James Hake defends SLAVERY?
James Hake defends SLAVERY?JamesHakedefendsSLAVERY?Hake defends SLAVERYSLAVERY James Hake defendsdefends James Hake SLAVERYHake James defends SLAVERY?SLAVERY? defends Hake JamesJames Hake SLAVERY? defendsJames HakeJames Hake SLAVERY?Hake defends SLAVERY?James defends SLAVERY Hake?Hake James defends SLAVERYHake James SLAVERY? defendsdefends Hake James SLAVERY?SLAVERY? defends James HakeSLAVERY? Hake defends Jamesdefends James Hake SLAVERY?
i think the democrats today are much
more evil than they than the democrats
who own the slave and
slavery was one of the greatest
historical evils how so humanity
in order to keep in order to prop up
your communism you are saying
unspeakably evil things if i i can't i
can't think of anything more fucking
cowardly than trying to downplay the
historical evil of slavery
sure glad to be here thank you so
i think when we have a discussion uh
about the over putting a overall
historical verdict on judging the legacy
of communism i do agree that when we're
talking about communism we do have to
talk about what that actually meant in
reality so this idea that you know
communism has never been tried or it
wasn't true communism or it doesn't
actually reflect the real thing i think
we don't have to that's not something
that has to be in dispute we can all
agree that communism specifically in the
20th century refers to a phenomena that
begins with the soviet union continuing
through countries like china
other countries in the world outside of
europe in america and the eastern bloc
and so on and so on as well as the
legacy of capital c communist movements
uh within
uh the united states and western europe
and so on so i think there's no dispute
about the fact that communism does have
to refer to the you know the thing that
actually propped the name into relevance
and significance in the first place and
to me
uh when you begin from there you have to
have a very honest and sober assessment
of the the record and the facts at hand
now the experience of communism was
obviously very bloody it was obviously
uh something that was fraught with
catastrophes to say the least economic
catastrophes uh famines
um moments of political terror and so on
and so on but we should have a more
broader uh
investigation and criticism of whether
this is specifically because of
communism rather than a feature of
modernity as such because the
modernization of let's say even the
western capitalist countries and the
world at large uh fits the same pattern
that we saw if not far worse actually i
would argue in the case of communism the
prerequisites to the agricultural and
industrial modernization of the
non-communist world uh required in an
immense level of um
famines uh social instability terror
unrest um colonialism slavery and so on
and so on in the new world genocide
these are all things that aren't uh that
can't be brushed to the side when we're
how modernization takes place
uh historically so to me you have to
place communism within that context of
this question of pre-modern and largely
agrarian societies confronting and
trying to persevere through this
challenge of modernity and to me uh
modernity specifically in the form of
agricultural modernization somehow
historically inevitably leads to this
kind of um chaos and uncertainty in the
way food is produced and in the way the
foundation of economies agricultures
is preserved right so this is obviously
something fraught with several you know
small mistakes can lead to catastrophic
outcomes but at the very least we can
say that these mistakes were on record
things that communist states learn from
uh after they were made very quickly i
should add and when you don't only look
at the negatives that are
mostly mass publicized as a result of
cold war anti-communist propaganda and
uh and elsewhere you have to also have a
fair and sober assessment of the
overwhelming achievements
of communist parties and leading their
respective peoples uh to a position a
social position far superior uh to than
before whether in the realm of literacy
acculturation a medicine
um access to a bare minimum of a
standard of living a basic dignified
means of livelihood a kind of guarantee
of a job and obviously this came to a
certain limit in crisis in the 1970s
where this primary standard of living
was no longer enough um to support the
wants and desires and aspirations of the
peoples and communist states but
nonetheless i think
we can retrace and reevaluate the
original significance of communism in
order to now address and put into a new
light the challenges that we now face
today which our current liberal order
seems to be unable to um to deal with
we're facing a fourth industrial
revolution we're facing an economic
transition not uh dissimilar to the one
that communists were addressing namely
the one from
pre-modern agrarian societies to
industrial society now we're in a
situation of industrial societies
transitioning into an era of smart
cities and you know more internet-based
economy and more kind of
decentralization and i think that
communism has a new newfound
significance uh in this regard
so i think i'll just
end it there you go thank you very much
for that opening statement infrared we
are also thrilled to have here james
hake thanks so much for being with us
the floor is all yours for your opening
statement as well
well thank you and thanks to haas
infrared for coming on as well this was
today was my introduction to haas and
infrared and what they or he i think is
believe i think he's a marxist
leninist communist what is interesting
to me about him is that he does not
appear as rabidly anti-white
anti-christian anti-man is the typical
communists that i think of that i run
into i don't know looking around america
like the democrats the black lives
matter antifa people the mainstream
media type i saw a video where he said
you can be patriotic and nationalist as
well as communist but my take on
communism is that it's atheistic at its
root like you have to be an atheist to
be a good communist was one quote from a
famous communist i think i've heard
promoting the insane idea of equality
which is not an ideal nor is it the
truth the serpent told eve in the garden
of eden that you can be equal with god
and that's a lie and feminist communists
have sought to be equal with men and
it's just been a big mess since then
communism seems to be against men and
against nature
around in america it has sought to
render the men unnecessary to the women
and to the children and it's it does not
mind as he said famine abortion forced
vaccination in the name of you know
against healthy individuals who are not
at high risk from diseases that don't
threaten them it's a violation of
individuals they don't mind in uh
violation of individuals rights for the
so-called collective the greater good uh
it pushes the lie of anger to be angry
the communists unions seek to persuade
the angry so-called workers to
go up against and subvert the the bosses
who envisioned started built and led the
businesses that gave them the jobs and
the communist the communists sometimes
pretend to be friends and want
mutual benefit for everyone and some of
them may sincerely feel that way but
in the end it's it's a phony thing the
best intentions are the road to hell as
you may know
communists don't mind lying stealing and
killing to get their way many others do
too dennis prager said words and ideas
are more important for uh the
intellectual which is the same thing as
a communist or a liberal as than actions
and reality it's partly why the straight
talking nazis are much more maligned
than the sweet talking communists which
the mainstream media is you know they
have they have a they pander to
basically in america i think what we we
have what's called what i call kami kami
capitalism because
amazon google facebook all these are in
bed with the government they support
black lives matter antifa just
destruction of the country they support
the mass immigration that's that's
changing the face of the country and the
values of the country they support the
communist shutdowns in the name of the
the virus that we have that has just
destroyed their competition or destroyed
the businesses and just meanwhile
they've made mass profit and
that means more power for them as well
as for the government in america we're
already a socialist country you don't
own your own land or property you don't
have a right to contract for work with
workers to pay them just one or two
dollars an hour if they want to work
that you know be a be an usher or
whatever we've lost a lot of jobs in
that way you have wealth redistribution
which is really more like edo
redistribution through progressive tax
and social programs and affirmative
action and all these things you have the
harsh hand of law quote law coming down
on innocent capital protesters because
they are
the communism seeks to divide and
conquer the whites against the
the people of color or the people of
color really against the whites and the
liberals against the whites and it's
overwhelming the systems the um in order
to destroy them and rebuild them in
their image through immigration you see
the border is just being destroyed
because they like to destroy and exploit
the crisis and then rebuild it in their
image the government and the media are
just filled in my view with communists
from joe biden and kamala harris to
nikki haley and even perhaps greg abbott
over in texas i don't see capitalism as
the opposite of communism i see it
really as good versus evil so i see
capitalism as as just as many communists
do as a stepping stone to communism
because when in capitalism we start to
do well and then we forget god you know
the saying goes tough times make strong
make strong men strong men make good
times good times make
make a weak men and then weak men make
tough time and that's when the
communists like to strike capitalism is
supposed to be about freedom but you
can't have freedom as i think john adams
said without morality but they push
pornography and all of that madness to
just subvert families it's about envy
it's about made up words and false
ideals things like racism and just
division satan came as the angel of
light and evil is subtle it sounds good
it's an imitation of logic and moral so
that's communism don't fall for it i
want to be kind of brief i don't want to
ramble too much but um i think in the
united states and this is one of the
things infrared wanted to embark upon to
kind of change people's perception is
that here in the united states i think
there's a lot of confusion about what
communism meant in other countries and
how that would apply here and i think
that for several reasons there has come
to be this kind of confusion in this
country that there's this association
with communism and the experience of
communism in russia and china the
existing communist states that survived
today and there's this association with
that with the current um you know the
deep state and the democratic
establishment and george soros and the
ngos and
the kind of davos agenda for the great
reset there's this association between
communism and these things i think
because uh in the united states that
democrats are considered left and the
republicans are considered right so
people just have this idea that
communism is just the like ultimate um
logical conclusion of the democrats
current agenda but i think when you um
actually study the experience and
history of communism in the proper
context you will find that um well for
one there is a historical uh tension
between communism and religion but that
wasn't necessarily because communism is
inherently anti-religious or even
inherently atheist it was because the
religious establishments that communists
were going up against in their
respective countries were deeply rotten
and corrupt to the core they defended
the interests of the very corrupt ruling
class and you know many normal ordinary
religious minded people could even see
that within these very same religious
establishments you had utmost cynicism
and hypocrisy these people that were
occupying these uh roles of religious
power didn't actually even believe in it
themselves so there wasn't even really
any authentic faith there themselves and
for that reason communists uh had taken
in the very beginning a negative stance
toward religion but as the experience of
communism was able to mature more
especially now i think a certain
understanding has uh arrived that
between communist internationally and
religion which allows for a communism
that has room for faith not only does it
have room for faith but is actually able
to rediscover itself in the history of
uh the world's great face
frederick engels uh
marks his friend if you don't know who
he is uh toward the end of his life he
wrote about how in um the early stages
of christianity you found pretty much a
a very striking parallel to the
socialist and communist movement in
europe that the principles and values of
christianity are strikingly similar to
those of the communists i mean the
president putin of russia has pointed
out that the uh the code of communist
builders which was the soviet um kind of
like handbook for the komsomol youth he
said all of these things are already to
be found in the bible so around the
world especially in russia with its
communist party and in latin america and
in the middle east and uh i hope in the
united states um communism has not only
been proven to be perfectly compatible
with fake but they appear to even
complement each other because uh from
the perspective of the world's great
religions we can see the kind of
corruption and decadence and inhumanity
uh that capitalism has brought upon the
peoples of the world and the way in
which this has to be addressed
economically and politically seems to be
very much compatible and uh similar to
what the communists are saying right now
in regards to this question of equality
um i think there's also confusion here
too because communists never wanted to
make everyone absolutely equal because
as marx angles and lenin pointed out
people are inherently different some
people have more skills than others some
people are smarter some people are
stronger and people are different in
general so we don't communists don't
have this idea of making everyone equal
we just believe as far as equality is
concerned no more than what was written
in um the declaration of independence
that we believe
uh that men and women were created equal
right which is what the founding fathers
of the united states have said and all
that means that insofar as the
government is going to serve the
interests of the people we're going to
have a government buy for and of the
people it's not going to privilege these
special interests like amazon and
facebook and other monopolies over the
ordinary man this is our government and
we will should be treated accordingly
people like jeff bezos bill gates uh and
other billionaires are not gods among
men they're not somehow more human than
we are they're not somehow more citizens
of this republic than we are so
in that regard we just as far as
equality is concerned believe that
everyone should have a certain equality
the government before the law that
allows us to begin with equal
opportunity we're not advocating for an
equality of outcomes in life if you look
at communist states like china you don't
find uh you know an equality of outcomes
between people and yet countries like
china have done a very good job in being
able to crack down on monopolies like
the ones you're seeing with amazon and
the billionaire class china is actually
an example of a country with a
government that isn't able to be
infiltrated by the special interests the
corporations and and with their special
private agendas that are beyond the
interests of the people so i think we
should be clear that communists don't
want to completely level society and
make it even we just want people to be
able to have a fighting chance and that
means people don't own land they don't
own homes we want people to have to be
able to own things because if people are
able to own things in general they're
going to have a solid foundation from
which to begin and
begin as equals are you an atheist um my
personal relationship to religion i
would say is complicated but uh in
certain regards i think i am an atheist
just in the sense that i don't like
making assumptions about what god is and
what god wants and who god is but at the
same time i'm also someone who's
motivated by a profound sense of faith
and um faith in something that i
struggle to call anything but god or a
god but again because religion has been
misused so often in history i i want to
be very careful about
uh my own relationship to faith
personally um where are you from i'm
just curious if you don't mind oh yeah
my parents are from lebanon okay um this
is a quote from
marx the communist manifesto by marx and
angles communism abolishes eternal
truths it abolishes all religion and all
morality instead of constituting them on
a new basis it therefore acts
in contradiction to all past historical
at root is it not atheistic
i i wouldn't say so because i think what
marx and engels were trying to say in
that regard is that communism doesn't
mean to replace all these things with a
new religion and a new dogma and a kind
of a new tradition
and i think that's very
important to you know keep in mind
it's very easy to just assume that
because you're having this new political
movement and phenomena that it's gonna
somehow make a new religion and make a
new thing like that
and also i think there's often times a
mistranslation as far as the word
abolish is concerned in a lot of these
texts so oftentimes the word of hebong
which actually means sublate which means
to preserve while at the same time going
beyond is translated into abolish and
abolish means like to wipe out right and
oftentimes marx and angles write about
the sublation of things which is not
necessarily incompatible with their
preservation in a new form right so the
way i look at that and the way i would
interpret that is that companies don't
want to abolish christianity they just
want to give a new
ex ground for the expression of the
authentic christian faith without the
corrupt religious institutions and
establishments which deceive the people
and trick people in the name of tapping
into their real authentic faith who are
just motivated by cynical interests of
serving those in power or serving
special interests or just plainly trying
to scam people into making money i've
seen reports that that china for example
as recently as last year
they were clamping down i think on
christians as well as some other
religions like falun gong or something
like that
and saying
we need marxism not
religion not christianity and i've just
noticed that
for example
armenians i've had some armenian friends
and they
lived in a former communist country and
because of that there is a lot of
corruption and a lot of cheating and low
trust society making
business practices with many armenians
because of that culture that basically
where life is not done life was once
done in america with a handshake you did
not have to worry about a man that you
shook hands with pulling a fast one on
you whereas that's not the case in many
of these uh communist countries because
it seems to it seems to be that
communism does not understand or ex or
else it purposely exploits the weakness
and corruption and laziness of human
nature because it has it has you where
you are
you get something that you didn't earn
and you don't um
you don't appreciate it you don't
properly take ownership of it um in in
regards to the situation of religion
within china um christians are not being
cracked down on china for their
religious faith now there are various
cults among them the falun gong which is
a cult it's not really a historical or
traditional religion um the chinese
government will crack down on those but
not simply because of in the name of
uploading marxism versus religion now
chinese society you have to keep in mind
has historically not had a the same
relationship to religion that other
societies do the chinese society has
been mostly secular throughout its
thousands of years of history just in
the sense that its way of relating to
spirituality and religion all those
kinds of things are done through the
concrete bonds of civil society and
statehood so that's not really an
innovation of communism it's just been
true for china's history
at large but otherwise christians are
free to practice their faith openly and
freely within china and um events like
the taiping rebellion in the 19th
century within china which was a
christian religious uprising against the
qing dynasty was obviously very
influential influencing the communists
the eventual communist movement that
would come later so i think there is an
interesting relationship to christianity
there but again china is not a christian
country now in regards to this cynicism
that prevails within armenia you have to
keep in mind that after the collapse of
communism when the very same forces that
conservatives within america are trying
to struggle against basically engaged in
the wholesale privatization of the
former soviet countries and you know
pretty much looted them and destroyed
their traditions and was trying to
destroy their culture and set up all
these ngos and things like that to
promote the
to promote a society that was more in
line and more within the interests of
the american deep state obviously the
situation in the post-communist states
has been catastrophic but this wasn't
the fault of communists it actually was
the fault of the same global
billionaires and the global capitalist
class who are funding ngos people like
george soros people like uh ford
foundation and the rockefellers and all
these kind of people who have this very
they don't only have an agenda for the
people of the united states and for this
country which i think to many americans
has been revealed they had an agenda to
completely overthrow the communist
states and replace them with liberal
democracies and that has been an
absolute disaster for traditions and for
a culture and for religion so much so
that in countries like russia you find
the communist party to be
fundamentally uh orthodox christian at
its core it's allied with the orthodox
church because both recognize the
forces of anti-communism to be a menace
to religion within their country so
um to me regarding the promotion of
laziness and selfishness i think you
have to keep in mind that in the 20th
century you had this kind of economic
equality within communist states
primarily because they were coming from
a backwards agrarian society and
transitioning into an industrial society
so the goal was just to give people the
minimum of just some kind of
modernization now when that came into a
crisis communist states responded to
that in different ways but the most
successful way a communist state has
responded to the issue is the the path
china took and obviously no one can
really make the argument that in china
these vices of you know a lack of
economic entrepreneurship and innovation
and is is uh being promoted china is a
very industrious hardworking innovative
competitive uh society and then this is
no lying and cheating
and lying and cheating i don't know if
that's well i i i'm not sure i think
a culture of lying and cheating is
common to all you know market societies
or societies that are part of the global
capitalist uh world economy right so
that's not something that's the fault of
communism i think that's more something
that's the fault of the kind of doggy
dog world that we live in but china has
seen profound cultural shifts and
specifically within the president's the
presidency of xi jinping we're seeing a
more of a promotion of morality instead
of the kind of uh nice
unfettered economic growth for the sake
of economic growth there's more of a
promotion of moral values and kind of
cracking down on this kind of cynical
dog eat dog
uh society the uh just a side note you
mentioned china so and you said we you
talk about we communists and you
distance yourself from soros and all
board foundation who i i think of them
as communists you mentioned
xi jinping i guess is that the only
communist who is a public figure that we
would not recognize that you would
consider a communist no there are
several within latin america there's
people like pedro castillo there's the
leader of the russian communist party uh
zayuganov there's other communists
throughout eastern europe leaders of
communist parties and you obviously have
communist states like vietnam
laos cuba and then also venezuela under
presidency of both hugo chavez and
nicholas maduro so there's many people i
would consider socialist or communist um
anybody in america
um it's a tricky question within america
because i think that there has been a
big confusion because of the history of
the cold war and the left-right division
leftists within america and liberals
have adopted the communist identity not
because they have any connection to
communism globally but because they just
want to kind of spite the right wing
similar to how people adopt the identity
of satanism despite
christians but within the united states
we have figures socialists or left-wing
figures that i would consider to be more
aligned with uh the global communists we
would like people like jimmy dore people
like jesse ventura figurehead figures
like uh caleb maupin who is himself a
devout christian while at the same time
being a socialist and a communist you
have people like you know michael
parenti and this is a new and growing
movement which i think in the future is
going to be much much larger than it is
now but for now unfortunately the
american left is dominated um by forces
subservient to the billionaire class and
to what we would consider the forces of
uh american capitalism you know um i
think of communism as exploiting the
natural fissures between society i've
heard that they for example race in
america they divide the races they
divide again worker from worker from
boss or whatever
so-called rich from so-called poor when
men from women just the lgbtiq madness
and i mentioned this at the beginning i
don't see you and the infrared people as
being so viciously anti-white so
anti-explicitly anti-christian anyway
how are you gonna get
how are you gonna get
how are you going to get communists to
become reasonable
i think you just have to look at the
name so communism it comes from this
common root of common right it's about
finding what is in common and that's why
for me
as americans if we're going to be
communists we're going to promote
communism we're going to try and promote
what is in common between the people we
don't want to divide people or
accelerate or promote these current
frivolous cultural divisions that are
being promoted by the media to distract
people from their real enemies we want
the american people to come together to
be reconciled with one another so as
they can focus their attention on their
real enemy which is the current american
establishment the current billionaire
class the current oligarchy and the
current uh monopolies especially in our
particular uh the big tech monopolies
whose power is so unprecedented that if
allowed to continue they may very well
lead to the destruction of our republic
and of any semblance of uh democracy
these unaccountable big tech companies
which are seemingly above the law and
don't have to answer to anyone who
aren't even being regulated in any
capacity so we want people to come
together we don't want to keep dividing
people along these identities now at the
same time we can recognize that there
are racial tensions in this country
there is a historical and ongoing and i
in my view injustice committed against
america's black people because they have
been denied the post civil war uh rights
of 40 acres in a mule right and that's
not you know some kind of total economic
equalization it's just the the minimum
of having a solid foundation with which
to build their own community i think
that's the last thing they need and
sorry to interrupt but yeah they've been
they've been given and given and given
it's been debilitating i i don't think
they have i don't i'm not speaking so
much of a handout to make them dependent
on the us government which i think the
democrats have played a part in trying
to it's in order to secure them as an
electorate what i'm speaking at is some
kind of fundamental just ability to own
something from which they can build
economically right and that's not that
doesn't take the form of just you know
being dependent on the government or
being dependent on welfare actually if
you look at the history of the united
states this ability for americans to go
and get their own land was the
foundation of american prosperity and
economic prosperity you had the um
forget the specific name of the act in
the 1800s which allowed americans who
were westward to be able to just pretty
much the homestead act yeah these things
were integral and for the prosperity and
economic flourishment of the united
states people were able to have their
own land and from there they could
proceed and build something and then
later on you had the populists and the
farmers alliance who are struggling to
have some kind of land reform and break
up the monopolies and you know have uh
the government
be able to regulate electricity and
things like this so that
monopolists couldn't use it to hurt the
little guy in my view the
the commie capitalism has made that
harder for people to afford things i
think blacks just as much as anybody
have the ability to to gain wealth in
this country but that ability definitely
is limited because of the subsidization
of subsidizing so-called education and
the corruption of education what has
made people and the subsidizing of
housing and the minimum wage those of
all those along with what you just said
have made things harder for normal
people to get along
and they have two they have men and
women working which has only made people
able to afford more but then they just
raise the prices and so so men and women
feel like they don't really have to but
they feel like they almost have to work
both of them and then they're separated
from their children it's a it's such a
corrupting influence has it has it not
been just one quick question i know i'm
adding things on top has it not been the
case that communists
exploited the divisions and
balkanization and all that stuff uh in
order to create a crisis and take power
um no so i think i'll just answer in
order just two things the first thing is
that i do agree that there are current
monopoly impediments to the general
americans ability to
flourish economically but i don't i
don't know if i agree that those things
are necessarily the minimum wage and the
subsidization of housing and education
although those being enamored and all
the bureaucratic red tape and corruption
that they are definitely do need to be
improved and made more efficient i i
agree but in general i think the number
one obstacle is actually the big
monopolies whether in the form of um you
know in housing you have financial
institutions like blackrock that are
buying up america's homes um and madison
what you call commie capitalism i think
i would call it and this is something
that people have referred to it in
america as a kind of socialism for the
rich i mean the the mainstream media
tells us we live in a free market
capitalist society but clearly you have
all these special grants and favors the
government does for the one percent and
for the monopolies right it it gives
them subsidies it gives corporations tax
breaks and subsidies the average
american doesn't have
access to there's tax loopholes that
allow special interests to be able to
gain the system and and basically rig
the system so i do agree we do have a
kind of socialism for the rich all i'm
advocating for as a communist is that we
have a socialism for the people um
instead and to me now the second thing
about um
the the is highlighting the difference
communists haven't tried to create
crisis uh in order to cease power they
were rather the ones that ceased power
as a result of crisis is that no one
else was able to
overcome for example in china you had
the um invasion by the jap
the japanese and communists had a very
important part in the war of liberation
and leading the chinese people against
the japanese imperialists
and the communists were the most
effective in being able to rally the
chinese people and unify actually the
chinese people rather than divide them
to create the people's republic it's not
really the communists that were dividing
people it was their enemies that were
promoting um various divisions between
in order for the ruling class of the
time to be able to maintain its grip on
power so again i think the primary goal
of communists is to unify people but
when we unify people you're gonna see
the establishment um the mainstream
media the special interests uh the
institutions the ngos the think tanks
all these kinds of uh universities
they're all going to rally together and
try to stop it so conflict will
inevitably be generated
because it's what we want what do you
think of trump and tucker well here's
what i'll say about trump um i'm
obviously not the biggest fan of trump i
think that he made many mistakes and i
think the primary mistake that trump
ended up making was that
had he was completely beholden to the
republican establishment and i don't
think trump really had any independent
direction i mean the media was labeling
him as a fascist and a nazi i don't
necessarily agree with that um i don't
know what trump's personal ambitions or
goals or loyalties were but i can't
appreciate the fact that he did
kick-start a movement um of americans
who were fed up with the system and who
were fed up with the establishment and
he gave them a sense of hope now do i
think trump do i believe trump himself
personally is going to be able to make
do on the expectations he's given to his
movement i don't necessarily think so
and that's why as communists we don't
necessarily want to go against
the trump movement and trump people we
rather want to um show them that there's
a more effective way to fight this
establishment um
than trump can i mean trump for example
was so i agree he was very much treated
unfairly by the media he was very much
uh you know lied about and so on and so
on but at the same time um i think as
communists we want to propose a more
effective and better way of combating
the same uh forces that were demonizing
trump better than trump himself could
right and also part of that means um
making more alliances right if you want
to reach out and make alliances with
leaders of the black community fed up
with these thousands because believe it
or not the black community is not you
know uh as loyal to the democrats as the
mainstream media is trying to say
there's many black people who are fed up
with the democratic establishment many
latinos are fed up with it right so i
think we want to reach out and make even
more broad alliances with uh these
groups maybe in ways that the current
trump movement hasn't uh been too
successful in doing i've noticed that
the um
the communist people who i call
communists the people that who commonly
think of the antifa black lives matter
and i have a broader definition than
than maybe others uh they exploit the
anger of the
so-called minorities it seems like with
this with this uh version of communism
that you have
you want to exploit the anger of
everybody you want to not exclude the
and it seems ripe for that because
whites are getting
angry as well at what's going on they've
been demoralized lack of morals
and they see the injustice against
explicitly in many cases against them
and men too so
i don't know you might you might be
successful in this yeah i think um the
first thing i want to say is that you
know to me the
so-called antifa at least within the
united states they're very clearly foot
soldiers of the democratic establishment
now black lives matter as an official
organization received funding from
george soros we all know that
and obviously it's very it's very
ambiguous and mysterious to say the
least about what interest exactly
they're serving but all i could pretty
much say is that there are legitimate
grievances within the black community
but i think those grievances are being
turned against the democrats uh
themselves and as for antifa i think the
so-called antifa phenomena they're
they're calling themselves communists
and they're waving communist flags but
this isn't because they're actually
communists it's because they're trying
to instill fear in conservatives they're
trying to provoke fear
in the people that the so-called
deplorables that are against the
democratic establishment and because
most americans and this is a result of
the cold war have fearful attitudes
toward communism
these people are trying to exploit that
fear and make themselves into a boogie
man right now as far as the anger and
grievances that white people or men are
experiencing i don't necessarily think
this is because
white people or or men are necessarily
oppressed but i think that um many
working class people happen to be white
happen to be men many ordinary regular
people and one of the ways that the
establishment is trying to sow division
between people is by you know um trying
to you know target or you know sow
racial divisions and and make people
feel bad or guilty because they're white
and and promote all this bullshit about
how we have to tear down
the statues of founding fathers and all
this kind of stuff
so i do agree that there's legitimate
anger there but i don't think that we
should sow more of the division and more
of this tension i think we should
recognize it as an attempt by those in
power to divide people right and what
communists want to do is we want to
bring people together um
because we think that they're being
distracted with this infighting from
their real enemy and that real enemy is
the american establishment and the
monopolies i don't know i
that is there is some truth to that but
um the enemy is within it's a good
versus evil and anything anybody with
anger is gonna be gonna end up working
against their own interests i don't
think that the black the black community
really has
legitimate grievances at least none of
that they're calling none that they're
uh crying about none that we hear crying
about in the mainstream at least the
black people that are being given
representation in the mainstream don't
necessarily represent grievances of the
black community i do think the black
community has many legitimate grievances
yeah sure um they don't have enough
self-determination and independence
they're ruled by police departments that
aren't really connected to the community
much in the same way that rural people
in the united states have been you know
since the 90s and the 2000s especially
ruled by these federal agencies that are
completely disconnected with them right
so are you aware of the amount of crime
that's happening in in these communities
and they're black they're i'm not
begging for more police right but i'm
not denying that there's a reality of
crime i just think it's a vicious cycle
in which the economic conditions that
are promoting crime uh namely from this
wholesale robbery and scamming of
black population by the democrats
leads to the end you know the
attempt by the democrats that seems at
least clear to me
to target families right and make
families harder to start this creates a
vicious cycle which then leads also to a
vicious very vicious form of police
repression now i do agree that much of
the so-called black lives matter protest
we're not coming from black people but
we're coming from uh actually primarily
white leftists who are serving the
interests of the democrats i think it's
because the democrats have tried to
twist the legitimate grievances of
america's various minorities and turn
them into a way that will serve their
own interests even though the democrats
are the ones who have betrayed and
robbed these same people for decades now
our solution to that isn't to focus on
the anger and and you know aggravate
grievances but find a way that we can
come together in order to address our
common problems we don't really want
necessarily people to be angry we just
want people to feel powerful enough to
feel brave enough and to feel bold
enough to stand up what's for what's
right and to fight for their own
republic right to fight for republic by
for and of the people because these
corporations uh and our deep state is
nowhere to be found in our constitution
it's an overgrowth right on our republic
that was not intended by our founding
fathers and uh is threatening to devour
our republic itself now i want to make a
prediction i'm looking at the media and
i'm looking how they're promoting people
like meghan markle and it seems to me
they're trying to prepare her for some
kind of uh political existence or
presence and i find it a nightmare that
it's a possibility that our elites are
planning on dismantling our republic and
basically ins installing uh the british
crown to rule us right so i think this
is something we really have to keep in
mind and it's something as a communist i
want to get the word out on you
mentioned fighting for what's right how
are communists to fight for what's right
if they have no god no morals no
absolute standard they just do
by any means necessary is that not a
communistic line or is that just in
america religion by any means necessary
yeah well
religious faith is not dogma if if we
had an absolute standard it wouldn't be
faith we wouldn't need to have faith we
would be able to have a guarantee the
reason we have faith is we're putting
our trust in something we don't
necessarily know right i don't think i
don't believe the majority of communists
are without a god
um even as an atheist for most of my
adult life i have come to
see the value and importance of the
feeling of god at the very least right
um the presence of god right so i don't
necessarily it's not that communists are
against god it's just that we're
reluctant to focus too much on it
because it can very easily be twisted to
serve the opposite now the very
religious the great religions of the
world warn about this they warn about
how people um do things in the name of
god say things in the name of god uh
while in reality serving satan right
it's the you yourself pointed out
earlier that evil does disguise itself
in the form of good and as beautiful as
i consider the great religions of the
world it's precisely because of how
good true and beautiful that they are
that evil forces have used them for
completely opposite purposes
right so that explains really
historically the reluctance of
communists to really
get really deep into the religion but we
saw in the soviet union how for example
uh when the germans invaded their
country they rediscovered the russian
orthodox fate this pure sense of faith
divorced from the institutional
corruption of the church
um which i think was a more authentic
and uh real form of faith than the one
that existed before communism right so
we have to bear in mind communism is not
incompatible with religion i think you
can even go so far as to say that
communists merely want to do good in the
world we don't want to make heaven on
earth but we want to be good people in
this world we don't only want to focus
on the afterlife in heaven because this
world does matter what we do in this
world matters if we didn't believe that
then how could we how could we condemn
and recognize the evil of what our
elites are doing we clearly see that
this is evil because we know that what
happens in this world matters i think
that i think that everybody sees evil
but they're not good at diagnosing it
nor are they good at coming up with the
right solutions for it they end up
creating more evil it's like a it's like
an imitation of logic because karl marx
himself said it
his marxism cannot be conceived without
atheism and i think it's more i think
it's more than you're letting on the
reason there's confusion around this is
because historically religion had taken
the form of philosophy in marx's time
right marx wasn't thinking about
religion beyond philosophy and in the
philosophical sense marx was an atheist
he did wholeheartedly uh reject religion
but that's because in my view the
meaning of religion became perverted by
philosophy and what was once an
authentic and material form of faith
right just based in feeling and
intuition and true faith and conviction
uh turned into dogma and it turned into
this kind of absolute guarantee that's
that i view is inherently corrupt but i
don't i don't think that that you can
reduce people's religious feelings to
that i think people's religious feelings
is authentic marx also agreed it was
authentic marx called religion the heart
of a heartless world he said religion
was the only way people were able to
give expression to their authentic
humanity right whether or not you
believe that in building a more human
world religion is going to disappear we
can all agree that there is something
fundamentally good about religion marx
himself was making the point that the
problem is not religion the problem is
our current world and the evils that we
associate with religion are a reflection
of the evils of our world so it's it's
it's kind of more of a philosophical
issue that shouldn't be taken as face
value historical experience shows and
this is especially true in 2021 that in
no way is um
religion incompatible with communism
have you noticed that males who are
communists have a
like a female version of logic where
it's always excuse after excuse it's not
responsibility like the best the
solution for the black community is
responsibility it's not oh they have
these grievances the police the the
police are not the black community's
problem at all well here's what you
notice that they have like a female
mindset i would just say two things you
know first thing i want to say is i do
consider it an important feature of
manhood that we recognize we're not
going to insert ourselves in other
people's business right so i think black
people themselves are best equipped in
being able to diagnose their own
problems and what those are now i agree
the white left is trying to speak on
behalf of them and you know make excuses
or whatever i agree they they're trying
to speak for black people right but
regarding this kind of uh i guess you're
calling it female logic you don't really
find communist men in this country in
the united states all that much but
that's also because and this is
historically true and this is actually
true in the ex-communist states the
ruling elites and this is especially
true for this more overly socialized and
more urban people right the students and
people don't really work with their
hands they tend to be
more um less manly to say the least and
interestingly in eastern european
countries those are those people are
actually the right winger and it's the
communists who are more conservative and
down to earth and and so on and so on uh
i think this issue as far as manhood is
concerned um it is yeah it's really i
guess as a communist it is embarrassing
to see the type of communists that claim
to represent what this tradition is but
that's why i'm trying to set a different
example and several others are trying to
set a different example so that
communism won't be associated with that
anymore i do agree that the
so-called self-proclaimed uh leftists
and communists in america in the main
majority of them especially the ones
coming out of these universities
and academia they are fundamentally
morally spiritually um however you want
to put it bankrupt people um they have
no sense of honor they have no sense of
dignity they have very slimy you know
tactics i myself know this firsthand
because i've been victim of them right i
know how dishonest and inhuman and
dishonorable these people truly are
right i know that firsthand but at the
same time the way i see that is it's the
same reason why you see religions being
corrupted because to me
evil takes the form of good it disguises
itself as good but i do fundamentally
believe that at its core communism is
good i just think evil people in this
country specifically have been
corrupting it
um for completely and wildly different
ends that's human nature what religion
were you before you became atheist
i came from a shia muslim background
uh last quick question i know that i
think we're running out of time the
hong kong protests
my impression is it was communist
fighting against the communist
establishment government what's your
take uh the issue with hong kong is is
very complex but needless to say as
we've noticed in the united states and
throughout the world you have uh vested
interests trying to promote these color
and these fake revolutions it proved all
this social unrest and it's not really
uh it's not an organic like spontaneous
thing just like how we saw in the united
states with george soros funding
unrest and protests here these same
people were funding the unrest and
protests in hong kong now a lot of that
grievances of people in hong kong came
from the fact that there's no housing in
hong kong right there's no land for
people it's people can't find affordable
housing in it life is getting harder and
harder in hong kong that's also because
the communist government doesn't enforce
its economic policies in hong kong which
are very pro-people policies so it lets
hong kong have its own system this led
to a lot of grievances
that because it was exploited by global
uh forces was blamed on uh
the communist party right in hong kong
so i think we have to look at hong kong
also look at the protests in russia with
navalny look at the protests in belarus
look at the protests in latin america we
should all look at these in the same
lens with which we look at with the same
level of suspicion a lot of the unrest
that happens in this country
interesting ready to become a communist
his answers for me are has his answers
for me are they muddy the water they do
explain that a lot of this stuff is just
evil human nature but
i think that a lot of it is
one cannot tell what actually happened
in history look at look at how the media
lies about the present day so we don't
know who did what and what the motive
was they lie about charlottesville they
lie about the capital mostly peaceful
capital protests on january 6. they lie
about the black lives matter movement
they even seem to have haas
fooled on the black community's
uh grievances
so it's
to me i think it's a
who knows who cares type of thing as far
as the history goes i like to know
present day reality have responsibility
and not throw out
god with the bathwater
juicy any last thoughts infrared
um i think it was an overall productive
good conversation um
you know i guess i would say with
regards to the black community i think
this is our main point of contention
i would just recommend reaching out and
listening to many black leaders right
because these are not people who are
co-opted by the democrats they're
against the democrats and uh i do think
they they they authentically um you know
are leaders of their own community they
their own specific views and they're
completely demonized by the mainstream
media as well and it's something that
they have in common with american
so i just
think that that's important for unity
but you know i do overall agree that the
media sews unnecessary division but at
the same time that doesn't mean we
shouldn't be trying to make an effort to
bridge those divisions because there are
in my view at least based in very real
realities i like to
yeah do you have any
who would be a black leader that you
think of as a leader
well historically you have organizations
like uh the nation of islam right oh man
yeah i mean you have uh you know you
have other you have the traditional
marcus garvey historically and it's
successors you have malcolm x
historically who famously called the
democrats the wolves and sheep's
clothing so it's a very rich tradition
and there are living people who um i
talk with blacks practically every day
on my on my radio show some of them have
sense some of them agree with me many of
them agree with me many don't many have
that anger they've taken on false
identities they think they're black
hebrew israelites or they have embraced
islam stuff the nation of islam what do
your parents think when you left the
shia muslim thing i i think they were
okay with it primarily because you know
i did have issues with religion growing
up but i've come to a perspective where
i have great respect and reverence for
all of the world's major religions and
also i have a new i acquired actually as
a communist a newfound appreciation for
christianity and in particular right
because of how closely entwined
communism historically has been with
christianity so to me um i find beauty
and truth in all the world's great
religions i think it's important that
we not get caught up in the identities
where you can't just tell where you
can't just tell people the truth on
for for example for the hake report i
call on my show i call i call blacks out
i call women out i call the black hebrew
israelites out and they can call in and
and uh disagree with me i call both the
rhinos and the democrats out the
mainstream media but i think that we
should be have the freedom the freedom
of speech to just say our impression
especially whites and men because
they're and christians they're some of
the most docile and submissive lately
and fearful and intimidated falsely
intimidated because you know look at
what is happening with kyle right now
he's charged with murder
over a clear case of self-defense people
are don't have justice and we have lost
a sense of justice and freedom here i i
definitely agree that i do believe that
americans freedom of speech has been
curtailed specifically and especially by
the big tech companies and regardless of
who i agree or disagree with i do think
people should be allowed to give
authentic expression to what they really
do believe and uh what they really do
feel because regardless of whether i
agree with it or not um it's a first
step in being able to come to an uh a
point of unity and mutual understanding
and as i i think a good example of this
was recently and let's not get into the
details of it because you know i'm on
twitch so yeah i'm not sure what but
recently with dave chappelle's netflix
special right and he was trying to just
give authentic you know expressions what
he believed and he was
he was he was cancelled for it he now
he's having trouble finding uh ways to
get his his movie published and stuff so
it's like his stuff published i mean so
you know
it's it's it's really a shame that we've
just created this culture of lying and
people not even being honest because
they're too scared to speak what's on
their mind you know one quick other
point you mentioned black leaders i
think that one of the problems with men
is that we have people that we put put
up as leaders we should not be doing
that we should be our own leader and
then we unite together and work together
and somebody if somebody's going to be a
a president like a trump then
that's fine but he is not he has not put
up on a pedestal where
he is influencing our thought any more
than any other man would be you and you
can hear the truth from any man even
even your enemy i i agree with that i do
agree that we should we shouldn't get
caught up in as men you know especially
as men and i can't speak for women
because i'm not a woman right so i can
just speak for men because that's what i
um so i'm not assuming that they they're
different i'm just you know i agree that
we we shouldn't be relying and putting
our putting all of our trust in just
other men right part of being a man is
being your own man having your own
thoughts and being able to think for
yourself so i completely agree with that
you know
i think that's been the pro part of the
problem with the black community is
they've had these people that they've
propped up as leaders and they've made
them into heroes and you see it you see
human nature to do that especially
nowadays because here's the thing is
that i think ultimately i believe that
black people themselves know what's best
and know how to best diagnose their own
problems right i think that they need
our help we're all human beings and we
all have the freedom of speech and they
can they can hear the truth from other
races they need to learn to do that
especially whites
they close their minds to whites and
it's not good for them well i don't know
if that's necessarily true because they
just have different experiences you know
they have a different situation they
have different uh circumstances right
and oftentimes it's hard for white
people to relate to that because they
don't share those same experiences and
same circumstance but they're but
they're all nose up against this
imaginary problem that that's called
racism whereas whites don't have that
blind spot and sometimes it takes
somebody from the outside looking in to
see through the the madness and
occasionally someone will wake up well
listen that also manifests in the form
of white people not experiencing this
this racism right so if they haven't
experienced it
it doesn't exist
that's i think where we would
definitely have to disagree i think
racism is a real thing if racism is real
then blacks are the primary offenders i
i don't agree but one thing i can say is
that to me as far as i'm concerned um
the democrats
are a very racist party and are a big
source of what i would consider real
white supremacy i don't think that rule
ordinary americans
are the main culprits of white supremacy
i think it's actually the democrats and
the liberals who are the most uh
effective sources of racism you think
white supremacy is is happening in
obviously yeah i don't know i don't know
which america but i i just think that i
just think ordinary americans and rural
americans who are white actually have
more in common with black people in
terms of you know being down to earth
people instead of being these stiff you
know liberals who do epitomize what we
would consider white supremacy that's
why trump was such a uniting force for
people with any decency well in many
ways you could say that liberals were
even more far more white supremacists
than trump because um he was more
relatable and more down to earth whereas
they are more obsessed with purity and
political correctness and many have
pointed out that this is a feature of
white supremacy but regardless are your
parents more conservative or or liberal
they're they're really not uh
non-political yeah
you got it we'll jump into the q a this
has been an enjoyable one to say the
least so we're going to jump into these
questions this one coming in for
infrared kevin dunn asks why can
communists openly be on all big tech
platforms but
can't yeah uh i think the issue is that
there's just not a lot of people who are
informed about communism and the the
mainstream uh political establishment
hasn't had to deal with you know there
has been a very clear neo-nazi uh
phenomenon there's been you know a kind
of right-wing ultra-right movement in
the united states there hasn't really
been a communist
in many many decades in this country
that has posed a threat
to the establishment so i think that
pretty much explains the majority of the
reason why there you don't really see a
crackdown on it just because it's it's
not really that it's politically
relevant to the us beyond recently
becoming um
a symbol of you know the liberal
democratic um
extremists right but
beyond then
beyond that i think it's all related to
you know
have you
have you caught hate for not
hating white people enough
as a leftist
i have been accused of being a white
supremacist i've been accused of being
a white chauvinist and this was all
because i insisted on the fact that
communists have to be patriots and that
doesn't mean you agree with everything
your government does or you agree with
your government
it means you have a love of your country
and its people and your people right
and for that reason i have been attacked
and called a white supremacist which is
ironic because
i'm not sure if i am considered white
it's not something i pay a lot of
attention to but my parents are from
lebanon i'm from an arab background so
it's really weird how
people are trying to use race against me
wide enough you're white enough to be
hated i guess yes
black lennon says question for jake i
think they mean hake but yeah it might
also be hank they say what do you think
of the labor aristocracy do you deny it
what's your thoughts i have no idea what
that is the labor aristocracy
by the way it just made me think we need
tea and earl here
red butt red blooded republican trumps
how do you explain sorry i cut your name
off there friend i i know it probably
says more than that but it says red
republic red blooded republican trump
dot dot dot how do you explain the
current failures of communism in america
being the american indian reservations
i i don't know exactly what that's
referring to but
i think the failure of the communist
movement within the united states
um i think is a theoretical issue it's
it's the problem is is the type of
people intellectuals who are attracted
to communism
do are attracted to it because they're
anti-social and they you know they i
guess they were the losers in life and
you know they turned to communism for
that reason
but i don't know how this relates to the
reserve reservation system but um i
think that's how to explain the failure
the movement to ever really be able to
kick off here i think he's pointing out
that the american indians they
they get
uh payouts whether it's from
the casino payouts and things like that
and that ends up being debilitating to
them and so they don't end up doing for
themselves and working for themselves
and taking responsibility i've known
some indians who got kicked out of their
indian tribe and that was honestly the
best thing for them they quit being
deadbeats they started working and got
their lives together and had family well
i think uh all i would say to that i'm
not really familiar with the situation
of the reservation system but what i do
know about it is an important part of
communism is sovereignty it's being able
to have the necessary level of control
and self-determination over your
community and as far as the reservation
system is concerned it has been a form
of um we all know that the there has
been various treaties violated and the
way in which indians or i don't know if
i say native americans have been um have
been treated by the us government has
been very unfair
and they have been you know they have
not had a good deal as far as i would
put it if you want to put it in trumpy
and trumpian terms so i don't know if
it'd be a good example of communism as
much maybe uh internalized corruption
and yeah you seem to have like
that same
woman's mindset if you will
allow me yeah in that you have like this
feeling sorry for these different
so-called oppressed groups these uh
my minorities if you will uh well well
trump trump talked about how the
current u.s government wasn't it wasn't
a good deal for the american people the
policies of our government and its
industrial policy that's true american
people were getting ripped off it's not
necessarily you know making excuses or
blaming it's just pointing out
that the native americans
or so on they haven't had a good deal
right they've been you know as far as
their relation to the us government is
concerned and that should be
investigated but it's a complex issue
but the one thing i will say is that i
don't think it's an example of communism
and that's something i can be certain of
without knowing uh much else you got it
and long nights youtubing long time
viewer good to see you says how do we
explain the government putting drugs in
the street creating the war on drugs
snatching the father out of the home
then acting like white people know how
to solve our problems when you've
created them
i think they said hey at the end so i
think that's for you
so i didn't put the drugs in their
community i didn't take the father out
of their home and honestly the best
thing for them if the government was
involved in that i know the government
did bribe them to
have the father out of the home there's
a bribe and i know that they made uh
conditions tough or whatever for you
know people in general to make a living
nowadays or buy buy a property
the best thing for us
and i think this is addressing the
communist that that
false imitation of logic that false
imitation of manhood is responsibility
if blacks if the black community who
surrendered their fathers
had took responsibility for that
rather than
continue to blame the government which
is evil and and it is against
them and us and everybody
then they would be doing much better and
i think that that's that's why i'm
concerned about whites and white anger
and the appeal of
this version of communism that's not so
anti-white uh
is appealing to that anger which is the
lie that you have a right to be angry
and to blame when you're better off just
taking responsibility and then you can
then you'll will have the strength to
fight back in the right way and you'll
have the wisdom too
i don't think i think black people are
taking responsibility but they're also
trying to point out that
you know they don't want
people outside their community to try
and force things on them right
so i think that's part of it right it's
part of having your own
self-determination i don't know what you
mean by people outside their community
forcing things on them
well i think they i think um black
people know what's best for themselves
right they know the best answers to
their own
if they did would they be voting 96 98
for democrats
vote voter turnout is very low i know
but would they be doing that if they did
i i can't speak on behalf of them i'm
not myself black and uh i don't i
wouldn't but you can see we've got a
fresh one coming in this one coming
amazing annihilation prism says
for hake
lenin praised washington's 1776 and
lincoln's anti-slavery crusade in the
civil war as revolutionary in his letter
to the american workers what is your
response to that it's a red flag i think
there's a lot of melodrama about slavery
and this pretense that it they make it
sound worse than it really was i think
there's much worse evil today i think
the democrats today are much more evil
than they than the democrats who own the
slave and
the 1776 thing uh
it's it's nice it's a nice sentiment i i
get that they want to latch on and
support the revolution but i think our
as far as my impression was more
righteous and based in in god and nature
and nature's god
right whereas the communists are atheist
you got it and that is it for questions
we do want to say folks our guests are
linked in the description we really do
appreciate these guys the debaters are
the lifeblood of the channel so you can
find their links but i i think i think i
think come on we can't
most americans understand that slavery
is probably the
biggest historical evil in this country
i think
i mean look we gotta we can't say i mean
you surely you understand slavery is a
great historical evil right
i don't know it there was there were
decent and indecent slave owners and i i
it's not it's not ideal it's not ideal
to have slavery but it's not ideal what
we have today and we have actual like
killings of babies look i think i think
on this point that's just a red line
that i don't think
i could ever come to an agreement with
you like
that i think that is way beyond the
realm of
conceivability for just normal even just
normal americans like it's in it like
slavery is the it's evil was so
unprecedented in the history of humanity
like this is yes absolutely
absolutely and oh man yeah that is i
mean it was a reality of all of history
no the slavery that existed in the
united states was qualitatively
different than historical slavery
because we treated them it was a modern
form of slavery where slave owners were
able to do whatever they wanted there
was no like you know we made them
christians and in the past slavery
merely referred to
a relation of power that existed before
ambiguously right in the islamic world
slaves were able to actually take power
right so it was an ambiguous thing
slaves were castrated in the israelites
that's that's just coming left field
right it's just left field
to talk about ameri to try and downplay
the crimes of american slavery we fought
a civil war to eliminate that evil from
the face of this country you did not uh
millions millions uh died in that war
and you know
i think it was fundamentally
anti-patriotic to try and downplay the
historical evil of slavery
part of that is the an attack on the
south the beautiful south is more
christian more down to earth more decent
honestly to the black community than
anybody else in america regardless of
the south today we did fight a civil war
to eliminate slavery and to we did not
they did
the don played historical evil of
slavery is a form of treason in my view
against uh the very basis of this
country right well honestly they were
not treasonous when they fought against
the the north they had legitimate
grievances we we can't we don't have
time to get into a debate about the
question of the civil war but i do find
it extremely appalling and inhuman to
speak about slavery in this way you know
i think it's i think you will never you
will never be able to come to a common
understanding or a common point of unity
with the various different peoples in
this country if you try to downplay the
historical evils and injustices i'm
telling the reality of it the black
community no i think i don't even think
you adequately represent the trump's own
movement when you say this i think even
trump's movement can admit the extreme
historical evil that is slavery and to
stoop to such a low level so as to try
and play that and insult
uh the the black people and citizens of
this country i think that is
fundamentally appalling blacks should be
grateful to be in this country they
should be grateful for that by way of
sleeping yeah that's just what's true
i'm serious it's just a bunch of
what you're saying is nonsense
no no you're just keeping them
right now black people fundamentally
played an instrumental part in building
this country you're talking about they
should be great that's complete nonsense
they should be grateful no no should
they not be grateful to be here you're
speaking a bunch of nonsense right now
no you're not
this is communism and by saying this
actually by saying this you're serving
the current establishment because you're
trying to sow unneeded unnecessary
racial division by no this is reality so
anti-human and inhumane no
you people support abortion give me a
break we're not talking about abortion
right now we're talking that's much
worse that's much worse
about the fact it's happening
against the black people of this country
you're the one insulting them you've
seen them like children compatible with
any pretense that you want to see past
the divisions and and get to a point of
you're treating blacks like children you
should be ashamed of yourself it's
pathetic you think like you think you
think like a female you're treating the
blacks you're speaking about thinking
like a female like a woman i i can't i
can't think of anything more fucking
cowardly than trying to downplay the
historical evil of slavery it's either
that you're ignorant and you don't
understand no yes just
being memories malicious no you just you
have to use you have to use the miser
you have to use the anger
you have to use that false anger about
something long past in order to keep in
order to prop up your communism you are
saying unspeakably evil things if you if
someone was if someone was advocating in
favor of pedophilia i'd be angry it's
long over what if someone what if
someone was defending pedophilia
wouldn't people do it a little bit angry
they do it all the time they do it all
the time okay but human beings of course
human beings should be angry when people
say unspeakably evil no you you fight
each other you fight evil you don't
believe that is fundamentally an evil
thing you're saying no it's not
yes it is yes it is slavery was one of
the greatest historical evils however
humanity how so
because it was the modern form of
slavery um
complete it's literally in the name
people were reduced to objects they
didn't even have the minimal status of
being registered as human beings i
understand it's not ideal and the
devastation that this has caused to the
black community and the scars of this
evil to this very day not true
that's a lie
what event in history could be more
catastrophic for building the foundation
of a family than something like slavery
slavery they had their families more
than today and they had their families
after slavery today
that's right now the no that's real
an infamous cruelty of this no you're
ignorant right here listen we fought a
civil war
so yes you're feeling sorry for the
blacks we did fight that
you're feeling sorry for people long
dead they're i am not feeling sorry yes
my patriotic duty
honoring the tradition and history of
this country to fight and eliminate from
the face of the earth the widely
recognized historical evil of this
country that is all i'm doing you didn't
even explain how it's evil
i didn't explain how it's evil that we
say all men and women all men are born
equal and yet some people live in chains
and are reduced they're attempting to
reduce to the status of cattle and
animals i think it's self-evident the
way we made them christians
we uh
they were there's nothing nothing
christian about the institution of
slavery it's a mimicry it's not a pagan
form it's irrelevant pagan form of roman
slavery the confederates were among the
leaders of the confederates were among
the debauched depraved and decadent
elites in history
nothing to do with christianity they
were more honorable than you were
favoritely there you had the elements of
uh paganism and complete uh
anti-christianity among this has nothing
to do with christianity whatsoever the
most fervent christian christians at the
time were fighting to free their fellow
man from the bondage of slavery john
brown was fundamentally religious a
he was he was an angry terrorist
john brown was an angry terrorist and a
murderer is the slavery in africa you
call john brown a terrorist and a
murderer and meanwhile the union army
was singing this is communism by any
means necessary just anger and lies
listen and murder listen human beings
have the right to be angry about funny
no they do not unjust things not true
no they don't have that that the right
to be angry where the black
and you are playing into the tropes of
the media that all conservatives are
racist which i do not fundamentally
believe because you think i'm racist
i think it is fundamentally racist to
try and downplay the historical evil of
slavery and you are particularly
insulting the black community no to such
an extent that no possible inroads or
alliance or reaching out is possible
between uh
blacks calling into my show every day
agreeing with me
they're not as
soft-hearted as you think you were to
say that slavery was not that bad i do
not think uh you would have people
believe why do you why do you need it to
be so bad
it's not that i need it to be bad it is
matter of historical record that it was
a fundamental evil it's inscribed into
the very basis of our country as from
the civil war the civil war wasn't in
order to nothing in order to ignore the
present day evils that we have going on
right now it's since listen you look at
the spiritual you sound more like a
democrat right now than anything else
for you to apologize for slavery i'm not
a democrat oh you mean depending on it
at the time
is just fundamentally appalling and
revolting are democrats not worse today
than than during slavery therefore
killing them
listen there is no need to uh
lie about the historical ref record and
change things to such an extent in this
way if anything if
are you are you kidding me have you seen
the people making a melodrama about
slavery every slavery movie the 1619
project just outright lies yeah and the
the way you combat the lies of the 1619
project is not to deny the historical
evil of slavery but to recognize that it
was the intention of the founding
fathers from the outset to eliminate
this evil and the civil war was the
manifestation of this inevitable
historical mission a historical mission
i would call a holy mission even
i think that it's just that just as you
can't recognize good you can't properly
recognize evil
so i think we are not going to be i
think you're getting emotional we are
not we are not going to be able to agree
upon this no i know i understand that
what so but your your argument is
well it's not it's not simply and
communism is slavery listen you you have
said something fundamentally appalling
and anti-human that's all i could no no
it's not anti abortion is anti-human and
the democrats today
there is no need there is no need to
address that address abortion to insult
an entire group of people by trying to
downplay the historical evil of slavery
they don't the last thing they need is
people feeling sorry for them and
pretending that it was so bad
they did not even experience it normal i
don't think american conservatives agree
with you we're talking about i don't
think they
this one from chris morlock says how can
james hake claim to be a christian when
he cannot see evil is slavery
because slavery is not inherently evil
it's not ideal you don't want it if you
can get your freedom you should do so i
i suppose i'm happy i don't know if i'm
happy about the way it went down
i hear a lot of things about about that
stuff but evil
is real and evil is more subtle
than these people realize long nights
youtube and says as a black man thank
you infrared
shaggy boy says y'all read stream labs
we don't have stream labs it kept
crashing on us
amazing but based on it says
how is an economic system that
encourages greed and envy more christian
than one that promotes equality and
helping your fellow man
that's what communism is it's based on
envy it's based on covetousness it's
based on jealousy and anger
and a false sense of justice the playing
when you're not god
and you think like a woman
how does it feel to think like a woman i
trust you that's going to get us in
trouble oh yeah yeah sorry my bad how
are you
we got that one chris morlock says hank
or hake does the bible not saying exodus
21 16 quote whoever steals a man and
sells him and anyone found in possession
of him shall be put to death
i think that was talking about fellow
israelites the the even the israel the
black hebrew israelites themselves who
might talk to they're pro-slavery they
just don't want to enslave one another
this one coming in from hitch wagster
says haas aren't you framing slavery as
a past evil and ignoring all the slavery
that we still have today
no i'm my position is crystal clear all
i am doing is doing the baseline
recognition that slavery was an utmost
historical evil that should not be
apologized for downplayed or
there should be no revisionism of this
fact we should recognize this baseline
fact we fought a war
um that tore this country apart on the
basis of the recognition of this fact
it's as simple as that in islamic
countries they they were castrated in
african countries they're enslaved to
this day
i don't think that i think you're
downplaying the worldwide evil and i
don't know
i'm not playing any uh instance or evil
of slavery whatsoever but i'm just
recognizing the qualitatively distinct
and distinctly evil nature of slavery on
the american continent specifically
leading up to the civil war how old are
25. yeah see that's why you're
brainwashed in this way i when i was i'm
i'm 40 when i was in school we learned
that there were good and bad slave
owners listen i think that's just that's
just comments
common sense says though this this view
is fundamentally incompatible um with
communism this is like saying there can
be a good and bad rapist there's nothing
to do there's nothing about slavery
that's rape yes there certainly is
actually yes there is no actually there
fundamentally is and it's on a it's a
matter of historical record and widely
i recognize that there may have been
rapes that took place but that's rape
rape is wrong slavery is not ideal and
the two were fundamentally intertwined
with one another your claim you're
making that claim but again there were
no it isn't
it's a matter of historical fact so
every slave owner committed a rape
against every slave
listen the two were fundamentally
intertwined as you're phenomenal you're
making you're making it okay we are
speaking nonsense let's continue to move
clear is mud just muddying the waters
this question coming in from steve who
says i could be wrong maybe i misheard
him but did james hake say that slaves
were quote treated well
they were treated well many were treated
well they were they were raised
christian some were even taught to read
which reading was not widespread even
among whites
so overall we treated them quite well
compared to many other cultures
this one coming in from adam albilia
good to see you a long time viewer says
infrared it seems like what hake is
trying to say is that quote you haven't
demonstrated how enslaving people is
evil yep
i think it's a matter of it's a self
and absurd uh
it's the the reason why is just self
if we have to get to a point where we
have to debate about um why slavery is
fundamentally evil
everything else becomes up to debate too
right yeah i don't want to arrive at a
situation where we have to start
debating about things like pedophilia
and things we we know intuitively and
inherently to be wrong god is
self-evident but you're relying on your
feelings you're lost about that
like i said there are things there are
lines we should not cross as human
beings as a matter of basic human
decency and humanity james hake as well
as infrared it has been a juicy one to
say the least
thank you guys appreciate that okay
thank you and i'll be back in a moment
folks to give you updates on upcoming
debates so stick around for that