than communists are real ones i'm not talking about the fake ones that you're familiar with the real ones like president g of china who george soros called the most dangerous man on earth get the fuck out of you with that dumb pulls you just fucked told me
i am deviating from the islamic path i am committing the sin of anger and walking with fire i have walked the path of fire and i cannot get out of this path
i will not listen when i am done defeating all of my enemies i will clean myself with water and repent but until that moment haes walks a dark path
so i presume i cannot talk about my enemies the leftist appearance anymore i would never call them on a track
active i would never call them overs never i would never i'm never doing that again i'm never calling them odres again i'm never calling them ugly again i'm never saying that again everyone's beautiful everyone is beautiful so beautiful
i'm never going to make those comments that i made again and it's totally because i no longer believe it not because twitch handing out arbitrary suspensions without clarifying exactly what the fuck and rules are and why there
there's a double standard about how they're being enforced
i'm reformed i'm reformed you see i'm reformed oh another thing apparently somewhere in my partner contract i didn't know this apparently i am not i am not permitted
stream to you tube even when i'm offline on twitch even when i'm not on twitch i can't stream to you tube apparently apparently they said all audio visual content is not allowed so apparently that s i have to figure out what i might see
talk to twitch and be like if that's really the rule you have maybe i'll go to affiliate again this partnership there's they gave me the shittiest contract ever you know so i don't make more money this way i don't make more money this way so what all that i got was why i did get the better streaming options and
the check mark the check mark really don't help me though right if i go to someone's chat with that check mark it really don't help me all that much why you sign it then because the language is very ambiguous it's very ambiguous language they use and it i kind of feel like the pinokio who is tricked to go on that island signing something i don't really fuck and understand lawyer
t the fuck up you literally have to study specifically like media law to know what that fucking language meant you just as a lawyer not going to fucking know what they mean they they phrase it in really weird ways yeah i know i can pose videos to you tube w how generous
how generous maybe don't sign what you don't understand so g de g maybe don't ever come in my fucking chatain you can't anyway because you're fucking bad any
way that's why i didn't stream all week wonder stand here's a thing i promised you content and i didn't deliver because i was promising you substats guess what guess what py ice milk icemilk i would never call you an obese loser i'm not allowed to do that anymore i would never
recall you that anyway people can come talk shit to me but i can't talk shoitl back apparently i have to figure out what the fucking rules are sort that out and see what the rules are for that thank you viceroy actually ne rule anyone who comes walks in my chat and says one negative thing toward me i'm going to ban them and fi i what the fuck rules are
anyway that substack is almost done i was working on it all day today after i got back from the gym which is why i'm streaming late i would have streamed way earlier if it wasn't for that substack t more sections are on it and i just added a lot of shit that i didn't expect to add it's a response to some c p a bullshit article
and don't worry about it it'll be done tomorrow it'll be fucking done tomorrow if not tonight if i have time tonight ps what i'm doing tonight you need someone thatt which you can hit up before you go yeah i know i know see a one week ban is not that dramatic we've been through worse we
been through words it's pretty dramatic for the health of my fuck and channel it's pretty dramatic for my subscribers it's pretty fuking dramatic for that kind of stuff but it's not like the one we got last time which you know was fucking insane
yeah that was a dark winter this was a week which was just shitty and fuckin inconvenient that's all it fuckin was just shitty and fuckin inconvenient cause in a few days i'm goin to dallas to debate destiny and dilon burns in person so this is like four days i have of sit down streams and then you know it's even less than four days actually cause i can't i probably can't
stream yees three days maybe of sit downstreams i'm going to stream for as long as i can tonight so' just tucking shitty and inconvenient is that fucking whole week was gone but i did make that substack so that's going to be the fruit of the band is that fuck and substak
yeah i have a second monitor don't fuking ping me in this chat it's been a fucking week i'm not fucking here to ill my channel by fucking being a conversationalist but it is fucking alfalfa fucking hair that's sticking up you so beaut how do i fx this
walk man what a walk we keep going walking we keep going how many of you missed me how many of you did you miss me how many of you missed me
many of you fucking mis got a lot to catch up on we have a lot to catch up on ladies and gentlemen how many of you miss me you see this army this chat is really the only one i'm loyal to it's really the only one i'm oyal the camunity on which
if i got none of these community people would ever talk to me again the only thing that has inspired respect is the power that comes from you the chap that's it
are you preparing more no i didn't prepare shit you think i fugk and respect those debates with destiny and fil and hers you guys keep thinking these are debates and they're not fucking debates you actually think this shit is something i would about it's a presentation that's all it what up ncha lega
and i actually have we have a mutual friend and he told me about you i didn't know about you before and this guy's a really big communist streamer in romania so if you speak romanian you should go check im out i think he streams in romania but he's like the biggest lefti streamer real left
streamer in romania well give him a follow at the very least even if you don't understand it stream at least follow his name is n nchita
lega and i c h i t a l i g a whicht t v slas nichita lega which i my actually im a v ip
oll pronounce nikita ok got it nikit thank you more lock one of the ways i've kept engagement up is twitter you can see that
right guys i literally just wake up and i go i wonder if people are forgetting about so i just make a tweet and i go this is going to piss them off and i leave it and then all i wait i'm like the ho how wisen it blown up and then ten hours later there you go it works this magic you see how this shoud works easy at pit easiest pite and thisten even if i
you know why i'm not scared to say this even if they fucking here and post this clip of what i just said here right now they're still so fucking stupid that they're actually going to give me the fucking interactment in engagement that i create my fuck and i'm growing that fuck and twitter grinding on growing that twitter i got to grind and grow my instagram erstand id literally sa
anything i fak i just wake up'm taking a shit it type something post it and watch all these dull masses the falk a mine and you want to know the worst i see this is the galaxy so the dark brain is that i my god i is one hundred percent ironic and serious the smarter brain is has is just baiting everyone he's just trolling him
and the fucking galaxy brain is that i'm provoking them actually do believe that there literally is truth in what i'm saying
i stand by every tweet every tweet i stand by every tweet i've even if i delete the tweet i still stand by good luck proming it was me if i delete it tweet because i'm scared it's going to be against twitter's rules i still stand by that tweet one thousand per cent good luck proming it was me though you can't pitch the platform
by the way is there anything worse than being a de platform man is there anything worse on god's re than being a falking deep platform and anything is there anything more despakable on falking even i never s
falker t me with a better physique
me name them name them name them name them name them and the better be nty
y guys g thought i was gone i'm back i'm back what did you think was going to happen now that i disappear forever i'm back i'm back i'm also angrier i'm angrier now too i'm back you know there's a saying there's a saying there's a saing
they sayt wound an animal you cannot kill i wonder what that means
so this hadoter we have a chatter that walked in and he says how does it feel that he dropped out of law school do you think i'm
care to admit if i drop out of s law school s fuckt time fly that's fucking money show me that fucking money you think i give off buk you think i give ap fucking shit about law school except getting some fucking money i don't give ap buck about buck and law school i just thought it's going to be financially lucrative so i can do the shit that i
actually do care about the i give a fuck about law school but you're the type person that goes to school and is like i believe i'm looking right in my futair i believe in being a lawyer i love lot what a prestigious honor it is the laws are sacred i believe
god i'm here for that money bch i'm here for that fuking money in law school bitch and you want to know the only fucking reason i did law school was gause i thought it would allow me to have enough free time eventually to do shit like this that i actually care about which is
media and even this is secondary to my real fuck and goal which is writingu bed i like streaming to be told i do like it go not only has a grown on me tod be told i like doing it like streaming
matter of fact i can't make an exact commitment but maybe i'll just never go back to fuck and law school maybe i'll just never fuk and go back even if the which doesn't fuk and work out maybe i'll just do something else maybe i'll never go backbout
back i'll never be a cok lawyer i'll never be a cok lawyer oh your honor your honor your honor you say your honor to me who your honor that's not my honor im your honor im your honor your honor please listen to me your honor let your honor please
i'll give p fuck about your honor beach i'm your honor your dumb as ugly robe
want to know your honor
you want to know your honor
oh you want to know your honour
one know your honor
you want to know your honor right
this your honur you understand
this your honor this your honor this your honor
kiss my fucc and ring beach this your honor this your falc and honor
it on
lok moor p
smuch po
oh thanks
nowadays seems like everybody wants
the bell
of the
on one of those low bitjazz people i'm modest i'm just gonna tuck my necklace
in my shirt no
two three
the t
this is how we wear necklaces an infrared
this how we wear a chain at infrared you never tuk in your chain at infrared you never tuck in your chain at infrad every single person here that tuk in ther chain i'm a band you bitch as you ever re yourself in here sorry i didn't mean to call you a bitch az i didn't mean he sorry sorry i'm so sorry i regret it
unders stand why of my e be what themn you reachres moor men a guarant youle because how we was raised born screm he sre gang stood keep ppping rop rok the millss get this bitch ppping go gang stood keep pping drop like back whend gos pssies
easy to i reallyn to meet when people put the money in the bag andleve the welam all theses to destritiony w your cap andos this way and you is getting close in thes and the trying to findmers not the one
whatever you need my nek show me the chee and baby you caln believe that we can make that breof don't know me don't know the history history only see what my seen and you'll understand why comming each minute
that's how we was raised streen thanks this thanks back watching the bank sideal god theo space the fitest was surpi that we just keep their body in between just get
no rap shap the streetspen watch and then they don't think sidewalk don't know the history
the mainrage free
many see many the real one many one of the only people that reached out to me
during my onjust expulsion from twitch wto to know that many one of the only people who actually reach out to me
but these other people want to act like they're my friend these other people want to act like they're my friend
and they're allied with me whatever all these are they after my clout they're after my clout they're after my prestige they're after my power kiss the fuck and ring little bitch i'm sorry i didn't mean to call anybody a little bitch i did not mean that i don't mean that i'm just talking metaphorically
i'm just talking metaphorical you know like i didn't actually mean like
we're gonna get into the meat and potatoes of tonight show momentarily but right now
i got a simmer back into this i have been streamed in one balking week so can you guys understand that i'm going to get situated i'm a get comfortable
and we're going to get back into our groove it is the night i plan on streaming for a while i plan on streaming for a while tonight to be told i met i plan on doing it for a while
cokument poping the cop was got to be talking like bck be block black go probably pop pwf i possible just got what tossed think it's a notoxious me top got a picture like cop she want to pit stop
to see how the go the boxes deposit the profit the watches the copy top by the astrich and proox i used to speake a little bast to the stress name of bosswll prom the last onll my just yesto you like no tra w chain hang and like know me you know ho
the way that i in the hell left the gateo damn for the wild wild west like eighteen hundred n them st
coaches to fun strapped im up play poking
pin a six tunny big body to six fo what is spoken the drama spokes mistreets in borston
i'd rather be helping up my niny closing my coffere you knowo from west copena is sa com
str money past around like we take it frint f something like a footno when they see this bad happy face
then they noted the drama zone is the west coast back into front door we yout closes person a way god that a curtains clothes could be friend of folk love it a hate comm the king but i play with that bass
grun up to find ca i keep be noted like bases your ws in your mouth the say races ya know you like my no trap wen com chain hang and like know me you know i the way that i'm
see when i walk k don
wonder why he fake mak is jack and home display like a ca from the ston
know hod like a man again in front of you
you don't really want what you saying n clip bulllist don't mind ya know you like my nor track wll not come chain hang and like know me you know i the way that i' to
heg she went out eg
let's go
we're going to begin to day talking about the most contemporary and recent
recent thing how's the trip i'm still on the trip
i'm in l a to the thirtieth i'm going to dallas this week and i'm coming back to the thirtieth and then i'm going back home
actually i might not go agg back
gaz ex stand yeah we're going to get into that today too
we're getting into that today too
i keep the shirt shy way
we're going to talk about kazakhstan' going to talk about my tweets
we're getting into the meat and potatoes and we're catching up
we're catching up
i'm debating that guy about islam on thursday islam verse marxism nobody wants to debate me anymore on the show there's a guy wo wants to debate me offline i mean when i'm not live but nobody wants to debate me anymore on the show i've already conquered every debate
i keep for shota youwhere you
yees prism that guy does not want to do it on the show for whatever reason that that guy does not want to do it on the show he only wants to do it off the show
lebanon was created by france lebanon that was always a part of syria
it is syrian territory always been a part of syria
the whole country was made by france
it's part of syria in actuality it's syria it's called syria
it's called syria
denies this is there a single person here who denies this see if you can debate me about this by the way see if you could take me on in a fucking debate about this see if
you could fuck and take me on in a fucking debate about this little bitch anyone who wants to fuck and challenge me on this
the mean dynasty was a transitional rebellious dynasty that was not meant to last for a very long time
no not psenti i'll tell re unites all of these and why not psentil and why not be modern ones i'll debate you on this one hundred percent get in fuck and c right now get in
fucking v c right now get in my fuk c now get in v c right now
diting c right now we're going to debat it right now
right now
you came to debate it not to see how i justify so debate it
find it difficult to believe
that you could justify these countries
historical empires as being
they are
or were
autocratic regimes
ruled by
monarchal disnesties not
socialist societies
oh my god so do you know what the yuan dynasty was
can you not hear me
ok now i can hear you i'm sorry ok go ahead ok which family which family ruled the uan dynasty was it the uan family
it was the descendants of gangs khan right
yeah what does the so what about the ching family
i have no idea about the ching
but it was the manchurians
do you actually think
that a dynasty necessarily means a family
no i don't and i think that especially in the byzantine empire you could see that
many dynasties that historians group together were not in fact families
ok so you used a lot of words
and verbiage like these were autocratic regimes or whatever you're just superimposing the prejudices of modern liberalism onto the past which is completely meaningless you're calling them autocratic regimes
as if the burden is upon them to constitute themselves as states and the default state of humanity is liberal democracy civil society there's no default state of humanity
that liberalism can lay claim to actually liberalism is the most violent form of abstractionism from the default norm of humanity for thousands and thousands and thousands of years how can you say
these are autocratic regimes as if your hillary clinton at the state department
ready to drone strike the fucking
south of it persia or some kind of shit or the
a dezartum of muscoviy
as if they don't possess proper legitimacy
because their autocratic regimes
what what are you contrasting autocratic regimes to if not modern liberalism what are you contrasting that to
so are you saying that we have to place them within their time in order to know i'm saying that every single real state in the history of mankind was quote unquote autocratic in one form or another
so like what unless there are periods of aberration
or something like the greek city states or
the roman republic although that's really shaky actually because
that was marked by periods of dictators here and there that actually did
do the heavy lifting and whatever so
what are you contrasting autocratic to like what are you comparing that to except a modern liberal society
i guess it would only be modern liberal society because i can't find a regime that so why are you using this heavily charged language of judging the nature of these states
why because they're not modern and liberal therefore they're
they're only to be defined as like
autocratic regimes like you're not actually exploring
what these states were in any real capacity
you're just condemning them because they weren't modern and liberal
well why it's the burden is on modern liberalism to prove
that it is the default standard to which every form of society and civilization must be held to
ok but then even if that is all true
could was it would it not be also true to say that
saying that these states were socialist is in fact the same thing as calling them autocratic known as socialism was a very
was a relatively recent invention you know dating back to the nineteenth century
no i don't agree with it
why not
because socialism arises
from modernity and the way in which
modernity completely up
rooted and destroyed
the sociality that had priorly been taken for granted so the abstraction
of a common
common economic or social reality or you know this common social reality
that had to arise
before communism and socialism
you didn't have n the word for socialism or commis it was taken for granted there is some kind of common social
bond that unites us
so communism and socialism specifically arises
when there is a necess specifically arises when the abstraction of sociality
becomes intelligible
and that abstraction
ah of sociality only becomes intelligible
when it's
somehow uprooted or challenged or ah
alienated from individuals
yeah so specifically in the case of modernity
it's the specific relationship
between the mongol empire or the mongols
as the hidden origins of modernity and who laid the hidden foundations of
ah modernity
that's the reason i call these states which are successor states to the mongols that's what they all have in common
as socialist or communist
so i also i saw the other treat you said that said that gang is khan was also socialist
i just think that's kind of funny because you know when we put that into modern terms it's like
why the like that doesn't make any sense and i'm sure that wouldn't make any sense in the past either
even if we are presuming that we are using
you know object sorry objective
and material conditions to to
for describing objective material conditions
even if we are assuming that
it doesn't i don't think that makes any sense to call them socialist in the still in that context
yeah i socialism is a very weak word i'd prefer to call them communist
you prefer to call them communist
a it
i guess i'm just confused
because that the
it's not like these civilizations were built
as in for the people it wasn't like
they literally sre instructed literally were
mean that would
civilizations being for the people was the norm and it was taken of for granted long before the mongols
the reason i call
the mongol gunpowder the post mongol gunpowder empires communist or socialist
is specifically because the mongol invasions
created the necessary abstractionism
or abstraction
from the immediate social bonds that were proper to the pre mongol civilizations
allowed for some kind of sociality in the abstract to become intelligible
the mongols brought with them a type of universalism that was set against all local and particular realities
which is why their successor says states would form the largest
land based empires in the history of humanity
the land empires
mongol universalism
is a hidden alternative lost form of modernity
and the
the what
differentiates the successor of states to the mongol empire
from the mercantile states of early modern europe
is that these were states that fall under the umbrella of the so called asiatic mode of production
where there are no real property rights all property belongs to the sovereign
there is an economy that is oriented toward
infrastructure projects and
economy that is to an extent even you could say planned for the common social
communal purpose of of
the welfare of the people
these states
differ from the mercantile ones in that
as land based states they are based on
uh an economy
a whose goal is not like
at the apps making the abstraction of profhit
but based on
the the
production of concrete things like use value
for example
in that contrast with the mercantile west where the the cycle of economic reproduction ends with the abstraction of money
the opposite is true in the asiatic empires
now you could ask
why don't you just call every single pre modern society socials to communist yeah i tht that that that's true
but what makes the post mongol states
in my view uniquely
worthy of being called this
lies in the fag
the mongol invasions represented a form of
alternative modernity paralleling the universalism
and abstractionism of modernity
the only difference being that instead of this modernity resulting in something like modern capitalism
you had this same level of universalism and abstractionism
leading to the determinate land based empires which are based on the production and accumulation of things
and not numbers
and abstractions as in the case of merch mercant
to me
all of these empires lay have in a sense their legacy has persisted
and the reason why communism
has been successful in the states that
have succeeded
he's land based empires
post mongol empires
is precisely because communism
or rediscovered
this lost madternity
all right so
you are justifying
that the mongols deserve the term socialist
more so
then the
let's say like the greek city states or whatever
they were larger than them i'm not really sure i could you reach eah nice nice d g g destiny debate tactic
i didn't fucking say because they were larger
i specifically said
because they abstracted all of these local civilizations and peoples and forms of production
from their immediate sociality
and subjected them to a form of abstract and universal socialoity in the form of the mongol state
the mongol states if you actually study things like the youan dynasty and all the mongol successor states
what the mongols introduced
to civilization
was things like having definite territory definite borders
things like having some conception of a truly universal state
that is
impartial to religious and ethnic differences
the universalism of the mongols
is not only comparable to the universalism of european modernity
it is actually the lost material basis of european modernity
specifically european modernity was just the kind of subjective articulation
of the historical change that was ushered in by the mongols
that makes a whole lot more sense now and i will concede the debate because i would just
wanted to like
clear that up because i does i canlnot get my be in my head around that
so once again
os right
and for red rising
that wasn't much of a debate
for all the haters and shit i'm getting for this fuck and tweeed i'd expect people to put up a better fight
but anyway
so a lot of people are asking me
a lot of people asking me you know what is what is going on and like you know why would you say how you ho this so stupid
these are
listen you know what people are thinking when they see this falk and tweeed
this is what people are thinking they're asking a question
of why is hos calling them socialisressing the question
it hars trying to say that people call these souskas listen twitters full of a bunch o dumb fuck idiot brainless
un original fucking
n p cs who have never thought an original thought in their life
so whenever they see a tweet
they're going to judge the tweeed based on precident
has anyone ever said this before is has referring to someone else who said this
is hos is ho saying that if i open a dictionary it's going to tell me this is hog saying that
someone said this no ha is not fucking saying that i was actually making an independent
unique fucking argument
believe it or not
every single person who responded negatively to this tweet is
i can't say it mentally would i can't
they are fucking stupid they are fucking stupid as fox
and they should not be allowed to drive
i don't think
that should be a litmus test if you reacted negatively to this tweet
you should have your driver's license revoked
you should not be able to drive you are not equipped
to drive that's all i couln say about it
you can't drive
you are a fucking idiot
second of all
if you just thought that this was a troll you should also be deprived of your driver's license
and not be allowed to foking
i want people to just ask the question of what the fock socialism actually fck is
engel's reactionary communism
rex andy socal seeking return to feudals and yet that's another stupid fucking thing people do is they're like
if these are just feudile feudal so they're not falking feudile there's nothing feudile about any of the societies i just fuking mention feudalism is something very specific to europe
feudalism entails
a sovereign who recognizes property rights feudalism entails things like serfdom
feudalism entails
things like that
what do you look at the case of russia
no early modern russia wasn't fucking fudile you fucking i can't fuck and call you shit i'm going to fuck and ban you for fuck and mocking me
that's what happens on twitch you can't you can't call people a fucking idiot i would never call you a fucking idiot
beuse it's not allowed but i'll just ban your ass no problem
destiny sub breded was talking mad shit about me concerning this tweet
hypothetically hypothetically
every single participant of that subratit was over eighteen hypothetically
if i were to say
that every single one of them should suck my cop
what would be the legal implications of that i would never say it without knowing the implications but what would be the implications of i said
what would be the implications
i don't know i don't know
hypothetically speak i would never say it
i would never say it
weren't rome or the persian empire
or the kin dynasty universal states
no they were not
the mongols alone produced universal states
and the reason for that
it' is because they were the only ones
who had a beginning and end
these other universal states
had no finitude and what i mean by that
is that
yes they did want to
the whole world ha their ambition right
they never made the world something definite
they were always constantly expanding and then they were humbled and then that was it
the mongols by contrast by the end of their conguest expansionism
through their various dynasties like sespecially the yuan dynasty
did actually establish a sense of definite universalism
so the distinction is between
indefinite universalism which j ist this
ambiguous projection of having the whole world
and a definite universalism
where you have the world but you also make account for the world you have in the form of having a definite sense of
strict borders and territories that define your
your sovereign state
right so that's a very important distinction
for understanding what's meant by universalism
we're not just talking about the vague universalism
of every pre modern empire every single expansionistic empire in history
for the mongols
is universal in the sense that it just doesn't have
it just
considers itself the whole world
but the mongols did not only consider themselves the whole world
they also
made a count and measured this
in a definite way
and that's the difference
like for example
if you're an empire that begins withro a jungle let's say in
some island in java right and you're only on the the javanese island
that island is the falk and world
that is the world
you only arrive at a universalism comparable to the mongols
when you not only consider your dominion the world
but you can prove it in some kind of way
with regard to an external measurement
for example with regard to your enemies
or other states
that's how universalism
in the modern sense a determinate universalism arises
you recognize the finitude and contingency of your universality
that's what universalism means
and that is something that was uniquely
created by the mongols
i want people to understand
is not based
on some kind of subjective implementation of a more moral system or some kind of shit like that
socialism actually has a material and objective
history metabolism
and orientation
in the same way that marx describes capitalism as a
mode of production
is defined by this
development of the forces of production in this almost fatalistic kind of way
socialism is the same way socialism has a genealogy and a life blood
and a definite history thank you so much for thehate you so much
um i appreciate all the subs guys i lost a fucked on of subs i mean
not as much as i expected i thought i was going to come back like five hundred so i'm really grateful for that
but still i did lose like
what three hundred
so like that it's ok i'm not worried about
buts thatppreciate you
what i'm trying to say here is that
socialism also has an objectivity
it's not based on a voluntary and subjective
and subjective a
creation of some system
socialism itself has an antecedent and objective
historical being
that is not reducible to some kind of political or ideological project
now once you understand that you have to inquire into the question of
what that actually is
like what that actually consists and what are examp what is it what is meant by socialism
and it's almost as simple as the distinction
between m c m
and c m c
now in societies where c m c prevails
the way in which marks and angeles described it was almost like a useful myth
no society has ever actually been defined
by c m c
no society has ever reduced everything to a series of use values this would be like
is some kind of utopian utilitarian society
what united societies and anchored the ultimate
forcees of production and mode of production
has always been some kind of common
sociality or common social substance
that was expounded in the form
usually a religiously i
a religiously
what's the adjective i'm looking for
or verb i'm looking for
a religiously conceived
so it's in this s sublime state is what the ottomans referred to as and actually the ottomans didn't use the word state
they usede
a word that comes from the arabic word the ao la and that a dao la is not actually
having the connotations of a state
so in the west
you hear the word state
and what does a state mean it means a state of affairs so it implies what it implies
kind of thing right
the dowllar
in arabic
has a more cyclical connotation of the time the good time the
the pinnacled the peek
you have to understand from the perspective of language what this in order to understand the history of states and what states are
you have to understand
how they're
translated into different languages because they end up meaning different things
instead of some kind of static institution
it refers to a
almost kind of like a baduzi
alen bed you the thinker he has the night
consequle an event
almost kind of like that
continuing on
this common sublime social substance which is expounded in the form
of the state
through religion whatever we want to call it
that is actually the driving force of production
it's not simply the accumulation of commodities
is the reproduction of this common social substance
that ultimately defines the mode of production
and the reproduction of this common social substance specifically takes the form
i'd hate to call it this but
you're middle class right
and by middle class i just mean
your bread and butter
citizen or constituent
of the state
whether that's some kind of peasant or some kind of whatever
some kind of like unit
of society
reproducing that
is the ultimate ends and aim
of statehood
of the economy i should say rather so
you instead of thinking of it in terms of c m c just the production of things and commodities you what you're really dealing with is the reproduction of ways of life
and these ways of life
glued together
are the units of civilization
these is what defines civilization
not only the units
but the way in which the unit relates to other units
relates to governors and administrators and ultimately
the sovereign that is what defines a civilization
so it's very important to understand
now this
common sociality this magical glue that is holding the society together
is expounded in the form of the sublime state
itself this fundamental unity of the people
and why it is that i call the this is true for almost every society before modern capitalism
you know maybe before the greek
city states i don't know how you want to look at it
i'm always iffy about it
privileging the greek civilization is like the turning poin
heideger does this when he privileges
plato's idea as the beginning of
the west's forgetting of be
i am make mixed feelings on that right i haven't
fully resolve what i think about that
however you want to look at it for most
overng majority of
thecieties and civilizations that have existed for the history of mankind
the reproduction of a specific way of life
was the ultimate ends and aims of
the economy
and the mode of production
what's unique about the mongols though
and their specific contribution to civilization
they so all empires have played the role of
individuals and communities from their immediate sociality and subjecting them to a higher form of
subjecting them to a
a higher community right specifically in the form of levying taxes
all that and
whatever all that kind of stuff right and
you know
and enlisting them in a core of a core v i don't how you pronounce it
to produce common infrastructure
which is actually how the pyramids were built a lot of people think the pyramids were built by slaves no they were not
they were built by cor v labor
people who were enlisted
by the sovereign
to get off your is and let's go build this pyramid guys
that's basically what happened
now anyway i
what's unique about the mongols though and why i call this socialism or lost origins of communism
if you will
instead of having this cycle of kind of
at mere
you know kind of abstractionism
from the immediate social reality and then
that itself becomes a form of familial social bonds which are then uprooted and on and on the cycle goes
aross history
the mongols were created empires of end times
and by en times i mean
final kind of uh
a final kind of
b universal abstractionism from immediate social bonds
instantiated into the very form of the state
the state itself
a permanent
the abstract universality in regards
to the rest of society
and it's measured itself
on this basis it measured itself as such
all of the whole basis of modern science which consists in this kind of ability for
abstract measurement regardless of the
you know regardless of
substanti substittive instantiations
it's all there with the mongols
modern universality remember
is not
it's different from all presdent universality because it has a beginning
and inan end
it doesn't just have a beginning it also has an end
it defines itself as such
it has some kind of cognizance
as to its contingency
that's the whole source of things like
don't have certainty
before dternity
before madernity nobody's
can be certain about anything because no one's making the pretense
to proving things with certain
everything is in the in the hands of the gods or of god right whatever happens whatever it happens
there's no way of like securing or guaranteeing with certainty
something if you guarantee something with certainty
you are holding the entirety of
on bond you're holding that whole thing on
a hostage you're basically saying
if this does not happen
the whole of being is somehow false right the whole world is somehow false you're holding everything hostage
in the name of the sergeant
you're making a bet and you're putting money on that fucking beit
what the fuck are a bunch of monarchies doing in a list of socialism
every socialism is inherently monarchical in the
correct sense of the word
every great socialist leader
was a monarch
in modern communism
socialism whatever
is this hereditary monarch
no not necessarily
but call of fuking spade a spade
people like stalin and mal
and today g
these are princes these are
in the real sense of the word
and there's nothing fucking wrong with that
no society can have
every real society is united by some kind of monarch
the united states president believe it or not
is a monarch
the founding fathers intended for the president and for the executive power
to be even stronger than the british monarch
and by the way
term limits were something imposed rather recently
because it is rather recently that the deep state
took over our government
and ruled from behind the scenes so the reason you have this like
always changing terms or whatever going on in the united states this cycle of democracy that the media celebrates is democracy every four years there's a new
the reason why
we have that
is because the deep state rules behind the scenes regardless of who the fucking president is
ok that's something that happened in the mid twentieth
century more or less
on every other
in like for example if lincoln lived longer he probably would have served many terms
every time presidents were not able to serve multiple multiple terms
is because they were not good presidents
roosevelt how long did he fucking last he lasted like what a decade or something like more than a decade
well yeah there's a reason for that because he was actually a good president he was a good king
he was a good monarch
and the ritual of democracy originally or voting
as it was originally intended
was a way for the people to verify if
you know
if this is the true monarch
instead of thinking of it as the people electing the president
think of it as
is this still the king because remember every true king
does have
the backing of the people every true king
bace is their power
on popular sovereignty in the history of humanity every real king
bace is their power
on the sovereignty
and will of the people
and in the yes some kind of mandate of having
now originally the founding fathers in the united states
the election of the president was a form of is this still the monarch because if they don't have
popular support
you're not the monarch
it's not the real king
you understand
all the people losing their fucking head over oh monarchy monarchy
let me tell you what
monarchy is actually based real monarchy is based
every great revolution in history
was against
bak a monarchs
the louis the sixteenth was a fake monarch
he was a fake monor
the king of england of fake pretender mono
every real monarch in history
was like stalin and ma and whre they had the
support of the people and they were fighting against the nobles
and the boyars
and the you know that whatever the the not the lord's
and they were helping the
people right
i mean julius caesar
for example
why do you think julius caes her
represented the poor and represented the
the working class
quote unquote of his time
because he was subverting the well he actually wasn't
he was going beyond what the institutions of the republic could do
because those institutions led to a
a corruption
where only the ruling elite were represented
in carthage ancient carthage
annibal carthage believe it or not was not a monarchy
it to the extent of my i was a republic
and these aristocrats
and senators i think you would call it
the carthaginian republic
conspired against
the would be monarch hannibal barka
because he represented he was a champion of the people
fighting against the corrupt elite
you just see this pattern everywhere in history
ok so no monarchs are not really antithetical to socialism
you have a bad thing about monarchs because
you're talking about the european monarchs
of the modern period of history
which were extremely decadent corrupt
fake rulers pieces of shit whatever
or you maybe you have in mind
fake monarchs like the king of saudi arabia or the king of jordan
or the kings of the recent whatever these are not authentic monarchs
officially formally their monarchs
but in reality they are modern presidents with
absolute dictatorial powers
there the'ir prime ministers theyir bloodthirsty prime ministers with absolute dictatorial power
a real monarch a real king
you know you don't even say it's not even possible for a king to officially be a king in the modern sense
there's no way of like securing with absolute certainty that this is the king
the conqueror tamar lane for example
you can't enshrine in some constitution
or in some kind of official way that
yes i am the king
and everyone must respect me as the king there's no way to make that certain you live by the sword you die by the fucked sword
you live by the will of the people or you lose by the will of the people that's how it was in the past
there's no way of like
making that certain or enshrined or guaranteed and that's something that happens with modernity
in a way
modern democracies with their prime minister
neo liberal democracies i should say
they are far more dictatorial and tyrannical and despotic
then the monarchies of these dynasties
because those ones
base their existence off of a type of modern absolute dictatorial power backed by
the certainties of modern science and stuff like that right
they're far more tyrannical and dictatorial i mean think about it
did you have anything like australia's lockdown
in the fuck and ottoman empire
if you think you could you don't know anything about the ottoman empire
you think you could have
bidens covit mandates
in uh
soffavid persia if you think you could you don't know anything about soffad persia right there's to be no fucking way for that to be possible
what about the british royals
the british royals
were false monarchs
who were instituted after the glorious revolution
now if you know if you know one of the history
now with the english civil war
led by cromwell and the new model army overthrew
the catholic monarch
and replaced themselves in the monarch's stead and cromwell acted as a kind of monarchical dictator or whatever
then cromwell got stabbed in the back something like that
and the the bousgeoisie and the landowners and nobles
in um
they propped up
the modern british monarchy that it traces its lineage to as their puppet
so the british monarchy that exists today
was propped up as the puppet of these conspiratorial bourgeois
and uh landowning elites
at the very least
the catholic monarch that reigned
i don't even i don't think the monarch was catholic i'm sorry i i
i'm losing my train of thoughts
the old monarch
because with henry the he breaks with the catholic church
the old monarch though at the very least was not a tool of the the
the ruling class in the elite right he's he's and he's somehow represents a popular sovereignty
oh on his deathbed he was catholic i didn't know that yeah i don't
yeah he yeah he created the new church church because of the divorce
so actually
there has never been a monarch
a real monarch in
so called united kingdom it's a fake monarchy
that was put in place
by the ruling class there right and they they controlled it as a puppet the monarch had no power
parliament still had all the fuck and power it was a
it was a prop it was an illusion right for
the masses
to feel like they have some kind of
some kind of leadership
that cares about
right because otherwise with parliament
you have a leadership
that has no that doesn't answer to the people right doesn't care about the people fuck the people right we're going to represent our particular private class interests
directly and shamelessly i should say right
so they propped up the monarch
so there's a semblance of unity for the
the dump masses whatever
and there you go
so that's the thing about englansd
the jacobites
the scottish rebels who wanted to return to the old monarchy
they were actually correct
believe it or not they were actually correct
it's just that their cause was vain and impossible but
your cause was pure of heart
right that they wanted to return to
what the fok is his name was it
what house was it
but jack the whites wanted
yes after the glorious revolution
the common communal socialist whatever
the crown land
was stolen by landowners
actually if you king james yeah there is
if you if you know something a little bit something about history
you know one of mark's first
in ways inroads into politics
was about how he was writing about how the common
i don't know if it was cromlin but
the common land
in prussia
was starting to be kind of privatized because
before peasants would just kind of go into the forest and collect wood and theyd just be like this communal forest we collect wood
the uh i don't know what it fucking was that
political structure that existed in prussia i think it was
analogous to a parliament of some kind
got together
and they were like this is theft they're stealing wood they're stealing wood right
and marks
was talking about how this was a commons that
you know so
you basically you have to understand
why it is that marx and angels were writing about reactionary socialism and stuff
it's because socialism was
in a way evocative of the past
o feudalism
most people have a lot of confusion when it comes to what feudalism was
because of surfdom
but serve them
now you can correct me here but to the extent of my knowledge serfdom in its ugliest manifestations
was itself a product of its much in the same way as
slavery was
was itself a product of early modern capitalism
before then it was more ambiguous i know for example
in the zardum of muscabe there was not really serfda
only after peter the great the enlightened reforming westernizer did you have a very brutal
slave like type of servedom that was imposed
upon the russian people
under the reign of ivan the terrible you did not have that
so a lot of the ugly things that we associate with feudalism
actually came from capitalism
it was a form of capitalist primitive accumulation of
money grubbing selfish
rather unknowble nobles
who were
in a utilitarian kind of way
you know
it yah
labor out of the peasants
ignobles i guess that's what you call it
back to what i was saying i kind of got off track with
england what was i saying before that
fuck what was i saying
i got really off track
true monarchy sure yeah
oh yeah napoleon i want to talkut n pole bit too yes napoleon was a real monarch if there ever was one in the modern period
buk yes it was napoleon
i mean napoleon is the predecessor to the these great communist leaders
no and napoleon didn't come from royal blood a lot of people get too caught up in the whole blood thing
but this hope
obsession with blood purity
again a product of modern capitalism or early modern capitalism
for example
all sovereigns and monarchs will care about lineage right lineage does matter
we're the greatest of
monarchs and princes in the history of humanity you had po they were self made gang is khan what does is royal lineage none
zero royal lineage the dod was like a banded
in afghanistan
wh just took over the fucking world
basically right
and then he later claimed some kind of noble lineage through marriage
and he also claimed th the reincarnation of gang is khan
and ali
most great monarchs were it's the beauty the beauty of the story of the french revolution and of napoleon
is one of the negation of the negation it's like
you beheaded the monarch
but then somehow you rediscovered the essence of monarchy through napoleon of
monarchs aren't people
who are wearing powdered wigs and claim lofty titles based on their bloodlines
monarchs are people
arise out of some kind of
common popular will and that the they have this
heroic you
fulfilment of
it's not kind of common destiny right
and that's why napoleon
it's beautiful how napoleon was even more reactionary
then the ancient regime that was overthrown by the revolution
he eskipped
the whole fucking
house of bourbon
whatever house of word whatever he skipped all that bulls and he's like
he wanted he went back to charlemagne he went back to julius caesar he went back to alexander
these are the monarchs he compared himself to
and and
kind of
fashioned himself as the return to right
he didn't have to claim like legitimacy from the lineages of
the the house of uh
bourbon or orleans or whatever right
that's the beautiful story of the french revolution yes napoleon was a real monarch he was like
he was like timer right he's a guy who came from corsica no royal bloodline
and he earned it
he earned the title of being a monarch
was julius sesior socialist
socialism is the default
were all history of humanity
why it is we have to use the word socialism or communism
is because
in the abstract
becomes intelligible
so for example
in the incian empire
is it socialist
well yes and no
yes in the sense that yes it's
it's the substance of so socialism a common sociality yes
but no
this the common socilogy of the incan empire is immediate
in the form of the incan state it's an immediate sociality
not an abstract and universal socialogy
only when sociality has can be abstracted
from the immediate instantiations of social bonds
do you arrive at a concept like socialism
that becomes intelligible
listen you can keep listing off people for you're just wasting time where the phenicians like yes everyone was fucking socialist and communist
in a sense yes they all fucking word you can keep listing them and i'm going to keep giving you the same fucking response
socialism is the default
the question you should be asking is not
why why are we getting to a point where were we
we have this communal conception of
of an economy or what that's the default for all human history
the real question you should be asking is
what the fuck happened with capitalism because capitalism is the
the the
the deviation from the norm
and it's actually because of capitalism that we even need a concept of socialism or communism
a concept of socialism or communism
had always been taken for granted before capitalism
it was always something taken for granted
the fact that you need the concept of
of of a common social substance sociality
is because it was somehow taken away
with capitalism and this is something marx describes
it's actually really what marx means by alienation
a lot of ugly fuck dumb ass people i'm not going to name that because it's not allowed to call people that
two t
leisure underscore enthusiast donated five dollars
what are some good books on the history of the mongol empire
i have to get back to you on that but
a lot of l
teenage dream
marxist let me let me actually show you the dream leftist
so dreams
this is what most leftists think
ah marx means by alienation
so most leftist thinks marx means this
iar mass with a smile for hours at a time there at the ceiling while i hold back what's on my mind and when they ask me how i'm doing i say i'm just fine and when they ask me how i'm doing i
yeah the new generation is literally just people who want to feel sad for no fucking reason literally nothing's happening to them ust want to feel sad
they just like the emotion of sadness
anyway what i was saying is that why are you so sad kid
yeah anyway what i was saying is that
most western leftists
think that's what marx meant by alienation
my feeling i'm really feeling down a lot of my feelings are that's not what marx meant by alienation by alienation
marx meant a very mechanical methodical and violent process of uprooting
whole swaths of people peasants families and ways of life
from these
original in immediate social bonds
i mean that's what alienation is referring to
it's not referring to the fucking
i feel this con mar
lenin dream
i feel really disconnected from the world guys that's what the mask is
that's what the mas it's not with fucking marksman
it's not what he meant at all
it's really funny how
western liberals interpret alienation in a very hyper individualistic and
psychological way right
russian hissuy with the mongols prompted the soviets to ban asiatic mode discourse during stalin's time
yes so
even in the stalin years
of the soviet union
the soviet union always had a bias to to
sedentary and settled civilization
and never once acknowledged
no matic
no matic
forces as being anything but parasitical
so the soviets would describe all nomadic
horses in history as basically
parasites off of the sdentery
and settled civilization
and the reason they do that
is because at this time the s asar is a popular state of the not all
it's a state of the not ald right
it's a state of the whole people
and the people being
you know
farmers and people who are sedentary for all intentsive purposes
peasants and things like that
and those are not people who are moving around and doing crazy shit a lot right
they're a settled civilization
a big source of
the kind of stalinist
historical conservatism
in that regard
but interestingly
mau was very different now mau
was a guy who you know
was fighting all over china with the long march he was moving around a ton he created an army that was
for all intentsve purposes
a nomadic army
he engaged in a civil war with the with
the nationalists
he wasn't able to ever really settle down ever and he was really getting to the contingency of statehood right
and there's a level of chaos and instability
that's defining
the history of communist china
that you didn't actually see
in the founding of the soviet union
the founding of the soviet union was extremely chaotic make no mistake of it
but there was still a semblance of order and continuity even in the worst years of the civil war at least
from some city
peasants were still telling their land and shit like that i mean it's true in china as well but
the political chaos that existed in china was just
far more
far more chaotic
believe it or not
was a big fan of gang is khan and ma was much more sympathetic to these kind of nomadic
conquerors and you can
probably guess what the reason for that was was because of the differences
between the experience of
i quote once more mouth the nomadic system of mongolia and central asia has been directly linked to the socialism
did you really say that that would surprise me if he said that but
yeah it's like
this is some shit like mao would say you know and no one would bat a knifef he said it because i know this is how mao is
when i say it it's a big problem
in on contradiction no fucking way he says that in on contradiction why would he say it there let me see
on contradiction mat
what the fuck he does say
this is pretty fucking crazy look at these guys
a i guess you can use this is ammunition
he good
why is it
why is the buor democratic linked with the proletarian soc relution w in france the b revolution was not linked with the sourcei illusion the paris commune
why is on one hand that the nomadic system on mongoliaan and central asia has been directly with socialism
why is it that the chinese revolution can avoid a capitalst feature not be directly
you know interestingly i should say something more on this that's pretty fucking crazy right i didn't know he said that
there you go
i'm sure you can find much more evidence
the most damning and incriminating evidence
yes he does that is in favor of my argument and that's what i'm going to get to
well it's straight out of the horse's mouth
there's a guy named cakarl marx i don't know if you're familiar with that guy cakarl marx he's a famous nosbul crazy hoz guy
but karl marx
actually directly wrote about how
the russian ir mir system
and mind you the merc system is the inheritance of the zardom of muskape
it was able to survive
peter the greats
reforms of the
instituting this kind of
brutal form of servedom
ah the merd system that existed in russia which was a kind of communal peasant
form of production
mar marx wrote about it and he
he was
repudiating some of the russian marxists and
he was siding with the russian narodnics actually
marx was
because he was saying
the neurognics are correct
it is not necessary for russia
to pass
through capitalism
you can leap directly to communism
and the reason marx said that
was because there were features of russian civilization
that we're already communists
all that
was added
and when it came to that
technological modernization
but in terms of the social structure it's not necessary to pass
ruw capitalism
in leap right into the
a modern scientific socialist society
now i should be very clear with my words
because these were not scientific socialist societies
their socialism was still conceived in
you know
i should
i guess
obscure i don't want to use that heavy word obscure i should just say
unscientific forms right but it still was a form of social
i would say
but yes marx referred to the russian merd system
as indeed
uh indeed
already basically communism
hegel interestingly said that india and china were outside the world's history
and the reason he said that and he was correct actually
was because by history
hegel is referring to a very specific process
which put in materialis
refers to the development of private property
private property was never developed in asian societies
because the notion is kind of absurd
how could you have private property if you're not the fucking king
only the sovereign owns it owns things i mean
you can you can i mean you can have your you can be respected to use things i guess and own things but like
let's say you know i have a little farm
is it really mine i mean the if the king rolled up and wanted that shit it's his right
i'm on his land after all and
i'm in his dominion
so it's not really mine i can't just
put my foot on the gunda
this is mine you know you can't really do that
but with
the historical process hegel is describing
you do have the increasing development of this kind of right
to private property
the way in which this enters into tension
with the sovereign
the greek city state
the roman republic
so called feudalism
and obviously capitalism
all of these things
are corresponding
do you
all these things are not happening in the asian society
they're not happening
every dynasty in asia took it
for granted that
you know
it's stupid to think you can have
private property
it's still they're correct its it is actually fucking stupid
which is why communism
is winning and china is winning because
yes history as described by hegel was an
a series of misunderstandings mistakes and
one sack
isn't it ne to learn some shit for a change
isn't it nice to learn some shit for a change i mean like
be in a week i bet you guys haven't been
there's no streamers that are you know
well oth there are there's like you know
jackson jimmy dore those type people
besides that and especially on twitch
there's really nothing going on
i mean
is not
going to teach you shit he's just going to fuck and watch
hell's kitchener some shit or masterchip right
yeah angle said that the ruling class in the asia motor production was a political administrative elite
yes very true
another thing
one of the reasons the soviets repressed and discarded marx's notion of the asiatic motive production
it is speculatid to believe actually
because scandalously
it actually resembled the soviet system itself
it actually resembled the soviet system itself believe it or not
the more you entertain this notion of an asiatic mode of production
the more you have to kind of
come to terms with
the irony or the paradox that
this very much resembles what we consider to be socialism
but how could it be socialism when it's something that existed in the past
this defies
the rigid sense of linear progress
which was actually inherited by western social democracy it doesn't come from marx and angles
it comes from the orthodox marxism
of social democracy which the soviet union
and official marxism leninism soviet marxism leninism
did in fact inherit
one out of time guys
let me look at some of my other very controversial tweets
you can address
ny're going to talk about kazakstan
um i don't know if i got to talk about the shit about the family
if that's
worth talking about
there's a lot of stupid youus you got to read angles
himself and that sh it is
is the bo
he directly frederick engeles directly talks about
with the elimination of capitalism
you're going to have
a uh
a completion of true monogamy and true family life
and engles uses the word monogamy and you know what monogamy means right it means
the kind of natural family you think of where
know two people
have kids and they just live a normal family life
engel said in socialism true monogamy is going to be
uh achieve
instead of the false monogamy that's based on economic
if in a sense engles was an ultra conservative
angels was basically saying
are human natural
are being overdtermined by like
material considerations
which is a facement
like h
true monogamous relation
monogamous relations are being based not on
real human
traditions and things like that but based on
worldly monetary considerations
so he directly wrt i mean the debates over when you read that pass
it's over
you do have a lot of left running around worth noting that anti soviet propaganda in the nineteen twenties and nineteen thirties portrayed them as barbaric mongol invaders coming in to challenge western civilization
actually that was not only in the twenties and the thirties
that was the entire
that was the whole
duration of the soviet
union's existence
during the great patriotic war
that is literally
i mean it's literally in hitler's last speech in his last speech
portrays the
the war as a struggle between
e're up
the steppes of asia
and german
propagandaz talked about how
a fire is rising in the belly of these soviet soldiers from central asia
the common pillage and lut
you know our cities and
so yes
you agree that plato was a communist
what do you think about heirs stocklet
the question of communism is not so important here because it's superf
right they're all communists in a way
it's not what's important about
i'm actually going to make a bucking youtube video out of this
w shld i talk about today
we make a youtube video out of it
also i want to talk a little more about the tweet and the the whole
mongols and communism socials and things
because i think it deserves more uh
think about it
you guys
i want you to think about that question of
this is actually what i'm writing about in the substt like believe it or not how it got to this
you'd have to read it to understand the content
the ideology condition
it's real proremises
when i say to something like timor it was a communist
timor was similar to stalin
but i'm basically trying to evoke you
is that
stalin and mao are canonized within the ideology
oxism lennons
but ideology does not define reality it comes from reality
so when we have a sense that our ideology has
a truth
to it
and a truth that can be seen across history
you're not just dealing within the confines of a fucking ideology
you're dealing with something
an idea
that is actually true
it's one thing to test the truth of your ideas based on
how it verifies itself but it's another thing to see
essence of your ideals and your ideas
across all of history
julius caesar didn't fucking care about communism but
we can see
traces of
our belief there
so that's very important
it's very important to situate
it's very important to situate
ideology if your ideology is correct
if your i dos is correct
it must possess
some grounding in eternity
and that's actually
the whole
surrounding alexander dug
this is what i'm writing about
if you don't ground your ideology
in some kind of uh
vision of eternity that precedes it
you don't believe your idea is correct
you don't you just birth it signaling to a very finite and relative
emporal community
does not
speak to any universal truth about the whole of being
and as human beings we ell
if we're going to dedicate our lives to an ideology
or to what cause
what i deeal
something like that
you bet your fucking ass it has to be true in a
balcking all encompassing and universal sense
you can't be like i just want to help this is what the chapel
fox will say
the chap that
uh i just want health care ya
i just want health care
a real man
by contrast
we'll say something like
i am committed to this
because it is the
universal truth
it is something fundamentally true
speaking from the reference point of the whole of be
it is true
it is correct
it is a
it is the
only path i can take
you don't relativize such a b
like the vulgarization of communism as like
i just want health care
i just want this i just know that's not what it's about
it's not about
it is platonic
in the strict sense
that it is about
something universal
and not
relative ese
an immediate
i mean if you think these whole struggles are about that no they're not
it's about a conflict about the nature of beings
it's about the contt
a conflict that imperils
every little bit of our humanity
it's not fucking about like
i just want universital college so i can smoke pot and then do what
you know
i would not
some kind of like normal person on the street about this
ok if communism to you just means
higher wages whatever the fuck
but if you're an ideologist
like chapel who makes your fucking money
a for
ideology and in you're basically dedicating your life to put politics and id and an ideology
you'd better fuck and own up to that and not just be like
i'm just doing it for health care
ye have health care chapo
you're rich enough to have your own fuccon the same with you hassan
you have that shit so clearly that's not what it's talking about
it's got to be about something more than that
sitter sitter right is
why i didn't mention the mean
because i i have always seen them mean as reactionaries
they were reactionaries against an
napoleon underscored bonaparte donated three dollars
michier saved device on streem
but enjoyed your historical trouths on muscovy on twitter
final realization his understanding that rulership was based
was antiangloy therefore just and promoted patriotism to a point of jar we got to be careful about
what we say because we can't condone
by anti anglo you don't mean anything racial you're talking about the institution
the british monch
so we don't want to use that oh id term
because we don't condone
as understand which is very strict now and that's not tolerated here so we're not going to to
sanction or condoned
that word
matter of fact mat banned that word in the chaz
aand that word on the chat
yes napoleon was indeed
maga bazes
and he was mega based
he um
he was he eliminated serfdom
from the face of europe
i mean think about that like
you know the beauty again it's the beauty of the story of the french revolution
you'd think napoleons this guy who's
just ushering in a future and destroying the past no his surredom was not the past
serfdom was something new that was instituted by
a capitalist modernity byllan was return it was an arka o modern revolution
napoleon was returning europe to the real past
dospiracy theory donated five dollars
you're an evil man
i know what you did to peter wiley
his family i deth yeah that's thing too that i'm that i'm i differ from other streamers
you guys have to understand that
this is a north korea type stream this is not like a
i'm like ha san and i'm just going to throw my optics up in the air
i'm not the sign
i'll control my oy
i will control
my image
as i see fit
and the reason i'm going to control my flocken image
is because
it's based on
dishonesty and accidents
you are like hos why can't you just be confident and be yourself
because people will miss in people will falking
lie about your internal
self and the essence of who you are
based on an image that doesn't really reflect
your intentions are what you really are the real you
like people will just like
you know
like look at what happened when i was on focking
kiana stream
with the whole too whole thing right
i mean
something as small as that can produce such a big ripple effect
yeah i'm going to start controlling my fucking optics because you're not dealing with good faith act
you're not dealing with good faith
and i don't care about them
but i care about all of the normis who are misled along the way
to believe in this narratives that they fucking spin about me
to make me look like shit
and just fucking try to demoralize what infrared is and do all this kind of fucking
bullshit right
the reason the thing with peter wilee had because peter wilee's bad for my falcking optics
he always purch this is the thing people got to understand
like has aren't you coping aren't you trying to engineer and trying to force
what people think of you isn't that impossible yeah you it's not possible to force what people think about you
but your public image is still something that is
not natural it's still something that's like you
there's conflict over like
i put it this way
how you authentically think of
it's slf like a matter of partisanship
if you think on this mega based g
on type dude and i'm fucked super jacked and muscular
super smart whatever
a lot of you do think that
you do actually think that whatever like you do see me as this mega based
gigachad whatever the fuck typea dude
and you authentically do think that
but there's other people who also authentically
think of me as like a pt pathetic
i word you can't say it on titch apparently i n c you know that kind of word you can't say
they see me as like a loser pathetic loser sures
damnatiommoria on any reference to wla
thank you for the sub
they you know they see me as that and whatever like
and it's not that anyone's lying
both of them genuinely and authentically see me that way
who i are the ones we're fighting for
they're going to see me
one way or another
based on the war of optics
so if you
are good optics for me they're going to see me in a good light
and if you're bad optics
like wiley is
and you don't believe in me
you're going to see me in a bad light
and that's actually how it's going to fuck and work it's not going to be so a lot of people have this like thing where it's like
well no has people are just going to see you
for who you really are
no they're fucking not because there's a conflict about who i really am
and that conflict is based on a fucking optic info war
it's never just based on like who you really are it's all is a complete disconnect between who i fuck and am
and the image that's being projected on
one thousand fucking percent
oh yes i am goinga control that in a sense
i'm going to punish people
the best that i can for being fucking and remove them from my life
who are bad optics
because if you're bad optics you're basically just telling me you don't believe in this shit you don't believe in what infrared is and you're not actually like
you're not actually in it
if you're good optics i've never had to force someone on the underscoes jar go donated two dollars and thirty seven cents
t onan is kostovo
are interested
thank you for the
you know
even in i don't even care what you really authentically believe
but if you believe in this infrared shit
you have to falk in
be good optics for
you have to
great you have to fuck and he prays on me and
make me look good and talk me up whatever the fuck you got to do
even if you don't really believe in it internally
you're going to
help tofine my image in other people's eyes
when you do that shit
and that shit is going to help
infrared defeat its enemies
and win over its enemies like
i have allies in my community who like has why are you so sensitive to optics
will you come shit on me make me look fucking bad
but you know that when you make me look bad
you're making vosh look good
you know when you make me look bad
you're making my enemies the libs look good
it's not just me and you if it's just me and you whatever
make fun of me we do whatever the fuck you got to do
but that's what we're dealing with here if you harm me
in my optics you're propping them up
so yeah i'm going to control my fucking optics
and and and yeah
a lot of people think that it's like
i'm just coping in the face of true optics there are no true optics it's a conflict based on ideology and infull war
if you have my ideology
the optics look very different if you have their ideology
the optics
are the opposite of that
so it's it's
you know people have this it's what they call in philosophy naive realism it's just this idea that
there's just one reality that's out there
you know it's we all agree and you know it's all the we's just wall but realits just the reality there's no
this is what you got to understand
this is what rt understands in
k g b russian intelligence understood
there is no fucking ree
there's no at well there is in a fill philosophical sense but
in terms of media and optics there's no fuck in reality
terms of media
there is no fuck in reality
it's literally just an ideological
in for war
there is no
st remember when we remember in twoenty and sixteen
oh we have a problem of fake news and we need fat checking
there's no such thing as a
when it comes to meta
all media is based on ideological infoarce
you have your truth we have our truth
in duggan's word yes duggan's interview with
b c
there is no common truth there is no i should put it this way
there's no common discursive truth
at all
now beyond discourse is there a common truth yes
arriving at that
requires waging an info war within the discourse
like that kind of truth is the truth
you everyone acknowledge unconsciously
weill lie to themselves consciously above
another think people do is ight
oz projects this image of hyper masculine
in reality has is just not masculine at all
in reality
let me you
who really can cope and say
everything is just being fake
as if i wasn't raised this way
when i was a fucking kid you know it's not being fake
i exaggerate
but you know why people can exaggerate their personas
because those exaggerations
channel the actual inner truth of what kind of people they are
you know how fucking tiring it would be for me to exaggerate something that's not
what my inner escence is
it would be fucking impossible
i do this exaggerated shit
because it's a way of channeling
like how i actually feel inside
yeah it's an emphasis
it's exactly that it's an emphasis
you've finished and im i don't think i'ming to watch that shit i don't care
if i was ust playing a character this whole fucking time
it would be exhausted
if i was exaggerating sometimes
about who i really am that's easy because it's like
i get to say shit that i can't say publicly you know
the there's this shit i just want to say
all the time that i have no outlet to release and say
i just
you know
it's not all a flucking care
i do shit because
i feel like
oh i really do feel like
yeat playing a character twenty four seven is impossible
thank you infrared simply cannot be stopped
ll right we're going to talk about cazzis
so i'm going to put up
a map
of kazakhstan
is i'm not going to really we're going to watch maybe some videos
well i don't i don't know if i can watch videos
there' is violence
we don't want
you know the risk
getting in trouble on our first day back
so we're not going to do that
here's kazakhstan
thank you buce for the five appreciation thank you so much
so you have russia middle east here
china afghanistanir
catholic stand here so
you look ont it on a map
and it seems like it's a really big fucking country
it's not
it is territorially
in terms of its population it's quite small actually it's a
no more than twenty million if i recall
so do not be deceived
about kazakhstans
based on its territorial size
it is not
a very big country
and countriy's bigness is defined by population let's be honest
is not
defined by the fucking territory a
is defined by population
there's also it's very important to understand
that you're dealing with an information
h interference
so it's a lot of disconnected contradictory information that's coming out of kazakhstan
and it's important not to draw
a lot of conclusions
when there's not a lot of definite information
all that being said
it's pretty clear
how much for a vc in dm's
um what the fuck i don't know if that's for sale fod but the fuck
yes it's geostrategically significant especially for the belt and road project
and stuff
but let's talk about the protests so
to the extent of my knowledge
oil workers have been striking in kazakhstan
for a very long time
like decade
so this is not just a recent thing
actually if you want to know a little bit something about the history of kazakhstan
kazakh stands one of the those countries where
the people
demand a return to the kind of soviet status quo
hey bill shut the fock up
for fox sake
this reminds you of that movief he's gone bam me banm reminds you of that fucking movie feed
what you just have a gue was like
chrison thirty four donated three dollars
i'm sorry i have ghiedo
i'm going to sublate myself
also i am an anarchist who wants to abolish ukraine
well that's your three dollars
that's what you decided to spend your money on good luck
anyway m
what i was saying
kazakstan is one of those countries where
people will demand things like the nationalization of the oil industry
for example
without ideological
in tenn
it's like
workers in kazakhstan want shit nationalized civil the oil industry
for very immediate economic
not ideological
communist party lags behind entails behind actually the workers
so it's important to keep that in mind and also
when you're dealing with protests
like this
you have to this is something people kind of
messed up on when it came to syria too and i have to talk about this
don't confuse
and opposition
to color revolutions
for some kind of enthusiastic
flag waving for a government
because and honestly south africa is the best the best example of this
so for example
when it comes to liberals who are opposed to the a and c and
jacob zuma
or rabut mugabe in zimbabwe
yes you can you can recognize who they are but that doesn't really mean you should be caping for the a and c
or even mugabe
and the reason is not because like all that with liberals are saying is correct
because you have phenomena in south africa like
the e f f who challenge the government
on the left
while so the e f f will defend
the a n c and even zouma
from the liberals
now they do it they didn't really do that in the past but now they do
so that you can at the same time want to preserve
the anti imperialist position of a government
while not getting while not caping for them with flags and shit and be like yeah you know
that's the same thing was with with syria right
so on the one hand
you did have a protest movement against assad in syria
but not all of that was because of the west
you also had a lot of economic discontent legitimate economic grievances
and social grievances
in syria
that were co opted by the al qaeda and
islamist and so on and so on
what you should really think about
in the case of countries like syria is
where is the e f f there right
where is the a movement
preserve the achievements of the bafis government
and defended against foreign entry
but also uh
these problems in ways that it's not able to
and that's what the eff does
yeah i said was liberalizing the economy
so you that's that's
you also have to think about in terms of russia you can oppose navaly yes
why would nevale ever be successful is probably because
there are a lot of internal problems and contradictions within russia
and those are problems and contradictions
which the communist party also seeks to address in the communist party is opposed to aval the and the foreign
so you need to take that kind of stance you can't just
you should never cape
these governments
and by the way we used to have that same stance
for china
we increasingly became aware of the fact
that she himself represented
this i guess leftward turn within china
that was restructuring and reforming
like it was a sincere commitment
i'm part of the communist party
to really address these material contradictions and grievances
which is what makes china unique
but for example putin is putin really addressing the primary or sorry secondary cat the primary contradiction is imperialism
the secondary contradictions
within russia
no not really m
that's why
the communist party challenges it
and the communist party
are actually imprisoned in russia pretty often and they're repressed and stuff so
don't confuse the primary contradiction for the secondary one
the primary contradiction
is anti imperialism
but these countries also have secondary contradictions right
which you should have a hands off approach to if you're a foreigner
now if you see
movements like the e f f
arise in those countries
don't want to liquefy this state
wants to even go further like for example the e f f is even more anti liberal
and more a and c than the a and c itself
the same or in regards to its stance on mugabe right
i mean that's what
hugo chavez and stuff was right
so when that arises you can be inspired by it you can have solidarity with them
but it's not our business to intervene
but it's also not our business today
to intervene by aping
for leaders
and symbols
that's carry a different meaning internally within the country
so one of the reasons why i'm not like a
you know waving the assad flag so much is because i'm actually familiar
with internal syrian policy
and while i'm not against assad
per se
i also recognize that the
there are a lot of problems within syria he has not been able to
and there are political forces within syria who at the same time being loyal to the law
to the government
and to the state and its sovereignty
are able to challenge the government
i guess from a progressive perspective
by progressive i mean more pro people
you really got to keep that stuff in mind and i suspect
you have a very similar thing going on in kazakhstan
where there probably is a degree of legitimate
material grievances and contradictions which the cazak government is unable to address
the cause a government is what doogan called in his recent post about it
it's trying to pursue this what's the word he used
this this
this fok what does he call it
that multivectoral approach we
the kaza government tries to appease
russia china and the e u and united states
and does not take
it's solid uh
solid orientation in terms of the polarity
either the russial chinese polarity
or the western polarity it refuses to
plant its feet in this polarity so it temps to take a multi vectoral approach to these
different competing
balancing the west with china and russia
so is the kozdak president super based
no not really
there are also clear entrenched foreign interests
who want to overthrow the government of kazakhstan for their own reasons
i want
you guys to all understand
that there's a big difference between how the media reports shit
big surprise and how she it actually is on the ground what i mean by that is like
i know all of you see past the way the reporting is being done on kazakhstan
and you're like yeah this is clear fucking liberal whatever american bullshit
and you're right
but don't assume that means you know what's going on on the ground cause you don't i really don't
even right
you know that there is a clear colur revolution
that the west is trying to make
um but
is that even an is that actually an accurate assessment of what's going on in kazakhstan itself
honestly we don't really know
it's not really clear
to anyone right
so you got to keep
that kind of shit in mine
oh sorry i'm getting messages
yeah it's a similar case in ethiopia although i do admire ahmed abbey
which is something different than my view of the
bkie which i have a very limited understanding and knowledge of
but i respect the way abb has united ethiopia against
but a foreign intrigue and
so honest i respect
just like i respect putin in a lot of ways right and i respect assad in some kind of ways right
i don't like
flag wave for them
our court that's something for their own internal politics
and they have their own internal politics with its own secondary contradictions
so let's actually try to get some information about kazakhstan
first i'm going to go
ays i'll be right back i want to go pa
pllo smiley face
call in closing parentheses
y one wh leve
trader everyone who left is a bitch everyone who left is a trador everyone who left
w to conn sie
you'r my love
can of feeling like on n
you my soul
i don't eve know how to sing it
your maha
your my soul
your content is is boring get over it people leave you know
when i'm at fifty kviewers you will never chat in this chat again
and twitch tells me when you make a fucking fake account to you will never be back here you will never ever be back
forever you will never ever be back
in the heyday of my growth
you will not
be here with us
i hope you know that
and i by the way i'm never reversing that ban
with the rest of my life
i would rather be gone
for ever from the internet than ever
reverse your band it will never happen
for the rest of my life i will never reback
i don't know what footage i can show that's not violent
because you know you could play violent video games on twhitch
you just can't show
that that has like people injured or something
but you can play like doom where people thisvi early rip out hearts
and do all this gory shit and oll that's fine that's all fine
you know it's
so let me see what i can find
ok is there like anything from
russia today
as maybe they just won't show footage they'll actually give a narrative
your my heart
your mus so
i went on nelone
oky let's let's uh
these are words from the
leaders of cs
which is the organization
that has intervened in kazakhstan on behalf of the kaze of government which invited them there
you keep
the piece
this is them c s t o
this was the act of internal and external forces
there were people who protested against fuel price increases but
different people attacked government institutions and they had a different agenda
and they used maidon like methods of
benefiting from protests and they used
groups of fighters
who were clearly trained abroad yeah so it's kind of like it's not syria but we like to compare things to things and
that's pretty much what you're dealing with
you're dealing with a situation that is
oddly reminiscent of what happened in syria
which is a
you're starting to see a mysterious level of organization
in what would otherwise be a spontaneous protest
spontaneous eruption of protests
so this is what he means by mightan like tactics
once again a lot of people ask what's the real truth what's the truth of the situation
and you need to have a russian understanding of truth
a case you be understanding of truth
there is no truth
it's like asking what is the truth of hoz
we it depends on how you spin it
depends on where you stand
if you like me
you're going to spin it one way
if you hate me
you're going to spin it another way
and none of them are actually the truth
or they both are
there's no neutral truth here ight like it really depends on how you're spinning this
and how you're looking at it
and if you don't believe that
you're coping right
if you don't think there are genuinely like let's say you are a haz hater and you fuck and hate my guts right
if you don't understand
that there are genuinely people who have the opposite view that you do
people who really love me and are loyal to me
and think i'm super based and whatever
you're coping
you're basically oh no they're lying everyone everyone agrees with my that's not true
you're coping
there are people who really share the opposite perspective
just like
just like the opposite is also true
if i were to say that everyone who hates me is just lot is just a
not being honest about
what they really think
id be wrong
but here's what i can say with absolute certainty clip it and ship it i want you guys to just
archive is shared on twitter whe have you got to do
this is all you can tell
which side is
more true
which side has to lie more
how much of the bad optics
that is thrown on me is based on lies
how much of the good optics
it's based on lies
how much are people
who say bad things about me on average
eelling lies
oh as you dropped out of law school that i guess that's bad optics
the only problem is that it's not true
actually it's not true
how dos you feel this way but it's not true right
s is
your subs are dead os you have no subs anymre
yeah i guess that's technically true
but i've been on vacation and banned for a week
and i don't know yeat
that's what they're probabing to sund twitter look a look at how the sub count it so much lower than it used to be
i don't think people know how twitch slobs work where
if you're gone
you will have less subs because people have no fucking way
of either gifting you more subs or resubscribing
so the longer you stay away from twitch
the less subs you're going to have
especially when the majority of my subs are gifted subs
if most of my subs are gifted subs
then the less i stream
the let the more they're going to go down because
no one's replacing those gifted subs so i don't i don't do people not understand that
um what are some other bad optics people try to say oh remember the virgin thing
that they used to say
and then they stopped saying it mysteriously
for some reason
and h by the way twich took no action twich took zero action because it's there are no rules on this website it's just
biased enforcement
that person who i got banned over
defending myself not a single thank you so much extra radical appreciate you so much
but there's it's like
he's gone away with calling me sub human making racially derogatory he literally called me a sub human
mediterranean and he put the oll ide i don't know if i caun say that at the end of it
no one cared
he called me the virgin thing the i word with the i n c a l
no one cared when no one looked into it no one cared
but i got penalized and banned for seven days
we're retaliating
and by the way if it was up to me nobody would get banned for this shit
why do i get punished
for defending myself
when i'm the one being harassed
that's just what i don't understand
yeah oh id call me a mediterrane or what subhuman mediterrane oh id
nothing happened by the way
i actually
panicked and left the
because i was watching his dream and he said it
this when i got on band and i panicked and left because i don't eve know if i can like
play that on my stream that's how paranoid i was and he's gone away with so much
he has harassed
so many partner streamers
non stop
he's actually leaked personal information about streamers on this website
including information about their families which is extremely messed up
i mean this guy has gotten away with
everything in the book
no one i don't know if anyone's looked into it or
it's fucking insane
but yeah optics is everything
there still is truth though
why do my enemies have to lie who has to lie more that's how you determine it
you know a lie here and there to spin something whatever and i know there's a lot of gray area
what they they lie so much it's like
yeah it kind of seems like we are just correct in they're wrong
and if we're not correct
then pointed out
you know i've
you know that saying the more lies you tell the more you have to remember
i like to keep my lives to a minimum
because i disabled i don't have to remember as much i could just say oh yeah that's the truth
anyway what i was saying
what are some other lies they gota think they say about you
i it so is so much i'm trying to think what did they say about
chicken legs and it's kind of true
that's kind of true
yes i mean in person it's not but i guess on camera kind of it's kind of true
oh yeah
they've lied about my level of knowledge of theory that is another thing they lie about
i can confirm they're wrong but yeah that's something else they lie about
they lie about me not having written books they've lied about me
not having a knowledge of hegel
oh they've also lied about me being a misogynesst
i remember it time
someone came into my chat
and said has what do you think about women in general
and i was like
i hate them whatever i
welcome i hate him
and i said it in a really sarcastic obviously like
mocking way
because what kind of weirdo ask a question
what do you think of women in general he's clearly trying to bait me
because when you ask that kind of question you're trying to be like oh
let's see if hars is a massergeanist i suspect he is
and i deliberately answered in a way
that was mocking the intention of their question
and people literally took that clip
i kid you fucking not
and use it as evidence that i was indeed a mssogynist
taking everything i said at face value like
that i was just
just that's exactly what iin there's
i can't falkon believe people can even think that way
it was so fucking sharking
that it made me rethink everything i've ever thought about the internet
i was like i have no idea how you
why would i just say that directly what like
are you a fucking child or something are you like actually a fucking idiot
are you a child
you're like you like you're watching dora the explorer where she's like
guys so are you happy
ah and it's everything's just direct and there's no
subtext or
irony or like
there's no like read between the lines type of subtlety it's just
are you a massagnist
oh and the this is you know actually
i i want to talk about this because
this is the most horrifying insight i've ever come across
when it comes to humanity
is that if you are a face value cartoon character
people will actually believe it like if you go in front of a camera and you're just like
i love women i think that there are equals
they're my comrades and go women and you're just this extremely direct like
you know whatever type of person
people are so childlike
that you will get like thousands of viewers who are like
oh if you watch these you tubers who have like millions of subscribe this is actually the number one
dilemma of infrared
you watch those people who are super big
thousands of subscribers and
millions of youtube subs
and followers
it's actually terrifying because these people literally will just look at the canvylight
hey guys are you happy i'm happy
i and this is the most dumb like superficial barebones shit
you'd think
when you watch like are people this stupid do they not like
is it just this direct and it really is and it gets these people like
so much engagement and inattention just for being just
directly superficial
the scariest shit is how
you know politicians are the same fucking way in these really rural poor areas
that are like
isolated communities they'll go to them will be like
it'll be like that this republican
candidate will be like
gays i'm here and we're going to
weere here or a priest or something
praise the lord and praise jesus
and they will just be
you know
so direct about everything
and it's like
people don't
take it
they don't like the
they don't think about the possibility of is this guy faking it or is he being insincere or in genuine
because it's almost like they're so naive and childlik they couldn't possibly believe
his face could be saying something
that isn't
what they intend
and that's really scary
that's actually extremely fuck and scary
there are so many scam artists
who are making millions
who just i just feel like they prey on stupid fucking people and they're just like
it's like that childhood naivety they exploit in
you'd think people don't aren't that naive
what they falcen are
you know they really falk at a
and you got this
just people who are roll into town
i got a deal for it's just like a cartoon character and people you'd think it' like there's no fucking way people actually just
take this at face value and just
but they do and you know what maybe they're correct for that
maybe i'm wrong and i'm like irony poison and cynical
people are just more straightforward about shit and they're yh ok whatever we don't have time to fuck
when i start seeing people
fail to understand
my subtext and what when i'm
when i'm trying to be indirect about something or when i'm trying to tell you to read between the fucking lines and a
i'm you know i'm doing that
and they just
they just when i'm being sarcastic they just take it seriously
i am so shocked
it's scary to me you know
i feel like i'm actually
dealing with children who are like
so naive that it's just so fucking insane
all what haise is doing is directly loe
why do you read into it so much i mean why do you fucking care so much
what if i don't what if i'm not even thinking anything when i say the things some of the things that i do
what if i'm just
you know
sitting on a chair and just saying shit why do you have to like
get so worked up over images you see on your fuck and screen
why are you so worked up over a fuckan image on your computer screen
that like
you just go ape shit over it you just become like a monkey you get fucking like so provoked by it and so unsettled by it
you know that it's like are you do you have a monkey brain
or something right
i don't fuckin get it i don't get how these peoples fuckin
brain works
you know there's just such a level of obsessiveness my haters have with me
that i don't under i still have yet to fucking understand
i'm just the guy in front of a fuck in
h webcam
and you care so you you like you care so much
and i get why you care so much
a lot of this shit i say is very serious and profound and theoretically heavy or whatever
i want my audience to be people who know how to tell the difference
because if you can't tell the difference i can't follo with it
he're the guy heard come into a panel and start screaming at everyone
you're gont have to be more specific
you freaked out at mr girl about his take
oh yeah that's another thing fok one of the biggest
bad optics thing that's ever happened to me
was a lie was spread around by vosch himself and his community
that i paid him to debate him
i remember that one yeah and that was a fucking lie and the live stream is still up
of what exactly happened
where you can see i was watching him live when he got paid
there's no fucking way i could have paid him
someone sent him two hundred and said to betaz
and i think that
oh yeah he also said
that i didn't ask him to box
he said that i like sent him something sexual or some shit so yeah he lied about that too
believe it or not
for as controversial as a dude that i am a is like as much hate that i get
you don't have to believe this but
its so rare that i fuck can llive
i lie so rarely
i don't even remember the last time i said a lie in publsich
i really don't lie
i really do not fuck and lie that's just some shit i don't do
i'm very open about everything
you know
yeah i hate lies i hate lying i
you know what i'm one of those people where
when i tell a lie i feel physically sick
in my stomach
and it' it's like i pay for it
every lie i tell i have to pay for i can't just
get away with lies i have to pay for all of
should join more dating shows
there aren't really a lot
there's kuianas
which you know she invites me
usually when she invites me i'm i'm going on like the royal or something where i'm busy with something else
but you know when she invites me i'll go on
why did that girl send you nudes
ok first of all you're caing have to be more specific second of all
that's none your business your ban
moving on slickers yet
oh yeah i remember that one
that one i did well on i think because i actually kind of like
the what do you call it
the the girl i kind of i thought she was cute whatever i liked her
on on twitch it's very rare that i have a crush on someone
i mean
i'm not talking about like seriously like but i'm talking about even like i'm attracted to
physically like it's very rare that i come across
that i actually like
uh what
so to speak right
and every time i do
like a
every time i do i am i immediately shoot my shot i mean always i'm never fucking
i'm not a shy guy or whatever right
next aight in streams yeah i mean i fucking of course i'd be down to go on aight in rosss shit
but that would not happen
well i can't talk about her because once again
um i just got banned for seven days for defending myself against another person
who was harassing me so
i think twitch has a new rule where a
if people harass you you can't talk about them
and you become the bad guy for getting harassed
so we actually cannot talk about them but i've already said everything i need to say about them
and that's that
but you cannot
talk about people who harass the shit audi
the minute someone and it's only a rule that applies to me and it doesn't apply to anyone else only me
yeah that is a rule they have
doesn' he
do you think which applies the same rules to destiny
i they're going to fuck and apply to me
they're not
ok they're really not
and the
you know why i'm being so strict now because i don't know why i was banned actually i don't know why i don't actually
based on precedent
i don't know why i was bent
i know the reason they gave me
that reason can be applied
to so many other people
and nothing happens to them
so i actually don't know why i got banned so to play it safe i guess i'm going to until i get a more definitive answer
i'm just goinga take a break from
having any negative interactions with anyone
until twitch can give me an actual
why i need to talk to someone and figure out what the fuk
happen you got banned because they brigaded you
so you get banned because you get brigaded is that it or
i really don't even know what it was about to this day i don't know what the fuck i got banned for
well look at this clip
where you're yelling aggressively and calling this guy names
ok so it's the yelling aggressively that clearly
i got banned for then because
this guy
sh she also called me names like names that
believe it or not i are actually banned on twitch
youre it's like wqwich literally came out and said
you cannot
call people these names
and he called me those names
and nothing happened to him
did you try to get band so you don't have to debate
debate to debate two
what the fuck are you even talking about
the bay too
you know i can't i can't i can't i can't was going to ban this fucking guy i can't i can't i can't call him the names that he deserves to be called so he's just getting banned from my fucking
that's how it's going to work
everyone in this chat has to be a smiling
nice person or you're getting band
apparently you're not allowed to just be an adult on twitch this is a child's platform
where i have to be doroy explorer
hey everyone
i haven't tried in and out
to this day
usually when i go to jackson's
we order ou mammy burger
and ummmi burger is
b that shit is just so fucking
especially there there padty melt
very good
are you still debating destiny yes
yes i am debating this
i'm doing that um
this week
you know i've still buy my plane tickets
i will tonight
thought's on l a so far
oh i talked about this on instagram but
i'll talk about it now
alad has gotten a lot better
because the weather has gone very it's seventies and sunny
and not windy and beautiful weather
and it's not raining
and when you go outside and you see that golden
with the fucking palm trees and shit in it's seventy degrees
i get why people live here nw
i really do understand of this place and it's just the weather it's not the people it's not the city it's not any of that
it's the fuck and weather
yeah that that sunshine here that st you have in fucking
in january is just
what happened with sunflowers
hold on
who is that again
five on
what do you mean what happened with the all fockon
something's supposed to happen
oh yeah i'm going to be clear about something too every time someone interacts with me negatively
i'm goning to just report them to twitch i'm not dealing with this shit
i'm gonna be the biggest snitch ever andow i'm just reporting everything that
i feel its harassment
i'm reporting
yup there you go
that's just how it is on the rules of the game have changed
if i if you guys saw me this streamer
was calling you names and talking shit about you i'm t going to go and report them that's it
now that's bidshit is that bidshit really then
why should i just sit there and take that why should i just sit there and fuck and take that then what objaks appreciate if i'm not allowed to proportionately respond
why the funck should i sit there and take that shit yeah i was just going to report them because if i was able to say the things that i want to say apparently i get bann so i'm got report you if you harass me
simple as that
what objcects caion i do man
what the fuck frogan has so many viewers now did something happen with frogan
did she just become huge or maybe she got raided
what the fuck frogins growing so much
kind of pissed off honestly this was an attempted
like she just surpassed me
oh she just got raided
you look like a meetball oka
so i can' i'm not allowed to call that guy a fat obese fox
so i'm banning him i would never call that guy that it's not a llot i'm not going to call him that
i can't call people ugly despite the factual content of that truth
i can't
you know i can't talk about that sh
talk about the asiatic mode of production pleas i literally already did
she's been streaming consistently
yeah hard work
i respect hard work
i respect the hard work
lydia violet
who the fuck is that
h i follow her
who is this i don't eve knowh she is
oh she's the uk girl
i know who she is
who is the guy you met
i've been keeping it under wraps a little bit
what i'm going to tell you guys about
who i met
in person
when are you going to do debates again thursday i have a scheduled debate
i met
jimmy dore
and i talk to him
for quite a bit i think it was thirty minutes or something i don't know
but one on one i talk to him
and you know
we talked about a lot of things i told him about what's going on with the communist party i told him
some other stuff and yeah jackson in or introduced me
but yeah it was jimmy dore i met him in person
he's a great guy in person he's really funny
two in person
he's super based super cool
yeah i love the guy you know he's really a genuine sincere
you know that is a real guy there's so many fake people in l a all of you know that
he's genuinely a real dude he's actually real you know
he's so real yeah
yeah it was a great conversation
he bought you jewelllery
i literally bought this jewelry on you saw it on instagram when i was at the fuckon mall buying it
ok by myself so
we i'm about to take this out what is that kind of shit another man bought you jewelry like
where do you get that ship from bro that makes that puts the sea you're spinning it differently now
now this shit look different you know this should just look different now that you said that
and by the way i
all of you who missed out on the instagram shit
that's so pathetic
that's so fucking
like only a few of you follow me on instagram
but the o g s know if you know you know but
damn you know
all you twitch people who don't follow me on instagram yahll missing out for
you'll actually missing out
i g is toxic i like i
i actually like i g
and we' only had like whatits
we peaked at seventy people
and' forcking i
we peaked at seventy
it's ten times less than this right now
okay so ya
you only like i g because of big woody bitches
you know
this week this past week
i can't even look at
because all i'm thinking about is grinding my shreink
and working
and i'm not that interested in
in nde
this week i just i'm not interested in notting
at all
i feel like i want to
wrind my shit more before i fuck and give a fuck about nothing
i just i justn't care that much you know
do yea
this was the past week that i was
you know you know another thing too is like
i feel like
i didn't deserve nothing when i'm banned like when i'm banned and i'm not doing anything productive
i just don't deserve it
is i'm not famous anymore
right now i'm famous i'm fucking maxed up
tiger energy or whatever
dragon energy
when i'm not i just you know i'm just a guy and you know i'm walking around
find a nice muslim girl
don't believe
i used to
i feel like it takes a lifetime
do understand a guy like me
it takes a lifetime
be loyal to me
on that personal level
it's not because people are fake or evil it's just they just don't get it
it'll take them a folking lifetime
to get it
also you guys have to understand that i'm walking a kind of satanic path
the thing is it's like
ite a love doll
i'm really thinking about bnning that guy i am really thinking about bnning
i'm really thinking about just beannning
wh is your last tick talk in july because that fucking hate tick talk and nobody gives a fuck about tick talk too
if you want to wingman me
then follow me on fucking instagram because nobody out here gives a fuck about which
and the fact that i have less than a thousand on insta is just
it makes me look really bad i'm not going to lie
every time a girl
ask for my i g
and she sees that i'm at like
eight hundred followers
you don't know how stupid i look
talking her up and telling her how fucking famous i am in shit
and then she sees my fuck and i g and i have two followers
i literally look like shit
you have no idea how bad it makes me look
if you all want a wing mammy
and fuck and follow me on i g because out here that's all girls understand
but it's like
i can't because uh
i need i need like minimum
ten thousand on i g to be n
you know even even five thousand on ig means nothing ot you you know
like people just have five thousand followers and i g
they just have it
and it's no problem
why the fuck you in l a then
czirka did nothing for you
i'm in i'm not
ah only in l a for zurch
what are you talking about
uh you know z zerko really doesn't owe me anything
but yeah i mean i guess you're right he hasn't
he hasn't yeah he hasn't done anything for me but
you don't owe me anything you know
there's no debt
but i've really just been chilling with jackson a lot more anyway
you know he he goes his own way
and i'm just not
going to be bothered with you know
by the fuck are you there then
do more jackson content now thatre you're on band
first of all you fucking caps locks
i have to wasch my tongue because whatever
i literally just got unbann today can you fucking sit down and take a breath and calm down
it's like yes had i not been banned
we would have done a lot of iros
this week
but you know what the tragic thing is is that i got to get on a plane
this week
and go to dallas
so there's not even a lot of time it' was like three or four days
to do l a shit and what i am coming back
i'm coming back after this weekend
actually let's see
oh boy so here we have this and then
then i have
one last weekend
and then
i leave
the weekend
time flies
so i'm spending a weekend in dallas
i could just dip
on the modern day debate and just stay here and have fun
but i'm not
it's no gooe a different work ethic than me you know
so i'll just leave it at that
there's no need to talk about
sleeve what it leaded
are you debating daniel on islam i don't
falking know who daniel is
i don't know who that is
ok let's return to the fucking news
how dont you know how we got distracted
as mr tokive has said their attack against kazakhstan
with an act of aggression i fully agree with this
i need food
i'm hungry this shit maam i a want
i'm hungry is she
jo hassan responded to my fucking tweet
can you believe that
a san fuckin responded breaking news
i am so excited his sor responded only
a let's let's see the brilliant
from hasan
i got to go through a lot of shit
the showw this
this guy so this guy's name is dan he's bluecheck
so he's a federal agent
and he goes
a ottoman empire is socialism
you know ok there's a lot of misunderstanding here because a lot of people and especially armenians
was like cas what the fuck are you talking about ro like
how can you say that fuck and shed say good things about the ottoman empire
the ottoman empire lasted many centuries ok
and in the one nineen hundreds eighteen hundreds they had modern reforms that were inspired by
modern europe
you think you should have more followers and instad when you follow fifteen people
yes the fox
what do i look like a peasant look at my fuck in twitter
yes the young turks and the other reformers
had already long destroyed the ottoman empire
but before then it was
so all that fucked up shit the ottomans did
ah because of the young turks basically
so there you go
hasan responded saying many people are saying this
me i am saying this
all right we're going to do a hassan analysis here and
we're going to really draw and now we're not going to we're not going to move on we're not going to move on we're really going to draw out
what hassan
means to say when he says this so
let me just tie
pull the tweed out for purposes of no t o s
so it's time for a metanalysis of what hassan by the way by the way
thirty thousand live concurrent viewers so yeah
anyway and he does have a blue check mark and
he does have
one million followers ok
so we're going to do a little bit of a metaanalysis on breaking down basically what hassan said
assan was talking about me in this is we got to break this down really ot to milk this
he says and he he takes note not to uppercase so if he were to uppercase it it would imply
a serious tone but if it's lower cate he is
basically speaking more casually he's not really investing that much in the in the tweet and the meaning of the tweet
he says many people are saying this
and then he puts in parentheses now it's the grammatical error that you have to pay attention to because
despite a period being followed here
he did not he
capitalize the m
or the eye for that matter and he also did not put a period
although i'm not sure the grammatical rules surrounding that
so first he says the word many now many can be interpreted to mean a lot of things
it is the opposite of few
and so by many he means a we will have to look up the dictionary definition of many
a great quantity of many and this means the price of bitcoin is going up
the price of a theorium is wavering a little bit
we are definitely looking at a bear market
based on
the word people
as you know people are investing right now it is a bull market for pitcoin
and the nf ts are going up
and we have to pay attention to what ela i mean
son is saying here to understand ok
are saying i can't do this shit i'm sorry
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
ok this is a
this is so fucking
so this is a federal agent
oh ok here's my response toss on officially
you're saying this but you come from the young turks
who destroyed the ottoman empire interestingly
interesting the young turks being the people who destroyed and dismantled
and led to the destruction of the otoman empire by commanding a fleet
to attack the russian navy in the black sea
despite the express orders of the sultan that he
did not want to go to war or intervene in this first imperialist war whatsoever
so i'll do the math the out of the young turks destroyed the ottoman empire
consciously so
most like
and i'll leave that at
it's so you know guys
you know the scary thing about my tweets
while i was typing that tweet
i knew it was going to go viral
and i was so anxious that i was losing
that people were forgetting about
i was really anxious that
people were forgetting about me and that like you know i was becoming irrelevant so i was like oky what can i say i get a lot of attention
so i typed that
and then that day it didn't it only got like one hundred likes and i was like ok that was a failure
then a day later i wake up oh there you go it's like when i first sent it i'm like hey is this thing on like based on everything i know
about twitter
this should go viral
soays existing honors would it would happen i guess no one cares
but yeah
i knew it was going to viral and it did
now the second one going a little a viral
it didn't yet i don't know if they're going to actually
take the bait on this one
i guess is the word they use but
yeah this is not like
this says a lot of likes but
i need those quote tweets and retweets and shit
i think most people are like ok
we're not falling for that again
that one did not work very well
it's a hit or miss usually but
a lot of the times it's just very easy it's very predictable
it's very predictable like
this one
yeah it's very predictable
when i need attention i'll get my attention t
and after being banned for a week i was like shit are people forgetting about me i'm writing the sunbstack and
delete your misteefs no cause
every tweet is over on hundred likes
which is good in you know
f rogen platform
no i mean she helped me actually when i asked her
for help she helped me so
i'm not going to bother for
she actually like helped me with like wen i was bad i was like can you look in the t s
or can you look at the partner contract bes i want to know if i could stream on youtube
and i didn't know if i could or not becuse
here's here's the thing about twitch
they go look at your partner contract i can't
because i i'm fucking suspended so i can't access it
but when you look at the contract the language is so ambiguous that
you know you could i wouldn't able be able to tell you know like
can i stream on you tube or not
and i asked i e maailed the partner team and they literally were like
as long as it does not
fall under the definition of licensed content
cannot interpret the contract any further for you
ok so i looked at what license content was defined as and it was
very broad and ambiguous and can be literally applied to fucking anything
so i didn't i couldn't risk it in stream on youtube
which i ew i need to get to the bottom of like can i ever stream on you tube as a partner
yeah do all twitch streamers have lawyers do i have to hire a fucking lawyer now
and drop thousands of fucking
ask for a lawyer's advice
that how we're doing things now
uh i didn't
i ged
i guess
that's how we're doing things now
no i don't know how to have an account manager that's the thing
where do i contact my account manager i don't even know where to go for that shit you know
i like english romances and that's what i'll say
when did you get the ring i got it
when i was bann
i just went to the mall and dripped up
and you know it wasn't that expensive so for this one
i dropped about eight k on it
and this one
was only about twenty five k
so it wasn't that expensive but uh you know
is a good investor
can't stream on you tube you'll lose partnership yeah that's what everyone started to tell me
and that's
and other
people told me the opposite though
so i i was getting
oh yeah the chain is not that expensive
it was only about seventy five k for this chain
seventy five k
so you know it's kind of like
that's i make that in a day you know
i make that in the day
it's really nice
you know it's a day's work of loss
government you know here's the thing guys
i could tell you
that this is either silver or gold
would you be able to tell the difference
what if i told you it's nire
what if i told you it's
conger state
tungsten steel what if i told you that this shit is just tungsten steel
you wouldn't know
it tell
the thing as
would be real with you guys
it is tngsten it's tngsten steel
all they shit is tungst and steel
but you know what
i go out and tell bitches that is gold
they're not going to fuck in no
they're not going to fuck in they don't they don't understand
they're not going to you know they're not they're not going to be able to unders analyze that you know i mean
and if youre going to ask me if if i lie
about this
hos would you ever likee to hose
yeah i would
yeh yeah
is the fact that they care about that
prooves they deserve to be lied to
you said lying was bad
i to get big booty bitches
yh yeah
that's a different story man because that's a one look lyings bad in a long term relationship
if you're a dejon and you're just getting some big booty bitches you don't give a buckup hey you lie man lie your way to the bank you know
i you know how much i li guys when i talk to girls out here
o i've made up so
dude i was wing me and this dude wing man this
two girls
and i lied and said that we were both veterans of the fucking
french military and like
he was a war hero and we were we was in the
front lines and under heavy for but i've lied about so much shit talking a busins ar you think i'm going to tell the truth on l a bro well you know
the only thing i can't lie about is my fucking followers you know
beause when they see that insta and they see only fucking like eight hundred followers
ah yeah the jig the jig is up i can't lie about shit you know
but yeah lie is i lie a lot i lie through my teeth talking to girls what the fuck let me think of other lies
let me think of some other lies ive said
i think i lied about knowoing joe rogue i don't know i don't know dude this j shit like that it's just dumb shit like that
i lie about being famous
lie about
you know just i just lie about a bunch of ship wrun i just lie
are l a grows better northern
they're really not
coo it is now
of that
all this was coordinated from a single
point there was a single
contact point
we saw that at the same time there were attacks against
regional authorities law enforcement agencies
detention centers and strategic
see imma be real
i don't trust this guy
i could never cape for him because
i don i look at him and i don't trust him
can i say that i just look at him and i don't like his face
am i llow to say that
as well as television networks all this was happening at the same time
they seized airports to blocked roads prevented ambulances and firefighters from doing the work that there were also attacks against
your random question if you and your girlfriend broke up hypothetically and you caught her cheating
but she wasn't doing it
would you
then how is she fucking cheating
and you already broke up so you're using very ambiguous language
if you already
like what are you fucking asking
i literally ambout to get a headache thinking about what you just said
what are you asking me
i literally don't get it
i'm lost
can you please explain
and can someone tell me
if this sandwich shop is good
cheese steak
you see if this middle eastern place is still open
maybe i'll finish the substaect tonight
you know
no it's not
there is literally a restaurant called gangiz khan
there's literally just a restaurant called gangiskaf
and i just get it
no i'm not goninga get it because it's not unhealthy ough
i need a lot of unhealthy
to watermn
there's none here
that's open
is a really good lebanese place
it is closed
should i just get some chick fillay
clos on sunday
do much a pily
you i want to get
want to get that one place i got yesterday
p'sed on sunday
to mamuch a
um let's look at the healthy food
kind of feel like getting some moy birg
i'm not going to do
there's a lot of grilled cheese
this looks so fucking good
there's a grilled cheese peanut butter sandwich should i get that
infra a su andgor illa
he i
oh ok this place is closed
it's the money
i don't know about that
there's so many options i don't know
thinking just get chick aley
i'm closed on sunday
you're not really my chic fillt
you know you know it's fucked about getting ugers when you're starving
your mind is so clouded
by just being hungry you can make a good judgment about what to order
yeah all the food in l a sucks
this play is kinda looks good
can you guys tell me what a pinini is what is a pinini
and someone tell me what a pinnini is
it's a sandwich cooked with a grilled press
you see how long this shit is taking just getting food
well the folks should i get carl's junior is that a shouit holed place carls junior sucks everone tells me right jack in the box sucks
you guys told me last time jack in the box and carl junior suck
is that true
good geate someway
this place the burger den is actually fucking good
actually good
usually get the chicken from it
pretty good
i'm not going to order myself any
why would i do that
why would i do that i've been en really unhealthy that i've been in l a i got to watch my slive for i'm going to get some diabetes and obesity
i'm literally just
about to get some fuck in chit chick play
ah i could get some
what is this
is this focking we
there is an asian place that
some orange chicken is looking pretty good i'm not gonna lie
asian food
is sounding pretty tempting
well check it out
ticke it out
california is just not known for its food is it
this place looks good and m
this place looks really really good
what's a griddle
getting this
walk finally
somethe to get
af they don't have grilled chicken they just don't have any grill
don't give me any fook
nothing could be simple for
nothing do
apparently this sh is so good
that it's rated the highest in all of fucking california
stir fried octopus
ok i don't know what the fuck that is
i'm just trying to get dinner
and the should is sow fucking hard
it's going to be like chick fway or subway or some
gott to come to it
is fat burger good
is fat burger good
to four
alright i'm not going to lie this looks really good
berry's pizza from hollywood
i'm not a food
i just don't want to get chick fory
and i just want an alternative to chicklet
it might just have to be chekfully it might just have
all the viewers are leaving because they can't handle the good content that i'm giving them right now
guys as soon as i choose
the food
we're going to see
we're going to see
going to see ok
going know for
one on
if i get chick flly i'll be depressed i' was going to be the buk in
i'll be so depressed
i get youch fully
all right you know what
no word
you know what i'm i'm sorry it's like there's there's just
some names
that are so
just shocking
to me
that i'm not going to put in the effort to understand what they are i just
yeah i'm i don't have time what is this this is insanity i don't have
this is le
i do not
i do not
scroll up
roll up
we all up
roll up
say subway
someub way right
papa johns
ah way
is hawaiian food good
is hawaiian food good
what about hawaiian food is it good
they don't have pictures of the food
i could use like something
that's kind of why i want orange chickens
th like that
i'm goning to get asan food forucket i don't go
born's chicen
see you as ones
just the american food with pineapple
yeah pretty much
hold on
l viewers are rapidly decreasing
oh okay i don't want to sho
looked it up and
there is no chinese restaurant
who there's this dough
whr illa just get thisre
this is a lot of money though
i no worry
for all that
you know how much time i just wasted
guess what i'm getting anyway
goyse are going to really
for all the effort i put into this i'm literally just going to end up getting
terly just gketting
put in so much effort to raise
but i just ft
trust me i wanted to
it's just not viable
for all the problems i had to get
but through
i'm going to give myself like
h okay
i just
you know for for i lost all my viewers and shit
lost all my viewers
lost a hundred viewers
ordering food and it look up like all the stream
bck let's get back to the fream
so i got nowhere to be guys so if we get
yours back
y basis if they were trying
to gath their hands on their weapons
there were a
battle scenes unfolding
we arrived in the republic of kazakhstan deployed to this signed area received in order to protect and defend vital state facilities we had orders to protect almati airports we successfully accomplished that set up outposts and patrols a watch is being conducted twenty four hours a day
every day here is markedlyi than the last hundreds upon hundreds more peacekeepers are arriving to kazakhstan every single day arriving troops peacekeepers have taken over security and aart of strategic infrastructure sites such as power stations such as government offices military
ss and and the likeights which frees up kazakhstani troops troops of the kazakhstan military to go about restoring or that in areas where there were riots where there was looting where there were marouds what would you guys prefer would you prefer
capping the stream soon
and then possibly releasing the substack tonight
or streaming longer
having the substag just come out tomorrow it's up to you
i'll stwim longer
i really just need this food to get here to fucking
to energize me because i'm fulkings
walking knocked out you know
and it isn't just russian peacekeepers all members of the csto answered kazakhstan's call for help belarus tajikistan kyrgyzstan and armenia these are newly arrived armenian troops peacekeepers who have also come to kazakhstan a detachment about one hundred people have been sent as part of the request by the
kazakhstani government poll members of the collective security tre you organization that op will be the same as that of other peacekeepers mostly god this is where it's going to show the whil various sides getup ztandy troops to go about law enforcement which is desperately needed
riots awesome theft and mugging have ground the city of almaty to a halt
civilians are urged to stay indoors away from windows as casa forces restore order and contain
bandits and terrorists as they call looters
even the airport isn't entirely safe
to that end there are endless drills exercises for every situation the security situation in almuty near the airport still precarious troops that are arriving by the day they're being drill i don't know why people think nazerby
and tooki of
are opposed to each other
i am pretty sure
tokaiev is not zurbayev's guy
i don't know why people think there's like a
there's an opposition between the two
exercising regularly
to prevent infiltration of whatever they're guarding by
by armed gangs will
or or mobs
who have seized weapons from various military
they're also practicing
finding any potential infiltrator infiltrators and
containing them
the presence of csqo forces in kazakhstan
is temporary
some say a month some say two
but talk of pulling out
now is premature
there's so much to be done
the life of a peacekeeper isn't easy especially the first few days can be can be rough the endless patrols not enough supplies and a crazy amount of work to be done in positions to be made secure but as things stand order is slowly returning to almaty and there is
confidence that the unrest that has gripped the country
can be put behind
very soon
wele on top of
you can't show a wit of violence against a window
that seriously freak me out i'm
it's so crazy how like you can't really show protests or anything like
oh yeah there's a new channel for
bk is the new channel four is there any ts in it
m what's the guy's name no it's not channel four what is it
gannel five
is there any t us in that
the queue
balk there's a lot
is the fish lots is there any tus in it what do you guys think about fish
does anyone know if there is stel ss in this ship
what about the kuunan shaman prison interview
the new jy on video has t o s thanks
it sucks
islot sucks it got talk the ss i specially appreciate them right now because i need them bad
thank you ma'am
you were bored of the prison video
i feels like everyone fell off yeah
did we really not miss out on much
since i've been on vacation
can i watch joe rogan's interview with robert malone on which
heor is that not allowed
this twitch is twitch really strict on like
vaccine stuff
do anyone else
and i watch joe rogan and robert malone
oh it's not even on youtube
that's not even on fault
bors this
it's on spotifvin yeah it's
there's a new gd on with fase rog and it's not s
the song watches joe rogan talk about it
well he probably is always like pushing back on it in shit and that's just not something i'd be doing
i'll just be watching
that is really
that is really unfortunate but
we are going to watch
falk i literally had it in mind right now i literally just
i literally just
what the fuck was i going to look up
what a fuck was i going to look
oh here it is
yea there's a few
this is what i wanted to show you
it's a talk or thing with
yeah so you
this is exactly what it was
this is kind of crazy
first we're going to wtch this cn and hit
oh my gods we don't have to worry about this being bad because it's c n n c n n is a
loud right
the president trump is under fire from the fare
all right
for finally telling the truth
that's following comments he made recently
defending the effectiveness
a vaccine
here's right wing commentator and
normally dependable trump ally candace owens
trump insisted to her that vaccines wor
cap donated five dollars
welcome back
this joy broad too thank you chib
appreciate you
you oftentimes forget like how old trump is he comes from a generation i've seen other people that are older have the exact same perspective like they came from a time before t v before internet before being able to conduct their independent research you know
and everything that they read in a newspaper that was pitched to them that they believed that that was a reality
i believe also that he only reads the mainstream media news believe it or not i do not believe that trump reads or partakes in any other news sources you know i don't believe that trump is on the internet
clean up on isle trump joining me now scen senior political analyst in usa today columnist kristen powers
as well as s and political apparently alex jones
is turning against trauma
that's what i wanted to see from you
remember what he said
tis an emergency christmas day warning
to president trump
you are either completely ignorant
about the so called vaccine gene therapy
that you helped ram through with operation warp speed
or you're one of the most evil men
who has ever lived
to push
this toxic poison on the public
and to attack your constituents
when they simply try to save their lives
and the lives of others
so okay i think
very clear from what's going on with the vaccine shid
is it
the mistake a lot of people make about
trump is a call leader and everyone just listens to whatever he says no matter what
is not fking
and this is an example of that
and yath the worxs
every time trump is at a rally and talks good about vaccines his his his
the crowd is always booing him
make of that which you will you know
we're going to watch this tucker thing
so we played this tam
tp for you last time we were surprised by it we
preface it by saying every conservator appreciates take cruiz because he's one of the smartest and most articulate people in the congress and he's
but he referred publicly to what happened on january sixth is what a violent terror attack here is
and we are approaching a solemn anniversary this week and it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the capitol where we saw the men and women all right you know what there's a guy just named luke
seven too seven and he just
it's this first time
comeing in the channel he just goes
what am i supposed to say to that
what am i supposed to say
you literally just type and say
who are you saying hi to
the chat
me who or someone you know here that knows who you are
what does that foccing mean
what does that mean
why wouldn' you just come in here and say hi
what effect would that have what is the point
you're just coming in here and saying hi
for what
you're just coming in here saying hi
there's no reason for you to do that
why don't you just say something
what's the best way with coping being a maanly
why can't talk about
what i did with your mom last night i can't talk about
um you know
how you look
the scale of your attractiveness
and the fact that it leans more way more towards one than it does ten
and i can't i would never say that so i'm just going to fuck and bang
reminder you cannot talk shit about me in this chat because i'm not allowed to fuck and give you a proportion
you just can't talk she about
law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage incredible bravery risk their lives to defend the men and women who serve in this capital
center cruz was game enough to come on tonight we appreciate that he joins us now center thanks so much for coming on
so i guess what i mean there are a lot of dumb people in the congress you're not one of them thank you
smarter than i am and you never use words
and yet you called this a terror attack
when by no definition was it a terror attack that's a lie
you told that lie on purpose and i'm wondering why you did
well tucker thank you for having me on when you were aired your episode last night i sent you a texk shortly thereafter and said listen i'd like to go on because
the way i phrase things yesterday it was sloppy and it was frankly dumb and i don't buy that al the well w well i don't by that for a look i've known you a long time since before you went to the senate you were supreme court contender
you take words as seriously as any man who's ever served in the senate
and everyone i love i've never seen this before like i love how he's actually just going he's like
you're a fucked liar
oh and ted it's got to just roll with it
and people look people fucking come to me and they're like
why do you believe in
why do you believe in the media that you're just screaming and twits you're you in sreaming reaming in
you're witnessing politicians
bow before media personnely
looking joe rogan
outperformed we show you the fucking
jackson showed me this shit holy fox
media cn n
pared to mainstream media
compared to other media
just just yea this is it it's
this is just
twenty this is quarter three of twenty twenty one media ranings
and you got joe rogan then tucker
and you know be like why do you watch tucker haws for the same fuckin reason this many people watch m because these gees
he's actually good content i'm not going to line
the five
this is all of like new york and liberal blue state america
when you just you walk into a a cafe or something and they're just playing it on t v
you walk into a hotel or
some kind of fucking you know
corporate building and that they're just fucking the
they're just fucking
you know
playing it on t v and that's where that comes from
sean hannedy and fox and then this shit and rachel mad wow she's really big and then look at joe rogan he jt fucking obliterates them all
thing is is oh the the fi fox the five is the fox show
you know what's funny i thought the five was the view
i thought they were referring to the view
i don't know why but
i just did i thought it was the
of course the fucking view does not even get on this fucking shit
i thought it was the view i was like what the far quiet yeah
ok now that makes sense that they'd be up
biden was literally asking joe to come on
i mean
if you don't think
all of these are very powerful politically
why is fucking why is ted cruise gruveling
at the feet of tucker tucker's literally slapping him around disrespecting this
powerful politician
because falk in media is everything you fok on masses
don't understand that
you repeated that phrase i do not believe that you used that accidentally
and stop
it so tucker as a result of my sloppy phrasing it's caused a lot of people to misunderstand what i meant let me tell you what i meant to say
what i was referring to are are the limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers and i think you and i both agree
that if you assault a police officer
you should go to jail
that's who i was talking about and the reason the phrasing was sloppy is i have talked dozens if not hundreds of times i've drawn a distinction
i wasn't saying that the thousands of peaceful protesters supporting donald trump
are somehow terrorist i wasn't saying the millions of patriots across the country supporting president trump are terrorists and that's what a lot of people have misunderstood that com sa even your way abt hold on what you just said doesn't make sense so if somebody iss a cop he should be charged and go to jail
marxism leninism has subscribed
ah wow
thank you
i mean
what an honour
i couldn't agree more we have said that for years
but that person still not a terrorist
how many people have been charged with terrorism
on january sixth like why did you know that word you're playing into the other side's
characterization that is joe kent just explained allows them to define an entire population
as foreign combatants and you know that so why di you do it so tucker let me answer you directly the reason i use that word for a decade
i have referred to people who violently assault police officers as terrorists so tucker's actually smart
and he's got like a lawyer brain he's basically saying
what the question is is are these good or bad people who assaulted a police officer
the question is
should call them terrorists
because talker rightfully understands
that when you start calling people terrorists
you are depriving them of their rights as citizens and sudden a lot of people don't fuck and get this shit but
it becomes different you treat them as foreign combatants that
the typical rules of due process become suspended
calling people terrors
for politically motivated reasons
is a very dangerous thing
the good old communist party
is talking about how it's defending democracy democracy democracy
you want to talk about fucking democracy
it's a pretty dangerous precedent
to call
political actors who happen to be violating the law
just because
you disagree with them politically
now if you go to the capitoal and you assault a police officer whatever
then you should get tried
sent to court like any other citizen who breaks the law does
but when you start using this language terrorism
that's when you start depriving people of their fucking rights as citizens of this country
and that is an extremely dangerous precedent
democratically speaks
they've done so over and over and over again if you look at all the assaults we've seen across the country
i've called that terrorism over and over again
that being said tucker i agree with you it was a mistake to say that yesterday and the reason is what you just said
which is we've now had a year of democrats in them yeah how often does the communist party talk well like the patriot act it's like
the patriot act is still effective
you know it's never been repealed
they keep taking away our democratic rights
and they don't give him back
the emergency subsides
but our rightes don't come back they just keep taking and taking
how much are they going to fuck and take
and how much is the communist party going to call every form of resistance against that
ashes up
in reactionary
media twisting words
and trying to say that all of us are terrorists trying to say you're a terrorist i'm a terrorist and so look i don't talkers not having any of this dumb bullshit and
this is what i'm talking about how like there's
scary because it's like
how the farck does a sleezy fock and snake
cover the new c pusa video
how does a falcon sleezy snake
ted cruise gets so popular
you know
i don't like people who assault cops and i
well the end up and defend cops it's not about if you like them or don't you fucking politician
it's about
is it ok to call them terrorists
it it ended
the reason i use that word is that's the word i've always used for people that violently attack cops
but in this context i get why people were angry
because we've had a year of the corrupt corporate media and democrats
claiming anyone who objected to the election fraud and by the way remember what was happening
can i say ask all that you work in the i just i guess i just don't believe you
and i mean that with respect because i have such respect
for your acuity and your percision and i've seen it on display have covered you as a reporter i know how you speak
and you have sat there for a year and watched people use the language to distort the events of that day
intentional insurrection
of course terrorism direction
and saying it's an insurrection is a political term it's a lie i've repeatedly denounced it
and when it comes to look i was focusing on what i normally say that
what you aired was a little fifteen second snipet what i normally say is violence is wrong peaceful protests right if you engage in violence you should be prosecuted if you're speaking what about the whole terrorism thing
you have a right to speak i say that all the time well i mean and i agre and snippet
so who's ray apps by the way since you are a senator like there he and this other guy are clearly encouraging a crowd
to commit crimes
neither one has been arrested or charged
what is that do you think
so i think that is a very good question i don't know who ray aps is i've seen that video multiple times it's right urbing he's clearly urging the crowd to violate the law when you see the crowd start chanting fed fed fed
for him to appear on the f b i s most wanted list and come off it certainly suggests
he was working for the f b i that's not conclusive but that's the obvious implication
and the attorney general in the department of justice won't answer the question dr i can tell you i join with a number of other senators trying to get
the biden d o j to answer the question
why so many january six prisoners are in solitary confinement why they're be being treated so much worse than the antifo rioters and the pepleic crazy how trump pardon one of them
pretty fucking and se
to me that's like
people who committed fire bombing and a year
of riots across the country and this biden d o j
won't go after the
as fuck them
well you just
get with
i don't get political twitch
you know you go anywhere else on the fuck and internet
and it's like this is the only streaming platform where it's like
everty one's just like a pro establishment shill
or free
you know
where does that come from it's like you go on youtube and people are more wild and they're like
they're just their instincts are just against the establishment but you go on twitch and it's like
random viewers and commenters they just for some reason their instinct is just aside with authority and establishments
and it's fucking crazy it's like
it's like it's like all of fucking twitch is like sam cedar or something you know
you go on youtube
and it's the opposite you know
what the farck is up with twitch
it's like the california fucking the internet
yeah i yeah
to them
but let me also make a does anyone want to talk about the
i or police infiltration of january say oh we can't talk about it we can't talk about it
quick point tucker remember
w while while thousands of people were standing up to defend this country on january sixth at that exact moment i was standing on the senate floor
objecting to the election results
demanding that we impanel election commission to consider evidence of voter fraud and i brought together eleven senators to join me in supporting getting to the bottom of that so of course it would be ridiculous
for me to be saying that the people standing up and protesting to follow the law were somehow terrorists i was talking about people who commit violence
against cops and you and i both agree actually i
some of the and on videos on youtube
were produced by a george w bush era glowee fed type of person so
you know it's you know you don't know what to believe but yeah there's there's
yeah you don't know you don't know who who's who
this situation
if you commit violence against cops
you should go to jail
yeah but you're not a terrorist
you know you're not you're a guy wo you know guy was sol a cup ok so that there's a there's a there's a legal difference as you well know better than i do since you
were actually in the running for the supreme court
and there's a moral difference between a guy talk the right reason to use that word is for a decade i've used that word for people that violently assault
ya it's sartafaka
do yes
cops i use that word all in two thousand and twenty for the tif and b l m terrorists that assaulted cops and firebomb police cars
but i agree
despite the fact
that antifa literally does exist
to actually terrorize people
i would be against legally calling them terrorists
now you can call it a terrorists if you just mean they're like cultural terrorists or whatever
because it's fuck and true
yeah that's dangerous to just be out here calling people terrorists
deprive them of their rightss it's just the bad precedent
and you know what tucker's an example of why that is you
we should be against
we should be against
destniney said he wants to talk tomorrow
ya nice try dude
you lie is one of you guys lied last time about that shit i actually believe i don't believe that shit
but im
we should be against calling anyone terrorist
for political reasons
a simple as that
bree it was a mistake to use the word also don't assume i'm saying both sides are the same
because they're not antiva is fuck and worse
because antifa
literally does exist to terrorize people
that's why they dress the way they do and they act the way they're trying to terrorize people and intimidate people
into silence
a lot of
let's just say trump's people
don't exist for that fuck
i mean i've seen photos and videos
of what happened at the capitol
and it looked like a lot of tourists you know who were
taking photos with you know and that's
i don't know how much i can say but
it's definitely a completely different vibe than than antiva you know it's
it's not really these like
political extremist terrorists
yesterday terists don't walk between velvet robes
that's a good way of putting
because the democrats and the corporate media have so politicized it
they're trying to paint everyone as a terrorist and it's a lie and by the way i've spoken out vocally against your exchange you just had they want to paint us as nazis yeat it's scary that is what they're trying to do and i just look i'm the one leading the fight in the senate against this garbage
and it's what i have been doing it's what i'll continue doing
well i appreciate your coming on tonight
have you considered shaving your test
shaving your chest
why would i ever shave my chest i i have a question guys
did someone tell you girls
a shaved chest or a shaved body like who told you that
can you please tell me who falcon told you that because
i' i've never liked
i've never heard of that
who has told you that
you should shave your chest i don't know why people even fuking do it
i've heard a couple women say that
then they don't even know what they falken want
think about it while
why would you shave your chest if you were a straight man
n't you realize that
thank you very much senter tap of texas hey sean handy here hey click here to san hend the ar on
you're not going
hey loo got it
so there's a new good morning revolution
good marning revolution remind me to react to that tomorrow we're not going to react to tonight i don't have the strength or the energy to tonight
tomorrow we are
good morning
good morning revolution
good morning revolution
a that right ros on
don't say that
spitting game
come on
my food' is actually taking
very lonw
goes around in my heart
and n
we'll watch h three h three versus jo rogan that's what we'll do
never once
ay my food is here
my food is here
my food is here
what that far
war i of a war
o woman
oh no momento borth our oh no momento borth of our
no moment support for warmith
one momento
who know went p
wo momento board of a war
e who is he
i have to go gt
i'm going to
imagine if someone just walked up and just screamed the n word or some shit right i'm going to meet my mike is smart
who is this know
hi um
i'mmiss pastor man
if i start eating pasta i get bloated
and my stomach sticks out
and i grow love handles
like if i get on a steady pasta diet of like four or five weeks in a row where i'm just yeah fucking up i will it goes straight italian on me it's all those those dago genes of mine oh man they fuck it'll go right to you
it's always like the gut in the love what is this have to do with ethncline
this video click bait
vandals first like oh boy and it's also just feeling like shit
i just never feel good when i eat a lot of pasta
i always feel good when i'm eating like lean meat some you know with some fat some healthy fat like grass fed fat like
grass fed
the title was click by didn't even talk about ethan klein
this is joe rogan
response toge three three
i feel like we're missing a lot
are you guys tired isn't it really late for you
you know itts late for you all it's like
i have to peee so bad
i have to pece so
acching bad man
plp is so
i got my cran and i'm still coughing
weeks later
after i
went through the focking a
still for
good evening this is the news on ar t america i'm your host far and franz i bring in the headlines from the art america studios right here in our nation's capital here's the headlines we're digging deeper for you on first stup worlds collide in geneva as officials from both the united states and russia come together
this is ukraine in the situation in kazakhstan remain a hot button issue we've got the latest on that plus fely gop and come back
no one will be left
crime is up across the country but that's not old news folks but there is one major u s city rehauling their police efforts in two thousand and twenty two which are great to some controversial to others we're going to discuss it all with the panel and finally want to know the history of outer space up until now your guess was as good as any scientist but a new telescope is giving us a glimpse into the outer space backstory we're going to explain
let's get after it so come with us and question more
a couple bumps in the road but by most indicators rushes
but in the u s seemed committed
to improving relations high level officials from the two superpowers met in geneva today and all through and although some say that there are a number of hurdles which
must be alo has your videos have helped me develop my views
why is everyone scamming that
hope still does remain here to pick up the story is artiz alex mihalovitch
a quick photo or two
and then write down to business
after an informal dinner last night senior
i'm not a tankee maybe you can convince me
thank he's an outdated labelman
you know it's not specific enough anymore because all of my fucking
he villain
i don't think that's allowed
why would you come in here and just spam train in moti
what's the fucking point
it's not like trains an enemy of mine
why would you spam that
it's fucking stupid
us and russian officials met in geneva today as part of a list of
diplomatic meetings in europe this week
yet thankees are just people who don't like kamala
which addressed russian security concerns as well as a military build up on both sides of the russia ukraine border the face to face talks took place between russian deputy foreign minister ser
and u s deputy secretary what the worst part of long cove it is
i don't know if this is long covied but
whenever i'm in an uber or in a public place and i have to cough
people get scared i mean rightfully i guess
you're likel
what the phone
this guy's got army cron no i don't i had it and this is just
brey of state wendy sherman
along with their respective teams
following the meeting
i've been told reporters that so far
the talks have been frank
in forthright
theys came
today's extraordinary meeting prepared to hear russia's security concerns
the other day i saw a monument to hungary's fifty six uprising in falconeli
i was driving past it
i was like why the fuck is this here and like no wonder l a this is cringe liberal shitty city fuck and shit hole l a
i serandom statue to hungry fifty six
i'm not sure this
and to share our own
we came as well with a number of ideas where our two countries could take
reciprocal action
among the ideas that the american delegation raised today to hopefully be further discussed
are the west missile placements in europe limiting military exercises in improving transparency about those exercises
on both the west and russia's side and nuclear arms control however sherman stated that the u s was not willing to put a halt
to natos eastward expansion along russia's borders
that nato's open door policy for new members
has always been central to the alliance and why why the fok
for what reason
for russia
this subject is not negotiable
if now
nato proceeds towards deployment
of capabilities that are being developed
very rapidly in the us
will possibly be introduced
somewhere in europe
it would require
amieditary response on the russian part
that is
a decision
to counter these threat
through means at our discretion
which will that will inevitably
security of the u s and its european allies
on the subject of ukraine the disconnect between the two superpowers also continued
to the u s
one of the main points of the meetings with russian officials was to
you can't diffuse that you can show it but i'm just not going to risk it
because you know
tense situation at the russia ukraine border
where reports say russia has an estimated one hundred thousand troops stationed
raising concerns about a possible invasion of ukraine
echoing moscow's past statements
russia's deputy foreign minister said
that there is nothing to be worried about
we explained to our colleagues that in no way do we plan or intend to quote unquote attack ukraine and all the arrangements regarding the combat readiness of the armed forces are made within our national territory thus there's no reason to fear an escalation scenario in that respect
need the snow wheny help us ofg said
that he felt u s diplomats took the russian suggestions very seriously at today's meeting
the geneva talks will be followed by a nato russia meeting in brussels on wednesday
and a meeting of the organization for security and cooperation in europe
in vienna on thursday
for news on r t america
i'm alex mihalovitch
all right
so those did not go well for biden
all fok i'm debating destiny
book about byden's record
th it
was there a panel destiny was on talking about this and his arguments i'm going to check that out too
with a lectrofan i think i saw
o ak out tomorrow
going to check that out tomorrow
amonsms becuse siong too mons ust can some bottoms some reus srees and tobacts and sodonmiccdaones for the mathans
gio queer g s
susiche mot on asones shet tm as on tmaviy cany ca keep wve the sonser
by guys by guys bye bye i see them all
wiser delay i'll see tomorll guys good good stream good night bye bye
might do some i rls
was talking to jackson we have some ideas so get ready for a good week b guys