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in for eight f u n g o r i l l ala n g o r i ll
procedures for thank you and
okay why do weid word
to six more by the way has its swag healy
a s e d c i g a r thank you swaggy weppreciate you shd you a lot
wll you grew away i cannot buy your bred so i don't know what's on your mind
everybody doing all right everybody hold en ough good carly not
alone on a saturday watching me ptty that's ok we're on the same board here wero on the same
we're still on our long march don
eyes this is the age of the long march of which and you to infrareds long march in the long march of our thirty day ban to be honest to be fair that was really our but this is more like a st
allen grad you know we have alienated everyone being attacked on all fronts we have literally alienated everyone understand thank you
always fel thank you so much appreciate you we shate you a lot when is the mty left com mark continuing it's still ongoing
i don't i i can't plan arcs so i worked out today so we should be able to stream very long at least like six hours or five hours
so we should be able to stream longer today
how you weork down
you guys why did i stream late today right oh my god it's the insomnia i went to bed at
six because i can sleep at six minimum right i can't sleep before six at all right but i was in bed for like three hours and then i finally fell asleep at nine and i woke up at three and i realized this isn't enough sleep so i stayed in bed in vain and i got out of bed at like five thirty right went to the gym and
you know i attended all my business at dinner i mean i had lunch and i'm you know i'm starting to realize that i'm living a miserable existence right now i'm so fucking angry i am so fucking at my fucking insomnia i
just want to fucking be able to sleep at night and not waste so much fucking time in bed i'm like wasting like six hoursjt doing nothing in bed just trying to fuck and sleep and it's really starting to fucking get to me you know vitamin d you're right i don't know i think i do need something and something's going on with me right
so i'm going to i'm going to initiate an emergency plan to night to night i'm taking c b d and t h c gummies and they're very bad for my mental health and they're very bad for me mentally in general but this is it is at this point it's a fuckin emergency i got to fix this shit it's starting to fuck my growth on fuckinwitch so badly
you guys i'm in a really bad rut right now and think i'm not growing thank you soviet sig have you noticed my followers have stagnated on both you tube and twitch and this is just the most worst miserable fucking place you could be in in general like terms of my living day to day i'm fucking miserable it's october i want to be able to experience the month
but i wake up at five p m and it's like when i wake up everything's over i miss out on everything right the subs are fine for now although we do you know eventually it has to be much more but it's ok right now but thank you h pitty appreciate you but no i don't think i'm shadow ben it's my fault i have been
ming every day at like eight nine pm which is just disastrous just absolutely fucking disastrous for my growth you know i need to fix my sleep schedule and i need us fix my insomnia so we could start doing our earlier streams right and
i'm going to aim to morrow for a four to five p m stream and a long stream too at that ah i already worked out i did everything to day so i'm going to take edibles later and maybe i don't know what i'll maybe i'll like end the stream when i take the edibles and watch a sqid game which i'm going to talk about a little bit today but
guys i'm not going to let this month pass me by i've let the past like two three months just pass me by and i got to get this show back on the road i've been fucking my own growth so badly
with my focking insomnia
in shitting shity sleep schedule
butou your visiting family oh yeah
he am streaming tomorrow
i am streaming to morrow because
they uh my dad texted me he said to come monday apparently there was a change of scheduling or whatever so he told me to to come monday so i'm just going to go monday so tomorrow yeah i'm going to be here
you know i'm in a weird state it's like on the one hand i'm
worried a little bit but on the other hand it's like there's a sense of relief that we finally have consolidated the infrared platform like we have our own community now we never used to have that we literally have our own i g g community we have our own thing now you know we we're not dependent on anyone or anything
we're probably going to change the i g g name we can't keep calling it i g g let's call something else because yeah it it just doesn't sound good but you can't say i g g or because it sounds bad you know like we can't do that shit so we're going to do um
why don't we just call ourselves the guerrilla army that's what we are aren't we were the guerrilla army that's what we've always fuckon been for the guerrilla army we've always been the guerrilla army dude we've always been the guerrilla army from the very first days we've been the guerrilla army
with a gorilla hoard although hoard
whenever i say it i'm scared becuse it sounds like
the mishogenist word if you don't say the d every time i like say words people like read into it as if i'm saying a slur and i'm i'm not this happened a few times actually this happened on czircus show when i said f e d f e d bedz
d i said that and everyone fuck and freaked out and thought i said a fucking slur i was like yeah d g g r a bunch of feds and everyone fucking tried to make it seem like i said the fucking slur that's fucking terrifying that's just terrifying
might be the mke i don't know
i like this song but i hate this part of the song i can't stand the part of this focus song this part of the song sks there's nothing melodic i'll sow you the
good part of the song this part scks walking this is the worst part
oky let me show you why i like this song
it's this forar
i'm going to explain to my taste and music
i'm going to explain
you have never noticed my taste in music
is miraculous music i like music that
expectation and
that's true beauty to me i like true beauty in music let me show you
i mean sure
they got it so well here it's so good
it's ok how bad walking garbage balking this is when it sounds like as sounds like any other fucking j
generic fucking song this is the worst fucking part i hated so fucked much they always have to fuck it up don't theyk they always got to fuck it up so they get this straight they start out the song
sounds like a miraculous religious holy hymn
and then they just go
ma it's like what the fuck man you know it's like so fucking ugly
there's so many songs that are just like that where it's like
the first part is great and then they just falk it f
yes let me show you another example of this
someone in the chap pointed it out
this is another good example of this
god wats it
sly what's going ond redy
i ha
it's a fuck out of here man
once a cuck in
everything always has to go to shit
you can't just have the good part you know it always has to just go to shit
stand thewn look all aone dress to make you think come strong i've loved you and i ve alone
for some reason this song reminds me of the balkanization of america this is the song the feel like plays when america balkanizes
majone pas iun the sa tes familiione de pala whenever i listen to this that's what i think of we have chepart the garrocharge his son no you've come more truly farthest tork you that the dead yet epart the dear p g the
you guys don't get it okre you don't get it presed you don't get it ok
yeah go on it the i think you guys don't understand how much this idea of the
usa i'm attached to almost religiously like i have never felt such a strong sense of destiny as that i this is what i live and die for you know i want to explain the idea to you guys because i really feel like even the people who support support it don't understand
you know i feel like you guys just don't get it like how historically it's fucking historical mission you know in order to explain it you have to have watched
and be familiar with david lynch does anyone know about david lynch anyone anyone watched twin peaks or anything david lynch is the most important american artist
of the past century maybe he's the most important american artist of the twenty first century he is american art what america is ok i want you aus to understand what american materialism is look what is america what is america guys is america about
look like the mythology of the founding fathers in the constitution no there's something unique about america that
has to be understood
america is both the great satan
and the liberator of the world
and i'll explain why it's both at the same time
i'll explain why it's both at the same time the give me a s
you guys know where the word patriot comes from you guys know what the word patriot comes from
patriot you know where that comes from right you know
iout in the modern sense of the word ibout in the modern sense well whatever it's origin you know what really
ly initiated patriotism exi into common use was the us were of independence yeh those were the patriots the patriots why is patriotism pving its origin in america as we know it in the modern age
and how can you connect that to david lynch how can you connect david lynch to patriotism
know think of it in materialistic terms terms of materialism ok this is where it's going to start to make sense the patriots were the sons and daughters of the country that's what it was they were the sons and daughters of the country
they had roots in the soil that's where the patriots were they were the material people the people in the material sense of the word like what is the people is it just the people in the sense of this civic i sorry the state rights recognized people know it's the people in the material and earthly sense
the earthly people right that's what it's meant by the people ok and what that means is it's the people as they are regardless of their etiology regardless of their morality regardless of their you know their their character their ethics regardless of their ideas and regardless of their you know
regardless of their what's going on in the head it's the people right it's the people regardless of how this is being you know reflexised and rationalized and made sense so that's what the people means right so patriots represented that urch irish repatriots
that's what the patriots were right
and yet it's not for it's not unrelated to patriarch
actually it's related to patriarch
right because that's also what the patriarchal master signifier is too but that's lacons stuff i
i can't explain it right here
this signifier master signifier basically is like a type of objectivity that has no regard for the imaginary ways of coping with it it's like you know like the patriarchal maile is like the face you know the yes face that mean the yes face that's what it is think about this face i'm going to
you see his face this is basically the the face of the patriot and the patriarch whatever you want to call it that's what it is any time there's it says yes says oh but you're immoral all but you're settlers all but you this
and yet and yet there's still something material in objective that has no regard for morality no regard for ideology no regard for ethics no regard for any reflexive form whatsoever it's something material right now the way this is been conceived from the persect
of american whssopy has been something called pragmatism and american philosophical pragmatism has oftentimes been confused with english utilitarianism so the idea people think of it when pragmatism is basically like ah will be flexible as long as we can realize our end goal we're going to use whatever
means necessary right that is not pragmatism pragmatism is in some i philosophy which privileges what works not what works as a utility to realize some ends but what works if something can work and just survive the consistency of being realized right and
actually maintain its own structure or consistency that's the object of pragmatism american pragmatism it's a very unique philosophy right american pragmatism is about what works now relate that back to patriotism right the patriots but you can have a mo pretty
you can have an ethical critique you caln have an etiological critique you can do whatever you want but yet it works these are people who are boiling the land they're killing the soil and it works its somehow works in this sense of like materially reproducing themselves
and materially reap
forming the foundation of the entire mode of production
material right it works
you can be against patriots cacuse they're
racist and immoral and all this kind of stuff but
it doesn't matter
think of the american quin when is the american mentality right
regardless of your culture you can be in france you can be in japan lok you can have all your critiques you want everybody loves a hamburger right you can have all of your local
whatever you can have your local culture your tradition oky shut up havef a hamburger everyone likes a hamburger right that's that's the american idea right that's the american mentality it should be critiqued because it's not the absolute chinese china's national spirit is already more advanced than american
spirit and tre and pragmatism but nonetheless this is our legacy is this type of pragmatist materialism that makes sense right now how can we connect this to david lynch why my bringing up david lynch this is notw david lynch will teach you to be a good
materialist because in my view those who have not learned the lessons from american pragmatism american history and american revolution cannot be marxist you can't be a marxist materialist unless you just pass through this and i agree it's not the final stage of of thinking and whatever but
you have to pass through it right so what's david lynch about the number one problem people have with david lynch's movies and t v shows it doesn't make sense it's not rational it's like what's the point what's this what's the meaning and what's the point right that's the first impression people have
but lynch is doing something quite deliberately he's trying to say that if we foreclose the prejudice of ascribing meaning or the intention of expressing a kind of meaning and loaded with moral ideological and you know intellectual motives and if we resist the tendency that we have
to just like rationalize what we're doing when we make art things are nonetheless happening david lynch works do't have it the intention of meaning behind them like he's not he doesn't have a meaning in his head and then he imposes that meaning he just does shit because he just thought of it and he like you know it's pretty neat
and he just does it right and his idea is that in terms of our unconscious something's going on still even though it doesn't make sense to us and we cannot ascribe to it the intention of meaning
something is going on it's doing something
fro to our experience because
even if it doesn't make sense to us
something is working it somehow just works
when when
cooper in twin peaks he's got his cup of coffee and he's afe you know whatever the fuck's doing it works for some reason it works and it becomes a mem and it's like it's very memorable to people for some reason there's there's something about it that ticks and clicks and it just works right
it just works and to me the beauty of david lynch is it's this materialist understanding that etiology morality the intellect rationality as far as it is rationality for us it's not premise reality
ok it doesn't premise reality there's a material reality that somehow works that somehow is real that doesn't care about our you know agential prejudices intellectually theoretically etiologically or morally it doesn't care it's still there right
but this is a double edged sword so let me explain to you why this is the liberation of mankind from european madernity the whole mankind becomes liberated the soviet union china these would not have been able to revive themselves their civilizations and overcome the challenge of european madernity had it not been
the american er right which is not the last era of history but was in europe right because if it's true that material reality is not bremised by the rational cartesian subject who wants to ascribe reason and meaning and narratives and idiology onto reality first
before exploring reality what this basically means is that reality is open there is a special chinese reality there is a special russian reality that is open for exploration in a way that does not consult the a criterion of european rationalism and european modernity it basically means
china can conceive of itself in the material sense of the chinese civilization and recognize the objectivity of the chinese civilization independently of where this fits within the scheme of the totalizing rationalism of european madernity european majurnity is a
izing rationalism it tries to integrate everything into its story right but after the american era humanity is now liberated to pursue
ah the practice
to pursue the objectivity of its own practice and its own nature
but it's also a double leedged sword it also corresponds to the final form of the european majornity and why because american pragmatism basically means a reflexivization of practice it basically means that yes if it works it works regardless of ideas morality we get that but
the very measurement of practice becomes imposed on objective real practice in other words you have the end result of basically the talizing american scientific technocratic control over the whole world american un polarity right the rule of universities and institutions
the rule of medical experts like bill gates and so on and so on yes practice if it works whatever right but the only types of works that are acknowledged are the ones that can be measured according to knowledge so ideger talks for example about cybernetics as the end
humanity and the reason for this for high degre is that with cybernetics we are making our own ground our own substantive material ground of being we're making this artificial in accordance with the reign of technology and experts and universities and so on and so on this is the danger that's posed by americanism and americanism in its limitation does not
recognize that the idea platonic idea for example has a place in the material of being like idealss morality thece are real right reality is not premised by our finite and limited sense
of morality and the ideas but the still somehow fm reality part of reality right and this is where americani ism reaches its limits but before you can macknowledge this age of soalism with chinese characteristics for the chinese age of modernity right the chinese age of modernity being basically
defined by the concrete universalism like it's not just an empty needlestic david lynch were of you know chaos influx of od and you know drawing things out of it that have no meaning but are nonetheless somehow working the chinese arab basically means that the universalism of idea
the spirit the guist and the civilization is imminently a part of material being from material being but you cannot get to the chinese era without passing through the american and my problem
with those who are against a
american patriotism and claim to be anti americans
is that all they're doing is clinging to the british aesthetic
the reactionaries against america from the standpoint of britain you can't properly critique america until you go through it
through david lynch through american pragmatism to me finally
why is i envision the balkanization of america and the future of the united states through the communist party because to me since the american era is coming to a close the american era of the world is coming to a close it's so funny how people accuse me of browder ism when like the whole founding mission
of the infrared collective has been in acknowledgment that the american era is coming to an end the american era of world history is coming to an end o k absolutely but now the chickens are coming home to roost which means america must confront itself
it's spread out throughout the whole world and the idea is that to me the communist party usa means america confronts itself and finally sizes up before its own historical consequencesm united states of america
its contribution to world history its significance for world history this must be concluded it must be realized to me that's what it means to me it means you know people think that as an american patriot i have some fixed
view of the future i don't dot know it's going to be in the future to me really grappling with the united states as a chapter in world history means a new openness to the future if we can consolidate and acknowledge the sixty significance and contribution to america
to world history then this basically means this material pragments patriotism whatever you want to call it that we a knowledge independently of idological moral theoretical prejudices once we can acknowledge this we can finally use this as the launching path and the base
system to explore the wealth of determinate pulture of mankind america has no culture it has no determinate culture it's just this kind of pragmatic
ah abstraction right
but to me if we win america it means
we have now the united states of america this basically abstraction devoid of any content as the launching pad
with which we can finally explore our own determinate humanity the united states is not the end wll the end g is a humanity right the end wll is a concrete humanity but the united states is just an acknowledgment of the end pecedence
of material practice before the ethically charged cartesian subject imposes their own prejudice upon the world
but people think for example what about american settler colonialism this settler pioneer colonialism can be read interpreted no longer as for example this structural preservation of the purity of whiteness against the outside against the indigenous and
nature and whatever's outside selar colonialism should itself be reinterpreted as a new foundation with which a new openness with which we can examine our determinate humanity explore our determinate culture and our reality we fut the bondage of more ethic
european prejudices to me america is about reading the world from europe america's contribution to world history was liberating mankind from europe from european modernity more specifically but at the same time that america has liberated mankind from european majernity it is the final stage
of the enslavement of mankind the european majornity it's both it's both who is
someoneles you obli could you e to jose obliciltabless oblicil ta tompe oblicul ta perdu to sak a taber to some socialtor did you ho lits there to a little to
what comes after the american era the american era is already over we're now in the chinese erope we're living in the chinese europe to me the mission of the communist party usa is to reconcile the decisive contribution of american spirits to world history with this new chinese era we should
must reconcile and finally conclude the chapter of the american era of world history and be reconciled with this beautiful new chinese erope that's why it's so important to me that we must learn from china
i don't think capital is an automated subject in the sense of being just some completely autonomous machine devoid of the whole point is that capital is it is fundamental estrangement of the human being
so whatever it is that you ascribe to the capital that is coming from humanity
with all of its subjective baggage and everything
listen materialism doesn't mean just a pure self subsisting objectivity materialism basically just means let me show you what materialism means
i'll show you again this is what materialism means this is it basically this is just all it means that's it materialism is thes openness regardless of what happens let me explain tom what is a material object i'll explain to materialism one to one this is what separates materialism from idealism
right materialism basically means that regardless of forms and appearances there is some consistent symptom w just says yes right there's so many there's a wealth of appearances and differences and ideas in reality but they all share just this common objective material
syptom it's like well regardless of that this is still the symptom this is still the material object right that's what basically materialism means this is what is the material content this is what is material right material as opposed to what as opposed to a parent and inessential and superficial this is what is materal
maial right materialism basically means this symptom the object the common bread that conditions is the range of possibilities there's a range of indeterminacy and possibility the materialism the material object is just the thing that is the thread that a
which ultimately conditions this range of possibility that's what materialism means now idealism is the certain type of prejudice according to whichs the screaming soy guy so this screaming sory guy hod on yes mean yeh
this bek it is kind of confusing me see here so let's just look at this one the idealism is this guy this is idealism this guy usually has
a whole paragraph where he's trying to superimpose some kind of narrative or some kind of cop onto reality and idealism is basically we you attempt to superimpose upon
material erratic and treat the material object as though it's being premised
by some ideal form
and this is why idealists are literally always like this they they always have this cope idea
that reality is always already identical with their reflexivization of it idealism is the fanaticism of reflexivity right materialism is just this this is materialism understand
the chad face is a face of philosophical materialism that's the chad face that's what it means america should become a colony of china
here's what i envision for the future of america first of all i do think america will balkanize i don't think maybe it will be a civil war will balkanize but the communist party must prepare and lead the effort to reunite the united states of america then the united states of america will re emerge as the union
ate as the tail end of the world which is eternally engaging in this industrial technological and innovative kind of base of the world the rest of the world is settled in a civilization america will be a nomadic
state a union state a state that's think the world of debt stranding you know what i think of the future of america look at the word of debt stranding in debt stranding you have nature and you have a bunch of settled noes that are being connected to the work of transportation and building infrastructure that's what the union
state of america means to me it means just the bunch of nodes a bunch of adams that are connected in a union so this state is not like china where it's like this vast over encompassing land and that's the state this state is the way it's connected the connection of noes the connection of settlers and noes is the state right
settlersing for setler colonialism ironically i think the significance of the american settler is not simply one of white supremacy now of course american settler colonialism was white supremacist historically but that's not
all it was it was also it was also a new found it was also a way of placing humanity on a new foundation devoid of the old prejudices as an opportunity to really explore humanity what humanity is for example i men't sey this would be humanity of the
the white settlers and not the indigenous people but this stupid idea that there's two reasons i'm against land back eologically speaking i'm against it in terms of what it means idologically right forget about policies the etiological significance of land back i wholly oppose what it seems to be
me this idea that since america is missing a determinate substantive civilizational and human content that it must entirely be returned to indigenous people because they are indigenous to this land and do represent some kind of substantive and determinate but to me this is a cope because in no way is united states incompatible
was that
think we're missing the significance of what the united states is
the united states does not mean no substantive
natural native and indigenous reality the united states is simply the manner by which humanity is placed on a new foundation and from this foundation
one is given the opportunity to rediscover their substantive humanity so it's a cop oup to ignore the decisive contribution of america to world history and return to the british moralism and vulgar materialism according to which according to which material reality
iss already latent with some kind of prejudice for the idea being basically that this hobbsy in british materialist view that for example united states is just based on row power relations between different groups the white supremacist opposing everyone and also how could
you be american listen to what makes me such an american patriot i'm a bavid lynch american patriot and the reason is because whenever people approach me with the criticism howd you american patriot when the crimes of se colonialism and slavery and all those bad things then i know you don't get it and you may want to make me double down i know you really didn't understand what a
america is and what patriotism is america if you're just trying to superimpose morality you are still in the british stage of world history you never passed into the american one which is about material practice which is not premised by any moral ethical whatever judgment just the materiality
of practice that's what defines the american ara of world history i'm open to intelligent critiques of my view of
america because i have doubts trust me i have doubts i am not a fanatic american ideologue who needs americanism as part of my i have struggled with this for years right but now i'm at a point especially when i started going live the's n i'm going to explain to you guys why did i really start to emphasize
american patriotism because as i lived in isolation i basically became a kind of anti american i basically adopted this view that america's done china is the future this country's cursed this country is
the end of humanity this humanity is just done in this country it's
there's no future for it right
there's a new chinese era
i you know i'm waiting for the destruction of the united states i'm waiting for the collapse of the united states
then i started to go alive
and i still maintain my populist view though that ok there's still human beings that live here there's still working class majority that lives here people who have humanity who are human beings ok and what's what about them right and so to me populist
and so on was a way in the back of my mind to overcome americanism american people can overcome the disease of americanism by fighting for themselves by discovering themselves right but then you know time started to pass and i started to see the people who were endorsing this kind
of anti americanism view
and it was i realize there's an inherent nealsm in it which is unable to pose a threat to the american era at all it's like americanism created an emergency backdor for itself in the form of anti americanism and in this way by being an anti american in america where you hate america
you're maintaining the the needosm of american majornity while a cluding its actual form you're not acknowledging where it's coming from your suprem repressing the very source of your pathology right instead of confronting your symptom your pathology you're repressing it
in the form of this anti americanism which is deeply disturbing and neholistic like i had you know one of the purges we had in our community was of people who were of that kind of neholistic anti america view and those people just disturbed me so greatly they disc they disturbed me so greatly because
the basis of their entire position was this fundamental american needalsm right which has no reconciliation a bad infinity of bitterness hatred needalsm just i'm talking about my my evil exx mo which is like the villain of infrared right
and all the people associated with them they were all this kind of anti american nlism right these people convinced me they gave me the final push to convince me that look i was born in this country i was raised in this country
this is my country it was defined who i am
and yes the american era is over
but if we're communists living in this country
we have a duty to the hundreds of millions of people that live here to lead them through this change and through this coming crisis
and we need to make peace with america we need to reconcile ourselves with the reality of america and the significance of america for world history we need to be reconciled with it ok because to me my will position in relation to modernity is that
i viewed that it's a lost in lightenment the mongl modernity created a lost inenlightenment where we have lost the real significance even of the european madernity so america must be reexamined from the perspective of the mongol lost and lightenment there's some
thing we forgot about the american majornity that we should remember the anti americans are only repressing the evil part of america that still defines them you believe america will collapse and call yourself a patriot yet absolutely like an ironic
my response to you is literally just yes i do believe that i am an american patriot and i do believe america is going to collapse my patriotism is about the future not just the present and to me it's about when america collapses the communist party must unite this
ree again that's my view that's my like secret view right i don't really say it openly but that's my view i do think it's going to collapse but now i realize america must be restored in a new way you know like america's going
collapse and with the finally an opportunity for us to actually confront what america is because if america is something real that's not just going to be a flash in the pan of history then it will be reconstituted in a new way otherwise this is the final end of america if it's the final end of america then america as a whole was just a
accident and it was just a mistake that is meaningless and means nothing but do you see where i see the needlesm in this to hundred years of history was just meaningless it meant nothing what it actually mean for world history what did it mean for the people living here refused to accept that everything was meaningless and america meant something
we will never gain power
look i'm not god so i don't know i don't know what's going to happen in the future but all i can say is that if i'm a communist which i am then i consider it my duty to prepare the communist party for this future that i see coming if i believe it's coming
and just to try our best we just need to try our best we need to do our best we haven't even been doing a fraction of our best and you know i know we haven't been doing a fraction of our best because these leftists are willfully puilding us back and willfully coking us and willfully
preventing us from being able to connect with the people and being able to connect with this country what i'm saying is heretical it's earned me so much hatred and it's furdly so many people attacking me and just for saying this wen' even try anything yet we didn't even try anything yet before were even allowed to try there trying to stop us
so yes we're going to go through with this yes china is next this story of world history is about china i'm not trying to sit here and try to make it about america ok the future is not going to be about america it's going to be about china and
it's going to be about other countries but i'm from this country right i'm born and raised in this country and this country is still you know it hasn't collapsed yet and i really fear for the future of both this country and the world because we're in denial and our leaders are in theo and they're trying to make us go to war
with china over taiwan and this this roting niccrophili abiding administration is leading us a the so much dangerous things emerging in america a new fascism is emerging not from trump but from leftist from disgruntled ex bern people from
these d s a people from these left wing fanatical people and then come o might bik presidency were a dangerous spot guys we're a dangerous spot we need to end the nightmare we need to end this nightmare ok that's what i want to work for
i decided to let you know
sut and let you know
so you goa fur
i'm not trying to like make the world about america world history has moved on from america right
but the curse of americanism has not yet fully been
eliminated and i think if were communists living in this country
we have a duty to try and break this curse and lift this curse for our sake and the sake of the work people of the world
astaga the test butlemes your brother goar his s no you've come more
truli fet a st did a did y
what would you predict the kamala presidency would be like you want to know what i think mala presidency will be like and our future is going to be like an ironic
don't laugh squid game squid game is our future our future is squid game our future is squid game you want me to explain why let me blow my nose and i'll come back and explain to you why
andina do a christmas jot his next place i plat it on n on my bthers day tom was pretty umorlesus the g a good so littlef that n ap presedent b
i'm going
explain squid game to you and it's why ha squid game blown up in relevance so first i want to talk to you guys about some scary stuff speaking it's octoberre allowen right so i have some scary spooky things to talk to you guys about really spooky stuff last night when i was watching squid game it finally clicked in my head
what the fuck that show was about for the past year or more havever currently been having dreams and i thought i was alone in this but i'm actually not of very disturbing return to childhood dreams where either i'm embodied
in the body of myself as a child or a child like i'm experiencing the dream as a child
as an adult
me and all the other adults
my age are sent back to a elementary school like
it's elementary school except
it's everyone i grew up with
coming back and we're all like you know we're all in the computer lab and like hey it's been a long time you know like it's you've grown up a lot like yeah you've grown up and we're back in elementary school for some reason you've been having on do how many people been having shit like this
you had one to yeah that's how i know it's a collective unconscious thing i know for a fact it's something permeating all of our collective unconscious yeah i know for a fact yeah
you guys having it to right i thought i used to think i was the only one but i started to talk to people and other people have been having it to right i thought i was the only one i had a really disturbing one th and one that i don't know if i want to talk about on switch
not because it be but it's really graphic and disturbing let me just say like this i was in a really white building it looked like a like a technology artificial building right just kind of like a hospital but no hospital equipment just like white right
and i was experiencing the point of view of a child in i don't have any trauma that i can recall right as a kid
and i was with another child and we were brought to a room in one of this this white building and the room was designed for children it just had like all the children's toys and it just had it was like a white pure white room with just some like children's decorations and stuff right and
there was two grown women in the room who were like like i remember like i or someone else was crying for their mother and these two grown women were like laughing at us and mocking us and what they did afterwards i don't really want to talk about
right but you i didn't experience anything like graphically but that's like when i woke up right when they when they started to like get close to us i woke up right so i didn't experience anything but yeah it was one of the most disturbing dreams i've ever had and in the same dream get this it's so weird i s i don't want to like
be superstitious with you guys or whatever but in the same dream beforehand
it was like
it was like a movie and it was showing sergey brin the former c e o of google and he was wearing like a google glass it was in the same building right in a different part this white building where he pulled up an interface
and he's buying tanks and he's buying like military equipment he's like i'll take that i'll take that i'll take that and he's like he's wearing like google glass and he's like he's opens up this like interface where he's like buying military stuff for his private army yeah that's i have no fucking idea why i had that drink
it wasn't magic ok because i did have an idea of silicon valley and what it's doing and this kind of stuff so it's it just seemed really weird that i dreamed of that you know i think we all have similar subconscious thoughts our subconscious
content right now not you know so buty look on makes a guest appearance within swid game do want you guys to think about one of the first w the first striking thing about swid game of all the participants they're all in debt everyone in squid game is in debt they're all in debt
this is the first probably number one reason why squid game got popular everyone's in bucking debt right everyone is in debt
what does that mean though right what does it mean that we are in debt as a societys fut there's no way out but that's an extremely traumatic thought there's no way out there's no end of the tunnel there's no meaning to this the fuck are we going to do if we're all in debt what does that say it's something's about the fucking happen right
we're on the verge of a collapse it's called bankruptcy ok what happens when all of society goes bankruptcy dumb fuck this is unsustainable debt ok we yeah ok but that's too traumatic to accept
so how do americans and people in the world repress that trauma they fantasize of an idea that you can wipe away this death if we place you in this controlled scenario that you're going to fight for your life for right sqid game is a fantasy
that things are under control right and that the cruelty that we're experiencing which just comes from reality and no one's actually responsible for
that this cruelty has some kind of purpose behind it some kind of meaning
right and that's why
we all love watching squid game we all love this idea
that were all suited up and being taken care of and that
we're able to like
situate this cruelty that we're facing by the random contingencies of daily life
into some kind of structured ordered system and plan and ultimate plan right
like yes there's a cruelty and swid game they shoot you in the head if you lose the game right no the cruelty is not the game per se but when you lose the game right because if you can win the game we're fine and we can get out of that but you know they're there really what's the fucking wordre like they're transferring that can random meaningless
contingencies of everyday cruelty and objective cruelty of our situation into something controlled and planned and what makes it so fucking disturbing right is is this aspect of the childhood now why do you guys think there's it aspect of ning the participants into childhood games it's so
fucking disturbing but why is it so disturbing right because as the generation unable to grow up we're returning
to the kind of fantasies of our childhood this same sense of comfort that i just talked to you about about like things being controlled and whatever that's called being a child when you're a child like when you're in school and elementary school everything's being taken care of for you
right however cruel however bad you can always ascribe to that some kind of like agent like in school right you can't just say reality is the problem it's the teacher's fault or it's the principal's fault or whatever there's some kind of agent there right
and when we're in debt tho you can't blame that on anyone it's just the reality no one's controlling it's our reality we're in debt right squid game is about how terrifying it is when one tries to repress
this basic trauma this contemporary trauma we're trying to cope with reality and repressi
and the result is squid game
come desig move the to shats a b the meis chippasks full measures
please canakin mushm continue sad for the dead gasill god in siki lus sy n ma
who are we in debt to thanks squid game is basically about the laconians
psychosis it's basically about lockonian psychosis so one of the typical features of psychosis is finding consolation in the whole some imaginary of your childhood is remember childhood is basically the the stage of the pre symbolic stage of your life
where you find consolation in whole some imaginary forms right then there's a radical castration rupture that introduces you into adulthood right within the psycho analytic dy and whatever scheme which so fucking terrifying about swit game is it's like it's reintegrating this castration of into the symbolic or
back into the whole someom imaginary forms of childhood in the form of like a structured game that's systemically consistent and whatever and also the imagery from the actual childhood imagery of like playgrounds and childhood games and shoitl like that it's reintegrating this castration into a feature of this imaginary
universe in the form of if you lose the game you get fucking killed you want to know what squid game reminds me of even evn are infant tile childhood like social media a kind of squid game social media is extremely childish
it's snowflakes and sensitive twitches sensitive appealing to people's feelings and pandering to them but if you break the rules and lose the game you wre walkingd metaphorically can your lif take it away youre acg through the buck mud that social that you
completely eliminated oh weere else we're a very sensitive wholesome nice society so you can get cancelled when you
isn't that a s good game
doesn't this represent our squid game you want to you want to be even a better in squid game the the guards who have the guns are all zoomers isn't that how fucking works this zoomer the guiye
enforcing it zoomer the ones in forcing it all these cancellation mobs are all zomors right pay attention to the generation nothing's accidental pay attense to the generational thing is zoomers control
it the more our society is becoming socialized and sensitive and childlike and the politically correct the more brutal our society is treating those that are outside of
this game right like we're going to get to a point where in disney world it will homeless man breaks into disney world strong is a he start swearing and shoud there's going to be a sniper that's going to go i gets killed on site it's diney world makey mouse and ini mouse unless
you're an outsider our rule has never been more brutal barbaric and savage yes people right now are being cancelled instead of other things but i'm a psychoanalyst and i know
social deth is the first stage to normalizing violence against those who are considered outsiders of this new disney world we live one of the snother steps to the normalization is and pp violence against right wing extremists
so you look at nonviolent right wingers they're nonviolent ok some of them are nonviolent you disagree with them fine but how are we starting to normalize aacking people violently and endangering people's lives or worse what about what happened in chad
chas the most lit some leftist snow play place glynched black teenagers because they were outsiders
squid play
sqid game
that's where we live in now squid game
and kamala presidency is more squid game squid game is an era
it's an order that is in denial about its own collapse just like in squid game how everyone's in denial about we're all in debt and we're all fuck we're going to do squid game to be in denial about it
you can do anything your life s fm killing since the ninetiesre just normal maga guys yet even normal maga guys are getting attacked violently for their views point strees like for same thing happening to the on vaccind
in the west and in america in britain in australia same thing is happening to the vaccinated it's the same exact thing i don't care aboutk i don't care about is
very emotional person who has not address anything on the basis of the merits of what i've said but is just assuming i have positions that i don't and getting emotional about it so ss not proven to me that they're mature enough to engage with in the first place that's what i have to say about his
thank you when the hears we got to do man the that do when they thouwht you got them they was heard and they was wounded i't think that they go heal some got to get cut off some go have to kill it crazyin stupdle just th one three sort of foll folk fasp some a blok the fes be going down to dote there we got strong sm twice and they might overdose i talk to god in my roserace call it you finish
swid game no not yet i didn't finish yet i didn't finish yet i want to andy advice to you in australia
australia is really nasty right now i have no idea what to say i have no idea what toy
australia seems to be a situation of this total helplessness it's like you can't do anything it's just total fuking
yeah i never even thought about that australia's origin is a prison colony that's fucking insane
here's my advice for australians communists resist
resist the temptation of getting caught up in the content
of this debate about vaccines you're not it's not about the vaccines at all ok you need to make contact with working class australians who foster and promote that into populistic feelings against the government excesses and overreach
that should be the role of communist in australia
don't make it a debate about vaccines it has nothing to do with colbt or vaccines it's not what it's about canadians canadian communists your number one goal politically exit the commonwealth exit the commonwealth is your number one goal union with
united states and exit of the commonwealth that's the maybe not union with the united states right now and the americanism is good in every country except united states andt american sentiment is good in every country except the us if you're in the uk you have to be an anti american if you're in australia you have to be an anti
american you're in canada you should be an anti american just like how in america here we have to be anti britain ti australia and anti canada right this is how we help each other we free each other from our respective ruling classes
what about antichina absolutely not i think they're using the prison colony of australia to test this vaccine mandate that they want to roll out and implement here that's what i think they're using it to test
they're using it as a test
i don't know how can it canada can become patriotic
i don't know how canada can be patriotic i don't know anything about canada so i don't know i don't know how canadians can become patriotic i just don't
a son coming to wor for jag me no don't vote don't vote don't t in canada
australia has a vaccine passport with a thousand dollar fine for not showing a they're testing it there because it's a prison colony and they want to do that to us
should europeans support federalization of europe as bollwar against american influence no don't back kron and like the e u and nato the way you get america is tied up with nato get the bo out of nato nato's the most
important thing to leave you caln also be against the youu but natoes the number one problem
the m twenty five is call forget it forget the m twenty five it's full of a bunch of fok in p m c and whatever forget on forget forget that i like the fucus but the oness very fac is the only good guy in
twenty five
you in the gulf countries i don't know what's going on there i doubt they're enforcing australia's level of draconian measures i would surprise me a great deal what australians meant to do with their flag change it change it
i don't know what you got to do with it i don't i have no idea what you should do with your flat maybe change i don't know ca change it or you can keep it i don't know do what you want with it but you probably want to exit the commonwealth right australia's bet bet is to do
deep in ties with china and integratedself in the region stop being a regional pariah integratedself in the region and become part of the region and deep in ties with china i think new zealand is doing this right think media organization like infrad we found in every country but inf
is our shit right so if you want to do your own thing do your own thing i encourage it but you know it's our own thing
china's fucking our trade oogh no it's not
it's literally not
now slet the boy have feather pan and know what's like how will the wall grew away i cannot buy
cusa stance on mexican american
relations soup forort a lo friendship with amlo what else i don't know just strengthen ties with mexico i guess and a
maybe yeah economic developments i agree north american central american economic developments border yes we need to deepen economic
mutual development specifically mexico in favor of mexico the problem with immigration in united states is it's chaotic we need to forget this open borders bullshit we need to come to a deal with mexico and other central american countries where we can turn it into a
a system right and we can normalize cross border migration and we're got to deal with mexico right kind of like the e u and other economic unions because yes clearly southern part of united states southern southwest united states is part of mexico's
it's part of the proximity of the mexican people like it's there's no way of building a wall and shutting them all up so you should work out to deal with mexico remote mutual developmentmot mexican
national industry and promote american industry win win cooperation that's what i believe in the main source of central america yeah i see that
young an and now
es i it's stupid
taiwan has a bit of a dilemma
we'll join our attick
will america attack back if china attacks should it attack
if attacked taiwan is warning that china could be capable of a full scale invasion by twenty twenty five although considering that since friday over one hundred fifty chinese warplanes including jets and nuclear capable bombers have entered this same areas what taiwan calls its air defense ze twenty twenty five might be wishful thinking on taiwan's part
of course it's always worth pointing out that in the world of geopolitics nothing is exactly as it seems apparently all those chinese planes did actually stay in international airspace and although it certainly wasn't a friendly wave at taiwan it could also be interpreted as a response to this
they lied and said china crossed into taiwan's airspace
two things taiwan doesn't have airspace
that's a lie
second of all
it's not true it's not recognized by anyone
there's no international recognition of this so called airspace that belongs to taiwan
i want to know what dylan burns has to say about
america announcing
it has troops stationed in taiwan
which is a violation
of the bilateral treaties with china
international law and domestic law
a domestic american law
it's just
america is just admitting its own fucking criminal
behavior without shame without reproach nothing just fucking admitting it
three aircraft carriers from the u s and u k combined with a helicopter carrier from japan to conduct exercises moorth of taiwan in the same weekend that china made a record number of incursions into taiwan's air defense zone the naves of the u s japan the u k canada netherlands and new zealand were taking part in that so somewhere between china's planes and the west ships bill taiwan shitting itself taiwan's defense
minister says relations with china are at their worst and four decades this little island which keeps
taiwan is a part of china
you can disagree about who the legitimate government is
although good luck considering what the majority of chinese people think
but they are both making claim
to china
they're part of china the place called chinakay
which government is the rightful government
then that was the war there's still war basically
well who who won the war i think the p the p r c won that war very clearly
but you can keep coping
keeps itself busy making semiconductors which make sure everything in your house works properly lives in a very strange diplomatic nework
i'm gonna peel and wash my hands jimmie saik
gotta wash my end and be
thank you dean
grew away i cannot b you brad so i don't know what's on your mind
d the n sh
i mean i'm not going to go into the history now because you can read wikipedia as well as i can but essentially taiwan believes itself as an independent nation whereas china does not believe that president of china has euphemistically been talking about reunification for some years now saying things like we do not promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the right to us
necessary measures the kind of hints that it will come to taiwan's aid of a war actually starts and in that very american way feeds in loads of weapons in fact the wall street journal said this week that actually some u s troops are already stationedre but there is no official defense pact with washington and america still doesn't officially recognize taiwan as an independent nation which is
yeah all these fucking red you see the top post on redit
was anti china she got all these awards and shit on read it
you frock in shills
you're literally being fuckin herded into this ship by the fuckin
state department in a fuckin
you had a bunch of stupid foks
dommaz fucking radters
but how do read it feel about the fact that america doesn't even recognize taiwanit
it's important in the current environment because as this former four star u s general says
the fact that the united states
did not defend
adequately a twenty year ally in afghanistan and walked away and surrendered the country
and that is what they're saying your fate will be
as long as you stay aligned with the united states protection doesn't always seem to be the right word when it comes to taiwan because the strategy around a war there is not so much about keeping people safe but about both sides threatening to cause so much carnage we're going to have the great microphone referendum let's do it
let's do it
the great microphone referendum
the war becomes too expensive which is not really that reassuring is it so how confident should taiwan be that its friends will come to its aid well i'll let the uus national security adviser deal with that but if there is military action if that status quo is broken
some people you have know some people have told me
that they literally get turned on by how fuckin loud my voices and me yelling and shit
like more than one
do like no i'm someb one person like multiple people have told me
the dayguses
gt turned on by my fuckin
loud as voice
and focking microphone
did you know that
the least four peopleo told me that
united states prepared to take military action to defend taiwan rather than get into hypotheticals let me just say this we are going to take action now to try to prevent that day from ever coming to pass no thing is joe bd and he's not willing to just sit by and wat sheing pin intimidate and all see about
i feel i should get an even fucking worse my
you know
shouldn't i get a worse mike
guys look at this new commenter it's literally a government socker count
trump lost get over it it's literally a sockerc count
that's literally a government account that randomly goes around just saying that shit
but you ever notice every one on which who matters has a hitty mike
tyler won shitty mike
slicker shitty mke
greek got it shitty mike
every one on fuck and twitch
who people like to watch hezer
can mike
ok but want to hear something about mike
ay guys w it if your parents are sleeping if your girlfriend sleeping
this is also the the
guys listen
am i the enemy of everyone's girlfriend i feel like everyone's girlfriend fucking hates me isn't that true
everyone's girlfriend hates me so much
everyone's girlfriend is just like
so hostile and sceptical of my meed
everyone's girlfriend fucking hates me did you notice that
why does everyone's girlfriend hate me
a message to everyone's girlfriend in the chat
i show them this show them this show them this
your boyfriend is mine now
your boyfriend
is my
he loves me more
than he will ever
love you
som that child them that
here let's com
it's in
think you should be doing anything other thanboding by the gree
i get noise complaints from my neighbours because sometimes i fall asleep wh youre screaming
he suddenly started screaming in it super loud
guys i haven't gotten one noise complaint yet
thtyn one
one on why
because my fucking neighbors wake me up in the morning
when i was trying to sleep in law school last year when i was in law school every foking day they would wake me up at six a m and
spam moth buck and stomp on the ground waking me to buck up
so now i'm getting my revenge
you may have the mornings
but i ruled the night
'm fifty fifty on whether he actually knows all that agreement is but joe biden has done the one thing that any millennium with an iphone would do sir the u s and china have reached an agreement in principle for the two presidents to have a virtual meeting before the end of the year yes the two have organized a summit well a virtual summit basically the two men with the world's future in their hands are going to face time each other
at some point in the next few months possibly because she refuses to leave china that's showing them joe realistically speaking taiwan's best chance lies in the fact that generally beijing doesn't start wars
unlike taiwan's mates
if someone wants to debate me on whether i'm a fascist
so let's get ready for this debate
yes i want to talk to you about i think that you are fostering a community here that is quite a lot
i think that you are fostering a community of fascists and i want to know
if you guys are actually fascist
why are we fashus
i said why are we fascists
im to since i've uh
went into your discord here i've been
a attacked with
homophobia i've been attacked with
yes there are people in here that are denying the weaker genocide there are people ok we hod you horses
what homophobia are you talking about
some people didn't like my political opinions about
taiwan being like a sovereign state and what does that boking have to do with homophobia
they called me the f word
who there
some people in your chat the mots did nothing about it
there's not in b c you not off to say that
yeah well
and also your
youre hold on who said that
that anyone say that i don't know i don't is he lying
who is there is he hine
if you're lying you get in
i'm not lying but i'm sure if you look with like f asterisk or whatever you'll find someone that said that
was okay let me look it up right now f
so they typed it what i what if they deleted it though
ya shot the fuckle
nobody said that it look it's easy to believe because you're
your discord chat was
if nobody said that shit
you're dei i'm looking into deleted messages no one said it
that's because they can delete the message though fm no they can't they can't delete the fucking messages from the message the leadd messagst channel i only i can only the short runners ca seeed deleaded messages channel you're making that up
ok you want me to look it up then
posted in general
when you look it up
why' is it taking so long
why does it take me so long are you listening yeah the guy called me a homosexual
he i thought he called you the f word
when did you do that let me look that up
at five twenty one am it was call sherry mail
but really this is not surprising because you have no he did
you have anti acco he fuck did' you he wasn't even talking and first of all
he's banned
first of all they says he has a white name so he's banned
second of all he said leb he was talking to a lebanese person
saying that lebanon has many
b t people
he had nothing to do with you at all
so you first of all you're lying about that so explain to us how we're fascist if that's not going to be a
a part of it because it's not
while your discord is also defending trump
a a lots of like saying like an ironic
they defend conservatism so they're proudly unveaxed
what does that happen to do with fascs your discourse is spreading covit misinformation explain the connections to fascism
well trumps a fascist so you're ok wellll i disagree i don't than a fascist
no i didn't say me i said trump yeah i disagree i don't think trumps a fascist
you do realize he's literally a white nationalist right
no i don't realize that
he literally at the united
right rally said that there were good people on both sides
yeah i think you're just reading into what he says don't he just says why and i'm shit why are all of you people defending trump literally reading into what he said he literally just
trump literally was par tending to be communist and you guys keep punching left your whole community is punching left
i watched some of your videos
you're so you're so like nice with ok explain how weur fascist you treat the you treat the fascists on your podcast so well
and then explain how we're fashioning you attack them relentlessly you attack a on you talk avout
you are yeah w we fascist you are i jus like a genius psyop if you are
a what
you are a genius psychological operation if you are
how are we fascist can you explain
uh yes uh
as i said before you're
hold on hold on i'm forgetting something that's that people were saying to me before
ah yes there was a hole that
the ethno nationalist connection to saying what i was an ethno nationalist
basically everyone because they're saying that taiwan has
i mean that china has sovereignty over taiwan based on them being the same ethnicity
that's not why they have sovereignty but nice triy
ok well singapore is mostly aplic one
singapore is mostly ethnically chinese and china doesn't claim lay claim to the sovereignty overd singapore so
thats not true
i think that i think that's because they're a mix of different national they're mostly chinese ethnically
ok do you have a source to back that up
singapore demographers
demographics of singapore
ethnic chinese seventy six point two percent of citizens the first
result on google
ok and then why does this
why why do you guys not tie this one into
to being sovereign
because we never said that
first of all what's the name of taiwan's government
why are you asking me that
i don't know do you know what the that they call themselves in taiwan
the name of the government
i'ms theick
yes they call themselves the cam t
that's a party within within uh
taiwan yes but they control it so they have what is the government officially called in the taiwan
the republic of taiwan of course
that's not true it's called the republic of china it's not called the republic of taiwan
ok well even if that was the case
how does that give them any right to force them to be under their their fascist government
because taiwan is a part of china
the chinese communist party won power over china
it's still part of china
just because a government you don't like wins power doesn't mean it's not part of china
so if a bunch of
trump republicans
seceded from texas and then conquered the united states you and the institute of fascist
dictators that's not what happened the communist party didn't seced from china and took what took it over
how do you get to decide who s secedes from who how do you because china has more land
china didn't have a unified central government in the first place china was a fucking ah
divided by warlords and divided by different factions and it wasn't even united
the ching din the ching dinas the
gave way to the
republic of china
which collapsed
after the invasion by japan and stuff so
ok but how is this relevant
you don't get to decide
that taiwan
is not part of china
just because you don't like the chinese government
i feel like you could make the same argument for
for basically any government you would say are the nazi germany is the right
the rightful government not the way mare republic
well then that then the argument would be that the german resistance is trying to topple
the nazi government but it's still germany
what but after the fact after they won they they were the rightful government
shouldn't a government be based on western human rights
wait which you said after they won
it doesn't make any sense how are you going to resist
nazis by just seceding from germany
instead of fighting for germany as a whole
that makes absolutely no sense i think it makes perfect sense actually if you if you're just seceding then you're going to concede germany
actually so if you really believe that the chinese government is illegitimate
then you can try and persuade the majority of the chinese people that in good luck
but they don't agree with you
so so you think that any government no matter how cruel it is
overthrowing another one
that is based on more humane values is
like that is the rightful government
ok so you're a fascist
you you know fan fascism
y you litteral p
how does this help the left at all you are making argument how how my fascist
because you
you in your community constantly defend them
you attack hisssan you attack like
you constantly attacking the left and then you're like making these like
so how does that make us fascist
because fascism is
a dictatorship
constantly punches left you guys are the
what you're saying so fast any okay
so fascism means any dictatorship that punches left
any dictatorship that constantly oppresses the left because that is what fascism that is the point of it it's
wall the left
and your community is ot so it's all about the left
it's about destroying the left it's capitalism in decay
hold on but it's about so fascism means of government that targets the left
exa but it's also a dictatorship like
so don't you think so do you think you think rogespere was a fascist right
robespear yeah when you the com was i know you
no because he was left wing no now but he was punching left he was repressing the altra let isc he was he was attacking the monarchy th no and he was a he was punching left against the herbertiss and all these ultra left fanatics yeah but the difference is ali reasoning and all that
but the difference is that you guys don't attack the right the robes
rob spear and his
i forget what his government was called but
they were they were attacking the monarchy and the left it wasn't just a complete suppression of the left while letting the right run rampant that is different in so
and republic we don't attack the right
we do exact the right
no you don't
yeah i defend i've seen the constant ass licking of trump and what trump's actually you
pretty leftist
you're trolling right yeah by global standards is pretty less
we attack extreme right right wing organizations like antifo
we're against antifoo that's an extreme far right
white supremacist organization
you're joking right
nope i'm one hundred percent serious
you attack antifa because
there are white supremacist
it sounds more like you guys want to destroy antipa because it's the only
organized yeah they're they're actually fascist right wingers and tples fascist right wingers
no you want to crush anti fo so you can let that
let white supremacist
run loose
but antiva's white supremacist they lynched two black teenagers in chazz they lynched two black teenagers in chaz
individual and they're mostly they're mostly white
and and and min and they the're there they're wrecking and causing damage and and
causing chaos in black neighborhoods
and terrorizing black neighborhoods
ohh oh
are you dog whistling about b l m or something
you don't support b l m
i don't support antifa going into black neighborhoods and then the
shitting things up
and then leaving it for black people to clean up their mess
at this point you're like this is like just republican fox news talking points of actually antifa was behind the violence it wasn an actual like
civil population outrage actually angry it was actually mostly i was behind the wlook
yeah you know what you guys are fascists fuck you
well how does that make us fascists you know you are fascists
and guess what this is going up on read it i already ok for a conversation before how how are we fascist
an fascism that's why
such as
i already listed a bunch of things you're literally you guys spread cot misinformation
what does that happen you with fascism how are you calling us fascist
even if that's true
because i mean let's be honest you guys do support
a dictatorship and you do
want to destroy the laft
why is that inherently fascist
you hear
you see the circular arguments you're making was marx a fascist karl marx
cakarl marx would not be not
basically kneeling to the right like you guys do so all marks support of the dictatorships a thelre and right is like a republican thing it's not a fascist thing
karl marx supported a dictatorship and he also supported repressing leftists
say that again
he supported dictatorship and he supported repressing leftists
no he didn't he supported a classless moneyless society
he supported the dictatorship of the proletariat
s is on dictatorship
not all
that's not what he means by dictatorship why do we use the word l
but he used the literal word dictatorship to describe the point of the dictatorship of the prot
was to overthrow the capitalist class and then disband the state
in like ukraine did
i forget forget what his name was
trotsky put down an actual communist revolution you nesr macno who is a serial rapist and bandit
a more more like
individual slanders across a whole political yeah he was actually your cut you're coping make make no was a serial banded serial rapist
i i really can't with this this is justanism let's le's state you just you support state capitalist fashion let's be honest about it
because ho how a we fascist you are if you are a communist i understand because it would be very depressing to live in a world
we're like no socialist country can you explain how you haven't you still haven't explained how we're fascists
exlain you what fascism is i explain what you're going why why is that with fascism is trying to you're trying to destroy left unity you're trying to attack a c why should i care about the left houch
because the
because the left is what's actually going to bring a revolution it
well not a revolution as in a violent revolution but in
like taxing
taxing the rich to like redistribute wealth to everyone to actually make a more equal society that doesn't result in like
some kind of like mass sixty million
dead bloodshah when you when you say that i all i hear is that you want people who are in your class to be in power
let me ask you a question
is the left and right the essential thing like what about the actual material
why are political spectrums the most important thing
you need to you need to be a little more indepth with that what do you mean
the left and right are two different
are two different fastions yt but we have but the meaning of left and right world views but but left and right change across history and like
right becomes left and left becomes right it's like all these things completely change and it's not like a materialist analysis
are you referring to that old
that old thing that happened in american history where the party switched like
what do you not just that there's a bunch of other examples
a well it's pretty obvious that it goes more towards
we have the monarchy all the way to the far right
we have fascism next to it and then we have the republic
it's not trugcracy and it just completely moved that's that's actually not tu what it's not realmism is it's a natural evolution of
yeah but on the other hand
you're talking about right and left is the main thing but
that's neglecting the fact that from the very beginning robespierre
was on the left
but he was very different from other leftists
you know he still believed in
be you know
he still believed in a god he still believed in you know the traditional conservative values and that he was a liberal so what i don't get what your point really wasn't w he really wasn't a liberal
he was it
france became a capitalist society
under ok but but the point is that
well across history you just find these examples from marx to lenins to stalin
you have leftist but they're struggling mainly against left opportunists and deviationists
where leftist really are the biggest enemies
not right is leftus arm
internal enemies
because you can you can you be see why you see why social democrats oppose like communist right because
they basically destroy left
just broad left wing movements and let why should i care about left wing this left wing that why should i care
because what do you mean potato
like because obviously you may not be ha why not just mention the meat and potatoes why do you have to like why should i care about left wing movements like what does that even mean
because it
you don't care about creating a better society even though it's not the one you want you sound like very everyone says they want to create a better society including the right wing not just leftis so that's not so si and we can all agree like even on basic like
human values no i really can't that's what i'm trying to say is that
there's a lot of things so you do have like fascist like value sympathies that you might
so you're basically saying like anyone who disagrees with me is a facist
no i'm saying anyone that that has that's trying to find common ground with the right is probably fascist
well i don't think of it in terms of the right i just think of it in terms of human beings who are written off
my left is
for being part of the real working class
and what if the working class is a fascist
i don't think they're fascist
well you're not giving me charity here why why should i be like a
why are you fear mongering about fastism so much
because are some examples of be or because our government was ly almost thrown just nine months ago and we almost had a fascist dictatorship
i don't think that's true at all
oh so so ok so let me get this straight right now
you're you're you're laughing but you think that there was no threat about that i don't know i don't i really don't
like that you're proving my point though i really don't think there was a threat of your ashic day when your community are constantly giving like
good fit
they're going how was the a threat of fascist let's walk it through how was there a threat if you were a big political party fo let's explain let's walk it you through how was how was your them let's walk it through how was there a threat of fascist dictatorship
because that's what they're trying to do they're trying to kill all the politicians
and instaatee trump as
you so there's there's uh extremist organizations that are trying to do things
marginally like just just because like just because even if it's true that that's what they were trying to do like the al right
even if it's true that that's what they were trying to do you still haven't proven how that was an actual real threat
and i haven't seen any evidence you the were you don't see how breaking into a capital
no you threat you don't think the sar it was just a form of mass vandalism i don't see how it was a threat at all
so with a bunch of
a bunch of bolsheviks broke into the sar
yes are th was a different time period where it's a symbolic act where if you break into if you're getting to a point where you can break into the the
the winter palas
you probably you're seizing power basically that's notw it works anymore that's really what they tried to do
but that was only after all of the political events like happened like they got the support of the soldiers
the constituents assembly was dissolved
they you know that ars government had already collapsed by that point
they actually took over
a capital though
but the government had already collapsed by that point
well just because they're breaking into the capitol building
doesn't mean they're taking over the power
that that capitol building represents
yet if all of those politicians were gone tho there'd be no one else left yeah but there was no no one else there was no threat of all the politicians disappearing ok
i mean you
you're just
you're just
you're just so is there a single politician that disappeared because if there was a real threat that no of the know but they tried it
they tried but wouldn't wouldn't if it was a real threat wouldn't at least one get like injured or something
me just because the defense was stronger and
they had a decisive victory doesn't mean that it wasn't a real threat
how was it a threat like
you realisee anyone can raise hundreds of people to go and vandalize any building that doesn't
that doesn't make it a threat
now fascist dictatorship
and if you recall to have some kind of some kind of convenience store this was
this was world news and it made
the america it made the american government weaker because of it like
yeah so why why should i write well do why should i should tears over the because you know what the left
the left is not going to win if that happens it's going to be the fascists and you're helping them
why should i care about the left me
because if you don't you know what happens next
what happens next
nineteen thirty three happens
i don't think that's what's going to happen
oh i can't help you
so hold on
please not
so you're an anarchist
no sock them
oh you're soft and why do you have a hammer and sickle
because it's it's kind of just like a broad sign
what is it a sign only
i'm pretty sure it applies to like democratic socialists and stock gems
no it really doesn't that was the symbol of the unity of the workers and peasants
yeah but simples change meaning over time a they the meaning hasn't changeds the same mean as they do no
how do you think you would fare under a bolshevik government what do you think would happen to you
probably probably gulegs
yeah i think so and if you lived at the time where that symbol
was prevailing i think
i think you know you wouldn't fare that well
but i don't know why are you why do you antiva people use these symbols when
boswex would have hated you
they would have hated people like you
you know
m because they were they were they were they represented the working people and the peasants
it would have hated people like you
the they didn't represent the
these city children who are running around doing crazy shit
solitarians are much alike right
you still haven't explained how we're a fascist or how trumps fascist or how there was a threat of a fascist dictatorship firs you want to clarify those or
now you pretty much made your point i was trying to figure out if
if my feelings are true or not and
yeah this is going on right at brough
what do you think about it
do you a sock them
and you realized fifty percent of the country is like pro trump right
so what should be done with all those people
it's fifty percent of the pble it would probably be fixed with reeducation right
how are you going to do that though how are you going to hold down fifty percent of people with with what by what means
to forcibly reeducate them how are you going to do it
here i'll give you a solution
you tax the rich and then you redistribute it to the schools and right
and yeah but they're pro troump pull on they're pro trump and they're not going to go along with your program
so how are you going to you know
fifty percent of people how are you going to deal with it
what do you mean they wouldn't go along with it
they're not goinga just they're not going to
be educated by you
voluntarily right that the fifty percent of the countries against you
but that's what the public school system is for
but most of them are boomers so
they're not in so of lose boomers
and but by the way that's assuling doesn't matter they're not going to be around anymore in a few years so why does w
yeah but their children are not about the future
yeah but
first of all even if you were successful in changing the school system
that the students they're not going to buy it right they're not going to buy this propaganda the second thing is that you could if you in order to succeed in passing policies
forcibly re educating their children
you have to win their support locally you can't there's no federal precedent for doing something like that
how are you going to do that me it's a self defining that's why executive orders exist
so there's going to be an executive order to turn the schools into left wing institutions
well we sd we already kind of do that right
no we we don't
and how are you going to enforce the executive order in case there's resistance yes yes the there's definitely ideologies you can' teach at school
there's a resistance to the executive order what are you going to do
what do you think should be doneen
resistance by whop you mean the right
by the people the trump people who don't want
what should happen
i heaven't
did you respond
i'm thinking
still thinking i ight i'm not
you know that's a complicated question right there's a lot of nuance to that
look you have a simple situation fifty percent of the country is not getting on board with the left wing so called left wing government
so how are you going to fix that problem
well what makes you think that they would be
be so
like that they'd actually be like a threat why can't you just force policy through
well how are you enforce it
policies how do you enforce the policies when people are you think they're you think they're going to just going to go full anarchy that the would go i think they're just going to resist them just like they're resisting the you know the lockdowns and that's because that's because biden doesn't do anything to
well what should we do to when that's a good question what should we do to force it
he should do what he did with the companies of making forced
vaccine mandates right
and then but that's dealing with people how are you going to force people to accept this
you don't
you mean you don't need to they would if
if you actually put the legislation in and wrote it into law they would follow it
no they wouldn't mark
most americans aren't as rebellious as you think they are they're not going to
the trump supporters are not going to follow these laws
you have no source to even make that statement
so let's say they don't follow in what then
they don't follow them yet what they're wll
well i am sure you could use it
police to make an example of some of them in
okay hold on so you're going to use violence
oh like but not not not large scale but like small scale like me
oh sure government the government's going to use violence to enforce this against fifty percent of people
well not be it's not fifty percent you just do it to a small
just a small population of them who are resisting put it in the news they'll get scared th theugh
fox news will
scream to them about how how much seriouss there ares long ok sday
i mean that's usually how things work right yeah so
what do you think about the military foreign interventions are you for
we're human rights
i guess it depends what you consider humor are you a
in favor of lake
ray feon in the military industrial complex what do you think
but okay no
so you want to cut back military funding
i think it depends what the country is though
like i like
obviously for germany
like there was an exception
and yeah but do you think do you think military funding should be cut or increased or just maintained which one
well the the problem is that if we cut the funding
is that we're basically
giving up like
yaes so you're not you're you don't want to cut funding
but you have to listen it's because the alternative is that we lose our g political but sure sre fascist
ya ya so you you so
so let me get this straight you
you wantedan anti fascist fascist dictatorship supported by the military industrial fascist dictatorship
well i mean because fascism historically was when the democracies
noin it's to maintain order it's not to invade countries you're what i'm saying
yeah well i mean fascism is what happened in he'ce keeping it yeah it's when the state had to maintain order
with the police and military industrial complex
to repress the people they didn't like
that is such a mischaracterization of what i'm saying
what you mean thing
i'm not saying to like
you like trying to like imply like
some kind of like
but you want wars don't you're like implying colonialism or some you you want wars
you think america should get involved in a war
and the youear future
for example about taiwan
should america vot to war for taiwan
that's a tough question you know because
there's there's millions of people but i mean going intervening there could lead to even worse outcomes
was hitler justified in invading poland and czechoslovakia
course not
why not
the thing is is i'm not sure if china what what ok then what right does america have to go and invade the
countries halfway across the world
if hiller didn't have that right to do that right next to germany which i agree with he did
why should america be allowed to go randomly invade countries as a seas f beause i think america has much more of an ethical moral system than germany did
and there would be a lot less
yeah but but but but hold on hitler thought he was more moral and ethical right
i guess
you can't really appeal to that because you're dealing with that is that more relative
more relativism is kind of crane also so you're right and everyone else is wrong right
pretty much
it's not me it's more of the west in general and the west we you know let's talk about that the west is correct and the east is wrong right
i would say that the west has more of a
like a refined
refined philosophical system for ethics so probably
l that's not to say it's inherent to them but it's more
that they just do not have
i want to read you the final words
of um
a liberal cold war politician
hold on
h hold on
give me a second
was sack
i want to just hear your thoughts on them
give me a moment
looking for it
there you go
all right so this is what they basically said they said do you have a link
heh i'll give it you in a second
for that
i herewith repeat my policy
england will not only be in a position to stop
the tyrannical communists
but its development will unavoidably evolve more and more
were the symptoms of this destruction
the democracies
are currently fighting to rid themselves of the forces they summoned from the steppes of asia
talking about this like threat of eastern communism right
and it says that
we shall overcome this calamity and tyranny
and this fight too will not be won by central asia
good bye your hope
and its head will be the most democratic and free liberal country
america what do you think what do you agree with that
well what was the purpose of this war because it was the cold war it was basically fighting like the tyranny of
communism and cold war
you ise him
can you send me the quote first
what'es it tell me do you know you a really like me i don't feel like tting gotcha if i say you know do you agree or disagree just be honest
be open and i want to see the quote
no just be open and honest i'm not i am not getting gotcha by this you're not getting gotcha ok is this is this like dirty debate tactics no i ok on the surface can you just be honest about what you feel about that
as you said the west is best right in the west is defending democracy so you agree with that right
i mean in theory
ok so the speech that was actually a speech the last speech given by hitler
ok so you're just trong yeah and i added some other words to it too but
the part about asiatic vervism each the part about asiatic bolshevism and defending europe was one hundred percent real like the liberal democracy part i spinned a little bit but
yeah more or less aggravating
elie edited the quote
yeah but in substance you're literally you literally just agreed with the quote by hitler that i just gave you hitler's last speech you just agreed
so because i think western values are
better than most of the world that that's hitler i think that is like ya quintessentially
this idea that the west is superior to the rest of the world
is more or less
i said in ethical constraints ok in anya if you're saying the west is superior to the rest of the world that's like white supremacy that's not so no it's not because it has nothing to do with that why
because it's about the philosophical tradition
that took
thousands of years yeah but that's what the nazis were saying they were saying we're defending the philosophy of the west against the asiatic bolsheviks who are easterners from the stepps
and you know
that's what they were saying
you know about what do you think about demo democratic ukraine what do you think about it
i certainly don't support
russia over them because they're sure but don't you know that there's that i'm not going to call russia fascist that yeah but there are a lot of youre nazis in ukraine who do see the struggle against russia as
defending western values against the evil russian asian menace
well i i think that you're probably
not honestly
characterizing them because i'm sure there's other's the as
what do you mean they're doing hitler salutes in the their neo nazis
but the's so that's like saying if america if russia attacked america and then the old right
was against russia doing that then
like everyone's basically all the right in this scenario
it's yet another you'ar to done but but
you called us fascists but
you're literally supporting neo nazis in ukraine
no dude you are
you are such a dishonest debater and you like col vouch in these
you call these people dihonest debateb like well you know one who is really broad ok like so rush sweeps
so would you say the west is best
you think the west is the best
is best in what
no in general like you agree with the saying the west is best
at what
the' just the slogan the west is best
would you agree with that
i'm not answering that
why not
a stupid question
why because you just said the west you're just trying to get gosh as you
you like this is so pathetic man like really
like you this whole debate is just
is just gotcha t but you said the west better there in south
your in elf fascist audience you're just trying to make look how are they that's right that's entire
point of you these
how is my audience fascist when you're the one who supports hitler quotes
this is such a fars i'm done good bye
and yeah as i said before how are we inscels can you explain how we're inscels too
he left
but hell is it
n yet
all right meyers next
maa wants to come
if tell mya to join the showque i'm going to go pe and i'll be right back
tell maya to join the showqueue and i'll see what she wants
i'm goninga go p i'll ber bt
's know what's
way i cannot b you brad so i don't know what's on her in
all right is wheres my ou they're not joining she don't want to debate
anyone else wanted debate
before we do something else
someone named cam
a km wants to debate
what do you want cam
make it quick what do you want
co anywhere
yeah i can hear you
um i was curious
he's kind ofgh
things are really commodities
i've been kind of confused why you say they are not communities i think they would fit
i think they would correspond to what mark described as communities as well even though they are like more new forms and i understand that theconom be exactly the same but
they're not commodities
mm what why do you think that
um because commodities have to be tangible things they can't just be like uh services
when you say tangible you mean like say need to have like some
someone like explicit boundaries like water but or that's what you mean
why do you think that i don't think it's implied in any way
in mass work
well the the issue with the
services is that
they can't be generalized in the form of general production
well why do you set up
because how do you measure a service except through the like the individual subjective experience of a person
uh how you measure it like you mean measure its value
you measure the commodity k what the service is as performed
is just wasubject just a highly subjective experience one person
imparts upon another
mean from a supective perspective every commodity is experienced just as youun knowal
yes a
so right it's not only that
i know but the reason why labor comes to manifest it significance
is because of the production involved in that commodity right there so there's a separation between the production of the commodity and the commodity
whereas in the case of the cervice there is no such separation
um just because the two happen
simultaneously that's what you mean
pretty much young
but i don't think this happens simultaneously you know if i go to get an aircut
i will pay by the end of the accord which is not the same time as
the moment where the record was produced used the yes but the labor in question
it's the same thing as the commodity
i mean
uh yes yes i mean the label directly produces the used value and is being consumed in real time but why would it be a problem
because it's not a commodity it's a service
the service you can do communitating
how how do you externalize the boundaries of the service beginning and ending as becuse a commodity has to be defined
commodity gonmenteeds an end somewhere
yes yes i mean the commodity the consumption of the community if i'm getting an efqort okay i'm consuming the commodity
doing like the ecot of course like the the end product
an itterm of use value is the final ascord i have
but the change itself happens once
and so you might say but that's one of the one of the one of the qualities of a commodity is circulation
you can't circulate a service commodity
yes yes
you can i don't see the issue you can see you can't circulate once it's produced it's done
it ceases to exist upon a production
it it's same for anappole like i i buy anappole i eat it its juss to circulate
it yeah but when you grow the apple
where you manyf we produce the with
genetically modify whatever
it goes and circulates around and then it reaches you somehow right
it's not like a it's not the same it's not a service that's why an apple's not a service it's an actual commundity
its swch commodities commodities can end somewhere i agree with that but
before they are consumed
right they have to circulate
some of course it's same for the aarcet you know you need you need to
um circulates the
the what what's you calling english
so champoo caesar or this you know capital investment yeah yeah but though those you can starll thisss ssor is a commodity the product the products being involved may be commodities
since we're dealing in that
the haircut itself as an act of like the producing of the commodity in the form of
giving someone a haircut cannot be circulated
war exchanged beyond
it completely disappears amon immediately being exchanged
it disappears upon consumption as yeah in you comm yes no it's not only that it disappears upon consumption it disappears upon production as soon as it's produced it ceases to exist
not just as soon as it's produced so production consumption
an exchange all happened simultaneously when this is not able to
but it's not able to be externalized as a commodity an independent commodity
no it is because
because the momentu of exchange happens so that's when it's externalised a the commodity
independently of the fact that lexas a consumption doesn't happen a samp but it's never externalized as a commodity
t what i'm trying to say with this write a commodity
is a process of externalization of labor
this doesn't happen
a six dowm
the fact that it has to go through the exchange process it has to exchange against another community money
just paying for it doesn't mean you're externalizing it
i think it's enough
no why is it enough
i think
a commodity so
in capitol there is you know the whole process of developing the concept of the committee
very abstractly a community is you know very abstractly to abstract even
it's just
a use value in exchange value
you know it then it goes into this whole process of you know
turning into allse forms and so on know that's not how marx your ses in defining the commodity marx and define the commodity by premising it by like
two check boxes that have to just be checked and that is it
that's just not marks meo as i said it's not the whole definition of the committee because it's just the abstract concept the communtey which has to be made concrete
over time
you know adding the determinations of what actually you know
make it possible
so i agree with you that
the just exchange value and use value is not enough
i'm seeing
the ecort for example fits
not only is the abstrat definition but even if you ad other deffinitions
this effort thing goes through all of them the whole
process of uh captain formation and everything
all of it
can be
can't be considered even in the case of eccert or is it's it's re it's really it's really doesn't no it doesn't because
for example
services have existed since the beginning of money
before capitalism
at no point can i hair cut
established itself as a form of generalized commodity production
i think it din when so the first sentence of the second paragraph of capital boy one
a commodity is in the first place an object outside of us a thing that by its property satisfies human wants
of some sort or another so it's a thing it's an object outside of us is our marks the gens and theu is outside of me likeose because the committee of the act
is like the process of actually realizing the accord right
it's a it's a physical process of transforming the shape of my hair
so this is something outside me it's not it's not part of the
my mind ons know that it's not a
it's not something yeah but it but you could you this is kind of like a cartesian dualism like not even our body is part of our mind right
it has to be externalized as a thing separate from us and not because et when i'm being angy i'm lking reing an efcort i'm being a process of transforming the ship on my hair
which is different that'ss the community and paying forl
i'm paying for the specific action you know specific like yeah you' know paying for a service
and that's a community
but it's not a commodity because it's not an external object
it is you canuse ok once the object is produced can you sell it to someone
you send it to me
you proceed for me can you sell it us now that it's sold to you can you sell it because that's the key part of capitalism is that no that's not commodities are no longer existing strictly for purposes of use value
but for generalized exchange value and therefore for the production of surplus value
or the accumulation of profits right
so for for a haircut to be like a uh form of capital a commodity that
can be involved in the process of capital
you have to be able to sell it as a commodity
you can't just consume it you have to also be able to sell it
and the her salon sells it to me
the hair salon sales
the committee to me
so can you then sell it to someone else
oh that's not implied by committee pution committee pusion doesn't imply you can sell
but gues it does it implies that upon the production of the commodity it can be sold
no no
once it's consumed cannot be sent sold again like yeah i know but that means that between the time in which it's produced
and it's consumed there's space for circulation
no it's not implied
i am consuming
wll will i will explain more simply i will give the a good example i
let's say i pay upfront
for maybe to make it easier to understand i pt ft for my ect ok i patles the
at that point
then yes technically i could sell
i could sell this aircut that i didn't receive yet i could
sak my friend and say ohlia i budg it for you just consume it for me
and then they consummit when they get the hacket
but the commodity has not yet been produced
of course because it's being consumed
when but it has not been produced so you're not selling the commodity were it's more like you're selling like a contract to produce
some service or to engage in some kind of service
but you're not actually selling a commodity
ok so you you argument
if i i may try to summarize it your argument is that if
consumption happens at the same time as production
then it cannot be a community is that your argument
more or less yeah if there's si not only that but
if they are simultaneously the same thing then they cannot be a commodity
just because it happen the same time doesn't mean the same thing
production and it's of course the're the same of course they're the same thing the production and the consumption is the same thing
two sides no it's not it's exactly the same thing by
a hem cutting your hair he is at the same time and it's the same thing
he's cutting your hair certain en gaging in the service and you're consuming the service it's the sappening you know it's not only happening at the same time it is the same thing happening
you i don't know it's not be honest so you you're saying that
two things because happen sometimes have to be the same thing is that you're saying
well their content is the same
it's not just they're happening at the same time they have the same content
ok so these are different forms youll agree right
not it is the same content
okay giving and receiving all not the same thing butirds say say all two aspects of the same
holle right
you know it's two ways of looking at the same thing as our puts o i agree is that in that case you can you phrase it that way i'm fine with it
so you but i still don't see why it would be an issue actually um i mean you insist that it is an issue i think you're only picking
it's an issue because one of the features of commodities is the their ability to externalize our labor into an object
than an object that can be circulated somehow
if the process of its production is at the same time simultaneous with its consumption
it has not externalized itself into the form of a commodity that can be exchanged
i disagree that it is a meaning of circulation but maybe we can try another example and see if we can agree on this one or not
for example the service of transporting communities
from one place to another right because some materials needs to be transported
in some places you know the the roamati need to be tansported to a factory and so on
ah this itself
in the value prodicction of the committee don't s agree
no i don't know about that
you don't agree you don't agree that transportation
if it's necessary of course like not
i'm not talking about superfusus transportation sy i'm just
ya sure luck
transportation is needed you know you need to transport
yeah who sees the oil from one place to another yeah rechurcees right
because there is socially necessary labour of time included in this
it comes as part of
apprition of the committee don't you agree
when i say that i don't know
i literally like
have to think about it beore it' is not a difficult question
but ok i'm inclined to say yes
it's a difficult question but i'll just roll with the yes for now
ok but don't sure agree it's a form of
seentes no
isn't to say i mean i'm not sure by definition know he is no it's not
conlution is a service ok no transportation is not a service
okay okay faireno fair ofug
okay well i guess in regard to
whether a haircut is a committee or not i guess we'll have to
yess we have to stop i guess i mean i i don't know what to how to convince you anymore
but that
i have not beenvery convinced by your argument yet
the prodiction and
a consumption has to be separate
i see why
you know that could be an argument and probably need to read more about it so
ok thanks for the atment on that
was he bulling isute
is it fine to if i ask also questions or
it has to be a debate it's not a debate the
ya uh what do you think in that case uh
about so
in europe
zeries like overseas e u and everything i'm from france
and um
there is discussion among some countries about forming a european army
um that would be you know separate from nato just to an actual pan european army
and uh
series like different people some people think it might be a good
among among communists there are some communists who think it might be a good way
to get some independence from nato and so on and sol some of the ones who think that
the whole e u thing and european like kind of idea is just a way to dissolve
nation states sovereignty and so it
going to go anywhere and
um myself i'm not so sure about it i see i try to see both sides
but it's not clear to me what
do you have any like
idea about these things or not
yeah i have an idea
to me
the eu's problems stem from the colonization of a
southern europe
but as far as the merger of france and germany is concerned into a union that to me is a historical inevitability
there's deep historical reasons for this as well but
this kind of merger i think is a
the problem is there's so
i think in the main oftentimes silence is a third position right
and as far as a european army is concerned
i think this is one of the things where
may not have to be vocal about it at all just
to have no position but to have the position of
we sure exiting nato leaving nato
as far as the details of a european army is concerned
i think to me that's something that can be dealt with later right the most important thing is leaving nato
i agree with you a but i would push you against um your view that uh germany and france are meant to be united because
in regard to the e u the way it works actually france and germany tend to be
in opposition actually there yeah it is fundamental contradiction which has been transplanted to the other countries outside of the eu but
at the same time that it's a contradiction
a this is why they are fundamentally united because france is a consumption economy right
and it is the hinterlandce for the german exports
so it's kind of like the first
backyard of germany that it colonized right
but at the same time that france is a kind of a
economic colony of germany in a sense is how it started out
and by thisose relationship is the foundation of the euro the currency the euro
france has also provided to germany
the question of the political leadership of theu like
how will the e u be governed politically right because france's historical origin is that of
the republic the french republic
kind of politics and so on and so on
so it's kind of like the historical
the relationship between the republican france and the germany at the time germany was agrarian
farmers agriculture and then
france was the political hegimon so to me
the question of the governance
the form of the state
so to speak between germany and france has not yet been settled
to me france will lead politically with the yellow vez swan
to inspire germany but
germany still
has a kind of economic and infrastructural and industrial
um significance
that so in do in a sense like in the terms of the relations of production the mode of production
franch and germany have been united economically right
terms of the political superstructure that corresponds to this i think communists should seize agemony over it
over this
and struggle to to articulate the superstructure that can correspond to this
um yeah i mean i'm not sure it's so once idd like for example you said that uh germany was like the industrial base and france was more like uh the consumer but
i wouldill not
say i would not say that it's true to some extent it's true that germany is morenustrial
but france you know the friend of thiss own industry that germany is lacking
for example france is bluter in terms of energy production we you know we have nuclear energy and so on
ya france has a tour military
uh france is very very strongly tharily speaking germany
resues you know i think what that has in common though is that
nuclear energy and the military are
tied to the kind of state
scientific technocratic bureaucracy right so these are kind of what political in a way
to me um
yeah that just has been my limited perspective on the matter
as far as the e u is concerned i don't think it's sustainable
whatsoever agree agree
but the question of the political the form of the political unity between france and germany is a very important question i don't agree with di m twenty five or verafachus
but it does stand to question of what form of governance
who can something like the e u have i mean it's clearly not the democratic right
yes yes ya it's uh it it's not some people would even't say that it's you know where is the most nancy democratic because
in some way to absorbs the sovereignty of the member states
precise to a more ss your quite se doon sense e coal like a real goingick scing where
so is this european you know
this i mean this is this european government
but it's not really
i couldtic from agreement anything is the the question of sovereignty is vvery ie not some ex some mak some expers who just
gives opinion on what's best to do economically
in both countries i think the question of sovereignty is very important
regardless of whether itill be inevitable that the france and germany
find unity
german and french communists to me must place the sovereignty of their countries
at the forefront right so this means going against the e u and this means a
rejecting this kind of eu governance
and then maybe down the line there can be some kind of merger right because of this economic foundation but
i think this politics of sovereignty is very important in both countries yes yes i think this kind of thing is like be likely to happen from
france or from italy or poland poland these days had some discussion about that but german is't germany itself
uh is
is uh very subsavient to the u s actually germany wants to be part of nato and wants uh
the u s army to take care of us not the european army
i think it's just my opinion but i think germany is afraid of french sovereignty actually
well i think that that's js and the reason the reason is because uh
germany has no
it has no precedent of governing continental europe
or at least western continental europe right
france has always been the political
m leader of
western or at least has been vying for leadership of
continental europe
western continental europe
so it's between france and america as far as western europe's future is concerned
so germany is afraid of france only in so far as it is aligned with the united states
yes yes yes um that's a that's a big conflict uh germany is like basically constantly
working for the interest of the uus inside of the end
what do you think about other regions of the world that all like maybe trying or i don't know i it's can be successful at all but like latin america and so on like theyy wish they had some
more unification but yeah from he gean perspective we are not in the latin american era yet
light in america is a very
place in terms of laate
how to understand geopolitically
but the to me what we've discussed is that in south america
peru is probably the most important
because peru fer the latin america because peru is the heartland of a
the inca civilization which was actually inherited by the
the state the succeeding states
so peru i think has an importance peru chile and the
surrounding states there are very important pieces of the puzzle
where this fits in with central america and mexico is and brazil is a is a mystery to me
especially in brazil i have no idea
do youink do you think a coul could happen
in brazil the i hepe many people
said that
such a thing could happen like bsonarw could try to keep oi because
he has so many legal issues
brunty and
he's going to lose in the next election so
i don't know i haven't been keeping up with brazilian politics i'm just not very
more of a random guess and you don't need to have a cleance on that but do you think
sijing ping
we'll step down at the next what's the name you know next year so you see
a re election as a general secretary of um
the bossy right
i mean it's like a random guest is it it's fine ah
i'm not asking you do when when is it when is it going to be
uh i think it's next year uh
what's most
well met it i think china is in a very decisive time so a shift in leadership
i think would be considered very dangerous for the leaders of china
because of the issue of taiwan and this growing conflict with the united states and it's important to have a leader in this time right it's going to
lead them through their soul
i don't think so and i also hope not
yeah i guess we would see yeah i'm not i mean he didn't give any hint that he would step down so i would guess that he's going to stay but at same time
there is not that much transparency in regard to
the top of a decision making so it's gokining of haw to predict something
okay well uh i don't have so many things to
fight with you a boat anymore so
oka all right see you later in
all right
then let meey
all right is there anyone else
before we move on
we're going to move on to georgie batti
but it's going to be justin justin murphy's introduction to him
mage we have slimple agendu verst
he wants a debate
oh my god
theta wants to debate
in between
verm call
mexico and canada
it's difficult to tell but in economic agreement
regarding the flow of populations and movement of people
and trade agreements i think are inevitable
but uh
do you think that such economic conditions interdependence and actual conditions do you think that
weill actually form some kind of
a political action by
the three countries
it's difficult to tell
i see a foreseeable future of the breakdown of political
american politics right
what i would be more interested in exploring is for example
if mexico has interests in like the
the american southwest
well ya uh actually im lo uh
bought a couple of refineries at the southern border of texas recently a couple of months ago and yeah i'm talking about
beuse to me
i don't know about the long term longevity of the united states as a state
but mexico is a real state mexico's a real state with a real base and a real history whatever
to me mexico is a real like
country basically right
it has long term
united states has a much more ambiguous future we just don't know what's going to happen
yeah i mean my problem with uh
thats source an idea as well is that
you're facing up
on this scenario
are no friends
i think that for example in mexico we're facing
a love of environmental issues like
mexico city so
you know that infrastructurally
mexico it basically surrounds mexico city you know all of its political and
economic infrastructure god in
it is designed to center itself around mexico city
but i think politically speaking it's not facing the problems of america
yah in terms of like the fundamental question of its future as a country like
will mexico still
exist as a country as i think
not a big
oh yeah i think i understand what you're saying yeah there's
like a concrete political vision mexicans have that
americans don't necessarily have mhm
ya uh well
ya even though i agree with that uh i think that it's still the case for example you mentioned uh
migration right there
inter interstate migrations in mexico city what you have is an environmental issue
in the case of
so you know that mexico city is literally built over a lake
yeah yeh
yea and and people uh
take water from the lake but because watergain can get in the city is literally sinking right
and it's placeed above a very high altitude so you have to driningk water from the basins surrounding the city
an assorban expansion creeps into those basins as higher temperatures rise
rain becomes more scarce
h people will h less h
not more
most people wouldill have less access to water as they did
yeah and so a lot of people in in mexico city will have no other choice but to
migret of north
yeah and well that's only for mexico city right you have
saying ow dry drought isssues in the yucatam peninsula
in the northern states yeah i mean i can i can really see this echo ecological
crisis but was there anything you wanted to debate about or
oh wh ya uh
what's something to debate about
i remember that in one of your
the weights are over
couple of uh
time ago uh
you were discussing some legal issues and you came to mention
that a is not ai what do you mean by that
is the law of identity right that
the philosophical law of identity that a is a right to me yeah es saying a is not a basically means that
form and content are not the seene
former content are are not the same
okay but what for example what does it mean for you know an idea not to be
an idea
it means that the content of the idea is not contained within the form of the idea
that for example the meaning of an idea is for example
its consequences its actual realisation is different than the form
oh ya it i mean it it troubles me for because you know
the basic nature of like of contradiction is so
he such that
for one sde too
affirm a proposition is necessarily to deny the other right
so so that you know to affirm both actually
is to thenight
the the two of them
how is that possible how do we arrive you know
that is
concretely you know
what do you mean
yeah i mean because we if we deny that uh
an idea is an idea
if we accept the contradiction that you're proposing
what does it mean for us to say that
an idea is both an idea and not an idea
it is both what it is and it is what it is not
you know
but i didnt have
im i'm failing to rest this you know
how do we
what does it what th do we arrive when we deny both right that
idea is idea and idea is not an idea
ry sorry it's hart to follo what do you say
oh uh
you know what does this nagation imply
because again you know
to say that
it what it implies that the avoidance of dogmatism right it implies the view that
that if something's form for example the form of the law and its real material premises are not one in the same
the law cannot account for its own real premises it tries to establish itself as the beginning and the end
and therefore tries to establish its own premises
nonetheless its real premises impart their significance in a different way so
it means of so reference you mean
yeat and also means it's subject to change every form is subject to change on the basis of its own basis and foundation
i get to
this is this is isn' kind of the bulgor
my interpretation of healic healtiti is right
elaborate the plight
the vulgar interpretation of heracit is right that everything is changed
because you know it
like co so refuting on its own terms like the ontological classical interpretation
that everything is changed
yeah yeah everying is in flux you mean like
yeah exactly yeah but
i geter you hold to that position but not in the vulgar methephysical sense
because you know metaphysical discourse is necessarily so referential
i don't know
i don't know what you mean i metaphysical i definitely do think for example this dialectic change is something that happens like
in nature itself right
metaphysics for examples how high they were defines it
oh okay i see what you mean
yeah yeah yeahy on to on to theliology yeah yeah i get what you're saying yeah
ya uh but okay so
for from where i standing you know
uh again you know
give eggs and why
contradict each other
then necessarily x is not y
and why is not x
to affirm both x and y is the same as affirming
not y and not x
precisely which is to deny both x and y only in reverse order
what do you mean
yea i mean i mean
if you affirm both x and y
are respectively you know defined that's not why and
not x
you know you you are affirming not y and not x
which is that in fact to deny x and y
ah but
yes but you're denying
it's not x and not y is not necessarily the same thing as like a
it's a it's a determinate negation that makes sense like you know what i mean by that
determined like not x is still x
because it's not x it's just x and it's opposite
but it's x is opposite it's
it does you don't arrive at another determinant
forn agh contradicts x it's still
the only determinanate form is x
and even in its negation you're still within x
that make sense
yeah sog and like like the idea is like a negation is defined
by its
starting point
ya um
so for you like x and not x botre
things that actually exist the terminally
no i wors to say that not x is for example not y even though y is not x it's still
it sounds ktricty but
not x is not y
not x is not y
even though y is not x
ya uh
but but i still think that you know we are still operating within the frame of
a self reference ight
like even in normal languages when
when we
exclude something what would you know like the vulgar phrase
it is what it is right
it could be no other thing than what it is otherwise you wouldn't stablish it in the first place
so you
we get to a determination beyond that in
most people actually think you know
i don't know what you mean it's really hard to follow like where you're coming from or what
we not i just
i just mean right ay
i still fal fail to see you know
even if
it is possible to arrive at the position that
it does not necessarily have to presuppos t
the love for the mty fe
all the stuff
a so quite logical
logic the realm of logic
the law of identity obviously is a presupposition
otherwiseand an absurdity right
but exactly the law of identity the issue is when the law of identity is superimposed beyond the realm
of logic
and the contention
is that
a logic and philosophy as a whole does not satisfy the whole of being and reality
within philosophy
yes the to contradict the law of identity or to deny the law of identity is an absurdity
same within the realm of logic
but the problem is that there's a challenge to those philosophy and logic as the privileged site of both
sinking and the sinking of be
r right b
yeah that's exactly what i was trying to ask you you are saying that
logic in itself cannot account for
for being
in itself
yeah h b
know what are those aspects that
logic cannot account for
i g that's why it plays example of like self reference in everyday languages bece well think about the object of psychoanalysis logic cannot account for this
logic cannot account for our so unconscious
logic also fails to account for material reality in the form of the
uh modern physics
here the classical logic breaks down
logic is privileged sight in relation to reality breaks down
yeah that's kind of a criticism of
of haygl
fa this
the russialism right that
ya well i guess
from a haedean perspective
it's still
consistent the issue is that
we have now opened up a new territory that you cannot
superimpose philosophy
philosophy is not necessarily incorrect culminating in hagels waso it's not that it's incorrect
is is that it can't be superimposed beyond its reach philosophy is a ultimately about the law of identity
it's about the consistency of the idea with itself that's really
the whole aim and purport of philosophy
which is not necessarily wrong it's just the question of what is the idea is not accounted for
by philosophy
yeah i mean uh you know brief uh
so for example high dever
you mention him
so do you know of neoplatanism
yeah so so for example are you familiar with damasseus
a damacie
can you smell it
and d a d a
i u s
the marsias d a m a c i u s
oh that would
s c i uus
yeah yea
no i'm not familiar with them though but i' have heard of him
yeah i
because i also
tackle with a similar
question two wiriors and like
how does the idea account itself as an idea
of being
how does itc count
for itself as being
and addamass his tackos without
from the perspective of
new place is a right because
he actually arrives at a very similar conclusion to hideger
write that
being cannot be understood as
as causing other beings right because at that point you are just postulating it as a being itself
ys another bin with a lower bi
yeah but i don't think i am learned enough to h
you know
enter into this territory beyond you know the frame of self reference
yeah it's difficult for me because like when i'm streaming i'm not really in like a state of mind where i can sit down and really
thin can engage with this sojust
a difficult format you know
it's to put me on the spot you know it's like
i'm not in a state of mind
yeah i'm also in in the pressure of you know speaking to our audience
yeah but thanks anyway i'm goinga think about it thank you for having me here
all right okn'll see you later
everyone who can maintain the discipline for that can survive
the hydrogram
should we put like a
something in the middle let me think
oh god whaten am i gona take to my edibles
my edibles are going to ruin my gains
you're going to ruin my fucking games
we join nbonea tam n lamagep d the diy pas diy class ion plat on sventy s
y sockay scamble go therelea mingle there by they n its y shandy sha on they t ove thatll be sqare s shandy sockey scamble go there mingle there by y
n la shady ship for the at t sety s shiny sockei go youe night la shay shp
s a dy i love them hesla dy stuff d he's come you be god about pt of the mission com opd ag
for god that he shany sham cors and addy com mot dafy shadeys after any scambled od would you p about n he shany sham cor on thatdy com mot days shaney after he scambled
all right we just put that as a break you know like
i want it to cleared
the air the attention span
you know let's chill a little bit before we move on to the next thing
we move on to the next thing you know it's the encore
it's the it's the the pallett cleaner cleaner exactly
as you guys know it's october
it's halloween
bookie time
i' want to introduce you
give you something i think about
one of the most spoky thinkers of all time
gorgient but iy
who is georgi batan
george a bod tie
was a a
french thinker
who was
fundamentally shaped by the events of world war one
he was influenced by thinkers like heideger and alexander koljev
and nietzsche
and like
all three of those thinkers may be saved koz of that's a little more difficult issue
he was interested in the question of the scandal
right initiated by the first world war
or revealed by the first world war
is the fact that western rationalism
western rational subject
cannot account for its own ground
and cannot account for its own premises
it's not just that
if the western rational subject cannot account for its own ground and premises
why is it
that there's still something going on
in this realm of material premises
but tire arrives at the scandalous insight
that the highest strivings of human thought
and the human mind
somehow remain dialectically
with the lowest and most abased
but i
this is georgia bti he was actually pretty handsome you know
but ti's idea can his whole stick can be summed up
the expression
that god is a woor
right which is a dream he himself had and luck on took note of the significance of
and the reason why he says this is because
the idea of god right the metaphysical absolute
the most the highest most profound and
mysterious absolute divine being
is somehow
nothing more
then themst abaste
form of humanity
right which is
a so called god is a whore right
he's not necessarily saying this is like an edgy atheist thing where he's saying like
oh you know i hate god and god is evil or whatever
basic idea that he's trying to get at here
is that
we can go no farther in reality
then this
this prostitute or whatever
when we um
when we uh
think about god basically
hoaw i interpret it
this is the reality of the divine
the highest and the lowest coincide with each other right
battai is concerned with the question of the base
vulgar material
and palpitating
the realm of appearances in reality
how vulgar and scandalous
core of reality
now isn't that
a little bit spooky
no coincidence that he's associated with horror
because this is also an experience of horror right
the true what is truly beyond the veil of reality
its base reality is something
hoor a fining
a but ie draws the distinction between the head
and the body
and the symbol of batti secret society the aca fail whatever
is about headlessnessness it's about a body
that is somehow living
somehow subsisting and
existing without a head
the meaning basically being
this accursed and a based material reality
per sist
even after
it's been removed of its head its rationalization and
um it's
way of being given meaning and form and so on and so on
it's kind of a vulgar nietzschean materialism
and kind of vulgar french materialism in a way right
the famoust expression of b tie that struck me with the most
i want you to see this quote
because this is probably the most
important quotes by the time
this sums up his metaphysics his ontology
the best
this is the origin of acaphil
it either comes from bati or hegel
letm me find the fucon coqot
it's i
it's hard to find
no one just has this quote apparently
oh it's from hegel
this is where they get the word akafhil it's from hegel
i knew it it's from hegel
it's a beautiful court
the quote is
here it is
from hagl supposedly
so it's about this kind of nitzean theme of the death of god so here it is
universal existence is unlimited and thus restless it does not close life in itself
but instead opens it and throws it back into the uneasiness of the infinite here's the quote
that struck me the most i think it's from hegel
but it is heavily associated with batie
universal existence eternally unfinished and acaphelic meaning headless
the void of a head right
a world like a bleeding wound
endlessly creating and destroying particular finite beings
it is in this sense that true universality
's the death of god
what does batti mean here he means
or universality
the truth of being
affirms itself
when every finite
horizon of being is transgressed
or somehow overcome
or contradicted or negated
it is in this moment that you find the universality
of all beings
true universality is the death of god
when the head is repressed the body
this was a very important stage in the development of my own thinking
i don't agree with thei i completely reject him but
speaking of le
the need to pass through the american era and david lynch i think this is an important part
i read but i through like david lynch and stuff you know
partially at least
now the most important parts of bati's work
are concerning the question of the
since we're talking about transgression and this kind of stuff
it really gets into actually eclogy rights about waste and excess
and expenditure and surplus and energy right
and we're not going to be able to get into that today but maybe later if this is proves to be popular in people like this
that's my short intro of btti now
here's gonna be justin murphy he's gonna give an introduction we'll see if he does a good job
sv does a good job
let's see this is
justin murphy and nina power's introduction to biti
shacke it up
all right so we are now streaming on youtube but i will just give everyone a
a minute to trickle in from
the internet
take a minute to
get ready
i hope he doesn't fuck and show anything like bad
no images anything like that
nothing we can forseee so we're gone
this guy's like an edgelord pretty much
wll still
might give a good introduction
oh my god
i think we should go ahead and get started then
i want to start by giving everyone here a little bit of an introduction i feel like
i should provide
some context for
what's going on here
first i want to thank everyone for coming out there's a ton of people registered for this meeting so i don't care
it looks like there's a lot of interest in batai
ah so that's really exciting to say and thanks for your interest
i want to
let' start with a bit ofan introduction because there's a bit of there's a bit of background context i think will make this all
a little b easier to understand or it'll help everyone kind of appreciate what we're trying to do here
a first of all as you can tell i am joined by my friend and colleague
ah nina power i hate how intellectuals do this they just waste time
another person who is now kind of
on the true outside of academia
uh need
nina who many of you will know is a british philosopher
who has written about and taught continental philosophy for many many years now
and today we're going to be talking about the french hlosopher george bttaie
nina' is here in part because nina in contantal philosophius is certainly my superior
i was trained primarily as a quantitative political scientist really and
i i mean i do have
some peer reviewed academic theory articles and all that but nina superiority in the continental philosophy
area is one of the reasons that i asked her to join me in this particular project
a although i do also want to remind everyone at the outset that mind
and just why are we even talking about the tie
and i would say that the keep it of context here
i want to let you all kind of understand or know about is i
i just recently finished
what was pretty much my first serious attempt at an online course
with the hider scholar johannes nedederhauser
he's a he's a recent ph d from work and
honestly it was just amazing it was really great it pretty much far exceeded our expect
immediately build another course
and nina and i have
both we both have a kind of abiding interest and b tie
and nina
recently quit her job as a professor only if if this is not a
i did nin and i have officially agreed that we are going to be opening up andan on like to questions that people want to ask
am i so i'm i'm incredibly excited
and this is pretty much just our first public set of developing this course because need an understanding or relationship to tie so this is going to be so we're really keen to hear all of your questions and comments yourselves but uh just to keep things focused
so the game plan for today is nina is going to talk for
when she's done talking that's also
and so that's the game plan
nina you got to go
i'd like to inbote you to speak now you have the mie
okay okay i'm gonna go p
i'm going to go peter we'll be back
very bad i'm going to go pete
w gre away i cannot buy you bred so i don't know what's on your mind
sometimesside wder how a you doing now the things do't say fine andother lie
im okay why do know g word
thank you justin for that very
enthusiastic and organized
so i mean here we are in this you know strange
future present in the middle of this pandemic
you know various states doing various things
t a very
and you ever mean a hard sense
but to categorize
as in terms of both his writing and his kind of approach
to existence int to thought
what was this recorded with
is this a problem of the recording
because this is the most
this is the most shitty fucking like
i'm sorry i'm trying to rotch it in it's like
um and the way in which he's kind of not really reducible to particular
uh schools
um although he has kind of
you know overlaps with certain
it's like you could tell this is shitty internet
but the way it's buffering and loading is
it's not live so i don't why i don't know why the quality's still so bad and it's not loading
uh cetain schools and certain modes of thinking
so yeah this quite a brief introduction i made some some notes
and they kind of touch on some of the things some of the kind of concepts or ideas that i'm interested in
but i but i want to say of course the there are so many things i'm not going to be able to cover that that are so interesting this is what fucking academics do they take fucking twenty minutes to narrativize what they're going to talk about
and they take forty minutes to talk about what they want to talk about and then they talk about it
a good of fuk thought i a
in particular
asphile and the secret society and that's how i pronounce it asophile o i know
you cded nature of his relation to secrecy and also to
the public in the form of journals
um i'm kind of public into bed
um also his uh
relation to the college of sociology and his relation to other great thinkers this time
m and also there's a lot that could be said about his relation thank you so much paper onen
to religion to catholicism to
in his early life
uh also to um
this realists
to psychoanalysis his influence on the can
and and there's there's there's so many
things and it's kind of worth maybe looking at
uh the biography of battai which uh
by michelle sarah
which is translated
um not a particularly fine quality adition
in the paperbox
but there's an interesting take on on batai um
which maybe slightly reduces atiz biography to a kind of a meaningful life like trying to find inherance
in his his life which is a kind of open question for everyone in a way how much
you can make ofuh your own life and there kind of very specisitudes and dirt
and uh impossibilities that it might uh involve
but so ya so i'm just going to read my my notes written there you know in this moment of the of the pandemic
so i think this is an excellent time to turn ti so he bought he was go and died in france eight hundred ninety seven ninety sixy two
the global pandemic and the various states reactions to it rais a certain persistent the underlying question is reated to the pandemic keep in mind
it's for humanity
ones that are generally obscured by the modern hygienic utilitarian and homogeneous
a johanness niederhauser who justen mentioned earlier
puts it in a recent essay it's time to think which draws on how you go in niezscha
the question of being which we are for getting
it's a reminder of who we have always been
but the will to will blinds our eyes and hearts for this deep mement innering
bringing into the inner of our hearts to be all
the wltter will wills us to be enslaved by debt
numb from experience and desk machines
the will to well wills is to kill t
thisj kind of reminds me of what i used to like to watch
resa's lectures accept resa
he actually
like immediately just started getting to the point and he like
he was such a good lecturer
because like
everything was coherent
he never just rambled on about nothing you know
rather than allowing for the wonders of boredom to disclose to us
here we are
so i think in this question of boredom
that your hand is uh jins is also a kind of key i i
what's up political bole i know you you mentioned it yesterday
do for a bad time and for hidegod
let me know if there's anyone who wants to debate me
yeah we will talk about profound boredom
and for those of us who have in a sense a luxury
to be bored
and maybe to remember the boredom of our of our childhoods there is something kind of very uh profound perhaps in this moment
um your highness will talk about uh a return to m a kind of
uh leisure
uh but in a kind of uh very deep
to the philosophical sense
sorry we say this playu forces a kind of confrontation with tm
i should have been having
fall along
with our thought and specifically with death and risk
which are in know key ideas but that's whyt need e
those aspects of existence covered over by a culture concerned to hide death
or repress it
and at the same time to kind of fetchize say
and a kind of mediated exists promote this mediated
a life lived online for it's the life that we're living now
uh a live lit via pacifying vish okay i i think g u uper this but
so far this is a bad intro dude this is not a good intro you got to explain it to dumb people okay
this is a terrible intro because it's already becoming like
i know you already lost the audience with this you know
vitual images the kind of tyroran arth
oh netflix
a for example
a world in which we are not s
on pain of
this aspected
we do
it was like where does the heterogeneous
a reside
a today oh it's better now
to the heterogeneous batizis is identical to the structure of the unconscious
in this dense essay he tries to look at the way in which fascionism and fascist leaders and maussolinian hitler
immediately stand out and seem to tap into almost hypnotically
into this heterogeneous
wh is your most vital education
that i'm so cugt
this kind of dark energy he calls it the force
that situates them aor seeks to above men
uh above parties and above laws so they become this kind of sovereign
um you know not not amount of the people exactly this is not a good introy you guys this is something if you're smart watch it on your own time
this is for not this is not for dumb people
le me find that dumb deple video
i'm getting bored watching that video you know that's why
i hate the cock philosophy things dude i don't want to watch the cock philosophy
but what's fantastic about this out
elogy with rajaki boring
miss nning fasing it
i have cartried this bledched way
to that glorious ok this guy's going to explain it through a video game
so that might be fun right a video game
gyay gamers
this is kind of cool actually
this is ok we're going to do it like this
it at eleven
forty four going to be careful
sacrifice okay let's just watch it like this
this dawning epoch yea dumb people
this age of reason an empire ha grown fat
rank for the bleeding
blood and bloat filth and foul power the grotesque factory at the heart of amnesia a machine for pigs what steam there is should sooner emanate from a swine's rotting corpse than a coal furnace
the game presents a regime of production where waste is not merely spurned or reduced
it is the very driver of the great engine itself thank you morlocke
malodorous fumes pumped the pistons
and pigs are ferried down the line by the momentum of their death rowes
for the french intellectual george b ti the harnessing and taming of excess is the true aim of all political economy
in his nineteend forty nine work the accursed share
he develops a new theory oriented around consumption rather than production
to batie all ok you guys do you just fuck in youar that
do you know why he's such an important thinker now
he just seid a theory of consumption rather than production
you get where this is going
you get where this is going
why it was so important for me too
life is endowed with energy
ate there's nothing to youss but
is there a p p p on there no there's no pp
i just
energy beyond that's not
brisket art is allowed i know but
still not going to risk it
what is required for its simple function
this excess is usually allocated to growth and reproduction but he writes
if the excess cannot be completely absorbed in its growth
it must necessarily be lost without profit
it must be spent
willingly or not
gloriously or catastrophic ly
this wayward expenditure emblematic of everything from excrement to human sacrifice constitutes that cursed portion of human activity
the accursed share
in this video i'd like to enlist b ti to illuminate the murky depth
of amnesia a machine for pigs
a game about the horror of consumption
it features sacrificial rights cannibalism industrialization and the limits of the human mind among its many themes
all of which happened to be among batti's greatest fascinations
join us as we explore the bowels of this horrid machine
you know me who you know my children you play as oswald mandus a wealthy meat packing industrialist recently awoken from a fevered sleep to find that his children are missing it's new year's eve ninety nine on the precipice of the new century
you descend ever deeper into the machine you don't remember constructing gradually it is revealed that mandus encountered a terrible power in an aztec ruin a power that showed him the bloody future of the twentieth century and impelled him to avert it so he constructed the machine to uplift humanity by debasing it to direct the impulse of the accursed share to his own
ends a machine for pigs dualism and reflections abound in the game's imagery the mansion you traverse in the opening is full of trick walls and one way mirrors already we are attuned to the duplicity of the game environment as b ti writes each thing seen is the parity of another or is the same thing in a deceptive form each thing seen is the parity of another or is the same thing in a deceptive form
the loading screens feature the schematics of the area you're about to enter but the clean forms beligen
the fetid horrors you encounter in each this is the duality of the modern impulse to rationalize the world i am constructing an architecture to wrestle o damnation to the ground and smother it with steam blueprints can never capture the leaks and slippages that materialize wherever humans are involved and don't look to them for navigational aid either your path through the levels is not a linear and
one valves open staircases rescind secret passages extend the bulk of what you actually do in the game is repair work until mandus regains his memory and sets about undoing all that he has built as a result you make your way through the world as a surgeon or perhaps a coroner even the game makes clear this metaphor of factory as body in one note
how his pipe designs take after intestines and tape worms and the game's achievements label portions of the world the teeth the throat or the gut when we're hiding from the hideous man pigs we can no longer rely on our senses darkness all around and the ceaseless infernal grind of machinery can't see can't hear we are foreigners in an unwelcome body so right now they're just succeeds just explaining
the story ok
and soon he's going to get into bati
rejects us at every turn
i have carried this world on my back with its legs about me
dmn this wretched soul i am given birth to nothing but machinery
the game's plot too hinges on these splits and bifurcations agu electron
who's wilder
what happened
yson fury versus wilder oh shit
i don't care
tommy fury acept jake paul's new fight
for the fuck is tommy fury i feel like jake pall only fights people who can lose
mandics's sons are twins
their mother died giving birth to them
their violent birth mirrors that of mandas's machine in which a piece of his soul is literally and figuratively embedded
one note reads i looked at them
covered in the blood of their dead mother
little piglets squalling in their swaddling and my heart was at once filled with a great love and a consuming hate i could never have imagined
at that point
did my soul split creating him
was this the egg of my soul the moment the great clock began to tick
the love of a child and the hatred of the world they are borne into
elsewhere mandus speaks of laying an egg which hatches into the sprawling machine we traverse in the game
his split soul animates the character of the engineer who is really the
you want know how i feel guys
if i'm going to spend my own time
going this in depth with lore
let's just read a book
books are better than this shit i'm i'm sick of bullshit guys
you know like
books are so much better than video games if you're going to dedicate time to yourself
i'm too old for fucking games to get good lure from because
u games so much of the games are spent reading so much of these games are just going around
and you're just reading text
and then if the game is going to explain its lord in terms of like voice actors i don't chaer
you're going to take two years to explain it to me i don't have time
guys just read books don't even fuck and play games just read books
if you want
fuck discool elyseium to discoleseum pisses me off because of that
you know
i'd rather just i don't care about games lore
you know the only games with lore i care about are like dark souls and bloodborne and shit
were it
you don't really spend that much time reading you just play the game and then the l is like
in the theme they have the best lore of any games
the voice of the machine and a projection of mandus's repressed memories and another n i've been wanting to play bloodborne onstream it's just i don't
my ps four is like shitty and i need a ps five or something and they're all sold out
the figure of the child is more ambiguous
and when they first said daddy my heart was molten
as if blood frozen upon the ground were held up to the sun to thaw and slop
and they were inseparable always together one soul in two bodies
and my love was all consuming
is this about his son's
or him and his engineer
here the form will give me a p s five
simplistic really
no way be honest will you actually give me a p s five
i just want to be able to like
by one
you know
no i'm not going to rachel get the fuck out of here i'm not going to fuck and buy your used
p s five
i can't believe i have viewers trying to sell me used goods
i need a brand new
never been touched sealed in the box ps five
arms of father child creation whre fuck do i get a fuck in p s five man it's been like five years
even lover what do you mean your pi s f shitty i mean it's like broken it's like blows up every time i play it
melt and blend and why didn't you try when it first came out dude because they were all sold out i thought by now
they would have been
in stock it's been like a year
process of bestowing new life
a birth is always a violent event in the sense that the creation of another is also the negation of ons self but tai calls sexual reproduction a luxurious detour in that it consumes the excess energy we can no longer put towards our own growth for him it is merely the accentuation of cell division although reproduction may appear to lead to the growth of the species on an individual level it
really is a wasteful process this is especially true for animals where the individuals engendered are clearly separate from those that engender them
this truth is disturbing to mandus overcome by alienation from humanity he cannot separate his sons from his egg his idea of himself from what he has become physically the egg is the arcane artifact mandus recovered from mexico we discover it is the dark impulse which led him to sacrifice his own son gise man
we need to do more love crafty in content is there any good love craft games on steam
we need to do like more love crafty in content fok
damn it ma
uck and wasting that's why i want to take these edibles dude be cause
i'm sick of wasting away my days
is call of kathulu good
would you guys want to see me play that onstream
to london and you set me upon a mantelpiece and then you went into the house and gathered the sceons and we st you and i on recrafting them and then you went into the garden and was time shut go but let's step back for a moment
in order to understand excess luxury and sacrifice we ok give me one second you one s
' me give me one second
move in
you must first grasp bati's notion of general economy which is a lot more insane than it sounds
in his own estimation
it is nothing less than a copernican transformation in how we
we think about life
and he means this literally ba tai thinks that to talk about energy we have to begin with the sun he writes solar radiation results in a superabundance of energy on the surface of the globe the sun gives without ever receiving
griulls and sons in the jack
knowing this we understand that all life on earth is the result of cosmic waste
everything we see around us exists in this play of energy which the sun freely bestows us with this conception is the core of one of batai's most provocative ideas
the solar anus in a highly i want him to show an anus
reverent way but tie is calling attention to the sun as an agent of excretion as well as a source of life knowing the sun is rotten to look directly at it is to be driven the closest we can get but tie argues is the sacrifice of the sun in effigy sunset in the window like a bleeding sky the horizon a slit throat the seeping dog to drain the guilt from
only when the sun bleeds can we glimpse it and when we can conceive of all energy from the first as a flow of excess we understand that consumption not production is the major organizing force of human society and economics
did you hear that
so if everything on earth contains an excess of solar energy one funcking idea is that we have this idea in our head
excess comes from our active production
but he's saying excess is a feature of reality itself
and human societies are about organizing
the consumption
the consumption is where we actually organize
not production
and i like it because it's a
it's a non volunteeristic view of production
it's a materialist view of production
even if
production is involved in the production of excess another another form of this excess by the way marks a surplus value
gkieve that in mind
you think of it in this kind of fatalistic way where it's just
something beyond your control you don't control production
per se
it's really beautiful
why then do we see starving children impoverished nations and the like well remember that be ties conception of excess extends even to seemingly fundamental aspects of life like growth and reproduction
individuals and groups may have to deal with want and lack
but man is not just the separate being that contends with the living world and with other men for his share of resources the general movement of exeditation of waste of living matter destines him in a privileged way
to that glorious operation
to useless consumption
in this way the accursed share is a fundamental fact of the human condition normally this excess leads to population booms and the further expansion of production life always aspires towards ever more growth but when growth comes up against boundaries geographic demographic etc the excess can no longer be expelled and it begins to boil in the explosive character of this
pressurized activity we apprehend conflagrations befitting the solar origin of its movement in other words we can't get away from the heat of the sun its energy is always latent in everything we do the curse of man is that ignorant of these principles we cannot direct our excess energy in a salvathic way these men
think about co two emissions
so called men of vision they would shackle the masses to a wheel and turn it till their backs break all for that opiate the lw of profit but what solution how to break a cycle you cannot simply remove the promise of a better world for these unfortunate we do not need the reason i'm critical of ecological leftists is they don't understand
that excess is a feature of being
they think excess is something that is a human sin
we did we didn't start the fire there's always been this excess that gives rise
to what we call profit
requires us to push beyond
what we are that requires us to want more
then what we have
because what we have is latent with in excess itself
and the question is what to do with it
to wait we can bring forth paradise now we can speed the passion with only a small sacrifice we can hold the apocalypse with just a s sacrifice we can free our shackles and deliver them to paradisew mandeson bati actually share this hope that a knowledge of general economy will lead man to develop for the first time a
true self consciousness
without this intervention our consumption demands extravagant wars and somethings in the drawing them and when civilizations in the past have tamed this pressure
it was often through ritual human sacrifice i am the jagular faced man i am the feathered serpent this priesthood is mine
mandaz and batai share an obsession with the aztec culture
for both
the fascination revolves around the centrlit the of human sacrifice it's not just that we're always desiring we're always producing an excess beyond the
what we intend to produce
i think is more the idea
to aztec religion and society
in aztec myth
the sun continually decays
the god nanawatzin sacrificed himself to bring light into the world
and now demands sacrifices of his own to sustain his existence
according to what aztecs told the spanish missionary and so called first anthropologist bernardino de sahagon
men and wars were created so that there would be people whose hearts and blood could be taken
so that the sun might eat
you guys see that
it's crazy shit
in this view
you see that
the aztecs believed
according to this guy that
needs to be taken so that the sun can consume so bati's idea
is that we're faced with this enigma of
the sun giving without needing anything is just this
the love of energy that doesn't even need anything to power itself
so they'll there it the
aztecs thought that human bloodshed is what
keeps the sun going
humanity is both the sun's waste product and its vital sustenance
fascinatingly the idea of a solar anus is present in many mesoamerican words for gold
the aztec word taioquitlat
literally means excrement of the gods
you guys fokn believe that
did you know that think about i want you guys to think about something for a sec
it's kind of sad that
i start to stream so late because this light the views get just as low as when i'm like gaming
which is kind of sad isn't it sad that
when i'm showing you this it's just as low as do me playing mincraft
but that's probably because it's too late you know i'm streaming at a very irregular time
he has ever asked the question of why gold
as why was gold
considered what it is
because gold was always associated
with the sun
gold was always associated with the sun
that's wh
that's why gold was valued historically it was associated with the sun
and the maya word taken is best rendered as sunshit
isn't that crazy
culturs from different language families independently arrived at the same conclusion as batai hundreds of years later
that everything of value is merely a solar accident
oh god help me i am lost in the dry paper soul of the world
but why sacrifice what does it do
in its original etymology sacrifice only meant to make whly but ti writes sacrifice re to the etymology of sacrifice meant to make whole
is that weird
sacrifice means you're getting rid of something
but the original etymology is to make whole
that's all right poli rle after i finish this i think we're going to be done
for tonight
because i got to take some edibles and go to sleep
stores to the sacred world etymology
the origin of a word
sacrifice restores to the sacred world
that which servevalue has degraded
rendered profane
you know i have a theory that all of battai's ideas were just in the context of the
the rise of american
global briton woods
it was a resistance to anglo saxon utilitarianism
so let me tell you but ti's idea so but to but i was part of a secret society called
the aciphile
and they are rumored to have literally sacrificed some one
they went next to a tree in the woods and it's rumored apparently they sacrificed someone
and the person volunteered to be sacrificed
one of the reasons
why batai has this fixation on the notion of sacrifice is that
in our utilitarian world where everything has a rational use or some kind of use
sacrificing something and just
eliminating it
purposelessly for no utilitarian reason you just get rid of it
somehow restores to us our humanity and our basic
a sacred humanity basically
as a being beyond an instrument we're no longer just a tool or an instrument if we sacrifice some one
for no reason we're proving that humanity doesn't exist to serve some
utilitarian purpose it's for its own sake it's for itself
geter just thrown away a pair of shoes well the reason human sacrifice is so important of a tie
it's because you're you're
eliminating the human
because you're making the statement that this human does not serve a purpose
is not a tool
you're doing something to a person for no reason just eliminating them right
it's the idea
that which servile use has degraded rendered i don't think they actually sacrifice someone but he writes about historical human sacrifice
in this like transgressive provocative way but
he's not actually sacrificing people come on i don't believe he did
all labor not just under capitalism desubjectivizes human beings it renders them into things which can be satanic shit
well you don't know my theory is
i think but i
independently arrives at shit that like the ruling class actually does believe
you know
that's what i really do think
said to that's why i like him because it's like
he's exposing
the ruling class indirectly
because i really do think they believe on all sorts of crazy shit
it somehow makes sense you know
human sacrifice is based
no but this is a halloween themed
theory stream
so let's get spookie why not
be useful or not but if one is utterly annihilated heart carved out and body discarded then we can no longer speak of man as a thing in sacrifice one becomes the accursed share the body consumed without profit but at the same time the victim enters into a realm of intimacy known to very few destruction is the best means of negating a utilitarian
you see this
this is exactly what i was saying
is the best means of suit
in order to negate
a relationship based on utility
that you're just using it for some other end you destroy it
you're proving that it's
it's not a utilitarian relation that's what that's the basic idea
relation this negation and the restoration of intimacy to human existence is what bati sees as the aim of all religion we have beter is a french she's like ea like
a french reaction
to american
an anglo saxon utilitarian consumerist global capitalism
he's very french as a thinker
he represents the french resistance to the french
don't accept
anglo saxon utilitarianism
brance is a real european civilization
it doesn't accept this idea of all of our values and all of our
humanity being a mere utility to some kind of further ends
so i'm putting it into context
of this in the regal treatment lavished upon aztec victim i don't want to see a penis there's no penis here but it want to risk it
before their death and its converse in mands's sacrifice of his sons to spare them a life of alienation and misery my heart is your heart i will rip them loose from this rotten world and set them to burn all to save them
the heat of sacrifice ignites the dry paper soul into something warm and divine
when mandus reflects on his fateful trip to mexico he remarks
perhaps their tragedy was they could simply not spill blood enough to prevent the sky from falling upon them
and yet
mandus builds his temple
not to stave off the apocalypse
but to herald its arrival
water in his shoes always the water and the sparks of the embers of the wheels it's too bony it's too damp bony industrial growth precedes demographic expansion the factories produce their waste in the form of more consumers this bati says
is the fleshy aspect of the bony proliferation of the factories
the metal work is always too bony the architecture should blend and flow not brind and creak the actual functioning of his machine is the game's most fantastical achievement
the elect you should really think of infrastructure in factories as bones
e tricity used to stun the pigs is built up by
no there's no profit aspect
would be not getting killed by the sun
but there's a sacred reason they fear the sun they i don't think the aztecs actually believe
the sun is going to kill them i think it's like
a metaphor for their place in the hole of being
it's not really about like all they're scared like
it's kind of like stupid like the ice is now like oh ship men like imagine like we forgot the sacrifice that got the were going m up to the temple
that's kind of what
like a very modern subject right it's like a movie where like
hey i mean i didn't make the rules if i don't kill this guy this you know we're all dead
you know and if you want that's like a very american hollywood kind of scenario right
but it wasn't like that for them it was a very religious thing they believed in
that they re believed in it in a religious sense
not in like a
you know a sense of like scientific realism
by friction between their carts and the conveyor belt methane vapors are captured to drive the engines and mandus heats his mansion with the excess warmth produced by the refrigeration process even raw sewage is put to work is it dangerous allow this fly discharge so close to the coal we can use the flow to drive the turbines there will always be a torrent of excrete flooding through these tunnels
we can use this to supplement the steam production and sure constancy got this this fcal matter is the true product to the age the true product indeed
as mandus puts it the more product is processed the more power becomes available to the machine and productivity is actually increased by orienting his entire operation around by products and waste he succeeds in inventing a perpetual motion machine of excrement and
his operation is in perfect accord with bati's principles
constant growth churned into constant expansion
accelerating accelerating always inhaling and exhaling with renewed pressure but all this expansion requires room of the clandestine sort and so mandus must dig deeper ever deeper carving out room for his monstrous invention the previous amnesia was called the dark descent
but a machine for pigs wrings a lot of horror out of its non euclidean descent into hell
batai discusses the erotic movements of the earth
how eruptive forces accumulate in those who are necessarily situated below
if this solar is the cosmic anus for batai what is the cosmic phallaus
i think the idea is there is n
the sun is fallic in ancient traditions yes it is
but i doesn't believe in the
the pvoals
but tai forecloses the palace he forecloses the master signifier it's lakon's criticism
but tai is basically psychotic for look on
so he does not believe in the fallllice so to speak
or he represses it
builds the further lots on bringing urban muslims a whatot john b and shakespeare could be creepy yeah
yeah we'll we'll we'll do it we'll find the time
or down we tunnel the underground is home to a constant royal the sun's excreted rays cannot penetrate so deep but their influence is there
layered in the sediment all that we burrow through is history the crystallized light of ages stacked upon ages as mandus digs he asks what places lie buried beneath us at the centre of the planet my architect tells me
there is a great iron ball
it is the egg of the world
and so he lays his egg in the tumult of the planet i want us to keep this idea of the world egg in your head because it's a very ancient occult
mr coll
notion is expressed throughout
a western philosophy
it's expressed in people like
yeah dels
can i bring nick land on which let me j shoul'tsk nick land if he wants to be interviewed why i bring him on which
did i just do that
zloud thg
i don't know he has to be allowed but otherwise i'm us going to bring him on why not
its core and damning all consideration should bring nick land on for a stream about
ror if anyone knows nick land
if any of you know him ask him ask him if he wants to be brought on
they talk about horror
horror right cosmic horror and h p lovecraft
and tell him we're on a politically correct platform and we're not allowed to talk about
anything spicy but
ask him if he's interested
s of space it hatches into a grain if you know him don't tell him i asked you either
temple i find doell want to go for
i just want to see if you'd be interested you know
so like it's for a halloween special we want to talk about
i won't debate him about anything i'll just let him talk
i tell you professor a trail of set doogan on i do want to talk to dogan too
i'll talk to dougan in holy november and december
october's the unholy halloween so we'll talk to nick land and then
to cleanse ourself of nick lans evil will bring dogin in november december
greed brings rich men to your doors like pigs that trafvels
it would have been easy to make this a story bring doogan for christmas and he will be the sant of claus
frey about capitalism gone awry
instead the game presented a holy man
its pigs as agents of class struggle of revolution mandas's operations were never in the service of profit
but of sacrifice
he lures in the rich and powerful with carnal pleasures and converts them into fodder fit in nicland hate but i know he loved the
for his army of swine they are fit only to be plumped up and then devoured in this way he says we have created our very own bottled revolution for the movement of the masses is a causal factor in the extermination of the rich but isn't nick land pretty racist yes he's a hyper racist in his own words
he believes in
human biodiversity and race and i q and he believes in the
he believes in like
hyper speciation that like
nickline basically thinks humanity doesn't exist it's just like all
types of species and there's no one humanity he believes in like
but he's not a white he's not a white nationalist
he's not a white nationalist
maybe you could say he's a white supremacist as an indirect criticism but
he's not consciously a white supremacist you know he's not a white nationalist
but he's racist as well yeah yeah for real
and in case people think like' oll hos
why are you overlooking his racism dude he's racist against arabs too he thinks arabs are stupid
he but you know he probably thinks i'm naturally stupid
but i'm not offended uncer
this that's a doone view
you can't personalize i you can personalize it
i choose not to personalize it you know
first the man still an interesting guy
s must be cleansed in filth and their characters enhanced the metaphor of payd impersonal that's just his view
what he believes
occupies a dual i don't even think he should i'm against to be deep platforming him
in general
i think he should be able to say what he wants you know
sod like he's abusing people
alance and mandus's mind when appl you get in trouble for talking to him on twitch that's what i gott to find out
because i'm thinking like
if we don't go near any spicy topics why not you know he's he has other things to say he's not just that
to the wealthy it turns them inside out revealing their wretched inner is he a patriot faulkner
nick land is literally misanthropic he literally believes
humans are
he hates humans he thinks humans are just a step into creating an ai
and the a i is going to kill off all the humans
and he only thinks humans should exist to create the ai
he wants to escape you man he thinks you humans are like
monkeys and he hates humans
let alone fucking patriot do it hees
that's just weird because he's like a weird guy but it's holloween and it's interesting ok
it's interesting
pig in this sense is an epithet and a denunciation sounds dumb he's really not dumb dude he's he's cool
but stitching together the down it's interesting ok where it's coming from you have to really think about it ok
i have a critique of my own but
you can't dismiss it dude he has a powerful criticism
twine flesh has an altogether different meaning
nick land is when you take anglo saxon metaphysics to their final conclusion
and he did that
and i like him because he exposes anglo saxon metaphysics for what it is
he just openly exposes it and i just love that about him
buthen he's super into lovecraft and cosmic horror and like
thematically he's a cool guary like
he's interested in all the things i like he likes alien
he likes
osmic horror and lovecraft and he's not like an evil guy guys he's not like this like scumbag evil piece of shit guy he's just
he's just a kind of eccentric weird guy ok
you know
he is super smart too
super interesting
the lower classes take on these characteristics mandus compares it to evolution his new creatures are loyal clever strong easily sated the first being with a full consciousness of self perversely i like moldbug dude i like nick land way more than moldbug
i like him way more than moldbucks
moldbug is fucking boring ok at the end of the day moldbugs fucking boring
nick land literally talks about aliens and robots and shit and like
sorry dude it's cool it's
i'm kind of a nerd in a way right i'm not the i'm not a nerd in the sense of an arrogant guy but like i'm a nerd in the sense of like i love horror i love lovecraft i love cosmic horror i love
those things and i just
i love movies and fiction and
terminator and all the science fiction and
you know
the man pagus
positioned as rational as higher than the intermmentch who is rotten with sentimentality i have such visions to share with thee if my jaw be unshackled and you harvest the crust from my eyes make me clean what if i brought nick land on to switch and he literally just says the n word
what the fuck dude what if i just brought him on v c and he just fuckin
he tries to just give me band immediately he just starts saying slurs or something
that would
he would never do that i don't think he would ever do that but just imagine dude
my thoughts and words unfoundd me i don't think you will do that to you would not do that
he's not
he's not edgy at all he's not an edgy guy at all
can you imagine
cleanliness is always the word on mandics's tongue like you would have to hate me so much
he would have to hate me so much to do that
he could not personally like a personal hatred
did not see the dirt of empire and industry until returning from the pristine jungle
but so like a pig he wallows in the mud to wash himself clean his goal was always salvation
first for his sons then the world and finally himself
which is i'm a theoretical enemy not a personal enemy i it's not like i'm like calling for him to be deplatformed and shit
in trying to like boycott him or whatever
why he betrays the machine he labured so long to build
what is the machine for pigs it is chiefly a history machine its goal is to beckon the future to the present where it can be directed aimed with greater clarity writing after the two world wars ba ti diagnosed them as the ruin that befalls civilizations which cannot rid themselves of their incendiary surplus like an unbroken animal that cannot be trained
it is this energy that destroys us it is we who pay the price of the inevitable explosion the machine tells us as much itself you maymendous but i have seen the future the twentieth centuryt tll far greates i seek to save the world by blood now
the chief product of the machine is not blood or shit or an army of man pigs it is understanding mandeson batai rail against ok there's nothing bad but still
ignorance above all else
ignorance causes us to undergo what we could bring about in our own way if we only understood
a this to undergo
but we could bring about in our own way if we only understood
both of them diviners reading the twentieth century backwards and forwards in the thin light at the edge of the sun the rotten sun which gave us our blood and demanded we spill it at the end when we sit atop the pyramid in the cracked shell of the egg it is our heart that is ripped out with no one even to receive the offering mandicus's death is the ultimate repudiation of consumption
sacrificed and sacrialised he transcends the accursed share even as the city above him remains cursed caught in the impenetrable half light between ruin and revolution century
you know what uh
them this guy's got othar videos
should i sub to him i'm goaning to sub to him
the duke's only got
k subscribers
i need to grow my subscribers why am i promoting others
a good video
i think i was good
i think it was pretty good
he's got a santa video we we'll return to that
we'll return to that in the future
good stuff
not bad
no bed at all
he's not bad
accelerationism the dark enlightenment and the strange life of nick land
quite a few issues nowadays seem prettyt we're going to this is an intro to nick land video
walking awesome dude
i wanna give it to mods to see if it's tos
me see
o and i gona save it here
we're not watching it tonight
me come on when i watch
i don't know what you guys think
you guys
i'm going to take my edibles this is going to be the last four hour stream
after this we're going to go back to our six hour streams
i just got to reset my sleep s goed to wish me look guys please wish me look i need all the look i can get
so wish me some of that luck
i'm gonna take some edibles
yeah and hopefully i'll wake up at like eleven or twelve or one something i don't know
i'm going to watch another episode of spid game
and iya p s hid a kiana
don't be annoying
jana's actually cool gy she helps us a lot
ill see you guys later
bye bye
b byy