Haz (InfraredShow) vs Kevin Castley (Superpower Broadcasting) | Politically Provoked Debate
hey guys welcome to politically provoked
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so i am your host brittany this is my
co-host todd how are you doing good brad
how are you
doing good all right so tonight we are
going to be debating china versus the
and uh we got two very lively people and
this should be this should be a good one
they had a little bit of a twitter back
and forth which i'm sure is going to end
really well for somebody um so let's
bring on our guests first up let's bring
on super power broadcasting kevin how
are you
i'm good thanks thanks for having me
here it's interesting i think a lot of
people have been waiting to see me and
haw's debate for months basically since
like february so let's go let's flip and
go glad we're able to do this so yeah if
you want to introduce yourself tell
people where you lie on the political
spectrum and where people can find you
wonderful yeah so thanks for uh bringing
me on here
i always down to debate uh so i'm kevin
castle i run the channel superpower
broadcasting at the moment you can find
me on twitch i stream to twitch every
day i also run a youtube channel
unfortunately at the moment the youtube
channel is down uh because we've been
spammed with frivolous copyright claims
over uh tick tocks uh that were posted
by a former political partner of mine
who after we discovered was basically a
fascist we had uh kicked them out of our
community and uh they posted tick tocks
calling for the death of atheists we
reacted to those they've spammed
copyright infringement against us so the
channel's probably going to be down for
a little while unfortunately but you can
keep up with me over on twitch in the
meantime that's super power broadcasting
as far as my political
position uh i'm pretty socially liberal
a little a little bit right a center on
a lot of economic stuff and i am very
very much proactive
and hawkish in a foreign policy
dimension in terms of assuring and
securing western liberal hegemony
throughout the world so that all people
regardless of where they're born can be
given the same opportunities and
freedoms and rights as any of us that
were privileged enough to be born in the
west so thank you all right thank you
nice to up we have
haas how are you
i'm doing good you know what i'm saying
ready to put some beta males in their
place if you know what i mean but um
you know amhaz
marxist leninism
in the age of multi-polarity in the
post-covert world
i never paid anyone in my life to debate
but kevin made that up we're gonna
address that claim too
um basically my position is basically
this so we're entering a multi-polar era
right it's not about morality about what
we should or shouldn't do it's about
can you wake up and get with the program
or are you gonna keep coping
um like our friend
kevin castle so kevin actually me and
kevin let me get some background story
we actually have a history of some sort
so i'm gonna break it down like this
kevin and his five friends right he's a
two viewer andy right so he's like
nobody so his five friends were
harassing me all day like endlessly
right non-stop
to debate me and i had a protocol in
places you gotta debate the discord
first because the son seoul guy he was
doing [Β __Β ] up [Β __Β ] so he made us put
that in place
so i finally agreed to debate him and
then he wanted to watch cnn instead
so he lost his opportunity he lost his
but not not only did he say he's gonna
debate me he said he's gonna dictate the
but you know what i mean like what
leverage does he have he's a two viewer
andy nobody even knows who he is
so it ended there
uh he basically took the l he ran away
from me
i've been debating on politically
provoked and i debate a whole lot of
irrelevant people uh you know does a
very good job moderating does a very
good job filtering people
so when i heard that he wanted to debate
on this platform and he let go of his
delusion that he was going to dictate
platforms and that it was going to be on
his show
i said sure why not
and here we are and now
we're going to see what kevin is made of
and whether all of that
energy he was putting into
all that time before and on twitter
where he's typing with his hands on his
we're gonna see what kevin is really
made of here
so i'm excited as opposed to typing with
your feet
is that what you took with how about how
about speaking like a man with your
yeah so
so how about this how about we get over
the lies so to clarify about that whole
uh incident six months ago when you say
oh but you want to watch cnn instead i
had a scheduled
uh stream a week in advance which we do
every sunday
we do every saturday night
we do every saturday night ghoul gang
you at the time had less than two
thousand so they were about ten times as
big as you are so even if i was going to
be a tiger chasing clout i'm still going
with them not to mention i don't know
you guys
throughout the world
it gave you five likes
dude we got like 700 views dude
on on that particular episode
concurrently like live viewers how much
live viewers did you get for that
we had about 80 or something why like
it's not really that relevant because
you got like you were having like two
views you're lying dude but that's not
true that's not true you had your
gorillas in there they were some of the
viewers but this is a long term but this
is a long term plan right this is a
50-year project it's you don't get
famous overnight right like these whole
get rich quick america's probably not
going to exist in 50 years i don't know
where you're waiting 50 years to do this
come on
uh well not not if not if uh america
takes your advice sure but um but i
think on that we might actually have a
bit of common ground which is that uh
i'm arguing for how the west can best
promote itself you're arguing for how
the west can under or how to undermine
the west if i called you auntie western
you're not even gonna take that as an
insult so we're we're on different sides
it depends so see like
i'm against western unipolarity and
western imperialism and neocolonialism
but as far as the western people are
concerned living in western countries
i'm not against them not against western
people i think the best course of action
for western people is to um get away
from these foreign interventions and
this unipolar and imperialist
pretensions which as we can see in
france and germany with the civil unrest
going on there and as we can see in
america with its own internal political
turmoil imperialism does not benefit
western people communists are people
oriented we don't hate any people we
think we want to do what's best for the
people of each country and for people in
western countries
american empire has been the bane of
their existence deindustrialization the
opioid crisis
it's an era on its way out you can keep
coping or you can wake up and smell the
so so multi-polarity is not a stable
equilibrium unipolarity is stable the
question is who's going to be the
unipolar hegemon into the future you
have either russia china you've got come
to china fascist russia liberal america
those are your three choices for all
intents and purposes okay let's let's
break that down so you say unit polarity
is stable
okay sorry and then you're saying
multi-polarity is not stable something
is coming out being now well they can
both be
so don't interrupt me we can play this
ugly game you won't win so kevin
you american unit polarity you claim is
stable which is patently false it's the
source that's the number one source of
geopolitical instability in the modern
world as of now now we don't know what
kind of stability a multi-polar order is
going to have but what we do know is
that neither china nor russia whether
it's from the perspective of their
immediate self-interest which is what
we're talking about or you know i know
you're cynical most people are cynical
they don't buy it is from the
perspective of a moral and value and
traditional perspective whichever way
you look from it they have no ambitions
adopt the mantle of american union
polarity actually chinese theorists have
talked about how american unipolarity is
the very source is the very source of
america's demise it's a contradiction
um an imminent contradiction that has
led to the deindustrialization of
america and has led to the current
political crisis within america chinese
thinkers are very very well attuned to
that fact and they do not want to seize
the mantle of american unipolarity
because they know the ultimate
consequence of that would be the
destruction of their own country
internally so they focus on an internal
developmentalist model and then on the
economic level win-win agreements
between sovereign countries without
encroaching on the sovereignty of any
country so it's simple
so you think that it was a win-win when
they ruined sri lanka's economy or kenya
or any of these countries where they go
into talk about the sri lankan economy
what actually happened in the case of
sri lanka is that sri lanka got itself
into a hole because of the imf and
because of western loans and that the
sri lankan government wanted to enter
into a partnership with china concerning
one port and china's role in sri lanka's
economy was completely minuscule and yet
foreign observers have
harped on the case of sri lanka
just because it's a case in which china
has entered into an economic agreement
with a country based on a port when that
econo when that country's economy was in
dire states because of its own
government it's not china's fault sri
lanka has a shitty government china's
not going to impose its own good
governance on other countries so when
countries have shitty governments it's
the chinese will deal with them it's not
their business they're not going to
intervene and instill what they consider
a preferable government and that's true
for kenya that's true for africa so if
you think that deals between china and
africa aren't fair
for african people that's the business
of those people they should overthrow
their government and renegotiate new
terms there's actually examples of this
in history when the syriza government
got into power in greece there was a
really shitty deal with china concerning
the sale of a greek port and the greek
workers were not really getting much out
of it
syriza brought the chinese officials and
negotiated them on new terms in a way
that benefited greece and the chinese
were very hospitable they were very
generous in
giving the greek government what they
wanted so again it's not china's fault
it's these corrupt government's fault
and it's the business of the people to
attend to their own country attend to
their own government it's not china's
business so china takes advantage of
countries that have weak political
leadership or big corruption and they're
very interested in buying off their
support like at the united nations for
recognition against taiwan for example
sri lanka and kenya are two examples of
where they basically got them indentured
into these debt contracts where they
knew that they wouldn't be able to
actually paid off for infrastructure
they didn't really exactly need and now
china basically owns this port and china
is going to own the railway and
everything over in kenya it's what it is
is it amounts to you'd like to use the
term imperialism but what china is doing
with the belt and road is beijing
centric imperialism it's infrastructure
projects that really only china needs
and it's touted as this win-win but at
the end of the day the only people that
win from it are corrupt politicians that
sign the deals with the ccp and the
communist party in china you mentioned
good governance they're literally
committing a genocide right now in
xinjiang as well as running a police
state that just banned video games for
example and banned
boys let's reign it in a little bit and
go one by one because this is a lot of
claims so the first thing you're talking
about when it comes to china's
exploitative and predatory relationship
to corrupt and bad governments this
would make sense if it wasn't for the
fact that china is continually offering
poor countries debt relief they just
gave poor countries 2.1 billion in debt
relief china's been very understanding
with these countries and their inability
to pay off loans and um i can't see how
you could describe that relationship as
predatory or china taking advantage
whatsoever i think china has been
following its basic the ethics of its
confucian civilization
and basically coming to an understanding
with other countries that you know it's
not going to act like a savage barbarian
like anglo-saxon civilizations have like
britain which outright looted and
completely took over and colonized
countries and treated them like a pirate
treats uh its booty
and in the case of america which has be
either behind the scenes orchestrated
regime changes coups
sold instability and division and
turmoil uh or had has just outright
invaded countries in order to impose its
own specific political system i mean
even if we were to extend accept the
maximal extent of your accusations
against china in relation to other
it's nowhere near the crimes depravity
and barbarism of anglo-saxon so-called
civilization now as to the second claim
regarding the uh oygo genocide i'm going
to go and ahead and say there is no
genocide against
within china so if we want to pursue
that specific uh
line of argumentation and debate we can
go down that road too now regarding
recent cultural policies banning video
games and banning kind of k-pop and more
promoting masculinity within its country
i think that's absolutely [Β __Β ]
beautiful i think that's why a lot of
people are starting to wake up and
realize that china's the most based chad
country on [Β __Β ] planet earth and i
wish america was the same way
so yeah you basically the problem here
right so the problem here is you
mentioned that
uh that well the us has done
interventions and all this kind of stuff
too it's like well yeah i mean i'm an
advocate of that i'm an interventionist
i'm not gonna deny that uh it matters
what you're intervening on behalf of so
if you're intervening to promote
liberalism uh democracy and uh like
basically western values that's a good
thing when china does uh when china goes
out in the world they basically they
prop up these regimes that they have no
interest in reforming that are
are basically uh puppet states like you
mentioned the debt relief that's another
tactic that they use to bring these
countries under their heel
and to get them on their side against
taiwan and the free world you can't you
can't have it both ways you can't on the
one hand the only reason i brought up
debt relief is because you're accusing
china of taking advantage of vulnerable
countries so when china is actually
doing the opposite now you can go ahead
and shift the tune to saying that this
is a tactic to prop up puppet
governments now you're saying that
china's not reforming these countries
governments it's not because china is
actually being true to the so-called
western democratic values of the 17th
and 18th and 19th century according to
which you don't
it's the people
of a country who decide their own fate
not not foreigners foreigners are not
going to decide the fate of a country
that it's the business and belonging of
the people living in that country to
choose their own destiny and choose
their own fate it's not china's business
to choose
what government people are going to have
now regarding american intervention i'm
actually going to contest the claim that
america has ever intervened on behalf of
so-called liberalism freedom and
democracy um it's just patently not true
in each specific case of u.s
intervention we can locate a web of
private interests
and in addition to private interest
general interests of the us foreign
policy in maintaining its global
economic order now it can cloud that in
the phrases of liberty and
other ideological mishmash
but the truth is is that u.s
intervention if it was premised on the
basis of spreading liberal values and
whatnot there's a whole host of u.s
allies who we would have invaded who we
don't because we don't actually care
about so-called liberalism and democracy
we care about maintaining
the post-bretton wood system that was
initiated in the 1970s which is the
backbone of
global order as the u.s sees it now as a
final point i know this is kind of
veering off a little bit you know i
really actually wouldn't even grant you
the claim that you're a neo-conservative
and that this actually represents what
your position is i think uh kevin i
think you're actually an anarchist i
think you're adopting a position so
utterly foreign and removed not only
from the time period in which we live
but from the basic sensibilities of
almost everyone who lives in this
country america that it is aiken to just
get you know um displaying a middle
finger in front of everyone around you
like you're basically saying [Β __Β ]
society like everyone's wrong about the
neocons actually being uh having
disastrous policies and leading us to a
really bad situation i'm actually gonna
be in favor of that well you're really a
tiny minority and it's almost like it's
kind of like a rebellion right it's
really anarchistic it's just you may as
well be like a anarcho primitivist
that's how like outlandish your position
is in relation to the current reality
i i like the comparison to anarchy
because like i'm an advocate i i
recommend hobbs to people i'm a statist
anarchist in if you haven't looked they
don't like me they're not really fans of
me i don't call myself a neocon anymore
i use the term liberal hawk or liberal
unilateralist or you even say like a
progressive warhawk uh for me and when i
when i'm interested in at the end of the
day it's like
obviously it's it's western hegemony
because like i said multi-polarity is
it's not stable it's not sustainable
equilibrium in the long run you
mentioned how well we're going to see
how it plays out now but we can look to
the past halls and we can actually see
how multi-polarity played out before
great example uh the run-up to world war
one the world was very multi-polar power
was dispersed amongst a lot of great
powers there was a lot of trade and it
led to a huge war we can look at world
war ii the run up to that was multiple
we're confused so a few things right i
don't believe you call yourself
anarchist ideologically you obviously
don't identify with that but i think in
practical terms like when it comes to
the practical reality you are
indistinguishable from an anarchist that
was really i'm a status though yeah but
you call yourself i mean look a lot of
people call themselves status who are in
actual practical reality anarchists
because it's about the relationship you
have to the current state not the one
you have in your head
but anyway it's so it's not relevant now
the second thing
um you know the major problem with what
you're saying here regarding
multi-polarity is that polarity is a
very specific concept that doesn't just
refer to who's in charge a global system
as such did not exist
before american unipolarity um you know
you could call that imperialism there is
many competing and rivaling imperialist
powers but polarity as such which refers
to a great deal more than just who's the
big you know the big guy in town didn't
even exist in the first place right so i
studied international relations in
school multi-polarity refers to
the polls in the system so we could talk
about pre-world war one right
there was no system there was no but
there was a world system when i say
world system no no when i say world
system haws
this is important this is an important
definition i'm not talking about like
some ordered structure like the un or
something i'm talking about the order of
the world not like there's some dude
there was none no no no but you're
missing what i'm saying so we can talk
about the universe we can talk about the
solar system as a system it doesn't mean
that there's police to enforce anything
it's just it's a system i know what
you're trying to say i know what you're
trying to say it's not a formal you know
i'm not saying it's just a formal system
i'm saying a world system as such
only emerged after the us unit period of
unipolarity after world war ii before
then there was no real shared world as
we know it european powers were
competing for the mantle of what we
would call world hegemony now yeah that
was a multi-polar order you have no no
no it was multi-polar it was multiple
polar it's an important distinction
right and we can go to the economic
details if you want and why this is but
european powers were competing for the
mantle the one singular mantle of what
we can call polarity pop uh proper
because polarity is not just how much
leverage or power you have in relation
to other countries polarity actually
refers to a specific kind of um
economic relationship uh to the world in
what way uh
do you represent a polar orientation a
center around which various countries um
kind of satellite or satellites for so
for example in the case of the us
the reason we call it uni polarity is
because of obviously the bretton wood
system and the specific system of um
the recycling of the us dollar and the
recycling of american surpluses and
profits to develop other countries this
situated america as the single pole
of the world but
similar relations and wars between
currency and currency politics are now
emerging which is why we call it
multi-polarity we don't just call it
multi-polarity because america's losing
you know um it's unilateral power it's
because there are various different
economic poles that are emerging in the
world which represent
uh the decentralization of the world
system that emerged after world war ii
so it's a very important distinction
so you're basically using like marxian
sort of language here to describe
polarity i'm talking about an
international no no no no i didn't
you're missing concept unique or
exclusive to marxism whatsoever i mean
you're missing the point though we're
not really so much talking about
economics here we're talking about the
distribution of power in the world
in the run-up to world war one you can
say oh well they were all competing for
who's the top dog there was no top dog
yet it was multi-polar it was dispersed
there was no acknowledgment before in
world war one of different polls there
were no polls there was not even one
poll that was established yet so there
couldn't be different polls that's what
i'm trying to tell you world war one
by that logic there couldn't have been
rocks before a few thousand years ago
because we didn't have a term to define
rocks so therefore everything in the
universe didn't exist until humans gave
a definition to it you can go back and
describe a condition
reel it back a little bit okay you just
no but this is you're embarrassing
yourself you're embarrassed no but this
is a tactic that you'll have i'm trying
to i'm just you're over complicating it
you're overwhelmed
this is the technique that i've seen you
do okay i'm not saying numerous times
kevin where you have to take something
that happened in the past happened kevin
don't make this difficult
the only one embarrassing themselves
here is you dude
we're going to simplify this to save
time kevin no one is saying that the
reason we should not describe the word
polarity to describe the pre-world war
ii state of the world not just pre-world
war one um is because there wasn't a
concept for it back then i'm saying that
polarity refers to a intelligibly
different system an intelligibly
um it's it's a concept whose object is
intelligibly different to the point
where we could say even if we didn't
have the word for it back then it still
had not yet emerged and i kind of
explained that in the form of the
bretton woods system and the
relationship between
uh industrial um industrial centers of
power and hinterlands and so on and so
on like for example now this is the
relationship germany has to southern
europe right within the form of the eu
so that's a poll you can call it a poll
regardless like
i think you just don't understand
uh what is actually being said here so
you talk about rocks in the universe and
stuff really just embarrassing yourself
no it's because you're trying to say
that we can't qualify the state of the
world order and the run-up to world war
one has multi-polar because people at
the time didn't call it multi-polar no
no but it is
and international relations of
multi-polarity polarity okay and
international i think we need to go back
to this distribution of power and we
have two states you just listen to what
i said or not or multiple states no no
but here's the point paz i think it has
nothing to do with it there's actually
you're just trying to be an economic
reductionist it's about more than
economics it's about power because every
time you say oh well no that can't be a
polarization you don't have to use the
word polarity then use a different word
just say uh unilateralism or
bilateralism or you can well well no
that that is a state's relation to other
states that's not about the world order
though you can use um decentralized
power you can say there's no one
singular power or something but there's
no need to use the word polarity if you
don't even know what that concept is
referring to no but the irony here is
you don't know in international
relations what polarity refers to i'm
going to bring up the definition of
clarity is tied to world systems theory
which is tied to thinkers like emmanuel
wallerstein and others i'm very familiar
with the literature on the subject kevin
yeah but it doesn't sound like it but it
doesn't sound already referred to a
great deal more than just power okay
that's if you don't understand that i
don't think you went to school
that's ridiculous you're in law school
and you're in law school to my
understanding and your your reduction of
these definitions to try to comply with
your specific view
is super cringy and wouldn't hold up in
court it wouldn't hold up before
definitions because you're not going to
agree on what polarity means because
you're you don't know i'm literally
telling you in international relations
polarity refers to distribution and
power in the world system shut up if we
haven't you know you know
shut up
kevin if we have a semantic difference
that we need to overcome the best course
of action is to just agree we're not
going to agree about what the meaning of
the word polarity is and go to the
relevant um
differently intelligible objects that
are under contention so what i'm trying
to say is that there is a identifiable
reason why multi-polarity would not mean
the return to the pre-world war one
system now you can say that both are
multi-polar orders something i would
disagree with but even if i were to
grant you that it still doesn't make a
difference because i'm making the
emerging multi-polar order intelligibly
different in a way that doesn't allow us
to equate it to the pre-world war one
order in that case multi-polarity would
be inessential to comparing them because
there is something that differentiates
them that i am elevating to the status
of an essence
okay so
i know you have a hard time like
debating but you really got to follow
the course of argumentation because you
waste a lot of time over semantics that
don't matter so so here we go with the
whole anglo-box thing again definitions
don't matter unless haas is using the
definitions then they matter you just
hear what i said it's not about whether
the definitions matter or not it's about
what is essential as the point of
contention in this argument and just
because just because you know what's
they're the same because you want to
think that they are the same because i'm
not saying they're the exact same
ways in which characterized i've played
kevin do you want to get yourself in
trouble don't fight it just accept it
listen dude dude kevin listen listen
listen i need you to understand
something this has nothing to do with
definitions i'm raising a point that
you're not addressing you're just saying
they're the same without addressing the
ways in which i've described to you how
they're not the same so can we actually
you're just trying to say that that the
semantics don't matter anymore because
you lost on the semantics i'm not
i'm not arguing
semantics dude
yeah all i'm trying to say is that no
i'm not conceding as to your point about
the meaning of multi-polarity you're
talking out of your [Β __Β ] ass you
don't know what you're talking about you
sound embarrassing
if you really want to cling and
stubbornly cling to that point i'm doing
you a favor if we're not going to agree
about what the word multi-polarity means
we can just address the point of
contention um under which the word was
being used to describe for now i
described the emerging multi-polar order
as qualitatively different than the one
before world war one and i actually
backed that up with some kind of content
i actually said why it's different and
i'm elevating that to an essential point
of distinction you're not acknowledging
the distinction whatsoever you're just
going back to the contention over the
meaning of the word multi-polarity why
do you do i think you're dwelling in a
semantical difference because you're
actually scared to argue over what we're
really trying to talk about in the
future well no no we can talk about the
current order emerging we can talk about
that too what i was saying what i was
saying before we went into this was that
multi-polarity is not stable now i
wasn't saying that the multi-polarity
that's emerging now is the same as that
which existed before world war one what
i'm saying is it's not a stable
equilibrium and it will give way to a
unipolar hegemon
usually how that happens is a world war
so i'll break down your logical
incoherence so that you could like it's
re all on the table you could see why
you're not very smart so kevin let me
explain it to you like this
you are saying multi-polar orders are
not stable and you're using the
pre-world war one situation as evidence
for that is that correct
yeah i'm not saying they're the same i'm
just saying that that order distribution
is not the same
kevin if you if you haven't noticed i've
understood everything you've said up to
this point i'm just trying to help you
right now right because i don't think
you understand where i'm at so i have
put forward an argument about why the
current emerging multi-polar order would
not be as unstable it wouldn't have the
essence of the instability of the
pre-world war one one and the reason for
that is because in world war one
they were attempting to seize hegemony
over the position that america would
come to occupy after world war ii now
i'm trying to say is that america's
position is now being decentralized
we're not returning to a hobbsian jungle
in which we're going to fight over it
once again that's that's beyond us the
the mantle of unit polarity adopt held
by america will never be held by anyone
else ever again
so what i'm actually trying to say is a
specific argument in a specific point
there's no need to keep dwelling in
semantics when you haven't even
addressed the point which is
how can you argue that the current
emerging multi-polar order will be just
as unstable
uh as the order before world war one
when in fact
there are qualitative differences i have
pointed out
that would probably lead us to believe
that it wouldn't have that same
right so you point out differences be
i'm not um arguing that it's impossible
that there will be instability in the
future because of the emerging
multi-polar order by any means but i'm
just saying you can't use world war one
as evidence because if it's going to be
unstable it's going to be quality it's
going to be unstable in a qualitatively
different way
okay well my point was specifically
about the instability of it the reason
why it's unstable and why uh you can say
well there are different economic
relations now you can say that power is
more decentralized now maybe there will
be more polls than there were in the
run-up to world war one where they were
all concentrated in a similar geographic
area the point for me is that the world
system has always been and for the time
being will be anarchic and what that
means is that there's no real world
police people joke about america being
the world police but like realistically
if china does a genocide or russia does
some [Β __Β ] or russia invades ukraine uh
if nobody like the us intervenes they
get away with it there's not like some
world police that just stepped down and
zapped them magically so uh the reason
why it's going to be an unstable is that
uh you're still going to have that power
vacuum at the international level and so
as much as you can say well nobody's
going to have that hegemon that america
has had that title i disagree with that
i would like to see america keep it but
the point is whether it's china or it's
russia or it's a new power that emerges
or a cluster of powers acting in
there is going to be a hegemon that
emerges because that's the only real
stable equilibrium in the long run and
we'll continue having world wars until
we get there and you mentioned some
qualitative differences in terms of the
economic relations you can talk about
how well the world is more i guess more
intertwined in terms of trade except we
had a higher percentage of world gdp
comprise the trade before world war one
it's not the argument though that's not
the argument what's your argument yeah
the argument is about the specific
relationship between developing
countries and developed countries and
specifically developing countries which
are no longer colonies that are going to
be competed over uh to be directly
plundered and looted and seized but
countries that are that require a need
to take advantage of the differences in
the concentration of capital uh in order
to industrialize themselves now
and layman's speak
need these surpluses of production in
the advanced countries in order to
develop themselves
um otherwise they're going to have to
engage in their own kinds of you know
all-encompassing agricultural
revolutions as we saw in the soviet
union and china to adopt an independent
path to modernity but we know that this
leads to a lot of social political and
economic uh turmoil that most countries
are not prepared to um
experience and also it also presupposes
that they occupy a sufficiently large
land mass and a lot of other things
but so yeah most countries rely on
advanced countries in order to develop
now this is really the key to what
separates the multi-polar order from the
order before world war one is that it's
not actually competition
over colonies and you have to understand
that that's what was going on they were
competing over the resources and
colonies and land space
of the world whether in europe or beyond
specifically there were competing um
requiring different raw materials and
resources and so on and so on so the
situation is very different now right so
instead of a war
you have to understand wars are
political war is an extension of
politics and vice versa it's clos
vitzian right most states at least
formally despite all neocolonialism are
sovereign countries now right so it
doesn't make sense that wars are going
to be waged for them as in the case of
world the boat two world wars because
both world wars were about either
sovereign disputes of sovereignty or
lack thereof so sovereignty is really
the key when you already have the
sovereign states that countries like
america and china are competing over uh
in terms of the possessing economic
relationships too
it's not the same and it's not
comparable now you're calling
american unit polarity stable now i kind
of sounded like you're saying it's not
stable and it's and i agree with you
it's not stable right
so if it's already not stable i don't
see what the difference is going to be
you're obviously not going to create a
global order
um whatsoever because a global order
presupposes a center of power that's
ruling over everyone so i don't think
that's even possible but what i do think
is that countries can pursue in a way
guided by china's example not by force
not by
political coercion or enshrining some
kind of
political hegemony in the form of
military interventions and the threat of
being invaded but can follow china's
example both as a
as a effective model of development for
underdeveloped or
developing countries and as a way
to conduct foreign relations now believe
it or not
you know cynical people will disagree
with this but
for a long time in history especially
when it comes to states like china
foreign relations were not
on bond of the pure threat of force and
uh and extinction foreign relations
followed traditions and customs based on
mutual respect that just
lines are just not crossed based on some
kind of minimal values confucian
values in the case of china so a return
to this kind of status quo even if it's
a little bit utopian is i think way more
realistic and better to aspire to as
opposed to the kind of genocidal
of your anarchistic kind of larp so
you're putting up so you're the country
that you're defending right now is
literally conducting a genocide i want
to know for the record here that uh when
we're talking about polarity and when
we're talking about unipolarity and
american hegemony the reason why it's
dwindling right now is actually it's a
self-dwindling it's the first time in
history the romans never just gave up
their empire by choice the british
didn't do it by choice
anything further we just have to
a reason
no no no no no no the reason fighting
the reason that's a reason why
the reason why america's hegemony is
is disappearing right now is because of
the self cucking by washington it's the
first time in history that you've seen
us now i don't consider american empire
but you you probably would it's the
first time you've seen an empire so to
speak give up its own mantle and that's
because of these russian memes
and other countries memes that are
perpetrated within the country to make
the american people hate themselves and
hate their own interests abroad and
support giving out power to china and
russia i don't know how many players in
central asia
i don't know how many layers of insanity
we're on so i just want to get some some
things clear so first of all
china's not conducting a genocide it's
not been proven there's no evidence for
that the most that's not true the mostly
accused of doing is a cultural genocide
which itself is another thing they made
up now the second thing that you said
was that um
the reason why america is in decline is
not because it is collapsing under the
weight of its own imminent
contradictions which is an argument that
is far more coherent far more defensible
and far more based in reality but
actually because for two reasons one
they're not listening to kevin castle
right kevin castle would really save
washington from the mess that it's in
now now the second reason and ironically
yeah and i quote this ad verbatim
russian memes
can you please give me an example of
these russian memes that are leading to
the yeah yeah so the internet research
agency for example has run various
different facebook groups uh promoting
all right promoting the alt right so you
literally ask for an example i gave you
an example one of our institutions
that's been doing this the internet
researchers for the memes can you show
us the memes that are leading to the
collapse of the american empire just
like an example yeah yeah well you can
see them on twitter all the time the
idea that america's
kremlin against
i want you to show me one of these memes
because i want to seize the memes
because they have so much power they can
bring down an empire imagine what i
could do with them right so so you deny
so you deny the internet research agency
running different facebook groups to pin
the far right and the far left against
each other in america to weaken american
uh institutions and civil society i can
address this in two prongs remember i'm
a loser well well no i mean we're
getting off we're getting off topic
right now let's let's work home back
worth noting that's worth
which is incredibly simplistic
incredibly low iq let's let's not walk
it back kevin let's go back to the memes
so two things the internet research
agency the groups that it found uh
guilty of these we're so minuscule in
relevance and significance it's
laughable if you actually look at these
but that's not true yeah they would
sound true though they literally led to
in the streets kevin and the second
thing though is that even if i were to
agree with you that the internet
research agency had all these really
widespread popular memes and it was
really you know reaching a lot of people
on facebook remember that you said that
russian memes are responsible for the
decline of the american empire so no i
said it was a factor in america giving
up its own power in the world
because the american people have been
brainwashed on a diet of russia today
and michael moore to hate themselves and
hate their national interests and
thinking about their positions americans
love themselves
when the deep state engages in foreign
we're doing the meetings the deep state
but okay
owens okay alex jones get out there get
out the tin foil hats
your understanding of international
relations is below a beta level you're
like gamma dude you're literally gamma
at this point dude that's your
understanding here no you no you no you
already know you you
so these memes that so you're saying the
american people
uh they hate themselves when they're
trying to address the problem of
joblessness jobs moving overseas in the
opioid crisis these are examples of
america loving itself but america
americans are hating themselves when
they want to give the country back to
the people that
premises and that are that are
responsible for it and that actually
you're missing you just stumbled on
so you just stumbled you just stumbled
on one of the big points here which was
the industrial uh aspect to it so your
whole thing is like oh well china they
have this model of self-development and
all this kind of stuff what you're
missing is that the only reason why
china isn't uh everybody making two
dollars a day right now as agrarian
backwater is because of the west we made
communist china as rich as they are if
we didn't do business with them they
would have nothing they wouldn't even
have kiwis as you say they wouldn't even
have kiwis
so we made them and we
we made them and we can end up kevin
kevin kevin castle you are so adorable
let me tell you something
you have to understand yeah i recognize
a lot of people think i'm adorable what
up understand the history deal with it
it's not a compliment yeah well you know
daddy's talking listen daddy's talking
daddy dude
you have the you have them i'm trying to
refresh your points
give me a [Β __Β ] break dude you're
you're a man child you're literally a
man shop kevin kevin you're one of these
uh goobers who just thinks oh i'll wear
i'll wear my uh my workout clothes and
i'll sound super tough and kevin oh yeah
i'll flex that body stuff and that'll
improve your
order bro bro quite okay
that was fun um
um now let's go back to one at a time so
go ahead yeah yeah so this is the point
i actually wanted to make so kevin is
making it seem like the u.s is a
communist state in which all of our
economic policies are pursued on the
basis of a central political interest
but actually that's not how it works the
reason why companies moved to china and
the reason why you had this general
trend of industrialization and it wasn't
just china it was mexico and other
countries was because it was not only in
the interests of the capitalists within
america to
because of the cheaper costs of labor
moved to these foreign countries
it was the only way to offset the
international economic crisis that was
started in the 1970s uh specifically
with the collapse of the bretton woods
system and this is be what's responsible
for the emergence of what we call
neoliberalism as we know it
china not opened up to the west it's a
dual you know it's a dual situation of
dependence there would have been a
economic crisis which the political
orders within the west wouldn't have
been able to survive so these western
corporations needed to go move to china
because they needed to offset the
falling rate of profit that was
responsible for the crisis in the 1970s
you know if you want to be see the
reason i call you an anarchist kevin is
because if washington listened to you
you would literally destroy the american
empire in the entire global order as we
know it which is why kevin despite us
debating i wish and pray for nothing
more than for washington to listen to a
guy like you because you will hasten the
collapse of the american empire so like
if you say okay we made china we can end
them please try to win them trump was
trying to do it the chinese called him
comrade trump because he strengthened
and invigorated the national chinese
industry so effectively by he didn't
really try he didn't block china
try as hard as you want you are just
going to rally the
passion of the chinese people to rise to
heights that they've never that no
people on earth have ever seen before
well they've been rallying against your
regime they've risen up in hong kong
they've risen up in xinjiang and they've
been oppressed and quelled
affiliated gulf sponsored terrorists oh
so we're gonna need some proof on that
really al qaeda
hong kong was a british colony it
doesn't represent the majority of the
chinese people i don't know why you're
using hong kong as an example it's an
example of people rising up for
democracy and being shut down by the
regime you don't understand you don't
even understand what you're talking
about hong kong has a different system
than china it's just one country two
systems right well that's what it was
until recently
and listen you know why hong kong is
such a bad example for you is that there
are communist party theorists within
china who acutely understand that one of
the biggest impetuses of the hong kong
uprising was also economic
dissatisfaction and economic discontent
and one of the reasons for that is
because there's no land in hong kong
there's no affordable housing in hong
kong so people are kind of like packed
like sardines in this kind of unlivable
way and one of the reasons for that is
because china respects hong kong
sovereignty and at least being able to
have a different system there can be no
economic reforms like a land reform or
any socialistic policies that
can allow hong kongers to enjoy the same
guarantee and basic social safety is
mainland china maybe they have a higher
gdp they have a higher gpa i know
this is what i'm saying you're going to
they're richer than the mainland by a
law listen carefully to what i said i
did not say people in the mainland are
more wealthy they're not they're much
poorer but they have more security in
the form of having these guaranteed
landed plots that they can always go
back to when there's when they lose
their job or they have that kind of
safety and security in hong kong people
don't own land they don't have any kind
of um guarantee for a minimal dignified
life now relatively speaking people in
hong kong are obviously much more
wealthier it's much more advanced than
most of the main level that's changing
very rapidly right the mainland is
catching up obviously but um
that's not the point i was trying to say
the point i was trying to say is that
the number one source of civil unrest is
actually not just poverty because
remember poverty is always relative it's
economic turmoil it's relative economic
turmoil and stability when people no
longer have
the basic standard of living that they
expect they should
that's really the source of a lot of the
political discontent and hong kong
because it doesn't not run or governed
by a socialist system isn't able to um
initiate the necessary economic reforms
that are going to disempower the
landlords of hong kong who own most of
the land and own it on the basis of
because of that there's going to be
economic discontent in places like hong
kong but that's why you don't see that
same level of strife or discontent in
the mainland
why should people that worked and and
purchase property why should they be
disempowered like so you're a communist
you're literally angry yeah i'm a
communist because my position in
relation to the relation between
politics and the economy is that the
government should do whatever supports
and benefits the overwhelming majority
of the people they govern but that's
just the cope that you're not a
billionaire you're that's just the hope
that you're not a billionaire if you
were a billionaire you wouldn't be a
communist you'd be like yeah this is my
mind read my words carefully most people
are not billionaires if a government is
going to effectively represent the
interests of its people it has to
recognize that most people are not
billionaires so you know well that's not
just about being a billionaire
i was talking about landlords most of
those landlords are not billionaires
either my point is that capitalism gives
you the opportunity no that's capitalism
gives you the opportunity to make
something of yourself
land owners
in your own way the communist system in
china quells you down if you express
anything that diverges from the party
you talk about this as if it's all about
money and it's all about my land it's
like no no ideology is a factor here
that i think is worth discussing because
you talked about how okay we're in a new
new order emerging so that's not how
this works oz you don't just get to talk
the whole time and then the second i
start talking you
interrupt me like a little monkey uh i'm
talking right now so you stay in your
place so here's the deal the
ideological difference is the
ideological differences
order between the old order and the new
order that you're talking about emerging
uh has not been taken into account
you're just talking about my economics
my economics are different my my
my polls are different here's the
problem here's the problem all over the
place we live in a world that is divided
between islands of freedom
and continents of slavery and your your
solution is just ignore ideological
differences and therefore we can have
peace in the system that's [Β __Β ]
absolute [Β __Β ] and that is the most
idealistic divorce from reality
understanding of power relations you
don't get it you don't get it you don't
get the role of ideology here you just
simply don't you think that we could
just put ideological differences aside
he repeated that a million times i heard
you loud and clear kevin now i get to
respond so kevin here's the issue here
the first thing is that you notice a
tendency with you whenever we get fixate
on a specific line of argumentation you
pivot you pivot to uh oh no that's you
you're the one who pivoted away from the
definition of polarity because i wanted
to talk about that that was your code
that was your co-pause
mute this guy
no you no no no you don't you do you
potatoes kevin pivots and detracts to a
trillion other topics let's get back
on the definition so you're like not
mismatched with semantics no you know
you yeah
okay well basically
look look i would love to just yell at
him and just shout with him but there's
actual content we know huds we know
i want to mute him just mute him there's
actual meat and potatoes i want to
address here like i actually want to
argue about this stuff right so that's
why i'm trying to bring it back so you
were talking about the situation of land
in hong kong and that well most are not
billionaires i don't know if that's true
but you have to understand that hong
kong land is overwhelmingly monopolized
in the hands of a few so it's not
decentralized in the way you're trying
to imply the second thing is you because
you had to concede on that point now
you're trying to say i'm an egg i didn't
what is this this is nonsense
the second thing is that you you have to
concede and then go revere off into this
how well material reality is not all
that matters ideological realities
matter too and in china you can't speak
in a way that is against the party line
but that is patently false people in
china have a very far i'm wide-ranging
uh range of expression even more than
america actually not because they're
absolutely [Β __Β ]
what is how is that [Β __Β ]
they're able to unmute themselves
are you
that is
beta males know their place beta males
know their places know their place
beta males know the place evidence
and you just kept [Β __Β ] interrupted me
you kept [Β __Β ] doing this kevin
because you know that when it comes to a
rational debate right you will get
[Β __Β ] destroyed
we will never
hell you will never [Β __Β ] recover from
this out handle somebody who will let me
[Β __Β ] 100
that's an ugly side of me but as
everyone can see i'm trying to debate
and when i'm trying to get my points in
he can't help but brought in and
interrupt me so he wants to have a
yelling match and we can do that
but i actually want him to know he's
being dominated intellectually you see
he's going oh look how ridiculous haaz
is well then what do you want me to do
debate i tried that and all you do is
[Β __Β ] interrupt me mid-sentence not
even allowing me to [Β __Β ] clarify what
i'm trying to say so the second thing i
was trying to say was that
america might have free speech but
chinese netizens and this is true for
anyone with experience
in this
is that
chinese netizens are more informed
they're more knowledgeable they don't
speak mindlessly they speak according to
having education according to being
informed on topics they have in-depth
discussions about a range of history and
topics which is depth and complexity it
[Β __Β ] pales in comparison to the kind
of online discourse you see in america
but as far as actual censorship in china
it's actually so simple and so [Β __Β ]
on the surface that it does not get in
the way of the chinese people's ability
to voice their actual authentic
expression and their authentic actual
actual views um they may be censored and
may not allow to promote civil unrest
and and social chaos but if you actually
survey the chinese people the overwhelm
majority of them are glad that china's
rife with social chaos and anarchy like
countries like america or
eastern europe and the soviet union
after the collapse of communism chinese
are very well aware that the order that
prevails within china needs to and
should be maintained and i i have not
seen any evidence of anyone even try to
argue to the contrary
i'm gonna bring him back on yeah um
kevin we're gonna try to go back to some
normal debating now that you guys got
that out of your system and let's go
back to um
debating yes so that's what happens
because haas isn't used to actually
arguing with a western warhawk who isn't
just a cuck uh liberal neo-liberal
internationalist who who basically just
wants to surrender uh various holdings
in the world various forward positions
he's not used to it not used to it
that's what happens so
i'm not used to seeing somebody who's
actually proud to be western out here
no my point was that this all started
because has tried to say
that china had more of a representative
expression from the people than america
that's the biggest [Β __Β ] that
anybody's ever heard like he doesn't
even believe that there's no way he
believes that he calls himself a tanki
what do you think a tank he is it's
somebody who sends in the tanks to quell
democratic uprising he doesn't even
believe that so
well now you want to debate about the
events of hungary 56 but we can actually
uh talk about what we're doing
in 1980 you want to keep interrupting me
because two could play this
i let this guy talk i'm letting him talk
no i'm talking and he interrupts me so
how does that work okay so i need a
little bit if i if i'm gonna hit the
mute button please don't unmute yourself
so i can at least um just freaking
get it to like just simmer down a bit so
i hate that people figured out they can
do that
all the time yeah
it's a nuisance yeah um all right so
yeah just like let's uh let people
finish talking you guys got the content
out of that so let's go back
now so basically yes i do believe that
actually i do believe that in china
people's authentic views and opinions
are able to give way better and more
representative expression than in
countries like america where people
didn't even [Β __Β ] know what they want
they're not even informed to be in tune
with their actual interests as a people
that's why america gets into [Β __Β ]
online debates over frivolous [Β __Β ]
that's in nowhere near their actual
authentic uh feelings and interests they
just get caught up in culture wars that
are just existing for their own sake
it's not even because it's what they
really believe anymore people just take
sides because it's like a sports team at
this point between the democrats and
republicans so yeah in china when they
don't have all of that useless [Β __Β ]
bickering they can actually get to the
business of actually expressing what
they authentically
view the world and what they
authentically want from the state and
the state is very um attentive to what
chinese people say to their protests and
their various objections and suggestions
and they integrate all those things in
their five-year plans among other
policies so yes china's a far more
robustly democratic
country than america it's a far more uh
democratic country in terms of actually
representing what the majority of people
actually think and believe
so you mentioned the culture war you
think oh it's frivolous or whatever i
actually i actually agree to some extent
there and i've done videos in the past
saying how the culture war is unwinnable
for conservatives it's pointless like
it's just a massive endless cope where
every time we gain ground they're like
oh well we're gonna try to undo this or
try to undo that to get a little bit
ground back or maybe we'll get one
person on the supreme court to overturn
stuff for a few years and then and then
the liberals keep winning and winning
and winning in 50 years it's going to be
uh the most conservatives in america are
going to be pro trans rights for example
so it's a lost cause for conservatives
so i actually agree that the culture war
shouldn't matter the conservatives
should just give up they're never gonna
win but china on the other hand doesn't
necessarily have that because you're not
allowed to be liberal over there like if
you advocate for what i i want i'm a
moral universalist liberal universalist
uh i would get imprisoned for advocating
for gay rights trans rights women's
rights in china for example they would
consider me a dissident even if i didn't
even talk about the party per se even if
i wasn't just advocating for democracy
just advocating for uyghur rights for
example immediately immediately going to
jail and so haz is going to try to
gaslight you here and try to say how
china is is a better representation of
expression because there's no culture
war the reason why there's no real
culture war is that the communist party
jails anybody that's not a conservative
communist so
yeah so there's a three prongs about why
that's a stupid argument the first one
lies in the fact that if china jails all
lgbt activists
it's really weird how you can actually
look and see that within china
there are lgbt organizations and
advocacy groups and activists that are
not in jail so it's a patent lie that
china is just going to jail anyone who
advocates for the rights of sexual
minorities the reason why it's not
really widespread within china is
because and this is true the majority of
chinese people are just not interested
in this topic they're just not they're
not enthralled by it in the way
america is and the reason why americans
are enthralled by it is because it's
been overly politicized
by the democrats and the republicans
the second thing regarding away good
rights well that's extremely ambiguous i
mean oy good rights can fall under the
umbrella of al qaeda right that oyger
should have the right to have an islamic
state that is completely separate from
china violating the one china policy so
what is that what exactly is meant by
oyger rights uh would determine whether
or not you would be imprisoned or
whether you would face repercussions uh
the third thing is shut the [Β __Β ] up
shut the [Β __Β ] up shut the [Β __Β ]
[Β __Β ] up shut the [Β __Β ] up i didn't finish
my [Β __Β ] point shut up you asked the
question i answered shut kevin shut the
[Β __Β ] up
shut the [Β __Β ] up
shut the [Β __Β ] up kevin
is anyone moderating this like i don't i
don't interrupt him and he interrupts me
because he's an anarchist he's an
because you can't follow [Β __Β ] rules
just follow the rules of the [Β __Β ]
let him finish before it gets riled up
again all right so go ahead
yeah so the third thing what you're
saying is that oh in china the reason
there's no culture war is because the
government just censors it if the
chinese people were actually
authentically and organically inclined
to have culture wars maybe at first it
would be censored and this is how all
these trends work in china but
eventually the government would have to
assent to what the overwhelming majority
of people want so no and that's just
assuming we even buy into this idea that
culture wars in general are being
censored in china the truth is that the
chinese people do not give a [Β __Β ] about
the things that that seem to interest
americans online chinese people spend
their time online talking about history
and civilizations and religions and
important things like that americans
spend their time online arguing over
bathrooms so that's really the
difference the chinese people just are
not interested they just don't care well
that's such an essentialist and over
generalization there are people in
america that have arguments about
philosophy online and there are people
in china that have arguments about who
killed better and fortnite
after they use their vpn and everything
so the idea that china that netizens or
whatever over there are are more
intellectual than people in america
online that's not really true the reason
why you don't really see a culture war
unfolding is that liberal voices are
literally oppressed in china whereas in
america liberals are winning and
conservatives are angry and furious and
coping and fuming and dooming because
they see women being empowered they see
lgbt people having rights they see uh
blacks having equal rights for example
and they look at that and they see their
old way where they were on top and they
see that as
basically uh vanishing from them and
they're pissed about it now i agree that
the culture war shouldn't really be that
much of a thing in america we should
just have a socially liberal society in
which you're free to live your truth
they don't have that in china has
explanation is that the chinese people
don't care about it well that's easy
enough to say if you're a straight uh
conforming person who follows the party
in china if you're anybody who deviates
from that uh that's not true though and
you mentioned oh what are uyghur rights
what are weaker rights the rights not to
be forced sterilized the rights not to
have your children taken away from you
the right's not to be sent to a
detention center to be brainwashed and
tortured and if it so happens and i've
said this before if it so happens that
there are cases and there are and there
have been in the past cases of terrorism
against uh china i support terrorism
against chinese military and police
forces i don't support against chinese
civilians but if that's what it takes to
achieve liberation i support their
liberation just as i support kurdish
liberation uh they are the good guys
here the regime is the bad guys the
behavior of the regime is not going to
change the regime has to be changed so
and i support working with anybody to
accomplish that even if we've got other
disagreements they're an ally here
against china so
um before we address everything i just
want to say i am so fascinated at how
neo-conservatives finally came around to
embracing their true allies al-qaeda so
that's not really there's no shut up
shut up shut up
you're talking about the new shut up
shut up
shut the [Β __Β ] up shut the [Β __Β ] up i'm
not nowhere near done we're just getting
started with all this dumb [Β __Β ] you just
said so you're actually made the claim
that we cannot say that chinese people
are more informed because there are
exceptions within america and there are
exceptions within china but we're not
talking about exceptions we're talking
about the overall trend the overall
trend is that chinese netizens are far
more careful far more thoughtful and far
more intellectual and educated and you
know they actually talk about
interesting things that matter
overwhelmingly right as compared to
america so you actually haven't
addressed that this is an overall trend
be there that there may be exceptions
within both countries now you're saying
liberals are repressed within china
that's interesting because liberals in
china are literally given pretty high
ranking posts in academia and media and
culture and much of the discontent
against liberalism that's now farting
starting to form a xi jinping era
and this is true if you know chinese
people you'd understand this it's coming
from below not even from up top chinese
people are becoming more fervently
and loyal
to not only their country but to their
party and its history than ever before
in history it's comparable almost to the
cultural revolution
the chinese people themselves are
putting grassroots pressure on the
western inspired institutions that
emerged after the reform and opening up
to get rid of and sack and purge and
actually struggle against these liberal
western elements that they don't want in
their country now as far as individual
expression culture wars are concerned
china is not completely culturally
hegemonic but it does represent a shared
civilization that's thousands of years
old and there are exceptions within
china of individuals who break the mold
and go their own way and go their own
path the whole point is that this is
never going to be a general trend
because china was never an
individualistic society it's not because
people are not allowed to do those
things they are i mean there's examples
of vice documentaries going to look at
subcultures in shanghai and other big
cities these things exist it's just not
going to represent the major trend
within china because
believe it or not the character of china
reflects the character of the chinese
people in the last and final instance
the whole people's republic and
communist party is founded on the basis
of acknowledging that very premise
so and finally one last thing
regarding this thing about uh what would
it take to satisfy uber rights their
right not to be kidnapped they're right
not to be sterilized well then it's even
better because there's not even any need
for any activists for oy good rights
because none of those things are being
violated in the first place
okay so we'll start off with what has
mentioned first which was the idea that
well are there some people in china that
would uh have these things like lgbt
rights and other stuff as an issue yeah
but is it the majority no well the thing
about rights is that they exist to
protect those that are directly affected
right so if for example the right to not
be arrested in the middle of the night
without a warrant that's a thing that
you should care about and defend even if
you're not the one that the police are
coming to tonight to arrest likewise
with lgbt rights just because you're not
gay doesn't mean that you shouldn't
support them this is about liberalism
this is about the enlightenment this is
about the idea of humanism the idea that
all people have dignity and should have
equal protection under the law something
that doesn't exist in communist china uh
has mentioned that well the chinese
people are more patriotic now and
everything they're more brainwashed
enlarged to support the party that's
true now a lot of people don't buy the
party's propaganda but hundreds of
millions of people do uh you could say
the same thing about north korea that
doesn't mean that they're not an enemy
that doesn't mean that the regime is not
to be removed from power and the people
liberated you can liberate people uh who
would be better off uh liberated even if
they say right now that they're against
that obviously i mean they're they
literally live with a gun to their head
and even if they even if they have their
own volition say that they support the
regime if they were to see the
alternative with their own eyes with
free access to information they would
obviously choose the west the west
offers the highest standard of living
the highest uh dignification of humanity
and the best rights for everybody and
additionally to get to the final point
about the weaker genocide uh so we have
satellite photos documenting this we
have uh interviews of those who have
been in the camps or have family that
are in the camps we have video footage
showing the camps i don't see how we can
deny that two million people have been
detained against their will that's just
not something that you can cover up in
this era hitler had a hard time covering
up the holocaust and we have access to
satellites now so how how can you deny
this how can you say that there's no
proof of this yet you you throw around
accusations that they're working with al
qaeda which you obviously have no proof
for so
and again i've also said if they did
terrorism against the party that's
they're justified to do it they're
defending themselves
oh boy okay you done kevin
uh right now yeah yeah so kevin
first of all
the point is that i just mentioned that
those individual exceptions are not
being persecuted within china so that
was the whole point but it's interesting
that you develop this
contradiction on the one hand you want
absolute rights uh unconditional rights
to protect minorities right the western
contrived view of rights it actually
doesn't come from renaissance humanism
it comes from anglo-saxon metaphysics in
the 17th century but that's regardless
where it came from shut the [Β __Β ] up shut
the [Β __Β ] up i'm gonna start interrupting
you in your turns too okay
we're gonna see how you like it but
anyway i've been doing it all night yeah
so no i haven't i let you talk that
whole [Β __Β ] diatribe you just did i
let you talk so second of all
china doesn't focus on abstract
unconditional rights because in actual
material reality no rights are
unconditional china focuses more on the
content of rights westerners claim that
they want the right to freedom and
liberty things that have no substantive
content things that have no um
determinate being to the right to be
what the right to do what china's a
country that is attuned to what its
people are and to who it is so it
doesn't need to create abstractly
negatively contrived abstract formal
rights that are applied in every
circumstance and situation because china
is a living and it's a country ruled by
a living people and not a dead doctrine
not a dead letter
so it's really important we understand
we're talking about just because there
are no absolute rights within china
doesn't mean the government acts
arbitrarily it acts according to the
determinate content and it being of the
chinese people themselves conceived not
at the sum total of individual atoms but
as a real civilizational and collective
now you mentioned regarding this
business of
the oyger uh genocide so-called oigo
genocide that you have satellite photos
and so on but if you actually evaluate
the content of those satellite photos
they don't prove the existence of any of
the claims made by those claiming the
voyagers are being subject to a genocide
you have the establishment of schools
and institutions and buildings and
centers and factories things that are
completely removed from the subject
whatsoever have been by satellite photos
been accused of being you know um
concentration camps and there's many
cases of this there's many
and holes plot holes and all the various
claims being made that so-called justify
the claim of an oil genocide finally the
idea that you're saying there's no
connection between the etim separatists
and al qaeda there's no proof of this
connection it's just about the most
laughably stupid and uninformed [Β __Β ]
thing i've heard in like a month i mean
even american state department would
have to admit that yes there does exist
a connection between the two which is
why the etim
used to be listed as a designated
terrorist organization not just by china
but by the united states of america
because of its affiliations and ties to
al-qaeda so
i really can't believe how you could say
such an uninformed and ignorant thing
when it's like self-evident to everyone
that yes al-qaeda has been working in
xinjiang that there are connections
between oyger separatists and al qaeda i
mean it's like no one has ever denied
that except you to the extent of my
you you would claim basically that all
the uyghurs are working with al-qaeda
it's like okay there's
are working with al qaeda i said a tiny
minority of separatists who do not
represent the majority of voyagers were
working with al qaeda and that's a fact
okay well on that point they're
justified in doing so and in that
particular case of of weakers versus the
ccp al-qaeda's on the good side so okay
they're on the bad side against america
all i did kevin was point out the irony
of a person calling themselves a neocon
worshiping i don't call myself a new
yorker okay whatever you worship
as a model the bush era of
interventionalist unilateral uh politics
well guess what i mean like the bush
euro was defined by the war on terror
and osama bin laden was the primary
villain of the bush era so it's just
really funny yeah the same that you're
trying to like rep that and at the same
time it's coming full circle and it
turns out like you're best friends with
osama bin laden no no no he's friends
with that [Β __Β ]
i can recognize i can
yeah the consequence of what al qaeda
does against the ccp is a net good but
what they do
what they do elsewhere
i get that you support them against the
anyone who grew up during the war on
terror like me
and who's like familiar with what to
find the bush here it's a see a
self-proclaimed uh liberal hawk as if
you're calling yourself now i know all
the anarchists have special snowflake
terms to see someone like that
uh identify with uh say that they
support al-qaeda it's just [Β __Β ]
if that's not ironic to you then
i don't support al qaeda against the
west i i support wiegers doing whatever
they can to free themselves of their
oppression if i was oppressed
let me ask you if i was impressed
in uh east turkestan basically in that
region and you look at the the the
detainees by the millions that you deny
that's why you're supporting
you deny this mass detention yet it is a
thing it is documented there are
interviews and we have satellites you
took issue with the satellites except
okay satellites don't prove anything on
their own
but augmenting other evidence they can
paint a picture of what's unfolding on
the ground there's absolutely no
evidence ef no but that's not true has
yeah there is you don't even believe
that and
i know you support that's the thing
kevin kevin you're you're supposed to i
lived there yeah if i lived there and
this was being done to me and my people
you can bet you i'd be working with i
would work with the russians if they are
so let me ask you a question would you
do it if you were living in uh gaza
if i was in gaza what do you mean
like if you were living under the
conditions in gaza would you would you
also do the same thing you're saying now
yeah i would work i would support israel
i would work with israel to get rid of
them no no you would have to support the
palestinian terrorists escort as you
would call it no no because israel is
the liberator i care about that i care
about the relationship
are the people who talk about guys
gaza is oppressed by hamas not by his
bank what about the west bank israel
hamas building settlements in the west
bank and taking people out of their
not hamas the west bank is impressed by
the palestinian authority so who's who's
building settlements and kicking people
out of their homes is it i support a
one-state solution like everybody would
be better off under israel i'm not
asking okay then everyone will be better
under china
liberation it's not you don't care about
national liberation don't come at me
with a business standard if i was living
in shenzhen i wouldn't do anything by
any means necessary
you're just against china
so-called civilization is on the decline
you just hate china you don't care about
muslims you don't care about it
this is [Β __Β ] you know
it's not [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] not no
standard to support liberalism
what is so liberal about israel's
actions in palestine nothing wait are
you kidding me liberalism is like my
they're not actually hawkish enough on
fighting the pa and hamas yeah you're an
anarchist we get it no no no here's the
no i don't have to want a multi-polar
order one is emerging objectively i'm
just thinking oh yeah and i'm and i'm
here to try to argue for americans
to deserve its hegemony
no i was just saying it's not a double
standard to support the west in both
cases it's it's not so i'm against hamas
and hamas is the one oppressing the
palestinian people and just as it's the
case in
uh east turkestan or xinjiang it's the
ccp that's oppressing the uyghur people
and it's the west and
and allied forces they're trying to
liberate them it's not a double standard
to support uh one group that does bad
things here but does good things
elsewhere you can support a group in one
case and be against them in another case
that's not a contradiction no it's
solely tcc
standard i'm anti-al-qaeda i'm mounting
al-qaeda but i don't blame wiegers for
doing what they can because the west
simply hasn't offered enough support to
why is that yeah because
there's such a neoliberal corporate in
you live in america why don't you live
i want to build the communist party in
this country but anyway
you're a trader okay that's why you live
in america okay yeah well i'm not
breaking any laws so good luck so anyway
kevin yeah not yet so we'll see what
happens anyway kevin
without america so uh yeah
and maybe that's about the liberal order
you're not even american you're not even
american you're not even gonna we're
debating the world
canada is a part of the west
in the west the west is not a country
anyway what's so hilarious wait when did
i argue it was a country we're talking
about the western
because i live in the west but i support
the west how does that make any sense i
support western interests and i live in
the west that's consistent
is it's a completely different situation
are not having their hands evicted
they're not being [Β __Β ] placed in an
open air prison like gaza you talk about
concentration crap guys is the biggest
[Β __Β ] conversation on earth
you think it's such a wonderful leg
don't move you think it's so wonderful
your volume or something is really quiet
yeah well you know it's like actually
really hard can you guys hear him i mean
really no uh todd it's like his volume
is like really quiet
maybe um i don't know if it's your mic
sitting or something but um we're gonna
get to the q and a uh you guys and
uh as you said you had to be somewhere
at a certain time too right
yeah all right so why don't we just get
jump right into the q a um
because yeah um
all right let's see here from cg said uh
thanks todd bernie it's great that a
canadian neocon and air communists think
they know what is best for china and
america peak content okay
um no i don't i'm not a neocon
i'm an american so i'm allowed to talk
about america
you're an american that roots for the
enemy you're literally a fifth caller
the american
westerner that roots for the west
you're an enemy of the american people
yeah you root for the enemies of the
american people i root for the allies of
the american people you're a communist
yeah you're an ironic communists are
here for you you've described yourself
as a stalinist stalin wanted to nuke
america so
defend it no he didn't and that's only
to defend himself against the
pre-emptive strike operation unthinkable
which the allies were planning against
which should have happened
so shut the [Β __Β ] up you don't represent
communists represent love
the communists
you're getting dominated no one can even
what an absolute beta
default on the loans issued to them by
china which they probably will yeah
there's a precedence of countries
defaulting on loans or just telling
china they can't pay back the loans and
china works with them china has never
threatened them militarily or done
anything coercive in relationship to
that so there's precedence of countries
defaulting on loans or just telling
china they cannot pay back these loans
so there's already precedent for that so
it's probably going to be the same as
those other countries
and so they become a de facto chinese
colony no they don't because a colony
actually is when a country owns your
territory and has executive control
okay you're talking about you say you
defend the west when the west is the
only premier neocolonial power on earth
it's like france has
okay so how would you describe it how
would you describe france's relationship
to west africa
i don't support it okay well i don't
actually consider france to be much of
an ally i just want to be there that's
part of the west
well well okay they're internally sure
but outwardly they they often
really i thought you were talking about
the west
france is part of this dude [Β __Β ] france
yeah they're as much a part of the west
as pakistan no they're not okay so
they're just as much part of the west as
uh canada so i don't know what you're
talking about that's [Β __Β ] because
you're not talking about the west
anglo-saxon countries
when canada intervened in africa it was
for humanitarian interests
sure it was
how can kevin justify supporting
al-qaeda how can you say you're pro-west
and support the people who did 9 11 and
have killed many western people
yeah so yeah so about that uh i'm
specific here it's not a contradiction
it's kind of like saying how can you
support the soviets against hitler but
you're also against the soviets it's
like well we have bigger enemies to fry
right now communist shine is aiming
nukes in america al qaeda does not al
qaeda is an enemy in pakistan al qaeda
is an enemy against the us and canada
al-qaeda is an enemy in afghanistan he
talks about the threats
which is going to be awards
because he can't handle a serious
resource no you got b
like at what point are you gonna just
sign a contract and become a porn star
because it seems like you you just enjoy
deep throating objects so much dude
because you need to be dominated
you only know the language of force you
can't be
something yeah is did support operation
on think about the right so don't talk
about the flood of china just defending
itself with nukes when you're the
aggressor here no no i'm an
yeah you're the aggressor
no no
i can be against china having nukes but
four minutes
defend itself
and they don't want anything liberal i'm
not a communist
when are you actually going to try
actually listening for once well you're
telling me that the guy who kept
interrupting me
dude because right now you're operating
who can't help but interrupt
all right so um i don't know who this is
but they're writing some good stuff to
you do you know who this is kevin
this oh this right here that that is an
account that is an account that has
spammed my phone number ducks my phone
number spammed my phone number with
harassment no numerous occasions you
know no one cares
as well no one cares no one cares
yeah so
i love the projection this guy's
accusing me of doing doxing we don't do
doxing in my community this guy has no
evidence we don't do doxing this guy and
some of his friends that have spammed
frivolous copyright claims against my
channel are a bunch of these stupid
reactionary uh neocon uh loser hawks
that are pissed that there's a liberal
hawk that's actually out here
representing interventionism well they
send their basement and jerk it to
hentai because they have no lives and
they eat mom's hot pockets and so he has
to go and accuse me of doing a dox when
this guy somebody who docks my workplace
docks my phone number and docks my
friends houses and in fact tried to get
one of my friends arrested tried to try
to make up [Β __Β ] on one of my friends
to get the swat team to come to his
house and now he's accusing me of doing
our community has literally kicked
people out for the threat of doxxing in
the past you can look that up we
actually did kick out a guy alex r who
threatened to dox my opponents and we
kicked him out even though he was uh
trying to help me we we kicked him out
because we don't condone
look at this clown child
oh just losing and booze and snoozing
and boozing
and boozing
china has flaws like one child
which is leading to more old people and
shrinking population
um they just recently reversed the one
child policy but yeah i don't know i i'm
not going to get into chinese people's
business but
yeah i mean for america i i wouldn't
want anything like that for america but
china was a different country it had
different developmental needs and you
know but they they are reversing the
policy you know and it's not a one-pile
child policy anymore but um yeah there
are democratic demographic issues facing
developed and advanced countries but i
think if anyone is uniquely tasked to
deal with this issue and confront it is
the chinese communist party
so i'm confident that they're going to
be able to reverse their
uh any impending demographic crisis i i
i love that it exposes the double
standard where haas is like well no i
wouldn't want that in my backyard but
for children well they have a state so
they can do their own thing yeah that's
relativism so it's freedom for me but
not for thee so it means that the
chinese people rule the chinese people
and that i don't know i don't think
that's people well actually we have to
get into the theory of governance and
statehood and how a state actually
represents its people it's obviously not
it sounds like you have a hard time
it's not the individual atoms just
directly to controlling themselves but
the fact is like i'm not going to decide
what policies the chinese people
preserve because that would require me
an american to exert the power of
america to rule over the chinese people
and not
liberate yeah sure yeah just like that's
just like the nazis liberated east
europe all right we get it removed
or that you have double standards you
spoke of the need for people to have
absolute rights for minorities
but at the same time
all right thank you um and how something
the way you're talking it's really hard
to understand what you're saying but
okay from pf john
does haas support gay marriage what
about legalizing weed just trying to
gauge his personal beliefs on social
um i'm not against it but
i don't think it should be forced on any
people i think i believe in the
sovereignty of countries and the
sovereignty of nations and states so
it's up to the people living in those
countries now in america uh the country
i live in i'm not against it i will not
pose uh resistance to it
but you know that's i'm not too
interested in sexual politics in general
yeah because he he's not affected by it
so isn't that great he's not affected by
it it doesn't personally affect him
dude you sound like one of those dumb
republican voters who doesn't care about
something until it personally affects
them absolutely i think that's how most
human beings are in general they they
stay in their own lane and they focus on
what's in their business that's that's
not true though that's an absolute
you are you are such a
dude liberator are just because you're a
solipsism so so first of all when china
acts on behalf of the chinese
yeah when china intervenes on behalf of
its people it's a dictatorship when
kevin intervenes on behalf of everyone
in the world it's liberation that's what
it is ironically yes literally yeah
that's literally how it works no it's
not literally how it works you just
voted for anyone no one voted but no one
voted for you
all right so from from kgp
kevin as a self-proclaimed liberal
warhawk would you be willing to join the
military and fight factions like the
taliban yourself yeah so i've been asked
this question a ton of times i've got
videos that i've made going over this
what are you joining the military though
it's a non-argument it's basically the
same thing
you refuse to live under the
consequences of what you support you
refuse to live under the consequence of
what you support
no no you're the coward you're the one
you're the one advocating for america to
be like
so to answer this uh stupid question so
to answer this question i get asked this
a lot dude shut the [Β __Β ] up dude shut up
[Β __Β ] up shut the [Β __Β ] up somebody
so i can actually
are you mad
are you mad spiderman is gonna do this
answer these questions yeah mute haws
okay just go ahead and say what you're
gonna say
yeah so basically uh it's like saying to
somebody oh well you support the
legalization of marijuana but you're not
a uh you're not a judge you don't work
in the court system so therefore how can
you have an opinion on that oh you're
against crime but you're not a police
officer how can you have an opinion on
that uh likewise here oh you have
opinions on international relations but
you're not a soldier which by the way
that doesn't even work because being a
soldier and being a foreign policy
analyst or being a foreign policy uh uh
content creator
are two different fields you could do
both you could do one you could do the
other the skills that go into being a
soldier the skills that go into uh
studying international relations are two
different they're literally two
different fields as far as to answer the
question of well what about the fight
against the taliban what difference
would it make like let's say that i
joined the military tomorrow are we
going to liberate north korea and the
taliban no canada pulled out in 2014. so
how like it literally wouldn't make a
difference so in terms of the material
difference of what that would do it
would do literally jack [Β __Β ] i can do
more here changing people's minds than i
would uh trying to learn a new skill to
go and fight the taliban when we're not
even fighting the tower whose mind is
so whose minds am i changing
people every week dude i like building a
weekend i'm gonna be doing this for like
50 years how many people how many people
are you changing how many
800 people are watching me
he deep throats his mic as he gets off
to the west's face we're getting
dominated that's what it's like to be
dominated no you got nuke you got nuked
you're not dominated dude you gotta
dominate all right all right all right
yeah absolutely new absolutely new all
significant amount of his time and
energy protecting gay and trans people
in his server and community what the
[Β __Β ] have you done kevin
what have i done wait hold on a second
he uses all kinds of uh well even if not
himself i've seen the people in his
discord using homophobic remarks for
example that they they was against me as
i've been there before this was months
ago there's a lot of homophobia
reductionism and at the end of the day
at the end of the day he'll even tell
you he really doesn't care or stand in
solidarity he said class reductionism
he doesn't
no care he thinks it's a big joke as far
as what have i done as far as what have
i done i've been promoted i've promoted
the uh
and the empowerment of sexual minorities
around the world from afghanistan
and this guy here he's all about his
communism but he will not go and live in
china he will know why not i live in
china i live in china prove it prove it
dude prove it [Β __Β ] prove it i can't
get citizenship they don't want me
they don't want me they go and live in a
different dictatorship go and live in a
different dictatorship get the [Β __Β ] out
of the west what what will i do for them
that you don't support i'm trying to
make america a common list so yeah yeah
yeah so you're a fifth column your fifth
column and we should recognize you as
the enemy okay so we live in canada you
live in canada focus on your own country
[Β __Β ] kidding me dude we live in
canada people we've kissed people out of
our community you live in canada bigotry
towards everybody
i actually support lgbt people in china
haas does not he says he doesn't give a
[Β __Β ] about not true support you said you
didn't support support
what do you mean
let's move on we got all right
from black lennon question for kevin do
you deny the labor aristocracy what do
you think of it
uh define the labor aristocracy like
that seems like such a larpy term that
seems like such a larp economy term like
labor aristocracy
is that the petty bourgeoisie
oh look at this dude look at this dude
he's too afraid to go and live in a
too afraid to go and live in the
one does your dictatorships number that
number you posted was telemarketer
number um
yeah that's [Β __Β ] i've gotten uh
numbers from dozens upon dozens of
different spoof phone numbers leaving
schizophrenic demonic voice messages
with the voice of that dude kansas
earlier that exact voice you're gonna
try to tell me that it was a
telemarketer who said oh the neolibs
we're coming to your store tomorrow
that's [Β __Β ] that's [Β __Β ] that's
not a telemarketer so stop trying to
gaslight me and stop trying to get us
like the audience [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ]
uh spp if people reject human rights and
the western liberalism would you be
willing to treat them as equals
it sounds um it sounds as if you s it
sounds as if unless they adopt your
values your view
but you view them bad
yeah so people don't reject human rights
regimes speak on behalf yes they do they
do actually no no no no that's [Β __Β ]
dude you're like you're so
unbelievably unhealthy
was not addressed at you so calm the
[Β __Β ] down
so they answer the question they answer
the question shut the [Β __Β ] up to answer
the question
shut the [Β __Β ] up the question
was asking dude you're the one who
literally wants to live under a dick
but won't do it himself because then he
loses gaming pc and all that kind of
[Β __Β ] i don't know
you you're the one who was like oh we
want a five thousand dollar gaming pc
you literally said that i don't scream
are you [Β __Β ] used to a channel for
six hours that's literally not zooming
and dooming no it isn't that's literally
not absolutely true
it was on your nomadic communism
i paid 5 000. no that's what you said
that's what i did
rejecting human rights so people don't
reject human rights nobody's about to be
tortured in the middle of the night and
says i don't want western habeas corpus
that's not a thing that happens
dictators like kim and she and the
ayatollah they s they claim to speak for
their people and say no we don't want
that that's not for our people our
people are too stupid for democracy
that's like what xi jinping will say but
that's not he doesn't say that not but
that's not a legitimate statement he
never said it's actually representing
their people yes they're working over
their people and look at the opinion
surveys of the chinese
the idea that chinese people yeah and
communist backed studies don't count no
they're not communists back they're
yeah and there are there are economies
that work in in higher academia
so communists are the ones okay there
are sympathizers with china in various
parts is that a russian conspiracy
from a russian movement
answer the question as far as answer the
question that was posed to me and not
pose to haws a people
people do not reject human rights their
oppressors speak for them and say they
don't want that here and then
westphalian deep throat mike mike deep
throaters like haws will say oh it's
their west family the evidence says the
contrary the evidence says the contrary
if you want to talk about me then i'm
here to talk
i haven't finished your point
why are you talking
been brainwashed since they were born to
parents so they didn't say their brain
was but they didn't support it
they do support it
he conceded on the point he conceded
rights and that means you have to remove
regimes from powers
you have to remove regimes from
not a powerful
thing i do not recognize their
sovereignty sovereignty can be earned
and it can be forfeited the ccp
forfeited their sovereignty they do not
have a legitimate voice here and
brainwashed people that say that under
threat of death are not somebody that
you would ask a serious opinion to
they're hostages and they must be
liberated so it's really as simple as
yeah they're under threat of death guys
well yeah literally and you deny the
genocide arrested journalists in 2020 in
the world um so how can you believe
their polls when they control the press
internally yeah it has the most arrested
journalists but those journalists don't
number that high in numbers and second
of all
who says journalists are a sacred class
that cannot violate laws journalists who
smear and spread misinformation i'm not
the evidence doesn't say that they're
being tortured and murdered but that's
the most yeah listen listen i want you i
want you to say i want you to i want
people to understand something look at
him it's pathetic too i just defended
jailing journalists because i'm like an
edge lord but china doesn't do that it
doesn't really jail journalists it just
has the most journalists imprisoned in
the world because
drama china has the most people in the
world no it's a higher per capita it's a
higher per capita rate than ever what's
the rating per capita give me the
specific number
we can look that up right now
journalists per capita arrested
because i know it's russia and china are
like right near the top
per capita
we'll try to find this we'll try to find
this so let's see
i think move on to this next question
so eritrea is number one that makes a
lot of sense uh who else is there so
we've got syria iran
we've got
um where else is there oh turkey
so it's not the most
well no china's in there um
uh you you're wrong you just conceded
it's not the most no no no did
is second on the list even if one
journalist even if one truth is
on the list
israel is second dominant and you
skipped it even israel is second on the
look bad let's just smear he is real oh
[Β __Β ] you dude it was from the study you
pulled up you said china had the most
[Β __Β ] uh jail journalists per capita
and it doesn't say they had the most i
didn't say that yes you did the person
who wrote the comments said that they
had the most i was saying that they
imprisoned journalists and torture and
murder them you know you initially
denied it but then you said well no if
they do it
it's okay it's not even at a high level
no it's not they don't
but the point is
how do they how do they torture and kill
them which journalists are trying to
which journalist did china kill just
like in russia name the name of the
which journalist was killed by china
what's generous we're not talking about
russia right now we talk about russia if
you want like in russia which we could
talk about russia too but which
journalist was killed in china
dude for being a journalist
i don't have the names right now you're
talking about your eyes because you're
talking out of your eyes
but then you say that you don't actually
care because uh other countries do it
and because well china's gonna do what i
said what i said [Β __Β ]
is that other countries are claimed to
have freedom of expression like israel
but are higher on the list as far as per
capita china at the moment as well as of
2020 had 47 journalists in prison oh my
no no
you don't care because it's a 10.4
billion point is by the way 1.4 it's so
crazy because that's you admitting you
don't actually care about rights you
just care about ah well if it's a small
you don't actually believe in rights for
everybody you just believe there's no
such thing as torture rights for
everyone doesn't exist in america
what the [Β __Β ]
um all right so i want to move on to
this question and then i want to we're
gonna we're gonna end it so i'm getting
a headache um all right so
from cg
iraq elected for no human rights afghans
fought 20 years against human rights
syria and venezuela protected themselves
from american rights
okay so this is a troll but we could
answer it oh it's factual no no that's
yeah you're you're an absolute gullible
goober you're a gullible
you're you're a gullible goober if you
believe that
you lost an fbi
that's [Β __Β ] no no no we didn't lose
enough gas then biden's a weakling who
pulled out the american was not defeated
biden just lost scared to go and just
leave the world of fighting and gave him
a [Β __Β ] trump chicken no that's [Β __Β ]
america could still be there
absolutely nothing absolutely nothing so
a question
question can you bring the question up
again um yeah let me see if i can pull
it out but you know this has here
yourself down um unbelievable i think it
might be too far up i can pull it up
another way though hold on
um yeah because i forgot what the
question was asking yeah okay and then
and then we're going it wasn't a
yeah um we're going to do closing
scenarios stupid statement but i forgot
what it said
what were they saying they said iraq
iraq elected for no human rights afghans
fought 20 years against human rights
syria and venezuela protected themselves
from american human rights yeah that's
unbelievable so we'll go one by one so
he robbed we don't have time no no shut
the [Β __Β ] up i'm answering it's not a
question it wasn't a question answer no
no but that's a [Β __Β ] it's not me no
no no no but that's a [Β __Β ] statement
so we're just getting let that's not
[Β __Β ] i'm going to debate you
speaking i'm not going to i'm not going
to beat you
shut up
so so the point about iraq iraq
has been subverted by iraq
it's an election it was a free and fair
no one cares if you agree or not
so as far as iraq iraq was subverted by
iran iran had been invaded and liberated
in 2003 as well as far as syria
eight million people fled and had to
flee and risk their lives to try to get
human rights away from syria they rose
up against assad the west supported that
as far as venezuela they're starving to
death and they're moving out of the
country right now or fighting as far as
the point about um afghanistan it was 80
000 taliban fighters fought the america
not human rights by america and the rest
of the country is lorded over by that's
30 seconds like there was any
imperialism against
[Β __Β ] that's all [Β __Β ]
he just lied out of the receivers
several times
all right
we're gonna um end this now so um
we're gonna give you guys each two
minutes uninterrupted uninterrupted all
right um kevin do you want to go first
sure yeah i'll go first uh so basically
what we've seen tonight is that uh haws
over here is basically he's an unironic
tanky who has said in this debate that
does not care when i point out instances
of how communist china is anathema to
freedom he'll say well that's not what
the majority want he'll always use
maternity of the majority argument when
it's not even a really good argument
because the majority aren't able to
actually have their voices heard anyway
because at the end of the day the
communist party is about 10 or fewer of
the country and the elites in the party
lord over everybody else and if you
don't play game uh then you don't get
alive basically and you don't make it
and right now they're conducting a
genocide uh where they have forcibly
sterilized women they've detained over
two million people and we in the west in
contrast are at islands of freedom uh
contrast against continents of slavery
and particularly led by china right now
the west is worth fighting for the west
is worth promoting the west is worth
spreading to all corners of the world
because we are the only system that
guarantees you no matter what you
believe no matter where you're born uh
human rights uh democracy freedom and
the ability to prosper or fail under
capitalism i support a safety net but
this idea that all landlords has at one
point said oh but those are landlords
it's like yeah landlords are people too
okay i mean hot take but
unbelievable uh i believe in a free
market system uh the system in the west
has been proven to be the best and this
is evidenced by the successes that china
has had on an economic level were only
enabled because we decided to do
business with them now i supported nixon
doing business with them because they
were useful ally against soviet union
but after the soviets collapsed they
should have become the new enemy but the
neoliberal establishment here refused to
do so because they wanted cheap child
labor so we in the west need to start
acting in our interests not in corporate
interests and actually get serious about
combating china economically so that it
doesn't come to a world war we made them
we enrich them and we can end them and
we can blockade them and we can bankrupt
them and we can liberate them to a
democratic liberal order so thank you
for tuning in subscribe to me on twitch
superpower broadcasting follow me there
you can follow me on kevin castle on
um so i guess the closing statement is
this was a unanimous unambiguous victory
for infrared he got absolutely blown the
[Β __Β ] out there's no question there's no
debate about that but this is a quick
closing statement i think kevin is a
really good example of the fact that the
question of the victory of
multi-polarity over unit polarity and
over of over liberalism in general it's
not actually a question of uh
contrasting discrete moral positions it
actually shows that liberalism is
collapsing under the weight of its own
contradictions and the only evidence we
need to see that is the fact that kevin
while claiming to be an advocate for the
so-called values of liberalism as at
least as it was conceived in modern
europe and in the modern west as we know
has to go above and beyond to transgress
and violate the most basic liberal
values of national self-determination
and sovereignty when kevin speaks about
how he wants to impose his specific
world view on the entire peoples of the
world regardless of what they think and
regardless of what their say in the
matter is and he even wants to go out of
his way to engage in a kind of nuclear
holocaust against them he doesn't sound
like a liberal anymore he sounds like
he's adolf hitler
he has the passion and bombast of what
anyone could clearly recognize was is a
fascist uh kevin claims
that i don't care about the rights of
the people living in china but the axiom
of a people being able to have any
rights whatsoever um is that a people
can act as a people can be sovereign as
a people and the organ and form of that
sovereignty is a state as specifically
a people state which china is one of the
uh one of the only
people states on planet earth it's a
people's republic it's a republic that
is specifically defined for the purpose
and aims not of defending abstract
sacred rights but
for the uh interests of the overwhelming
majority of the chinese people
kept trying to interrupt me i wanted to
have this debate be more or less a
little bit civil but it got to a point
where kevin kept interrupting me so
persistently and so often
that i just had to come to the
realization that this is a person who
only understands the language of force
and dominance and in that regard he was
absolutely dominated and was absolutely
forced to concede on every substantive
point of contention whether he's willing
to admit that after the debate
or not the fact of the matter is that
american unipolarity is on decline we're
entering a multipolar world and the west
is no longer going to be the leader uh
of the entire globe in the world we have
the chinese civilization the russian
civilization the islamic civilization
brazilian and latin american
civilization as well as europe itself in
contrast to america which are emerging
as polls who represent different peoples
with different interests
and the old era of european colonialism
is done uh it's as simple as that
all right
thank you guys um
so for people that are watching we do
have people what we're doing lately is
we are labeling blood sport debaters so
if there is blood sports and they both
are okay with it we'll let that go
people are not wanting blood sports
debates we'll step in a little bit more
so um these two are obviously blood
sports debaters so we kind of let them
go at it
other than that thank you guys both for
coming on the poll is up in our
community section so you guys can go
vote on who you think won
um and tomorrow night we have a debate
forget what it is on i'm gonna omni
um raid me um yeah i'm going to be going
on a show but yeah we could use it all
right so i'm going to be doing a post
show too so yeah are you on
i'm not on twitch yet i'll be going live
in about five minutes all right so i'm
gonna radio and
um we are out and we will see you guys
tomorrow night and i believe 9 p.m
eastern so good night all right bye-bye
good night people take it easy thank you