Socialist Patriotism: America vs. America

recently there's been a lot of
controversy over the question of
american patriotism
many on the left have a cast stones in
jackson hinkle's direction claiming that
one cannot be both a patriot and a
socialist in america given his origin as
a settler colonialist venture and its
current status as the leading
imperialist power
many have gone so far to claim that as
socialists patriotism represents an
affront to the principle of
internationalism and that socialists who
speak in patriotic terms are both
inconsistent and on the road to red
in spite of these protestations by the
american left it is clear that there is
something deeply wrong with this
the reality of the american people is
not in fact going anywhere and the
anarchistic burn it all down approach
has done nothing but isolate the left
since the 1960s
this begs the question what was the
actual relationship between socialists
and patriotism historically
what becomes immediately clear is that
the track record of the 19th and
especially 20th centuries show that
socialists and communists have
consistently been patriotic and deeply
attuned to the national realities of the
countries they held from the only reason
why the question of patriotism has now
come to the fore is because up until
recently it has been a given an
important effect it is still a given in
the vast majority of countries today
it is only in america and those under
the influence of its empire where those
under this way of american
exceptionalism remain dominant on the
left that socialists imagine they can
elevate themselves above national
realities and speak on behalf of an
abstract working class uprooted and
estranged from its particular and
national instantiation but historically
speaking it is a plain and obvious fact
that communists were always patriotic
and deeply rooted in the national
traditions of their respective countries
marx who spoke of the unity of working
people from all countries states in the
same work that though not in substance
yet in form the struggle of the
proletariat with the bourgeoisie is at
first a national struggle and 27 years
later in his critique of the gother
program marx calls it a self-evident
fact that in order to be able to fight
it all the working class must organize
itself at home as a class with its own
country as the immediate arena of his
struggle although the substantial
meaning is class struggle marx is
abundantly clear that his initial form
is national
linen who advocated for revolutionary
defeatism during the first world war
never considered this position to be at
odds with patriotism on behalf of the
russian people we love our language in
our country and we're doing our very
utmost to raise or turling masses to the
level of democratic and socialist
in fact the imperialist war was cast as
an unpatriotic commitment to the
international financiers capitalists and
enemies of the people who dominated the
we are full of a sense of national pride
and for that very reason we particularly
hate our slavers past and our slave is
present where these self-same landed
proprietors aided by the capitalists are
loading us into a war such war only
serves to strengthen the gang of romanos
and brobinskis who are a disgrace to our
great russian national dignity and he
goes on it is impossible to defend the
fatherland otherwise than by using every
revolutionary means to combat the
monarchy the landowners and the
capitalists of one's own fatherland i.e
the worst enemies of our country
mao conversely situated the communist
party in a patriotic people's war
against the japanese aggressors while
mocking the false patriotism of hitler
and the japanese imperialist can a
communist who is an internationalist at
the same time be a patriot we hold that
he not only can be but also must be the
content of patriotism mao writes is
determined by historical conditions as
mao observed in china the communist
party's patriotism land national
liberation whereas in germany and japan
elaine revolutionary defeatism to bring
about the defeat of the japanese
aggressors and of hitler is in the
interests of the japanese and german
people for their wars are harming the
people at home as well as the people of
the world the same holds universally
true for revolutionaries in cuba vietnam
and across the rest of the world marxist
lindness never advocated on behalf of an
abstract supranational working class nor
did they preach the destruction of their
own nations to berate their own people
for their ostensible backwardness on the
contrary marxist limited parties were
successful for the precise reason that
they could connect with and give body to
the strivings of a concrete and
determinate people other than
superimposing on them foreign and
abstract doctrines as evinced by the ddr
polish people's republic and other
eastern black states this grounding of
the communist parties in the soil of
their own people was not incidental to
their country's involvement in the
process of decolonization the
indisputable fact that communism
invariably assumed a deeply national and
patriotic form is not in fact with a
happenstance but is directly tied up
with the essence of socialism itself
in other words that socialism had
assumed patriotic and national form is
not due to the opportunism of socialists
and communist parties but was part and
parcel to the meaning of socialism
as first stated by marx and later
elaborated upon by stalin and mao
the universal truth of marxism finds
expression only in specific national
characteristics and its acquisition of a
definite national form
as one must begin with the realities
that actually exist and not proceed from
abstractions of the imagination so too
must one first and foremost recognize
the national realities in the land
itself that gives rise to a definite and
historical people
it is only from a recognition of this
premise that what is common between a
people can come to the fore
it is in this way that socialism
discloses a people's living and material
being or what heidegger would call their
historical dazan the meaning of their
history tradition and their cultural
rather than leave the nation to the
usurpers of the people allowing the
latter's legacy to rot and extravagance
waste and in war socialism means the
revitalization and the reignition of the
people while still remaining faithful to
the same modernity that begs the social
question to begin with
all of this is to say that socialism far
from coming at the expense of the
realities of the people is wrought out
of their particular and national
the principal mistake of western
leftists is to assume an abstractly
negative position with regards to the
peoples nations and history of the world
for these western leftists the essence
of socialism exists in spite of the
concrete sociality or the living being
of a people
they proceed from heaven to earth
whereas marx's materialism proceeds from
earth to heaven
they proceed from empty abstractions
from cosmopolitan man uprooted from his
substantive base whereas marxism teaches
us to proceed from the people as they
actually exist
and despite what the insular pockets of
denationalized american youth think who
exempt themselves from those national
familial and cultural premises not
subject to reason the objectivity of the
nation including its rights rituals and
the national spirit defining a people is
something which communists should strive
to authentically express rather than
the realities of the nation cannot be
wished away nor cheaply be considered a
spook they must be given new life and
new direction a revival that communists
are tasked with showing is impossible if
not for the overthrow of the decrepit
oligarchical establishment that is as
foreign to the american people as it is
to the countries it occupies
in short the task of communists is not
to alienate themselves from the masses
but to give expression to the
contradiction between the ruling
establishment and the people the
denationalized suburban leftists might
imagine this to be a deeply chauvinistic
and nationalist position
but it is the reactionaries who in fact
share with them a one-sided and idealist
conception of the nation
like the liberal cosmopolitans
reactionaries confuse the outward
appearance of the nation with its
essence which is inexhaustible and
irreducible to its existent form rather
than keeping up with the reality of the
people they restrict the development of
their national being with the weight of
dead abstractions
reactionaries and their idolatry of
surficial appearance are not
sufficiently rooted in the traditions of
their own people
this same idealism permeates the
idolater's corrupted vision of
internationalism a word long since
abused by the post's 60s left
internationalism for the fake and
anti-popular left exists at the expense
of national realities the revolution it
is imagined abolishes borders peoples
and nations all at once on the basis of
their offense to universal reason
justice or other golden idols
that which is irrational is upon being
shown proof of its unreasonableness
bound to disappear into the annals of
but as the irony of history shows reason
is cunning what appears irrational is
only the contradiction between
appearance and its own essence it is the
development of the essence of the nation
that proceeds from national premises
itself and that is why for marxists
historically internationalism comes into
being through the nation and
corresponded to a deepening of national
realities rather than their forsaken
meanwhile the synthetic left's position
as a perfected image of american unique
polarity realizes itself in the
liquidation and the wholesale
extermination of the peoples of the
world and it reflects inwardly too
including in it a war on the peoples of
one's own country the abstractly
negative internationalism of western
leftists is nothing less than the photo
negative of american unique polarity it
is this false and abstract universality
that steamrolls the wealth of the
world's peoples identical informed the
relation classical modernity board of
the countries left behind by the west
it is this false notion of
internationalism that is the last
remnant of classical modernity modernity
which is yet to be tempered by contact
with its own material premises the ideal
of a communist world which was made
actual for one half of the earth at one
point in time always meant a fraternity
of nations the internationalist position
far from being the rejection of national
and civilizational realities is the
promotion of win-win and bilateral
cooperation the kind of hearkened by a
multi-polar world whose material
premises are being set as we speak the
internationalist position corresponds to
the resumption of the founding ideal of
america a country free from empire with
as little political connection with
other countries as possible
socialism we've seen has always come out
of love for one's people not of their
crucifixion on the divisive modernity as
trust guides and left-wing fanatics
conceive of it
but many american leftists who may be
comfortable conceding these points will
inevitably claim the following that
america for reasons particular to it
cannot be redeemed that furthermore its
position as imperialist hegemon makes
any socialist patriotism assume a
chauvinistic and imperialist form
while it is a truism of the origins of
the united states lay in the whole cell
slaughter of the indigenous population
this does not diminish the objective
significance of the united states
since its foundations in the chartering
of the declaration of independence from
the british empire the united states had
acquired for itself a real place among
the nations of the world which even if
unique in the intensity and barbarism is
like all nations founded on the basis of
robbery and exploitation and like all
nations it contains within itself the
conditions for redemption
the simple fact of the matter is that
the united states is almost two and a
half centuries old those who presently
inhabit the united states as the white
majority are not settlers or colonists
the birth of the united states has seen
the development of various local and
quasi-national traditions with deep
roots from appalachian americans to the
black belt they have long since become
indigenized and is in fact their
uprooting at the hands of the american
oligarchy that constitutes a
proletarianization of white america
the condemnation of america as a settler
colony thinly disguises the hatred and
repulsion of american leftists towards
their own people it adulterates the
concrete demands of native americans for
more land and more autonomy and twisted
into an impossible position that only
insulated white radicals could stand
behind it elevates the right of
self-determination of puerto rico and
grom into a universal and abstract
negation of all american land in general
an elevation nobody asked for and which
arrives at the laughable absurdity that
the vast majority of those who live work
and reproduce america have no right to
live in it this is why communism has
nothing to do with land back and
everything to do with land reform it is
only in the reparcelation of land as the
most basic means of production that the
productive capacities in entrepreneurial
spirit of the american people can be
unleashed where land back is a feel-good
pipe dream for the overwhelmingly white
american left land reform expresses the
strivings of the populistic and
anti-establishment sentiments of the
majority the vacuous and performative
land-backed position of american leftist
meanwhile bears no organic connection
with the actual claims of american
indians who are used as cannon fodder
for the calvinist left seeking to
extirpate itself of all the sins of its
forefathers the extremity of such a
position can only be made in the minds
of those who are insulated from such
communities and from working people in
general what they channel in fact is
nothing more than their own mental
reconstruction of american indians and
other historically oppressed groups such
mental reconstructions which bear little
resemblance with the realities of black
and indigenous peoples are utilized
solely for the purpose of invoking
feelings of moral superiority in
leveraging this over their peers
the moral economy that land back and
other childish rhetoric rest upon is
thus only for the purpose of saturating
the feelings of guilt felt by a white
leftist the impossibility of these
demands is clear to all parties
including themselves and as a matter of
strategy such extremist positions will
never win over the american masses not
even her non-white sections as their
periodical finger-pointing distances
them more and more from the american
people strategically it is a
non-position which is why j sakai
leftists never have and never will pose
a threat to the existing establishment
and are in practice the radical left
flank of actually existing white
supremacy communists do not win by
opposing everything the american people
find sacred a childish and anarchistic
position they do not win with a burn it
all down attitude communists will win by
fighting for american working people
giving them recognition in their words
and in their deeds and promoting the
prosperity and dignity of america's
working masses that one finds pride in
their country and love for her people is
in no way irreconcilable with making
good on the promise of 40 acres in a
mule nor does it renewal the necessity
of recompense and dialogue with tribal
authorities in the increased autonomy
that socialist reconstruction would give
way to on the contrary it is a
precondition for these things as
patriotic sentiment is the surest sign
that one is connected with and fights on
behalf of the masses the reality is that
land backed leftists who screech bemoan
the fact of america's existence do the
work of the right by poisoning the well
with all sorts of unjustifiable and
impossible demands that they themselves
don't believe and whether they are aware
of it or not these same people open the
door to the exact claims being levied
against the people's republic of china
and to a lesser extent russia another
convenient coincidence where radical
liberal discourse mysteriously aligns
with u.s imperialism
but the confusion of such people over
land back which can never be a communist
demand pales in comparison with the
chief stupidity of american leftists
which is that working people in the
advanced countries are incapable of
acting in a revolutionary way
such stupidity is refuted not only by a
look at history but is even denied by
the same authorities that moused larpers
claimed descend from
lenin in his letter to the american
working people lauded the war the
american people waged against the
british robbers who oppressed america
and held in colonial slavery
unsurprisingly more attuned to the
realities of america than most western
students of lenin he also did not
hesitate to point out the continuity
between the war for independence and
communism the american people have a
revolutionary tradition which has been
adopted by the best representatives of
the american proletariat
namely that tradition which is the war
of liberation against the british in the
18th century in the civil war in the
mal leading a country directly
threatened by u.s imperialism would at
the same time posthumously ratified
george washington a communist referring
to both washington and lincoln as
progressive men of their time
far from land back virtue signaling or
condemning the white working classes
settler colonialists it would state that
now the american people need to struggle
for liberation from their own monopoly
if marx lenin and mao among numerous
others saw in america's history a world
historic and revolutionary tradition
then how could american communists not
see the same if communist with no ties
to america can respect the legacy of
1776 then what clowns would one be to
discard it and curse it as an original
sin what message does it send to the
people when the institutions of the
establishment seem to concur with the
liquidationism of the american left as
the proletarian class struggle is always
particularly indeterminate it is clear
that a socialism arising from the soil
of america will take the form of
something profoundly and deeply american
that socialism in america will have
american characteristics
what's more is that by assuming it is
only the eastern proletariat that is
capable of attaining a revolutionary
character so-called maoists in america
commit the inverse era of western social
democrats of the early 20th century both
sharing a lack of dialectical thinking
they assume that america and her people
are an exception they might label
socialism with american characteristics
browderism but it is in fact they who
are the browders if only inversely for
they in the words of stalin imagine
america to be exempt from the laws of
the fact of the matter is that for all
we can save its founding america has a
mighty and authentically progressive
tradition that has been present from the
beginning the war for independence threw
off the imperial yoke and founded a
republic that for the first time base
itself in the same enlightenment ideals
that would be weaponized into
forthcoming anti-slavery crusade and the
struggle against european colonialism
worldwide the civil war whose world
historic repercussions did not go
unobserved by marx was at the same time
a deeply national war against the
british imperialists who threw their
support behind the confederacy and as
marx would observe from the commencement
of the titanic american strife the
working men of europe felt instinctively
that the star-spangled banner carried
the destiny of their class
it was under this banner that the
oligarchy of 300 000 slaveholders was
vanquished by abraham lincoln the
single-minded son of the working class
from the farmers alliance and the
populist party to the role played by the
labor unions and the communists of the
1930s america has hosted a long gallery
of heroic struggles which have gone on
to be appreciated by marxist leninists
around the world
and this gallery has extended up into
the present
as the populist tide threatens up in the
security obsessed elite socialists are
in a unique position to play a profound
role in the rejuvenation of the american
people popular demands for medicare for
all suspicion over the designs of big
pharma and the intrusions of big tech
the arrogance and the hypocrisy of the
establishment these are all demands that
are ripe for leadership but with the
american left so estranged from the
people with its voices dominated by
lumpin elements so infantile and
explicitly hostile to the very existence
who are the good people of america to
turn to except pivoting endlessly
between two parties of the same
rather than patriotically fighting for
what is near and dear to the people
self-proclaimed socialists are either
aloof from or spit vitriol in the
direction of america's working masses
such people are complicit with the
ruling establishment indeed they are its
leftist flank
western leftists make the mistake of
opposing what is good to what is real
whereas for dialectical materialists
reconciliation means finding the good in
the real
it is no coincidence then the decline of
the american empire
coincides with the awakening of the
american people and their own war
against it and that civilizational
reconstruction of the americas can only
come from reclaiming the american
republic from the american empire
as linen understood a revolutionary
defeatism to be the truly patriotic
stance of world war one so too is
anti-imperialism the highest form of
american patriotism another
long-standing american tradition
seemingly lost by leftists today
the proof of the pudding is in the
that the patriotism of america's
neoconservatives has only mounted to
bloodshed restriction of civil liberties
deindustrialization and civilizational
decline shows that it was a false
patriotism all along
communists in america should not exempt
themselves from world history nor should
they be afraid to cut ties with a
synthetic left that will inevitably
scold it for pandering to refuse
american exceptionalism is to claim the
american flag as the people's flag
lester remain in the hands of those who
betray the masses selling the daughters
of american to prostitution and its sons
into destitution that the flag remains
in the hands of fake conservatives is
only because the left has proven too
impotent and too weak to claim it for
time-honored wisdom tells us to remove
the splinter from one's own eye before
criticizing that communists have made no
headway in america for the past 60 years
is not because the american people are
too ignorant but because the left has
been dominated by fanatical and
anti-popular elements
socialists have never won power by
scolding their people and trampling upon
every sacred institution dear to their
heart the task of communists is not to
moralize into shame but to relate to the
concrete realities of the american
people to forge a party that is capable
of acting as a tribune for the people
from which it is cultivated it is only
in this way that the false patriots can
be overthrown the enemies of the people
routed in popular sovereignty
established it is by failing to act as
patriots and by being unique in
condemning their own people that
american leftists set themselves apart
from communists and socialists around
the world they are american
exceptionalists part excellence american
socialist patriotism meanwhile correctly
charts the stalinist golden middle
so what is the concrete meaning of
american patriotism it will be found in
a new separation from the moribund
british empire and its international
liberalism in the refoundation of the
american republic and alliance with the
brics nations and civilizational renewal
through a program of land reform and
socialism with american characteristics
will be found in reclaiming sovereignty
from the empire the oligarchs inherited
from the british rather than forsaking
the masses from which it was born
socialism in america means reclaiming
the story and the flag of america it
means assuming leadership of its working
people and acting in both words and in
deeds in continuity with traditions of
the united states
making good on its promise of republic
of by and for the people