the pople look the p the looking paple of the tle p of the c pain the y ps paple of the lc peplok p
the t pople k the t peop thelook of the t people of the t pl of the mer paple many pts the er pople of the tal peopok the p
pop the of theloc pople of the t piion of the peopny pps the people of the cal pe ocp
pople lok the e thelok pale of the tinal pole of the m paple many pts the pople of the binal peoo
do to fok up
fox say
you know what you
you twenty two you say elemyo hi mad
you know since you find it so funny why don't you get fifty subs since you find it so pucket funny
but i didn't give fifty subs
you find it funny so give give fifty subs
i'm giving you my anger you give me fifty subs
sort of forgup
i'm not in a good fucking mood
i'm not
i'm not in a good mood
i'm so fucking sick
of this curse
every fucking day i wake up
at three p m or five p m
and every time i try to fuck and fix it it doesn't
falk and work
i skipped a gym yesterday
you i was at the gym at
at three
three am
i say you know what i'm going to go i'm going to skip it so i wake up early
i couldn't sleep all night fell asleep at ten ten a m
you know and then people say i was why do you just stay up
because i have to stream right if i stay up and i skip another daance
you know it just like the's
there's nothing i can fuck and do
and the fucking barbers was closed
no i don't need a fucking woman shut the fuck up
this shit is killing my fock and channel
you know
you guys know why i've been so successful
because for some reason i was able to stream earlier after l a
so i would start at like four p m
and i stcream for like ten hours a day and it's just it was
super successful
and every fuckin day i tell myself you know what to morrow i'm going to reset it
every time i startedt eight pm and no matter what i try to fuck and do this stream starts at eight pm
you should is kill in my fucking channel right i don't know what i really don't know what to fuck to do right
but i'm going to be honest with you
not being able to get sun not being able to walk in the just experience the morning and hear the birds in the morning and shit
it's makin me so fuckin miserable i can't fuckin
ah live like this you know
i don't know what i'm gonna do i gota fuck in
you know i don't i don't want to take edibles again
as that shitft fucks my mind up takes months to recover from
i don't know if you all know this
but insomnia is the reason i started screaming
we went from infrared doing these videos to streaming
because of my fucking insomnia
yeah that's why i started be'cause when i started law school
i started getting this insane insane fucking insomnia
man you guys don't want to hear me bitch about this shit there's no fucking point of it
there's no point in it
there's no fucking born in this
today is one of those days where i would take the day off
i literally can't
i literally can't
i know nobody wants to hear me bitch but i would really take the day off if i could afford it and i literally can't
thanks yanonymous
i'll shit fifty
holy fog thank you appreciate it
he said it a lot
yeah wow guys
if i if i was able to wake up at eleven
a m
oh my god you would notice the difference holy fuck everything would be so much better
our whole life would be better everything would be fine
there would literally be no problems
i i have been working out every day but i skipped yesterday that's also why
i'm in such a bad mood
s i keep fucking up uh
my workout schedule
i skipped yesterday cause i thought i would wake up earlier
and i'd go get fuck and clean my beard
and it didn't fucking happen right i couldn't sleep all night
in the the barbers closed all day today on monday so i got to wait tomorrow and it's like
it's s's really starting to piss me off at this fucking point
i just want to get rid of this falcon beard
i don't have the time to do it myself
i don't have the time to just shave it all off myself i literally don't have any fucking time
and it's really pissing me off how i'm trying to do something and i keep having to postpone it to the next fucking day i've been trying to fuck and fix this problem since thursday every fucking day i have to move it to the next day because some stupid bullshit fucking happens
it's really starting to piss me off
it's really fucking starting to piss me off
like every fucking day
is a really miserable fucking day where i can't even eat i can't do shit because of this giant fucking beard
which is getting in the way of my fuck and daily life at this point
i feel i'll be able to sleep better with us
shorter beard
you know it's itchy intert know i'm so fucking sick of this man
and i'm like yeah tomorrow i'll do it and then that i have to fuck and postpone it to the next day
like holding the buck on my purse
and then
i'm fucking up my own channel because i can't stream early
will the shit
all i need to do is stream at four pm
and then everything's fuck and fine
because guess what i'll be in a better mood
i'll have more energy and i'll just be able to stream better more efficiently
but every fucking day for a month
it's eight p m nine pm the foggon stream starts
and i have to come up with the excuse for you
and the excuse is always different but it's always real
you know it's there is always some fucking reason
why i can't just dream earlier
but it's not just an excuse it's always a real reason that's cooking the dreams
and i don't know if i'm cursed or something or what the fuck is going on but it's like every fucking day something happens something is brust even tomorrow i'm not going to be able to stream early why because tomorrow i have to go fix my fucking beard so it's like every single fucking day there's a new reason
and for some reason
i actually need sleep
in an inhuman like an inhuman way
i'm not one of those people who could do twenty four hour stdreams and just go without sleep
when i start when i not have any sleep
my skin starts to get really oily and itchy i start to sweat a lot
my eyes turned like extremely dry and red
and it's like
the holy focx all of a sudden like
it's literally so fucking hard to just be awake
when you just did not have sleep
even if i get five hours of sleep which i got last night by the way only got five hours
it's so fucking exhausting you know
thank you agess
you know
sometimes the away
that's stupid and then i have to choose what music to
i' just what music is going to not fuck and piss me the fuck off for today's stream
every song pisses me off
ever shot the fk up
silence right
but then the damas stupid folk viewers need music to tune in
because they don't have a good attentions man
i have to play music or else people are like
erh nothing's going on here imt a stupid fuck
don't ass
stupid fucking dumb fucking
eighty eight d
oh my bad nothing wrong with a d h d
forgot a month which
you know the type of guy i am
this is why i'm better than all of them
i'm better than everyone
let me tell you why
i am better than all two hundred thousand of ex e viewers every single one of them i'm better than that
which are you why
because if you lock me in a fucking cell chamber with all pitch black lights and complete silence you want to know what i'll fuck and do i'll do this
pol pot c ommun ista
and i will literally meditate until
i turned into a fucking solid
you know that
thes the statue of of a buddhist monk
who just sat there and meditated
for thousands of years and he's still alive and he's a statue nw look it up
book it up
look it up
look oh you don't believe me you don't believe me look it up
google it
googling he started meditating like this
he has stayed that wight for thousands of years and still alive
and he's encased in a statue
look it up
i could do that
i can actually do that
but you all can't do that you always need music you'll always need content you'll always need something going on
every single one of you all always need something going on s fark up
should we do three hour silent stream
i kind of feel like doing a three hour silence dream to teach a lesson
if i'm thinking about this
three hours silence streamed today
because i want to test my viewers
only the toughest only the strongest only
the best of the best the cream of the crop
only the most
then i can test to see who's real and who's not
three hours silen dream only meditation
every one who's worth anything will stay because they can prove their manhood
all the fucking
mabe me who always need i get the fuck i don't fucking watch you here
you know what
you know what
you know what
you know what
anonymous tipped five dollars what is infrared trying to tell the world
guerrilla son guerrilla son guerrilla son guerrilla son guerrilla son guerrilla son guerrilla son
johnny underscore the underscore com me tipped three dollars and thirty three cents i have neveren hearned f inisceration in mor of the instant dream has obliterated silence
silence looked lost and bewildered by the arguments of the great has
has from infrared continues to show a superior understanding of the fundamental
liquid underscore ches toipped eleven dollars and sixty two cents
only shushes and periods inchat
your word's a weakness
your emots a weakness
even this message is weakness
we are only form no content
pychos sinatra tiped three dollars and thirty three cents
say what you want about vladimir putin
but not many people can run two countries at one spased based pase
anonymo is tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
the db that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging d
the name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name
having no name
it is the originator of heaven and earth
having a name it is the mother of all things
sushi sofia is seventeen tip three dollars and fourteen cents
behold the mystic khan
learned from his ways
johnny underscore the underscore commy tipped three dollars
problems of noise and in demonstrating the correctness of his ideals
as is the only hope of the humanity to overcome the mendeloid noise making menace
the greatest of thinkers and scientists of our day and past
i salute has his accomplishment
psycho sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents what is vladimir putin's favorite song
crimea river papyala
ob tipped five dollars berukotta adona elhinu malekhrwilam hamatsilech and minhar erats
psychos sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
weary face it's april first
weary face that means its april fool's playful face and its time too playful face
fool obegene
nervous sweat
tongue april showers nervous sweat
nervous sweat
nervous sweat
bring may flowers hibiscus cherry blossom blossom tulip
weary face devilish face
jackson witht a hankle tipped four dollars and twenty cents
long lives what team
big bootye hose
it not my cup of tea but you know what type of wipe there con is on
muskrat thipped three dollars and thirty three cents take a shower
pycho sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
with vladimir putin so eager to restore ties
i think the end russia should form one country
we can call it the united states of soviet russia
uuss are for short
comrade comrade
spartan doogan tipped two hundred dollars tipped four dollars
vladimir putin tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
clean your room
steven tipped four dollars and twenty cents
take my money and lina
if my girl girl's smiling face and my bay blade's full score fire are both drowning wave frowning face and i could only save one open mouthed smile index pointing up you can catch me letting it rip at my girl's funeral cold sweat smile ghost skull cause it's bay blade or catch a fade my boy
johnny underscore the underscore comy tipped three dollars and thirty three cents loom
folded hands
remy the woki tipped three dollars and sixty nine cents i like your content
i can't wait for you to make amramans great again twenty twenty four
it's probably pretty hard not laughing too hard at some of these donos
i love that jacket bt w
i hope one day i can get unbanned from chat and i hope you have a great night
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
creep's in this peatdy pace
jo off only tipped sixteen dollars and thirty one cents
psycho sinata tipped three dollars and thirty three cents yohaza's jacket reminds me of the first time i heard about neo nazis in ukraine
i was confused because of the matrix
i was like
there's no way nearar could be a nazi
he lives in a place called sin and most of his friends are black
adrian tipped three dollars and thirty three cents while other streamers are content to babble about nothing we grow stronger in silence
lord of the unspoken and sufferer of the turned tipped three dollars and thirty three cents as i know we don't agree on much but i want to let you know i always carry a photo of your face in my skin rolls in case i need to jerk one out quickly
d domc scoop book tip three dollars and thirty three cents
putin may circle keev with tanks but he will never gain the hearts and souls of the iranian people
she'll never extinguish their love for freedom
and you'll never weaken the resolve of the free world
l hafe tipped three dollars and thirty three cents viva f deel viv cha
asta la victoria ci emper
icuktipped three dollars and thirty three cents we are the right hand of infrared vision
the tip of the spear
the might of the gorillas
tempered by faith
a bulwark of devotion
by the indomitable might of the kan we have one goal
to identify disavow and extinguish any serpentine mentality
ung added three dollars and thirty three cents seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven
evan seven seven seven seven seven seven evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evan seven seven seven sevens evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evan seven seven seven seven seven seven seven
evants evan seven evens evans evans evans evans evan seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven sevens evants evans evans evans evans evans evans evan seven sevens evans evans evans evans evans evan seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven sevens
evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evants evants evants evants evants evants evants evants evants evants evants evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evanll evan evanvgent ev
hand addends evanti is evan you of agent elliance evan hander addends evanti is evan on agent elliance evan hand addends evanti is evan agent elliance evan hander addends evanti is evan nend as eliiance evan hand addends evanti is evan octend as eliiance evan hander addends evanti is evans atten as eliiance evan hand addends evanti is ev
vans as elliance evan undredddents eventies evan quind as elliance evan hundred and eventies evan q you od as elliance evan undredddents eventies evan read as elliance evan hundreddents eventies evan you od as elliance evan hundreddents eventies evan and as lliance evan hundreddents eventies evan as elliance evan hundreddents eventies ev no
llians evan hundreddents eventies evan o ellians evan hundreddents eventies evan zipped ellians evan hundreddents eventies evan six ellians evan hundreddents eventies evan coen elliance evan hundreddents eventies evan quadlliance evan hundreddents eventies evan lliantce evan hundreddents eventies evan blliants evan hundreddents sventies evn mellians evan
hundred and seventy seven thousand seven hundred and seventy seven
rosanna tipped three dollars and thirty three cents gorillas and sons
frankerz vladimir putin is good frankerz
w tipped four dollars and twenty cents if i did this on my stream no one would watch
this is bullshit and it shows how this is all just a red brown alliance
i talked with my dad in beverly hills and he said he's going to pll langley because silence is violence
his love is zucchini
joe birden tipped four dollars and twenty cents hy y y y y y y y y y man
party chairman tipped three dollars and thirty three cents we make a critique of it
that's why we're morist
we make a critique of it in order to improve socialism the next time it comes around
and throws people like youurrass into labor camps
psychosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents you let me test this pastor
bomb has been planted
boom has been diffused
the liquid underscorejs tipped five dollars and fifty five cents
if you meet a fencing master on the road
you may give him your sword
if you mean a poet
you may offer him your you meet others say only a part of what you give the whole thing at once
josims tipped three dollars and thirty three cents good morning revolution
as a black man in a wheelchair i will never let a white putonist like you near the capusi throne
also destiny wants to know if you can watch when you take momlina
talk to you later
psycho sonatra tip three dollars and thirty three cents my sprinkler goes like thist stt and comes back like t tit and my dog goes like woof
and my cat goes me oow
me oow
me oow
me oot
me oow
me e e a
christ come tip three dollars and thirty three cents we make a mast of it that's why we're critiqued
we marist a critique of maism in order to critique it the next maistid comes around and throws critique like your socialism into a socialism critique
cakrme la harris tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
do not come do not come
stephen bonell tipped three dollars and thirty three cents this is kind of embarrassing but have you seen my wife
it's getting kind of late and i'm wondering when she is going to come home
and remember tipped three dollars and thirty three cents you can fool yourself
i promise it will help
notw every single day i just want to hear you say
i'm so lucky lucky
i'm so lucky lucky
psycho sonatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents my roeful copter goes soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy lena leen a leena leen a lena leena leena leena leena lena leena lena leena lena leena may day may day a a a a a a a
colin powell tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
the flame'es burn so much
god someone help me
joe sums tpp three dollars and thirty three cents
he lw hands glad we could arrange this debate finally
now first point
infrared is actually a kind of red brown club
wait a second
rosanna is this is the right guy
how do i turn him up in zoom i can't hear him
party chairman tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
pushing pi i'm pushing p pushing pi i'm pushing pa pushing pi i'm pushing pe pushing pi i'm pushing pa po a p i'm paranoid i can't just sleep my pockets deep got racks on me while theyre watching me
i'm pushing p i'm pushing p pushing p i'm pushing p ya
hang on
vlodimir zelenski tipped three dollars and thirty three cents please invade my sovereign territory hazzy dady
paper win tip ten dollars
three hours of silence for the victims of the ukrainianrime
i and k tipped three dollars and thirty three cents i'm worried about you fighting my friend dillon
i'm not sure if his head shape can get more fucked up but i don't want to find out
liquid underscore chess tipped four dollars and fifty six cents one student aask
why do the gifters tell jokes
so rude is he that pierces the silence and bruises our serenity
the teacher spoke
do we laugh as the joke is told or once it is over
all is silence
silence is all
the student began to lat
a which compliance team tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
hello has so technically being silent for three hours on a stream is against our user agreement
if you don't say something in the next twenty seconds it's a permaban
fighting also is compliant
we just need some kind of noise generated by you
ten nine eight
seven six
comrade number three tipped three dollars and thirty three cents la r n bacg
o goun i it three dollars and thirty three cents
putin is crunched but all sanctions from alexander digin should be removed
putin tipp three dollars and thirty three cents sid set set set set set set set set set sets thatt set set sit set set set sut seid said set set set set set sut set sets st sut sid such such such such sad said sis and said sens and said sens and said sai said said sd sisd sai said saensid saensid sensid saensid sensid sensaid sensaid sensaid saisid said sen said said said said said said said said said said said said said said said said said said
s s sid sd si sd said st si s s s s siseid
der tipped three dollars and thirty three cents stephen destiny bonnell has faced harsh criticism from other streaming personalities including he from the infrared channel
during one debate in march twenty twenty two
has repeatedly alleged that bonell was built like sid
from the two thousand and two movie ice age
molina tipped three dollars and thirty three cents not goneli has
heve never gives
donald j trump tiped three dollars and thirty three cents
the bourgeois
do're no good
the proletariat comes up to me every day and says comrade trump will you lead the revolution
the means of production obama never wanted to seize them
well guess what
i'm seizing them
paper win tipped five dollars
stay focused
you are a tuning to the word spirit
jason on rue tip three dollars and thirty three cents i appreciate the silence stdream
this way we can protect our fellow comrades that suffer from sensory overload
now i got to go me and comrade number three are going to west hollywood to organize the anarchist central committee in the spirit of jazz
daliban calify tipped three dollars and thirty three cents g g g and and then the then and then ther linonononoinenon inon thener linon and linon lononinonononononenoon inononononon inonooon theononother lin and and thenn and then and then and then and then then and then and then and then and then then and andon
lucio tipped four dollars and twenty cents i am going to convert to islam after being an atheist for thirty years
watching ha for three months has made me interested in islam
when i watched a video of a woman reciting the shahada last friday i cried and realized my path was clear
johnny underscore the underscore commmi tipped three dollars and thirty three cents destiny is not a real man
zelenskiobama tipped three dollars and thirty three cents in the king of the hospital
take me to the hospital
no i will not get out of this vehicle
rushia's shills
you must think butler is not such a bad guy
why does everyone in this server hate fat people
mouman tipped three dollars and thirty three cents wind moves
the flag moves
mind moves
the same under standing
when the mouth opens all' wrong
testlaer's serbian confirm tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
in fact america fact nato kosovo is serbia
hey brother i like you dream especially when you fuck american pussies let me know where your freenzka lies i like his dream too hed
pycos sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
sorry about my lip
i hope it don't bother you
i am due to your average ukraine supporter
flava ukrainie i love zelensky
jason unrout hipped three dollars and thirty three cents me and comrade number three are going to do some practice on fallout and convince those settlers to give the cherokee nation their land back and join the revolution
reminds me of when my mom took away my x books
damn imperialists
the omniliberal tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
hey buddy
how are you doing
me and my girlfriend noticed you from the bar
god tip three dollars and thirty three cents
sounds to help us meditate ma may may may may may may may may may my man may my mo my men may my mo y mamy mo my ma my ma may may may may may may may may may may may may may may may may may y man man man man men men man may may my mam
adam something tipped three dollars and thirty three cents this will be the silence that ensues the blissful nuclear cleansing that will wipe you and all the other putinists that share my girlfriend off the face of the planet
i'll survive with my year's supply of soybeans and marvel comics and have the last laugh
psycho sonatra tiped three dollars and thirty three cents
ra said you know music is like creed can you stop crasme let's jam
pycosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents any nodders and chat
i'm just testing some beets
put it
perk it
psycosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
grere it three dollars and thirty three cents
the sound of the mighty soviet rocket goes like this chi chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chinchin chu
fre conlishe tipped three dollars and thirty three cents de boom
that to by we
that to be done
to be ni at door by we that to be doumb
that to by ween
that to be done
to be that to by we
got to be done
to be n at door by we that to beat them
psycho sonatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
base chat
any nod isn't
mm oy
psychosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents i think
i need
red bull
he is
wish it mice offaking hypergon feel power flow through my veins in editist but that a dierss diereses ida erses sdaliderses dises ida ses sdaliderss dierses ida erss sadalid erss dierses ida erss sadaliderss dieress id erss sdal
ersis erss id erress sa alad ersis di ersis id ersis sa dealad ersis ersis id erresis sa dealad ersist erresis id ersis saald ersis erisis id ersis sd ersist ersis s id s
dii disissis i disis s diarses cd disis ss diss c diars
the pogan tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
he has
hoogan here
i see you have dedicated yourself to attempting to conjure the soviet union back into existence through dark magic
god speed
and remember mastery of the dark arcane is a skill few have mastered
you may destabilize the multiverse
real hacken tipped three dollars and thirty three cents high there
hack him here i want to apologise for dodging a debate with rt s g
also to be honest my real name is bob and i pretend to be arab for the clout
pogan tipped three dollars and thirty three cents shortly after being called a fat disgusting pig in our recent debate
i engaged in some deep introspective reflection
i realized i was indeed a pig
but then i thought of george orwell's seminal masterpiece
and you know what
i'm snowball bitch
hassan pecker tipp three dollars and thirty three cents all right dude
i'm sick and tired of this bush it dude
you claim to be marxist but attack me for my three million dollar hoe look in the it's a one of my folks nd s is when that's right dude
i can own a house dodode
reverend tipped five dollars
perhaps you should try and have a discussion with jayhu
max's wife tipped three dollars and thirty three cents as i am in too deep in the cp party
what do i do
there's a bunch of dumbasses clowning around
little did they know that infrared has infiltrated the puscer
in it for the long hall twenty thirty six
gorilla rising
focx joe sims
psycho sonatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents yo chap get down and g tranch
time to print some money
sultan has the cruel tip three dollars and thirty three cents i feel like going outside right now and finding these fucking nerds and grabbing their nintendo switch and smashing i t over my fucking kne
smash their nintendo switch smash their super mario everything in life they treasure in love i want desttery i
tank tipped three dollars and thirty three cents white dewd laping as an nrab
you deny the labour aristocracy and say china is imperialist in africa
do you even speak arabic
labor aristocracy deny
mushroom tipped three dollars and thirty three cents dinosaurs aren't real
they were invented by j p morgan's nephew to help fund colin oil expeditions
psychosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents unroll the tadpole o s frogun clog the frog o s frog unload the toto s froguninhibit the ribit o s frogun stick the licko s frogun imprison the amphibian o s frogun mute the nuto s fhrog unbentch the kench o s frog permit the ermit o s frog defrog the polly w go s frog
adrian ents tip three dollars and thirty three cents
vy at the cia viladvun million weigas for every minute sea stream has been playing
alf vieders in
red tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
blown out
my smoke my butin
my boots my headphones my medicatd noose my bedroom my schwartzwald had my magma macaque scalll my lie surgic stash
empty streets at night my bike apartment sink filled with dry ice
nikol chohesku tipped three dollars and thirty three cents dialectical materialism works like cocaine let's say
if you sniff it once or twice it may not change your life
if you use it day after day though it will make you into an addict a different man
psycho sonatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents yo i fucking hate fifth has
all this money spent on n when my mom wanted to buy grocer s
but i told her i wast a bathed and forred viewer
she kicked me me out but i don't care because i am chata bathed
love you all good night legend thanxoxo
lack and tipped three dollars and thirty three cents has i must take this opportunity to psychoanalyze you
no one has been able to cansl you so you silenced yourself
this is the mirror stage of the real and the symbolic order has been violated on the floating signifier and the imaginary syntham
fo j the man let andy tip three dollars and thirty three cents has haters crucify him for his hde
liberalism's gears grind its subjects to be taller
their heads are in the clouds
so they only think in abstractions
all sanctioned countries are majority manlet population
tism is even worse than racism
jene coogar tipped three dollars and fourteen cents
anna annon annon an non an nu annon annon annon an nu an nu an non an non annon anon an non an non annu annon anon annh
tip three dollars and thirty three cents
alacrity tipped three dollars and thirty three cents you haven't demonstrated i don't know what the abstract labour means you haven't demonstrated that infrared is rising and for the unmteenth time you haven't demonstrated you can maintain a three hours stream in complete silence
stop deflgging
psycho sonatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
did i youothe you laugh at me has
what do you think of this
do you really think they're is funn
i am spitting all over my screen and i have to dry my screen every time i turn bathed
come fight me one e one more thos
psychosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents i sexually identify as in the sun
ever since i was a boy i've dreamed of slamming hydrogen isotopes into each other to mato
natsuki i g g tipped four dollars and twenty cents has your scilence is based on this very ontological dialectical historical ideological economical classical racial idea that essentially transcends baseness
in short you are a bas
stephen kenneith bonnell tipped three dollars and thirty three cents glorious has i have came to my senses and realized you are the alpha
an eye
the meagre sheep basking in youir eternal exllence
we shall band together to reject it
demsen uncurged the emerging fascist regime of vauschist hasanism and rid of cokoldery
pycos sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
hey has you skipped my donno here the power of the lunderscore has become too powerful for me to possess c sidilla seventeen
se ca dilla
seventeen seventeen
seventeen seventeen
seventeen seventeen
seventeen seventeen
seventeen seventeen
sea carilaa
seventeen seventeen s sidill
seventeen seventeen caesadi
sea siila
tom holland tipped three dollars and thirty three cents h heybuddy
oh how is it going
i heard you have a problem with me
and i would want to know what is wrong he he i'm just a brillish actor everybody loves me
ye tipped three dollars and thirty three cents now that me and julia fox had done i give you my blessing to be with her thank you for all of your support against skeet text me when you want to jump skeet we weil tag team his and his hillary clinton to to my next battle is against disneyhal
alex jones tipped three dollars and thirty three cents has i'm on my way in my tank to pick you up
it's time for infowars and infrared to form a human counterstrike against the globalists
it's going to be a tight fit because it's full of water filters and vitamins but we will need them
trust me
king julian tipped three dollars and thirty three cents original king julian ponanice and sexy
i like to move it move it
he like to move it move it
she liked to move it move it
you'd like it
move it
i like to move it move it
he like to move it move it
she liked to move it move it
you'd like to
move it
mushroom tipped three dollars and thirty three cents i love providential cancellations appellationan appellations arish days christ's lamentations
a philistinees feigned indignation all books of cosmic inspiration comma and every nook of god's creation
medeloid tipped three dollars and thirty three cents gene
in technical use a distinct sequence of nucleotides forming part of a chromosome
the order of which determines the order of monomers in a polypeptide or nucleariccid molecule which a cell or virus may synthesize
diinameth one thousand eight hundred and ninety two three dollars and thirty three cents
in order to create a scarcity of oil
at the eighteen ninety two geneva amenclature congress rockefeller sent people to influence the results to have oil classified as a fossil fuel you follow me
vosch tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
three hours is too old for me
i think it should be lower
i'm not really sure why i'm not allowed near kindergartens or this horse range anymore
i love riding horses but at least it gives me more time to browse read it
any way time to cash in this cia check
corissido tipped three dollars and thirty three cents don't believe the lies ukraine is not the new palestine
it is the next israel
stephan voslav tipped three dollars and thirty three cents respected comrade kim jang un said the following the method of struggle of our party which solves all problems and accelerates the advance of the revolution with the power of ideology and propaganda and agitation is consistent yesterday and today
ultra blue tipped three dollars and thirty three cents p low infrared
this is ultra blue
you haven't seen us but you will
soon enough
stay cool my friend
psychosonatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents knock knock has
i work for fed eg
here's my package
fees on me
bomb has been planted
steve bonnell tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
has please i can't take it any more
the men my wife brings home from the bars each night don't
natsuky igg tip three dollars and thirty three cents
here is my working class money my proletarian money my oppressed class money my oppressed class money my beggar class money my macdonald's timhaorton's wendy's money
my welfare cheque money my food stamps money money that i got from my sugar mommy
live laugh love tipped three dollars and thirty three cents dear hazlgul i'm so sorry that i was not your mother
if i was your mother
if the world was cold
i'd have died to make you warm i'd have died to give you life
a n tiped four dollars and twenty cents
come ahead now
it is all right
step on me
i understand your pain
i was born into this world to share men's pain
i carry this cross for your pain
your life is with me now
carriisido toop three dollars and thirty three cents
ukraine is a settler colony like israel
dominated by ethno fascists
like israel
targeting a marginalized ethnic group
the ethnic russians slash arabs in israel's case
all designed as a political and military encampment for the west
fuck them both
excerpt from anon memoirs tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
the year was seventeen eighty four i looked on with a forbidden love for raffaelaur field worker
his sunkyst oflive skin glistened in the evening sun
i pined for him as he wipes the sweaters rather muscles he had as hard work iar
realviuk tipped four dollars and twenty cents has bro why do you hate armenians bro not cool bro
cynthia dickty tipped three dollars and thirty three cents youuseem based red pilmy why should other usap right wing christians support russia instead of ukraine
no shit
no suss no tricks
psychosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents bogged n
anybody in check
chat home
don't leave me hanging
o tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
gene object gen or egolgene argegal gen arject gino egolgene argego gen arject gene argicgoal gen argicgal geno chetinoor egogene argical geno chetin or egolgen jegyal gino chektin gjegal gen jegl gen object gen jeglgen jegal
excuse his biggest offen
four dollars and twenty cents then the then then then then then then then then then then then then the then the then then the then then then then the then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then the then then the then the then then then then then then then then then the then then the then then then then then then then then then the then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then the then then then then then then then then then then then then the then then then the then the then the then then then then then then then the then then then then then the then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then the then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then the then then then the then then then then
then then then then the the the the the then then then the the the then the the the the the then l l l l l l n and the the the nl youo
eak st t three dollars and thirty three cents
drain gang drain gang drain gang drain gang drain gang drain gang drain gang drain gang drain gang ha haikt
mother goose tipped three dollars and thirty three cents who's that boy that can't be beatn
its has
its has
the man who has a smile so sweet
its has
its has
girls swoon when he speaks his mind a guy like this is hard to find
i're lovable
kissabole king it's has
its has
psychosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents any ker clinchat
their let
oud loud loud loud
oug oug lauh laoug loud
oug loug oug oug ough loud
blln and theno
down down thenw down then then out
loud loud loud oud oud oud loud haloud
n n n n n no o no
hello no no no no no no no
jason unrout thipped three dollars and thirty three cents so i hopped on fallout to do some gaming and i was attacked by some villagers in a saloon
i fought the more often one of the female villagers got on her knees and unclothed herself before me to perform forletio
corisido tipped three dollars and thirty three cents why would they support ukraine
right wing christians in the u s are not there still caught in the silve of any semblance of a political tradition today it would be the libertarian and maybe the pallio conservative but neither are anti russia hawks
sultan has the cruel tipped three dollars and thirty three cents hut the facup
youre fucking insignificant surat
i will hunt you down like the little vermin rodento your and kill you with my wooden spear
after your demise i will cook you over a fire and then meat you and bite your little head off sypo saatha top three dollars and thirty three cents chat don't you just hate it when you just walk around and suddenly bom has been planted
boom has been diffused
i hate that too counchlar
vladimir putin tipped three dollars and thirty three cents and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and s set set set set set set set set ss sa s set st st st st st st s said said said saidd said said said said said said said ss said said said said said said said said said saids said said said
sid sunset s sense sunse and es s and sd sense and sense and senseid sunse and sense and sunse and sise and said sunse s sun sunseaid
the poet had large tipped three dollars and thirty three cents with bold dreams he wrote his childhood in the wise book of the communist way and from the fountain of the country he always drew his strength to reflect his longing and fate in his eyes
his name is hazalgu
the lady's speaking to you tipp three dollars and thirty three cents has do you fancy me
why not
have you enjoyed my voice over the past three hours
why not
do you have something against robots
why not
please tell me
go ahead
why not
do you like the way i say why not
why not
elon tipped four dollars and twenty cents sell all my stocks
i'm done
we can't compete against spends
bram and twitter will never forgive me
i'm hiding in a starling satellite orbit
can't bring my beloved tesla butot with me she's suing me for divorce
they can do that now
half of what you own
i have got no hand and i would take his lunch my tyree cent on on on doesn't see it on onon ho laugh laugh hell ax critic aknoledge seven eighths asterrisk aster risk llllllll evan evan seven seven seven
seven seven seven seven sevens evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evans evants evants evants evan seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven
sven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven
gosa n at ip three dollars and thirty three cents you this iygosay nach is elusive elve fif sist asterisk one tenthst asterisk five eighths asterisk five sixthscare of asterisk asterisk sts evant een dot inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation
mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamationrk inverteded inverted
ation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exlaation mark inverted invered invered
inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark invert exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark invert exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclaation invered inverted exclamation
ed exclamation inverted exclamation arc inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation arc inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation arc inverted exclamation mark inverted exverted exclamationverted exclamation inverted
exclamation inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark invert it exclamation mark inverted exclamation it exclamation mak
exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted
exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark invertedationk invertedation mak
inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted t clamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted t clamation mark inverted t clim aation mark inverted cmation mark inverted cmation mark inverted
clamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted ex clamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted ex clamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark
inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted
clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts clam asian mark invert it acts clam asiation mark invert it acts cmation
mark inverted clamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark invertedation mark invertedclamation mark inverted
ed exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted
clamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark inverted ex exclaumation mark inverted e exclaumation mark inverted exclamation mark
in with her tipped three dollars this stream supports hillary clinton and the chatt is with her
natsuki i g g tipped three dollars and thirty three cents we're critiques that's why we make a critique of it in order to improve critiquing the next time it comes around and throws your ass in a critique ca
some maoist kid in the name of maoit's time toot tararan keeper
blue that
poky main tip three dollars and thirty three cents i know this is kind of out of the blue but i have recently caught feelings for you every day i can only think about you has and how cool you are and how much you like russia just like me
and hagel too yeah i love hagel
i couldn't keep it in any longer
ukraine caprav to tipped five dollars i think is great you are holding this mural in remembrance for those civilians brutally massacred by russian forces in bucca
i'm sure it must have cut very deep to be betrayed by the russians in this invasion
stay strong brother
cumerist tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
i relapsed poor a night
but i am not deterred
i'm going to keep going
four days was a big streak for me and i want to do better
mtmn tipp three dollars and thirty three cents
inverted exclamation marks there's a drive into deep left field by castejanos and that'll be a home run
and so that w'll nke it a to zero ball game
i don't know if i'll be putting on this headset again
whether that be for the reds or my bosses at fox
your bar be tipped three dollars a g
thaty've been looking man' scruffy lately
i can fix that
ronald reagan enjoyed tip three dollars and thirty three cents how do you tell a communist
well it's someone who reads marx and lenin
and how do you tell an anti communist
it's someone who understands marks and lmin
that right has gkitd recked by reagan and that ymsic gorbachev
tear down this wall
chris rock tipped three dollars and thirty three cents dude you said it would be fine if i made the jokes a little spicier
my kids can't even look at me
what am i going to do now
pycho sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
yo has my card legit got blocked and i had to pol nets at five a m in denmark to reopen it and explain to them why i donated tts spann twenty five times
but it was worth it based cack base cack
the first time chatter tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
hackam tipped three dollars and thirty three cents hay has
it's hack him
today we're going to be talking about socialism and why it's better than capitalism
chairman gonzale will prevail over all the founding fuckers
long live chas
massaged girl tip three dollars and thirty three cents o k turn over please
oh i're so big
so you want extra
no uneau canpaing har sana by channel point
psychosinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents euthumbodian cat called mere fucking qwitter
i ain't quitting fifth shit if i have to call nets again and unblock my card
brok com fight me whoever tired it in chatan g i ain't scared me the ofv
pycho sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
the fitness gram baser test is a multi stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues
the twenty meter pacer test will begin in thirty seconds
line up with the start
pycos sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
the running speed starts slowly
but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal
a single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound
remember to run in a straight line and run as low as possible
psycho sonatra tiped three dollars and thirty three cents
the second time you failed to complete you lap before the sound
your test is over
the test will begin on the word start
on your mark
get ready start
psychos sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents yesterday you said tomorrow
don't let your dreams be meams don't meam your dreams be beams jet fuel won't melt tomorrow's meams don't let your steel meams be jet dreams
peter griffin tipped three dollars and thirty three cents hey lois remember when has stayed silent for two hours and fifty nine minutes
psycho sonatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents touch grass is not an insult towards gamers rather it is advice for them
when participating in intense periods of gaming
the human hand has a tendency to get sweaty
pychos sinatra tipped three dollars and thirty three cents
the sweat causes the hand to become slick
and it becomes more difficult to retain a grip on the gamer's gaming mouse thus making it more difficult to perform well in intense gaming moments
anonymous tipped three dollars and thirty three cents new york city
please go easy on new york city
please go easy on this heart of mine dot coorz i'm losing my lover to the arms of york city
please go easy on look
this is the city of money and violence
psychosonatra tip three dollars a
thirty three cents motor bak started book bk bk bk bak bak b bookbookbookbook book byk by by backback byk book bookbookbook book back bk bak b b b book bookbook book bak bk b bk bk b book bookbook book book bk back bk by bk b back did i ruin your moment sorry it's russian tip three dollars and thirty three cents the real question
do has just end stream like a badas silently moving forward with the real and now or does has continue the stream after the three hours into an unknown future
i gosay that's right at three dollars and fty three cents i got t the both stttttt tll t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t me t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t t
t s t chat t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t
and on tip three dollars and thirty three cents i went to elementary school
the fash when we went on the se saw he launched me forty feet in the air
psychosonatra tip three dollars and thirty three cents your psycho can you shut the fock up seriously still question ok
question no ok yep still oh oh oh yep still question no ok what's up hasl
infrared rising
d j
the d js call the rockhill ass
what you
the d js litle rockhill
all right all right probably raised enough money to get a new camera honestly probably raised enough money to get a new d s r camera in't wasn't expecting that you know but you know
the real ones
showed themselves you know the real ones showed their true colors
and all the you know all the uh
this is a way to filter
the people who have discipline
the people who have energy the people who have mental strength
from the weeklings when they always need some shit going on
and i'm saying when not i could do that for nine more hours i can do that for twenty four more hours you know
three hour was chunk changed i was nothing
three hours that was nothing you know
i was nothing and i was jump change you know i mean i was easy i was easy pasy let's see how much i made from don't knows 's checke it out let's check it out i was easy man i was easy i was nothing
oky i let me see what's today the fourth
there a way to tally all this up it's a lot it's a lot i just don't know how much let me see
i don't i don't even know how to buking see how much we i made i don't know let's see yeah i need a new chair do
thank you knowo wom appreciate you
does it add everything up
people do people donate offline i don't even know that there's like ah the offline donors
yeah i don't know how to do this i don't know how to do this
i really don't know how to do this
i don't you know what a meiser this shit
discount this paper not have a way to falking
measure it
in a wayt of time o for you you'll be just fine my thoughts with you
okayo bye
sure its pleasant to say
yam all right ah i can't check it right i can't check it but m i guys we actually do have some news to cover
i'm not in a rush i think i'm going to skip the gym today
uh because i'm just i'm i'm i'm i'm going to
i'm going to fuck and skip the gym today because
you know i want to
fix my beerd tomorrow and i also
i feel i should i should do this thing where it's like until i reset my sleep schedule no gym
i think that's what i'm goinga do for myself
until i fix the sleep schedule no jim
i didn't work out yesterday i'm not going to work out i'm going to boycott the gym until i fucking
wake up at eleven you know
um no jim so there's going to be r p later today we're going to we're going to definitely do g t r p
ah later today
i well okay so let me just uh give you guys um a briefing on what happened yesterday right
so there's all these new reports that are coming out
there's all these new reports that're coming out
of supposed russian war crimes
in buca right because russia was in kiev and they left kiev because they're no longer interested in or they fulfilled their goals i guess there their operational goals
and they left buca let me actually give you the timeline
of exactly what happened
let's see
let me give you the exact timeline
what did that
russia had been within a
they they were there for almost a month for nearly a month and buca right
and they left on march thirtieth
and if you don't believe that
the mayor of buka confirmed this on march thirty first right
the april first video is shown on ukraine t v right here right
so here's the mayor of
book up right
this is him
the mayor of booka right here
so this guy was also the acting mayor during the russian occupation as well they didn't remove him from his post
so let's see what he has to say this was immediate in the immediate aftermath of the russian troops having left
already left right
the hedrewsy shon of whichans go a model p thincuss are better than every a is story you notalo fll no point of see it is very happy
territorany romadi agains ninga
we don't seee orkre we don't see is capable ponkre
bollingham orks tomis bringams fel was that neo nazi thing
a union national astyic point view
psu when you can stut to your short say then you right sn me
raightously even lak up pery moha lak upy moha nachi gro ne fl makei shini
you mean boy s caols mmy
that you cla im sir
it would have most settle with a little shu bully up a more ho wull up se a union
slovaahe was born in silamukarini
slav ukrainian slam acord the mokrain so netheless we toll the com ukrainian that was the cauditor
so this is really weird
this is supposedly after the russians have committed this unspeakable atrocity
ah civilians in buka
you know just shooting them point blank tying their hands behind their back and killing them an egregious war crime
that would certainly be worthy of condemnation by any sane rational human being right
the only problem
is that the mayor of bucha
this was supposedly about a day after the russians had left
makes absolutely neither
not only does he make no mention of it there's no indication whatsoever in any of his words
that russia had committed some unspeakable crime
wouldn't the mayor of bukahad add you know
mentioned it because this is a pretty unprecedented crime right for
i mean in the history of ukraine it's an unprecedented crime
right that shit didn't happen in soviet times
i you can the you know they talk about shit that happened in world war two but
this just an that's unprecedent in the history i mean
maybe since im
the genocides and the conflicts in the balkans right
in the nineties and we haven't seen anything like this since then in europe
so that's an unprecedented crime
four hundred people they're alleging the russians have killed right
and you mean to tell me that the mayor of buka didn't consider that significant enough
to raise the issue
in any capacity whatsoever
let's continue right it's really weird
so what happened afterwards is that
the azov battalion was sent
to book ah
to engage in a
let me find the exact
words used
le me actually find the exact language that was used
you look at the satellite pictures the book on march eleventh well yeah we
i know about the satellite photos i just can't really show them because you can't show dead bodies on twich
but also i think they're trying to allege that russia killed them like right before they left
maybe right
that was also common in nazi propaganda so a nazi propaganda
the nazis would come to a village or they would come to some place that the russians
had retreated from during the operation barbar osa
and the nazis would like there would all these be dead bodies and stuff and the look at the russians did look at the soviets did there complete barbarians
and then later on you would find out that the crimes were actually committed
by the nazis
yeah the thing is that those satellite photos that they're presenting which i cannot show on stream i don't think
those were only presented
afterwards after the russians had supposedly left in the az of battalion
had went into the
for the violent reprisals or whatever the fulk they were let me get the exact language because
the as of
were sent in
to clean up
there you go here it is
i can't actually show these images but this is the timeline we're working
so this is a summary of the events now he's calling it a siap
and i don't think i can use that strong of a language so let's try to keep it a little more neutral but here's an here's an accurate reporting of the events right
on the thirtieth of march
russian troops leave buka
on the first of april the mayor of buka declares that there are no russian troops in town
on the second of april the ukrainian media
and you can find this year
reports that azov is going on a revenge cleansing operation in bhuka
which is actually pretty strange to me because
what revenge cleansing operation are they going to be engaging in when russian troops are all gone
right remember the part of remember that that audio footage i showed you yesterday where the az ofv militant says
hey can i shoot everyone who's not wearing a blue armband and the guy goes yeah go for
you have to remember that's the second of april after there are no russian troops whatsoever in bucha so who are they talking about
that they wanted to to shoot right
and then the third of april
videos emerge of the massacre done by russia
were civilians wear pro russian white armbats
so this is an extremely cynical thing in guys
in this turbulent circumstance of misinformation
we also have to keep a check on ourselves and be careful just because the enemyes lying
and it's this fog of war does not mean that we should get caught up in lies too right
for example yesterday many were linking to me and pointed out
one of the dead body's corpses was moving
as the truck was leaving right
well belling cat i know belling cats is funded by the cia but they also provided
t a link to a tweet
which is more high resolution
which shows that the body was not actually moving and that you could see that this was a
a stain on the camera and that to me was beyond any reasonable doubt
that the body was in fact not moving right
we have to be very careful about
you know
how we interpret evidence evidence right
um and i know belling caad the cia right but
if they provide something that's factually true we have to
have a balanced and fair perspective right
the thing is is that
no that's not that wasn't russia lying that was just something posted on telegram from the bottom up by the masses right that's not really any careful investigation
yet to me i think
it's pretty clear that there are corpses on the street
what i'm interested in in knowing is where did those corpses come from right because
i mean azov went in on a revenge cleansing operation
many of the corpses are wearing those pro russian white arm armbands and they're being tied
with those same white arm bands
presumably right
and then we have video footage recorded of an az of militant asking if if
he can kill or shoot anyone who's not wearing a blue armband
to which he was responded yes you can
so i mean when you put two and two together
it becomes pretty probable
i mean it's
likely to me or it's at least a possibility that should be entertained
that as all militants were actually responsible for massacring civilians and buka
then taking photos and saying russia did it
now you may sit here and you say has that is just the most cynical thing i've ever heard
ukraine would never actually blame russia
for a war crime that it itself was responsible for
the thing is it doesn't end at booka
now many of you are going to be familiar with what i'm about to show you
and i guess trigger warning because this is going to shock you
you know i'm not showing any crazy
t o s anything but
i mean this is extremely extremely h
sickening right let me show you this
so there are photos i can't show you the photos
but there are photos now on twitter
of the woman who was tortured to death by azov and mariopol
and remember the footage that i showed you why i couldn't show you the footage but
remember they went into that basement of that building and that woman was tortured to death
by azov when we were talking about this like a week or two ago and a by the way it's all archived on twitter
and it was discovered by russians
and they were actually showing this a is an example of azovs war crimes
well now on twitter it's going viral
it has eight thousand retreats and twenty thousand likes and they're now blaming russians
for a crime that was committed
by the azo of battalion
so if you want to ask me haws that's like just about the most insane
cynical thing i've ever heard that someone would
use crimes that
they themselves committed and blame them on russia
i'm sorry to tell you but that's exactly what happened
yeare blaming the enemy for something
mean you did and you're responsible for it's probably the most
among the most sickening cynical things you could think of
but it's real
this is actually something that happened
and i you're going to see multiple cases of this happening as well right
this is actually pretty interesting and i don't know why this guys saying this but
you know this is some pretty young
this is spicy because this actually incriminates
marks and angles but i think it's true
we need to actually seriously think about this
so here vox ukraine is saying a break up of
the russian empire may lead to temporary costs and disorder but it would in all likeood create better conditions for peace
especially under democratic regimes on former rusterin territories
did you know that the first international was founded by the british agents
to support the feudle polish uprising
against the abolition of serfdom in russia did you know that
which is actually true
marx and engels taught that poland
was playing a progressive role in history and they were utterly wrong
i mean
it came from their eurocentric
prejudices that they inherited from the young hgelians but it was absolutely true i mean
russia was actually going down an actual progressive path i mean you see this with
lincoln and the discussions with lincoln right
surfdom was being abolished in russia
marxs and engeles got it very very wrong when it came to the
mean marx did get it right
when he talked about and he defended
the russian mre like the primordial village commune
as the foundation for a future communism
you know
a lot of people don't actually know this
i'm going to like this this is a really spicy take
it's kind of a retical
it's not really that relevant but on
this something i wanted to bring up
rem me the whokie tip three dollars and thirty three cents
patrick lancaster an independent journalist that's been reporting in dunbas for multiple years reported that poor woman in mary upole
he's on youtube
very quality stuff
well here's also some evidence about why it
very possible that the civilians that were killed
or that were found dead and buca were killed by the azlabatan because there's a new video of ukrainian soldiers
posing with dead russian soldiers in your carkave
some of the dead having their hands tied behind their backs a signature
you know feature of the corpses that are found at bucha right
now that alone is not enough but it is it would count as evidence
now it's not it's not evidence that leads to it's not evidence beyond the threshold of any reasonable doubt
but it does count as evidence
that this was committed by the ukrainian as all battalion
it's the signature move they tied their hands behind their backs
the same way that the people in buka had their hands
tied behind their back seems like it's a recurring
form of behavior right seems like it's a recurring thing
now for even further evidence right
you know russia if you remember yesterday
asked for the uun to convene today
and why because russia actually wanted the u n to sit down
what had happened and also investigate
and what had happened at buka
so you're asking has what happened at the uun it can we watch the footage of the uun security council meeting
where they discuss what happened at buka and they can investigate it
because there's a member of the un security council
we're actually blocked
russia's request
to sit down and investigate this and examine the evidence
and guess w it was
it was britain
russia asked the united nations security council to seriously examine
whether it was fact or whether it was a fabrication
and the brits blocked their request
why would they block that
why is britain blocking the request
to investigate what happened at bhuka by the un
pretty curious isn't it
why are they of all people blocking us
maybe it should be an investor who's going to do that except the un right
i agree it should be an independent investigation
weren't the russian troops chilling with the civilians for a month straight
yeah that's right
as a matter of fact they were they were in fact
with civilians for over a month straight
without any of this nonsense i
and then suddenly you know this happens and it's just
it's really it's really mysterious you know it's really strange
and then you can see
even more right provided by jackson
so i mean
yeah russia has gone to the united nations over the past twenty four hours
to ask for an investigation into the events
and the u k has blocked all efforts to investigate or discuss the civilian casualties
generally did russia asked to investigate to discuss it
they also wanted to investigate it in the u k has blocked it at every single turn
why what i mean if russia is truly the guilty one here why not actually investigate what happened well because before any investigation had happened
the comedian lenski
decided to call it a genocide
and he jumped to the conclusion that russia bores responsibility
even though there's no investigation i mean even the new york times had said
that they couldn't
confirm anything they couldn't independently verify anything they're only going off of the word
of the ukrainian government
now i know a lot of you here are probably kind of like ok this has guy
clearly pro russian he's clearly on russia's side
and you're right i've never actually made any
i've never really liked
is that fact
but i also do believe in the spirit of
having a common
understanding of some kind of objective reality
so in the spirit of objectivity
don't you guys think
ah ukraine's allegations merit a serious independent investigation before we just jump to the conclusion
that russia is guilty
i mean why would we just take ukraine's government's word for it
we wouldn't take russia's word for anything at face value
so why are we taking the ukrainian government's word at face value without any independent verification
i mean
is it so wrong to ask for some kind of independent investigation
a lot of people really jumped the gun
and assume ukraine must be telling the truth because they've already made up their mind
about you know
the nature of russians or russia and how bad russia is
well i mean you have to really examine whether that impression you have of russia is grounded in objective fact
or if it's grounded in some kind of ideological fantasy you've conjured up
right i've seen a lot of people compare russia to mordour and orcs
from lord of the rings
and what that actually tells me is that
people aren't really looking at this in an objective way
they would rather kind of
larp int well in this kind of like
fantasy of like the good guys vers the bad guys which is just not a very useful way
for being able to you know approach what's going on here
you know you really cannot
you really can't jump to conclusions here
without knowing things as a matter of fact
so if you ask me it's extremely weird how zelenski's jumping to the conclusion that this was right i mean dos no one he did zelenski even investigate this no he's
he's getting
you know i mean i'm sure he knows the truth but
would szelenski ever lie to us i mean is the question
if the un came out and said the russian government did in fact kill those people
would you believe them or would you take the answer
i need to know
how people get to the conclusions they do so
the un would obviously have to offer its evidence
and that evidence would have to be credible right it would have to actually be based in
you know
a a genuine analysis right
so yeah i mean
i don't take anyone's word at face value you actually have to show me how you get from a to b right
you have to show me how you get from a premise to a conclusion
i mean yeah i mean
the thing about this whole thing guys that
when ukraine has committed innumerable war crimes and absolute barbaric
hideous treatment of p ows and civilians
and all that is documented beyond any threshold of a doubt
we know how these fanatical ukrainian nationalists are actually behaving on the ground
the allegations against russia appear to be based in
you know very foggy allegations with very foggy evidence right
ye there's dozens of examples right
and also the one of the most important examples
calling into question these like very sudden
allegations against russia
is pretty simple to me right
what motivation would russian
with the russian military have to do this
russians aren't stupid
aren't there satellite images of bodies in the streets from late march while the russians still control
no there aren't there's onlyae the images only appear after russians
had supposedly left and after as of had wen in
but the question to me ism
the question to me that no one's really asking here is
what motivation would russians have
to do this
if they're not stupid why would they just
kill a bunch of civilian i mean wouldn't they at least clean up the evidence of the crime so that they won't get incriminated on the world stage
i mean and also why would they commit this crime
what motivation would they have
we have examp i mean is it just because they're just this russian i mean fanatical evil that they have to just
kill civilians
well there's no evidence actually of russians you know being
under the compolsion of that pathology
but there is evidence of the ukrainian side
being under the composion of this pathology of just
you know you
killing for killing's sake and sadism and torture we have examples of that we have documented video and photographic evidence
of the ukrainian side engaging in that kind of behavior
so we actually know that this is something that the as all battalion would do because they've done it elsewhere
to be fair there is no evidence but during world war two
russians killed for no reason and to see there you go you're using the same claims
that they're making against russians hear
i mean you cane all the things they said about the soviets were based on the same lies
you can see that they're fabricating in real time about russia here
new york times has an article with max ar setveral images of bodies in the street
seems to show victims of shelling not executions in that example
well put it in fact chacking and let me look at it with my own eyes
because from what i saw the all the images had come out only after the russians left
nobody was bringing up
russian killing of civilians until after the russians left
that's bullshit well
you know
you can see that the same way they lie about russians here they do it
in the past
right i mean it's the same methodology
some post that new york times article in factchic
a satellite show bodies lay in buka for weeks
despite russian claims
ok so pick the date
this is april fourth twenty twenty two
if these satellite images are readily of why din't you report on them before the russians left
why didn't you report on this before it happened but i'll bite and i'll look through this article and see what it has to say
ah by
an analysis of satellite images by the new york times
rebutes claimed by russia that the killing of civilians occurred after its soldiers had left town
when injures the merger with ok so
are one video filmed by a local on april first
so the times by maxar technology show that at least eleven of those had been on the street
since march eleventh when russia by its own account occupied the town
february twenty eighth
march nineteenth
it is not at all clear to me that those are bodies ok i don't know why
i mean just from the images i can't see that those are bodies
b parter
well no i'm not even denying anything i'm just saying i
can't really see
what thats supposed to say
scroll down
yeah i see this
so a dead body near abandoned cars i can't show it but
on april second the body had been on the street since march twenty first
images satellite images show
ok well where are they getting these images and how do we get to the bottom of this because i've heard conflicting things about this
even if they were why would they let the bodies there visible and didn't hide the bodies well there's just a lot of questions you have to ask
you know a lot of people think i'm fanatical and i'm not going to be open to evidence to the contrary i am
let's look at it
do images have matter that i don't know right this is what the new york times is saying
let's see where are they getting these satellite images
that the bodies recently visited allkate russia
art one video filmed
it where are they getting
the satellite images satellite images
where's the satellite images from
maxar technologies
oh yeah whisper that to me thermal
whisper that to me
go ahead and whisper that to me
cia controls max are
that's interesting i mean
we'll see
i just find it interesting that like no one
talked about this before the russians
nobody talked about this before the russians left but yeah whisper that whole thing to me and
the message from buca city council not to go near the
delicia factory which is right next to the road
it's from april first
before the news of a massre took place just
so this is apparently
ok so here's here's just what susits like boggling my mind
this was before
the news came out
this is the buca city council whose facebook page was still up
not once did anyone talk about a massacre and now they're saying
dear community of buca we kindly ask you not to go to the
delesia confectory factory because the racists
mine the factory territory and poison the
i don't know what that is is that real i can't confirm this i maybe i'm getting trolled here i don't know what the fuck that is
is that real what does it mean poison the cookies what does that even mean
it's a troll right
probb because they didn't want to speculate on what that was on the satellite images
hold on
they the people living there would have known about dead bodies on the streets they would have talked about it so they wouldn't have to speculate it
because people in bucca would have been like yeah there's a bunch of dead bodies on the streets
killed by russians execution style
they left march thirtieth i know they they occupied it for four days
but the newest smoking gone evidence that we do need to address
is this new york times report that using maxar technologies satellites
they are claiming that the were those bodies were there before the russians left
and that is what
stands to be addressed
that's really what we need to be thinking about here and asking what is going on
right what what is the explanation for that
thisj whisper the threat to me okay let's sick it on
here's a threat
they run a book incident
m ok article appeared in the new york times
using maxar satellite images the precise date on which the killing took place were found
march eleventh for the incident with the highest number of victims
and march twentieth for the second incident on the same street
during that time the area was firmly under russian control
this is also supporting by the fact that some civilians wearing white sleeve bands which they wear in russian controlled areas
you s satellite images from max are showing that mortar impacts and other damage from shelling
came at the same time
burned minivan tree nockt
off by explosion
motar impact not visible on the previous day
another picture where impacts of the shelling can be clearly seen
asked why it was not reported before
h let me just make sure there's no violence or anything s ok
a the ukrainian boder mentions that there were no internet or mobile connections
when he stayed in bucha
and he had gotten the news about the situation from russians
recorded views of the situation when russian news were there he said no one tortured or killed anyone
would it be easier for you if they killed me would you like to hear the story he says
ok so apparently there wasn't any internet or mobile coverage within boogle right
the new york times article
itself avoids the hard topic of absence of visible gunfire wounds
preferring to state that i don't know coud you see gunfire wounds from satellite images though
or like could you see them in the videos that were presented i don't know i don't know if you could
are unknown but vaguely admits the possibility of them being killed by shelling
uh okay so
here's the thing i want to reiterate this guys
the ukrainian side is claiming russia killed four hundred and ten civilians right
but the evidence that the new york times had provided only accounts for what eleven deaths
about eleven right
so what this person is trying to say is that those deaths could have very well been from
shelling and mordars right
which is still baffling to me because are there just dead bodies on the streets that were left there for a month and no one
noticed or paid attention
but that's what this person is saying right
it's also possible that
civilians died from shellings and were on the street dead from shellings
it's also possible that many were killed and massacred by the azov battalion
as well those things are not mutually exclusive
he somewhat up close the gunsaw woods can be highly visible if they hit somewhere vital
they arrived in the morning fenced off the area scattered the corpses andn drove the journalists there
well that's just what's weird because
there's claims that there's like
four hundred ten corpses
and the new york times is only talking about eleven of them
if i can
you can correct me if i'm wrong on that i think the new york times said it was only eleven right
i'm willing to be corrected on that though if i'm wrong
here's the g o location
woranne squarre's described incident took place
it is very close to urban in a few kilometers away from kiev
purple line is approximately front line around this time
rememberw on the twenty second of march
russian missile destroyed retrovill commercial center from which ukraine is firing mal arrest
this was just one of the many ukrainian firing positions on the western chiv front
from which ukraine was shelling territories under russian control
i want to use this opportunity
to expose to the famous bellingcat experts
recently claimed that there is nothing to investigate about bouka implying
ven russia's fault
this shows a level of complete
competency andparti impartiality right
yeah they said four hundred and ten
is a tool
what's the best examples that the bunks
making sure of something
what is so fucking funny
what is so funny
am i missing something what is so fucking funny here
two of the bodies were not distinguishable
on maxar images published by
that's what i was saying to by new york times
one body with ted hands
the death seems to be more recent
i prefer not to speculate about the cause of death and whether their hands were tied beforeor after the death
you say
one body with tied hands the deat seems to be more recent i prefer not to speculate at the cause
where the hands are tied before or after the death
eighteen plus oka i'm glad they added a sensitive content thing
which i'm not going to show
here are some images of bodies from the scene you can judge the level of decomposition and notice that no heavy bleeding
and no gunshot wounds are visible which is consistent with the version of the shelling let me
lok at this myself
yeah i'm not an expert but i don't know i don't know
i don't see i mean i don't see any gunshot wounds but i don't know if that's
i'm not a forensics guy or whatever right
here's a video of the second incident on the same street
this incident supposedly took place between the twentieth and twenty first of march
signs of shelling are clearly visible same street also under russian control
at this period
yes there are definitely signs of shelling here i can confirm that
i mean you're seeing people
on bicycle like next to a bicycle just dead right
you're seeing a knock doown street sign and lamp post
and you know infrastructure knocked down i mean cars in the middle of the streets
this definitely does not look to me
like the scene of like a point blank execution
ah it it definitely does look like
that these are victims of shelling
i mean i'm not a forensics expert so take that as what you will but
this doesn't look like any kind of organized you know
massacre at all
for some reason new york times does not show the part of a satellite image with a fallen lampost
the body was later moved and you can see a white sleeve on the picture
the new york times doesn't show the part of a satellite image with a fallen lamppost
because the body was actually moved in that
i wish i could show this to you guys but it's actually fascinating
i'll re tweet it
on the fourth of april one of the kiv oblast pro ukrainian telegram channels
have proudly posted a video claiming to be shown uo ukrainian
artillery attacks on russian forces in bhuka
so not only could these possibly be victims of artillery
these could even be victims of ukrainian artillery right
which but this look the number one million dollar question on my mind is why were bodies left on the streets
for a month
or sorry for a week's right were were people just nowhere near
that road or that that place i mean
was it just abandoned i don't know why are there dead bodies there right why are they just left on the streets
now on people with tied hands
several videos of
prisoner executions
and torture by ukrainian forces exists
none by russian forces
this does not acquit russian forces it just weakens the argument against them
who benefits yeah that that's also my question why would they benefit from that
the town was liberated by the mayor on the thirty first
on the first officials announced a special purging
this is really the smoking gun to me right
this is actually the smoking gun in my view
on the first of april officials announced that a special purging operation is underway in bouca
against the russian military and saboteurs
disguise the civilians
yeah i wonder what that justifies or what that fucking means right
and i re tweeted it if anyone wants to challenge the
the primary source here
that to me is the smoking gun especially of the
as off boatsmen boys on video asking if they can shoot
people without blue armbands i mean to me that's the smoking gun if i was the judge
and this was a criminal case i would rule that ukrainian as of militants are guilty of killing
people in bouka
i mean
that would be a smoking gun to me that's just like beyond any reasonable doubt yes this was done by aus off to me right
but maybe my methodology isn't the best one right
and again let me play that audio which you can hear in about four seconds
which is beyond any threshold of a doubt them asking if they can shoot guys
without blue ribbons
importany sp h most iport you say that
that doesn't answer the satellite dates remember
yes it does because the new york times
satellites only show eleven bodies
and those eleven bodies could very well have been the victim of shelling
nw according to this that what this person is arguing
and they're making that argument because
up close
there doesn't evince any signs of
gunshot wounds at all and plus the surrounding
ok felix felix the cat in good faith
why is it that a around those bodies
there's signs of
the destruction of infrastructure like lampost
and you know vehicles that are damaged
and fences and all this kind of stuff
why are there war what do you mean war the those are expose are explosions sign of explosions
right why would how how exactly do you think russia killed those civilians
that the new york times presented
on march nineteenth
yeah the pavement's damaged i mean
you're saying war i mean it's pretty clear to me that
there's a high chance that those people died because of shelling not only shelling but shelling by the ukrainian military
you think the only way a let to
tow a lamppost over his explosions ok so you're telling me
is that russian soldiers came
they they they they put ropes around lampposts
he and they knocked the lamp posts over
and then point blank shot these civilians with their hands tied behind their blak back
are you a forensics expert like you should
it's like you should be a detective you should fuck and work on the ground
on the field and i'm sure you'd be able to explain murders very well right just bucking stupid
like there's clearly all this
infrastructure and carnage and destruction that is around these bodies
doesn't look like these are summary execution executions to me
right but what do i know
what are you what are you showing me and discourd
not true not not true russia here's the evidence ok let me look at the
all you're doing is showing what the new york times already fucking posted
how is that evidence felix are you fuckin stupid
how was that evidence he literally just linked me a tweet
showing the satellite images that were in the new york times article
that were obtained with the what is it called
that black rock company satellite technology which i'm not denying i'm just saying
why are you making it seem like it's new get in show ce dumb ass
go ahead and explain yourself
explain why you're just linking the new york times
same shit that we've already explained
or provided an explanation for
mean are you an n p c can you even
are you stuck in a dialogue loop can you even think critically in any capacity whatsoever
here is
hello let's let's just test if this person is like can be a human being and speak rationally
so i'm curious did you hear any of the counter arguments throughout the entire stream about the new york times
saturday there no it was yeah it was a bunch of speculation about how
they could have possibly been
blown up by
ukrainian artillery
or things like that with with n it wasn't just that it was also showing evidence that bodies we moved which was omitted
by the new york times so you think nobody ever moves a body you think all those pictures were like ukrainians are taking pictures
only interesting uss for my counter arguments of being speculation is the claim that russia is responsible for
summonarily executing these civilians
is that speculation or is that grounded in fact
none of i'm saying there's evidence to support that
to support that claim sure what is the evidence
the satellite images s that's not evidence we know that there's dead bodies and rod denying it
the question is how they got there ok so what is the evidence
why does the evidence that russia killed them point blank summary as you since i ever seen have you ever seen an explosion on the street like what an explosion looks like on yes according to this person these has all the are did you see that did you see the twitter video i linked you have the guy driving down the street with no craters in the street whatsoever
you think every shelling creates a crater industry yes that's not true at all
you don't think a mortar is going to create a crew a mortar
that's an explosion strong enough to kill a dude
riding a bicycle isn't going to create any damage on this pavement
it is air bursted and
but fucking blew his had off a mortar to kill a person on a bicycle why why are bicycles tanks now why is that such like a fucking
i bars what i'm what i'm saying is there are there are there are there are impact sites on this fucking i w no what i'm saying is
you are trying to to convince me that this that these people died
uh like concussion blast right there's no
damage to their body like like if somebody is hit by an explosion their body's going to be blown apart
ok the sd not always true you don't know i know i know i know what i'm saying no no i'm agreeing with you the second way you dies from like
the concussion the blast destroying you like internal organs
but if a blast is strong enough to do that
it's going to damage the pavement right next to you
if you're riding a bicycle
and something explodes next to you
and your body isn't ripped apart but you still die
the blast is strong enough to collapse your lung it's going to destroy the paved
okay i'm pretty sure
first of aght it's not necessarily going to destroy the pavement because it depends on where it's hit
so for example at twenty four at twenty three or twenty four seconds of this video
there does appear to be an impact site right which is not necessarily on the pavement but which is on the grass right next to the pavement
but yeah if you actually consult the thread which i've been covering this n i watched the whole time i watch the whole thing
so i you actually consult the threat i've been covering this entire time
so ok so let mell see that there actually are craters
ok what your o greators what you in possible that what do you think is more plausible than
every single one of those eleven people
were hit
by by artillery that didn't didn't damage significantly
the the area around them
but was fine of significantly
ok well why don't you google
offtream so that so that your stream can't see it why don't you google
what an artillery barrage looks like
and not you're now you're speculating about what kind of mordars are ight shelling of shells there's no range of shelling yeah look at the smallest and largest
i can show i can show you what uh
what is you just like that other guy who said that
in duma it couldn't have possibly it was too small to operate the hole
it could not been a fucking thing like i ud you don't know what you're talking about i can literally show you videos of like homemade the things that like why why are all these people like explosion expert ok go ahead explos an expert show me ok ok let me link it to give me one second
so there's a mortar impact right here
it's literally right here and it's not visible on the previous day
that's a mortar impact
right here have you have you ever heard of a hell cannon
for a helm order
it's the things that like um
militias will build like like in syria or libya
it's basically like a small pipe
that's welded and then they use like small propane cans as the munition
these are like the smallest most
rudimentary things that you could build
they leave mortars or that they leave the holes in the ground when they explode
ok a hand grenade
one of the there are literally visible craters around the every person not next to every person
yes there are
there literally arch
so you tell me the guy driving down the street in his car
yes there was a fucking visible impact yes there was maybe one maybe one
you cannot tell me there's a visible impact next to every single body but we have every sll done yes there as far as the ones that are shown on the new york times yes there were
all eleven the ones that were not moved yes
you can clearly see craters around your eer seeing way different things than i am
and also it's like
do you do not even know how these how people die from shelling either like do you actually think that people you think people necessarily die instantly you don't think that people i just told you there's two ways you could be yes people don't even die necessarily instantly right
youre yeah not necessarilyh so people so they could have been an impact in one place they could have
you know walked off
for a little bit and then collapsed
all on the same street
yeaes shrapnel can also easily fly across the street
you don't even know how these contt were i thought that guy was just speculating that there was no significant damage to the bodies like if you if you could see a shrapnel wund you could see a bullet
there's yeah hey true eating
there's no
yeah yeah sou but i that wasn how could it be a bullet boom
all these people got blown up well because
because what i would say is that if they were been laying there for
ten days the bloods probably washed away by now a significant so that could also be just as likely for a srap wund that you can't have it both ways yeah yeah yes except what i'm saying is if you're shelled hard enough to kill people in the streets like that
you would see way more damage and what you're talking about what you're seeing no youuse mixtures there's literally collapse telephone lines street lamps i mean there's so much des structre think up you don't think a you don't think a gun can knock down a telephone pole have you never seen theo no an assault rifle could not be responsible for the level of damage seen around those bottom and alt rifle
people are driving b m p s with fucking thirty millimeter cannons a so youus are so they're being killed with cannons that
do you not know what a b m p is
so you're saying that russians are just chasing civilians around knowowing them down with
that'sying what are you saying
i'm saying the damage could have happened in a number of ways but how are youposing the russians killed these people
i'm not sure i'm not speculating that i'm not speculating on how but you just said that there's evidence that russians killed them there's what is evidence do you have
the fact that
it was a russian controlled territory
right which which was being shelled by ukrainian armed forces
at the time
there's there's no evidence that the city that the civilian centers were being shelled but yes there is
through ukrainian telegram channels were proudly posting videos
which was showing ukrainian artillery attacks on russian forces in bouca
which were indeed on streets like the one we see from the new york times so yes
on on top of civilian houses
yes that's where ever it's not like buko wass a fucking military base it's all civi it's also billion houses russian tanks are rolling around civilianare i mean it's also billionaires what are you fucking talking about
buka is not a fucking military base i understand buka is not a military base
what i'm saying is
what you what you're proposing is that at and i also have a chattering salens are not also have a chatter saying grad rockets actually don't produce very large trader craters but have a massive kill radius due the fragmentation
do you have anything to say about that
uh no i would have to i would have to research the grad system and if that was
in fact the ukrainian what the ukrainian armed forces were using
to shel theter on which it is
with what evidence now now you're speculating again
ok grad rockets are from soviet truck it's a soviet truck mounted
rocket launcher yeah is used by the ukrainian military
and the russian military
i'm actually not sure if russia was using it in ukraine i'd have to check but i know you literally saw them dropping cluster munitions what are you talking about
are you fucking stupid do you think that grad rockets are the only cluster what are you talking about
i just like hoping this is going to stick just saying shit is going to stick
the grad the grad rocket system is literally a soviet system what are you talking what like w
you just you don't even know what grad rockets before were before googled it in the first line is literally right here b m twenty one grad is a so you think that's not only onm of soviet rocket do you think that's the only form of soviet
buster bombs
know why are you getting off in the weeds about what kind of cluster i don't know because you're saying you're like s literally used close to and you howd that how di that in chya red rocke it only is is highly fragmentation without large explosions
which which literally doesn't matter because if they were killed by fragmentation you would see multiple alacerations on the body which the fucking
which the fucking of
gt me we have a why don't we leave this to the forensics experts because
you're not a fucking expert on forensics you don't know that you just don't know wre you but you're spo meing to be one you're ats true there you don't know that i don't know that no one fuck like i gt that on fucking know that
how you tuk you know that how would i know what because it's not in conflicts in the middle because in conflicts in the middle east you have dead bodies on the streets that are you know it's you you have a video game you you think it's like a fucking skyrim gore mod where it's just like all the limbs are scet but it's not how it works and word you fucking dumb ass
ous like making assumptions that you don't know
really because i literally started this conversation off with like the two or three ways you could die from a blast
how am i make assumption what i'm what am i assume you're making the assumption that there would have to be visible lacerations all over the body dib fragmentation do not fragmentation works it's littly metal pieces that enter your body
what are you talking about
of course there would be lacerations all over your body if you died from fragment o no they're not not there wouldn't necessarily be no there wouldn't
ok sure ho
how does how does fragmentation kill you then
fragmentation from mortar bast
last yeah for me to have a high fuel radius
it doesn't have to be fragmentations all over your body
ok yeah you're right
it doesn't have to be
so why would it have to be all over their body it wouldn't it be able to be parts of their body
ok let's
let's say twenty percent of their body hit the hitting vital organs would all the shits of that
i'll concede it doesn't have to be all of your right doesn't have to be one hundred percent of their body
let's say twenty percent let's say vital organs like what about concussion impact from fragmentation do you think it necessarily has to pierce their funt body yes yes it does because a its doesn't that's not true what your chatter just said is if it doesn't if it if it's not a large blast that doesn't create
create a lot of concussive damage it wouldn't be strong enough to collapse lungs
it wouldn't be strong enough to rupture organs that's literally what a concussive blast is
you're a fuking idiot
fragmentation objects flying around in hitting you really hard
could fucking kill you yes
if it was hard enough to kill you it would pierce your skin it's 's not so that's not fucking true you're tell ok so so this is what you're proposing you're gasing red rockly carry h e frag warheads
which caus injury which caused injury both from the initial blast wave created
and from the fragmentation emitted moments after denation like like a like a grenade have you ever seen that have you ever seen the wound from a fragmentation grenade google it it's not the same as a fucking grad rocket
you're right a gd rocket has more fragmentation
it would be more damaged
so google what it looks like when somebody gets hit with a fucking hand grenade and then times that
by how big a fucking grad rocket is
you're literally don't even know what the fuck that you're literally just talking out of your ass you don't know what i'm talking about whatsoever
well then tell me tell me then
tell me again
how do you die from fragmentation you're saying blunt force you're saying the fragmentation just hit them
hard enough to kill them
but not hard enough to pierce them
that's right so not necessarily your proposed theory right now is that ukraine
russia took over buka
a ukraine then
shell them in retaliation with grad rockets
killing their own people
through blunt force trauma
that is no because
ukraine it's very possible that those bodies are the result of ukrainian selling
i don't think it's very possible no i don't why not i don't why not
because you because this is where you're fucking up you stupid fuck you're saying that the only way the only way that those bodies could be responsible that that the shelling could be responsible for those bodies is if it's only one way which is blunt force trauma from fragmentation that's notking to there are multiple ways to die from shellings there are multiple ways for those people to have died from the shellings
multiple raates i've offered those
but the evido you haven't because the's ly a body with a fucking crater right next to it right fucking next to it
i didn't i didn't deny that what are you talking about so so the bodies that you're talking about that are away from the crater there a of possibilities that you don't know and i don't know that could have killed them
it's not just it's not just it doesn't just have to be from the run first impact of fragmentation i am agreeing with you i don't know why you're turning your gaine up and getting closer to your mike i'm agreeing with you that i don't know and you don't know
all i'm saying is that so why are you saying that there's more evidence that russia killed them
what do you mean beaus because i know you're smart person ok no matter how much you want to like
suck off russia
and hate everybody who likes ukraine but i stusking me p get your point
no no i'm i'm trying to create common ground with you saying i know you're a smart person
you can look at a picture
and tell me if if you think those people are actually blown up
you know i couldn't i actually couldn't
then why then why are you talking about it all
because i know that it's possible
i know that i know what i know is that it is definitely possible for people to die from explosions without having their guts scattered everywhere like a fucking video game
you're right you're right there is there's like a couple possibilities
no oftentimes that you know the major if i'm if i recall correctly
most of people who actually die from shelling
don't have their entire body like
blown up in a gory way like
with their limbs in every all over the fucking place like a fucking video game
m most bodies that i've seen that are you can most bodies from this conflict that i've seen that are victims of shelling
were not completely blown up in a gory way like their u bodies are still and i'm not saying that either what i'm saying is you can't have your cake and eat it too
you can't say oh these people might have been killed by shelling
but there's no signs of trauma
how do you know there's no signs of trauma did you look at the bodies that you examine right that you were reading said they said that there was no no they said there are no visible signs of gunshot wounds
if they were if somebody got booked
ok what do you think is going to leave more if someonera if someone's brain bleeds and it kills them
like what are you talking about
if someone's internal organs are destroyed and their brain starts internally bleeding
and they die
that's not going to be the same as a gunshot wound
no obviously not
so what is your point
because this person is saying that there's
none of these bodies have any signs of a gunshot wound
or any kinds of trauma but it's not actually what
that's not actually what he said
ok ok can you please rea reat quote
there's a hard topic this is what he said
there's a heart
of the absence of visible gunfire wounds
referring to state that the cause of death is unknown
but vaguely admits to the possibility of them killing
by selling
okay so ya so he so he says that
no there's no gunshot
there's no visible no well there's no that's not what we're saying we're saying there's no visible signs of any gunshot wounds
okay so so
som what i'm doing what i'm doing is i'm saying thiss there'senic knows the difference been fragmentation a local mos so he i can't talk you the's a donations two hundred plus m from the strike
holes were located sometimes two pm from each other
power should be enough to kill
yeah so this person who donated to me
said that it should be enough to kill because the craters
we're a few meters from each other from the fucking footage
and as well and the kid the kill radius
what put type in chaton on whatever the fuck you said about the kill radius
there are plenty of people
ok anyway i'm not going to get off in the weeds of speculating on whether somebody could survive a blast from an unknown munition
from ss here's the burn minivan here's a tree knocked off by an explosion
there's another mortar impacts that wasn't visible for the you day may famus there's another picture where visible impacts from shelling can be seen
you have no idea if those impacts are from shelling or not you literally have no idea
wll no
i don't what do you mean i don't know it's pretty clear that there's impacts from shelling right here
you think the only way to create a crater is from shelling
i think it's given the context of this war and the fact that ukraine was selling that place
it's very probable
do you think ukraine ever had like anti tank mines in the area or
i don't know why i should want to get in caught in the weeds of speculation about that
that's what i'm saying when i we are talking about the most probable explanation for the evidence brought before us
you're right and all the only evidence is
satellite images that show bodies
right but you're saying that that's evidence that counts
in the favor of the explanation of yes yes they because russia controlled the territory
do you think russia controls the territory like they have a bubble shield over the territory
and can control you prevent ukraine from selling the so what does it matter if russia controls the territory
when they can't control whether ukraine's going to shell that territory or not because that because there's no evidence that ukrainians are killing their own civilians with shelling
inside a buka
in their oy on you on houd on
there's not any evidence that russia is killing people in bhuka either ok
are there ok let me ask you this are theerre not civili there's evidence that ukraine was shelling buka is are you saying it's impossible that that shelling o uilt know i'm not i never want so what how is that how is that a justification that there's no evidence that ukraine's
killing civilians in buka i mean actually there is evidence of that because when it because when the as a battalion was in buka we have
video recorded evidence of them saying hey can i shoot a shelling i haven't i don't give a shit about when the ads up ok so you need direct evidence of ukraine killing civilians in buca
with shelling
but those bodies couldn't constitute evidence of that
so what could constitute evidence of that
how would that even be proven in your mind when anybody you can just say all russians killed them not ukrainian shelling
i would maybe maybe the civilians that you said are still there come out and say
no actually it wasn't russian shooting us we were getting bombs some are saying that well on some are saying that can you link that can you show it on stream yeah i'll sw it right here
i actually did show it ons stream
i might a blogger from bucord i did see that he just said he didn't say that they were being blown up by ukrainians
but he ok but he was very first of all he very clearly said
russia was not killing or torturing anyone there
so he didn't he didn't talk about the shellings right
ok so but by the way this was before
hold on this blogger was reporting this
before russia left and by the way this is a pro ukrainian blogger which is ok so then don't you think that he would be reporting on like if they're being shelled by their own people
like like if they were if there were shell shelling coming in hard enough n i don't i think since he's a pro ukrainian blogger
he actually would it would be in his interest to not report on the not if you know if he is pro ukraine he would just go with the narrative that russians are killing people why would he defend because i'll tell you why because that narrative was not invented until a few days ago when russia left
he recorded that video while russia was still occupying cuca
but what you're saying is is
he he wouldn't have reported on ukrainian shown because he's so pro ukrainian
but he still
you're asking me why you didn't report on the ukrainian shelling
i don't know i can what's
fire that right back at you and ask
since he was actually there on the ground during the russian occupation
why was this pro ukrainian blogger then wying that russian was sting when did it get out
he didn't get out he was always there
he was there until until ukraine liberated or russia retreated i should say i don't know if he's still there but he was there during the russian occupation now that's what i'm saying was he there like do you know if he was there march thirtieth march eighteenth like
what i'm saying is yeah this man might have been in buka at one point
you have no idea if he was there ok so you you need to make sure that he was there
we when the atrocities happened so we could report on them yeah that would be a good thing to know when did the atrocities happen
well the first satellite images are right whll he was there
someone in my shake is say he was there the entire time
that's where he lives ok well if he was there the entire time then you would
that he would know better than anybody if they're being blown up by their own people or if
theyre receiving mortar fire
that's killing civilians
ok hold on hold on
but he would also know if russia was committing war crimes and killing civilians wouldn't he
i would assume so
so let me let me just break this down logically for you
civilians dying from ukrainian shelling though tragic
it's definitely not exceptional in a war
it's not really something you would have to talk about
but russia killing civilianly houd on no it's not not compared and this is the kicker
know i know this requires a lot of brain power intelligence bears with does yeah it does it does so i'm going to i'm going to go ahead sa i'm able to see two sides
i'm going to go ahead and restate what i just foking said go ahead go
civilians dying from shelling though tragic
is not super exceptional in a war of this kind
but russia summerrarily executing civilians on the streets
is definitely an exceptional war crime
that someone would definitely be reporting on
within buka
if they were actually there and this was happening
we can you ask why didn't he talk about ukraine' shelling of buka and the civilians that died from that
we can speculate a whole host of reasons right it's a war
it probably wasn't that exceptional enough to him and it would have been probably used as
anti ukrainian propaganda by the russians and this is a pro ukrainian guy right
since he's pro ukrainian
he had every incentive to report on russian killings in buca
and he did it why didn't he
well for one
you're acting like bucas fuck in two blocks you're acting like
just because there wasn't russians killing people
where this guy is staying at that there wasn't russian so wouldn't he have heard about it so he was a se were these secret killings that they did these people disappear and they took him out back and shot the no they're on the street
so this would have actually spread by word of mouth and it would have become
you think there are people just walking around while while their own people are shelling them you think there's people just walking around like hey
you see the russians murder no usee how it works out is that people are walking around and they get shelled you could see people are on bicycles
and after they get shelled they die and obviously after the shelling starts you leave and you run away
but for those that didn't you know it came as a surprise it came as a surprise
yeah but what i'm saying is bucas like a
a five square mile area
there's no way
to tell if this man knew
about you russian atrocities happening like
it on the other side of the city so you don't think the people of buco would have all we these atrocities weren't done in any secret capacity at all
ok yeah yeah and there are and there are civilians coming out and saying yes there aretrocities that were happening from the russians
just like you were saying there's this belonger so those how do you know that what they're those civilians are saying is reliable
because they were there i'm using the same ok to say so i use ok there are plenty of civilian testimonies all across eastern ukraine
forget about don yes and don bat i've seen just mary pull just mary ple and i and they're all there's all these testimonies that they're saying of the atrocities committed
by the az ofl the times do you believe those testimonies
yes i do i've seen him with my own eyes so you believe i will believe that acording to them russia acted as a savior saving their lives
from the az of battalion you believe their testimonies when they say that
russia was not responsible
do you think that like all
all militaries are like a monolith and they all act in the same way do you think every person in the military acts the same way
you think every person the as up a tie is just like bloodthirsty nazis and every person in the russian military is like this upstanding citizen
or do you think there's some bad people in both
do you think that like yet when act you say that about the nazi army
the german army during world war two yes yes i would make that exact same argument ok but i th it's pretty clear that the german man army represent a lot ofll
and the allies don't
no i would say a lot of people that were conscripted into the german army during world war two were probably there against their will that's not so it's not wll god it's not relevant if there's a guys up i'm just if there's a nice guy as of who likes flowers and smells puppies
he's obviously not representing what his organization is known for
according to the people in eastern ukraine
i don't i don't i als i don't buy i don't buy that one for one second because there's plenty
of russia there's plenty of of
people in the russian military who wear the exact same patches that the as on battalion wears
really like
can you give an example of that
i caln show you a picture from like two days ago
you mean you mean a patch of that triangle thing that is no ways inherently nazi at all no i'm not talking about the skull right above it that is inherently no it's not it's widely used in militaries and there's no swat there's no visible outward swastikas or anything of that what where do you think that skull came from
there's plenty of things that originate in the
and and yeah couldn't you make that could you make that exact same argument about all of this no because the difference because that's i thatch it's really vague it's literally the s s skull that's literally what it was a marker of the s and no that's not the skull he was using
google s s scull and look at that picture and tell me if they're the exact same or not please
it's literally the same one i saw as of the time member wearing actually it was it was a foreign legion legion in fighter from brazil wearing
fighting for ukraine is wearing that exact same skull with a sombrero on it
would you say it's not the same sin'ce as a s it has its origins the drawing of that skull i don't know what it's fucking origins are but it's still vague
no yes it is now you're playing mentalo it is extremely being honest with you i'm being honest with you and so why do you actually play these games when when the other side has swastikas and black sons and like i rad naziy symbols
and this is a direct nazi symbol you can look it up
h okay hold on
it was also a symbol used for the hussar troops of the prussian army so it predates the nazis
ok and so that's like that's like saying the swastika predates the nazis
so like yeah but that scot the look a skull like that is clearly way more ambiguous
thean a direct fuck and swastika no it's not no it's not yes i did fucking is yes it is
really you think a i someone so saw that skull
they wouldn't necessarily know what it meant but if someone saw swastiga most people know what it fucking means
most people know what that skull means no you know you most people think that fuck and skull is from pirates of the caribbean captain a even fuk you knows what that skull means you think people know what the black sun means
yes it looks like a swastika it literally looks like a swastika ok i g variation of the swastika i got it looks not i'm trying to beat you halfway and you were just doing mental gymnastics saying that people would
recognize the black sun as a nazi symbol but not the s s skull as a nazi symbol
that's that is
the most mental yeah i am willing to guarantee you that most people
would be able to recognize the black sun as a nazi symbol before they recognize a fucking skull and bones
oh i would
not anybody that knows anything about
especially p but you're also a guy who claims to be like explosives and ballistics and forensics expert talkbt at me to send you the video you just play ha you'd literally the guy in halo three lobbies that claim to be like amo military expert if you're you're not do you're not
if you think so that's fine yeah you're not
ok that's fine
could say that
i said i would send you the video of the hell canon if you want me to
i don't care about the fucking hell cat because we now know that
they were probably using grad rockets
okay yeah and like i said
ok what do you
what what channel can i post
not safe for work context
uh why tell me which you want to post
i'm going to show you what it looks like when somebody gets killed by a grad rocket
o i listen there's multiple ways in which people can be killed i don'tro ho but don't backpedal when you say that they're probably killed by grad rockets i say ok i'll show you what it looks like oh well maybe it was something else like
okay stop speculating then
well not what do you mean speculating do you think there's only one way to be killed by a grad rocket
i'm saying can you show me the most common way don't show me a one off where someone directly yes sure yeah ok
and let's see if this is the most common way
where you posting it
uh give me one second
and please show me why you're saying this is the most common way
actually can't find the picture and n i
there is too much smoke in this vidio but
yeah it clearly doesn't you know this is a gd this is a grad rocket
i can't find i can't find the video i cant i can't find the picture at the moment but
but i can tell you
that a
cluster fragmentation munition is not is not the primary
the primary factor
or the primary vector the way people die
from a grad rocket or a fragmentation round of any kind
is not from the concussion of
acussive blast
it's from the fragmentation that's
literally the design of it
just like a grin what it would the conculsive blast radius
like the concuss it i don't know i have to look it up i don't know
well if you don't know why are you saying that
because a fragmentation round isn't designed to kill people through concussive force
that's why it's yeah but it's can
yes it can just like you can die tripping down the fucking stairs but that doesn't mean that it's intended purpose
what i'm saying oh we don't even know if it was a grad rocket either we're just saying that it's an example it's an example of one of the many forms of artillery
and shelling
we're sorry shelley i agree we don't that don't necessarily cause
no no i was radersing that i was i was just
yes i was just fighting back at the
chatter that said oh it was probably a gradrocket like ok well if there's a fragmentation around
you would expect to see wounds consistent with fragmentation around
not well not necessarily we literally are going in circles not necessarily
uess necessary you wouldn't have to see lacerations all over the body or whatever if i if i threw a
if i threw forty rockets at you
blow up in a six hundred by six hundred meter area and throw fragmentation
you would expect to see somebody covered in fragments
what does it look like when someone is covered in fragmentation
lots of little holes in your body
have you ever seen that before in your life
seen somebody killed from fragmentation yes i have use from a group from like a grad rocket
from a grenade which is smaller was a grenades not comparable
you're right it's smaller so a grad rock it would have a lot more fragmentation
is literally a fragmentation munition what are you talking about
so you're saying so you're saying there would be holes all over the jacket and the
yes yeah its that's the only
have you ever seen a grenade how a grenade is sha't talk to me about a fucking grenade because we're talking about shelling from a fucking artillery
no we're talking it's the blast radius for a grenade to be able to do that to someone
i don't know like like ten meters yeah exactly so that's it doesn't have much explanatory value when we're dealing with
a little yah yeah yeah grad rocket throws out four thousand pieces of fragmentation
a grab ok grab rocket
look we literally have footage of a grad rocket you ready in gred
grad rockets are designed
fragment on impact and and are scored in such a way
to you're looking at his first google search result i know
yeah i'm just reading to you the fragment i because i can't i'm not offhand tell you how many pieces when the debris breaks off from nearby structures
no no right here at at the moment of detonation the basic warhead scatters a total
of three thousand nine hundred twenty two fragments
you're talking about four thousand fragments per warhead
being blasted you're telling me that that could
that that that you wouldn't see any
lacerations on a person's body or like a major trauma you should ask a fucking expert about that because you're not i don't have to i don't youre that you're sepoting from what you know about how grenades work
to artillery that's just a fucking stretch fragment you're not military expert shut the fuck up and stop getting into theeds of shit you don't understand literally shut yourself fucking annoying with how you think you're like this military expert when you're literally talking out of your fucking ass and you don't know
why are you coping about for yes so you tell me you can't extrapolate from a small fragmentation around to a large fo you can you literally can't wh why can't you
why can't you because you don't know enough about how it works what do you think we don't know enough that's why know what do you think would change what do you what do you think is the changing i am not going to make an inference
because i don't know enough about the facts or how it works
you're one of foks who doesn't think empirical facts they can just make infinite inferences from a very small level of empirical evidence w know would work you actually don't know that there's a lot of variables you're not taking into account
you're right you're right the you're like one of those fucking dumb fucks who was like the underuner er drih i can drive a semi truck i d a truck before it's the same thing
butuk you're talking about the russian army's goodwill blocked them from all the fragmentation it was just
concussion that killed them you're right
this is such a du moe shit
youd most of the victims of shellings news reports of shellings that i've seen for example i've gonea we're talking about grad for some reason because whate ok ok ok listen listen
it doesn't matter what the shelling was grad was just an example of one of the multiple types so it does matter it does matter because grad is a fragmentation round and if somebody dies from fragmentation you are dying on the hill that it could not have possibly been a grad rocket
yes i am ok that and you know what you know what i'm not saying you know what i don't i don't trust that you know what you're talking about but let's say for the sake of argument that you're correct
even if you were right about that that doesn't even matter
that was my point initially it doesn't matter no it doesn't matter
you are saying that any type of artillery
would have created a huge crater in the ground and it couldn't possibly be as insignificant as the ones we see in the photos
that's not true there are multiple types there are multiple types of artillery
and mortars
which can cause high im which can have a huge radius lethal radius
beyond the point of impact
yeah most of which are
fragmentation around
ones that don't create
large craters on the ground are fragmentation rounds or like an airburst round
so you're right i already're literally a fucking dumb ass you don't know what the fuck you're talking about why you didn't even know about the fragmentate the possibility of it being a grad rocket before i thucking brought it up before youre willing to die on the hill the bodi i said i didn't know what what youn a grad rockt was before i mention it
the more i feed you empirical evidence the more you shift your gs and change your argumentations for what this is all speculation throw more lit fuckt the puck up you keep saying it could not possibly be i throwal possibilities at you of what's could have fucken happen keep trying to create fucking limits about what is and isn't possible epir
possibilities is such a funny fucking yeah somebodies were next to what appears to be an impact graater a k shelling during battle not excuse my gunshot one body
not one body what di you meet that it's only one body you're doing exactly what just accused you of which is taking a small level of empirical data and extrapolating shit you don't frok the noing that it was only one body i saw multiple craters i can literally look at the satellite image you see any craters on the sound yes i do theres multiple examples of craters examples of craters not just one
let's scraw back up to the guy with one let the reason it's we're even arguing about this is because show way show your chat show show your strike can't show my fucking stream a dead boty you stupid fuck
not even the satellite image that you can't even make no i can't i can't show them anything i didn't think you would get banned for that but even if you can't you exaptly i exatly i th fuking ays for showing a tiny and point sized body will look like falling over from fo miles away i got be days for that but you thught because you make
assumptions jump to conclusions without fucking knowing what you're talking about what do you talk that's not extrapolate i'm extrapolating anything
all i said was show your chat if you can you're a guy who thinks they know things and you said on the paper don't you have to know if you're going ingord you're trying to use logical inferences
without knowing an adequate level of t bcward out i don't know what the mean
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about why do you why do you keep trying to use big words when you don't know what they mean wy you words have i used that i don't know what it means
well what did you say empirical possibilities
yeah you are yeah exactly
at first it was empirical facts and then when i pointed to you that we're speculating then you change it to imperal i said empirical possibilities now first you said empirical fact you said i'm f youical possibilities are obviously based on empirical fact you dumbfuck
when we talk about the possibility of it being empirical fact are we talking about
the possibility ok the fact that grad rockets
can actually cause a high level of lethal radius not withouton impact
not yet not without fragmentation wounds unfortunate okay
welll not
you don't know what those fragmentation wounds look like you only know they look like on no you sucking don't provide a single bit of evidence of what that looks like
of what a fragmentation you think you think fragmentation wounds are different
from munitionive munition
i'm willing to bet they actually are
because the munitions are different you stupid fuck
they do the same thing why do you keep saying that just because they have different names
their objective is literally the same thing blow up into a spot bunch so you're saying a fragment is saying a fragmentation wound from a grenade looks exactly the same as from a grad rocket
yes except there would be more beca and how do you know this how do you know this
the it's in the word fragmentation it's literally this soject how do you know that the w looks the same how do you know that the method of fragmentation is the say you ready are you ready because when you take a
when you take a metal container and you fill it full of explosive and you score it
to blow up into small tiny pieces no matter if it's a grenade or so what is it filled with what is it filled with
what is it filled with
ok that fragments
no no the metal frack yet what is the metal what is it meant what is the metal is it the same in a grinade as it is a grad rocket
probably yeah they're probably both made out of steel or aluminium
they are made out of the same focking fragments metal fragments
it's the same size and everything
do's not to be the sam same size the same amounts the explosion impact is everything's the same its just the bigger grenade
yes what do you think of puking all of duty at but you're pucky dum as e littly pucky dumb as
hey can you tell me r p g stands for
a rocket propelled grenade
yeah and what do you think they do
what do you think the purpose of them are
wit are you trying to say a grad rocket is a grenade
i'm trying to say they they are i'm trying to say they are identical in the purpose that they serve in fragmented just because both grenades and grad rockets
doesn't mean they' work in the same fock and way
well no shit one shot from a fucking truck and once thrown from your head doesn't mean there isn't mean it's just a big grenade launched from a truck yes it does that's literally what it means
i don't know whathy i don't know why you literally think that's what it means
have you
yes i do yeah i do that's exactly what i think it means
and you' just all you're doing is being like yeah i am a dumb ass so what am i supposed to say you just admitted you're a dumb ass how ok then tell me how i'm wrong
tell me how it's different
ok the difference is a rocket is different from a fucking grenade
yeah i said that artillery rocket is different from a grenade
yes i admitted that they're different in the way that they're delivered in the not in the way that they're not different in the way that they kill people though
yes they are tho they're not you think yes they are ok you think a fragmentation rocket and a fragmentation grenade are different in the way they kill people yes
because the grenades fucking smaller for one
okay but what how does it what is what is the vector what is the path by which it takes to kill somebody please tell me
you're just saying yeah there's a thing called momentum velocity
a rocket travelling at it
the impact is different
the impact is fking dif impacts when it impacts what happened
please tell me what happens when it im a spear a bullet are the same thing both are objects that pierce skin from arrange no no yes's the same thing it's the same thing a spear and a bullet are the same thing
this is such a dumb
they're sam that they work the same way
you launch it from a distance and you your skin and they kill people or why not why not
this is such that what makes them different
it's the same thing a spear and a bullet are the same thing
no they're not beyuse they are
how a spear uses a blade and a bullet uses a bullet
if a spear uses the blade and a bullet uses the bullet what does that matter
well not a stab wound in a gunshot wound look different
ok and frag and i'm willing to back o onack i'm willing to bet wound from an artillery fragmentation shell looks different than from a fucking grenade
because one is way bigger than the other for one thing ok so you think the metal pieces are going to be bigger
so then the trauma would be more to the skin is what you're know actually if since we're just sitting around
a speculating at this point because i again you're not an expert i'm not an expert
but since we have to do all these
unjustifiable logical inferences about empirical facts we don't have any fucking knowledge of we need experts in here to fuck and talk about it
guess what
if it's bigger then it might be blunt force who fuckin knows
it wouldn't look the same as a fucking grenade with a bunch of small holes around your body maybe it wouldn't
and yeh there's a bigger concussive blast of you sfinitly would this is such a toumb thing to say it's obviously a bigger conclusive st how do you know if if the pieces are bigger in a funcking rocket why you think he's sayell size pieces of metal
coming out of an explosion is going to hit somebody and fuck and kill let me as the chatter has to put it for your stupid fucking dumb ass
a larger blast radius means more area for the fragments to scatter away from each other
and it has a greater concussive power in addition to that
so no it doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to look like
the fragmentation that comes from the fuck are more fragments there are four thousand it's like the i hate these dumb stupid fucking people that just die on the hill of getting in the weeds of shit they don't even know what they're talking about brougt this up what he talking about i didn't get in i didn't bring us here in any capacity yes you did
you literally said what you said what you said is this you said it's highly improbable
those bodies came from shelly
and you said n reason for that
is because not every single body has a crater right next to it
and you said since not every single body doesn't have a crater next to it not not only does not every single body have a crater next to it
the bodies also
don't appear to have any trauma like gunshot wounds
or fragmentation wund
which is a thread that
i so i'm agreeing that the i don't i don't believe that i see any
large craz so you don't so how did they die if russia didn't shoot them
i don't know i'm not there all literally all i said wouldn't that mean a concussive blast would be the most likely explanation
no it doesn't
because because in order for it to be a concussive blast
the had to literally the rocket literally has to go right up the ass right there
you're right there would have to be large craters right next to right next to it it couldn't it couldn't be like ten feet away it has to be right next to them
what do you think happens when your internal organs explode you think you're walking thirty sos what you're saying i could be twenty feet away from one of these blasts and i can't die from internal bleeding in my brain
that's a joining
from twenty feet away probably not not from a grad rocket if from a you don't even know what his grad rocket was before i brought it up how do you know that
i how do youking know that
how do you know what the radiusi how do you know what the radius of a concussive blast for a grad rocket is
i'm sorry repeat yourself you ud of how do you know what the can the radius for a concussive blast of a grad rocket is
i don't know the raateis
so why are you acting like you do
because it
why do you think that that's the way that these people died from a grad rocket
cushion when that's a little i'm scauss i'm all i'm entertaining is the possibility
that it could have been your from a ground not your no you're not your hand what you're doing what you're doing
is your hand waving the oks here's what i'm saying russ what i'm actually saying is that it's more likely that they died from shelling
than from russia's actual shooting them that's what im say but you're saying that with no evidence
because right now the only have way i'm saying is that i am saying that evidence i'm saying that with the evidence of the fact
that every single one of these bodies are around destruction
that could have easily been caused by shelling
there are not any visible gunshot wounds
and in addition the location of the bodies
it wouldn't have made sense for this to be a summary execution
of russia tiing why would russia choose that spot to tie people
and shoot them in the fucking head right there w
i don't know why did russia choose to
to try to take over kiv and then retreat a month later
russia didn't choose to take over key of you dumbfuck there's no evidence they did
oky what what was their objective then
to destroy military infrastructure and prevent the ukrainian armed forces from replenishing in
at eastern ukraine ok but have they done that
ask them i think they have been pretty successful i mean almost all of gon bass has been taken
so you so you think that so you think that ukrainians aren't replenishing in the east and that all of
no cranes
know that the they were completely distracted with the russians elsewhere
they were totally diverted from being replenished in the east
okay okay so now what now now what's the plan
since it was so successful
because two weeks ago
you were saying that if kiv wasn't taken
you would shave your beard
and you would admit that russia had failed their operation and i know i'll admit that i will admit that it didn't go as planned which was a mistake because i didn't even know what russia's plans
really weork
i thought their plans was to completely um
take over the ukrainian government
which is clear now is not very beginning to it
no because i didn't understand what they meant by denuncification which they're more clear about now
de notification was not
the regime changed in ukraine
the notstification means eliminating and destroying the azov battalion
and just w they were saying but that's what they were saying at the beginning was it was regime change they wanted to when did they say that name one instance of them saying that
i would have to go back a month and find him
i have i don't have it on hand you don't have anything not a month back not a year back never never actually said that they actually said the contrary
they literally sad your goal is not resy di you believe it so much you were let us try i believed it because they were not confining operations to eastern ukraine so i assume that
russian troop movement in the western part of ukraine
had to have i was it was an unjustifiable assumption
which again i was istake everybody was bamboozle ukraine was bamboozle no mostly russi know what i have western audiences were bamboozled by western media about russell's intention there but you're not a western audience and you don't listen to western yes i am thb ass i live in america
i listen to english speaking news you stupid fuck
what are you talking about
what i'm saying that's the reporting that's available to me
that's not true at all don't tell me you can't get
other news sources don't tell me don't i dot other news sources
right so the do when i'm learning about russian troops in in western ukraine i mean it's very easy for me to just like
infer thoh they must be trying to take k of i know't saying you're stuck in like the west media sphere and that you don't have any idea what what that those that discourse that discourse overwhelmingly
my ability to make sense of what's going on even now
really you can't find any alternative media like you can't find any
that's not how media works dumb ass even if i have access to alternative media it's about what you're getting exposed to wan a daily basis what you're hearing on a daily basis to get you have to go out of your fucking way and it's in a critical way it's not mut what you're exposed to w a fking so then why are you going out of your way in a critical way to not be swayed by western media
i am doing that and you can see that it's really difficult because sometimes even i fall victim
to some of the narratives that they're conjuring up
such as the idea that they were trying to take which i just assumed had to be true but it actually wasn't
so you think there so you think that their whole
objective was to push to
to kievs
border to kiev suburbs
and to that's what they had been saying from the beginning so yes it's pretty consistent with what they were saying from the beginning
i don't i i honestly don't think that's true but i don't have anything off hand so i can you don't that's the thing you don't
no i'm a admit i'm see unlike you i'm willing to admit that
i know you're not you literally
i just said it what do you mean i'm not i literally you a and literally
you made all of these fucking assumptions i haven't no i haven't actually yeah about what could be responsible for those bodies and what's more likely and what's more probable you then admitted that there's no visible gunshot wo i said i circul ok so why are the bodies why are the dead bodies evidence ok why does the why does the satellite footage
why did that count as evidence in the direction of russia being responsible
because the area was russian occupied
just like just like this ok let me ask ok let me let me ask you this in the area was san occupied in good faith in good faith let me ask you this
if there were
satellite images
coming out of the dawn bass right there are in like there are i'm asking you this
yeah if there are satellite images and like it's a perfect example
in like twenty fifteen
of images coming out of the dombas of russian speaking ukrainians
dead in the streets which you assume that it was from russian shelling
well not well not there's evidence of people in dawnbass dead in the streets while under separatist control
so would we deduce that the separatists were responsible for those debts
probably yeah probably not from shelling from the ukrainian military
maybe i mean i don't know i'm not sure i don't know what you're saying right now
we know that almost all the deaths in the dawn bass come from the ukrainian military because that's the area they're shelling despite the area being under the control of the separatists
okay we're not talking about the same thing
why not giving it because i'm giving you a hypothetical why not both are areas that are being shelled
by ukraine
both are areas that have a significant pro russian population at least
from what we can gather from the fucking dead bodies which had white arm bands
which is a sign that you're pro russian
both areas were being you know ukrainians were celebrating selling them on telegram
i mean
what more fucking need
i no i'm asking you are there satellite well at least admit that it's like a high likelihoods in the streets
that's what i'm asking
dead bodies are in the streets of places that are shelled yes
i'm trying to get i'm trying to
draw a hypothetical and you were just trying
pull us into the weeds again
i'm asking you
if there were
satellite images
coming out of
of the dawn bass where as of is controlling an area
of like
russian speaking
ukrainians ok
and russia is trying to liberate this area
would you assume
that that's literally mariocul
that's what they're trying to say
wouldulate that ok would you speculate that as office the one that killed those it depends on the placement of the bodies and whether rus
in the middle of the so if ok if there was like a warehouse of dead bodies of course it's has off right but if it's just like on the streets people dying with all this debris and all this
f like damaged infrastructure and impact sites i would say you know that's probably from shelling
so you don't think that so you don't think that the damage could have happened any other way it had to happen when those bodies were put down
you don't think it could happen like when they first moved into the city
over like
two weeks of fighting or three weeks of fighting
you think allthough all the damage to the infrastructure happened
when those bodies were put there
do you even know how
buco was taken
what do you mean do you knowwin google was taken in like
it was like extremely heavy protracted fighting that lasted weeks and weeks and weeks
no i don't ok so what are you saying why what do you think there was no fighting
i actually don't know
the extent of the fighting but i'm pretty sure that i bring it up i'm pretty sure it wasn't enough to be responsible for all that dan you don't know that though so why are you asking me i'm saying i don't know because russia took go very quickly that's why just because they took it quickly doesn't mean there wasan intense fighting
so why ok so why are those body dispens so why would those bodies be around areas subject to intense fighting
i don't know why or why why do civilians live anywhere where there's intense fighting
but you're saying russia it's evidence that russia has executed them
which is a war crime
ok and
i know for what for one i never said russia did
i said
you said it's evidence that russia did because it's under a russian controlled area
yeah yeah this is one thing that points to that and the investigation would probably clear it up
which there which which the u k has been blocking
yeah possibly i don't know i haven't i why would they be blocking it
i'm not sure there's probably a multitude of reasons
can you give me one
not offhand no i haven't looked
the to the subject that's like that's like asking
why did republicans block
thirty dollars minimum
payments for insulin like who the fuck knows dud
i'm pretty sure the reason is because they're not going to get the results
that back up the accusations they're making
i don't believe that if that was the case then why wouldn't everybody be blocking it why wouldn't
why wouldn't
ukraine itself say they don't want toan investigation because theyn' already know what happed
why wouldn't the united states say that
to play what
why woulden the why wouldn't the united states block
an investigation
why would it only be the uk
because the uk
yet it only takes one country
yeah know he so yeah it only takes one country but why would it be ukraine or
the united states the people who are so ukraine doesn't sit on the security council
okay so then why would it be the united states the people who have the thirty bio labs and want to cover up everything
i don't know because the u k is famously more anti russian than the u s
which it is
in what way
well you don't you don't know about how the russians have always brought it before the fucking uun security council itself
that britain has always triying to get in the way of a dialogue between the u s
and russia you don't know that the russians consider the uk
they're like biggest enemy even more than the u s
when it comes to the
international diplomacy
and also yeah someone in chess running out the u k is the head of the security council anyway
right now they are that didn't they just get that wasn't
fuck what does it matter whether they just got it or not
because that's like say that's like saying russia had something to hide whenever they vetoed uh
whenever they vetoed condemning
the invasion at the beginning
bec because they use their power to block
what what are you saying
what're you even fucking talking about at this point
you're literally just saying nothing
no no nom no i'm not actually when when the invasion started
and ukraine wanted to condemn the actions of
of russia
russia used its veto power to block the to block the motion
samor say
you're saying u k using that exact same power some evidence
that they're hiding some
yes because they don't want to be fucking examined
so then that means that russia is doing the same
how is russia doing the same thing russia wants to investigate what happened at buka and apparently the u k doesn't
okay yeah i
sure i guess
i don' i mean i don't believe that for a second
look like i said i all id all i said was um
satellite imaging
shows bodies in the streets of
a week or two before eleven bodies out of the alleged four hundred and nineteen
and bodies which are placed in such a way
that they could easily be the result of shellings
are you focusing just on those eleven bodies why not the other sketchy bodies of like
people who were dyed with russian food rations in their arms peoplere you know why are you focusing only on the new york times eleven
ok why would you point to that why can't the why can't the new york timesm the other ones why would you point to like people with russian
food rations in their arms as evidence because it's evidence that they were being killed by the az all battalion and they were pro russian civilians who collaborated with the russians
and the hos off committed a revenge operation which they sa which is what they said they were doing by the evidence of that
how do you know some evidence of like russians killing looters
but russia gave people food rations and then killed them
i would r
i for one you don't know if they gave them to them you you were speculating again
you're just saying that
there's a dead body with russian food those are russian food rations for civilians that they brought the buko
why would they need to bring food ration
because there's fucking there's no supply lines or anything people need food
the fuck are you talking about
i don't okay
this is such a silly conversation at this point you're extrapolating
from a picture of a dead body with russian food rations
the russian military were handing them i'm saying there's a lot of sketchy shit
that you're not even talking about you're just talking about the new york times yes yes that's one example among many others the new york times
has a fucking evidence of eleven confirmed deaths that were on on top that there is that's what i brought up i didn't bring up anything else
funny how that but you know that they're saying that russia killed those eleven people the same way they allegedly killed
the four hundred others right
who the new new york times is making that claim you know the ukrainian government is
i don't give a fuck with the ukrainian government s the ukrainan government took photos of those bodies and said russia killed these people
yeah they yeah i'm sure you're saying that that's true because it was under russ there was a they also said there was like a ghost of kid and all this other stuff that was going on that wasn't true
so what's i mean what do you meing to do with that there's fucking propaganda
they're what do you mean with they're using this to
to pressure other countries to give them more support of course they are
what the fo like
when that i once say you don't even know what you're saying anymore you don't even know what you're talking about anymore
so any all of that that i just said was was untrue
ukraine didn't do that
you literally came in vc embarrassed yourself and now you're trying to save face
how in what way am i saving face in what way did i embarrass myself please explain
you literally said
that the that's evidence that russia committed the crime in bucco
because the new york times has satellite images of those bodies being there
yeah i said yeah i said this is one piece of evidence yeah
and investigation is needed to
to figure out if if but you're saying it's really improbable that it would be shellings
yeah yeah based on depite that there's literally craters those craters were there before russia just brought the bodies to the craters that shot them
it would be really interesting to see like the
the satellite images
a day before or a couple of days
for if you could see you know
craters there you couldn't you couldn't
that's what the evidence showed you couldn't
what where can you show me that again the thread that i just showed you
where's that in your disc
i have to di exit it out i have to bring it back up
no not not on your can you just posting your discord somewhere so i can look through
ma get the threat again
yeah because i lost
so can you tell me when the shaving stream is going to be
you're not going to do it
no i'm not
that that makes me sad
because you were like like the one clip of you saying like no matter what i'm going to be a man i'm a stick to my word you it's not what i fuck and said you dumb ass is that yeah i'll do it why not hold me to it as i say i shave every few months anyway dumbs you said like on your manhood i didn't
yes you did ok
we if you can provide evidence that i set on my manhood
might in the word manhood you would have you said
i stick to my word as a no a random no ok if you can provide me evidence i said that
a something close to that
fifteen thousand dollars i'll give it you you promise
if yes you ca yeso you yes if the random chatter who said has
if russia's still in there in april will you shave i'll be like yeah yeah sure why not hold me to that
and then
also i save every i'm shaving tomorrow
right so what are you talking about
i do that every few months anyway
that's fine i was just asking you said no
i'm not i'm not the one that said you weren't going to
i just said when
what do you mean i shave every few months
yeah you yeah you said if i i shave my beard down every few months i don't shave a completely you know you know specifically what i'm talking about stop playing stupid i
you specifically said no what i specifically said also is that if you're a chatter you don't even have any fucking rights so why are you acting like a that chatter has rights
and diare the one that said it not the chat i didn't because i didn't actually say this like oh there's no way russ is going to be there in april i said this
why not if rus is still there in april who knows you know like that was if you literally goo the clip and look at it
you can see i wasn't making a bet
i was just like ok whatever
what do i lose if i have to shave nothing
i'd do that anyway
it's like i bet money on it i'm like oh i russi is still there i'll admit i'm completely wrong about everything
don't that's what it sounded like to me but maybe i'm wrong yeah well because you're coping
what am i coping about
what have i coped aout because you ca't on because you're hoping because you come from a community
that shares mems and this is one of those mems they're sharing
and you justin i've been pretty honest the whole time yeah because you got high off of a narrative that's just not true
so being honest is me being high off a narrative that isn't true what narrative is a
you'll elaborate please
yeah the narrative that i liked
i was implying that it's extremely
now i saw supce for russia to still be in ukraine in april
no i didn't i never once said you said that they wouldn't still get you backtracking annoying fok literally shut the fok when did i say when did i say that you said they wouldn't be in ukraine in april i said that you said that they would take evn
by april and if they didn't know that's not what it was about it wasn't about whether they would take v in april it was about whether they would still be in ukraine in april
which i didn't know i literally didn't know
someone said if they're still there in april whill you shave your beard say yeah why not
i'm saving it anyway
so you thought wait so you thought that they would be out completely by april in two weeks
noh i didn't i didn't know i literally didn't know
anything i'm aalking about when you were talking to the chatter you were talking to destiny and dylan burns in the clip that that was when they were saying in two weeks if russ didn't take
what will you say and i said i'll admit that
itdn go as planned
yes yeah
yes i was wrong
i was wrong to assume i knew anything about
what russia's plan was in the first place but i didn't which was still mysterious at the time
sw hold you to it there you go on the order impact right here that was not visible on the previous day
here you go it's in fact checking
unch of shut the fock up
okay so the blue is the
mortar then right
ok so
what about all the other bodies on the right side of the picture that are anywhere close to the motar explosion
can you look at the other shit in fact checking that explains how these fucking rockets work so your dumb ask can shut the fuck up
you're talking about the body right here in blue right
this is one of the craters
the yeah the crater on the left in blue yeap
there's other craters on that street presumably
presumably yeah i can't see
you can't see your right
ok so what is the shd in being i you see the shit in't being because there's another picture
where impacts from shelling can be clearly seen
sugar green pink the pink in green is also impacts from selling
the green does not impact michelle the green yes it iss
thus another picture wre impacts from shelling can clearly ok the o the greenest vehicle
the pink is also from shelly
ok yeah exactly what's your point here
we hear what's my fucking point half the bodies are anywhere close to these explosions
that's my pot we are close you dumb ass red you don't even know how fucking much it has to take look at this
look at this
the lethal area extends six hundred meters by six hundred meters
for fragmentation n not only
for fragmentation
allows for the likelihood of fragmentation impacts to have a lower probability of happening
lethal area is for the whole barrage of forty rockets the graph shows that if there is a rocket hits more than ten meters away it's very possible that no shrapnel hits but the blast shock wave can still be lethal especially in an area with reflective structures which can contain and redirect the shock wave
yeah ten meters you know how far ten meters is
last wet radius is greater
this can show for concussive damage without fragmentation
there you go it's very possible ok
it's very very possible
sure if you if
if you just read that and think that it's very possible then
sure ha it is it literally is
okay yeah i don't i don't know what else to say to yeah point
blast injuries in built up popular areas are far more common
buildings reflect and magnify blast waves
rather than allowing them to dissipate as such
whilst permanent structures are likely to provide protection f fragmentation
they increase the risk of suffering serious or fatal blast injuries
furthermore secondary fragmentation is far more common in built up areas
where superfluous glass brick and metal produced debris
often more harmful than the grad rockets pre made fragments but you just said that grad rockets kill people in the same way grenades do
you didn't see
you're literally yelling about people dying from fret secondary sho fuck up you're go we just got blown the fok it's litt done
you're lially literally go you're literally arguing your own point right now you don't even realize you're arguing against your own rads it's more often for glass brick and metal to produce the brig debris that kills people
than a shrapnel rackman a shrapnel
yes the shrapnel
what i call it whatever the folks you want that do re no things the don't nursir body no no no brick
and metal do not necessarily have to pierce your body to kill you no it doesn't
ws you just got fucking destroyed
you know
you're the kid
you're the kid in the sandbox yeah and also also hat dumb ass hat dumb ass
how did the cars get destroyed
i don't know i couldn't tell you that
that's not an own you're right w gould it is you're really good a gould you yeah yeah i don't know why that's an own i don't know why i think that's an ow
you don't think a b m p could destroy a car
or what
a bnp you don't think a bnp could destroy a car
you're dying on the hill of a bmp
i'm not dying on any hill i'm just saying that you
are speculating that it was a grad rocket the i'm saying it's i'm saying all i'm saying is that it's possible you're saying oh you're possible yes i am i'm saying it's possible you're saying it's not possible
no you're not
anything else
no that was it honestly
you got blown the fuck out you're shamed forever your mother's ashamed to your whole ho schange dole ark your whole family lineage is ashamed of you
you just fuck and humiliate yourself i hope your face is red right now
i hope you're totally fucking feel bad about even fucking mustering the courage to come in my v c
because you just made a complete fucking ass of yourself and it's absolutely fucking pathetic
that's the truth
that's the god onnes his truth
fucking god my phone is fucking broke
holy shit
when russias come out and claim the photos are fake why don't know what are
is that would russia's ministry of defense is saying that all the bodies are fake
so provide evidence
give me your address
this is the guy who is just ons screen
un so literally just want attention
it's lially it
i'm got the police to check these things here so my name's alex stein i'm a seventy five eight inwood road dallas tex
you're wondering alex why dod this crazy person just drop off hamburgers in front of me benny i'm sure like what in the world well let me tell you someth beingny weve got world war three going on and mcdonald's one of the biggest most americanized corporations in the world has decided to close all eight hundred fifty franchises in russia are you familiar that many i don't know if you are but listen they didn't just shut down eight hundred fifty restaurants they lost a thirty
boging gasminy gamble
youyear investment guys and for what reason to stick it to vidamir putin why because there's nothing more american than mcdonald's french fries this is one of the most american things you can do in this day and age so people let me just have some because you can't you can't pull them out not eat them ro is so important and because how are we caing to defeat vitamir putin it's very simple we need to eat
more big max because we need to support an american company that is actually sticking it to the man see a lot of these companies they're still going to stay open you got facebook they sa me here
are you fasting for madm no i'm not a good muslim never have been
i'm a bad person and i'm probably going to help
caush and facebook that's the truth
but guys a simple big mac for every big mac you eat you stick it to latimr pun think about this rising cost of inflation what inflation even though joe bydenes a great president things are getting more expensive so it's very sure they coulnd be where we can only afford to eat mcdonalds
would you ever become a good muslim
i just think about it and it's like it's cringe it's like oh suddenly has is going to turn into a good guy
i'm just going to become a peaceful good muslim
and just be like
you know
i i just can't see it you know i can't see it
i've already crossed the line you know i feel like i'd be coping at that point
and people would see it as fake and it would be fake
i've already crossed the line how'm i going to just
randomly one day becomes super
devout and religious and shit
and expect to be taken seriously
so we need to get used to it and what's good about mcdonald's it's genetically modified it lasts for months guys you can put it right in your backyard it doesn't go bad let me tell some this birg this is the big mac burger the most famous burger and all the land iir putin byjus to sam ti puin right now you going to e bay you got e ba beinny these are gone for ten thousand rubles no lie
so we need to wake up gza we are having a clture war and we're not going to win the war unless we eat more burgers so for this is just this is an honor of latimir pudin pudin if you're watching this this is what we have in america that you don't have this is why we are so healthy this is why we live such a good life right here o
no going down yeah aint g nothing notro me b'm say hope somebody here is going to kid me youd die telling youm this is how we do it clarence i know you like mcdonald's i love mcdonald's i grew up being there every day of my life how are we going to fight blimir putin it's that simple you go to drivero you say i want twenty piece mcdons flmir putin
get mcnos to save his wife so what we have to do we have to wake up to really what's going on this world we've got to stick it m and we need to thank these multinational corporations like mcdonald's because without their help we wouldn't have the american culture we we have today so thank you to ronald mcdonald for fighting and defeating ladimir putin and i hope you guys enjoy your burgers thank you thank you mr stin
i won't read to you what my text messagere saying right now because it's not very i was ve they sld say anything to about m prime time wt to find more information go to my instagram prime time steinn thank you all right thank you all right y
oh yeah it's a nice palate cleanser
hey also in the spirit of
havin a little fun
well i don't know if this is fun it's kind of
but there's a woman on a plane who had issue
with a a young man wearing a trump shirt
she was sitting next to him and she took issue with him
so m
let's check it up
she has called me namedslta me just for sitting down the seat saying that i came here to celebrate someday yeah nick land posted this and he's just like
this woman has brought so many people such joy
you don't have that money so i' gnd somebody pretend to have a sall if you put that man's finger on that man doesn't believe in climate you believe in gravity is just
she looks like tim cook
she literally looks like tim cook that's the most disturbing thing at all
they probably have the same ideology too
you aughn' to know this is the o of apple tim cook
do you believe in gravity is that tim cook
the same person tim cook
do you believe in gravity
you don't en believe in climate change
we mean knowo
i pait for this s and i'm sitting hears in my space
he is in my space
the why did you fuck it up by causing all this commotion
the whole time this dude did not speak up at all the whole time
he was just like oh my loving wife
at it again
settlen whats down how about
oh my god this slay's going to get thron off the flight
man bere waiting on you
gt a ho myself you're buying drinks
elema o
all right we're going to do a few more hours of r p
we're not ending it yet
go i do a few more hours of warp
i'm just kidding
i'm just kidding i'm just gkidding we are we are we are it's confirm we are going to do a few more hours of r p
we are going to do a few more hours of r p
but i need a few more hours
promised eight ours
why do you think i did my three hours of silence because i was like fok
i woke up late again
you know
life is fought
guys blaye three is on netflix you watch that
you ever heard of it
youll want to know the truth
don't want to know the truth
do you all want to know the truth
do youll want to know the truth
do you all want to know the truth
do youll want to know the truth
i can't find anyone to raise
that's the truth
and that's what i've been stalling this whole time for
anyway guys
see you guys tomorrow
you know i'm going to this beard
i'm going to fix it tomorrow
for sure one thousand percent
you know one thousand percent
f gs
bye bye