BadEmpanada gets EVISCERATED (RIP)
BadEmpanadaBreadtubeVaushDestinyDylan BurnsHippie DippyMarxism-LeninismChinaSovietUyghurUyghur GenocideDGGBad EmpanadaSocialism Done LeftSDLContrapoints
all right we're gonna get right to bed
so in case uh any of you guys don't know
that empanada is a fucking idiot
he's the most bitter
deranged piece of shit that uh you know
circulates our sphere and this is what's
going on so beta empanada um he's
covering me now you could see the
bitterness and the frothing at the mouth
because beta empanada you don't have
this beta empanada you don't come close
to me beta empanada you got to know your
place beta empanada beta boy empanada
you understand beta boy empanada because
that's what you are you've outlived your
you've out
surpassed your significance as an
internet content creator ain't nobody
give a shit about you beta empanada
nobody give a head about you beta
empanada you know i'm already about to
surpass you and subscribers your videos
are dog shit your video on the uh
you go to genocide was dog shit bullshit
was it debunked and you're about to get
debunked you don't know what the fuck
you're talking about about anything
beta empanada you don't know what god
damn fucking thing you're talking about
beta empanada is he wants to be the
hipster of the hipsters so he acts like
he's above everyone every content
creator is stupid except him he's the
smart guy that you should trust because
he's the only one living in reality
everyone else is delusional and
beta empanadas the one who's
level-headed and actually grounded in
reality so he's against bread tube but
he's also against caleb maupin and he's
also against the gray zone because he is
just so above it all
that he he's he's he is the one he's the
the messiah right he's too much of a
beta to own up to any position so he
just dwells in a fucking uh eternally
ironic position because he can't fucking
fathom the idea that you literally live
on the fucking internet you don't live
in the real world beta empanada you're a
fucking internet figure and you can't
own up to that fact so you just act like
you're this ironic guy who just makes
fun of everything and
nothing can be taken seriously yeah we
get it beta empanada but guess what
you're stuck here with us you're not
better than anyone you're not better
than anyone beta empanada you hide
behind irony because you got nothing of
substance to offer anyone about anything
you fucking dumb fuck you're a dumb fuck
with nothing to offer to anyone except
this idea that
no one knows what they're talking about
except me i'm the only reasonable one
who knows what they're talking about
everyone else is just ridiculous
shut the fuck up beta boy empanada so
let's uh
let's see what beta empanada had to say
about me ever where he like talks about
how like um the the us wasn't
imperialist it was just a normal
everyday republic and then british
asians form the deep state and force it
to be imperialist yeah that's not what i
said what i actually was trying to say
was that it was not in the nature of the
american republic to take on the level
of post-war u.s hegemony that it did in
order to do that it had to inherit the
legacy of the british empire it had to
in a way forget and repress its own um
founding you know like principle or
founding ideal whatever you want to call
that of the american republic that's all
i was trying to say i didn't say that
you know it was just a normal i don't
even know what that means in normal
republic i was just trying to say that
what we know of is the american empire
which comes after the world war ii did
fdr represent a threat to the british
well fdr would give speeches like for
example saying that america will never
ever ever again and this is what he said
after world war ii go to war for the
british empire yeah fdr was a threat to
them dude there was so much tension
between fdr and churchill and especially
in regards to the soviet union fdr was
very um he had a very kind of friendly
relation to the soviet union and he
foresaw a future of friendly cooperation
with the soviet union whereas churchill
was like extremely uh anti-soviet
manifest destiny in the spanish-american
war show how wrong you are i didn't say
nowhere in this video did i deny that
the united states was developing its own
unique form of imperialism especially
after the 20th century in the late 19th
century and 20th century i never denied
that but what i was talking about was
what's called the american empire which
referring to the post-war uh
american you know bretton woods system
deep state like using the word deep
state is fucking hilarious accentuate
the contradiction
why is the word deep state funny because
all the word deep state is referring to
is the power of the state that's beyond
its official uh its official and formal
that there is a fucking deep state dude
if you don't fucking understand that
you're fucking stupid if you think the
cia is an organization that acts only
within the capacity of the formal laws
and rules is overtly and explicitly
established by the uh american state you
don't know what the fuck you're talking
about and then cia is just one example
we're talking about informal networks
we're talking about the ngos we're
talking about you know uh entrenched
business interests talk about the
military industrial complex we're
talking about all of these institutions
we're talking about so many different
things if it is bad empanadas saying
that there's no deep state i think he's
trying to say that the american state is
pretty much just what you see on the
surface like there's no deep state it's
just like when you see biden on tv i
guess that's just the american state
it's just when biden's on tv that's what
this fucking idiot who is pretending to
be a fucking marxist but doesn't know
the fucking um doesn't even know his
head from his own fucking ass is trying
to say he's trying to basically say that
uh everything is just american liberal
democracy and that's it who's calls the
usa the destruction of the republic so
let me get this straight as far as
dipshit dumb fuck stupid bitch
beta empanada is concerned first he
tells me that there's no deep state and
that there's only the overt state in his
own qualifications he has to accept it
to republic the american state is
formally a republic and the constitution
establishes this as a republic from the
very beginning if you're going to say
there's no deep state and there's only a
surface state you're the one you should
be doubling down on this point that i'm
stating that there's an american
republic oh no
we have we must uphold the u.s state we
must continue the u.s state it's so
important you can't you can't destroy
the republic what is this who is he this
is this you know this is like such a
truism for marxists from the very
beginning marxists never envisioned the
destruction of the american republic as
a whole they envision a destruction
maybe of uh the imperialist state
machinery uh the deep state i guess we
can't acknowledge there's a deep state
and things like that but as far as the
constitution is concerned and the
republic is concerned you know the the
reason why marxism leninism is
associated with like the violent
overthrow of uh and complete
annihilation of states and building new
states from scratch is because
oftentimes the states that they were um
overthrowing were not democratic
republics but were states that were
leftovers of the ancient regime this
effectively states that we're not modern
states but when marx and engels looked
at the united states the united states
is already a democratic republic you
let's look at let's consult angles as
principles of communism angles
principles of communism so
i really need you guys to understand
what a fucking dumb stupid fuck bad
empanada is i need you to understand
like how he's trying to paint me as a
ridiculous guy because i'm talking about
the republic and all this kind of stuff
well this is point 25 of engels's
principles of communism what is the
attitude of the communists to other
political parties of our times in
america where a democratic constitution
has already been established the
communists must make common cause with
the party which will turn this
constitution against the bourgeoisie and
use it in the interests of the
that is the agrarian national reformers
it's funny how my position is literally
identical to angles in 2021 my position
is literally just identical to this all
of this shit that they're smearing
against us for being american patriot
socialist patriots you go back and read
the principles of communism and he
literally and then we talk about land
reform and the necessity of building a
base in rural america and the american
peasantry or whatever it's like he's
literally talking about this engels is
literally talking about this and
remember a democratic constitution has
already been established communists
should make calls with a party that'll
turn it against the bourgeoisie that's
literally ron paul maoism that that logo
talks about gender dong said marx and
angels were wrong about america that's
fine but don't call us the revisionist
then don't call us the revisionist for
maintaining continuity with the views of
marks and angles on this matter
this guy is a marxist
we must protect the the us republic
we must uphold the republic i don't want
i don't want to abolish the state i yeah
i'm a marxist and i have receipts you
fucking dipshit i actually have receipts
and yeah his soy voice is cracking um i
have receipts straight out of the words
of marx and angles themselves and i also
have receipts from the experience of the
popular front in the 1930s
where there was a threat of fascism and
communists were given we're tasked with
the duty of protecting the republic
against fascism
believe it or not
i don't want a revolution i don't want
to replace the state with a new one i
want to defend the republic
yeah you don't understand what
revolution or anything even means you
guys a revolution isn't what happens
when people just decide they want to
abolish the state a revolution literally
happens when for example the state
itself imminently loses legitimacy or
collapse but the state's continuity
historical continuity that remains even
amidst the revolution that continuity
remains that's when the bolsheviks took
power even the tsarist state which was
never legitimated in a modern way
whatsoever they just had to remain there
had to be continuity between the laws of
the czar state and the bolshevik state
now later on they would amend and
eliminate them but they they did this
through a system of laws that was
created by soviet democracy there were
there was no precedent for any
democratic system within the russian
empire at all all the laws were based on
the sovereignty of the czar he was the
sovereign right so there's no way to
internally use the state machinery after
you seized power to change anything you
had to implement a new system because
there was no modern state to speak of
lead to the destruction of the republic
why must it lead to the destruction of
the republic
are you like a fucking like republican
senator as as palpatine is forming the
empire what is going on here because the
republic is bad
no beta empanada you're just a fucking
idiot you're literally just a dumb fuck
and you sit in australia and comment on
this shit looking like a dumb fucking
shit i don't think you've noticed that
more morale this like
disgusting fuck can't even help but pick
his nose you can tell this guy doesn't
shower and you can tell this is a smelly
who just picks his nose and picks his
ass all day doesn't even wash his hands
you could tell his fucking mouse and
keyboard is sticky as fuck and he's just
this fucking nasty guy reality that
means not
more morality that means nothing to me i
guarantee you this guy has an idea of
what good and bad is and he's just
saying that's morality it means nothing
to me i don't
yeah but that has you can't conflate
your sense of good and bad
with some kind of prescriptive form that
has to be imposed on reality fanatically
dumb fuck our sense of good and bad is
always actually always going to be more
fundamental and more dense than the form
of our morality morality if you
understand marxism is a form of the
estrangement of our more fundamental
sense of good and bad it's a form of
abstraction and estrangement from that
actually he has an idealist view of
morality our sense of good and bad does
not premise the form we contemplate of
our sense of good and bad cannot be
taken as the premise of material reality
even if material reality is imminently
moral you can't just say the republic is
bad when you're describing it because it
has a material reality because the
republic is bad what does that actually
mean materially and practically nothing
it means we should abolish it and that's
literally what defines the aesthetic of
these fucking anarcho-leftists is that
they have this kind of apocalyptic
moralistic view of reality according to
which if something's bad we abolish it
if something's good we preserve it or we
implement it right this is their
basically their theory of praxis their
aesthetic as a whole and their view of
morality which is wholly idealistic
wholly subjectivistic and wholly
an empire built on imperialism slavery
and genocide is me being the republic
was founded on the basis of seceding
from the empire i mean i went over this
already earlier in the stream
but the us was not founded on the basis
of seceding from the empire with the
island yes it was you dumb fuck it's
literally in a declaration of
independence you are literally a stupid
fuck on the basis of settlers wanting to
have their own empire the british there
was no it wasn't he's taking the words
of like george washington that he quotes
in the comment section out of context
when empire just meant a big polity back
then but as far as the british empire is
concerned yeah it was founded on the
basis of seceding from it and founding a
state of the american people by of and
for them the fear that the british
empire would potentially abolish slavery
the british empire actively was trying
to limit western settlement western
encroachment onto yeah he's repeating
the talking points of the fraudulent
1619 project which is entirely unfucking
true if the british intended on
abolishing slavery why is it that it was
the british system that prolonged the
existence of slavery in the united
states and that when the time came that
the north was sufficiently strong enough
to lead an effort against slavery it was
the british empire which backed the
confederacy explicitly why was it that
the confederacy was aligned with britain
then you dumb fuck you literally are
trying to fucking rewrite history
to indian lands i can we're not talking
about the end of an empire we're talking
about the creation of a new empire that
was a radicalization of the empire
that it was no it wasn't you dumbass
north america was just a complete colony
of foreign european powers the american
republic was meant to be a republic not
an empire but a republic when washington
used the word empire he's just referring
to a big polity a big sovereign state
and he's gonna go here and be like no
the the u.s wasn't an empire
the us it wasn't the fucking empire
you know split from the empire so it
can't be an empire even though it
literally like
the founding literally
literally shut the fuck up bitch
pops of the usa explicitly outline the
fact we're open with the facts nice burp
like they were open with the fact that
you know we're making an empire here we
want a coast to coast empire where white
people can have tons of land who can
yeah they didn't say that at all they
never even said that whatsoever you're
just making that shit up we want an
empire for white people yeah nice
fucking 1619 woke revisionism of history
dumbass they he then founding fathers
never said that shit okay maybe it's
implied because obviously at that time
in history there was no view of the
equality of all races and whatever um
there wasn't even a view of equality
between men and women you know like it's
so stupid it's these people are so
fucking stupid you know as far as the
times were concerned it was a democratic
republic it had ambitions to expand
seaboard to seaboard because it was
america it was the united states of
america its expansionism was based on
the fact that these territories were
already being contested by all the
colonial powers they wanted to take
territory contested by colonial powers
and make them the territory of a
democratic republic and not a colony you
dumb fuck these were already the
territories of european colonies like
these people complained that britain was
going to bow slavery when all they did
was ban the trade of slavery with their
big fucking navy which is like the same
thing we put into the constitution that
the importation of slavery would be
banned after 1806. yeah that's what
these people that's what this dumb fuck
doesn't understand if yeah if he's right
why did we put it in the constitution
that the importation of slavery is going
to be banned in 1806 that doesn't mean
slavery is going to be abolished dumbass
as about the fact that people are
already living there you know where
white people can take take land every
individual white family can have a
tunnel wait it wasn't just that people
were living there that these were
fucking colonies of european powers or
they were going to become the colonies
of european powers you don't seem to
fucking understand the europeans were
already there dumbass now as far as the
settlement of the territories are
concerned that was going to follow from
the united states annexation of these
territories because the united states
government was trying to build a country
not a not a colony not an empire but a
britain tried to maneuver its way into
the annexations in the texas republic in
the mexican southwest california this
guy's making it seem like like oh we
left britain and then we became the evil
guys who were just preying on all of
this this uh this empty territory that
the european empires had no designs on
and weren't vying for
it's been about
two or three decades
after the declaration of independence
and after the or after the end of the
revolutionary war rather through the
monroe doctrine so like it wasn't an
empire it was forced to become an empire
by the british is what he's about to say
the monroe doctrine was a doctrine
against european colonization and puppet
monarchies dumbass the monroe doctrine
wasn't oh we're going to imperialize
everything it was saying a warning to
the european powers we're not going to
tolerate your colonization of the
western hemisphere you don't even know
fucking history dude did they not teach
you about it in australia or you're just
trying to fucking send woke virtue
signal points to the fucking twitter
lefties according to ben and pinata the
us was always an empire because they
wanted to stop europeans from colonizing
the americas and they wanted to combat
the influence of colonialism in the
americas what a horrible
you know what a horrible fucking crime
this is like when anarchists say that
the the soviet union wasn't communist
because it had a state how dare they
have a state and defend themselves
against foreign aggression that makes
them just as bad as the foreigners
trying to engage in aggression against
them apparently the british intelligence
james bond has infiltrated the us
government and forced the the us
government to become imperial this is
the most like unashamed just naked and
open ignorance i've ever fucking seen
james bond does this guy not know the
significance of british intelligence
first it was star wars now it's james
bond i'm beginning to think that this
guy has gotten his entire education from
popular media anyone who studied the
history of geopolitics in the early 20th
century and throughout knows the
importance of british intelligence in
literally defining the course of history
are you stupid dude you didn't know
about this the ways in which british
intelligence literally infiltrated like
almost every fucking government of
europe including germany you don't know
about things like that and the ussr you
don't know that british intelligence is
what fucking like pioneered that shit i
can't fucking even believe this shit why
are you bringing up james bond yeah i
guess the reason they made james bond is
is probably inspired by that legacy but
it comes from somewhere dumbass you just
don't know anything about history you
dumb fuck and you just fucking uh flaunt
this ignorance
like it reflects well on you and badly
on me
incredible imagine watching this and
thinking that you're watching someone
say something that makes sense this is
like the dangerous vorsh
imagine watching this guy and i bet his
audience just a bunch of bitter ass
bitch people too like you guys gets does
anyone just get satisfaction just
watching this guy and just always be
seething butt hurt bitter people who are
just unhappy bitter people at the world
just unhappy bitter people who have no
sense of fun or happiness really because
i could have sworn it was stealing of
mexico the constant supporting of
endless wars to steal territory that
were highly supported by the american
people even if they weren't supported by
the american people it's still a reality
i'm sorry but they were supported by the
american people because the people
leading the american people whereas
london understood was a labor
aristocracy and were um what the people
leading the american people were a labor
teddy what is going on here what the
elements align to you yeah during the
era of american imperialism you did have
a labor aristocracy that represented the
top segments of the american working
class and the american people that were
leading them along and you know throwing
down the breadcrumbs so
i guess
i guess bitter el pinata denies the
labor aristocracy
the u.s imperialism that we're leaving
them and like
let him just say that you should concede
the battlefield to those elements what
what the fuck is this is holy shit what
is going on here this is incredible okay
sorry but they were supported by the
american people because the people
leading the american uh people whereas
london understood was a labor
aristocracy and were um petty bourgeois
elements aligned to us imperialism that
we're leaving them and like that
literally means nothing you cannot
respond to it it doesn't mean anything
so what do you fucking mean it doesn't
mean anything you dumb fuck if the
american people are being led by a labor
aristocracy as lenin understood that
doesn't mean that the american people
couldn't have been led by any other
force lenin said working class partisans
should lead the american people right
class conscious uh revolutionary should
lead the american working class you
don't concede the battlefield to the
labor aristocracy and the petty
bourgeois elements and look at fucking
this dumb bitch
that's meaningless just like how hegel
is completely meaningless too right you
disgusting dumb fuck this guy calls
himself a marxist and calls hegel
meaningless literally the thing that
gave rise to marxism i would love to
have a debate with bad empanada and i
just want to ask ben and banana hey
better banana where did marxism come
from like did marx just wake up one day
and just decide to like be like normal
like you you're just the normal guy and
you're just bitter at the world for not
being as normal and cool as you are
right is that what you think you fucking
loser are you saying like the american
people were a labor aristocracy okay and
no i wasn't i was saying they were being
led by one you dumb fuck do you not
fucking speak english you call from
australia so english is your first
language did i say the american people
were labor aristocracy or did i say they
were being led by one you dumb stupid
but pity bourgeois elements are lying to
us imperialism that was leading them and
he's talking about like like the the u.s
you know of independence here right so
no i'm not i'm talking about the era of
us imperialism what the fuck does that
mean petty bourgeois elements are lined
to us imperialism and we're um petty
yeah have you read imperialism the
highest stage you dumbass well elements
aligned to us imperialism that we're
leaving so how is it possible that petty
bourgeois elements were aligned to u.s
imperialism when like before the us even
existed apparently yet the u.s is a
republic that has nothing to do with
imperialism and it was actually a break
from imperialism trying to understand
because there was an era of american
imperialism in the early 20th century
everyone fucking understands that that's
what i thought jason was talking about
and that's what i was fucking responding
to if you got the fucking stick out of
your fucking ass you'd see that's very
clear american imperialism did exist in
the 20th century now the american empire
was founded after the post-war period
but yeah there wasn't an era of american
imperialism like the rest of europe
which was hotly contested and a source
of such huge controversy and scandal
within america he is so reflexively
biased against you just like that's
where i know but you gotta understand
this guy has a stick in his ass 24 7.
and he's look this is a guy who just
watches people grow and he just becomes
bitter he's like everyone's wrong and
i'm right everyone's wrong and i'm right
i wish everyone was just like me
he's like squidward tentacles you know
he's got the squidward tentacles
mentality where he just got this idea
everyone's a moron but him you know and
he's the he just plays the clarinet by
himself he just plays that clarinet all
by himself and cries
that no one will understand him
okay so this is going to be the part to
the final destruction of bitter el
pinata the stupid bitch
this all began with um this video that
he uploaded guys i i don't i
guys please hold your horses
i've been exposed as a fake i'm just a
guy who doesn't understand lenin i've
never read lenin in my life apparently
that al pinata has made me look so
stupid guys he just made me look so
stupid it's so embarrassing guys look so
i'm gonna do it in his uh bitter bitch
elpinato voice debate infrared verse
lenin on imperialism
it's not like i literally responded to
this argument like a trillion times
before so let's see the embarrassing
mistake i made and then i'm gonna break
down and dissect the meme to just bask
in the exposure and humiliation of
infrared by bitter el panada this is the
guy who understands lenin he knows what
he's talking about and it's so simple
it's as plain as day as this
genghis khan was not an imperialist the
roman empire was not fucking impulse
that's not what the fucking word
actually means we have to get the word
imperialism from lenin then i don't care
about your concept of imperialism as a
marxist leninist we have our own concept
of imperialism we get from lenin
imperialism the highest stage of
capitalism by vladimir lenin page 75
colonial politics and imperialism
existed even before the latest stage of
capitalism and even before capitalism
rome founded on slavery carried out a
colonial policy and was imperialistic
oh my god guys hold on
you see it here this is straight out of
lenin himself
lenin's directly contradicting me he's
he's directly contradicting me
apparently that's what's going on i mean
he why else would lennon dedicate an
entire sentence to stating definitively
that rome was imperialist because that
was the point of this sentence right i
think that was the point lenin was
trying to make with this sentence wasn't
it what do you guys think you think that
just read this guys i want to see i want
to probe your brain what was the point
lennon was trying to say in this
sentence do you guys know are you able
to know do you know the context know
that the context isn't that i'm wrong
and i don't know what i'm talking about
right well why don't we look at the work
itself it turns out that uh
this one sentence
he just he just cited this one sentence
which would be opener to a paragraph and
the paragraph actually is going to tell
us the point he's trying to make
colonial policy and imperialism existed
before the latest stage of capitalism
and even before capitalism rome founded
on slavery pursued a colonial policy and
practice imperialism
what does lenin in context
mean by imperialism here is he talking
about the system that he is then going
to elucidate throughout this entire book
or is he referring to some
trans-historical essence that just
exists across time well it's a shame
that lenin's not alive anymore otherwise
we'd be able to ask him right so i guess
that it's
settled himself clarifies the matter we
actually can look at this like one word
later when we clarify what he actually
right after he says this but general
disquisitions on imperialism which
ignore or put into the background the
fundamental difference between
socioeconomic formations inevitably turn
into the most vapid banality or bragging
like the comparison greater rome and
greater britain what lenin is saying
here is that you can't compare rome with
britain because they rest on
fundamentally different socioeconomic
you can point out the fact that on a
superficial level yeah with our empires
and both have a colonial policy but they
don't share the same essence the reason
why rome for example is an
expansionistic empire and has a colonial
policy holds itself to an entirely
different material premise there's an
entirely different historical and
material reason for why so essentially
speaking it is not appropriate to call
the roman empire imperialist once you
acknowledge what lenin means by
imperialism in this book now the reason
why lenin says that rome is
imperialistic is because he's
acknowledging the common sense
understanding people had have
imperialism at the time that they were
vaguely throwing around that yeah rome
had a colonial policy it was
expansionistic it was an empire it
conquered territories yeah that's what
lenin's saying yeah i'll give it to you
that's true but you can't say that this
is the same in essence as the
imperialism that exists today it's not
specific enough right just because
you're expansionistic and you have a
colonial policy and you're an empire
doesn't mean we're referring to the same
thing when he uses the word imperialism
as the highest stage of capitalism right
then look what lenin said even the
capitalist colonial policy of previous
stages of capitalism is essentially
different from the colonial policy of
finance capital implying that both
modern imperialism and colonial policy
is essentially different so let me break
down what essentially different means in
the context of using words if a word has
an essentially different referent if the
referent is not in essence the same once
it has been clarified it is no longer
appropriate to use that word it may be
appropriate according to a certain
context but in the context of the debate
i was engaged in where someone was
trying to say that modern and compare
modern imperialism to you know genghis
khan and the romans it's not appropriate
to say that lenin himself made it very
clear that it's not appropriate to
compare them so if you're a dipshit who
just watches this video it's gonna seem
like you know this is the angle that
empanadas going for in this little clip
the angle that he's going for is
basically like dude even lennon
understood that yeah rome was imperious
dude imperialism is an eternal platonic
ideal it already has a fixed essence
every single concept that has any
relevance in the modern day has always
existed nothing new under the sun the
only thing different is that things
change and evolve but qualitatively they
stay the same and as you're going to see
in the comments this is actually bad
empanadas argument his argument is
basically that all london was saying was
that imperialism changed but that in
essence it's the same it's just evolved
notice in a previous video or a previous
clip bed empanada has said that hegel is
completely meaningless mumbo jumbo well
the reason it makes sense that he would
say that is because you really do have
to understand hegelian dialectics to
understand the possibility that there
are qualitative changes there can be
qualitative changes historically history
is not just the evolution of the same
essence the essence itself undergoes
qualitative transformations that make it
essentially a different thing
not the quantitative evolution of the
same thing but an essentially different
thing qualitatively a different thing
the imperialism of ancient rome which
carried on a policy of seizure and
conquest by force of arms subduing to
its hegemony a great many countries of
europe asia and africa must not be
confused with modern imperialism just as
for instance usury capital which existed
before capitalism must not be confused
with usury bank capital in the epoch of
imperialism the difference between
imperialism of ancient rome and modern
imperialism consists in a difference of
production basis then it was a small
presence in artisan production and
commercial capital now it is an enormous
machine production and monopoly capital
this example among others shows how
incorrect it is to understand it by
terms of modern imperialism only a
policy keep this in mind specifically
right it's incorrect to understand by
the term modern imperialism a policy now
what does bad empanada have to say about
that we're going to see and not a whole
system of capitalist economy the former
point of view makes it impossible to
understand the distinction between the
imperialism of ancient rome and modern
imperialism now at this point the debate
would just be over he's just wrong he
doesn't know what he's talking about
anyone who watched this clip and thought
this was like a got you and somehow like
this clip made a profound point you are
literally just exposed yourself as a
stupid person if you thought that this
made me look stupid you are you just
exposed yourself as a midwife this
comment section is full of midwitz who
just love having this idea that oh no
the streamers don't know anything house
doesn't know anything he's just drifting
like you're a fucking dumbass dude you
literally don't you are worse than just
an average dumb viewer okay you're
someone who's pretending to be something
they're not you're pretending to be a
smart intellectual and you're a fucking
dumbass so this guy he's kind of good
faith and he goes i suspect what
infrared meant was that rome was not
subject to the same productive relations
this is a good own but it doesn't really
engage with the subs of the debate i
didn't know i didn't watch it wow this
is like the only good faith guy in this
entire fucking comment section no he
clearly doesn't because if he'd actually
read the work in question
he would say that lenin acknowledges
that ancient empires absolutely were
imperialist but that doesn't actually
reflect what lenin said we go here dude
he didn't say that they were absolutely
imperialist by any metric or
qualification whatsoever he said they
practiced imperialism or he called them
imperialistic but that was immediately
followed by a but so it's anything but
absolute and then in the footnotes he
really goes to clarify that you're
dealing with an essentially different
thing like the words here are referring
to essentially different things like all
lenin means by the imperialism of
ancient rome is the policy of seizure
and context if you don't even like in
good faith no one could come at this on
bad imp and bitter el panada's fucking
sigh you just couldn't agree with him in
good faith when it comes to this this
doesn't actually say that lenin
disagreed with me he's just trying to
dig up something that would make me look
bad qualitatively speaking i am 100 in
agreement with lenin here right but he
digs up an inconvenient
like detail that makes it seem like
there's some huge difference that i'm
departing from lenin from when if you
actually put that in context i'm saying
the same thing lenin is saying that the
character of imperialism has evolved as
systems of production have evolved the
world has become more connected and
finance capitalism has developed changes
nothing about the statement being an
idiotic it's like saying racism is
different today than from 200 years ago
because its characters change and
therefore no one back then was racist
two things actually there's there's a
whole lot of stupidity in this fucking
paragraph alone that we're gonna dissect
and destroy so first just
unambiguously anti-marxist statement the
marxist view is not the evolution of a
single quality or the single form the
marxist view is a contradiction between
content and form that leads to
qualitative changes historically it's
not just the evolution of the same fixed
essence the essence itself qualitatively
changes which means that the character
of imperialism hasn't evolved as systems
of production have evolved imperialism
as it existed in the roman empire was
annihilated according to the mode of
production being annihilated when the
actual material premises of the roman
empire changed the roman empire quite
literally collapsed its imperialism may
impart some significance as an ideal
concept in your head but that doesn't
mean that the ideal concept has some
imminent fixed essence that is
trans-historical and merely evolving
across history the only thing you can
point out is that on the surface yes the
british empire was an empire and the
roman empire was an empire and then
surface level both of them were kind of
expansionistic and you know seizing
other land and seizing other territories
but in terms of the essential reasons
behind those that's different the reason
the roman empire was imperialist in
lenin's sense of the word wasn't because
it was imperialist it was because of its
specific mode of production imperialism
as some kind of trans-historical concept
doesn't explain the reason why that on
the surface you're seeing this when it
comes to the roman empire this guy is
basically no different than people who
are just trying to say he actually
here's my challenge to bitter el pinata
why couldn't you just say that
capitalism has always existed sure
capitalism has developed and it's
evolved but it's existed since the dawn
of time wouldn't that be accurate after
all you know the accumulation of capital
and commodities has always existed
capital in a sense has always existed
the increase of your coffers through the
sale of commodities has always existed
that's always been a thing you know
what's funny so let's ask the question
let me ask ben and i hey bad empanada
did the proletariat always exist
did the proletariat always exist he
would probably say no the proletariat
didn't always exist the proletariat as a
class arose
with the
arrival of the capitalist mode of
production right in the class of wage
laborers and the um you know
the socialization of labor and the
generalized commodity production and the
emergence of abstract labor that's what
gives rise to the proletariat right well
let's see what marx has to say people
forget the saying the roman proletariat
lived at the expense of society while
modern society lives at the expense of
the proletariat so according to bitter
el pinata's bankrupt anti-marxist stupid
fucking logic the proletariat has always
existed at least is existed as old as
ancient rome just because the words are
in common if we use the word proletariat
to describe something today it couldn't
possibly be the case that we're
referring to something different in the
times of ancient rome well we're using
the same word just like like lenin is
using the word imperialism just like
lenin marx is addressing the common use
of the word proletariat which was a
historical reference to the ancient
roman proletariat and while
acknowledging the uses of those words in
terms of what they're trying to say that
yes there was empires who expanded and
stuff what i'm trying to refer to is
different so my word imperialism the
highest stage of capitalism it's
literally the title of the fucking book
is referring to something different this
is the one-to-one comparison and analogy
now will bitter el pinata really come
here and say that marx is referring to
the fact that the proletariat has
absolutely preceded capitalism finally
it's like saying that racism is
different today from 200 years ago
because its character has changed and
therefore no one back then was racist no
it would be like saying that racism is
different today from a thousand or two
thousand years ago because it's
referring to something qualitatively
different yes racism is a modern
phenomenon racism existed 200 years ago
because modernity existed 200 years ago
the same modern racism existed 200 years
ago because 200 years ago we were still
living in the modern era moderate if
unless you don't know what modernity
means racism is something unique that
emerged in the modern sense of the word
like in terms of racism as this strict
kind of essentialization of people based
on their physical characteristics um
from a natural scientific point of view
that is something that's very recent no
racism for example in the modern sense i
would argue didn't exist in the times of
ancient rome i would 100 argue that is
ridiculous the usa only turn imperials
after world war two as a british
conspiracy can
bitter el pinata i literally destroyed
him last night about this whole topic i
actually clarified that yeah america was
obviously imperialist before world war
ii can he actually provide evidence that
i said it wasn't all i said was that the
american empire which is something
specific we're referring to which is
unipolar hegemony is something that
emerged after world war ii american
imperialism uh in the preceding decades
was qualitatively something different
than the britain woods american-led
order after world war ii and moreover
the um the era of american imperialism
in the sense of the reagan bush
reagan clinton bush heroes of kind of
becoming the world police you know that
is something that arose after world war
ii absolutely the us before world war ii
was just another imperialist power now
after world war two it kind of started
to seize the responsibility of becoming
like the preeminent global power of the
global order right um it's incapable
yeah too bad i never actually
contradicted london ever unless you want
to get into like semantics and be like
um but you said the us only became an
empire and by definition imperialism no
because what i'm referring to by the
american empire is the bretton woods
it's what most people refer to when they
say the american empire they're not
referring to like when america was
imperialist in the early 20th century
why are these people so stupid like even
basic logic and history destroys these
people yeah i know i know but like
judging by the comments of this video
and also all the likes and shit i really
feel like they need to be taught a
lesson and it really needs to be
hammered in that these are stupid
fucking people right
but imperialism now is different changes
nothing it's not just different you
fucking idiot it is essentially and
fundamentally different so essentially
and fundamentally different that it is
not appropriate after the publication of
lenin's book to call the roman empire
imperialist especially not when i'm in a
debate arguing with someone who's trying
to make comparisons between the you know
the mongols and the roman empire with
modern imperialism when lenin himself
says that these comparisons rest on
vapid banalities and generalizations
lenin the rom for lenin the roman empire
was imperialist
but the only times lenin ever refers to
the roman empire being imperialist is
precisely when he's contrasting
the modern form
of imperialism it's almost like lenin
isn't actually saying the roman empire
is imperialist
acknowledging what many other people
mean by the roman empire being
imperialist that it sees as foreign
territories and that it expands or
and that all he's trying to do is
distinguish his use of the word
referring to an entirely new and
qualitatively different system from that
one it's almost like it's not for lenin
that the roman empire is imperialist
it's for the people in lenin's time that
he's trying to respond to and
distinguish himself from that it's
imperialist now if lenin and i can't
believe i have to explain this if lenin
in context was like you know the roman
empire wasn't imperialist he would
effectively in context be saying that
the roman empire wasn't an empire that
seized territories and expanded
and had colonies because that's what
imperialism as most people at that time
thought of the word it was just this
vague general thing if lenin was like
saying oh the roman empire wasn't
imperialist that that would assume that
he had already clarified the system of
modern imperialism that's the highest
stage of capitalism but he didn't do
that already because he was doing it in
the book itself that's what the fucking
book is for if the roman empire existed
today it would guys
it's over it's fucking over it's fucking
over if the roman empire existed today
it would use the same means as other
empires which is why lenin acknowledged
it as such that's not why lenin fucking
acknowledged it as such really thank you
fucking dumbass let me only acknowledged
the quad the claim that imperialism
could be uh ancient one was imperialist
because it carried on a policy of
seizure conquest this is what he was
acknowledging not that this imperialism
is qualitatively the same as this
imperialism but that he was
acknowledging yes there was seizure in
conquest but despite that he's talking
about an entirely different fucking
thing only superficially are they can
they be compared only superficially are
they comparable not essentially you
stupid fuck you literal stupid fuck you
literal fucking brainlet stupid pseudo
intellectual fuck literally said if the
roman empire existed today it would use
the same means as other empires this
actually pisses me off now that this
fucking guy is being treated like a
fucking marxist that people are
following and actually believe anything
they say you bum fuck you have literally
just tarnished your entire fucking level
of credibility on the fucking internet
you literally said if the roman empire
existed today it would use the same
means as other empires what the roman
empire rested upon an entirely different
mode of production in so far as that
mode of production which are its
material premises change the roman
empire fucking doesn't exist
that's why it doesn't exist anymore
if the fucking fundamental premises of a
policy transform the polity collapses
and no ceases to exist the roman empire
is not a fucking trans-historical entity
that just exists across every fucking
mode of production it's called the
contradiction between the base and the
superstructure and the forces of
production and the relations of
production you stupid fuck the fucking
roman empire if it existed today would
not employ the same means because
qualitatively it would have give it
wouldn't even exist anymore it couldn't
exist today
if it existed today its territories
would just immediately be seized by
everyone else because it's literally a
primitive backwater mode of production
that's from 2000 years ago so yeah the
advanced militaries and modern weaponry
and methods of production were just
completely annihilated or it would just
fucking collapse because they wouldn't
be able to fucking survive the shock of
being introduced to entirely different
modes of production which would
inevitably give rise to a revolution in
the forces of production which would
destroy the fucking foundation of the
roman empire you stupid fuck bitter
bitch el pinata you dumb fuck you're
literally the dumbest fuck on the