Trainwrecks is RIGHT about Socialists!

some train wrecks thing this is from
train wrecks
i am fucking exhausted i don't think
i've been this
productive for like five years like i'm
talking wake up at six a.m
seven a.m meeting appointment uh
uh uh uh uh another meeting take my car
across town to get it shipped to another
fucking state
i like i just got home like an hour and
a half ago or some shit bro like
i was gonna pass the fuck out but
there's no option for that because my
computer gets shipped out tomorrow
which means i have to stream tonight for
our last stream in texas
for a while at least we'll be back right
we'll be back but i am fucking fried
it's absolutely crazy and to those
couple of you in chat i know some of you
say it debate
good for you but man to some of you guys
it really triggers the fuck out of me
you look coked out listen you converge
an anti-social fucking clown
the videos about train wrecks talking
about socialism
you don't know what the coked out looks
like okay
just because your mom comes home with
three different dudes every night to
make a quick dime to feed you
doesn't mean you know what the coked out
means dickhead this does not look coked
out you understand you want an example
of coked out
it's literally xqc every stream every
day that's coked out
this is something like heroined out or
something like that that's what this
is this is percocet this is oxycontin
this is not fucking coked out
so if you're gonna make a fucking drug
reference at least get it the fuck
right you anti-social minecraft 12 year
holy f pissing me off i already got me
fucking back
already got me back fucking what first
stream back three days in
shameless bro look cooked out like shit
shameless bro absolutely crazy bro i was
in the shower on a positive note
dude i was in the shower bro listen i
thought of the most genius shit like i
could see
this quote being written down
and told or like lived by in like 500
if we survive right you ready for this i
thought about this today right
oh my god i was in the shower when i
thought of this i was like holy
i gotta say it you know and copyright
this shit like by saying it live are you
socialism without action
is just another form of capitalism
this is literally true this is literally
literally true look at fucking bread
if you want an example of that look at
fucking bread tube
so true think about that
that is some fucking that is some
gandhi shit think about that you can
question mark that all you want but if
you think about it
it is the most on point thing in the
world bro
i thought around the shower randomly i
was taking a shower i don't know where
it came from i think i was uh
i got dropped off by this guy he like
just moved here from africa
and he was like talking in the car uh he
was my uber driver and
he was talking to me and just kind of
going on about how
he's just you know working uber so we
can save up money so he could fly back
to africa
once the covet stuff ends and you know
just see his family
he got like emotional just like really
like i could just tell just good dude
great vibes and yeah i asked him how
much the plane ticket was
and you know with like the place he
needs to go on the clearance he needs it
was like sixteen hundred dollars with
like everything
so i just gave him 2k and he just
started crying on the spot
and i was taking a shower and
that just popped in my head right it's
like i'm a capitalist
with like socialist intentions and then
i thought of the opposite right i was
trying to think of what the opposite was
at first i couldn't think of what i was
because i i always say i'm a capitalist
but realistically like there's no shot
like i can be a capitalist like
there's no way i'm pretty sure my money
out is more than my money in
right i'd be i'd be smacked up the head
by a fucking capitalist right
what the fuck are you doing so i wasn't
i wasn't i was in the shower thinking
about these things
i think that's how it came up i think
that's how it came up it was some shit
like that but i'm telling you if you
think about that right social
socialism without action is just another
of capitalism if you think about that
right if you understand that right
because if you just if you just preach
it and you talk about it
you're making money off of it you're
gaining popularity by it like that
yeah i'm gonna comment on this i'm gonna
let him finish though dude this is deep
shit this is literally true
poor and the average right but if you
don't follow through with any action and
give a piece of yourself
give something that kind of follows
through with everything
then it's just another form of
capitalism right it's a business model
and if you think about that really
deeply i think that that's a quote where
if you really understand it i'm telling
this shit's going to be
set in 500 years no fucking cap you can
uh i'm not i'm
kidding so son is a capitalist i
i mean i'm going to keep it a buck 50
mods from now on any time uh
we have like five or six crossover
viewers that try to create drama
um whenever a streamer talks about
anything at all uh just permaband them
like per just get the get them before we
permanent ban you
i'm gonna give you guys a little word of
advice to you uh what's your name crooky
crappy whatever your name is buddy
why not that's the wrong guy oh that was
the wrong guy my bad krookie
i'm saying my bad bro shit my bad
listen guys streamers should be able to
have an opinion
and talk about something that's just
random that comes up from
something entirely different without you
guys having to create some weird fucking
do you understand if that's what you
thought of when i said what i said
then i'd suggest you either talk to a
or i'd suggest you maybe petition for
him to get one of those
you know pocket pussy cocks that are
formed after his cock
and you put it on your seat and then and
in order for your computer to turn on
you have to sit on it
let the whole nine inches really can
just loosen up your ass before your
computer turns on but stop doing that
okay i give an opinion stop trying to
fucking bring up weird shit
fucking drama frogs bro on another note
i was uh
going through something like law this is
like another note it's not
okay let me actually respond to what
trainwreck said i think he said it's
some some pretty deep shit
um so i know a lot of us understand that
you know when people say like oh
how can you be a socialist when you have
an iphone and we obviously know that's
um but i do
think i do think that um
if you're on hassan's level or vosh's
or destiny's well destiny's not a
socialist but if you're on that level
can you really be a socialist
and simply not really do anything with
all this
attention and money you're getting i
think it does
come to a point where you do have to
put not only the money but the attention
attention you're getting towards
something real and concrete
now train wrecks use the example of
charity i don't think
but here's where i might disagree with
train wrecks
first of all charity is a beautiful
thing when wash
donated and raised money to uh for the
the palestinian
children's relief fund that was a great
thing excellent you know
he should be applauded for that that was
a great thing you know
um using his platform for a good cause
like that that was a good thing
but um
charity is not the primary form
in which i think you have socialist
action in my view
the action that train wrecks is talking
isn't primarily charity
but it's using your money
and your influence and your attention to
real political parties and movements
and fulfill real socialist political
and that's what you can really say about
people like hassan and vosh
they've built a huge platform they've
raised a lot of money with which
they could put towards a third party
not a lot of people know this but the
justice democrats
who created aoc and many others
started out from the young turks the
young turks used their money
and their platform and kyle kulinski
to create the justice democrats
are you going to do that if i get big
yes and this is how i'm going to explain
what what do i think is the appropriate
like order of
if you're like out here calling yourself
a socialist or a communist how should
you be using your money
the first thing you need is a simple
right you need to be able to subsist
you need to be able to secure the
conditions that allow you to stream in
the first place
so you have to raise money to feed
yourself to clothe yourself
to shelter yourself and
have the time to stream in the first
then you need to use the surplus
from that toward expanding your stream
expanding the extent of your viewership
because the goal is to get bigger
eventually you're going to reach a
where you will not be able to grow any
because you've secured your passive uh
media demographic i think hassan's
reached that point i also think boss has
reached that point
at that point all of the surplus money
you're getting
they just it seems like they're just
pocketing that shit and they're using it
for personal reasons
in my view when you get to that point
that's when you should start
putting the money toward real life
so first you fulfill the conditions that
allow you to stream because if you don't
do that you're not going to even be able
to fucking stream
and you're not going to be able to be a
socialist right how will you broadcast
your message as a socialist
if you don't have enough money to
support yourself
how can you continue you're done your
voice is
silenced and you're allowing
other narratives and the mainstream
media and the billionaires to have their
dominate you know that's why i kind of
disagree with a lot of the people who
are like oh
you're a socialist then why are you
collecting money and you know why are
you doing this business model because
this is a business it's a business model
is a business media is a business it's a
business it's a way of
getting money right so it's it is the
um just like the newspaper was a
business for the bolshevik party right
so when people say things like um you
oh how could you be a socialist isn't it
hypocritical to be doing that
i disagree with that because you need
to be a socialist you you know uh you
need money to broadcast your message you
need money to reach the masses
you need money to be able to even exist
and be relevant
you know because the ruling class has
money so what
you know uh we should just be poor and
you know but that's not socialism that's
more like
religion that's more like uh
some kind of uh religious saint or
something you know that's like
christianity or something it's not
socialism right socialism is about
winning state power
on behalf of the proletarian class
socialism is about a political class
struggle and an economic class struggle
to wrestle power from the ruling class
and seize the state power that's what
socialism is actually about
uh it's you know so i disagree with when
people say that
but i also don't agree with the very
opposite extreme which says that oh well
you know i could just be a millionaire
passively just
accumulating money
and doing nothing with it as a socialist
if and the reason i listen if you were
just getting millions from trading
on the stock market and you're calling
yourself a socialist
you can't i think you can do that and it
wouldn't be hypocritical
but if you're getting your money and
your brand
is inherently tied to your politics
that's when i think you have to start
you know
second you should start questioning it
you know because it's like
hassan doesn't earn money from the stock
hassan doesn't earn money because he
opened a business hassan
doesn't earn money because he's like a
talented businessman hassan earn money
because he's a political
media streamer and his politics
according to him is democratic socialism
same with wash you know how can these
earn all of this money
just for what to tell people to go vote
for biden if you're a social
you know and it's so disgusting because
people like vash and hassan will say
shit like
well we have to vote for biden because
we have no other choices
no you do have a choice because you have
you yourself
alone have a huge platform and a huge
amount of disposable income
that can go towards literally building
political alternatives it's not going to
like um
fulfill every need of that political
alternative but it's a good
it's a good step in that direction it'll
definitely kickstart
political projects political date you
know it's not going to be enough
you you obviously need small donations
it'll it can start something it can it's
definitely they
definitely have enough clout and money
to start something
so instead of complaining that you have
no other choice you
they can they literally have the power
to create another choice
that's what i'm trying to say like they
act like they're not culpable but they
are culpable they literally are culpable
they're actually culpable
in um this state of politics in america
they could be using their own big
toward um realizing their political
in reality they can't just say oh
reality's over there and i'm here
no you are now responsible for reality
because you have such a big platform
you can influence that reality it is
within the realm of your possibility to
influence the very reality you're
complaining about
you know
so i'm not saying that they have an
obligation to do
charity but if you're building your
brand off calling yourself a socialist
i think people should question your
socialist credentials
when you're not using your brand to
concretely advanced uh
socialist politics if if you know vash
will claim
he is ultimately advancing socialist
because between his
uh gino comastia you know um
shaking on stream talking about how we
have to vote
for biden and um endorse political
repression within america
after 172 steps
that somehow will help advance socialism
you you have to concretely advance
socialist politics
and that means you can't tell people to
vote for biden you tell people to vote
or to get started in building an
alternative party or building some kind
of alternative
political platform
and and but you know but then again even
theoretically he's wrong because he he
just thinks socialism is just a bunch of
pencil factories right
uh but at the same time he's not going
to open up his own pencil factory
boston open up your own pencil factory
that's socialism what isn't it
wouldn't that be socialism then if
socialism is just
cooperative pencil factories why don't
you just open up your own with your
money then you're doing socialism you're
realizing the socialist
ethic in real life
you know destiny was right when they
were debating that he was actually right
destiny was right um
you know uh if you're calling yourself a
and you're not using your influence and
money to advance
socialistic politics and you're still
just complaining
about the political landscape i think
that is grounds for
you know you not to have any credentials
on the matter
you know but yeah so train what train
wreck said was super smart dude because
socialism without action is a is just a
business you know
because again streaming is a business
all media is a business it functions as
a business you getting money and you're
getting viewers in you're investing that
as capital but what's gonna make or
whether it's just a business and not a
vehicle for
uh some kind of a political uh change
is whether or not uh
you're ultimately when you get there not
immediately because immediately that's
stupid when you get there
you're gonna use that money to actually
do something
uh because let me tell you what i'm
doing now right i'm using this money
i haven't touched the money honestly the
money you've given me i have not touched
i've only used it to gift 100 subs
i gifted the chat 100 subs which was 500
so i used 500 to give back that's what
i've used the money you've given me so
for i'm not going to start using the
money until
i get enough for full time
when i start to get enough money in for
full time
that's when i'm gonna start using that
money for subsistence
just so i can pay rent pay for food
and pay for the basic necessities right
that allow me to stream just pay for
everything that allows me to stream the
way i do
um then
we're gonna after we get that and we
start getting a surplus
over that we're gonna use that to expand
infrared so more
show runners will be able to um
we'll be able to do things and we'll be
able to just expand infrared in general
after we expand infrared up to a certain
that's when we're gonna start doing real
politics shit you know
with the money
but you can't reverse it right you know
there's a
like a fanatic who doesn't think is
gonna be like oh
in order to be virtuous i have to starve
and use all the money i get
toward no you have to take care of
yourself first right because not
everybody thinks like you do
you are special you're a special
snowflake vessel
right because not everyone thinks the
way you do
so if you're not able to support
yourself you're just conceding the
battle to your enemies who don't think
like you
so the fact that you think in the unique
way that you do
you should support that's why whenever
viewers tell me what should i do
i tell them support yourself support
it's enough
that you think in the unique way that
you do
so just make sure you can survive make
sure you can subsist secure yourself
you know make sure your family's secure
too because
your family is important you know
do not you know in history there's a
great history of people
sacrificing themselves for a higher
whether it's in a war or whether it's in
a hunger strike but you have to
that's not a long term that's just like
an immediate thing
you know if you plan on being around in
this world and and
fighting for what you believe in you got
to take care of yourself
you got to make sure you're going to
still be around right
because if you're not around who's going
to fight for what if you're not
around right and if you're living on the
streets and you you know you you're just
always overworked how are you gonna be
able to fight for anything
right so take care of yourself and make
sure you can survive in this world
otherwise you're not going to be able to
you know do anything
and you're not going to have any
relevance you know because let me tell
you what the ruling class
has it set they can do whatever they
they don't have to worry about anything
and their voices are going to prevail
they're going to dominate reality you
you need healthy soldiers yeah you need
healthy soldiers
you don't you can't have this mentality
of you know otherwise you're just being
selfish you're just trying to feel good
better about yourself because you're
more virtuous
rather than actually do what's necessary
to win
you know this sounds kind of capitalist
sure you can care for yourself but
exposing political ideas in workplace
with socialist elements is worthwhile
money is fairly important for political
action but groundwork is too
dude it's not capitalist whatsoever
capitalist is just you're gonna earn
money for its own sake
earning money to ultimately be able to
use that money you know and let me tell
you something
the on the ground work in terms of let's
on the ground work what does on the
ground work what does the net
outcome do more does it make you feel
better more
or does it actually change reality more
it actually just makes you feel better
more because you're personally
experiencing it
and you're personally experiencing what
change you're doing
so it's a very calvinistic type of
protestant kind of america you know or
catholic good works type of thing
you may feel the effects but in the from
a broader perspective you're not really
making a big change
whereas using money large sums of money
to reach
huge numbers of people that's actually
going to change way more
way more it's going to have way more of
an effect
uh way more of an impression and way
more of an impact
yeah on the ground work needs money and
to be effective if it doesn't have scale
it's not effective
and if it doesn't have money it's not
going to have scale
you need money to have scale otherwise
it's just an individualistic
masturbatory feel-good type of thing
a person can't wage war against
everything he dislikes
true i agree
i agree
you have to make mo listen politics is a
yes it is you know all the disputes in
the bolshevik
party leading up to it were about the
newspaper and it was about generating
revenue you need to make money to be
anything in this world you need money
money matters money doesn't just mean
you need money to do anything if you
don't have money
yeah you don't got nothing
money is the key to anything in this
money is alienated human ability if you
don't have money you don't have
access to the human abilities of this
so money matters if you can make money
it is your responsibility to make that
money you are not being virtuous by
being more lazy
being more complacent and
foreclosing opportunities then i get
most of you can't make money
not cause you're lazy but because you
just can't
but if you can and you're not doing it
just because you're lazy
and you somehow justify that by feeling
like you're more politically uh virtuous
you are really betrayed you're really uh
doing a horrible thing
well i would imagine on the ground work
would be working within a capitalist
system to acquire
self-sustainability and then getting
workers to back the idea will never
happen dude it will never happen
i have company getting a subsidy from
the government to paper trips and or
convince through the role with workers
to adopt
an understaffed workplace to be paid and
what i don't even understand what you're
until the company staffs appropriate
what you're saying and what i'm saying
are conducive to each other
no i don't agree with that because
you're trying to do this utopian thing
of creating a better society within
this society voluntarily and i don't
think that's possible whatsoever
you're not going to create a better
society within the current society
um and the simple reason for that is
the you know
the key to socialism is politics
there's no voluntary economic change
you know working within a capital system
to acquire self-sustainability how do
you do that
then getting workers to back the idea
how do you do that which workers
you need scale for all those things you
just talked about
but if it was just as easy as convincing
workers to you know to work and as
you know these dude you're dealing with
an issue where people can't even find
jobs right now there's not even jobs
people can find
what you're saying only applies to the
current workplaces that exist
how do you know the workplaces that
exist are even necessary do you really
think all these bullshit
jobs have to last forever for all time
some of these jobs shouldn't even exist
in the first place some of these jobs
are on the road to
disappearing how do you manage and deal
with all those things you on an
uh ground level you can't
socialism is about winning state power
it's always what socialism was about
because everyone understands that it is
at the level of state power
only that society is able to deal with
its common social problems
that it's facing and there is no dispute
about that among anyone
everything else is individualism
gripe or dm you okay give him a week off
gaga give griper a week off
give him a week off
do you think that money can corrupt in
the sense that if you become a
how much would you really care about ml
if you throw that's very much an
individual issue that's an issue of like
personal psychoanalytic psychology or
i don't think money inherently does that
though i don't
um it can you know and and it's not
the money that does that it's the social
repercussions of the money that does
that it's like
you know it's the way in which you start
adopt ideas and
friends and kind of environments that
make it
more convenient but it's all a matter of
discipline because you know
for example the great revolutionaries of
almost all of them were they had access
huge sums of money huge sum whether they
were in power or not
you know lenin was sent to russia on a
train with gold
you know bars and all this so
there's nothing inherent about money
that corrupts you
um but that's definitely uh any
figure or partisan or revolutionary
needs to have personal discipline
obviously they need to have personal
they need to make sure that they they're
and they don't forget
from experience i used to work for an
entertainment union and the members
themselves cared less about
union meetings should they vote on
giving their rights
to strike for more vacation days
did you give examples of how famous
leftists can use their cloud and money
to build
irl power i think jimmy dore does this i
think jimmy dore uses his money to
and influence to promote things like
movement for a people's party
you might not agree with me i know
there's a lot of drama around
for people's party but that's an example
an example was what the tyt and kyle
kolinsky did
with the justice democrats now
obviously how that turned out is very
clear to us
ultimately but the form of like doing
that is what i'm talking about like the
way in which
they were able to use their cloud and
money to prop someone up in and of
it doesn't even matter if it was or even
if it was a right winger who did that
still the same thing it would still be
considered the same accomplishment to me
so i'm not saying like oh when people go
oh look who that turned out
it has nothing to do with like the way
in which
you can use clout and money to affect
political change it's a very clear
example of
how you can do that
rather than redefining communism i think
a better path is to construct a new
political concept
i don't know how could we get people
elected without being in a party but
keep them in check
i i it's a very good question i think
you would need to well here's the issue
there's a few issues surrounding aoc
um there's so many factors surrounding
aoc's kind of betrayal
i'll name a few one of them was that
there was a rivalry between the
mainstream media
and the so-called progressive media
as far as keeping ioc in check the
mainstream media dominated
you know it's like a feedback loop like
no one expected aoc to get as big as she
did so when all of these mainstream
media outlets were like
talking about aoc and defining her
narrative that came as a shock to both
her and everyone else
and you know no one expected it to get
that way so the first thing you do is
you need to be prepared for that you
need to be prepared for
the way in which the mainstream media is
going to try and define who you are
and you should you know don't be shocked
and oh my god i didn't expect it to get
this big
well no you need to think in terms of
scale at that level definitely you need
a feedback loop where you can re-channel
the infamy and the you know the fame
that you're generating so you can put
back into you know for example
neither tyt nor kyle kulinski
on the fact that they founded the
justice democrats
even though that's what that's what they
should have done
another thing is that the justice
democrats i think they
kicked out the tyt people
even though i think that the tyt should
have had more control over the justice
democrats definitely
just to ensure that they could
capitalize on
aoc's fame and infamy because the
justice democrats
didn't have their own media platform to
be able to capitalize
on it you know justice democrats who
right they became irrelevant even though
they were the ones who propped up aoc
they didn't gain anything
from her rise you know so that was an
another issue though it wasn't only that
kind of stuff that was also that there
was actually a theoretical and
ideological crisis
facing the left the reason aoc made the
betrayals she did
is because uh it was all too convenient
for her the excuses she was able to draw
made sense to her actually i don't think
she was intentionally deceiving people i
think that's just what
made sense to her you know like oh trump
is the right winger i'm a left winger
and it just all fell into place and made
sense to her so there
you had that too you know you had the
lack of ideological and theoretical
clarity as well
yeah the people and justice democrats
that came to replace kyle and jen
and jenk were awful that's what i mean
um listen uh i love the tweet that i
that said lenin was a media theorist
because it's true it was all about that
the bolshevik party was all about that
new the whole
cradle of the bolshevik party they
didn't begin
first with principles and you know like
um some kind of
organization they began with that
newspaper that was the most important
were you a fan of the green party no it
was that newspaper
so i think people really underestimate
the importance
of mass media and
more pathetically it's so disgusting
because leninis
whether of the trotsky's variety or
otherwise will look at what the
bolsheviks did with the newspaper and
literally replicate that as though
literally in 2021 are more pure
and more true and that the internet and
the tv is some kind of satanic
well you need to use the internet
this is not an age of newspapers this is
an age of the internet this is the age
of social media this is the age of
you know they think that they literally
use newspapers because they actually
think it's like
more pure it's almost like common
they literally will eat the bread and
because they literally think like this
is what at the time
symbolized the communion or whatever
the last supper or whatever like it's
literally like they literally think
specifically newspapers specifically
newspapers are the more pure medium
why i mean just think of like did did
lenin and the both
fix arbitrarily decide that newspapers
were the best medium
or was that the most
mass and advanced form of communication
that existed at the time that they were
living and operated in you know
it's very bizarre and very weird how
they have that mentality and they do
that kind of shit you know
i'll write my manifesto in latin and
nail it to the church
yeah especially fringe publications
there's no real market feedback yeah
but then again leftists and i'm talking
about old leftists
were never really interested in winning
in the west they were always interested
in being
more virtuous if you really think about
since the new deal
okay gaga i think you should just block
him then because even if we ban him
from the chat he's still gonna dm you
i i think he should block him but
anyway um
it's very strange because after the new
leftism became a type of like lifestyle
it became one of those like you know
those hindu gurus that came to america
and taught people to like go to the
desert and do yoga how to pursue
the virtuous life how to pursue the most
fulfilling you know life and path
that's what it's about it's not actually
literally about
fighting in a class struggle and winning
political power
it's about fulfilling some kind of
personal need
that's what leftism is in america