The Full Truth

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I'm You know, Wow. Gorillas Comrades of the american communist party i come to you tonight with some regrettable news
that i am sure you have already been exposed to by now which pertains to the treachery and betrayal of two former members of the American Communist Party Politburo.
Pursuant to elucidating and explaining and clarifying the laws and protocols established by our party constitution namely in this case article eight section, which prohibits the unauthorized use of communications and forces all
matters pertaining to party business and affairs to confine themselves to the appropriate
channels of communication. I'd like to issue a clarification.
In this extraordinary circumstance, in which two former members of our party and our Politburo have decided to illegally, and in the case of the law, not just in the case of our party constitution law,
but even in the case of U.S. law, which is funny because one of them seems to be interested in
throwing stones in glass houses as it pertains to that.
But pursuant to acting in conformity with the laws of our party,
I'd like to take note of the extraordinary and exceptional circumstances.
There has been a breach in our security and our protocols of internal communication, in which a one-sided picture of events, in addition, just outright lies that have no basis in reality whatsoever, and we'll get to that, don't worry, has been communicated to the
general public. It is now incumbent upon me, and I am tasked to, on behalf of the Executive Board
of the American Communist Party, communicate to the public in a similar capacity about the full story, the context and the details and the facts that Danny Shaw and John Malera are leaving out.
I've been entrusted by the Executive Board of the American Communist Party to deliver these facts and this story
outside of party official communications. And the reason is very simple. We're not going to demean and insult the integrity of our party by responding to these
petty individuals and their individual
Our party will not lower
itself to the status of
taking seriously the defections
of a few individuals who lack
the manhood and discipline to commit to the principle,
the basic principle of collective organization that is the foundation of Marxism, Leninism,
everywhere and anywhere that it has been applied throughout world history.
Instead, I will take this opportunity to calmly respond to the various accusations and claims they have made,
specifically about my person, in a more informal capacity on my stream, the infrared stream. They have decided to go
outside of the party and to the general public, and I will do the exact same thing. And to be
clear, before we get into anything, there is nothing. There is nothing I have done
in the service of the American Communist Party that I am ashamed to disclose fully to the public.
There is nothing about my person or about my character that I am ashamed of disclosing fully to the public.
Why certain information has been concealed and not given to the public completely is because the public in the heat of the moment cannot be given the full story immediately.
It's easy to present a one-sided depiction of facts and a few clips taken out of context than to actually force people, force the general public to commit to the time of actually understanding the full breadth and the full story, the full breadth of events in all their rational integrity and their succession. That takes time. That takes hours. It doesn't take the few seconds that a tweet does.
And by the way, because one of the fundamental forms of reasoning that's being used to accuse the party and myself of being a cult and me being a cult leader
is that we have these constitutionally established protocols of information and operational security
they are standard procedure for any communist
party in history. They're even standard
procedure for a lot of corporations.
Absolutely. Among
leadership, you are not supposed to leak
discussions. You're not supposed to run
to the public or even run to the
rank and file for that matter. you're supposed to keep it internal
that's exactly how every party in history has operated so to say that we're a cult for that is
just ridiculous by the way this is something that was established in our Constitution, which I'm going to
remind you throughout this video, Danny Shaw and John Malera, without having any gun pointed
at their head, decided to ratify themselves at our convention.
So if we were a cult for having these procedures of how information
is organized and controlled, why did they not take issue with it at the convention? Why did they
not raise even a single muttering, a single thing then and there? Why are they doing it doing it now well stay tuned and you're going to get
the full story and hopefully things will maybe make a little more sense to you uh with respect to
what their actual motivations are and why they're doing this.
But again, to reiterate, the O-Rong majority of the things that they are talking about and saying,
if true, which they're not, by the way, would have had to have been true since the very founding of the party itself.
What they have yet to explain and justify is exactly why they've decided to do this now.
Well, you need more facts. You need more information. That's what I'm here to provide and to give you.
So, um, by the way, speaking of things that I'm not ashamed to disclose to the public,
I have concealed my name for years
for the simple reason
that these demons and these scumbags that have a problem with me
have set the precedent of going after people's families, and I've concealed my name to protect my family.
But my real name, which, by the way, is not Ali,
it's Ali,
named after Ali Ibn Ab Abi Talib, Imam Ali.
I'm not ashamed of that name.
I've lived my entire life, my entire life, trying to live up to the honor and the respect that is attached to that name.
And if I haven't identified that way to the public all these years, it's because I do understand I'm an incredibly
imperfect individual, and I'm nothing like
the real Ali. I don't hold a candle to him.
But I'm ashamed of that name. Absolutely not.
That's always been my name. My name is Haas. Hasaldin,
that's the name you've known me by. But the name that my father gave me is Ali. And I am not ashamed of that name at all.
And I am regarding the doxing attempts by Danny Shaw and John Mahler,
not as an attack on me, but as an attack on my family.
And there's simply no other way to cut it or put it
now let's get down to business and discuss what this is all about.
I'm going to address this in the order of the gravity of the accusations being made,
specifically from the perspective of U.S. law.
And that is the reason I'm going to begin with Mr.
Danny Shaw, or like he goes to call himself Professor Danny Shaw. Now, I otherwise would not begin in this order because Danny Shaw is not a person that is worth taking seriously
at the level of the merits of his character or his personality. And you're going to discover
this very quickly when you get the whole story about who Danny Shaw is and what his conduct
within our party has been for the months that he has been with us the reason
i'm beginning with danny shaw is because this ridiculous character and this idiot randomly decided
out of nowhere to make up a really dangerous, dangerous accusation.
What's the reason for this accusation? I'm just going to lay it on the table for you right now.
In all likelihood, the reason Danny Shaw is making this outlandish, stupid claim for which there is zero evidence and there will never be any evidence because it has no basis in reality, is because he is being compelled to create the public pretext for a federal investigation. A pretext, by the way, federal agencies haven't had.
If you don't know about U.S. law,
the law doesn't work like how people on the Internet try to tell you,
that they just do whatever they want without any procedures.
If they are tapping your phones and tapping all of your stuff,
only the DHS really has the ability to do that and it's it's not admissible in court without sufficient grounds for an actual legal federal investigation they have nothing on us by the way but they don't even have the pretext to launch a federal investigation against us because we've actually done nothing illegal, if you can believe it. We've done nothing illegal. So Danny Shaw, for whatever mysterious reason, the reason he made that crazy claim isn't because it even has a grain of truth and reality. It's because he is being compelled in all likelihood. I see no other rational
motivation for this to create the public pretext for a federal investigation. And the reason I'm telling you that is because I don't
fear such an investigation, because the outcome of said investigation is going to bear no fruit,
because I am completely innocent of the charge. I am not guilty of interfering in any way in Haiti's affairs. I've done nothing. I'm, I'm, he, he claims that we were making plans to run guns through Haiti. Please, please, provide the evidence, Danny, because you've just made an actionable claim, which you're going to be held accountable for legally.
And I'm going to make sure of that if it's the last thing I do.
Give us the evidence and show us the evidence that I'm running guns.
Where did that come from? Where did that come from where did that come from i'll tell you where
it came from sit down relax you know crack open a can of diet coke or something whatever you're
drinking and let me explain to you the curious case of professor
danny shaw now years before i had ever known danny shaw danny was a guy who was very interested in
haiti he would always go to haiti because he wants to be this i don't know, third world reporter. I don't know, whatever. I don't care. Again, he's not a person who particularly interests me, right? But in any case, while he was in Haiti, he was desperately trying to, you know, link up with Kim Ives and Dan Cohen, who were there on the ground and their journalistic capacity reporting on it with all the right connections and whatever.
And Danny felt like he was not being given recognition by Kim Ives and Dan Cohen.
He felt that they were not giving him opportunities to talk with leaders in Haiti and that they were kind of brushing him, you know, they were brushing him to the side. He felt discarded. He felt like he wasn't being recognized.
And that created a years-long, very personal, extremely personal, and extremely petty conflict between Danny Shaw and Dan Cohen.
Now, Dan Cohen and Kim Ives, I'm sure, will testify to all of this. The nature of Danny's problem with them has always been personal. It has nothing to do with politics, and it has
nothing to do with their disagreements about what the situation in Haiti is. As a matter of fact,
Danny was on the same page as they were as far
as their appraisment and assessment of the
situation until the personal
beef happened. And then Danny decided
to completely say that they had the
wrong position on Haiti and that he
had the correct one.
Okay, so, um,
this is years-long beef he's had with them that predated the party.
Now, I was never interested in that beef.
Um, I don't care about it.
I don't care about his personal issues with Dan Cohen and Kim Ives. But there did come a point where our
party did have to deliberate and decide what kind of statement do we want to release and what kind
of public stance should we take with respect to what's going on in Haiti. Because at the time, there was a U.S. invasion being
discussed and floated, and there was an invasion being organized from, I think it was the African
Union or something or the UN Security Council. I don't know. I forget all the details.
But in any case, intervention in Haiti was happening,
and we were a little bit lost as a party as far as what our position should be. Now, Danny held
on to the view that barbecue is the worst guy ever, and's a he's killing everyone for no reason
and he's burning everyone down because he's a horrible horrible terrible guy and dan
cohen and kim ives had a different perspective and to be honest after talking to dan cohen i was kind of convinced that his was the more logical
the more rational and more backed up by empirical evidence and facts if you want to know where
dan cohen is coming from i recommend you watch his documentary on barbecue and you go and and read their work on
the matter, right?
But that was my view.
My personal view is that I think they had the correct line, which is that objectively speaking, barbecue was resisting imperialism.
Again, we had, I don't know barbecue.
We have nothing to do with it on a personal level.
It's just what kind of public line we wanted to take.
Like, did we want to...
Because you need to understand the full context.
Danny was firing
off constant articles during the invasion, demonizing barbecue.
We didn't really think that was
like logical to do when there's
about to be an invasion under the pretext that
barbecue is this horrible horrible terrible guy right so we were trying to like danny there's
they're literally being invaded right now this is like this is like on the eve of the invasion
of iraq even saddam wasn't good guy, but if you're just constantly like smearing Saddam, it's kind of like not the right time or place to be doing that.
So that was kind of the nature of the dispute and the conflict. It was because of the immediacy of that intervention that prompted us
to sort out and have a correct line about Haiti, okay? And Danny was not convincing me,
because Danny's arguments were all emotional. All of the facts he was presenting
were incredibly inconsistent,
incredibly discombobulated and disjointed,
and every time I talk to him
on the phone or when he was in meetings
with us, he couldn't rationally
present his arguments in a way
that was convincing to us. It really seemed like
the basis of his position was just personal pettiness. We were all convinced of that, okay, that that was a
huge factor here. But still, but still, we didn't know the facts. So, you know, the executive board
deliberated, and we said, look, we want to know the facts. We want a fact-finding mission,
not to send people to Haiti, but to give Danny Shaw the opportunity to confront Dan Cohen and Kim Ives about what they're lying about.
Because all Danny would do is write articles.
They're liars! They're liars! Fine.
We want to know what they're lying about.
We want to know who's correct and who's giving an accurate picture of what's going on in Haiti. So we decided to organize in private a meeting. Dan Cohen, Kim Ives, Danny Shaw, me and Kyle. Kyle was coming from the executive board. So was I, but Kyle wanted to be there as well.
So this meeting, it's funny because I really don't know if Danny Shaw even has the legal
pretext to release that meeting or anything for that matter. That's the other thing. We're not going to get that meeting or anything for that matter.
That's the other thing.
We're not going to get into that.
But I'm very curious to see
if he's going to release that meeting.
In full, by the way.
That's the meeting, by the way, where he accused me of plotting to run guns to Haiti.
I think that if he released that meeting,
something I would not condone, by the way, legally,
but if he were to release that meeting,
you would see exactly, legally, but if he were to release that meeting, you would see exactly, exactly, exactly.
Not only that he's a liar, that's a given, but what has been eating away at Danny Shaw's brain if he has a brain you would see exactly exactly why he felt compelled to go down this path because Kyle and I were desperately desperately throwing
Danny bones and saying Danny
they just gave us the following facts
about you know because Danny for example
would say that barbecue burned down
this neighborhood for no reason
and then Dan and Kim Ives would be
like actually this was a police neighborhood with all these corrupt people engaging in crimes and they were already in a war and that police gang allied with some other ruthless, brutal warlord and gang who barb-e so like there was all this missing
context that danny wouldn't give us right so basically um we would ask danny is what they're saying
correct and he'd say, well, yeah.
Every single time they would say anything.
Danny wouldn't push back.
Danny rolled over and fully...
I'm not saying there was a debate, and he lost the debate.
That would at least be understandable.
But why I
basically lost all respect for
Danny Shaw on a personal level
after that meeting is because
for as much as he's like
yelling and shouting about Dan Cohen
and Kim Ives elsewhere,
he was as quiet as a mouse. He had
his head down. He would
kind of whisper into the mic, wherever
called upon to talk by me and
Kyle. And he
was not standing on business.
He wasn't saying anything. He wasn't saying anything.
He wasn't doing anything.
He was conceding to every single thing they were saying.
And he was compelled to be backed into a corner and just be like, well, you know, um, well, you know, he couldn't even justify
himself, all right? He was humiliated. We didn't want to humiliate him. We kept giving him
opportunities to defend his position and respond because this was a fact-finding mission.
It wasn't a plot.
We weren't here to...
We weren't here to plot
about how the American Communist Party
is going to take over Haiti, all right?
We were here to get facts
about what's going on in Haiti.
And Danny had a perspective, and Dan Cohen and Kim Ives had a perspective.
And Danny fully submitted and acquiesced to Dan Cohen and Kim Ives.
His complete arch nemesis. his his complete
arch nemesis on a personal level.
So that is exactly kind of what started things.
That is exactly what kind of started danny's um resentments now the problem with danny again it's a it's a
constant recurring theme not only is he not standing on business in this meeting he's not
communicating anything
to me or anyone else. He is
just kind of pretending that he's fine.
He's not criticizing me. He's not calling me
and yelling at me. He's not doing anything.
He's just plotting. At that
moment in that meeting,
if he ever releases the meeting where he has his head down,
circuit, thank you, and I'll thank everyone when this is over. So thank you guys. I appreciate it.
You're going to see that at that moment he decided he was like, man, fuck this, I'm a wreck this shit.
Like, he got exposed as a liar.
And at that, that was the precise moment that he decided that he's going to plot on our downfall.
That's what a petty, vindictive type of person that he decided that he's going to plot on our downfall that's what a petty vindictive type of person that he is okay and um so that's danny shaw okay and i could never take danny shaw
seriously because every time we were with him in person, every single time, Danny Shaw is smiling
and not talking a lot.
And when he is talking, he's being very nice and friendly.
And you would never know that this guy had a problem with me or anyone else.
I had no idea this guy had a problem with me.
But I want to tell you something.
I mean, I'm all over the place and we're not even getting started with Danny.
I'm just giving you a kind of introduction.
I just find one thing a little bit funny, which is that Danny is a full, he's about 6-8. So he is a full foot taller than me.
He is also, I think, in his 40s. so he's nearly twice my age. And he's trying to paint himself as a victim of grooming, that I somehow groomed him and psychologically got in his head and compelled him and whatever, and I groomed him, and he's a victim of me as a cult leader.
And I don't understand this because I have barely spoken to Danny Shaw.
The majority of our long conversations were about Haiti.
I have never really talked to him in any personal capacity. Others did and knew him better than I did. Danny Shaw was never really someone. I mean, how could I, first of all, see, people are laughing because they were there at the convention they know how big this guy is
and it's just kind of fucking stupid all right um but yeah he's claiming that i like groomed him and i
brainwashed him psychologically and the reason he's doing that is he's trying to cover his ass
and explain to the public why he was with us this entire time and there was no issue but suddenly on the flip of a switch he decided to turn and do this and he needs to explain that actually the reason is because Adam to hear, or whatever they're calling me these days, groomed him and brainwashed him.
And he's using this like incredibly psychological language
it's incredibly like
just so intimate
just so much psychobabble
so many generalizations
so little concrete particular facts
and details there's a reason for that
because he's full of shit.
Anytime somebody's just making psychological generalizations, but not actually backing them up with anything,
it's because they have been cornered, they have nothing, and they're coping, basically,
about their own inability to actually be an adult and stand on
business. And if you have a problem, just fucking communicate it. You know, he wouldn't do that.
Okay. So, um, so, okay, so that's just on his character which i could not take seriously because of that
just that alone all right um now with respect to what he's claiming about Haiti that I I'm running guns to Haiti. The reason I think he's saying that is because during the meeting with Dan Cohen and Kim Ives, because it was a fact-finding mission, one of the jobs of Kyle and I, we wanted to know the geopolitics of haiti because during the time of the
invasion russia and china had vetoed the u.n security council on a resolution to send some kind of
army to intervene in haiti to deal with the situation. So all I did,
all I did, I'm going to repeat myself. All and they will confirm this, by the way. And I hope
the FBI or whoever has the Zoom meeting
and whatever.
Because you will see that all I said,
all I did was ask, basically,
in so many words, all I did was ask hey what do Russia and China think about
this guy barbecue like do they do they have a position on Haiti right now because
they did that thing at the UN Security Council.
So like, what is there?
And I was even very careful about me the way I asked that question.
Because, you know, I didn't know if some information was confidential or whatever. So I was even very careful in how I
phrased that incredibly legal and innocent question I don't know how you go from
there to making this claim that we're plotting to run guns to Haiti. I don't know how you make that leap.
I don't know what the point. That's why I'm saying that I think the reason he made that incredibly drastic leap in reasoning and inference is because he has been tasked and compelled with the job of creating a public pretext for a federal investigation, which there is literally none right now.
He has publicly made an accusation that is a accusing me of a crime basically right
and that is something the federal agencies and authorities have to take seriously so now there is a
public pretext for a federal investigation, and there wasn't there, there wasn't that there before, okay? By the way, the meeting happened November 1st. So this happened early November, and Danny, this very upstanding, honorable, principled person, revealed no intention to anyone that he would ever take things this far because of if he, I mean, Danny told the entire
that he acquiesces to the outcome
and you know
let's keep on
he always let's keep on rolling comrades
let's keep on rolling comrades
we can do it
like you have to understand what a snake this guy is.
He did not, not a peep before late December about anything.
Not a peep.
Um, all right. There's also some other... keep. Okay.
All right. There's also some other interesting accusations he makes toward me.
Danny is pretending like that because he came to the Dearborn conference that he knows about my personal life and that he knows my name that he knows my personal life and all these things um he claimed that i lived on the second floor of my parents home now
danny has never been to where i live he He's never been to my, my house, by the way. I don't live with my parents, but he doesn't know anything about where I live or anything like that. Okay. Why did he make this claim? I want you guys to infer. Why did he make this claim? Is it possibly because he's trying to threaten my family? Because if I did live with my family, which I don't, by the way, anyone who would want to come after me would just go after them.
So why would he mention,
why would he make that up
that I live on the second floor
of my parents' home?
What was the point of that?
Well, the point is because
he's trying to target my family.
By the way,
what's the point
of even talking about my name, if not to target my
family? I have nothing to be ashamed of, but my name is incredibly common, by the way. Um, you know, um, but, but, but look, I, I, I struggle to take it seriously. I, I mean, sorry, not seriously. I struggle to take it personally. The reason I struggle to take it personally is because I'm not convinced Danny Shaw is acting alone.
I'm not convinced that Danny Shaw is doing this because on a personal level, I think he's being compelled to do it
and it goes much deeper.
And with respect to Danny Shaw,
there's only so much speculation we can engage in.
When we start talking about John,
I think we'll have a clearer picture
about maybe what's going on.
But with respect to Danny Shaw,
you know,
the extent of wherever he's coming from, we can only speculate, but I am inclined to believe for a number of reasons. Because of how sudden it was and how irrational it is and, you know, the doxing and all this kind of these crazy claims he's making about running guns.
I'm inclined to believe that Danny's not acting in a personal capacity and that he is being potentially compelled to do this.
But potentially compelled to do this. But, yeah.
So, Danny, look, he made a lot of other claims.
I'm just telling you them in the order that I remember them.
He claimed that while I was in Russia, I was lying about being shelled by Highmars when I was in Dynetsk.
And the reason he's claiming this is because a journalist named Something Sweeney who wasn't there
made the claim that
oh a strike wasn't reported
no he's right the strike
was not actually reported to the media
do the math okay
there was a strike
it wasn't reported
to the media
that's true
but it was
300 meters
from our hotel
according to the
people that we were with
that's how far away
it was
and there were casualties
now I implore everyone to not take my word for it there is actually
footage of the strike that's shared i could even show it to you right now, maybe, if anyone wants to challenge that I'm telling the truth.
And it shows me in the hotel during the first explosion, right? That was near our vicinity.
So there was a strike, 300 meters from our hotel.
And another thing, besides the fact that we actually have footage of it, that I could
say is that, look, I don't need to spend a lot of time on this
because John
is in DD Geopolitics.
There were two members of DD Geopolitics,
one Serbian, one Slovenian,
who were on our press tour
in Donetsk and in Donbass. they were with me at that hotel and they experienced
the same thing that i did they were also given the same information that i was so if you want to
challenge the integrity of what I'm saying.
Please, ask Mario and the other gentleman.
Give me a moment.
Well, I know Mario. Ask him.
I even appeared on his show,
on his YouTube show. Ask them if it was a lie or not,
or if it happened or not.
Ask them, okay.
Barut, yes, Mario and Borut.
Okay, ask them if I'm lying about what happened.
And then, you know, regarding the number of casualties, I think I said six were killed, 30 were wounded.
That was a mistake on my part, okay, because I was searching for public information to find the precise number of casualties because it wasn't known by the people there. And those were casualties from somewhere else the same day,
but there were casualties. It's just that the number was not precise that I gave. but there were, I wasn't lying about what happened, okay?
So that's why there was confusion about what happened there.
Thank you, Anonymous.
Okay, so that's another strange claim that he made the rest are just so like um let me look through it now i mean he has three articles
uh so let's see He has three articles.
Let's just go through it.
You know, his... He calls me a fraud, a coward, a liar, a sadist, a loose canon, narcissist.
Based on what?
Kind of just sounds like your opinion, dude.
He has used a saw to try to make more money and to get more clicks in clout.
I have made...
People have donated to this stream alone way more than on average.
So you have actually done that, all right?
I've actually been losing a lot of money
because of my work in the party. Believe it or not.
I've been struggling financially. Believe it or not.
Okay, so that's just total nonsense.
Um, he's completely working, adverse to working with others into
mentorship, membership, I think that's what he means.
Um, I am the chairman of the executive board of the American Communist Party. I am talking to the executive board every hour minimum of every fucking day that I'm awake. Okay? To say this is baffling. All right? I'm not working that closely with him.
He's not even my deputy.
By the way, if you need to understand how our party's structured.
Thank you, Yelstone.
It's all in our Constitution, which apparently doesn't matter anymore because
they disagreed with
how it was drafted
and yet they raised no concerns or issues
about how it was drafted.
Thanks, Talon.
Like, at the time of,
at all.
But in any case, I've just been following, I've just been doing my job as enumerated within the Constitution, all right?
Which is to work very closely with the executive board and and my deputies.
Danny Shaw was not my deputy, all right? He was a deputy, I believe, of Chris and not me.
That's why I wasn't working very closely with him, except on matters that actually were relevant, like the Haiti thing, you know, where there was a contention that we had to discuss.
And by the way, look, I am not somebody who just, like, makes decisions and says, you you know all that often
I am somebody who
tries to make sure we're all on the same page
so I sense there was tension about the Haiti thing
Turbo appreciate it
I sensed by the way the Haiti thing
if you don't know,
has nothing to do with arms smuggling,
but a dispute about the facts
of what's going on on the ground that was
between Danny and Dan Cohen and Kim Ives.
And me,
for that matter, because I was more convinced by
them than Danny.
And if you ever watched that meeting we had, you would understand exactly why.
For Robbie, appreciate you.
All right.
I don't know what to say as far as, you know...
Wow, thank you guys so much.
Yeah, look, I don't know what to say when it comes to this nonsense about...
I'm not a team player or whatever.
That's just complete nonsense
all right i have to work very closely with seven other people every minute of every fucking day
all right it's not it's just nonsense black pack wow oz appreciate you thank you so much guys i really appreciate it by the way
a lot and look when i said when i was talking about the financial issues or whatever look i'm not telling
you these this because i'm i'm asking you guys to throw all your money at me i'm just telling you this because I'm asking you guys to throw all your money at me.
I'm just telling you that to show you how ridiculous the claim that I'm in this for money actually is.
It's completely ridiculous. If I was in this for money, why am I losing money and struggling financially?
You know? It's complete nonsense.
Wallo, appreciate you, man.
Guys, I'll thank all of you in order as soon as we're done with this, because we have
strap in, sit down, and, and again, crack open a cold can of diet coke whatever because this is going to be
a lot um so hold on he said um so he okay so oct October 11th he claimed TM thanks he claimed that I uh I was sat on a throne
where the two were elevated high above them I don't even know if I look stupid by responding to that. The reason Darg is laughing in the chat
because he was there, there was no throne. There was a living room. I don't even know if I was
sitting on a single chair. I think I was sitting on a couch i don't remember i don't
know what he's talking about i don't know what this throne was it was an air bn bn b living room okay
where we had the tv in front of us and we were working on the constitution well i'll get to
that in johns by the way, when I address John.
Um, uh, okay.
The rest of the leadership at...
I don't know what he's talking about
I don't know he's talking about
they were the only two invited to speak
I don't know what he's talking about
there were plenty of us there
they bragged about their contacts with oligarchs in know what he's talking about. There were plenty of us there.
They bragged about their contacts with oligarchs in Russia.
Again, I don't know what the point of making up these lies is, um trying to create the public pretext for a federal investigation nobody was talking about any fucking oligarchs okay we were talking about comrades we have in russia and how cool
they are but i don't know why, okay.
I don't even need to address this because if you had such a fucking problem with it,
you should have opened your damn mouth, Danny Shaw, who's a full
foot taller than I am, who's six,
eight. You should have said something, instead
of acting like a
coward. You shut your mouth and you
were completely silent the entire
time. You didn't even raise a peep.
You didn't raise a,
even raise a muttering,
a semblance of a concern
that you didn't like
that I was sitting
on a grand throne.
I don't even
know where you're getting that from,
but even if it was true,
I don't know
like where that's coming from. I don't know, like, where that's coming from.
I don't know why you didn't say anything then.
Okay, November 1st, he fast...
This is really where his issue comes from, if it's a personal issue.
He claims that he was lied to, manipulated, and tricked into meeting with Dan Cohen and Kim Ives.
Danny, whatever issues you had, you could have told them. You could have told us. See, look, you need more context. Danny was feeding Kyle and the rest of the Midwestern Marx crew
a lot of like slop about Haiti
and like a lot of bullshit basically
and they were believing it because he's their friend and why wouldn't they believe it um all right and uh and kyle was there during the meeting and saw how all these other facts dann was leaving out that Kim Ives and Dan were giving us.
And Kyle actually got visibly pissed because he was just like, Danny, what the fuck is wrong with you?
He was even getting more aggravated and pissed by the fact that Danny wasn't speaking up and standing on business and actually like explaining himself or pushing back on anything Kim Ives and Dan Cohen were saying so Kyle's there with his cigarette and he's just like fucking very frustrated because he had been taken for a ride by Danny Shaw and his lies for a long time. Okay. So that's the issue. All um he was pissed and i think danny shaw took that very personally
again we can only speculate um
he's also
he made the claim that
we were talking about
coordinating arms trafficking
what the fuck is he
with sketchy foreign actors and
oligarchs to paramilitary
factions if you're shocked by and oligarchs to paramilitary factions.
If you're shocked by that, I'm shocked by it because I don't know where the fuck it comes from.
I don't know where the fuck that comes from either, okay?
So you tell me where that comes from. Dan was shocked when he read that.
He reached out to me. I'm sure Kim Ives is shocked. We don't know what that is. I am broke. I make
$5,000 a month if I'm lucky. These days, it's about three to four.
So I don't know how I have the resources to do what he's claiming.
I'm planning or whatever.
I promise you I would sooner buy myself a yacht than go to Haiti and run around with weapons or whatever you say.
If I had the resources at my disposal.
He claims, I raised every objection.
He raised. every objection he raised every objection he raised every objection he didn't say anything he was like he was he was whispering into the mic what do you mean you raised every objection i'm going to try to stay calm all right they laughed at me and the PSL
who and who were liberals and humanitarians like me and cared about the masses.
So here's, this is what the context was.
He's about this stuff regarding the masses, okay?
Every time we were trying to talk about what was going on in Haiti,
Danny would be like, this is about the masses versus
barbecue. And we would be like, Danny, what do you mean by the masses? Like, the masses are not just some
thing out there that just does things without any political mediation or without any mediation through leadership.
So what do you mean the masses?
He was like, the masses, man.
And we were like, yeah, but who?
Everyone. It's like if it, but who? Everyone.
It's like, if it's, okay, what do you mean by everyone?
So it turns out, this was why Kyle got pissed.
He was referring to this collective in Haiti of these people that are like, I don't know, they call themselves Marxist or leftist or something.
And he was referring to them.
And he was claiming that was the Haitian masses.
I'm just imagine, Molligef.
Yeah, something like that.
I'm picturing Kyle's face right now.
Because Dan and Kim Ives told us how many people are in Molligef.
The number was between three and twelve.
That was the Haitian masses. Three to twelve people.
Barbecues this incredibly popular guy.
He's getting all this support.
He's gaining all this grassroots support.
And the people Danny was talking about were three to 12 people who were marching for the police in Haiti and working with the police and collaborating with them,
effectively collaborating with U.S. imperialism.
Kyle was shocked and got visibly frustrated when he heard that because we were under the impression that there was a movement there or something that was an alternative to barbecue that was going to resist the invasion or something and that was what we were told.
Three to 12 people.
Danny was humiliated and embarrassed when those facts were revealed.
And what else can I say?
He says I have zero experience as a leader that's not wrong
as a leader of a party
I have zero experience
I'm not denying that
um I am just trying to do my best in terms of
following the fucking rules and following the Constitution and the powers enumerated within that constitution to me.
I'm not claiming I'm a great leader and I'm perfect,
and I'm,
I know,
you know,
I have all this experience.
I'm 28 years old.
He's right.
But we need to be precise with critiques.
If you want to make a critique of me, make it concrete.
Don't make these vague generalizations about, oh, he's a cult leader, he's this, or he's that.
Back that up with something specific.
And it's a common theme you're going to get throughout this entire stream where I explain to you what happened that they don't do that.
All right.
They don't.
They weren't doing that at all.
Not only like in the months in the lead up, but beginning.
I think this all started in late December.
They weren't being upfront about December. They weren't being up front about anything.
They kept making claims about me.
Haas needs to resign.
We need to throw the Constitution away.
The Constitution is garbage.
It doesn't matter.
We need to throw it away.
Haas needs to be overthrown. We need to get rid of Haas.
Sure, but like why? And every time they were called upon, well, because he needs to be held accountable because he's a cult leader. Okay, why is he a cult leader? Why does he need to be held accountable?
Whoa, well.
And as soon as you would ask them, they'd be like,
and then they would say nothing,
and then they would plot behind the scenes about how they're going to docks me
and try to traffic huge volumes of negative attention toward the party in public and quit.
Your best guess is as good as mine, all right?
Again, we're going to get to John
as soon as we finish
with talking about Danny and
responding to him and his various
okay um
what would uh people think of, yeah, look, Danny, so I'm just going to be full disclosure with you guys. At the party, we have a culture among leadership where we tell jokes with no
political correctness in private
very politically
incorrect and that is part
of our comradeship and
it's humor and all communists
throughout all history did the same thing.
And Danny, whenever he was present and privy to this, he would laugh along and tell jokes himself and participate.
And, you know, so I don't know, all these things he's claiming that are these you know oh you know you're you're all
this um being mean to all these people all these different groups he was right there with us so i don't know what
his issue is
he should have spoken up and talked about how offended he was
then and there I don't know what to tell you
all right
all right November 13th
I texted the Politburo
Telegram saying that I had to take a big
shit and that I would be 20 minutes late
and I was asking people to start 20 minutes late
that is true
one of the only legitimate criticism the only i'm not going to say one of
the only legitimate criticism both john and danny will be able to make which i actually
conceded to in our actual criticism session that we had prior to the meeting,
Roxoff, thank you, prior to the meeting where, you know, I yelled at John because John decided to surprise us with another, again, you're going to get the full context on that.
But prior to that, about five days before, we did have the struggle session they wanted.
They wanted us to have.
And I conceded to that criticism. It was one of the only real criticisms they were able to make,
which is that oftentimes I was late to Politburo meetings. And that is true. And I said,
you're right.
I should improve on that and strive not to be.
Now, in my defense, I am constantly, constantly in communication at meetings, talking to the executive board.
The weekly meetings with the Politburo, who are deputies of the executive board, are very important,
but they're not always front and center of my attention, because I'll think that the day of,
I handled a bunch of business with the executive board already, and, you know, whatever I'm done.
And then I'll realize, oh, no, I, you know, we have this meeting at seven with the
So that's true.
You know, I should be completely never late and always present for those.
And I actually, um actually agreed with that.
And I haven't been late to a meeting since.
It's been about two or three weeks.
So, but that was the only real criticism they could make, actually.
The rest were so vague and imprecise and it lacked concreteness.
He canceled and he postponed. he was testing us all
he claimed that i was afraid to put him in lead danny i don't even know who you are you were
brought in i'm not saying this to say that midwestern marx poor judgment because I think they would have had no way of knowing.
But I don't, I never knew who you were, dude. They did. They thought you were suited to the task.
I agreed with it.
I had no pushback, and you betrayed
all of our trust.
Um... talking about uh...
it's talking about December 21st. I was in Russia.
I'm pretty sure I was in Don Bass or on my way back from Don Bass.
So I have no idea what he's talking about. So here he makes the accusation that I was lying.
He's making strange accusations about things I said.
I don't know what he's talking about.
He's claiming that people called him and said that they don't know if I was drunk or bipolar. I don't know.
All right. Now he decides to address me directly
you are a dark isolated antisocial individual
who doesn't know how to work with others or see them as equals
depending on your own conduct
depending on how quickly you shut down this racist, homophobic, anti-women, anti-American people fiasco, you'll be hearing a lot more.
Well, we're not going to shut down the party, so bombs away, Danny. I literally don't give a shit. Boms away. Boms away, dude. I don't give a fuck. Look at how scared I am.
Don't give a shit.
You think you can blackmail us and threaten us, you can't.
By the way, Danny, don't throw stones in glass houses.
Just saying, don't throw stones and glass houses.
Because there's a lot of things you've done that you aren't being honest about.
Such as the driveway incident.
Remember that, Danny?
The driveway incident?
Remember that?
Do we want to talk about that danny anyway uh all right to the infrared's busy doxing people being terminally online talking shit is not revolution run it back danny's saying doxing people and talking shit online isn a revolution um huh what is what is
what is Danny Shaw doing right now
sure through all the information that will emerge in the upcoming days
last thing I want
was to be a whistle yeah you're just like Snowden dude
you're just like Snowden because you leaked a clip of me
Telling John what I thought about what he was doing, which I don't regret by the way and I fully stand by everything I said
And you'll understand that when I get to John, and I get to that portion of this response.
Everyone remembers the violent black hammer cult
which is now in motion when the eb tells us not to talk to anyone below our rank
yeah because jing ping is so famous for sharing all of his talks with the standing committee to literally the entire public.
You're right.
And that's true for it.
That's how communist parties work.
You just don't have any privacy when it comes to discussions within leadership.
You're right.
If you do, it's a cult.
Um... discussions within leadership. You're right. If you do, it's a cult. I've bastardized everything. I'm the worst guy ever. It's a fascist call. Well, you were here, Danny.
You were there for the majority of it. And only now you opened your mouth.
Whereas before, like, like, if he, look, if you're going to lie and see I'm running guns
to Haiti, why not lie and be like, oh, when one guy decided to speak up, Haas came and
grabbed a baseball bat and broke
his knees. So I
had, I was coerced. I was intimidated.
But it's like, you have no way of
justifying why the fuck you didn't open your mouth before.
Nobody, there is no precedent of us
shutting down criticism.
Again, the clip he shared of the meeting
that we had that was unrelated to the topic of criticism
with John was after weeks of struggling to our understand John's feelings. And what is your problem? Do tell us what your issue is? He's not telling anyone. He's being very vague. He's being very weird. He's telling, he's just saying everyone HaZi needs to resign. Why? No, he's not talking to us. And we, and I came back from Russia. He started that right when I came back, one day after, one day after the night I came back the day of the friday we had an entire meeting
we spent hours struggling through all of the criticisms john had all right and then everything was
fine and john wasn't happy because uh because i wasn't cooed i guess
but we had tried so hard to get to the bottom of what the issue was they weren't being
And, you know, I didn't even see my family for over a month, because
I had to fucking listen to the bitching
and whining of John and Danny.
It's true. I didn't even
see my family for an entire month.
I was in Russia.
You know, it was 300 meters away from a Heimar strike.
I didn't even see my family who was very worried about me and wanted to, you know, see me.
And I couldn't.
I had to take the whole day to do this because of their crybaby shit that they weren't even
being like, okay, I was late to some of the meetings.
That's fair.
But you could have just told me how much it's like eating away at you personally.
But you made me take out an entire day to address your feelings and talk to you, you know?
So I don't know what to say, you know. Don't know what to say you know don't know what to say um so at the next meeting by the way that we were okay
we're united we're settled it, it's over, business is conducted.
John was silent for days.
Nobody knows how he was feeling.
He wasn't telling anyone.
John decided to basically start the meeting off
where we had
pressing business
to attend to
with this theatrical
performance reciting
this document
he spent all these days
typing out
without notice
and I basically
shut it down
I was like John
this isn't the place for that you have to to give us notice. If you want to have a meeting about your resignation or discussing it, you have to give us notice. We're not here for that. You're wasting all of our time. Okay. That's why I was so angry and dismissive of his criticism it wasn't because we don't tolerate
criticism it's because he decided to share this theatrical resignation at a meeting where we had
pressing business to attend to unrelated to any of that, without notice.
Just like Friday's meeting where we had to have been given notice that we're going to listen
to their crybaby bitch festival, they have to do the same and tell us that you want time
set aside to have this discussion.
But we were, none of us were prepared for that.
We weren't, okay?
We were all, we all are busy, we all have things to do, and we were not prepared to spend
several hours addressing John's feelings
and listening to
his feelings
when we had
fucking pressing
business to
attend to
I will organize in the courts and in the streets until you take
go do it.
Go fucking do it.
All right.
All right.
That's the first article.
Now, this is the one that he actually shared this with us internally.
The 2nd of January, although he called it, he said the title of it originally was the fagggots on the executive board but he changed the title
but that's what that was the original title by danny shaw very brave of him to say again he wouldn't say
it to our face he wouldn't say anything to our face but he made't say anything to our face, but he made this the title of the Google Doc.
He shared this with us in January 2nd. I responded to it in full at our meeting.
But I guess you want to hear me respond to it here as well.
Okay, so here we go.
Unchecked testosterone and larping.
Real Marxism is suppressed.
Be precise.
The online...
It's just a boomer complaining about the internet.
Go fucking cry about it, dude.
He's not making any
specific or particular
criticisms of any particular things.
He's just kind of making these
boomer generalizations.
What can I say?
and fear. Haas, if liberalism in fear
uh haze if he's so compelled can cancel or postpone any meeting
i i listen to concerns by people in the politburo and they were kind of saying no you know
you should understand we have schedules.
And I found that to be fair.
But, you know, but, but then he goes, he swashbow, he issues holy commands.
And then he says, okay, I'm out.
I don't need to be here for anything else.
I asked, do I need to be here for anything else?
And people would say no, so I'd leave because I have shit to do.
What do you want me to say?
He cuts people off and retents to know everything he's not a people person
because it is uh okay it's my fiefdom oh okay so Oh.
Okay, so he's saying, I was going to request an extended meeting from the Politburo.
We can freely air out our resentments.
And then, Haas, sensing the walls are closing in around him, talks about harmful.
Okay, I'm going to explain to you exactly what happened there.
All right.
Give me one second.
I'm a little congested.
I'll be right back.
Give me one second. You know, all right now uh let's get right to it okay um so a day before i was no not a day before while i was on the plane the airport coming back home from russia
i started hearing a lot about drama going on in the political bureau
specifically centered around danny and John themselves to be frank and I kept hearing
people talk about how there's all these grievances and all these issues and problems
that they're having and I'm starting to get confused because I'm like why aren't you fucking telling me about them or just being or sharing those in the chat where I could see them or we could all see them.
There was a lot of gossiping and back channeling that was going on and I noticed that.
And so I wanted to have that meeting so i could say guys stop
gossiping and just be open about whatever issues you have uh because i don't know what you're
gossiping about i can't read your minds i don't know what issues you have or don't have. How could I know? I don't know, you know.
So that was the harmful tendencies I was talking about. It turns out there was this methodical
plotting and planning that had been going on this entire time, where basically
Danny and John seemed like they were trying to build consensus for a coup or something.
I don't know.
What they didn't think through properly was, how are they going to justify to the rest of the Politburo
why they believe throwing the constitution away is justified how can it be justified you
yourself voted to ratify that constitution i want want to reiterate that, all right? So, um, like long story short,
the long story is that they tried for weeks to rally the entire leadership against me. It failed,
so they're doing this, which we saw coming, by the way. Nobody else agreed with them in the Politburo. People did agree with some
valid criticisms, such as the meeting, me being late to some meetings. I myself agreed with that criticism. But in terms of the serious, like, issues that seem to be so personal and strange in nature.
Nobody else shared their sentiments.
They were not successful in convincing everyone else of their view.
The cruelty of Chief Larpers
get offline
and go offline.
Stop worrying about the internet and social media.
Again, it's a boomer who just doesn't understand the era we live in.
Who is not open to listening to a rational explanation about why social media is important, why the internet is so important.
Um, again, the reason I'm just kind of tired at this point is because it's like, I've tried so hard to exhaust reason
and they don't get their way
and then it's like they just start calling you names
no you're a fraud
you're okay
what do you want me to fucking say like you're not even
engaged you're not even, you're not even engaged, you're not even like,
you're not even talking to me, okay?
You're not even speaking to me anymore.
Like, you, you can say what you want.
I tell you my response,
but you don't respond to my response. You just start like
crying and calling me names. What do you want me to fucking do? I'm not, I'm not your mom,
I'm not your dad. You're not my infant baby and I'm supposed to intuit your feelings and whatever.
You need to articulate yourself rationally and logically or else I'm not going to be able to understand what your issue
precisely is. He was upset that he couldn't articulate his feelings i guess i don't know
acp's baptism by fire
the eb fashions itself above the rank and file well i don't know what you mean by that
but if you mean that we are on the hierarchy and the chain of command above the rank and file we are
because that's literally the structure of our party outlined in the constitution we are the
executive decision-making power within the party i am the chairman of that board that makes the
decisions in the last instance, all right?
Don't know what you want to say.
We have a procedure of democratic centralism that is being fleshed out.
It is fleshed out.
It's just it's being built.
The plan is being implemented.
We're a spring central committee, and then
in a year or two, we're going to have our national
Congress where people can get rid of the
executive board if they want, you know?
Well, that's how it's set up.
Russian agents. i was in russia to deepen our party's relations with our comrades in russia no monetary
transactions were happening.
No gun running was happening.
That was literally it.
And I had to do that.
It was necessary for me to do that.
And I didn't know about...
I didn't know about all this... I didn't know
about all this I didn't know that in New Jersey
there was going to be fucking UFOs or whatever
okay I was experiencing that while I was
already there I was already there He's complaining about mile look go form your own party dude
that's why i don't take this personally because
whatever party this would happen, whatever party exists that shows any kind of promise, the same thing would happen to it, because it's what has happened in the past.
Even the fucking PSL gets called a cult.
I don't know what to tell you.
Like, it's very easy to, to shit on us and attack us.
It's really hard to actually prove in practice that you can actually establish an alternative to our party.
Do that practically. See if you can get anything fucking done offline like you say you want to. Instead of throwing dirt on our name 24-7, go prove in practice by practically go prove in practice that we are that there can be a party better than ours.
Prove that in practice, all right?
I don't know what to tell you.
You're talking a lot, you're not walking a lot. he's upset about potential salaries for people like kyle or no i don't know well these are
this is a full-time job especially what kyle does i don't know what you're complaining about um
he goes
if you haze respond the only way you know how my diagnosis will be confirmed
you're narcissist
here we get into the cycle babble
um you're narcissist. Here we get into the psycho babble if I don't do
what he says
then he gets to
wreck the party
and whatever
I mean
you know,
what can I say
even I don't act that way like do I as chairman of the party tell people hey
if you don't do what I say I'm gonna fucking docks you and I'm gonna embarrass the party
publicly and attack you in public
in front of the guerrillas and everything.
Have I ever done that? I don't.
I'm the chairman, and I don't have the right to do that,
according to our Constitution.
But he's in the Politburo,
and he has the right to have to exercise unilateral
dictator, do what I want or else. That's literally what he was saying in that document. I responded
to it during that meeting. He didn't get his way. He acquiesced. He was silent. By the end of the meeting,
Danny was going, comrades, let's go forward united. At the end of that meeting, where he had the
opportunity to stand on all of his business that I just read to you.
By the end of it, he goes, all right, comrades, we work through it. Let's go forward.
Crazy, right?
The Hazaldean cult through the lens of traumatizing narcissism.
Am I the only one who I skimmed through this,
but I didn't find many factual accusations being made.
I did read a lot of psycho babble.
He's upset about the DSA thing.
Should have said something then and there.
Inside the...
Beck describes motivated reasoning.
Okay, this is just,
I don't even have the fucking energy
for this shit, all right?
like, it's just psychobabble.
make a fucking accusation. Okayim jones was out here raping people all right he was out here
beating people he was out here like doing some bad shit i've what have i fucking done to anyone
in the party besides call john a bad word, which he deserved by the way?
And, um, and, and, and took a shit 20 minutes into a meeting.
Fuck, what a horrible call leader, right?
What are my acts?
What are the fucking crimes I'm actually being accused of that corroborates or validates any of this?
Instead of wasting my time wallowing through this gibberish about, yeah, my crime is that sometimes, you know, I call people mean name if I am upset with them.
And I have, I don't do that often, by the way. And in John's case, I did that one time.
Precisely one time.
You need to fucking... We're going to get into John. You understand what comes to John.
Holy fuck. I like... He's like a baby, and I was like babying him for like over a week.
John, come on, man.
Like, you can talk to me.
John, I still appreciate you a lot.
You're great.
He's our fucking lawyer, you know?
You think I want to piss off the lawyer?
We needed him, frankly.
Not anymore, but at the time, yeah. And like... we needed him at frankly not anymore
but at the time yeah
and like he really just
tested my patience he just
kept coming after me
finally bringing it up in a random
meeting a week or five four or five days after he had the opportunity to air out whatever he wanted to,
he pushed me to my limit.
You're right.
I fucking blew up at him.
Because holy shit, it's like you have such a personal at this point
it was clear to everyone
his problem with me was pathological
and personal and it was a big mystery
to all of us but now I have a pretty
good idea of where it was coming from
and what it was all about
and that's what I'm going to get into now.
Anything else about Danny that you guys feel like I need to respond to or address or anything?
Because, let's look at Danny's little thread and see if there's anything of substance to talk about.
All I need to say.
That is exactly.
Oh, that's the clip where I yelled.
Okay. that is exactly Oh, that's the clip where I yelled Okay 19 minutes, I'm not going to watch that
16 minutes, not going to watch that
Danny Shaw, what a ridiculous
character, what a ridiculous person I don't take ridiculous person. I don't take this guy seriously.
But he has made many legally actionable claims, which he, yeah, he's right about one thing. He's going to have to fight in the courts because he's done a lot of illegal things leaking confidential without our consent
or knowledge recording us without our knowledge you'd think that John would be working more
closely with Danny Shaw coordinating coordinating, making sure that they legally have everything covered, but he recorded us without our consent and shared it publicly without our consent. He's committed many crimes just for that alone. He's made actionable libelous claims
that I'm running guns or
whatever. Danny Shaw,
you better prepare. You said you're going to be fighting in
court. You will be, I promise.
Okay? Go ahead and
say whatever you like.
Can you address the door being unlocked what are you talking about what is that can you sorry if i haven't been meticulously at the Airbnb.
We might have accidentally left a door unlocked.
Maybe we did, and it was a mistake we made, but what's the point?
Like, what? Should we be crucified for making a fucking mistake because we're human?
Ah, so Christians clarifying why.
Because we didn't all know the code.
That's why.
They said you partied with oligarchs in russia
which oligarch
who how what party what what did i who did i fuck what party
in russia what oligarch what are you talking? You know how they don't make specific claims?
He claims you threaten party members with violence. But what is he talking about? What is he referring to?
Again, you need to
be suspicious. If there's no specific
claim being made, there's probably
a huge likelihood
that he's just
he's just making it up.
If I threatened people with violence, there would have been violence.
There's no violence. There's nothing. Nothing happened.
You guys need to put in perspective that what happened was that I took a shit for 20 minutes and that
and that Danny was exposed for being a liar about Haiti and that um and that I called John a faggot and I confess to all these crimes
but that's honestly the only thing he said.
That's why I woke up today and I saw this shit and I just was like,
I know I'm in deep shit and I should really be paranoid
and I should be really panicking and whatever, but I'm like,
I don't know
like, I don't even know how I'm supposed to react
to this. I was surprised
they docks me.
But I don't really see
the substance.
Like, is this it?
Or is there a really bad thing they're saving?
Because just, just fucking get to the point, you know?
Because I am not impressed with this.
Like, put it into perspective, guys.
Two people left
and left in a really dramatic way.
If half of our chapters
seceded, I'd be panicking.
If something happened that actually, like, damaged our party severely happened, I'd be really panicking.
But I don't know what what happened.
The driveway incident, if you don't know what it is, is basically I don't want, because I'm not
like Danny Shaw and I don't want to make like vague insinuations
about something so horrible
Danny Shaw one of the nights
in the Dearborn conference
was being very disrespectful
to the Airbnb owners
because he pulled up in the driveway
while engaging in certain
you know acts with a PSL woman
in the driveway in his car in front of everyone.
Shocking everyone and offending everyone's sensibilities.
That's what happened, all right? We can can go i'm not going to go into more detail but that's
really it okay um um that people people were very upset and pissed off i we did not discipline him over it maybe maybe the midwestern marks guys
i think they gave him a stern talking to
I was just
when I heard about it
I was just like
I mean
it's kind of fucked up
but I mean
why should the party
care about that
but I'm just saying
he wants to make
shit so personal
like Danny you that's not even everything by the way that's not even everything when it comes to Danny all right for somebody that's like grandstanding so much and making all these personal attacks on me.
Get your own fucking house in order, all right?
That goes for John as well.
I don't want to talk about anything personal,
and I won't until they do.
But don't fucking throw stones in glass houses, all right?
You guys aren't perfect by any means.
I'm not perfect, but neither are you.
So don't throw stones and glass houses, all right?
Uh... uh uh well i talk about brey's ridiculous retarded thread um maybe for last because brey is probably the most inconsequential person here
she has a history of being a
stalker and a serial harasser
and someone who
has had these incredibly
obsessive tendencies of just constantly badgering and bothering people.
She was also dating a do I want to go here about Bree?
People want to talk about Black Hammer.
Bree was dating a former
member of Blackhammer, who
was in trouble with the feds and
had a lot of shit on him
and was, we thought, compromised
to the point where we literally issued an order for
no one to speak to this person
because we found out they were being detained and they didn't fucking tell us anything that they
were detained and they got picked up by the feds and they were being charged with all this shit
this guy went silent didn't tell us a fucking thing and brey was dating this guy so you know do the math
I don't know
that's why that guy was never allowed
in the party by the way
uh yeah
yeah crazy right
crazy see it's so funny these guys think I'm scared Yeah. Yeah. Crazy, right? Crazy.
See, it's so funny, these guys think I'm scared of the public.
I'm not scared of the public, all right?
I just don't want to waste the public's time.
That's all.
I don't want to, I don't want the public's time to be wasted and distracted.
See, for example, I would have just preferred that, like, we stay the course, we get the work done, we do what we got to do, and we don't talk about any of this drama, this nonsense.
But we have to talk about it.
Fine, let's talk about all of it then.
That's fine.
Again, again, at the end of the fucking day, if these people think that I'm scared of the public
about anything, I'm not. There's nothing I am scared to talk about, okay? It's just, do I want to waste the public's time?
Do I want to waste my party's time?
Talking about nonsense.
No, I'd rather us just stay focused on what needs to be done.
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah. So, uh yeah uh yeah so simple as that you know um
simple as that you know um
at the end of the day
if you're going to make up that I was running guns to Haiti
you should have like
you should have said that I like beheaded someone or something
like actually actually like
actually if you're going to make shit up and that's the least you can do, you're a fucking retard.
I've always thought Danny was a retard, by the way.
I thought maybe he had a good heart to be the most charitable.
From the very beginning,
my private personal impression of Danny,
which I share only with my own thoughts and myself,
was that he was a big retard.
And it was always hard to take him seriously,
although I did it for the sake of
the integrity of the party and the leadership and whatever,
but I never saw him as the smartest tool in the shed.
And... thought saw him as the smartest tool in the shed um and he's just got this thing where he's just like a delayed response time maybe that's the most charitable explanation for why he's like Kyle uh it gets pissed
at the meeting when we're talking about Haiti.
Danny doesn't realize how much he's being injured.
He's taking it in.
It takes him three months to fully process.
He's six, eight.
It's all processing.
What the fun just happened?
And then he explodes and he
realizes that he was wrong.
And that's his delayed response.
Maybe. Because
he's very big. He has a huge metabolism.
Just like it takes longer to digest food.
Maybe that this was the reason.
But, for example, he wrote all of these things on January 2nd, but he released them now. And between
second and now, he was pretending everything was good and he's moving forward with the party.
He was lying to everyone. But why? Now, John's segment, I'm going to talk about, if there's anything else I need to talk about when it comes to Danny. Danny's not a serious person. It's just that he made some very serious allegations, specifically when it came to running guns to Haiti. John is a level of seriousness above Danny because he's a lawyer, and he's someone I took much more serious.
So actually, John's treachery was actually, if I took anything personally, over the past three weeks, it was John's treachery, which shocked me, took me by surprise,
and that was really hard.
Because I saw John as a comrade, a person I took seriously.
I had a very good impression of him.
Can you address what he said about those who may be on the left from isolating those who may be on left from uniting with us?
Your best guess is as good as mine.
I think he's talking about the PSL and whatever,
because we do internally discuss at length how we do want to be distinct.
And he was always kind of saying, no, you know, the PSL are fine.
I guess he wanted us to unite with PSL and DSA.
Beats me, I don't know, because he never told me a fucking thing about how he felt.
So I have no idea.
I'm just guessing just like you are, okay?
John. I'm just guessing just like you are, okay? John, the very serious guy, John Malera.
John Malera, I'm forced to do this for, because, well, I'm not loyal to the party, just like Brie, by the way. I'm loyal to do this for because, well, I'm not loyal to the party.
Just like Brie, by the way.
I'm loyal to the people.
I'm loyal to the people.
What do you mean by that, John?
Well, I'm loyal to my idea of the people.
Oh, so you're loyal to yourself.
Got it.
That's exactly what you mean. Same with Brie. Brie goes, I'm not loyal to a party. you're loyal to yourself. Got it. That's exactly what you mean.
Same with Bree.
Brie goes, I'm not loyal to a party.
I'm loyal to the masses.
What do you mean?
I mean, like, my sense of what the masses are.
Okay, so you're loyal to yourself.
That's fine.
Just say that.
Again, if it's not our party, it would be any party.
That's a constant theme you need to take away from this. If it wasn't our party, it would be
any party. Any party, you have to deal with the problem, that you're not always going to get your way
that there is going to be a fucking leader okay shocker party needs leadership
there's going to be a leader uh and if it's a strong party,
that later is going to be very popular and loved
by the rank and file.
If it's a strong party.
And there's going to have these problems in any party.
That's especially a successful party, one that's as successful as ours.
So I'm not even taking it personally.
I'm just interested to know what a real communist party is if ours isn't that.
Go and show us by practice what a real one looks like.
It's constantly what I'm going to constantly say.
If it's not our party, it would be any party.
And this is the same story.
I mean, look, guys, this has happened to so many stupid little organizations before.
We are not a stupid little organization.
And that's why two people leaving is not going to destroy the ACP.
I don't, I think some of our enemies were expecting like an implosion over this.
Yeah, if we were a stupid small sect,
this would be the type of thing that destroys us.
But in reality, we are a party
with strong structural integrity,
which can afford a few individualistic, you know,
wreckers leaving. We can afford, trust me, we can afford, you may not want to hear
this, guys, but we can afford Bree leaving
and we can afford Danny leaving
and we can even afford
John leaving
sorry like what do you think
we're gonna everything's gonna blow up
because of this.
Is that what you thought?
Is that what you thought?
Even if I was sitting in fucking jail right now
because somehow
I was actually guilty of the things
Danny says that I'm smuggling guns to Haiti.
The rank and file
of the American Communist Party day in and day out would be outside
the county jail that I'm being held or the prison I'm being held, protesting from my release,
doing everything in their power to raise awareness to release me.
Even if I was guilty, they would do that.
Which I'm not.
You want to call that a cult?
Call it whatever the fuck you want, dude.
I don't care. Our party has a constitution i follow the party's constitution
and it's as simple as that the loyalty that infrared has to me is not is not defined within the
constitution it doesn't need to be okay I've been here for four years.
And my people, see, you guys need to understand why I can't take it personally. Like, do you really think a 5-8 Arab from Dearborn is this giant monster who controls the world or whatever?
Do you really think that?
Do you really think all this hatred
is for a 5-8
Arab from Dearborn
who yells on a mic
on a stream?
They're not after me they're after you i am your leader it's not me danie shaw doesn't know me i did not not fuck Danny Shaw's wife. I did not
fuck John Malara's
wife. I did not do any, I did not
aggrieve them in any personal way. I did nothing
against them. I didn't steal money from them. They have
nothing against me. I have literally done nothing against them.
They, all of their resentment,
all of the problems they have, if there
are personal problems, in John's case,
I'm going to fill you in on some information
that might make you doubt that. All
of the issues have to do with the fact
that the chat looks like this.
That's literally it.
It's you guys.
You guys are what they resent, what they want to destroy, and what they hate.
I'm just standing in the fucking way.
Ain't that the truth, though?
Ain't that the truth?
Like, I would be a nobody
if I wasn't the rallying,
if the banner, all of you are rallying
behind, okay? There would be no
there would be no
and that would be the end of that there would be no haz without you
there would be no haze there would just be ali ali is fine ali comes from an honorable name and an honorable family.
Ali has always been to the best of his ability, an honorable man.
Ali had a good life going for him in law school,
where I could have made a lot of money in pursuit a very lucrative career at something
I am naturally gifted at. Ali had a great life lined up for him and Ali was one of the happiest
people in the whole fucking world from childhood until now okay I came from a great
family great parents and I had a really good life. You need to understand that.
Really good life.
I've struggled with the same personal issues that any teenager or anyone else would struggle through.
Depression, you know, self-doubt, all that kind of stuff.
But I, before infrared started, I had already worked through all of that, right?
On a personal level, my life was fucking great.
But suddenly I got insomnia in law school because I had so much to share with the world, so much to share with the world about Marxism, about communism, about the left wing, about the revolution, whatever you want to fucking call it. I had so much to share with the world that I wasn't.
And that was keeping me up at night. So that's how Haas was born. That's who Haas is.
Haas is you. That's where it came from. Without you, there's no Haas.
Understand what this is all about, you know?
Understand what this is all about.
Okay. understand what this is all about and by the way you're going to get an influx of retards
who don't know that ali and my last name in combination is literally joe smith so they're going to find all these random fucking
people that aren't me and say that it's me good luck okay make sure you get the story make sure
you can pin it all on one person not 20 different
people not 20
thousands of people
okay so get ready for that
as well I don't care
I'm not even going to respond to it I literally don't give a fuck
because you know why
because after the Adam to hear thing,
don't ever fucking listen to a word
any of these retards ever say again.
After the Adam to hear thing,
just stop fucking listening to what they say.
They lost the credibility when it came to accuracy with respect to doxing.
They lost the ability and the credibility.
You know,
don't forget that these people for years died on the on the okay look not only they said i'm adam
to hear they built an entire fan fiction they were dmning people in private telling them this
entire elaborate story about adam to hear being a fed, Adam to hear being of this, Adam to hear doing
this and that. Oh, I have proof. See, this person said Adam did, this person looked at their
ID and it said Adam to hear. Adam to hear was this entire character they built and who is Adam now?
What happened to Adam to here? Right? Look. It's it's look. Are you really going to forget the four years of Adam to hear? Are you really going to forget the four years of Adam to hear?
Are you really going to forget
four years of Adam to hear?
And get strung along with another
fucking stupid, made-up
fan fiction story they make.
All right, good luck. I literally kept telling you guys for four
years that I was not Adam to hear. Why would I do that? It wasn't even my real name. I was
protected by that name, actually. But I didn't want to be named Adam.
Because it's not my name.
And it didn't feel right.
And I think the feds were playing a weird game where they knew who I was, could have docks me at any time.
No, I didn't go to a fucking private school, retard.
You got the wrong guy, okay?
Keep, please.
Stop wasting everyone's time, okay?
Stop wasting everyone's time with this nonsense.
Just like I told you I'm not Adam to hear, okay?
I've always been truthful.
I've never lied to you guys, okay?
Substantively about who I am.
I just haven't told you my name before. And that's for my family's sake.
But I literally told everyone for four years that I wasn't Adam to hear and no one listened and
a lot of people, a lot of people
ran with that. Destiny retweeted
that fake docs. Everyone
ran with it. So many people
my fucking wick
my my my
the Google results said
I'm Adam to hear. Even Grock says I'm Adam to hear.
Even Grock says I'm Adam to hear.
Ask Grock who what my name is.
It says I'm Adam to hear.
So imagine that it was all a lie.
They created a completely fake character and it was all wrong okay um look i i'm not gonna
i'm not gonna stop talking about me and start talking about John now. Okay?
So it's been like two hours.
Part two, John.
John, John, John, John.
John Malera.
Let me tell you about John Malera, our heroic attorney for the American Communist Party. We were all sketched out by John a little, because he came out of nowhere, but we did a background check and we were convinced that john is not a fed we don't
know if he's a fed i don't think he is i don't know i don't know but i think something happened
and i'll tell you exactly what happened i will tell you what i know and i will give you a full
disclosure about why john's doing this and what all right now the explanation he's giving
is along the lines of i didn't like how the constitution or the convention
went down. Haas did every, he was the worst. These are all things you could have
you could have brought up to me or anyone else before. I didn't get a fucking word that this guy
was so upset by this.
So I don't buy that.
I don't, whatever, these, see, the problem with
John consistently is all the
explanations he's been getting.
He's been giving.
Don't add up.
That's why it was very frustrating.
So I'm going to, from the top, I'm going to give you the entire story with John.
There are details I'm going to leave out as a last act of mercy on him.
I am prepared to reveal those details in proportion with him engaging in any further doxing.
But all relevant information for now I'm going to share with you. Okay.
So John,
John came and he was a licensed attorney,
and he was not at the plenary committee, at the founding of our party, where the Constitution's
structure and the goals were actually decided.
Just, I don't even need to address this, because it's a complete distraction.
But if John had such an
issue with the constitution he should understand two things one it was the responsibility of the
executive board to decide what the constitution should be drafted the draft right he was being
tasked with laying a skeletal structure just for the sake of
formality, not to be given discretionary power to decide the constitution of the party,
but to basically, he knew this, to give us the form and structure that we could revise and modulate whatever as we, to conform to what we had agreed on at the plenary committee meeting in Chicago. So he knew that. He was upset with the adjustments that were made, but he said nothing.
He didn't raise any concerns the night of or after.
John claims that he had all these issues with the Constitution, but he never raised any issues.
Not only that, he voted to ratify the Constitution at the Convention.
Now, I want to give you guys some clarity on how the
ratification worked. We had plans in case, in case there was a majority vote or a huge contentious
split over the Constitution.
And we wanted to give room for criticism, for people to raise objections, and whatever, at the convention itself.
John, Brie, and Danny all read the Constitution and all voted yay.
The vote was unanimous at the convention for the ratification of that Constitution.
So the time to cry about the unfairness of the Constitution was then,
even if you felt you couldn't raise your voice and object to it, for whatever
a mysterious reason.
You should have been transparent with us that you weren't planning on actually, you know,
following honorably the pledge and vow you made to actually follow the rules and procedures of the party, you agree to ratify in your acting capacity as a member of our legal department, or in the case of Brie as a chapter executive.
So they have no sense of discipline.
I'm not claiming here that the Constitution is perfect.
Although I will stand on it.
It's the best constitution it can be.
But it's irrelevant because they
made the decision to
ride with that constitution, to agree
with it. They voted
in favor of it.
They changed their mind later.
That's fine, but that's on you. That's not on us.
That's on you. That's not on us. That's on you.
You take responsibility that you fucked up and you made a misjudgment and leave and
get the fuck out of our faces.
But he feels like he has the right to cause.
You know it's so petty and vindictive for him because it's like
i have to dox him too i have to dox him um okay um that's how you know it's like uh none of nothing he's why did you dox me if if if your reasoning
adds up why do you need to dox me you know well because he's literally just trying to destroy me at this point. And I am a little bit
amused because, sorry, John, it's going to be a lot harder. Look, I'm a little insulted because Danny and John,
did you think we never
thought this could happen? Like, we never
ran through our head this scenario
and have some kind of plan for it?
Give us a little more credit
that we've thought this through, right?
Anyway, look, John didn't say a word about any issues of the Constitution.
He got to the work of acting as our licensed attorney for the party.
Successfully, he agreed with what we were doing, which is defending the party from libelous claims, all of which were bearing fruit successfully.
He agreed.
I would check in with John every so often.
He is in the legal department,
and he would contact me, giving me updates,
and everything was going very swimmingly and smoothlyly.
Now, I want to talk about something that's bugging me. And it's been bugging me for
weeks since I started thinking about it. Okay. And I'm going to share it with you and let you guys come up with your own judgment
full disclosure john was doxed by our enemies, who started to psychologically torture him by sharing
photos of him at his house, like running outside or whatever, right?
And they were really going after him, by the way, John.
They were really going hard.
More than me, more than anyone else.
They were really, really picking on him.
They docksed him multiple times.
They were sharing photos of him,
of like he went outside running yesterday or something.
They shared a photo of that.
They were getting in his head psychologically. Okay. He was really tilted and really stressed about it. Everyone who talked to him personally can attest to that. I didn't talk to him about his stress and stuff, but I was being told by others, okay?
So he was being fucked with big time, okay? And John was getting so aggrieved and it felt so
injured by this that he decided to file a lawsuit personally.
I did not force him to file this lawsuit.
I don't, I didn't even give him the, I didn't even give him the order, okay.
One day he called me and he said, Haas, I've had enough. I've talked to my attorneys. We are,
we are going to file litigation years long it's going to be against our two very prolific enemies
who are obsessed with us but why they're obsessed i'm going to fill you in on some some information
john told me i can't corroborate it i can't verify it i'm just going to fill you in on some information. John told me.
I can't corroborate it. I can't verify.
I'm just going to tell you what he told me.
Every week he would fill me
in on how
his talks with his attorneys were going
and how the litigation was going, the process
of filing it.
And he kept saying that it's very promising, and this is going to be like a slam dunk case,
because they are clearly engaging in libel.
We have the ability to get, what are they called?
What are they called?
Where the court is going to tell Twitter.
Basically, we were going to be able to expose all of these alts.
Discovery, yeah, discovery was going to reveal a lot.
And it was, yeah, subpoena, exactly.
Very promising.
He was like
these people have come after me they made it personal
I'm going to go after them he also said
I'm going to bring the party into this as well
because the party's also being injured
but John was very motivated
very determined and like
super confident.
Every phone call I had with him, he was incredibly confident.
And he was incredibly pumped and ready to go.
Then I think in late November, I may be getting, and it could be early December or late November.
Get this, okay?
All right, I'm just going to fucking throw everything on the table and tell you what we know, okay?
All right.
So, John was in, he was filing litigation against Johnny, Johnny socialism, okay? Because he thought this is the, you know, the guy who's doxying me and
whatever, yada, yada, yada, right?
But John, when, as he started to investigate,
knew that Johnny Socialism had a friend.
The guy's name is Andrew Saturn.
You guys may know him.
He's like a huge stalker, bizarre, inhuman levels of stalking and obsession of me. For years, literally three years. I haven't even, this is the first time I mentioned
his name in three years. Sorry, not three years. Two years at least, right?
And it became very apparent that he was behind Johnny.
Like he was the guy.
All right, there's stuff you're not hearing.
All right.
Johnny called me. I think it was August or July.uly no it wasn't it was june i think it was june johnny called me
very conciliatory strange call where johnny was like look hoss I want to put an end to the beef.
I want to be done with this.
We have our disagreements.
This call would have blown your mind.
That's why I haven't been going after Johnny and them, because he called me.
I said, Johnny, look at what, what is all this
crap you're saying about me, calling me a Fed, calling us feds? Johnny admitted in that call that he
made many claims against me that were false, that he doesn't think I'm a Fed, that he thinks I'm an honest actor, that I'm telling the truth.
Johnny was making a lot of, he was talking a lot in that call about how all of the heat that's coming on him from, I don't know who was, I wasn't ordering anything, but he was saying it was really getting to him
and he's being like
you know he's being mentally aggrieved by
it and it's upsetting him a lot
now look
I am over whatever
I was over any personal whatever
I don't give a fuck or whatever I don't care so I was over any personal whatever. Like, I don't give a fuck, or whatever.
I don't care. So,
I was just, I just told him, listen, Johnny,
I'm fully prepared to just
issue an order
publicly, even allow you to come on stream publicly,
to win standing,
and just say, listen, they have their disagreements but we're
going to go our separate ways no more of this viciousness no more of these personal attacks no more
of any of that we're going to be done okay but i said you know but but also, does your friend Andrew know about this?
Because I want him to also stop the attacks.
Now, Johnny goes, Andrew is a completely different beast, basically.
He's a completely different case.
I'm going to go talk to him and see.
Because I was ready for all beef to be squashed and just move on, because I don't give a fuck, right?
And then that's the last I talked to Johnny. And then I never fucking heard from him again.
And then we launched ACP and Johnny resumed attacks.
Because he started clashing with Midwestern Marx and whatever more.
Um... whatever more um so that that is one of the reasons um but this isn't even the best part, all right? Full disclosure.
John and his attorneys started to research this Andrew guy and dug into his past of organizing and being on the Bernie campaign locally, Thurston County, all this kind of shit.
And they found a pattern of behavior of
all these like random women on
Facebook complaining about him
saying that he's this like
obsessive psycho, he's doing this,
he's harassing us constantly.
There were so many weird things
they were saying. They were saying that
Andrew was working for some like
Republican politician, that Andrew
was faking websites
and petitions and
faking stuff in the mail about his opponents that he would all this like
stuff that like one guy couldn't possibly be doing right super weird string and pattern of behavior that
john not me john was uncovering with his attorneys. Okay?
I shit you not. And I'm ready
to go to court to testify this
and have a subpoena release
all conversations, because I know they have a way of getting those.
Okay? And John told me
that his attorneys were absolutely fucking convinced he told me this either in
late november early december that andrew was an fbi informant and then what i said was if we go through with the litigation that will be revealed we're going to
find out I'll said we're going to find out because he was being personally injured and aggrieved by what
was going on.
So I said, let's find out.
I don't, you know, that's what they think.
I said, I don't know.
I mean, our attorneys, experts in this shit, I don't fucking know.
But John was confident.
He was like, we're going to go through with it,
and we're going to fucking reveal everything.
And they kept attacking John really, like, aggressively.
If you look at them, they were really, really, really going after that guy, John. Okay.
Okay. I go to Russia. When did I leave to Russia? Was it the 10th or the 11th? I don't remember.
Okay. Now, the leadership executive board in the Politburo decided that they were going to have an in-person meeting in Chicago, in person, in my absence, because they needed to touch base and talk about things.
John also had some information he wanted to share with us, right?
At the last minute, at the last minute, John, he says something very weird.
I am not... I'm giving you the precise facts.
Not the precise facts.
The rough facts, but he said something along the lines of,
my landlord needed help fixing a pipe,
so I'm going to help my landlord fix a pipe not even not not I don't
it wasn't even like in his own apartment or whatever so I was like in his own room I
mean so I was like his own uh space that he's renting Christian please
correct me if I'm wrong, all right?
it was a super weird
last minute excuse,
and everyone was kind of like
in his, it, it was in his unit.
Okay, got it.
Thanks for correcting that.
But yeah, it was weird because he rents.
Yeah, that's why.
So he's helping his landlord.
All right. All right. A Christian saying it wasn't. I don't know his landlord. All right.
All right.
You're Christian saying it wasn't.
I don't know.
It doesn't matter, right?
It was just everyone thought it was a bullshit excuse.
All right?
He's got to help his landlord with some shit.
What the fuck?
Very last minute, by the way.
Now, I'm in Russiaussia i'm in donbass um water heater in the laundry room sure i'm in don't know what the fuck's going on.
There was a meeting they held while I was there.
I said, you know, wait for me to get back and then we can make some serious decisions.
Some people got ticked off by that.
He was leading the charge on that, by the way. But during mid-December to
late December, John started acting strange. John had always vented about how stressed he was and how much we all vent everyone vents but the qualitative
nature of his of his um grievances started to really drastically change after mid-December.
And he started kind of sounding strange and taking things a little drastic, like, you know, how could this guy be our chairman? He's late to meeting sometimes.
Or he kept kind of really badgering in on it right and the minute
that he felt that it was the opportune time um that he could make his move which was was when I, while I was like on the plane back from
Russia. John started calling everyone saying, we need to hold Haas accountable. We need to hold
Haas accountable. Well, hold me accountable for what? My absence for the month when I was in Russia on a completely different time zone and getting fucking bombed by High Mars. I mean, like, he knew that what I was doing was important. He agreed with it. So did everyone else. I didn't go to Russia
without the permission of the executive
They were convinced it was important.
So he started like saying,
you need to hold him accountable. You need to hold him accountable you to hold him accountable now danny jumped in on
that and danny had grievances over the haiti thing that i just told you about the haiti thing being
that we had a discussion with kim ives and dan cohen and danny was not able to present facts to us in a way that convinced us that he was correct about what was going on in Haiti.
So Danny, I guess, made his move then, very strangely. And then I was, and then I was like,
wait until Friday.
I come Thursday night.
Just wait till Friday.
Let me fucking,
you know,
I've been awake for two days.
And then we'll sit down and talk about whatever i felt very
like betrayed to be honest because i i i was um traveling i was in russia it was not it was not
something i was doing for fun okay and it was just like i just got back and while i'm in
this vulnerable state physically they're making moves the plot against me i'm just like what the
fuck but whatever i I said whatever.
We'll talk. But I just, they can't. No, we have to do it. Now, no, no, no. Listen, I've been awake
for two days. Let me sleep. We'll have the meeting. Okay.
I've been traveling on a 30-hour flight. All right?
So all right um so friday uh you know i i tell john before i was like listen john i need your grievances to be concrete i can't these vague things you're saying
give me specific receipts
and specific criticisms.
You're saying I'm a cult leader
and I'm unprofessional and whatever.
I don't know what you're talking about.
He kept talking
about the night of the convention and the Constitution.
By the way, in his video, he says something really weird.
He goes, the night of the convention, instead of drafting the Constitution,
Haas went and had an impromptu in-person stream.
He was talking about when I was in that room
and I was tired and everyone came in the room
and I was just like talking to everyone about
Russia and stuff.
If you were there, you remember.
So John
doesn't understand though that
that was the day we ratified the Constitution.
How could we draft something we already ratified?
So his story isn't even adding up.
That was literally the night of the convention.
There was no work we could have done on the constitution
in terms of drafting because it had already been ratified okay anyway um so yeah all right um
john made me feel very paranoid by the way that first week because i didn't know
like where this was coming from nothing was adding up rationally nothing he was saying made
sense like again all these issues he's bringing up from the past.
Why didn't you bring them up before even one time?
Not even a muttering, not even a word, not even a hint you had these issues.
And why are you doing this while I'm in Russia or when I just came back from Russia, like on the plane. I don't understand.
I was very paranoid, awake for two days, very confused, very tilted, very manic. Okay?
I didn't know what to think. I got a good night's rest. And things became more clear to me.
There's more details to this, but I don't want to waste your time.
I could get into them if I need to.
Anyway, so,
um, so the meeting on Friday, John came with a list of about 10 sins I've committed.
And so among these sins, I don't remember all of them.
They were very nebulous. Again, the one that was valid was the meeting on time thing. I think I agreed with that. I said, yeah, sure, I mean, but does that justify all of this? I don't know. I mean, you could have messaged me, said, hey, it's really bothering me that you're late to these meetings. Don't do that in the future. It's bothering me. Like, you could have said anything.
But whatever. That was the one thing. But everything else, I'll give you some highlights of his little list.
John claimed that when I fired an RPG in Russia in September, that was unprofessional. He said that this
offended certain
people internationally
who wanted
to join the party, but couldn't, because they were
they were so taken.
That was one of the examples of unprofessionalism that I fired an RPG.
He said that, get this, this is Rich.
You guys ready to hear this?
He said that I don't do enough to boost uh other people's social media
meaning him i'm not doing enough to retweet and boost john's shit okay look it has nothing to do with the
party first of all okay i'm not obligated to boost your shit.
But, by the way, had he just reached out to me and asked me one time to retweet him or boost his shit?
I would have.
He never did that.
He was upset that I didn't read his mind that he wanted me to
retweet and boost his stuff
and that was one of his grievances.
And it's a grievance
that stood out so much that I kind of felt like
if this was personal, like
that's probably one of the big ones
for him which was that I wasn't giving
him enough fucking clout
which I would have if he asked
but he never asked I should have just known intuitively
that that's what he wanted
what else did he say? He said that he kept making these vague insinuations about like, oh, well, he has a temper. He yells on his stream. But couldn't you have known that before you join the fucking party?
He said, oh, another thing he had a problem with, the DSA thing.
The DSA thing was the wrong move.
Why don't you fucking say anything?
Well, because you just announced it on stream.
But you didn't even, like, push back at all.
He said...
By the way, the DSA was slandering us nonstop, attacking us nonstop.
What else?
He said something like, he was upset about the chapter enterprises.
The chapter enterprises aren't viable.
It's a stupid idea.
You're going on your streams, encouraging people.
John, the enterprise idea was here before the launch of the party.
You knew about it.
We filled you in on it.
You knew it was going to happen.
You knew I was going to go on stream and tell everyone about it. You knew about this. You knew this was the plan for a long time. You lost faith in it because we don't have the businesses up and running yet even though we have three at least
three cases of very promising businesses that are in the process of starting which he knew again he kept raising these issues and concerns that he should have a long time ago.
But he wouldn't.
All right.
Now, by the way
none of this
has anything to do
with Brie
John talked a lot
of shit about
Bree himself
so did Danny
they never
expressed any
kind of solidarity
with Brie once
they never stuck
their neck out
for Brie even a single
they all thought
Bree was a
record and an individualist,
and they expressed as much to us multiple occasions, they said that. Okay. So it had nothing
to do with Bree's nonsense spurg out, okay? Um, so that's completely unrelated by the way so at that meaning i went down the list one by one
and i explained to john everything i just told you now about because I have the right to respond
you do have the right to challenge me
and criticize me
but I also have the right to respond
and my responses
were not
particularly unconvincing to
everyone that was present.
They kind of felt like, well, I mean,
Haas did have a point.
And John and Danny felt betrayed because they were like,
nobody was raising their voice against Haas.
But you were putting me on trial in front of everyone. I defended myself successfully, and I convinced people that your grievances were not entirely justified.
And you saw that as a betrayal.
That's why throughout these
entire, throughout these spur gouts that they're sharing, they're
constantly talking about how like, oh, not one person
raised their voice or said anything.
Because you challenged me in front of everyone, and I responded to you.
And what could they say?
They could have said anything they wanted to.
They agreed with some things.
I also agreed with some things. But overall, the disruption of
discipline, such as back channeling, such as gossiping, that was one of the things we brought up.
Like, look, the Politburo, the Politburo are deputies of the executive board.
They don't have formally the ability to hold us accountable.
That's what the Central Committee is supposed to do, okay?
Central Committee forms in the spring.
The Politburo... We listen to them, though. But what he was doing in that meeting was he was saying, we are going to hold you accountable, Haas, as the Politburo, meaning we're going to discipline you and say you have to resign. But constitutionally, it's not within your power.
And I told him that.
I said, John, constitutionally, we have to have order here.
You can't unilaterally decide that I need to resign and be kicked off a leadership just because it's how you feel even if you convince the entirety of the Politburo it's how you feel the executive board would then have to deliberate and make that kind of decision. Okay?
That is just the procedure we have written down in our Constitution.
You want to say that makes me a cult leader?
Call me a cult leader.
No, a guy from the Politburo, who's literally my deputy in the legal department, does not unilaterally reserve the right to discipline me or to remove me from my chair position. Okay. It's ridiculous. I told him this in the meeting and I'm going to
tell you guys the same thing here. At our convention,
hundreds of people voted to ratify our constitution. What gives John the right to shit all over
our constitution just because he feels a certain way? What gives him that fucking right? right we don't know but he switched up very suddenly and he
wasn't rationally explaining himself line by line point by point i responded to everything he said
and what it sounded like to me and almost everyone else there, besides Danny,
is that John was throwing everything he could on the wall,
he was throwing shit on the wall to see what sticks, and nothing was sticking.
And that was making him very frustrated.
And he was looking flustered.
He was looking frustrated. And there was a
desperation in that man's eyes, which if you watch the clip, actually, I don't know, that's a different
meeting. Same desperation though, you know? But yeah, yeah, you want to think think you want to ask me
my best guess
about the real
explanation behind
why he did all that
I think he got a
fucking knock on the door
I think he was in the middle
of litigation
someone found out this was against a federal informant.
He got a knock on the fucking door.
Maybe they have dirt on him.
I'm not going to reveal everything.
But maybe they have dirt on him.
And they blackmailed him and they told him if you don't do what we
say now basically you're our bitch now you have to do what we say and one of the things they
tasked him with is getting everyone in leadership to turn against me and And he literally tried that
out of the blue randomly.
Like suddenly and out of the fucking blue.
All right?
I have no
proof for this.
And granted, there are other theories
about what could have happened to John. Maybe it took too much of a psychological toll on him. For someone that likes to talk about psychology so much, he probably was just projecting and he was brought over the edge because of the stress and how overwhelming he found all of the work to be.
That's one of the theories as well. It's my responsibility to give you all of the theories about what's going on with John.
But for the first week of the new year
we were all struggling desperately
to figure out what the
fuck this guy's problem was
because he wasn't being honest
about it at any of these meetings
when I responded to John in full
he did not
respond to me back. All he did
was tell the rest of the Politburo to speak
up, and they
really had nothing to say in his defense.
He didn't.
And then finally, John
and Danny, for that matter, both acquiesced by the end of that Friday meeting. By the end of the Friday meeting, John and Danny did not say, Haas, you dominated the conversation. Haas, this was not fair. No, we need to do this for longer. Haas, this is not satisfactory.
This is not enough.
By the end of that meeting, guess what we did?
I said, all right, guys, we have to have another meeting in two days
or however long, where we're basically going to talk about...
We're going to talk about, um,
we're going to talk about the recruitment drive and the,
and stuff like that, right?
The actual immediate business we had to attend to.
Everyone agreed.
Everyone fucking agreed
everyone was like all right
Danny goes
we said what we had to say
now let's move forward
a new chapter
we're better for this
we're going to be united
was nothing he had nothing to we're going to be united John was
he had nothing to say
so for all we knew
everything was fine
now John
it turns out
everything wasn't
fine for him
for Danny
everything was fine
as far as what he was telling everyone.
But John was like,
still needs to be held accountable.
He kept telling Eddie and the Midwestern Marx guys that.
He kept telling everyone else that,
telling Grayson that,
everyone kept asking what do they think should happen,
what do they want? he needs to be held accountable
he needs to resign he's through this nobody understands what he's he's going through some shit in his
head mentally right because he's got this i started to get confused because i was like, this guy really has an issue with me.
Like, straight up, I don't really know this guy that well.
And I'm like, he's got resentment toward me.
And I picked, I put this down to like basic group resentment dynamics.
We're like, yeah, I'm the leader. Infrared
loves me. I'm super popular. And he's got this resentment toward me. And I just tried not to take
it personally. I was like, oh, he's just got this fucking issue with me. I got frustrated because
he wouldn't call me. You wouldn't message me. You wouldn't
tell me. You wouldn't be upfront about any of it. He wasn't being honest about what his real issue was
coming from. And I was just assuming that he was like, oh, you know, he's got this issue with me.
It's pathological. It's personal.
It's visceral.
And that was being corroborated by a lot of the shit he was telling.
For example, let me tell you guys something.
Let me tell you something really weird, right?
John told some of us that Haas reminds me of this friend I had
in high school who took a lot
of drugs and was drinking all the time
and then got into a car accident
and crashed into a car. And he was my
best friend and he did that.
And they were like, but Haas doesn't do drugs or anything.
He doesn't really drink at all or whatever.
And then John was like, yeah, yeah, but like she's like, you know, but like it just reminds me of that friend.
We were just like, what the fuck, dude?
They were like, what the fuck?
I was like, what the fuck? dude? They were like, what the fuck? I was like, what the fuck?
What are you even talking about, dude?
He's like, it reminds me my friend in Heist.
I was like, all right, this is like some psychology shit.
I'm not a fucking therapist.
I'm not a psychiatrist.
I'm also not his parents, and he's not my infant baby, and I don't know how to intuit his crybaby emotions. So I was getting frustrated with John a lot. Frustration was building up internally from me, because like this guy just won't fucking tell us what his problem is but i i kept
it cool i didn't say anything sunday meeting i show up on time on the dot everything was planned everything
was like organized it went very smoothly. The Sunday meeting, which John was
present at and was recording at. We sorted out all the urgent business we had to do. And after that
meeting, John was messaging people. Like, I'm very happy about how that went.
You know?
It was very good.
So I'm thinking, all right, he's going to calm down.
It's all chill.
He just needs space.
We're chill.
Like, everything's fine.
All right.
Um, so, like, I basically am like, all right, whatever.
Now, the week, John goes silent.
He stops talking to anyone. Except Christian. He keeps talking to Christian, and he's keeping up the appearance and the impression that everything is going fine.
Don't worry, everything's going fine. Things have been going swimmingly we're good turns out in that
period he was drafting his like little manifesto whatever that he shared um wednesday's meeting
we have pressing business to attend to.
We start the meeting.
John opens up in his little camera with his suit.
It has been, I have to, in good conscience, he's like super formal.
He's reciting a paper.
I hear about three sentences of it.
And I just go,
this is not the time and place for this.
We actually have shit we have to get to and attend to.
Could have brought this up literally any time before.
You had Friday.
After Friday, you could have reached out to any of us and communicated that this.
But he wanted to make a theatrical performance about his resignation.
And I was kind of just like, John, if you want to leave, just fucking leave.
We have business to attend to.
Just fucking go then.
And he wouldn't talk to me.
He kept talking.
I started to get frustrated, all right?
He kept reciting his little
paper. I'm just like
he kept
telling everyone there,
like, due to the problems
with Haas and his psych,
motherfucker, what is it?
What problem?
I explode.
You saw it. That's what Danny shared.
That's what Danny shared.
He, of all the things to clip,
of all the things, he shared
the exact moment where I exploded.
Because I could not take it anymore. A week of trying to get through to this guy and understand what's going on.
After all of this, we're thinking everything's fine.
He's making these constant vague claims about how my leadership and my psychology and this and that and we don't fucking know why.
And I'm just like, dude, clearly this is a personal issue you have toward me that you can't
rationally communicate to anyone else. Instead of jumping in this meeting
and trying to at your last-ditch effort
convince all of leadership
to turn against me, why don't you
just fucking sort out your
personal issues with me
yourself? Because we tried
to deal with this criticism
for over a week. I'm
exhausted. I came back from rush on a 30
hour flight. The first thing I did was
get on that. We've tried
so hard to intuit what your problem
is. You're not being transparent about what the real
fucking problem is. He's not telling us what the real fucking problem is he's not
telling us what what what he's thinking and what he's feeling he's just being very vague just the vagueness
was killing me it's like well though because of hazes um because of his uh personality issues
and psychological issues.
It's like, but what are you talking about, man?
I feel like this is something that's convincing to an infrared viewer who's been watching me for years because like, am I
a crazy guy? Of course. On infrared
I'm crazy. Like I am. But
I don't feel like I'm that crazy when it comes to party
work. I really don't, right?
What he was saying was very vague and it just sounded like something like our infrared haters would say about me if the only way they knew me was from my streams so that
tipped me over the edge and I had enough. I was like, John,
you're wasting everyone's time because of this
strange, intimate problem you
have with me where you're
projecting your high school friend on me.
I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Stop wasting everyone's time here. We're trying to get work done and nobody signed up for this meeting
where you're just going to have a theatrical performance that you're going to resign
i was so convinced that john had been premeditating this and planning it, and it felt like a huge betrayal.
And I'm like, this guy is a lying snake.
Sunday, everything is fine and everything's fine in Alita, but you're just going to hit us with this out of the blue without any warning and any nothing, nothing to tell us that he didn't even tell us like guys
haz you know i'm really going to resign i'm really thinking about it you know this is bothering
he didn't say anything, right?
So yeah, I mean, I did lose my shit a little bit, and I blew up at him.
Because you know what?
He's constantly insulting me and talking about my psychology.
And put it in fucking perspective, guys i can only take so much shit as a human being all right i tried for a fucking week you should have seen the friday meeting where i was like
john i have nothing against you i
respect you a lot you're invaluable you're very important trying so hard to be conciliatory
like trying everything man i told him john please reach out i told him at the friday me john
anything at all please just reach out to me and talk to me.
Like, I don't know what your issue is or whatever. Just talk to me.
So, like, that's the context of why I exploded and I got emotional because it's like, listen, man, I thought this guy's my comrade.
And, like, he's's just he's just like not even treating me like a fucking
human being he's like
he's referring to me as an object
to the rest of it he wouldn't look at me
and confront me you know
and like I tried so hard to work with at me and confront me, you know?
And like, I tried so hard to work with this guy, and he just wouldn't
stop making these vague
claims about my psychology
and all these fucking issues.
Now, is it wise to explode and get angry?
No, but I'm also human, guys.
I'm not here to pretend that I'm Xi Jinping.
I'm not.
I'm a 28-year-old fucking streamer who has no experience running a party.
That's true.
I've never pretended otherwise.
I'm also a fucking human being but i do feel like if you
knew the full context of how much i put up with when it came to that fucking guy and how much i
tried and tried and tried you'd understand my fucking frustration because he was not being honest he he wasn't being transparent, and he was at that
point insulting all of us, because he revealed that he was premeditating this the entire time
by writing this entire document and preparing for this entire theatrical performance.
Meanwhile, he was lying to everyone saying that everything is going swimmingly and everything is going smoothly.
So I knew that he basically that there was nothing I could have done to dissuade him from resigning.
But after he left, we did kind of talk and we were like, look,
Haas, you got angry, but we still, it would be useful to still have him.
He's still the lawyer.
There's still things he needs to do for us.
There's certain legal stuff we need to attend to still. Business stuff, procedure stuff.
And I'm like, you know what, guys, you're right. I will swallow my pride.
And I will literally call John and apologize and do whatever the fuck I need to do or say
to just trick him. Yes, we wanted to trick him. To get back on board so that we could just
he could finish up. He can't wreck us and we could replace him
I'm like you're right
I shouldn't take this personally
let's just do what we have to fucking do
to trick this stupid little baby
to not fucking tank us
and cause a lot of grief
and hardship to our party.
And I would say that again.
And abs so fucking looting.
He was acting like an irrational fucking baby, not an adult.
He absolutely needed to be tricked and manipulated.
You know, to, to, to, to see reason. Because it's like, look, if I have to tell you, John that, oh, John, you're the best. Fine. If it's for the sake of our party,
I'll swallow my pride and basically you know
respond to his emotions because he's a fucking emotional baby right
he has no sense of duty and sacrifice of self for the collective principle, for the party, for the cause.
Fine, but you still have obligations like you need to finish up for the party that you already committed to.
Um... finish up for the party that you already committed to. So we would rather just have you, you know, continue finishing that up and then you can leave.
But we're rectifying that situation, by the way.
He's not the only lawyer we have on board.
But he was our lawyer legally in U.S. law.
That's why, guys.
That's why, because legally under U.S. law, he was the lawyer of the party that we had.
He was acting dishonorably, and we needed him to see reason.
He couldn't see reason, so at the very minimum, we needed to just talk to him and say what he
wanted to say, so he won't tank the party right um john then told a christian that don't worry i'm not going to be a
wrecker i'm not going to attack the party publicly i'm not going to do any of that stuff he swore
on his honor and he did anyway.
And now he is...
Uh... engaging in crude and embarrassing behavior look that's old
you didn't know who Haas from infrared was
I'm such a cringe embarrassing guy
you know?
And that's really old news. If you had a problem with it, you should have...
Again, nobody buys this in his letter.
The chairman did not review the Constitution until the night before. Again, it's not true.
It's not true. What I didn't do is go through with you exactly what the Constitution needs to be and how exactly, precisely, everything needs to be worded.
And the reason I couldn't do that
until the night before
is because I was debating
bouncy prax band,
bouncy ben
from the,
in New York,
a debate I had committed to
like four months before. And by the way, one of the things John
told me is that he said, the fact that you debated that bouncy Ben guy in New York means you
didn't put the party first. Yeah, because debate, yeah, because again, because he thinks the online
stuff isn't important. Got it. You should have
made clear you're a retarded fucking boomer who has no
comprehension of how the world works in 2025
or 2024 when you decided to jump on board with us.
If you had this idea
that we're going to start ACP
and then just like fully go offline,
like fucking Greenland is about to be annexed because of fucking Twitter,
all right?
Entire governments are going to be dissolved and toppled because
of fucking Twitter, all right? Yeah, social media does, if social media matters enough for the
DHS and the CIA and all the feds to manipulate it as much as they fucking do, I'm pretty sure
we should take it seriously too. Okay.
Anyway, he never communicated that expectation, though.
Again, it's a constant theme.
He never raised any issues.
He never raised any criticisms.
All he did was hold everything in until literally the last minute.
Right when I came back from Russia after getting bombed by High Mars and decide to, like, betray me then and there, because he felt like it was the right time.
The chairman deflected and blamed... No, what I blamed you for was gossiping in private and not being
transparent about what your fucking problems are okay literally Mao said the same thing just
fucking be upfront and and and honest about what your fucking issue is instead of gossiping
cults have arisen from this enable it wow um acp it's a call but there's no abuses there's no Wow.
ACP, it's a cult, but there's no abuses.
There's no nothing.
I don't even interfere in people's personal lives.
I don't do anything.
I don't tell you what to think. I don't.
It's just a cult because
I'm a very
powerful personality.
John is so concerned
about the cult of personality
within the party, that he basically
harms the integrity and trust in leadership
by doing this. Who the fuck should anyone trust now? How is anyone supposed to, you know, he's,
he's insulted everyone. He's, he's betrayed
the entire Politburo, everyone.
Because like, fuck, he's hurt
trust in leadership.
You guys trust me, no matter
what. That's true. This
movement predated the ACP.
Has he helped and undermining a party cult of personality by shaking everyone's trust and confidence in the fucking leadership in general as a collective?
No, he's reinforced everyone's trust in me.
If he had such a problem with a cult of personality, you'd think he would just prove to be a fucking capable leader in the party
in the Politburo.
I will be labeled a wrecker, a Fed, disloyal, and a traitor. Yeah, you will be because that's,
because that is what you are, John. That is what you are. My loyalty has been to the American people.
Your loyalty is to your own conception of what constitutes the American people. A conception you cannot
actually put into practice
by having any kind of collective association,
any kind of collective protocol,
collective pledge to actually
test and practice what that means
in a way that is shared with others
outside of your own fucking head john
fucking idiot your individual views about the american people mean very little you have to
prove that by an ability to work with others.
Anonymous, thank you, brother. I have a lot of people to thank in this stream. We know that the correct proletarian line can only be informed by practice.
I agree, right? That's the whole point.
So what are you going to practically do? You're going to fucking
try to destroy the ACP by doxing me and doing all this?
Okay, well, but, but look, look, let's say John, I want to tell you about John's utopia.
There was an age where there was no ACP.
Okay, John is saying, we need to destroy the ACP. We need to destroy Haas. Then the true communist movement will take shape. But John, there was already a period of time in which there was no Haas and there was no
ACP. It's called
literally all fucking
American history before
So your utopia is
2020? When is it?
Why didn't you show us true why didn't why have we not seen true communist
movements in the literal decades following 1991 before 2021 when infrared came on the scene, and before 2024, when ACP came on the scene.
Like, you've had a lot of time to prove practically that, you know, all practice, true practice is just wrecking and destroying the party.
But our party hasn't always existed.
And for the period of time in which our party did not exist,
will you be responsible and accountable for all the shortcomings and failures of the communist left in America?
If you could even call it that.
Will anyone listen to reason?
Not you guys, but our haters and our ops.
Guys, I don't know you personally.
You don't know me personally.
I don't care about you personally.
I'm sure you don't care about me personally either.
I'm sure what you actually care about is some like, I don't know, mental illness you have, which you project on me. That's fine.
But guys, like, what step two after destroying us? That's what I i i'm not curious about your motivations for
wanting to destroy us i don't care i'm curious about what step two is if you're a communist
in america destroy acp destroy haz destroy destroy us, bury us, kill us all.
What then? What's step two?
What actually is step two? What do you plan on doing after?
Are you going to organize?
Look, let me be full disclosure.
Like, we are all very young in leadership and in the rank and file, with few exceptions.
And the precedent, let me just be clear about something, right?
The precedent for successfully being able to establish a
communist party and a communist
is very, very
limited in the
social media age we live in.
It's very limited. The parties that have managed to do it, like the PSL, for example, they got $12 million from Roycingham. But granted, I'll grant them it i know it's not easy to form a collective
but they've existed for decades all the other alternatives have decades on us we are the new generation
doing this we are the new generation trying to test how to form a collective organization and a party from scratch, basically.
And it's not fucking easy, and I'm not saying we're perfect. I'm just saying like all the challenges we face, any other party that that starting fresh would have to face too
and i challenge any of our opponents to test their ability to weather those challenges and storms
a lot of you know step one their ability to weather those challenges and storms.
A lot of, you know, step one was always like, well, we're irrelevant and no one cares about us.
That challenge we overcame by getting the social media thing locked down, right?
Stalin, appreciate you, man.
So we weathered that storm.
Being able to come to an agreement between people who have different points of view, that's another storm we weathered.
The sectarianism thing, we, we, we, we got past
that hurdle right away because how? The merger of infrared with Midwestern marks wasn't easy. It
took many, many, many months. But we did it.
And we did it on a bigger scale.
We also thought we did it with Danny, who came from PSL, but Danny was one of the people who fell through the cracks, guess but in any case our party people who come
from diverse perspectives not just infrared that wasn't easy to do wasn't easy to do and the
other hurdle was praxis what can we do
how do we organize people
we have passed so many
hurdles so quickly
so successfully so seamlessly
that's why there's an that's why
ACP is on these people's minds that's why these
wreckers have us in their head like that's why they're thinking about us in the
first place because they can see what all of you can see we are a very
successful promising party for only existing for like five six months all right there is so much promise hope and belief in this party ask me chairman of the party if i think two or three fucking people
wrecking is going to
just put an end to all that.
Do you think I'm going to let that happen
over my fucking dead body?
Over my dead body.
Put some bullets in
before that happens. Because that's what you'll have to do
before I will ever be, I will ever even entertain the possibility that a party like this
is going to be destroyed by a few traders, individuals.
All right.
Nobody's saying we're perfect.
We're just asking what the fuck is your alternative? And if you have an alternative, walk the walk and show us. And maybe we'll learn something from you. If Brie, Danny,
and John can form the crybaby wrecker retard party and
actually shine where we
you know
don't and and excel where we
can't we will actually
have an internal discussion be like you know what
let's learn from them they're doing it the right way.
We'll be happy to bow our hats because the whole foundation and basis of our party, the whole foundation and the whole basis is practice and practical results and yielding practical results okay um and that is the
entire like point we don't i'm not i'm not going to be pressed to listen to Danny Shaw, talk about how I, a man who is a full foot shorter than him, and who is like 20 years younger than him, somehow groomed him and used all of these nefarious
psychological methods to brainwash him. I'm not going to be pressed and listen to Danny
Shaw's psychobabble nonsense about how much I have, you know, I've, I've, I've, uh, how much a victim he is to me.
I'm not, but you know what I will? Yeah, and then I'm a sorcerer as well, you know, but you know what I will?
Yeah, and then I'm a sorcerer as well, you know, but you know what I will listen to?
I'll listen to practical results.
Show me how to do it better.
Show me how we do it better.
You know?
Like, go do some shit that outshines us, that surpasses us.
And I will be the first to publicly admit that you guys were right and I was wrong.
But if your whole clout and your whole relevance comes from destroying and shitting on us
failing to do it by the way but nonetheless that's where all of your prestige and your clout
and everything is coming from.
show me.
Show me how it's done.
criticize me,
criticize ACP.
Go ahead. Do do it do it but
Show me how it's done in practice though like back up your criticism with some fucking walking the walk not talking to talk
Show me prove it in practice we're doing it the wrong way show me, prove it in practice.
We're doing it the wrong way.
Show us the right way in practice.
Show how you can do it better in practice.
John, go, you know what's so stupid about this John guy?
It's assuming he's not being compromised and he didn't get a knock on the fucking door from feds, which is my leading
suspicion. Full disclosure.
but like, dude, John, if I would have acquiesced to you and did what you wanted, you would have been the leader of the party and you would have had a cult of personality because we're literally going to throw the Constitution away because of your feelings.
That's what you demanded of us and wanted from us.
John, if you want to be the big boss, you actually have a shot at being that.
Work hard in the party and challenge my seat at the National Congress in a year or two.
If you want my social media prestige and loyalty, go build an audience and make them loyal to you.
Although, full disclosure, I kind of feel like that's going to be hard to do,
considering you've just showed your hand and revealed to everyone that you're a fucking disloyal
rat who conducts himself in such a fake and dishonorable way.
Your character has been put on full display, John.
Anything you reveal about me, like, it's not gonna surprise anyone
I've never lied about who I was to the
fucking public dude
you got too arrogant
you thought you got close to me
knowing me and I know
your name Haas your name's Ali
yeah yeah you know so fucking
much don't you John but? But what you forgot, John, is that nobody knows me better than my own fucking people, my guerrillas. Not you, John. They know me. John, you thought, you really thought you're going to release this publicly and everyone's going to turn on me.
You got too confident in the proximity you had toward me.
It's the classic law of the gatekeepers.
He tried to represent this oligarchical tendency where he's treating me like I'm the monarch and he's
going to be the oligarch. And just like Daniel Tutte said, I'm the father of the horde. And the Freudian thing
has to happen where the oligarchs rise up and kill the father
of the horde and then whatever.
He thought that's what the dynamic was going to be.
John, my people
are this chat, you see.
The people in our party,
the rank and file, not see. The people in our party, the rank and file.
Not you.
The reason everyone was happy to see me yell at you, John, is because we are all working
for them, not you.
Not ourselves.
You are a fucking PMC lawyer.
We have rank and file people that are blue-collar workers
working with their fucking hands every day on job sites.
You bet your fucking ass, they're
smiling and happy if I'm humbling
a motherfucker like you when you're stepping
out of line.
You may be big shit as
a lawyer in American
society and bourgeois society,
but in this party, you submit to the authority
and the discipline of the proletariat.
And in this party, the proletariat just so happened to have invested their faith and their
confidence in a fucking hairy Arab guy from Diorgio. happened to have, invested their faith and their confidence,
and a fucking hairy Arab
guy from Dearborn called
And that trust
they gave to me.
This community infrared always been at least 40, 50% blue collar.
They hear me yelling.
I'm their guy.
They chose me.
Oh, but you're not a proletarian, Hos.
You're right.
I'm nothing like a proletarian, Haas. You're right. I'm nothing like a proletarian
on a personal level.
But they see me as their
When I'm yelling, that's their
rage and their fucking anger that they feel.
It's not me.
I'm Ali.
I came from a great family.
I had a great future lined up for me.
I don't need to do this.
This personality you fucking hate so much
is born of loyalty and devotion to the voice of the working man,
which I don't need to do for material and personal self-interest, I never needed to. to I could have been a lawyer just like you, John.
I really could have.
I was naturally fucking gifted.
I didn't even study for the fucking outside.
I got like 160, 165 or some shit. I don't even study for the fucking else at. I got like 160,
165 or some shit. I don't even remember.
And then I fucking breezed through my 1L of
law school while streaming.
You know how
fucking hard that is, man? Streaming full
time in 1L?
It's not easy, all right?
That's how gifted I was at this shit.
And I still couldn't sleep at night.
Because I had a lot of shit to say that I wasn't saying to the world.
That I felt like needed to be said,
because every time I'd log on fucking Twitter or YouTube or anything else,
and I'd see the stupid poison that these retards running around in bread tube and elsewhere
were giving to people. I was just like
fuck if only I could throw my two cents
in and I had so much discipline I kept
where I was like no it's not worth it.
But then I had enough
and I had a fucking breaking point, you know?
and here I am you got such a personal issue with me you don't even know
what the fuck i am man um um I'm not loyal to John
as a person as an individual.
I'm not loyal to Bree as an individual. I'm not loyal to Brie as an individual.
I'm not loyal to fucking Danny's stupid
as Shaw as an individual.
I'm not even necessarily
loyal as individuals
to my own followers and supporters.
I'm loyal
to the cause of the communist movement. I'm loyal to the cause of the communist movement. I'm loyal to what builds us. I'm
loyal to what expands us. What brings us power. What brings power to the working class. I'm not
going to be like them and say, oh, I'm loyal to the entirety of the
American people. I will be more precise to you. I am loyal to results. Results, comrades,
results. That's what I'm loyal to. I'm not loyal to people as individuals. I'm loyal to results that are for the common good of us all. Results that can be measured. Results that like jizien ping is loyal to results that increase
the quality of life index of the chinese people i'm loyal to results that strengthen and make more
powerful and prestigious the communist cause and movement and the cause of the proletariat.
And I'm not Xi Jinping. I'm a 28-year-old fucking kid. Well, I'm not a kid. I'm 28, but whatever.
Danny thinks I am.
28-year-old fucking guy
from Michigan.
All right.
I'm very inexperienced
when it comes to party organization.
Absolutely true.
Like, it's true.
But judge me by the results.
Don't judge me by, you know, being an imperfect individual who yells and calls John Jackman a faggot,
judge me by the results, because at the end of the day, calling people mean words and mean
names means nothing. Results mean everything. And so Arkansas.
Danny messes me before the meeting to Curry favor.
Yeah, yeah, look.
Danny, this is something I left out, but I'll mention.
There's so many things I'm taking for granted.
I'm sure I'm skipped through a lot of things.
Danny and John reached out to everyone
individually on a one-on-one basis.
He messaged everyone,
basically saying,
we're about to do a coup in the Senate.
Do I have your support?
Literally, that's what they were saying.
Like, not ad verbatim, but that was the gift of it.
They were, like, reaching out to all the senators, like, do I have your support for a coup in the Senate?
They reached out to everyone but me.
They reached out to the other
executive board, Eddie and them,
they were having none of it. They reached out to
Grayson and the, Grayson said, look,
say what you're saying in public, right?
Danny did, Danny is very Machiavellian.
Bro, Danny was sending these messages to Darg.
Danny was like,
it was so weird.
It was like these voice messages he would send to Darg.
Darg shared them with me.
He was like,
you know, comrade,
I don't really know how I feel about him calling John a faggot.
You know, that...
He was like whispering for some fucking reason.
It was literally like a movie where it's like...
He's like behind the corner in the Coliseum with the other set you know I don't know
are we gonna do he's like bro Danny is this like six eight giant retard but he is surprisingly
very sneaky in Machiavelli.
You'd think I would respect
him if he was like the violent type
who just rich, no!
He's just like beating people up and shit.
But he's like a bitch.
He's like bitch made. He's like a sneaky.'s like bitch made he's like a sneaky
he's like varies from game of thrones he's like the master of
whispers you would the least person you would expect
of being such a conniving conspiratorial machiavellian
guy but he is. He really is. And he absolutely has that character.
I don't know what to say.
Look, I don't know what to think about John.
What he told me as far as what the attorneys were saying.
I mean, he could have been lying.
I don't know. He's lied about a lot of things. Or he could have been telling the truth and he got a fucking knock on the door. I don't know what to think. All I know is what you know. Combined with the facts about who Bree's ex-boyfriend was, I think there's a lot going on behind the scenes that we just don't know about.
And we caught wind of it before it happened.
I shared a message in the telegram saying,
we have gained intel.
Because let me tell you another thing.
We've penetrated a lot of our enemies
communications um almost all of them and they were plotting something they were talking about
very vague they were talking about something. We saw, look at Bree.
Bree is making these vague threats.
Making these vague, vague threats, like,
oh, stay tuned.
We're getting other threats coming from other directions, you know?
So, absolutely.
We knew something was coming.
We didn't know exactly what.
But I put two and two together, especially with the John stuff.
See, the John stuff is so weird.
Like, he has this promising, as far as I know, he's calling me with these updates about this incredibly promising legal case.
And like very suddenly, very suddenly, he flips.
As soon as his attorneys tell him that he thinks these guys that he's suing our federal informants,
he suddenly like swips, like a few weeks after that, he flips.
What the fuck was that?
Super fucking weird, all right?
Super fucking weird all right super fucking weird um super fucking weird um super fucking weird Phr- You know, Oh, yeah, I mean, look, I don't know what to say.
I don't know why people are insinuating that the party is over or something, and now it's... Why? How? Based on what?
Based on what? Like, for what?
I got to wrap. I got to finish this.
Um, in terms of what I wanted to wrap. I got to finish this.
In terms of what I wanted to say.
No, the party will keep going.
Nothing changed, basically. Uh, a few people decided to break ranks because they didn't have the
discipline so totally something we couldn't foresee whatever whatever happened um and also we lost
another guy who's named Adam to hear
there was a lot of fan fiction being built up about Adam to hear for a very long time
and it's all over
it's all over I mean
good luck with this new doxing attempts to find.
I am a guy who has zero criminal record, not public at all.
Never used my real name online, ever.
Never been public. Always kept a low profile but good luck there are
many many john smith the illiteral lebanese equivalent of john smith you can look through now johnny the
retard is literally now, I'm being told.
Johnny, you said I was Adam to hear for three years.
Now you're claiming I'm Ali K. Hamoud.
don't you think you have some explaining to do about how you got the first one wrong?
Now this one.
Dude, your first mistake was just looking up
on Google, a guy named Adam to hear,
and deciding that was me.
Do your due diligence this time.
You already fucked up again, you fucking autistic retard.
I haven't addressed that guy in a very long time, but frankly, like, why embarrass yourself
again with another fake docs
how long did I tell you guys I wasn't Adam to hear
how long did I tell you guys that
all right a long time nobody believe me they know
he's denying it. It must be true.
Now I'm trying to tell you guys, you are,
look, I got doxed.
I'm not denying it.
I've never lied to you guys who I was.
Um... lied to you guys who I was.
I prefer not for it to be public for my family's sake.
But the more you learn about who I actually fucking am, to be completely honest,
the more you're going to fucking find out that actually literally everything
the haters have ever said about me
was completely fucking wrong.
I'm just telling you, okay?
Literally everything.
Everything they were saying was wrong.
And I am not afraid of anything or scared of anything.
Now, let me tell you something funny before i move on i have actually leaked my first name on accident before on stream but no one caught it.
Nobody caught it.
I was mocking, I think, the pronunciation of people not being able to say Ali.
And I mentioned that because I was growing up and I was like, oh fuck afterwards people reached out.
They're like, yo, I deleted the Vod.
Nobody caught it.
None of the ops caught it at least.
But I was like, oh shit.
But you know why I love this fucking community?
Everyone here is saying they all caught it.
Fucking word for years.
You want to talk about a cult?
Like you guys knew and didn't say shit.
Because you're my people.
Not even a single fucking person leaked.
Who the fuck has that kind of community?
Who the fuck has that kind of community? Who the fuck has, you know, that's what they're saying is a cult, by the way.
You're telling me I have a community of hundreds of anonymous people who literally found out my real name and didn't say a fucking word, not one of them.
Not one of them.
But John, who's a lawyer, who is, I knew in person and in real life, as soon as they find
five months later, they docks me.
You tell me what's real and what's online.
How fucking crazy is that?
I don't even know all of you offline.
And you had that much loyalty and respect for me.
I'm completely out of loss for words on that.
You know?
Completely out of loss for words.
Um... completely had a loss for words. Again, he wasn't our only lawyer, and we're going,
he got a lot of legal stuff on our plate now okay and yeah we're going to be taking action against a lot of people especially people that got a little too
comfortable with how shit has happened and gone down.
Strill Stani, thank you so much, man. Ah... I want to show you guys something, which is some of the footage from what happened in Donbass.
Assan, thank you so much, brother. Tar, you too. I want to show you guys some of that footage. It's right. Okay. All right, we'll do it this way.
So this is not the full footage, but this is just some of it.
This is like very little of it, like the first few seconds.
So this was the hotel we were staying at.
And let me show you here it is?
So that...
I'm literally right here with the coffee.
I don't know if you can hear the first explosion.
This was right after the first explosion
it was like a little shaky
we didn't do anything then right
only after the next few explosions
did we
um did we start to run to the back, which was not captured because literally, yeah.
Hold on, wait, let me see.
Yeah, see, you me see. Yeah, see you hear that.
That was the second one.
You see that?
So he said I made all of that up
he said I was lying about that
here we are in the aftermath
talking about what happened
this um
this woman was great
her name is Batul she's viral
she actually in this video I think
calls me by my real name
I told her
yo you gotta delete it whatever
but she had no bad intentions.
It was just an accident.
So we were all talking about it in the aftermath after.
I think you'll see me.
We are arguing about what happened.
No, no, we were on the lobby.
So we went to the place.
This will be actually on the lobby. So we went to the business. This would be actually
for us.
What about this situation?
It's messed up, man.
Yeah, I mean,
there it is, all right?
you know, he's saying i made that up well well there's proof that i wasn't making it up okay Okay.
Um, and they reported it was 300 meters away from our hotel.
That's what they told us, okay?
That's what up, man.
That's kind of true that it's kind of true for what has just happened, right?
It's pretty messed up.
Now, let me make sure everything's good. Look, we have very good news coming for the party.
We have more exciting news to announce that's going to be on the way.
And our party will march forward just fine.
I mean, yeah, like damn, that's crazy.
Is there anything else you guys want me to address or talk about that I may be left out or forgot to talk about?
Oh yeah, the thing about us going to New York
on Sunday.
Again, I was planning
and so was Kyle to go to New York
to basically,
well, there's a Costco strike coming up so that was one of them
but all that was was this good we were going to go to New York
and we were basically going to
create more close work
between the guys in Buffalo and the guys in new york city long story short we felt like
new york city was kind of a bubble and that there needed to be more influence from buffalo
because there were kind of um it's for the sake of
being a New York chapter, not just a New York chapter.
And I was going to go in person out of respect
to Spiros, to the New York
rank and file, New York City rank and file and leadership to tell
them like, look, we're not here to disrespect. We're not here to just issue orders. We want to talk
and move forward with a good way to go through with us. So that was the whole New York shit.
Is there anything else?
Appreciate you.
I'm going to thank everyone.
Don't worry.
Thank you to everybody so far.
But I want to make sure we have everything covered.
Is there anything you guys feel like I left out?
The new Abe.
Oh, Abe is
somebody who evidently
Danny doesn't know but who the rest of us do know
and Danny is... That's just Danny's like own
and not doing his due diligence to
familiarize himself with the rest of the
Abe is great.
He's known in the party and he's, he does very good work.
He called him Spy Abe for some reason.
I don't know why that is.
There he is, Abe, 2036.
So, yeah, Danny called him a spy.
No one knows why.
He's been a day one. Yeah guess brie is the last thing you're right i have some things to say about brie um brie is somebody who has always been motivated by pathological pettiness personality and that's it
that's being charitable
because it kind of seems like she was just here to
find a boyfriend frankly
she kept harassing Eddie in a really
prolific and persistent way.
Eddie did not
feel comfortable with it for how personal
she wanted to make it and stuff.
we overlooked all of that because she did very good organizing the relief efforts for Hurricane Helene as the North Carolina chapter.
We awarded her the title of Hero of the Party because we thought this was a person who had all these bad and harmful tendencies online and who was reforming because of real life work.
We were very moved by it and impressed by it.
Very naively, we were like, now Bree has touched grass and, you know, she's shaping up to be a very good
leader, very good organizer
Jackson's tweets
just kept taking her off
the Hassan thing
that was one of them
she started attacking Jackson in public
I said listen Bree this is going to divide the party
let's handle it internally so it doesn't cost chaos
she said okay let's do it
I said okay comrade brey has issued her criticism we the executive board
are going to respond she criticized us internally and we decided we were going to respond um so uh we did we typed up a very long thing
meticulously responding to all of her criticisms and more and criticizing her
and we sent it to the party internally for internal circulation,
giving her the full right to respond and defend herself.
But it's a process.
You don't just shit on us and make demands of us and we listen to you.
We share our perspective.
You share yours and we work through it as a dialectic.
The minute, the minute that document dropped, Bree quit the party.
She quit.
She didn't get her way.
She criticized us. She didn't get her way. And she quit. She didn't get her way. She criticized us.
She didn't get her way.
And she quit.
She didn't stay in struggle.
She didn't stay and assert the correctness of her position or her line.
She just quit.
I told people, Bree, quit.
It's fine. Don't attack her her it's totally okay she decided it's not for her nothing was a problem then jackson's tweets kept bothering her e jay thank you man jackson's kept bothering her, and she was brought to the point where,
I don't know, she had negative interactions with the community
because she kept shitting on us, and there's only so much I can do to control people.
Because at the end of the day, you're not just shitting on me and Jackson.
You're shitting on other people's hard work.
And then she decided to conspire with Danny and John or something to blow everything up.
And then she goes, we don't have to follow false orders and a false party.
It's fine.
Go form an organization where everyone agrees unanimously about literally everything,
there's never any disagreements between the orders given to you and your own subjective views
and see how long it fucking lasts, where every time there's a party line
you disagree with
you get to just
wreck the whole
fucking thing
good luck with that
Bree is a very petty
person who disguises their, like, they're totally motivated by pathology and personal feeling, but they'll disguise it on the basis of like a principled theoretical stance, which it's not. There's no principle theoretical stance because
she was dating a very interesting
character, which we didn't reveal.
It's all the... Jackson tweeted
positively by Andrew Tate one time.
Bree had a cover photo of the Black Panther
Party who had a literal rapist
in its leadership, Eldridge Cleaver,
who openly talked about his past of raping women for sport across train tracks in Sol on Ice,
which was publicly published in 68 or 69.
Brey Alc. published in 68 or 69. Bree also was dating a guy from Blackhammer who was in trouble with the fed feds and didn't tell any of us he was in trouble and it made us all mistrust him and incredibly suspicious of him. Remember the guy that
disappeared for like two weeks? And we were like, where the fuck is this guy? He just like disappeared.
And then some of our people did their due diligence and found out, and he was being detained and investigated, and he was going through it. And we didn't know. He didn't tell any of us. He immediately came back and we issued the order that no contact. Don't't trust this guy kick him out of the chats
because he didn't tell us he got detained we don't
fucking know what he's going to do you know
that's brie
look everyone's wondering
if acp is such a threat why aren't the feds working against it?
They are. You're seeing it now. You're seeing it literally now. Okay. The feds are working overtime against us. And this is an example of it. All right.
The reason they haven't thrown us in jails is because they had no pretext.
Thanks to Danny,
they are going to open an investigation probably.
I welcome them to whatever they need to you know
to do
because I'm confident that
Danny's a liar
that I'm completely innocent
I'm not running guns or anything
it's fucking insanity
also Danny got detained fucking insanity.
Also, Danny got detained at the airport.
Maybe something fucking happened when he was detained.
We don't know.
But I have no information pursuant to that.
Yeah. Bree is a liar and a hypocrite, if there ever was one.
She's not worth taking seriously.
She made some claims about RTSG.
Ah, the claim she's making about RTSG is that RTSG did their due diligence and documented the fact that Brie has a history of making, like, tweets that probably would not sit well with her newfound supporters, um, from racism to, like, anti-Semitism or something.
So that's what she's like a hardcore jqer basically which is fine whatever it's not fine but i'm not here
to cancel people or censor them for it but it casts into doubt these new alliances you're making with these leftist
libtards that are accusing us of anti-Semitism. So Danny Shaw accused us of anti-Semitism. But
Brie is an open J-Cure and we're not. So why don't you hold her to a standard, Danny? You praised Bree as this heroic
person, but she's actually like a real J-Qer. Yes, she is. She hates Jews. Whatever. I mean, I don't think Jews are
oppressed and, you you know need to be
protected as a vulnerable minority but alas we do not share her views and she has those you know
so yeah those, you know? So, yeah.
By the way, notice how
by the way, nobody fucking like nobody um nobody um gives a shit about brey we all knew this
we're all including the stuff about the black hammer guy, we said nothing.
She was running her mouth in public this whole time we said nothing.
But, yeah, I think it's fair
for us to reveal this now,
because, frankly,
people have the right to fucking know the full truth.
Also, Danny, why is danny calling jackson anti-semitic when he made that fucking famous instagram post which we got flack for
where he like i don't know he curses the Jews
or so I don't fucking know what he does in there
but he made a very
very interesting
Instagram post
which we got flack for
it's just funny
we're not worthy anti-Semites right
so stupid
it's like when Trotsky worked with the Nazis
and then the Trotsky is called
Stalin and anti-Semite.
It's just kind of strange.
Um... Ha-Hawr... Ha... You know, So again, a lot of our enemies are running with the gun running thing.
Fucking prove it.
Prove that I ever talked about smuggling weapons anywhere for that matter.
They're saying, oh, he's a Fed for saying that.
No, the Fed is the guy making that up out of his ass from nowhere. All right? Oh, yeah. Me, Dan Cohen, and Kim Ives and Kyle, we're all feds, but Danny Shaw, the guy making up this accusation without any corroboration, any proof, not even a shrivel of evidence, is not a fed.
Okay, sure.
What do you want?
I mean, we're going to literally sue this guy for that, by it.
The reason Danny Shaw talked about how he's going to fight in the courts is because
he is
well aware of the fact that he's
engaging in liable and he's going to be held accountable for it.
actionable libel.
Someone said it was probably a joke y'all made.
No, we didn't even joke about that.
That's the strange thing.
We never even joked about it.
You know why it's stupid?
Because one of the fact-finding things we were asking is we were like, who is funding barbecue?
How is barbecue being armed?
Because we actually knew that barbecue didn't need weapons.
It's one of the things we wanted to know about.
Like, why, how is this guy getting so much weapons already?
Like, into Haiti, you know?
We wanted to know. Not because we wanted to be involved in it, but because we were like, well, who's backing this guy? Who's funding him? Because that would have factored into our judgment about what statement we should release in relation to the intervention in Haiti.
We, it's not because we were going to get involved in it.
We never said that. Nobody insinuated that. Nobody implied that.
We were trying to find out information because we didn't know what was going on in Haiti. But Dan Cohen and
Kim Ives do know what's going on because they actually have experience in Haiti. Whereas
Danny Shaw has friends in Haiti, about three people, one of whom lives in Brazil, apparently, and everything was very personal and whatever for him.
So, yeah, it was a fact-finding investigation to know what the facts are for our position on Haiti.
We have no, we're never going to go to Haiti, we're never going to do anything in Haiti. No. I mean, the weapons smuggling when I'm making
$3,000 a month. Yeah, sure. What a stupid fucking thing to say.
Again, but you know why.
It's to open us up to a federal investigation.
Because feds lack a legal pretext.
They lack a formal pretext for an investigation because there is not even a drop of us, anything that we're doing anything illegal. Nothing. Nothing. The doxing is to threaten my family. Yeah, yeah.
Russia is going to use a
fucking streamer
for something like that.
That's totally plausible, right?
Stupid fucking thing to say.
Daniel Burke has chimed in.
I don't...
Daniel Burke just,
he just wants Schiller to be the,
Daniel Burke has just wanted everyone to be,
go to Schiller,
all right,
and you can go and sing in their choirs.
Of course,
Danny is,
Daniel is going to attack me okay
he like
you know
what can I say
he's a he's an actual
fuck it's so stupid actual lyrushite.
Fuck, it's so stupid. You know, I will take some responsibility here and say,
I feel like we let you guys down by trusting these fucking freaks.
I feel like we let the party down by bringing in John,
bringing in Danny,
and awarding Bree hero of the party.
We know now, you know, we didn't have the experience and we're learning about what human nature is.
I don't know.
But we... You know, sad guys, I genuinely thought John was like a comrade.
I was like, oh, John, he's a comrade.
Great guy.
You have no fucking idea how much I would talk up this guy, John.
Everyone I talked to.
People who don't like him.
And I would defend him and say, no, John's great.
And that's why it was so shocking because John was like a comrade.
We thought he was.
But how the fuck did he randomly do this shit?
But what can we say, you know?
What can we say, you know? What can we say?
I feel like I'm missing something.
I feel like I'm like there's something I still need to say.
What is it?
I don't know what's going on with DDG.
What is Sarah saying? I don't know what's going on with DDG. What is Sarah saying?
I don't know what's going us a cult.
At the end of the video you mentioned sarah what video oh oh that got leaked well we yes had had suspicions about sarah um absolutely we had to factor in whether that was a factor as far's for it. We didn't know what was going on with John, so we were like, is this Sarah?
Sarah was upset.
Because you were what we were discussing.
We were discussing Sarah was upset with Jackson and Jackson's tweet.
So like, is the reason John doing this because Sarah is telling him,
you know, we didn't know. We, of course, we're going to put that on the table and discuss it.
But it actually wasn't something we were convinced, or I was, it's not something we
really had evidence for or
had any leads with respect to.
It's just like
one of the things we had to consider.
Um, I don't know what business Sarah has to attack Jackson in public about anything. When she branded herself as Mussolini's granddaughter and kept joking about how she's a fascist and how she's a big Mussolini fan. But that was all a joke, apparently. So I don't know what she wants or what her problem is.
But I met two of the DDG people in person.
And yeah, I mean, what can I, I had no issues with them.
I wasn't like best friends with them because, yeah, I'm such an antisocial person or whatever. I wasn't in Donbass to be friends with everyone
for the whole time.
I was there
to do work for the party.
By work for the party,
I mean,
build relations,
international relations, a friendship and comradeship, with Russians, Russian communists, not, not, you know, I mean, look, I don't know. not not
you know
I mean look
I don't know
what to tell you
you know
I had no issues
with them
I mean
what can I say see
see you know guys the you know guys isn't this the reason why
it's just you shouldn't leak shit because now look
now they've leaked some information, which forced me to come forward with all the information, basically.
And the issue is that now we're playing games of speculation.
Like we don't know the full truth.
But there are a lot of damning different leads.
And we're all like, we don't know who to trust.
We don't know what the fuck is going on.
We don't tell you guys all of that because we don't know the full we don't know exactly what the
what's going on all the time we have leads and suspicions Danny Shaw said more would be coming in the days
a tushay you know
we will respond proportionately i don't know what else could come
probably more tall tales and lies We'll respond proportionately.
I mean, whatever.
You know, I hope he releases the information about me smuggling guns or whatever.
I feel like that would be very...
I feel like he has a responsibility to do that now, because he made the accusation.
He claimed were banned from New York.
I may go to New York next month, so we'll see, Danny. yeah i mean uh what can i say what can i say
i hope What can I say?
I hope they're working together and they know what's legal and what's not legal.
He's scary though. Yeah, I used to think that, but he's not scary. He's a pussy.
He's literally a pussy. He's big. he's a pussy he's literally a pussy he's big he's very
big physically but he is a pussy straight he's claimed I fucking like I'm this he
claimed that I groomed him that I groomed a guy who's 6-8 how am I going to take that guy seriously
I groomed a 48-year-old man who's 6-8
however old he is 40-something
give me a fucking break.
Yeah, we're going to respond proportionally to literally everything,
just like tonight.
Um... um what do I what do I think what could they possibly say
I mean at this point anything they were set a precedent for making things up
maybe they'll release screenshots of us using set a precedent for making things up.
Maybe they'll release screenshots of us using bad words or something.
You know, go ahead. I don't give a fuck.
Like, I don't care.
Like, what?
Like, who cares? he said i would come to when did he say that red polaris where did he say that You guys need to understand that like, we are not like hiding a lot okay um so whatever they share in public you're just going to get it's just wasting our time like okay well we can go ahead and address it the same way.
Well, he said it 10 minutes in his Twitter video. He said, I have to come Sunday and fight him in person. You know what?
I'm not going to do that because it's a trap,
because this is a fucking pussy snitch, clearly,
who has set the precedent of even accusing me of crimes I haven't committed.
Imagine if I committed an actual crime.
But in any case, despite that he's a full foot taller than me,
I actually think Danny would cry like a little bitch
and start getting in fetal position
on the floor
if I so much is fucking
stepped on his toe
you slap him in the face one time.
He'll get on the ground and start crying.
He's such a bitch.
Such an actual bitch. Ah. yeah yeah I mean I
keep being told by the internet I'm'm this really weak, whatever guy or something.
But look how strong they made me look.
Like, all this is just my power.
You want to know something else to thank God?
I was very sick for the past week.
Like, very sick with the... You guys know.
And I literally recovered this morning.
Even yesterday I skipped the gym, skipped lifting at the gym because i was like
i was like i'm still recovering and i'm still fatigued whatever
this morning i woke up healed had they done this two days ago
I could not have done this stream
had they done this two days ago
I don't know how I would have handled it
that's why I believe in God
the timing is miraculous.
for all the feds plotting on us,
just read our constitution
all right
please actually do your due diligence
and read the constitution because it's pathetic
that you think we're going to destroy our party
by having a guy
cry and wine
nobody cares about your fucking stupid feelings show us procedurally what grounds
and what standing you have at the level of the discipline of the party as a collective
i don't know you personally.
I've done nothing toward you personally.
All right?
I did not fuck your fiancΓ©.
I didn't fuck your wife.
I didn't do anything.
I didn't fuck your mom.
I didn't do anything.
You have no reason to take it personally in the first place so if you want to demand
my resignation demand that i be replaced as chairman uh you have with their what we're just
going to throw our constitution away you know what I was telling John?
Guys, I was like, John, imagine if I told the rank and file, not as a threat, but I was
like, John, how is that fair to them?
I need to be removed as chairman.
How would they feel about that?
Do they have a say in it?
I was like, you get to decide just you i honestly am disappointed that john feels felt that way about me but john is not
like frankly he's not the subject, all right?
I'm sorry.
It's not fair to everyone else that they ratified this Constitution,
and John gets to just decide everything because of his feelings.
So, yeah. of his feelings. Um,
so yeah.
Bree's thread criticized the ratification of the Constitution, but she voted for it to be ratified.
She literally said, yay.
Not only does she not keep silence, she said, yay.
She claims to his rush.
Nobody had time to read it.
That would have been a perfectly fine pretext to say nay and say, because we had a
plan if they all said nay. We'll come back with a new one or we'll give you more time and we'll
come back with another one. But the issue with, I'll tell you why we couldn't do that. Okay.
Our party had no body.
It had no organized body.
So we could just subject the Constitution to the scrutiny of the membership, but we formally did not have membership.
There was no legal body of the party in the first place.
So effectively, we would be giving it to the public?
Who? I mean, we didn't have an organized body to make the ratification of the Constitution a fully democratic process. What we did is built the foundation for a democratic constitution in the future where once the party bodies are all in place the constitution can be amended in about a year or two okay it can be even the central committee will not form until the spring, okay?
Central Committee is what actually holds the Executive Board accountable, by the way.
And we told them all this, because
you can't start a party democratically.
There's no way. You start
a party as a dictatorship.
You create the foundations
for democracy, and that's how it works.
It has to start somewhere.
You cannot incorporate a body of people as a democratic body until you actually agree upon how that should be in court.
So there's no way, there's no way, like even if we were to agree that every single step of the way everything should
have been voted on right who is voting how is the voting happening what procedure right there's
no way to really create unanimous consensus for that formally
you have to start with something somewhere
if I'm if you
disagree tell me you know but I feel like this is pretty reasonable
but they're saying it makes us a cult.
What a cult, right?
What a cult, right? What a fucking cult.
Fuck, you know.
You know, it's just, everything's a cult except individuals just mouthing off in public on Twitter.
That's not a cult. That's true solidarity. That's true collectivism. Just mouthing off on Twitter by
yourself. Everything else is a cult
every collective organization is a cult
organization itself is a cult
you see where the logic is going
don't organize
don't organize Just be an individual. The message is who benefits from that? You know, like think about it. Uh, yeah.
Um, you know, I don't know.
Check. You know, Is there anything I'm leaving out? Okay, I'm going to confess something.
I didn't watch Danny's video in its entirety.
I actually didn't.
I didn't because it's like an hour.
It's like an hour. It's like an hour.
I don't have time for that.
Someone tell me what I'm missing.
Let me see.
Danny said... I'd be way more angry if I did. I don't...
I don't know.
I don't know.
Not sure about that. You know, A Danny's recent thing.
Pro Felicity is a hell of a drug.
This generation is so tough, having never been tested and having never fought.
So... tough having never been tested and having never fought so so he's talking about fighting now uh danny shaw you are um big but your your uh your courage is small your manhood is small well that's don't mean to i mean i don't know what i mean by manhood is your integrity your character it's small you're small minded person okay Seven feet tall,
but that's all you have
going for you.
You know, and, um,
you want to talk about fighting
and violence, Danny.
you're barking up the wrong treat, buddy.
Danny, nobody has ever been scared or intimidated by you, ever.
Because in real life, you avert your gaze,
and you acquiesce, and you smile, and you go along with us, and you...
You never ever talk shit.
You've never said a single fucking thing to my face in my life.
And you know how many...
You guys would be sickened.
How nice I was to this guy, Danny.
How much I said, Danny, we're so happy to have you on board.
You're great.
You know, you're a giant.
You, you, you, you, you're like a great, powerful entity for our party you should see how nice i was to this guy danny shaw
but the fucking retard is angry he gets angry at random ass people for no reason he doesn't know he's blaming me for
everything you know new york new york new york what's good baby New York, New York.
What's good, baby?
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
Comrades are.
If you have not seen what is now public information, begin there. Oh, this will make no sense. This is directly to the...
Am I supposed to sit through all this?
Because I literally can't.
The thing that true proletarian leadership is going to require
is that you take a serious break from the crack.
You're holding in your hand right now.
And do what? What's the goal? I don't get it. Like, all right?
Form a new party? Go ahead and do it.
You know, our party was founded with that in mind. We were like, yeah, you know what? There's
going to be splits. But we literally mind. We were like, yeah, you know what? There's going to be splits.
But we literally designed it to be like, if there's a split, make it be non-antagonistic.
Let them go their own way, you know?
If you think any of these stupid Jackson Hinkle tweets and pro felicity were ever relevant to these Amazon workers,
to every day. and Hinkle tweets and prophylicity were relevant to these Amazon workers to everyday Americans, the transparency of each...
You know, everyday Americans don't care about social media.
They all watch cable news. By everyday Americans, I mean people who are over 80 years old.
Every one of your actions, it wasn't time in this geographic
revolutionary to an American communist. So thank you to the role that you all have played.
Continue to have each other's backs this weekend as of Sunday when they quote unquote touchdown could be quite interesting
I would be very careful these are pathological what did he say continue to have each other.
I have a lot of mucus in my nose because I have allergies.
But I will, without having my nose, I will just speak like this for the next 30 seconds.
Then I have to go fix it.
This weekend, as of Sunday when they, quote unquote, touchdown could be quite interesting.
I would be...
Yeah, he thinks it's going to be like Ninja Turtles, where we're going to, like, show up,
and it's going to be a big standoff, and it's going to be like fucking New York Ninja Turtles,
and it's going to be like a New York Ninja Turtles and it's going to
be like a big war
Be very careful.
These are
pathological liars.
These are violent
hating. But you said we don't fight and we're all these are violent hating
but you said we don't fight and we're all talk so which one is it
we're violent and whatever or we're just online bullshitters
by the way how how are we violent based on what
hateful and self-hating human beings i've had the dishonor
to work very closely with carlos carriido eddie a lagger smith and no uh crash of it for the last year and a half
i know these uh these are not men but i know these lads inside
and out and i've worked with you all now you know really just for a few months so how much of what you say back and forth
in those classes over
as Zoom? Could you break down in rice and beans
and meat and potatoes and every day?
Yeah. meat and potatoes and every day. Is he talking about Carlos' classes,
where Carlos has these classes
where he teaches people about
a Marxism, Leninism.
And he's criticizing Carlos saying that
Carlos isn't a chef teaching people how to cook
beans and therefore nothing he's saying is of any value.
Like, what the fuck is he talking about, dude?
Slang and parlance.
The way the everyday people
of New York talk.
You know,
this larping stuff is over.
If I ever work with
any of you again.
Yeah, show us some real shit, Danny.
Infragray, what's up, man? Thank you.
You know, we'll run these things quite differently.
Take the good and leave the rest, as we say in the world of spirituality and y'all let me know you know you all let me know the
we all have a role to play in this proletarian revolution is the immortal Irish revolutionary Bobby Sands teaches us.
Yeah, this is the revolution.
Can't overthrow the U.S. government, so you just have to constantly overthrow
small organizations that are like five months old and pretend you're a revolutionary.
But you don't even succeed in overthrowing them. That's really pathetic. that are like five months old and pretend you're a revolutionary.
But you don't even succeed in overthrowing them.
That's really pathetic. You know... you know um what can i say I want to raise something with respect to Danny.
Is Danny on drugs?
Is he on drugs?
Can he take a drug test?
Did he relapse?
Wasn't he like a junkie
in his past?
I'm not kidding.
Like, what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
He's talking about beans?
Someone, he's a
drug addict
heroin addict
doesn't he fucking sound
like he's relapsed on drugs
and he's gone manic
like a crazy fuck
oh he was an addict
I don't want to say this if I don't know, but it's like it, look, John, if anyone's
involved in like fed shit, I'd be like John, right? Danny's a way bigger mystery to me. I'm not
saying it's a 100% certain with John. I'm just telling you what I honestly suspect him of.
Not that he's a Fed,
but that he got a knock on the door.
Based on like this crazy shit about the lawsuit
that he was talking about.
But like Danny Shaw sounds like a fucking heroin addict.
He sounds like a fucking junkie.
Like, he relapsed.
What the fuck?
Ah. Ha-h-h I think this guy is a is a is a junkie, actually.
All right, I want to issue a correction i want to issue a correction i want to issue a correction
the only person from ddg who was on the trip was borut not mario mario wasn't in ddg i that's a mistake i made
mario is not in ddg he's his own guy i thought he was wrongly.
Borut is in DDG.
But Borut just messaged me now saying to issue that correction.
And he just told me, and of course, yes,
the Himar strike was real.
So he was there.
And John is working in DDG.
So Danny's claim that I was lying about that.
It's fucking crazy, right?
Yeah, so Mario's not in uh ddg
i just uh assumed because you know they i did an interview with mario and i think they were
helping with the camera or it was so yeah um just a correction mario's from serbia he's he's a serbian uh serbian
influencer uh he um i did an interview with him on his channel it's Serbian influencer.
He, I did an interview with him on his channel.
It's up.
It's actually the night of... Actually, you know what?
Just to further discredit this retard, Danny Shaw.
Let me show you something interesting.
The main system
in United States.
I think we share the shrapnel from the high mars on camera i remember we did that. This is a planet.
It's not working for most of them.
It's not working even, increasingly not working even for the core itself, not just the periphery and the third.
For something.
It's just going on and on consuming and living meaninglessly and then if you die it just
happened that thank you like we it's a struggle in a way that's a struggle. In a way that you're organized. It's a bitter.
Oh my God, it's an ad.
The shrapnel was on the table, and I'm pretty sure we shared it to the camera somewhere in here.
The politicians, the people in the party. So you want to say that in my podcast has Alden imposing their so-called democracy through bombings?
Not enough.
I want to ask it's Americans who
the thing that is
half season
that we want to
so so half season that we want to So
All right
We don't show it to the
I think the part got edited out
Where it's being shown to the camera
I see my holding it right here
It's a small piece of shrapnel
I mean I guess it means nothing If you's a small piece of shrapnel. I mean, I guess
it means nothing if you like the context.
Any of them? You can just say it's a rock,
right? If you wanted.
But it's there. It's like 33 minutes in.
It's not very big.
I think he might have edited that out.
I don't know.
I think maybe he edited it out because we were talking about it.
And I think I said something very dark maybe.
I was like, we were entering an era where this
is becoming normal and it was very dark
and pessimistic.
it was no good.
I don't know, I'll ask,
but there was a piece of shrapnel we had from the strike 300 meters away that was in the interview. yeah so guys i don't think that sarah was involved in any of this i didn't think that Sarah was involved in any of this.
I didn't think that,
but I floated it with everyone else in discussion
because I knew she had some issues with Jackson.
But I don't think she was.
It was just one of...
You didn't understand.
We were, like, scrambling to understand
the irrational, crazy thing John was doing.
You know, resigning and messaging everyone before then.
So, you know, I don't know.
Just an air of speculation.
Yeah. Just an air of speculation. You know, look in any party, there's going to be shit like this.
I think about how many times has this happened before, right?
I don't understand how this is a W for any of our haters because it's like, of course this is going to happen.
Of course people are going to go in public and talk shit and turn into traitors.
Like, what do we do if there's another knock on the door scenario?
Yeah, don't worry about that.
We, look, we became aware of the threat way before today, all right? So we are in the process of legally strengthening our
security internally and making sure something like this doesn't
happen again and it's you know what i'm going to go ahead and say it's good that things like this
happened because you we need the experience.
He just said, I'm so inexperienced.
He's right.
I have never experienced this.
And now I have.
And now we know how to prevent it in the future.
It's a learning experience.
It's what happens when you build a party from scratch in 2020 for 2025 like like you need to learn you need to learn these things now in the future if someone starts acting like john did i'm gonna know what's going on better i'm gonna be like
oh okay before i was so confused i was like what the hell is wrong with this guy
you know uh so yeah this is what it means to get experience by the way this is what leadership
is 99% of it it's being able to to understand how do we keep everyone unified okay i. I feel like
I have experience
doing that from infrared.
Don't think this community wasn't threatened
such problems in the past.
We were.
And I feel like we're learning how to do it in real life with a real life organization.
That being said, I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick.
I'll come back and we will finish the stream.
Well, we won't end it, but we'll continue. You know, You know, Okay, so there's a few other things.
I want to talk about that I remember and I left out.
One, John was actually covering the fees for the uh lawsuit himself mostly but he got help from darg i wonder if he's
going to pay darg back the thousands that darg lent him i also told him that i will any kind of help he needs i'll help
whatever i can um but apparently we didn't know this john had gone into debt and we didn't know this and that we were talking about that could have been one of the main stressors but i brought up in the Friday meeting that John
we will fundraise for you. We'll do everything we need
to help you
get back on your feet financially.
None of us knew that. He wasn't telling any of us
for the lawsuit.
Okay. That he was financially suffering He wasn't telling any of us for the lawsuit, okay?
That he was financially suffering from the lawsuit.
So maybe that was a big thing.
I don't know.
But I just, it's, I want to be responsible to my due diligence and let you know everything that was going on.
Another thing is that
John also used
as a pretext for the reason
he made the move is because
in Russia, see, me and
Jackson are basically best friends, right?
Me and Jackson have known each other since 2021.
We are actually friends, all right?
Like, actually best friends.
And friends get into personal fights, okay? physical fight but like you know personal whatever um
basically uh before i left russia me and jackson got into a fight that was just no relevance to the party at all.
It had no relevance to the party.
It was some nonsense fight over New Year's Eve plans.
Literally, that's literally it.
And me and jackson kind of you know uh we're arguing about about that.
And Jackson knew that it meant nothing and that, you know, we fight like this all the time, you know.
But there were other people there who were a little concerned you know
so they told John
and because they were concerned they didn't know
they were like oh no is this going to affect the party?
And the party was never a topic that was brought up.
It goes without saying we don't mix politics with our friendship, you know?
Why are you fighting like women?
Because literally Jackson and I are best friends, and he's literally like my brother.
Okay, he's literally like my brother, okay?
And brothers have stupid fights for no reason all the time, okay?
And it was so minuscule and meaningless okay but john found out and caught wind of it somehow
and he that is when he made his move because he's like oh there's a falling out between
jackson and hawes now is the time to strike hoss because made his move because he's like, oh, there's a falling out between Jackson and Haas.
Now is the time to strike Haas. Because Jackson will not have Haas's back. Before me and Jackson
squashed the beef, before we squashed the beef, which was not till two days later, okay, when I came back.
Jackson was like, what the fuck is going on?
Of course, Haas can't be replaced as chairman.
Are you kidding?
I mean, we fight as friends, but like, are you crazy?
You know?
That's why
everything blew up in John's face,
because it didn't go how he thought it would go.
He thought that, like,
this would be a coup against me.
And that's not what happened.
It's not what happened.
And he was very disappointed.
That's why there's a constant theme from Danny and John.
The rest of the executive board and the Politburo were silent because they wrongly went in with the expectation that it's going to be
a coup d'etat.
and like
but that's not what happened.
And they were very, very humiliated and embarrassed and disappointed by that, which is why very desperately they have now come to tell, you know, the public, their side of the story.
Just like I have now come to tell mine.
Jackson is sleeping right now,
but it's pretty fucking crazy, all right? It's pretty fucking crazy, all right?
It's pretty fucking crazy.
It blew up in their face, you know it was a plot that didn't work
and they got so frustrated
that they resorted to this
um um um okay
now I'm going to take it from the top and thank everyone for the subs in for gray
thank you so much for the five paper win with the 20 thank you so much brother
kfm 42 with the 20 thank you so much brother I appreciate it Hassan with the 20. Thank you so much, brother. I appreciate it. Hassan with the five. Thank you, brother. Australia, Stanley, with the five. Thank you, brother. Kamiyit, appreciate it. Mapios, thank you. Leave Quinn alone. Thank you so much for the 20 appreciate it petersburg 83 with the five american vicaro with the five
stalin burial gulag with the 25 goswagin with the five hit killady with the five thank you so much um
strail stanney appreciate you anonymous with the five. Anonymous with the five. Sleeper Cell with the 10. E.J. with the 25. Stalin with the 1. J.C. with the 5. Amila with the 50. Wow. Thank you so much. Lionel. Appreciate it, brother. Phantom. I see you. Arkansas with the 5. Thank you so much, man. Yellowstone with the five. Thank you. Harold with the five. Captain with the five. Um, a baldhead jackat with the five.
Barrio with the one.
Thank you.
Roxov with the 10 with the 20.
Thank you, Roxov.
E.J., what's up, man?
Iron Rose with the 10.
Lysenko Med School with the 5
Comrade Banana with the 5
I appreciate it brother
TM Zirak with the 5
thank you
Wallo with the 1
What's up Wallo
What's up Wallo
Sorry guys it's constantly
a h b rain with the 10 thank you so much brother thank you so much um
us with the one thank you appreciate it black pack with the 25 thank you so much brother. Blackpack with the 25.
Thank you so much, brother.
For Robbie with the 20.
I appreciate it, man.
Appreciate it.
Turbo Jerko with the five.
PJ with the five.
Tallin with the five.
Yellowstone with the five. Captain with the one. Thank you, man.
Reaper with the five. That's a name I haven't seen a while. Travali with the five. Thank you guys. Appreciate it.
Anonymous with the 10. Thank you, brother. Restolinization with the five. Great name. Appreciate it.
Circuit with the five. What's going on? Circuit. Shogun. I appreciate you, brother. Appreciate it. Circuit with the five. What's going on, circuit?
I appreciate you, brother.
Thank you.
Mojave, what's going on, brother?
Um... A crass with the five infinitum with the five thank you guys
prettiest flaco with the 29 thank you so much brother maximilian with the five
what's going on bro ed gentry with the five. What's going on, bro?
Ed Gentry with the five.
What's up, bro?
Thank you so much.
Stephen with the 10.
I appreciate you so much, Stephen.
All right. I think we're caught up.
Uh, and now Blazer with the five.
Thank you, brother.
Shogun with the one.
What's going on bro so damn um um Damn.
Um... Thank you. You know, Man like Aryan, I appreciate you. I see Johnny is denying the phone call. Osos, let's just say if that phone call
becomes relevant in a lawsuit, I hope you're willing to,
I hope you're going to now claim that it was a i who said all the things you said
a yeat i appreciate it um jk i appreciate you so much man by the way i want to tell you guys
the lawsuit against andrew was not filed I want to be clear about it the lawsuit against andrew was not filed
all right but it was in the works because he had a legal team of attorneys that were preparing for it, basically.
But it wasn't actually, nothing was filed.
It was first against Johnny.
But then they realized Johnny is not actually the main actor behind a lot of this shit.
So that was the relevance of that. All I'm going to say is I find it incredible that there's this, there's this lawsuit in the works, which looks very promising and apparently the attorneys are convinced this is an FBI informant.
Stalin's mustache, it's all going smoothly, it's all, there's going to be a big subpoena that exposes everything, potentially years-long lawsuit, suddenly it just gets totally terminated
out of nowhere. And then they turn against us, the leadership.
Whatever pettiness and hatred John has of me could not pale in comparison to the hatred he has
were the people that actually fucking docks him and shared photos of him in front of his house
okay okay johnny i'm going to say this to johnny
i'm going to say this to johnny directly johnny's making the claim that i sent his
my goons to docks him or whatever.
Johnny, you need to understand something.
I communicated to you very clearly that this community hates you and doesn't like you
because you're an attention whore
who spends all of their fucking time
throwing negative attention on everything we do. I told you that I don't care about you and that
if you want, I could actually help you and improve your standing and we could publicly communicate that we don't want to have any of this personal shit.
None of this doxing, I never condone any of it.
And I said, but your side has to do the same thing.
But in order to do that, he has to rein in his friend.
I waited for that phone call back.
I literally waited for months.
Then he claimed we docks his family.
What is he talking about? What is he talking about? I don't know what he's referring to.
I think that he was fighting with people on X and they maybe did something.
I didn't order it.
I didn't give the fucking order.
He jumped to the assumption I gave the order.
I didn't fucking give that order.
I didn't fucking give the order for anyone's family to be harassed or nothing.
I don't...
Was it even one of our guys?
How would I know?
I mean, how would I know? I mean,
how would I fucking know?
It wasn't me.
Because I didn't tell a fucking soul
about that conversation
with Johnny, except the plenary committee.
That's the only people I told
were the plenary committee.
I didn't tell anyone else. I didn't tell my community. I didn't tell anyone. If RTSG was behind it, I would have known. They weren't behind it. You're saying it was Pan Am.
I mean, maybe I don't know.
I'm not going to accuse him of that.
I don't know.
I'm just saying I had fucking nothing to do with it.
By the way, he's docked so many of us, so many different times.
Even he, he tried to docks me. He tried to dox me he tried to dox me
and failed
only uh
John Malera
and and and
Danny Shaw were able to do it
because I trusted them and thought they were my comrades.
But our enemies never succeeded. But even then I forgave him. You know that? I forgave them.
Because I said, you know, how could it be personal? He doesn't even know who I am. I literally forgave these guys.
I said, you know, look, I don't know these guys.
They don't know me. At the end of the day,
why take anything personally? I don't know who the fuck they are.
They don't know who the fuck I am.
I don't care about them. They don't care about me.
They are upset because they are, they've entered a conflict and a war with the community.
And they attribute all of that to me.
And, you know, by the way, this is the last thing I'm going to say.
Johnny and his friend were really big fans of infrared for the first, like, year or two.
Super big fans.
Johnny sent me DMs with gorillas and sons.
So he lost his mind because he spurged out in public, the community turned on him, which was his community, and then he went full record and he decided to ally with all of the most disgusting evil people that he spent his whole career denouncing.
Yeah, same with Midwestern Marks that he spent his whole career denouncing. Yeah, same with Midwestern Marx that he did that too.
I took it personally for a year, and then I just stopped giving a shit because fuck, I mean,
if it's not them, it's going to be someone else. And I don't know what to say.
I mean, you know, I even now, I mean, I literally don't care.
I mean, I don't care. I mean, I don't care.
I just want to be fucking clear.
I didn't issue any fucking order to docks anyone or get their fucking family or whatever.
Whatever is fucking crazy guy saying.
Even though that's what him and his friend were doing for years by the way we're trying to do
so what can I say It's hard to take shit personal.
It's hard at a certain point
you can only take it personally against people you like and you trust
that's why the only guy the only people I fight with are people that are actually my friends.
That's who I take it personally with.
And if you're a real friend, such personal disputes and beef will never actually have any relevance on a professional or political level.
And that's a nice thing, you know. but no the the johnny guy is on record saying that he doesn't think i'm a fed or
jackson's a fed and and he admitted that to me in a phone call okay he's on record saying that's what he actually thinks.
So I never told you guys about that, but I'm telling you now, since we want to throw everything on the table.
He said he was just caught in the beef and that it led to escalations and he wanted to
de-escalate and so did i but i said you have to get your friend under control too apparently he couldn't.
So, um, so, um, so what can I say?
Stalin mustache. Thank you so much. Appreciate you.
I'm trying to see if there's anything else I'm missing. This is already a four and a half hour stream.
You want to know something crazy, guys guys i always thought the second my real name gets revealed
i'm going to start going viral for better or for worse because that's why i think feds never
docks me until now and i think people want to know who the
fuck i am you know and the mystery was a big thing
but I have nothing to hide
except safety of my family
which I'm also confident in
as for my own my family, which I'm also confident in.
As for my own safety, I fear nothing except failing the historical task that has been given to us.
So they docks my address where I actually live and sleep.
So be it.
So be it. That's part of the risk
that's part of the risk I'm not going to act like a victim.
I'm not a victim.
This is a war. But how many of you really thought I was Adam?
All right, that's what I want to know.
I don't look like a fucking Adam
I don't sound like I mean there's nothing wrong with Adams
in this world
I'm just saying I am not an atom
at all
you know
and um
and I at this morning You know, and, um...
And I... The smart thing would have been to accept that docs, the failed docs.
But spiritually, I was compelled not to, because I said no I mean find a better name honestly
I was offended actually I was the reason I was offended I'm. I was, the reason I was offended, I'm going to tell you exactly why.
Because the perception that they were trying to create about me was that I am basically this half-German guy who's named Adam, who is very ashamed of their white ancestry. So I chose this Arab-sounding name, Hazaldin, to disguise the fact that I actually have a white name and that I'm ashamed to be white. In reality, I'm not white at all, and I already have a very
Arabic name. And that's why it did kind of get to me that I was being called Adam to hear. That's why it got to
me, because it was just such a misrepresentation of my character.
I'm not pretending to be an Arab.
I am a fucking Arab, right?
I am not hiding my white background.
I have no white background.
I am literally...
Yeah, they kept saying I'm a fucking Maronite.
Ayahmoud is a fucking Maronite, right?
No offense to Maronites.
But that shit did bother me.
It did bother me.
Because I have relatives who suffered greatly from the Civil War against the phalanches.
And, you know, like, it's just a complete fucking insult to my entire heritage and my entire fucking background.
If I was a Maronite, I would say so and not be ashamed of it.
But to portray, to say that I'm lying about being a Shia or coming from that background or that tribal background and that I actually am a Maronite is very insulting, actually.
And I did take that very personally but you'll never know the truth what if this is all siop to to hide adam to hear what if this whole thing john mallora and and danny are just an inside job to disoade attention away from adam to hear
and make everyone think the opposite there's no end to the paranoia.
Uh, no.
Unfortunately, no.
Can we take a moment to mourn the to hear family and the actual adam to hear that they went and chased and harassed because even i don't know fully what they did to that guy or what they sent him or how they harassed his family but But it's pretty bad, probably.
Because based on what they did to John Malera, to Eddie, and all of their families and all of them,
I'm pretty sure it was really bad. And I know nothing, but they suffered for no reason because someone got my name wrong.
I mean, I know exactly what to expect.
I know exactly what to expect.
I have nothing to hide, all right?
You are going to find out that the truth was nothingness the entire time. Oh. You know, they're already targeting another guy who okay whatever
I'm too tired to deal with that
yeah guys I'm still Haas all right
I'm still Haas the name right? I'm still Haas. The name that I was given at birth is, that is like, I mean you guys to me as Haas, all right?
And, you know, that's what I still will go by.
It's a dead name.
No, it's the name you call me when you really, like Bouncy Bend, the fucking pussy.
When you really feel like you want to get to me.
Oh, really? Ali.
Your true name is if it's like
something I'm scared of.
Haas is everything I've earned in the past four years.
That's what I commit to.
Look, I decided to commit to something four years ago on my life.
So this is my name.
Also, if you can't pronounce Ali,
my name isn't Ali, it's Ali. If you can't pronounce Ali,
then don't fucking say it. If you don't know how to pronounce it,
then just call me Haas. But at least I don't have to take responsibility for a person that's not me anymore.
Um, but whatever, you know, I'm not going to be too strict about it.
Cats out of the bag.
So memes are fine.
Everything's fine.
You can still...
I mean, it's not like a...
Like, oh, you got to keep it under wraps.
No, it's okay.
Don't worry.
You know.
Why did I pick Haas?
I told you.
It's from Lovecraft
Abdul al-Hazrad
the mad Arab
it was always
Abdul al-Hazrad
Haas was just short
because I understood how crazy I looked and how crazy I might be.
I understood that.
So that was the origin. dina means faith so i'm a crazy guy who has faith
i never told you I was fully sane.
I just told you I had faith.
That's what I die on, you know?
Clearly, you know, they want to say, oh, he's crazy, he's mentally unstable.
But you can't say I don't believe.
I do believe. You can see it in't believe. I do believe.
You can see it in my eyes.
I do fucking believe in this.
That's all I could stand on.
You know, you want to say that I'm crazy?
Call me fucking crazy.
I don't care.
It's also a generalization was that via nagaristani or lovecraft alone no it was inspired by nickland
because nick land because nassim nich Talib a fellow Lebanese although he doesn't believe he's Arab he says he's Phoenician was debunking IQ and Nick Land like quote to him one time and he was like the mad arab nick land being a
lovecraft fan i knew what the reference was the mad arab was abdul al hazrat from lovecraft's work
so i just thought that was so badass because i was like i want to be like Talib I want to be the mad Arab I want to
be like that because that's the energy I'm on that's the type of shit I'm on so he to the moment
I had Susan Hey I'm like abdulah hazrad you know I'm the mad arab so that's why. Because the reason is because Talib was going against all of the conventions
in orthodoxy about psychology and all these institutionally verified and accredited psychologists
who are talking
about IQ
and Talib was saying
no I'm going
to scrutinize this
I'm going to have
the courage to stand up
to the institutions
and stand up to the
experts and actually
give you the
no bullshit truth
right and I
really admired that about Talib at the time. And when Land called
him the mad Arab, I was like, that's me. I'm trying to do the same thing when it comes to
Marxism. You know, I really related to it i've i felt um like a kindred spirit you know uh resa don't know my name you know a lot of people don't know my name, you know?
A lot of people don't know my name.
I think Reza actually does know my name.
I think I told him, actually.
But it doesn't matter.
It's irrelevant.
I only met Resdo, like, one time.
A few times, like one in person and then a few times in a call it's not not that mysterious you did mention your real name in some blogs you wrote.
No, I didn't.
I absolutely didn't.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You guys need to be chill and understand something, all right?
There's a lot of people with my first and last name.
Do your due diligence.
You're not, I promise you're not going to find me.
You will not find me from Google or from the internet.
I am not on the internet.
I am not on the internet i am not on the internet okay i never use my real name online since like a long time never actually even when i was a kid, I never did that.
Um... uh there's other speculation that i'm not I don't even have the energy for, all right?
Um... Did the multipolar...
What guy?
Oh, the... Oh, the weird CIA guy.
Well, I don't know if you're CIA, but
Steve Buscemi guy outside the
No, he didn't call me my real name.
He actually didn't.
Um... name. He actually didn't. Um.
I just find it crazy that this is how I get doxed.
Like, really from fucking... Oh, that's how it is, though.
It's always people...
That you keep close, that fucking betray you.
That you trust.
Of course.
It's not enemies what they don't
fucking know what they're doing and always be your own people oh it's a it's a basic law
i knew that i just didn't know who would be i was shocked it was john John Danny did not shock me
I knew Jenny could be a traitor
I did not think John was cut out
to be a traitor but here we go
one huge 20 minute
shit was the end of everything i guess but the end of what exactly i don't know
what exactly what should i be panicking about here maybe maybe you don't know this the leadership
is fully unified all right the executive board is fully unified the politburo is fully unified all right the executive board is fully unified the
Politburo is fully unified where's the panic we sorted out all our problems
and we're all been on the same page the night that i came back from russia that was a night of paranoia, where I didn't know what to think.
Who's telling John, me, and Jackson?
I hadn't slept in two days, and I was completely confused or whatever.
But I slept, and then everything got sorted out.
And then it got very revealed that John and Danny were the ones who...
Inspiring, you know yeah what I did take personally is that at a very, very, like I not slept for two days.
I just was on a 30-hour flight.
That's when they made their move.
It was very, very, very much a betrayal, betrayal you know this was weeks ago but i have been doing
everything in my power for the party to just make sure everything will be fine.
I'm trying to figure out what I should be worried about or freaking out about, but I'm at a loss.
Everything is fine the party is fine the plans are in motion everything's fine um
so what trash took itself out. So what?
John thought it would be different that the outcome of these meetings in private, he didn't get his way, so he thought doing it this way would have a different outcome.
If anything, he got the opposite outcome okay one going last call.
Is there anything else you guys would like me to address that I am forgetting about?
Anything else.
Literally anything else. The castration thing.
I don't know what the fuck that is...
I don't know what that's in reference to, all right?
How much damage is done to the party by this wrecking?
Johnny, the majority of the damage was done weeks ago when John resigned, which we were very good making sure that did not get leaked.
But since he has resigned, we have basically initiated the process of replacing him.
It will be fine.
He said, I threatened to castrate someone.
Can you tell me where?
Oh, he said, Kyle.
I doubt that.
Danny Shaw is a liar.
I've never heard Kyle ever say anything like that.
They said we were going to castrate Spiros. What?
Again, here's what I suspect. I suspect Danny is trying to convince the New York chapter to join his rebellion.
And that's why he's saying this shit.
I never castrated anyone in my life, right?
I don't know what this is, man.
I don't know what the...
I don't know...
The stream could consider ACP party communications or is a completely separate?
Well, it's legally complex from a party standpoint. I'll explain it. I have been authorized by the executive board to issue this response, but our party collectively will not be issuing a response through party main accounts
or officially through party communications. Because we don't respond to individuals and their
individual gibberish. Okay.
But because they have made many libelous claims about me and others,
I am responding in that capacity, outside of the party.
It is very relevant to the party, and I needed authorization, obviously, from leadership to do it, but we decided that I should do it through infrared because he's not using authorized party communications to do this.
So I have to use non-party communications to respond so that people get the full story. Danny said you and Kyle were plotting to humiliate Spiro's.
There's nothing about humiliation or castration or anything.
I, Kyle doesn't roll that way. I don't roll that way, right? So that's Danny projecting his weird, weird psychology.
Spiros is the leader of New York
And we wanted to go to New York to bridge
The different parts of New York
And I wanted to go in person
Actually as a show of respect
Because had I communicated to the new work chapter about you know
some suggestions and stuff from afar it could be very insulting because where are you you're
doing this from the computer so it was actually a thing of respect.
So it's completely false.
There were suggestions and improvements we wanted to suggest and help give advice to and stuff and to streamline stuff and to connect different parts of New York.
But whatever he's saying, it's...
Yeah, they're using auditing yeah again it's the same thing i just told you it's literally the same
thing anything else.
Anything else I'm missing.
You know, look, guys,
panic is the worst enemy.
If you just lose your mind and go crazy,
that's the problem. All right.
Ah, okay, I'm getting more information from Kyle.
I will tell you exactly what happened when it came to that so-called, so there's no one saying anything about castration
what happened
ah okay
you need to be filled in on this
just show you what a Machiavellian
fucking snake Danny was.
Danny had been informing Kyle that Spiros was engaging in all of these abuses and was
really incompetent.
And Spiros is the problem. And that spiros needs to be talked to
and that spiros this and spiros that all all of that information was coming from danny all of it
so kyle told danny something well i'll go to all of it so Kyle told Danny something
well I'll go to New York and I'll see what's going on myself
and if necessary
I'll talk to Spiros and we're going to fix it
and we're going to have discipline
Danny was telling
Kyle all these things about how spiro's is mismanaging everything
and whatever and danny was the source um danny was trying to make spiroz the bad guy the whole fucking time
he had a big problem with spiros
forgot to mention that Kyle, if you actually want to come on stream, please do.
If there's things I'm missing or leaving out, please come on and, and, and, and, um, if if you want you don't have to it's not necessary I think there's a gorilla in here that's like, I'm Bree's ex-boyfriend.
We're not talking about you.
Unless you are a rebranded version of that guy.
And you're the same guy. But Bree apparently had multiple, I don't know, ex-boyfriends. I'm not saying simultaneously. I'm just saying, like, she dated within the party,
apparently. I don't know. Uh, or not within the party, within this sphere. Okay? So,
we're not talking about you. Or is it same guy it's the guy from blackhammer all right
he said he would exonerate his name okay well we were very suspicious that he got like
he didn't tell anyone what happened to him he left he we found found out he got detained, and there was all this shit on him.
All right.
So forgive us for being suspicious, but, you know, what can we say?
Hey, Kyle.
What's up, man?
Sorry, let me turn this freaking stream off. Here's the sadistic, sadistic
Go ahead.
So yeah, the whole...
I've talked with...
I actually took a meeting during the stream
with some of the members of Buffalo
and with Spiros.
And I had talked to Spiros earlier today,
which was a planned meeting anyways.
So it was very timely with all of this.
But as you articulated,
the long story was basically that
Danny essentially has
been manipulating some of the
normal tensions that really been manipulating some of the, you know,
normal tensions that you have within a large chapter like New York,
where you have such a big divide between New York City and some of the more,
peripheral areas like Buffalo,
Hudson Valley,
places like that.
And Danny was
blaming all of the problems
in New York chapter
on Spiros and basically saying he's not equipped.
Now, in our party, as you know, and this is more for the audience,
the chapter executive role is set up to, you know, actually be the hot seat.
It's a difficult position to fill, and it requires people learning and adapting a lot under pressure.
So it's normal when members who are in that role, you know, make mistakes and there's errors or whatever. That's expected.
But the picture that Danny was painting to me and other members of the executive board was one of, you know, complete abuse of power, circumventing of, you know, appropriate channels of communication,
cutting members out of the deliberating process and all these things. So it was a very
bad picture that Danny
was painting and
of course I'm not going to just
take someone's word for that so
I planned about a month
ago that I was going to be going to New York
City on Sunday and I told Danny
this and that it would be
an audit and Eddie would be coming with me
actually and it would be kind of an investigation
to the stuff that he's talking about
and we would get to the bottom of it
and of course set the chapter straight
and during that conversation
which was multiple
conversations I think at one point
said you know Danny was going on and on
and on about how you know Spiros
is really fucking everything up whatever
and the chapter so
dysfunctional and this is all
you know,
the party is and these crazy
things and I'm like, well, you know, if it's really as
bad as what you're saying, you know,
really the only option is going to be to go
get Spiros in front of all the
other members and, you know, basically
I gave, I actually said the words castrate i
did say that and jokingly is uh remove him from power in front of everybody you know symbolically
castrating him in front of everybody you know uh because danny likes these sort of of psycho babble nonsense.
And I don't know, you laugh.
I was going to say for one second,
all right, putting it in that context,
it sounds weird to me and to outsiders,
but if you're talking to Danny Shaw,
who's a psychobabble extraordinaire,
okay, I get it, I guess, because
I read his cycle babble shit about me, and he is, like,
super into that.
So, yeah, it's just out of context.
He is a psycho babbler and he
like that's his forte
that's his that's what he likes
I guess
yeah the first thing I
had a conversation with Spiros
the first thing he says hey you're not blueing pliers
to New York
City are you?
Yeah, it seems like
there's some things we've got to figure out with the New York
chapter, just like we have to figure out with the party
as a whole as far as
getting our members engaged properly and, you know, reaching our full potential as far as our
manpower pools are concerned. But these are just normal problems. You know, I don't see New York
as some sort of extraordinary case
that's really bad
I talked with the Buffalo guys
with Spiros earlier today
or during this live stream actually
and that was the shocking bit
which is that Danny was, had apparently for, I think it was
since Christmas, around Christmas time, he created a chat, which he was accusing Spiros
of creating all these parallel communication channels, so that's interesting, but he created a chat with the Buffalo guys, the people in the Buffalo chapter, and started talking to them about, you know, basically heightening the contradictions between the Buffalo people and Spiros and the New York City people and trying to really pit them against each other.
And the Buffalo people weren't really for it, but, you know, the
Politburo member coming in and having
this weird, strange
breach of protocol conversation about
this stuff. And
so they kind of just
like let him talk, but they
weren't really convinced by any of it
it and then
you know of course
as he did he sent the
his long Twitter rambled
to everybody in the party personally
but he sent it to them and
since he was in the chat and would actually read it,
read the responses, they basically ripped him a new one, which was very funny to see.
And overall, it's just Danny was
pretty much creating
a lot of the tension that was existing in
the New York chapter. One of the big things
he claimed was that
quote-unquote infrared guys
and the party had created a faction
that was excluding
any of the other
you know
large pool of people that have
come into the party and
that there was this weird
and that's why he has this whole fixation on the
cult mentality and everything else and he's claiming that you know that's why he has this whole fixation on the cult mentality and everything else
and he's claiming that
that's what was going on in New York
and I've talked to some
other people in New York who
don't come from the infrared
community who come from New Western
Marx who come from Midwestern Marks, who come from
people outside of either of those circles
PCUSA, maybe
CPUSA even
people who are just new
to the sphere. And
I really don't
detect a lot of that so
a lot of these things that Danny was
basically informing
about turns out
on closer inspection
even from you know not even
being on the ground, a lot of it
just seems to be nonsense. So
he essentially created a problem
that he
could exploit
to pull people out of the New York
chapter, and then pin it all on me
specifically as the director of personnel as the one who is coming in to destroy the unity of the chapter which he specifically undermined how Machiavelli in this guy is it's really crazy um do you think, Kyle, it was all
pettiness over Haiti?
Oh, no. I mean,
Danny Shaw has
really not liked me for a long
time, and this predates
a Haiti situation. This is incredibly, like,
methodical plotting and planning against the party.
What's his motivation?
I really don't understand Danny's motivations to a large extent.
I know it's all personal, really. It's all really just personal
petty grudges. I just, I think Haiti is a large component of it. I think that's the hill he decided
to die on and the thing that's, you know know he feels like with his warped
understanding of social media is
somehow going to get him more traction
and maybe potential you know
credibility down the line but
I think
there's it's just a
large amount of resentment.
You know, I was in Midwestern, I am in Midwestern Marks, and when, you know, even when we were working with him through that angle, he had a lot of gripes with how you know we were as
Midwesterners he actually came and visited all of us who were prominent members of
Midwestern marks in person on a little road trip he came came and, you know,
came to my house here in St. Louis and everything else.
And it was always,
he kept saying that he's like,
he's an ethnographer.
Like he's like traveling around the country, learning about Midwesterners and shit.
And he, like, treated us as like some weird bug in a jar.
He's a very strange man, and he thinks in weird psychoanalytic local terms.
As you've highlighted, you know, he has a
history of substance
abuse, and
it's just a very strange mix
match of
personality sort of
signals, and he just, he's a very... personality sort of signals.
And he's a very strange man overall. I don't understand
the hyperfixation, the pettiness.
Every single time, him and I have had a problem.
I've maintained my position
because that's what you do
when you have opposing views.
And we always, I always
attempt to, okay, let's move past
it, Danny. We're just not going to agree on this.
Let me give you some rope and,
you know, I'll give you an inch and, and, uh, um, he ends up taking a mile and, and, uh, trying to backstab me every single time this happens. I mean, this is probably the third time that, you know,
but this is obviously much more severe.
Every single time it grows in magnitude.
So it's just his personality type.
He holds on to very petty grudges for years, for literally years, and won't let it go, but he'll let you think
that everything's fine. That's why I lost all respect for him, because I can't take you seriously
if you're pretending everything is fine, but you secretly have such a deep level of resentment and hatred or whatever, it's so comical to me.
Yeah, it's really stupid. I really don't get it. He's not pragmatic in the least that that goes without saying. I'm completely
convinced, and as you articulated during the Haiti meeting, my God, I mean, it just became so
obvious that that was a core problem with him was that he just
refused to, in any
sense of the word, make a compromise
and it wasn't even because of the
facts and, you know, the
material reality on the ground in Haiti or anything
like that. It was literally just
because he has this burning hatred
for Kim Ives
and Dan Cohen.
Because again, he was
personally slighted.
Originally he was
trying to work with them
and they ended up not really wanting to work with him
they didn't think they didn't recognize him enough you know he wasn't exactly he wasn't getting
enough uh credit for his brilliance as a great journalist. Yeah, absolutely.
Now, there's some parallels as far
as the lack of recognition issue
for what they perceive John
and Danny as a lack of recognition
for their special roles or whatever the fuck.
There's a parallel between the two of them in that regard,
where they both feel like they weren't recognized for all of the stuff they're supposedly doing,
while at the same time not recognizing that
others are like
yourself specifically or
other members of the executive board are
working tirelessly as well.
So you have this
strange situation where there's really
no way to resolve it because in a you have this strange situation where there's really no
way to resolve it because
in a party setting how you
resolve issues is based off of the facts
and the positions and what the data
says and objective
sort of criteria
Denny claimed that I live with my parents on the second floor and then I live with my parents.
Why did he, do you think he said that?
Like, what was the point?
He's trying to malign you, which obviously I know is not the case.
But what's the motivation for that lie?
I don't get it.
Like, why would he say that, if not to threaten my parents?
I think that's a portion of it.
I think he's definitely somebody who has absolutely no problem with
you know
maligning people he sees as like
some sort of cosmic evil which
is definitely how he sees the two of us
and threatening their
families or anything else I really don't
put that past.
And why did he claim that...
Why did he claim that we were running guns?
Again, I don't understand that.
The only thing that makes sense is the explanation you gave.
During the meeting, we had discussed the fact that, you know,
we were interested in what Russia or China's perspective was from a geopolitical standpoint,
because once again they had blocked the resolution in the United Nations about the Kenyan
peacekeeping mission or whatever. And so we had asked them that
in a roundabout way
and they assented that
somebody in the chat goes I really hope you're not being
oh I 100% feel like we're being
I yeah that's so
fucking like scary because they do do that the government feel like we're being afraid. Yeah, that's so fucking, like, scary
because they do
do that. The government does do that.
And I have fucking done
nothing. I've done nothing.
I've done literally nothing
illegal at all. I have never
fucking, I wouldn't even know, never fucking, I wouldn't
even know, running guns.
I don't know, like,
it's such a specific
accusation that it really seems like they're trying
to frame me for something. Well, the
interesting part of that
is in his statement,
one of the three articles that he wrote,
which, by the way,
he started writing,
putting up those final drafts on January
2nd, so he's been literally just
sitting, plotting this whole
time. It's really disgusting behavior.
But besides the rat-like behaviors
of Mr. Shaw,
he mentions in one of these articles
that he went and met with
his personal lawyer and signed a sworn
affidavit that he did not was not party to any
conspiratorial plans to run guns or whatever the fuck so you know he's definitely uh he's beyond
the point of even though right at this moment ah I wonder why
I'll wait once have you guys still here?
Literally just eft right then and there.
One. Oh yeah, we're good.
We're good. Yeah, they want us to know that
we know they know.
We're fucking crazy.
Actually, I was hesitant to reveal this, but then I remembered that Danny agreed to a recording.
We do have a recording of that.
We do have a recording.
Yeah, we have a recording.
Everybody, yeah, yeah.
And we're going to talk with our legal to see if there
would be any like problems
if we just released it but
we should also
ask Dan
yeah we'll ask Dan and Kim and we'll just
unedited we'll just fucking release the whole thing
that would be fine that meeting that he and we'll just unedited, we'll just fucking release the whole thing.
That meeting, that he claim.
And then everyone can see for themselves if there was anyone ever talked about running guns or anything like that.
So we'll just fucking release it, you know?
That way no, but then what can Danny say?
There was another secret meeting that... You know, he already set the precedent of lying, you know?
But yeah, I mean, I don't know if everybody caught that,
but in one of his articles, fucking two and a half hours or whatever footage in three articles, this man has a lot of time on his hand not being spent productively for the party.
He talks about how he went to his lawyer and got a sworn affidavit statement saying that he had no part in any conspiratorial for gun running and everything else.
So he's not only opened up the door to federal investigation.
I don't even know how they would like how they would fabricate that.
I don't know how the fuck they would do it.
I have no idea.
You could.
Well, he's created a, yeah, but I don't know where, but I don't know like, like how, how could you possibly connect me to something like that
I mean I'd have
I would have no idea
it doesn't
they don't actually have to have any
tangible proof what he's done
is actually swung the door wide
open for federal investigation because he is
he is consciously
preempted to the federal
viewpoint a potential
investigation into the matter
which gives it in the eyes of the federal
agents who determined to take up these investigations or not,
more credibility to that fact.
So, I mean, he knows what he's doing.
The man went to Columbia, okay,
and those who know, no.
And, uh,
you know,
now that people are saying Rico,
and it's so weird because he made these insinuations about, oh, you know, eventually they're going to do violence or whatever and intimidation.
And it really sounded like, yeah, this was about making, attempting to create the pretext for for accusing us of crimes correct i mean he taught at
you know college uh a law college uh keunee law or whatever. Not teaching law,
teaching I think
Latin American studies or something, I don't know.
But he taught
at that college. He worked with a lot of legal professors
and everything else. He knows all of this shit.
this is premeditated and definitely a plan of his.
And I know for a fact, due to, you know, conversations I've had today with individuals that he's been planning a lot of this stuff since, you know, Christmas.
So this isn't even date back to
Yeah, of course, before.
I think he just started making moves to
verifyably. Fill people in
on his plot, like to join him
for Christmas. Precisely.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's just
that's the earliest verifiable date that I
have so far. Of course, there's probably
things... Did you guys say something else about him going to
Columbia that cast suspicion on him?
Of course.
Shaw? Or do we
not want to talk about that?
Well, you know, it is a known fact that, you know,
all of the
all of the
Fed boys go to
go to Columbia
to study there
for that.
So, I mean,
that could just be a coincidence
that could not factor
into this whatsoever.
I would never want to
cast aspersions without evidence,
but, you know,
that's just,
that is something that is
a bit concerning
with all this.
Now that everything's public, everyone should have
the same suspicions we do, because
we do have them, frankly.
Yeah. I mean, a bunch of people
in the party, you know, rank
and file members when they saw this,
found it also, again,
this is very conspiratorial,
and I'm not sure what to make of it,
but people were talking about the fact that he had just went to Kenya
and that, well, he had met with Booker.
And Booker was just,
there was just an attempted assassination on him,
uh, less than what, a week ago?
I mean, it's completely speculative, but again, you know, these are
alarming trends.
And overall, and also, I mean, do we even want to talk about the whole, you know, Venezuela issue here? I mean, I don't even know if we want to get into that. But, I mean, there's many things very concerning about this entire situation that now that we have a more complete picture of the puzzle, we have the motive, we have the actual
action, you know,
a lot of these things
make a lot more sense and there's
a much more clear picture of what's exactly
been going on.
I mean, look, it's to be
expected we get infiltrators and shit.
What I'm curious about is why now?
That means, look, if the thing that's a little worrying is like,
infiltrators are there for the long haul.
You know, you stay in for the long haul.
Why did they jump ship now and reveal themselves?
Right, exactly. That's what I don't completely ever understand. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me why specifically now would be the time besides of course the fact that we know internally that we have things that we're planning to do for Q1 of this year that I think will take off to a point where our party will really get into, you know, higher stage of capabilities, you know, the recruitment drive and everything else that we have planned around that, the fact that we actually do have at minimum three businesses that
are about to be taking off started by chapters.
We've gotten our ducks in a row in an incredibly quick time.
I mean, a lot of the goals that we're talking about
are things that we didn't really envision until...
Doesn't that make John's crying about the chapter enterprise as being a failure
really weird? Like,
he made a seem... He made a... Yeah, at this...
It was a total failure, and then I talked to you guys,
and you were like,
actually it's pretty promising
and there's stuff.
what's also really confusing
about his portrayal of that
is that he sat in all,
all of those business meetings,
and he had nothing to say negative whatsoever one way or the other
about any of those business plans and you see guys if there's anything i was naive about it was
like those dynamics we're like you really going to be a bitch and just conceal everything you're feeling and wait to the last minute to let everything out.
When have we ever told you you can't push back on what we're doing if you don't agree?
And people are going to look at that clip of me yelling at John after,
fuck, Kyle knows, after a week of him just lying to us about how he's fine and was ready to go forward.
And he decided to crash a
meeting that was about urgent
pressing business randomly
after having the day
before said everything was fine, we don't either dwell on
this anymore, whatever.
You know,
it's crazy, you know it's crazy
you know
I mean also think about
this aspect
I mean we are about to
launch the recruitment drive
literally was supposed to beat
we're supposed to be Monday. We're supposed to have
all of this energy that we have
expended in the last, what,
two, almost three weeks now?
That's a severe blow in a very critical
time as far as, you know, what we could be spending that time on.
Now, in my opinion, this dream, the point of it, is to put all this shit to bed and to settle it, and that's that.
That's what I want to tell you guys
listen to me
I don't want to tweet about this
I don't want to constantly make posts
I don't I don't
I don't want to
fucking dwell on this because
we have shit to do
and it's like I said what I
said I revealed everything
if there's things I missed
and they want to reveal more we'll respond
proportionally in proportion
okay because we're not telling you everything about that
full disclosure oh yeah I mean we're not telling you everything about that, full disclosure.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, we're just talking about in relation to the party.
I mean, we have plenty of things.
Again, so everything will be proportional.
But in any case, it's going to be annoying to see all the misinformation
and you know why you guys are my people
because you sit through a five-hour stream and you hear it yourself
then when you go back on social media tomorrow
or whatever and you see the flood of lies, you know it's a lie because you know the truth.
You know the inconsistencies in their stories.
Maintain the truth.
Keep fighting for it like you always have.
That's why we're a cult.
The only reason this is a
cult by the way it's because of the severe dis-synchronicity right between the truth
people are fed about infrared on social media and what people actually hear with their
own ears and see with their own eyes on the
streams they tune into for hours. And the things they say about me are so, have been so wrong
for four years that my community became so intensely loyal to me
because they realized how much I'm being lied
about all the fucking time.
When they know factually the contrary
to be the case.
The exactly the um sorry i've been
i got working it's so stupid i didn't say this either
they keep saying oh it's a's a cult. Nobody ever contradicts Haas.
You don't know.
You don't know.
You really don't know how wrong that is. How stupid it is.
Ironically, as much as... The executive board chat
is constantly full of arguments
all the fucking time. Me and Kyle argue more than anyone, by the way.
Yeah. We just don't show, by the way. Yeah.
We just don't show weakness to the outside. We remain unified.
We also just principally resolve the matter.
We resolve it. Like men. We resolve it. You actually
fight for
your position to make sure
everyone's perspective is always being understood.
And that's why we're united, because we
solve these issues.
Exactly. And that's why
the, you know, all the executive board wasn't attacking haz doesn't mean they have no criticism on me it means that their criticisms are in the executive board communications internally i am not answerable to anyone right now except the executive board on a formal level.
So they have to keep me in check.
They have to, I have to be accountable to them every day.
And, you know, they, that is what happens.
So when someone from outside wants to do the same, it doesn't sit well with anyone
because it's like, motherfucker, you don't know the struggle sessions we go through all the
fucking time of arguing
and whatever
to come to a common position
you know
precisely and and there's
most most parties
don't understand democratic centralism
they lean too heavily
in one direction the other. I think that our
party has a very fine balance on this.
We have disagreements all the time.
You and Ijas, we resolve them.
We come to a position
and we
follow the centralism part of it, which is that, all right, that's the decision.
We're doing it.
Full faith and support in what that decision is, what that synthesis of those two opposing
viewpoints became, and that's how we move forward.
And that's always how it's been
so it's also very funny to me
that one of the articles is just
Danny's thing that he
internally sent to
all of the EB and PB
he renamed it of course if you can remember the sent to all of the E.B and PB.
He renamed it, of course, if you can remember the original title.
Yeah, originally it was like the faggots
of the executive board or something.
Yeah, the faggotry of the
ACP executive board.
But as a coward, he renamed it.
He renamed it
and removed all the slurs
and all the bullshit.
What a fucking coward.
Yeah, it's really pathetic.
yeah, I mean, he has this
picture painted where I'm some sycophant or something, which is deeply ironic because up to that point, I had been the number one person in the executive board where you and I would go back and forth all the time. But once again, we just always did it as you're supposed to, in leadership,
like men, settle the beef, come up with a new solution and move forward.
I was not to me personally.
It's to the integrity of the party.
He fights with me all the time in the executive board, and he goes through that
struggle, just like I do. By that, I mean, like, we spend a lot of energy and time in these
arguments, okay? And then when we finally come to an agreement, so much work has been done to do that.
So the reason Kyle is not here to entertain this undisciplined nonsense is because it's an insult to how much time he spends
having us have a unified line internally within the executive board. That's
why. Because it's an insult
to all the time we spend doing that.
That, oh, what? All that's
going to be undone now. We're going to retread everything.
How can you?
You know, I...
Maybe this is me personally.
I fundamentally don't understand how you can
respect another person as a human
being, let alone as an equal
in leadership or whatever, you know,
not formally you're the chairman, but you get what I'm
saying. As an equal in discussion, if you conceal how you feel about whatever the topic is, like I just don't understand.
He never said, he never called me.
John didn't either
um they just did this
they just tried to do a coup
failed and then
ran crying to the to the general public
I think there's a large
class component to that I think needs
to be dissected in more detail.
But yeah, it never made any sense to me.
And I mean, it's just ridiculous.
I mean, look at how much time we have had to waste because of
these individuals.
It's just, it's such a
waste. It's a waste of
actual potential
that could have been utilized elsewhere.
Merrick's, nobody
humiliated or castrated anyone all right please understand that danny is
projecting his crazy psychology on shit that has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, I don't know.
I just don't get it.
And that was the big problem between Danny and I, frankly, since the beginning of us knowing each other, was that I never pulled any punches.
I told him exactly how I feel about X, Y, and Z.
And I always tried to respect him as an equal and have a conversation with him. We were so young, and he was, like, old and so experienced.
You guys are a bunch of know-it-alls.
Danny, we're not saying that that we're just saying you had
your fucking chance and you have nothing to show for
it you're a fucking loser who's never had any
success to ever show for anything in your
whole fucking life when it comes to organization
or anything you're 40 something
congratulate you fucking lations where is your part your decades of comes to organization or anything. You're 40-something, congratulations.
Where's your...
Your decades of experience.
I mean, you fucking what?
Got kicked out of PSL?
I don't know what...
I don't know what happened with that.
But you...
You never... you don't know
what it's like to build a party. We didn't
say we know everything. We're just saying
Danny, you are at best
on the same level as the rest of us.
Young ones.
Because in decades, nobody's done a damn
fucking thing.
So you were all equal now.
Your age and your seniority means nothing.
John kept saying,
You guys are acting like you know everything and you have all the answers.
What does he mean by that?
I don't get that.
I don't get what he meant by that.
But what that we are
he meant I guess that we
believe with certainty we have to move
forward with the work. Absolutely.
We're not saying that there's a guarantee
it's going to be successful. We're saying we need to test. And then if we fail, we'll come back and do something else. But we need to move forward as a party. Absolutely. Doesn't mean we know if we think we fucking have everything figured out. We know everything.
It's a fundamental lack of faith on John's part, I feel.
I think that him saying that we know everything, no, we don't, and we have admitted that many times.
But what we do have is faith in the process and that we will achieve the right answer.
I mean to cut you off. I do that a lot.
No, you're fine. It's fine.
Like, people want
to know about the Bree thing and Bree
leaked shit of your messages with her?
Can we talk about that?
I think she leaked two messages where I was dressing her down because she was going outside of the, you know, constitutional laws of the party to, this was in relation to her attacks on Jackson publicly, where we ended up having a meeting with her, if you recall, myself, you and Eddie, having a sit-down meeting with her where we gave her really more leniency than even what is strictly under the Constitution required. We gave her a private conversation with the three of us and her to try to course correct her outside of a normal disciplinary hearing setting
because we wanted Bree to, you know, get with the program, basically.
And we didn't feel like it was appropriate to just...
Oh, sorry sorry go ahead
yeah yeah yeah fuck
sorry it's a streamer brand thing
go ahead finish yeah I got you
basically just
we had that meeting with her
and she said
she was wrong in doing that.
There was some other grievances that we discussed there
that we haven't really gotten into detail.
And, you know,
she acquiesced and said that, you know,
okay, well, you know, I'll do better moving forward
essentially. And if I have any know, I'll do better moving forward, essentially.
And if I have any problems, I will come to either my, me, the director of personnel, which formerly is the case, or you even offered, of course, you know, you can talk to me directly.
Oh, yeah.
I'll give you that special privilege.
And she never did any of that.
She just continued to harass Eddie and his private messages,
which he specifically asked that she not.
And she continued to attack Jackson publicly,
even after telling all of us that that wouldn't be the case.
Guys, these guys, they'll
like, they'll make these commitments and they'll say, oh yeah, and then they just like totally
John will make the commitment. Oh, we're not, I'm not going to bad mouth the party in public.
Of course not. He told that to Darg. Look what. And he just does it. Like,
if, if there's no honor, if you, if you're that to the dark. Look what? And he just does it. Like,
if there's no honor,
if your word means nothing,
what are you worth as a person?
He also told Christian,
the day before he resigned,
that he would never resign from the party.
So, you know, these people are just not... I forgot that.
Honest. Yeah, it's ridiculous.
There you go.
He said he would never resign the day after he resigns.
And not only that, he was...
While he said he would never resign,
he was drafting up a whole manifesto about
why he's going to resign. Tell me this guy has
character and he has an integrity of character.
And he wants to make things so personal.
Where the fuck is his honor? Where the fuck is his character
and integrity?
also, I'd like to
note for the viewers
during this stream,
I think probably following the
comments about
her former boyfriend
she deleted her
X account she deactivated again
Oh she'll be back.
She'll be, stay tuned.
Oh, I'm sure she will be.
Stay tuned.
Anyway, look,
look, look, um, look, um, guys, I have been trying to avoid controversy for a year, which was a good thing, because we needed to avoid it
so that I could have the party launched
and that's why
but now
controversy has found me
and we're in the heat of it
once again just like in 2021
and there's no pulling back we're just going to keep going
forward and uh i'm a fighter i'm going to keep fighting okay and um bring it on bring on the fucking
heat bring on the fucking heat bring on all this negative and shit. I've been trying to avoid for a year. I'm ready for it now. The party's here. We're united. We're ready. And again. And again. You guys have always been the witness. It's not about me, it's about you, the witnesses.
You guys have witnessed everything for four years. All the lies, all the plotting, all the
scheming, all the bullshit. You've been through it here, thick and thin through all of it
all of it all right
now you have
learned what we have told
you and you're going
to hear bullshit on Twitter that doesn't even add up
but you know
the truth yourself
same dynamic as has always been.
But now the heat is back.
Controversy is back.
We've been through worse.
Infrared's been through worse.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to fear.
I fear nothing.
They've been trying to fuck with us for a long time
before he aced you know
Danny Danny
said in one of his
three articles that basically
we can capitulate to whatever the fuck he wants
which he hasn't even articulated in any detail.
And, or, you know, he'll continue to attack and slander us and everything else.
I'm not scared of anything.
It's negotiation with a terrorist.
I mean, like, what could I possibly,
you know,
this is not a rational actor.
I'm not scared at all.
He's not scared of anything.
He's just going to find,
maybe he'll leak,
he'll leak us like,
saying bad words or something.
Who gives a fuck?
Who gives his shit?
Nobody gives a fuck.
If you guys...
The same behavior that he...
I've hung out with you guys in person, all right?
This is a workers' party.
This isn't a fucking party for...
You know?
And by the way I have made an effort
not to say bad words in public
okay I'll be damned
I'll be damned if you take away
my right to fucking tell
you know politically my right to fucking tell you know
politically incorrect jokes
and fucking
and use bad words in private
though with people I trust to are my comrades
yeah and also I mean,
as much as he likes to
Gallivan and virtue signal,
it's the same exact behavior,
you know,
that he could,
he's going to rat on himself at that point.
I don't even get it.
he's going to rat on himself
because he absolutely fucking
was just there with us.
Both of them were.
So go ahead, try that.
See what happens.
It's ridiculous anyways.
It's just all very stupid.
Back to something that does bother. stupid.
Back to something that does bother me, which is that why
would the feds tip their hands so
quickly or whatever? It's just like...
That's the one spooky thing about all this.
It's like, yeah. Shit.
You know what?
if the FBI is going
to attack my house,
can you do it
when I'm awake
and not when I'm sleeping?
That would be really fucked up.
Do it when I don't have
my son over.
It would be ideal.
I'm not like a crazy guy,
You want to fucking search through all my shit?
Go ahead and do it.
I'm literally...
I don't know if that's a legal thing, I just said.
It's a joke.
William, what's up?
I don't have anything to hide, though.
That's true. William, thank you so much for the 30.
Also, J.B. Wolf thank you man
but um I think this is the world record of donations on the stream
let me look at we it's very funny we made about like 600 subs
I did I like 600 subs.
I did.
I made 600 subs on the stream.
I don't, you know, I don't.
Was that their goal to raise money for? Well, I do have to say like this is completely
backfired the resounding opinion on social media
is decidedly against them
the resounding opinion within the party is
100% against them dissatisfied against the results that he's
now saying we need to fight
all right he is now saying
it needs to be settled physically
that's how upset
he is with the results of this
that's fine I guess upset he is with the results of this.
That's fine, I guess. I hope the PSL accepts him with woke open arms.
I hope they at least go and do something besides
cry about us for the rest of their lives.
He's always had a very strange relationship
to the PSL, this like battered housewife
syndrome. He's the battered housewife
in this scenario, which is very funny
thinking about him.
But he's, every single time
the topic of the PSLs come up he's always
defended them in this roundabout way
yeah they abused me but you know
they were they were great they were the one
and it's like what are you talking about
this is a clip
you fucking cowards
broken so many You fucking cowards.
He's broken so many hearts.
By the way, he's reciting a script.
These are not communists.
These are not even men.
We'll be waiting for you this weekend on 149th street punk-ass phonies
he's going to be standing on that cold street by himself
i think 149th he's going to be standing
149th and what it is not even incredible I mean
149th's a massive street
it's New York City
I mean that's like miles long
I'm gonna walk across
the whole miles
no we're gonna yeah
we're gonna go search
to Danny Shaw
149th street
I mean to be fair
he's 6- six, eights.
You're not, you're not communist.
You're not communist.
I'm just took some heroin.
I'm coming down from, I don't know, you know.
I'm just kind of like, know 149th street you know these are not
communists these are not imagine we do run into him on 149th Street.
He ain't gonna do shit.
He won't do it.
It's New York City.
There's like a million people walking on the sidewalk.
He won't do a fucking thing, Kyle.
This guy's a fucking pussy.
The fact that he harmed all this hatred the whole time and wouldn't say a fucking thing to me
means he's a pussy and I'll never respect him
for the rest of my life.
Yeah, I mean,
that blew out the window a long time ago.
But no, I wanted to say this.
If we can release the full
Oh, you know what I was going to really expose the public to the true character of Danny Shaw?
My face on that meeting?
If we release that meeting.
Oh, my God.
You guys are going to fucking see.
You guys are going to see. You guys are gonna fucking see you guys are gonna see
you guys are gonna see
how much he
was just I almost
want to fucking pull it up right now
but we have to oh my god
yeah no we definitely have to consult with the other two guys
because we don't know if he's going to claim later that, oh, I didn't agree for it to be recorded.
Oh, no, he definitely agreed.
He screamed during the Friday meeting.
Did he?
Did he?
Yeah, remember?
Oh, okay.
Okay, good. He was screaming that it. Yeah, remember. Oh, okay. Okay, good.
He was screaming that were...
Yeah, I mean, he screamed it like 20 times.
We're going to check in with Dan.
We're going to check in with Dan, Kim Ives.
And maybe
we'll send it to them first and see what they think.
And then we'll probably just release it.
And then you'll see the gun running, all the
shit he was claiming. You're going to
It's about... I have
recorded about
two hours of it.
Yeah. I think. It was a long meeting of just two hours of it yeah i think
it was a long meeting
of just danny saying
oh yeah you're right
and then Kyle getting upset
i was so
fucking brusbell
the specific way he fumbled.
Remember, he would tell us,
Barbecue just burned down this neighborhood.
And then we would be like, yeah, why would he do that?
That's so horrible.
We want to ask Dan and Kim, what's going on?
We asked Kim and Dan yo why did he
burn down this neighborhood
they're like
that was actually a police
you should see Kyle's face
he's like
oh my God
why didn't you Danny why did you tell us it was a police neighborhood
you understand in haiti barbecue is fighting against the government and the intervention
troops and shit so it's like It's a war
And he's fighting all these other warlords too
Who are allied with
The US and stuff
You know
It's just like Danny really
Did not give us an accurate picture
Of what was going on.
By the
barbecue doesn't need our husband.
By the way,
the whole point of
mediating that discussion was about
media. It wasn't about
arms. It was about like propaganda.
Like, is it justified to villainize barbecue like this?
Or isn't it?
You know?
That's what it was about.
It was not about smuggling weapons from fucking Russia.
Why the fuck would we
smuggle? Why would anyone want?
You know how stupid that is?
From Russia?
Do you know geography, how far
Haiti is from Russia?
Maybe Russia will give barbecue
like some planes or something
or some tanks
is that
what he's is that what he's insinuating
we're going to
running guns
they have guns
in Haiti
the only thing we could be running
our tanks and missiles and planes
and how could
that and when I make 3,000
a month besides this month
which is you you know,
thank you guys.
Yeah, we're going to give
a barbecue a fucking Oreznik
to launch against
the, you know, all his
his rivals, sure.
You remember when I got in trouble for snapping on him the limited amount I did in that meeting?
No, no, yeah.
Kyle, someone just pointed out.
The guns on my wall are going to be, we're going to run those to Haiti.
Barbecue, here we come.
You want a sword, two?
There's a sword. Oh? There's a sword.
Oh, there's two swords. One sword, two swords.
Two pistols. Two revolvers.
That's what... That's the whole thing.
It's just so ridiculous.
And then the cherry on top, through all of that, was MoloGoff as 12 people or whatever.
That was when I realized Danny has destroyed
his character in my eyes for the rest of my life.
When we found out how many people are in Molligoff,
the Haitian masses, the Haitian masses,
according to Danny, the masses have spoken.
It's like five people who spend their time doing marches for the police in Haiti, by the way.
That was the other one.
They're fucking organizing marches through neighborhoods for police to like praise the police
it's like your face during
what all the I want
this way now I'm reliving it
I want the public to see that meeting
it was Danny it was your
it was for your sake
we didn't release it.
Honestly, we were saving you from embarrassment, dude.
We were embarrassed for them.
Yeah, we are trying to help you, man.
Well, all that's out the window.
Yeah, I just, I don't get it.
It's, uh, it's very, very poor judgment on Danny's end.
I mean, I will take a moment to, to say one thing, which is that I do genuinely hope the man hasn't fallen off the wagon.
But that's about all the pity I have left, to be honest.
I have no pity for any of them.
I just don't care about them.
You know, know like they are
they are like totally just discredited to me and there's nothing i will never forgive them
by the way there's nothing they can i don. I don't think there's a reason to
at this point.
I mean, like,
I, what I am eating popcorn
waiting for is like, boy I keep saying this I keep saying this join or form any other kind of organization and please see how long for For us it was five months.
How long can Danny last in another organization?
How long can you?
I don't know.
But please go and see if you can have this attitude and
and mentality you have and pull that shit in any fucking organization
and see if it will it will fly
john molara you know john the professional it was one of his favorite words professionalism i was very
unprofessional taking a ship and i was very unprofessional firing an r pkm machine gun with
flawless flawless form and zero recoil.
That was very unprofessional.
And John is a professional.
John, when he wipes his ass, this is something Eddie said.
It's very true.
He creates a perfect
square of the
toilet paper, a perfect square.
Everything he does is just perfection.
John is just
such a professional. It's all formalism.
He's like a samurai. Everything is like a
Darmic monk. Everything is just so
to the T, except, except being able to follow basic fucking rules in a party. That he doesn't have
down. When it comes to that, he likes to gossip. He likes to cry in line and disrupt meetings.
He likes to docks.
He likes to leak shit.
He likes to not show any kind of discipline at all.
No professionalism.
No care about...
He likes to make commitments to the Constitution that he reneges on four or five months later and and and and and and and changes his opinion and and decides to blame me for that that he changed his mind he he has no professionalism or formalism when it comes to the communist party, but when it comes to his judgment about my
personality, he's very professional. He's very. John is so professional that he invoked his
high school friend when trying to rationally convince leadership
about why I need to be deposed.
Haas is just like my friend from high school.
American cycles.
Bro, if you saw his face during the Friday meeting alone, all right?
He was, I literally was telling the e-board during that meeting.
I'm like, look at this guy's face.
He looks like genuinely disturbed.
Okay. he looks like genuinely disturbed like this is his face the whole meeting like like he's like i it's like what the fuck dude did i like kill your whole bloodline or
something the fuck is wrong with you?
He's just a product of his class and, you know,
for a time he had us convinced that
you know,
he was used for the
worker, but
no, I mean
Danny and John
are perfect examples
of the class that they represent,
and that is the problem.
They're both professional managerials,
and they have all the
baggage associated with that and that's why
there's a lot of parallels between the two of them
and the ways that they act
rational behind their decisions
even if John is being held hostage
I still don't expect him.
I don't either. It's ridiculous.
Because if you're a communist, you don't ever become a traitor for any fucking reason.
I don't care what they threaten you with.
Never become a traitor.
You made a fucking vow, you know?
So that is mainly the full story.
I think it'll be very interesting if John still is getting his show on DDG.
That'll be an interesting development I feel
because I feel like a lot of this will
just a lot of his streams will just
be stupid shit. Once a traitor
always a traitor. If you're willing to
fucking betray us the way he did, he'll
fucking betray anyone.
You're a traitor, you're a traitor, you're a fucking traitor for life
not just against our party
in general it's part of what your character is
you're a fucking traitor
yeah I mean exactly
I mean it's a deep character flaw
there's really no other way to go about
looking at it
you can't you can't trust people
who someone's asking do this
but someone's asking will there be a verge
in the party guys we have
listen we are
we are solid we are solid
we are solid like stone. We are unphased.
If other people want to throw tantrums, technically they can do that.
But the precedent has been set as far as what results that's going to yield.
We don't need to go manic and purge anything. We are, we're like, that's why I was shocked by a lot of this shit.
Lawn, what's up man appreciate you
you know you want to throw
a tantrum for attention
like nobody
literally I've been monitoring
as I always do all the chapters all day, and through this all, it was one guy who said that he was troubled by this and he might resign or something. One guy or the entire party.
And his other comrades talked to him
and gave that guy
their perspectives
at that chapter level,
completely organic.
I didn't get involved
even. I just watched
the conversation unfold.
And he's like,
you know what
you're right you know this just seems kind of crazy i was just kind of shocked by it
and that was that so as far as who am i going to purge you know like this is ridiculous
what really john and danny in a lot of ways have done us in tremendous favor.
This is such a blunder on their part.
The party is more unified than ever internally.
The rank and file are more unified towards the common goal of the party and the future of the party than they ever were before
because that's what happens when you're attacked is everybody who has principles and his
discipline hunkers down and defends the hill i mean that's really that simple love appreciate you
i wouldn't be surprised of our haters claimed this was all an inside job offends the hill. I mean, it's really that simple. Thank you so much, Slava. Appreciate you.
I wouldn't be surprised of our haters claimed this was all an inside job because of how much it backfired, frankly.
Yeah, well, no, as I would have preferred to avoid any of this nonsense, but, you know, now that it's happened, wow.
We at least have the right to fucking talk about it, like, what the fuck?
Yeah. The actual fuck. But I will say to the public, you know, we have a lot of very good work planned coming soon in the party and beyond the recruitment drive, things that are coming, we're going to be very involved in the coming labor struggles.
And it's onwards and upwards.
I mean, this is literally, to me, I mean, as far as the time this took to address it,
that's the only speed bump I see
and really
inconsequential frankly
and we have
nothing but
we're gonna
we're literally just going to bury this with the amount of, you know,
work that we're actually churning out as a party on the ground with the masses.
Yeah, I mean... yeah i mean um yeah i mean um Yeah, look, I'm going to be very frank, you know.
This did not really cause sorry
i got a carlos called
i said sorry
carlos was called
oh yeah yeah no problem
yeah anyways
um yeah i'll duck out. You can close out.
Oh, yeah, sure.
See you later, Kyle.
Appreciate it.
See you.
Sorry, I'm just seeing funny memes.
Yeah, I think one of the things that people,
the reason it backfired is because there was a lot of mystery about what's going on in our party and whatever.
And now, like, the worst possible lies and accusations that were made up by people somewhat inside gave you some idea.
And now everyone can see that actually
actually you know
shit has been solid
the whole time you know
the one thing that I keep sticking out you know Danny's claim that I was gun running
that is fucking crazy if we release the meeting you're going to find that was never even insinuated.
And he will be forced to walk back his claim and say,
actually it wasn't said in the meeting. It was said somewhere else.
Then we don't know.
He doesn't have to prove it or provide any evidence.
What are we supposed to...
What am I supposed to make of
that you know he needs to be held legally accountable for making up that lie
do they have crucial information on the party no no no they don't. They have nothing. They have nothing at all. Because we are squeaky clean. And that's why we're fucking broke
until tonight
it's bizarre
it's absolutely bizarre, all right? Six hours. Me fucking explaining this. Now I want you guys, especially those of you who are not from the community tuning in,
I want you to compare and contrast, all the crazy shit from all this drama.
You want to know why? Go on our ACP main and look at what our party's been doing for the past five months.
Look at what we actually been doing.
Look at what we actually been doing
that is why.
That is why
it's all about burying and destroying that.
That's literally all it is you know all this drama for what
for what i thank god that john guy was not at our plenary committee that's all i could tell you
i thank god every i'm gonna thank
god every night for that fact that he wasn't at the plenary committee what a sketchy weird shady
fuck same with danny he wasn't there either so again going once going twice anything else you guys want me to address or talk about anything else
literally anything else.
Literally anything else.
Is there anything else?
That's relevant to this stuff going on, not... Red Note, what do you want me to say about Red Note?
All right?
What is about Red Note note that's relevant to
this your orders on red note uh behave what about niki no there's nothing danny
accused niki of trying to dox him I don't know what that means
Nikki did nothing wrong what so what did you have to give those guys your name?
No, but I trusted them because we were comrades.
Bree's complaint about
prioritizing international relations.
She needs to show how that focus has taken away from internal stuff when it hasn't.
It absolutely hasn't.
Danny muted himself in the recording.
What did he say after John invited him to speak, then left?
Nothing. Danny said nothing.
Danny was a coward in that meeting and didn't say a fucking thing.
Is Jackson banned Chinese social media? Not at all.
He's reinstated.
He was subject to a review.
They reviewed him.
They found he was fine, and he's back.
Uh... How does losing Danny affect?
It doesn't. It doesn't. Did Jackson have anything to say about all this?
Jackson called me earlier today.
He just was what you'd expect.
He was just like, wow.
Was Danny about, I don't know.
Why did he come out with this now because they tried a coup two or three weeks ago and it didn't work so they got desperate and they did this instead
he claimed that himself and halali were the reasons for international support.
No, it's Halali.
Halali and Jackson.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I think Danny's connections were like with Moglieff in Haiti, which was like five people.
Probably one of the reasons he got so slighted.
He claimed to have connections to Venezuela, but his connections were inferior to other people's connections.
So he's not really decisive for anything.
Basically, he's a fraud. Uh Danny is not the reason why Jackson could meet Maduro, all right?
Just not. He's a low life, and I don't know what else to tell you. Danny claims that I live with my parents and that I was smuggling guns.
These are two lies, verifiable lies.
Everything he said is a lie that is empirically relevant, you know.
Again, where's the proof? Show us the proof. Show us the fucking proof.
For any of that Thank you. I don't know what I'm missing. I don't know what I'm missing.
Danny's criticism of Carlos for not putting in any work for member education and just teaching Marxism
classes on the side.
That is not true. Carlos has compiled the list, the reading lists, for the membership,
and he has done a lot of work
when it came to the journal
and he's not even finished
Midwestern Marxism has always
teach Marxism classes.
He's doing a class right now, actually. Thank you. Well, there you go, guys. They just shit their pants in public
What else
What else?
What else?
Honestly, what else honestly what else i've been a marxed linens for years. I visited from comrades in 86 countries.
I took a vow to follow your generation's leadership for one year and give this a chance.
You took a vow for one year, but five months he decided to soy out.
I don't know what this means.
I don't know what this means. I don't know what that is.
All right.
Don't know what that is.
I don't know what I'm supposed to take away from that.
Yeah. All right, if there's nothing else, again, it's been six hours.
I'm clearly not missing anything.
Um... missing anything.
I'm clearly not missing anything, you know.
All right. You know, The Blackpack with the 20. Thank you, man. There's nothing else right nothing else all right nothing else all right if there's more trash tomorrow uh i have to deal with i'll maybe do it very late for a late stream okay i've
it'll be a late stream. Okay, I've...
It'll be a late stream.
Or it'll be Sunday, you know.
We'll, we'll do these streams for as long as I need to.
And we'll reveal things in due proportion.
Um... and we'll reveal things in due proportion um so yeah I think that's it.
Again, six hours.
There's nothing I'm missing. what else did he say what else do they say um i think I think that's it.
What's the Chicago thing?
I don't know what that is.
What is that? he said something about somebody being weird at the Amazon protest.
I wouldn't know. I was in Russia.
Maybe someone was.
I don't encourage anyone being high at Amazon protests. I don't know what, I had no
knowledge of that. Why should I take the blame? Just me, you know, he didn't even tell me about it.
Am I still going to New York? I don't know.
Is that it? all right well there you go
i've told you guys my leading suspicions about both of their motivations and why they're doing this and what the whole what's going on.
So now you have it.
If the last question you might have is, is there anything that John could have had
a knock on the door because of?
Absolutely there is.
I will tell you that.
There is absolutely shit.
John could have gotten a knock
on the door of where they said, you have to
do our bidding now because we have this shit on you okay and
unlike them you know we're going to reveal in due proportion so we'll wait and see you know what their response is going to be but i guess here we, you know, what their response is going to be.
But I guess here we go, you know.
Anyway, guys, stay tuned. Stay tuned.