I'm Yeah, you never said a word you didn't send me no letter.
Don't think I could forgive you.
See, our word is slowly dying. i'm not wasting no more time Don't think I could forgive you.
See, our word is slowly dying.
I'm now wasting no more time.
Don't think I could believe you.
My hands will get more wrinkled and our hair will be great.
Don't think I could forgive you.
And see, when children are starving and their houses were destroyed.
Don't think they could forgive you.
A, when seas will cover
lands and when men will be no more
don't think you can forgive you
yeah, man, now just be silenced
and when life will be over
don't think you will
forgive you.
Yeah, you never said a word you didn't send me no letter
Don't think I could forget you
See, I'll word is slowly dying
I'm not wasting over time
Don't think I could be
back in the way. Yeah, you never said a word you didn't send me no letter. Don't think I could forgive you.
See, our word is slowly dying.
I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe you
Our hands will get more wrinkled
I hear will be grave
Don't think I could forgive you
And see
When children are starving and their houses were destroyed don't think they could forgive you
and when seas will cover lands and when men will be no more don't think you can forget you yeah and now just be
silence and when life will be over
don't think you will forget you and uh...
uh... so
uh and the uh...
the The and so you know
I'm I'm and you know I'm The The The I'm Oh my
Oh my
Yeah and so you know
the The and you know
I'm The I'm I'm going to
I'm You know, and you know The The boom boom boom Bois about the show.
Bois about the show. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about you're
a woman and
I'm sorry
and I'm so I'm dying
my dreams
all the time
then I wake it's a lot of sky with mind
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to hurt you I never meant to lie
so this is goodbye
this is good
Oh I'm gonna be about the world
Oh You know, Day Oh and you know so this is good-bye
this is good.
This is good. Oh, my Oh Oh
Oh Oh Uh
Oh I'm a little. Oh. Oh.
Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh
Oh The yeah you never said a word you didn't send me no letter
Don't think I could forgive you
See, our word is slowly dying
I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe Yeah Yeah, you never said a word you didn't send me no letter.
Don't think I could forgive you.
See, our word is slowly dying.
I'm not wasting no more time.
Don't think I could believe you.
Yeah, our hands will get more wrinkled, and I hear you will be great.
Don't think I could forgive you.
And see, the children are starving, and their houses were destroyed.
Don't think they could forgive you.
A, when C's will cover lands, and when men will be no more, don't think you can forgive you
yeah, man
now just be silent
and when life will be over
don't think i could forget you
sing all right a slowly dying i'm not wasting no time saying I'll write a snowed dying
I'm not wasting no time
I'm not wasting time I think I could go
I'm going to Yeah, you never said a word.
You never said a word you didn't send me no at all.
Don't think I could send me no letter Don't think I could forgive you
See, our word is slowly
dying, I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe you
Our hands will get more wrinkled
And our hair will be great.
Don't think I could forgive you.
And see, when children are starving and their houses were destroyed, don't think they could forgive you.
A, when seas will cover the lens and when men will be no more
don't think you can forgive you
yeah and now just be silent
and when life will be over
don't think you will forget you
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do do times Two times.
Two times.
Two times. do do do do so now mind what you're gonna do is it come come the way you go i never fight what i'm looking for is like like them and be more
the time
do do do do Three times
Two times times two times
three times
three times
two times
three times
so never mind what you're looking for
Easy come, let it roll over you now
Easy done, done and I'll like you're me more two times two times
two times
three times Two times
Three times
Two times
Three times Three times
Two times
Three times
Two times
Three times
You never said a word you didn't send me no letter.
Don't think I could forgive you.
See, our world is slowly dying.
I'm not wasting no more time.
Don't think I could believe you.
Yeah, you never said a word you didn't send me no letter Don't think I could forgive you
See our world is slowing down
I'm now wasting all the time
I think I can believe you
Ooh the time they think I can believe you ooh Yeah, our hands will keep on being cold and our hair will be gray
Don't think I could forgive you
And see that children are starving
And the houses were destroyed
Don't think they could forgive you
when she's
woke up the lands and women will be
no more don't think you can't forgive
you yeah when
they'll just be silent
and we'll like to be
oh they'll think they'll forgive you oh I want to relax me Oh, I'm going to be
Oh I'm It's complicated.
It's complicated.
It always is. It's just the way it goes.
Feels like the way it is so long for this. I wonder if it shows.
Head on the water. I know I breathe, and never felt so good, because I could feel coming over me, I wouldn't start me if I could say so good, will I taste over yeah
I know you can
will I take
so long as
I know I'm all the time Give me Give me a reason
I gotta know
Do you feel it too?
Can't you see me here alone alone?
It's not my blame you
Looking out for you to hold my head
It feels like I could fall
I love me right like I know you can
We can lose it all
Will I pay so much
I know you can tonight
When I say so much
I know you can tonight
Will I say so much Yeah I know you came tonight Well, it takes on
There's something you see you tonight
And I'm
I'm all the time
I'm trying to I know all the time I know you can't
I I know you can't deny The Thank you. The I'm not I'm not
a lot of I'm not No.
No. I'm not you know, The I'm not a lot of I'm going to and the one of the
I'm I'm and and the one of the
I'm not
I'm I'm The I'm AIMA and the I'm not
I'm not
I'm I'm I'm
a I'm I'm The The Welcome, PJ with the 308 hours ago. I see you, PJ. Thank you, brother. Zerwinnie with the 42 two days ago. I think we missed that or something. Thank you, brother. Appreciate you. Must have been right when the stream ended. All right guys.
What's up?
Let's go!
What's up, guys?
I want to talk about something very important today.
And we're going to get right down to business addressing the elephant in the room okay um as you can see i uh you know
i got that that monster you know under control little bit, and it'll be grown back again.
Anyway, so that's a great accomplishment.
Anyway, guys, I have some news.
So the upcoming Red America Journal, there's a uh four five thousand dot word not dollar word
excerpt or a little piece that i contributed which is actually from 2020 so this was a very old
unreleased and unpublished thing that I wrote and I just decided,
hey, why don't I just submit that for this month's?
Denver, what's going on, brother? I see you. Thank you. Appreciate it, brother. What's going on?
What's going on? All right, guys, so you've been doing a very good job so far, fighting the war, and basically swarming the enemy online. Very good stuff. But I want to draw attention to a tendency that i am starting to see manifest hasn't gotten too out of control yet but i'm advising and warning against it right now which is
people that have particular and private views, such as on religion,
who are trying to abuse the authority of our party in order to bully their opponents into
submission on matters that have nothing to do with the party.
And I'm talking about the foolish squabbling that
people are partaking in against logo i am not happy to see people invoke the name of our party
against logo okay a debate about religion on X, if that's something you want to spend your time doing,
leave our party out of it.
Our party is not going to take your side on a debate on religion on X.
I don't care what religion you come from, First of all. Second of all, the idea that
logo needs to be bothered because he's not a member of our party bothers me because I'm not just
speaking to you as the chairman of the party. I'm speaking to you as Haas from Infrared. And Logo is one of my closest and most cherished friends. I don't like
seeing people try to divide lines and start antagonizing him because he's not in the party. He is a
free-spirited, true intellectual, and he should be allowed
to have free thinking
okay logo is not these idiot
like wreckers
individualists that were in our party and wrecked us or whatever logo is an actual
smart person he's an artistic thinker he's an intellectual and his the fact that he's not in the party right now is frankly not no one's business is he doesn't
have to explain himself to anyone okay it's no one's business he's an artist he's an intellectual
he's a real thinker he's a deep thinker okay literally if you don't like what he says, just leave him alone.
All right?
Just leave him alone.
If you don't like what he says, if you reject his views, leave him alone.
I want to say a final thing.
And I'm talking about infrared and not the party. If you want to know the party's views on religion, the party will not entertain or partake in any denigration of religion at all. And the party will not offend the religious views of, so that's the official party position that's party but you can still have
debates about religion they're just not related to the party okay and so i'm just directly
saying that okay um i don't want to see people bothering actual allies for stupid petty reasons okay second of all
message to all of you out there, okay, you
religious larpers, why don't you learn
from the infrared Muslims?
Let me go there. I'm going to unite
all the Christians right now.
Y'all want to start bickering and fighting
amongst yourselves?
Well, let's make it a real holy war.
Islam versus Christian...
I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring.
Y'all want to larp and have this nonsense bickering?
I'll show you.
Anyway, what I mean to say
is that, uh in infrared, notice how we don't do that shit.
That's all I'm saying.
Notice how we're Shias and we're Sundays and we're Sufis and we're all chill and we never ever are on some bullshit about anything.
I wish you Christians in Infrared were like that too.
I wish all the Christians, Protestant Catholic Orthodox, I wish y'all could just be chill and not bicker and fight amongst each other all the time and you can be
like us Muslims all right yeah i mean Muslims fight a lot but not in infrared not in infrared
do they i don't think so we don't tolerate we don't do that shit in infrared. Do they? I don't think so.
We don't tolerate.
We don't do that shit in infrared, all right?
We're chill.
Um, yeah, the ones that were causing them problems got purged very quickly.
So, uh, yeah, that's what I,
that's what I'm going to chime in and say about that, all right?
You guys got to not let it get out of control.
I want to also say one other thing.
Pick your battles.
Know what an enemy is and what an enemy isn't.
Pick your battles.
Someone's talking shit about ACP.
Y'all be on that shit, start patrolling that shit, all right?
We tried being nice and diplomatic to our haters and enemies, and they took it for weakness.
So keep that up.
Definitely not trying to dissuade you from that.
But anyone who, you know, I don't know, we're in a, it's a crazy state right now because
our party is under attack, had just experienced a big attack by these wreckers, by these
Cointill Pro Fed, whatever the fuck.
And we are rightly in a defensive, you know, and an offensive position right now, very aggressive.
You'd think people would just know not to fuck with us right now, you know?
You'd think they would just know that. Like, yo, this isn't the time to fuck with us right now, you know? You'd think they would just know that.
Like, yo, this isn't the time to fuck with them.
Would you debate Caths on distributism versus communism?
No, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't.
Because I don't want to deal with, I don't like when religious
LARPERS and folk religion, oh, I have the backing of one billion people on my side. If
you disagree with me, you have to spit on one billion people. I fund it's bad faith,
and I reject that, all right faith and I reject that all right I fundamentally reject that
I'm not here to insult any religion at all
so you know there's that, all right?
Like I said, guys, I will tell you personally, I am a Michael Hudson guy, okay?
And regardless of what you think about theology, I know there is a Catholic in our movement who has a
who has a Catholic
interpretation on Michael Hudson. That's cool too.
I'm open-minded, right?
I'm just telling you
ain't nothing to be getting antagonistic
about, you know. Nothing to be antagonistic about.
We're all communists here. We all reject Satan. We all reject Satan. We all reject Satan.
We're all fighting against...
You can't even call it liberalism because liberalism is dead for a long time. Whatever this satanic evil agenda of the elites, we're all against it in our movement, you know.
So let's be on the same page, okay?
Let's be on the same page.
You know, I'm the,'m the i'm look look i'm a gangis con secularist liberal secularism
you know that's kind of just nihilism. But Genghis Khan,
I'll tell you what Genghis Khan secularism is.
Genghis Khan secularism is basically where I'm the con,
but I entertain everything.
Oh, bring me this scholar.
Bring me this scholar. Bring me this scholar.
I want to hear of this man's views.
But everyone gets a shot.
Everyone gets a shot.
Everyone gets a chance.
But at the end of the day, the Mongol whip rules all.
That's what I believe in.
Anyway, sorry, I'm so funny. But, no, I don't like this
stupid conflict. Anyway,
let's move on, okay?
Regarding the other stuff,
you know, things just speak for themselves. I'm noticing that there's a lot of cry bullies complaining about us.
They're little cry bullies.
Just a week or two ago, you're saying what?
We need to kill them all.
They're the worst.
And now that you're getting pushback,
oh, you guys are not, I'm just criticizing you guys. It's just, no, it's, criticism has a very
specific meaning, okay? Criticism, in the Marxist sense of the the word is made in good faith, and it's always
constructive, regardless of the consequence. You are not partaking in criticism. You're partaking in
libel and slander and shit talk, and you're levying accusations against us without proof all the
time and you're calling that criticism that's not criticism criticism criticism is just genuine
good faith discussion which i encourage you guys when it rears itself to to partaken without
whatever going crazy but the people that are
cry bullying about ACP are not these like for example those MUG people at first I was just kind of like
oh well they kind of don't seem like they're that malicious
against us. And then I saw screenshots of one of them spreading the Cointel Pro boosted or Cointel Pro based
allegation of arms trafficking
against us
whether in jest or otherwise or whatever
and I'm just like you know what fuck you
you know
it's actually fucked up
like if you
you want us to be civilized
then you have to agree to some baseline civilized principles.
Like, let's not entertain coin tool pro shit.
Let's not make it personal.
Let's not docks.
Let's not harass.
Let's not be weird.
If we can just agree to those four or five things I just said, everything is fine.
That's all we're asking of our leftist enemies.
But we're not begging them.
You want to fucking go?
We can go too.
You know?
Just don't complain and start crying about how you're getting harassed and swarmed.
Because we stand on business.
I'm sorry.
We absolutely stand on business and we'll defend ourselves.
And that separates us from a lot of other leftists, I guess.
By the way, I have all, look, even right now, if they wanted to come in VC and challenge me, they would be allowed to.
I've never stood back from any kind of confrontation
or challenge for a discussion, a dialogue, or a debate. One of those three. They say, I don't want to
debate you. Okay. Make it a discussion then. Oh, no. Doesn't Michael Hudson prefer Trotsky to Stalin?
Isn't he Trotsky's grandson?
No, that's just a personal connection.
Anyway, why are you throwing money in the pit that don't donate?
I don't even know how you have that link.
I took it down.
That link, I can't access the money you're just throwing it away i'm sorry i told i tried telling you guys i can't access the money that you donate
to that whatever you just threw $5 away, dude.
Give it...
there is something
I could do
but it'll take
like months.
they saved the link.
I think they just wanted to say something they didn't care
and they weren't donating to me they were donating to their own they were paying for the right
to say something in the stream but no hudson is not a trotskyist.
But, you know, look, good faith is good faith and that's fine.
Bad faith, you can see it from a while away.
And, you know, these people, they're just not, they're just kind of mentally ill. I don't know what to tell you.
They are very depressed as well. That's another thing you have to understand. They're super depressed and they're getting a thrill out of this. It's the most exciting thing that's happening in their life. Imagine that. The most exciting thing that's happening in their life is swarming or sorry is getting swarmed by you guys. Not that they enjoy it, they don't.
It does mentally and psychologically shatter them.
But it is like the most exciting and exhilarating thing going on for them,
is like antagonizing us and shit talking us.
And also the Fed-boasted algorithm will reward them for that.
Keep that in mind.
And they know that.
And they shamelessly don't, you know, they're just doing it for attention.
These people are deeply unhappy, depressed people.
Just if there's any consolation, just know that, right?
And, um... you need to comprehend. You guys really made me forget what I was going to say.
That fucking donation really threw me off.
What was I going to fucking say?
What was I going to say?
It was something about...
No, it wasn't about DSA.
It was about a criticism I heard that I wanted to respond to something like that. What was it? It's a few things. Hold on. It's coming back to me. It's coming back to me. Hold on. It's coming back to me. Hold on. It's coming back to me. Yeah, Hudson said that when he, Hudson has no commitment to Trotskyism, right?
He of the class when he was a literal kid because his parents were has nothing to do with anything
God, there's something I needed to talk about though
something about the ACP
I can't
fucking believe I forgot this
it's like it kind of came back to me
give me a second
it's came back to me. Give me a second. Give me a second.
It's something about...
Nope, that's gone.
I don't remember it. I don't remember it.
I don't remember it.
What I was going to say.
No, shut up about China.
It had nothing to do with China, all right?
I don't know why the fuck you would assume that.
Something... assume that something something I think it was related to the cry bullies for sure
I just don't exactly remember
no not recruitment it was something about the cry it was yeah i said something about debate
ah yeah yeah that's kind of when i say the word debate that is bringing me back debate
ah i remember i was going to say
twitch streamer
that criticism
where they're saying oh he's a twitch streamer
he's a twitch streamer he's a twitch streamer
that's what i was going to talk about
thank you uh streamer. That's what I was going to talk about. Thank you.
It's crazy how memory works. Anyway,
I don't know why that's supposed to be derogatory when all I am is an accelerationist.
As if you're not knee-deep in it,
you stupid bitch,
I'm just faster than you.
You're a tweeter.
You're on fucking Twitter.
I am faster than you're typing tweets.
Oh, I'm typing on Twitter.
And I'm a streamer.
I'm just faster than you.
If you want, if you want, again, I've said this before and I'll say it again.
If you want to make the argument that live streaming is vulgar and trashy then shut the fuck up
and go read go read books and hagel and have a very refined and nuanced and don't even talk to
anyone just quit talking on social media at all
because as long as you're on social media you're in the thick of it and everybody knows
you can't escape time because it's faster than it go. Just like KSI said.
If you're on social media,
you're modern.
And if you're pretending to be this sentimental,
like romantic sentimental, oh, streaming is just so low IQ.
But you're not some fucking scholar with anything to show for yourself.
You're you yourself are on social media.
I'm a streamer. I'm just faster than you. are on social media. I'm a
streamer. I'm just faster than you. That's the
Modernity means bad
faith discourse. That's literally what modernity
means. Discourse and bad faith.
So whoever's fast...
Can I explain to you guys how it works so you can just be
modern? And we're going, like I said, I said before, I am the Mandarin. We are here to wipe out
the millennial sentimental reactionary scum. I am an evil Mongol dictator, the Mandarin,
and I'm here to persecute and wipe out
tens of trillions of millennial
sentimental reactionaries.
I'm going to explain to you that
we are actually the modern ones and they're
the reactionaries. It's very simple. Okay. It's very, very simple.
Discourse within the framework and parameters of modernity means basically that the information that is
amplified the quickest and the most aggressively is what dominates people's consciousness.
It doesn't need to be nuanced or well thought out or anything like that, right?
And they weaponize modernity against us.
If I was just like Daniel Tut, like what he wants me to be, right, then I would not be able to defend my ideas because I would just be writing books. And you know how modernity works? You know how fucking sick and disgusting it is i could write an
800 page book and all they're going to do is screenshot a paragraph or a sentence share that on
twitter it gets 50 000 likes and that will define people's perception of my book and pollute and contaminate their ability to discursively engage with any of its content forever.
You want to know how I've said. This is what happened to Logo. Logo is one of the smartest people that I know.
Literally, he is. Right. But because there was a lie of someone trying to lie and say that, oh, Logo pretended to read a book he never did, which a lie by the way but because that got amplified so
aggressively on social media that has become a barrier to people's ability to even like engage with
logos ideas, right?
And that's how modernity works.
Everyone wants traditionalism, me included, but that's a utopia.
Traditionalism of ideas and discourse means, no, you're not going to allow your reptilian brain to take over and just
allow things to be defined by social perceptions and, you know, by memes and by, you know, um, by reputation stuff and, and denigrating their character and taking things out of context and just what's the most immediate and quickest and easiest thing. You're going to be holistic. You're going to investigate
everything. You're going to read everything. You're going to fill your mind with all the wealth
and treasure and breadth of all the content of theory. You're going to try to see everyone's perspective
and be nuanced. You're going to be understanding. You're going to try to see everyone's perspective and be nuanced.
You're going to be understanding.
You're going to be extremely critical.
You're going to be like Marx.
That's what we want.
Unfortunately, that is how you get sniped and killed in the 21st century, especially in the age of social media.
And it's a time game.
Whoever's the fastest and the quickest wins.
It doesn't matter who's even correct or not.
Whoever's quickest wins. i give everyone the opportunity
to come on my stream to engage me in this quick medium and outwit me they can't do it
i have to be faster than them because they are bad faith.
But the difference between me and them is that I'm good faith, but they're not.
They're pretending to be like these refined intellectuals who are above Twitch streamers, but they're not.
They are relying on the same trashy, bad faith dynamics of modern
information in order to really pollute the ability to think critically as just as much brain rot as a TikTok or a Twitch or a kick streamer, right?
But they're just hypocrites about it.
So they say, oh, Haas is a Twitch streamer.
He's a Twitch streamer, but as opposed to what? What are you a fucking podcaster? A millennial
podcaster? You're a piece of dirt and you know it. You wouldn't even disagree with me if I told
you that what a piece of dirt you are. You would just insist upon the fact that everyone is a piece of dirt and
nothing is worth taking seriously and we all need to be depressed suicidal nihilists just like you are.
Well, I reject that. I fundamentally fucking reject that. You're wrong. You can go be whatever the fuck you want,
but you are not going to step on our shit for refusing to follow you
and follow your fucking path to nothingness and to nowhere.
Just because you're depressed doesn't give you the fucking right
to wreck and destroy other people's shit.
And that's it.
And it's as simple as that.
It's as simple as that.
You know?
You don't like
modernity? Then you're going to be
thrown into the rubbish bin. And I'm
using the word rubbish because it's so sophisticated.
You're going to be thrown in the rubbish
bin. You're going to be thrown in the rubbish bin
just like every other fucking reactionary
Philistine in history.
Get with it or get out of the fucking way.
That's always been my message.
Get with it or get the fuck out of the way because if you stand in the way you're going to be
mowed over you're going to be mowed over you want to know how you're being mowed over time
itself you're aging in 10 years you're being mowed over? Time itself. You're aging.
In 10 years, you're going to be just as cringe as Gen X millennials.
You already are fucking cringe, by the way.
You have already become the very Oedipal adults you spent your entire life trying to rebel against.
You are time is working against you.
You are becoming outmoded.
You are no longer the cutting edge you think you are. So step out of the fucking way before you get mowed over.
Gracefully age and grow up.
You think I'm out here trying to stand in the way of Gen A and there's Skibbitty nonsense?
I'm not here like, oh, guys, we need a, we need to, we need to combat the Skibbity.
I don't know what Skibbity is.
I'm humble.
I don't fucking know what it is. I'm not losing my mind
over it and getting angry about it and trying to persecute and destroy the generation that is coming after me.
Because I know time is not on my side. I need to get with the program and understand what's going on, or I'm going to look
like a fucking retard from the perspective of history. That's the truth. That's what millennials need to do
when it comes to Gen Z. They are just reactionaries though it's that simple look what you're above a twitch
stream based on what based on what what the fuck are you you're on nothing shut the fuck up
and stop using twitch streamer as a denigrating insult as if you are anything.
You are a speck of dust and a maggot and a worm that is begging to be stepped on.
That's all you are.
Your father spits on you. Your family spits on you. You're a
useless, good for nothing. Depressed loser. But you wear your hat sideways so you think you're still,
no, you're not though
you're really not all the irony
doesn't make up for it either
and now I go
on TikTok and I'm seeing
these lip tarts lose their mind
and they're going winter boots winter boots
and i said what the fuck is winter boots and apparently and supposedly on tictock these people are
plotting some terrorism or something
because the candidate, because a candidate won that they didn't prefer.
And people are trying to sit here and say,
the ACP needs to grow based on the radicalization of...
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on.
I mean, hold on.
All right.
If you're getting radicalized by Trump,
why is that radicalizing you?
Because you're nostalgic for the tyranny of S&L in Hollywood and Disney.
About the Hunger Games.
Fuck the Hunger Games.
Fuck the Hunger Games.
I know I use their song for one of my, uh, for the promo for the Dearborn event,
but fuck the Hunger Games. Fuck Star Wars. Fuck Disney and fuck you. You're nostalgic and sentiment.
This is what I hate about reactionaries.
You want to be a reactionary?
Be a true reactionary.
Like me or like the Eurasianists in Russia, they're not really reactionaries.
Be like a real traditionalist
who wants to go back to
Genghis Khan.
Genghis Khan.
That's how you say it, right?
Genghis Khan.
I think that's how they say it.
Go back to that.
I'm a Bronze Age, Henghis Khan,
totality of history reactionary,
and therefore I am fully modern.
But reactionaries as Marxists used to condemn them
throughout history, they are relative reactionaries always. I want to return to the state of affairs
a 10 or 20 years ago. But what about all the dead bodies of progress that they were trampling over 20 years ago?
You want to return to that? You fucking fucked hard.
You are a reactionary. You're a sentimental reactionary who wants to go back to 2011, to Obama? Is that it? You want to go back to that to SNL and Disney and Hollywood, where Epstein and Diddy
were raping the world
that's like the traditional
Oh, I long for the
That's your Lord of the Rings Shire
And it's fucking Epstein running around raping all the everyone.
That's your like sentimental, like golden fields that you're trying to go back to.
Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.
With your cute winter boots.
Shut your fucking mouth, you idiot.
You're barking up the wrong goddamn tree.
You want to be a revolutionary?
You want to be a reactionary?
You better go all the way.
All the way to literally the beginning of time.
All the way to fucking Hammurubi and Gilgamesh and
shit. Don't give me this stupid
nonsense about
I miss
are you, are you
coming to the tree
where Katness
was a
liberal and free
That's you're trying to
Oh Trump is this
Trump is the worst
I remember I was watching
SNL and Trump changed everything
Yeah yeah
A lot of rotten shit got exposed
that you used to just be completely oblivious toward
because you're an uneducated simpleton.
You want to go back to the LipTard hegemony that is dead.
We will never go back.
And that's why the only people that are truly going to mount a challenge to the incoming Silicon Valley neophytilism is going to be people like us, the ACP,
because we're not going, we're not saying we want to go back to the past.
We don't want to go back to Obama.
We don't want to go back to George Bush.
We don't want to go back to Ronald Reagan. We don't want to go back to Ronald Reagan.
We don't want to go back to the decency of American democracy.
We want to go back to the genocides of Gingis Khan.
That's what we want to go back to, right?
So we, look, Peter Thiel, this is my message to you. You want to be a neo-futalist?
Oh, the dark enlightenment. I'm Curtis Jarvin. We're going to do the neo-reaction. Hey, Haas. We're going back to the 1600s.
I'm taking you back to the 2,500s.
I'm taking you back to the 2,500s, BC.
I'm taking you back to Assyrian conquerors
ravaging entire
fucking cities to the ground, burning them to the ground,
and crushing the bones of the ancestors of the enemy.
I'm taking you back
to fucking Old Testament fire and brimstone. I'm taking you back
to Genghis Khan conquering everything under the blue sky. I'm taking you back to the fucking Safavid Empire. You want to go back?
Let's go fucking back. I'll go way farther back than you could even think of. And that's what
communism is, by the way.
Oh, I'm a neo-reactionary.
We're going to have techno-futalism where it's just going to be like serfdom.
All right.
Well, I'm going to be bringing some techno-mongolism where we're going to have a universal empire and the complete destruction of all dissidents and enemies.
You want to go back? Let's go back.
You thinking you got us like, oh, we're so, it's so dark and scary, no.
You're not built for that.
We are the time travelers, not you.
You're not the time travelers. We are. You know, we are. You know what modern truly means? When a Marxist is modern, this is actually a deep discussion I want to have, but the atmosphere is too lighthearted.
To be truly modern is to literally occupy the precise point
the precise point
of becoming
of the entire integral
totality of history
everything leads up to
this fucking moment that's modernity modernity is not oh this is what appears now
no no no that's what appears now the true now is what is really now rather than some repetition of something that has already happened.
Most people experience modernity as a rerun.
You're watching friends on cable TV and you think it's modern because it's running in front of your face in real time.
But it's a rerun, dumb bitch.
True modernity. True fucking modernity is when that rerun is completely hijacked and replaced with Putin's speech in 2022 in 2022 that he's launching a special military operation.
That's modernity.
We are modern.
You're watching reruns.
Do you know the latest fashion that's a rerun modernity is stalinism you understand the shit you're talking about is a rerun okay Obama was a rerun even Trump is a rerun all of our political enemies are reruns
infrared ACP now that's fucking modern now that's fucking modern now that's fucking modern
now that's fucking modern
you understand
a lot of people look at me like
oh you're a Heideggerian
but you don't even engage with my critiques of Heidegger.
The thing I hate about Heidegger's cuckoldry
is that he tries to find refuge in the stillness of thought,
which he identifies with being.
But my reading of Heidegger, or my understanding of Heidegger, my Heidegger, in other words, is a modern
Heidegger, right? Where there can be no refuge in the stillness of thought. You are
thrusted and suspended
in this time,
in this process
of acceleration,
and of real modernity, and it is
inescapable and unavoidable.
Real Heidegarianism is like the unavoidal...
It's like fucking...
You can't even...
You don't even know what to say.
You're watching a live stream.
You don't even know what to fucking say, right?
Because it's there
before you have time
to draw metaphysical
conclusions. It's there.
You're thrown in it.
You understand? Before.
That is a way to
read Heidegger
through the lens of modernity.
Heidegger coped. He was trying
to be a cuck, finding
refuge in the stillness of thought.
So Heidegger was this cringe guy
who was like, I
just want to sit in my cabin
and I want to, you know,
sit in my cabin
and all the trees and
stare at trees for thousands of years.
But my
Heidegger reading is,
we're in the thick of it
and everybody knows.
You can't escape it today.
Because that's my understanding.
You understand?
You know?
You can't be the peasant in the black forest
with your sloped roof
with the fourfold
you're in
hyper time
you know
hyper time, you know? Hyper time.
Anyway, I despise any false notion of stillness and false nothingness.
There's no nothingness.
There's only idleness and somebody's fucking paying for it. Even when you sit on your ass on the couch doing nothing, your body's paying for it because your metabolism hasn't ceased to stop running. Your biological, physiological existence is continually suspended in a process of constant reproduction,
which will terminate at some point.
But you think you're doing nothing, that's not true.
You're just
a cuck who's
oblivious and blind to the fact
that you are in fact doing something
there is no way to avoid the partisanship
of being
you're always fucking doing
once you come
once you have peace with that
you can be a workaholic
and it's like
you're a Zen Buddhist
what's that fucking meme
where the guy's
he's like
punching and it's like
it's like
really fast
and it's like
he has like
10,000 arms
but his face is like
he's just like
that's what
that's what
Leninism is
that's what communism is that's what Marxism-Leninism is. That's what communism is.
That's what Marxist consciousness gives you.
The Nintendo guy, yeah.
That's how it is. I'm in the thick of it and everybody knows
How do you relate to being with God?
I decided I don't want to talk about God in public ever.
It's just kind of like...
It's just something feels wrong about it.
I don't know. It's just something feels wrong about it. I don't know.
It's like something false.
Ugh. You should talk about God when you're about to die or some shit, you know?
Or you when you're alone in silence. but, but, but um no in all seriousness i am not i'm not convinced that i'm not convinced that you know
we're going to oh the people are going to be radicalized by Trump.
I mean, that's a road to nowhere.
That's not going to, that's not going to reinvent.
I mean, it's so stupid.
Like, oh, everyone got radicalized by Trump.
And then Biden won and everything went back to
and they all just went back to being libtards.
So let's just not waste time on this nonsense.
And this, you know, if you don't know,
on TikTok there's a trend.
I mentioned it.
It's like winter boots.
And they're trying to use coded language
because they can't openly talk about terrorism and guns.
So they're saying winter boots.
And they're like, we we're gonna do a revolution
winter boots to resist
that's another thing
we haven't outlined a comprehensive
position but
I never understood
what people thought was so...
I reject any kind of articulation of Marxism
that derives from the petty bourgeois and individualistic moral sentiment of the bleeding heart liberal.
That is fundamentally antithetical to the proletarian position.
Bleeding heart liberalism is fundamentally petty bourgeois.
It is antithetical to proletarian consciousness.
Bleeding heart liberalism is Brian from Family Guy.
That's not the stuff out of which a communist is made. The stuff out of which a communist is made the stuff out of which a communist is made
i mean you i always this is a topic i wanted to touch on tonight
where does the resolve derive from where does the resolve derive from?
Where does the resolve...
Give me a second.
I just itched my nose, but it would look like I was picking it, but I wasn't.
It was just itching.
But, you know, anyway.
Where does the resolve come from to actually be a communist, to resign yourself to a revolutionary consciousness.
Where does that come from?
Why be a revolutionary?
And too often people make the assumption that I was a bleeding heart liberal, then I no no no that's the wrong place to start the correct place to start when it comes to trying to authentically arrive at a position of revolutionary consciousness is the same one that Palestinians start from.
Palestinians don't start from a position of bleeding heart liberalism where they
they take the revolutionary position to somehow be an extension of this deep level of compassion
and empathy that they have because they're such good people.
Because the subject of bleeding heart liberalism is always the moral superiority of the self and individualism.
And that's why it's smug Brian from Family Guy liberalism, right?
But the real revolutionary consciousness at the outset comes from anger, comes from anger comes from anger i hate to say that but it's the truth it comes from anger and where does that
anger come from and what is that anger itself based in?
It is a kind of base anger, right?
That is comparable to the anger you have when you get ripped off, when you get scammed.
That's what it is.
It's not this bleeding heart compassion.
It's more like real indignation
before injustice is not
bleeding heart compassion
it's not oh
I can't believe
like you know that meme we're like fuck I hate I can't believe.
Like, you know that meme where like, fuck, I hate people who say that.
Well, you know that shit where people are like,
I can't believe that the gender pay gap.
It's like the male feminist who's like indignant about women, like, um, inequality of women.
But it's just like clearly this virtue signaling shit.
Like that's not what it is. That's notignation indignation is um a really authentic anger right which comes from uh
anger anger toward falseness falseness falseness so it's like ontological right things are correct or they're false they're right or they're wrong it's not about my warmth
and compassion to anyone in this sense it's metaphysical. But not in a
sense of philosophy. Like you're thinking
and thinking metaphysically. It's more like
this shit is not the right
way. You know?
Something about
the ruling order is false therefore like that is how revolutionary consciousness
that's where it comes from it comes from something ontological in a sense not something sentimental it's not rooted in sentiment it's rooted in a
comprehension of the order of things the cosmos right and to whatever extent
that is being set awry
that is where it comes from
sentiment is reactionary
sentiment can get you pulled in every
fucking which direction you want
and I'll give you an example of this.
You can be the Hunger Games,
sentimental, bleeding hard liberal.
Oh, it's just...
Okay, but you can also be...
You can also be sentimental
toward Stalinism.
Oh, the victims of the gulags! Oh, the victims of the... Oh, the victims of the gulags!
Oh, the victims of the...
Whom the victims of...
Shove it up your ass with your sentiments.
If you're a sentiment
can get you...
pull you in any fucking direction.
You could be a fucking Nazi who creates fantasies about,
who the white race is being.
That's nothing.
That's not the foundation or the basis for any human position before you can have sentiments you need to have
an understanding of correctness and falseness and rightness and wrongness.
And the subject of those things is not sentiment and feeling.
Okay. it's about a partisan position with respect to what is the nature of our existence we are being
scammed and ripped off.
Why are we letting them get away with it?
We're being scammed and ripped off.
You have people in your family, your relatives,
who can't afford their fucking health care payments, they're in debt and there's so much suffering and bullshit? For what? That's where the revolutionary position comes from.
Anger. A type of rage.
By itself, it's nothing.
It needs to be channeled.
It needs to be channeled correctly.
It needs to be given reason.
It needs to be given clarity.
It needs to be rooted in faith and all in mercy and I agree but the foundation is not bleeding heart liberalism which is sentiment the
foundation of revolutionary consciousness is not sentiment.
It is not sentiment.
Sentiment is an aristocratic luxury
and sentiment has no inherent rational content.
Sentiment does not provide any robust foundation for self-criticism or self-consciousness for that matter and there's a guy in my chat retento
who is probably one of these people talking about winter boots on TikTok.
But not only are they not confrontational in real life,
this person doesn't even have the courage or the self-confidence to use their voice and say whatever they want to say to me with their voice not only will they not show their face and stand on business and actually have
skin in the game they won't even use their fucking voice.
Because of how deeply ashamed of themselves they are. But they type. Where do you
get the courage to type? You know what I dream
of? You know what I really dream of guys?
I dream of catching one of these people
one day in real life. Like, they're going to be
on their phones talking
shit typing
and then I catch them
what would they do
what would they fucking do
that like I
that needs to happen
one like what would they do
you got so comfortable talking shit
like that
what would happen if you're actually
confronted in real time time.
Thank capitalism for that freedom of speech, something you can't have in a communist country.
Thank capitalism for my freedom of speech.
Which I can't have in a communist country,
I will rebuke that.
I will refute it so easily.
I, of course, have freedom of speech in a communist country,
because I myself am a communist.
But maybe you won't have it because you're a fucking retard.
And that's a good thing.
It's a good thing that the speech of Nimrods and retards is restricted.
That's how confident we are in the correctness of our position, by the way.
Disagree, come and debate me.
I mean, I like free speech.
I want there to be free speech maintained as a principle.
But then sometimes I think about if I was in power,
would I just allow these people to run their mouths the way they talk shit. No, you can't fucking lie.
You can't just tell lies.
Fuck you.
You're going to jail.
You can't just be a filthy, disgusting psycho retard.
You know, I believe in the principle of free speech.
But I also think in a principle of stand-on business, bitch. By the way, I think communist countries have more free speech than the USA.
Because what is
real freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech is the freedom for your
speech to have an effective consequence
on reality.
Which we don't have.
Nobody takes seriously speech
in capitalist societies. You only take seriously money.
So the speech really ain't free. And if it's free, it means it's worth zero. Has no value.
Understand my words. fucking think about that
free speech under capitalism
is just like free anything
literally worthless
are you literally worthless.
Are you smart enough to understand what i just said when speech is free under capitalism quote this shit it goes so hard when speech is free under capitalism
it's like anything else that's free
it's worthless
that shit goes so fucking hard
that shit goes so fucking hard. That shit goes so fucking hard.
Y'all think these streams are free?
These streams are not free.
I just didn't name the price, but they're not free. These streams are not free. I just didn't name the price,
but they're not free.
If everybody stopped donating to me,
I wouldn't be doing these streams.
They ain't free.
It's worth something.
I just don't demand a price.
I let it speak for itself.
You know what I mean?
Isn't that what you right-wingerers always say? Nothing's free. I agree. Nothing is free.
So why the fuck do you think speech is free, bitch? Damn. Damn. Ain't nothing free. Just like you said. So why do you think speech is free?
Shit. You just got backed in a corner.
That shit goes so hard. Ain't no such thing as a free lunch
damn i'm gonna clap for myself
i'm gonna do a stallinist clap for myself
that shit was so good
let's take a moment to really
round of applause for what I just said.
Really good stuff. Appreciate. I didn't catch that, but appreciate you
whoever that was. I need to be more of a narcissist
and look upon myself. wherever that was. I need be more of a narcissist and
look upon
on my camera.
No, but in any case
Comrade kid!
Pay the toll. There we go.
Toll is paid.
Just like Socialism Four All said,
I'm a grifter who's doing everything for money guys don't forget it i will pack up and leave
when a certain threshold is met and i'm off i'm off. I'm off.
Andrew cooked.
You know.
Amila with the 10.
Amila with the 10.
Amila with the 10.
You were saying
Money talks
You were saying who got cooked
Who got cooked because
The only thing we cooking out here is crabby patties bitch
We cooking crabby patties out here bitch because i'm mr crabs
and i get money amila
shit write that down too, man.
He said I got cooked.
I said the only thing we're cooking out here is crabby patties.
Because I'm Mr. Crabs, bitch, and I get money.
No wonder Drake donated to me.
Yeah, everyone always asked me, like, why did Drake donate to you?
Because real, because a lyrical genius can recognize another lyrical genius.
That's why.
Clint! What's up what's up you know we big winning out here we're we're big winning today you know i i you know i you know i today.
You know, I, you know, I'm going to be honest, guys.
I'm in such a goofy mood that I feel like breaking out into song or hip hop.
I feel like, uh, feel like the mic is calling.
Should I embarrass the entire party by doing this shit?
I'm not going to do it.
I'm just telling you.
I'm just telling you.
I'm telling you, I'll be on fire.
Mike is calling.
But I'm also the chairman of a real-life party.
So it's going to have to ring six times by itself um anyway i already embarrassed the party how how did i do that we live in modern times
where nobody remembers anything
not true
and brainwash these fools and not me
weekend what's up we're fools and not me.
Weekend. What's up?
if you get in VC, you will probably go to bed with so many doubts about communism and you'll be oh my god these marxists were right
these marxists were correct because deep down every real human being is a communist it's just how
much are you coping about it how much are you coping about it?
How much are you lying to yourself about the truth?
We're all communists.
Every single one of us in the core of our being. Every human being longs for the concrete totality of their existence.
All of it.
The all.
But a lot of people waste time.
We spend that time seeking out detours.
But at the end of the day all human beings long for aminism for communism I struggle very deeply understanding how someone
could not be a communist
I pity those people.
And then I look into their lives and I see that they're all ain't got their shit together.
They're like depressed and they have all these mental problems.
And then I realize, you know what?
I have, you all, I'm crazy.
I'm crazy too, but at least I'm doing something with it.
You said Americanism was so close to communism, so I would need communism.
Because Americanism is collapsing,
my friend.
Are you going to be doing more
debates against the right?
Well, here's the issue. There's a political realignment going on. You know that thing I keep talking about? And everyone realized that it was a whole con game. So we were the most aggressive last year. Then Trump and Elon Musk got elected and now everyone sees everything for what it is. Techno feudalism. So some of the right wing got so shocked because of the H-1B visa stuff
they were shocked and I was saying it
the whole time. It was all capitalist
con. All the racial shit.
All the nonsense
talking about third worldism.
It was all a bunch of fucking bullshit.
And, uh, you know,
don't know what to tell you.
We tried warning everybody for a very long time.
But the Brown third world is taas.
It was just motivated by resentment toward white people because I want to be white so bad.
Even though the internet gave me a free white identity,
when they said I was half German and my name was Adam.
But for some reason, I didn't accept that. I wanted to be fully German. Not half.
Trump did, he signed an executive order banning gender change surgeries.
Yeah, but I feel like the extreme, like going after children stuff was literally meant to be as shocking and offensive as it was
so that someone who just does
the like a reasonable baseline
like you don't ever see people like
talking about Putin like oh my God
Putin just banned
doing this horrific thing to
children. It's like, well, shouldn't that be illegal
You know? I remember Trump's speech in his inauguration.
There are only two genders.
It's like, what?
No. No.
No way.
Oh my God, things are happening.
Something everyone has always known for literally since the beginning of time the sky is blue wow no way dark maga now someone
educate me is it true
Medicaid got
because I heard that
it was just an off
it just went offline
and it's back yeah he wouldn't dare do that
i knew that was fucking fake federal funding frozen it's just reruns.
It's some rerun shit.
Just some rerun shit.
Oh, the Clinton said the deal closed in 2025.
I don't know. Everyone's giving me conflicting information.
Everyone's giving me conflicting information.
But in any case,
just get ready for a bunch
of Trump derangement syndrome retards
who are just completely ignoring
the actual dangers
that are ahead, which is
Silicon Valley
fucking techno
I am not worried about
Trump. I'm worried about the oligarchical
elites in J.P. Morgan
and Silicon Valley and Wall Street
who are going to try and
impose the Javier Malay agenda on America.
And that's what you got to keep an eye out for.
You know, all the libtards are, oh, the winter boots, the winter.
Why don't you fucking get some winter jobs
what a crazy crazy thing it's like first is tragedy Second is farce.
This is,
you know,
the Trump 2016 crazy derangement
just fucking cut it out.
This is a new thing
that's going on right now
that no one's paying
attention to
because here's the difference between Trump in
2016 and Trump in 2024
or the administration
the agenda
is backed
by Davos, Wall Street street and silicon valley in 2016 there was no clear agenda there was chaos
and all three of those people were waging a war against trump through the media at least now they are going to get their way through
Trump's eccentric personality and that is what we need to watch out for and respond to.
There's a fucking fly.
Same one fly that's down here that just harasses the shit out of me every stream.
I need a tan.
I'm in the thick of it and everybody knows do we support Canada since China has signaled
to in terms of trade
I don't think that is necessarily new.
I think Canada and China have always had deep trade relations.
So I don't think we have a clear...
We're waiting to see what's going to happen.
We don't know.
We don't know.
Maybe China makes a deal and says
if you fuck off
in Taiwan
we will
look the other way for can i don't know
we don't know yet
we're waiting
by the way they don't know yet tell you the truth they don't know yet we don't know yet. We're waiting. By the way, they don't know yet.
Tell you the truth, they don't know yet, we don't know yet.
That's what you need to comprehend.
Why is our position and our stance not very clear?
Because theirs isn't either.
I'm talking about China and russia it's not clear either
we are with the world revolution the forces of world revolution it's not clear what's going on.
And the leaders of World Revolution is Russia and China.
But it's not clear what's going on to them or to us.
We have speculation.
We have speculation only.
I'm in the think of it and everybody knows. I need a tan.
I need also stop taking hot showers, which is something I've been doing. in any case in any case What's wrong with hot showers? They slow you down.
They slow everything.
Make you weak.
I've only been taking hot showers
because I have some muscle pain.
By the way, guys,
the wreckers are not done yet.
I'm just letting you know.
The, the, the,
the, the, the record shit, don't assume that's over.
It's not. Be on guard about that
because it's not over. I promise you, it's not.
Be ready. Stay ready.
Just letting you know what's their plan. I'm not going to tell you, but we have a pretty good idea.
And we're telling you guys,
stay on guard. wait dark cold showers are bad cold showers are bad cold showers are bad why am i always tired with hot showers then but isn't it, is it in nature that washing is in the cold?
So wouldn't nature be better?
You normally run on stress hormones and tell you this fuck
you're saying that because I run on
stress hormones
that that's why I get tired when I get a hot shower, because it's like the energy that I'm getting is from stress and I'm less stressed well what should I do what should I do to regain my energy also also isn't stress productive
i'm in the thick of it and everybody
No sugar, that's easy
It's a vicious cycle
There's nothing I could do
To get my energy back
Are he's dark? You're saying there's nothing I could do you back?
Are he's dark?
You're saying there's nothing I could do? Oh, there's lots.
Just to get my energy back.
Ha, ha, like Trump said everyone is born with a finite amount of energy
but what do you recommend
should I have burgers?
Because that would be nice.
Ah, uh, dark.
What about energy drinks?
I have energy drinks every day.
But I know that can't be good for you.
Carrot salad. That doesn't sound very fun.
Um, F. What do you think about energy drinks?
They're fine?
Well, okay, they have L-theonine in them and all these crazy chemicals, these new tropics they put in them.
But I, you know, there's these energy drinks energy drinks that I drink. And they got all these new tropics.
Crazy stuff in them.
And then L. Theonine makes me have anger issues.
It's anti-serotonin.
Why does it make me have anger problems?
Black coffee and sugar.
You know, guys, I used to be one of you people.
I used to be just like you guys, where you're like,
I only drink black coffee. And then I realized, you know, you only live once.
So let me get the freaking, let me get the
whatever they call it. The
strawberry, pumpkin, chocolate, vanilla, swirl, banana, coffee, like all that, whatever.
Get all that shit.
You only live once.
All them lattes that are popular among females.
You only live once.
Why do you,
why you gotta punish yourself?
I only drink black coffee.
For what?
Well, it keeps me discipline.
I know discipline.
That doesn't keep you discipline.
It just keeps you miserable.
You know?
You know, you may as well... You may as well indulge a little bit.
You know, I used to be one of these food people that's just like,
all I'm going to have is rice, beans, and meat.
And now I'm like
you know what
let me get some fries
let me get some fries
you know
let me get some fries because
why the fuck not and then I used to be those people
one of those people that's like,
I don't eat dessert, I don't eat any sweets.
And then I'm like, let me get some, let me have some cake.
Let me have some, let me have some of that dessert, you know?
Because at the end of the day, now I'm fat.
If I'm fat, that's just recent.
I don't think I am.
I haven't weighed myself, so I wouldn't know.
I think I look fine, though.
But last year, I lost 30 pounds.
I got pretty skinny last year.
And so I could lose weight very easily.
I'm very easy to lose weight.
It's very easy for me to lose weight.
I mean,
very, very easy.
All I have to do is just basically count my calories,
which I can do very easily.
It's, like, not an issue.
But, uh, I like putting on weight and then losing it.
Fuck, my eyes look terrible as I'm tired. Cause I took a hot shower.
I have water retention
I'm in the thick of it and everyone he knows
Yeah it's all because of this fucking shower shit I'm doing
Hot showers shower shit I'm doing.
Hot showers. I'm in the thick of it and everybody knows Anyway They know me like it knows
See, once I turn my head, you guys realize
how angular
and sculpted my faces.
See, when I look directly, you know, you don't understand. You don't understand the truth.
So let me tell you guys about the schedule that I'm thinking of
Or how we're going to be doing streams
Um Um basically what we're going to do is that what i'm planning on doing actually is uh challenge the chairman
i think we did that last week on Tuesday. I don't remember. It was Tuesday or it was Thursday, right? So we are going to basically do that weekly.
Challenge the chairman is going to be a weekly thing we do.
And I think, was it Thursday or was it, what is today, Tuesday?
That was Thursday, last Thursday, right?
It's going to be weekly, challenge the chairman.
It's going to be my way of talking to the public.
It will be either on spaces or it will be on TikTok.
So that is one thing.
Then there was another thing I was thinking of doing weekly.
I don't remember. In any case... Why did you delete TikTok?
Just because I wasn't on it for like a month.
I was in Russia.
Oh, man.
I am actually tired.
All right, guys.
I want to join the party, but if everyone, what if everyone's weird?
What state are you in, EM?
What is the state that you're in?
New York. Oh, join. It's chill.
Join. People are not weird. Okay. I love how this implies that there's some weird people.
But the real point was that if you're in, if you're somewhere where there's only a few people,
it may make you uncomfortable because, like, you don't really...
No, the New York
New York chapter is chill
is chill.
There's another thing I wanted to address from Breeze Manifesto, or Hitler Manifesto.
Mind Kampf.
Breeze Mind Kampf against the ACP.
Literally, it's literally a my struggle.
Right. Anyway. It's literally a my struggle. Right.
what I wanted to
was when
Bree claimed
that I don't
do any work.
But she's
such an
that she didn't understand
because I myself kind of
was like, huh? And then I thought about it
after and I was like, wait, I know why.
Because the entire Michigan chapter is in the p and it's not big at all it's very very small
i don't have a local metro detroit chapter and if there, I would be doing all the chapter stuff that, you know, I'd be doing all that going trash pickup, whatever.
The closest to me is going to be Chicago, four hours away as a drive.
So we need a Metro Detroit.
Metro Detroit chapter,
I want to build it up to like 40 people.
I don't want to build it up
because I'm not the chapter executive,
but I want the
Michigan chapter to be bigger
just so
I could
well I wouldn't participate
politically decision making
because it's a chapter
you know but I would like you know join in on stuff
so that was a dumb thing brey said like as if I'm just lazy when in reality, come to Ann Arbor.
Look, guys, it's active in the UP.
Yeah, it's pretty active. It's not active in the UP. Yeah, it's pretty active.
It's not active in Metro Detroit.
Debater in ShowQ.
Finally, someone is saving
the stream.
You mean?
Yeah. You mean? Yeah.
Oh, nice.
I'm a brand new fan, man.
Nice to meet you.
And I grew with, like, a lot of what you say.
Love. I agree with a lot of what you say. Can you shut off the stream?
Yeah, yeah, I can hear too.
Can you shut off the stream?
Is that better?
All right.
But like you said, like
you would only have
free speech only for yourself, and I'm just like,
because I've heard you like talk about like
oh, uh,
you got censored by like, I don't know
on Twitter or
Twitch or I don't know, whatever.
And then you're like
if you,
if you were in power, you would not have free speech. So don't you think that's hypocrisy?
Or, like, are you just trolling, though? Like, I don't know if you're just trolling.
Well, you should realistically ask if I'm anywhere near the reins of power, or if that's
possibly, if that's even realistically anything we could speculate about, and realistically
it's not.
So you should err on the side of it just being trolling, because it's just not.
If I was close to seizing power,
the situation would probably be a lot different
than now.
Ah, okay.
All right, all right. That makes sense.
But, like, if you were, though,
for real, like, that's how, like, because, though, for real, like,
that's how like, because like,
I don't know, uh,
I'm learning, you know, like
communism and all this stuff because like,
you know, like all the lies. I think I would restrict
speech, but what I would do is like
right now, I wouldn't restrict speech, but what I would do is I would have a centralized, like, state voice that can just constantly respond and correct false information.
Basically, I would, I would, the state would be dominant in the flow of information. Basically, the state
would be dominant in the flow of information.
In the sense of...
I mean what... Go ahead.
In the sense of like
not restricting
anything, but being able
to like
respond to false information okay we're like wouldn't that
be like kind of like what the left does or like you know like the neol liberals and all that shit
like they do like the disinformation and all this stuff.
Like, isn't that the same thing?
Um, if you're talking about community notes,
I don't think community notes is anywhere near as, uh,
I think,
I think the criterion would be based on objectivity, not.
And it would,
it would be faithful to that.
But crazy lies should not just freely be allowed to like go unchallenged.
And, you know, I'm not saying that means that you have to restrict speech.
I'm saying that it means there needs to be an ability to have, you know, correct information dominate.
So like when Stalin was in in power was there free speech uh well it depends on what you mean by that
but it wasn't nearly as restricted as you'd think but there was not a freedom
to basically cause panic
and you know
engage in defamation
and spread
enemy propaganda
like that's a great example.
Like, you need to...
The way Stalin controlled information
was very important
because information is heavily
tied to organization
and coordination.
And false information
can be detrimental.
Okay, so, like, what's an example
of, like, false information?
Like what George W. Bush said that Iraq
had weapons of mass destruction.
Or like Assad chemically.
Gases on people or something.
Yeah, that makes sense.
And by the way, here's my actual take on this.
I think that when false information comes from the people, it's not a big deal.
Because people are coming from a place of good faith.
They don't have a fundamental material interest that makes them compelled to lie.
The problem is the bourgeoisie has a vested interest to mislead and lie.
And so do foreign, you know, um, uh, imperialist powers.
So there needs to be a, a way to separate bad faith actors from good faith actors.
Okay, well, like, you know how you're talking about the WMDs?
Like, that was coming from, like, the Western media.
So would you say, say like they're not people
it's like an institution?
Exactly. That wasn't coming from like
a good faith. Oh, I didn't know. I mean
they did know. They were lying to manipulate
Okay. Yeah, that makes sense.
But I don't know. It's just like, I don't know how you're going to moderate that while also keeping free speech at the same time. Like, does Putin do it?
No, Russia has a very free speech in a lot of ways but they also have blasphemy laws and things like that
i mean look i would not propose anything that would you know transgress the norms of American culture.
Like, freedom of criticism should be maintained.
But, you know, here's my take.
Ideally, you just have full free speech,
but you just have an ability to clarify
class distinctions.
So we can discern
good faith and bad faith actors
by being able to label people, enemies of the
people. Not necessarily putting them
in jail or whatever, but just if a lib, if, if, if let's say the,
there's a communist regime in America and libtards are like making up a bunch of bullshit to smear it,
you just need to be able to point them out and say
that is an enemy of the people.
So, don't trust what they say.
And I trust that the
masses will be able to see this themselves.
Okay, I think
Putin does the same thing
he does say like something like enemy of the people
like with like western media
but like
i mean if as long as we have free speech and stuff
and we can, like, have, like, debate and shit, as opposed to, like, we can't, like, talk and stuff.
Like, if, like, for example, like, the liberals will just be like, oh, you're Hitler, you're racist.
When you're like talking about like something like immigration or something like that.
And then they just do that.
And it just completely dismisses it.
Here's the communist line.
Like, on the one hand, yes, the principle of free speech is good.
But we shouldn't strictly confine ourselves to that framework when trying to understand why these people are trying to engage in the censorship and stuff that they are. We should additionally say
that why they're trying to shut down this speech is because it threatens their hegemony.
And it's a struggle of power. It's a struggle of classes. Right? And being able to give it content is also important, not just form. Form is just about speech versus free speech versus restricted speech. But content is about why do they want to restrict that specific kind of speech?
What is at stake in that struggle, right?
So I think that in principle it's good to have free speech and in principle, especially if it's coming from good faith.
But I also think that there does need to be partisan responsibility of just owning
up to, you know, this is my
In this class struggle, for
I mean, yeah, I give an example
why did
why were they trying to shut down speech
when it came to the vaccines
is it just because they want to
destroy the principle of free speech
well more specifically
it was because the capitalist class at Big Pharma wanted to suppress our ability to criticize their scam. So that was a class war, you know?
Okay. But like, how would you
it's just like I don't know I think you should just say like as a leader like hey this is just like what did you say like this is this is just, like, information
that's, like, an enemy of the people, you know?
And then you would inform all, like, the,
what I call it?
The regular people.
I don't know.
That's what I think, though, but I get what you mean, though.
So, yeah.
Anyway, see you later, man.
Yeah, thanks, man. All right. so yeah anyway see you later man yeah thanks man all right
all right guys
I am just so tired
go live in China
if you want consequences
for free speech
I'm already, there's already consequences for free
speech in America, dude. Could people stop pretending that just because there's free speech on Elon Musk's X means it's everywhere?
That's literally the exception.
It's literally the exception.
Look at your people
how the Chinese treat the Muslims.
I'm Chinese. Ah.
You all can't see that
i can't see that
but uh we heading out
he hadn't out
bye bye
sorry guys for the low energy tonight
But I'm sure there's going to be some juicy shit this week
Remember the enemy is not
Bye bye