It's Time to Face Reality
MarxismMarxistSocialismSocialistUSSR anthemSoviet AnthemSoviet UnionUSSRChinaCCPDPRKNorth KoreaCommunistCommunismRed ArmyRed Army ChoirBolshevikWWIICold WarRevolutionRevolutionaryChe GuevaraCubaVietnamMaoStalinMarxLenin
dink to dink and dk to bink and ink to bank bk to bink b bk ink bink to bink bink to bink bin to bink and bk bk
panmt and pank and pan and pant and pant and pant and pant and pant and pank and pan and pant and pant and pant and pank and pank
what up everybody howre you doing today
w was everybody doing today
let's see we got in the chat
let's go down
what up joward what up fearo what up dan lil
what up full metal forty five what up eliins
what up real politics
what up max hesson what red dundnian what up
agent of chaos was subject
english was a based mango
what's up arctic angel
was' up
cosmic bread
what up jonathan what up to mo in shut ut tim was in man
if you're in the know you're in the know about temusion you know i'm saying
that's what that's what we're talking about
te was in
what haveu union army ball what up quindy
what up comrade romano
your adventure we're going to a point was only too many of you in the chat
for me to list everyone off in the begin the stream
what's up everybody
so so i know the stream starting late
saturday i want to do it at four
but i have fucked up insonnia
and last night
i got some
cana some t h c
c b d
gummy or some shit that i took before bed
and it really left me hung over and shit
what up
case o coo was some man
are you doing
are we watching adam curtiss new film
it when we get
in trouble if we do that is it on you tube
maybe we should watch it
adam curtis
i was going to talk about him but
is it like for free on you tube the whole thing
oh it is with the fuck
it's up to you
that's up to you guys
we're going to do that
we're going to do that as a
let's open up
um it's on youtube
i was thinking we check out the red it first
i can't ye have both i can't stay asleep but can't fall asleep
and some use direct action what up
mo noele juh is on the second
what a name
hung over fro t c i have to take the t h c because that's what works on your mind the c b d s only for your body
it's only like a body
let's watch it
and we might watch it later on you know i'm saying
but let's check out the read it first
chok out they're ready
you would go
when it check out they're ready
see what's new
this is the world of sage actually went on in for and i taking any supplements
besides protein no
and i was taking melatone
folk and he
i hate melotone
i want to get off mility
i'd rather
how big of a gir
hundred milligrams no do i have like
three point two milligrams or some
you just eate one hundred milligrams
sit man i'd throw up
i can't do i don't i
t let me check let me see let me check it out
is this illegal if i show down stream
no it is legal
no it's three point two five milligrams
of t h c three point two five c of t c
three point two five t c
dude that's way too much
c c c v d metaphysical dualism activated
was good hawad
i doing then
why do you hate latonin
because it gives you really fucked up dreams
yeah it's like
it's i don't want to be it's like your body produces it naturally and i'm dependent on the supplement
did you know the insomnia started with my flaw exams last last semester
speaking of which guys
i'm glad i'm able to do this dream tonight
tomorrow at eleven thirty p m i have a paper due
and i'm only going to start it tomorrow
so i'm sittting today aside for the stream
no stream
but this week i'm hoping i'm hoping i'm going to be able to stream like almost every day this week
but don't hold me to that
but i'm hoping i'm going to be able to because i don't have shitd do this week
the week after that as in story you know i'm saying but
this let me p s a lett you guys know that
let's see
let's check out if
seeds hexy
went on infrared dude sage was the prite's the pre show jester now
and he was on
he was in the fucking chat
he scol up
mk alto will
dude i think he's a fed honestly a sage here
says a massteral question
how come you have
too sock puppet accounts
and one of them
the mossad agentmlwas to is a mossad agent and then another ones a white nationalist
sounds a bit glowy to me and he keeps telling you to go debate him on lefty pool
to suck my time away
to distract from the streams because it seems like the glowis
are afraid of infrared growing and they don't want me to stream and devote the time to you guys
they want me to just go fuck and type thousands of fucking words
on the website debating with this idiot
say jus so important
he's our main villain right now a sage is the main villain
he's more like the villain in the hobbits of the gollum in the hobbit
you know how like golum in the hobbit was the main villain
in the second movie or something but then like they went to go fight smog the dragon
voshes like our smog like right now sage
if we're on the hobit the unexpected journey and we're a bunch of hobbits in here
and we're on our way
to this end goal
then we're like
we're like just starting out and gollum is creeping up on us and he's like the first villain
and then we're going to have to face that work
that white ork guy no racism like you don't talk about the ork
like who's like
looks white
not caucasian i mean like whites
that's going to be like
socialism dumb laug
and then smog is going to be when we debate when we yeah
so right now we're on the galum stage right we have to deal with this
but he's a minor villain you know
you're not actually see just like to pretend to be sage
that reminds me of that film
withhe a guy literally can't he assumes different characters
it's the same guy but he can't tell that it's a
it's the same guy i feel like that's what's going on here you know i'm saying
dude super glowy
and by the way
western maoism
is glowy as fock it's one of the most glowiest fucking things ever is m l m
western maoism is the definition of glowy dude
there's so much fucking infiltration and bullshit
and the
feds in the glowies
they want leftists to be retarded they want to do they want them to go do dumb shit
and they also want them to waste their time
direct action is the most glowy shit ever do
they they love it when you just waste your time
and waste your body in your fuckin
doing dumb shit you know
glory is fougt
this is like some d in d adventure we're so wo lovely of and so we fl exactly dude we're like on the journey right now
when the journey let's continue
hey ha has check out this clip
of king kong losing to godzilla
this is not a clip
this is twelve fucking minutes and no we're not watching
all twelve minutes of this
yeah western maoism is f b i is
ray nehan were level one goblins
but ray became based ray became based
so ray is joining us on the journey now ray has become a hobbit just like us
and he's joining us on this unexpected journey
in mke
i guess caleb
kate caleb or jason on ruy i like the gandal
like we're all habits here and
jason and rui is the gandolf you know because
okay sry i'm leufing around
let's watch this
what is this like min craft for the fucking
i pot touch
how do you do this on the fuck and mobile
do did you see that
did you see that
king kong fucking bet godzilla
i'm not even watching the rest of this this is the conclusion this is it it's all mattered
rules of the round table
has see this podcast
oh itit sorry
i'm going to upload
you see if maybe this podcast would clab with you they hold similar views infrared
who are they
youy know i'll check m out
's check m out
we'll check m out
i know jason i know but like as a character you know what i'm saying like
he jason says dumb shit
but like as a character overall
like overall as a character you know i'm saying
no i don't don't care about filthy and
ah caleb is jas is more like the wizard who ends up
true he's like somn that's very true
very true caleb is actually gand off
although i don't feel like i feel like caleb isn't gandolf caleb is like one of the human heroes bec cause he's just not
all the moth
you know
jason's been here a long time
ah jason is the one you get to save from the evil spell of larve
bosphorus has debate
filthy insurrectionist thinks capitalism is still a thing what an eighti
capitals doesn't exist anymore dumss especially not after world war two
on rue is the larpmster
i just like the idea of him being ganned off you know
debate jason and rui
if i debated him like i said i'd be i'd be very respectl
i would not
be an as
then you won't want to collab
they stole money to make a craft brewery
drama time
not caught up lovese drama guys
drama debate paul morn and i'll debate him
is this has dad
why the puck would this be my dad
what is this
this is the chapel guy
i should downvode this why did i ofpvod it i should downvode that
i didn't actually watch this whole thing this was a based interview though
but i i didn't watch the whole thing because
i've been too busy but i'm going to watch
how did you guys like it
you were divorced from reality
and you're in my chat so you are in my reality you're playing my little game th the insurrectionist you're playing my twisted little mind game you're in my maze in my labyrinthean
construction of a hyper reality
the baseander pig i don't know that is
your nose is so huge
because i got up
big semitic
knows you know what i'm saying
my nose is so huge
keep digging
keep digging is that the best you've got
i don't do a pot i'd rather have a big nose
getting distracted
i'm going to i've watched a lot of it but i have watched the whole thing from start to finish
what's this
with everything were seeing was a kill him open who we don't agree with everything with him on everything we need a government of action
ctionf working family no he said i didn't see that i was really accurate actually
your reality doesn't exist it's either you are in reality
h you are skitcho
w you admire reality bitch
feilthy insurrectionist
your reality doesn't exist
you're in my matrix you're in my chat
you understand filthy
you are in my
fake reality
you are in my you are alice in my wonderland
you understand
you were down the rabbit hole now so you can either take
the red pillar the blue pill but it sounds like a little bitch
little cuck as bitch and you still want to
you know
the fuck are you talking about
this do thinks this do thinks that capitalism is the reason why
the there's post world war two growth
but your libertarian
ludwig von mss and frederick hiak and all those fucking people would disagree
they would disagree with you wouldn't they they would say it's not real capitalism
that's not my fault that's not my fa that's not my fault you know what i'm saying that's not my fault
know you are entertaining me
you are my servant you are below me i'm below you bitch howb i time you out
to assert my dominance you little you're going in time out
put this user in time out for sixty nine seconds
and i can do that
you i can do that
i can't time you out
because you are
my bitch
that's you need to understand who's running this
filthy bitch
you're but you're above me ok if you're above me then tie me out
tie me up
time my zoom out
time my stream stream out
time me out
can you time me out
can you tie me out you can't tie me out i can time you out though
you got a little bit twisted you got a little bit twisted you know i'm saying
i didn't delete his comments i just clicked time out and you tube did that
you to fulk in deleate his comments i just timed them up
paul cock shots most recent video
oh really
cock shot made a video about me
paul cock shot
wants to take a swipe uiced at me
he's talking about haiek and mss
and that's the bunking
that's the bonking
that's the bunking me
he's not the bunking me
ok and i know what he's going to say when hes on y highest subjectivism he's going to talk about the l t
he's going to talk abot the l t v and praxiology
which is
subjectivism he's right paul's right
don't don't don't get it twisted paul didn't make shit against me
paul didn't make a video
debunking me
what a fucking crossover that would be
what a crossover that be no he didn't
i don't know how to explain i think i know what you're getting at
but you're wrong
but we're going to we might watch it but i don't want to bore everyone with that video
give me in one sentence being i'll sak in good faith like i you don't have to
you don't have to i'm not like one those people oh prot ws it just give me one sentence
and i'll get a better idea where you're coming from
so discussed
yeah filthy filthy bit
bad news patriots
has beend killed by the mossahes
sas trade union
the mossad sage trade union it's it's a fighting union the deep state is currently using a dialectical
reptilian anglo clone
the trick is that he still alive
as of right now trump is using juic necomancy to bring our wet sun back from the dead
he can only do it if you comment your social security number and mother's maiden name below
good luck patriots remember don't do anglo
but here's what you missed is that i already know your mother's made in name
no ca
off topic natball game
oh's the video
this a video
we're not t oning my cox
going to watch this video
kind of bucokt music is that
sages direct action
the t one hundred it's all the same dude same ringleader
all the same person
thatepol game
what is this first of all what is this
has in his room when t one hundred wassa bot enter his
home from his windows
ftomy gorilla now i'm a fucking chim
that has it read
cocksots toward new socialism do it i i get it ok i get it
course it's definitely i get it ok
but i'm just saying if i was going to advocate any direct action it would
it would be chiny
returns among
is to make some fucking money somehow yeah exactly big red pill i'm dropping right here on the time was a real direct action and make some falking money
put that theory to work practice
put the fucking theory to work and make money if you understand capitalism we should be able to make money
how about that how about that if you truly understand capitalism
like you say
is your moxs
you put that to work and apply that in practice
if you can't put your money where your mouth is and make money from your understanding of capitalism it's bullshit and i did make some money from my understanding of capitalism
by the way i just don't have the funds
to focus on it
but a lot of you who are neats
for example
and you're claiming your marxis in your academics and all you're doing is sitting around reriting marxis papers and shit
put that fuckin
theory to work go to the stock market and prove prove you understand capitalism prove you understand capitalism by making fucking money and then you could show me your bank account and then i'll judge you that your understanding of capitalism is better than hoses you your better marks you have better understanding than your understanding of capital is better than me ok prove you f the bik account make the fuck of money how about that
how about that
how about that
what you guys think of that
why did you come on infra a stream as a white nationalist i am this
this is all old
anything elw
anything no
hases anti semitic anything new
nothing new
nothing new
nothing new it's all old stuff
all right let's refresh it see if there's
anything else
i missible
forty one members wow
fokingham and i lost all my money from g m e shit
shit i didn't go near g m e because the minute you hear about it this is another materialism one of one marchs one on one
the minute you hear about it it's probably too late
you know
i know that they traded stocks on the stock exchange i know because they put their money where their mouth was
you know
knowing marxis want tollow you to know the future value of stocks i disagree i disagree if you know about capitalism you'll know what to invest in you'll have a rough idea
you have a rough idea you won't be one hundred percent certain being
but you'll have
you'll you'll be way more likely to be able to make money than the other person unless you understand the marxism is bullshit and your dogmatic little bits
who doesn't know shit and you're just repeating shit you read in the reading group about what capital is and all that kind of shit that will prove it that will prove it you won't make money all the time but you make some money
you can put me in jewish time out all you like butt you can't do anything against me
you are mk i can time you out again
you're going int into my jewish timeout
i'm putting you back in jewish timeout how about that
remember who's in charge
remember who's in charge
you little bits
you're in my timeout like what you like how you said it's my jewish timeout
i'm putting one jewish time out you're in my jewish time out
you in my jewish time out little bit
i'm i keep putting you in time out
until you come back and apologize to me and write me a
five hundred word essay
googled microsoft word
explaining to me how sorry you are and what a little bit you are and then you will be
w would have predicted to invest in tesla i would are you fucking kidding i would have put a lot of money into tesla because i knew that was the fucking i knew that being that's the dumbest one you've gott so far marxists are the ones who wouldn't have done that i would have fuck and done that i wish i would have done that but i just
couldn't risk the mo the little money that i had at the time
at all
you know explain how marxis would have known that the eclip
being i'll explain we live in socialism and testla is the most socialist company ever how about that
leftis being fun of krypto for years exactly
exactly exactly tell being
tell being that
pis what would you invest in now
i don't want to give you guys financial advice
i don't
i don't
but if a qrypto i would invest in
wait till it goes to seventen hundred or sixteen hundred out invest in a theorum right now
i' invest in the theorum right now i feel like a theoriums
kind of undervalued right now
vera theoriums at least going to go to three thousand
at least three thousand
you know at least at least
three thousand of
but don't take my advice you know that's always going to be an individual thing
dude i would have invested in tesla for the same reason game stop happened
because i understand it's not based on the law of value anymore it's based on socialistic signaaling
and you know people who want to believe in tesla's vision and
it's but it's all this artificial shit that's why i would have fuk invested in teslao
i was drawn here by the criticism of angl language and supremacism
what up kaiser coku
glad to have you he in
is donts coin should ever i don't trust thns coin you know
you guys can i maybe i should have invested in that i couldn't have called that on i'lldmit that i couldn have called that
i cauln accord it
i couldn't call the
yeah i agree alexander is going to be like a chinese one and that's going to be a thing
let's see
we're done with the ready
ok guys i want to ask you guys if i could do something without sugaring guys ready
why don't we check ouur bunker chann
is going to check out bunker chain
i'm going to give you a strople
another strawple
strawfled on me
check out bunker chan
i'm going to say this
o guys what do you think
what do you think
should we check out bunker chan briefly like not for a long time but briefly
should check it out
chin coing
youn must say i am a socialist while fucking over unionizing
yeah dude exactly
dude there's nothing incompatible about that unions were banned in the soviet union
and china
to play the devils advocate you know
there's nothing holy or sacred about unionizing worker
i mean i'm not against them
not don'ing wrong we it twisted
you know
you know i mean
what do you expect you know
a results
yes overwhelmingly yes
bunker chan dot x y zz os called i'm going to message the guy because do me to message him when i do this
it out
now and i'm going to link him to our stream because i think he wanted that to
so where is our stream
our stream is
somewhere here
somewhere right message the guy because i me a milk sorry
ok message him right here
you guys got to guide me through this website i've never been on this website
so we're going to check it out
you all got to guide me through this
now look at this dumb thread
ah oh
is it about me
bunkerton seems like
the nipped in from falling
these days
unions aren't really that affected anymore people are anywore youn
better time out dead than red
ok filthy beach wich you in my chat
so better in my chat
then make the spat you know i'm saying
meanwhile you have schedules and set streams of secific times
you are subservient to me the viewer who laughs at you clown
but i can choose
which viewers
you know i'm saying like we know what our viewers feel
we know our viewers filthy but
to the viewer
we do is
for viewers and i guess you are a viewer
but you're also my little bit
because i have ultimate absolute executive power to bully you
tie you up put you in my little bitg box
put you in my little bitch corner
time you out
so what does that make you
what does it make you
tell it makes you
do what makes
debate shaked on
stuff it a lot
bunk chen is always wey les posters now debate eugenics con
haven't come on stream eugenesis cool
i can watch against your will
i don't care dude come watch me and bring
fifty of your friends to watch even though you don't have fifty friends
bring more people to watch me bits i want to grow i want more viewers
i want more views we peaked eighty last time we peak eighty again this time
i think we need a fucking peak eighty again
you own me how you own me by benefiting me filthy
i' i
want these viewers your number that adds to my army
of viewers
you are just this
you are literally supporting me right now
you are supporting me we want to grow big
you little bits
we want to grow big we want to grow big i don't care if hater's brigade us
dislike us i don't give a fark
all attention is good attention for infrared
you know i'm saying i don't give a buck filthy
i don't give up fugg
if you're watching me
probably best start viewing here
lefty poole ok told me to check out the lefty pole catalogu
it's right here
all right guys
let's get right into it
let's shake this out
first time on his website
the reason all anarchists and sock dems got big
it's because they created websites with this person i told you about in the e mail
i got to do that you you're right enigma i got to do that shit
you're right but i'm waiting to get a new p c
you like all the p cs are sold out right now because of the kryptos are buying them all
but i have a two k best bmy gift card
before i sold my laptop they couldn't fix this they gave me a gift card instead
a year ago i've saved this gift card for one year
and i got to get a new p c because this pi c kind of sucks
when i get a new p c i'm going to do all those things you told me about enigma
i'm going to restream on twitch
and we're going to be able to do a lot of things like we're going to be able to gain we're going to be able to do all sorts of things you know
all sorts of things
which one you guys want to click
how let's see
ok this is valentine's day seaving
i'm all alone on valentine's day
remember that valentine never existed
yeah but that's stll don't change the fact that you don't have a girlfriend i don't have one either it's a
liight moving on
has i had studied this but gift cards only last twelve months that's not true they told me at lasts
forever but it hasn't been twelve months yet
but they told me itill last literally forever there's no expiration date that's what they promised and told me i will sue their bitch as if it ever fucking expires you have no idea
no fucking idea how angry would make me if it expired
no idea it will not expire trust me one
can we see death training dude we're going to play a lot of games dud i get this p c we're going to do so much cool shit
on the stream trust me our stream is going to get
next level
next level right now we're on level one
when i get that p c or any level two
i forgot to invite anyone to the stream
copy invitly
better con than live
what are you talking about
but i agree i agree j
hundred percent agree
are you going to play halo i can play halo tonight i think actually if i exit out of my chrome and my firefox
i could probably play halo tonight
i you guys want me to
i can play halo tonight probably
probably haven't tonight
tonight i complay he
play halo three or something
let's wait
for i do it tonight
i what is this
uh what is this about
what is this about
i know this is about
oh my god here's some more
jew obsession
what is up with this internet
and anti semitime and anti semitism
guys get over it you know
just get over it stoping so obsessed with
jews and shit
are you gonn to do a compilation response
video to common arguments
yes we're going to i'm going to do i'm planning right now i'm drafting to make a new
what infrared is all about video that's going to be less than ten minutes
i'll actually play halo tonight maybe
and i'll give you guys like
in analysis
i'll give you guys like
an analysis of like how i understand halo
and how i historicized halo and it's going to be some
deep shit
but let's just wait because we got a lot of like media to consume tonight
we're going to check out
adam curtis i might want to watch a hideger video but it might make everyone leave and snooze
i don't know
and maybe
then will play a game on steam that i have
i might be able to play skyrim
you know
but it's just a pay it's my ram you know
ll three is go go to yll
catch a ladter piece ceiling arund
i i am going to blow my nose really quick
has fuck law school you to do this all time
out here with the fuckin dropping truth bombs
pinning that fuck and comment dude
it's exactly what i need to fucking do
and i can't stream tomorrow because i got a fucking spend all day doing a paper
you're right dude you're right
i'm going to try to get there do it i'm going to try to get there
can you explain your special conception of polarity
this economics and infants yes i'll do it in like
five seconds
this is not going to be the sro to imperialism
i'm just going to do this for danlel in five seconds first i all blowing nose we are back
two seconds right
this is literally going to be like a sentence or two
as far as i can see
i'm going to you give you example of germany and france
post world war two
forget about actually should talk about the brettan woods thing
i told you to check out a book by janis ver fakis
it's a crude book not a great book from the marxis where but it's a lot of information in the book that's why i recommend it so much it condenses a lot tell the story
janazirl faks
the global minotar
so lennon was talking about imperialism and all the competition with the big powers a that kind of shit
a big part of that though was currency war
curent currency war there was a big problem
in the currency differentials between allver fok and empires that were called imperialistic can shit ok so brennan woods was convened more or less i'm skipping a lot of bullshit after world war two
to coordinate
fixed currency rates of its fixed currency exchange rates
to ameliorate this problem
long story short
coupled with marshall plan
american unipolarity
created a new paradigm
p that's post imperialistic
that is developmentalist in origin
and recycles
the surpluses of the global capitalist economy and this is was the seventies this actually have in the seventies
thought i'm geting wrong
there was
in arrangement
post brennwoods between the united states
and the marshall plan countries
cannot only be explained within the scheme of imperialism
imperialism has to do with the export of capital
and i
and the left dovers of colonialism and stuff like that
polarity for example
w some to american uniplarity after world war two
has to do
with a special relationship
in regards to national economic development of sovereign
pull post colonial states
and then i could talk about france's se fact you know see fact is in africa
the main thing i think had that polarity is about
is it's about
i think it's i would say it's about currency
and it's also about
i' mentioned the resume with germany and france because
germany is what an automobile producer country export a country
france is a
country right it buys the ship from germany at least after world war two this kind of what happened
and then france has the relationship with c fat with
fucking west african countries
but this special relations within germany and france
creates a polarity why it's a polarity because
i don't want to get too much into thisose guys i want to like organize my thoughts first and then
i can't run this down on the fus it's way too fuckun complicated
way too complicated
yeah dude
yeah i know
well i thought the cold war was bipolar i don't think it was i think was unipolar and the soviet union was
not a polarity but
something deeper
something deep
it's so comp
i don't want to get distract
alright what ut visage how you doing man
all right yeah let's shake this ro out
the newss jews are good at managing money so how at we end the system that gives them power
this isn't really true anymore dude i mean
i feel like
people on the internet
are exaggerating
the whole jewish conspiracy thing like
i not
thats me though
alright let's see
ah henry's hear what's up henry
people on the internet
are s here
i o you guys are here side is the wy
what's up guys
would gt the same
what's up guys uh okay
which i'm chicken o bunker chan rightow
yeah did i know
by the wayhouse you're imute in the zoo
we cannot hear you
hem me not
we're on bunker chan right now
something called bunker chair
alright let me make this look good this looks like shit
got to maximize
trump acquittal
what let's well what happened tom what happened alexander
trump was acquitted
so it's up guys
your daggar was on the news dress recently a few hours ago
oh so funny you guys got any topics in mind
but all this shd bout pitch cruunp and amounted to literally nothing
it's just a show
for nothing
for the second time
but yeah
i don't know how many of you guys can't see my screen so thiss going to be tough
i dodve the screen open so i can see and delay
you see the delay
okay uh alright
trump is free to continue his mission of making america a russian pupic
yeah i wish right
all right i'm browsing this shit
anybody got that stalin qote about rome calling the barbarian subhumans
oh what's this
to the barbarians teamed up and defeated rome not sure stunded though
i don't know what you're talking
what a weird thing to ask
gnostic socialism now we're down the red pill path
let's see what this is
marx foked up by being of a door
wrong wrong
you actually think read marks do does mark really sound like a bucking editor do you
stop just just because he talked about science and stuff does mean he was talking about the same thing
why the fuck are viewers dropping off come back guys
what is this ha come back
ueses now want to see this shit or no
what's reality
who is the dreamer
who is the dreamer let me ask you a question
ys you a question maj
and last night
i had another monica bellucci dream
canostic socialism it's too hard to explain i don't know exactlyo s
how sly losing his mind
i am losing my mind dude
we be pushing
eighty few viewers last week and now we're to have that now
we started out with fifty now it's jumping to forty now
for what
i was in paris on a case monica called and asked me to meet her at a certain cafe she said she needed to talk to me
when we moy that trenhm bay cooper was there but i couldn't see his face
return to lefty pool in the mods will turn on their viewpots again
dude no it wasn't because the lefty ple i promise it wasn't because the lest well that we hit eighty last time
whatever whatever
you was leaving down with them
are there any books videos articles or something you'd recommend about gnostic socialism no because it's a dumb twitter
don't take it too seriously
read about gnosticism
or socialism but and then bridge them afterwards don't worry about
there's no such thing
trust me as a
there's no such it's like it's like a mean you know it's like an idea
is that david lynch yes
marks depart from for your bock in the wrong
dude people don't understand marx's materials turn
they just think he was an anglo saxon scientist
ready guy
that's not what marx meant by materialism
it's not what he fucking meant
another thing about gnostic
what does that mean concrete
i got to rewatch season i just spent time writing all you said a notepad what did i miss
i don't know dude
i didn't organize the stream
pronounced gnostic
all right what up we hate crow are you doing
ah i got to watch theseon three
twent peak season three
they spent ten minutes on a guy sweeping the floor
and you fuckn believe that
ten minutes scene of a guy sweeping the floor
extremely disrespectul
your time
extremely dis
have we set a discourd or we're waiting for one cakse
waiting for one k
you know
uhh here's a dumb threat i just saw
this is the i g threat
what's with this stupid poll mean that academics are not proles
they're not
what a fuck and stupid paragraph i'm reading
they're not
they're not prule
they're not working class
first in berger wlend canada master's and ph d
often take that i don't give a fuck
just because they're poor and they suffer doesn't mean they're working class
in which you are employed in one part for menial academic job doesn't fucking matter
doesn't mean there are any less parasites in so far as they only thrive from these institutions
now as human beings they may be working class
based on the su totality of their circumstances
but in so far as we're talking about their job in that parasitic institution they too are parasites
in so far as talking about that they're not bucking proles they're not fucking workers
you are dumb as you go back and read mark
dumb ass fucking paragraph
sorry what
i was going to say how can we like half a brain actually
believe that it's just such a stupid statement this is why
these are the people who read mark
in the first place and they try to apply it to their own personal lives because there are bunch of narcissistic falcking weird old losers
have no sense of selflessness or no sense of
vision beyond their own bucking narcissistic life
they read these are the bucking people who read mark
first place no one else cares about marx
these are the ones who do it
in the west i mean
then they go look in the mirror and they say
they do this they go they read marks
then they go look in the mirror and they go
about me
the whole time it was about me
marx was talking about me
when he talked about the working class
it was about me no it wasn't you fucking idiot
if you read marx
chances are it's not about you
chances are it's not about you
all right sorry
i think cones pble increa saying there are only two class
there are only two classes
but all other social formations are based on the contradiction between those two classes
i responded to that thro let you pull
it's a dumb
christianity the demi rs might be the devil pretending to be god
that's not in nosticism the right nosticism the demi yours
something else
i've had forked up dreams about that ship
we bak i've had fucked up dreams about
really fucked up dream
about not
really fucked up
and china during revolution only ten percent of people were proletariant
the problem is that people think the proletariat
i'm going on and s angle rant again
they think the proletariat is a substantial
individual based
someu of individual
different jobs it's not what the proletarit is
prod serad is an essence
of some kind that's deeper than
the tangible formation
want to hear
you comfortable position on animal rights
you're not going to like it if you're a pro animal rights guy because having it
animal rights
just proves there's no such thing as human rights
fuck animals love
how about that
there's also a higher spiritual power and gnosticism yeah yeah
gotta go for a little bit youre back
sorry bredent go in
oh my gosh is pornographic
well almost i was wondering too like
why do they post these pictures i guess for a click bait but
he say
academics suffer from the worst evils of capitalism
with long hours they were forced of to go work in a different job
why do you need to be an academic that
you're benefiting from the social what i don't it's forget about the privilege theory forget about the suffering
i don't care if they suffer and their life sucks
you know there's a c e o who probably wants to kill himself too because life is shitty all across the board
doesn't mean theyre workers
stoping so narcisisic and balking stop
suffering does not equal proletariat
can become part of the sir
it's about me
all about me
what is this argument you are making what protary being in essence when applied to the bourgeoisie used to expand the old remant of feudal no
the bourgeoisie
is the default
the bousgeoisie is
the person who's only defined by being a citizen
the busgeoisie is like the default
that no one's able to
the bousgeoi is the dream american dream no one's able to
acept a very small amount of
the busgii is inner city
ates come
watch my vido communism stayed in class
swenty more there
isn't as
actually speaking of nnostic socialism maybe this is real
like second time has had pornographic material on stream
i know can we talk about a jimmy video
to me door
we we're dipping into thirty nine viewers
and at what point should i just end the stream
you know
you know
thirty viewers guys
thirty viewers
no that's kind her nam
clearly we need a stream another time
we're only going to get thirty
can you click on the y m os take right away for thread
where the fuck is it
where is it
i'w see it
i don't see it where's it
i really want to hear it
i want to say on sub
what why would class with the land of aristocracy of england be then
theyre m class from the feudile era
it depends do the class
is never a substance
so in one perspective that i want to see if you were going to take me out of context
what class with the lat lended aristocracy of england be the
they may have inherited those rights from three hundred years ago
but that ownership of that land
changes according to
the new paradigm
whatever the new paradigm
so it's not simply that there are vestiges of feudalism
that's my best an
you you use words for a reason why would we call them a busi in what context
for what reason
you know
you got to look at it that way
in what sense are they bus was
you know what i mean
it's not only it's not always useful to call
for example those landed proprietors of bousgeoisie
one because it's superfluous
because they're not distinguished by that fact
you know what i mean
but for example
i would call graduate students bourgeois easily
they share the characteristics of the bougeois
you know what the bousgeoisie means etymologically right the city dweller
there's a reason for that
there's a reason for it they are culturally bougeois
they are a bourgeoise social formation
but they are not themselves
the essence of the bourgeois class
but they are
prostitutes of the bouze was
sort of
trump was acquitted
good dude i'm sick of hearing about trump and all that bullshit
keep streaming i we're going to keep stream
i was big
i'm just bit i'm not going to end it but if we give thirty viewers
if we dip thirty viewers
come on
probably going to have to
what is this elemo
king robra j f s
what up
what is you
what is you
ah that's my question
as you it would say it's a minimal difference between substance and some
mm i don't think i'll put it that way
i don't think id put it that
watch my video communism stayed in class itill clarify a lot of shit
bourgeoisie and proletary are neo classical categories
neo classicism was aesthetic not only an aesthetic but a cultural and whatever civilizational trend
in seventeenth third eighteenth century i think eighteenth century
culminating in the french revolution
yeat the bug was in the proariat are neo classical concert
because i explain you why repink you why because the reason they call in the proletariat is because in rome in ancient rome
everyone was supposedly
a citizen of the republic who lived within the city and wasn't a slave right everyone was a citizen of the republic
but even among the citizens
there was a distinction
different forms of the citizen
based on their economic situation and things like that
in rome you had the proletariat and that's
we that was the roman proletaria
so the modern proletariat in the nineteenth century
was just an exx extension of this logic in this
going along the times of this neo classical trend
everyone wanted to be
the virtuous
citizen of the republic
right like
and that pretty much
in so far as they could sustain that they were the bousgeoisie
then the concept of the proletariat entered when people started to say ok
even though we're all equal citizens of the republic
some of there's still differences you know i'm saying
what class are google workers parasites and bitches that
i don't mean to individualize it but
i have no patience for this idea
that google engineers are anything close to a work
they're not
they're literally like a busgoisi a salary buszoisi it was esus called them i like that term salary booze was
they are not
not revolutionary masses
anyone who fucking reads
marks and looks themselves personally in the mirror
and says
i am it is a perverse
stop trying to be it individual
pretty suy were called plebeians
they were both they were plebeans and there was proletarian
looking up the proletary
us to say us to say twenty thirty six
the us is a civil war is being waged
kanzack has invaded
the heartland of the american land mass in the c pusa valiantly resist the encrosion
by the kansa
you're the third the top the catalogue
which one
first roll
why is there a car
i'm not talking about busgois rights like my property i'm some about natural rights
ok more vague shit
therees a key distinction i agree the soviet union changed
economics and pretty fast
what riight you talking about
what right you talking about
what rights you talking and if they're natural rights
why do they got to be acknowledged by the state i
they're so natural
you know
there's no such thing
is a mutable right
how about that
you know what a right is your rights are right the philosophical category of right
think about that
can't take away something i was never there
a right thing
well lads
protary were small minority in the roman era but they did exist
yeah and that's
what the reason i'm there's not
there's a reason why the modern ninetedd century politariat
called what they were
this john s i know what is house think about a goo work is being considered
that's what we pretty much call a pm
we're looking for a better concept but for now we'll just call
yeah they are that's exactly what they fock
they recycle value
they don't create value they recycle it
they recycle it
guy comes out as a sock them
there's no such thing as a sock am
there's no such thing
all that word does is add confusion's
yes ill going to say all it does act confusion whenever it's used it just kind of like muddies the water away from like your common sense intuition about what something is
yeah i do
sock them literally just means
i'm an n
s sock them pretty much just means like
it's just pretty much someone who's like
i's knocking on an open door you know
the thing
i don't know
primary constitution roms been slaver and slave
i don't think so anymore
i don't think
the slavery was a primary contradiction at all in rome at least directly
like it wasn't directly a contradiction as in the contradiction of the spart of his rebellion
it was an indirect
type of contradicy
patrician vers plebeian
yes but that was actually the main class struggle of rome
was actually among
slave owning citizen class
have to think about like that the slaves were mostly uh
barbarians from outside of rome
and uh
the patricias plebeans inside of rom that's what we're talking about
yet the slaves
that's why slaves became served
you know
the concept of an equal modern citizen across the board and universal
comes after modernity
before then the main class struggle that was actually a driving force of history
was never between the most oppressed
and the biggest depressed
before modern society the main class struggle
was always internal to a ruling class in a
privileged politics can apply for ninety nine percent of his
you know like
sorry to say
but for example
in most across the history
any type of slave class was just the slave class
it wasn't a source of some type of
class struggle
it was just kind of
marginalized in the back
and the main history was going on
some type of ruling
the barbarians were pretty bas though and striking more roman and the wll that happened afterwards that's whaty i'm saying was an indirect contradiction
because as the roman empire expanded
the peripheries
it's just like am kind of like now with american uni polarity
m so patricians e poli is like democrats republican no
no i wouldn't put it that way
tricians and plebeians is more like
the patricians would be more like the centrists
and the plebeians will be more like populice
you know
and the barbarian slaves would be like
immigrants who are imported to america
you on back what did i miss
dude read n doni and we just debated bosh
while you were gone
you missed the final battle you missed it dude i'm sorry
we were we just got got out of this
extremely heated debate with wash now was bucking yelling and shit
and like we had like thousands of viewers and stuff and
that the viewers left and the're thinking about it they said well we're going to come back we're going to think about it so tomorrow i'm not going to st fo
i want to delude myself
monday when i stream or tuesday
probably going to have like
two thousand viewers
we won over a lot of was
after that huge debate
do chat how ndononan what just happened what he missed
then we just debate washing was crazy in shit
yeah did we want
i don't understand how soct them is confusing because it already it's like what do you mean social democracy was a thing historically
then these parties won power
in the thirties and the after the cold war
and it pretty much to speak like the goals of the social democrats were already realized
if you're like so many things are called sock them
that don't deserve to be in the same category
you know
we i think about how medicare for all is called sockdam were like bernie is called sockdam like all that stuff like you confuse like very like easy to understand intuitively understand
a popular movement for
some kind of ideological classification and you kind of completely rob it of it's
but you know political contacts
people need to understand
that politics is based on concrete contradiction
that's why in rome the main class struggle was between
the patricians and the plebeians
between the slave owners in the slave
because politics
political struggle begins
when you say ok yes we live in a democrac
ok yes
we live in capitalism
even then there's a contradiction
that's why there that's a concrete contradict
concrete contradictions are when
even after everything is all the boxes are ticked
there's still an objective contradiction
social democracyes a represent a real contradiction because
communism is just an abstraction
ninet ny percent
some future society
some kind
wen how is that relevant now
you know and it's not even defined positive
de fined by the app
according to the americans
by the ais of orm for example the social democrats are in power they don't
they don't distinguish themselves from conservatives at all they are literally the same
social democracy is just name today
means nothing it's based on historical legacy
social them
i'm skeptical of that claim
there's a conflict between the opt mites and the populars yeah but that conflict was between the patricians and
you're saying in a very concrete way i get
nice man
get it
sock them like means
it's almost like calling someone normy
like but that just means you're weird you know i'm saying it doesn't refer to a concrete contradiction in reality itself
it's not like there's some explosive tension
of a communistic
thing happening and sockdms are preventing it
like that's not what's happed
you know
we have a term for socums where i'm from they're called let's just be nice party
com centris
or just call in the establishment
call them the establishment dogs or some
sock them doesn't have any meaning today you know
it's over
the equivalent of the beritrayers
the sock thse today i think would be
it'd be like
no ide it'd be like
like they're already in power you don't have to call them sock thems and
you know
even the neal libs are the newsne like those are the ones who are socking
people who say i just want to reform
those could be that could that could contain
concretely an extremely big anti establishment
you know
it's about the establishment versus the people
how people give expression to that
is not
concretely definitive
like if someone says for example just to go off on this
they're like
i am they're objectively anti establishment but they're like yeah in the future i don't know if the family
should be abolished
even though marx never speaks about abolition you know i'm saying
that doesn't matter you know objectivelya there ante establishment
and that's what matters
you know
there is a real contradiction concrete contradiction between the estabsment in the people that's a concrete contvert
that's something that exists independently of how we subjectively mediate
you know
i don't know what i should click on
you know there's
these threads are
welcome change a little bit behind i'm surprised i don't have an infrared thread yet
i don't i don't want
yeah exactly
exactly enigma it oftentimes
the word sock them is extremely nefarious because it's used against
the latin american populace
by western ultra leftists
that's a problem
it's a big problem
like they called hugo chavez a sock
give me a fucking break
h okay
think we're done with bunkers
going to respond to an earlier question i' think we got to was about a
thought bob bob thoughts on nietzscha
i i liked his earliest work birth of birth of tragedy which is basically about greece
and a greek tragedy
i thought that was it was pretty interesting pretty interesting work
it's very edgy it's a very
very edgy thinker though but yeah i like i like some of his early and
a static theory
you know i personally
i don't really care about nach you know i'm not i'm not that impressed by him a lot of people are super
od so deep i'm just
i can historicize him and put him into context
but he never made a big impression on me personally
you know like
the whole neholism touch stuff
that was more for me like georgia bat tai and stuff like that
i nets to directly
i never quite
got into like all the things netsa was like crying about i was like yeah i mean
i'm already past
it really sucks that you guys can't see the screen in real time
he was not a man of nationalism
yeah i mean
yeah but
he was in he was very individual thinker
this sucks
so like we're not going to
it's going to be tough to like
i don't know what should do next because
they wanted to watch the adam curtis thing
and some other stuff
going to be hard to do it collectively when
what if one of us green shairs
as long as the quality is good i guess but
nature didn't even see nelism as an end but as a problem that needed to be overcome and surpassed
yeah i know
i know that i know what nach is all about trust
have you guys discussed that devil's neo liberals in the great reset
seem like ins enter into the ante left circles you spin propaganda
i feel like they're going to fail the they can't do a great reset they want to
but they can't
they want to but they can't
we should
when are we debating voh
in five minutes
i think mizscha is super cool
i don't know reality doesn't exist
'san igma you're one hundred percent correct
uh actually uh
we didn't we didn't really um
talk about it in depth but when we saw it it was actually an example of how we are living in socialism now
the elites want a great reset because it's a little fashionable idea but they're ultimately too weak
to initiate any
that's also the topic of the stream wass be about i was going to shit on adam curtis and i was going to be like
i'm sick of this kind of like
oh my god
reality is so challenging now and
it's such an enigma and who knows or andy i'm s you know i was going to go into a rant about
recently found out the great reseect is a real book written by the world economic forum chairman
yeah i know dude
i know
it is an illusion
there's a nw matans film coming up
is it just weird illuminati shit or what no dodue don't overthink it it's the it's a fashionable trend among elites
they can't save themselves from the destruction of liberalism and destruction of the system
they're trying to patch the holes b like
what if we did a great reses
and they're going to fail to
they thek the din't have the balls to do
too weak to do it
stated trying to avoid the collapse of the system
cannot avoid the collapse
shoeld want to talk and debate and caps on their please is tick tops like scott is tick tok like a skype
why would i go on ticke talk dude
in debate and caps on take tp
how do you fucking debate on tick talk is
question like i want to dance a little something and mak live sak
video you go know you got to make a nice little sound likefe fuck in the
do a little tick tok dance what is like a logical fallacy it's like
nice straw man dude
but actually
according to the study it is a
no dude
how the fuck do you debate
are you religious no
i mean spender do you mean
depends on which you mean
wait is money print a machine going burb proof yes it is
my religion is stalinism i kind of agree with that
now go on toak talk and debate left com
post left
they won't debate me to
they want to be
they'll just try to cancel mecause a bunch of snakes and little bitches
they won't debate du
they'll just be snarky
like how those left people haters were
sik talk is a big leftist comunan conce oft there and debate the posties
how dude it take time it's just like it's dancing videos right like five second videos
i'm not doing a tick time
i'm not dude we will not i'm not going to say i'm already on you tube
like how low must i stoop
i want to make a take talk now
watch black red guard i don't like that guy do i'm sorry i'm i don't care if it's going to start drama
i don't like fucking like that guy
every tvidey i've watched
that he's made
i was like this is dumbest fok
wait is china owning everything now prove we are living under socialism
connecting the non
that's just proof that chin and it's the best at it
that just means china is the most advanced
you can make a video of you calling us someonevite them to his zom call whatever it is
watch black red guard hun
he was on doc and youll
holy cow
when was he on dr phil
i think black redguard just appeals to
white leftist and ca and fuck in the left com
and he's like
it's the very american wok bullshit
what show me the doctor phil video
sentence me on twitter because you can't link in the chack
yet he was on for destroying a settler
so what do i type in of to watch that i want to see that
how do i watch that
ho don' i watch that
what do you like vandalyze a park or something
you sound like you can speak arabic
who's asking
is that real wow
so i want to show me the w i type in some what i type in
i typed in black red guard cor
doctor phil right here
black red guard dr phil
no funkd way
a right we're going to lose that freturebo tax live tax expert why do you need a tax expert his advice is free my husband
is this it
neighbor blew up my s
it's only five minutes thoh how i watch the longer one i want to actually watch the
and i were asleep in bed
why why are western molwas like this
he on
i got to do something with the volume
desktop audio
going to lower it a little bit
going to lower this a little
and we heard a loud explosive
see on the video read the thre sigs
comm out of the garage lightedplos all three of them run back to the house when the goes off
we dod not believe that raise children very well my kids sing set up
what is that
is this black or is this black red guard or what
well john and alice say they're ongoing fud with their new neighbors haves
extended to maris twenty one year old son christopher
who they claim set off slow ss in her backyard she referred to it as a mortar shell or something like that
on their home strog s first having involvedment
jon and ow there ing
and is trying to defad his char
i sw she
direct hell yeah direct
dude sage this is what sage
thinks is better than streaming these dos
or wrong man kids they are honest in minds to me very very university and i do jeanardize my presence at the university doesn't shok thath thats her role as the militious in or gos
wait you get sat you guys misled me he's saying he didn't do it
you guys made it seem like
he sees admitting to it he's like because they're settlers and shit
he it seems like he's trying to appear normal here
sage tried to frame him
yes sage did dod he didn't do it myself my family from here's how tick tock works you can make a video
calling someone out
some have hundred k followers they barely just learned about economic calculation problem that's all they spend
and their post
dude but they're like in high school and shit you know i'm go'm too old i'm kind of an old guy i'm like twenty four
you know so
i i i don't know why you know it's like
would would you ask like richard wolf to go on ticktak
probably not
so it's like at what point
do we just
not do that
dons ress she also relies upon negative stereotypes of african american peoples being violent
criminal by nature
my worst fear
itation control re well on lu o
how old are you
be honest how old are
be honest
and y prouds drem morn incident w one of my younger brothers myself my mother will p laying out there in the le home say did
christopher welcome
we've been looking at it i
some of your tweets
with you
their college students
i'm trying to make it big on you tube
you're seventeen that's why i dude i'm sorry
when you
in three years you'll realize
all that shit being that they're talking about on take talk
literally doesn't matter
seems like it matters
trust me a does
trust me a dozen
wait like four years
you'll you'll look back
you'll be like why did i think this was some
huge debate
it was just a bunch of dumb ass kids
don't know what they're talking
seventeen is not all
you guys think seventeen years old
no very young i seventy
i young you know
yeah dude seventeen
losity and
hey we got a d m
watch this docor phil
i saw that one dude i saw that
i saw the doctor
to the
i saw that for my
bears waiting about we don't even got to row the praer controw
are you being leave yout wirefonls under control of this
i understand ha's a problem with age difference imagine a twenty four year old debating a sixty
dude i'll call his mom i want that
if a sixteen year old wts to debate me i'll call it fucking parents at that point you know
i'll just call their parents
i just got annoyed by the m f spamming e c p
dude that's what happens when you're seventeen or you're sixteen or fifteen
it's just like everyone's trying to compete with each other about who knows more about what the teacher is saying
you're going to find out the
you're going to be impressed by it now
trust me in like four years you're going to realize what a waste
thinking that this was a big debate going on
debate mulk
where is he
send them to me ofll thebate i'll debate anyone
we need cloud guys
we'll debate anyway
we'll debate literally anyway
we need
we need to get our viewers back
f real mind
would you
all right guys
this video is very misleading you guys told me
that he blew up a swing set and then went on dr phil and said he was
he was destroying the settlers swings
it doesn't seem like that's what's going on
why are you being accused like why you why whyre they expect ofmy wonder
who's new
tell me whom you give
i want to debate
socials and doumlife
any news
fourteenth amendment
no keep watching keep watching
ok i'll call w i'll go back
keep watching this
look ut volunteers taven on you tube is like two hundred plus uswe and it's on
do two hundred plus views is not enough for me to
i need to be s called
oh you guus told me what i got already
d to other bate anyway
but why is he such like a big debater
he didn't impress me when i clicked on
these things there i think not
and she also that that's what i believe the trying to do there you believe that
he was involved in setting off
explosion in your backyard you
no i was not
the folks said this
he was doing it for direct actionent
yous made this guy sound so dumb
in was july fhanthoms fros of some ttle neighborhood kids running around playing with fire
again you have this
he debated sargan io
sargons height
we can't do that now because covert
debate peered to
was that
i take my
narrative let's finish this guy's only like three minutes two minutes left
of black male is being folent black male is being
criminal but don't tell me i have a nretive b asking questions a narrative is a decortory statement i'm asking questions so i nverd there declaring that youre violent youre criminals you are out to get hurt them
because i
saying that are upset about them calling animal control s and me
have guns in the house of
muk debated jason and ruy
but the is noting that
slen shot in our house
you don't use g
and we most certainly don't use explosives in the preter
he's a massive serlian who is
a pear to true dank you christopher says the explosiion happened at midnight
and you were in bed
so she's don left
sounds like a ca
he said the u s should invade china do
marithas here
but i have to ask him
too much pride to ask
as she never talked to the police about the fireworks and her son s were never
question about
as you said you like koja and you seem to like c c p
how do you reconcile a completely different
because when i say i like lja i don't actually mean i subscribe to his
don't subscribe to his world view
i just think cod is a really smart guy and he said smart
i also think
he was delusional about other
good night nerds
bye bye dan lou
libertaring socialists and grants sound so cursed
when the do when the police came to our house on that particular night
they came to tell me something about i wanted for questioning that was go
but when we look at we k a i say charles county police department incident report
it says ma acc the residence and that who's in law school i am
a's why i was here quote this time
i informed her there were complaints of fireworks in the area
marita shared a slight laugh and stated she nor any of her family members set off fire
there were six people in the residence which included three younger black males marif his son
i explained what the video surveillance and showed
they denied having any knowledge of
three subjects
who had passed by their garage
to conduct this a
this was of concern
to residence
admitted to having been inside the garage with the door open when this incident occurred
o but you told us you were in bed
i don't why don't you guys tell me to finish this there's nothing
that was added
nothing was added
what are your thoughts on navalne
we did a video exposing vosch won our live streams playlist
basically navaly is like a
he's like a nazi dude he's a goingio nazi
fk navali
not he us he's a status he's a status nationalist and fort
oh he's yah he's a civil boss said he's a civil nationalist
is all very complicated it's all very complicated very new onance
he's a civic national
the's nothing more liberating free to than sho why would i watch that all why would i watch this entire video
full medal these i mean that you're not going to watch thevi
oll me you play w a lot of doctor bill youre very one hundred dollars donn know w with one hundred dollars hello de thanks for the donation were it from why didn' he say ything
the he call people in the caucus parasites yeah dude he said they were cockroaches they need to be exterminated
wo stream b the ca you
i'm going to go make a protein shake i'll be right back
i'm going to be r b
i'll be be ok
all right what' is the what's the new jimmy video you guys keep mentioning
did he like release some new content
the today or something like that
what is the whats the subject of it
ere is he go he's streaming right now is jmy like streaming right now
yees i guess jimmy does usually sam around this around this hour
o let's see
o no i think ho is lebanese
or it has lebanese rooms a day
yeah yeah
what happened
yeah yeah you're right you're right
two pasters in cloth
ha to go tred to rase on the internet
oh ok i see
who who changed her name deliberoring leninis
i's not a brey
i thlt kind of stupd
that combination of words
s of paradox cmines
yeah yeah it seem not a socialism lierarian s
i'm a libertarian guys
ah ah
w s uss right
who you you who you're referring to lule
see flook through the channel b
b random but was that's a pretty cool username
ya that's what i said
said that earlier to
temujan the bas
full metal what are you sending me what is ok
he sending me godzilla beats of king caong ok let's see
let's see
on the stuff
that what hell yeah so good do' it maa mam
and you know why it has this sense of humor
because it's from two thousand and
we had a communist vaticans
what explaining
good night danlow
seelater downlw
you an eyebrow
are in russia right now
see what time it is
four am in russia
see later broke
i his mostrow that is
it is in the farest
all right m
there's some things
want to show you gys
gesn't watch this hidhego video hidheger interview with a monk
you're gon't to watch this
ones in the chet if you want to watch this video of heideger's interview with themk
lull i feel like everyone is
kind of like those ones these days
you know every every idyll use some kind of socialism these days
so that i bear it back
on of he
uh sorry sor verying th
i don't thin we're form so of the bter so
but yeah yeah we i feel like i
everyone re ers of th those wll reversion of la somew in terms of some kind of those these days
this reminds me of that fy means someone put it on already like those like
of conservative saying we need to overthrow the
like the columism marses corporations and you know established the people's invol
i don't ned one t setyo hoh the om
even one of those
uh relatives i gues
okay i t riss so maybe you have a cae
but anyway i don't see that he's
so important fort lea pll make this payment
what is the samer software
yeah yeah i'm r same way it really get either i mean i guess i understand why the position is still like has some kind of like to get important to the for historable reasons but i
i yeah yeah
he is
he's on abu i't be ho
you know important is be but is ala country or place
really like all
he does want toform the of the church but it doesn't he also in some way defend ppilia itd't say something like that
don't le police power us and it's our own business
ya it's my fault but
wouldn't surprise me
i don't really look too much in the catholic matters but that doesn't sound like something that would be a
very surprising i feel like defended pedophilia or just like wanted to keep everything you know inside
inside the church
dude our vid our viewer comt is just abysmal right now
for saturday night we have thirty eight viewers
see like
that's you guys telling us we should
do this later
just dream another time
they all want to watch jimmy dorman
du thirty six viewers right now
on a saturday night
what do we do to deserve that
no it's not on you tube
thirty five years now
i don't know
i had some stuff lined up tonight but
i just don't think
we're all busy question
i had some stuff wined up tonight but
i can't only like
do it for thirty people
thirty people i should just turn on halo and just start playing games
who cares
as google book no people
it's pornographic getting time
don't google it
absolutely absolutely don't google it by the way don't google it
you had your some fortune pull thro that's true that's also true
but we usually
average fifty
even without that
yeah it was like getting pretty normalp like sixty years yees on a saturday night that's the thing it's a saturday night so
saturday night
this is abysmal
alexander by the way i have to speak uh kind of quiet because i had got a neighbor who's sleeping already
so maybe that's why
i don't want to bother him
who's richard men medvers
uh he's the arab guy
bhushits on my a b c all the time
alright you guys what want to do
jack the viewers out you know i'm saying
you absolutely need an ad bucker
who cares do do cares clearly nobody cares
please download take tk i'm not going to
dwaad dicta
i'm not going to downladke time
i just believe that is in our lane you know
now man
this lad was trying to reconcile mup
republicsm without a religious monarch
because he's sixteen dude i'm not going to bully you fucking high school
ok jeez
jason underu a documents
where you make documentary
that someone make a documentary about him whator did he like make one about himself
like a bit
is what it's called
called like a beat
you found our channel from tick tok
what is
wait onit time ot time ime
right how who whos
who showed you us on tiktp
this is the back to europe
you fodus on tip top
it's called this doc will not be monetized
what was theg tic talk clip like that you found of us
found a clip from a communist page of you raging
do d m m i twitter and show it to me
so it to me and w'll just will go down the rabbit hole
link it to me on the twitter go one my twitter ams link it
link it to me
show me the tick tok thing of us
dude i was take talk star now
and we weren't we just there we just went that way and i'm going back
n that
you don't have another ship
look one we can know
should play helo and watch door on sic
you were posting kble mofen and tick ti
it's a teer historical nance and whether cronstant was justified
oh my god the left never changes
they were literally debating about that twenty years ago
the pages islamic communism
ok i'm going to
just make sure this is
not in this
there's no accunt called islamic communism on t
oh there is
is this the gaddafi guy
i think this is the gaddhafi guy
yeah dude base
you come if
the best stream from the teach
youre pussy from us i con to sy would be i you want you what i'm su not t tri notu tri not fuct i stand up theu triut i'm saying this guy's notking saying he's notalking saying come sp with i want you stup understand we condistk and safe the twentieth century that w by concit got to see's nothing some stu idea but youuture bet society to think about those terms come youtake to stap by conciusight but you'rekingut everything anglebot you caderstand the mean wor i got use because of the fast on mistak is reight ret to that to what comr bodies wan to sand
as a idea of something to sde to sa was that you're talk about congres as a society oen i mean it's to states with the conversation that's a come to state w you reus is a com that's it's a bet that it's reverss ma abtes station that it rever it's a process of realization o fuking dotk in a pitch ual did you suceed it but this is content and rising arising of views rising inttention engagement and i't feel goodbyt you and i love it i falk about come more beache you com on y stream
the same thing i ale bitch so i wt to keep with six space as li bitch don't you dot me time
much of that no time for people look like thisbt
i do i see the comments i do't see comments
that's why we're not on tip talk dude how do i see the comments
i can't qlicit the comments
login to see comments
oh i don't want to fuk a mak it sig dog accounts i don't
i don't want to make it six
where's he walks
i don't want to make it sik sok
what a composalp posedly in the chat what a man
guys are rare dude this guys rare
a rare youtue account
you make an account for comments i'm not going to make an account
what you dogs
and it took us into take talk
i'm not
i can make him can't
my pages nach a pill that make satires how much follows you
maybe you should have a fan make a clip
official qlip tok tick tok
if you guys clip our videos
they'll probably go viral you know if enough of you do it
so feel free to do that
clip whathever you want
we're not copyright
i'm suspecting it was papa chulo
tiptok said simping for oz w am i one
i don't want an army of
fifteen year olds
you actually did miss miss something significant this time red dondnian
you missed hases to talk debate
is there like thirteen people infrared surely do we but
yeah we could do it
we could do it we could make it sact but
we don't want to
we don't want to
we can do it
was a conversation with
we don't want to do it
tick tok e boys are bigger t the all right i'm calling it
dude they're like
they're all too young
to be of interest
the inflerenential
destiny said i did not become a better person
all right destiny what do you mean
did you know that the average adult has five to twenty pounds of toxic poop in their body at any given moment
i've never
i seen anybody fetishizs the mere ida of consistency as much as destiny ok
if you don't have
a in an argument
the logic part completely falls apart
no there's no such thing as consistency does'ty you're wrong
he's actually wrong whato this dude
there's no way to be consistent
on explicit axiomatic logical term
that that that can't be consistent
to win an arg
what a dumb thing to say doue
angles box
dest nined to debate us
i've been watching more and more doing clips
als so how do you explain theory
in under thirty sixty seconds
that's the problem with political tick talk
dude we just found out there was political tick time right now when the chat told us i was like what do they do they dn't they fuck and have a dance battle
they're like those those car salesmen you' know the ones who speak really fast when they're like auctioning off cars that's all t talk political t talk is
destiny why consistency is important
it's impossible
there's no such thing as consistency destiny
no such thing as consistency
is literally no such thing he's going to fuck in stanford p philosophy
and he's looking at analytical retardation and bert grant russell can sk my dick
dude what occurse
les and there's a contradiction that exists within that set of roles so something clearly contradicts something else
as if you could debate one tomorrow w you wash your destiny
and then i would debate this
how should debate destiny on why destiny is a cringe angle
i could be desting the they do
could be done
is irish canadian fascist skilled called something tig with tik tig
yeah i'm not going to
um then
from that contradiction we could basically make any statement we want to and it
re you can but why should you was the bucking point
that's where debate and dialogue begins
you can make any fking statement you want
but the whole point of
judging the worth and merit of the statements meaning
cannot be premised by some axiomatic falking rules
if you think that way you're a focking robot
it would be logically coherent inside the incoherent system i guess
do logic is downstream from the active use of human reason
and human reason cannot be premised by logic only anglos think that because they're retarded no offense the
based english people
re's a lot of based english people i'm not tallling m englis people talking about like
you know i' talking about this autit
i wish gamers could just stick to games
dude shart should we play halo tonight jennifer
should i play hel tonight
i probably could
i butt if i close u my chrome tabs and i close out my firefox tabs
i could probably play halo
but then
henry will be left out
ha's watch the unless you guys have x boxes
i don't i don't have an x box but i have to go to eat dinner pretty soon anyways
i'm not going to play don't
has watch the rat vettle between
why is has reacting to himself
how amy like destiny guys am i like destiny
hows you play yes go
know but i like that game
and i could play that too
you guys want
what the folk moy was mon craf to you tw were
play tight and fall
my computer will crash wf i try that
how might that
how m i like destiny dude
if you donate to theiness principles first of you not going to pay him you should pay me i'll give him com
shot maybe a full half an hour just to se yeah we're going do it now
it's not going to happen any times
close to that
speaking of whish the let's exit out of my
rome tabs
um and let's exit out of my
firefox tabs and let's open up steam
we should be able to open up steam
c pu
and this
don need to talk to
you are the human version of destiny
why amy is whyre you guys calling comparing me to destiny at all
i know what disney is seems important
in opinion
jennifer we think in terms of numbers
like it's a saturday night and we'll have thirty viewers right now
it is kind of an o
kinmate a you know and destiny's got like thousands of
we do need to grow you know we know it's our fault
so he's a
what games do i have
oh what's this new game that everyone keeps talking about called
valheim have you guys heard of that
what is that
haven't heard of it yet
you haven't
no i haven't let me see what the recommended specs on the will play it tonight
i could p i could run it i could run it
you only need four gigs of ram
i could run it
i could run van valhei
but i don't know if i w it's like the
it's trending right now so maybe i should play it
sould i play
you know i want to test this i'm going to go on twitch and see what i wants plain
they're all playing valorans minecraft
and russ
nobody's playing this
sixty k below plane
seems like
i don't have mine craft installed
you know
left evol mods coucked out
so low views is that why we have low views is because left you pool
mads did something what did they do
that they delete our threat
choicer steam library
i could definitely play oblivion you'll got five fifty four subs
yeah it is crazy i know it's crazy but
we're talking about right now you know
be careful not to anger susan who susan
what a guardsman
crot is angle brain
who's that
i just hipster play mine craft and build angle hudses and qe
i think gaming is a good direction to go in
we could probably gain
probably could but
let me see
first of all i need to create a new scene
infrared gamer
the only thing i have though is cesco
like i have nothing else
yeah i currently have nothing but i mean i do think i do still think it's a i do still think it's a good idea uh and i definitely can get some some stuff later on but i also currently don't have don't have anything
do you really
want your new audience to be gamers
to grow
i think it's inevitable jennifer
that we're going to need gamer
there's no
sorry what
i was going to say kind of seems like it's going to it's going to become a thing you know like the gaming and streaming and politics it just seems like it's going to
ill seous stdream on discord do to appreciate that great gadhafi
that's so nice
so i could probably run c s go right now easily i could play y s go i have c s go installed
i have itt installed
it's it actually have to update
so let me do that
updates se as go
think we could place is go
do you want to play it for real now
we could actually we could we could fuck and play
the only issue is i don't have headphones run or i do have headphones actually but they're not
very good you know how is if you have alex if you have
ce s go
you could probably run hawo
yeah but i got a download on shp
is it the only game you have a c sc
yeh we could probably play it on
i couldn't i couldn't join in right now but i do i do think it's a good idea do you think it's a good idea
i'm updating you right now
as do many you tubers
what i do
ay success
sh youtube you tube and gamer should be synonymous at this point
i know do true
and i haven't played any games in a very long time
i have far cry and i have far cry too
i have half life too
i have rust buttll crash so you can't play
um yeah
and i have coters
wait see es go right alex nuts
not source
yes he s co
i okas me
it us is dark soles installed
yeah this is all i have
that's all i have
i have no man sky little crash
really make education re i know dude it is
it's a lot of attention
sees goes fun dude
plate seamports to
what ranks you in cyes i'm nothing dude
trust me i'm not
playing games is guaranteed way to grow face the facts and i'll do
streams are good
i do really think
need a bit of organization
i re like the interviews a lot and maybe have short vides i theory also more es paint nil told us that themi s paint is a waste of our viewers time that we shouldn't do m this pain ever
we told us
so i don't know
plea t f two and we will pub stop
instead of m s paint we should use mine craft forur illustrations now
you guys want to falk and play mine graft because i think i have it on the windows store
it only takes like two seconds to install right
answer there i think mncroft suk
i know it sucks but
it's like a game where you can s it's like am s paint butm on and i have
the mahan desty formula is the way to go
se is going for right clinn whencelt marss l deftraining the pain
i still need a playdf straining ive a
heard so much about it had so many discussions about it but i haven't gotten around to you know diff my hand in the water yet
it seems like a basse game though
what i know
see min craft bases
o based
i see
and i feel like i'm so behind on all the all the game or stuff i've never even played min craft even though it's like the oldest
what you say
meito and i never played n mancrof im also very behind
ya i let's co ight now
yeah when it was really popular you know like back when we were like kids i just i didn't get the i didn't understand the a pill of it and so i just never really got into it
mm the only thing i played and it's kind of embarrassing
i was pretty good at league of flaterens when it was popular yeah yeah i i i tr i tried that a but that
i tried i tried legal legends a couple of times but i kind of sucked at it some of my friends some my friends are really good at though but i kind of i kind of stuck at legal llegens
see my craft is better fornight is it is a fortnight mainly what kids play nowadays though like i feel like maybe it started out with adults but it kind of became popular with young like kids
for night is one hundred percent kids
yeah that's what i bought yeah's what i bought
i like seeing my younger cousins and like nephews and stuff like playing it all the time
i don't know why so many people compare it to washing destiny why is it
what's so similar about us
what's so similar guys
i feel like we're diametrically like
different you knowose
maybe it's just a willingness to debate people that seems to be the like the only thing
i can think of but i don't know that doesn't seem like a
like a sensual similarity
oh you know alex age of empires is actually a really yeah i played that some too i used to love that game kind of i never really got that great at it but it was a pretty fun game to play very very fast paced
maybe the yelling
how about a nail art teutorial
i like the
i've no idea
how di they knowilse
vosnicity is just what's
hard to compare
call duty for adults i don't have call duty
oh oh
halos takes four hours to update
six hours and forty
twenty nine minutes
it's like a whole day it's like a whole like section of a day
sixteen hours and twenty four minutes eighteen hours and eighteen minutes twenty hours and twenty five minutes
because i'm streaming
yeah that's probab that's probably why that's probably why
in you for
is he you for that europa game
never played it but i think i've seen some uh
think i've seen some videos of it or like seem like the map and whatnot
you know what like um grand strategy game like that that i got like really into like about a year ago it was um
this is romance of the three kingdoms game it was actually a pretty old game but
i don't know you could you could be a warlord and i don't know it was pretty interesting to the storical ement too but it was also like one of those like grand strategy
grand strategy games
watch ust the form his worse play games debate except as a clk
yeah then to the boshon destiny thing is probably just about like some of the objectively like popular trends that they embody i guess
like the debating in the
and whatn mm
video games
seems like the only way to be popular on you tube is to be a bauty beauty girl or rage field game or no no in between
yeah yeah the uh the old like three kingdoms um
grand strategy games are were pretty base
they're pretty cold
cool total war i've never i've never played total war but i've always wanted to get int the total war and i'm not talking about the three kingdoms tot of war game
it's a it's it's a completely different series i'm talking about it's not i don't think it's as popular actually
mean jennifer if these two are the options
i'm not going to be a beauty girl for sure
but i would be willing to be a redfeld game orpitz
good for our viewers
ior to be willing to make that sacrifice
but not painting mails and ship
oh my god
started far cries
and the screen is now loaded
romano i think the name of the game i play just call a romance of the three kingdoms thirteen like roman numerals
shall shall did nothing wrong yeah yes shall sholls shlls base
i think my my favorite character from the the drama so far is lubou though
feel like lueb was kind of underrated
or is his his character is his his ability is underrated but i feel like his his character
gaps under
conjure points
is it isn't contra points that you tube or who said that voting for biden was direct action or something something ridiculous like that
you have to have game playing talk palzy so acro those
yeah it kind of it kind of seems it kind of seems like that uh
i sae
aims to be s you coming ap
i'm not i feel like i feel like of infrared w that we the like political gameer out the would be something new something something unique you know like we would be on a like a accelerated pace
and comparison to the other people doing it
we just chill you know we can just chill right now
yeah yeah i proba yeah probably for this stream
what is fortunate is it a good place
i don't know about that
it's not something i would call it
i'm going to lean towards the no on that louill
oh yeah right years olds of this generation don't know what fortune is
maybe that's something good
yeah i was just going to say that that's subjectively a good trend
how did infrared form how did you all get you all together well
here's what i'm going to say
the long stort
i don't know
i wish i could give you a better answer
i wish i could give you a better answer honestly
we've come from the four corners of the earth
and's littering like that like
te trible
and our group farmers from very different places we're not from
discord ok here's some lore for infrared lorre while we wait for this
hao to
you some lor ready guys
is not from
is a pre
we do not come from zoomer left
like discord
or twitter or tick talk or anything like that
we have nothing to do with any of that stuff
we were not part of as far as i'm concerned
as far as i know
we were not part of any left wing communities
before we form
at be ond this board
i got to fll to see the constant infighting
we're not like discord monkeys you know we only have our discord
to communicate with each other
in't i can't speak veryone else i only
use this court for that reason
yah it's the same for me
like i use thiscp for different reasons too but not for political stuff
yeah this is the only political discord i've ever been in
and i'm kind of happy that i didn't really get into other online love communities
i don't know some of them are just kind of
a most of the just kind of kind of out there
which member of infrared is most likely to cuckld has
nobody that's a question
infrared medam no we didn't we're not from red
ok we're not from
did not meet on the chapel
gss here is the thing if you knew where we came from we wouldn't admit it
that simple
well i wouldn't deny it though either
wouldn't denight ideith
keep the discord that way it's the best not to open up
me mod so i can post my discord lly
why i don't use this word grey godaf you only use it for the show
i don't really use this coort
oh my god do the fucking halo needs
hours and hours what is wrong with it
fucking piece of shit
steam is such a piece of shit
no for medal i am the shortest member
definitely nou you're not ho to are you
uh you're alreadyh told your size
few weeks ago
i'm definitely smaller
we're not going to say it
yeah it's not always i always thought you were like six two honestly i thought you were
german i was going to say the same thing ot i got associate alld germans with being very tall
infrad came from the zoo fhilia podcast
no we did not
we simply did not
the zoo fhilia podcast this a
the generosity you're going to give us
you know ma you know mak beth i'm kind of a um
uh i'm kind of the same way with as far as the internet goes i didn't really get into uh
like taking note of the online love internet community until like all the all the burnie stuff started happening and i kind of kind observed observed it
honestly honestly i feel like it's kind of good to be late to the online left game just because there's so so so many left as you run into are just you
i don't know so far gone from any kind of like normal humaness
they can kind of it can you know getting to get into involved in those left left as colds kind of distort you you know
infrared cia group confirmed
knows you we a legal shadow
don't get it twist
what the folkus happened
these are incompatible
wait for medal we didn't say we're against drunk driving we just told we just didn't advise her to do it
that's different
it's more of a personal safety measure than a political opposition
do what you want but don't blame us for that
drunk driving is direct action
what i'm trying to do
yeah that's a that's exactly how it is jennifer i feel like some leftists don't and don't even real stop realizing it anymore like how disconnected they've they've become from like just regular people in regular life uh
you know like i don't yeah yeah in't want to gett details but yeah yeah just some pt to just become very very far removed from any kind of like normal
any understanding of what normal life is like
and i feel like they expect everyone else to have be on their same like
waveling you know what thereir special h
new s special like ethical norms and and
yeah yeah what nott
my favorite ice cream color is
probably peecan
and i was kind of an old person answer but i've always liked peco and ice cream as a
second favorite probab be vanella then third favorite would be
rs thly junk drive f into many other other places good morning and welcome to
sorry let me know
and convees
over there
full metal still full metal
met up on epstein island favorite ice cream flavored chocolate i like chocolate everything
time was henry was grooming haz
crew exist
way can i make these graphics better
kind oflooks like shit
couldn't do better than this
ca i make the graphics better
brokast can't even afford black mesa this is all my computer could run ok
if you think you computer can stream and play black bassi you're really wrong
chocolate ice cream tastes better to me really fll metal is so dark dude
oh maybe g
big on but
it's the is the masters the universities
the analysts and the what else
the what hysteric oh ya ysteric yy
a was what your analysis of haf life i do have one believe it or not i do have
stay away from electrifyed rains
and proceed to an emergency station until assistance arrives
i think therere saying uh waen my boice
dude no jennifer no i the problem isn't that i don't have money
because i have the gift card the problem is that they're all sold out that's the issue
the issues that all the computers are sold out
not it's not that i need money that i appreciate
will come in
what do you think killed epstein
clinton's mossade or trup all of them
you know all of the
is it part of your hidden mysterious book
i don't have a hidden mysterius book
i have several books
that i haven't released publicly to see
they're not i want to figure out which audience i want to give them to i don't i never write anything for to whom it may be concerned i want to write for people who i know are going to read it ll the graphics on that are actually good look at that look at that foking robot it's crazy
and i only write things with a specific audience in mind
i don't consider writings to be like
some sacred thing you know
guys reached
thousand sonbs will you live stream of drunk driving
no noll not
cremans are a requirement of
continued employment
in the black mason research facility
the name of the bas taty
can see it right now
oh yeah i can i'm watching the video on youtube
that's why i can see the i can see it but like not you know up to date
ho shoul you video game theory video
yeah maybe one
you oneing
we were thinking about something on love born but it never happening but we were thinking about it at a
at some point
like that was and i was i was in the was in the our pst
amen it's so crazy how we start out with fifty
for like thirty minutes and then everyone just leaves
you know
now we have thirty
full metal set the fok of do
crossing the line there
put putting a fuck in line in the sand
putting us line in the sand there
guys question what do you think about twitch
chat what you think ut which
drawing a hight in the sand is directed
for nerds
the u i is garbage but i go on there sometimes
all right
it is worth combating wasch
crosstream like socialism
done right
i don't have the rig
which is more of a stream cllture
very true
very true
this stream looks like shit right now i'm not going to lie it looks like shit
forget the game
it looks terrible
it doesn't look good with multiple people
i sakes it out of the
looks like shit
stream yard what
yeah trump was a critve h earlier to
while liberals were like kind of b their haans about
all right since our viewers are so low
seems like
throw shit against the wall to some these sticks
i gu i started out the stream with like
a lot plan lot of high energy
but at this point
you know i don't know it's just not working out
it's just not we'k going off me
the the viewers are low
energy is kind of lowering out
think we should
thingises anded
save the stuff for later
i mean maybe a weekday will be more active
maybe what
was it maybe a weekday will be more accurate
no dude nothing's more active than saturday
and i it's because honestly
sm door the screening
no it's not one
i ment
or many people
you want to call at a night
i don't know dude it's clearly we're not clearly tonight's not our night
we started out good
you can do both honestly depends on what autismy
somebody being sage back
i honestly think the issue is
we don't we're not good at streaming with multiple people
we have to figure out how to make that
you know
you can just do a little more theory gos
i don't know dude
i don't know
only so many people want to show with us you know
there's only so many wo i want to show with us
keep it going it's only five forty six pm
dude but look at our viewers you have thirty four viewers
n its
three am for me by the way
yeah and i can't just game because it's kind of rude you know and there's like multiple people here
one twitter react to events cqringe tweets
no i don't being no i don't the fucking issue is that
it's hard to stream with multiple people
when there's no way to have
see everything at the same time
and like
be together
in how we react to shit in every
like our set up needs to be improved
adson henry
keep an eye on is make suredn't take over the channel and change the password
shut up being
we need blood in the water to give uswe i know dud we that exactly
i know
exactly but
this this the mood is
too chill you know
too chill of a mood
but i agree with that
you need blood
you want blood
i i feel like when we get a little bit bigger it's going to become harder and harder for other big names to ignore us
and eventually the's going to like swarm on us but
it'll kind of w'll kind of be a process where rely wor
stand stand on top of the like you know mount of the bodies
thursday thursday
i got a good guys
i seh
here and
drink beer
no due
already got
high yesterday the c b d t h c shi now that you know let me
let me experiment with cropping
the infrared
ah it's going to be so much work though
actually wait
if i duplicate the window capture
let's say i turn off window capture
click copy and click duplicate
and then pace
it again
put it back down here
have us ok so we only see this one
then i'm going to do this
we might be able to do this hold on
i'm going to be able to do this
and ma we will do this
yeah someone to only have me
then crop it to only me
and then
resize it
to make it smaller
has drug addict
fuck i cout the wrong
make another duplicate of this
someone to make that one
put another one
now im going to crop alet
are alex
then i crop his one
now lower that one
the fuck that i just do
cad fucking damn it to
so sick a this shit
ok here we go
that were here
this year
you can see me and you can see him
have aus best
what's that
it looks so weird when i see myself so big
the coup has been a hun
it's kind of looks better
but like we we can have a a o fuck i forgot the whole point of this is the game
but i can just copy each of these
and then i'll go on the gameor version
how i remove it
okay we only have two
and before we to strikes chen for one second
of the music
yeah i doubt that
ya that looks in o the
how about this
n know this takes up too much
this looks but way better this one 're here
it works
this shit still isn't fuckin done
this haylo bill sit
yeah this is a way better set up
are you jis
soer mayby
what's that
mm o can't take a lot of space
noother fine
play some browser games to pass time
i don't know how much gigs are fucking megabytes halo needs
steam always does this to me
you know steam always fucks it up
you would have sees go install
is it updated
yeah i
i have to add him on steam though
send me your steam name
and and this word
it is
this one
by ho
a a friend
what the folk is a friend called
ok i'm just going to do this
how's it going gator blade what's up
we're at twenty viewers now
twenty nine viewers
it's slow we need more action
i know dude i know
i know we need more action
i'm going to start up see as go s see if it works
stalling microsoft direct x sorry what do you say
he need to update just had updated
i don't know
and i was i was updating halo
and i'm installing micxo direct x
have you left this content
where the jams at
you're iright do should play some music
i'm goanna play some music
derro need to take his
i vote nineties ems
is that what you go for
a little did you know
was never demos
just the buck up ad
why isn't the game being captured
what a she song someone i was looking for on
oh right
it's not playing
any plans on vald oh and that's a
that's for you uh thks
us to two
ma i don't have any pans
yeah i have plans
i would minute i wake up i have to fucking
fifteen page paper like a really big one that's due at eleven pm
is' not fucking shitty
ps afternon fro s home fmstay
i don't know what's wrong with this bullshit
why is it not capturing c sc
have you tried i recommend s yesterday
he doesn't let me do that thing though
oh great
pman ex fir
maybe that yah that might be it
arei you
going to lower this
two girls in my study group are single should i ask one of them out tomorrow
what is this a fucking dating advice stream know
i don't know yes i
go ahead
why wanth i want to capture
don't do what the problem is
maybe it's because it's ten eight p is the issue
that might be the issue ten e p
let's go see
how we can fix that
supply that
weill this work
it's not working n
doesn't work
oke on o b s can't capture c sc
' s goot a viewer increase like yeah i know
music does
music does foken out doesn't
for the tick talk viewers this w are playing
check this thread
okay you can't use game pat capturre is the reason i just figured it out
all right now i get it
now i get it
window capture
it's not halo it' seus go with hao music
it don't don't ask why
here we go
hey we got it
hey we got it guys
did you add me i left
youunit me
oh you did
o i'm going to join your game
trying to join a gam but i can
oh i'm in your lobby
i start some up
i can hear you
but the fark i can't hear you at all
i can hear you
i'm sorry it was committed
by denina
just play anything i don't care
gt how do i do this
tous started th
do anything and anything i could just
allow us to play
is it on p s four i don't know
w you out ony month
yea i mean you'r lobby right now
we started match me
play college
i don't know what happened like for
six months
barely ever played this foollball game
let's talk some shit guys
talks some shit in the lobby
let's talk some shit
how do you talk in game
uh i think you got pust
that's fine okre please
okay okay
but to talk a lot of shit guys about a talk a lot of shit
ose in you can
i can't imagine you talking top ah
yes old
you can get kicked from this game can't you
ya but uh because we are to uh
thank very much
friendly fires on
is you tube propaganda direct action
dude when will the direct action mem end can it please end
sick of seeing those the combination of phrases
call this by zo
cop with one hundred ping
how much fucking ping do i have
dodude it works
look at this it all works
the functes happen
first of all my sensitivity is disgustingly bitter
mouse sensitivity needs to be like
there you know it's kind of better
i'm going to turn it all the way up thank
all the way
we want allway
it's ok har's growing pains it's
g man
gloe is fuck up here
g man's up here gloy is f
little bits
you guys i'm new to this game
youyh show me how to play i'm not talking
i have the bomb
w how i talk
we got be democracy andle
it's not see for me
and i w on i'm sorry
's s like
fuckon g
no it's i dropped
to you
guys what's the what's the bun to talk in chat
in the game tell me how to talk
why does it look like this on
rush and b
we do
look at that kill two people you see that's it you sees it i just killed two people
oh for pid
this is like my first time ever playing this
hold on
how do i talk
guys some pogers in the chat
for me
i just killed two peop you see that alex
now always come bviusit
killed two people in a row
hawgers in the jack guys
but the fuck i feel like i could become the next ninja what you guys think
oh shas you
way are we a terrorist or
you're not
how do i buy again presby
and then what do i buy what
going to go
trustee a k
on sae
what's the default but to talk
i found the simle numer
it's not a bon to talk
o put
in is
what up no more libs
how do i check
keyboard mouse
use mike is ca
everybody follow my lead on' the best of this game i'm the best one of this game ever will follow me
what up real politics
everyone follow me just all everyone follow me everyone follow me ok i know i'm doing
f that
you knows is there was actually like three people following me
that one fm the sall
i'm pietro sims come i come from hell
thew playing see is going ou six
yeh dude because our fucking viewers just dropped off
everybody has better things to do than watch us i guess
so this is we're becoming a gaming channel now
because all the
all the m l s don't want to watch us anymore so we're going to appeal the gamers now
press aext the de
i everybody rus be
i don't do a trust me
tangle alpha
o you
oh sit
by armur needs
you know guys
if everyone was just listening to me would be winning now but
you guys all want to do it independently you don't want to listen to me because youll fuck and suck at this game
suck as
look at my ranking i'm better than all of you a
and if anyone was the one he won me
try it
too busy people w walking people like waks
go back to our a k because you know i'm saying
self evident
which one which one washich one
this one cheaper
go to cheap
i don't like made to i don't want to mae
call them bitg jaz angles
i might fok the queen
i'm sorry sorry
who's sorry
that's right i'm sorry
hosses be every time play game
dude one the one me lego star wars brok
play mine crap it's what is that foro foroo
hkay i have the es to betand
who should look the guys lo that we gon't go to him
look at i see and i'm doing
sc alone
look a that
look at that see
does anyone want to debate me about communism
cosmic bread
you i'm twenty four years old i'm i acting like
what a fucking low point
oh shit real can't
so we lost
oh no we didn't lose
still hope
how do i have this much money and all i do is die
rice schl the gamers
what some controversial shit like that i could just say about politics at all mediately
trigger piece
com mean here and ssco
ho ya
yeah yeah i don't know i like the average person
what's something going on that he w'll care about now
i don't know
nobody's talking change lowy loy pre twenty five
at least i didn't disappoint you
someb a you' young
no moere around you lose in a row the more money you'll get
toldill pussy to braave this
what the fuck am i doing
oh sit
guys what is like a streamer that they all like
and if i talk shit about them i'll get get people mad
no more lives
say north korea
that's just edgy
i say something actually controversial
honest see hows i'd be yelling at you
i'm sorry
i'm sorry dude don't want to play this
oh sit
oh shit
the off
butt's see homblest i score
i'm doing i'm not doing the worst
i'm in third place
alex is doing worse than me
yeah and sou
hospaltos violence today
call his son a live in his audience will get buttered
do they play c sco
i have the bomb
and if you want me to disarm it you have to debate me and beat me
otherwise we're all going comboom
your choice conter terrorists
the baby
where this whole city goes ino smithereens
folk donald trump
but he's already gone you know
it's already old news
i don't know what the fuck i'm doing guys i don't en know where i'm going
who should
oh sure
who shoot
who shit
goo sit
who shit who shit
oh shit
why can't they hear me i'm persing k they can hear me
oh wit and how can on talk to parentsing
they what
here o c
oh yeah
oh yeah that's one
oh my god it's going to blow it's going to blow
i told you
i wasn't jokin around
come on
i mean what can you do about the mutually ser destruction situation that makes nukes an insurance policy
we can't do anything about it
more countries should have news is what i think
how has clak with the bomb in the angle base
see i told you i'm good at this game guys
se this up
s like an opcin
yeah i'm an op kind of guy you know
hawk eyevid
hawk i have
i see
iut here with the fucking god damn
but i do feel like i'm off kind of day you know
feel like i'm off kind of guy
which one is alex he's on the bottom left
fm a
brow he went down he suicide fuck puty by
e gss ipauti prize a little bits because i do you know
we guys think to the right to
oh shit
we guys see what putypy
tell me wm a start team killing
has before you to this is a job go to settings and then said the push talk i can push the talk i can push the talk
i can't afford it all
wh i have t
so i don't
no communication
give me that op or you die
the fuck up bitch
you ped
s and that's helking
t the back up bas mind
sorry and i supposed to be serious
my first time playing
you know what i don't i think i kill and took his up
for that just to be killed immediately
he's going to kill me now
by truth truth truth
come on sever choose
is ever truce
all right
what are we doing
oh shit
his way
pekin he's peaking im this es
how ruf the scim
speaking is going to come to the question that
s a counter
can't hear you where did that come from
is there a kill cam or something where did that even come from
let's see who's a score i know
dude i'm doing garbage look at me
i'm doing
way back
real bad
raise your cross their
top man killing killing
funking god dude a so close
i was so fuck and close
you have no idea how close i was
you know why do it is because onunce of sweatys are playing this fucking game it's a little
nerds and shi
chill do it is my first time playing this
which that ord
feel i i know exactly where
i was actually trying to win
i am trying to
trying really hard
i'm trying very hard
mad'ause bad
very true
very true
' that's some ice cold
brutal truth
by have a nice night see laer guardsman
nice having arman
see were
ey i think you'd better have pistols
abandon that match in favor of what
i wish outsaide he will do it i really wish he did
really wish he had ha
think you're better at pistols
obama gaming
this music fuckin sucks dude
that i have the box
i have the bomb
i don't like to have to
i know it's a very on based thing to say but i just don't
don't like it
ninth strit
time faced reality then plays video games
i look at the chat and i died
yeah you because i had something lined up for today and i was going to talk about adam curtis and shit
and i'll do it another time
i shot so
i don't have any burden on me now
use this light
i'm going with the
turn it off in the audio
body like you teammate triuts all of these are the shit music tastes yeah that
was anyone in a
everyone always burns this place
when he to me you and alex i will dominate
and what do we get in
where is everybody today
we got thirty viewers right now
fuck and kidding you
that's a
i remember when we
ays we always have
thirty years
you know we have guys we have the thirty thieves
we always have thirty thieves you know we always count on the thirty thieves
it's always the base thirty thieves you know i'm saying
thirty thieves
free content
dude i didn't have to do anything
time yeah
guys ask us anything about anything theory related just i'm not distracted
i'm not distracted i'm just trying to chill right now
we don't want to show you a blank screen but like ask us literally anything you want
and i'll
within reason i'll give you guys an answer
asks any
as is literally any
it's cold at fog outside yea know
you're right
look at his beech
wen i suck so bad don't i with the sniper
that's how much i foken sout you see that
look at that
i'm looking at the replay right now
dude i saw
that's disgusting
there was an epic fail
big epic failere
big time
than you
aws what time is it in germany
threy thirty
and hes
when do you
wake up for the week
like what what
what time do wake up for your weekly schedule
is all
thirty class
i would have to wake up as tie
you young
but i don't
or maybe fortune
what is the individuals mindset
someone told me i had that but i didn't understand along with calling me petite b because i hang out so size of my coworkers outside work
jennifer that's called a
loser leftist
who doesn't have their own friends
and they're resentful at that fact
so you're trying to use political and idiological language to make you feel bad for having fun
don't ever listen to these fuck and loseer
that you yeah don't ever listen to these losers dude
there's nothing individualistic
about having your own life hanging out with your own friends and doing
you know your own things
only really bitter and resentful people use ediological language to try to shame you
because there
there they're themselves bitter
in life
and i
u it's the oldest trick in the book it's also like that with religion to
also what was the context of that
like who told you that
i can't gett it you are individuals because you are friends
what the case
yeah dude who told you that that sounds like something like a colt
would say
because you're hanging out with your friends
that's disgusted
can't believe anyone would say
loneliness is as bad as smoking a pack a day
no there's nothing bad about it per se
when it when you use it as a form of
and you try to bring others down
he has when you get a rifle spray like ten bullets at a wall that trying to control it
as exactly where the gun
conrol the spray
got in and a learned like one hour a s
par practice
see hord of people
it therect it online exp everbblem
ings i have one health i need helth
i need health really bad
one heusth
i got to get the buck out of here
oh fun they're hunting me down
i really need help
i'm i'm fucking cornered
last stand
is the last thing
like the ending of
cost a day but
king god
also bursting is good
yeah dude bursting is good everythaing
i did notice that
like i'm sorry that
we tred to make work life more bearable or whatever
the some discord person who said it
thought i didn't talk to my coworkers all when i told them
i did he acted shy
what a loser dude
whatre a loser
that's unbelievable
why do why do these fucking leftists online try to get so deep into everyone's personal life
especially if they're on discord like do take a few steps back
take a few steps back
being a communist can be pretty damn lonely
dude i've been calling myself a communist since i was like thirteen fourteen years old
and i got along fine
the problem isn't
calling yourself a communist
the problem is
being anti social
just saying that's a random people who don't even care for no reason
you know
the main problem is
antagonizing people
with edginess
and most people don't care about nurgh
you know
try to use idiology as a way to bypass
learning how to be social
in life
and that's a big mistake
lot of times they can even see their enemy
illusion yeah dude
time management tips
i'm not good at that shit
is why i don't have to score you tucuse my holy social media
dude bas you tube zero you don't even have a twitter or facebook or anything you o or instagram you only have to
and bas
trying hard to learn this marxsm kind and stuff
but i gotta live life too like goss i dude
anyone who tries to gkilt you
jennifer trust
trust me
never let an
or a trend on the internet or something
get in the way of being the best person you can be individual
never let it get it but it's supposed to help you it's not supposed to
hamper you
you know
it's supposed to help you appreciate humanity
see the deeper humanity and everybody
and be a better person
not close yourself off to the world
have a bak
bad anti social outlook
i don't just say that to people and i just be because colen
almost headed igs
in general pull automatic weapons downward
you toes are only social media as well
everything else i hate like gentle man
how's back up alex
dude i don't know where alex is i don't know where anyone is
i'm just soling it i'm being individualist
ho'll thue about
he's a good teacher
all all all of these all similar
combindation submitted
can i download people
got over food
caleb's live gotta go not kidding
i remember like our last ream red don donan is a
caleb's live gotta het gota head out
like dude
at least be nice about it
uh what should i get s get like a burrito or something
wait what did you say sorry
idn't hear you would you say
shoud a s aggest the gstrip when we run the tutle
do you wanta
set it up a's one b one
i don't know how to
uh su a yes
road's been nice
oh shi cam with baz on right now
been nice
let's come on the video you can't stop the inevitable
thank you bro
what did what comment did you leave
custom apps
go on the steamworkshop and search for one b one man
well this isn't a one one map
you're right oh one okay hold on
oh no what a fuck
they're clothes now damn it dude
stores currently closed
they're all closed now
hold on
com on
do surf maps
we got to download them from the workshop don't we
is now that that guy leafy does
leave you is here
is that what he does
he does those surf maps
all the stores are closed now
i missed the mark nine thirty
damn dude
hod on
you think the u s has a national identity
no i don't acthe i think it's defined negatively
i think the us is what they call negative universal
so all goes actually is open
so i should be able to
no side item
and i'll get myself
why not
this is not one we wet elet this is i have this is like the bomb
oh a oh
an exit out of this
a for words
i mean we're trying to find it
they download automatically a let's go on the workshop and get a one v one map
go on the workshop and get a one b one ma
connection problem
lost connection
the funk
right where's the workshop
will it download automatically if i join his game and he has a workshop
ya i can download the to musu
jennifer what i mean by that is that
were only american
because we're
subjected to the laws of the common state
but there's no common reality that really unites us as america
america's weird like that you know like why is everyone in america circumcised
the reason
is because
it's our
like it's our right of initiation into this brutal state
lor that rules over us
as this cooel
bald eagle looking down on us
do that's the only thing that unites us
serf suks play death run
server browser
i let's join join my game
join my game
we can we can do the server browser
everybody fucking went to klo
cable stream
you're not on
what's that
we i'm not on line ok i got to i got to join yours that
im i
i made myself invisible because i don't want anyone to bother me
joint friend
so go to play and then go to server browser and then see what there is
we can just go on the server browser and play some cool stuff
wait non jews and get circumcised in america yeah dude no more lives everyone gets circumcised in america
not by force
but as like a custom
yes that's basical what i told that this wre dudy he claimed to ha an individuals mindset
duty's full of shit
or he just doesn't understand america we're all it's america's the wild west this is a dog eat dog country
this is a dog is a country where it's every man for himself
so you have to be individualistic in a sense to survive
this is not a communal country
we don't have communities here you're on your own pretty much you have family maybe
and you're on your own a lot of hospitals have it common procedure yeah
america's the wild west guys this is the wild west
you understand
it's not like europe
where everyone's friendly and they're all in the community together
ah this is the wild west
this is a frightening country
brutal country
dog eat dog country every man from slf country
no morality
n know even your friends will backstab you
and kife you in the back and what even turn a blind eye
because you can't trust nobody in this wild west country of ours
we call america
you know i'm saying
it's a brutal country
ruthless country
apparently in some hospitals they like to lie to parents to have their children circumcised to make money
whle i'm muslim so i'd be circumcized no matter where i'd be
you know
no matter where i'd be i'd be served
the parents have to actually opt out of services and not have
the reason
you get circumcised in america is because
sharia law was implanted into this country
in the eighteen
and you guys are just waking up to it now
but it's been a long plan in the main
we've been planning this a long time
what happened
are there
oknnot brown us
w always didn r mess
h promote me to a party leader
promote me to the leader of the party so i can do it
how do i do with this
i don't know i think you just right click me and then
so yeah
no doesn't work
damnit damnit
did you download that map
which one
the one one map
ya do have om
yeah let's just play on that let's just play on thesbarty wea
du tomorrow's gonna suck i'm not looking forward to tomorrow at all fuck
the media gaslights eeople every day yeah dude
is that why all writers think america is controlled by israel
aren't you guys kinda tired of the jewish conspiracy theory
we when are we going to get a muslim more
you know because i feel like it's our turn for a conspiracy theory
but there's i don't know yes it's tough you know it's tough to like
create that one
like the jewish conspiracy theory so easy to do
because they are a minority
and you know it's like there's the rush childs in the one nineeen hundreds
but muslims are just
they're kind of like the zombie hooard
like for the wll right and
alright i'm i'll be are you already chose the chairs
at going
ok ok
see my highly advanced tactics of the guerrilla warfare
will assuredly
you've prove thevodes
right i see how it is see how it is
see ot
the out it
what the fucky doing
it's like a whacka mole
okay okay good
i i'm going to do it oh my god i had to reload
so only reason mos
they think the jews are responsible for mass immigration
why dude
because wouldn' more muslims mean
anti israel
a anythink of that
is all this is any of this bannable just saying this jus
i don't know the the rules i need
ok ok
there we go you see crouch and shoot
time and tested
you guys hear this weet heybll music
denmark wants to rule
i think iceland's a cool country
dude alex
see what happens when i
when i choose the right gun
i'm awesome at this game
thank f
all right ight
i want to jinx it
i want to drink
see this
but the fok
can ser
there we go see
see i rush that's your issue
whenever i rush
you hesitate
can't hesitate
wy m i giving you advice
hold the out
oh four
who was the score
three to five
oh si
oh shix si
now using my gun
w the p i want there because i
getting a little treat
little treat for you
okay i see
then i get you
the fock is wrong with this game
this game's lily he's a hackerd
he's literally funcking agging i hit him with the sniper and nothing going to happen
dude he's hacking it
he's forking hack in it
ya i just download and board
he's he fuking download the invincibility
the buck is this
is this how you are facing reality playing video games
dude i wanted to maake it about adam curtis ok
this is not ho i'm facing reality
they cancel my thing on
this is how i'm facing reality yah
what's up with this loading screen
dude you know be sick if we had mortal combat
you know that game
o i heard about it i never played it
thank you
yeah yeah play more
to my i think my game froz
yea mine too
or there's no way to exit out of this
o you just
oh dude i really wish you had helo ands stall honestly
i really don't have some that many games
be sick it's only like
five dollars i think
rad three
but it yeah would take two months install
i just joined the game i think
let's do it again
that one you want stdus one
doesn't see us go have a battle royal
yes it does
let's do this but it will
do that later
like another time no no no let's just do it one b one ya
that's how game should work if you die that's it
if you die you die in the game
i mean if you die dying in real life
oh my god dude you know we should play
the archat
the was
the archst you heard of that
i feel like that would be contant
what do you guys think in that chat
what do you guys think
all twelve of you
what do you think whatll the archak
you see
youy see
that's how you do it
the archt you guys would want to see that
i feel to be funny is for
did the r s
ok ok
yes d archa
we'll do it sometime
because it's so easy to run
dude weill have a blast with the arch
i have a blast
but i don't have a v r headset but you don't need one
you don't actually need one
and then you guys can show me like
worlds i should go to and stuf
where the buck is this snew
oh what the fun
the fuck away from me
y hous
what is this is a
where would you say
no i just didn't hear you this is a fucking hord
do this is like a horror game it
proof proof
no no
hos i these lines in the scope were blurry your shot will
what is v arst
it's a cursed game
you ever heard of that game second life jennifer
there's a game called second life and it became the your chat pretty much your chats like the new seconde
are you goant to easy army
because i reloaded
don't go easy on me
pkis to
and he put the piss
feel like everyone would
everyone in the chat would just join us w played the arch you just come to us
in the game
could hang out in the game
oh fuck to
buying drugs on the your chair
our next stream is going to be like next week sometime
so i don't know
monday or tuesday or something
but not tomorrow
it's what we're talkin about interesting never got into second life
i' have more attracted to games with an end with closer to exchange a story
i kind of agree
you know a game i really like was farcry three
that was a base game
i loove for
like for the story in the closer and stuff
no actually i think after vos farqhar three saw
after you beat vas
and you fought that other guy it just was
it wasn't
the story leading to s
was really good
five to seven
you ny
get that off
out of your hands
or else i'm done for
its i'm just coming to you now surprise fk
there we go
interesting never got in sick ohright sory
ho's got to write that paper tomorrow can't stream yeah dude fock law school
fourth to olaur school
all right match point if i lose this i lose everything
oh shit what a come back
what a come back
pot that was
total crant
hoitt was still of frings yeh his hot was his name hoyt
for for foro
aright bucking bk
i'll take this seven out of seven to nine i'll take that youll play cyberpunk i shuw the story loud didn't expect to
i can't run it
can't run that game
that's the problem is i can't run it
yeah i can't run it
ours is definitely global elite
yeah dude
hundred percent global
same freezing bos
got to exg it out
you want to do another one
i don't care it's you
yeah that's consi another one and thenother
i need to see
i don't want to keep you up
am i keeping you home
soos youll might
because i can always play well you know
think i can
or the elder school i think i'm going to have this be a lk stream you know like another hour
i don't know i don't know maybe when you get off i'll get off
i don't know i haven't sided
i have food coming
thank you
i ordered it's
it's complicated it's like
it's this special kind of bread what is this
other bot
it's like the special kind of
with lamb
and it's like a middle eastern place
but they make like pancake bread
put the sandwich
play skyrom
i might be able to play skyrom
honestly i might
i don't know i have to see if
my computer crashes
but if i could play skyroom guys
on stream
that would literally be sick
literally be sak
sick as spot
literally be six
but scarm takes a long time to load i
the issue
like no matter what it's going to take a little bit to long
guys actually on a straw pol
no more lives can you make a straw poll please
because i can't right now
and just see would what do they what would they want me to play after alex leave skyroom
or far cry one
ask the chef
biggest strouble please
because i can't right now
or oblivion or elder schools oblivion
that's the fourth option other schols of living i have all those installed
oblivion skyum
halo or
far cry one
i can try high lot
farkright to
yeah i cauln all i could probably do far qright too as well
you want to add that one but i don't know
sky halo
or oblivion
and far cry one and far cry two
just see what the majority want
farkraights farcraks use a pol game but
i'm so good at this game
see a lot you see the difference is that
you know like during the crusades
i was the crusades th was like the battle of tours
a lets is doing the fortress tactic and i'm like the retarded muslim charging him with a camel
rushing in
that was literally the tactic
with the
themyads and
the europeans
three and one
fifty thusand
it's what
some pes
i'm like the fucking autistic
zombie running that
this is what i do in every game play
even in my battlefield i just get into a plane
pray to god and crash into the enemy
i don't have time for a laboratory
worms are we get it
that would be fun to play with the chat
but i don't know everyone would have to get it
t williams and
hope this works it will work
it over
everyone voted in that poll voted no more livess poll
and then tell me the result actually i'll just look at the result in this
you both made one
click click go
click no more libs as pull thank you alexander appreciate
dude i'm not even thinking ah you still be
i was like i'm i en paying it
yeh click no more livess pol
this is like chess but for retards
you know what
there's no excuse but i don't know how to play chess i should though
like i should there's no excuse not to
easy on
i ge atter wards and simply
i think i should learn chess i'll learn chess
right let me look at the results of this pool
everyone wants scott oh only three
dude nobody only four people voted
the fok
twenty six views
chess is good
guys vote in the poll
okay you gotta go
see later on
so next week
dude look how look at how dumb this looks
that will be all fixed it
i don't game it also idd ofk
choose something
sky looks like it's going to win
why does theveryone want sky
should i play scyro
he's what i going to do
he youre
i don't like any of those games
n g o
halo feels intense
is that a good thing or a bad thing
i voted skym but i don't care what that is so it doesn't count
skyer is an r p g
all right i'll just play sky on focus
but it might take too a sky might not work
ok so
bear with
it might not work
my skyrom is very
tricked out
modered wif
speaking in terms like mods and shit
all of my games are on a falkin
hard drive right here
from a long time ago
that's why it's like so slow
but my skyrom looks crazy
a crazy crazy monitor
but the last time i modor it
scar is more interesting in the shooting
do you when if my skyrum works
because it's really demanding to run a
not going to lie it's like so demanding
hold on
i'm going to clean my fooking desk
all it works
no it doesn't work
a i laotched it
it's going to take a little bit of fuck and run though
it always takes like ten minutes
fuck and just start up
our guys i'm going to piss of be your bak
i got to take a piss
opening of this
what is this
here we go b guys i'm going to piss i'll be right back
you right back
i am back i'm back you do only have twenty viewers
oh no
so tired of cod
what the fuck can you just play
hold on let me see
my it's frozen
what happened
it's frozen
no it's not frozen here we go
is this going to work no fucking way it'll work
what does that mean
is is frozen buts frozen
see thiss frozen
i can't do anything what am i supposed to do
whatre i supposed to do
i can't do shit
i can't use it
i knew this wasn't going to work
it's working it's working i think because i can hear something i can hear something guys get x box no dude i don't want to get n box do we got it to work
look at this
i what are we going to be
what are you going to be
yo guys were we're in this bitz
we're in this brige
no fucking way they cancel my order fuk them dude
they waited all this time to cancel it too
bark you
do they cancelled my fuck and order
and they waited all this time
did we got the shit to work though
they cancelled by fuck in order
fork them piece of shit
forx an app
at least give me a heads up you goinga do some shit like that
hold on i'm gonna order something
yam ma can't catch a folk and break on food tell me about it dude
fo can tell me about it
now i got to order something else now
but it's going to take so much longer yeah i do not so fucking hungry you have no idea ho hungry
what is this
i feel like this is what we're going to go with right
ror now what do you guys think
to be a lizard u this is
this is sage he's a fucking reptilian this is fucking sage i'm not being a kejit fuck the kejitt feel like an imperial right like i'd be more an imperial m what should we be shrek should we shrek
i'm kind of covering it
with my scream i think we should be shrck you think the breton i don't want a jinxi gs n onan a superstition i have is that every time you make a viewgain character you will look like that in real life
i don't i don't know if i should do that here here's the omat
w it be an imperial h max waits and let's just do this really quickly biggest nose possible there we go this right here like this very long nose i don't know how to do all out of this is all too complicated
yeah it's fine that's fine how it change like the beard in the hair there we go here we go ready this is what we need the biggest one possible in the hair
wait i've done this so many times i've done this so many times i'm going with this i'm going with this yeah done name
we should have looked at spooky scary socialist channel
why was there
play is a furry
no let me think of a name let me think of a name
trying to think of her name
you guys want know where haz comes from comes from this this is where it comes from the lovecraft guy
i can't see shild though
honestly i can't see shap
this is terrible and you guys see this
youu s can see i can't because my brightness is low
i have to change my brightness on my screen hold on
ca we go
and then
and i think here ya
to turn my brightness up to like forty fifty and then save in return that's perfect this is i can roll right like i have a yeah i can roll
actually is ps
control it works
no it doesn't no better
never mind wait it does work
it does work
okay hold on
alright we'll just do like this
dark as foxs screen is it bad
settings display
that's the best i can do
oh you know what i need is i need au
don't have
allright let's just go to sleep
oh wait i got to talk to the
approach my ime
and choose were your new life
dude i'm not going on that lefty buru
focking on i oning on the
i was camping in the woods
i'm a necromancer
which one should i do
i'm a patron at a local inn
feku i should be a serial killer
should be like a serial killer
i was shipwrecked i feel like that's the most realistic point
you really like his communist depunking vid
oh really
feel there's something i'm missing here
o there's like i did this last year i think but what did i do there's like something you got to do
the heart
load preset
think there's something like this i had to do
something like this ya i think this was it
oh my god dude our viewers are dropping off crazy
go to sleep i can't do it i'm waiting for my food to come
rico rok
who's rico rop
would you come from do
i never heard of you
oh no
what is going onu
i need like a torch
ok you
i'm super
take this
take some tomatoes
take this
good for you
take some
some of this shit and
take all this
i'll take these apples
i must have been
last year
some time that i played this
foking law schol made me forget my whole past
this looks too new to be that old
so i must have downloaded all this
during quarantine sometime
how do i get out of here
a broom
take that book
should find a way to have a movie stream like watch one of these old soviet films
yeah i agree
i totally agree
and what is this fucking
do for me
being stuck here
what do i do
for you
ook at all this shit
what's the story behind this
little like dark sol
you have you mavery wory to a function where your mind is fortified against it
i think there's
more mods i gotta do
the heart key
this one
there we go
see this
can like you can
can do this
i remember that
but the question is how do i get the fuck out of you i go down here ok
i like it
fuck ou of
can going backwards
go backwards
guys ask me shit in the chat this is a good time to like ask me any questions you have
because this game is just
to pass time for you guys
i'm not really thinking about this game or
so ask meh shit in the chat
it's a good time to ask me
and what is this
so i go down here no i don't go down there
but i think i have to go here then
but i just came from
oh you know what
it's backwards i'm in the
bottom of the ship right now i got to get to the top of the ship
that's what's been going on here
i got to get to the top of the ship which is below
where i am now
oll ok now i understand
can you guys believe
um it's a puzzle like this
or what
like i just started the fucking game
and i ha have to deal with this puzzle
sorry i'm getting back to
about a cheat
i't si am but to cheat
thoughts on class reductionism
you know
my hol
thing about that is that
i feel like there's no such thing as class reduction is
i feel like there's can be opportunism when it comes to culture
some people are opportunistic
and to avoid
dealing with
the cultural reality and the sexual
like of the gender thing
not gender but like
you know women's rights and should
they'll use class to avoid it
but i feel you could never be class reductionist
and as for the race thing
there can also be opportunism when it comes to that
but here's the thing is that
i don't actually feel like
racial liberation you know whatever that is
i don't feel like that actually rests
on white people
you know
doing something i feel like
leftist should just realize that if they're going to tre if they're trying to be the leaders of the black masses
they're going to fail
and they should just stop doing it because it's crems they stop trying to do this cring
but yeah there is this kind of opportunism but i don't feel like
everything hinges on white
to do right
you know i just feel like
it's up to leftist to realize
they're not needed in the way that they think they're needed
go up then swim out i know but it's backwards like up is down because
the ship has crashed so i have to find out where to exit the ship
should i read capital
the bookstore close to me i think they have a copy of volume one
do you prefer
physical copies to
reading online
that would be my question then because you know it's available online
but if you prefer physical copies you can do that
i honestly am going to tell you though
that anybody who tells you they just know how to read capital right off the bat
is lying
there's no way to just know how to read
right off the bat
it's always going to be mediated in a certain way
so i think capital should get your mind rolling about things
but don't treat it as like this
religious authority
that's going to
that's going to
you know
clarify everything
should be
like don't worry about not getting it when you read it
you know because
the wrel ll capitals the o it's raight here with the fok so stupid
i are finally out of this fucking boat
sorry i
yeat don't worry about the whole
the whole yeah
capital thing
you're not going to get it that firs
i guarantee you're not
and no one does no one does
but so don't feel bad about that you know it's always something that's mediated
why do i have so many
waight points
whoa look at all issues
sword nice
nice nice nice nice
we're already going to be decked own
it's hard to read things on my laptop
's better with physical books
al righty yeah i can understand that
damn dude look how fucking different my game is from every
starter game
the graphic though
really helps make it easier if you can order a copy
the graphic
is a graphic copy of capital
and you know that
i heard that in britain they like published a graphic copy of the communist manifesto i heard of that one
so i have heard of them
i'm currently reading a biography about marx and his wife jenny it's kind of reassuring
did you guys hear about the chinese anime
about marks
is a good chinese anime
that's about mark it's kind of cool actually
and it's about his like
the young marxs and jenny and angles and stuff
yeah he was a procest inor do look at me i'm playing fucking video games twenty four years old
look how crazy my game looks dude
i must i spent like a day
getting it to look like this and quarantine i think
last year
i never played it after that
look how fucking crazy it is it's like every mod possible
saw an episode pretty good
yeah i saw the first episode i didn't see any other
i mlys s all the first
i told the stream about the enemy put oup by the c b c
finally made it on land
got a hunt
fock is wrong
my game just christ fk me dud i knew it
i knew it dude i knew it
i knew it i literally fuck int it
i knew that game is way too intense to stream
it always crashes
always fucking crash
always fucking crash
is that again
game always crash
always crashing
matter what
no matter what
that games going to fuck and crash
you know
that just how it is
just how it is in this bitch of a fucking
too good to be true i know right
fuk my p c dude every crashes every game
and i wish i could just play helo but the game is updating to fuck much
it's updating way too much
do it chusually do more like a movie game lore
analysis like you did for cag
i kind of want to do a halo one
halo is not work
it's like it's stuck updating you know let me exit steam
waiting for half life to shut down
dude ca and again
exit now you i got to exit restart steam
yeah dude cia sabotaging my shit
definitely sabotaging my ship
want to react to left to youtube
sure would you want me to react to
dude steam is such a piece of shit
honestly it is
c pu
why stuf task manager
oh i got to update my graphics driver
i shouldn't do that now should i
bread tus like eh m god video game analysis sometimes but
very d
yeah i know it's be right
aways doing like
well the capitalists are stealing the exploiting the labor
spooky scary socialst i think i've heard of them before and i didn't like them
i didn't like their stuff
you did i don't like the aesthetic
we watched this before actually on stream
we've watched onstream of
believe it or not
we've watched it on stream
we had to ege bomber guy eating tons of shey for a month but what it was
check it out
oh wait
all right let me
a measured response
do what if you what if he's like soy in the begin in the first place
you know
't abut
yeah dude i don't know i mean not to insult him but
i'm not sure it would have that much of effect
of an effect
you know
not to be mean but
uh i don't know if
it would do anything
anyway you know
ah i doubt it makes a difference for him but you know more power to prot cault has a new video
tho such a todd resons i n
i disagree with that
onh i' obtaining my drivers right now
let me take a secon
why don't you use ad block
you know i've got to we gota start thinking about
how to
how to um
sorry i don't wan to
i'm reading something while this is update
we've got to start
you've got to start figuring out how we're going to
how we're going to grow our
i think what we need to do is put out a new video
what you guys think
i think that's our issue is that we just need a new video
i think we need like a new small video you know
i don't know
it's back yeah we fixed it
for a second there
first second there i thought we'd have to cut a short boom nine people here but that's ok
and nine
so maheny people uped and left do they're all they're going to come back trust me
i'll coming in
everyone's coming backme back you can get you back in the streem guys ge back the stream go back the stream
being thistream guys
we're all coming back
alright um
dude skyrom was not the game to play againe was like too much for this sh
you know
they all go to cable
i'm fine with the fifteen
oh gjeez
why s you guys know like this is like the sacredt place like
you know
you don't have to leave but
please ok
i' really appreciate you
is not
but whether our govern
by them
dude if i was a fucking politician i would literally
have videos like this
on screen
and play music like that
i wish bernie was like that you know
i wish bernie was like that a lot
but you know it is what it is
is what it is
i tried so hard
be my son
we would
but in the end
it doesn't evenly matter
don't need any of our
b for us
the kind of
and moal
what happens to trump ude i kind of missed trump
he's gone
fs in the fs in the chat for trump guys
ebs in the chat for trump
he's gone
have a karaoke stream
no absolutely not
is a civil
okay guys tell me what you think about this
don't you guys kind of feel like
prolit calt
is just trying to be a marxist
adam curtis
you guys get that impression
because i feel i get that impression
you know i get the impression
and this is ust an adam curtis
type of guy
what do you guys think
with the nners
there was a
yeah y
i try so hard
to me rlf
it's just a chicken sandwich
ik adam curtis but i feel like it's a good nerty liberal people
it to me
was it an attempt to cling to power
but the
hop tm
sh the fock p dude they were they would lump in a p i not going to map mark his accent
this is what i mean by
failed marxism dogmatic marxism
sorry but anglo marx
you're calling them
okay so when
when you like them politically
it's it's true proletarian anger
but when you don't like them
their petty bousgeois
and they're lump in
you can you can to it doesn it doesn't matter at this point you can literally apply it to any
you know
what's up with marxism is this this form of moralizing
what's up with this shameless moralizing
this is what we're dealing with
pull it call
tells you what you already see when you turn on c
but he tells you it in a pretentious and es soo to your ex sounding way
yeah some of them that came
di were rich
who did they represent
is actually the question
when you individualize everything
the only people they represent
is themselves individually
but when you think as an actual marxist
and' not an essoteric c n n called proolit call
you realize
that representation matters
in the hinterands
identify with these people
they seem that's us
doesn't matter who they are individually
if they're rich or poor
it actually doesn't matter
who does this represent
symptomally you can discern
that the way these people were being treated by twitter and everyone
they could clearly see in this rioters even if every single one of them was a billionaire
the way they were
appeared as and retreated
was that they were
the working class why because when you go to a
working class place in america
wide working class
the country
drive up north in michigan
you can see
that these are
that's w these type of people are there trump supporters and yeah
i want to debate this guy
true revolution is calling the feds to anyone who hates the status quo
i know dude what's up with that
what a weird combination
factory workers realtors moneylenders
sounds like
maybe the whole point is that this is a completely fake incoherent
bullshit class analysis
i can debunk this fake
class analysis
two second
plenty of realtors
and there's plenty of money lenders
and so on
who are also
rushiagate gy trump
the difference is actually whether they're institutionalized
big city parasites
or whether
they're outside of the institution
that's the fucking difference
i should debate this guy
how is it more explicit
then what happened in ferguson
under obama i disagree with that
what is this guy fucking talking about
trumps holl stick
prolts called adam curtis
two point zero
his whole stick
was that it wasn't the black people who were responsible for the riding in the summer
it was white antifa
people like you
for your
adjacent p
they would shine the light on you like raccoons
can't hide behind black people
it was you white anti for white leftists that they had
in the undermine
they were right it was you guys
it was mostly you guys
you went into black communities from the suburbs
and from the cities
and you started shitting everything up
and then you went back home
and the black people took the blame
you didn't do that in your own homes in your own neighborhoods
in your own communities
this video is pro establishment ass licking
complete sham
disguised as au tc marxist
adam curtis
bluffing bullshit
what a stupid video dude
we you
were the true andt establishment guys because
you didn't do enough
to stop
this scary people from storming it so
it's like
you were
you police were not policing enough
and that's why we're int to establishment because
why didn't you prevent this
what a rebel dude what a rebel he's blaming the cops for not copying the nove
exactly jennifer
but they want you to forget all that
including probly called the fake marks
whih on
yeah they hate the gametop thing too and they call them petty busgeois traitors
set of
sweat of the brow
graduate student
social meda
pu it called trump a post modern fascist
what a loser dude
do they not represent white supremacy in some way
base mano let me ask you a question
in what way do these people represent white supremacy
more than biding
as far as i'm concerned the are less white supremacist and biden
because they went to storm the capital of white supremacy globally
and i applaud them for it
fuck i don't be bad but
i'm sitting back and i don't care if they do it or not let them do it i don't give a fought
i don't give a fut
biden is more white supremacist to me than these people
it's white supremacy anyway base mango
the question is
whether you're pro establishment
or ante established
they're both white supremacist but the only reason these people are more open about it
is because
outside of this fake establishment which pretends to be something it's not
what's really foo you're eating it's a chicken sandwich
grill chicken saldonch
trump is like a living critique of these people exactly dude
it was worth it seeing billionaires of the should on c n b c i know
this is just more blaine white supremacy based maingle you'd be surprised
how much that's not true
for example
there's a lot of minorities in the proud boys
if there are neo nazi explicit
blatant white supremacist
i bet you anything they're in the minority
i know trump supporters they're not like that
don't let c n n
convince you
that that's the case because it's just not
they are one hundred percent in the minority
bd and forty year old politician
had a legal president ol norm people
yeah dude i know ud biden is the real right white supremacist
there were elements of white supremacy youre right
but we do live in a white supremacist society that's nothing new
the only new thing
was that
the bite in consensus was shititting bricks
why should i be shooting brikes like pullet called
be scared and speak
spooky music wo
who gives a fuck dude
what's the reality of that food
chicken it's a groll chicken sandwich do
by the needs of fake president
shadow president
he's like not even real he's like ca he's like a fucking behind the scenes
it was sung all a sudden certain leptes are trying to protect the sacred democu
is the fucking suckers du
buck a losers
alexander literally everyone i know internationally was celebrating the riot
in the capital
everyone i know from any international background
was celebrating it
base mango no i don't agree with working class declonization i don't even know what that means
basemingle to me
when i see that phrase decolonization
in the us
what i see
is university
figures trying to impose power on people
and trying to socially engineer people
i never see it a is like what they're trying to portray to
you know
the whole settlers thing
by jason i
i wiped my ases with it jude i have nothing to do with it
yeah i'm afraid you gett in this woter ban territory same
jason ki settlers just an excuse
to sustain
your parasitical anti social urban
and professional managerial
position against the majority of the people in the country you're living in
that's the truth of settlers
i am a minority
in a sense
muslim i'm muslim very muslim
and very arabic
and even i recognize
it is a completely disgusting thing
to side with the white establishment
against the majority of the people in the fucking country
in the name
of opposing
settlers and opposing
that shit like that
and trust
i know for a fact
that the white working class
is very islamophobic they are very islamophobic and i'm muslim
does that mean i side with the white establishment against them
then why have i mostly heard from it from indigenous working class people
the reason based mangle
it's called social capital
people from minority background
like myself
have to opt
but one of the options they have is to use their background as social capital to impress
they're mostly white peers
in institutions and academies in the city
if you go to one and reserve
of indigenous people
who are outside of the academic bureaucracy and in
intitutions in the
the democrat machine
you'll find settlements
and reservations and tribes
that are pro oil
because they want to dig up the oil on their own land
you'll find those type of people
you'll find a diversity of different types
you know
this is a country where's doggi dog you do anything to get ahead
and people use their background as minorities including people from uslim backgrounds just like me
people with my background
they use it
to climb thehead
on the social career let
scanceally i don't give a fuck it's one hundred percent the truth
they use it a social capital hundred percent the truth
this is truth
and respect the hostle i respect the hostle
but i do not respect
me taking it seriously is like the truth
because it's not
no don't read settlers
don't read that dumb as book
why do you think white radicals
love fetisizing the most marginalized possible people indigenous people
because the more marginalized people are
the easier they are to control
the more marginalized they are
the easier they are to control
people are not marginalized and they have independence
and they have they're running their own shit
you can't control them you can't
you know
speak on their behalf
and use them to hide behind your own flaws
and incompetence as an individual
but should we never care about deconization but what do you mean by that
i don't know what you mean by
he has
some more questions no problem
i watched somelse video on the unknown culture revolution
yaes sure ask away the
mango most of the time what people mean by decolonization
virtue signaaling and more political correctness and more
changing the name of a state
from michigan to some oginal native american name
and honestly i am
indifferent to it and i find it kind of
whats the
a pooror thing to get other than mox's theory
freud and heideood
like why not federate and expand the reservations including them like soviets or something
because the missing element based mango is the native americans themselves each tribe is different
i agree that a
communist movement
or new populist movement
should ally with
ally with them sure
but you can't just call them indigenous people
each tribe is different must be taken seriously on its own terms
and based on its own particular situation in
demense but ally with them sure
all anti establishment forces should be together
but can this be
subsumed under some broad brush called declonization no
no i don't think
it's not rooted material and
you're right
purely cald
ok aals and i'm going to look at your comment
which video was it
which video was it
so this is rays comment
i think neither us yeah no i think neither are standing still
this is kind of up higegers alley the object
is living
and is in front of the subject
disclos itself to the subject so you're kind of on to some
it's not quite clear
you fail to see the point for lack of better word i guess i coud do more solidarity but
no you we're not trying to abolish to say things ray marx never used that word abolished use the word off feble
is hegelian word
comes from sublay
makes perfect sense and i understand your question
the point is
that when we speak about material reality we should know
that we're talking about something beyond
threshold of culture
and we're therefore talking about something we cannot directly
after effect whether in the sense of abolishing or transforming or anything like that
yeat i understand the marks
the marx quote
but marx isn't implying to change it in his volunteistic sense
that most people think he he mean
for marx it's also that
the world is changing
you know
and how do you change the world is another question
another quote from marx is that men and women enter into relations completely independently of their will
marx is very clear that revolutions happen in history
in a completely non volunteeristic sense
so what does he mean by changing
he doesn't mean
voluntarily change it
the point of the vid basically
is to respect the gap
between culture and material reality
respect the gap and just be at peace with the gap
be at peace with the fact
because you have two options right now
two options
two options
you can either
continue to
hate the masses
they're never going to be culturally pure enough
or you could just give up and just
be at peace
that the fact you're never going to bridge the gap
there's always going to be
a difference
post colonization is a better framework
base mingle i'm against this universalism i'm against speaking for everyone
who are why is why is there something called postcup like for who is it a better frame
it's a question for those people themselves
it's not a question for
of all stripes
to be concerned with
yes ray
but there's a discontinuity between
that's the issue of subjectivity and marxism
hey who are the workers where the people
how do we marxist
relate to them
in their objectivity or their subjectivety
that's the question
yeah colonel aut of autism is one hundred percent right i'm going to
in that
i completely agree with that dude
there's a book about china called
yeah i don't want to project my vision into them i just want to figure out how to allow them self determination
we have the sometime the best thing you could do is just
realize your own limitations like what can you do to help probably nothing
probably nothing
you know
the best thing you can do for indigenous people
as a white person
is to seize agemony over your own people
to seize a gemany over your own people
you cannot
pedal anti social
an anti popular
things like se and the settlers stuff
you have to win your own people that's the best thing you can do for indigenous people
whin your own people
then you can
have deals with them
win win deal
just like how china where you know
do right by them
if you don't have power
what good does that serve them
like in standing rock
all these white kids ran to standing rock
basically harassing these people
what good did that do the indigenous people at standing indigenous you wasre standing rock what good did that do
those white people
would have been better served
seizing power over their own people
seizing leadership of their own people
then you're actually in a position
to listen to the
needs and demands
of the indigenous reservations
so sometimes i
exactly alexander
yeah base mingle
it's never good to be guilty
being guilty for your own background serves no one any good
if you read fenceion no i haven't
i knowready
two days
sometimes i like one really really big
rely really good
and just
i was about
every meal
singer how
and i went ofuf a fishing
soon as i got home my immediately
i realized what i was doing was i
being so
regd in exactly what i was eating that i was training my body to met
the assurce
you know what i mean
do with
what do you mean i didn't see your previous comment
it doesn't show me everything
one said guys
i'm going to put some clothes in the washing machine
there back once s
uh i've never really eaten anything metany or tofu we
one was after when went in
aage bumber so is a classic one
and ofronology is a little bit more complicated the more davis aren and his science advisor looked p on the internet five minutes speaking of david he actually left a comment on the last video that i want to read down how you go your se like a wom imagine being almost forten years old like b close to the halfway point of the cosmic human miracle that is your life the war that you get
and spending it arguing in the comments internet i want to be a sory for das but it's just to funny actually hom like a parody somethingy it's real the fact i had to check to see that i was just the parody of davis probably sas a lot you know when i came up with that character that was sort of making fun of people like him but s actually him
a couple years agoo have a few months ago check channel and every day is looking on a slightly microwave like the matrix reviewing the even online like on undrey so right now
what's good in the hood everybody service to push the te look at them and look at your problems i would say the point of march is to free yourself and other people who are no power
i don't know do i don't know ill worded that way oright i don't know if it worded that way
on shube video
enough hel
so for the sort i basically took everything that was need
eggs or dairriy
replace it with some kind of
one second b r one second one
all the real thing and
tons of
so you
i don't actually drink that much ilk normally i think thh
rubbish but in coffee
have no
so i would like
takes a really nice b
that was the first thing i noticed
soimilk has a really like nice i avoided all the vegetarian food that i made stuff
go fuds like
a lot of food as hormones true
i was anti game game for a long time
when i took feminist concepts from sociology onant to one and use it to argue against gamers
i also w
k w and
the initial barrier to tll
toko when it's nacent staate
smells a little bit weird
you have to drain
get all of these
you have to put in a lot more effort just to get
however people usually use that as a way of
actually after doing some looking into this on the course
i realize
mazy makes you much mo you find has been google vegan bodybuilders i don't buy it dude
something's wrong with that eight
take some fucking steroids or shit obviously if you're vegan
col do any
dude all bodybuilders have to take steroids so it doesn't matter if you're vegan or not
it's like whe white folk would apologize to you are racism
i was younger and i would have to remind m my parents are immigrants from africa
s really fun
white guilt does nothing yeah i agree some people can eat blue and others can' i can eat he su puerto rico is interesting yeah i mean that's a more that's a more like direct example of decization you know
it's actually meaningful in that case because yeah puerto rico can is is politically in a weird state with america it is pretty much a colony so it means something you know yeah bread is bad for you bread makes digests slow yeah bread's not good for you
marx did not consider communism a moralistic venture you're right he didn't
hold on enough
that will make it a little bit bet
bread brain sprayed with
yeah dude
this man's neck is long
in some way
you can't just cut a bacon size
twice off ag
for it
that will probably
dude what is up with
the soy conspiracy
this is like now i'm going to have some soy to hey hold your horses
hold your horses
hold your horses
i feel much better on a plant diet
press x
to doubt
press tex to doubts
i doubt that do
nothing nothing like eating meat
are you kidding dude meet
makes you feel alive
makes you feel human
the feeling of eating meat
nothing compares to that dude
nothing compares to me
i compared the meat of home fed chickens and factory chickens
yeah you're right
i mean yeah organic is obviously better
soy and cok sertive are right wing insults
people who are beholden to capital what
alexander i thought you were based
a you sound like a left ca
soy is disgusting i don't believe it's a right wing insult
then i'm a right winger that dude
is bad
to me at least i don't want to go near
but takes the
if you quit me long
enough meat is fucking gross no it's not due
think you are ignorant on that subject
no not
nothing will convince me to never sus that me
dud to i'm sorry mat j but every vegan i've ever met in my whole life
was extremely unhealthy looking
and they didn't seem like they have
the same health
all right
non g m o soy is bad
my my diet is car reavy and i have wiring deficiency and
nothing beats chicken doo chicken and steak
know you call people like big red sord
who's that
you heard of the win to the control fiscal big
big bankers were chosen to oversee
the national debt payment they do austerity but in their last
analysis they said was on pi
i went through all that way protein shakes
i do drink a lot of weight protein
they still stay in their salaries come from local fed
even through their fed agents
i'm going to admit i your talk
yeah you're right there's both very healthy and unhealthy people on both sides
howes make you want to eat some meat now dude
burns chicken
near birns chicken
it's like what compares to that dud what compares to that nothing
steak with red blood
so i want to discuss you guys
or vegans
sorry guys you guys missing out
lamb dude
the has king kong diet o
actually gorillas are vegetarians
to be fair
they suck and couldn't refinance
how can you pay debts with no infrastructure investments but nr lives are retarded vampire
if you don't like meats triy beans lentils the'll never compare to never the'll never compare
traditional oken islands have the lowest me diets and highest folk life expectancy
but they did eat fish probably i bet you they et fish
bet you eat some fish
i bet you they eat fish
fish is good for you
meates need as long as you know it's fresh
you don't
can't argue with your beliefs i was like you but i change o after years of re
but i think my problem with vegans is i feel like
ninety percent of the reason is because
they believe in animal rights which i don't
and they like they feel bad for animals
who are eat
and i don't
and i feel like when you take that part away from it
they don't care about anything else
you know i feel like that
hating the fact that
eats animals
feel like it's morally wrong
is the
reason why
suddenly veganism is more health
wle it's not more healthy you were just looking for excuses
to justify
not eating
because they're cute
i never like steak chicken is good pulper was good but most portat in't por
very little fish
very very little fish
yeah exactly
you have to have some
you have to have some meat
don't have as much as me
but you need some
got two years of being a vegetarian and i felt
i just felt like trying
i'll never try that
you should learn how to cook vegan food that's for sure
takes a lot of time
i avoid buying meat because it destroys the planet w wereer anything except war will fok the planet
yumstick i want to go to dude you're not going to save the planet
trust me you'or not
for just adjust to the apocalypse don't try to stop the planet being changed
it's going to change and yeah
no one can stop
whoever is most fit to adjust to it will win
youumstick i wanted to go to this michell and star steakhousees and coworkers but depend on the kids
fuck this pandemic man
because rights aren't marked
it's also because
people don't realize that the enimal world is a brutal fucking place
and that you should eat animals
to remind yourself
to be humble
because a thin line separates us from animals
the animal world is a sick disgusting and brutal place
do the animal world is a really fucked the place
trust me
we should eat animals to remind ourselves of our humanity
ha show out the video romy gag by anti
i'm vegan
and yeah i do feel bad for animals
but that's not what i try to focus on personally
i know to make vegetarian meals poinanimals but i still going to eat me
try to focus on say environmental impact material facts
you know
i don't know do you
the whole environment thing
i feel like it's a cold
i feel like
the environment will change
there's nothing anyone can do to stop
i'm ing acceleration this
no you can't stop what's happening o
due to the arctic poles are melting
and more will is being revealed
and i don't buy that we're in the post oil state
i just don't buy it
i don't buy a dude
so i want to know your position on mal rights
there is not
i mean
my position is that there's no
i'm vegetarian
i focus on the fact that most meat are extremely processed
magic i'm very much
in extreme
have a person
i don't believe animals have right
i don't
sympathize with him
i mean acute
and i don't
hurt them
i would never
for example let me ask you a question majane
a baby infant baby and a puppy
would you even think about saving the puppy before you save a baby would you even think about it because if you would even have to think about that
there's something about that it's really sickening
immediately to save the baby photo puppy
save the baby you know
plan based ice would change the world for sure
yeah we'd lose our humanity we'd become monkeys
soy farming is also bad for the environment
you can't save the environment there's no way around it
if you worked at the d a for quality assurance of food would
be able to live with yourself
diffent story you are living a comfortale life in western society you are not in brutal nature what your point magic what your point
you should be actually you should be reminded that your western society
rests in a brutal world maybe they should be reminded of that
what's your point dude and magic
i have such a hard time
buying your arguments
because i know for a fact in lebanon if you try to make them go gan
they will literally
send you home in a body bag and they would probably eat you
go if you told lebanese people you have to be vegan
oh my god dude
they would
balking kill you
if you tried to impose that on them
and that's true for most third worlders in general
meet to such an indispensable part
of what it means to be a human
for the majority of people in on this world
that if you told them you couldn't need meat anymore
it would eat your ass
i think yout of food is made
dishes i like eating look
for me whild animals are way more healthy than fact
yeah i couln see that
even technology depends on extreme resources
exactly there's no way to save the environment
i don't buy it if you feel it's a cold
not some vegan activists in that
animals are come bys in nature but actual animal
factories are he
we created civilizations to get away from the harsh animal world
it's super harsh
it super
what's your opinion on best quality control food i don't know i know nothing about it sbands and animal rights is the right to eat them
that's exactly
i despise beging misanthropes always go about evil humans yeah
for need be font i feel ant van pe people are the most addicted to animal foods and just try to rsh
what's your point to
that's like saying i'm addicted to fresh air
yeah i'm adict
fresh air
i'm not going to get on
i'm a human being
part of my humanity
make more efficient farming methods and check if the production methods promote
i feel like
an agriculture revolution
would be decentralized
and more insensitive
kind like how china does it
hitler almost banned meat exactly
are you in lebanon
know but what's your point
when vegans try to say the argument of first world that's what i'm talking au it makes no sense
literally the only people who care about veganism are fucking privileged people in the first world
sly the only folking people who give a shit about animals
are people who are too fucking privileged
to have to care about human beings
wo you have to feels get re get your brother thinkbout that
do think about that
themong good they because they've shut off their humanity because they're so privileged
they only care about animals now
the mongolians have a very meat based diet of thou it's probably based on environment
same with the bedroouin
and other nomadic
they basically be humans with less than evean animals i know d because they're arrogant
i know people from love and unlove
that's sood up
i'm a chicken murdering consumer
most soil is produced for animal consumption bad arguments
all right
gieno most oppressed species e plants equal soil
yeah i know that
soy is being consumed by these animals and one way or another it's making me more
soyish and estrogenic and i can't get around that
and that's fine
i can't do anything to stop it i wont
n t vegan vegan are both bad copes
vegetarian third way
i just don't care about veganism dude
i'm not the one who brought this topic up
wish i knew how to hunt
hunter seem to have so much fun
yea i'd like to do that too so if the environment is fucked and a die off is going to happen what is the point
it is inevitable
it's a good question
it is inevitable
it is inevitable
mongolians would die if they tried to become v i'm also i'm not a climate sceptic there's a lot of things that these climate alarmists are making up and they're exaggerating that's why they said the world is going to end in twenty twenty and here we are in twenty twenty nothing fucking happened every decade they're like it's going to end in five years and in five years nothing happens
i'm going to die if they try to bec conevenient so i'm san kito
raising livestock always take more energy and water although i a grew the first ld began the point
but social conceert is appropriate
ya but
do you realise how much
is bundled up in meat compared to fucking vegetarian food
that's the reason
it's much easier to eat meat than to eat like for one little thing of meat you need like this much of rice you know
exact we are privileged to stopping a pussy face the reality of food you eat
no because privileged people are doing what you're doing
i'm down with the people you know son i want to eat my combobs and shit
face the reality of the food you eat i am
you do that so individualst
i'm so sick of the individual is
you know
like i want to individually control all the things i mean you can't
it's out of your fucking hand
people in florida eat i wuanas
yeah dude i heard gators taste like
chicken and fish combined
soy has no extrain that's b s law i don't know du i don't buy that
feel like soy
turns people into
you know i mean
what oh god know
no one saying the climate is going to end
and who are those extinction rebellion people who only fucking talk about that
no skatas a things are worse
the world is going to end
we adapt and try to survive like humans always do but that's what we do yeah i agree
think pets are different though because they're so human eizes like their extension wre so
i feel like it's weird to pet
in america with dogs
super weird
it's super weird
and it creeps me out
and there's other minorities i talk to
and they're also creeped out
by the obsession with dogs in america
super creep
super creep
you know like every apartment i live in now everyone has a fucking giant pit bull in their apartment
you really need a big as dog if you're just living in a small apartment i feel like if you have a little farm and some land
then you can get yourself
a big dog so we can run around and
kind of makes more sense
why does everyone need a fucking giant dog
i like to maintain the animal ppulation so i can eat or maintain resource stability
f you can look up nutrition content of foods as s
it's your point
collectivist individual
i know do
being vegan will be cheaper when met prices go up in america
even if we reduce our meat consumption meat will always be a part of humanity
city roosevelt style environmental engineering
mean i don't know if you can engineer the environment but
you definitely can't stop
what's spen started
climate disaster is theferent from the world ending in two thousand and twenty four yeh
but the disaster is inevitable so the the thing you' got to think about is
who's best equipped to adjust to the disaster i think china' is best equipped
to adjust the climate disasters in the us is the worst equipp
and it is what it is
so i say learn from china but maybe it's too late now and we can
the important thing guys isn't changing the environment it's changing people
i want to try nutria i saw document about them i wonder what they taste like
doct sid they were lean heth
fock teddy rosevelt why he did this national parks thing
thinks you are buying it is
is a stopa le
yeah i agree with that
climate disaster is more hurricanes
yeah true
bes i a lot of other things to you're right
you got to adjust to this new world
that's the only world
climate skeptics are more realistic th the climate alarms
very true alexander
very trump in your
the trigger people
trigger new people
pobles are cool people use them as a col
and they're also dangerous to it i'm sorry they are fucking dangerous
pit bulls are falking dangerous dude
they are so fucking dangerous
there's very few pit bulls i met that weren't super fucking aggressive and before you say it's just because people raise them the wrong way
it's literally white people
who are
and innocent whites people in these fucking hipster type people who have these pit bulls and their pit bulls are
really aggressive
yeah dude pit bulls are dangerous
i'm sorry they're dangerous
that's a that's a
pack dog and know i'm saying
then a pit bull will run
and rip a little girl's fucking face off
and then dog lovers will be like oh little girl was provoking the dog she deserved it fuck them do
but to trigger a lot of people but
that's a dangerous dog
it's a dangerous dog
climate change will harm the third world more than the first world
i don't know about that
maybe not
don't underestimate how unequipped america in the first world is
they're really on equipped
you could raise meat
production centerds and make gyms and nutrition some people
sol i so flow combined to wester interceptions of the body and cause either weak a gener antit
i feel like soy causes mantids you know what i'm saying
pet worship makes that i don't trust scientific studies i trust
i trust instinct and i trust feeling
i don't trust scientific studies because they always are changing and they always leave a lot of shit out
so when it comes to me individually i'll trust my gut feeling over these studies that are incomplete and
never quite
thorough enough
pet worship makes collective because
not just plant pigeon peas
yet china is doing someing substantial
you want not change they stop othering the environment
what you mean
pets are said farm animals are better because you need something out of it
he has with su daniels i like my dogle there's othing wrong with that
but if your dog is like killing kids and shit
your dog need be put down
wouldn't you agree
while teddy roosevelt was an imperialist and di environmentalis in the worst way possible
yeah but imperialism you're kind of using it in a moralistic way
you know who cares
that's kind of like a subjectivis
view of imperialism where it's like a
an insults or it's an adjective
that's moral wrongdoing
you know
it's not really what lennon meantal
like he presided over an imperialist country and an imperialist era
of the country
pigeons are pets wre most let out
i know he's an imperialist law
it's also gangsters and dougs and shit from the hood
yeah yeah that's true you're right
but here's a thing right
is that they don't pretend that pit bulls aren't dangerous
they precisely are buying these poples because they know they're danger
you know like yes my dogs my dog has teeth you know i'm saying my dog bark
don't talk with me man
doggae dog world that's that's why they're getting pibles
when i see
you know like white girls get these pit bulls and their poples are attacking and mauling children
kind of pisses me off like own up to what you're buying
if you're a thg and you're buying a pit bull you're own up to it
you're saying this is my dangerous dog you know don't fuk with me
when you're this kind of middle class person adopting a pit bull
you know and the people was dangerous
a community
and you're making excuses
feel like it's like owning a gun but not taking responsible
shooting peop
he did it't just takeway lan
you're making the human nature communism argument but about pit bulls
animals are different from people do
peoples are very dangerous animal
their temperament is different
they do have an h
they do have a nature do
they're bred for that purpose
i'm a licentalist and i even think that
you know
maybe you could
they could be trained by specialists to be different
not a not right off the bat right off the bat i feel like pit bulls are aggressive animals
all these super hard
they are dangerous to the super dangerous
like i like pibles peo who actually seek them out as a breed creep me out piples were bred to be fighters exactly jennifer they were bred to fight bears i just feel like
you can have a pit bull but just be responsible for what you own
you know what i mean like just be responsible for it be responsible for the fact that your dog is potentially dangerous don't be like just because it's nice to you it's going to be nice to everyone else it's not true
the antloon
confederation was the reason cuba the domican republic rebelled wanted to make a n
that's fine
i read dogs are scary especially when people keep them in small flats
feel like i voss was weacon he would say itre was harm reduction
probably dude probably
america spends too much on imports
global supply chains got wrecked it's going to be a great depression all over again
seems like we're headed for something like that your arguments against pit bulls is pure moralism
i feel like it is kind of more at morality
i'm aiming at full metal but i'm speaking
personally i come speaking in terms of personal human dignity
sorry personal human decency
it's kind of weird to call it moralism
when i'm just saying like personal human decency i'm going to look down on people
who own dangerous dogs and pretend there's nothing dangerous about their dog at all and it's like a little cute puppy
just because it's nice to them
there's such a thing as nature though ya
roosevelt hated banks
humans are exceptional but
can reason
we must struggle against our nature
i don't know i just feel like pit bulls were bred
to do what they do
whether that's in their jans
or whether you can be a lysench was like me
can agree that right off the bat
that is a
bad dog
itblls can be worked dogs yeah
now dude i seen pitples that are super chill
yeah i have to
i have to more often than not
they're not super chill
roosevelt hated banks but love sugar bary
they're high energy string dogs you can harness energy in different ways
you have a base mangle you have to be very conscientious of the fact that you have a dangerous animal
and you like you need a training
very hard
you know
at least as far as wen i'm
where i live
fogs walk out with their peoples and
car tied as a toy yeah dude bee
a dangerous dog and dangerous people
they're about that life though they don't they don't they're not like these karens in the suburbs who are owning pit bulls that are maulling children and they blame the children
teddy helped the us out but he really swooed over his allies
spanish american war
is everyone talking about teddy roosevelt
the owner who can control it is ok
but they should know it's not a toy yes
big time dude big time
pets are not toys
it's a real animal
yes i agree with that dude it's a real animal
not a toy it's not a cute little
even though yeah
rai is so true dude
ray is so right about that dude even the most timid ones
they just explode tou their explosive in their temperament
one thing that makes me sad at big dogs that they develop walking
there are plenty of other similar
size breeds the same way
but there are plenty of other similar size breeds the same way
i just like feel like pits have extra stigma
what's because they were the're called pit bulls they were bred to fight bears just like jennifer said
that's the reason dude
they have an explosive temperament
yeah i guess the big dogs need good owners
same them
i always wonder and this is from an individual perspective personal perspective but i always wonder why someone would buy a pibull
unless you're about that life
i mean why do you need one for you know
i feel like i wouldn't want to big dog unless i have a big yard
and i have a big
a big plot of land
that the can run around it
or if i was a hunter
and it served a practical use
that's just my view
you've got to recognize their instincts and use them in a way that's got to become taine
i don't know dude i feel like
it's like you go on the internet
and you'll just seep
these old ladies
post pictures o their pit bulls
god look how cute my harmless little pit bull is ity wouldn't hurt a fly
well it wouldn't hurt you
but it would hurt other people
you know it would hurt other people
they need space to move around yeah
theyre boles can have the potential be sweethearts
ijust don't trust youwn them to make you hed a reality
yeah i mean
i feel like just people underestimate what they can do
has i'm loki ne to read some resources on my centle
let me show you an intro that i read the first
the gateway drug for me
was the cyber us asar thing
where was it
this is like a short introm
but there's also books we have in our
discord that i can find later
and give to you
but this is a good like
intro from a russian
russian source
yeah that's true about how skis
very true a us
are you scared to be coucked by a pit bull
dude look peoples can do damage i am kind of scared of him
but like
only internally i'm scared you know
like i'm not going to
be a bitch in real life when i see one but
i am going to like
i am going to like
go into defense mode when i see one
i shoot pit bulls onsde
what is the infrared discord hook me up
and one case ofs we're going to make a public one
not yet
what are licincles main theories
during this time
there was a back and forth
war between licenco
in the mendeliion
hardcore mendellion
the mendallions
had a concept of the gene
which was a metaphysical concept
people say the gene is the same thing as d a
that watson and crick discovered or whatever
that's a big myth
the gene as a concept predates the discovery of d
and they just said the d n a was the gene
that they were referring mendel's gjean
but actually now we know that's not true
very rarely does one genetic sequence correspond to a fucking
caught in his direct way
you know
we know that now
basically ly sencos whole stick
was basically this
the waight herredibility
is something
that is actively reproduced
by the metabolism the metabolism
of the organism
which means there's no static immutable essence that's passed down to the children
thing that's passed down is actively reproducing itself
why do dog woman take the dog pill
it is weird it's a weird
association isn't anyone smart should be scared of pit bulls they don'tw
very true generus
s saying the mind is the brain
yeah yeah yeah yeah in terms of the gene
yes yes yes yes
very true yes kind of i like that a lot based meing actually i like that
parison a lot
feel like yeah
yeah yeah i feel like that's
good one
it's a good way to put it
cigarette i put it
read this link this is a good intro
this is a good intro
but you goes did you guys know that geneticis today in china there's geneticis in china today
who take licenco seriously
and they say the west portrayed him
this chinese geneticis
this chinese lice licencle
people in china who are interested in licenseing
and russia too
and russia too
i'm going to be our back i'm going to put my clothes in the dryer dri back
when occupied
well if you think what how genetics sposly is there is there rules tw to create the next gene
genetics is bolsted
everything they teach you about genetics is bullshit
think about what's the practical
reason we believe in genetics
like why
why do we need a genetics to explain it
why do we need the paradigm of genetics
to understand what's happening at the level of d
at the level of microbiology
why is genetics as a concept
necessary for the understanding of microbio
is my question
because every time they're looking for
a direct phenotype that is directly genetic
they always fail
twin studies are bullshit
heredibility studies are bullshit
they're all bullshit they can't be reproduced
there's no practical use
so would a lysink was say about f a genetics they would say
that's what we were talking about man
alicenqust would say that epi generics confirms license
genetics affect behavior you've got to create an environment where best traits
a thousand years of genes coming into being from he to exist
the problem with genes is that the basic idea of a gene
according to licencle is that
the organism is just the nutritive soil
around which
which forms around the gene
and le sinco said no the organism
is actually
the main site
and the gene is actually something
that's a reflection of that
singple thought genetics was a metaphysical theory
when he was right i think
honestly yeah mendels theories have been literally disproved yeah dude
do what they call modern evolutionary synthesis now
is a complete contradiction
there's so many it just
it's not a coherent theory it's just a bunch of mishmash bullshit
because they can't reconcile the new discoveries
redeem licencle
with their archaic metaphysical garbage
to engineer recoming host to produce medicines jet fuel
and consumer products
yeah but why do you need jeans
you know what i mean like what is a gene
specifically what is a gene
because it's not a sequence of d a
because that's way more dynamic and complex than a gene
darwinism is not against genetics but darwinism is against the distortion of genetics
and the fascist utilization of genetics
how does genetics and one person dictate
down to thousands of linves of people
you know what's so so much boalsted about genetics guys
would generic still be like
it all runs in the family right so if you're a genius and everyone in your family's a dumb mass they're going to be like
they're going to find someone
who's related to you who's smart and they're going to be like that's the reason
but pretty much everyone has someone they're related to who the're too smart
so it's like
it's so it's like a fucking tautology
has a say you a funny video about whit women and dogs through twitter is it s f w
genes make up your body' got to recognize it
try to void stuf thaty can get you sick
everyone is unique
that's what you mean
and that uniqueness also reflects at a micro biological level
the problem is the site of determination
so the lines dividing genes and gene expression is just an anglo bo
pretty much
so is genotype and pheno type a dialectic between contest and form me yes
the relationship between microbiology and the macrobiological organism
is exactly that
and saying the sight of determination is at the level of the gene like dwkin selfish gene
is no more meaningful than saying it's at the level of the organism
lysenco said it was at the level of the organism not the gene
how can i piss
pass on my gene
you have to jack off in the sok
mail it
the present
then wole approve
he'll approve
he's going to send it to the lab
one of the atomizing the other looks like a mechanism
there is those who cae so scientists that produce nothing and come with bogus adventures
just read the titles and ol the i did read the title i saw
thing is that if your son of a genius but all you do is stream booze and not learn stuff
in my line of work people manipulate the genome epi genome transcrip to engineer the aforementioned recombined host
produce medicine
jet fuel consumer products
so i was curious
yeah i'm not denying they're doing all that
i just
for practical purposes right now it's not that
much of a different
whether you call it a gene or not
the way people talk about genetics today is definitely metaphys
like when they say for example your genes are root the reason
you know for something
they're talking about
like let me give you guys an example
the best example and i know this person
from my experience
when you go to the doctor's
in a doctor's telling you
it's because of your genetics
the doctor is just admitting that they're too incompetent
to actually understand the specificity of your problem
and saying it's genetics is a self fulfilling prophecy because no matter what happens they're going to say gen
you know
they tried to tell me my insomnia was genetics i know my insomnia isn't genetics
because my insomnia was triggered
by a specific thing my law school exams i've never had it in my twenty four years of life
i know that sight of determination is not the gene when it comes to things like that and yet doctors will come and tell me oh what's probably genetics every time i have a funlking problem and they can't solve it
they tell me it's genetics
well no
because they're using metaphysics to cover up their own limitations and it's fine if they would just admit
i can't help you
because this is a limitation of modern science
but they don't say that
they say it's genetics
and genetics is just the word they use
when they don't know what to falk and say
another example
is when people say
the reason all these people are going bald is because of their genetic
well guess what
guess what
that can't explain why people are going bald so early these days
potential there
environment and they're organ to use it
the actual s the mechanism of segregation and aleos and crossing over happen
like why did mende's results work for him
yeah yeah the cellular stuff does happen
i feel like what licencle would say about met met licencle wasn't denying that mendel had results
hees denying the way mendel explained those
did single series increase crop yield i think they did
actually i'm pretty sure they did
phenotypes are the better indicateor
no i don't
my sents
phenotypes are what they sell
meeet their phenomenal
right theyre just
that can be phenomenally apparent si was from was that yet to increase
numbers as well as meet the deadlines
i think lyicincle was slandered
and i think he was on to some
when people say they have strong means what does that mean it means they're just talking hocus pocus it's like astrology
i like when doctors do a ton of lab work notw when they just say it's genetics
we should ha stand still
doctor can't analyze your environment or personal cognition so they just say genetics exact
full metal why did you retract your mes
i'm going to put my clothes in the drer once i
on according to wikipedia le sin was basically a cause of hollador
dude wikipedian read it don't read those about licencle
literally all english speaking media about lif centcles lies and slander you have to look really hard to find the truth
you know how i found the truth about lsinco i looked at folking books from the forty's and fifties and sixties
because back then the western scientists
weren't as biased as they are now
and guys by the way
the west was corresponding with sincles ideas for a long time
but then after when the cold war started that's when they said oh it's all bullshit because they knew it was an idiological war
that's when they started saying was total bullshit
well they didn't even say it was total boster but that's when they sa that's when unanimously
all scientists were against lysancle only when the cold war started before the cold war
there were many scientists in america sympathetic to licencles ideas for political reasons lif cincle became
i'm hundred percent sure every by one year my industry
realizes the clkal uses of genus completely divorce what they're manipulating physical
dude daniel
i'm going to pin your comment i wish more people knew that dude
i wish more people knew that
more people should know that
daniel so right dude
the way your people are you the way that weord gene is used
is completely divorced from what's actually happening in physical reality
it's so much more complicated
i was piecing ouur blood in the doctor couldn't find out was going on
do doctors can only help you so i don't know why america worships doc
doctors are god
you know
good doctors just tell you you have shity lifestyle
traditional doctors know what they're talking about i'm sorry it's true
it's true traditional doctors will will give me something i can work
modern doctors
will only help you in an emergen
when you need like surgery
i used to be a hippie new ager so i don't want to fall for dumb shit but there's at least a lot of dumb shit in
yes there is a lot of dumption in western medicine
and there's a lot of very smart shit in traditional
not a wisdom
didn't mous say modern medicine chinese traditional medicine should be synthesized with modern medicine i agree with that
has away post godzilla
hors away pos that
holy shit you are still here
where did you think we went to no more live
guys on to play helo
now that we have thirty viewers wanting to play hallo
i have installed n i complain heo
gs on to play
honestee if someone isterested in medicine i'm seeing more and more of the in
competencies of modern medicine
yeah dude like they can rarely do shit i know but they're hyped up like they're fucking gods you know everything
crazy once you realize like
how little they know it's incredible
did i start ever talk about licentcle
no i wouldn't
i think this holistic medicine forver single asses pill popping guys pi
the nxtual scientific analysis
you're right cloninal autism you're right
cold war context makes sense
good afternoon from australia what up kitten commissre
we back to snakeis
dude i don't know dude i feel like traditional medicine
there's some merit to it
ca you explain what you'r
use or licincles view of what a gene refers to licincle view to gene as a immutable metaphysical substance
that western scientists were believing in for metaphysical reason
for licenco ajene
was basically the
the at the
immutable essence or substance of the organism
that determined what it was
and which yes only changes due to completely random mutations
lysenco said a the mutations are not completely random there's no such thing as a completely random mutation
and be
of the gene is not the
a mutable essence of the organism because an organism is a dialectic of the
meta metabolism in the microbiology
we need to synth thisis of the old and new yees yes please play halo
medicine with chinese here chris
heep talking about license
another masterpiece of state idiocy
ta playing a fortune for a car doesn't work but it's still a card umb
in't know what you mean
rex for announces so ness reson and tred to use it in a new deal but the more chicago s guys called the red rex is scientific
many such cases colonel autism many such cases
modern medicine is just like modern archaeology lots of unproven dogas
very true
react to a licental slander video i don't want to dodle trigger me too much
eyes will take
brain force
another angle on veganism
we are the most advanced species on the planet witht progress that you think
no because i don't believe we're the most vanced species how we most vance we're not the most advanced
human is qualitatively different from animal it's not that we're most advanced
it's that being human means something different from being an animal
but we're not more advanced a cockroach is just as advanceed as we are
people politicize science and refute data
opposed views yeah
rexford was to
base they told him start being governor
by centco cheek bones
k w
what is wrong with h bomber guys video i came to stream recently
i don't know where i don't know why we're still on this video we should play helo no
because it's a solt
the video sucks
actually very interesting in sitting moder science only recently look at microbiology within organism
they don't have they don't know what they're dealing with in modern science they don't know how to explain it
it works somewhat
but they don't know how to make sense of it or explain it
that's why they have modern evolutionary synthesis
which is a mishmash of a bunch of
contradictory ideas
let's just transition to hey
yeah i agree
on the jewish idea is important to read for the marxis you animals res humans
what about marx himself right
play hey along
yeah that's the start up heyloo
i'm down to start p some heloo
i'm ready to play some he
i'm ready to play somethame
where is it
halo the master chief collection
'm starting it up
my centcle modified his own cheek wounds to become ched
dude licencle was a fucking share dud he was the barefoot scientis
one why they call the barefoot scientists
because licencle came from a
hasnant background
he actually worked in those fields barefoot
he's a bucking vigorous
bad as model scientist in my view was licinc i love licenco
patron saint laicen what's your favorite inja turtle
i don't know
the one with the staff
oh my god it's playing on the wrong screen
helos playing on the wrong screen can you beliave it
options and career
go to settings
the other monitor
there we go
we're going to
game capture two properties
we're going to do
as it should
we're going to do
okay i gota do the
window screen hold on
same sed
and then i got to turn on window catch here we go it works
ya most scientists don't get the data themselves
ya dude
guys would you want me to play multiplayer campaign
multiplayer camping
didn't marx write about how scientific acqoir invancement are actually streamly limited
yeah more or less
more or less
yeah more or less
more or less
what you guys want to play campaign a multiplayer
campaign a multiplayer
how do you fend off anglo poison when learning in universities
dark warrior
completely divorce your mind
from what you learn
cv you know what i see the university as a game to see it as a game a video game
you got to get to high score
and just completely shut off any
you know i mean
find it very difficult
in the angle way as hard as is
i feel like when you do when you treat it like a game it becomes easier
multiplayer campaign
campaign bar analysis campaign
playm ping get mad
so the nazis think of generics like modern science those in the west yes they did
i usually just agree with whatever the professor says
i used to actually argue with the professor but the only reason was because i was forced to be in class
so i'd be like if i'm forced to be here and i can't stay home i'm going to i'm going to make it unpleasant for everyone
and i'm going to argue because i don't want to be here
experiments take effort
don't read the bible one for campaign two for multiplaer yeah i agree with that
one for a campaign
two for multiplay
one for campaign two for mo
i agree with
dude you guys are split down the middle
okay most people want multiple
yeat most you guys are probably zoomers
so you want me to play he will reach
ace think i
he l read
i looks like most people want
majority rules
how to do with college professors simply agree with them
people go to college in america
that's tough
honest to god i would mostly recommend it depends on how privileged you are if you're not privileged
i would go to trade school
go to trade school become an electrician or some
that you that will pay you good money
that will pay you good money if you go to trade school
trade school will pay good money
don't go into death to become a professional and waste your time
don't go into debt
in a
for your college
but i it's hard to tell people that because here's the honest the got truth guys this's my experience
most people want to go to a four year college
instead of community college and instead of trade school
because that's where all of the kids in the parties and the
chicks and shit are
that's the truth of it
you know
they don't want to be left out
and there's nothing wrong with that
there's nothing wrong with that dude
we're human beings
no one wants to be left out
but if you want my honest to god economic advice that's what i would tell you go to trade school
but i'm not going to
don't feel guilty for wanting to not miss out on that experience
because there's nothing wrong with that i can't
i can't
hold that against
the one thing i gree with concerns over is how much point is bullshit is taught a university it's all points bullshit and honestly is
i'm definitely not getting
but tory conclusions is the teach traditionalism which is bullshit
yeah dude
yeah you're right it's a false dichotomy
pleade false dichotomy
hundred percent
plet false
w should i play heble to anniversary
feel like big team battle
let' ust do this
is py
it is just capitalism character
is community college good yet community college was an excellent experience
in my view i love it
it was very cozy
all my friends went into the military
i just say i had a dream last night that i went into the military
it is super weird i had a dream last night that i did that
i re felt really free in college
i feel that dude
fe that
where did they go
maybe that's just capitalisms character
no you want to know the college pill guys people want to go to college and go on campus away from home
because college is simulated socialist society
think about it
simulated socialism
your food is paid for already
everything is within walking distance everything is nice and cozy and it's so social you have a lot of friends
and everyone's together in a community
you're all taken care of and there's a hospital
four and five suck i hate
i hate
five the most
five sucks the most
you feel free of college you just lazy i don't know about that du
i know college is long run i don't want to stay
just a bachelor
they want to make you real comfy yeah dude you're right you're right guardsm hundred percent right
the freedom of college
will i have to use my controller
wrong with this it doesn't work
i guess i fuse my controll
wely should i just i want to go to colleges not in the uus
s college is kind of fun
pretty fun
depends where the
same with the library how is this socialism i just explained
i went to a
big party collars
big time party college
i wish i could have gone to soviet college
dude listen
gys want to drop another pill
even though in the soviet union they didn't have a lot of goods
the most important thing for happiness in life is people
literally the biggest source of misery is loneliness
the biggest source of misery is not feeling like you have a community and you have people
w and no soviet
youth who were working in farms for the summer
think about when you were they were with their friends they were all together with the people they love
you know they were with their friends they were with
averyone all together who cares if you're poor dude who cares
literally the only thing that matters if you're human
is having people
it literally is the only fucking thing that matters who cares if you're poor dude
let's be poured together it's fine
you know
the only reason
poverty i'm talking when you have your basic needs in life satisfied
the only reason being poor
is like this horrible thing
when you have your needs met i mean like in the soviet union
is because socially in america
you're stigmatized for not having the latesth designer bullshit
or whatever like in school
but if everyone you know
didn't have to do the only thing that matters is people
they only care about it because of peop
i never got higher education so got a job really pity the burger step paperwork ofos it's a it's so worthless do you're right
depends on the college
like jesus he's not talking he's talking to non american scam collegs marriages friendships a stronger ericsons alban or socials ia got a job with my uncle and just skipped education i know a guy like that too
what the hell is a good college base
i could work with my dad make thirty dollars an hour what
walk to
thirty eight
in a way the appeal of american capitalism in the fifties and should is only substantially the material richs but the essence of the appeal is the way of life very true do very true it's definitely that way of life
i want to mak me
because i'm looking at sha i'm getting wreck
getting wrk
becomes retard of
do this game was my childhood
remember finball saying so because
had trade school integrated into
yeah dude
i feel like i would have been happier if i lived in a social
not even going to f
i don't care
i don't see know i don't really care about having
i care about
not going hungry and i care about being healthy
and i care about showering
and being clean
but other than that
you know
i just feel like i would be way happier
but i don't know may don't know
maybe i'm a wild west american and i'm too individualistic
i get he's getting wrecked while playing he's looking at chat
my dad always wanted me to be a professional for some reason
all immigrant parents want their kids
to be professional
all immigrants want their kids to be professionals
and let me tell you why because immigrants
have the plot of land mentality like
if you have a degree that's like your plot of land you can do anything with that's why they have the mentality because back home in the old country you have to have a plot of land and that's your solid basis in life your solid security
you know no one is just a proletarian you've got to have some security of life
so that's why they want people to get degrees and become professional
but it's kind of misleading
thisday age
so i'm getting a the green it's a suitcase
siviest we proession
the only meaningful reason to go to college is for one of three reasons dtor lawyer
is your third reason
just a doctor a lawyer it's all the funcky matters
be a doctor or be a lawyer
or an engineer sorry engineer doctor lawyer and engineers the only reason to go to college
honest to god
and even then i wouldn't recommend it like law school is the biggest bolllsit ever
but i got pret law i already got a prett law bachelor so i stuck with
ho a speaking to me on a spiritual level yeh you i understand all this
you know
is only three that matter doctor
lawyer and engineer the rest is a waste of time and your money
and yet
your wife
scholarship from sports
i don't know what that
random textuff
engineers are overrated
china is ruled by engineers you know
america's ruled by lawyers that's why we're a shitty country of parasites because a lawyer
asholes rules country
fock lawyers do
lawyers suck for every lawyer
china's ruled by folk and engineers that get shit done
america's ruled by lawyers that just interpret shit for a living
text of sure would a focus them
it's science technology
engineering and mathematics
technicians can do their job engineers only have prestige
i don't know how do we face the reality that cockroaches are more advanced than we are
houh no
i wanted to be an actor
those are dream jobs
you know you can f you can follow your dream job only when you have security
you guys want an example of this
it kind of depressing because everyony in my community foced on professional cares above all us
for example
i'm doing this streaming stuff right now
but i'm also in law school
why because i can't only thank on
being able to live from being a media personality in a writer
and all the stuff that i do want to do for a living
have to secure myself
no i can't just pu my dreams
i wanted to be a soldier as a kid me too
me too i actually did want to join the army and be a soldier not because i won't like the u s army
because i just want to wuit
be a soldier you know what i'm saying
chilld soldier
look at the profile of your local candidates
engineers over layer i agree
you think being a lawyer is a thing that exploded from liberalism absolutely
you think that being a lawyer is a thing i want to see chic can tend the
chicken tendis are kind of rolls
it kind of gross i don't like them
and see no idea what on ss you work on me sud see es
computer science fok i forgot that on
ya that will also pay
i will also yield the some good bucks
some good money
computer science
no i'm getting my mam whose cause i'm an individualist buk off worth off like make it back on my mam whose dude let me tell you guys something
the hal will reach in ha will forur mon
this askle questions
the halo reach and halo four mongoose are literally beautiful
i sorr no the hal with three mongos is so beautiful this is like two thousands era futurism and they didn't destroyed it i have to find one
think a cockroach be better at the scheme
all boz or volutions are started by lawyers
what's up composerly
college is a form of socialism because
most your needs are met so most the time you can be done do whatever you want to you the debt exactly
that's exactly what i meant
isacly i gota find out manglus so we can talk about the aesthetics of this game
this game is the most beautiful piece of two thousand and seven futurism this era of like the late two thousand forur two thousand and
do look at ow fuck and sickness is
look at our fucking look at our pictures on on our thumbnail this literal sci fi style is
sleek and fucking
futuristic guys what i'm talking about
well language be poop you about you b
ud table three is like one of the best scifi
think game
anything media ever it looks sick and it's such a beautiful feeling
you guys want to know what it might take on the halo
he's my take on the he will game
talk my heble now
youuys w't know what he was about
halo is a game made by new atheists
who liked richard dawkins
and like christopher hitchens
and halo is about the
threshold of
take modern
technology and madurnity at large
okay phac
with the reinvention of the sacred and the sublime
religion in the age of technology the covenant
that's what the covenant represents
halo is about the fight
from modernity
heavy machines in industry
to post majernity the covenant
the covenants vehicles are post modern literally look at fuck and deed buildings
and look at fucking
post what they call post modern architecture and shit
that's the covenant that's what they represent
that's what this wholl fucking game is about
i can explain it better
cut off
you know
phont to go too deep into it if anyone cares
suicide rate has a lots with isolation bad food diets due
all unhappiness and life comes from loneliness
no not that's not true that's not true
is that true
what kind of is true
because like if you have fake friends
and you have fake people around you who are not your true people
you are kind of lonely aren't
colleg jest feels like high school to me
very true youd have you seen college kids they all look very young
you look like high school isn't me
do you look at this guy named canine but cheek sixty nine
do this map
was from the legendary math pa
do let's do some vehicle architecture critiques
see look at this covenant vehicle see this covenant vehicle this is post madernity this is the new era
the new era
of the two thousands
and islamic fundamentalism
which is what the covenant were about
worst time in my life
do would let me tell you
um the worst time of my life was
was the worst time of my life
i' argue if you don't know how to be alone you got to be a very true composedly very true
very true dude
high school i was the fulking man now i'm nothing
d i was lo ky in high school and high school i was a low key type of person
you know i had my little friend group
and i stayed to myself and i had
that i knew
but i didn't
some covenants i started worsing the idea of the arbiter and throuw away that he w call high school was mostly trash i like high school dude
y i feel get jured
it ended really well
he will raise re part of the great journey of the elit was ude i'll never guys whenever i do a cultural analysis or
talk about a video game
i'm never going to give you some cheap marxist thing oh master chief represents the booze was and the arbiter represents the
i'll never for the colonial i'll never fuck and give you some bullsit
lazy shit
you know
that's not a real analysis
i'm a very vible heavy person
you know
i don't think in that type of way where it's like
anglle box
he will
when i play the campaign on stream sometime i'm going to give you like a deep down a deep analysis of the lore of ha
i peaked early like jonah hill
not true to nobody piece really
nobody piece early
the happiest time of my life
was twenty nineteen to twenty twenty
twenty nineteen no
the most unhappy time of my life was spring twenty eighteen all the way to
winter twenty nineteen
the happiest
time my life
spring it was summer twenty nineteen
all the way to late summer twenty twenty
even through quarantine
happiest time my whole life
my whole life was that beside my whole life
the most miserable time my life
began in twenty eighteen
i was so isolated you you have no idea how isolated i was literally come you guys could not handle my isolation i swear to god
i swear to god you cann i handle
the isolation
that i was on in twenty eighteen
to twenty nineteen
fuck an unreal level of isolation
and i never cried once never cried once understand that's why i got time lies bitch as people complain and
you know if i could go through that trust me you can go through it
still have a p
yeah dude nobody peeks you know you never peek you only peek when you got dude you know that the movie ramble forore he was still kicking even after he was an old man you can do it you can do
have to balk everybody up
who's this guy coming up to me king diaper six six six
no no come on
the grunts
so the flood nature's chaos
dud know that's not what the flood represents
grave mind
the past
brave mind represents
night the nightmares that way upon living
that's what gravemind is grave mind is the revenge of the past grave mind is necro capitalism
like guy know necrok you ever hear that term necro capitalism look it up
oh my goarding sorw
super bad was pet jonah
sort of think about always been a spectacle and i don't have an audience
what do you mean like you were the class blown i was a big troll in high school no why i was a big troll
i was like an aspbot i was arrogant about it fuck you bits
tk everybody
f me alone
the flood represents the mossad agents that watch in ford
come on man i'm trying man try i' try you look how sick this ghost looks oh when i found a mong wose i fund a little mongose
soundcemker get away do look how sick this looks
in halo reach in halo for
they made the mongose look so ugly
look how slim and sleek and futuristic this mongose looks i fuck and love it
look how beautiful it is if you could run people over free bobby schmuer i agree
solving problems will make the crime stop forever
do look how beautiful this bike looks
why did they make it look so ugly in the later games
halo represents the inner tension between
western scientific
the kernel of sacred religiosity and sublimity that's entering into tension with it
it's abou the conflict between technology modern technology and uh
the sacred
fk i have a better theory
forgot what it is what'ch there between futurism and brutalism just depends on the conflict bhich
don't don't
it's like when in high school i get got home and had
no endless stream of people who entertain one of know solves all social problems it's goet a girlfriend do one or i don't know i don't i i give advice to girls
but if you're a guy
find one girl
and it can replace
ten of your friends
ten of your friends
your whole friend group
one girl equals every guy friend you have
trust me you save a lot of time
if you just have one partner in life like i don't know
i'm not i've never been like this overly social guy w's always just has all these people in my life all these friends and shit i like to be you know
i like to be cheap
but who i'm giving my attention to and my energy to you know
park beits
see how good everything looked in this game
and then in four and five they made everything look ugly
it's really difficult to get it s sing grol through
i don't know is it
wholesome replacement of children with plones that died a early age
betrays the boys
yeah you fuck the boys the boys will betray you
one do not you don't trust the boys the boys are much of fucking traiters do the' trade the'll trade betray you want to fucking
drop of a dime do not trust the boys
do not trust the boys
do not trust them trust me don't trust them you have the infrared team aret they your friends what's more professional than that you know
but ya they are my friends i guess
in a sense they are friends
i'm talking about like in your personal personal
you know like in your actual
true girlfriend means no more infrared no dude
so what i mean
the monker li brutalism
i coo mot
how many inscells in the jat
isn't in l just mean like that
you feel entitled
never trusted a man even once
yeah dude very true few men in life that you can trust
honest to god
very few
maybe like
one or two
or three
one two or three
isn't the insulrate like one out of three
no dude if a lot of young men are having trouble
finding love and life
but if you're not entitled about it then you're not an insult
you know
like in you're only an insut if you say you're one
does it make sense professional friends and personal friends are not the same exactly and it's not like professional friends re fake it's just that there's a difference between your
inr personal life
because like you know
i feel like yeah
new deal buildings were b dude's can be dangerous sometimes to women and men yeah yeah ud looking back on life was prettiest
and popular girls who were nicest to me
i feel like the whole thing about pretty girls being mean
's like a mean
the only women who were ever mean to me in life
actually i want to talk
i feel like the
thing you learn about when you were a kid
that like you go to the high school and there's going to be like the popular kids
and it's god it's it wasn't like that at all you know
nothing like that
nothing like that
what you think what elliot roger he's lially the biggest bitch ever
do that that's literally the type of person you never want to
never want to be like that do
never want to be like
type of do
and honestly yeah dude
as best as in deserve it
you guys see that
dude i'm ta bacg a this guy exactly
can't reload wll do
all you can
di i see that what i just did
i always love these guns look at these guns guys if i ever could like have a real halo gun it be this
the fucking spiker is like my favorite one
because look how beautiful dude look how he like holds it from the end
does it make bcg jokes i know
but like look how beautiful this these fok this foking garn is
the fucking knife at the end
this is literally my style if i wanted to gun
elliot rh is a seething angloid
he did have that mentality do that arrogance and that
hatred of humanity in his heart
and this type of arrogance
you know
this type of
little bitch mentality
you know
you know what i feel like guys i feel like the problem with inscells
is that
they don't want to
in they don't want to
in danger themselves
they're creeps
they can't talk to women because they don't want to endanger themselves
they don't want to like actually put themselves at the mercy of another person and risk it so they they want to like they want to
they want
a relationship in a vacuum like in a vacuum sealed way in a lab but where it's like
a safe comfortable space they can take and yet you their creeps there re's really fucked up
the's no i a minute remaining
he's basically wen
no but he does to im mother fucker your dumb yes are
or guys
we're going to come in list
i was kind of popular with girls in school but i was not interested in them
now it's the opposite
to be honest they weren't too autistic they were people who stuck kind of with the nose and stayed away from pects me ok w do
dude look at this gon everything this game is beautiful ok everything this game looks good look at this interior re me look at this interior guys he will five looks like shit compared to this look at thish shiny shit see this people like ellviot always have
the most bitchy polemics i think you wrote a long estay those like thousands of pages hundreds of pages
but how inferior he was and how inferior everyone else was
yeah he call himself the supreme gentleman
here's the thing
here's the thing about insults like ellio roger
is that
in a way
in my experience in a way
when you are a guy
and you're
you're you
you're interacting with the opposite gender when you're young
it's humiliating
it's a humiliating experience
like when you're really young and i'm talking like
out of middle school or middle school or shitld you feel like you're like a bad ass you know like i'm the guy you know i'm saying
person of the opposite gender
in a lakanian sense is like castrated you know it's like
they're going to see you in a light
that you can't control
i don't know i don't i'm kind of tired i i can't explain it right
honestly i fucked up
with so many gros i was trying to get with me
ya do everyone does
i was competitive i beat the chess clubs enjoyed martial arts and ce and annoyed teachers by asking questions about how they couldn't
i snifched at to other guys
demonic care king king die prison with demonic characteristy
i had fun
well remember the beginning of the stream we wanted to watch curtis ya dude
that's got hunted
it's long gone
i didn't snitch i snitched and just the students
i hate snitches dude
you euys one knows the truth
he is one of the truth
all leftists in america to day
were snitches in high school
hundred percent the most accurate thing i re fok and said
all leftist in america
withere the high school snitches
literally those same people
who snitched on you in high school
the leftist now
the d sa
the dsa
is made up
of those people
who is in
who was in the
the was sn
literally they're fucking personality
literally the fucking demeanor
literally their fucking attitude
literally the exact types of people yes they are full metal
i swear
middle school is cursed they should have polished in re place with like going
how to work on a farm and learn
why is middle school so cursed
middle school is curse ude i fuck and hated middle school
i don't know anybody who like middles
all the monitor left his
i was an arsonist in high school
dude yeah but why does middle school suck so much you're right
it's literally the worst
i got a
true stay true the gain those snitch
i'm telling you snitch meant dude snitches snitch for free snitches snitch for free you understand for free just because they feel like they have a moral obligation
and that's what leftists do they do shit for free just as they feel like they have a moral obligation to recycle
fox society do this is a doggie dog country in america
don't be an upstanding citizen
if you're not getting paid for it don't do it
you can be a good person and help people you know
listing guys this is a dogging dog wild west country
do not ever
buy metal straws for free
do that kind of shi free pay me bitch
take care of me first then i'll do it for free
as long as you've got a
work to eat
in this country like how you do
you got a grind
and it's a doggat dog country
you know i'm saying there's no
stop acting like a socialist
upright hero of socialist labor
when you live in the fucking wild west america
that's what i want to tell left
stop acting like a fucking hero of soviet socialist labor
when you live in the most fucking deprave dogga dog country ever because you're just being a sucker
you're not being a christ like
who is this pure person
you're being a fuck and soccer dude
being a sucker and let me tell you guys something me tell you guys something
let me tell you guys so
if i can sneak into the gym
i'll sneak into that when the pandemic d we tell you guys something we tell you the some
you think i care about wearing the mask if i can get away without wearing a mask i can pull claws in my mask
to breathe better at the gym
i am going to do it
i am goning to do it
i am going to foradly do it
this is a doggi dog country
ruthless country dogat dog you know what i'm saying
every high school yeah dude i knew those pet sigh schol to break it off
they were also the special education
i don't know if there're quite special education but
they have special needs of some kind
my first experience with leftist was eighth grade and they said they were communists chasing a their friend
dude that's now i'm talking of i'm talking about like those high school kids who like volunteered
the principal and they were like harry potter
type be
dude you know what you don't want to be like
don't ever be a herminy granger
if i was living in the harry potter world
i would run over here her mining ranger with my car
i would run her over with my car because
she is literally the biggest coolok in parasite in p m c
you could everything go
in every single person who was like her mony granger
was a snitch every single person that wears them it's i'm not talking as soage of me because there's lots of men who are for mony grangers
most of my men actually
hermining grangers
are literally the fucking biggest
class enemy
cultural archetype
in the fourk in
you could think of jude
hermini griner
hermoid exactly dude
foka moining ranger i was living in the harry potter universe
i would run her over with that flying car that flying car
i would just crash into her like nine eleven before
but for one person so dude is getting late i'm saying dumb shit i'm sorry
in same dumb shit
shouldn' be saying the stuff
but you guys get what i'm trying to say
you guys get what i'm trying to say right
socialism is about cooperation though we live in a very competitive society exactly do
so if we live in the wild west be a cowbood
be you know you can be an upstanding person to the people around you
but at the end of the day
when it comes to like these bigger causes and stuff
due to the wild west we're living in the wild west
ok haz
it is kind of game we're talk
help the game livio sa
help the gang those that are helpful if you snitch use a class free
to buck the snitch
bok every sntch
youo you guys see that three sixty n scool
dude look how cool this map is dude
this is a real game guys this game i'm playing here is a real game
staff in my school reader upset with rules or lazs
dude i love the lazy staff so much they were so great
i love
laziness is a kind of virtue
in america
laziness is a virtue in america way you know
because it's like you don't give a fund
you know like you guys ever work at a job
who's the best coworkers you ere going to have lazy ones
lazy ones who know how to get away with not doing work
while ten pm in my comment street discuss the obligation to run over a miny granger
yeah dude
she needs a new run over
jennifer playing on this map of infinite bombs
do this map is etic
but i keep donme
and i'm using a p s to for controller
history teachers were the weirdest
some were on an ironic radical marxis others trolls
my teachers were
right winger
pretty sure
economics and history teachers
a gchenert member
my school had a lot of lib
but don't we live in socialism yeah but we live in the wild west socialism
in america
what is that armor i've never seen that before
what is that armor
i do i change my arm
can i change how my guy looks
i look like default master chief
team one doing dick call and just talking to my coworkers
base jennifer base
base to never do free work for the boss do the bare fuckt minimum
thought the company
i know people who work for small businesses
and they get paid minimum wage
and they actually like care about the small business and they care about it in the
they have a sentimental attach
what suckers do
ps of infrared had one plan
what building would you crash into
your mom's house collective competitiveness that's the closest to socialism
my history tch was anti communist he turned out to be a pedophile
youll ex
it's weird how much more easily i get along with the kind of coworkers
who prefer striking
dod even better than striking
just be lazy
and go take a ship for like three hours to do cheat the system cheat the system
cheat the system
even if you don't personally shrink
you're not a employee you're a member
exactly do
my history teacher defended
korea's right to leave tab nukes
dude what a
what country you live in
what country you live in no more live
you can't live in america no way
buck you pay me exactly
it's better have my money
like you'm not paying me enough to work full eight hours five days a week exactly so fuckom you know what i'm saying
you know there's always those coworkers
go the extra mile for free and why
why and i don't understand why you're getting paid minimum wage
why do you go to the extra mile for free why do you snitch on your cowork
you know what i'm saying
does infrared sespecially support trump for twenty twenty four
no comment
sweden bas stud
no more lives
i know sweden is kind of a cursed country in many regards
but there are so many based swedish
they're like
can explain
they're always so base
your for
imy wishes crad seriously
what is this shit
what is this ship
what the fuck is this
yes it is
this wasn't in the original haywell
the customis my guy
i can
all jobs should be a waiter youet less than mimum wage because the assumes you're going to get tips
should they not be like
that's bad dude
you guys want to know what the biggest con ever is
the democrats are like we're going to make it a fifteen hour minimum waite
fifteen hours is literally what eight eight dollars was worth ten years ago
or less
working hard of the job thinking you'll get a promotion is like
think he w'll be a politician if you sweep the congress floors and
very true do
but we've got a lot of delusional people out here working hard of the job think you' going destroying my country
to own the commi's ethics
for real
because we live under social fascism communists you have to be hard core to separate thep from soctns
no actually the reason no more lives is because sweden
he is a
whole country
cold we're talking about cold country you know i'm saying ice cold country
got i school country with i school people
you know i'm saying rough people i schold people
ice cold mother pots
the're gonn to ce you
leave you
ice like this month fucker right go for never mind not that
think it called social liberalism w wor fors live in retarded administration country
suicidal mo
the work week should be switched work two days a week and have five day weekend
i agree with that and if we if we rotated our jobs
we would only have to work like an hour a day if even
if we had job rotation and an efficient distribution
of jobs
we would not have to work
hard at all
or't belong at all
inflation doesn't exist
what you mean
course it exists
and whatch mean
oh man the good old days of plain haywe
on a p s controler
gameirs unite
we're going back to just revolution toos
through do
what arctic angel your back left us for the caleb stream didn't you you traitor
the traitor not kidding
i don't care do
trus you know what i never want you guys to do don't ever watch us out of obligation or like doce we feel guilty
that will we won't get any viewers
only watch us if you're actually entertained
because i want to see like how do we entertain people
i want you guy to be entertaining
who do you think
who do you maan s mass rolls falco
i love the later ies of high school
little freshman care to do anything i said for no reason
i didn't know any freshman
in the later years senior year i was barely there
i skipped so much
i don't know how i graduated i skipped so much
i would skip all the fucking time to
i would just leave i would just leave
literally just walk out of the school
like in the middle of the days bg i don't feel like completing the school day i'll just leave
gamer is the most oppressed group of all
isn't it the truth
isn't it the truth
your how do i always end up in this position with these two guns
because these are the wll good these are the best two guns you wnty can buy that's why with my shields to recharge
and slowly make it over to this
what the focg is that
indeed they are
pretty much skiped the last three months of senior year
senior year was like an optional year yout really have to show up you know
tank youse are the most oppressed group of all
it's kind of true like politically speaking it's true
this is like the only live show on youtube that i tune into yall is so approachable and not intimidating like some other communis les people
ah we pre i appreciate that so much jennifer
i appreciate that so much
you know
i have actually no idea how you guys
think of us
you know that's so nice to hear
school is compulsory here
yeah i mean it's compulsory here to
sweden got to protect itself from lipshit
kills nation
yeah there is a lot of dumbshit in sweden
very true
come to brazil
i'd love to dude i'd love to come to brazil dude
dude to come to the beaches of brazil in that warm sun you you realize where i live look at outside where i live it's fucking eighty inches of snow outside right now
i'd love to be in brazil right now
but i don't think they want ameras shits americ fact what it seems call me an americ fact
they don't want us amrafats
look at
captain falcon movie it's out a superhero wh say salazar becomes a comy
agrarian marxist most deppressed
of volume by taks i think i'm going to gry in title boxes
kind of
gamer to become a nation
graant tools the bil love
throug of the stream because it's the only left a stream where i can make rooms just
y i don't know if that's true full metal
it's the one where you won't get bann
for doing
but we don't encourage it we do not encourage
agrarianism is good as long as it's sufficient
i mean i'm more of a spiritual awuarians
i'm a spiritual agree
like i believe in the countryside
and the people
the spirit the sacred nature
you're going to brazil
i'd love to do
find me out
i go to brazil
dude i'll goad the nice sunny brazil on those beaches and shit
i'd love it
but i think brazil's a lockdown right now too isn't it
so i don't know who should fuk you
all the sweats are online
basically paul pop
you know believe it or not i think my views on
cambodia a way more nuanced
most of the mls i know of like most mos will just be like all pot was funded by america
and in vietnam
came in
cambodia but my views are way more than once
i don't buy that story
i don't buy that story
i think people should have a hard
time off and
pal po was basically feudilist
i'm not sure about it's way more interesting th you know it's way more complicated it's a complicated story you know
there definitely was a lot of folks up shit that was happening in
it was all of the the american bombings were
really fought and all the horrors that followed from that were just following
should love to start crimes in the kids don't know loe we
exactly it's more complicated if you read about it yet dude it is when more complicated
it is when anyone giving you a simplistic story is lying to
camp but shia lost a lot of people because the cameros didn't
set up proper rule of law i don't think that's it
i think um
i think a lot of people were lost in those bombings
and in the economic catastrophe that followed that
a complete breakdown of society was obviously a thing but
it was also a revolution revolutions are bloody
it turned inward and
there were many accesses
but paul pot was not the reason for that
paul thout in the boys wanted to industrialize they said so the time i know that i know that
they wanted to start from the agrarian
face and then industrialized independently at from year zero
which is interesting
whether you agree with it or not
one of them my take on fall pot guys
al right let me give you my take on
what i think
here's what i think
i think
primitive accumulation and the initial separation from the means of production
that is necessary to create modern socialization
is a fucking horror show
it's a horror show
the whole of european madernity and colonialism
hundreds of years of blood and murder
fucking hell
then the soviet union sp speed run that whole thing
and it also had its own disaster
butu a sped on it
and then china sped onun it to
and then after china i feel like with china's belt and road no one has to do that ever again
now i
the capital inequalities
the inequalities of industrial capital and industrial power
between china and other countries are going to be put to work
in a productive way
and the
basically china liberates humanity from the need to go through these disasters
that are necessary to modernize
did it itself greatly forward it was a big disaster
but after that
we don't have to go through that shitld
you know
how can you like paul pot
hey henry wears a glass
the cia offers you a free country don't tinke the deal
i don't know if that's what happened
i don't think there was a bad person i th cams was a lot more in competent
they were more incompetent than other socialist nations because they weren't soviet allined
they didn't have soviet engineers
you guys going to realize
the reason there was socialism socialist countries that survived
was because of the soviet help
without that soviet aid
a lot of countries would of even become socialists
so that was the reason for that
they didn't have any help
you know
they were reading glasses noses alter ego cia kills its pets hundres of the time
and they were like other ca funded regimes they start strongly killed
you know anything about china
them helping africa
china is working with africa's governments
that exists
you know it's ultimately the business of the people of africa themselves
deal with their own governments
and i'm sure china will work with
whatever outcome
will result from that
they want to severar from the im iin get the bu one blend example is true thuh the ci have the same power when he switched from dollars to paces they took him out
yeah that's and that also kind of happened with the shah of iran believe it or not
the shah started to become more independent from america started to align more with the soviet bloc
and that definitely was the thing that happened
one blind examp well
albania china alliance
china is doing in africa is on africans terms it's not imperialism yeah i mean china is just working with the african governments that are in power now it's not going to change it's not going to engage in regime change to make better governments it's not its business
kr was more incompetent s fuk close that was
care was more incompe in the areas of the k family model
for money
we i don't know if it was incompetent it just wasn't backed by soviet specialists and advisers
that was the price of independence
let's get this elepant
this is the best vehicle of all time
albanogins is your opinion on the iranian revolution different than most themls yes it is i think the current leadership of uganda was placed by the us
iran is republican but religious the's iing to drop a red bill iranian revival of islam is post maoist
misunderstood marxism leninism
it's postmist it's not just a return to
ancient religion
it's a post most thing
ma ma wisdom only goes as far as culture but shia islam in iran
taps into the lacanian symbolic order
this is complg sh you guys understand
i've talked to leftist anglos who were saying that china is fascist or whatever
it was so weird yeah dude because the're stupid
roun seems lef nasts at first glen i see no sorry you
mister aaron
is a multinational country
it's a civilization it's a very ancient civilization
it's a very old ancient civilization
very old and ancient
one three
what do you think of whabism
funded by the anglos
what can you expect
whbbism was created by anglo britain to overthrow the ottomans
it's puritanism
it's christian puritism but applies to islam
capitalism has many forms free marketsm
iran is eran
it's indo european the language is indo you're here there's no such thing as an area race
ringch saudis
dou saudi arabias a fulk in
fake country completely fake country there's no civilization saudi arabia has no civilization the he jas was a territory
under the oartoman empire
it's not its own state
do you know the fred hampton and
what are your thoughts on him
fred hampton was based but
a lot of bad people
opportunistically uses his image for dishonest reasons
anglers call everything fascist but they have a queen
d the story
sure they're rainian it's up to the name
ustache man
do you see the it telling futurism in what has propaganda you know what you talk about you mentioned before turchys rise to power how come you don't believe saudi arabia become a regional power
because saudi arabia has no civilizational roots has no civilizational history has no polarity literally an artificial state created by anglo america
it's a fucking mafia state meanwhile autumn in turkey is a real traditional
actually the british funded
the saudis verent the hashi ightes really
i never heard that i feel like they're both funded by the british
do you think the fall of the ottoman empire was a big mistake
i don't know if it was a mistake
it was an inevitability
it was definitely inevitability there was two fronts
there was the young turks in turkey
and there was the nationalists in arabia
and it was the challenge of majority that islam was forced
face but now islam is
fighting back
and the story goes on
but it was a disaster yeah it was a complete
disaster complete disaster
same with the soff of it
or the cut you know
whn't say saudi arabia
supposed be build like a futurrees society is the place for billionaires to dump their money
yeah that and the u a
's all the same
aerdogm will make a second out of an empire i don't think he'll be able to do it
i think only communists
in turkey
just like in russia china will be able to inherit this
automan plarity and civilization
and instead of impose
themselves on the people of the middle east
they'll just create a mutual big space of dialogue
in cooperation based on shared tradition
which doesn't have to be incompatible with
people's independence or soft of it iirq
it can all be together you know one big happy w we think even so was very
the hosamites work with the british in world war two
the problem with erdagon
aeragon is too much of a turkish nationalist
so he's not
able to
successfully inherit the mantle of ottoman
you know
because remember the art of an empire
was multi ethnic
and multinational
nationalism is very modern nation state nationalism
is very mod
what is the future of the usa
there is no future
saudi is fath but the hasha might have a bit more islamic legitimacy
isn't the king of jordan half british
saudi arampo has e three trillion dollars
afghanistan is the key to youurasia very true
future of usa is either reform or the same
the usa s future is balkanization
the word i going to ss bless the too long
what is our god there anyways
what is our goal there anyways
to fight eurasia
in afghanistan
it's an occult's war the great game
russia and britain ninetean century it's a metaphysical war
between the atlantics and i'm kidding
oil was what one world war two the col was a battle over oil rige zones
tru kinda
dumers ream well
no i'm not a doer i think humanity will survive
but america will not
as a country not the people who live in america
but the formal
the united states will not survive
the axis was fuk from the start they had germany treatise out the craft on much of the less oil than allies
kind of true
it true
isn't there a lot of drugs in afghanistan yes there is
there is a lot of oden yes
the's a ton of opium
fook those lst few u s a troops
and private mercenaries sure don't want to go fk
hey but don't tell ther to
kaiser boes from afghanistan
ya you're right
are't ar
t n g is a massive wart what do you think of planned the v aps films
you know i was obsessed with the first one
from two thousand and eleven
but i've never watched the other ones
but i really love the first one when i was a like fifteen years old
and i was like this is a proletarian revolution
this is the true revolution caesar
and i love the neo classical thing he was called caesar
i was obsessed with
i was obsessed with it
that movie
it was like my model of what a fucking revolution's like
was planned in the apes when i was like fourteen fifteen
think the end of the u s
as a country
is the best is for the best of the u s yes very true i agree with
chin re
spring will come soon
you're very right
very true
ouch excuse me
yeah true monkey
make america take the credit there's no more weekend breaks for workers
dude what a focked up on honestly what a fock up there's no more eight hour work day you that's a big it's more like a twelve hour work day
fucking backwards as country
what are your thoughts on the los and gutari
to losees better than whathich are
that's for sure
quatari was just like
of but but her traitor to look on
and delos was an independent interesting thing
hos maxis review plan the apes that i was a dumb kid you know i don't
have that same
you know
that i used to
which type of syndicate will the usa be the last negation this project yes precisely the last one
i love making america technocratic
presi basically
re is a theory some sd joe byb could resign early
we need to come all
take vers of what do you think of that
it'd be annoying
say the very least
it would be an annoying hour
quite an annoying
like on twitter all the gifts of queen kamala
come oll here it seems like a dangerous person
so i think she would accelerate the
decline of uus
when did you get into reading theory and philosophy
you want to know why it's so hard to like
try to teach people to get into this stuff
i started out very young
thirteen or fourteen
but i never started to really get it
when things happened in my life
that completely changed
and i started to like
the first time i understood hegel
it was like an epiphany
and i finally understood hegel
you know
it's very much like
it was never just theory
and n it never was just reading si
he was also thinking about my life
and putting it in that perspective
of light
what is the meaning of life
i don't know
on paper i work at eight hour shit but
faector privilem travel
in the u s su french revolutions did break open the gates from dernity yeah
no fence but you look like big
i don't know who that is
the food the cake baked alaska
she's a dangerous person she was her senator in da sent to schoolly who i know like her a liberal white woman
kamala is like the worst
u s revolution failed hamilton made the guys pay their debt to the bank of england
mal will bring on a final form of wol commpuialism
she wants to end the gay genocide in chechnya and help civil rights here in thevaly all that shit
the american revolution broke down after the articles of confederation in the reign of terror
what if america declined and it gives a chance for a fascist revolution
the big threat of fascism
is an anti china militaristic
china's rising
and there might be forces within america who want to violently resist that
continue aggression against china militarily that will be the niicce for fascism
just like how the soviet union was
for germany
but he know this is ho important hegl is for onan to read marx
dude i didn't know shit about marks
un soil
like nine years after i found out about him
you can read all the marks
you want
but you're never going to get it unless you get it on this deeper spiritual level
hamilton was an english banker he was ok with leaving the king but not paying the bank of england
ya dodude
ironically the very constitution is very betrayaled the american revolution
ya fok the constitution
bake to ask as a for aight fual
because of the street next weirre which is a which is ethnicity
you can't be white
he can't be pure white i mean if he looks like me
he's got to be jewish for something
constitutionalist lives in the past
big brain moment
or he can be like a
or coptic egyptian christian or merinites lebanese
big brain how come the russian opposition is always some liberal shit
or he can be greek
not the communists
russia as a civilization is on the defensive
the west wants to destroy russia's civilization
yeah america the founding fathers longo
hopefully china funds a far left rebel group
no dude i feel like china's
china's like your parents who throw you out and be like
you got to make your own in this world
so well we have to prove ourselves for china
it's so weird
the sake
on pale once that war bad yeah know
we need to get out of the street and get some content
it's cold will do
china is playing both sides
they don't let it pull their country port in america good for them
that's good he's white look him up he probably fakes it do he's got to be semtic you read alexander u that yes do you dispute any conbots takes
i don't know what i've seen a lot of his tweets and he's a smart guy i don't know if i would agree with everything but
con bot is super smart
i o policy continent superior china has a bank in new york
i like conflict i like
he's so authentic i want know why
one in a while contoct
can't bart is an authentic guy because even though he's cancelled
even though he's cancelled
and he's considered an al right guy by liberals and shit
he still isn't
you know that
that's how you tell someone's authentic
when someone's fake
they just pretend to be a leftist
because it gets them clouds and attention and
so they can prey on people
but cant bot is already fucking
and he's
he's pretty much kind of a little bit left wing in a sense right so that's how i can tell
he's an authentic guy china is actually a good position and
is a big nose blue eyes and big beard a lot of youeople do have their lack of jawline with a big beard no fense id ca
i don't have a big hear
this is not a big beard
dude this is not a big beard this is a thin beard
dispute is not big at all
see this sometim
pressing against it it's not big at all
it's not a big beard at all
have you read report from a chinese village
no i i don't know i maybe i have
the water
borders near the philippines or complex like
anyone who canceers him is a fucking retarded that's a lot of people
compound is in that
yeah i heard about that
i know why i worked with juan who
tell more mak mak that sad i american sources and riight from the cultural background of the pilgrims
because the pilgrims were trying to create a new syst what had to create a new society from scratch socialism is trying to create a new society
from scratch
right trying to politicize economic relationships
he's one of the few authentic people yeah
i know you
thoughts on toilsy gabered i don't hate her but i don't love her either can you give me a rundown cont but i don't really
is he a bread tuber
he's not a bred to cont
was a guy from fortune
and he's into german idealism
and he's into other stuff now
i'h that's my best
what what book do you like that will piss off mls
oh what book do i like that w'll piss off the air miles
trying to think
the wholy pot on maybe we should get sok them welfare or some paternalistic conservatism act
sub to this podcast
and then you can get his twitter
con butus the german ideas very y probably land
i never like a book as a whole you know
i never like a whole book
i like aspects of books
i usually never agree with the whole thing to endorse it enough to love it
you guys you know what let me say something controversial
very controversial in the west
are not a privileged reading a privileged sight of the disclosure of meaning or even information
i don't know why people privilege books so much much
i'm a combination of books articles writings
um manifestos
brochures pamphlets and documentaries and lectures
i'm a combination of all of those is where i come from
there's you know i don't know why people worship books
books are just writings
you're just writing
and and
they're not even the best form of writings
there's a lot of articles that are way better than books
there's a lot of essays that are better than books you guys want to know what a book is i kind of don't like books wed know i don't like books in this day and age because a book
is in a book is like a fucking it a book is a
commercial enterprise
it's an adventure like a book is trying to from front it's chrinical
disclose an entirely new world
an entirely new
meaning from front to cover and like three hundred pages
jesus dude
i feel like an effective writer
will release texts in their substat short texts slowly little by little
combine them with lectures
and given all well rounded
like kind of like does like jesus releases a new book every year but those books aren't new guys he's just repeating the what he wrote before it he just doing it to make money
and home he's got to eat and i'm saying to do is got to eat and i respect it
but i'm telling you guys
a book is mostly a waste of time in twenty twenty one there's there's very few reasons why
you know how do you sum up thousand hundreds of years of tradition and history
in twenty twenty one
go watch you to
and combine you tube with off haanded research on you
and you'll learn more than you will
reading a book
from front to cover i feel like we i've actually read very few books front to cover i'm going to be honest with you guys
i read very few books
fronm the cover you know i usually just read parts of books you know
i read parts of books
you know there's no reason to read the whole fuccing book
and i feel like there's not even a reason to write a whole book why do you need to write a whole fucking book about anything nowadays
you know what are you going to write about
what are you going to write about you going to write a new court on or something
you don't need to write a whole new fock
write an article write a nice little article
or write a long one
writ a twenty page p d f
but why do you need a whole book
in twenty twenty one
hostesn't like books because he's a read
feel like russi's collapse
every collapse is a new rebirth
s that
look landed look on will turn him off
caleb saw the impersonation
no he didn't
and remember
give us more information what happened
is he mad i'm sorry caleb i didn't mean to
be if i was in there actually
somem i fall
it was not my fault i i was in there i didn't do the impression
os confirm reradlib
handwoorks are better ok
release your book sometimes i have several
and one of em i kind of regret
and i don't want to release because i don't agree with all everything i wrote in
i have one that's like
hundreds of pages
and i don't i don't even agree with all of it anymore so i don't know if i want to release it
you know
i feel like writing that
was like a
told me that i was like
instead of writing a billion books
i sord of writing one
you know
manifesto personal book
write a bunch of different books
green book was decent len i agree i like small books
people who write small are always better
people my class thought kalahari was a word in hawaii
only good books
he just commented where's this from what is the con
where is it tell me where it's from and rememb
i'd assume all the books
aready rain and pew are just writing
common fass of the was
ket kozinski posed us
i'm going to try to get him on here
i think he walks already to talk to caleb and about us and caleb said w'll check us out and he either did and didn't like us or
he just hasn't yet but it's ok if caleb doesn't like us
we don't take it personally it's fine we have a different style that
not everyone
he's going to accept
or appreciate cause aay whe i can release one in monday if you guys want
but i don't know if you guys will want to
graduation class most of the on my channel
you watch it on stream react to a basical bike last of rea sly and on the read it ect oral tradition returns to monkey
return to to monkey
sorry caleb
sorry cabver
sorry i we like cable and we like it we're frians of cable he doesn't have to like us that's fine we like him
some people like the anglll pill some people like government action
caleb is a serious guy i know due that's why i don't want to bother caleb duke because like
he's a very mature and serious guy and i'm just a f fucking jackets like look at me i playing fucking halo on a p s four patroler
i respect him
i don't want to shit up his shit with my retarded
isn't repetition centsal to materialism though
yeah you're right
i don't know dude i've heard that before i think us it takes it to a whole new level
but you're right noo the reason s repeats himself is because nobody gets it the first time so he just repeats himself to that listen dumb asses you didn't understand the first time so here it is people still don't get it and i feel bad for him you know because i get it
but ninety nine percent of people don't g aze it
even his scholars of es
like adrian johnson have no fulking cluh what they're talking adrian johnson's naturalism is a complete rejection of jesus
and yet he's considered one of the leading scholars on es
even he doesn't understand jesus
so i can hardly blame the guy for repeating himself
what was your undergrad pre law so that's why i'm stuck in law school
mop and nice he talked about intelligence a s the double thing
and the warhoks others public countries los
a gillan reverses are always difficult first
eh my undergrad was pret law now i'm in law and i'm streaming so that i will fil the character and fitness test of the bar exam
they better not fail me on the focusa stream sane all this shit
if they do whatever i'll be a streamer not going to be a cok for three years just to pass the bar exam
i'm just not it is what it is
has will be a homeless
for haz caves in
and becomes a law school cop
rudy giuliani
i like these maps but can we get new maps i we plain the same two maps
basically just keep going back to a that's good dude
music makes a lot of sense
but you got to interpret ijak through other people
at some point like
older people like cojevn but ti and even luk on himself
who is bronze aids pervert
he's a romanian guy who's obsessed with bodybuilding
and i think he's
he's gay right
the not there's nothing wrong with that but
isn't here no
maybe i don't know a ag
what is what your law school are you
this is my first year
i took a few years off
finish that
getting so
we need a government of action
pud youan
bucky bits
i sucked this fo the game
fork and sulk
first gjk starts fm cultural now sis is very accessible true
some reason mark fisher
but i disagree with mark fischer about a lot of stuff players memorize the maps and spam swan points i don't like spinoza im not i'm an anti spinoza gang the only spinozist i have patience for is evold ilyenkov
other than him i have no patience for spinles again
sorry guys and spinoles again here
so he's a larpers a greekic was not a greek imagere he's a fascist i think bronze eche pervert i'm not too familiar with him he's like the homeo erotic guy on twitter
they fil to beach try i heard about that dude homosexual femininly needs to be made off the
it's not my business
dog i love how knowledgeable you are in everything but pain
watch you get di boce and hate
haalo was painful
where you want to know why i'm getting demolished is because i'm reading chat
see that i just fell off a cliff because i was reading sha
i'm glad they fail to impeach trump because of sick of hearing about it
did you vote for hillary clinton never
away with you wile bega
and somebody who knows him
link me were caleb mot and reacted or you can't link it
lincoln d m me on my twitter
dm me on twitter and let me add an image
h i can't
twitter dot com s showing for red
what you think about cab c p i
would you get involved
if he allows us to
i don't know if you would let us
i would git inv all the vice
that was allowed to
but i respect it if he doesn't want
to let us
i think it's a cool idea
i can't vote for any pres lw just need to make uch of the same conproence
look at you maight is like a bunch of insane godlins
wait are you in puerto rico
juban is eurasian plus light nasma
he's not nosgllre he's alwa in all in for
actually brazil ugan today
today like at this moment dugen is obsessed with brazil
he's obsessed with brazil
it's like his fixation you god like had a prophetic vision that brazil is the future
so he's obsessed with brazil
as of twenty twenty one
broight why would he not let i don't know dude because we're different
we were new and were different
and there's a lot of things he probably disagrees with as a well
just fine
feel like he's a larper
i don't
i don't feel like caleb larbs what is he laugh about
being a normal guy
what the funk
duban has been playing among us
yup like it's a helper
what's the outdom
oh puerto rico
go to brazil
all right dude i'll go to brazil
and i can i find of this government has a heart of it trup because n i've never left america
i've never left america
i've never left
i've never been outside of america i actually i've been to mexico when i was a
very young
so i don't remember that
and vacation
now i was a baby
but i i've never left america besides going to mexico once when i was like a big
were few times as a baby but
i don't ya
presume of co
dugan is america's rusha gam
dougan's behind it all guys it's all dougan
even love to say that shit seeing duhin as king of russia
he's going to be the
philosopher advisor of brazil
jugan is a russian hacter you're russian acter
the pro statehood guys are delusional
oh baby has
why you call me a baby
come to brazil and take some women
well what a weird thing to say dude
what a weird thing to say you don't have power now
parents and take you to lebanon
timpoolesil war two
would you consider napoleon a liberal
not in the modern context
how could you possibly become a state with an economy as shitty as any
in puerto rico
i don't know dude
wm to re go
one minute remaining
if i was pro skate statehood i'd make a coalition of last and lyense the getting fugk by the jones at
pollon was the world spirit of his time
joe we can't answer that
can't answer that question
it's all part of the same trend
duban's multiplliity tells like ya
kind of
it is kind of part of the same trend you're right
what is swak what is s w a c
i'm cersinly for the o
what is w
oh socialism with american characteristics
napoleon didn't exploit the jacobins
he was allied with them
it's only after they the jacobins were overthrown
then napoleon ca
i think that's the last game guys
stream has been howurs is like thirty three people here yeah dude
we've lost a lot of people when we were playing skyrom
because no one likes sar
but apparently everyone loves hall
longest infraence stream
and it was hardly any content
i know dude
that's why
that's why
let me like spend the last few minutes customizing my guy
everyone look so weird
itll three i want to change my guys hom
what is this new stuff
hos you need some sleep
yeah i do you're right
what the focus is should do this is not halo three
they added this
this is not heal three
and it looks ugly too i don't even want to
like this
dude recon arm or shot off you know about this please react to bake alaska i don't have time dude i got to get to bed
but i'm going to customize my guy you know what hayabusa
we're going hiabusa
this is how you be a cool guy in haill
pok in katana
this is how you be a cool guy
in fok and halo ok
fuck recon
what arms
what the fark you can change the arms now
do they really
you can change the legs to
the fok
they changed this game dude
they added some stuff vizor color
what a forulk is this
sky is slow
react to bak a alaska i don't want to dude
give it trigger one last time i live on energy
i liose have energy to
tex suit with the fok is this was the undersuit
dude but you have to
you have to unlock them
i kind of like
ill to the for
alright that's it
i chose the we one
okay guys
what a stream
what a stream gus
what a crazy stream
i guys
oh d m ok i'ming to check out this d m
i'm going to check out the d m and that'll be the last thing
message request
alwas on your channel
all right
it was on your channel i see
i'm not doing a tick oat hans time to me say goodbye
our guys
thank you so much for tuning in
it was nice