Vaush's Double Standard on "Fascism" (Russia)

that that's o other that other otherth
what's up everybody've but to start right now
ok how's everybody doing
with sub jennifer with sub bolshevik blade
i can't hear you
t me triends
sorry about this bolsh you guys sen me one second
i were ready
what's up ali goghts you back
are you guys doin
this was going to be quick probably about an hour a little bit over an hour
i don't have that much time
you know it's late night i got a bed time and shit but i just wanted to make this quick little stream we're going to be reacting to washs video going to be talking about how wash and bred tube in general the biggest fucking hypocrites in the world when it comes to russia all they all they talk about is the nosbl vortex and the the tempting alliance between the left and right popul wo no we cano allow with fascism but you're going to see when it comes to russia when it comes to ukraine when it comes to eastern europe
in general when it comes to u s
s aligned fascists and nazis voss seems to has a have a double standard and by u s align nazis you know exactly what i'm talking about guys you know about those vice news glorified and glamorized nazis so we're going to talk about this and yeat we're going to just hit it off by reacting to washs video and respond
funding accordingly ok
but to give you guys some background
personally i don't live in russia
and you know i'm not speaking on behalf of russians
i'm only speaking on behalf of the u s lefts response right now ok
and what we do know about many of the forces who are in opposition to putin ok not all of them but many of them they are deeply embedded in the nationalistic far right to give you guys a rundown and to explain this to you i
the leftist are going to sa o you russia's a far right country russia's a multi ethnic country and it's always been a multi ethnic civilization and liberalism in russia just like how it is in ethiopia right now and how it is and everywhere else in the world inevitably turns into ethno nationalism right because having a multi ethnic country for
you to go beyond the confines of traditional liberalism ok and why that is
maybe i can explain more later but you can see that it's a common pattern every successful multi ethnic polity is necessarily beyond
liberalism and when i say multi ethnic i don't mean multicultural like england i mean genuinely encompassing territories
that are the ancestral homeland of various different nationalities ethnicities languages and groups and so on and so on so in russia the far right
one of the ways in which they expressed their opposition to putin
is in the form of russian ethno nationalism and do not get it confused do not get that confused with so called russian nationalism or patriotism because russia has always been a multi ethnic polity ok especially after the soviet union so there's a big difference between russian ethno nationalism and russian patriotism and so called russian nationalism which is associated
with putin putin is not a russian ethno nationalist and the reason you can tell that is because putin's party is not the main vehicle of anti immigration sentiment in russia that's always the key where a country you want to look at the key of these the only real indicator of whether something's far right or not is things like racism it's things like profuse anti immigration and ethnic
chalvinistic sentiment ok you're going to see a lot of these liberals in the west calling china and russia nationalist countries but that means nothing because these civilizations these polities are necessarily multinational historically and from the get go they're multinational ok that's why han chauviniss in china would inevitably be liberals ok and are in opposition to
the communist party sorry i don't mean to ignore the chat i'm going to catch up to you guys but they ally with joe is not for me bosh is turning against what is good about the remnants of the bernie sanders movement in favor of biden dark warriorr studios got s here but that's something that's been going on for a while you know i would even argue that as early as twenty and twenty with the old bernie sanders movement i mean it's a reason this guy lost ok
is the reason he lost
multiculturalism has been a failure across the board
we don't have time to get into that but i would say that multiculturalism as a response to the national question is one hundred percent a failure across the board but the mere fact of these you know you having cosmopolitan cities like london and new york i'm not so sure but yes it when when it comes to real national questions right
and for example widespread anti immigration sentiment yeah liberals who are just parading multiculturalism are obviously failing it's an objective fact
they've been failing and
yeah that's a massive topic on its own the state department u s government already succored me on tienan men d p r k arab spring hong kong limbya exactly aren't people tired of be well now you've got a new vanguard of leftists
in so called bread to sorry go ahead
you want to say something
as well
okay uh ya ezra couldn't hear me sorry
yup i i mean to cut you off would you want to say something
o no i had i had my zoom muted but the stream is not muted
h ya ya ya s shoes making shoes
go continue continue ya
yeah well you know
each iteration right every two three years i guess
you have
people who are clearly see past the bullshit you had bush here conspiracy theory people
and then what happened with obama he
obama created a new generation of suckers basically who were
that everything the state department in the state is saying and the liberals are saying is true
and now obama is on the decline he was he was on the decline
and now it seems like bernie sanders is movement is picking up the pace and just
every time there's just this objective expression of the establishment being a bunch of fucking liars and
you know
leading the people down a path of the
and down a false path
a it seems to be
you sound like you're from southern chicago i'm absolutely not
it seems to be that uh
it seems to be that the end result is that
you have the so called leftists who basically
you know rise to the task of
bringing back
the huge portions of people in enthusiastically and for free
into the con that is so called liberal democracy
but we'll get int
so ya
let's go ahead and do this usually
typically guys i'm probably not going to do streams like this
when we don't you know i want to save this for a time when our viewers are available
looks like
looking at the viewers right now
we're doing a little bit
worse than usual
typically i would end it now and you know sae for another time but
think we're going to archive this one i don't know
and this was going to be short to so we're going to
with his stream stay on
i'm not
i haven't completely decided
but well we're going to talk about
and for edward
but um
maybe you can have a streaming schedule
you know i know
aight guys we're going to i'm going to be we're going to be right back with the street ok we're going to be right
guys we're so sorry about this technical difficulty shit
sorry we just had a bunch of technical difficulties and like it took way longer than expected we're going to get right down to the
right down to business so we're going to react to this video ok
why are we picking on voss we're picking on voss because he represents the american left i'm too lazy to find a more prescient example that's
you know
that ge's presentable like this
so massrest in russia following imprisonment of opposition leader guys this is not going to be an analysis of the russian protests
i recommend
following russian people
from russia you know
uh and be careful who the source is to but
we're not russians we're just going to react to this american response to what's going on in russia it's very clear in russia that in cities
primarily cities
and it seems to me maybe i'm wrong primarily urban liberal
type of youth
there's a lot of protests against putin there's a lot of stuff and then it's being led by this novale guy and that's actually what i want you guys to keep the keep your focus on who's this navalne guy right
we're going to get into that
because there's actually a lot
sorry it's actually a lot
here we go ok it's a sneak preview ok let's let's get this rolling ok let's start
by the way can you guys you guys got everything ok let's go wasus response let's see
so every once in a while as an american i am tragically and unfortunately forced to acknowledge the existence of countries other than the one in which i live ah some of you guys have probably seen this
no you're not you're not acknowledging other countries wasoh bee you just superimposing your in american bullshit on other countries right off the back
he's spitting lies ok so let's go
protests well across russia calling for the release of kremlin critic alex alexi nval there i was probably somewhere in the ballpark of being the correct pronunciation yeah so this is interesting development so as you guys know here i'm going to lay this out as simply as i can ok havef you seen his game stock stock nonsense reminds me
before the two thousand a financial crisis
another stream and this is going to be a quick one we've got to just focus on this right now ok
next time what'll been talk about that russia has problems and a lot of those problems seem to stem from the far right apocracy pushed by putin russia has problems and
i'm was going to use meaningless american etiological labels to superimpose on an entire country with its own history that has nothing to do with mine
or my own limited conception
and uh
you see
we america we're a liberal democracy we don't have problems we are so devoid of problems that you know the one i'm calling a far right autocrat trump he actually came from the liberal democracy comuntry
and you notice all the nazis come from liberal democracies in general
but you know
russia has problems because russia is just some foreign shipholed
and it has a problem because they're not like us they're not a lightened in liberal like us
okay sorry let's
whos alternated between the presidency and being the prime minister and just ultimately just kind of been the defacto supreme leader of russia for a while
and yeah it's yeh he'ss very mud
just just sort of just sort of been squatting on top of y
so you're going to reduce the entire situation in russia to the fact
that putin has wielded executive power and that
according to your liberal democratic view
that's the cause of the problem
you see this liberal
and this kind of reduction of everything to this
what rapid itiological dogmatism
has ever surpassed liberalism
all of russia's problems are down to
the the political arrangement that's existed for decades
so why is this new development actually happening
have you can you offer anything new in your analysis
bosh are you just going to repeat
your liberal prejudices
it's like there's problems all over the fucking world you know problems are bound to ha
it's easy to say that i you're like one of those ultra leftists who say all the problem
the actual problem is the fact
that it's not an anarchist you told
it isn't actually
give any
doesn't give us any
you know
so it's really chauvinistic american chauvinism because
this is a new situation that's happening in russia it's completely novel situation
and you seem to be reducing it to the fact that russia is not america
well guess what wasoh america has its own fucking problems whyn't you stay in your own lane and mind your own business
i hope you have ad block on or whatever
i don't care you know i can keep the che
at the traditional slav squad on top of the
on top of russia for a good long time
he said it was a traditional slav squad on top of rush of all time
um and that was supposed to be a joke
i just lapped inside
yeah i know chat could don't spoil we'll get to that
these protests are following the kremlin critic alexei nvcev who was arrested and prior he was poisoned as well
a he
how do you know
do you know that
or how do you know
where did you get that information do you know because i don't know i personally don't know
that he was poisoned by the government
mean like he was poisoned i guess
but was he poisoned by the government i don't know that
so i'm interested in knowing how you know that
he's one of the most brazen critics of the kremlin and of putin and he was poisoned rather recently and since then he has been arrested and
ok he's one of the most foremost
critics of the kremlin and putin
similarly the proud boys is that how you would describe the prod boys in america by the way wash
would you describe them as the one of the most foremost critics of the
the deep state in the democratic corona virus
great reset whatever they're saying
it's interesting would you is that how you would describe it for america because
i mean technically you're right he is a critic of the government but
it seems like you're leaving some things out
you know it's really misleading but let's continue
formally you're right so
you have formal correctness is continue
honestly the crime when you're an anti kremlin critic in russia the crime is being the anti kremlin critic who is in russia
so let's go ahead and apply that back to america when you're an anti
the america critic a k the people who were resisting the lockdowns and all this kind of stuff storming the michigan capital
you know
or storming whatever we're not going to get to that yet
we will
it's very vague what you're saying you can apply it to america to
if we were to use that language to describe the
far right here
you would crucify us and you have been doing that
let's continue
so he's lacking critical information chek
oh to t
is it me or does he look like noble from
don't know talk about the specifics here yeah it's
it's basically he critiques putin so that's that's that you know
is that that
he could seek spoons so that's that
every other russian i've ever heard of critiques poop
so it doesn't really seem like that's that
putin seems to me like he' is farther left than biden
don't apply american politics to russia it's very different
in general it's a really big mistake to apply american policy
putin is right wing
from what perspective you know
from what perspective
means a million different things
that's what i've learned from russians
putin means a on million different things from a million different conts
and there are people coming out in support of him there are people protesting in favor of him and it's actually really interesting for a wide number of reasons
stop spoiling and chat i see you i know thank you hello
now this guy my man
um alexei is actually i think he's a you tuber isn't he
this student is like a like a huge yeah hold on
yeah look at this
it's got
six million subscribers this guy's youtube channel in spite of it being not even in a real words he doesn't even use real words in his name
so this is actually pretty significant because you have to proportion like
the number of youtube subscribers that you have
you look at this by the way guys i've never watched this video before
so if he actually acknowledges this guy's that i've never what i had this is the first time watching this wasath video
i don't watch these videos in my spare time
so maybe he will acknowledge he's like a
well yeah
maybe he's not missing critical
i think nsur reaction
i think putin's nationalization of gas prom and other companies more pragmatic than ideology
yeah i mean guys don't apply american puritanism
across the world
you know
this idiological crusader type mentality
at this point in time in twenty twenty one
very american
the dichotomy between pragmatism and ediology and all this kind of stuff
it's way more muddied way more blurry than
you would think ossesn't the sa anything about ant imperialism because he benefits from it
we'll get to it
seventy four million views
on this two hour video
well now it's seventy six i don't know how they're listing it but
this guy is a huge reach huge reach online he has a
with like one hundred forty million russians we have that off the mark
and he has six million subscribers
let's say there's about double that in america
and that would be like someone with twelve million million subscribers in america
is that a huge rease yes
is that the reach of someone who's a shadow government
you know level of popularity
i don't know
not sure i actually genuinely don't know how much subscribers does
bernie have any
you know
can you guys know that
could you look that up i'm
stock right now my phone is being used for the chat and
i'm using i don't have another screen
how much subs does bernie have
maybe i'll ae my words
he has four hundred and fifty six k
have a million sobs
half a billion
well that is just reflects worse on bernie wow i just sink
but i mean how many are russian you know navali how many are russian at least
oky yeah i ca see i was wrong about that
if a state is ollegarchical nationalization wouldn't mean the upp
if a state is oligarchical
what does that mean though
a huge
it's nationalized
it's publicly owned
it's not
owned by an oligarch
owned by the state
to reach up
yeah ilive is also a very
muddied word
i'll get into an
and people are coming out at great personal risk to support him
yet look at these video views what the fuck twenty five million twenty three million how
crazy i envy the growth
it looks like all you need to do to be popular online is to risk your life consistently by calling out an autocratic leader of a country where journalists die frequently
ah well so far
it's interesting washes washes using this language for a guy
like navalni
and i wonder
what the significance
of using this language for adjacent american
figures would be
i wonder how voss would react to that
i mean you know you've seen how washes reacted to jimmy dore
bringing on
the most
woke in harmless
i don't even know if the guys a genuine bogle boy he seems like a leftist traditional leftist to me
os but people think he's
pretending to be a leftist but i almost think he's a leftist pretending to be a google that's also what i think too i've seen those type of people
but we've sought we've seen how voss responded to something as ambiguous as that
that guy that jimmy dorhead on was nowhere near as
he has n nothing no word here is incriminating is what i'm going to show you guys really soon
it's weird how oligarch is only applied to russia and american
that's very true cosmic bred it's very true
very true
you know i'm not here to say russia's a fine
fine situation
that's ultimately the business of russia
ultimately you should be following
w since we're marxist linists we're going to tell you to follow russian marxist leninis
you know we're not going to tell you to exclusively follow anyone but we're probably going to agree we're going to take their analysis a little bit more seriously
ultimately russians know their own situation best
but when americans are coming and trying to
you know superimpose their prejudices on russia
that's where it's our job to intervene
not even most of us atually think it's only half
half of infrared are americans
we are english speaking
and we kind of fix it on america
so it's our job to com and you know
that's alexei
and alexi has a little bit of a story history too a ok ok maybe vosh is going to acknowledge it
maybe he's going to acknowledge it i want to see what he some people in chat have been informing me
alexey has as a will say a colored past he is as i understand it the only foremost political leader in all of russia right now who supports legalizing same sex marriage
the ok why is that the supreme metric of
because the boogaloo boy also supports that boh
whse and by the way a lot of libertarians are even a lot of far you can probably find nazi far right people who
would do it
the early days of the nazi movement had a
ll um
non heterosexual components
it wasn't necessarily you know why is that the supreme thing i don't understand
why is that the principal main contradiction
his same sex marriage is it i don't i'm not sure
communist and russia anything on them
watch her um
interviews with
katia kazbak and ilia medveda
by alligarchy i mean said state is very intertwined with major corporations
like every state is today
so of corporations control the state
well do do corporations control the state i don't i think every indication has been that they don't
in russia i think putin has
flex the muscles of the russian state as something that is
beyond the
you know i don't know that's just my two cents
as you know putin and russia in general is pretty anti gay and so the willingness to engage ok the only thing i'm getting from the fact that navalne is pro same sex marriage is that he's appealing to the west because a source of pro
same sex
the marriage politics
and i'm not saying that's good or bad but it does come from america and it comes from the eu
and that's just an objective fact
so the fact in ofv the supports that doesn't really tell me anything it really kind of just tells me that he's more aligned towards the west
so um we'll get to it we'll get to it but i wonder what that means for example in countries like ukraine and other eastern european countries
this western alignment
what does it entail
we we'll get to it
doing that it's pretty interesting let's just see wash is mighty critical of nlegebles
but what about the just plain old nazis he seems to get along fine with those people
in his politics he talks about nosbol's
completely meaningless term
but what about actual nazis with the eye at the end right i mean that's the original
you know think
it doesn't get more explicit than that
it's not some obscure jargon like nausebl it's actually the direct thing the nazi
sting however it would be wrong to say that this man is left leaning he's not it seems ok ok maybe we're getting somewhere like and i'm parsing this together from a lot of different info sources because this is a really complicated situation
okay well i'm going to show you a video and i want to ask you if it's complicated
so i after i showed this video
i want you to
tell me it's complicated because it doesn't really seem like it's complicated to me it seems like this video
is more than enough
to be labeled a little bit a step above a nosbll and actually maye be the direct thing to nazi you know itself
that's not a nazi i don't know what is of the video on the showly
but alexi is an anti corruption advocate who was challengein's government just like the probos
he has accumulated a trim it's really vague you can use terms for a lot of things
it doesn't really
first time on an infrared stream oh i actually did do over here i never actually seen you in the chat welcome to infrared men glad to have you here
glad to have youre ma
welcome welcome
tremendous amount of support from the russian population the portion dissatisfied with
that's where i personally don't know
he has support from a
what does that mean it should
who who
the russian population is not one thing
so vosh you claim to be adjacent to you know socialism and marxism where's your class analysis
seems to me a von is more popular among
metropolitan liberallies
as for rule russia
those type
i'm not exactly sure that
really pt
think the s west just uses q politics in other countries
and one hundred percent does
and it's opportunism
t telling sign of a color revolution less focus on corruption ins sead of concrete class demands
no i mean it's fine to focus on corruption
i mean actually
guari aur p our guy from mi reromaining he talks a with the same thing you're talking
they're not they're not mutually exclusive
you know but
yet oftentimes it's opportunies
thing is more
trying to say
i completely agree is oftentimes
and he seems to pursue
i think he's a civic nationalist
this is my issue guys this is really my big issue
ok this is the hypocrisy i'm talking about
so the guy comes on jimmy dore and he says he's pro l g b t pro b l
anti racism all kinds of things
you have people like
all sorts of
people who are identifying on you tube as
classical liberals
and there
this there that there's all sorts of
idiologies people you know identify with
and all of this is boxed into the umbrella of fascism
by bread to
by vosh in by american leftists
how come novali is a civic nationalist
but in the west
the same types of people who are not even as
criminalism of the in terms of how cancellable they are
how come they're not
civic nationalists they're just fascists we just use the f word
indiscriminately even to describe people as diverse as libertarians
all the way through to you know
people like who's that guy with crystal ball
um a sagar and genty
in yeah yeah
in latin america the whole stick about corruption is almost one hundred percent yeah yeah exactly
it's an opportunistic
i'm but that doesn't mean it m it corruption can't be a
well it depend in the context because in mexico also amlos is the anti corruption campaign
it depends of the context that's a great point yeah that's a great point
i mean i think china focuses a lot on corruption but i think exactly and another example is china china's
so it's not you know
it's not that there has to be a dichontomy between corruption and class
class struggle but
oftentimes corruption is used as a form of
but let's continue
in a sense
putin has an
comrade ramana what of comrades what's up comon amund' glad to see you w in the chat i think this is the first time glass youre
daniel as first time i've seen in the chat with some man 's not actionly the first time
my bed
we're new to this
but glad to see in the chest
inspired a lot of conflict amidst different ethnic groups in russia
ah because putin is a fascist
this is where we have the dishonesty
why is putin the fascist
for being representing the multi ethnic and multinational russia more or less
and novali the civic nationalist which is the russian ethno nationalism
he's just a civic nationalist
this is where i don't understand russian civilization has always been
a multi ethnic
and i
yes there's a complicated history of
almost a kind of
very similar colony was not the same but very similar as the western colonialism
towards central asa and then more or less it became the same
uh in the
the nineteenth century in the early twenties
you know it the hypocrisy is astounding
a putin fascist oss
i mean in what meaningful sensees of putin putin a fashist
putin does not correspond to rabid ant immigration sentiment
and as far as i'm concerned as far as labeling people as far right
the immigration issue seems to me to be the
the main significant linch
immigration issue
and uh
racism racism
the anglo type right the purity of the
the culture in the blood or whatever you want to call
so i don't see how putin's a fascist
you know you could say he's a centrist
you could say putin is some kind of a
pragmatic russian centrist
centrism with russian characteristics
i don't see how you
and i think that's fucking ridiculous
y russians in the chad want to give their two cents is putin a fascist really
haven't kept up with your streams
that's right there
but you're already a classic g
thank you maam appreciate
you have putin fascism building mosques around russia
i mean
it's ridiculous how is putin a fascist
doesn't make any sense to me
it's like saying
it's like saying obama's a fascist
you know i he obama he's
i'm i guess we're not aligned with him politically but is he
makes no sense it'st an american chibnistic stupid fucking thing to say
putin's a fascist who is not a racist and yes putin is not a racist
what putin represents is a russia that rejects anglo saxon racism by the way i want to tell you guys something
racism racialism originates with englansh
russia doesn't is not about modernistic racialism
maybe there's some kind of a
break russian chuvinism or something like that
but it's not the same thing as extermination is
we're not going to derail it and we don't have time to talk about of the pre he also mentioned this in the differences between the spanish and english empire
spanish had a caste system in latin america
yes there was
they were not you know
pro indigenous or whatever
but it was different from the english who were directly extermination
and it seems like these are the two poles we're dealing with in wasoh is taking the side of the anglo saxon poll
in claiming ofvalis a's an ethno nationalis a civic nationalist but putin putin's a fascist
i want to know in what fuck in meaningful sensees putin of fascist
i don't know if i'll get a response
voss said that yels and didn't make things much worse but he says putin is
he'ss a fucking idiot what is this guy
talking about russ a conservative for sure but it's not like nevada
i mean
quindy conservative in russia there's communist conservatives i mean maybe in a sense i'm a conservative i don't know
i guess not in the american context but it's a really vague word
on the chances of a u s a our revival
i'm going to get into it
a conomdia
i don't incom and e a specific organ colonial spanishty that's what i'm referring to
for the record he called every right wing or a fascist even though they're basic conservative
makeloy but isn't it interesting he calls navali a civic nationalist
where' is that coming from that doesn't make any sense to me
vosh is a liberal
i don't think he's
just the liberal i think he's an american chauvinist
also putin is
against the indigenous of
ok elaborate priight tuns what does that mean concretely is weret some people saying more alice was against the indigenous so
kind of skeptical
everyone keeps saying that word fascist
yeat because liberals are really spooked a pout the fact that the world is post liberal move beyond liberalism
so the liberals call that fascist
just because we've moved beyond anglo saxon modernity
where the world is everyone's a fascist except the anglo adjacent countries and maybe the eu
but keep an eye on the you maybe theoll start calling the fast
yeltson whew caused one hundred million
xs death was in that bak
of course yeah he was just a civic nationalist ok
there's the definition of the
common turn
was probably says that because some online fascists like putin
idiotic reasons
that's the thing with american lepses
consistently is that they've they've defined their poliicics just in opposition to
the right wings whatever the right wing says they take them at their word they don't realize that right wingers don't necessarily know what all themselves
but they see the right wing whatever the right wing says the some kind of mystical herman
that allows them the true insight into the real face of the enemy
it's really silly
fucking st
boss probably prefers to
south african decolonization over
voss probably calls mugabe a fascist
probably calls him that
putin slf in the reactionary government
against evil moralis
i don't know the drama in that pride tunes
you were not
putin shills
we were backing russian
marxist leninist
many of whom are against putin but it depends on the context in which they're against
what i would say
we're not here to show for put
but we are here to as americ as an american we're not all americans here but as an
american personally
i take issue with a fellow american
speaking business against russia they have no business there they
it from an american chauvinist
so i hope you understand and appreciate that new
vosh is a counter leftist
mathno was a fascist
i don't i doubt he would say that
osh also says that black national determination in america
far right ethno statism
w gives a fog with this idiot things
but i just want to point out this a po
what a stupid fucking thing to say
far right ethno statism
you see how americans love applying these weird idiological
meaningless abstractions on to the world
these internet you know like what is up with this what is up with just calling things
airy fairy etiological terms in the substitute for any kind of real concrete analysis
i find it very american
and i'm almost disturbed by
these are the people who use the who make political compass means
and it's like sometimes i'll see how these political compass means
a street vendor is
libertarian right
is he though i
you know it's like
why are you assuming reflexivity that isn't there are you assuming an etiology that doesn't have to
there's no discret idiologies out there in the fucking wild they're all in your fucking head
if someone's not calling themselves a term
chances are they aren't that fucking term becuse yes
etiology is something that's on the surface ok
someone doesn't identify as a nazi or fascist
and they don't supp they don't
express support for nazis or fascists
people who call themselves those words
chances are and this is going to probably get me into some flat
chances are they probably aren't that thing
take people at their word and you will see
more clear results
when marxists call people bourgeois proletarian we're not
throwing ideological labels
ok but ediology itself is really something that is on the surface
and also applies to communism
it not an accident that the chinese communist party is
there's exceptions but
you know
it's usually on the surface
usually in plain view
and we're going to show you a video that's going to show you something on plain view as well
civic matter
fi remember correctly wash has multiple times said he doesn't like to have debates with people more intelligent than he has
ok well
he probably doesn't think we're more intelligent than him you know
because we have les views and shit so we'll see this
take debate and he might debate us
take vos at his word
proliferation of strange idological means a reaction by the people to the new lib single
i mean
let's just get it this ust
and also antipathy between putin and between russia and russia's neighbors
whereas alexeiy seems
that has nothing to do with
to be more in favor of like a broader pan russian
sort of union
at the expense of people outside of it he said some oh
at the expense of you outside
so even the proud boys who are multi ethnic and multiracial
even fucking novale isn't there even the proud boys have what they have that caribbean leader guy who's like black skinned
i don't understand what why are you using this language why do you have this tone voice why don't you
you know i'm saying like
be consistent whyu'ch a fucking hypocrite using this watered down oh well
he just happens to be in exterminationt genocidal
ethno nationalist rypto nazi toward non
ethno russians but you know it's
you gott to look past
ps a fashion
i don't buy it man you seem exhausted
i meing to ban you from chat and i'm just
final solution is the yanke
bomb that like but
appreciate guys
how many dislikes do we have i can't see
why does they why does he call him first name
where the there's some but her last supporter that are probably watching this
aren't you us to talk
i might even invite you to bitch
piss me off
talking to chat i want to see
pretty yicxy stuff about immigrants and muslims
it seems he just you know
it's a little bit
racist agin
but he spports same sex marriages
like he's more interested in the the gengs kan roman esque let us unite our people
as i know you were triggered by that weren't you
gam is a con who
who is the forefather the grandfather the symbol of the world's greatest and most powerful multi ethnic multi religious multinational and multicultural empire on the fucking earth renowned for its
tolerance should the fuck bitch do not speak a
get gangs tongue
cons fucking name out of your tongue
you fuck an idiot
and by the way
you're wrong about the roman empire to the roman empire wasn't some ethno chaluvinist nationalist
purit all the shit begins with england
get the romans
and get the mongols out of your tongue you're talking about england england was the first racialistic country on planet earth
get it right
now you've triggered
i haven't been triggered for five minutes when he brings up gag is kind of ge trigged
he wants
with the one dislike his wash himself
probably the same guy who dislikes all of calebs sreams what a buthurt
foss fans are pussy
puin arrangements and
i remember that lenin has a mongoli turkic background
and it's very big
but i don't want to
to mean le len
talking about
there was a
literally black emperors and some
yeah and there was arab ones i remember when i was young because i come from an arab back on there was philip the arab
wow that's pretty cool
uses people he doesn't care about his weapons
what is this osh guy talking about
ok let's get on
gay people
ukrainians all get allmen here
but fuck those fuck those muslim people my right
that seems to be the git that doesn't seem like a trivial thing wash
that doesn't seem like a trivial thing to me
to me that little thing that little exception you're talking about
seems to be the thing that actually defines who we is
because we're living in an era of unprecedented
anti muslim chauvinism as we're seeing in france
and i know i know i know what you're going to say you're going to talk about china and we will we can talk about
ok we're not going to do it now
i got to go to bed
don't worry
xt here he is a nationalist he's
a big nationalist
but he's a lot more socially why are you calling him a nationalist wt you say he's a fascist and be fucking consistent
half of the people in the fucking capitol hill riot weren't calling them nationalists
and yet you're still calling them fascists and you wanted to exterminate them in your tweet
where you said that we either get rid of them or are we get rid of our democracy
so what the fuck are you talking about vob
someone explained to what he's talking about
be liberal at least in some respects than putin and he also seems to be a fair bit more economically liberal as well
so this isn't what does that mean objectively that sounds like economically liberal i'm thinking about the eleven million excess debts in the one nine hundred ninety s that's what i'm
you're thinking about ideological abstractions that mean fucking nothing i'm thinking about the concrete geopolitical
and social
consequences of all these fucking terms you're throwing around
what does that mean concretely sounds like novale wants to empower some but heard in embittered
who fell out of favor with putin's government
maybe that's the case because that's what it sounds like to me
that's what i'm reading when you're talking about ediology
infrared vision versus
american vision
free market capitalism
put in my
like a
socialist versus fascist situation
this is more of a
autocratic tyrant verses
pseudo ethno nationalists what a what a poetry what is subtle poetry
sorry i don't
i'm losing my words
what he would an ornamentally
diverse set of
finely crafted words
whereas in america everyone just the fascists
and putin's a fascist and mgab's a fascist china's fascist wre fascist caleb's fascist
everyone's a fascist if you're not a liberal
but when it comes to novale he's an
he's a classical liberal ethno nationalist
civic nationalist
sory civic nationalist
classical liberal
men's rights activist
sock them
oh sock them ok he
he's a civic nationalist sock imagine someone describing hitler this way yeah hler he's a
hes he's a sock dem because he supports the
the social democracy policies
he's a sakdem
you know kind of civic nationalist ah
pro german he wants to expand german's borders at the expense of the slavs he might want to exterminate them
but he is against bolshevist dictatorship in stalinist fascism
and he is supporting the free western world against the hordes of asiatic mongolic barbarism
so you take your pick guys
you know im it's an unbiased
presentation i'm watch i'm giving you gys an unbiased presentation
ushes against
public industry
i don't even know this guy that much my sides are collapsing everything i don't like is fascism basic
hitler yeah hitler was a vegetarian sock oh yeah
you know he was kind of a
pro vegan animal liberation you know
on the political spectrum i'd map him kind of you know
he's a little bit towards the center maybe
little bit on the
bottom left
here comes the killed luxembourg
yeah yeah it's gets a little
complicated i thin yeah it's here's i'm oss ready guys
i'm going to do the memrkel what is it called merkel roll
does any pronounce it
can i see the camera you know she does this because she's she's explaining subtle complications
she's above
it's a little
a little
he just hates muslim
he just wants to exterminate them
and he wants to be with the free and enlightened
superior are and race
he wants to exterminate the mongolic tartar barbarian muslim
it's a little complicated i'm washed
a little complicated
oh what about the storming of the capitol hill
where it's really ambiguous and we don't really it's a kind of anti establishment thing and
these people aren't really itiologically fixated as the left is diping no no it's all fascism
jimmy doors a fascist
we're fashist everyone's a fasiest
unless you're a
hiding behind the skirt of the biden security state in silicon valley in the university institutions in the establishment
you're fashions
no subtenly no nuance nothing and also putin's a fascist
china's fascist infrared is fascist
no nuance at all but when it comes to navaly
you got lost with that new one
here comes the killed
he seems like he's trying to reverse engineer p
yeah i know he's
why don't you just call him a fascist
i mean i don't know if i would call ivania a fascist but
washer is hew seems like he has the responsibility to
because he's calling everybody a knowdgble in a fascist
for much less than one the all these
you know
maybe the state department crowd i want to know what the argument against this is is there one or what
isn't this kind of a
bullet proof argument or what
you think that all could he say
black sea is significantly better than putin
ok i want to roll that back
significantly better than complicated i do think that
quote this
i do think that
dlexia is significant xxy is significantly better than putin than put
i want you to find me a video of putin that's similar to this
please do
find me a putin video
that's similar to this where putin is this incriminating
i want you guys to think in your head
and maagine its national american liberation movement
and imagine this is from an american proud boy or some american guy
and i want to
want you us to
ask yourself
what would the left in the united states say about
this was an american and he was talking about mexicans or muslims in america
what does this mean national russian liberation movement i want you guy to read between the lines what does that mean
who's he liberating the russians from
let's see in the video
sorry the sounds off
drast with smm about be insect control
missicqoman is not nll st dont abuzz is this is civic nationalist he's describing people as insects and cockroaches who need to be exterminated
is that a civic nationalist guys wash where's your nuance on
what is this
was the guy who jimmy dore brought on his fuck and show
anywhere near this ely fot which was s some of min stuk at least of my wife look workut that are kind of top com
i don't think it's a job it's a stretch to say
and i'm not a sensitive snowflake liberal
but i don't really think it's a stretch to say that
novale is comparing
people to insects
he's wants to swat the insects
i don't know what
how i don't know what nuances left
i don't know like there's not a lot of room for interpretation as far as what he means
i mean if this isn'an auzism
according to have n him american loves definition
i don't know what is i don't
i really don't i'm at a loss most the deal just a bk onmy caus this commly
this is a human being these are human beings a talking about
ah it was
you guys see that how he shot
is is it more
explicit than this
trumps not never even done anything like
trump has never
one of the
sickest things trumps havever said was the thing about
how in indonesia or the philippines they would dip
bullets in pigs blood to shoot the muslim
but it was never like this
i've never seen anything like this out of the trumpian
never in my life i ever seem like any
i've never seen a proud boy
i've never seen anyone from the capitol hill stormy
never see a sure as i've never seen a libertarian i've known libertarian
never seen a libertarian do this
ron paul type person i've never seen a militia type
person gets to this level
the only people who get to this level are neo nazis in america
direct new aazis
no i'll weait on slow ship y recommend the it recommends a hand sty
what do you guys think
how much room for nuances there he's a civic nationalist
is he a civic nationalist i just showed you
where's the nuance
the reason for that
so i ak it to the check
leader of the russian federation has more power than the president of the usa is the respective countries
a it's a little fashy
you ho it's not a little fash is direct extermination is rhetor
you know i'm glad people are leaving wash
i don't know if they are
hong kong separatists arer roaches though
i'm sure this is't discussed
already and i missed it what is the consensus on boogloo block
jimmy do
i'm really glad jimmy
is going in this direction
i'm really glad
because believe it or not
unlike ale i like saying no vali
it' nowhere near
very ambiguous
very ambiguous when it comes to the anti establishment
former trump
and if you don't understand i'm talking about
either need to do more education research which is one hundred percent fine or you'r
fucking idiot
most people on bd
this get this gets so complicated
the reach
doesn't seem complicated to me at all
reason for that
is because
putin doesn't just hurt russia
there's a lot of really dumb shit that gets said about russia and about putin
i'm trying not to get angry
but if he's concerned about the welfare of other countries and that's his metric for judging whether you should support a fascist
or support someone like putin
trump was a billion times better for the people of the world
then biden is now
but that didn't seem to factor into vuscous consideration as far as who people should vote for
back in two thousand and twenty
foster doesn't care about socialism
but how is it this shameless i this is like the first full video i've ever watched of this guy n called wash
and i'm disgusted
sick to my stomach
fucking hboccers
that comes out of like western press and western media
a lot of it feels like fear mongering and xenophobia while of course r
that's all it fucking is actually doesn't just feel that way
to any sane person
it's a form of psychosis
rusha gate was and to everyone outside of america everyone can see it psychosis
based at least in part in truth russia made a concerted effort to influence the outcome of the twenty and sixteen election and
when you have a global internet
of course russians and people all across the world are going to give their two cents
on what's going on in the most powerful country in the world
how is that the same as this loaded term election interference which means fucking nothing at all
it's the most vague stupid fucking word in
if the am i interfering in russia right now because i'm
there's media that is against navaly right now
what is this interfe what is the determinant and direct content of this interference
talking about media proliferating on the free and open internet
that's the nature of the internet
and yes different countries
you're going to have different content coming from different countries based on their actual political positions
and interests
if you want to have a great firewall of china and america you can go ahead and do that and advocate for that mr
till you have something like that you can't complain
and you can't use these words like election interference
russia didn't rig anything
it's not like it
you know sent wrong ballots or some
so fucking stoop
foss is a low key rusti gator it's not lok
seen a full osh
thatvid heo was streamed
i've never seen one either
i've never seen a streaener but this is the first full video i'm watching
i just saw the title and i knew it was going to be believe it or not
i saw the title and i knew it was going to be
this mos
most of uss videos on other countries
i just want to know what the argument against this is
you know someone's going to write an essay trying to debate me come on the fuck and stream and debate me bit
i'll respond to it either way on street
a bipartisan senatorial committee found as much
on lim email us if you want to debate us on
cople instances e mail us
send an e mail and just
say yeah i want to bet you guys we're going to invite you to a call itill be live or it'll be a video whatever you want
put it oup
this it remains the case that many people use russia as some sort of straw man or like like a fear mongering scapegoat you know
people appointed russia russia russia russia fine
t we don't know
there are actually some things russia doesre pretty weird you know
like what
tell me what's weird and out of the ordinary
key emphasis on out of the ordinance
this is most of us's
like russia's at fault for being in its own independent polarity and having its own
that are not america's interests
i want to know what's so weird about
fact that americans whine about election interference when russians post online
it's almost like the problem
people like osh have with russia is that russia exists and russia is in some colony of
russia does exist
russians do exist
russia's history exists russian civilization exists
and you seem to be really upset about the fact that other polarities exist beyond the continuity that culminates in america
china and russia exist
and you seem to be really upset about
really upset about that they exist beyond the liberal west
there's a world beyond the liberal west
the majority of humanity
seems like you have an exterminationist attitude toward this majority
and you fuck and hate
you have hatred in
bitterness in your heart towards the majority of humanity for being outside of your enlightened liberal west
and even the people in your own fucking country
it didn't make matters worse
fact that americans whine about elections interference when russians post online
while they themselves commit monstrous election interference
we all know that but americans don't only do that they just bomb the shit out of countries and fuck everything up
faucs it's disgusting to me disgusting and sick to my stomach
that an american
is spending their time
talking shit about russia when their own fucking country is leading a trail of carnage and havoc across the entire world and still is to this day
why don't you focus and stay on your own fuck in lane wash
how about that
because you got some businesses sort out as an america
you do
fact that americans
washes functional literate not sense of reading
he seems like a fucking idiot to me
this is something wash in the state department share
made that other countries aren't colonized by the
course gota go as see later quindy glad to have you here
who says that wash is in the cia
i want to credit m
america created both china and russia as enemies
as enemies but they didn't create those countries
countries i don't know what we're saying
i wouldon't even say's a llliterate he's genuinely malicious and manipulative
well if he wants to debate us he wants to debate me
the jeti tricks don't work on me
because i'm a city
guys don't be
n know i'm cr
mentioning other countries when talking about politics is bad
america is the only country that exists
oh ok so we have a vo supporter and chat our first one saw prolette
saw prolette
thank you so much
for being the only but herd guy in chat
who's defending boss
you've been the on you're the only one where the bass to say anything
but just to explain to you how fucking stupid your comments is
we mention countries all the time
what we don't do is get into the business of other countries and speak about who we support and who we don't support
a in other countries
when you have business in your own fucking country to
no i'm not a vow supporter
ok but which is if what you're saying is
i don't know what you're saying
ok so should i apologize i was being dumb on purpose
o i'm sry
we just we don't have the haters and shat
i'm sorry i'm sorry for jumping on you what
you know where are these people
i think he's taking the
ok that's fine i'm sorry
don't apologize man don't
the internet's a vicious place you know
which is demonstrably true trump does a lot
shady deal
i love hearing him talking about election interference
like the us you we know man we know it's so obvious
it's like you know it's a joke you have to bring it up everyone knows america
has always done this
the america has always done this
you know
but to preface myself and i'll be triggered
yes you can talk about other countries
but you always have to remember that when you're talking about other countries you're talking about it from the perspective of your country
when we talk about china we talk about china in the context that we want to learn from china
we want to learn from china for the american com
and that's basically how we as
as far as the american members of infraredic
and we are an american focus show more or less weere we speak english
hi infrared i seeen on kd stream
what's up and t f yeah i was in caleb stream as a chatter
because i actually like caleb in his ream is actually very informative
the thing he mentioned about hamilton versus jefferson was very interesting
so he's really good at
being education
like the whole russia rigged the election taken as a kind of joke like
who should co find a troll for
i've never found a troll i found one guy
was really whos calls infrared the liars and they've never shown up again
ny was china not modern china
no i'm saying modern china
n i see that
russia did want trump to win it's pretty clear if you tae a look at trump's
the whole world want to trump to win i'm not going to lie you guys about that
including african countries
whole world want to trump to win
why because trump
was saying america' is going to mind its own business
you want to know what people in the world want
america to fuck off
trump was promising
the thing the people
that other countries hate the most
are the american deep state liberal
and they're the enemies of humanity
everyone wanted trump to win
everyone did i've never voted an election
never voted
never will probably
outside the context of an organization which i'm not in right
i've n i've never voted individually you can watch our video about
part of me and you can you can
clip me and say oh look he's a nleuseles a fascist
part of me kind of did want trump to win
deep down inside
no i never actually at that time
itmitted it but
part of me did want to see him when
you know
comrade trump
that's what people call him
i'm going to get i'm giving it to you guys straight
you know
whoever's telling you otherwise is lying to you
that's the truth
cuba want to bite into window
well the
for very pragmatic reasons right for very pragmatic reasons
but not for this
existential reason
it's weird how even new channels like yours get smeared
once they learn that you're an anti imperialist
good call s elections a complete force
nvery duty and i want to trump to win to watch liberals cry
i wanted him to win just to see what would happen
just on night heli was to go what
wet of them to win because i was genuinely
deep down inside i didn't admit it
deep down inside i want to
this time around
you can
we took the videos off
we predicted
we felt that biden was going to win
then at the last moment isi maybe trumple win
he didn't
but i didn't care i didn't have a dog in the race this time at all
how do you feel about p s l
i don't have a problem with them but i wouldn't join them myself
not only that
modern china suppresses any attempted workers organization
pride tunes it's a really complicated conversation
what i will say is that
american conception of what workers are and all that kind of stuff is a
i don't want to like do you i got to go to pitts
want to derail
but all i will say is that it's a really simplist
thing your saf
really simpliles
also using the election meddling claim
because pride uds believe it or not
workers organization that was independent of the party was also suppressed in maois china
it was also suppressed in the soviet union and it was suppressed in ever
communist state that ever
ever exist
workers or it's a really misleading thing you're saying is workers organization you mean
workers organization that's going to be outside of the context of the proletarian dictatorship as it
officially instantiated
is going to be a form of political subversion
speaking i'm speaking maybe even as the devil's advocate for socialism with chinese chara
also using the election meddaling claim israel did more
course israel medals more than
everyone knows that
trump is a secret third world
secret or not it's kind of objectively
soaw what happen if trump won nothing would change and was still maintain frealism
yet but no new wars were started
trump fumbled the bag with a coed response among other
i know
in the chinese government capitalist run for government
projects're not going to debate about china
we'll do another stret
if not for covert he would be president
i think so i don't know
presidency that he did seem to have some sort of but butdy thing going on with putin
in what way was he but bodies with put
seems to me that trump throughout
course of his election campaign
expressed someums
putin to some extent
many people admire put
he's a
he's one of the world's most prominent statesman and most prominent
celebrity statesman in the entire world
you have a diversity of people who
putin is admired
africa to lantin america
he's a
and yes e'urope in america too
a lot of people admire put
different reason
does that make him a but body
i want you guys to know something that i'm embarrassed
because people like os for the reason why americans are the laughing stock with
calling putin and trump what
based on what evidence
tell me what the evidence for that
you can maybe say that about puin in g
putin g were friends
and they excluded trump
it seems like trump was really mad about that actually
almost got into one with iran
trump renewed yeah i know i know that
that was all the republican establishment it wasn't the fascist trump
who was doing it was the republican established
and the israel law
trump renewed and strengthen the sanctions on russia
i know but
biting just went to iraq
so trump didn't want to start a new
is what i'm trying to say he
more or less
it would have been less damage
then with hillary
we know that
also pulled out a ton of treaties ok
but he didn't
he didn't do what obama did
during obama and bush's
can you guys at least admit that
let's be honest to you ok
don't think in these biased terms
think we think like someone outside of america
seems that like time goes on vosh gets more and more neoliberal
yeah weill
he's not going to be a leftist in two years
anyone know a good place to learn more about russian politics
russians themselves is a good
i guess the focus groups were saying that they should try to cater last
ho misch
that's fine but if you care about people's emensemation in
capital letters why
it's a phrase do don't phrase my
a national sovereignty you want to support modern china well debate about china on the stream ok
a debate about china in another stream that's w i wanted to say
that's fine but
we can debate about china of the stream
getting my g books
yeah i wish
i don't think the uus can is see wars withot going for the
and the reason for that is because potin is
i don't know what that eugenics gun
seems like hillary was explicitly more interventionist than frm
trump said he wants to leave the sandy place of death
there's nothing there
hillary is a intervention
yeah i would say putin is probably the most effective state actor
currently alive
as a far right autic
i don't have to react to everything do i because this's jus not true
isn't she an effective state actor
crag what is a state actor you mean as an individual
putin has been funding far right groups in
i think voss doesn't understand how states work
putin isn't
funding anyone
different polarities based on their different geopolitical interests are going to
they're the money that they're
allocating for foreign interest whatever they're doing is going to find its way in a diversity of
different groups and
that doesn't mean putin some mastermind puppet master
think you really just don't understand how states
wash especially because russia's inheriting the post soviet infrastructure
it's not some
master plan of some spider web if you think that way
you're giving even russia itself a little bit of more credit
you know every state is very bureaucratic and
this money
is dispersed in arguably chaotic ways
i you know anything about statehood you know what i'm talking about
z is just a dengit
well weord
i don't i don't agree with that term dengst
pritums can you just
wait till another stream
let's just not get into it now ok
drop it
come to another come by next stream next stream i promise you will debate about
standard unless boss responds and mef to get into
standard mo
politicians as do the nexon strategy advocating carpon bombing
where's he getting this information
only problem trump
it's well known yet russia is funding a lot of different
so does america
i get i
bet brazil and china do too in the european union sure as all does
everyone does it it's not 's not out of the ordinary you know the only difference is that russia is rebellious against american union polarity
and so is infrared
at least ideologically
only problem with trump is that he pulled out of the clear skies agreement
nuclear war
is not going to happen under trual
i'm responding to other people on the streem
okay guy shut up what china okay
focus on this countries all around the world
stop debating much china we're going to have a china stream another time in fact if you take a look at many of the fascist parties like in say romania or hungary or us today features both the foreid and forar
yeah i know because russia today is not
just against american un polarity
by the way marx was engaging with a bunch of other
marx was engaging with a diversity of different thinkers and you know interesting ideas and
in the nineteenth century things were way more ambiguous than it is now
because we have the black mil of fashion
you don't label people first and then hear their ideas you hear their ideas and then
if you need to label them afterwards label them
why are why are you so fanatically idological like this liberal
doesn't make any sense to me
r t is platforming people that they feel are and roughly anti establishment out of the mainstream not otherwise being platformed
people who are
directly in this vulgar way like alexy navali talking about immigrants
as people who need to
exterminated i doubt ar t is going to be platforming them
just not a basic human sense and decency it's not because of medological labels though it's because of
how people are presenting themselves
there's a lot of libertarians
what's off the cuff
you know libertarians
they say a lot of if you didn't know the idiological label they were coming from
they say a lot interesting things
you know if you didn't
label alex jones with an eological label
decade ago
i bet a lot of you in the chat if you were thinking clear minded
you would agree with a lot of the things he was saying
just idiological labels cloud people's ability to
form coherent
rational judge
callt a little bit of the teamstream after a hum's s becoming more and more little takes
because he doesn't actually self educate himself in any way it's the
thing about russian media is that
they would not actually feature a bona fide nazi simply because of
they also wouldn't do it because they do have standards
you'll find that they have pretty significant ties to putin's government
and the reason for that is wy sacd doesn't want to be the only facting that they have
they romania fascist parties like in say romania or hungary or poland o guys i want to give you some context
if what he's saying is true and i can't confirm or deny because i genuinely don't know
first of all poland romania and
i don't know about romania i should know because
water he's our guy
hungary and poland are led by
far right
but geopolitically speaking
theyir nato
allied countries
russia is funding fascist groups in those countries
because they want to get nato off their back because fuck in nato was on their doorstep
they don't actually care about the etiology and it's not really their business russia's business is russia's business
unless you're an exterminationist nato supporter who wants to annihilate the russian people in the russian civilization
you would agree that russia' is looking out for its interests in the most pragmatic way possible
you can't really blame them or hold them to fault for
but it's really interesting how h fucking hypocritical washes
when it comes to things like ukraine
america explicitly supports ukrainian nazism
and these people are directly nazis
i bet you i bet you i bet you
poland and
fuck and hungry
those fascists
sh is talking about are not explicitly pro
probably not
but in ukraine they are
and the u s supports them the u s is the only country that in sign
the russian led
condemnation of nazism
sorry i don't know the terms charter in the un
why is that
wouldn't everyone want to just condemn nazism because the u s knows that those nazis are running around in fucking ukraine
that's why
people their funding
libertarian sound incoherent because don't have a basis in reality just like liberalism
know sometimes libertarians like ron paul those people they did say some interesting things
i have a playlist that goes to liberal political ideology
poland government is probably the most pro american government there is in europe yeah
to if russia is supporting
insurgent movements in those countries
probably because they want to get nato off the fuck and back and not because they care about spreading fascist idiology
twich reams are a live waste
russian liberalism is contradictory to american liberalism
everything's con
ukraine us with only countries not signed other ok guys we' got really got to do this i got to wrap this up
i got to go really soon and you'll find that they have pretty significant ties to putin's government
and the reason for that is of course because putin doesn't want to be the only fascist in town he want
is that true vah is it because pun want doesn't want to be the only fascist in town or is it because russia is looking out for its basic geopolitical interests in the most pragmatic way
is it really idology a because if is idiology why is that russia also supported elements of seriesa and greece
another far left group
which one is it is it because fact what a stupid idealistic fucking analysis do
call yourself a
socialist and
pretend to be adjacent to marx in some way
and yet you you
filter everything through lens of terms
you read online
do you really think putin cares about your red it political spectrum or what
dude stop embarrassing yourself
one's buddies to chill out with and
we all you know i get it we all need friends
but that's like a real thing
but i need
thiss a grad is a military contractor between poland sheki hungary and other countries yeah and
to vos fascism means hates
people b
you to understand that this is a real thing
he funds far left groups too yes he does i'm going to get
yes he does yes he does cause
i said he wanted he didn't want to be only fascist in town but what is he going to say now to that
the goal
that putin seems to have
is to destabilize
western democracy more termscracy western democracy more terms no materialist analysis no geopolitical analysis
more terms more idological arei ferry abstraction
western liberal democracy
far right civic nationalism
suck them
how many more terms do we need
can you just admit that russia is a different polarity than the american polarity in the european polarity
has a different history has a diferent
polar continuity
and its interest
conflict with
american unipolar he geminy for historical complicated reasons we're not going to get you in the stream
can you just fucking admit the simple thing
sead of
pulling all these terms out of a fuck and hat
generally speaking
the best way to destabilize a democracy
is to make sure that the radical group
a democracy
which democracy was
which democracy
why don't i go ahead and say russia' is more democratic than the uus
russia is more democratic than the u s
i bet you my balls
that within the twenty year timespan of putin's reign
he has been far more popular
among the russian people
then american congress for example
democracy isn't only defined in the western liberal sense of premising political
by elections
lock doesn't premise the greek word democracy democracy means ruled by the people
the manner by which that rule is expressed
can vary
and actually does very
that's why china is more democratic than the u s look it up
within those countries
well supplied and well funded
why do you define the west as democracy is my question
is the west's history defined by democracy or is it defined by colonialism imperialism
cetera et cetera etcetera
why is it defined by democracy
i don't understand why is that
you do you think the west is in the position it is not geopolitically
because it's democratic
according to you it's democratic
i beg to foralgon you
i beg to fucking differ that the west is democrat
europe's the debt enlighten democracy in the rest of the world's what oss
so you have
what are you saying dude you sound like a
you sound like a fuck a nazi dude
what's up with this explicit western chauvinism here
have the far right groups true but far left
weral democracy is real democracy
counter leftist exist to destroy any
never voch acts like
the s is a legitimate democracy he exposes himself
groups do in their own way destabilize liberal democracies
this is one of the
reasons what
but i thought it was because putin's the only fascist in town
and i could catch a lot of flack for this
i don't think it's acceptable to push for socialism in the united states in a way which immediately advocates for or bolsters the power of the republican
ok guys i mean
there you go i i
i don't know what else to say
he just said it
you know i kind of just want to address that pragmatic point
i think that's a stupid focking thing anyway
beyond that how hilarious what you just said was
it's also fucking stupid because
the republican and right wing are calling you communists anyway
they called biden in kamala a socialist wash
did those people call
and you can see all that they actually won
yeah they won
they won the white suburbs
at the expense of the working class your
they're going to win again we'll see stay tuned
they're going to call you that anyway though
you know
if you want to win the people
i guess you shouldn't have you should care about that
if you don't and you want to be biden comm and when those white suburbs
and have everyone else be apathetic and not participating in your democracy
yeah yeah you should you should just go ahead and
guess adopt that strategy
because you don't have to care what people think
me and the boys posted call a mop aut thero a pool
they like him cause he's edgy apparently
weeks later no social scharacteric n
bosnings rushes single handedly
i don't like accelerationism to that effect
because in reality it seems like all we're really doing or undermining institutions we could take advantage of to
institutions you can take advantage of
institutions you can take advantage of
you're undermining institutions
and therefore
you shouldn't be a leftist because you're going to undermine the democratic institutions
is this an anarchist this is an anarchist right
you're going to undermine the institutions
so when you're talking about patriarchy and sexism and racism and
all of those things
those aren't institutionally instantiated those aren't based
and entrenched
materially in the institutions
when you call yourself a leftist
aren't you
isn't the object of your critique the fucking institutions
hays that he's an anarcho cynicalist a market socialist and a marxist at the same time
no anarchist in history i don't care what they were calling themselves
besides chomsky maybe
shills for institutions
yet chomsky's full of shit
longer an anarchist as of the hakim
marx post paris commun said destroy and build new ones
what subject car
it's difficult to imagine if you never got sucked in
he's defending institutions look if you have any kind of critique of society
institutional collapse or transformation
and by means of collapses the only way institutions have ever been transformed
to the bedman it doesn't get more explicit than this guys doesn't get more explicit than this benefit of a group with way worse aims
than than we have
you need to be careful about that stuff in reality
because everything is defined in terms of end goal aims and not material
orientations and tendencies in actual concrete reality
as a socialist trying to i
you're not a socialist was
prove your country
is kind of like
it it's kind of like
here's some thing i want to emphasize about accelerationism
trying to improve your country
is kind of
accelerationsm doesn't actually mean you want to voluntarily make things worse
acceleration ism actually means
that you recognize
things will inevitably get worse and there's actually nothing you can fuck and do about
therefore you should somehow make peace and adjust accordingly to that fact
i want you guys to take that away at least
accelerationsm doesn't mean voluntarily
forcing bad things to happen
means being at peace with the inevitability that bad things will happen
and if you want my two cents
people who are debating about accelerationism in the first place
are not decisive in reality so yes they should be acceleration is in that sense
because they're not able to you you voluntarily can't do shit
sorry to say that
you can't
nothing is better by didn't didn't win because
radical left to supported him or not
bit and wipe his ass with wipes his ass with
no one cares about radical leftist in america
they dore not decisive they don't matter
nothing as said as defending liberal institutions
i like
it it's kind of like
i'm trying to think of a really comparable example here ok it's
it's kind of like
trying to implement
it's trying to throw a revolution
in a country wehle it's like under attack from like a demon horde outside
vostjus called russia a demon hoard
and he used the word hort
am i crazy guys or what
like i'm i'm not even shocked
the mong he didn't say mongolicord but it's the same thing he called them a hord
a horde
guys he called them a horse
can i explain to you what that means
it means that
people in western countries who are instanced in liberal institutions those are sovereign liberal individuals
but in countries like russia and china
they do not
see the individual as the metaphysical absolute
as the unit of the policy
so this is why western chauvinis
the nineteenth century
colonialism probably even before that
all the way through german nazism referred to asian peoples and russian peoples and eastern european peoples even
as hordes
the reason there are hordes
is because in these countries institutions do not premise
the sovereign individual
as the metaphysical absolute of state
that's why they call them horts so this is the nazi dog whistle washes
he's giving us
yeah is youut of court
i don't mean to be like the cancel culture police i never like being that guy
it's quite strange it's at least
interesting he used that word
ok you know
you you want to fix the country the country's far
but you don't want to do it in a way but
in order to view the country in
in that wave wash you have to actually
havey correct
practical understanding of where you are right now
and what is within the practical sphere of your actual concrete and material intervention
you can't abstractly decide
what you want to do and how you want to implement it and then only then
think about all that all we have to worry about is how we get there
no you have to actually
know where you are right now
and only from a concrete material understanding of your finite relationship to politics
from your subjective pronunce position of enunciation
as well as the objective one
can you then form some kind of
vision of
what to do
you can't first create an abstract scenario of
what should be done
and then
think in this american pragmatic way all we have to do is
find a way to do it we know what we want we have to find a way to do it
a lot of leftist make this mistake to
no you need to know what is objective in material you had to scrrect sense of being first
then you can
do that
don't be an american pragmatic dogmatist
lot of communists think that
we we i want communism how do we realize it
very american
narrow american pragmatism
literally every third world infrared
will immediately go over washs head
osh will debate small channels
try i'm not going to try
you know i'm just
making his video
that causes it to be susceptible to being overrun by demon hordes because
then the whole thing turns and overrun by demon hortes
the some fucked up nitan
political situation that only a portion of my audience
probably a large portion
will enjoy
when we marxists are talking about are you scared no i'm not i'm saying i'm not going to go ask was was can we debate you
fuck him right he shaild
ask us to would challenge we're making this video so if he wants to debate
we're putting it out there
but guys i
yeah do i have to explain it to you like the
the meaning of what he's saying here and
we have to explain to the long history of
in light in liberal individuals
who look down upon the great majority of humanity as demon hoards who are going to overrun them
loote them and take their privileges away
and i
overrun their special snowflake individuality
because that's just about how you sum up every fucking history
revolutionary experience
known to mankind
to date
that's always how it's been
always been a small special institutionalized elite
fearing the great masses are going to devour and swallow
even the germans would
create their maps in such a way that it appeared
that that
they would
make it vertically so that russia was on top
seemed like
she's going to press down upon you and overrun you
are special german aaryan civilized individuals
the russian demon horde is going to come the asiatic jewish bolsevixs are going to come
and overrun us
but great a great many people won't so yeah
you need to be careful about that sort of thing
i think you need to be careful o because
in this day and age we can get cancered or anything shouldn't it
shouldn't you at least we get cancelled for this
i mean i'm not a cancelled type of guy
i'm going to go out on a limb here and say yes boss you're being
directly racist you know
in the chat maybe you can disagree with me i don't know is that unfair or no
is is it fair to say he's just being racist right now when he's talking about demon wards
asiatic demon hoardes
overrunning liberal democracy
that sounds racist to me maybe i don't know racisms
or putins i should say efforts to destabilize liberal democracies have been fairly
destabilize liberal democracies
when madeline albright said that it was worth it
five hundred thousand
iraqi children have to starve for sanctions
i don't know what meaning of liberal democracy you have left
maybe i'm just coming from a radically different humanity than you
i myself come from an arab background so maybe i'm part of that demon hord you're talking about and i just don't understand what you mean
when you talk about the wal democracy
when i hear your words wash i hear the carnage and chaos and genocide and death
actually defines
history of
your liberal democracy
i'm thinking about what it actually means and you're thinking about terms
but i can't help but wonder if you're just clueless
or you yourself are aware of the aggression and chauvinism behind your word
but either way it makes you look like a massive pussy
and every time you use the word destabilizing liberal democracy
i can't help
but see
never i can say
too vulgar
something in your mouth
that's not of your own
someone's something in your mouth
that's not of your own
and that someone
happens to be
the oli western liberal oligarchy
financ yars
wall street institutions
the west
sick i'm not going to say i'm i'm not
in certain instances which is why i'm generally supportive
of foreign policy which curtails the ability of putin to engage in that sort of behavior
you're supportive you cannot be supportied aesn't fucking matter of
no one cares about
do you feel powerful is my question
supporting biden and
supporting the foreign policy
it make you feel powerful
supporting just the status quo
because no one cares you know you
whether you support or not will make no practical difference
no one cares about your support
it makes it makes who are you right it makes it seem like
oh yeah all this stuff is happening guy on stream because vosh approved of it it wasoh didn't approve of it
we would be able to actually topple them and stop them from doing
no you wouldn't
whenever you're just
supporting the status quo blindly and it doesn't actually make a fucking difference what your position is
that sounds like a fucking puss es trying to dig rightt of someone else
for you accuse us of doing that with regard to china and other countries
we don't
we objective we don't
all we say about china is that we want to learn from china
we never say
we support
what the chinese government is doing who are we to support them or not support
we don't matter
we don't overestimate our significance
he's a classic chauvinist
see it all the time
course he is
he streams to feed this
he's okay
cages are still
he has far more in common with chobs groups like the proud boys and he doesn't any social
he definitely does just in time
b is saying he agrees with us hedemonic
us foreign policy
before the president
or president trump came int but i'm just trying to think about
how do these people main
they're leftist
bred to
very strange the office we had sanctions on russia
that actually like
strangled them quite a bit and made a
strangle them
strangled the hordes right the demonicc hords
starve them maybe
strangled them
right is that you're looking for
because they're demonic coors youet to kill them in their nest
forre they hatch and overrun you because you're a special sovereign liberal individual
the mindless asiaticchords
you don't want them to overrun you
difficult for them to engage in that sort of behavior
right you have to punish the russians wasch you're such a big man
you're going to punish the russia
that itvice
this guy guys he's the boss of russia
look at this guy look at his face he's russia's boss
he's going to punish
he's in charge of rusha
that's that's the that's what he's trying to exude and project to his audience
but in reality he's a fuck
and then trump remove those sanctions
like day one basically
comrade trump
because he's buddy buddy with putin
is that is it because he's buddy body with putin is that what the reason
or was it because
objectively assessed what a fucking
clownish position america is in the world
american uni polarity is dying
so trump was trying a different approach
he tried to save american uni pularity he
bydn't trying to do it he's not going to be able to either
because american uni polarity is one
read to
the wave of the wind
finm an acceleration is that just means i've made peace with the fact
liberal democracy
the worald democracy
american uni polarity
china is on the rise
living in a
multipolar i post liberal universe in world
and i've long made peace with that
not only have i made peace with
i'm a part of the infrared is part of that fact
part of that tendency part of that move
we bear witness to
i'm not worried about bretd
just not
so the threat yet remains
i guess what i'm getting at right now is that russia is complicated
be so nuanced and
tuned to the complications of our
i only wish you applied the same thing
to your own fucking country
you actually live in
and that
there's not really like a good guy in this situation but we need to be in
who's we
credibly careful who's we and what's the practical fuck indifference
about the extent to which foreign actors are capable of spreading fascism around the globe that's
but you just said they fought they fund
far left people
so which one is it oh what you're trying to say is that they're funding far left people toward the ultimate agenda of
fascism with a capital f
with's purpl and yellow
glad to see hear men
i think that's your argument right that's going you want to make
my question is what evidence do you have of a
there is no evidence
there's no evidence putin's a fascist that's is endl
it's much more reasonable to just assume that russia is looking out for its own interests
if you want to define russia's unique
civilization and its unique
polarity and its unique interest in the world
as the interests of fascism
sounds like you're just a but hurt anglo liberal dogmatist
can't accept the fact
that history doesn't end
with the end
of anglo
my urney
it's incredibly important
a this is something that i plan to look into more in the near future
please look into a vos the world needs
i look into it please
because i want to be able to give i guess a more informed take on this issue
so far i just remember the
the demond accords
i don't i don't really
you know it doesn't really matter to what extent you're informed wash
i think you've actually revealed
you are
nazi adjacent
is that fair to say or civic nationalists adjacent
you're a western chauvinist liberal chauvinist
you think of the majority of living people on this world as demonic hordes
because the majority of the people in this planet earth are
sick and sick and tired of american unipolar
or i'm sorry liberal democracy
ruling over them
and i
just seems to me that wash you're just like any other typical read it chauvinist
but you're disguising yourself
with left wing and socialistic
i don't know why i don't know i think because to be explicitly right wing or
explicitly our slash ne all liberal
probably would make you less a woke
and less acceptable into these communities you're probably preying on
endless and fresh supply of young
you know
naive followers that you seem to be taking advantage of
i not trying to make any accusations but that's the vible
i'm getting
is that
you're taking advantage of a trend
of the zoomer you
i am glad that there are so many people who seem to be comfortable standing up to putin
these protests
well in two thousand and eleven you had
protests so
i'm not sure what' so new about that
i think the more i
pressing question is what this actually amounts to you had large protests in two thousand
eleventh two thousand and thirteen
but putin was still there
so the question is who is the silent majority maybe we're not seen
or is there a silent majority is the whole majority coming out against boot
i'm going to be honest i couldn't tell you guys
ask questions and they'll tell you
i couldn't tell you personally
but never forget about the silent majority
tests led to
it's that would it's almost as naive as saying that the george
george floyd protests in america
mean that it's to your you know
there's the other half of the countries against
so what if that's the case in russia to
and we're just not seeing that side of the
you know
mass arrests this is one of the greatest civic uprisings we've seen in russia
in years
right in years
i mean
but that's not
you know
you didn't say decades or you didn't say centuries you said years
h i don't know what's so impressive about that though
but maybe this is really significant
you know probably significant but
and that's
but i don't i seeing crowds of people is not enough to convince me of that
you know so
something i mean that in a country like that that means a lot in a country like what
you just admitted that years ago the same thing was happening so a country like what
yes it's not the same as america they don't
it's not a liberal democracy like america but
i don't know why you're getting this idea that
russians have lived under the dominion of
you know
with it
foughtlessly and his drones who are just
i don't think you understand anything about rush of osh i just don't
country like that what about your country right
an't you know
that's why it's a that's why it's an issue when you step out of your own lane
because you
make assumptions about other countries
while not being sufficiently attentive to your own issues in your own problems
because it's just a matter of perspective
judging america and judging russia is just a matter of perspective
from a certain perspective america looks a lot worse than russ
from a certain perspective you have washs perspective on russia
for the majority of the world's perspective america' is worse than russia
you should also clarify your rushagate position
there's nothing to clarify
the the belief that russia made a concert is right about that there is noto tof there is nothing to clarify i mean
anti russian races
i guess i will finish the video but i want to have some closing remarks before i
i in the stream dvance the likelihood of donald trump winning back in twenty sixteen is a fact that's a thing
if i was a commenter
and i had an infinitestimally small
percent of advancing the
election of donald trump
that would also be
right as he's saying so he's using very vague words
that are repeated by m s m equally vaguely
that don't actually amount to what they're implying
what he's implying is that russia was somehow decisive
there's no evidence russia was actually decisive
thing that happened
yeah that's that's inarguable
there are a lot of left populists who say that russia gate isn't real
because it's not real
it's not really
it's not
it's complete psychosis
because they don't like the fact that democrats bring it up a lot
which is idiot
no it's because
we have brains when our brains are not
in a
in the jar of the establishment we have our own
ability to think independently
and we're not fanatically turning on c n n and just accepting everything the mainstream media is telling
because those of us have
who have been in this
more than
five years at least
are aware that the mainstream media has continually lied
over and over again not only through the course of history
but over the course of recent memory
but osh
want you to forgive
we left populace
are the ones trying to
make you guys remember
don't trust the media
as simple as that
if they haven't
discerned your trust by now
i don't know what it takes for them
on it
to do that
got it
like you're got to what so things aren't real when they're real because democrats also believe they're real
because they're not real objectively and everyone can see that the democrats psychotic idiological
war mongering and russia mongering
s based in thin air
and the only evidence you need of the fact that it's based in thin air
is that
each object is its own inertia
there's nothing solid there's nothing concrete
it's the inertia itself
like a stock market bubble
that's why it's they're so fanatical
if it were the other way around
they had anything concrete and solid
something would have already been
i wouldn't be surprised though
s messaes
why wouldn't russia try to mess with u s elections
how will it mess with anything is my question
russia is funding this
i don't want to se this were disinformation
information that is
toward donald trump
maybe they were
is this decisive the decisive factor in changing the election
this is what happens when you
you cut
from the heart of you cut a piece of being apart
and it's the dea quintessential definition of paranoia
russia is part of the world
and yes russia's interest did correspond to the breakdown of the american establishment
but you can't just cut off one aspect of being and use it as your scapegoat it's almost like anti semitism
you can't just do that and say oh with russia is the problem if it weren't for russia existing everything would be fine
but russia is part of the whole of being
everything fits together
ok this is what it means to have a dialectical view russia's part of the world
everything fits together
you can't have your cake and eat it too and just say
well if russia was gone
it'd be fine but russia's part of the world it has a meaning and significance in this world
you have to make peace and come to terms with
spent a lot of money to get him in on had yeah the u s was responsible for yeltsing
that's way more arguable than
the resciving response
for trump
i'm know that since r tm
n it's not there are kinds of interferences elections ok
b'll come the fuck on
that doesn't mean the democrats get to blame hillary clinton's loss on russia
fuck hillary clinton why not
my question is why not based on what you've already set up why not
then she was a terrible candidate
why why based on what you've already set up why not
that doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about some of the stuff
who's we
some of the russian claims were a bit far fetched though well then it's a good thing i'm not endorsing every claim ever made about russia that's convenient
i don't know where it begins and where it ends
boston maybe should clarify
where does it begin and then
you don't have to endorce everyone
but that means that in the future when we find out some of these claims are based on nothing wash can say we i wasn'tpalking about that when i was talking about the super vague one that means nothing
interference only the fact that they interfered
what does interfere mean
tell me what that means concrete
does it mean that they
they rigg the elections for example because that's what it sounds like to most people
when you say
did russian
comments in favor of
trump on the open internet that anyone on the fucking world can do
maybe they did
is that
is that the bar of interference now
you know it's very strange
you know like fuck
if we were to distance ourselves from every perspective because liberals believed in it too then we might as well abandon democracy entirely
o you probably should a beendon democracy if you're actually a communist if that's what oss means by democracy liberal democracy
you don't actually have to abandon it
the world is abandoned
so the question is this
since the world has moved beyond
the rural democracy objectively
question is this
are you going to stand behind the rabid
decaye and fanatical american deep state
in trying to save itself from the inevitable confrontation that awaits it
or will you make peace
with the winds of history
and accept
that socialism withr chinese characteristics has definitively outmoted and surpassed western liberal democracy
and so has socialism in general from the twentieth century
of which russia is an inheritan
of soviet
the soviet union
politically and also even into minor extent economic
the world has moved beyond liberal democracy
do you stand with the people of the world
or do you stand with a small minority of fanatical psychotic elites
who want to bring the whole world down with
people of the world
want to get on with life
hillary should have won well hillary won the popular vote so hillar yeah yeah i do think that youyeah i do believe so
i'm curious
i mean you guys all know that if it was the reverse and trump won the popular votes
not be making the argument
they would be saying wll the sanctity of our electoral college
that's how you know
it's all bullshit
it's all a fucking
yeah you guys know
that's what some leftists do yes some leftists do do them anyway long story showed its compliment complicated and
it's so weird
the gkuy doesn't have a perspective outside of m sm
or the world maybe it's just because like h i'm part of the hoard because like i'm arab right because instinctually i don't
i smell bullhion
smell it from a mile away
maybe it's like my
maybe it's just like i was born that way you know
i don't know
and god speed to the protest
i wish i could make i could get inside the mind of like a red it cap
whose mind is just completely enthralled
by the status quo
because i just don't know what it's like to think
i just don't i don't understand
i don't understand what it means to be this kind of
how do people buy into the mainstream with this easel
they were saying something similar about bernie if you won the popular vote
you were born that way you highs folk
i think maybe that is the case you know because i'm part of the demonic hord
and i was implanted in this country
to overwhelm the vauschian
read it liberals
besters and
and yeah
hopefully russia no longer at least at some point the near future no longer remains
a and
a beacon for fascist advocacy the world round
what okay
and novale is not a fascist heachjs a civic nationalist got it
and the ukrainian nazis are just civic nationalists
and the explicit nazis of eastern europe who are anti russia
the way that is a thing
they're just civic nationalists
ok here's my concluding remarks i actually have to go to fucking bed
way past
i want to talk
quickly about the whole nosbl thing
i find it curious
thinkers like alexander dougan
and these this mill you of
nosbales i guess he doesn't really call some of a nosbll anymore
for all of their reactionary views they're not racist
dugan opposes
anglo racism
he opposes racism in general
he's very explicit about that
the russia adjacent
or nationalists
are also completely against racism
it doesn't seem like to me
that right wing politics is the decisive factor in how bred to
is assessing their relationship
and view of countries like russia
and us
nosbals as they like to call them
it seems to me that there's a more fundamental civilizational struggle that's going on
concerning the decla or historical struggle
between the decline of america and the rise of china
those of us who represent
the world's majority
are considered
knowledgebles and fascists but it seems to me that
fascism is just selectively being used by these people to refer to anything that
corresponds to the decline
of the west
chauvinistic supremacy over the world
you can do hul hoops and jumping jacks about liberal democracy all you want
concretely speaking what you're actually talking about is the reign of global white supremacy and colonialism
and if you want to object to the fact that
will abstractly and ideally its no but it is
concretely what it means
that's the concrete reality corresponding
i don't know what else to say on this matter
ukrainian nazis are liberal civic national
marxist leninist or their nozbles
does the hypocrisy get any worse than this
's hard to understand if you never get sucked into ben in the sat of school bring some difficult com
the regime change offers all sorts of commodify alternative
well guys thanks for tuning in
we're going to keep the stream up
stream up
sorry i'm slaying my words now
but i've got to get to bed
glad to have you guys
there any reliable reads on dougan
sed him himself
if you want to redo
duban's not that interesting
as much as he's hyped up
good night guys thank you so much